S y I 1 1 1y rhw rhwf = y f s 1 c 4 K 1J2 = 10 N A L LVOL VOL X NO 11 W WASH ASpLLI TG TQ T TOl O 11 f D C AUGUST 22 1903 PRICE PRICE FIVE HIV CENT CENTS 0 0DR T DR BOOKER T WASHINGTON WASHINGTONEDUCATOR EDUCATOR AND PHILOSOPHER PHILOSOPHERtcf PHILOSOPHERTome r2ceand and lifts it through education educationto educationtoeven leads his race To Tome me he seems one of the greatest of living men because his work is unique the modern Moses who Washingtons Washingtonpne one one white thite the ether etherblackboth other ptherI otherblack of two tcf to toeven even better and higher things than a 8 land overflowing overllo overflowing ing with milk and honey History is to tell I black blackboth both fathers of their people peopIeAndrew Andrew Carnegie j s i