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Fljr 2Ugljf<s o? SWII VOL- 1. From the Journal of the Times. BENJAMIN LUNDY. The hitory of this individual will fur nish a theme for the admiration and grati tude of posterity. If wc survive him, he shall not lack a biographer He has done, and is doing, more for his country than a host of every day patriots. There is no another man in the twenty-four states.who would endure his voluntary privations and sacrifices in the cause of philanthropy, as exhibited for the last half dozen years. He is one of those rare spirits who rise up in the lapse of many centuries, to adorn and elevate mankind. We have never met with a more extraordinary being ; nor one, who succeeded so well ingrafting his feel ings upon our own. If VV ilberforce deserves the acclama- ' tions of the British people for first advoca ' ting the suppression of the slave trade in ti e colonies, Lundy should reap a greater harvest of applause from his countrymei ’Fhe former never hazarded his life, never lost an hour’s repose, never suffered a sin gle hardship, never missed a dinner, by ; tmy tkinflf I*o nr did 10 accomuUj 14 his node object. Le presevertd7jtiS| true, till he was victorious ; but the Strug gle was short, and the deprivation nothing. The latter has endured hunger , & thirst, and cold-slept on the damp earth—ex-. pended his own resources—repeatedly lisk cd his life—and has toiled for years in the great cause of emancipation. We are all partially acquainted with some of the events of his life, and we think it ought to be known. It is time that jus tice should mingle with praise, and the trumpet of fame stir up the emulation of the good and wise.. Benjamin Lundy is a member of the Society of Friends. He was born in Sus sex county, New Jersey, about the year 88, and when a youth repaired to the state of Ohio. After serving an appren ti'eship to a saddler, he established him self in business in the town of w heeling. By economy and industry, he accumula ted in a few’ years a snug property, but af terwards met with some reverses of fortune. —Wheeling was then a great thorough fare of slavery. The daily spectacle of a drove of negroes, manacled like wild beasts, bareheaded, barefooted, and half clad, alike in the severity of winter and the intensity of summer, and goaded for ward to their more southern destination by monsters in human shape, melted the heart and roused the indignation of the tender Lundy. It haunted him in his dreams at night; it followed him in his daily avocations; “ the iron entered his soul.” He was conscious that something should be done to break the fetters of des potism—but what could an insignificant, ill-taught individual, like himself, achieve ? He was comparatively unknown; his edu- * RIGHTEOUSNESS EXALTETII A NATION,* SIN IS A REPROACH TO ANY PEOILE-” KEW-TORE, E'A'2 2®. 162®. cation had been limited; a thousand ob sticles towered in his path; on every side were darkness and doubj, enough to appal the stoutest heart. But the spirit oi be nevolence urged him onward, and he was moved as by an invisible power. llis first effort was to form an anti-slave ry society, to co-operate directly with oth ers that migh be organized in various parts of the country He succee ' in his de sign, with the exception of extending the operations of the society beyond his own district or state. Having at this time made some unfortu nate speculations, and being now deter . mined not to relax his efforts in behalf of the oppressed until death, he closed his business, and at the age of thirty began to learn the “ art and mysteiy” of print ing. He soon acquired an insight into his new vocation, and immediately issued proposals for a monthly publication, to be devoted to the cause of the African. There was so much of novelty and wild enthusi asm m bis new pursuit, that his friends deemed it a matter of kinkness not to en courage the proposed publication. Six subscribers, however were obtained, when Oisi made its mwcaratice. —- Alis subscription fisi ' increased, « ‘.d he was gabled to proceed in his perilous enterprize. After the expiration of seven months, he removed his paper to some I part of Tennessee, for the purpose ot car rying the war—not exactly into Africa— but among Africans, and for their libera tion. He continued here about three ' years, when he mingrated to the city of Baltimore, as a place better adapted to fa l vor his intentions, where he established the Genius of Universal Emancipation,un der many embarrassments. This paper is ’published weekly, and is too well known to need particular notice. In person, Lundy is diminutive and slender. He would be the last man, by his appearance, that we should select for a reformer. Instead of being able to with stand the tide of public opinion, it would seem doubtful whether he could sustain a temporary conflict with the winds of heav en. And yet he has explored nineteen of the twenty-four states —from the Green ! Mountains of Vermont to the I anks of the Missisippi —multiplied anti-slavery socie ties in every quarter —put every petition in motion relative to the extinction of sla very in the District of Columbia—every where awakened the slumbering sympa thies of the people —and begun a work, the completion of which will be the salva tion of his country. His heart is oi a gigantic size. Every inch of him is alive with power. He com bines the meekness of Howard with the baldness of Luther. No reformer was ev er more devoted, zealous, persevering, or sanguine. He has fought single handed against a host, without missing a blow, or faltering a moment; but his forces are ra- pibly gathering, and he will yet free our land. It should be mentioned, too, that he has sacrificed several thousand dollars in this holy cause, accumulated ny unceasing in dustry. Yet he makes no public appeals, but goes forward in the quietude and reso luteness of his spirit husbanding his little resources from town to town, and from state to state. “I would not ” —he said to us some months since—“ I would not exchange circumstances with any person on earth, if! must thereby relinguish the cause in which I am enlisted.” By a latter before us we learn, that with in a few months he has travelled about twenty-four hundred miles, of which up wards of sixteen hundred were performed on foot !— -luring which lime he has held nearly fifty public meetings. Rivers and mountains vanish in his path ; midnigh finds him wending his solitary way over an unfrequented road ; the sun is antici pated in his rising. Never was moral sub limity of character better illustrated. NEW CZTtf TZkWSR SOCIETY. -- held on Tuesday evening in the Brick Church, Beekman-steet, John Watts, M. D. one of the Vice Presidents in the chair. After a short address by the Rev. Mr. He wit, explaining the objects of the meeting, Hugh Maxwell, Esq, District Attorney for this city, offered the first of the resolutions be low, which he supported in a very powerful and eloquent address. Having been brought, he said,'in the discharge of his official duties, into constant connexion with the courts, he was prepared to say, that the number of com plaints presented in the city for criminal offen ces, was not less than 5,000 perannum; three fourths of which had their orig ; n in intemper ance. The number of parties was of course 10,000. There were on an average six wit nesses to each case ; 50,000 in all ; more than half of whom were under the influence of in toxicating liquors, at the time the occurrences took place, concerning which they were called to certify. He had assisted in twenty trials for murder, and was satisfied that every one of the perpetrators committed their ciimes under the inflnence of intoxication. The meeting was then addressed, in a man-' ner that kept up a deep interest in the subject, by Daniel Frost, Jun. Esq. of Canterbury, Conn. Rev. Dr. Beecher, of Boston, Rev. Mr. M’ Ilvaine, of Brooklyn, and Rev. Mr. He wit, of Andover, Mass. The following resolutions were adopted by the meeting. Wc commend them to the se rious attention of every reader. Whereas, it has become evident from the concurrent testimony of Judicial officers, mag istrates, civilians, physicians, and intelligent citizens generally, who have made themselves acquainted with the subject, that the use of intoxicating liquors is the occasion of almost all the flagrant crimes, and to a most alarming extent, of the immoralities, the pauperism, misery,diseases and premature deaths, so mul tiplied throughout our country, therefore, NO. 1.