Newspaper Page Text
I THE GAZETTE. RALEIGH, - - N. C. CITY, COUNTY AND GENERAL. HENRY L. ALSTON, . . Local Editor AND CITY COLLECTOR. "Notice. Subscribers whose time has expired, will please come forward and renew their subscriptions, or their names will be dropped, as the new management requires it. 2STM an iage and funeral notices, in ad vance, fifty cents. J2F"Stah1ing and transient notices, per line, five cents each insertion. RALEIGH. N. Q NOVEMBER 28. 1896. ABOUT PEOPLE YOU KNOW. Miss Rj?a A. McDaniel is still on the sick I'm. Mr. F. J Riy hegan teaching at Six Forks last Monday. Mr. J. R. Jonop, of Cary, was here last M nday, on business. Mr. W. F. Long, of Rockingham, spent a day or two in the city. Mr. W, II. R iy opened his school on last Mouday, at Garner. If you wnnt to read a good newspaper ycu should ba willing to pay for it. Mr. T. T. Sanders, of Clayton, attended the A. M. E. Conference at Nevvbern last week. Miss Laura J. Atkinson, of Selma, has commenced her school in Johnston county. Messrs. F. P. Thorp and Alex. Hunter, of S x Foiks, weieia the city last Thurs day, on busintsa. Rev.-. Win. Suttoa and A. J. Gorham attended the Annual Conference at Fay etteville last wtelr. Mr. William J. Bryan says he will continue the free silver fight till 1900 Mr. Mtrk Ilanna says, "Me too." Mr. George Lee, after spending quite a pie i.-ant while here, bas returned to the city of New York, whera he res:des. Mr. A. J. Rogers, our general traveling agent will go to Wilmington in the in terest of The Gazette December 3d. We regret to learn of the illness of Mr. IId5 wood Cook's family at Hendersun. They have been sick for quite a while. There are several prominent marriages to take place in the near future among the high social circle in the town of Fay etteville. Monday, November 10th, near Kinston, a man named Wdlie Satterfield dropped dad. It is thought heart trouble was the cause of his death. The North Carolina Conference of the A. M. E. Z on Church will convene in the town of Wilson Dc'Cmber 2d. Bishop J. W. Hood will preoide.- Mr. and Mrs. Thos. II. McNeil, of Fay etteville, have quite a novel addition to their family. It ia a bouncing little boy four weeks (Id. lie arrived in time to give thrte cheers for Wm. McKinley. Mr.-. Benjamin S.'ott, of Wilmington, U iu the city visiting her bioterMrs. J. E. King, and her bon Mr. A. W. Scott, of The Sentinel, who is taking a course in in d cite at Leouat d Medical School. The election is over and we won a glo rious victory. It took hard work and lots of it to win this victory. The Ga zette did a big share of the work, and it should come in now for a handsome and liberal patronage from our Republi can and PopubUt friends. We Acknowledge with pleasure receipt of an invitation from Jepthah Chapter, No. 4, Order of the E intern Star, to at tend a reception pomp imentary to Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Hui arid Mr. and Mrs. John L 'ak at the Chapter room on Tues day evening November 24tb, 189G. We nturn our thinks to the many subscribers of ihe Gazette at Kineton, Gseenville and Fayetttville for their lib eral and prompt renewals when we called to bee theai last week. We want you to feel that it is your paper, and with your patronage we mean to make it equal to any news j urnal in the country. Our popular and clvt r undertaker, Mr. Jno. W. Brown, has just purchased a magnificent funeral car from Rochtster, N. Y. It is the most costly one that has ever been brought to the State. The car is t f the finest' possible make, and cost $1,500. Mr. Brown is always up to date in his business. The committee on invitations will please accept our thanks for an invita tion to attend the reception and banquet tendered by numerous friends to Huns. A. E. Iloiton and C. A. Reynolds, at Winston, on Thursday night. Th s was a grand affair, and we regret that it was not in our power to attend. We are informed that some Democrats are boycotting barber-shop and other places of business where colored men are owners, and who voted the Republican ticket. It is a small thing in any Demo crat to undertake to boycott a man's business just because he exercised the rights of a free American citizen. We made a bhort visit to Franklinton, Henderson and Weldon last week, and we were glad to meet Messrs. G. R. Reid, C. D. Yai borough, A. 13. Kearney, G. F. Smith, W. II. Ilenter, J. R. Lyor, Prof. Wili-oii, W. M. Dunston, J. R. Young, J. R. Eaton. Rev. R. I. Waldon, W. H. Cook, A. Clirk, R. J. Perry, Maj. Han non, Mclntire & Comer, D. M. HwKins and others. Mr. Henry L. Alston has accepted the position of Local Editor and I ity C Hec tor for the Gazette, vice Mr. E. G. S iu! ter, who is now effice clerk. Mr. Alston will be glad of such local news as our patrons nay furnish him, and will al.-o be glad to receive ihe ca-h for their sub scriptions. Mr. Alston will endeavor to keep the local department full of the latent news and items of general interest. We bespeak lor him the indulgence of our many subscribers. We regret that we were unable to go to Louibburg laso week and address the people of Franklin county at their great celeorai ion, but the let ter in v iting us came to our ollice in our absence, and was nit seen by us until the afternoon alout five o'clock of the day of the celebration. It would have betn a pleasure to us to hive been there to rejoice with the loyal Re publicans of Fianklin. However, we are glad that the Gazette was repre sented in the person of Mr. W. S. Mitchell, who spoke for us. Looking over the names of those who might be entitled to the United States District Attorneyship, we don't know of any who deserve it more than Hon. C. M Bernard, of Greenville, and Hon. Charles A. Cook of Warrenton. They have done valuable and ardent work for the party. In the person of Mr. Bernard Eastern Carolina hasn't a more active Republican than he is, and his services cannot be over estimated. There are many others in the State who have done equilly as good service, but why not let the East hiveit? A Democratic merchant in this county war so confident of Russell's defeat that he rashly vowed that if Russell was elected, he would not have a fire in his store during his term as Governor. He is likely to have rather a cold time of it. Chutham Record. If any Democrat was fool enough, prejudiced enough, and bo very rash as to make such a vow as the above, we are sorry there is not any way to compel him to k ep his vow for four years. Russell will be his Governor for at least that long, anyway. See ! Mr. Joseph Collins gave us a renewal th:s week. Mr. Thomas D. Aldndge favored us with a subscription this" week. . See in another column notice about change in the charter of the city of Rl eigh. The vote for Governor and other State officers, as well as Congn ssmen, will be counted by the Secretary of State this wtek. , Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Mitchell had the misfortuae tn lose by death a son, on last Tuesday. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved. An enthusiastic subscriber writing us says: "I had just as live lo3e my wife as the Gazette." He had better not let his wife know of that fact. A full account of the grand banquet given in honor of Representative Young, by th ladies of the Fourth Ward Repub lican Club, will be given in our issue of next week. Rev. H. P. Walker and Rev. P. T. Cuy ler, of the A. M. E. Zion Confeience, have b; en trar sf erred to the North Caro lina Conference. It is very probabl j that Rev. Cuyler will go to Wilmington. Mr. C. A. Whitehead is now principal of the Normal Industrial Institute, locat ed at Elizabeth City. He wants a music teachtr. ' There are four teachers and over one hundred students at the school. Bishop J, A. Handy, of the A. M. E Church, preached an able and instruct ive sermon at Sc. Paul, last Tu sday night. He wa3 en route to the Western North Carolina Conference, which meets at Morganton this week. Prof. J. II. M. Butler, one of the teach ers at the A. and M. College, at Greens boro, passed through the city this week, en route to Hampton, Va., to read .a paper before the Y. M. C. A. Conference of Southern colleges. "' If it is intended to have the charters of any towns or cities changed by the next Legislature, thirty days' no ice of that fact before the Legislature assembles must be given. This is important, and not be overlooked by those interested. The colored vo'ers in Mecklenburg, as in every other county, who voted lost their vote for McKinley and Russell, ard an analysis of "the vote cast will show this fact. The Republican headquarters through Democratic newspapers, nor a y quartets, can rob us of our glory. Do you hear that? While on a visit to Wilmington last week we paid a short cll to the Wiliiston and Peabody Graded Schools, of which Miss Mary W. Howe and M s. Susie J. Dudley are Principals, respectively, and, as UHual, found th;'8e schools doing great work in the educational line. Theneabli Principals are assisted by an efficient corps of teachers. A prominent lawyer, and who is one of the best jurists in the State, remarked to us the day while in Louisburg, the fpllowing words of praiseof tr e Ga zette: " The Gazette is a splendid pa per; I read it witu much interest, and I like it very much indeed. It did more real, solid and gocd campaign work in the last two fights than any other State paper, white or black. It has been a true friend to fusion. The efficient and systematic manner in which the leadrsof the Republican party managed the campaign and superintend ed the election iu the county of Lnoir, should be highly appreciated, and espe cially the interest and work done t j eU ct Hon. Geo. H. White to Congress. We believe Mr. White will not be unmindful of their services, and when there is any thing at his hands to be given. It will remember those who stood faithfully by him from beginning to finish. When Senator TJtley, a Populist, of Wake, wass pres-ed by the Press-Visitor, a Democratic newspaper, to know if he would vote for Pritcbard, he simply said: 'It is not neces-ary that you should know." If every Republican bhould have given a like answer to the queries of Democratic reporters since the election, everything would be in much better shape than it is. One of our troubles all along has been that some leading Repub licans are too easily flattered by Demo cratic reporters into saying things that often had better been left unsaid. We met a number of ministers return ing from Che Conference at Newbern, and from them we learned that a number of changes were made in the new appoint ments for the next year. Presiding El ders Revs. W. H. Capehart and J. W. Telfair hold their same Districts; Rev. James Dean, Prebiding Elder of theNew bern District, and Rev. Robt. Lucas will go to the Raleigh Circuit. Rev. E. J. Gregg and Rev. A. Stroud return to Sc. Stephen and Mt. Olive. Wilmington; Rev. J. B. McGee goes to Mt. Zion; Rev. P. J. Jordan returns to Fayetteville; Rev. C. R. Sanders to WarrentoD; Rev. K. C. Hot will go to Newbern; Rev. J. L. Hall to Kins: on; lie v. C. E. McKoy to the Murfreesboro Circuit; Rev. C. V. Richardson toGoldsboro; Rev. J. C. Bar ham to Brinkleyville. Rev. E. J. Gregg, and Rev. P. J. Jordan have held their churches this making their 5. h year. Rev. C. R. Sanders has his fourth year's ap pointment at Warrenton. A Brilliant Marriage at ihe Residence of her Father oh h. McDowell Street. Mr. Lee Sanders and Mrs. Lizzie John soa were join d together inh Ay wedlock at ihe residence of the urid-j's father, N. 714, S juth McDo ve!l str.jet n Wednes day nignt of last wjek. Mi'iy friends ot the contracting parties were present. A great many hand-ooie presen'8 were given. . Rev. F. R. II owe'l officiateil. Miss Elizi White and Mr. Zico. BroJie fcerveu as waiters. Method Rejoices. On last Monday liigfit the true and loyal R 'publicans of the progressive town of Method of both sexea tur. e 1 out en masse to celebrate the iriumph of republicanism in the Nation, State and County at the recent electio i. Large numb rs from Oberlin and Raleigh rej iced with the Method. tes over tie great victory. Many white Republicans and Populists were present, and took part in the proceedings. The ladies were there in great numbers, and enjoyed Ihe speeches bv the many dtffereut, speakers. It was an occasiou loner to le remembered. Messrs. Beny O'Kelly.L. M. Mason, J. C. Barker, W. J. Clayton, W. H. Peice, Nelsoa O Kelly, Elbert Hunter, and others, deserve great credit for the affair. Shaw Notes. There are now enrolled more than 300 students in all departments at Shaw Uni versity. Dr. Curry's speech last week wag one of the goodly number we have been favored with already during this fall term. The Y. M. C. A. is bestirring itself as never before, both for Christian work among young men on the campus, and -for saving others about us. Its jail work every Sunday, city missionary work dur ing the entire week, and Sunday School mission stations are all receiving the earn est attention of the fellows in the name of Christ. Our athletics are being carefully look ed after, although our rivals of the su burbs have thrown up their hands because they can't get the usual professional handicap and for other baby reasons, yet we aro in correspondence with other livelier teams, and hope to pull off some games before the season's close. Both teachers and Btudents of Shaw seem to be a hard- worked set busy all tbe time, and the report is that better class-work has never. been done. John Traverse. Rocky Mount Grits, Mr. M. M. Hines, we are glad to note has recovered from a severe attack of fever. Mrs. Lula Walters, pf Dudley, is visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Hines at South Rocky Mount. . As we predicted, Miss Ara Cobhhasan excellent independent school. She has seventy odd students. Our people are very anxious to have a go d high school, and we hope Mr. Person will endeavor to use his influence in that direction in the Senate. Mrs. H. M. Parker is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bonn in Richmond, Va. Mrs. G o. H. White passed through en route to Newbern Jast week. Hoo. II. P. Chatham was in our city last Friday. Miss Rosa Gray is teaching at Ita, and Mr. Larney is quite lomly these days. It won't be so always, Larney. Rev. N. V. Davis was united in the holy bonds of mairimony with Mrs. Lu evenia Toran of Weldon last Thursday. The Royal Knights gave the bridal-party a handsome reception Thursday night at the Masonic Hall. The Excelsion Band was out on the occasion and rendered se lect music. We wish for them a success ful voyage through life's journey, and their days many md happy ones. Rev. Davis will make Weldon his future home. Wh regret to see him leave, but our loss is Weldon's gain. - In company with the Excelsior Band of our town, we attended the grand Mc Kinley and Russell celebration under the management of Prof. C. W. Battle at Bittleooro last Friday. It was one of tne largest celebrations we have ten for many years, and the best conducted. Af ter parading the stree s for tne hour or more with mu4 and flags and decora tions suitable for the' occasion, tbe band with about fifty mounted marshalls marched to the ppeakeis stand where Prof. C. W. Battle after a short and pa triotic speech introduced Mr.' W. L. Per son who epoke for about twenty minutes in ringing, tones of the glorious victory that we have just won. At this juncture the crowd weit wild wuh enthusiasm, and many whire people seemed to enjoy it also. In clo-ai g the grand aid glori ous day, Prof. Battle sa-d that the Hil liardston bind had offered to play for the ccasion for eight dollars, wheteupon hispeojle said no II then told them the Kocky Mount Excelsion would c st them twenty-five dollais. Whereupon they were telegraphed for immediately, and the amount piid. The boys i f the Excelsii.r bar. d gave three routing cheers for the people of Ba tleboro and m wle their departvre for their old home. Our boys play up to-date music and give am ple saiistaction and only charge twenty five dollars per day. At the meeting of the Emancipation Association of this p'ace last Wednesday night; the following gentleman were elected h norarv Vice-Presidents and ate r quested to i all meetings in their res pective d'S'ricis aud organize their peo ple and at s time raise the amount of $2 and forward to Mr, Harrison, Secre tary of the Association at Rjcky Mount not liter than December 20th, to aid in paying the expens s of Said celebration. The following were appointed in Edge combe coui ty towns dps: "Number 14; Randolph Hines. number 13; Jayson Powell, Chailie limes, number 7; C. W. Battle and Udliard Phillips, number 7; John Isary, Rev. Berry Powell, number 6; W. W. Watson, number 5; Hon. E. E. Bryan, number 11; H. L. Smith and G. H. Porter, number 12, Jolly Joyner, Ja cob Bullock. Nash Cour.ty. North Stoney Cre k, M. L. Lucas, South Stony Creek, Frank Boone. Battlfboro, B. R. Mangum, North Whitakers, Thad Battle, Red Oak. W. A. Anderson, Nashville, Prof. J. P. Murphy, Spring Hope, II. B. Rurt, Hilliardxion Melvin Arringion. Jackson James Mur I'hy, West Rocky Mount, Wiley BulKck, Elm C ty, H. J. Ellis. It is earnestly hoped that these gentlemen will take an active pajt and go to work at once, to make this occasion the grand st ever had yet. W. S. A. Wales Mass., Painted Red. Through the kindness of Mr. Alonzo Jones, formerly of this city, but now in the employ of Mr. Herbert E. Shaw, of Wales, we are enabled to lay before our readeis an account of the election cele bration as given by a local newspaper of that city. The report says : "The non-partisan sound-money ele ment of Wales celebrated the election of McKinley and Hobart on Saturday night. Such a parade was never known within the memory of the oldest inhabitants. The parade was led by mounted horse men, of which Alonzo Jones was captain, mounted on a large silver mare and tailed steed, and dressed in full military uni form. Following the horsemen was the Fi3kdale Brass Bind, furnishing music which was well appreciated; then came 200 torches, followed by 500 people. The parade marched through the entire vil lage. The houses were nearly all well lighted with candles. Among those who decorated to add to the beauty were: Fred Royce, store lighted with Chinease lan terns : the residences of Orlando P. Smith, LeRoy Squier and Deacon Needham were lighted with Chinese lanterns in artistic siy'e and made an excellrnt show ; Rev. G. W. Davis, who has rooms in the hotel, illuminated them; A. A. Hubbard had his home trimmed with bunting and old gold, which hhowed off to good advan tage ; Mrs. W. Green and Miss Ro3e Bailey made a tableaux of two lit le girls, which was very beautiful ; Mr. Coy's home wa well lifted, and a banner made by his daughter was displayed in tbe window; H. E. Shaw had his piazza well decorated with Chinese Lanterns iu festoons ; W. H. Lathrop had a banner made of McKin ley's pictu'e in a large frame ; the stores of W. A. Lyon & Co., and W. Chamber lain & Co. were well lighted with candles, with It s'ooi s of bunting in the windows; the home of H. A. McFailand was well lighted, and in the windows were pic tures of McKinley and Wolcitt, with gold and tound money mottos, while in the front ard was a banner w ith the names of McKinley and Hobart, Wolcott and Crane, in letters tinted in gilt; Mrs. Kline deccrat d her piazza and showed her usual interest in politics ; the "what you call it" band fiom Mon on. consist ing of fifteen members, well equipped with horns, assisted in making Jots of noise and furnished a good deal of fun. The large gilt rooster furnished by Mr. James Gill, of Springfield, was a very noticeable object in tha procession. After the mirch a targe lot of fire-works were displayed and a band concert given, in which the Monson horned band took a prominent part. Tbe exercises were closed with a display of red-fire. Annual Conferences of the Methodist Church. Both the A. 31. E. and A. M. E Zion Conferences were in session last week. The A. M. E. at Newbern, with Bishop Handy presiding, and the A. M . E. Zion at Fayetteville, Bishops J. W. Hood and C. R. Harris presiding. Bishop Hood's Conference was largely attended, with some of tne most cultured and refined men in the ministerial ranks. This being the one hundred' h year of the founding of the A. M. E. Zion Church in America, Friday's session was devoted entirely to the Centennial exercises. Bishop C. R Harris preached the Centennial sermon; others read papsrs on various"tpics showing the growth and development of the Church since its organization. Rev. Mr. Soott, of New England, who is a natural born poet, was present and sang some beautiful pieces of his production, which were much applanded. The music furnished by the choir was excellent. Eastern Stap-shots. , Court, is over. Cotton is on the decline. Hon. E. C. Duncan, Representative elect from Carteret passed through the "boro" last Friday, en route for his home. The eastern lights of joy shone forth in his eyes. The Washington Pof is nothing, if not a moulder of progressive ideas. The suggestion of a "Negro" for a port of olio in the McKinley Cabinet is an evidence 'of the couiage and sincere friendship of this tribune of popular liberty. Ex Senator Bruce represents the older and conservai i ve leadership of the past ; Prof. Booker T. Washington repreaents the younger and conservative leadeisbip of to day. He represents that element of the Southern Negroes that will win for the race a lasting and substantial place in the "race of life." It would be mag nanimous in McKinley, and a step to wards binding the "Negio" to the Re publican party. The negroes saved tbe party in tne recent batt.e of the btand ai ds. Governor-el ct Daniel L. Russell will move up the advance colums along edu cational lines. We are so confident of his desire to improve our school system that our fears for the worst are gone. The celebration at Battleboro aud Tr boro was a auccess. Hon. Clinton W. Battle, who is a candidate for the Battle boro P. O., is happy over bis success. ' Hon. John H. Hannon deserves as well of the McKinley adminis ration as any '"Negro" in the State. His we for the-President-elect in 1893 brought forth much abuse to him; and whue he may not be a candidate lor tbe houor, he de serves the Recordership of Deeds of the District of Columbia. Pr.f. I. D. Hargett was among those who were the friends of Hon. George H. White when he needed them, and re ceived his share of the obloquy visted upon the old guard. How will the old free trade, free sil ver, and frea whiskered "fox" feel, when the boys reorganize the school board and ditch him'r He will know how to talk democracy to one man and populism to another then. We are North Carolinians, seeiog differently at tim s, but aiming for the good of many. We don't believe in free trade, free rent, or free silver, jusc now. If you were for Bryan, be man enough to say so. Tne Fair given at Masonic hall on the 19th and 20th was a superb affair. Our Methodist ladies deserve congratulatioLs, George Lucas, in the contest for the mot popular gentleman, won hands down. Bro. Cain Barnes lead off well. Ac the A. M. E Z;on Church, Novem ber 22. 1896, Mr. Harry Macklin, of Nor folk, Va., and M ss Nora Jenkins, for merly of Edenton and now of Tarboro, were united in the bonds of matrimony by Rev. Atius Albertus Crooke." Tar boro society people greeted them with a large and admiring audience. Mrs.Mack lin was one of those model young women without great advantages. There was much in her that our more favored ones should emulate a higher life of recti tude. Miss Delia White played the wed ding march. John W. Lloyd, former Secretary of the Republican County Executive Com mittee, and an alternate in the recent State Convention that nominated Judge Russell for Governor, is mentioned for Post-ma ster of Tarboro. He is compe tent, and can give the bond. The powers that be would do well to till the service with competent and worthy men. Snap-ehota doffs his hat to " Caroline" in the Wilmington Sentinel an excel lent thought advanced to the Race." We must have "race courtesy" for one another. As long as we kick each other we will receive no consideration from the opposite race. Despite the fulminations of Senator Butler, Senator Jeter C. Pritchard has a rabbit foot now, and the senior Set ator will find it out after the ballot for U. 8. Senator. Miss Eliza Mttthewson was second best in the prize race. She deserved her 1 r za. Hons. G. H. White, H. P. Cheatham, J. H. Young and J. C. Dancy will be North CirolmVa " big four" for the next four years. Hon. Geo H. White was given on his return to Newbern after his election a perfect ovation. A special committee of leading citizens of that city and near three tnou.-and people greeted him. He was drawn through the streets in a buggy by men to Odd Fellows' hall, where he addressed them. We hope to see such strong race men as Profs. Hawkins, Smith, Dudley, Dellin ger, Whitted and Atkins, on to Rileigh ibis winter conferring for what is best in the educational world. Let there be perfect amity amorg the strong political and educational leadt-rs. The best thought to the front. Esse Quam Videri. Big Banqnet In Princerllle A Subur ban Town to Tarboro, N. The Ladies Auxiliary, headed by Mrs. Martha A. Wilson, Pheriba Battle, S irah Prince, and the Table Committee, consist ing of Mrs. Mary Foreman, Mary E. How ard, Ella S. Dancy, Jack Ann Barnes, Allice Gammon, Nora M irgan, aided by Mis. Huldah Staton. Francis Savage, Elizabeth Roberts. Orren James, Lizzie Jones, Francis Hart. Virginia Smith, Lettice Lloyd, Mary Cook, Moring Red mond, Laura Knight, Louise Love, Mm ily Lovitt, Adline Smith, Hager Pippin, Millie Speed, Lucinda Sparrow, Fannie Ruffin, Emily Lawrence, York D. Gar rett, Lucinda Nobles Clarisa Baker, Julia Dancy, Francis Powell. Mary A. SUton, Mary BatIow, Joan Powell, Jine Bul lock, Mary Faithful, Rebecca Edmonds, Sallie A. Baker, Ruth Lie d, Maluina Mathewbon, Nancy Meebs, Sallie Mabry, Lucy Cherry, Amanda Clark, Susan Fjx ball, Ida McDowell, Eliza Matheweon, Susan Mayo, Alice B.-dl. on Friday even ing, November 20, 1896, at James Htll gave a colossial feast to the newly ehctrd officers and Republican canvassers. Thus showing the appreciation and gratitude for the success of the G. O. P. at the polls November 3rd. .- The long table on which f ixty plates were turned and laden in plenty with all the good things to suit the inner man. The Mamoth Hall was filled with the in vited gu st, and every one appeareed to be perfectly happy. At 8 :30 o'clock Ex Mayor Y. D. Garrett as master of cere monies, introduced to tbe assembled guest: the Rev. M. D. Mathewson who asked Glod's blessing in a strong prayer in behalf of the thoughtful ladies, whom with their deftfl ngers bad provided for the occasion so many good and tooth soma things. After which F. L. Battle delivered in behalf of the ladies a spicy address of welcome. The following gentlemen responded, viz., Hon. E. E. Bryan, Hon. J. H. Dancy, Hon. B. W. Thorpe. Hon. Dred Wimberlv, Mr. Mithewson, Mr. Geo. C. Caine, Mr. Levi Tbigp-n, Mr. C. C. Barnes. Ex Mayor F. D. Dancey and Re M. D. Ma;hewson, at the conclusion of of the toast. The Rev. M. D. Mathewson graced the table, and all repaired to their respective positions at the almost endless table, and there was a good time for an hour or more. Everybody went to his respective home happy and praising the ladies of Princeville. Partaker. . Notice. Tri compliance with Article two, section twelve of the Constitution of North Car olina, notice is. hereby given that appli cation will be made to the General As sembly at the session to begin in J tnuary nextlfor a. passage of a law amending the charter of the City of Raleigh. This November 26th, 1896. Many Citizens. Eer. Andrew Brown Vincent, A. B., A. M. The subject of this sketch was born in Caswei! County, N. C, in the year 1857. He was i eared on the farm in a section where the environments were peculiarly suitable for the formation of moral and industrial habits, together with the de velopment of muscle and brain. At an early age he took advantage of the public and private schools of his neighborhood, and in 1875 entered the high school at Mebane. Soon after entering this school, young Vincent passed a creditable exam ination, and became a teacher in the public schools. Thus enabled him to enter Shaw University in the fall of '76. The Christian influences at Shaw soon touched his heart, and he was converted and became an earnest worker in the Master's caute. His frankness gained for him the confidence and reppect of students and teachers alike. His posi tion on any subject could be very eabily defined, and he made no efforts to conceal hi conviction. U s services as student teacher soon demonstrated his aotness to teach, and upon the death of Prof. J. S. Lea, 1884, he was appointed a regular teacher in the University. During the same year be was v. r. happily n amed to Mss Cora Peaile Exum, of Wayne coumy, and at the time a student of Estey Seminary. Miss Exum was indeed a young woman of gtHiile disposition, and of excellent mental and moral qualities. The happy union eti.l exists, having been blessed with several loving children. Mr. Vin cent performed the twindutiesof student and teacher with credit, and having finished the course leading to A. B., he was graduated in 1685. The degree of A. M. in course was conferred upon him by his alma mater in 1890. " In 1893 he retired from the school room, ranking as rne of the beet moral teachers in the State. His services were often securtd by County Superintendent in the County Teacher's Institutes. Bjing imp -esse d withjjcsll to th Gos pel ministr' , be entered upon trat work while at Shaw, and was subfequently ordained by order of the First B iptist Church, R.leiyh, of which he was a m mbrr, June 15th, 1893. Prof. Vi- cent was for peve ral years manager of the State Teacher's Bureau. and was at one time elected Secretary of the North Carolina Industrial Associa ciation. O.her duties, however, forced him to resign. For a number of years be was Corresponding Secretary of the Btptis' State Sunday School Convention. In 1893 he was elected Stte Missionary of the Baptist Ed ucatior a'andMissionaiy Convent i m of North Carolina, and held that position until the inauguration tf the work of co-oporation nece sitated a change in tbe work. He was then electe d Missionary for the Central District with headquarters at R leigh, N. C. Rev. Vincent is indeed an enthusiastic worker, and makes a thorough canvass of his field. In recognition of his ability and faithfulness, the N)rth Carolina Teacher's Eiucaiional Assrcittion in session at Kittre'l,' N. C, June 1896, unanimously elect, d him President for the ensuing year. Truly his popularity is not confined to his own denomination. He is universally admired for his catho licity of mind and versatility of man ners. " Chaste in conversation, genteel in apt earance, forceful and prudent in de bate, aggressive in argument and withal strictly moral in character, he reflects credit upon tbe great work to which his life is dt voted. The Central District is proud of her Mis ionary, and bespeaks for him the hearty support and co opera tion of all lovers f the honest, the pure, the faithful and the gocd. T. O. Fuller. A Sad Accident. Smithfield, N. C, Nov. 24. A very Bad accident happened here Tuesday about 3 o'clock in 0 e afternoon. Mr. Daniel Thorxns.oneof the wealthiest and most highly respected citizens if this place, was instantly killed by the fall-ng of a bile of cotton upon him. As near as we could get at th-i facts: Mr. Thomas owned a cotton-gin situated in the town, and was at the gin-house preparing to assist in loading a wagon with a bale of cotton. The cotton when tken out of the press is on the second floor of the gin-houte and is thrown out at the do r and slide d down the steps. Mr. Thomas was on the ground guiding the rear end of the wagon back to the steps, when the man on the upper floor with the cotton let the bale go, catchtng.the unfortunate man between the end of the wagon and bale of cotton, ma-hing his head and chest against the hir.d-gate i f the wagon. He never epoke afterwards. The com munity loes a good, quiet citizen, one loved and highly respected by both races, and the church a faithful and upright Christian brother. He leaves a loving wife to mourn. He wa about forty-six years of age. Rev. W. T. H. Woodward preached hisfuuerai at the Biptst church Wednesday afternoon. Rogers. Suffolk Normal and Training: School . Quartette. The Suff lk Normal and Training School Quartette of the State of Virginia, of which Prof. S. G. Newsome is Presi dent, will give concerts at the following places: Wei ion, December 7. 1896. Littleton, December 8. 1896. Warrenton, December P, 1896. Henderson, December 10, 1896. Franklinton. December 11, 1896. Louisburg, December 14, 1896. Prof. W. H. Tate is with the Quartette. He is the favorite star songster. The en tire company is well recommended. General admission, 15c.; reserved seats, 25c; children under 12, 10c. For infor mation and terms, address Prof. S. G. Newsome. B. D., President, etc., Suffolk, Va. New Goods. Tbe new fall goods are piling in by every train. We have the biggest stjck of fall and winter goods we have ever had, and we are going to sell them. No matter how little money you have, it will buy more here than in any other store in the State. You are invited to come in often and bring a friend. . Shoes from 75 cents up. See US be fore you spend your money. W. E Jones, 206 Fayetteville Street. SALE OF HOUSE AND LOT. - By virtue of power conferred on me by a certain mortgage deed, duly re corded in Registry of Wake County, in Bxk No. 113. at page 619, I will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court House door in the c ty of Ral eigh, N. C, on Monday, November 23, at 12 o'clock M., a house and lot in tbe Eastern suburbs of the city of Rsleigh, adjoining the lands of Aaron Bird sail and others, lying on Haywood street on the east sid, beginning on the northwest corner of Tnomao Pence, thence, north 40 feet to Aaron Bird sail's southwest cor ner, thence east with said Birdsall's line 135 feet, thence sou h 40 feet, thence west with Thomas Pence's line 135 feet to the beginning, containing one-eighth of an acre, more or h ss. S id lot being the lot conveyed to James Whitaker by Aaron BVdsall and wife and duly re corded in B ok 94, page 620. and known as the rebiuence of James Whitaker. B. F. Montague, Mortg-gee. Rileigh, N. C, S-pt. 80, 1896. JAMES S. LANIER, Attorney at Law, WINSTON, N. C. Albion Acade STATE NORMAL AND my INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL, FRAKKLIHTON, R. C. NEXT SESSION OPENS OCT. 5th, 1896. LOCATION. This School Is located on an elevation overlooking the city, healthful all the year round. DEPARTMENTS. Academic, Preparatory, Primary and Industrial. DORMITORIES. The dormitory for girls Is under tbe supervision of the lady teachers, and that for boys of the male teachers. TERMS. Tuition, free. Board, lodging and washing, $15 per session of eight months. For catalogue and further Information, . address Rev. JOHN A. SAVAGE, D. D., President, FRANKLINTON, N. C. FOB REPAIRING- Sewing MacMnes.Org'ans, Accordlons.&c, WRITS OR CALL Olf J. D. CRUDUP, No. us B. Hargeett St., Raleigh, N. C ALL WORK GUARANTEED. St. Augustine's School, RALEIGH, N. C. Colleiiate DepartBBnt' under graduates of Oberlin, Mary ville and Yale Colleges. Normal anl Preparatory Departments under careful teachers. TERMS: $7 per month (Incidental Fee $2 per year). Mobt students pay $5 ill CSSll and f 2 in work. Students may work their way and go to school at night. Training School" for Nurses. Board and tuition free. Trade School. Instruction in build ing, plastering, cooking and drtsjmak ing. Board and tuition free. Rev. A. B. HUNTER, Principal. mm m . - a k o 2? o - m o e j L o The Agricultural Mechanical College, Greensboro, N. C.f Offers a thoroughly practical course of instruction and industrial training to tbe Colored Youth of tbe State. Unsurpassed Facilities. Low Terms. Each County entitled to one or more Free ' Tuition Students, For further information or, catalogue, apply to . Jas. B. Dudley, President. Sept. 19, 4 mos. DURHAM CITY MING HALL, Is where you will find a commodious dining'-hall, No. 117 Peabody street, where you can at all hours be served with a well-prepared meal and lodging at low est prices. I call also furnish the prbl c with fine and first-class oysters. Fii vate families can send in their orders and they will be promptly attended to. J. S. McAllister, 6m. ' ' No. 119 ppahndy St. OLD RELIABLE HOUSE! Those desiring Oo.d Board and Lodg ing at reasonable ra'e, will find the stme by calling at the VDunston IIous," No. 804, corner Martin and Harrington Sts., near Union dpot, Itileigh, N. C. Mrs A. E. Dunston, Proprietress. BAUBEU SALOON. . When in need of a Uair Cut or a Shave call on IIartman & Counsel, the Bar bers, of Wilmington, N. C. They are first-class and polite in every particular. You will find them at 821 N. 4th Street. When in the city call on them. lifted THE PROPER THING TO DO Especially In buying Food is to deal with a-responsible concern, one that you are sure will sell you nothing that is not good; whose prices are reasonable, and stock always fresh and up to date. The above description, with all due modesty, we think fi!s our establishment. We have food for the Epicure, for the Dyspeptic, food for all classes and con ditions. Polite and intelligent salesmen to show and sell you; accommodating porters and drivers to deliver to you. All goods warranted and promptly de liver d. Tbe finest Flour, Butter, Coffee and Tea our specialties. W.C.STR0IIACH&S0I1S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS. Telephone No. 15. GLOBE CLOTHING HOUSE! Cor. Wilmington and Market Streets op posite Market.) TnE Globe Clothing House is Ral eigh's new enterprise, which is daily com ing into prominence winning the favor of ihe great economic purchasing public, from the fact you can buy flrst-clas goods from there at prices to suit the times clothing, hats, shoes, etc. and our people appreciating this feature have begun to give them their patronage. In stock will lie Ulster Storm-coats, Overcoats and Suitings in the litest and most improved styles, made from foreign and domeetio goods for Men, Youths and Children, which are being offered at prices which cannot be duplicated elsewhere. Take advantage of the special inducement in prices this week; call and compire botn goods and price of this store with others and convince yourself of the fact that you can save fifty cent on the dollar by buying from tbetn. J. M. KOHN, Mansger. APEX KOKMAL AND COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, APEX, NORTH CAROLINA. Fall term begins October list. Beauti ful and healthful location. About five minutes' walk east of depot Excellent water. School of bighgriide for boih-"-sexes. Good diecipline 'tyii courses of study normal, theological and colle giate. Special attention to instrumental and vocal music. A corps of competent teachers has been selected. Terms: Tui tion $1.50 per month in advance. Good board can be procured from (5 to $6 per month. For further information address the Principal, W. II. Morris, B. D., Apex, N. C. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. (PIEDMONT A1K-LIHI.) CONDENSED SCHEDULE. In Effect Jena 14, 1890. TRAINS LEAVE RALEIGH DAILY. "NORFOLK AMD CHATTANOOGA LIMITED." 4:12 p. m. Daily Hoi id ventibuled train with sleeper from Norfolk, to ChaitaoooKa via. Hal labury, Morxauton, Aaheville, Hot Bprlnga and Knoxvllle. Connect at Durham for Oxford, Clarkivllle and Keyavllle, except Hauday. At Urnena ttoro Willi the WHMhiiurlou and HoutbweMtern VeHllouled (Limited; train for all nolnla North and with main Hue train. No. 12, for Dauvtlle, Richmond and Intermediate local atatlona; alHO has connection for Wlnmon-Halom and wlih main line train No. 85, ' United Htalea Kant Mail." for Charlotte, Mpartanburg, Ureen vllle, Atlanta and all polut Mouth; also Co lumbia, AUKuma, Charieaton.Havannah, Jack aouvllle and alt polula In Florida. Hleeping; Car for Atlanta, Jackaon vllle, and at Chariot l with Hletplng Car for Augusta. NORFOLK AND CHATTANOOGA LIMITED." 11:45 a. m. Daily Holld train, cenatallns; of Pullman Sleeping Cars and coaches from Chattanooga to Norfolk, arriving Norfolk 6:00 f. m. in time to connect with the Old Dominion, Merchant and Miner'. Norfolk and Washington and Baltimore, Cnespeake and Richmond M. tt. Companies for all iolnU north aud eaat. Connect at Hoi ma for Fayetteville and In termedlate atatlona on tbe W 11 won and Fay etteville Hhort Cut, dally, except Hunday, for Newbern and Morehead City, dally for tiolda boro, Wilmington and Intermediate station on the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad. KXFBKHS TRAIN. 8:V) a. m. DAiLY-Connects at Durham for Oxford, Keyavllle, Richmond; at U roe n boro for Washington and all points North. KXPKRMS TKAtN 8.09 p. M. Daily For Uoldaboro and Inter mediate atatlona. LOCAL ACCOMMODATION. 2:00 A. M. Connect at Oreenaboro for all points for North aud Houth and W Inn ton -Hulem and poinlaon the Northwestern North Carolina Railroad, At KalUbnry for all polnla In Weatern North Carolina. Knoxvllle. Ten nessee, Cincinnati and Weatern points; at Charlotte for H pari an b u rg. t J reen vllle. A thena, Atlanta and all pole la Houth. TRAINS ARRIVE AT RALEIGH, N.C. KXPRKMH TRAIW 3.-05 p. m. Daily From Atlanta, Charlotte, Greensboro and all point Houth. NORFOLK AND CHATTANOOGA LIMITED. 4:12 p. m. Daily From all point east, Nor folk, Tarboro, Wilson and water line. From Uoldbboro. Wilmington, Fayetteville and all points In Eastern Carolina. NORFOLK AND CHATTANOOGA LIMITED. 11:10 a. m. Daily From New Vork, Wash ington, Lynchburg, Dan vllle and Ureenaboro, Chattanooga, Kuox vllle, Hot Hprlnga and Aaheville. KXFHEHft TRAIN. 8:50 a. m. Daily From Uoldaboro and In termediate atatlona. LOCAL. 7:20 A. M. Daily From Greensboro and all points North and Houth. HleeplDgCar from Greensboro to Raleigh. V.-O0 p. m. Daily, except Sun day, from Golds boro and all point East. Jjocal freight trains a I no carry pasaenrera. Pullman cars on night train from Raleigh to Greensboro. Through 4'ullman Vestlbnled Drawing Room Buflet (sleeping Car and Veatlbuled conches without change on Norfolk Limited. Double daily trains between Raleigh, Char lotte and Atlanta. Quick time: unexcelled accommodation. W. 11. GREEN, W. A. TURK, t General Passenger Agent, Waahlugt i, D. C. J. M. Culp, TrarDo Manager. w ILMINGTON. NEWBERN ft NOR- r ULH. IvAlbWAl COMPANY. IN EFFECT SUNDAY, OCT. 27, 1896. DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY. North-Bound. STATIONS. 8 Lv. Wllra'gton Mulberry St-.. 2 00' Leav Jacksonville. 8 M Leave Myavllle.................. 4 so Leave Pol lock vllle............ 4 44 Arrive Newbern 5 ao Houth-Bound STATIONS. 7 Leave Newbern ViW Leave Pollock vllle 9 btt Leave Mayavllle 10 ou Leave Jackouvllle...... 10 42 Ar. Wilmington Mnlterry Ht., i Trains 7 and ft make connection with AtUnilo and North Carolina Railroad lor Morehead City and Beaufort. Connection at Newbern with steamers to and irom Elizabeth City and Norfolk Mon day, Tueaday, Wedneadayand Friday. Hteamer Geo. D. I'ordy makes daily trips between Jacksonville and New River point. 1L A. WHITING, J. W. MARTENIS. Gen'l Manager, Trade Manager,