Newspaper Page Text
THE GAZETTE. RALEIGH, . N. C. CITY, COUNTY AND GENERAL. HENRY L. ALSTON, . . Local Editor AND CITY COLLECTOR. CgfNoTTCK. Subscribers whose time has expired, will please come forward and renew their subscriptions, or their names will be dropped, as the new management requires it. J3f Marriage and funeral notices, in ad vance, fifty cents. (tgStanding and transient notices, per line, five cent each insertion. RAXEIcTil7 N. a, "JANUARY 9. 1807. ABOUT PEOPLE YOU KNOW. The Gazette will ke p you posted. Congressman Thomas Settle was here last wetk. The city schools all opened lat Mon day after seven holidtys. You should rquare up your dues to the Gazette the fir ft of the year. Wm. Woods, of Durham, N. C, was in the city Tue-i 1 iv of this week. Call at Stark's Restaurant, East Martin street, and you will got good far?. Miss Ros.v A. Williams, of New Jersey, is in the city visiting her parents. Mrs. Lucy People was a pleasant visi tor at our office one day last week. Mes3rs. C. M Bernard, M. L. Mott and J. R. Smith arrived ha the cty lost week. Mr. C. N. Norwood and mother, Mrs. G. Norwood, were in town Monday on businefs. Mr. C. W. Dunston spent the holidays here with his family. We were glad to meet him. Mr. Edoiond Mathews called at our office last week and renewed his sub scription. A series of meetings have been in pro gress several nights at the Second Bap tist Church. The- Southern Railroad Company has just comple ed an iron bridge across West South street. Our friend. Joseph M. Russell, of Glen Cove, New Y rk, is tiding a while at Southern Pines, N. C. Mr. Henderson Crotsen has returned from Warrenton, where he has been visiting friends ar d relatives. Mi.-s Carrie Williams spent a few days in GolUc-boro h,nt week. She also visited friends at the Eastern Hospital. Wake Superior Court met last Mondav for the trial of criminal canes. Our new Republican Judge, Si encer B. Adams pre siding. Mr. James A. Watkins was in the city last week. He began teaching the Roles ville School on December 7th with good attendance. Messrs. Dallas Johns, Eli Williams, W att Mial, Robert Lane and others were lure attending the celebration on the 1st day of January. Dr. L. A. Scruggs has returned from Littleton, N. C, where he has been at tending the Emancipation Celebration. The Doctor reports a good time. Mr. Dallas Mjatr, from Auburn, at tended the Emancipation celebration here January 1st. He gave us a cash renewal and eaid, "1 waDt the Gazette to come on." Mr. B. W. Sanders called on U3 one day last week. Mr. Sanders is one of our most reliable citizens. He is preparing to attend a farm in the country next year. Mrs. I. D. Dunn, of the Eastern Hos pital, Goldsbcro, epeut Xmas here with relatives and tiieiids. She returned to the Hospital this week, having received a message tbat her husband was quite ill. Prof. J. S. Williams returned to Greens boru last week after spending Uhri.-trnas with h:s people in Ooeilin.N. C. Prof. Williams intoimed us that his father, Mr. Thomas Williams had been sick fur four days. Manager Meares has secured the Re menye Coaipany, which w ill be the at traction at. Metropolitan Hall here ontr.e night of January 18th. Tnis will be a fine treat in the music line. Turn out and hear it. If " Yours affectionate, Martin, Rock ingham, N. C," will send us his full name we will retui ii to him a letter that we re ceived Tuesday, which evidently was not intended for- us. Dear is probably now eagerly looking for it. Among those in the city this week are Mescrs. Walter J. Faison, Geo. Faison, Pi of. J. T. Krr, Wm. and Jonnie Bunt ing, M. N. Holmes, of Clinton; C. C. Fort;es and J. R Russell, of Greenville; S. F. Bryant, of Goldsboro, and R. J.Wil son, from Warsaw. Shaw Varsity Team 'Victorious. At Greerstoro on Saturday, December i2Gih, Livingstone College anu Snaw Uni versity ni-jt on the gridiron to decide the right to the champion college eleven of tho Sjuth. The day was perfect, and lovers i f clean port of boih races swarm ed the City Paik by the appointed hour, 2:'S0, when the game was to be called. When the trains steamed in from Ral eigh and Salisbury, bringing a large del egation of players and supporters from each college, ail Greensboro was eoon made to resound with yells from the wearers of garnet and white, and ihose from Livingstone defending sky blue and black. The " go " to the Park was made lively with "'Rah! 'rah! 'rah! for Shaw Uni versity!" and "Sis, boom! bah! and 'Rah! 'rah! for Livingstone!" At the Park "'Shaw" won the toss and chose the goal, and lined up with her elevtn giants face to face with the braves of "biueund black." The game as played was the finest ever seen in Greensbjro by any teams, as re ported by good and competent foot-ball men. In the first half pretty work was done, every inch of ground wasshatpty contest ed Liviugtone men trying every way to reach her giant opponent's goal, but not but once and that for just a moment was Shaw's goal imperiled by the " Blue Blacks," while on the other hand tho superb manipulating by Shaw's Captain Love, the strong support he received from his impregnable line and his assis tant backs all, enabled the "garnet and white" to rush, push and charge upon Livingstone to the tune of 10 to 0. The second half was played by both teams with snap, courage, skill and judg ment, but with about the. same tune as the first, bringing the game 18 to 0, when time was called. Greensboro nor that section of the State has ever treated with an exhibi tion of such physical strength; backed up by skill and clean, gentle foot-ball, as was exhibited by Shaw University, eleven on this match. The univen-al testimony of fit judges was that truly the negro can do evry tning with proper training that any other folks can do, and he can do it better, if he is given what Shaw always in everything gives, equally as up-to-date training with all narrow clipping and trimming. The championship of the South Shaw now holds. She won it honestly and without the loss of character or limb. Rah! rah! rah! Rah! rah! rah! Rah! tab! rah! Shaw University? Rah! rah! raM EASTERN SNAP-SHOTS 1897. Eastern Hospital, Common Schools and the Senatorsblp. A happy New Year to every North Carolinian. Christmas was observed creditably in the "Boro." Mr. Gobbler and Mrs. Turkey Hen fared very badly at the hands of the kitchen assassins. Snap Shots will simply mention the fact that Dr. Aaron M. Moore, of Dur ham, N. C, is a candidate for Superin tendent of the Eastern Insane Asylum, near Goldsboro, N. C. Miss Delia White, the accomplished daughter of the Second District Congress man is spending the holidays in the city of Elms. Miss Ada Baker and Mrs. Geo. II. White were in the "Boro" attending the nuptialf Miss Esther B. Eaton and E. A. Cherry. Too much whiskey was the causa of the freezing to death of Jacob Simmons. Mr. Jordan Puryear had no trouule in finding the affable Miss Cora L. Cain. St. Stephen's M. B. Sunday-school had an excellent Christmas tree on the night of the 25th. Tue children were delighted with their annual presents. St. Luke P. E. Church, Rev. J. W. Perry, Rector, held interesting Chrit-tmas services on Friday. 25tb. The anthems were enchanting selections. Truly the anniversary of Bethlehem's babe was in spiring in the extreme. An interesting audience was present to enjoy the words of comfort spoken by the Rector on this " God-blessed " occasion. Oliver Walter, a colored man who is reputed to have been very industrious, fell in a creeek near Tarboro Christmas eve night, and froze to death. Robert Spaign broke his leg Christmas eve. Well, the Legislature would do well to enact the South Carolina liquor law. Miss Louisa E. Bridgers, one of the teachers at St. Augustine Normal and Industrial School, spent the Christmas holidays m the "Boro." Aside from spending it pleasantly with relatives and fiun s, her best friend. ' Gentleman Willie," was ever ready unmake ber's an enjoyable Cnristmas. The little kinder garteners will certainly have a teacher that has hail a merry Chrictmas. Miss Cora L. Cain was determined that Mr. Jordan Puryear shoulo meet with no disappointment on his Christmas visit; but ihey do say that Mr. Hugh Tnorpe caught the snoo-fly so as to keep from paying off Christmas preaents. The lad les say so. Samuel Worrell was tried for acci dentally shooting a woman, and bound over to the next term of Court in the sum of ($50) fitty dollars. Y. D. Garrett, J. G. Hyman and Geo. Savage deposited the amount of the bond in cash as sureties. Y. D Garrett made a sensible stroke for trade in his bond signing. We admire a friend in need, however. Ttoe new Coroner, Levi Higbpen, Esq., has collected as fees about all of his expenses during this Christmas. The jailer-to-oe goes in at a greatly re duced tee per month when we consider the amount paid the former jailer. When will we learn to keep prices up instead of pulling them down. Sheriff Stalling is not to be complained at in this. It he can get a cheap man and save for himself, he has every right to do so. Its the jailer's fault, and not his. Gtorge Lloyd says that while the Dockery boys helped to elect Russell, McKinley and White, they did what they could to defeat them for the nomination, and now that the pie is to be divided, he says that its but right for the originals to get the best slice. Rev. Homer P. Walker, the pastor of the A. M. E. Zion Church for 1897, enters upon his work with a determination of accomplishing something if the entire Church aids him. Success to the new pastor is the wish of many. Rev. A. A. Crooke, left for Beaufort, his new field of labor, last Wednesday. Miss Hattie E B, yan will be hereafter known as Mrs. H. E. Stancil. She is an Edgecombe schoolma'am. Success to the Lair. Mr. Charles Greene of Macon, Ga., and a Biddle University student, is spending some time in the "Boro" during the holidays. Like his father, Dr. E. E. Greene, he is affable and a winner of friends. The marriage of Miss Esther B. Eaton to Mr. Earnest A. Crurry, though quiet, on accouut of the recent bereavement on account of the death of Mr. Willie A. Cnerry, was interesting, and the pair was the recipient of more valuable pres ents tnan any couple Taiboro has had among its upper circle. A memorial bed-room suit was the present of the late brother of the groom; M esrs. Don and Henry Gilliam, a barrel of flour; Geo. Holderness, a stand of lard. VV. H. Mc Nair, Orren Williams, Sr., J. P. Pippen, Esq., R. H. Parker and wife were among the many who gave presents. Our Constable can look on and see the Deputy Sheriffs serve papers. Esse Quam Videri. Cape Fear Happenings. Another teacher has been added to the corps at the Lillington Giaded School in this city, mating eleven teachers em ployed there now, and yet this force is hardly sufficient to meet the demands consequent on the increase in attendance. In fact, both schools aie altogether too crowded, and we hope to prevail on the new Board of County Commissioners to give better school facilities to the race in mis city, for in our visit to both the Pea body and Wihistou schools we find teach ers and pupils crowded together so closely as not only to hinder their work and pro gress but also to menace their health. 1 had hlrnoft forgotten what I started to write at the outset of this article, that is, that the new teacher is Miss Jennie Austen, the daughter of Mr. Juhn Aus ten, the popular brick-layer contractor. Miss Au-aei.'d appointment is hailed wi.h much delight oy everybody because it marks a new era as she won her appoint ment SuLly on merit in a competitive ex amination. St. Luke's A. M. E. Zion church is to be congratulated on its ne -v pastor, the the Rev. Mr. Cuyler, who has always won his way into the hearts of the people of this community On last Friday night the pupils of Gre gory Institute gave a very charming and interesting literary entertainment at the Congregational cnurch. In thj declama tory contest Mr. Fred. B. L nd made tne best rendition and was awarded the medal. Very many persons complained last week of not receiving the Gazette, but as the letter-carriers say that they did not reach this postotfice the fault must have been in the mailing at the home office. Goveruor-electr Russell is very busy winding up his private business prepara tory to leaving nere for the new duties which will so soon devolve upon him, and it would be quite amusing to see his erst while Democratic friends out Heroding Herod to pay couit to him ere his "sav ages" (for whom they have abused him so much !) can simply show their loyalty. Truly notning succeeds like success, for had these same "savages" deserted him when he needed their nelp, these Demo crats who now are fawning at his feet would have been the first to revile him and heap all manner of maledictions upon4 him, for thus acted they through their press before his election. New Hanover is essentially a Republi can county and with a Republican Cnair man of the County Commissioners our people who constitute the numerical strength of the party are everywhere ask ing wnat recognition are we to receive at the nana s of the new board. The stockholders of Pine Forest ceme tery met in the Mayor's office at the City Hall on Wednesday night the 16th inst., when Mr. James IL. Cutlar stated theob- J'ect of the meeting," and Mr. John T. lowe was elected chairman and Mr. Da vid Jacobs, -our efficient coroner, acted as secretary. After hearing the reports of the secretary and .treasurer J. G. Nor wood, Esq., and other routine business the old board was unanimously elected. The Sentinel has announced the candi dacy of Mr. John T. Howe, our member to the Legislature, for the Collectorship at Wilmington. Your correspondent is ever in line with meritorious recognition for the race and we think well of this. T. Johnson. A Grand Celebration at Halifax by the Republicans of the Comity on Wed nesday, December 16th, 1S96. They Celebrate ou High Order the Repub lican Victory of Last Noyember Hon. C. A. Cook, of Warren County, and Member of the Legislature, Orator of the Day. In spite of the bad weather at Halifax on Wednesday, December I6ih, 1896, the Republicans a good number of them gathered together and celebrated on a high order tbe grand Republican victory which was won last November. This celebration was given under the manage ment of Hon. J. H. Hmnon, President of the day; Professor C. C. Biker, Vice President of Scotland Neck; Mr. W. B. Smith, Chief Marshal; Hon. James H. Arnngton, Rev. M. Brown, M. W. Wil liams, J. II. Williams, C. Pender; McM. Furgerson, R-gii-ter of Deeds for the county, and J. W. H. Hannon. Hon. C. A. Cook, of Warren, who is a very abl speaker and one of our leading Republicans, was present, and made a grand and able speech. Mr. J. H. Han non, in intr ducing Mr. Cook to the audience, which assembled about 1:30 p. m. in the court-house, said: "Hereto fore for a few years I have been ashamed to go away from home to make a speech, because my county was solid Republican, but had been g ing Democratic by such la'ge majorities in spite of all I could do. The Democrats then had the counting machinery, and would make their ma jorities, but thank God the Populists came in two years ago with us in the Legislature and pasJed an election law that smashed the very life out of the way tbe Democrats had to make majorities. I s ai.d here to-day and thank God that as soon as this wts done, at the next elec tion we were able to redeem old Halifax county by 2,500 majority. For this, gen tlemen, we ehould feel proud." Mr. Cook, in beginning his speech, said: "There is nothing for me to say or do here to day but to enjoy this grand and most glorious victory with you. No man feels better than I do over it. This vic tory gives to us our liberty and our free dom. McKir ley is the greatest man to day in Am-rica. Although we could not carry the S at for him, we carried the flag with M Kinley written cn it. We carried that flag with the same assurance tnat victory was ours for the President, as same as for tbe State. We have many things that we shou d feel proud of tnd to be thankful for. We have elected Daniel L. Russell for cur Governor. He is the brainiest man that walks the soil of Noith Carolina. The Democrats must attend to their own business on the out side while we Republicans attend to ours on the inside." Mr. Cook also said: " The way to keep organized for the next battle, in 1900, is for all true Republicans to stick together. Kick all the spotted and pretended Re publicans on the other side, and turn all tbe Democrats out. This is the thing to do, and we will be all right for 1900. At this juncture one colored brother re marked: 'That's true, Mr. Cook; I am with you until the end of tir"e.'" Mr. Cook's speech was rich all the way through. " - - There were about one hundred good Republican ladies; about one hundred and fifty staunch Republican men (col oied and white), and several Populists present at the speaking. Halifax has as fine a set of county offi cers as any county in the State in the persons of Mes-rs. J. T. Dawson, W. E. Bowers and McM. Ferguson. Mr. M. W. Williams, colored, is j uler. He succeeds a white Democrat. We were informed that the old Democratic County Commis sioners turned the county of Halifax over to the Republicans without a dollar of county funds, and the county in debt not less than $10,000. The new Commit-sion-ers have appointed a committee, consist ing of the chairman and the county attor ney, to invtstigaie matters. The McKinley, Russell and White Cen tral Cluo, of Hilifax, did valuable ser vice in the last election. The following gentlemen are officers for this club: President, Hon. J. H. Hannon; Vice Presidents, Messrs. Cbas. Pierce and McM. Ferguson ; Assistnnt Secretary, John II. Howard, Jr.; Treasurer, Rev. A. J. Jackson. But for the bad weather there would have been 2,000 people present at the celebration. W. S. Mitchell. MARRIAGE BELLS A'RIXGING. Cupid Seems to Have Been Cutting a Great Many Capers of Late, if the In litations Sent Out by Different ' Two Souls With but a Single I bought, Two Hearts that Beat as One,' Have Any thing to do V ith His Capers. Mr. W. H. Peace and Miss F. M. O Kelly were happily married December 16 '96, at 10:30 A. M. from St. Paul's A. M. E. church. M-. and Mrs. Peace left on tne S. A. L. 11:30 train for an extensive Northern tr.p. We wish for them a happy married life. Mr. W. A. Robinson and Miss Francis Clark, both of O- erlin, were married on Tuesday night, Dec -tuber 22d,at the First Bipdst church. Rev. Worlds officiated. May happiness a' tend them through life. At the First Baptist church in this city Wednesday, Dec-niber 23rd, Mr. Hamp den Smith and Miss Lizzie Dunston were married. We extend our congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Smith and wish them much j y in their new life. Mr. J. W. Lee and Miss Ella Walker were joined in holy w dlock Wednesday night, December 23rd, at the home of Mis. Webh on South McDowell street, Rev. T. B. Edwards officiating. No cards. Mr. S. B. Thomas, of Burlington, and Miss Bell Sellars were married Wednes day, December 16th, at the residence of Mrs. Phebe Manly. We wish the young couple a successful married life. They both returned" to Burlington where they will live. Mrs. Amanda Dunston Gives Her Annual New Tear's Dinner--It was a Very Grand Affair. On last Sunday night at her restaurant on Wilmington street, Mrs.' Dunston, who is one of the best restauranteurs in the State, gave to her many customers and friends a nice dinner. The tables were elegantly dressed and laden with every thing that heart could wish. Upon the second floor dining room the dinner was conducted for the colored. On the first for the whites. Among those who were present of the colored were Messrs. M. Watts, W. S Mitchell, B. Pearce, J. R. Davis, W. G. Otey, R. H. Hackney, David Phiffer, C. A. Dunston, S.H. Towns, W. H. Curtis, F. W. Johns, and Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Dunstorr and Rev. Iaky Mrs. Dunston was assisted by Mi-8 Mary Miller, Mrs. Bettie Harris, Mr. Ed. Chavis and others. Everything passed off very nicely and all enjoyed themselves much. W. S. M. The Meeting of tbe N. P. A. Associatio of America of the Eastern District North Carolina A Harmo nious Meeting. The N. P. A. Association of the East ern District of North Carolina met in convention at Battleboro, in the Battle boro church the 17th of last December, 1896, at 10 A. M. The convention opened wita prayer by Rav. Matthews, of Nor folk, Va. Rev. O. B. Alston was elected president of the convention, and Mr. W. A. . Anderson vice-president. Miss L. A. Whitaker was unanimously elected sec retary. Prof. R. A. Caldwell, G. D. W. C, de livered a fine welcome address. W. S. Mitchell, who was present representing the Raleigh Gazette, was voted a seat in the convention, with the right to partici pate. in its deliberations. Miss Alice Bat tle was appointed financial secretary, to hold the money during the meeting of the convention. IMPORTANT COMMITTEES APPOINTED. Committee on Finance: David Wad kins, A. R. Battle, John Ricks and others. Committee on Devotional Exercises: B. R. Mangum, C. W. Battle, Marcus Mann and J. L. Smith. Committee on Constitution and By Laws: Rev. B. Young, Prof. R. A. Cald well, U. Drake, M. Whitaker, C. W. Bat tle. Milliard Pnillips and B. R. Mangum. Committee on Education : Misses L. Powell, L. Whitaker, Allen Hines, David Wadfcins and J. 't. Phillips. Committee on Lynching: Isaac Sum ner, T. T. B bbit L. 8. Uilliard, R. T. Savage and G. W Joyner. C mmitie'onl emperance: R. L. Pow ell, J. T. Ward, L. C. Whitehead, J. T. Taylor and J. P. Arrington. Prof. R. A. Caldwell, S. W; Battle and Rev. B Young made 6trong speeches in behalf of the Gazette. Mr. Battle moved that the association adopt the Gazette for its organ. Mr. Pnillips made an able t.peech in seconding the motion. The Gazette was adopted. Ou Thursday eight Rev. B. Young gave an able and instructive lecture at the church, v Derrick of A. M. church of New York City telegraphed that he would be present on Sunday night to preach the annual sermon. The meeting was a most harmonious one. Mr. L. S. Hilliard, of Gold Rock, and Mr. David Waikms, of Battleboro, at tended the meeting. The people of Battleboro are kind and clever. Mrs. Alice Gaylord entertained several of the visitors nicely. The Gazette man was handsomely taken care of by Mr.'C. W. Battie and his daughter, Miss Alice, at their nice residence, for whch we re turn many thanks. Mis Alice Battle has many warm friends in Raleigh. MerS;s. M. Whitaker, A. L. Hines, R. L. Powtll, J. T. Taylor, T. T. Bobbin, Z. R. Reeves, Isaac Sumner, P. E. Harri son, B. R. Mangum and David Wa lkins are tbe Gazette's cash list of subscribers. Thanks. W. S. Mitchell. Weldon Notes. We visited Weldon a few days ago and were pleased to meet Messrs. Mclntire & Carver, T. M. Hawkins, who is clerk in one of the business houses of the town, R. J. Perry, W. D. Smith, Jno. H. How ard, Sr., and A. L. Wood; Mr. W. D. Smith is one of the leading men in Hali fax county. He runs a largf grocery store with saloon attached. Recently be has had his saloon refitted with hand some cherry ai,d mahogany furniture. It is one of the finest in the town of Weldon. Mr. A. L. Wood, of Halifax, and Mr. John H. Howard, of Weldon. are em ployed as clerks. Two fine gentlemen they are. Mr. Wood is said to be the bet hog raiser in Halifax. He has on hand two grown hogs one weighing 806 pounds and the other 212. He also has tour young pigs, one weighing 161, one 121, one 108, and the other 104. Messrs. Mclntire & Carver are still holding their positions at the hotel. Mr. A. L. Wood informed us that his wife, who resides in the town of Halifax, presented him on the 10th of December with a handsome baby girl of heavy weight. Mr. R J. Perry is prominently men tioned for post-nraster. We dined with Mr. Perr at Mr. Thomas Fields' restau rant. Theie is not a colored restaurant in the State that feeds better or sts up a finer mal for twenty-five cents than Mr. and Mrs. Fields. W. S. Mitchell. Halifax, N. C. To the Gazette. Hon. John H. Hannon is the man for the Recorder of Deeds for the District of Columbia. The following are a few of the many reasons for the above state ment : 1st. He is fitted by education and ex perience for the place, being a graduate of Howard University, Washington, D. C, and having filled the office of Register of Deeds of Halifax County a number of years, and having done so in a manner the most critical could not gainsay is evi dence of his competency and experience. He has filled the office of store-keeper and g auger and was also postmaster at this place (Halifax) during the latter part of Mr. Harrison's administration, which places enable the managers of National Government to gee an insight into his qualification. 2d. Hts unselfish loyalty to the party, working for the-ucce83of the same when self interest would have dictated a differ ent couise. One of the main reasons why his bond was refused by the County Com missioners the last time he was elected R- gis'er of Deeds (although he tendered a $35,000 boi d, when the law only re quire d a $15,000) was his uncompromis ing adber nee to his party and its princi ple", which the Democrats called radical ism and xnti Democracy, but which was in fact, if you please, anti-fraudism. His being such a staunch and unyielding Re publican be became a target very soon after Mr. Cleveland's inauguration, and in less than two months thereafter his official hend ss Postmaster at Halifax wag cut ff. When he left the State for Boston, Mass., the Democrats breathed easily for about two years, but his return to the S ate in 1895 brought dismay into the Democratic camp in Halifax County. I dare tay his influence has been felt throughout the entire State as a wise co worker with other leading Republicans for the success of that grand old party of human rights, whose cause is the peoples' cause and one of the cardinal principles of which is the f quality of all men" before the law. Had Mr. Hannon been a selfish or disloyal Republican he might have held the office of Register, of Deeds for Halifax County much longer than he did, but he preferred to Buffer defeat with hia party to making some foul deal against his patty which would bring success to him at her expense. Hence I call him an uncompromising Republican. My long personal acquaintance with Mr. Hannon warrants me in what I eay of him. He represented the Second Congressional District in the National Convention in 1892, and again in 1896. He is regarded as a wise, far seeing, staunch Republican and enjops the full confidence of his race as well as tbe confidence and respect of. the whi.e race. His appointment as Re corder of Deeds of the District of Colum bia would be regarded by his race and in deed by the Republicans of the State and especially by the Republicans of the Sec ond Congressional Distriot of North Car olina as a fitting recognition of his worth to the party. Yours for the prosperity of the country and tbe successful administration of President-elect William McKinley. ' A. P. Robinson. Littleton, N. C, Dec. 28, 1896. To the Gazette : Mr. Editor. Much has been Faid, and is still being said by friends cf aspirants for places of trust and honor so much that I fear newspaper endorsements at tract but little attention. Therefore, it is with some reluctance that I mention the name of Hon. John H. Hannon as in every way suited, and if merit counts for anything, his claim to tbe app int ment of Recorder of Deeds for the District of Columbia equals that of any man whose name has been mentioned for that place. And as Mr. Hannon is unmarried, 1 will allude to his age further than to say that I have known him for thirty years.twenty five of which he has been an ardent and tireless worker in the Republican cause. He hails from the only State and from the only Congressional District in the United States that will be represented by a colored Congressman, also from a county that reversed, by the aid of an honest election law, a so-called Demo cratic majority of twenty-five hundred, and sent up instead a Republican majority of over twnty-four hundied; seven hun dred more R-publican votes than was given by any other County in the State, and half of the four thousand majority which placed in the halls of Congress as representative from the S cond District of North Carolina that able advocate, true gentleman and sound Republican, Geo. H. White, in whose election Mr. Hannon took an active part, notwith standing be was a candidate for the nomination himself, with a strong back ing; yet when he saw that Mr. White had more strength he at once withdrew, and from thence onward left no Btcne un turned to secu-e his election. He has held pcsition- of trust and honor, all of which he has fi led with credit to him self and satisfaction to his friends, and as it is conceded to be an office to which 'the colored man is entitled, 1 know of no one whose claims are stronger, or whose appointment wculd give more general satisf action to the R publicans of North Carolina, reg i'd e-s f color, than that of the Hon. J n II. Hannon, of Halifax. A Republican op Thirty Years Standing. New Era Institute at Luuiberton, Jan uarr 1214. Lecturers Rv. John E White, Ral eigh; Rv. W. M. J nes, Maitton; Rev. J. N. Bjoth, Lumberton; Rev. S. W. Dockery, Maxton, will assist the mission aries. Respectfully, A. B. Vincent. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATRIX. Having qualified as Administratrix of Anna P. Smith, deceased, I hereby give notice to all persons having claims against said estate to present them on or before December 26t h, 1897, or this notice will be plead in bar of their rt every. And all persons indebted to said estate are also notified to pay what is due by them to me. Sarah Jane Pettiford, Administratrix of Anna P. Smith. Dec. 22, 1896. 6w. IMS IS Convenient. ONLY ONE BLOCK FROM ThJE STATE CAPITOL. When you want firt-claas B)ard and Lodging, call at 108 East Hargett Street. We keep warm meals at all hours. Polite waiters, rooms well furnished. Every thing will be pleasant for the guests at a low-price. ". Mrs. ELIZABETH GRIFFITH, Prop., 108 E. Hargett Street. 2F"Give us a trial. NOTICE. Latta Unsversity will be closed during the Christmas holidays for all the sessica for the purpose of rebuilding the budd ings that were consumed by tire last May, and also additional buildings. The Uni versity is located in the village of Ooer lin, N. C, one and one-half miles west of tbe capitol building in the city. The lo cation is the very best for a school, being out of the busy city, but within easy reach by means of the electric streetcars. It is enough to say, that there bas not been a single case of serious illness since the establishment of the school. Each dormitory is heated by stoves aod hearths, so every necessary comfort is secured. The terms are very reasonable $7 50 per mdnth. Those desiring to reduce their expenses by work will be taken at the lowest possible rates: young men 6 40 per mouth; young women $5.40 per month; day students $1 per month. A small incidental fee will be charged. The school will reopen on the 7th day of October, 1897. Our purpose is to make it one of the largest scho-'ls in the South for the race. Law and Medicine will be added. The institution is wholly non sectarian in its religious instruction or influence. . Yet earnest attention will be given to Bible study, applying its truths to daily life and conduct, that a thorough Christian character may be obtained. It is open to all s u lents of either sex. None but competent teachers will be em ployed. For further information, address the President, Rev. M. L. Latta, D. D. I will letve for the North and Europe the latter part of December or the first of January, and will return time enough to have buildings completed by the re opening of the school. The University will contain eight buildings. dec. 56 m. BELL & PICKENS, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in and Shippers of Fish, Shad, Oysters, Spring Vegetables. SALT FISH A SPECIALTY. ' ALL GOODS GUARANTEED. . Front St. Market, Wilmington, N. C SALE OF LAND TO MAKE ASSETS. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court, rendered in the special proceed ings brought before the Clerk entitled, "C. H. Williams' n, Adm'r of Isaac Perry, deceased, vs. Dilsy Adams, John Ivory ef als." I will sell at public auction at the Court House door in Raleigh, Wake County, N. C, Saturday, January 16th, 1897, at 12 o'clock, to the highest bidder, for cash, two lota of land in the town of Wakefield. N. C, and known as the 'School House" lot and the "Richard son" lot, belonging to the estate of Isaac Perry, deceased. C. H. WILLIAMSON, Com. December 2, 1896. decl2-4w Notice. In compliance with Article two, section twelve of the Constitution of North Car olina, notice is hereby given that appli cation will be made to the General As sembly at the session to begin in January next for a passage of a law amending the charter of the City of Raleigh. This November 26th, 1896. Many Citizens. LOOK! IF you want Fresh Groceries, go to J. L. ALSTON'S, Cor. South and McDowell Streets, Who downs competition and takes the lead in Havy nd Fancy Groceiies. We keep the best Fiour, good Coffee, Sugar, Lard, But-er, Sausage and all kinds of Canned Goods. H -rs and Ctitle Food; also Wood and Oml promptly delivered to all parts of the city. Give me a call. J. L. Alston. Cor. South and McDowell See. HOW IS THIS ? JAMES BAKER, THE WELL-KNOWN DEALER lit Heavy Fancy Groceries, Cor. South and Dawson Sts. We keep a first cla's line of Family Groceiies, Flour, Lard, Coffee, Sugar, Tea, Meat, Batter and Fie-th Canned Goods; also Hors1? and Oittle Food. We sdl at Bottom Prices. Give us a trial. Frash Norfolk Oysters, SERVED IN EVERY STYLE TRY A. BROWN, 113 E. Hargett St. ALSO SOUPS, STEWS, BOASTS, And everything that can be had in a First-class Restau rant! GIVE ME A TRIAL. A. BROWN. . Albion Acade STATE NORMAL AND iDUSTRftirsciTrjOL; - FRAKKUHrON, N. C. NEXT SESSION OPENS OCT. 5th, 1896. LOCATION. This School Is located on an elevation overlooking the city, healthful all the year round. DEPARTMENTS. Academic, Preparatory, Primary and Industrial. DORMITORIES. The dormitory for glrla ia under the supervision of the lady teachers, aud that for bo a of the male teachers. TERMS. Tuition, free. Board, lodging and washing, $15 per sew I on of eight months. For catalogue and further Information, address Rev. JOHN A. SAVAGE, D. 0., President, FRANKLINTON. N. C JAMES S. LANIER, Attorney at Law, WINSTON, N. C. WAITINOFOR YCUI MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, CENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, Etc. have never been sold so cheap as you caa get them right now of CROSS & LINEHAN, 210 Fayetteville St.. RALEIGH, N. C. A-Members of the General Assembly will do well to give us a cau. APEX NORM I L AND COLLEGIATE lASJTirUTE, APEX, NORTH CAROLINA. Fall term beg ns October 1st. Beauti ful and healthful location. About five minutes' walk east of depot. Excellent water. School of high grade for both sexes. G od discipline, full courses of study normal, theological and colle giate. Special attention to instrument! and vocal music. A corps of competent teachers haa been Srlected. Terms: Tui tion $1.50 per month in advance. Good board can be procured from $5 to $6 per momh. For further information address the Principal, W. Ur Morris, B. D., Apex, N. C. A. J. BRANCH, HENDERSON, N. C Contractor and Builder ALL WORK GUARANTEED. REFERENCES : D. S. Smith, J. T. Williams, D. W. Hardy, Greenville, N. C Furniture Repair Shop. . MATTRESS MAKING AND UPHOLSTERING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Makes Folding beds and Sideboard. PERFECT WORK GUARANTEED. R. S. JACKSON,. 60S East First Street, Chablottk, N. C auglS 8m . my THE PROPER THING TO DO Especially in buying Food is to deal with a responsible concern, one that you are sure will sell you nothing that is not good; whose prices are reasonable, and stock always fresh and up to date. The above description, with all due modesty, we think fits our establishment. We have food for the Epicure, for the Dyspeptic, food for all classes and con ditions. Polite and intelligent salesmen to show and sell you; accommodating porters and drivers to deliver to you. -., Ail goods warranted and promptly de livered. The finest Flour, Butter, Coffee and Tea our specialties. W.C.STRONACH&SOIIS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS. Telephone No. 15. GLOBE CLuTMNG HOUSE! Cor. Wilmington and Market Streets (op posite Market.) The Globe Clotrino House is Ral efgh's new nterpi h, which is daily com ing into prominence winning the favor of the great economic purchasing public, from the fact you ca n buy fi rst-clas goods from there at prices to suit the times clothing, hats, shoes, etc. and our people appreciating this feature have begun to give ihem their pitronage. In stock will te Ulster Storm-coats, Overcoats and Suitings in the litest and meet improved stylts, made from foreign and domestic goods for Mn, Youths and Children, which are being offered at prices which cannot be duplicated elsewhere. Take advantage cf the special inducements in prices this week; call and comptxe both goods and price of this store with others and convince yourself of the fact that you can save fifty cent on the dollar by buying from them. J. M. KOHN, Manager. FOR REPAIRING Sewing Machines, Organs, Accordions,&c.; Willi OS CALL Off . ' J. D. CRUDUP, No. lis E. Hargeett SU, IUXEIOH, If. C ALL WORK GUARANTEED. St. Augustine's School, RALEIGH, I. C. Colleniate Department under graduates of Oberlin, Mary ville and Yale Colleges. Normal anti Preparatorj Bepartments under careful teachers, TERMS : $7 per month (Incidental Fes $2 per year). . Most students pay $Q f t3Sll and $2 In work. Students may work their way and go to school at night. - Training School for Nurses. Board and tuition free. Trade Sen 00 l. Instruction in build ing, plastering, cooking and dressmak ing. Board and tuition free. Rev. A. B. HUNTER, Principal. The Agricnltaral m Mechanical College, Greensboro, N. C.,- Offers a thoroughly practical conrse of instruction snd industrial training to the Colored Youth of the State. Unsurpassed Facilities. Low Terms. Each County entitled to one or more Free - T uition Students. For further information or catalogue, apply to Jas. B. Dudley, President Sept 19, 4 mos. DURHAM CITY DIKING HALL, Is where you will find a commodious dining-hall, No. 117 Peabody street, where you can at all hours be served with a well-prepared meal and lodging at low eat prices. I can also furnish the pcbli with fine and first-class oysters. Fil vate families can send in their orders and they will be promptly attended to. J. 8. McAllister, 6m. No. 119 pAAhndy St. OLD RELIABLE HOUSE! Those desiring Good Board and Lodg ing at reasonable rates, will find the same by calling at the "Dunston House," No. 804, corner Martin and Harrington Sts., near Union depot, Raleigh, N. C. Mrs. A. E. Dunston, Proprietress. BAUBEU 8AL005. When in need of a II air Cut or a Shave call on IIartman & Counsel, the Bar bers, of Wilmington, N. C. They are first-class and polite in every particular. You will find them at 821 N. 4th Street W hen in the city call on them. jmt m 11 , v. .... ... , V