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THE GAZETTE. PUBLISHED WEEKLY. JA2TE3 H. T0USO,....ditor and Proprietor. SUBSCRIPTION One year, - Six months, - -Three months - rates: $1.50 75 50 Entered at the Post-office for transmission through the United States mails as matter coming under second-class rates. nrAll communications intended for pub lication must reach the office by Tuesday morning. Anonymous letters will receive no attention. rsrAddresa all communications to The Gazette, Raleigh, N. C. RALEIGH, N. C, FEBRUARY 6, 1897. Dr. J. L. M. CURRY ADDRESSES THE LEGISLATURE OX EDUCATION. Dr. Curry began his address by saying, " I am no politician, and am not here 10 express in tne remotest degree any opin ion on those questions that divide parties; but on a theme that ought to concern every human being. This is the third time I have addressed the General As sembly. "I am partially a North Carolinian, spending my summers in Buncombe. "The other day I happened to make purely extempore r-peecb, and one astute editor suggested that I "ought hen after to write all my speeches. The editor doubtless thought if I would wiite, would catch the grip,' or contagion of being as wise as he is. "An intelligent English school inspec tor said the difference between America and other countries was the people in the most progressive states of America be lieve in education. As a proof of their belief they were willing to make eacri flees. Judged by that test, you do not believe in education. "Americans ought to be in favor of education, and it is due to the Democratio character of owr people that they are foremost in faith. " There is a notion that white people men ought to be educated. I will read you a note that speaks eloquently for education: "Andrew L. Jarnagan Dr., to Andrew .Johnson, making one coat, $3.50. Rec'd payment. 4 Dec., 1829. A: Johnson." " Education ought to be general, not for the better born, but that all from Clay to Dare should be furnished with opportunities for equal development. " Universal suffrage has no anchoaage except in the people's intelligence. 'The ouly safeguard to universal suffrage is universal education,' said Gov. Johnson of Alabama. He is a North Carolinian, and I regard him 4 the educational Gov ernor of the South.' " There are more cowardly men in the Legislature than in any other portion of the community. I have seen men with unblanched cheek walk into the very thickest of the contest in war. I have seen th se same men in the Legislature so cowardly that they would hide themselves till Mr. Talk Loud would tell them how to vote. "It was a calamitous mistake of recon struction to give the negro the ballot without qualification. Illiterate votes are a deadly enemy to constitutional govern ment. " I have heard of frauds in elections. L have heard of frauds in legislatures I MEAN in New York, Rhode Island and elsewhere. There will always be frauds as long as ignorance prevails to an alarm ing extent. Out of every hundred people over 10 years of age in North Carolina, 65 can i read and write. Of the negroes but. 30. '. " Some of you are very solicitous about 700,000 negroes in Cuba, and wanting to tie them on to us like a dead corpse. These negroes are here to stay. I am afraid they are not improving as much as we want them to. Unless you white leg islators lift up the blacks they will drive you down to the hell of ignorance and pov erty. " I don't believe any man ought to be allowed to put his ballot in the box who cannot read his ballot. Read the Maesa chusett constitution. It says no man can vote who shall not be able to read his constitution in English, end who has not paid the taxes assessed upon it. This is the law in Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Maine. With Caucasians only to vote they insist upon education, how much more should we, with our peculiar condi tions, and with the impossible barriers that separate the races here. " But there is another reason. What are you here for? I have often Wondered why some people wanted to come to the Legislature. It is the investure of the prerogative of making Jaws. I wonder men don't tremble in view of the respon sibility. When you go before an un bought and unprejudiced constituency you ask them to commission you to pro vide for their welfare. You cannot be equal to it unless you provide for the edu cation of the people. " No ignorant people were ever a pros perous people. Wealth comes in part from labor, but it. depends upon the in telligence of labor. "What was the curse of the South? It was when vessels came into our rivers and left slaves here. These vessels all started from Old England and New Eng land. Never one of them started from North Carolina. They came here and left a Pandora's box, full of evils. "You have got to get rid of ignorant, stupid labor. You must give education and skill. I can demonstrate that every kind of work is productive and valuable in proportion as science is connected with it. . ' "Apart from the Christian religion our civilization is one of schools and rail roads and newspapers. " Why is it that Connecticut gets more patents than all North Carolina ? Be cause of her public schools and advanced education. Massachusetts gives to her . citizens more than three times as much school term as North Carolina. Its per capita wealth is more than three times as much . as yours. . .." Whita John Tyler visited New Eng land they didn't receive John Tyler very pleasantly. He had vetoed the tariff and a banking law . Tyler asked " what are the chief products of Massachusetts 7" "Granite and ice," he was answered. He replied: "I thought so from the hard and cold reception you gave me." Why is Massachusetts ahead of all other sec tions? Because of her publio schools. " I hear a great deal about the New South and its wondeiful prosperity. Where is it? I don't see it. It isn't here. Why? Prices for agricultural employment is not one whit better than in 1865. I go to a farm. We have un skilled, uninventive labor, undiversified employment, bad roads. I stop at a sta tion or a depot and find from 20 to 50 lazy, Micawber-like folks standing around waiting for something to turn up. "Iam told that there are 10,000 hungry mouths waiting for some Federal pap. Why? It cannot be otherwise as long as you are forced to sell your cotton, wheat and corn for nothing. Is it strange, with such conditions, that people ask for an office? " Manual training ought found in every school from the University up to the Kindergarten. Women ougri to learn how to read, write, sew and cook "I heard a man say this morning; 'We are all in favor of education, but we are too poor to make better schools.' " " In the name of God (and I say it rev erently), you are too poor not to educate. would like to burn that into your con- sciences. If you dont educate them you'll remain poor until Gabriel's born blows. "There are no doubt members of this Legislature who couldn't make an axe handle, and yet they know all about gold and silver, and talk eloquently about the advanced tide of prosperity that is said to be sweeping over the country. Moral character is above all the standards of gold and silver. While you are debating the ratio between gold and silver, I want wou to consider the ratio between educa tion and illiteracy. "If you want to develop North Caro lina, if you will establish a public school in every neighborhood and put a trained teacher in charge, you will succeed. You ought to improve your schools. You made a terrible mistake last session when you did away with supervision. A school system cannot succeed by the schools running themselves. .Why repeat experi ments of failures ? No child can learn or teacher instruct with a sixty-day session. You want more money, longer terms, better teachers. " In animal creation, in a few months the snimal is fully grown. With children it takes 18 or 20 years to qualify them for tbe duties of life. The office of a State is to nemetuate free government, and it can only be done by making good citi zens. "There is no more legitimate tax on property than for public schools. Over 87 rer cent of tbe children in the United States and 93 per cent in North Carolina - 1 ... .1 L. 1 : gee ail ineir eaucauou in iub puuiiv schools, and only half the children attend , the public schools. "Is it of more importance to declare Goose Crtek navigable than to provide for the education of the children? "The sc hool , at Greensboro, managed by Dr. Mclver, I was writing about it vesterdav. Its success is unparalleled in the history of the United States. We aid it gladly. I cannot find words suffi ciently strong to express my estimate of its worth, usefulness and excellence. 1 am clad to aid it. . "We aid seven so-called Normal Schools for the colored people. I am coin? to stop it. The Peahody money is to train teachers if you'll make real bona fide Normals, we will help it if not, you must take care of them jour- self. "More money has been given for edu cation in the United States by private persons than by all the world. Lesidea Peabody is the greatest benefactor who has lived. Peabody gave $3,000,000 to both races. Slater gave $1,000,000 to educate the negroes. "A great University is a great tower of strength. S an ford, Rockefeller and others gave to colleges where the parents can educate their children. Peabody and Slater were the South's greatest benefactors. Peabody gave this money in 1867. . The bottom had dropped out of the South. In that hour Mr. Peabody came and put his .money for the humble and poor. South Carolina and Virginia have begun to raise money to put a monumeot in Statuary Hall in Wash ington of George Peabody. I hope this Legislature will not adjourn until it ap propriates $1,000 for this purpose. Concluding, Dr. Curry spoke of the little children as the centre of the Chris tian religion, and made a stirring appeal to the legislators to provide sufficient educational advantages for all the chil dren of the State. The address was happy throughout not without humor, pathos and lofty elo quence. FOR BETTER SCHOOLS. The joint meeting of tho Educational Committees of the Legislature, called to confer with the committee of the Teach ers' Assembly in regard to tbe bill pre pared by the latter committee to be pre sented in the General Assembly met in the State Library last week and was in session about an hour and a half. There was a large attendance of members of the Legislature, prominent educators and others interested in public school matters. Chairmen Grant and Djckery, of the legislative committees, presided, and State Senator Butler acted as Secretary. Secretary Parker of the Teachers' As sembly read tbe resolutions from which the committee derived their authority to draw the bill. Prof. J yner of the State Normal then address the meeting. He said that the Teachers' Assembly at Ashe ville last summer was the largest meeting of progressive teachers ever held in North Carolina; that the measure then contem plated to be presented to the Legislature rnoeived careful consideration and was strongly supported by the teachers. The bill, as prepared by the, committee, he said, provided for two things school su pervision and local taxation. Competent supervision would result in better teach ers and better schools. Local taxation, he declared, was essential to the develop ment of the public schools to the high standard which is . the ideal of teachers, and which the school childrenof the State have a right to expect. Dr. Mclver, chairman of the Assembly Committee, addressed the meeting. He began by saying that there can ba no great advance in education without local taxation. Without local taxation there never would have been any graded schools in the cities of North Carolina. There are people who are ever ready to declaim against taxss, but it is a note Worthy fact that enterprising people are moving to places where higher taxes pre vail. The movement from the country to the towns sustains this proposition. The fact that for every 100 people who move into the State, 600 move out of it, further confirasit. If the recommenda tion of tbe S.ale Superintendent of Pub lic Instruction, regarding increasing the tax rate for schools and making an ap propriation of $100,000 from the State treasury, is adopted by the Legislature, one-half of the counties would be able to comply with the constitutional require ment of four months schools.- Some would have six or eight months; the others less than four. Local taxation would equalize the school terms. - The speaker made a strong plea for recognizing teaching as a profession. He wanted teachers of known qualifications appointed District Supervisors. He did not want preachers or lawyers in the office, no matter what their abilities. . The need of North Carolina, he said, was not ninety-six supervisors, but a few men who can set the people on fire. No ordinary man can make the people believe in this matter. t " The school fund, as well as the schools, needs supervision. In some counties the taxes required by law are not levied ; in others the school fund is diverted, in part, to other purposes. The supervisors will look after these matters and see that the taxes are levied and that the fund is guarded as a sacred trust. "The Teachers' Assembly asks to have teachers put in charge of public school matters. Lawyers, doctors and preach ers are examined and licensed by men of their own prof( 83ion ; but any man, under the laws of North Carolina, may b.e a county examiner, and any kind of man may be licensed to teach a public school. Teachers should be entrusted with the direction of these matters. All they ask is a clance." State Superintendent Mebane spoke briefly, giving his cordial approval to the principal features of the bill, nut saying that he would not insist upon minor de tails. The bill was then read. After informal remarks by several gentlemen, it was de cided to have the bill introduced in both branohes of the Legislature to-day, and to request that a number of copies be printed. THE COMMITTEE'S BILL. A bill to be entitled " An act to provide for the supervision of the public schools of North Carolina." The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : Section 1. Thai the State of North Car olina shall be divided into not less than twenty-four nor more than forty-eight Supervision Districts, each district to be composed of two or more counties. Sec. 2. That the general business of each Supervision District shall be man aged by a District Board of Educational Commissioners, to be elected as herein after provided. Sec. tt. The County Board of Educa tion, Register of Dieds, Clerk of the Court and the Board of County Commis sioners of each county shall, at a joint meeting on Tuesday after the first Mon day in April following the ratification of this act, elect as maoy District Educa tional Commissioners as the said county has representatives in the lower house of the General Assembly: Provided, that the commissioners elected shall be men of education and good business capacity and known to favor improving the pub lic schools: Provided, further, that where any county is entitled to more than one commissioner on the District Board the commissioners elected shall not be of the same political faith: Provided, further, that if there be no County Board of Education the Board of County Com missioners, tbe K g later of Deeds and the Clerk of the Court of the several counties shall alone elect -the District Commissioners of Education. The term of office of tbe District Commissioner, shall be two years. Sec. 4. On Tuesday following their election the Board of District -Commissioners shall meet at such place within their district as the State Boari of Edu cation shall designate, and shall organize by electing a chairman and secretary. Tne place of succeeding meetings shall be determined by the District Board: Provided, that all regular annual meet ings shall be at the county seat of one of the count ii s composing the district: Provided, further, that not more than one meeting shall be held each year ex cept upon request of the chairman of the District Board, endorsed by the chairmen of the Boards of County Com missioners in the majority of the coun ties composing the district. Sec. 5. A t its first meeting - the District Board of Commissioners shall ehct a Superintendent of the district, who shall hold office for a term of four years and until his successor shall be elected by the Board. Sec. 6. No one shall be eligible to the office of District Superintendent who is not twenty-three years of age, and who has hot spent two years of his life in teach ing, and who do-?s not propose to make teaching his life-work. He shall be a man of good education and judgment, and competent to examine and grade teachers intelligently, and to discharge the Other duties of his office. Sec. 7. Tbe duties of the District Su perintendent shall be: (a) To examine teachers and issue certificate! "according to the law and under the direction of tbe State Superintendent; (b) to hold insti tutes, in which he shall give instruction in the subjects taught in the pubiic schools, in the principles and methods of teaching, and in the public school law of the State; (c) to make out and recom mend to the teachers of the district suit able courses of reading and professional study, and to stimulate the educational life of his district by making public ad dresses, and in every other way possible; (d) to inspect as many of the schools in bis district as practicable, and to perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Commissioners; (e) to make to the board of district commis sioners an annual report of his work, and of the conditidn of the schools of his district, with suggestions at, to the im provement of the same. Sec. 8. The Board of District Commis sioners shall be allowed no compensation for their services except actual necessary expenses incident to the meetings of the District Board; each county being re quired to pay out of its school fund the expenses of its own Commissioner or Commissioners. Section 9. The salary of the District Superintendent shall be 8 per cent (3 per cenf.) of the school f und.less the amount required to pay the expenses of the Dis trict Commissioners and the examination fees of the teachers in each county of his district. Section 10. The fees for examination shall be one dollar at the regular time and one dollar and a half at other times. Section 11. At least one institute a year of at least one week in length for each race shall be held in each county by the District Superintendent, and all of the public school teachers of the county shall be required to attend continuously the sessions of the institutes in their respect ive districts. The teachers failing to at tend said institutes or some other institute satisfactory to the District Superintend ent shall not receive a certificate to teach for one year from the date of the institute, unless the District Superintendent is sat isfied that some providential hindrance makes institute attendance impossible. Section 12. During the session of the institute the annual examination of teach ers shall take place. No other regular examination shall be given. Section 13.- The District Superintendent shall have no authority over city schools already employing a superintendent. Section 14. The State Board of Educa tion shall, as soon as practicable after the ratification of this act, divide the State into not less than twenty-four nor more than forty-eight districts, having regard to the convenience and expense of the District Superintendents so far as is con sistent with the public good, and endea voring to make no district so weak that three per cent, of the school fund and the examination fees of the district will not secure the services of a competent super intendent. - , ' ' . Section 15. The District Superintend ent shall devote his entire time to the work of his office, and shall receive no compensation, direct or indirect, for act ing as agent for any periodical, or other publication, or as agent for any other business. . Section 16. The Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of each district shall make an annual report, including the report of the District Superintendent, to the State Superintendent of Public In struction. : Section 17. In case the State Superin tendent shall have evidence at any time that any District Superintendent is not capable of discharging, or is not dis charging the duties of his office as re quired by this act, it shall be his duty to report the fact to the District Commis sioners. If the District Commissioners, after investigation, do not remove the said Superintendent in thirty days, then the State Board of Education shall have full power to act in the matter, and to remove the District Superintendent, if they deem the cause sufficient, and the vacancy shall be filled by the District Board of Commissioners. Section 18. Once each year the State Superintendent shall call 1 together the District Supeiintendents to consult in regard to the general Bchool interests of tne State, and to make to them such sug gestions as he. may desire. The actual expense of the District Superintendents in attending this meeting shall be paid by tbe State Treasurer upon presentation of proper, vouchers approved by the State Superintendent. ' Section 19. The office of County Ex aminer is hereby abolished, to go into effect June 1, 1897, and all laws' or parts of laws in conflict with this act are here by repealed. Section 20. This act shall be in force from and after its ratification. An Act to Establish a School for the Training of Colored Teachers. Introduced by Young, of Wake. Section 1. The General Assembly of North Carolina ao enact : That there shall be established an institution for the col ored race, under the corporate name of the " North Carolina Industrial and Train in 2 School .for Colored Teachers,' the board of directors of which, hereinafter provided for, shall be a body corporate and politic, with ail tne powers usuany conferred upon such bodies, enabling them to receive, protect and hold prop- ery, and do all - things necessary for the purpose for which the corporation is crea ted. Sec. 2. That the institution shall be lo cated by the board of directors, as elected by the General Assembly of North Caro lina, at some suitable place where the citizens thereof will furnish the necessary buildings or money sufficient to ereot them. Sec. 3. That the institution shall be managed by a board of directors and the first board shall be elncted by the General Assembly of North Carolina. Said board of directors shall consist of nine persons, cne from each Congressional district whose regular term of office shall be six years from the first day of March next after their election. - The State board of education shall divide the directors mto classes of three each; the term of office of the first class shall be two years from the first day of March next after their elec tion: of the Eecond. four years, of the third, six years. The General Assembly shall elect directors to till vacancies as they may occur by the expiration of tbe term of office. Vacancies that may occur by death, or resignation, or otherwise, shall be filled for the unexpired term by the Governor of the State. All directors shall take an oath, faithfully, to perform their duties, as required in this act, and shall hold office until their successors are elected and qualified. The State Super in tendent of Publio Instruction shall be an additional member of the board of direc tors, and shall be its president. Tbe board of directors shall report biennially, before the meeting of each Gtneral Assembly, to the Governor, the operations of the insti tutions. Sec. 4. That as soon as the institution Bhall have been located, and the directors elected, the president shall call a meeting of the directors, who shall make rules and regulations and provide for the open ing of the institution: Provided, that the board of directors shall make such regu lations about the admission of pupils as will not discriminate against any county as to the number of pupils allowed it, in case all applicants cannot be accommo dated: Provided further, thtt each conn ty shall have representation in proportion tj the colored school population, if it de sires it, and should any county, fail to avyil itself of its proportionate number, the board of directors may recognize ap plicants from 'counties which already have their proportionate representation. Sec. 5. The object of the institution shall be (1) to give colored men and women such education ad training as will fit them for their wotk as profes sional teachers, (2) to provide such indus trial and liberal education and advanced methods of instruction as will render more efficient and practical the colored schools of North Carolina. Tuition shall be free to those wbo signify their inten tion to teach in the State, upon such con ditions as may be prescribed by the board of directors. Sec. 6. Tbe institution shall be in reg ular session for at least thirty weeks' per annum, and the instructors, in addition to their duties at the institution, may assist in "Institute" work in various sec tions of the State, under such regulations as may be made by the board of directors and eounty boards of education. The directors and faculty of the institution, upon the completion of the prescribed course, sball grant certificates which shall entitle the holders to teach in any county of the State, without further examination, subject to the general school laws of the State as to character. Sec. 7. That as soon as the buildings shall have been erected or furnished, aa provided for in this act, the turn of five ($5,000) thousand dollars per annum from the general fund in the State treasury re appropriated for the purpose herein set forth. Money appropriated in this act; shall be drawn by a warrant of the board of directors, or by such person as they may designate as treasurer. Sec. 8. That for the purpose of this act the authorities of any incorporated town, or city may appropriate money from their funds for the building of this institution, or they may, from the provision of the general election law, and in accordance with- section thirty seven hundred and eighty -eight of the Code, order and hold an election and take the sense of the qualified voters upon "Subscription" or "No subscription" of a definite sum, to be paid in money or bonds. And if a majority of the voters shall vote for " Subscription" the authorities sball have full power to make good the subscription in money or bonds which they may issue, and for whose payment, principal and interest, they sball provide. Sec. 9. Tbat it shall be the duty of the faculty of the institution to extend its influence and usefulness as far as possible to persor s who are unable to avail them selves of its advantages, as resident stu dents, having respect to the claims of each county in the State; to this end they shall arrange a course of reading and study which may be pursued by others than these resident at the institution. Upon application of any colored teacher for examination upon this course, at the institution, an examination shall be held, and if such examination prove satisfac tory the regular certificate of the insti tution shall be granted. -'" Sec 10. That in selecting the location the directors shall have regard to health, accessibility and low rates of board in private families: Provided, that should it become necessary to establish a board ing hall in connection with the institu tion, the board Bhall be furnished at actual cost. In case it shall be impossi ble to secure the necessary funds by do nation for the immediate establishment cf the institution, as provided for in this act, such part as may be necessary of the first year's appropriation of five ($,5000) thousand dollars made ny this act may be used for that purpose: Provided fur ther, that said amount shall not exceed one half of the annual appropriation. Sec. 11. This act shall be in force from and after its ratification. Death of Mr. Isham Pair. After about six days illness, Mr. Isham Pair, the father of Rev. H. Pair, died of the la grippe Saturday morning, Jan uary 30. He was about 75 years of age. Mr. Pair was a consistent Christian, and a member and a deacon of the Good Hope Baptist Church, Shotwell, N. C. The community has lost a worthy coun sellor, the church a true member and deacon, the family a loving and. faithful father, and the wife a .loving husband. We have all reason to believe that our loss is Heaven's gain, for bis last words were, "Now, I go to my Father." He was buried Sunday, January 31. His funeral was preached at Good Hope Church. Revs. . A. Whitted and Joseph Perry officiated. "Mark the perfect man and behold the upright, for the end of that man is peace. J. D. P. The Pnblic School Question. Editor Gazette: The question of public schools in North Carolina is a serious one; and now that the law-makers of the State are in ses sion at Raleigh, it is to be hoped that they will give this matter earnest, if not prayerful consideration. Unfortunately for the children and the profession, the lists are crowded with I incompetent teachers, and every year finds the conditions growing more de plorable The?e people engraft them selves upon us in various ways; and the question now is, how best to get rid of them? Same of them have had little, if any, training for the serious work of teaching, and instead of branching out, finding their calling, they invariably " look for a school to teach." North Carolina has long been the pride of the South in the thoroughness of the scholarship of its teachers; and they have been in great demand, not only within the confines of the State, but in other communities as well.- Bat deplor able as it is, it is nevertheless true there are a great many school committeemen in the State who prefer to engage an in competent teacher at a reduced salary, than to employ a competent one at a living salary. Ia every case of this kind, the community in which the teacher works is the l isjr; and it is rank injus tice to the teacher wbo has gone to the trouble of preparing himself for the work, and follows it as a profession. It is to be hoped that some way will be found, which will have for its finality the weeding out of this big crop of fungi. ' The salary now paid to teachers is en tirely too small the smallest. I. believe, paid by any other State. Why not fix the salary by law, instead of leaving it to the several committees, as is now done? The school term is entirely too short, and the taking of tbe schools from under the supervision of the counties was a long step backwards. No district schools in the State are su perior to those of Edgecombe county. And it is the hoist of its people that no incompetent person of either race is al lowed to teach in one of its schools; and the results are shown in the thorough ness of the work done, the large attend ance and the interest taken in the work by those in authority. The county ex aminer U a teacher of forty years, and understands the work in all its bearings He has at heart both the interests of the school and the teachers. The committee men are selected with great care, and are always gentlemen of education and char acter. Unarlee M. Eppes, tuq., has made It a part of his life's work to assist in putting the public school system of that county in the condition it is in to-day. He has been, and is an uncompromising friend of schools and teichers, and his many kind deeds to teachers who have gone there, and to those of his own county, speak more eloquently for him than any thing I may say. With him it has been hard, persistent work. Longer terms, better salaries, compe tent teachers, and county supervision, are the things which are needed to make the schools better. W. F. Fonvielle. An Appeal to the Baptists of North Car olina. Dear Brethren : I took charge of Shiloh Biptist Church in Greensboro, N. C, in June, 1896. I found the church in very bad condition. No system of doing business, members bad (with little exception) stopped assisting and attend ing tbe church; no church book; no book to show any former transactions of the church; few members, if any, could recollect tbe last time that the sacrament had been ad ministered ; many debts were over the church, some of which the members thought had been settled. I have managed to get about two-thirds of those who were considered members of the church a year ago, to agree to link in and help us work for tbe Lord and church. We have paid several of the debts, but two important debts still hover over us now. We have no deed to -the ground upon which tbe church stands. Work done on the church is still unpaid for, and s-veral smaller debts, say eight or ten dollars, are now confronting the church. I think $200 will relieve us. We have the members , divided into seven different clubs. By this plan, we hope to raise $.100 as soon as we po sibly can. During last year the church helped our miseiouaries at various times to one, two, three tnd five dollars, respectively, try ing to encourage the co-operative move ment. Now, we appeal to the Baptists of North Carolina for aid. Brethren, you know we are surrounded here by various de nominations, and schools of other de nominations, with many attractions. Winter is here, and apparently our way out seems dark. But we shall trust the Lord, and do the best we can. There are many Baptist brethren in the State who can spare us from one to ten dol lars, and not hurt their arrangements. Please send us what you can spare, brethren. Any amount sent will be ac knowledged by receipt, and the same published in The Gazette and our city papers. By this appeal, we hope to raise one hundred dollars at an early date. Brethren, write to us if you cannot send anything. Yours in the work, S. S. Henderson, Pastor. Rocky Mount Grits. Mr. Joseph Staten has returned home after taking in several of the northern and southern States. Mr. Staten, while home, will give a superb entertainment, which it is hoped our people will patron ize frtely. The fallowing visitors were in town during 1 he Emancipation on Friday last: Mr. J. P. Murphy and sisters, of Nash ville; Mr. J. W. Watson, Whitakers; Prof. C. W. Bttlle, Battleboro; Miss El nora Mann, Mr. Robert Powell, and Mr. Arthur Whitaker and sisters, Gold Rock; Rev. Dears, of tbe A. M. E. Conference; Prof. M.C ill and several others whose nanus we fail to learn. Mr. Patrick Thomas, of Louieburg, was a welcome visitor to our town during the holidays. Cupid says it was Miss Ara. Ah tbere, Miss Ara, Seem quite shy since. We are sirry to note tbe severe illness of Oliver Htrns We sincerely wish for him a speedy recovery. Mrs. Lizzie Cheatham, of Oxford, is vifiting Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Alston. Miss Martha Russell, of Tarboro, has been the guest of Miss Ella Westry for the past wtek. The Emancipation was celebrated in a grand style en the first day of January. The parade was the grandest ever wit nessed in the history of our town. While the devil and his host did all in their power to obstruct, rule and ruin, the peo ple stood in one solid phalanx and car ried it to victory. It is a shameful sight among our race to see a set of men try to rule everything or run it, but tbe time has come in Rocky Mount when boss is err will be put down, and the people will have a voice in nil matters. As for our part we shall endeavor to teach the peo ple on this line until it is completed; and that is no far off date, from tbe fact the bosses were put on the do-nothing-stool for this ccca ion this time. The exercises might have been better but for the dis couragement that was thrown out dur ing our meetings. . Prof. S. H. Tick's oration was full of rich gems. It was the best we ever heard .on such an occasion. Mr. Vick is one of the foremost young men of our race in She country. He scorns treachery and political manipula tions, and offeis himself to the people at all times, and with them he acts. All honor to such young men. Honor Is due to Messrs. J. J. Cook, the President of the Association; J. W. Parker, Secretary; D. H. Jones, Financial Secretary; C. E. Bryan, Corresponding Secretary ; Prof. I. D. Hargett, Master of Ceremonies; Ste phen Bullock, Chief Man-hall, together with Mr. James Sesaoms, Jr., Lewis Tay lor, M. M. Hines. Wm. Walters, and the ladies who took an active part in pushing the celebration on to victory, uur peo ple were determined and they succeeded. Hurrah! About 50 tobacconists came from Dan ville, Va., here to work with J. O. W. Gravely and E. W.Smith's stemming fac tories. Rocky Mount is getting there. Unity Lodge. No. 64. A. F. and A. M., Rocky Mount. N. C. celebrated its fourth anniversary of St. John the Evangelist on the 4th Sunday in December last. Mr. M. M. Hines was master of ceremonies. Rev. J. E. C. Barnham, of Brinkley ville, preached two excellent sermons, evening and night. His subject in the evening was. "Ye are the light of the world; which was very logically handled. His subject at night was, "And there ap peared a great wonder in heaven: a wo man clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars." Tbe subject, within itself, was a sermon, and Kev. B i rah am expounded it so eloquent that his audience regreted its closing very much. The collection for charitable pur poses was $19.58. Mr. F. W. Davis, W. M., desires us to return thanks for cour tesies of tbe citizens during the occasion. Mr. Thomas F. Gee left for Raleigh last week, where he will work at the Park House. Some young lady is all alone. Don't Brieve, dear eirl. The Lagrippe has had the Grit man for several weeks, and 11 we say seven-eighth of the people of our town, we will hardrj err. Hon. Geo. IT. White and f&milv naased through en route to Tarboro, their future home last week. Mr. J. W. Watson, of Whitaker's, was in town during the week. We are glad to note that Mr. W. S. Armstrong, after a severe attack of grippe, is now better. Little Georgia, the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. James Sessoms, departed this life laet Wednesday. She was the bloom of life in the family, and her sudden death was a great shock to her loving pa rents. We extend to the bereaved pa rents our heartfelt sympathies. It is hoped that justice will prevail and that Hon. Jas. H. Young will retain his seat in the present Legislature, lie was justly elected by tbe people of his county We believe in fairness in every respect but we certainly think that some of tho populists, or rather the part that call them selves the majority, went to the extreme in the matter of Senator Pritchard's re election. They now claim tbat co-operation was agreed upon two years between the Populist and Republican parties. If this be true, why did they desert their agreement and try to elect another Ponu list Senator instead of a Republican as agreed upon. While we are friendly to every candi date tor Recorder of Deeds, we stil hope to Bee Hon. I. H. Smith appointed to the position. He is worthy, capable and his work demands that the appointment go to him. Mr. Smith, Recorder of Ueedp and Hon. Jas. H. Young, Postmaster at Raleigh, would be two worthy appoint ments. Mrs. S. P. Faison departed this life on Sunday, the 17ih inst. She was a devoted Christian lady and loved by all who knew her. She had been in failing health for quite awhile, but her loving husband stil hoped for her recovery. We can only say to the bereaved husband and eon that Mrs. Faison is no more upon earth with you, but has parsed to her Father to join the angelio host where sickness and aor row are unknown. No, you cannot see her, but she is beckoning you to come, oh, -come, but the loving husband can only eay, 1 shall know the loved ones who have gone before: And joyfully sweet will the me ting be, When over the river, tbe peaceful river, The angel of death shall carry me. We notice that tbe President has ap pointed Mr. ti. w. Wilcox, of this place and tbe Senate has confirmed to be Post master for the next four years at this place. The question now comes up, can Congressman White have htm removed. We think and hope that he can. Mr, Wilcox is an ardent free silver advocate and a strong democrat in principal, and another reason is that both white and colored desire him changed. It will be an easy matter to 'prove this. The Re publican administration should tolerate no advocate of Bryanism. These shrewd appointments being made to hold over should be niped in the bud at once. We very much regret to note the serf ous illness of Mrs. Jane Harvey. We wish for her a speedy recovery. Mr. Lawienoe Lindsey, we are glad to note, is improving very rapidly. Since beginning our notes, Mr. William Uuy, one of our leading colored mer chants, has died. It ts a sad shock to his wife and family. We extend our sym pa hy to the bereaved and loving ones, Mrs. D. A. Kelly arrived last week to ioin her husband, Rev. D. A. Kelly, in his pastoral work here. W. S. Armstronq. Rocky Point, N. C, Jan. 23. 1897. Last Friday brought to our school, Ex celsior, many of cur patrons who are in terested in the education of their children and the negro race. Rhetoricals were the feature of the evening. We have ninety-nine enrolled and all spoke. The principal and Mrs. A. V. Jones, assistant teacher, led in the exercise by way of example. The piece "To be True," rendered by one of the girls, was scholarly and grand. Rev. W, B. F. Kornegay had been in vited to address tbe students and parents and did so to the satisfaction and en pcouragement of all. Subject: "You must meet the world or it will meet you." Mr. A. J. Rogers, agent for the Ga zette, came to see us Thursday night, but having had an invitation to visit some of our friends, we were not at home. Our school will close in prox., and you are requested to make this your pass-by place, Mr. Rogers, make a talk for us. and we promise you a good time, and the luxuries of the season. Will card you later. W. J. Greenville Sound. Rev. E. S. Burney, pastor of the Zion church, is very highly esteemed by his members and congregation. He has only been here a little over one month. Miss Dennie P. Nixon will soon close her school here. ThiS is her first eossion at this place and it has been a successful one, giving general . satisfaction to. the parents. Miss Nixon is a young lady of high qualities. She is loved by all of her pupils. Mr. Thomas Franks nas purchased a very desirable tract of land with dwell ing house and barns thereon adjoining another tract tbat be owned, both tracts containing about thirty-six acres. This land is well adapted for trucking pur poses. We are glad to see colored men inveeting their money in rf al estate. It- shows progress among the race. Mr. Franks is one who patronizes and esteems all worthy enterprises of his own race. He has been a reader of the. Gazette about two years. It ia a welcome visitor In his family. Mr. Alexander Galloway, in renewing his subscription, said : " I thought once of discontinuing the papar for a while, but my family think so much of it and read it with ao much interest, you can let it continue to oome." Oar Trip to Henderson. We feel that we would be ungratefd the good people of Henderson were wA fail to mention the kindness shown us v. the good people of that place. during tt Christmas holidays. We must say thj we have never enjoyed a more pleasas s'ay in any town or city. Hon. M. ll and Li. A. taton spared no pains in ma ing our stay aesirahie. We spent wat night at Miss I J. Merrimon's watchii the incoming of the new year. We wd nigniv enienainea witn mus e rurnih 1 1 . . . uj 4M.woci iucilliuuu HUU lOUHg, VI, Jatter,. or Oxford, the guest of Mit Merrimon. Mr. T. C. Branch, of Nev York, who is taking a medical course at Shaw University, rendered vocal musitl for the occasion. At this time the old year had nearly passed out, and when th! new year made its appearance some of the young ladies wrote tbe names of som f or the young geotlemen as an indication! or their nrst work in a new year. W then parted for our home to await tin arrival of the Southern Railway train, which landed us safely at our home, Oxj ioru, 11. in 1 Messrs. H. A. Poole. Thomas LIttll jhn, Rv. C. U. Maye. T. C. Brand Mies U. X. Yc iss G. Y. Young and Hon. T. L. Tayld i and, were visitors to Henderson duricg thj holiday. 8. J. II. Maves. (In behalf of the whole). K0T1CE OF ADMINISTRATRIX. Having qualified as Administratrix o Anna P. Smith, deceased, I hereby give 1 notice to all pel Bona having claims against 1 said estate to present them on or before I December 26tb, 1897, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. AndJ all persons indebted to -aid estate ara also notified to pay what is due by them to me. Sarah Jane Pettiford, I Administratrix of Anna P. Smith, f Dec. 22. 1890. Rw. Do You Want to Make Money ! IN 1897? I If so, save all you can, stop this "on time" V business by paying cash for your ! groceries, and save 25' per cent, on the dollar. B. W. UPCHURCH'S, 15 E. IlargcU Sired, vv no aowns competition in prices, as you j will see in this price list: I Green Coffee, 12, 15 and 20 cts! per lb.) Arbuckle Roasted Coffee. 20 cts. Per lb. ' Cresent Roasted Coffee, 20 cents per lb. f Pure Hog Lard, 1 cents per lb. ( Cream Cheese, 12 cents per lb. B t Northern Butter, 20 cents per lb. " All Pork Sauaage, 10 cents per lb. Sour Krout, 4 cents per lb. JNavy lieans, 7 cents per quart. Gold Dust, large size, 20 cts. per package. Rice, 5 cents per lb. Vinegar, 80 cents per gallon. Star Lye, 8 boxes, 25 cents. Meal, 15 cents per peck; 95 cts. per sack. Diarcn, o cenis per id. i Good Syrup, 80 cents per gallon. Two Bars Soap, 5 cents. Can Peaches, 10 cents. Flour of Grades at lowest prices. Old Egerton Snuff and Tobacco always on hand. 1 Give me a trial. . B. W. UPCHURCII. LAND SALE. By virtue of power conferred on me . by a certain mortgage deed executed by I Robert A. Tucker, and duly recorded in I Rpgister of Wake County in Book No. 130, at page 477, 1 will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in the city of Raleigh on Mon day, February 8, 1897. at 12 o'clock M.. the land conveyed in said mortgnge andi described as follows, to-wit: Adjoining the lands of J. J. Overby, Becky John son and others, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stone on Cabarrus street extended just north of the center of tbe house standing on the lot, a part of which' is hereby conveyed; thence south through the center of the house to J. J. Overby's line; thence west with said line to the corner of the late Thomas Johnson's line; thence with his line north to Cabarrus street; thence east to the beginning. Said lot' beiDg the lot conveyed to the Raleigh Co-operative Building and Loan Association by Thomas Gnflis, and by said Association to Cj rus Tucker. B. F. Montague, Mortgagee. Jan. 7. 1897 tds. WILMINGTON AND WKI,IX)N RAIL KOAD AND BKANCHKM. AND FLORENCE RAILROAD. CONDENSED HCH EDULE. TRAINS UOINU HOUTIL DATED rfKgjK p? (Corned.) II g iiii A. M. P. M. A. M. r. M. Leav Weldon 11 60 44 ... Ar. Rocky Mount 12 W 10 8W .. Leave Tarboro., .7 12 ZHZ. Lv.Rocky M0001 1 00 10 ft 6 4i 12 4 Leave W1iaon.. 2 ft' 11 In 0 16 2 12 Lmv Hlm....... 1 o L. Ky-tLeville.. 4 IS 1 07 Arrlv Fioreooe.. & III f. M. A. M. Leave GoldHboro . 7 00 1 10 L7.?.Mauo,,a- - ) Ar. Wlliul QKton 9 80 64 I A. M. F. U. TRAlNa OOING NORTH. (Corrected.) gg Lv. Florence....... 8 4 8 . Lv. Fayettevllle. 12 10 &a Leave Blm 1 00 Arrive Wllun.. 1 42 12 Zl F M- P V A If ' Lv. Wilmington. 7 wi 9 ai Lv. Maitnolla 8 11 02 Lv. Oolc'tKro... 9 Hu 12 06 Leave Wiliwn 1 1 10 ij i Ar.Hocfcy Mouot Mj...... Xi ba 11 Oj I'M Leave Tarboro... 12 12 Lv Rock y Mount 2 R'i 12 6 Arrive Wellon. 8 nu 1 k P. M I ( 4. M P. M I dt Dally except Monday. J Dally except 8un- 'rain on the Rcotland Neck Branch Road leJ wldln at 4:10 p. m., Halifax 4:'8 p. m. ; arrive Bootlaod Neck at 6:00 p. in., Green vlile 8-.o7 p. m., Ktnston 7:65 p. m. Returning, leaves Klnnlon 7:20a. m Oreenvllle8:22a. m.; arriving Halifax at ll.-oo a. Weldon 11:24 a. m. daily except Hnnday. Trains on Washington Branch leave Wash ington 8:00a. in. and 2:00 p. m., arrive Farmele 8:60 a. m. and 8:40 p. m., teturnlog leave Far mele 9:60 a. m. and :W p. 111., arrive Wan Ington U:2j a. m. and 7:20 p. in., dally except Hnnday. Train leaves Tarboro. N. C., dally, 6.-30 p.mi; arrives Plymouth at 7:S6 p. m. Returning, leaves Plymouth 7:80 a. m arrives Tarboro vf a. m. Train on Midland, N. C, Branch leaves Goldnboro dally, except Hnnday, at 7.-00 a. m. t arriving Hmltbfleld at 8:.W a. m. Returning, lea ves ttml tb field at 9.-00 a. m. ; arrive at Gold boro at 10:26 a. m. Trains on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 4:JW p. rn.; arrives Nashville at 6:ii6 p. m.. Hprln Hope 6:.I0 p. m. Returning, leaves Hpring Hope at H:00 a. m. Nuhtuf. 8:35 a. m.; arrive at Rocky Mount al 9:06 a. in. dally, except Hunday. 1 Train on Clinton branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton dally, except Hunday, at 11:10 a. m and 8:45 p. in. Returning, leaves Clinton at' 7k a. m. and 8:00 p. m. Tmln No. 78 makes close connection at Wet. don for all points North dally, all rail via ' Richmond, also at Rocky Mount with Nor folk and Carolina ltll road for Norfolk, and! all points North via Noriol. J -KKNLY, Oen'lHjipt, ' General Manager. i T. M. KMKKHON, TrmWn M.narr. t' XL M. EMERSON, Genl rass. Agent, i I