Newspaper Page Text
Bf THE WORLD: FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 31, 1889. , Mm, . ' ' HKtz' i H FBIDArEVENlN0,MAY3l. Kfiv '' ' W& ItrrSCBIPTIOK TO TIESVIlTnKr EDITJftN BE? (IaeldtnPota), B& I'BR MONTH JOJ. K TEH YSAR. 4 JJ(J Rr VOL. '29 no. icirttf' kL A.TTTT-n-. MBr &4tUiroH-OactNwTkM MconAils) R mattar. n'0l K WBBAlfCHiJrtlCKB: jlilllL f" tmi31rfod39lrtt.,JlEWVoBK. ait ' f i lit 8K0KXYrT-3A0 'FDI.TOH iT. HARlKM-Hfwa ft ' Dmrtatal, 150 Kaat 125th it. i f, 6Vtt P1IILADEJ.WIPA.- H Lii)oa:BoOdln. llfSpoiBOr tJ4R1. &'' lMJTOK-010 lira art. i 4J mlK ffc tVOlfBON ornOB-33 Coaxsrca bt.Wtauub Haf i ii, in ' ' HL3?;, ' ' ur til Ju M I FACE MESSENGER ttjW.CE. K nrniT omos or the Mirrttt'tJ bibtkiot B&'t TZLEGtUPII COMPAKYIB-lAHTHOniZED Wjk U TO ACtTKPT tTTANTS" FOn W11M ffllBliP. R: try Vassal DMrlci Gin1ftJ.,,ran wdr Bfcf tktiivrroit end SO CHAMStvUl btmadt P FOX XESSEttGBt spffa. EP AiiMeMenser Bey 1"'P' H trtct Orapu are ProvIdM with ItATIS K CARBH and will lak WUt?' Advt. at Mr Bea Price, i i e i us K& LOCATION Of",,'! H HalMl Witrltt Htueage(:flo.'i Offlte. & 10 Wall 4., 4$Jlraly. fr? !., B 33Aura., fya llroadm, fit! ' i hi 1I.1NMIL, lM Hroadtrat, 1 (U ! (ton . Hniwipeachable Testimony 1 p' 7rii JVfajr, ic?S0. Hpt Attar a tfio-roufA examination o Bftf, tha circulation books, Prtsatnd Mull Bt Jtoom Reports, and aewda7TS! K const' 0 t20 TOW TORS' IfrOALD, Kb vbo tljp raoeiptad bills from the va- Ky. rlousptper companies which supply I K- TBI NEW YORK WORLD, aa waii 1 B' aa t4 indorsed ehackagivan in pay- I B ! jsaat tiareor, w are convinced, and I Hk certify, that there vrere PRINTED I BE JM ACTUALLY CIRCULATED I KT during the month ot March, 1880, a 1 Br- total Ot TEN 1OLLI0N SEVEN HVN- I H DRED AND NINE THOUSAND, FIVE & , SONDRED AND TWENTY 10,709.- H l -J50) COMPLETE COPDSS Or " TRE Rf waatu." li- W. A. CilAfP. EM Manager ot the New York Bf&y Clearive-Nouse. HE'. O.iJ. BAXJ3WIW, W , iro. or th AmaWcan loan Kf ancf Trust Cojupaar HE TH05. X,. JAMES, IMPf frei. o riie Lincoln W$M ' National Bank. Wj A tUMVLE l'llUULKM. UM TKe.avraoe No. of WORLH8 printed Wj' ' dally during ilf Month of March LqH HE ' isaa B 345,468. By, Artrage dally Circulation durlna f 350,526 Copies ! Wk mmm Ml' Wfe THE HIEEDOMOFJOOHBOIBHCIE. HEr 'While the OoTemment is puttinc forth HEf eCorti to ttamo out polycmy in Utah the K Mormon Elders are foraging About in foreign WM- lands for new conrerts totho faith, which, Hje when found, they brine over hero in droyea. Kp Only the other day over a hundred conTerts K? arrived at Osstle Osrden from Norway, and B immediately left for Utah. BSf At first thonsht it would seem very absurd HJ' to allow the landing of this cargo of fuel for Hjgii flame .which the Government is seeking to K extinguish, but it is in reality, under our Kpfe laws, impossible to inquire into the religious Bfc? beliefs of immigrants. Wmp. It is not what pernicious beliefs are in. Htff. dulged in, but what overt acts of lawlesnness KV; they commit which brings people within the BraJ clutches of the law. These Mormons may H& enjoy to the fullest extent the belief that they REt are entitled to have dozens of wivea, but bo BSj'- long as they content themselves with one BSr they are all right that is, sate. K SOX TEX OUT OF DABQfiH. The doctors who held the Brsuor autopsy Kjtf ue not yet entirely out of dancer, notwith. HKs itandlngtho handsome treatment accorded V& them by the Coroner's jury. They are yet Si liable to be brought to book by the Grand H Jury for their infraction of the statute pre- K scribing tbe limitations under which nutop- HK ties shall be held. BK' The Distriot-Attorney says ttiat they are BB lkble to indictment if the autopsy was held BB' without permission of the relatives or C'oro. BB& utt or within the time specified by statute BHk twelve hours after death. This coat seems to BBp At the dootors very closely, in fact, "just BT like the paper on the wall." Bc7 Those- who dissect in haste repent at BB leisure. Br? the botfebeks by crime. Cj, The eaicide of Mrs. Hemby Ontnv, of BlK' Brooklyn, because of the arrest of her bus. BKu' bead for stealing, is a reminder of the fact BjKp, that the worst sufferers by crime are not tbo Wilt, perpetrators thereof, but generally their faui. HKk lies. If the consequences of wrong-doing BL could fall with foil force upon the guilty oue K alone, the administration of the criminal law BEv' would be much more satisfactory in its re. K Mltithaeltii. WB& The law-breaker finds a refuge from tho HHjt scoffs asd jeers of the publio behind prison H bars, sad ho at leant is freed from the strug. BJB'. e! for maintenance. Not so with his wife, Hwpblldrea and parent. They are left to (ace Ha' the freezing blast of pnblio scorn and ucr. Bjf Jetl From the taint of being a convict's Bj? family tley cannot escape. .Crushing sor. HBf i toyr. deepir w penury Is their lot. B ,'Wheaiaa,wHh a tovlng, trusting wife and innooent children, commits a crime which must not only destroy blm but those whom he-has sworn to cherish and defend his crime u doubly atrocious. 'Would tbst ftere was somo way to shield tho innocent victim;! and heap punishment upon the guilty, ,$ut it cannot be. Jl ip. A WIBB OOHOhUBIOH. The 'United States Illumlnatrog Company, whjah' so boldly brought snlt for 25O,O0O MHbagcB against tho Hoard of Kloctrlcal Con. trol 'for cutting down their wires, has con. eluded to back down and suo rather for 'peace. This is indeod a wise conclusion. In the vernacular of the rustio ' ' thoy had bit off lnere than they could chew. " The fact is, those electric companies had outraged the goodnature of a forbearing public and defiantly resisted (the orders of tho officials to oboy the law. Finally for bearance cessed to bo a virtue, and down camo thoir poles. They squealed lustily, but without avail, and now they come around with wry faces and want to wipo out the ugly past. Under the circumstance we presume that the Board of Control will not insist upon being sued. Nellie Ely Visits the Famous Oneida Community-See the SUNDAY WORLD. BBAWLIBO IN A OEAVETABD. The unseemly wrangle of rival factions among war veterans at Oakwood Cemotery in Chicago yesterday wsh disgraceful iu tho ex. tromo. Mo words of reprobation are suffl. ciently strong with which to characterize tho conduct of the brawling mon who dishonored the gTavos of their fallen comrades. On a day when the hearts of the people are mellowed by the memory of the herolo deeds of the Nation's defenders, and vie with each other in showing reverence for tho patriot dead, what could bo more shocking than n show of Angry resentment and petty feuds among those whose graves, all too soon, will call for tho garlands of Hpringtimo, as they Bhall sleep beside thoao who stood shoulder to shoulder with them in the fire.fringed front of battle. It is to be hoped that thero will never again occur such an unpleasant episode. Mme. Carnofa Delightful Regime at the Palace Elysee-SUNDAYS WORLD, WONG CHIN FOO HITS BACK. HE ASSAILS CiimV.'AND DEFENDS 1118 OWN AND HIS FATHER'S NAME. In regard to Wonir Chin Foo, I dothe to in form the American public that lie in tliu aou of aUhinoBo pluto wlioiin head an cut off at loo Cliow liy order of the Imperial Court of Ulnna, lie bavinif been caught while engaged in hln piratical excumlotia. Woiitt Cliln Fno hat a war rant liaiiifinu over hi head at tho prcucnt time Untied by tli) Olilliete Ooiut, ami ahould ho uu to China his head would be cut on. , Tho aliovo Is taken fioin an artlclo iu the "Philadelphia rin. by H. i:. Chew. Iu alottcr to The World Wong aay hU amlilant la a "notorious Chinese crack liar "and that 8. E. Chew Is not hla roal uanio at all. Chew's true name, huallegea, laJuHhl Jung, and when ho II rit came to Now York ho called hlmelf How Mun Jop. under which nanio he naa arroitcd for blackmailing Mott atteet aaniblcra. Having thin diiponeil of hU alleged traducer, "Woiir goert on to nay that hla father wi not a pirate, but a (!hritiau, and waa not lieheailoil. hut died of old ago at ninety-Bin. Thia happrnoil at Ting Chow, it: the pinviiire of Han 'lung, 2,400 mllea from where Chew aaya he wa be headed. For tho rest Wong Chin Foo eaya he left Columbia College In IRtlU at the age of aixteeu and returned to China, where, until 1H7II. lie wai lingulit in the Imperial Ciintom-llouio at Hhanghat and Hhun King. In 1N74 ho was dia covered in a pint to overthrow tho preiteut Tar tar dynasty and came back to Mow York. Men Whom You Can Hire to Murder Read the SUNDAY WORLD. mm THE WHITE HOUSE DABIES. ('real Times In the Nurnety When Hraudpa Cornea In for n Itomp. irhlladilpMa Time., WmiMnftou Litl,r, Tho strongest, sternest men frequently love babies. President lUrrisou, who is nothing if not stern and determined, Ih very fond of his grandchildren. There's Benjamin Har rison McKca, full of romp. When tho Presi dent gets tired of the ofilce-seekers no often slips out of his office, puts on bin drcsiing pown and slippers and bteals off to tho nur sery, where Benjamin Harrison MoKce im. mediately sets up a shcut of delicht. While Mary Dodge McKeo is only nine months 61 d she has seen a cood deal of life, and she seems to know her crauilfather. Marthena Harrison is fifteen niouthtt old. Her mother is Mm. Itutsell Harriaon. Marthena's crand motbor, after whom she is named, is as foud of her as tho Frcsident in of Benjamin Harri son McKce. Thero aro great times iu tho nursery vi hen Grnndpapa Hnrriaou breaks in. Cries aro stifled and turned to laughter, and with Ben jamin Harrison McKee crawl I nc up his back and Mury Dodge McKeo on one kuee and Martbeua Harrison ou the other, the Preal dent has his hands full. He sines, dances tho babies and yells at youug Benjamin when he (Hills his grandpapa's whiskers. It's a great transformation to bee the Presi dent at 1 o'clock, shaking bauds with a crowd of strange people-, nnd then to see him two hours later, in drebHing-gowu nud slippers, with the babies pulling his whiskers and crawling between his leus, while youug Den- iaiuiu wan making IiIh grandfather shake muds. The little man who has been so hard to fathom and whom nobody is able to haudlo is a slae to tho babies. Ho docs whatever they want blm to do. Lout Bum mcr, when tho President was receivng dele, gates and others at hlx Indianapolis home, if ho did not begin to shako bauds at once, lit' tie Benjamin Harrison McKee would aolzo his criiud papa's hand and motion for him to go through that ceremony with his visitors Graudpapii Harrison always takes Benja min's part aud helps him tight his battles. Little Benjamin is indulged by his grand father iu everv way, while (irandmainuia Harrison la ery iiHlulcent with little Mary Dodge McKeo aud Martliona Harrison. Mme. Carnot's Delightful Regimo at the Palace Elyseo-SUNDAY-S WORLD. All Tired Out from the rftpraxlnc effect of th chaniini mion, or br bird work and worry jou need tbo tonlnf, butlding-up, nene-trfntlicnlnc ffct o( llood'a BtrMparllU to fit you (wllnt ol hullbaad trtoftb toln. Utiaratoitt llool't. A GROWING FUND. Mites Coming in to Provide that Corps of Preo PhyBloianB. Hearts Touched by tho Needs of the Suf fering Babes of tbe Poor. 3Iany More Idttle Uvea Slay Be Saved If You Will Help. Even the Mott Modest Subscriptions Will Swell the Popular Total. THE SUBSCRIPTIONS. TntKvxMXO Woiild A $100.00 HrillBroa., J.on Morris Helm f.00 (leorgoMcI)ermntt 1.00 Mra.T. A. Itogers 1.00 T. It........... 1.00 Jamea M. Kelly 1.00 George V 1.00 A Mother l.oo CarrieB f0 H. A W no Mra.8 00 Katie and Mamie M no F. A. W no Charlie Kent 10 D. Well A Co 10.00 J. Itovtnberg 1.00 It. H. V 1.00 O. A. F... .r0 Frank and George D so Three Hlsteri :0 Willie......... 1 ToorKaatsider''. 10 W. P. D 2.00 J. Austin Bhaw r..00 iames Edaon Jonas X. 1.00 ,ou U Bpitr no Anonymoui 1.00 K. C. Heneken. 1.00 " In I.ovo". fi.00 0 an Lee. 1.00 H. Z 5.00 Hvmnntlir R.00 wiTe";v:;;;;:;;;;;:.;;;;;:;:;;;.:;;:: 20 Frankle 1.00 Liliio Mason 10 Grace Williams. 1.00 O, I). II 1.00 W. E. E no Donnghuo no Customers of Hrlllllros no Fanny N Ml Workman , 2" Three Hchoogirla Ml Employees of I.. Herahfield 2. 75 Left at Cashier's office no G. P.. Trenton l.oo Able and Elvie Doremus 20 M. M 2.00 Annie D 3H N. andU 2.00 rtriult or Fanny (.'ontrlbnllana. To IS. E4UrtfTh firming World: Inclosed find 60 cents, being the result of penny contributions dropped in boxea by our customers, to help the siok baby fund. BbilTj Bros., 45 Cortlaudt street, May 30. Mite from a Mavlnaa Hauk. Tit (A. rdltororiktEltnima World t I think every one should want to help the sick little babies and if I was grown up I would givo a lot of money to The Evenino Womld's fund. I am ton years old and go to school. This afternoon 1 opened my savings bank aud took out this 10 cents. Mamma said I could send it. Fanny N. May 30. Prom a WorUluauian. Tb ! r.dllor of lit KrmlKf World: Hero is 25 cents for your fund for the sick babies. It is all I can afford just now. Ibavo not had very good times this Bummer, but wish I had more, an I know Tue Eyemno Wobld's cause is a good one. Workman. Children's Heart Touched. To l rdilor of r. Kftitaf World: ' We go to the same school and have nil heard of The Evening World's kindness in think ing of tho little ones who are sick and whoso mothers cannot afford to pay a doctor. Wo want you to put our 13 conts with the rest. Three Scuooloikls. From fieven In One Store. Jo Ht Editor ofTht r(n HrMl Inclosed pleaso find $2.75 from the em. ployees of L. Herafield &, Brother for the bonofit of the Children's Free Doctor Fund. It is from tbo following : It. N. Hemhnold. tl.OOIB. Friedman .... I,. Hemncld no J. rlamnelson 2& II. Heegnll 2A A. llershneld 25 J. Coheti an1 Yours truly, B, Seeouil. 532 Broadway, May 80. Poor, but Tender Hearted. Toil Idltorot 7. Evtntnq World' Although I am a poor man, you will find inoloied i1 for tbe Free Doctors' Fund. God bless Tun Evenino World for tho Interest it takes iu relieving the sick children of New York City. G. P. Trenton, N. J., May 30. ftlven by a Newsboy and III Hlaler. Ttfls. Editor ttih rm9 World: Please find inclosed 10 cents for tho Free Babies' Fund. I am a newsboy and am soil ing Tiie Would, and find it soils better than any other paper. My little sister Elvio, who isoulvsix vesrs old,' says ahe wants to scud somo money nlso, as she says sho warns to help tho sick babies in New York. From yours respectfully, Abie and Elvie Doremus. One Dollar Haifa. To th. rdltorof Th rniif M'orM. Inclosed find $2, which please add to the Freo Doctors' Fund. N. and C. Thin In a Woman' Hand. To th r.dllor of Th Armfef HVWtl ; Inclosed find 2 for tho Sick Children's Fund. Hoping you have success, ltespect fullv. M. M, Prom n Yonnar t.lrl. Jl th rdllor ( A A'rrf? Wotld : 1 am a young girl, but when I can seo tbst a thing Is right I will help to make it look more so. I can give you only 25 cents, with my best wishes of success. Annie D, Wnuld Nat Leave HI Name. A gentleman walked hastily to the cashier's window of The World offico to-day and hnnded In 50 cents for Tiie Evenino World Sick Babies' Fund. Ho would not leave his name. Strange Religious Worship in the Ganges River-See the SUNDAY WORLD. Tbe Hlcard roat Cane. The George RIcard Post. No. 382, O. A. It, of Brooklyn, numbering about eighty members, made a line Minviini; In the parade yesterday, bach uiemliei carried a silver-mounted rosewood cane, ou the band of which is in.cilbcd tiie let term. A. II. AlMvtntha band is a aldcldsui. mounted bv an American eagle with his wines M'lcfid. The " fatlanked on each aide with an American flair, and the horizontal pai t of tho handle has a pair of cannon crossed on one aide and a pair of hw nuts on the oilier, surmounted by the regulation it. A. li. button. Hox ill's TllTHlXrt ConnuL at 25 cnts bolt! will ilr itllct tu inl.Qt. tf IbUf. Try It, V 1 STMWBERRIES IN PLENTY. OVER A MILLION QUART8 ON THEIR WAI HERE FROM TUE BOUTil. The Jrraey and New York Crop Alo Arrlv Ina- and tha. Price Will' He'eo'mn Very Cheap-ltaspberrle. TooJ Wtllon Ho In Abundance The Cherry Crop Hnld t He Almost a Total Failure. Let every boardor rejoice. Iot him sing (uransofjoyl Hound the loud timbrel, toot tho horn, twang tho harp of rejoicing, for the hour of his disooutcnt is passing, passing. Thero will bo more strawberries under tho sugar island in his sea of cream at to-morrow's ovcntldo meal, nnd tho shortcake will blush at its own honesty, Strawberries? More than a million quarts of the luscious fruit will bo put where they will do tbe most good in this town during the uoxt twenty lour hours. And they will be cheap enough for almost anybody, for the receipt from tho strawberry country will be more than twice as much to morrow morning as they hao been any other day this season. A steamship is now on its way from Norfolk, and all Virginia, Maryland, Dolawaio and the Carolluasaie doing their beBt to satisfy tbo appetito ot this city for shortcake, strawberry Iiuddings, ico-crcams and other concoctions laving the juicy rod berry for their basio in gredient. And. for n couple of weeks at least, thero ought to be a plenty of tbo fruit at reasona ble prices and reasonable basketB reasonably well filled, for the Now Jersev crop is In pood reuort from Monmouth. Middlesex and other , counties, nnd they will join with the Hudson Hirer counties of this Bute in feeding New York with strawberries and hooping her full for a fortnight. The marketmrn say that thero will be 10 cent berries to-morrow, and they will be loss than that afterwards for n few days, always excepting the fino, arlstocratio strawberries blessed with a new namo nnd good adver tising. Following close upon tho strawberries will come one of tho most plentiful raspberry sessons for monv vears. 1 tie liramiywines and tho Cuthberts have douo flnoly In New Jersey this season, and the yield will be pro lific; while tho blackberry Hcationx nrcsaid to bo in prospect uf an uuusimlly large crop. But cherries, thoso lusty twisters of the youthful stomach, are not iu excellent fighting condition. In many parts of this State thero will bo literally no cherries, save of tho commoner arieticM. There was u wealth of blossoms nt the opening period, bnt tho oold rains which havo fallen throughout the State at intervals during tbo Spring aud tho slight touches of frost dampened ind chilled the energies of the trees, nnd the incipient cherries have fallen in showers. Icnvino-onlv a few bardv brothers to ripen on the trees. In Westchester County nud a'ong tho valley of the Hudson tho tornado of two weeks ago stripped many treox, hut in Now Jorsev the crop will bo a good ono. Those who " keep oases " on tho cherry crop say that there will bo a two.thlrds crop in the sections supplying this market, .which will bo hotter than last year's supply, cud tho growers will bunch their hits. The Virginia, Delaware and Maryland fniit begun to arrivo yesterday, and tbe JorRey oberrlesaro ripening fully ten days earlier than usual, so that Jersey nnd Pennsylvania will compete with thoir Southern sisters for a week or ton days, nnd New York will look on judicially aud eat tbo oyster, while the contestants get the shells; for though compe tition is tbo lifo of trade, it is death to high prices, and cherries will bo cheap for n brief season aud then from about Juue 20 thore will be no cherries at all. All that is needed to bring about this slate of plenty is n few warm, sunny days, and no more, cold raiiiB aud chilly nights. A Perullar Divorce. iiYom th Holtoii Journal. Tbo lawyer was bitting at his desk nbsorbed n tbo preparation of a brief. So bentwas he on his work that he did not hear the door as it was pushed gontly open nor seo the curly head that was thrust into his office. A little sob attracted bis notice, and turning ho saw a face that was streaked with recent tears, and told plainly that the littlo one's feelings had been hurt. ' ' Well, my little ono, did you want to see me?" ' ' Aro you a lawyer ?" "Yes. What do yon want ?" " I want, "and there was a resolute ring in her voice, ' ' I want a divorce from my papa and mamma." Nellie Bly in the Oneida Community See SUNDAYS WORLD. Phil ntierldnn'n Monument. (Voin Ih Cinfitlnoti Eofttirtr.X The foundation for n monument over tho gravo of Gen. Slieridau in Arlington Ceme tery Ik completed. The monument, which will bo a simple monolith of grauito 13 feet high, will probably bo iu plnco before Deco lation Day. It will havo ou it tho word "Sheriduu" iu raised lettors aud u bronze medallion bust of the Grueral In baa relief resting on tbe headquarters flag. Mrs. Sheri dan pays all the cost of tho monument aud its erection aud has dccliucd assibtance. The family and friends of tho lato General havo exhibited good euse cud good taste in con nection with tho place of his burial, his funeml nnd bis monument. A Windfall tor Veterans Who Fought on the Ounboat Undlne-SUNDAYS WORLD. The HlfTerencr. Froui Mm.. Gentleman And what ore you iu for, my good mau V Convict I1II Fer takin' pictures, sir. "Mercy, I didn't know that photography was a crime." " 11 isn't sir; but tnltin' ilo pictures is." iw il A Specimen New ork Thug See the SUNDAY WORLD. -m "I.oc .tie, I.oic My Dog." IFrnut Trial b(li.v. Ho -Why, Mins Jones, do you refute to marry mo t Miss Jones Because Fido doosu't seem to like you, if you must know. fc EURE nsPRICE's CKEAM Baking i.iiprtor osetUtiac prolan in mlltluni ofhoni. fnr rrorvthan a qutrtor of a osntury, Jt u uMd br th Jnilfa (Mill, (ioTerntnsnt. Inrturwd Inr lite hW l if' V'.st Unlferiltlo. si th. FltoniMt, ParMt and toMt llultnful. ir, rrieo'a Cream Uskmi lowdr do uo( contain Ammonia. Lima, or Alum, bold only InCana, IUI,. UAK1NU l-OWDKU CO. IW tWMS. IkiVAUU. 1, UlUla. GOOD GRAY POET. Walt Whitman's Seventieth Birth day Is Celebrated To-Day. Delegations of His Admirers at Camden to Do Mm Honor. They Will Dine and Toast Htm While He Jjles Stricken In Ills Ilmnblo Home. trrrciAL to mr kvemho wotn.l Camden, N. J May 31. This is Walt Whitman's seventieth birthday and the good people of Camdou havo prepared to do honor to tbo occasion in a befitting manner. It is to be celebrated by a dinner in Mor- WALT WHITMAN. gen's Hall, at which more than two hundred porsous aro exacted to be present, and dele gations of tho poet's friends and admirers aro arriving from all parts of tbo country. Tho ' ' good gray " poet Ir now n vencrnble personage, nud his growing feebleness in coiibeiiuenco of his last illness will not per mit him to tsko nn activo part in tho fes tivities. For months past ho has bcon confined to his room in tho modest littlo cottago which bo occupies in ono of the by-strects of the town, nnd in tbeso dingy ono might almost say squalid quarters be has been waiting patiently for tho end, for he novcr expects again to recover his physical powers. The little parlor which he occupies is fur nished in the plainest style. Tho table and floor, which was nuco littered with his books and papers when ho was still able to move aronud nnd dovoto himself to his literary woik, aro now kopt spruce nnd tidy, and tho few tiooks which ho can now read, although they aro handy to his chair, nro kept in good order by his housekeeper. Ho is accustomed to sit in his chair, wrapned in blankets, although on tho mild Spring days he throws the covering from his shoulders. Then the wide open shirt-collar which is so familiar to all those who know him falls aside and lays bare tho brown, hairy throat and upper chest. But It is tho noble bead, so massive and full. proportioned, with its halo of silvery, silken hair falling in long.soft locks from tho high, rounded coronal, instlct with life and thought, that most impresses tbe visitor, Tho wblto beard so singularly clear, and pure and silken in aspect nnd texture makes nobly venerable the strongly masculine moulded features. Tho arched oye-brows are also white liko bows of driven snow, and beneath them smoulder tho wondrous gray eyes. Although in bis present enfeebled and crippled condition ho can do but littlo work, ho ennnot completely abandon bis habits of Industry, and when ho is feeling brighter than usual be will somotimos take up tho old tiBks. Ho feels, however that his working days nro over, and as ho himself pathotically says; "' I just sit hero and wait. What else can I do?" Walt Whitman was born at West Bills, Suf. folk County. L. I., May 31. 1810. During his boyhood ho attended tho publio schools in Brooklyn and New York, and thero ob tained bis education. At nn early ago ho learned the printers' trnde aud worked nt thiBdurins the Suuimor, whilo ho taught school every Winter. In the years of 1847 snd 1818 he made a very exten. sivo tour through tho United States and Can ada, roughing it everywhere, aud in this way acquired a vast amount of information and uxporience, which he afterwards utilized in editing newspapers in Now Orleans and Huntiugton, L. I. Ho tired of this, however, although ho was always writing, and devoted himself to tbo carpenter's trado in Brooklyn. Iu 18.55 he published the first edition of "Leaves of Grass," which created such a sensation in literary circles. Fivo editions of this work havo been pub lished, to each of which numerous additions wro mado by the poet. IUb "barbaric yawp," as it was called at first, excited only ridicule, but ho afterwards found a host of friends and admirers among tho shining lights of the lilorarv world. Ho claimed to inaugurate " an original modern style," aud nnnouueed himself as the poet of tho Democracy. Ho says: "Wo must fouud our own imaginative literature nnd poetry, and nothing merely copied from and followintfthe feudal world will do. I dis miss without ceremony all tbe orthodox accou tiemeuts, tropes, iaberdnhery ot words, feet measures that lorm the entire to;k in trade of the rhyme talking heroos ami heroines. My metro Is loose and free, the lines aro of in oc ular length, apparently Ian less nt first iicrnsal. but on closer aoqualntcnce you will lud that there is regularity, like the occur, anco, for example, of tbe leaser and larger waves on tbe seashore, rolling in without intermission,; nnd fitfully raising and fall ing " From 18C2 to 1B65 Walt Whitmon was a voluntee nurso iu tbe military camps of Washington nnd Virginia. Ho filled a govern ment clerluhlp in Washington from 1865 to 1874, nud while ho was a Dennrtmout olerk he lived lu the nttla chamber of an old-fashioned houto opposite tho Treasury, where tbe Corcoran Art Guliory now Mauds.- Ho was taken there when am stricken with paralysis Iul873. Siuce 1871 he has lived bore In tbe plain littlo frame oottnge ou Mlcklo street, and for year tbe children have been familiar with tho big armchair ot the poet and his plo. turesque, kindly face in its framework of flowing white balr at the front window. During the last year bis absences have been numerous, illness confining him to his bed for loug intervals) but now during the warm days of the approaching Summer he is seen more regularly at his familiar post. War Vetorans, Road the SUNDAY WORLD'S Story of Unclaimed Money for You. " Hi Where Ther tie. troH (. Tho Rev. Dr. Hlghchurch James, do you know where good little boys go when they grow up? Small Jamos Brownstone Yes, sir. They got iu tho Four Hundred. - . it No Cause for Worrlment. ;o Jodn) He I wouder whether old Fitkins will be thoro this nvenlpg. She You needn't take any notice of him if he Is, dear. We don't owo him anything tow, do we? LIKE A DESERTED VILLAGE. THE rOLO GROUNDS IN THEIR STATE OF RUIN AND DESOLATION. Trnmpa Adorn the tirnnd Mnmt and Itleneh Ina Hoard muA Mnal Orrnpy the llasei Mtorrkrrpor Talk of Closing Their Hlinpa from Lack: of Trade-Ultle Won der thai Harlem tomplnlncd. Tho baudsomo llnrlein turn.outs which used to stand at the Ono Hundred and Sixth street station of the Third Avonuo FJovatod Hallway, aud convey tho luxurious admirer of baHolmll to the Polo Grounds for 10 cents, have been out of a job thus far this season. As an Evenino World reporter wandered that way on a recent afternoon, a venerable white horse, which had once exercised daily botwoon tho station nnd the Polo Grounds, supported by tho shafts of tho hack, stood hitched to an ash-enrt, without oven the passing compliment of a red-hairod girl. He was a faded rello of the hack line. No nierr.v jingling of glasses came from tho saloon which used to do business on tho corner. 'Iho only people in Ono Hundred and Sixth street which was n great thoroughfare when nil roads led to the Polo Grounds were n paralytic who was out for an afternoon stroll in un armchair on wheela, and a blind man who was being piloted by a whimsical and occeutrio dog. The reporter walked through tho once busy street, romewbat awed bv itB loneliness. Tho grass was springing up through tho cracks in the pavement. Except for tbe somowtmt stony chnracter of tho cobblestone pavement, the stroot itself might bo u.clully put to raising buckwheat. Travel has little lurther use for it, A genial raloon-keeper sat asleep in front of a beer saloon on Fifth avenue, within a stone's throw of tho Polo Grounds. The spiders were weaving n web over his bottles. The ants were p'aying baseball on the card table t with crumbs of pnmperniokel. Ihe slate over the counter looked like a faded arar card. There wero no ticket speculators in front of tho Polo Grounds. No clutters of specta tors bung breathlessly to tbe telegraph poles, tntorest in tho game had spurred no one to ascend where he might take the score, as it were, from tho wires. No keen-eyed urchin was trying to look through the double-board fence. A basobail enthusiast, standing where the thoroughfare out its way through tbe grounds Irora east to wost, said : ' Soe what a rent tho envious Street Com misioner inadn." Tbe fence had been torn down on the east and went sides of tho grounds. The rest of the fnuco.the bleaching-boards and tbo grand stand were left stauding. Tramps were quietly asleep on the bleach-ine-boards and Harlem goats were gambol ling about tbo ball grounds. There was n tin can on second base, and n goat stolo tho base. A goat was smiling in the box where smiling Mickey Weloh used to send the ball curving nud hissing over the homo plate. Two or three coats wero mean derma about the field, and one of them was fielding n trump in far left field. Three tramps were "working tho growler" in the praud stand. A tramp was sitting in Gov. Hill's box. A score of urchins were playing ball and holding a congress of profanity in one part of the grounds. About fifty tramps sleep in the grand stand every night. A resident of the neighborhood said to the reporter i " When the New York Club played on the ground it was a scene of healthful sport and popular enthusiasm for two or three hours a day. Now it is a place of quarrelling, profauity and vagabondage from morning till night. Homo people are afraid to go into tbe grounds after dark. Tho place has become a nublio nuisance." Where tbe ragged urchins were playing ball once played tho great Ewing, the incompara ble Boger Connor, the subtle Keefe, the learned Judge Ward, the astute Counsellor O'Rourko, the great masters of baseball. Where tbe tramps were snoring ou the bleaching-boards thousands of voices usod to cheer a throo-baso hit or welcome at home run. Where all was comparative eilenco and des olation ten thousand willing hands used to bo ready to mob tho umpire or do-anything that was oheorful and useful. Where 10,000 New Yorkers used to sit. hot and happy, on the bleaching boards and en joy lifo watching tho New Yorks win, were then to be seen only the empty boards, sprinkled here and thore with a tomato can and a tramp. Tho abandonment of the Polo Grounds had almost destroyed bus'ness from One Hun dred and Sixth to Ono Hundred and Six teentb street and from Third to Eighth ave nue. Saloon-keepers nnd shopkeepers, paying high routs under leases made when baseball was Tplayed in Harlem, found their business almost destroyed. Some would soon go out of business aud there would bo empty stores and falling rents in Harlem. Tho abandonment of the Polo Grounds injured more real-estate owners than it helped and it greatly injured hundreds of business men. It established n congress of tramps in the very neighborhood that it was expected to benefit. It was nn incalculable injury to basetall and to the popular enthusiasm for athletic outdoor sports. In short, it was n most mistaken act, di rectly opposed to publio interest, aud the immediate prospect that the grounds will soon be booming again should bo sufficient to fill every Harlem heart with joy. THE COMING NINE-DAY RACE. Uuerrero May He Will Have a Hard Fiabl, but Expect to Win. Gus Gucncro and his trainer, "Happy" Jack Smith, aio homo from San Francisco. The " UrcaHer " got tl.501 as hla share of the sate receipts iu the Pacific coast go-aa-you-pleaie of two weeks ago, won by Jimmy Albert. "Tho next thing on my programme is tho Conoy Island nine-day race," said Guerrero. " That's a now btylo of race, but I think I can win it. though George Cartwrigbt is entered for it. and you know his atrons point ia as a speed runner. He holds nearly all tha English cham pionships for day races, aud has a nerve aud Iattlng power to go with his speed. "Then George Connor ia a good twelve-hour-a-day man. aud l'ete Hegelman is ono of the best splint ninncm in thia 00111110'. These three will mako mo run to win, but I think 1 can do it. 1 am putty well trained now and that will help fit 1110 for the international champtoiia go-as-you-pleaso next Fall. Anv way, I'm going to try and win first money and the 1 OH-honr championship, you bet," Frank M. Blovlp. who will manago tho nine, day raco at tho Hca Beach Palace, Coney Island, is busy replying to applications for entrance He has a desk at, tho Police Uaxrtte office and has already received the 25 entiance feo from a. score of fleet-footed men of America and Europe. 1 A Fortune In a Penlber lied. Vnwl. Balllnor Amtriratt, Every housekeepor knows what it is tohnve tho feather renovator come around to get the feather beds and pillows, put them through the steaming process and roturn them in pew tioklng, clean and good as new. There is an old colored mau lu Annapolis who concluded to have his bed renovated, but having heard that renovators were not honest, he con. eluded to weigh his bed before turning it over. On its return he weighed it, aud found it several pounds short, and raid to the man, r,Jjook ycro, boss, dls yere ain't my bed. dese alu't inv fodder." Tbo man said 1 "Ain't, eh r All right, but is this yours;" nnd he pulled from his pocket a roll of greenbacks contain. ug $1,000. which ho hsif fouud In the bed. The sight paralyzed the old colored man. and bo was theu willing to udmit the owner ship of the renovated bed. Tho man who cleaned it and found the 94,000 is hesitating now whether he will give up the money or not. The colored man will have to prove ownership, which he cau hardly do. r I I Agreeably gnrprUc'd. , YcBtorday was a day of mutual nurpribcs. Our patrons were de lighted to find us open, and availed themselves of tho bargains offered in tho TEN-DOLLAR BALES. Wo wero plcasod to find such ap preciation of our Bale, and to still moro extend its advantages wo CONTINUE THE $10 - SALE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. This is a sacriiico salo of stupen dous measure, and economical dressers who delight in well-fitting, stylish garments will not miss Boo ing thoso bargains. Men's garments aro shown in sack coats, cutaways and Prinoo Alberts, in all tho stylish textures, and a ton-dollar bill takes tho choice. Spring Overooats, silk-faced, in six fashionable shades, are. offered ulso for Ton Dollars. Wo stake our twenty years' repu tation on tho reliability of this salo and tho durability of tho olothiqg offorod. Special features aro tho Boys two-pioco Suits at $1.08; Boys' throo-pioco Suits, $3.50, and Boys' , Trousers, 25c, 60c. and 75c. ,: A. H.KING & CO., The Leading American Clothiers t 627 and 629 Broadway, '-"' 'I Boys9 Clothing Special Attractions j Thin Cheviot & Cassimere Suits at $4.75 up. Blue & Black Tricot dress Suits at $7.5o and $8.5o. Blue & fancy stripe Serge Suits 6.75 to $7.25. Jersey Suits, $4.80 to 15.3S. Scotch Flannel Blazers $3.25 Flannel Waists and Blouses, 1 $i.5o, $1.7012.45. Straw Hats, So, 75, 95c to $1.35 Tennis Caps, 5oc C, Derbys, $2.00 and $2.65. Percale Shirt Waists, 88c, 95c, ) Lord & Taylor, Broadway Store. 5 ' J Two Traveller. ja rYvmfue. 4 Farmer Harrer What yer got that dram os J th dog fer? $ Splatters (the tramp)-0b, it kinder 'ncourages the marchin'. AU I hev t' say is, 1 " You gits yer dinner soon, Boger," an he drums out ' 'Sherman's March " jeit as nafral S as I heered it in Georgy. i Strange Religious Worship in the Ganges i River-See the SUNDA Y WORLD. -w j. Immorality at tbe Capital. trout a Waihlngton Fpfttl.') J "The birth of iOt illegitimate colored ,ij children in one year, of whom 121 were born dead, by mothers mostly of the schoolgirl age, unmairiou aud very often homeless, ' cal's for more than a passing notice," Bays ' Dr. Smith Townshend, Health Officer of the District of Columbia, in his report just pub lished. " The status of the colored race ia tbo United States, and especially the Southern portion thereof. assumes growing importance as a social problem ns tho years go by. The noimal proportions between the legitimates and tbe illegitimates among tho whites fl maintained, ibere being six of the former to i one of tbe latter. The return as to the eol- ' ored raco show a continued growth of ille gitimate relations between the sexes, ther being only 1.20 legitimate to 1 illegitimate. That is, the latter class equals three-fourthi of the former and over 28 per cent, of still births of every kind. Examinations made by tho office, as opportunity occurred, have de veloped the fact that a large proportion of tha mothers of these oolorod stillborn are unniar- ' tied girls, ranging from fourteen to eighteen or twenty years of age. In most cases they either cannot or will not disolose the name of the father of the ohild. or give any clue by which he can be located. Nellie Bly in the Oneida Community-SM SUNDAYS WORLD, Confidence at" the Public. LastWadnidjrthsMsrafawlln( In tbla.Daptf stating that 11. Bub, 7Sfl BroadiraT, batman Sib and Ulnata., wboWisala and null clothing- dfalw, would aloaoai. bUwholeaaia stock ai coat at ratali. t'ha art, ft that sncl) a r.llaola advarUsad to do tbUmwa J to tba pbtta man than 0 ordinary adtarttaasaant. M such has proad to hatha cat., Starr oar.auie W ') Eat sal command! tbalr larj. has ; n crow dad with Tnar art crtalnlr omr- .': . soma alai ant gooda at titrurdlnatily low km: Anwi tha many rtat harfflill thrr ar offarfnc w call aoaclal attantlon to tb followinai Msn'f an JuklliyllM.lmaraoalta, latastdaaUjna, dttlnr, 7.70 In chackaand trlp, vary bandaomai rwxlar I tic flA, Mrn's Una f'rancti Oasalman bulla, 19.00 ' In tw.ntydlfrar.nt shad... In ehevka and atrlpas. vary tyllab. sold Ivcior. lor (lUtaitr rln quality Man's Hull., 1)1 1ft, sold tfora lor 3. This suit la, In widj walss. .b.'cka, atrlpasand otptr daalgns. It Is Unas with alik and .atln. and la without douol tb baft bar calnlnatlnaanUlnNaw York. Don't (all tnatUnd whoUaal atook at ralall. .IC.nsca. 788 llroadway, batwaanttlh anduth at a., Naw York. Oat thia onl and reraatnbar th addraas. 700 Oroad wa, bctn bthaad Uthata. t