Newspaper Page Text
I TUE WORLD: MONDAY BVKNING, SEPTEMBER 2, 1880, 3 flfl OVER NIAGARA FALLS. Carlisle Graham's Plunge at Last an I AccompHslied Feat. I Ho and Hla Barrel Successfully I Mako tho Terrible Divo. H He Hm Hntl Quito Enousli, Howovcr, H of the Niagara Torrent. Niaoaha Falls, Bept. . At last a man lit H taken tho plmiRd with Xlaeara's roaring torrent H and imcr-Rcd from the chaos of waters to tell the M story of tho foolhardy feat. Tho man ii Car H Nile D. Gralmni. tho younsr cooper, who, with M Ms barrel-shaped craft, hai been before tho H roblle for somo tlmo past, and tho trip wan made M ibnt 7 o'clock tlil morniiiK In tho prosenco of W half a hundred spectators. When the queer JH llttlo craft, with its vcntiircsomo pasqengor H securely prisoned within, eemod to hesitate, a H shoit socoml on tho brink of the prcciplco H there was not ono who did not think that H was the end. Then down it shot into tho awful war of waters, down the dirzy heigh to trcar.h I irous rockn and maelstrom?, whoso circling M anus would seek to drag it down. Afewfiag- ments of wood and a bruised and ghastly corpse I in tho stiller waters miles below might tell the U story, hnt not deter other fame-hungered mono nianics from attempting tho Kama thing. Bat M Graham ha i passed through tho ordeal and the i no ambition of his lifo is satisfied. This morning Graham Hllontly stole across the V ,uw suspension bridge to Clifton. Half an hour 'M later Constable Androw Horn droTO over in a ll wagon with tho barrel. H The iolico on the Canada ride had notified H Graham that they would arrest him if he tried H to so over tho falls, no he was very caution". H Ko countable appeared and Graham cot into H the wagon after it passed the Clifton Ilonse.and was driven up to Chippewa as quickly as possi- ble. Here tbevhad tooatry tho barrel across a H jraeyard, in ord"r to avoid the house of a :H Ctnadim constable They were reinforced. )l however, by Constable Taloy, of Laxalle. Ne,r York, who had rowod across tho river to help launch tho barrel. Graham woro a cair of black tights. Ho gave his clothes to I Constable Horn. And handed him a watch and a j small sum of money, with tho remark: "God knows whethor I will come out alive or not. If ,M I don't, fee that my wlfo sets ror things." "Oh. yon will beont all right 1" said Horn, fl In about the tone of voice he would use to a I prisoner ho was taking to Lockport Jail. I OETTINO BEADT TOD THE STABT. ! I "I don't know." said Graham, "bat I can i A rcalizo bow anybody feels who is going to die. t H Eerier fasten down the coter and wo will have it i BH otcr." Oiaham seemed firm enough, hnt Constable Horn weakened a llttlo. When ho locked down ! the lion band" which wore to protect the m head of tho birrel there would be no chance " for Graham to get out alive. "I felt." said Horn afterwards, "just as a M sheriff would who wis going to hang a man. I did'i'tlikoitabit" Tho two constablos finally got tho horo safely I locked in his ark and tnwed him ont to the cen .1 tre nf the Ktrcam almost opposite the Chippewa's mouth. Tho Horse-Shoe Hanids were not farbe M low and It wan hardly a safo plac. Aflftr-oot II rope, to bo urod as a drait, was lot go about II tl.43. Tho con-dables then rowed aBhore and 'II leaped from Canada with all possible speed. 11 The be t point to so Graham go over Niagara fy Falls was Tablo flock, on the Canada side. Bo- l'flj aides sot oral newspaper men a'd auosts from the Clifton Hnue, who ha I received tb tip, a M policeman who belonged to Oueen Victoria's free I park stood solemnly ready to prevent tho .barrel 'H from going over. At Ieat he said -o. At 7.05 1 B the barrel was righted up tho stream. It turned 1W over several times and its red top and drab H bottom made o dizzy kalcidoseonio combination. B ahlch convinoed tho onlookers that ltn occupant wa having a lively experience. Jnst then word camo down from Chippewa that Graham had R hal an awful crash in the surf, whero tho rapids begin, and that this rough treatment had been followed up. The bont took a smooth course to tho Horse-Shoe Tails soon after it came in eight and floated easily d twu to tho brink. 1 THE AWFCL rLO'OE. It went over with tho great volume of water at 7.10. "That's the end of Graham," said a man aa the barrel failed to appear in the foaming water below, but in less than two minutes the red top was seen. The barrel was sucked under every alternate moment, ttntll llnally it swished off into tho Uass Hock oddy. Graham had posted friends along the river to rescuo him in case ho needed it, for open boats could notventuroun this far in tho river. Aimer Jonos and Mich ael Cahlll happened to Ixi the men at this point. They waited until tho barrel Nwirlod around in the eddy cloo to tho shore, when Jones swam out and captured tho drag rope. The barrel was pulled over into too rocks. Tho irons across the ton wcro bent and twisted. Ono lock wa btoken on. but tho other wa in. tact. No provision had been mado for supply ing duplicate keys to tho watohers on the bank, and Jones bad to break into thobaricl. 'J he two men nulled Graham out and laid him on tho rocks. "Ho is dead," said some one on tho cliff above "His neck is brokon'sald another, who saw the limp form pulled out of the liaircl. Cahlll thrust a whiskcv flask Into the navigator's mouth, anil nrctty soon succeeded In restoring iilm. They trotted around to the Maid of tho list Lauding, where a carriago was taken to Andrew Horn's hostelry, ucar tho depot. qcitc cucEnrui. AFTr.n it. Graham was very cheerful and said he felt lit tle ill oflecU from the trip. Ho was lame and oro ennngh to be put to bed and a couple, of New York doctors. , whono names woio not learned, examined dim. They agreed that no bones w pro broken. The iniurios were super ficial. Graham was unable to gtt tin to-night. His wife in some manner became, apprised or his intention and came to tho Fail just as Graham was dictating a telegram announcing his safo trip ovir tho Falls. His experiences wrro verv thrilling and. as told by him to-night to Tnc Would rorrospon dent, form an interesting study or what men will bravo tosecuro a llttlo fame. There was no money in the advouturn for li'm, and lie inada the snlcidalvo) age to accomplish tho ambition ot his life. Graham has been at Niagara l'alls tor three vearsptopailug for the feat which ho accomplished to-day, ma urn's AsmiTios. Ho came here in 1HRD with a prolty little bar rel, which ho had built in an Ent Buffalocooprr shop, to go over the cataract. He was told that it would bo suicide. Capt. Wobb had just lost his life trying to swim the tempestuous pool rapids, and peoplo said that Graham would get just as much credit trying to go through tho whirlpool as to muke tho mora risky experiment. Graham. July , 11, Ihmi, made lit voyage thlongh tho whirlpool. Then a swarm or imitatois appealed on thn scene, l'ntts and Haslctt went uh far as heaudHadie Allen followed in their footsteps. Graham, to ecllp'e their tcaU and went through tho rapids and whirlpool with head ont or the barrel. Tho roar of the water and tho dashing of tho waves made him deal for lifo in ono ear. Graham, in June. 18R7, repeatod his trip and went further than before. This time his liat rel partly filled with water and ho was nearlv car ried down to death in the maelstrom when he whs trying to swim away from the sinking bar rel. Bince this thrillinii experience Graham lias been experimenting with tho irtf a of goingover the falls, lfo built and patented a torpedo lite boat, which he named Tun World, and sent it oer tho Horseshoe on an experimental trip. Ho wanted to go into it hlovelf, but his wlfo and friends insisted on a piollmlnaiy tc-t. Tho craft was daslicl to piece June :io, and only a few splinters camo out in tho lower river. Hlnco then Graham has sent mby-e-albarielsover. Thee eo-1 nmrh money, but tho cash was willingly furnished by William Devoe. who has managed several theatHeal troupts. Graham got tho experience Tho Niagara torrent kept the barrels Tho only ono thnt escaped being dashed to pieces wan en gulled in an eddy. Graham became very despondent at these repeated failure aim said the cext timo ho would go over in thobaricl, whether he came out alivo or not. WILI.ISO TO ME IF OhSUCCESSFUL. "Illdlo with it If It goes topiecc3,"said he to 51r. Devoe, bnt ho did not hac to. He went to liuffttlo and hottzht an old cask of Chinee locust wood, which ho tore to pieces to convert into tho ban el used In this morning's trip. Ho made it sound and snug, but smaller than tho others. In size it ia 1W feet long, weighs 100 pounds, is S2 inches in diameter at the ton, 21) in, tho cen tre and Ifi at the bottom. Fifteen a-lnch iron hoops ulve liimncss to it and a man-hole in tho top, 14 bv 10 inches, permits of entravce to It. To the bottom, on tho ontsido thlrty-flvo pounds or iron is fastened llrmlv as ballast, and sand ballast Is carried on the inrido. Graham mado a trip last Bnnday afternoon, starting at the Maid of the Mist landing between tho two suspension bridges, and going clear thiough to Lonlston. This wns by all odds tho most exciting advcntnro until tliat or to-day. The tiip was made in twenty-tlvo minntes and the craft travelled part or the way at a ppeed ot thirty miles an hnnr. The barrel encountered sev eral rocks, but they mado no impression on it, anl having behaved so handsomely in tho Whirlpool and in the Pevil's Maelstrom Graham concluded to go nier the cataract in it without rurther test. Graham's wlfo lives in Buffalo on Abbott road, and when be told her his intention a tearful scone ensued. a TEAnrttL wirE'n surruoATios. "For f'0 sake of your fam'lv." said Mrs. Gra- ham. on her kneo . 1' do lint try to killyonroir. You know from past experiences that the bat rel will only be dariied to pieces and you will die Graham's little daughter clung to his arms and pleaded with him to stay home The strong man. who had four time" braved death at J. agara. almost relente-l. He said he would r0"t PO"o the tiip indefinitely, and came down to the Falls a very sad ma , He had spent all his monev in experiment, and was loth to give up jntwhenhe was sure of success, ho he do cidedtigo ahead without telling his Umlly, When ho reachu I this ('rcMon he notif.el such people as he wished to be present, including a represe-tativonfTitE W bld. and qnieklycon. eluded his arrangements. The story of hw perilous trln as told to-night la vety thrilling. It has taken mo three vear." said Graham, "to accomplish tho ambition of my lite. I could not bnhapp'er than I am now. though I havo had misgivings all along that I m ;ht get killed in this atterap. My repeated failnrcs w.ththebariols I cxpotime ted on discouraged me, snd I would willingly have committed suicide if it weie not for my wifo and children. ' "What, then, induced you to make the trip:" Pecau'oitisafeatthathas never been ac compllshed before." said Graham. "Brodlo was liere and threatened tocoover the falls in his rubber suit. I do not bellove I would hato gone so soon, but I did not want anyouo to get the start of me. OnAItAM TELLB THE BTOnT. " I was half roiisoIctf mo-t of the trip. When they let go of me off of Chippewa I crouohed down in tho bottom of tho barrel, secured the Tall biodtr nEssnvED. ' A SECRET DIARY. i ! BY DORA RUSSELL, Author o "Footprint! in the Enow," " The Broken 5faJ," " Tim Track of the Storm," c. ' ' CHAPTER I. ADnEABrot. TntJST. j A youtiB lifo bung on a thread; a voting J and boloed life for In the sick-room tho ' ! mo'her was watching with speochiess misery I tho fevered liuud tofcaiug ou tho pillows, and , In the Hbraiy downaiairs tho gray-haired ' father was wnndering to and frc, unable to ' be still, so intenso was the nnx.ety of his . mind. It was the e'dest si n and neir of tho e grief.stricken parents who lay nigh unto death, for even tho Hnooth-tongued doctors tad not disau Bed from bir Robert Forbes that Arthur ForhcB was In great dnt er. and tliat his UlnesH might at any moment assume a fatal character. Ho had been so woll and strong nud hand- l tome all his life It seomod nluu st impos-.ible ho could be ho weak and wnMed now. Ho tad taken typhoid fovor. it was supposed, while tlayng' at n country hou'e in a neigh- borng ciunty, nud ho hud ro uroed home Terv id. nud nil tho demoted care lavished on Wio had douo him no Rood, and a dark i sbadow lay ovor tiip household on this Sep , tembereveniuc nt Oorsfleld Hall, tot it was 'I known there that for Arthur Forbes thcro I aiinht be no morrow. J i Fnstutlyn preltv. falr-haired g'rl. whoso , 'i face vi!B palo nnd whoso eyes were red J i fars, ( nmo soitly Into tho library and went A i l to Kir Robert and put her hand ou the ) wotihohulf.dikliactodnnii. " Have you heard how ho is now, Bir Rob J tt? she half whisperod. if He shook his head In answer and tears be gan to roll down the girl's cheeks. "I Bkould like to him," sho eald with a smothered sob, " but they say ho has to bo kept tpi.te qu et and it might exoite htro. Oh! why does Robert not o. mo down and toll us how ho is? Ho promised to como down ovcry hour and It is far more than an hour since he camo!" This girl was May YTynn, the promised wife of tho young m n lying so ill upstairs, and even amidst his own absorbing unslety Sir Roboit looked at her with somo pity. "Afavoiablo turn niny come," he said: "wemnst try to hope." Astenwas hoard at this moment outsido the door o the room, nud nn intaut later tho handle turuod end a tall.daik young ninu en- lfot'h Sir Roliert nnd May Wynu looked at him eager y. and he answered in words iheir dumb, questioning ys. He has " con conscious for the lost half hour, and ho f over s a undo less," ho s.iid. "" DnY, Robert, your mother fancies be 1 as somo hing on his in ud he haB been rnui hiconalldnv.hbe r.nys. about yoino diary 1 o i wnn'a hi. den. Hnvo .vou heard anythlug of this ?" askfd Hir Itol eit. uneasily. "Jtibt the roving of ior. I aPP;o-, " " sweied Robeit Forbes, who wns hir Rober JeiN.iidton.lut ho castdowu his oyn, as he "'hV'wiw not linmlfomo. liko tho elder. Arthur but lio had uu expresslyo ince, vr-.tli u ro g cl a'Votersties and intelliaent gray eves. He looked now tit May Wyuu, and he taw that she had been crylug. " He wked oftcr you, May." ho rold. traps and prepared myself, for such an experi cnea as I had gone through in the rapids. Iwa; fooled, badly fooloiL The two rapids aren't anything alike Tho first, ilo-o I. got was a drop that seemed liko . thirty feet tlon'ii into nothing. I didn't, expect It ai ilmy head went against tho side of the barrel with an awful thump. 1 was turned uprido down screral times, and Anally I becamo to be numbed that I did not realize the position. Talk about going through tho rapids 1 It ts fiothlng compared with going oyer the falls, tut 1 don't want anymore of it. This is enoiiBh. shall trifle with fatonomore Mv sensations are hard to lietcrllie. I really can't say that I knew the prccio moment I wont a er tho falls. " "Tliotijroudonot know when you went ovor "I could not tell from the inside tho barrel. Thof g atost shock I got as the first ono at tho start. I felt rtaeon afterward, and whon I reached Bass Hock Eddy. Aimer Jones shouted to mo through the ail. hole. 1 could hear what ho said, but I didn't rcem to bo able to respond to him. 1 should hate diod if tho barrel, had gnueoii down to Lowiston; but thcro was little chance of that, fori had so well arranged for licople to bo piescnt to rescuo me. west ovnn feet tibst. "Black Jack Tlerncy told mo this afternoon that I went over the falls feet llrst. Ho saw the liancland says it came down with tho red tiip up. Binco then several peoplo have told mo tho samo thing. I thought probably I did a great contortion act. hut I guess 1 didn't after all. Now is the time, "continued he. "for somo or thoso N'agara self-styled heioes. who have Imitated my other trips, to uo otcr tio falls. Thoy went through (he lapidsqulok enough: now let them follow me he 'o if thcy.daie. , There is no string or chain on them to keep them away, and tho fall- keep on going everyday, lust as If I illdn t itootorthoHorsolio3 to-day, They all kntw how it is douo now. It's catyfor them when they hate amaporit laid out." "Could you not havo started closer to tho falls, and rated tho trip through tho upper rapids ?" " Perhaps I could, bnt the Canadian authori ties were bound to ston mo from doing aiiy thlug.andlcouldnnt take chances. I wanted to start at Clark's Hill Itaplds. but they nearly sent mo up for ten yeais for asking them If I could "Why didn't you try thla barrel on a dog AM?" "No. I cursed myself Tor lettlnir that poor doggoover in the ono that sank Thorowss a ten. dollar bet ou tho dog' chances and 1 fool ishly consented to let them try it. 1 ve boen un lucky over Unco ivitll now." nt IIAHENOCOn. Graham Bays that this was by all odds the roughest cxpericme or his lire. Ho was bom thirty-lite years ago on the Brandywine. lTela ware, near Philadelphia, and has knocked about n great deal. Ho has built all the barrels with which ho has oxporimentod. For sotcral yean he was engaged in tho cattle business, which necessitated his taking ocian trips and ho thought tho Niagara , surf was no woro than that of tho Atlantic. Ho be lieves differently . now, and s willing to stay away from the Falls. Ho rolteiatcs his stavuicnt that ho has enough. Ho has nolm mudiato p'ans for tho future. During the evon inn ho was visited by several editors, who ato heie on a i excursion of the National Press As. soe ation, which was in session at llotroit last week. Ho wa' in such a weak condition that ho refused to seo any callers except newspaper men. Ho will evidently bo laid up for several days. m Whlttlrr'a Humble Home. from 1A JJttroU TVlliuss.l A friend of mine who recently visited John O. Whlttior at " Oak Knoll," his modest How England homo, writes intt restinglv of the anr rouudmgs of the aged Qunkor poot. Tho reli gion in which l.o was reared makes simple liv ing nb Igatnry uimn its disciples, and to this rel glou he hosnlwavs remained .aithlul. The pool's honio ia a tdan two.Rtory dwollini;. differing in no respect from tho averngo Now England faim-honso. The pnrlor into winch the visiior ia ushered Is furnished old-fashioned fnruituro. upholstered in horse-hair, with a few artificial fl' werj under glass shades on the cent re-tab'o and mautelpieo. Thero is Dothinglu tho con tents of tho little room which bes teaks Iho culture and refinement of the owner. Tho apartment wliich -Vir. Whl tier, culls bis "slu lv," snd in which ho does a 1 his writing, Is plainer stil . Resides an antiquated stove itBomy aim lea of furntmra uo a bookcase o niatuinp a couple hundred volumes, who o iiptearaiio giV' s evide ce of age and fro tiiii nt use, and a litt e desk 1 1 which the pret works. All of wh ch. avB mv friend in con clusion show how fully tho au hor of " I"halioil" puis in o pr..ctico the gospel of plain living nud high A Deceitful Apnllance. lYom J1ifr. Mr. Hprii uhead (who has ordered a detec tive camera by cxpre's1) Ii's a gummed fraud. Relay! I pullfd the trigper 'cordin' tcr d'roctioiiR. an' now I've I en thronph oterv o rt of th' did.blittered thing without fiudin' no dergerrotypel From n Ilfoilrrii Novel. (finrl IW I Htgrnitt Blallrr. " To aud 'ro ho paced in tho room, up and down, on y now and then, without knowing how or why. be sat down in the chair, richly ornamntod nbovo aud below, nud tossed I her and there. F-om timo to time ho l.ftcd li s head aud strokad back and for U tho gray hair which fell hither nnd thither ou tho 1 rov over and over deeply Btaniped with Hues of tare." " I should liko to seo him, Robert," she answered. . ' i hat is Impossible : no one has to go into tho room at present. They havo even turned me out: they went him to try to sleep." ' ' And you think he is a l.ttle better ?" aked 'ih"reB! you m"ht to try to get a little rest too, May. 1 am rolns to Arthur's sit-ting-ro"m to write somo letters, bnt I'll co yon by and-b ." And Ro crt For' o turned nnd left tho room as quietly as ho had eutertd "it was about 9 o'cl ck, and as he cr ssed Iho lighted hall he met tho I ullcr. who was lingering about to henr a report oi tho Inva- "How doeB ho seem now, Mr. Robortf" asked tho man, lespoi tfullv. ' ' Forhnps a shndo I ctler. Barton." ' ' That's good news sir. " " Yos. if it lft'ts,'' answered Robert Forbes, gravely, and ho passu! on, ro ng diieot to i a mi all room lit the other ride of tho hall, wh ch Arthur Forbes always claimed as his own. It was more liko a gun-room than a study, forwenpous of nil sorts adorned thottals. nnd it was fitted up in a maimer that sh' jvod an easy nnd luxurious teste. Rut Robert Forbes ueter glau cd (.round: ho wont straight up to a handsome old 1 lack carved onkpre'S which stood at one side, aud then he urew a bunch of keys from his pocko', and B'ood tiers for n nmmoiit or two with tuem in his hind as if debuting in his own niiud how to ni t. Ho was repeat ng to himself words that ho bad listened to n Hiirrt wide ago. words nt lend by lis ' rother Arthur, v hose hollow, wistful evo had gi zed et him w th strangn pathos oud trust while he had utleied them. All the early rait of tho day Arthur For cs Lad Inn apparently uucoinoious, r ra1 ling a times ns it in nhfrss dreams, at others a dull t tu or Fei-mliig to overpower him. Rut nl out 7 o'c ock his mind I ad l. cine o ea er. I ninl he hud eti 'cntly recogu red l obott. And Robert had understood thai ho wiriied to wiy sniiietli'iig iu piivato to 1pm. for ho saw him looking at his in thor nnd the nunc ns if ho wisled tbem tDgon-tay. "1 think ho ttlsl to to tell mo something, mother." Robert wh sperrd to I.ndy I orbos, who nt once went into thendjo ning diessiug room, taking the nurso with hor. " Are they gono whero they cnunot hear ?' nsked tho Bick innu in husky accents, lookiut DOCTOR'S SECOND SEASON. SOME ADMIRABLE SCENIC WORK IN "THE GREAT METROPOLIS." Nell' flaws Well I!nonh t Fill All Ills Enanaemenla 4,ltitlf-Iluaile CJIvra It Name lo it New Fareesfeinrav Helen llnrry to lie Hern In New Hole nt the Union HqunreTula Alontli. Troctor's Twmty - third Street Tboatro opened Its regular season on a urdav night with tho production of a local melodrama by Jes-op and Teal, entitled "Tho Great Mo tropulls." From n piosorlnl point of vlow, nnd that Is about tho only point from which tho production calls for consideration, "Tho Great Metropolis " contained somo surprises. Tho vi tw of tho opon ocean with thowreok of thn ship "Flying Fish" was an excellent piece of work of an extremely realistic de scription. Tho Beetio representing tho Kast River, nnd revealing tno floating eorpso of Gertrudo ravornak was also very well douo. Tho Hiiudy Hook Reach was hardly as rcalistio oh iho other sots. The room was a triflo too ktngoy, and tho clomls weio not couviuclng. Oilier tcenes showed tho wnl lngroom in the Ttventy.oighth street Rlovulcd s ation. tho inter or of a city flat, a room in n saitira' boirding liouso, nnd tho Interior of the randy Hook L ghlhouso. Tho story of Iho "Great Mtlropolis" whs hope lessly itnoived. nud elided nt the closo pt tho hlxth act with two pistol shots, conveniently hilling iho villain and his murderer. Miss Anuio Mayor did somo capital work. Bo did Harry Merodtth. adelo Talma contributed a neat little French sketoh. Nell Rnrgcss was at the Tweuty-thlrd Bticet Thentro fcnlurday night looking as woll ns over. Mr. Buraesi's genial smllo hns not been damaged in tho lenst and hla friends w ii fca-ily forgive lnm his left-hand s-ilutn. tion. that ho is still obliged to give. Mr. Riirgess will bo ablo to fill all bu engage- lnvuts. Mme. Anna do Nancazo, who has been en gaged to plov in Victoria Vokos's rompauy, will bo remembered as the lady who wora that roinnrltublo sublo dress In " The Great Fink Fcsrl." Now thit tho play is long ago a thing of tho i: won't lie a cruel rcvoia lion to sny that tho remarkable sublo dross'i sable nt all. It was cleverly mado of the skiuH of tho young calf, aud was abso lutely not to be detected. Ramsay Morris thinks that he has disposed of tho Enclisn rights of his .play. "A Llttlo American," to a thodtical Luglishman nt present in tho city. 'J he play, it will bo ro Hjoinbcred. was built for llttlo Tommy Rus sell, intholovolv Arabian Nightlsh days of Woou's West Kud Theatre. ' ' Razzlo.Da7zlo " is tho file of a new farce- comedy ti at is to bo proven ad during the eu on. Tl o tmmo of tlie au hor of the far-o i is not lotcaled. bnt " Razzlc.Dazzle '' is wild to ooutain some highly amusing sitratious, manv c over litt o bits ot satire and lour piettv girb. Fo haps tho four pretty girs fiisbt to bo mentioned first. They are. alter nil, mere Interesting than tho situations or the satire. Mr. nnd Mrs. Marcus Moriarty. ex of Har rlgau's. havo bo n engaged to support Miss Hel"u Blythe. homo manigcrs ore incon. sistent enough lo object lo tho engagement of husband an I wife. It is good to uoto tho exc. piions. Dan Fmhman is' also one of them. He has engaged Mr. and Mrs. Henry Holland. Miss Helen Rarry is de'lghted at the Idea of nppearini th s season m ft now line of business. Tho io'o of tho heroine In ' Lovo and Liberty " was wn ten csp oialiy for her and rovi-ed ao ordinp to her own sugges tions. I is dos nbed as in-euscly emo tional, lolieved at times by louche of com tdy. It is by no means n ono part pie e, and Clarssa H-indyn do. Ilnrrv uwynette anu other inon ler of tho company engaged to support Miss Harry, are said to n.ivo a rhanco a. somo fine character acting, "tiovonnd Tjibirty" will bo seen nt tho Union Square Tho tr'o Fopt. 23. Mis Barry's season bo pinning in Albany a week curlier. Sho ba-j liad a long Snmuier rest at the seashore nnd is iu excellent health and Bpirits. Miss Bl nehe Weaver, who is at present clnv ng In " Boojles's Baby " at the Modlson bqiiaro 'Jheotro, has had several offers to bo started this season. If Ml s Weaver is wiso she won't bo sta rd. Hor good work in "The Tigress" will be remem' ered. In " 1 ootles's Babv " she is loss conspicuously in'eresting. thus afford us another instance ol tho uiidesirublo fact that it is tho' that makes the actress, not tho actros tho part. Donna Mndlxxn was in tho city Sstnrday gor-eoulv clad m green and carrying a varasol that was a most too-too even lor Broattay. TheayKsys h it she has been stntrlng in tho Vest in "I he t nole." and th nks of s'arrlug nga n this seuson, not confiuin, heikelf to tho West, howevor, th.s time. Si Si " Tho Lion and tho Lamb" wl'l go ont this season, and Messrs. Wilson a"d Lewis nro now nt work this end tn view. Hpeelnl F'revrorhs nt Manhattan To-Nlnht. In Paln'B Amphitheatre at Manhattan Boach to-night a special programme of fireworks will bu git en. "'1 ho Last Hays of Pompeii " will bo shown in addition to tho special fireworks i dUplay. a'terfhera. . "They eer'ainly cannot hear, " answered Fobert.'beU'dng over his hrothor. ' I hnto sonit thing to sny to yon." w onl on Arthu w th a si n of tasp. ' 'I am going to , oie. I supp so, Rolert. 1 fed ft if 1 were dyii'g." "i hope not: yon look letter to-night. Y ti will l utl through a'l right, I trust." " Will you do touething lor me. Robert?' "Of coiirfc. tuy dtar lollow, I will what ever you wl h." There is some writing mv diary-locked away in the black j rcss in my room-no one must tee this but you, Robert promlso me that no ono sh ill see it oftsr I am deud." " 1 failh.ullv promise." ... "Go and take it out now and destroy It; never lot my lulher nnd niotner huirof It: let tho fetret rest between you anu mo I know you will spate my memory.'1 "Godholp mo, yes! Rut what have yon tohldo''" , , , , , A mi ver pased ovor the sick man s face. " Don't hpcal: of it." he said with s thud, der: "it has haunted mo night and day. I did It. t et sometimes 1 think it Is a dream a hideous dream!" . . , . ,. Perhaps it is," answered Robert, sooth- ingly. Take my keys and go; hido It whero no ono can fiud it-ning it into the son-bury it deei-deop down! Do you hear? Don't watt; go now, cr it mny bo too late." Ho was becoming excilod, and to satisfy him Toloit For es took Iho kevs which he had kept hidden un cr his p Lows during his whole llluess, alwnys keuiiugo strange mil jealous oye ou thui eun m his dollr.ons ino in uts. l.o! ett then en I ed baok Lndt rorbes into tho rrom unit leit it. going to give his report to bir Robert and aiyy Wjnn ui tho lit rnry, but imvc lime seen, ho said no I lug to Ihoni of tho sttange commission his bio her had given him. ... .,,,,, And now, wnh the keys or tho lilark press in land, ho siod woudimg if i tvoro nil 1 folly : only a ever p-itiept s distracted nnng- '""'f'o'or fellow: " ho thought, pityingly, and 'liosiRhod. Yet the liK' tn mil us on tho vorpe oj ilcalh Moid belwicn him mid tlm strongeM wl li nnd passion oi l'i .onni: man- lood. Arthur Forbe- had been from Jiomo t-non (heir girl ron.iln May Wynn. whwe ahcrwasnnofiiccr out in India, nnd who os Lady Tori es's hnlf-l rother. had como to . live at tho Hall. Aud there had becu bright THE REFEREE CRITICISED'. ALLEGED UNFAIR PEC18I0H8 IN THE DEMP8EY-LA 11LANCHE F10I1T. Matters Neuritis: a Climax for Carroll's Meeting trllli I lie Mnrlne-rUllor llrotvn Thr'ittens to llcllre from the Ulna Tommy llolilen ttnnta to Fight Ikn Weir Hid Tltomitt, the English Itnnner, Arrives. A great deal of sovore criticism against the way in which the clovocoutestsarorondttctod at the California Atli otlo Club Is being in dulged iu by tho sporting fraternity of this rlty, apropos of the recent Rcmpsoy-La Rlancho fight. If the reports of that bnttlo are correct, and thero isuoroason to bollovo they are not, tho Club's official referee, Mr. Cook, permitted delilenite fouls on tho part of both men, aud nllowod La Rlancho to clinch and throw Dvmpaey ou thrco different occasions, which is in dlroct violation of the Queenslmrry mlcs. Rut tho Queensberry ruins aro more houorod In the broach than lu tho obseiv.inco iu tho California Club contests, aud it appears that RefeiooCook takei it upon himsolf toletluton fight as thev puio. The Club is known to be opposed tu draws nnd decisions on fouls, ud its course iu that resixct has lod loin justicn to somo men who havefonght fair nud sciuuro under tho rtl os. while uthors hnto taken undue nnd mean ndtautnges by striking foul blows uid wrestling, lue tliroo f bs which La Rlancho gave. Dempsey a ter a wrestling bout, must hato toudo.l groat ly to wenkon tho Nonpnroll. It hns been suggested that tho t idifornin Alhlelio Club emn'iov some old nnd experi enced fighter liko Joo Cohuro to referoe ts contests iu the ring and award tho ticlory to tho man who wins nftor n sqit iro 1 attlo. Another thing the Ca Ifornia i lull is crl i rlsed for is tho fnct tiiut it permits lis hot ins instructor to cuter nug contests within its rooms. Whon Bpoknno enmo ont on the Morris track on riamrduv just before tho rnra for the 1 ellinm Lay Stakes, there was a roar of applause iroin grand stand nud 1 old. Tho gieil ehostuut appeared in per.'cel condi tion, and moved so easily that tnnny who had bought pools cm Trnny felt that thur prospective wii lj'ugs woro vory shaky. Whn tho signnl to start wns given Sp kane got off Inst, nnd ns nor ns ono enn judgo through the fiitilt of Onrrl son, his rider. Iudoed. he trailed nil through this race, which was not n fast no, and yet Ht the stietoh he easily ran up Irum List to third plnco without apiJiiou exe tiou. To tho ord nary observor thu horso had it In him to makon'crout inco, nnd hundred snul linil llnimlton been a tride of him ho would have at least got a place. Tho bookmakers were confident that oknne would no: win nnd gavo big odds ngmnst him, straight aud place I President Fulda'n roply Hint he will bring 1 the matter of a contest botwoen Jimmy Car roll, of Brooklyn, and La Rlanche belore tho Hoard or iree'ors of iho Calif o uia Club to night, encourages Carroll's ba"kern to hope for early word thai tho directors willbrng about an eiuly meeting o' tl o two men. Car roll will have substantial backing hero, and if iho ( a if' rnia Club will make up a good sized nurse tho men oirn-ot complain of the financial inducement to batilo fur the su premacy. Ed lor Lnmley. or tho VluttraM A'nra, hns wntt-n Trcsn out Fnlda mnro fu'lv of the desire of Cain It's irlonds to I bsclc him nga'nst La Rlauedo. end after rt. f erring' to tho nni'dint o money it is proposed to put on Carroll I y his backer Mr. I mill' y has a kod whit the Club will do miku the battle moro interesting and a note I contest in all respects, Au early auswor is expected to Mr. Luml-y's letter. si Blilor Brown wants it nndcr-tord that he will figh nut of his chnllengor fornny sum. as low as a cent or up to SLOW. He snvs ho Is tired of "picture fighters." and if he can not get on a match soon ho will ictne from t) e pugilistic. Held and onrn a llielitood nt something olso. Ho also says L'ednm disip. poi tod him in fa ling lo show up at tho Illustrated -lew a office and make a match. On Thursday tl ere will bo two mstoh Bpriniing rares at 100 tarda e ou marks at the New York Athletic Cub ou i ravers Island. W. 0. Lohm and W. Co ter will d ride the sup'enacy. a' d J. F. Thornton and G. J. Btadlsh, well known M'rin crs, will try conclusion". Dilferenros of opinions on tho part of ho friends of Iho uon.estauts have brought about the matches. p Jack ToohY( the trainer of Billy Murray, who was anested with the lat or at Cohoes for eucag ng in a p izo fight, iiud tv s stihso quently re ea d on bail, is ngom in the ty. T' ohev and Mmray expect to be tried nt Tnti the present month. Murray broke his hand in ho first round i nd not in tho four, teeuth as firht reported. His backus tiro said to havo lost $1,6(0. Articles o' agreement hove been signed for dnys snd bright hopes for Robert wlii-h weio tu deuly cut snoit by the roti rn ol the bunil fctmie heir of Gorseneld. Robert very soon mw his brothe wns preterred I o o e hn .nud tho knowledge nil deep to u." cart, though ho ma 'c no Sign. Ho had noter told Jlai in words In o cd her. i ud ic ni ur toi.l her of his d.sappoiuti enl. I o horo it niim Inllv nnd sileully. but nil thn samo it was very biter. He know ttry well that AttLurs lovo wns not as his It to: lut he ki n, tno, that Arthrr's stmight feniures. bright curl ug lair md nulling eyes, hud won thociils, heart, to what cou d ho say? They hnd I eon cugngod alinut n moiilh- I Arthur nnd ay whon Iho i augerous lliiosi) had so zed him wh ch hnd roujlit t tin down , so low. " And now if be wero to die wouul Mny forget him?" pnhnps Ro ert had though n oro thnn one as hostoid by lis brotnri's s ck-bed. bill I o had nover wljln d him to illo; never w shod tnwinhis ottn hap pines by watching a nluclant nuul torn .rom its earthly tenemiut. With tho keys in his hand he stood llilnk iur of these things, nud then 1 o decirrd to open the pres. It coirn lied a mi co laueoiib collectioui ihe collection of nil liuud rare less vi ung nun. But Robert jiibt clnuceil at tho rings nnd studs lying about; at t. ogild and silver cipswlo cases; at irttoin in women's bun wrtiug: at u hundred tokens of his brother's llto. What he did take up was n volume bound in limp morocco, on which wits printod in pold leiteBtlie single word "" . Ho took it up nnd opered II nnd saw it wns Ar.liut'M diary of tho lat two yu.r . Iho LrM eutry wns dated ipunilor. 18W. I' was commcuicd iu town and told a str.ingc slort-. A ccrtiiin in tinl was fiequeutl. o peated in it ; a "1 went with A to the Gsitti'," nud so on. "A was iu n bhock nj I a lemiitr, and I am relfug rn lit r tncd f it all." " 1 havo iniidiiiip with A. but it cost mo a pair of d iinvini earring ." I lien ho had evidently returned lion e. nnd the eu no woioii'in oiit ( orxMiebl au t Iho nun bo ol budh hn bad s. oi i.ntl the p r i s lie hiul gj no to iu the ui ii'i boihooil mul the g r H lu hud snd iidiiiireti. In belt's ow u nanio now ly apprnrcd in Ihodn-iv R. ' did" th k or the o bir. Then enmo " Hiwl a letter from A lo duv ; winds ine bnik in I town: don't menu to go. though." I Robert turned over tho pngos qnicKly, ami he raw that "A's" uame. or initial, rnn I through them all. He did not lead it 0 the Bartbolomay.Flelder fight, London prize lng rules. The men aro lo I attic at 103 pounds, nnd tho fight Is to take pin e in about Ihr. o ttoeks. A foricit of 5250 is to bo deposited somo day this ck, James P. Horon, of 204 Soventh avenuo, cha lengos nny man In tho Twenllolh Wnrd to p ny x games nt quoits tor a small or a largo stake. The Victoria Bowling Club Is a new organi zation of bowlors. with hen qttar ers at 110 Ktist Fourtienth street. Erich R uuler Is Rrisident; Ci arles Wtuklonmnn. Vice-President ; Dr. Roemor. 8e- retnry, nnd William Mcisuer, Treasurer. Meetings for games will bo hold etcry Tuesday night. Dominiok McCaffrey aud Joo Colmrn will give a sparring oxhibitio'i at tho Now York C reus tn-nlcht, showing tho old and new stylos of tho manly nrt of solf-defcnse. Tommy Holden wants to fight Ike Wolr beft re having n go with the winner of tho Wnrrcn-Murphf mill, and sivs il Wotr whips him ho will forego his piivilege aud Weir rnn try couoluslons with tho Winner of tho Warrcn-Murphy Initio. DeKehmcnts of the Kings County Whool men and tho I rnoklvn Rieyelo Clnb aro on a thrco iIbvb' Jaunt to l'utchouo and aro having a lino time. Sidney Thomas, the Fnglish rnnnor, nr rived on tho Scrtio yeslerdnv, nnd will bo tbo guest of the Cherry Diamond Clnb During his stay iu this city. He will begiu (raining at onrn at the Manhattan Atlnclio Club grounds for the fito-inllu championship rnn at Travers Is and on Sept. It. Ho will givo au exhibition run at the H. I. A. C. games to day. Ho is a blond and somewhat similar to Cou self in built. "Hlberln" at Ihr Amphlnu. Bartlcy Campbell's "fllbcrla"was tho open ing play of the season at the Ampluon Academy Haturday evening. 'Iho play ts well-known In Brooklyn, and welt liked, too, for it contains a ftoryof no little intriest, improbable. It is trne, but one that carries the undivided attention or the auditor tn the end. Thn management have spaied no pubis iu mounting the piece, some of Ihe. set.i Iwlng worthy of an Initial presentation. I Of the company llttlo iu prai-o can be sattl.wi'li perhaps twocteeptloni, the members sustained their various roles In a manner amatctnisn, tn fay Ihe lea t. Tho exceptions wero the Haia of KlaitorMarettl, who pio-eutcd a conscientious . portrayal of tho persecuted heroine, and tho Michael Trnsky or W. M. lairbanks. Rven Lizzie May Rimer, of recent starring fame, did not come un to tno expectations ot hor friends. I No doubt, ns thn week wears on and practice mat'cs tho roles moro familiar, the company will do better. Thn Sngninnre Juniors Victories. Tho Bagamoro Juniors, champions of tho Ninth.L'ightli and Firth wards, played the Wce bawken Juniors, tho champions of Hobnkon, for tho championship of tho west sldo. at Allcr ttin Paik. Wechawken. yestenuv. 'Jfto Haga mores won by a score of 1 1 to 7. Tho all-around plaviug of Kcllv was loudly dueled, and the pitching or Kbhllng and f atchlni nf Mc.Vvoy tvi ro also featnres of thn game. 1 he Bairamores p'aytuo Burnetts at Allot ton Fark this afternoon. FROM FLORIDA. Klzmiso Bros. (IfHTLKMKKi Inolossd find si. for whtfli nim hs sfnnlns Ur. O. SIcLaSX's CtLtBBATr.D Lives 1'ills. Thn dniss'st hers kps th eaantstfslt, bat I must h ths snolm. W. hate btn nsins jrour pills fortlilrtr-throsyoar and hais found them battar thso any other. We use thsrn lo caws of chills and ferer. dysentery, tad colds, blllounneu. h-adaaha and kindred troubles. Wa hlshhr recommend them, to all sulterer. Mrs. I'. D. lUuauiox. Floral City, Fla Oct. 2S. 1BB7. In rae of irk hesdiche, b'.ltouinsss, tnrnld liver, dripeptla snd rotlraea. Dr. O. McI.iNfs Cstv uiuitn Liver Pills neter fall to sla relief for both exes and all as. Ther are cnmpoundiid with rsrd to eten the mcit delicate eonstttutiont. Bold by all drosulste; price 25 centa, Prepared only by Klemlnt Ur e I'ituburc, Ta. L'k opt for an Imitation made in Rt. Louis, xhlcti ia oiteu palmed oS on uiaooent pur chasers a ours -. "STORElEETlF are frequently -htny rrockery looiinsifalrs that put one's teelh on . die Dut as made uy us they are a tntnc ol beauty tnl a ju orerer. Irlia war down. 'Till! IIANKH I'll.. Uenllsts. 2113 llili nve.. ror. I-lsb st . Nety Vorl- . Jeney Uity. York an I (Ir.Taeis. Newark, Broad and Market ate. AMUSHMKXTs. TO'RnRT PRICKS AT 8 O'CLOCK, AT THE KePA ItIThalr, iljth at.'AB'nay, 30c, BAIIKY AND FAiT, 7flc" WILL AITEAIl IN SI McKeimii'H Flirt ation. Peddlers and some unscrupulous grocers are offering imitations which they claim to fr be Pearline, or " the same ar. Pearhne. IKfOLjyCI t'P It's false -thy are not, and besides are JUV VV Cll an,erous. PEARLINE is never peddled, s but sold by all go Jtl prnrers. Manufactured only oy I AMES PYLE. Netvork thronphi just elu- ns nt it hero . ud there until he r.trae toadnio which brought the blond to his l alo ilnrk face. It was n dnv bo r. u (mi ered to well; tho dny Arthur had retuinol io (Jorset.o'd. nnd interrupted his own li ich love .ireains. The onlruBworo nl now uli.fMnv. "The iiietus' l.ttle pirl. old 11 etibutlN terv far cone. I nt don't th nl; ?.invhiniiht i wo ii .'Ja wak with .May iu Umwooilh a swe. t. fre-h ias-.ii. worth making n mi inuir tor. thonch ii wo Id lo a sl.nmo to cm l oor II out.' " A nm-aiice o a letter from A to day. Wh t a rage sho v ould be in if alio saw no with my m.e ud." "I l'fl' ,f m fal lug in lotoj if bo. thore will be a Unu I rl obert read all that was wri tn now- with I n throb ins It wns s inply a brief nu l lotted tlo. u ccmint nt Aithu 's wooing of Mny. a- d remembered nil ho days I thn were iiuntonoi only ton well. A plc- 1 inc. a rule, a kiss, ii promise! '1 ho old story told .n words that went stinebt to the pile ru tr'sbentt. linikiiic all the at wounds I bloi-d nuetv. , .. "Poor old It. I'm awful y sorry for the poor follow, but ho bears it very well. Jlav snvsaLo neter inred nnythinK fur mm lint juM as u cous n ; but soiiiotluiCH pretty clrls tell libs ubout these tblURS, fi ire nrt do. Anotl or confouui'ed letter from A yosicrday t sho tlircn oiir to come down nnd tell tho olil mau nil about in (oniethiuc must bo ilouc. ,...- 'Iho diary 1 mho off nl.rup'lv lirro. nnd tthni i wns ro-iiuic ! tho Imiiilwritinu' v.ts iiibf.i-iit. me iibir nut blof.d. Ml U wiiler'R in-u l ha I In-fit tin ally agltntcd wHeu he n.ncd the nreatlful wo ds, w.t li llohort 1 oili s low ten l tvitti I ati-d reatli. Hid I do ii .' Wns I mud. detll-possessod. when 1 ki 1 d ii or -pno -Amie .ct u-tiie girl tvlolo nl ne nud wholal litp wl h mo so long ' 1 iiius- hato lien mnl-bllud with race nud p.sson. Hiewrou-io n s o whs 1 1 ni us ioaii hero, and that she, ttouii liriic sonic fo..'' piom-.-e that I han miide Inn-.' !: to ir.inrv hr. nnd s ov It o my lather, and I wnt to I'i'v,.1', bveppuiu ment on the rontl lienr the :ortli - Iiidce. litendina I" Ct lur nttuv itiull). Hut the would not bo tU et i sho n.veu ul ine, nud flio httuto. too. that I should net or niarrv -Mat-. I had laken out a Kuu for u, oxcuie. but I nieuut no harm to her-Uo ..eiiimo. 1 did not! Yet she maddened me sso that in a moment my reason seemed to !1 AMU3KMKNT8. fli PrtOOTOn-rl 2.-1D T. TIIKATBB. J.LL" ' , HH r.vtuy EVRNinp at 8.3a i fwicrra 'liH T11R 3mOj., sssHI fJItf'AT .llhTltOrnMS. n'V.1- 'iaaXaXSH Bala of seats now opn, I a3li50. H TrtOADWAY THEATOB," Comer 41 it et. , ' H Ii JHndtomett, Coolest, Uafeet Theatre In the World JeXaXaXaXaxH EveAinss at 8. Sainrdsy Matlnea at 2. '-'SSSH 17TH WEEK. I ffipSSSL. ' - "'H FrtANCIS W1LS0H nr!,.u "lH pain's mvanrmm- 1-EliraU.tlANCU AT P. JI tjLLH PAIN'S CARNIVAL, "H MATDltDAY, HKHT. 1. WORTH'S SjMo-'iS8 H Ud01arlsU TURWED TO DO?-. iei U A IB McCONNHLL. the Snake Charmer. 4a InHN THE UEAnHn2bMca!bL COUSDT ca i BIJOU THEAIRSr Broadway, naar SOths. ''LsaH Ls weak of - IIKHBMARN'S H Trn"8-At nntiaus Vaudevilles. ' 0a Ury- sriy. SsSkhn S'SuM ,l'- ) NATURAL UftH. ' flHHH T fll RT. THEATRE , . UOlt. OTll VB ,'flH Xtt: Matinees Wedot a 'ay and Saturday. &J-a-a-I Laitweekof the reatiatlo play, '&Hi MANKIND. 1H A beautiful prodnrt Inn. NoTelandatartluJaT. rB Sent. U-TlfE FAIRY'S WELL. ' KOSTKR & DI L'S CONCERT It ALL, 7ossH Uynnntuiouaroiaeat -VHbHH A Morning with Justice Schwab. MONT1C CRISTO. JR. THE KLOS. 'JIHIHH MAnNEES-Hindar. ATedneaday andBslnrday. " ! WINDSOHTI1KATRE, BOWERY NEAR CAKAU -VBIaH One Week, Co nnenetm MondJT, Hept. S, BbBbBI (IREAT PROdUOTION OP THE MATliytB.-. (sBsBI Grand rlivKtaeutsr Melod.ama, WKDNKSDAT 'tsflsBsBi LOST IN AKimiA. l - MATURDAT s9 TT U MINPR'9 PEOl'LE'BTUEATRE. ,. . liLsH Jtl .Kept. U-Ouo Week On y-Ealra Matlnea Monday. IbBbBH MallnresMondty, We and Botarday al 3. .'9IHIHI WILLIAM 11KOMI1NII and , . , Mki. THOMAS DARRY, In HERMINIE. ii milEATRE COMtQUE, lii.-.ih at .bat. 3d and Let- i H X Incton ateo. Erery nltht dnrlas the weak and -Ik- Wed. and Bat Matlnea llouciotull'e Ureat Anarkan H Melodrama, 8TREKTH OK NEW YORK. -hIHIHI Neat week, the eelsbrated aclrese Mlaa LUlUttLalns. , , ,fH NIBLO'A. HO RESERVED BlATfl. ai noLok'IKllrY-n. :H DALY'S THEATRE. , Preliminary 8a- BH EreryslshtatH.ia. JH KOI I MstimaHalnrdaral-J. ( pAfeiWKa ," "'"aV " ! UI.OVRK! I COMPAMT , MATraiiKB Saturday. . - fSTH AVE. Tlir.ATME-BTenins at Ml Ma, tiat., ft tfH t) J. V. LU1'H Ol-EKA COMPANY IN ILLLI Last, srrate,t,bet of this eoaeon'a eomki opera neeeaaee -daXaXaXaXaXax! HR, JACOBS' MD AVE. TIIKATRG. . rH . MttlneesManlty. Thursday an4itarday. isll Mv::r-1 rut; blul. and tub gray. PEPT D-N. B. WOOD. .'I'alxaXaXaXaXai 3.RAN11 OPERA-HOUSE. 1bH "Yi.ViACY 1 STILL ALARM- IM CASINO. BROADWAY ANnpnTU ST. laXaH THF, BllIGANDS, , lM Cool n oai Itoo' G rJ-n Co io. rt 3 to Vi. -IalxaXaXaXaXal A dm--1 nnOo ni-, Inol-idiu r both ' r a nment. itaXaXaHB . MONDAY. HEITJO-TUE DRUM MAJOR. , jM ja'ssAsrMss-awi'sSSE T02WtTOUWKTai TO OAT. ,( TjAiTmA:r0,,l battle os- I rniwrn, iiH ftUAVE. OBTrYSBURO.IPHONOdrR-rB. lLH OOMiiNOiV, J.EVJt. .. 'f mm 8 KILBftlK EOEHHUSEE : H GRAND OPERAHOUSL-Mal. "M Etery Erentne M.llneee Wednesday and Batarda. "'PaarB CAPTAlN SWIFT. . ,H AMPt I3H ACAOEMY.-Vana, :;H Erery Erenlnc. Matinees Wednesday and Batnrday. . JalxalalaH SIBERIA. oH HR, JACOBS' BROOKLYN THFATBE. HB . IbU seek the relanlnj Comedy irtumpb. ifH A ter atnnot oer HO niglitaat the Itadjeoo Sqparo ttlH th-atrr. MaOnw. M .nny Weineedsy and datarday. . pnere, reeerted.SO aOanjSOcenU. iBaH TT R. JACOB' LYCEUM THEATRE iHsH Jri, "atr Matinee Ulw Day-Monday. Septa. JaTLI C10L SINN'S PRK TIIEATR.E. 'iiB Ibis week tutiueaa WeJneidaj end Saturday. 0aLH LllTLKLORII nProothe taSsH FAUNTkLR'iY Broad.ayTaeatr-. LH Neatwek: Ui o titader't M jiUela. AlSSH T EE-AVEAOADKMY OK MUSIC. ,,,,. liLLI j Oienlux ieaou, Monday, Kept. Si MatlaaaS '.'H Wdneelay and "'j5;3fJjgu ' ''H Neat week. Little LorJ fauntleroy. il Proctor's Theatro (Latenovety. J'sH - THE 1.UBF. 8 ,M5r,a"Jsa A0d'.n5'pVp'pi-te ;H F. Kalmbach. -ialxalalalalal I . . i l.lll.l I. th-ekAAT- .laaXaoM 1 Bive way. sn'l '""".".V""" 'SaXaIaIaIaB J?&& -. r horror :H were w r tten a few moro miserable words. 9 I --icTiinot bear to think ot it; everj ;mo. ili meut I am li-teuinc ami expecting lifrloM 4ssH carried in, and then I hall shoot uiyuMi 1" t . "i cnuuo staud it; 1 shall co ntfto 1H Curtthrpoo.iLorrow. an if 1 hear Uierj UH ,Tv""f"uu!l. I shad net er return. If I had fH I only buried h-r poor, po ir spun Bnt -YasTsH I cail luot-1 could no I lifted her In my ! arms nnd laid her in tho deep diteh that runs 1H I by tin, hedeo ai the s do of tho road, and cot- VH ire lhr with tho lone pass. IllwtUe . her a an I misht take her uwny-Jmt ronnof lH -I leateit tocimnce and I write this baoanse 1tH it she is diseov. red I shall shoot myself, and I I want my fat.ter aud mother, and ; iul ! - poor May. to kuotv 1 wus not a dellbenUB . fflH 1 . id not lmoi d to hart the -4H noor L'lrl. !ut she drove me mad. In KSSot o: Passion I WHed her. and I would 1H Kivo my on wdle now to hear her epeaat nKlhe"diarv ended here, and aa nobert BH Forbes completed it. his heart seemed almost H to s.and bill), and his brow grow wot with H dew. It was at Courtthrope Arthur Forbe ' ndbeen aken ill; from Courtthrope that Mm lio had been broneht homo perhaps io die! ! And if this uuleous story were, true ! IB lioberl besau to walk ba-kwards and fer ,, H wards n the room in a state of $" WM nuution. Hi hnd heard o;, Annio Aotona i."ue I u conuem on with his J'oth". JM . ! knew 11 at tl e poor pitl had 'muy bftjn , M ou the at ce. Hnt of ate Arthur I at never IB noi,tioue.ri.or.and had BVrl-j2iBrll,Ii ffl demand that tho affair was ended. Had it ! eided thus Imcirally ? Uad hU brother K stained his baud w.tli blood ? v M hudd-ulyauother idea flawed tonobeit ; BH I all Vistrucicd brain. Uad Ar hur been de- BH h ous win u ho had wr tten this ji.rk ary? i H He , nd only been at.ont a forminht at Court- BH tbtope when ho was bronnht home stricken Wm wtth lot.r. and it m lit havo been Mmlnc ) H on bef ore l.o went. Court this be? nobert 5 H as cd himself nznln and acaln. snd then- j OBB thoiu'li ho shiul. o od at the thought-he de. H eru tied to go out: tti co alone fte road by I Mm the north lodKei to peer into the deep ditch H whero AtUinr had written tliat Anne Aetou'a -. body lay hid, MMm (Continued to-morrotc) 9TH VBsfl.1 ' fl