Newspaper Page Text
B TaBaaM I aaaafl jSPQRTINCf . - 1. SPORTING1 1 i EXTRA I ifH ilflllr ifllw lC(Cl:l!fMl'li1l FY T R a M PRICE ONE CENT. jyuv YORK, THURSDAY, IVO EMBER II, 1881). . PRICE ONE CENT. II EXTRA a k mi Nellie Bly Starts Out on a Wondrous Flying Trip Around the Globe. Thirty Thousand Miles Through Many Countries and Baok to New York. To Sorpass Jules Yerne's Dream of Rapid Transit Round tbe Earth. Tho World's " Woman Writer Em barks on the Augusta Victoria. It's Her Own Adventure and She Ii Plucky and Confident. "I never wept In my life, but I came very near having a good cty when I bado my mother good by. " f aid Mini Nellie Blv to an Evesiko World reporter, as she stood on thehniricane deck of the Hamburg steamship Victoria Aususta this morning. Miss Bly sailed away from New York thU morning, bound for New York. She will put a girdle 'round the earth, and will tee all climates and peoples ero she returns. She will give thanks at Ismailia and spend Christmas at Hone Kong. The new year will dawn upon her at Yolto hama, in the land of tho Mikado, and on Jan.( 22 her great brown eyes will look again upon hernatircland and she will enter Columbia's domain by the Golden Gate. A Ave days' ride across this broad continent, and the spirited, plucky and adventurous little Bly will touch the soil of this metropolis, after a complete journey around the clobe. Tnr Evisiso Wom.n reporter who bade Miss Bly Rond-by this morninc is only a man, and as he turveyed tho slight, willowy, girlish figure of tho little circumnavigator clad iu a closest ting travelling gown of dark blue camel's hair plaited with a soft golden stripe, with here and there a stray thread of red, and a dark blue waist with puffed sleeves, it fairly took his breath away. He scanned the wide-eyed, girlish face, and found it full of smiles aud with just thefaintest business-like knitting of tho smooth, lowbrow. The braid of black hair, doubled on the neck and tied with a bit of ribbon, and one or those absurd littlo tourists' cap in fawn-colored check.with useless car-laps tied over the crown, oomplcled the pictuie. " fan I ho of any service to you. Miss Bly?" suggested tho reporter, adding: "To get yonr I luggage aboard or ' "Oh! My luggage' is aboard, thank you. I brought it on myself. It is down in my state room now. MISS BJ.Y MAKER HT.n WILL. "Oh: and that remiuds me. I want you to witness my will. I don't expect anything to happeu: bnt then if something should happen, you know." Therenoiter. II. C. Tarrott and another gen tleman followed tho fair traveller down to the stateroom in solomu procession. Somehow it seemed the thing to be solemn to these three men, either of thorn many years older than the girlish testatrix, and at least two of them old enough to bo her father. "b'ee:" exclaimed tho blltho Miss Bly. "I have the bridal chamber. Isn't it a marvel of commodionsnoss 1 Why 1 don't know what a small person like me can do witli so much room. Tho bed's a bunk, but I just delight in cramping myself oil up and sleeping in a hunk. ' Miss Bly gravely produced an air-tight ink well and unscrowod tho top. Then sho drew from a pocket in hor gown a slip of notepapcr, folded m that tho dozen linos comprising her " will " were hidden, ami these words appeared; 1TB 1'ONTEXTH a BKcriEr. "Higned. published and declared to be my last will and testament at the City of Ilobokcn, Htato of Nfnv Jersey, this 14th day of Novem ber, 1HRII." Miss Bly wrote hor name in signature, and then the witnesses signed it, too. Tho contents of this will wcie a secret, but tho reporter saw the last word, which was the only one on tho last line. It was "mother." Miss Illy sighed as she sealed the envelope containing her will and addressed it to her mother, outfit yon mr. oiieat JornSEV. "Now, Miss Bly, toll me what you carry for baggage and what Is your outfit," rcsnmed the an endeavor to relieve the oppressive solemnity the signing of tho will had occa sinned. Miss Bly laughed a clear, musical laugh. JCHT OHK LITTLg IUU. Ilium it i,"she ejaculated in alndicroni Jv. pointing slim, glood linger at a little '' ii bag of leather in a cornsr. It was 14 liirlics long. i,y ii by io inches. Ho tluco iiioi. whistled, und Miss My rat tied on; "'Hie 'outfit' consists of a comb and brush, iwo suits or flannels, a big bundle of suoh paper we reporteis mako our notes ami 'copy' on, ami my paj.iHut-signed Dy that big. awful Mn .. . .' . . ke " ROWn BaVe e " I bave on, ' If I did I'd hardly have room for It In my BnaeriH brM1 c,",mu"-'" Ml" Bly went ' 1 AtMI .?" MB"'IN cumt, nn Miss Bly, when asked If she bad provided herself with a niodiclne chest, only laughed de lislvcly. "Noteen a troche. " she repliod. "I was never sick an hour in my life, and I shall not bo sick now." Her questionor at this moment noticed a queer baud of gold on Miss Bly's loft thumb. " Whatla that for V" ho asked. IIF.R FKTIBH A HINO. There was not a blush nor an expression of any suspicion that tho rlug was odd or tho Idea whimsical as she replied: "That Is the savage in me. lam Just super stitious enough to believe in that ring. I woro it when I applied for employment at The Wonui ofllec, and tho only thrco days that it has been absent from my finger I had hnd luck. I would not remove It for anything. I shall not bo sick. If I am I can get all the nasty mcdlclnol want from tho ship's doctor." Miss Bly's only jewelry was this thumb ring, a leather bracelet, with a watch chain attach ment; a chain bracelet of gold, and a pair of crescent loops of gold iu her ear. Ascending again to the hurricane deck tho bright-faced little newspaper woman found there a dozen friends from the newspaper world, and there was much shaking lianOa and good bys, but Miss Bly was the liveliest of all. nr.n Morn En tosode must bctfice. "Dear mo!" she exclaimed, tho whlto brow corrugating again. "Thero are people all around me, but nobody speaks English. The purser and the stewardess do. though, and I spent some weeks in Mexico once for The World, 'and though I could not speak Spanish, I managed to get along all light. I can speak no language but my own English, but pshaw ! I rhall be homo again befoio I'll want to talg at all." Capt. Albers was brought forward and intro duced to lus fattest passenger, and the passen gers, standing in groups atalittledistancc, gazed in amazement aud admiration at the almost littlo girl who, of her own notion, was setting nut to beat the wonderful record of Jules Verno's hero, Fhlncas Fogg, who went "Around the World in Eishty Days" in the author's dream. SIIC'l.I. KXJOT THE TRIP. "I'vo never been out of sight of land," said Miss Bly, "but I have no qualms of fear. I may be seasick, but I'll get over it. and I know I shall enjoy the trip. 1 am going to mako a record for The World for somebody to beat, if they cau." There was a lull in the hustling, bustling of tho stevedores. The luggage and cargo was all shipped, and I), no. tho hour for departure, had atrived. The bo's'n's shrill whistle piped all laudsmcn ashore. BAILED AT O.UO. Miss Ely's dainty little glnvo of undi eased kid gave the hand of the reporter a hearty squeeze, and tho faiewell was said. The thteo stacks of tbe Augusta Victoria emitted puffs of black smoke, and tho great ship steamed majestically out into the North lliver and passed down the bay and out through tbe Narrows into the ocean. When 'twas decided that Miss Bly should make the trip rhe was all animated enthusiasm in a moment, and in another her pretty head was burled in "guides" And her girlish face knotted in thoughful ittidy of '.'routes. " After an hour's study she announced: "I can beat any record. I think I oan do it in seventy five days. I can go by the Hamburg steamer to Southampton, then to London, then on the India mail to Calais. Paris. Turin, then to Brin dlsi. and from thero the steamship to Cathay; then Ismailia, Aden, Colombo, in tho Island of Ceylon.Fenang and (Singapore In Farther India; thon Hong Kong, the Biltish city on the Chinese island, and then to Yokohama. "I willairivo at Yokohama about New Year's aud sail for 'Frisco on Jan. 7, reaching Now York Jan. '27. That is in just soventv-tivo days. ' Having determined on tho trip Miss Nellie was thoughtful. Then she remarked demuiely, ' Now the first thing for me to do is to go home to my mother and have a good night's sleep." And that she did. Then next day she began her picpaiatious. Uhorinloy, the man dress maker, builded her camel's hair gown In a day. PROVIDED WITH CHno.NOMKTKllS. She procured a watch which notes the hour fiom I to '.'4 o'clock, and by this sho will be able to compute her exact tiavelling time. By her own little lepeatershe will know what's tho time o'day by the time lu vogue wherever sho may be located, and when sho gets home again she will find that she has beaten Now York to the extent of a day or two, for sho will constantly tiavel towaids tho lising sun. WILL SEE MANY LAXPI. The little traveller will pass through the fogs and chilly atmosphere of Labrador and New foundland and the thrice-heated calms of tho lied Bea anil Farther India. MIbs Bly will pass among tho English, Gciman, French, Spanish, Aiabiaus, Hiudoos, Chinese and Japanese, and lenders of The World may confidently look for the elaboration of many note mado iu the little books of the fair "newspaperwoman." 400 MILKS A DAY. Miss Bly, when her journey Is completed, will havo travelled nearly :)0,U00 miles, or at the rate of 410 miles a day ocr land and sea for every day of herabsencu fioui her nook iu tho " city room " of Tnr. World. OTHER UlnCUMNAVICIATORS. The first ciicumnavigatnr of the globe was Magalhaeus. afterwhom tho StraiUof Magoll' n weio named. Ho was a l'nrtugucso and sot out on his joumey in 1510 with tho idea that tho world was a fiat surface and that lu timo ho would reach the edge and find out what was iu tho abyss into which a straggler might tumble if he ventured too near it. The compass was then unin.enteil.and the ship was steered by tho stars. Capt. Francis Drake, a bold, bad buccaneer, out for what he could find, sailed fiom England in 1577, passed around Capo Horn and across the IJacluo and back to his native hsnd. Capt. Cook did it at about tho sameltime, aud his chronicle shows that he was three years on the cruise. He touched at Terra del Fingo, the "Land at Fire." Tahiti, New Zealand, Van Dlemen's Land. Austi alia, the Friendly Island, where they didn't cat you, but jubI tobbedyou and turned you loose; New Hebrides, New Calo donla, which has been for many yeais the French penal colony; the fiandwlch Islands, which had not then a King who had learned tho seductive game of draw-roker. and Western North America. THE HRST WOMAN OI.OHK-CIUIPLEH. Since Cook' day the globc-tiotteis havo be come an aimv. The most famous of the Ameri can circumnavigators was the late Secretary nf State. William H. Seward, who wrote his ad ventures iu an 800-page tome. Gen. Grant did it en suite, and Jay Gould aud tho Vander bills do it now and then, but Nellie Bly is prob ably the first of her i ex to undertako it alone and unprotected, and it is no hazard to predict that her tour of tbe world for The World will become the moat famous iu the annals of travel. Bbe carries with her the best wlshss or a mill- ion leaders and admirers, and they will heartily welcome her on her icturn. mxKitvnr or Tnr. Tnir. Nov. 14. Leave Now York by Augusta Vic toria D.:10 a. M. Nov. til. Due Southampton, London, by rail iu thrco hours, Nov. J,,. Ltavo Victoria Station, Loudon, 8 r. 31. on India Mail. Nov. 'J.'!. Calais, l'aris and Turin. Nov. J4. Bilndlslat Id. 14 p. i. Nov. aft. Leave Driudlai, steamship Cathay, ii A. M. Nov. 'J 7. Ismailia. Dec. SI. Aden. Dec. 1 0. Colombo (Ceylon). Dee. 10. I'enang. Dec. IS. Ktngupoie. Dec. '.'. Hong Koug. Dec. an. Lcavo Houg Kong for Yokohama, Japan. Jan. 7. Leae Yokohama via Pacific Mail steamship. Jan. aa. Duo San Francisco. Jan. a". Duo Nes; York. Nov. 14 to Jan. a7-sovcnty.Hve days. RAN FOR HIS LIFE. Daniel Lano's Desperate Effort to Murder Ms Aged Father. Daniel Lane, who is just two weeks down fiom tho island, where hercrved six months for thicalcuing to kill his aged father, was a pris. oner in the Jefferson Market Police Court to day. This time, lu addition to threatening to kill his father, lie attempted to set llro to the houso 4.'IS Wct Thiity-fitth street by throwing kero sene oil on tho lloor and lighting it. Hciotuinedto the housoat K o'clock this morn ing, this timo aimed with a big carving knife, and thicateucd to cut his father to pieces. The old man lied the placo precipitately and ran down Ninth avenuo hatlcss, with tho on. raged and inhuman sou e!no brhind with the mm denim weapon in his hand. An excited cimvd followed in the wake of both, expecting every moment to sen the old man cut down as he I an. Policeman Thomas O. Kennedy saw the ciowd and joined in the chase. 'lho policeman lan behind I.ano and tiipped him up, and the would. bo nitirdcier went head torcuiont to the sidewalk. Ho still maintained his grasp of tho carving knife; and it was only after a sevcio strugglo that ho was disarmed ami captured. Micn anaigncd iu court he looked as sullen and determined as ever, and when rcprocd by Justice Gorman for his unnatural conduct, muttered, " I don't care If I hang for him." About a Near ago Lunc was sent up for burglar. Upon being released ho called upon his lather and demanded that a regular allow ance bo fixod for his maintenance. This iequet was tcfuscd, and uu fell upon his father and threatened to murder him. It was for this that Judgo Duffy sentenced him to the island for six mouths. Justice Goiman, having heard this recital, sent Lano back to the island for one year. En en then ho was led away vowing eugeanco on his tather. RACING IN ENGLAND. Oxtye Wins tlio Nursery and Slartnlgne tho Derby Handicap. fsr-EciAt. to Tnr ivknino world 1 Losdo.n, Nov, 14. This was tho third day of the Derby Autumn meeting, and seventeen two-year-olds faced the starter for tho evont of tho day, tho Osmaston Nursery Handicap, of fiOO sovereigns, for two- ear-olds, at about seven fur longs straight. Tho race wan won by Oxeye, bv Ovlip. out of Lady llaglan. Shall wo llcnicmbor, by Clan aui. out ofSonsic Queen, was second and Gal wav thiiil. Tho Derby Handicap, of ft 00 sovereigns, for tin ee-year-oldd and up" Bid, one mile straight, bad six starters and was won bv Maitaigne. by Itnsebciv. out ot Empress Maud. Happy Thought, by Albeit Yirtnr.oiitnf Honeybourne. was second ami Aiiquilni". by Petroncl, out of Avouhoc, third. A I'lcii for llnriuless I.unntlra. ISPECIAI, TO lr WORLD. 1 Wahsiw, '. V., Nov. 14.-Tlie Supervisors of tills county passed resolutions yrstcrdaj denouncing the proposal to enact a Mate law compelling the r inoal of all indigent chronic Insnne l ersons from county a.jltmis to the Urge htsle Institutions. The resolu tions u larc that the c onvreRatinir of many lusinx persons 1 not AclNlsahle, especially sines the rural touutiescan keep these nannies lunatics on iarjro laruts with more lxnent and pleacire to themselves and fi lends and nl lefs expense; and that it ts a gloss injustice to such counties as are taking pood rare of their unfortunates, to compel them to railroad their Insane to distant Htate Institutions where many of them can neNcr to visited by friends. The represen tatles ol this county lu both Houses are requested to oppose any hill halnr for Its object the removal of the county Insane to Htate asylums. Cone nllb Ills I'ntrons' Funds, sn ir. to THr worn i, Hloomimotov, III., Not. 14. William II. 1'iir.nian. who for many ha conducted a larau reabc.tate aud hankinft bu.lnrs at Pontiac, III. , diiapprared Sat urday night It ban sinet, been diiicorered that he had bemi fur a Ions' time rfsltmatically emiwxzlinc inonej ttirnl.lied ly Hudson. Ilurr t Co , money.lenderu of tlllftUtJ. who represent heaty capitalists in New York, Jtoatuu and other Sastorn cities. Hudson, Hurr A t'u, aralos-ra to tileextrnt of tO.OOO. A a s ursman rep lesontedotlitr linns in Illinois and in the Kast It is b jfered that the amount of his defalcation will fall Itttlu short ot $1IIU.UOO. The accidental ctlscorery ttiMa mortaan puttorliiig to Iteara certlnratnof record had never heeu lecordrd lirnusrht about tile eipoaurn of hilrstnan'acrookHiluess. Fursman is lllty yiar old and married. He is believed to ha on his way to Canada, Drnnsed In Krnllint llrr Home's llcrle, IsrictAi. to tiik would St. JoiiNsnuv, Vt., Nov. 14. Mis. Dcrtha A. Gates daughter ot tho Ilev, M. A. dates, while rid ing horseback jestcrday was thrown from her horse, whhh had taken frljut at something. As she fell to tho ground her right foot became entangled In tbe stirrup strap, and she was dragged through the streets at the horse's heels until her body was al most dtnuded of cluthlug. Mheu the Luimalwaa finally camrht life was extinct, 'iheyoiing lady's tody was shockingly bruised and mangled. The accident was witnessed by her parents, who were nearly crazed by their inability to save her. Mi ate wis twenty -one yeara of age, and graduated last Spring at nrlleslcy College, Acc'dint In a rilillnu 1'urtv. Isri.ciAi. to the wont d.I Carbondale. l'a., Sov. lit. A party of twenty three rersons started from this clt) this afternoon lu a Urge omnibus on their nay to s wedding near Way. mart, six miles from here. The vehicle was over loaded, and about half a mile from aymart the rest axle snapiMl.ovcrtttrnlnir the mnnlbua and throwing the pnsaengera out withgieat violence. The Injured ara: Huns, Mrs. Khans: L'., srui severely wrenched. IlfBn, Mrs. Uahumiton, faco and head cut. McMillax, Mtsu Anmk, face biulaad sod scalp cut. McMillan, JilsnJrAN. face cut and brulaed. MaxwrLL, Mrs.ltnnKBT, skull fiacturrdj may die. rinrrurnu, Mrs. J. II., face cut. NurnautP lllnrd by Ilia Countrymen. Tno Spanish titilena of New York gate an informal reieption to their lellow-rountryman, Pablo Harasate, the famoua violinist, last evening at the Vlitona Hotel. l'heSeenty-tirst Itegimant Hand and the Spanish Stu dents discoursed music, and those who bravad the in-clenit-nt weather enjoyel a pleasant time Among those present were the Spanish Consul at New York, Don Murual Snares tfuanea, the Portuguese Contul. Itaron d'Alinelrlm the Peruvian t'onenl, ,luan Qulu tana, tbe Mexican Vice-Consul, ltamon V. Wlibamat Don Juan I., Inbaa, Dr. Julio J. lUnn, Den Pedro de Salasar, Don Knndue Cacarea, Key. P. D. Felipe Cardells, terndn 'lolsdo. lisnry Abbty, Mareua Mayer, Pedto Y. di Horss, Mlf uel Martins., and Mmas. Mara, Nalsar and Lopsa. I CHOICETBT.I ' m I Another Day of Useless Balloting by the Ameri can Association, BYRNE'S COMPROMISE REJECTED The League Busy Settling a Ques tion of Percentages. Next It Will Considor tho Admission of Brooklyn and Cincinnati. At a Into hnu this afternoon it was whispered ery loudly about tho Fifth Avenue Hotel that next year would seo ten clubs iu thn National League and a guarantee of 4 0 per cent of gait receipts to visiting clubs. The American Association, in annual meeting at the 'itt!i Acuuo Hotel, was still without a Picsident for next 3 car when the sotsinn began this morning. Tho delegate cot together again ycstelday after the break of the afternoon, but continued with the same old tic voto for Plielus, of Louis ille. and KintithotT, of Kansas City. This mtiiniug the name of W. II. Volt.:, staff correspondent nf the Philadelphia I'rrss. was mentioned ns tint t of a ciunpinmlsn candidate. Tho League people had on hand this morning the subject of tho percentages for visiting club., carried ov Tfrum last night's mcotlns. It was thought probablo that an allowance of from 40 to fto per cent, of tho gato receipts would be established for next season. After disposing of this business tho League will consider thn question of admitting Brook lyn and ( iuciuiiati, which will pinbably take thereat of tho da). President Dav said this mot nine that thn mat ter mado no ttiflcrcneo to him. ono way or the other, and he didn't caio whether tho League had eight clubs or ten. 'J ho League Inst night amended Its constitu t.on, by-laws, Ac, Huicattcr there will bo flvo umpires for tho Lcugue, itiHteuil of four. ltaln clucks must be issued and gicn to spec tators unless live innings or moio havu been completed. Tho sslo of players was abolished, and it was provided that a player must anange for his owu tiansfcr ill case he cau sccuru the consent of his club to lease itt employ. At l'-.Oft to-dov the Association delegates ad journed until -'. :in. Tho deadlock was unbroken and was said to be likelv to bo maintained until the matter nf Brooklyn and Cincinnati being admitted to the Liaguewas settled. The Jimp fneii.ut presented tho name of Mr Voltz, put Von der Abe and his people wouldn't listen to the name ot any other than Phdp. J. Palmer O'NYll. of Pittsburg, said to-day that ho had aircady signed a number of Brother hood men. but how many or their names lie re tused to tell. President Day said he didn't en re about sign ing men. but that in the light or the players' actions ho would rather enjoin them when tho time arises for them to csiiy out their inten tion of playing ball. Habt he "Wait until tin so capitalist put up their money. Wait until Hint $1(1.000 giaud stand is built upon that lot adjoining the Polo (Irouuds, ami then I think I shall hawi all the players I want, nudthat very stand may piuu ery useful i to inc." ' It is a simple matter for these men to put oiitaiUaiue nu.nev to the plsers. tnr that will ; be repaid, und it is an cay thing to socuiu a I two or time months' option on grounds, but when it comet- to putting tint thousands of dollars with positively no secunty beyond a few worthless contract", you will lmd the capitalists a minus quantity." And then Manager rowers arrived upon the scene and Mr. Day turned to listen to that hus tler's leport of his tlueo days' wundcniiLs in parts unknown. O'ROURKE OX THE XEW LEAGUE. Up Predicts n Prospermia I'liluir for Ilia I'lnycra Lcugue. (SrrCIAL Til Tllf. MNIKO WORLP.1 lliuPOKronr. Conn.. Nov. 14, .lames II. O'ilouike. the famous ball-player, who is now at his homo in this citv, is ono of tho most en thusiastic supporters of the baseball playcis' new League. Mi. U'ltouiko was seen at his lawofllce this morning by an KvrsiNo World reporter. llcside him upon his desk, carefully folded in an envelope, was a contract with tho Players' League which he had just signed. Thocontiact binds him for tint years. O'P.ourke had jnsl received a letter from John Ward ill which the wilter said that Kcre, (inre and himself nignul contracts for tlueo seals yesterday. During conversation the great loft fielder aid that every member ot tho New Vork baebsli team had signed an agreement to sign a eou tiact with tho Plains' Club. Of the champion New Voik team, nine of lh plavcis hold sill. 000 woithof stock, tsch of tho nine having isl.lltin woith and the iitnain ing t.000 being divided between several or them. O'Kourke said every member nf the New Vork, Cleveland and Indianapolis club, and all the old League playt i excepting Mnitli and Oanrl. of the Boston team; Dav and Wllinot, ol the Washington ( Inb. and all thn ( hicsgii plavers but Anson, Bui lis and Hiitchitisoii had agreed to sign with the Dsll-l'laycrs' League. O'ltourko predicts a prosperous future for tho plajers' venture. Mend In Your Voir. Tilt: World in inking a jutpiilar vot on the Urn enavoeflng Itin-iiall iiufflinim ariliv iliiu: (1) tt'liUh do ( fftlnv teill bf tlir-bt tin; thr Players1 Xattmial Lrngiw or (Vie .Vnfionn! league f (!) HVtfrh trflf receive vour support t eml your role, preferably irrltttn an a postal card, ailiressea ; Sronijxo Editor, " The H'oWtl," .Veto llir-. Jtrad some interesting answers in net "Sun day's ll'tirtti" Firing llrlrlix tin Hronduny. Bricks fell Iroin the new building, SO IIioiil way, to-day. (leorgolllessing.of tl Vartck tticet, aplumbcr, and Joseph Roberlng, of 411 West Tweuty. sixth street, who wne passing, were cut iu tho head and were taken to Chambers (Street Hospital. A Diueinua breakfast dish ia prprd hem UUAian ITollid Wuna Oais In MO niluutta. Ask for tbe 'QCAya"packs. . .M S "WAIT TILL THE CLOUDS ROLL BY." HERE'LL BE A FIGHT. Jack McAuliLTe and Hike Daly to Meet Hear Boston. Jack McAullffe, tho Brooklyn light-weight, is to have a go with Mike Daly of Bangor, Me., on or about Dec. ,. Tho match has been arranged under the auspices of tho Parncll Athletic Club.of Boston, and will take place in or nt sr that citv. There will bu littecn rounds, according to tho articles of agi cement, with two-ounce gloves, at catch weights, for a purse ot sl.oou. After this light McAnllfTo will bo readv for Catroll. and will only await that pugilist's de claration that he. in turn, is ready for Jack. MAN WITHOUT A COUNTRY. He Denies Aniprlcnn Citizenship, AVhlle Ills Nutlvo Prussia Disowns Hint. Deputy Collector McCIcunand has an indicate question to mlvc. Audita Koppe. thirty-three years old, arrived at Castle Gaiilcii to-day on the steamship Hla vouiafrom Hiimhtilg. Ho hails fiom Hchner derwubl. Pioviucc of I'oiti. Prussia, where his father H a wcaltbv wmo merchant. Koupo came hciclllstiu lHTtl and found em ployment in Dubuque. Ia. He returned honm in 1H7H, and again came to America iu JHH',' and went In work in fit. Louis. Ho r-nvH ho uevei touk out naturalization paper lure. .... lu May. lsmi. hoppi not. lie 1 the ficrman Coiifiil at ht. Louis that lie was going back to Prusma to take posei'in f sumo propertv, valued at l.', vjllcd to linn by his mother. I'pou b'suirivol in Kcblierdeimulil the Prus sian cotitts n fiMil to rccognle liis tight to the property, I'laiiningtliat undertho law bo was in dcbtcil to his nAtlvo land foi a sum far in excess ol the value nr the pioporty for military services which ho had never rendered. He was rurthcimore accused, as he says, on faUiIieii statement", of being tin American titl yen. a fnct in itself mi lucent toprcvent him flnm hi'lding Prussian real estate. hnpi-now want the United Rtates authori ties to holp him obta'ii hi rights. The papers in the case have been turned over In the Customs ollicial" and Kuppn will remaiu in charge of tbe Lmigrstlou Coram sssoners, lend ing tho advico of Deputy Collector McClcn-uand. CHAI.LEXGCD FOOTBALL-PLAYERS. llnrvnrd nttd I'rliieetnii .Urn Itrfoie the Cullrglnte Advisory Coininlllrr. Tho Graduate Advisory Committco of tho Intcicollegiatu l'ootball Astociation mot at the Fifth Avcntt" Hopd this morning todlscurs tho charge, hi ought by Harvard against Ames, tho cicat half-back of Pimccton, and the counter charges brought by Pi lliceton atrainst Cranston, rpton, Htlckney and Dtan, ot Harvaid. Aines'a friends in Princeton asseit that the chaigcsnr pinrcistounlism against him are nun-r-etise: that he is in hlsHiuior year and stands tweltth in his class. 'lho Princeton men sav they are willing to withdraw their charge against the four Har vaid men, if Harvaid will withdraw hcrchaiges against Ames. At 11 o'clock the Committee went into secret tcsMou, and it ia likely t hat their deliberations will lust all dav. POISON FOR LOST LOVE. A Young ."Vcvvnrk (ilrl Commit Suicide Alter llclng .lilted. Isrrci.i. rn Titr rvri-n Newahk, Nov. 1 I. Laura Barley, a voting and pretty domest.o cmploscd by Ml. Lruust Oodfrey. at llil Montclair avenue, died this morning ira dose oflauilanum, which sho took with siiiciilitl Intent, Mio said she hsd becii jilted by a niaii to whom she was engaged.. MAYOR ORAM'S LEVEE. .Illaaourl'a (iovernor mid Jnpnneso Poller M.ll Hint. Among tho-o who ptid their respects to Mayor (Irant tu-dai wasliuv. rinnci'.nf Missouri. Sutisiikn llajashi mid M. Y. Muinuutsu, ,l.ipa. lit so Police Iuspciturs, who are studjiug the police eystcins ol tbe world. alo called 'itnl pie. seutid a letter of lnttuduetiou I loin I'lilted htates Minister Hubbard at Tokio. .Indiro llanrll tlncli Ilcllcr. Judge Monell is reported to lo much letter to-day, and while Ir.s phslcians decline to do oiarchim out of daiiLcr, thoy look forwaul to a decided change for the better. Orara In three ralnuta.-Dri. Scott's Elictsic Plas Trli Tlieii.anns.rstlty Iryth.m Allrirnasl.ts . NO MORE AN EDITOR. m Jobn L SnlliTan's Literary Career Comes to an Abrupt End. John L. Sullivan is no longer sporting editor of tho Iltutratet Xtirs. Mauagcr and Treasurer Ocrmalne has sent Sullivan a check foi t.'ltlO. for tho balance due hlhVtp date, mid hereafter there will bo no business connection between Boston's pet pugilist and the Illustrated A'ews. The reason for the severance of business rela tions between tho paper and Hiillivau. as stated by Mr. (icimulne this morning, was merely to cut down expenses. Htilhvan has been drawing a salary of tSO a wetk from the .Vein as sporting editor. The peerless John is much cleverer with bis lists than with the pen. When his naino was first Haunted at the head of the paper as sport- I lugiditnr. John used to wrestle hard to master the intricacies of English grammar, and sent to I the Aura each week a column of bright, braiu I scintillation"', signed with his nanu. I Hoon. however, the delights of a literary oc- cupatb u lost their glamour and manuscripts fiom tho spoiling oditor became few and lar between, linally they ceased altogether, and it has now been many minns siuco Bullivan has wntleu anything for his papei. Of courM'. under these cjicnrastances, the paper could not go on paving him $30 every Matin day. i Mr. (lermaino spoke very warmly of Hullivan ' this morning, saying he considered that Hulli- 1 van had earned cvervcent so far paid him. He considered In services in the ting at Itichbiirg, whin .loli n defeated Kilrain, as worth mativ dollars In hi paper. He said the AV.r.. would always be a fifcud to Hullivan Mid back him in all his future tights. Personally, he said he had a very nana spot iu his heait for the big fellow. lu tegaril to .Sullivan's recent challenges, Mr. (iciiiiatuosaid: " A to Hulliv au's lighting again, I think It is a CLitainty that he will tight Peter Jackson. Thn battle will bo at the California Athletic Club. " Domlnick McCaffrey is out or tho question; he would be no match at all ror (Sullivan. " MILL SULLIVAN MEET JACKSON ? The Cnllfornln Atblrllc Club Asks tbe Dig Fellow' Terms. Isprriti. to Titr. rvrMvit world.i Boston. Nov. 14. The California Athletic Club has telegraphed to John I.. Hullivan asking what money he wants to meet Jackson at the club-room". Sullivan said to-day iu regard to Jackson: Vmi can say tint if he right Kilrain lirst then the California Club will not get me to meet him. 1 want the first chance and a good purse." 'I he champion has fully made up his mind not to pay any attention whatever to the challenges and letteis issued by Domlnick McCaffrey. "He is only looking for iiotonety," said John, and trying to give people tho impres sion that ho is nun of the greatest pugilist iu the world, when he is only a second-rate lighter. Let him put up snmo ' Mull, 'and then I will talk business with him. and nut before.' Whin shown the desiatch lcgardiug his leaving the Illustrated AVtrit the big fellow said that ho hud icceived the letter mentioned, tiiid that the reason for his minting tbe paper was that they wanted him to do ton much. "I gave them tlm privilege .it using my namo whenever tluy wished, but that did not satiafy theni. They wanted mo to spend two hour uvcry day m thcnllice, besides writing ajstory every week for the paper. " John I intends to goon to New ork within ten day. to etc how his case in Mississippi stands. GEORtJIANA AHAIN CAGED. lnennr lllsa Hilton Itrcuplurrd and Token to nn Asvluti. Miss (Icotgianu Hilton, tho dementod young woman who escaped from the West Tenth street sanitarium yesterday, was sont this morn ing to tho Insane Asylum at Amityville. Miss Hilton is the daughter of Mrs. I ranees Hilton, a wiulthy widow, who lives at l'.'l West l'lirtv-uiiith street. Mio lis- religious mania sml attended the Church or the Straugersjtwlth theiiUa that Di. Diems continually prajcllfor hu. tJanc ol'Tlilevr llrolirn I'p, ISriCt.l. TO THC WORLD. I MoxTiru.Lo. Ill , Nuv. 14. Thomas Huasell, tbe Ira Ie r of tho gang of Ibiev es who have been breaking Into stores, tailroad cars and dwellings In central Illinois, I in 'all at Ibis jdair, having bren arrested b Detective lljilanl. of tho Wabash, 'mere were about Bftv In tho gang, with headquarters at Chaiu I alirn, III., where they .ecreted their Btolen prop ertv. Harry Latham, who waa flret arrested, con fessed und told wbeie tbe gooda w ere secreted, and hundreds ot dollar.' worth of them have been recovered. To Regulate the Stomach, JLIvcr and bowels, take Carter's Little Live Pills. 25 o. . EXTRA 1 DUNBOYNE. II ' i I Ridden to Victory by Hamih I ton for the Lascade : I Handicap, I GOOD CROWD HT CLIFTON TO-DAY. I Favorites Win in Three of the Races : I Straight, I But Garrison Breaks the Succession $, in the Fourth. f I fsriciiL to lire zvxnrrtri wostn. 1 ilamal CLirToit Race Track, Nov. 14. There was "jfl regular old-time crowd at the races here to-day. Sal The fine weather and tho fact that there was ..jB no racing at Elizabeth is what swelled the at- Wal tendance. 'Xamal Twcnty-fivn bookmakers woro on the line, and -Caaml had tho fields been larger at least ten more dtl would hav o dono business. i anal The track was not so very bad, and it canted Slfl Hecretsry Kass to remark that it was a pity they jssai did not havo as good card as that of yesterday. Sama Theio was a good Held in tho first race with iuaatl thu'favnrite Van winner after a good raco with Mamal Vigilant. Manhattan ran very prominently for nearly a Mamsl mile and it was discnv ercd after tho race that be F'tm was hadly cut in thn off fore leg. 4?eb1 Lancaster was a 0 to :i on favorite for the flatai second rato and ho won in n. canter, with the faH second choice, Jcuuio McFarland, fintiblns fll second. s'bH Dunboyno, with Hamilton tin. waa even Jfafl money favorite for thn Lascade Handicap and HtS won without any trouble. The crowd weretn fiaaal high clce, aa hto was tho third successful fa- &natl vorlte. aH rimer race. j'aaml Mile and a sixteenth; selling. fiM 4 fls.f.wj. - XrBaal Slrirturi, Wht; Jffflsv'. Ctrnttiht. iaO JnaraTal 1 Van 107 Clartnn . .ito2 4tol Saaal J Vltllsnt Ill .McCarthy. 4 to 1 ftoit !.' :t Knilercok KIT ...Hlras ... . 7 to 1 Atn2 WaVal (I tloenod..,., 107 . VV. Rrasan l.Mo I tjtol Egaal (I Kink !(I7. ...Mnrrav. 1,'itui Htol WM 0 Chocney 1 1 1 ,...Hnn) . . . Htol .Itol 'i safes' (I llonnleR 1 III .. Tbompson . 7 tot Atoa 4sfaffl U Manhattan . 1 07 .Oxler, ... lllt-ol 4 to 1 -b affaff O llntsUr K17 Murtha. ..4(1 to I 11 to 1 JtsTaTI O Alan Archer...... .11)7 .Harton. .Mo 1 8toS V Caffatl 0 King. ford... 100 lacey .30 to 1 15 to, iifaH The Ilace. Vigilant was first away, then Man- ?aH hattan. Gounod and Chceuoy alternated in the ; lead to the stone wall. Van then took Up the ' M running and finally won by two lengths from . M Vigilant, who was thrco lengths before Ester- j M hok. Time-l.ntlM. ; H Mntuel paid: Htraight. $8; for a place. : JM t3.Hr. Vigilant paid $4. L'U. , H FECOND nCE. H Selling: seTen and one-half furlongs. "' B tstiirtir. trsfs, .ftrl.r. ftiatahu rtaet, t sM 1 Lancaster lln. . Doane. .. flto5 oni ffavarJ !1 .IennleMoFar!and.ll:i Mima . 'J to I lts3 M :i I.irris KM. .lone.. lOtol tltoS J 4afaai 0 Moonstone llil 1'o.ter 110 tot Otol tasaml The Ilace. Lorris took the lead at the start nH and led on suflerance to thi stone wall, where JstflH Doane gave Lancaster his head, and, coming; -f'laH away, won in a canter by four lengths. Jennie XH Melarland was second, threo lengths in frout jlaamal ofl.otris. Timo-!.41W. -. Saamal Mutucls paid : Straight, f.1.13; for a prace, tM t'-'.aa. Jennie McFarland paid (-'. U3. H TUino nvc'E. '-- 'f:aal Haudlcap; ono mile. IH . lUttxng . afaral MnrtrrK tear.. JnfA.vt. .S'frafsf. rtnetu saXal 1 Dnnt oype 114 ...llatrtlton. even 1 to J Caravel J Mpeedwell .UM Palmer -' tol :lto !, i.snai II Iceberg lmi .linos.. SO tot llto 1 fiamaai U Hsnt U. 1011. .Thompson. 4 to 1 UtolO vaTaTai 0 Vllid 1U." . .Klma ... . olol a to I &)H The ltace. Speedwell was lirst away, but 8am rt'iaaai D. soon took tho lead, and with Vivid alter- Ssnaml listed iu flist placo to the lower turn. Dunbnyne 'Jmaaml went to the front on the backstretch and won vH easily bv three lengths from Hrecdwell, who was , H two lengths before Iceberg. Timo 1.48H. ftamaai MutuelB paid: Straight, ft: for a place, ta.05. Speedwell paid $3.!I0. imaaml tounTn nACt. Jaamsal Celling; three-quarters of a mile. TH Htumt a .samnai Etarttr. VA.. Jorktvt Strntlkt. FtmtK jaamaTJ t t;srrlsoo....i.Vlj.'!0'i... W. Ileasan. 6tol a tol tM a Owen UoldW...Sl(H,.. Trainer..... II tol '' tol laB :i Mischief !'.'. .('Isjton.... tltol 3to5 .IHTnTI II Madel na cilL ItlH . (lender.,,. 5toa 4tofi oTlamaai II li'l '1'lins H." barton. ... 4 to 1 4 too StafaTai 0 lolly P.). ..Jones Otol atol aB TholUce. Owen' Golden made the rnnnlng Vaaaai to the stonowall, where Harrison moved up. and ''aaaai coining a wav on the stretch ho won handily by :1evbbI threo lengths. Owen Golden second, half IIbbB length before Jlisehlef. Time l.aiH. fnaaal Mntnels paid: Straight. -'ll. 80; for a place, aaaaal Owen Golden paid $10,110, IbbbbI rirru iiace. , H Milo heats. H , tt,tni-, ' H Start., tVAM. Jorhfyi. frrafeAI. rtae. H 1 Vming nuke U17...UJamHton . :; t, JO one '- H Fannie It 114 .Jones.. ,14to. on ' H The Ilace-Fir.t heat. Young Duke led all the H wayand won by six lengths. Time 1.47. , H rUccond Heat. Young Duke won it as easily a) H thellist. ; jH Cliriou Kntrlr for To-.VInrrovv. ; H (SriCIAL TO TUE EVKNIXU WOBLD. jH Clittos IUckTuack, Nov. 14. Hero are the) 'jH entries for Friday. Nov. 15 : , JsH First Raee-Mile and a furlonx.-OTld, 100: She, Ifalnll 10.'. 4 Vlvlfl. OH i Wild Cherry. IKI Ih. " ImbB Hrcond Kace Selllnir. hve-e artithsof amlle Trifle r, Safafal 114. TrasieK., 10H, Fustlo, 1(H: Hearst, Wcodbmr..- Safaffal liouian, 104 .aoti, Nuaant, 100: Faust. 1 00 1 114 IfaTaal l.utht, 10a, Verona, Oil. ltdr Archer, 00; tvea Tick, Vafaffal Lillj.M., nil each, Isacy. Oa lb. ThTAbI Third lUoe-.Kiv..siahth of a mile. -Ter rail, St. affeffal Paris, 114 eaolli Fulton, 110s Osceola, 1081 Brier, laafaai 100, Uuardsroan. 104. Cray t'lond, 104 i Huasell A, inafl itorme. ly Chiomopatluel. lOUt Ariel. Oils Alarlo, 00 1 'fafal llull'a Kye. J. .1. Ilea'y. Merlin. Kial. 00 lb, each, Jasaal Fourth ltae Handicap: all and a half furlongs. jasalaal 81. Jobn, tali Haymond, K (Jarnscle, Rrosra Vaasaai Charlie. 115each, .MsryT.. KIT. rheora.HU: Virtfly, IsaH lO.'ll HessleK.. ICi. I.skewood. Olllb. . . .. MvEsaal Fifth Ilace -!eveu an i a hall lurlonss. Middltatone, iffaaafl HO, Kleve, (r! Itesaie K., lit!; Mlllls lb, betky 4aaaB Knott, H4 eaca Thad Itowe. 110 lb JsaaBal hlith I'.sse -Willsr Handicap; three-quarters of a SsaTaTI mile. 8t. John, 14K: llrait. 117: Eolian, ItSi Zang- dismal bar. lao lvrria. laU; Tom Kearna, H8OleuAr- aJbbI mond, 1171b TitLmWm a YlaaTaTl ELLCTKIC SPAKKS ON WALL STREET. The upper telegraph wire on the poles ou tho noitp side of Wall street biokc. and tho ends fH dangled down to within a few feet of tho side- 4aaB walk in frout of No. tta this afternoon. They 3jH crossed the polico wire aud a low-tenslon wire 1H or tho Daft Motor Company, causing sparks of "H bre to bcintillato. aaaB A crowd of aoo iienplo gathered, watching tbe SaWW sparks in awe until Lineman William Hteele, of fH the Metropolitan Telephouo Company camo laaaai along. itaaB He knew there were no dangerous wire hare,, VlmWWW and he grasped this dangler and tore It away. Talaai