OCR Interpretation

The evening world. [volume] (New York, N.Y.) 1887-1931, March 06, 1890, EXTRA 2 O'CLOCK, Image 3

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030193/1890-03-06/ed-1/seq-3/

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B Our Swdpper Column Is a Drractry af iarialn. THE WORLt) t THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 0, 1890. flOTlfaE- Send iflftur Sterjea Far the 8wopJBrV Co eat. 3 ' 9
JV NOTICK.-AII thoie who intend to
faff comoat for the "Swoppm Prix"
B should tend In the accounts of their
fA transaction at once. None will be con
VKsldred after March 10.
t 1 aa ilBr,wkM
waTaTt bMPRT AP"T,rM
B JJUMSfc50ntS
A Hutrtlemesti f,r lhl' Colomn caa bt
jTiJ lelt ' "f the following
IH al Ik Itegwlar Advertising Kales.
V New York City.
Miscser ...'). intbss.,B13. (IRS.
eaBJBjBroidwar. 141. ,33. 940 Utb are., IS" iTU aoe
BJBJI tad VIM. 381.
BBBrodar. 1. 8lh are,, 00 Inear Hit
'bteadwar, 5 il.),C04ta,ir 3Dth ii,i
'Proadwar 438. QtB lte.,040, 378.833.
BJBM,Bro.d-.r,B45 109 l ilk I3S0
BJBJ'Broadwar. Ms. lSUUiod lttfO
BB'cro,lwv. I'iUS lOlti it.., laso
BaTaB'rulua n.. 1.1 Sum are,, iw lATti
BjGreart it.. 2J3 Herner at. (B. J, Nlenwlsnd 4
fSBBM bower ) A Co ) . el
.Bjludioait.. MI9 ft Olb it.. 04 -it.
llBBUbartrat.. UM " lstbat,, TO Wait.
lBFVince.il, i. 7thit..4Q0 Wait.
tJBjV A'e. A, n2 lUtb it., iAH W.iL
' Itt are. . 1708 IKId it., U4. U7UftTtn.
MjBMKd ere.. '080. 548, 788. 4'idiL. 1 00 WanT
1780. V10I BOtb it.. V.48 Kait.
Vjd .. 177, 350. 6M. iwjth it,. 180 Bait.
BJBJ 700, 850.944. 10VU. lgjtbil. andLenosait
fJBJ jovj. net. i:i?:i. juitb it , voo wait.
1300. IAU3. 1AHU. 'uadnon are . 701
'Ml. 0Sa 2031. Hadlioa are . 985,
B "110. 3020. -Mnrraril.. 7
Ba4tn aa.. 163, Murralt.. a.
BBBJf U il.. 48 KuL 'Naeeen it, , a JW.
BJ'ilbVa.. ?0't. 397 Nawit.,3u
BIBJliU are.. (Zlll. 'rin.it., . ?
fBrittere.. 1038. Uniianitf plaea. 11.
BS)eaUi8tb t... 18. "Wall it.. 10
-PB Brooklyn. Grcanpolnl, I.. I.
85d..Vd a'.:-; JOT ,. 288.
lraadwa. 41.. I.onIalnd J.'ltr.
Iroadtrar K9I isaar Dardao n.. 0.
ffaH Hirer aia l L . &, .
Broadwar. 370 loaar llobokall. N. J.
aj KaD it. i,opaQ Sanday Waibiogtoa it.. 221,
BM nroVdJat. 10f. JerarCliy.
BBj Mreadwajr. m'i Iniu-Nanlra t... 003
BE IH.Kalb ... 434. 089 '"" . , , flL
IBlT4 KaDat..'74 w A.Cormiba, 13 Orll'
JTaBjo Ealtaaat.. 1140 fll"1 lotapkmirilla
IBM Jaltoa it,, 17ujl Aaburr I'Rru, N. J.
faW Faltos it, and Tamptibi II. W flaltai
S JalVfMU a. . S43. ,. '"! N-
4B jUlda.a.. 231. J,li?aifi,??,.,.B, .,
.BM Hdata. 041 J4UHbalfbli
I otbava.. oornarOtb it. Yonkara. N. V.
bL 7ibar.. BOCd.ii llitKi- 13 and 13 Nortt, llraai
BJoT' lay ptaai war
(Aimurd. I
DONKEY barnen and rtc wantad for ohlldran'a
.uia: moit bain good ord.r, itatwbatyou
vantforUtallpartlaalara. Promptlj, 8 World,
fj uptown.
aK 17RC.1II KCIUH-Wantad. eaatomira to Uka
Bl JT via.klr lupplj. Addraaa Poultry Farm, boa
BH " Waw Protidinea. W. J.
IF YOU OWN a ufaty blcrcla. are tlrad of It and
. daalra to aichaota, pUaaa wrlta, firing; par
uaj tlculan. W. A. P.. boa l,t'U7, city.
LS TAHADKNA (n. J.) Laud Co.. noma Iota.
SI Jl AxlfiO frat on railroad, fraa and claar. will
n (m aiobangM tor aqaUalanti. Call, or addr.il
WLE lioom F. Ill Broadway. N. Y.
TaSj IT eow In calf and ona milrhoow forgood work
H ttwaa. No. 18 Wail luib at., llayonnu. N. J.
H -ITTIlKKIJiK 1 WILSON Half cablnal aawlng
B; YT machina to aachanga for anything; oaafulor
B 87ealh. W. Ilarbart, iillt Bait 74tn at,
WILL KXOHANQE for anything uaaful, or ll
cbaap for oaib. tbrao baautlfnl abonltad
H abowa.ia and tlna black walnut tablaa for boldlog
lama. W,. 114 World.
H "VJITANTKD-A ponr cart and birnaaa in azcbanga
saBK if fflr a good New Home aewlng.inacblue or
BK, caifa. Hoi fi. Jaraty City. N. J.
BKf A DOUULE.UAHHEI, hreecb-loadlng abotgun,
gaaBM xl. worth 10, for beat offar In printing praia.
Vi "t,ttr'y- wg IPS. Bprlng Valley; N. V.
B A LWAY8 bare oaib to axchanga for furniture.
BBJ -il rarpataand Jewelry t good pricaaglrant itate
BJ naaotlly and wblre to call. Alorria. JUSK. 1031b at.
SI A Bin1 of real'aitattfrecordat will trade for raoit
Sal il. Anything or raiht will aell part of tbom, if da
B alrad. Ueoordi, 33 World.
E LEO ANT upright piano, gent'abaary aolldgold
bnnUng atem.wlndlng and aettlag watfh. both
BBSS. new, for aafety b'cycle. ttquare Deal. IG'-f Oln ave.
fJH TjlNOUSH HADUI.K and trldlf, roat S0.". for
ilBBfc JCi Ualy. three.barreUed gnn.or 40, Addreii.
JMB Van Ifeerbeke. care of Ie, Twidy A Co., 80
(TTANDSOltK black walnut folding-bed. Franob
BIJEX plate mirror, to aicbanga for uprtght piano.
BHfMAdaraia, with lull particular, K.. 0 Uptown
BpiWKKD tOR S15-A Una lolld gold gentle
Jr man'a watch; lpoailble to redeem , will ea.
JBcbanga tbe ticket for anything of equal value
MlllvE.l. 103 World.
plO HKLL or eichange for proDarty bqerlog
fBX water, no farther out than onebour. fittent
IMyagUaaee that will not tall off the noaa when one
aagha or abaaee tbe beta i tboio wbo oeter conld
Lwearclaaeea can uaetbeea; they ntany noaa. A.
Ml.-olt-. 173U- are.
PJB1irlLX,8WUP brind-naw Slamlniton repeating
TT anortlng rifle for offerv, or u.60prafema,
Mtrthur Ha rage. Bay Itldga. L. L
HVV11-1' E-OMANOE for S0. worth tlOO. four
tr laraa ateel eograringa, beautifully framed,
HHenraaanting the principal worka of aculpture In
kalbert aletaorlal Hall, London. Addraaa Kngrar.
, Jluga, SH World.
sQBq LADIES' gold, bnntlng-oaaa watcbaa j 13 llr
O a oroldei 800 copper pennlix, 1705,tol837,
dtTddraaa. tlonfaotloner. Yonkera, N, Y,
HaLOT UK MloKlT OARPETH to aicbanga for
KilLcairi at half price t from SA upward, at Pat
jpTan'a. 34ae.. between 113tb and 1 Utb ata.
'TTTiKXPRnlEWOEO piano teacher from Ham.
K burg Ooairriatory will eichange Inetrnatloni
4Lfn planu and U.rman for dlamoodi or anything elae
ful.AddrataT.W,, '.'44 World.
A"-"-. 48 AND b0 INCH BIOYOLG for aale or
Brt-tftbnf' lo' gnytblog uaaful. 11!3 Weil
CUILORKN'8 DRLIOHT I-Imported Ruiiian
annotored poor, cart and barneaa. aealakin
Haacqqa, HO by 30t Hala A Kllburn portable waib.
aland, aaebinge or caeh. Y. A, U,. 1. O. boa
Ptf,014;-Wa Yolk.
H taTAULISHKD PRINTItgi-UKt'lCI. fo?le or
TaHH aacbange with cah fordptown .mall prliata
B " Addr.u or call Wltar. 402 W. 40lh it.
K fTIXCll ANGH 300 building loti. adjoining
T&Xli IlAckettatown Inatttutat blgh grounatgooa
KiiailHt. llu 400 lUckettatuwn, N. J.
PLAYEfis m miim.
Theatrical Flans Taking Form for
tbo Coming Autumn doason.
"Tho Stepplnu-StoDo " to Have ft
rrofegslonnl SInUncc.
Hlduoy llo-kott, tbe young English
actor, who playcJ here last souon with
Mrs. Totter, and who, whon that laity
failed to materialize for the present
season, took a position in a less conspicu
ous company, no) sports a card with the
logendt "American representative " of.
Mrs. Potter and Kyrlo Uellew. Mr. Dow
ett is awaiting news of their opening in
Melbourne, Australia, which takes jlace
this month. Mrs. Potter and Bellew are
to be in England agriu in October,
when Mr. Dowkett is ft meet
thetn. 'they are then to make
n tour of the English produces, and open
in London in ii " big productiou" next
Christmas. They will not beseeh In this
country until tho season of 1891.2, when
it is pretty definitely settled that they
will play here again. Mrs. Potter will
produce soTorul Shakespearian plays, a
couple of Bsrdou cffeols and somo novel
ties during her stay in Australia. Mr.
Bowkett, before be goes to Epcland, will
present n ploy of his own during ths Sum
mer in Hocbester.
William QUI and ltobert Frnrer have
entered Into a five years' partnership to
write plays. Their first piece of col.
laboration is to lo directed towards
Evans and Rosy. Mr Frazer is now
writing a play for a "leading society
D'Oyly Carte, who loft for England
yesterday, is reported to liavo bad a con
ference with Henry E. Abbey on' tho sub
ject of Sarah Bernhardt. Mr. Carte is
understood to bo yearning for Sarah on
the opening attraction of his new theatre
In London. Borah is Abbey's. Hence
tho conference.
Miss Lotta and Miss Palmer,, tho rival
soubrettes, are going to take particular
care next .season that they don't clash.
Their "routes" will be booked with this
idea in view, n Lotta and Miss Palmer
clashed once before, in London, and it is
not thought advisable to repeat tho ex
periment, .
Mis Carrie Turner, who will be rem em.
bersd as Diane in ' Paul KaUrar," is now
touring the English provinces with Miss
Grace Hawthorne. .
It is quite likely thsf two English
oftlcers will fence with the Hungarian
dumseU at the Eden Musee. They have
expressed their desire to do so, and the
Musee is never caught napuing,
Harry Lee, wboso " Suspect compsny
came in the other day, is going out acain,
this time to produce tfeveral well-knowu
and often-tried plays, or, in other word,
to head "a travelling stock company."
There is to be a professional matinee of
" The Stepping-Stone " at the Standard
Theatre to-morrow. Mr, Rosemeld, by
the bye, holds the Ktandardnieatrcin a
rather peculiar) manner.' Ho has, the
privilege of extending his lease every two
weeks by giving due notice." So he is iu
a chronic state of fortnightly notification.
"Tbe Senator" was measured yester
day by Artist Goatcbor for a nico new
"interior" to be used next season. Tho
ploy will return to tbe Star Theatre.
De 'Wolf Hopper is said to have become
possessor of n comic opera called "The
Wolf." which would have been produced
by Francis Wilson had notthe success of
"Tho Ooolah" rendered another effort
Plays and Players in Brooklyn.
Ten-yesr-old Carrie Webber la proving
entirely acceptable aa Topiyln "Uncle
Tom's Cabin, " at Jscobg'ilrooklyn Theatre.
The ilnclnc of T. . Farron is a pleat In if
feature of "The Sbsnty Queen." now at
the Urand Opera-lfouse.
In her orisinal role of Bman McCreery in
"Held by the Enemy" Minnie Dnpree la
winning raatiy new Irlendi at Col. Blnn
l'ark Theatre.
The Standard Opera Company la giving
an excellent production of "Fra Blsvolo"
at tho Criterion Theatre.
Themobtcene In tbe fifth act of "Paul
JCauvar " at tbe Lee Avenue Academy ii an
ntenae hit of realiam.
Tho Amphlon was Dicke.l to the very
doom laat evening by an audience who wit-
Eeiictt in the hands of Emma Abbott and
er company one of the belt performances
or " II Trovstoro " eves(riven in Uroo.lni.
''The Chime of Normsadr" will be given
to-morrow evening.
Not Remarkable.
tWi AT WRl-yl Ttl(y. 1
Saueeier Yei, my Jove 1 1 went to jump
off the train, and fell, snd scraped along on
my face for ten feet. Wasn't hurt a bit.
Bimarltable. ehr ...
Freezer Oh. 1 don't know. You're used
to travel on your cheek, you know
It Made No Difference.
lfYet JfHniiy' arJy.)
Poet I have brought you a poem, sir. It
is rsther Ions, but I suppose thst will make
no ditlerenre.
Editor-Ob. no. Just as easy to reject
long ones sa short ones.
A Lesson in Economics,
Ifton Ttxai Stilmi.
Orsftin-There goes CuAnm. I lent that
measly ddck 10 six months ago. snd be
has never raid it back yet I
WjgBins-Herves you right. It lsslirsra
hsrd to get back money from the frsud you.
9 -u Series of Interesting Stories of Every-m:-
. Day Happenings.
B Author of " Zighta o' London," " A Railway Romance," " The Zort
K JJride," ito.
V srsopsis or opbsiso emmm.
Sal . Tbs author notlrai that aa old woman bag taken tbe pJioe of Tom, a oroniag'-iwetpar. near bis
jH booai. Tbcra uaouiatbliui peculiar about bar actiona. "UainicU Tom. who jays that inn woman
fata kit u Iwu nulneaa (or theuieof hii broom and location for a weak. TbesutborraHasona
B IrtaadUiinirsaar, who tails blm that ura. pa Vara, iloiiu warned woman llln In the luue
f bouse, bad beau takeu away by bar fttbar. who Prored w bailr Urorv fcllun. a wealthy banker.
Ufrbua4waSraasUudtsaai.'rosatbstraalwb-a bis wits was Uln taiin swsjr as-nst bsr
H Wtabsa.
0 While wa were talking tbe landlady came
C into Dick's room.
ft "Oh. I beg yonrpardoo, XIr, t-mnson,"
B she said : " I dldnt know you bad any oos
B with you."
H "It's all right, lira. Smith; we war only
talking about Mr. Vert. lave you fonnd
out anything fresh T"
"No; but I hav fust had a telegram from
Blr Oeorgs saying thst Jfn. Yero's hosts
will Ihj calleu for to-day, sudtbat Ism to
eivhs!up. It's very odd. Uulilt W'
packed STtrrthlng, s4 I Joat tt U I.
Terror of All Other Wild Beasts of
tbe Sierras.
Story of a I'itit to the Dentil wllli
a Cinnamon Uenr.
Last season I Vl out with a cotiplo of
frlsuds on the clfio coast eujojlng n
vacation, saht n sportsman to n Kansas
City tf.Wv3porter. One iVsywo fouud
ourselves in the little town of Situ
Raphael, In Lower Callforuln. At the
hotcrjfvhcre woatopped we fouud that the
'villujftrs hsd been suffering a great deal
by the deptedatious of the pautheis.
Game, such as deer ami smaller auimals,
their usnal prey, hsd been very scarce
and to nfifffl tip for It the pigs aud cows
of the residents had to suffer.
This was Just what weweie looking for,
and the next day found tin out iu the
Sierras on a hunt for tfee depredators.
During tho day I got separated from the
other boys and wandered around for
about Iho hours without finding a trace
of anything. I was about to glvo the
chase up and return for supper, and bad
selected a sort of natural path down the
mountain, when I heard a muffled growl
and the breakiugof a heavy body through
the brush koius dlstauce in front of me.
I recognized the-growl to be that of the
cinnamon bear, and knew by the wav be
uttered it that he was in trouble and'was
He w coming right towards roe, and I
bail just lime to conceal tuyaolf behind a
tree to one aide of the pathway when he
burst into light. His tyes were staring
and hi tongue was hanging out and the
froth flew from side to side ni be bounded
over the ground. I no sooner saw blm
than I heard tbo most horrible scream
imaginable. It was not such a ono as a
person would utter when about to suffer
some sudden and terrible calamity, but
was more a cry of rnge and madness.
The bear no sooner beard it than lie
seemed lo lose all hope. He bounded
past mo somo little distance and then
turned on his haunches aud prepared
himself as if waitiug an attack. He bad
no sooner got himself in position than
something darted past me with the
(lUlckneiBof o flash of chain lightning,
uttering ns it went something that
sounacd like the spit of an angry rat. I
could hardly turn my head when the
cougar, for such it proved to be, bnd
struck tbe bear, and all I could see was a
confusion of Hying fur aud a bowlldoriug
maze of .rapidly flying and powerful
pews. . , . . ..
Tbo lion bad buried H'flMh 'n the
bear's throat, and before ho could move
apawin'Rflf defense bad literally torn
him into shreds with its powerful, sharp
claws. Ji
The wbrfie thing 'hsd happened so
quickly that I bad erarce time to catch
my breath when the tight was over, the
bear dead and the lion gone.
The bear's ribs were torn asunder and
ono of the sharp claws' had cut bis heart
in two. Ilia intestines were tbresdsand
the grass and brush for teu feet around
wero covered with hair, hide and blood.
I think the American lion is the tiuickest
thing on earth.
Proscription Given for " Conl-Tlntr"
by a Kansas City Doctor.
"You would be surprised If you knew,
how many of the negroej, still believe in
tbe power of tbo voodoo." said a police
surgeon to a Kansas Clty'Timfj reporter.
' ' They nearly all havighe- faith firmly
fixed in their minds, though 'they ate
more careful about acknowledging It than
they used to be. ....
" About two years neo I received a call
from au old black man who said be bad
been 'conjured bv some old woman In
Wyandotte, and be bad been Buffeting
from a terrible pain in both arms and
sbouldots ever since. He bad been dig
ging bis yard all over in search of tbb
coffin this old woman was Mipoosed to
have buried there in order to hoodoo him,
and as the search had been useless he had
become discouraged, and come to me as a
last resort.
I slz?d up the case at once and cave
him a prescription containing such odorif.
erous articles as iodoform, saltpetre,
assafiftidit aud -a number of others, apd
told blm to place tbem upon a red-hot
shovel and fumigate tbe place.
"The Latin names I used greatly im
pressed tbe old man, and when be got a
wbiff of the villainous compound be was
surotbere must be something mirsculou
alAut tbe prescription. .
' He tamo to me tbe next morning-.nd
declared that be was thoroughly cured,
anil to tbe day of bis death ne ascribed
that cure to the march be made about hi
bouse at mlduigbt tbst night, firry lug
In front of him that shovel with its load,
of loud smells." "" '
No Nonuenee About Him.
l1em Tiiat Stlfaf 1. 1
They were talking of death, when one man
asked :
"What were lilt last ords ?"
" He didn't say anything," was the reply.
' That's Just like him," said the first man,
with an approving nod; "there was so gas
about him. He was all business."
Filled tbe Bill.
, 1romJuJgt,)
Elegantly Attired Hpluster I see yon ad
venite for casb-glrl'.
Merchant-Yes, ma'fm: but .. .
Klexantly Attired 8pfnter Well, I have
fifty thousand iu my own right, "bat's
wanted T
Illlicuiliaie. Ulszliiria, iaiieea. Ac,
are reliaisd by OaaTga's Little Liveh Pais..
can keen them, for the rent it paid."
"But what about the husband's prop
erty!" I asked. "You can't give that up
nnless he comes for it himself, and I am not
sure you are Juatlned in giving anything up
without his sanction."
" lie hasn't left any property, "replied the
ismllsilr, ''snd that's the oddest thing sbou)
the whole affair. He took bis portmanteau
and his things away yesterday morning,
saying bo was going away for a wetk-sud
yet I'll swesr he was standing opposite thit
boute last night, I shall give the young
lady's things up to ir George. I don't
want to bsve any bother or legal proceed
ings, and I'm quits stirs the hnsbsud won't
nterftre. If he'd been going to he'd hvs
dons it when hit wife wss ttkt- sway he
wouldn't bsve waited till ber boxes went,"
At thst moment a csb drpve up to the
door, snd. a yoong man Qt out and
knocked. Tbe servant went to tho door,
and prttsutly earns in to tay that Bir George
Elllstou had sent bis strt ant for Mrs. Yere's
boxes snd sny property she hsd lft in ths
Tbe boxes and all ths things tbst Mrt.
Smith could find were duly brought down
sud losdsd on the csb. Then ths yonug
man got iu and waa driven off.
I was standing with Lampson at hit win
dow watching the proceeding, when all of
a suddta I gave au exclamation of surprise.
"What's ins, matter;" asksJ Lsmcsoo.
"Do you set that old Udy who's Justcoiu
-m .1. s -....
Piokod Up Wittioisms from nil
PartB of tho Countryi
Just tho Thing fdr iv Suburban Resi
dent. linn l( 1 O t
Mr. llsckcussck (in Bultxerleudl-How,
ranch do yon wsnt for tbst cstrylng-clialr
of yours, OboneelUer7 I'd like to buy it
of t ou when we act back to the liottl.
tjthe (luide-Whafcwtll montsfcr give?
.Mr. llRCkencl(Iotaiiymlmf. 1 live
In Jersey when lirTst home, and It would
enme In very handy lu taking biindlts homo
rrom tho city.
' How did you smash ) our hand:"
" I slapped a book agent In the face."
Cause and Effect,
I from r.rlr.l A
flam-Say. Pete, w'ere o' gt$at 'brold
cr'd shirt yo' wo' file cake walk Iss'iilaht?
rele-Onlloug. chile. Doncher know my
mudder's er lawii-dresserl
Ho Didn't See Her.
rfm 'Ae 4irme a.rrtraM.1
Bingleton (who has been away for two
years)-I haven't seen you with Miss Blank
since my return. Do yon see much of her
Benedict sorrowfu!ly)-No; I donjgsce her
Binglclon I thought yon and she wero en
gsgeiT. DIB be break it off T ,
Benedict No: we wore married. '
Two Mottoes.
Grocer I have always believed in fair
dealing. My otto In life has been "Live
and let live." Can ou find ono that will
beat that? .. ., . ., .
Moan Mannfacturer-ie: I've got on that
lay ail over that. My motto lu life lias been
"None other genuine."
Refined Beef.
t Jrei ( I'er H.IIy
Fair Customej-Is this Western beef f
Eastern ButcKr (proudly)-No. madam :
wedon'tdeal In ill.msntiercdeteersfrom thr
rowdy West. Thin beef, madam. Is from a
highly cultivated and ery refined cow, for
merly of Boston.
Another Napoleon.
FroM Jw'ftfi.
Chicago Judge-Whaf'I are you here
again. Jones T
Jones Yes. Your Honor: this is my four
teenth suit for a decree. ,
Chicago Judge (signing the papers)
There's no use in resisting tho ' Napoleon
o( divorce. "
Very Wrong;.
( (Aoll.r.)
"The Sugar Trust seems to die hard."
"Ye. There is lots of sand lu tho Sugar
' A Parental Duty.
lVeai I oik. i
Mr. Threads (at the head of the stairs)
Sylvs, Isn't It most time to retire ?
Bylva Threads-Yes, Father. Pleare tat
the example.
A Raro Chance.
l'reeHSaA'au Vatic VTttUy.)
Wslter Vry sorrr. sh. but we hsven't
shy vcab 'Veal I mighty scarce dis time of
vear. an' we hsven't hsd no veal for a week.
Can I bring you anything ele, sah T
Unest (hastily) Yesj double tho order of
chicken salad.
An Interruption.
,,. (froi rr.l
Tne Parson Ahd you'.. Elvira, prom
Dnrstln Hold on, there) Jmt because
you are marrying, us you'vo got no callto bo
so almiKht familiar. '1 bis is Miss William
sojsr, and don't yon forget ,11
Didn't Ypr.
lAeai CSa((r,l
Johnny (with inflated caper bsg)-8h.h !
See mbut this bsg by grandma's esr. . .
Grawilraa (after the burst, placidly looking
towards tbe door) Come iu',
A Tbe Ms$er With Them.
" Some gymnasts are too fresh," remarked
'Arpold. as be looked at an exhibition or
tnmbllng. . ....
"Yes," added Constable, "and somer
sault. " -
Had to Say Something.
truM far flry.GeWi rlreafrli.)
Jack Pott (presumptuously lu love with hit
employer's daughter) la Mr. Caisimere inT
Servant Yes. sir,. .. . . .
Jack Pott (horribly dlsaopolntedl-Well.
I'm glad to bear It. He might cstch cold
outside-beastly weather. Good-night.
Willing to Oblige.
r-re fuek.
McFergnson (on bis knees) Oh, Maria, be
epnsiderite and put me out of my misery at
MarU-I will, Mr. Ferguson; you stsy
there till i get the shotgun.
Have Ike Children.
HUaaoD's Wirlorma Covon Cost Initinlli re
llefei tbe whoona aS gliei reet to the nalUnt with
no ill after atfectl For lala b dragglna. .
up ths street in a bansom cab I"
"Well, what of her t"
"Oh. nothlngl only I'll swear thst she's
tbe ssme old lady wbo a week aso nag sweep
ing tbe crosaingjtt Keppel street. I've
ttsrtd st ber too ojpsn not to know her sgsin
now," .
"Ou on with you a crosslng.svetper iu a
hansom cab !"
"You may laugh, bnt I'll wager etery
shilling Via worth in tbe world that I'm
right." ,
At that moment ths fonr-wbeeltd cab with
Mrs. Yere's luggsge on it turned the cor'uer
by Bedford squsre, snd round ths same
corner el os behind it went tbe hansom csb
In which set the old lady crossing-sweeper.
e e
Two dss afterwards I received a little
further information from Dick about what
lie called "the Vera mystery." On tho
same afternoon that Mrs. Yere's luggage
had been taken away Sir George had ctllrd
at tbe house himself. He at tbnndtrstruck
whin be was told that bo had authorized its
removal. Hsbadneitrsent any telegram,
he bid never instructed auy ono to call.
" It's tbst scoundrel Vere.,' he exclalmeiL
"He was afraid to call himself, and bo
thought that perhaps after my daughter
going away with mo you would hesitate to
give brr things up to bint, aud so he con.
coctcd this little plot. There must be some,
tb gin tho boxes thst be u anted, or b
History of tho Word as Uaod in
tlio Loaguo Contract.
Cltnrloy Mitchell Clmlleligo to
Krunk Slitvln Creates it Sensation.
In view uf tho many lawsuits now iu
progress, hinging upon thn word ' ' ro.
serve," tho history of tho wont is cer
tainly Interesting. Messrs. Hanlon,
Irwin and llroiitliors, Committee of the
Brotherhood of llall-Plnyers to adjust
tlio coutr.ict between the National
League nml the players, a few .teats
ago met tbeir lawyer, J. V. 0. Dlackhurst,
at the Hotel Lafayette, Philadelphia,
and, according to affidavits to boused lu
the Ewlug suit, the following facts are,
Lawyer ll!ackhurst bnd framed n con
tract which gave the National Leagun nb
solute option ou Its plnyors for tbo year
Xiext ensuiug that for which it was signed ;
Irwin noticed this end said to tho Com
mitieet " Why, if we adopt this form of cou
tract we will give the Lcnguo owners
.nore power oer u than they have now
tliov will hnvoon abnolule optloii ou our
services for a year nfttr the contrni t Is
signed. V o do not want to give them
uoro power than they have now. Our
Idea Is to better ourselves. We shall not
do it If this couiract is adopted its It
stands now. "
I.uwyvr Blackliurst agreed with Mr.
Irwiu that the contract, ns it then flood,
did coin ey an absolute optlou, aud the
Coiumitteo tried for some time to Hud a
pbrnso or stuteuce that would convey ex
actly what they meant. Finally lrwiu hit
umm tbo word " leserve," and Counsel.
lor Blackliurst asMirod him that the po ut
the lilavent deidrcd to coarer was fully
provided for by the uso of this wont.
This, in substance, forms tbo affidavits
of the three players nbove mentioned,
which will be used lu tho Impending Bulla
against tbe p'nvorRbytho National League
owners. Mr. Blackuurst some time ago
wrotu an opinion, which was printed in
full lu the SportiM rime, wherein be said
that be believed the word "rciervo." did
convey au option to the Olnb.
Since writing Ibis opinion Mr. Black,
hurst has had tho conversation with the
Players' Committee in the Hotel Lafay.
ette recalled to his memory, and he does
not now believe that the word " reserye"
meant an option.
EntrU". for tbo Bellevus Hotel and
Biugbuin House stakes, to be contestml at
the midsummer meslingof thal'hiladel
tihia Driviui: Park, close Aprl 15. T"be
Bcllevno is for horses that have never
trotted better than 2.27. The Bingham
Stakes is open to pacing hones that buvo
never beaten 2.19. Both stakes are fr'i.uOU
and aro open to all subscriber'.
e, w
Tbe Spring meeting of the Southeast
em Circuit commences at Washing
ton April 29, closing at Patereou,
N. J.. June 0. Tbe other plncos
whero tbo Athociation will hold
trotting eventa are tho Gentlemen's Driv
ing Park. Baltimore. 'imd Pimlieo. Haiti
moro: the Fhilailelphia Driving Park and
tbe Bolmont Driving Club, alsj iu I'bila
delph:a. Tbo Xnvlor Club, of East Sixtoenih
street, has organized nn oulmg, and nth.
letio club, and enrolled fifty membfra.
Tbo following offlcors have been elected
for tbe ensuing year: Captain, P. Cannon;
President, James Smith i Vice-President,
E. J. Pluukett; Secretary, Tames H.
O'Brien : Treasurer. C. J.ftamsey. Tb
thriving young Club has afesdy taken its
piece amous tbe popular sthletic orgsui
zaffons of this city.
w w Cw
The colored boxing championships of
America will b held in Brooklyn, at
Robertson's Gymnasium, corner Orange
mid Fulton streets. March 20 and 'li.
The following weights are open to all
amateurs: 115 pounds, ISSpuuuda and
1MJ pounds. Entries close Msrch 17. Nyith
Yi, H Robertson, 91 Orange stress,
A big sensation bos been created In
spurting circles of England by Charley
Mitchell's cbsllenge to meet Frauk Slavin,
the Australian champion-. Mitchell hot
posted a forfeit with tbo Nporting Lift to
meet Slavin with gloves.
, Pete McCov, who ha lately been win
niug pugilistic fumo. is Lack from Call
fornia. tb scene of his recent triumphs,
and wants to make a tcu.'ronnd glove
raatclrwlth Johnny Reagan, the popular
middle-weight of this city.
This year there promises to be strong
rivalry Vet ween the Now York and Man
hatsau Athletio clubs in the point of
athletie supremacy. Tbo Manhtttaus
have been greatly strengthened ali'ce last
Season, and will make it interesting lor
all athletic cluba.
Sucoeea of an American Artist.
Mr. Sydney Mortimer Laurence, the croui
iiing young Amcrlesn artist, has jnst fin.
ishrd a large marine for exhibition at tbe
Itoyal Academr. It is a fine example of
Mr. Laurence's ability as a sea painter. He
took a home at St. lies, Cornwall, soon after
bis marriage to the charming Mile. Dupre
iaat ear. and bsa had abiuidaut opporlu.
filiv to study bis favorite subject..
Tbe painting represents, a wreck) half
burled in the sand, and lylug in shadow,
wbilrbeyond apsrkles tbe ms. snd a city is
bathed in sls-iug suiillnlit. It is a strong
picture aiilOienecta urtatly on Mr, Lan.
rence's powers as a marine painter.
Ayo House, the Vfine of. ,tbe Laurence", is
a lovely Iry.coveren bouse, wlitro bo-pltal.
jtles are lavlihly dispensed by the young
artUt and Ida brilliant wife. They are do.
(nusnwtllin Euglamt that it will be some
time before they return to America.
I wouldn't have gout to tbe trouble. Well,
let him have them, tnd ( hope I shall ueter
hear of the- wretch sgsiu. "
J Mrs. Smith ventured to make a few in-
rinlritr, snd Sir Ueorge fustsntly. lo uae a
vulgar expression, " dried nn." Hisludig
I nation bad led him Into iaIug nre than
be luUiuiod.
I "Mydcarroadani,"baid, "mydangh.'
terbss msrilnl a uiau nho uss unable to
. support, ber be hai deserted her I have
J talm her home. Your reut .a paid. That
, is all you want to know. Pray don't goarip I
about th matter if you can help it. (loodj
t t
I It must have been quite twelve mo'uths
I afttr the disappearance of Jlrs. Vcrc from
I (lower street that ono afternoon I uaaait. '
Hue oulkidc the Cafe h la I'aix in Paris.
I wbeu I cangbt sight of my old flienil. In. ,
' spector TozCr, formerly of Scotland Vanl.
aud now of street, Strand, piivalc lo
l teclivr.
1 called to him snd he cam aernn. arid
we cxrhange.1 friendly greetings. I lu lied
blm lo sit down sud have a ciVir, I
"No. thsukr, old fellow," he i spiled ;
"I'm In a hurry."
"(lotsiobon herer''
"Yes; I au going up to tb Bobt come
W balled a llacie irnl away ws drove I
"lst is it tbU Umt.Tvrfl'asled. '
A Pen and Inlr, Sketch of Ono of
New York's Clubs. '
Wliitt Ilnppens In tho Ctublluiisc
Oppoillr the Iiltlle Church
Around tho Corner.
'lhcro is no acluul mystery nbout tbo
famous Followcrnit Club, of New Vork,
though so mauy lens uf thousands of New
Yorkcts think there ls,9iy Julian Ralph lu
(he current tiliiulierof Chntltr. The idea Is
born of the excluslxeness of the Club, tor
It Is (ho most exclusive social organization
iu America, If not iu the wot Id. Secret
societies are almost as public ss Broadway
when complied to Iti nud tncu high In
ninety. iilno iu every hundred walks of
life Mnitdnt its portals wlihlbg vainly for
admittance, nud magnifying in their
minds the unknown jojs of lis nierolms.
Ouco n iiionth Ilia tiicturemiuo club.
Iiouso oppoiila " The Llttlo Church
Around tha Corner " is thrown onen for a
dinner, but ou themo occasions tho throb
bing curiosity of tho public is but
whetted, lor thsi,rry goyd.Teniion tliST
though the uienibcrs may brnfg in
str'angerB, they are pledged to invite only
the most eminent men of their acquaint.
anco notemiiieut buffoous or money
bags or " society " swells, but men of use
nud brains ntul power. The members
know all the men wbo lead thought and
action In Arrlsrlca,' snd IhsY never Ask
auy man (from tbo President down) thst
bo does not como with ono asking and
with eagerness.
Thoso nights, when the great iable's
length enrjes from room lo room, trom
front to back of tho club.bouse. are pe
culiar nuiong tbo Jolly nights of the
metropolis, for then tbo cloth is flanked
by n double line of fsces that men of
the world ray aro tbe brightest find
handsomest they ever see in tbeir varied
experieui os. Tney nro the faces uf tho
f'llnws who aro talked about and of the
fei)ows who talk about them. The
editors, the critics; tbo loadlnf reporters,
the ixjets, the dominant artnts these aro
there as hosts i tha wits and pnlilta
officials, historians, collego presidtnts,
commercial kings, soldiers, travellers,
explorers those aro the guests. The
quoerest thing nbout them Is thst nearly
all are young or look young. Success is
the link that binds tbem all. and youth
and success am twins.
S9oral simple things have made the
Club seem mysterious. First, it never
feastiKatAcomiiiiineutB any man except on
ono drrje1 of tho year, whon it picks out
trom all the world ono great ronii to elect
ns an honorary nlorubcr. Henry M,
Stanley won that prize this year. James
Russell Lowell but year. At tbo monthly
dlnbers eyery guest ia the gtleat of tbe
member who briata him lo thoClubt no
man was ever tho Quest of tbe Club.
Then, agalu, its members must bo active
wrltpra or artists tor tho dallies or other
pcriodlcali, but they' must not contribute
to trade papers. Even those who are
clearly eligible must pais the Board
of Governors, Alio have absolute
power. Tbo orsflEuuenco is a small
Club, to bo sure-Sfouo of only 230 mem
hern. IbU-snotlier cnnsauenco is that
etr-rv stUK-of furniture, or quart, of
drink, or prrhnd ot food they have ever
used lias been bought in 'he market at
tho matltetpHcft" 'NoOnebasbeSnaikcd
or allowed to make presents to tho Club;
no man outsldo it h walls is its creditor to
tho amount of a sous marquee. No game
of chance has ever been played in its
room i. nud no word spoken nt itscele.
brsted dinners has evercbeen published
iu h newsnauer. Thoutrti it is n Club of
newspaper men, it is a very cave of
secreSRi No lgneflta performance 'has
eter been givel in its behalf; no actor
has ever rued it for his gain iu notoriety.
The pity is that only forty-seven ladies
have ever seeu its quarters; not that there
is any scruple pgairrat the better sex, only
so it has happened. At the exhibition
of paintings, the exhibitions of loose
sketches from the artists' portfolios, aud
on Ibe niusio ufteriloou this Winter the
ladies will have Ibree chances to allow
the Club's ungracious record to be altered.
The moving spirits ot this unique Club
have beeh lllcbard Walton Gilder, the
editor of the Century ; John Foord, of
llarjier'M Wtrkly ; Charles It. Miller, ot
tbo Times; George V. Foster, Robert
Gordon Butler. James L. Metcalfo,
Charles Jay Tnylor. tbe cartoonist Will.
Ism It. Corwine, If. E. Krehblel. E. N.
Vsllaudigham, aud J. Jl. Uiusled.
Other members are 8. H. Carvalbo, Vols.
Absolutely Puro.
A croara of tartar, gaklng Towder.
Hi-be. t of ail in leaveuiu: Areugth
U. S. Government Report; Aug. 17,
for I am aluays keenly ali'te to the Tomance
of a private iuqutry.
"Can't tell you now, my boy. Ask me in
Ix months' time."
I accepted tbe blur, snd talked abont
something el.e. We drove through the Aro
de Triumph?, snd. although my companion
did not sppeir to be taliftg Sny (nlenit in
Hie scene, I was quite sine he fss looking-'
for Kiine Oi e suinng the unupirra of I lie
carriages that diovp pat u. Suddenly 1
Rl'.rptd thcilrtfcliH-'saiui.
" What's the mstter?" be etrlaimcd.
"I.ook jonder," I cried; "thereat that
old lady in the Itiidau. "
"I don't think much of the old lady, lmt
the horres tie uiagulilcent tbey are
'"II at old v.oman was a croin::-twiet-cr
tiheu 1 llrl raw her." 1 1 tctalnuii.
The iletcctivo looked at mc very rurlomly
for a moniont, I suopou he thought 1 was
a little loillbed.
' Nuiiif n-e!" ho replied. "That old lady
ta Mis. Cyrus t'-uv, or I'hlcsso, widow of a
cattle Ling, and vtmlb besven knous how
uituy million dollais. Mho lives in Fans
"And the haud'Ome young man sittiug in
tho carriage by ber side; is L her son,
"No. my dtsr fellow, ht'shtr future bu
Ubd." las duiufoiinJed. I could have sworn
lbs eld lady wm my crosiug.utpr: bat
f(ZB ttl CT
rlau GrllArdofI, Chester 8, Lord. Poult,
ney Blgslqw, W. Lewis Frassr. John W.
Alexrdtf.F. O. Mortimer, W. II. Pat
ton. Arthur Brisbane, E. G. Rlggs, Hal.
lard Smith, H. L. Nelson, Edward Fales
CowanI, Joseph I. O. Clarke. Ii. C. Hun.
ucr, Julius Chamben, Edgar Ssltus,
Thomas It. Fielders, James II. Creelnmn,
nud scores of others.
Tin! members who hsve the host of tho
Oluli arc the out-of-town liewspaper men
nud artists, for they need ouly pay half tbo
very low initiation fco and dues. For it
moro song they nro able to meet tho ineu
they inoit waul to know whenever tliov
como lotonu.to hIuuo In tha jollifications
that cost thn resident membsrs suchiabur,
aud tu bate as their liesdqnsjtter liHown
the pIcAsautcit club.bouio.ivvtho.Kictrop
oils bar houe.
MIHIonalro Wostlnghouspjf'aixhful to
rt- F"rlend of His VothJlgaj
Last Week, srtys Chatter, we toldSsf ue.
thing about the, fortune of Fieileriik
Cook, ex.Hecietnry of the State of New
York, which bnd lis beginning in a little
k Inducts he was able to do fur George
Pullman, when l'ullmau vns ns poor ns n
church mniiie and starting his famous
iur company. . n e
Now we hear of nu.othr instance inkt
goes towards proving tbo merit of that
',i,.,P.8"u,,ttl'-cVollioug, " SciUtcrSeeds
of Kindness."
It nppenrstliat when Westiughouie, tho
millionaire Inventor, was young nud poor
h got a place n third. amlstniit engineer
In the Navy.tJt was dnrug tho war. His
I cllow. workmen plagued him a great deal,
as experts often do n green hand. They
usd to keep him tuuulug on errands for
tools that had no existence.
In that oolerie was n man named Sny.
dor. who treated Mr. Westiughonse lu a
kindly and helpful manner. Mr. West
iughouie has recently made him manager
of tbe Union Interlocking .Switch Com
oanvr nt a big tnlary.aud with a fine house
to live in'.
i e
AagMU,y Ceremony.
,, i Vfrnm Jim.,.
ifj. a, -I,
Ml ili 1 I aiV PJeew!-"
nlC-dKplj M i
" w 2r: ""fesfc.
Auntie Koso-Wo wsnt ho'.p from d'sho' !
Deacon Itosiltcr What's d' matiah J"
Anntle llnse-Pahson Vandcrbeck's saw
sech a long prar'r wo'sdone frozed In.
Not a Kl'cEnr.
I now M.ai.Vi ire.tlg.1 e
"How's bmlness 1olay J" asked a tsiiior
by of a poor fellow who had loxt both lens
either at (Icttyabnrg or in a sawmtll-snd
was being trundled along the street by a
companion, together with a dyspoptlc
uinnliev Sud rti asthmatic nrguinette.
"Weil." slid the legless musician, ss ne
panreii in the middle o( a popular melaly.
" I cant kick."
Oauso for Regret.
trhmlXt ClayW Wltv Uall.X
Mr. BolderpadjjAcfl you.Mrs. Solderpad,
I'm mighty gladsfra't a woman.
Mrs. Solderpad TWbe still more thanklnl
If you wero only a man. (To get tho Mil
Keaning of this, bear down very bard on the
st word.)
, Fearful I
" Awfulsccldont at theimtsehni."
"What was It;"
" Tbo wild dbg from Borneo got loose last
night and ate np three-quarters of the ossi
lleil man while he slept. ' , '
" Does the untitled man know It?"
"No; they're afraid to tell him.''
DlDftl-tt-1 dlft. tbvbumtn mithlDry e.onot
half perform it olllct. Hi? t!on, m r-tlon.trieu.
at Ion ar dltordmd, th blooct bcorat. witry,
tb prt- (bl, tb coantinaoo hattlj, ilwp
laturtdnJp-vtitoiprfflUrti T-rritU UtbU
dti, fMt conqufDs7i, Tn-ftt U, howtrtf.
a known --tldolft to tb mirattio poibod. tad
crt4lat4fardM-in-t it Jn inaUrioo r'flon
of ourKoatU to I We., in Hoath Amtrtca, (uat
maU and so tb litbmngof Paoaaia, & wH it la
tranimarln roantrW wbtra tb cbtu aiUt-,
tbU InlmttabIpfrntiT and rrodj, tloattttar'a
Stomao'i Bltttr, haa, durloa th tant tbtrtttf
y.ara, baan comtantt wWaoln tba ana of It tit
fulnvas, and dmoit rating It- foraralfu ialua.
Llvr compUlot, djra,pia, comtipition, lldnar
troubl. rbtiimatUm aatl daUlliljr at all rm:,d
aebv. oftQ tha terr fit-l d'tai TbU la bat la
tald by all wbo try Cana-'a IJttl Utr P.Ua.
N I B LO'S ?KEr. 50c": I
Keit We-kJoi. Haworth 'ipaUL KAUVAIt"
Slallneca Holiday, Tnrilir antl Hamrdir
nAki:i(. r-MlonsNT. i.kna. rln.
JlarcnJ0.llo,t'a AJRAO UABY
KUoTtK Ul AL O W,dn.a A tai ;.
J. ATHfiiVSl Lc7tV
Hewned Hi.li. Orehe.lra dr. 4 Rlk. fiOo.
UIHllll 'Jdiln li.ocu. A.l.l Kinian. Ilirrr
IN IValann, Tonr Pi-lur A a irranJ.Siw.
In hii afarvplloua 1 nivrlainiuent of
AMIllUld TIIKaVhR. tt.inr iiUce. To-nlaht,
ACelebnted Woman Fll A Hal. Kie., lit Ifiiie,
I Meier 1 l-U . hat. ill'.. I'earl - Clair I). 111.
Mozart an4 Bella Uiuin , Men, , Poarl. King Lair.
the laudan, tho magnificence, tbe millions
I must bavobevu mistaken yet Iaiciersaw
surh a rcscniblauco in mf life.
"It's a curious story, that fold lady's,"
coutinncd jiio detective. " She's marrjing
that )ouns fellow through au advertise.
" Indeed. -
" Y'es, It rfems the old gill tired of
widowhood, wiut,to a marrisgo agiueyiii
1'aria snd was silvertdscd. You know the
act I of Ihfusi 'A widow of foitiinbisaaxloiis
to nit et with a kuitsblo paitucr; nuiil bo
dark, haudiome; money no olject if of
ucnilcmsnly sppearauco and manner,'"
"And this young fclluw auswvrcd the ad
vertbement!" "I sUDposeso. At any rato. that's what
Paris goaipi,s)s. And 1 know they're to be
married next neek at tho English Church."
I ' What's til name t" i
1 " Vaugbau, or aotuelhiug of tbo sort; l
I should think he was a pcunilcss adventurer,
and I w ih the old girl Joy of blm. "
I 'Coder! Hotel Conliuentsl!"
I Tbo coachman turned the horse's bead
j towards Pans, sud we drove hack agaiu. Il
I struck me alter he bad act me down at the
Grand thst the detective's business in the
Hois seemed to bo finished as soon as be had
seeu Mrs. Cyrus Cox sad her affianced hus
band, Left to myielf and my own thoughts, my
mind rvvctted to the old lady crossing
iwtwvcr of Qowtr sUsst. ". Cot bad
t J
4 jBwji lei!, l-aWIW ' ''H
mKtwo weeks ' m
I ' A a ricsh Producer there east ' WM
I no question but that i'SB
Of Pore Cod Liter OH and Hrwiw M
( Of Llmo and soda JiH
j t without a r,lral. Mars;. .
! rT nod a pound a day by tMa i '!
of it. It cores H
( ilemre von o ffcegmuln oslAerwiirw I f9H
IXHir'lmlhlf lone. '3H
-, --; mm
kl MUSEUM. , M
50 VW" i
HOWARD atARTioNEgnabr 'H
ATll.fl.NKUM ,,,mi . WM
SriUIAU'V man class ,H
Nail NiindtVKreninr;. March II, K1IIST ORAND i
8UK0AT muiiV SAortE- coimEiir. al
1 J.THSTniiKTTIIEATItE.. "eefritbMwT 'jM
J- Itn-rreJ oroh-tri elrelo and bilteor 60o. Hi
ndUutwrl, Coropinf. This week an!, .BHB
Vmanrii'PiNii'riiN. . ', iM
Matlnen W edndar and Hatnraar. t
Neitweek.-TIIKBriLI. AlJUul. -i, f H
t.nd".'...?l"!Sh."i. . L-Pnieialonal MlUnea. di
ilircb ia-ilh rerforminca and gaatlralttltl . jk' isHBJ
UnioHqTrARK tiieatE r'
Undirthernanaaementof J, W. IIILL, ' -,ai
F.T.nlnr. Rl.S.AIl jeiion, Bator T SUtlaea a. H
JOUOIITIIKATItR. BOa'dWaY near'soth T '''TB
I Mitrie VVadneadar anil Katordir. ?ti
KrerTbodrlalkinro.'ltniielPaComMllaaaanil X 9WB1
n llrMr. THIS I ANewdaat, iltfH
D ste'iGondollerSil "SttSsp - IS
Maton al twowa-Blnadfanc. Ifll
M"AB!i!iT --n-t 8. 0 o'clock. Bat.MC , tm
1TJL hUUARK af-J. vH
a I IlKA'l UK. Contlnntxi Rnornona Sseac o( f
3,;obVi!;.MAUNTJ.ACK.f M
To-nitat "gnren'e Sai.iln(."'rlir. "l-
iiilaa." i-a'.uraar Matinee, "The Iroomllter." !
Hatur,1ar Nltht, "A Horip of Paper." Bandar. '!
Prof. Cromwell. ''Berlin and tbo Uerman graplrw. ' iH
rieitweek.Jefferwinandnorenoeln'TnalUvaU. Sl
7jnnAnvvAYiiATnk. ruTvfrttT ' H
I Tj-nltlit. the OLttJIATOrtt" Krt. Ia ,-"
JltITI.AW ,.,,Sat. Kre.. 'UTIIBI.U)."r-ukat.. ,iH
'ClllLDOl-'NAI'I.FJ(."wltblJAl.Vini,Jr. Nell ' i9
MonJJOLADIATOIl rnai.. " OTI-LO.'' rt B
' KrinlnreetH. MatlneariatardaratVi. JJWHel
Admuilon.r,0o. Seati reeerred If weekalnadraagsw '"t'.Hsl
S TAifTitKATni:. U-.v;i
Nupported b bia Admirable. Cpinpsar. .fl
si...'vv-irUt. SHEtMNDOAH. . iSife . "MM
TVEW PARK"tHATR. Broadway afdOCd at, ''-H
Frank Daniels in Little ftcfc, sTr9
J Kj"J Eranlna. MallnawBatsraaj. )
ACADEMY, "TH?,lBp.caV 'M
WIKriSURTIlEAlltr; BowirjniirCaeai.1 ' .k
V V A I Tbe rreatil f an.makar In iba worla, SfaS. fBfJ
111(1 JOLLY NF.I.I.1K McllKNRY Bat.
hit. I in iiukbnuoou fun. us. hBB
Neat ek. 'The nbaal Queen." "91
...r, KQlf-I. IN Tll WO-LIK '"v .faPJ
I HrlNN N llAMnHAOOiritT.lME.14lher, 4 .
.R III1IFS rENC",rfvV?rt,0N,S.0'ClU i-S
YCEUSfTIIKATUK, 4lbanAS3def. at-lS. i
Jim mummtimxaiu ,,M
TSATTi.K I Open Du and Wonderful ',H
tj Ol' Ereainc. PbeaolBi ,a4BBB1
TTYSBIjnailOtbn.aadtbaT. Binltetu WH
amioKi.Y.N AJitrnK-iigNTH.
UalineeaMondar. Wedaeadwa dBatardar.. ' "Ifllai
Net! Week-LlUllTa AND BUA-OWa. f
Eterr Erenlns and ttiaal Mstlneea. j iflBJBJ
? AMPHioNiiit?2 : :m
kSvl.1? 4 m
lAl'I.KAUV.SU.Jf"JMJu5- f .H
, Slatlaeea WaJnaadM "SeVre H
111-LI) UeaUitlTo-aarT. CnEm I lB
f SaasBB
brought her back most vividly to my mind. M
Uf courso Mrs. Cyrus Cox. or Chicago. 1H
couldu't possibly bsve beeu a croiimw, '"'4
sweener, hut it wsa a moit extraordinary r. ., .JH
semblauce. H
I stayed in Taris a fortnight, and only AfV
saw inspector Toxer once moro. Attb s4
of the foitulght huaiuess called nubac-to JaH
London. I left by tbe morning train, and ajifl
when I reached Calais they were selling tb H
London papers or that day. I bought a ' H
Aiffu Ttlrvrai'; and after reading t H
leaders I turned to sn inside page. liH
There a name at once attracted my attar. i!b!
tion. It was that or Mrs. Cyrus Cox, 1 'iH
parsgrsphnbicb I read waa to ths efftrt ':fH
that a Mrs. Cyrus Cox, ssyioatd to b t MH
widow of a ealtby American, bad beta tb H
, victimofafasblonablsadvvntnrer,whab4 H
, made her acquaintance through an 4vi fl
tlscmeuu .9H
Tbe widow bad advertised for a bmUS. IJ
and had ttlected from the wrilUa offtrt rt- ABJ
ceived au Euglish gentleman wbo called "
bimseir Harry Yaughan. Th wortsblo .M
was short; tbe ceremony took place st
Knsliih Church, and the nappy cou-
started to spend tbeir honeymoon in Eag H
land by the bride's request. -:!
Tbey were to uo to Dover, and than pro. fl
ccedtobVotlamU On the arrival at Oovar faPaH
tha bride complained of being upset by J
passage, and did not want to coat U V fs
journey for a day or two, . :H
IVunCtUtUll (9-L13JTU-.J fl

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