W3 ? I?3 f? M
- --. -
Gorrigan's Colt Got the
Brooklyn Gup at
The Tremont Stakes Captured By
Morris's Spinalong.
llrooklya Jockey Club to-day wound up the
, in oat disagreeable ana uncomfortable meeting
ctcr held on tbe Qravcaend track.
ITU) tvro wecka Just paaacd naro been full ot
inconveniences to the race-goers and every ono
will be heartily glad to get to the beautiful
track at Westchester next week.
The crowd at tne track to-day nearly equalled
that of Handicap Day. For over two hours
" ' trio people crowded through the Kates In a
Btcidy stream, and (ally twenty thousand per
ilous were massed on tbe grand stand and on
the green when the bugle called the horses to
ti,u post In the llral race, and this Is a low esti
mate. Thoso wno wanted to bet found that the
trouble ot elbowing and pushing their way
I lirnugh the Jammed betting ring was hardly
worth the candle.
hvcryoueof course came to tbe track with
the fixed pnrpoBO of betting, and when 10,000
j emtio try to crowd themselves Into a space
designed for halt that number the result can
be r.iKllr Imagined.
Tl o track whs still heavy. It was even looBer
ili.ui yesterday, 'tor some or the water had
dried out of It and left it Btlcky.
Tno program rue was n pretty one. Including
ns It dbl two Tremont .Stakes for two-year-olds
und tun JlrnoMrn Cup. bcratcb.es In each
i vent cro to be expected on account of the
tr.iifc, but the progrummo was not spoiled very
mm h.
'ii'.uUiiu race brouent together Correction,
Civ 1 berviee, Lungstreot, Corberna and
' iiigollo. Ine lair two named no ono cared
. limit .mil I.ougstreet ain't run In the mud. So
rrcrtono lluured that the result lay between
I irrci'tloii and Civil Service.
Tii" tilent iibl no llilnk that Civil Service
' til 1 give the Clly fifteen pounds, and accord
nlv nicy m.iiiu Correction n hot favorite,
vi ' Civil Servtco a good second choice.
1 .o latter dimmed the talent nud broke
.1 unity Metvuignlln's spell of bad luck by
! icrnwuv in front aim winning all tne way,
1. ili'ir. ueu Correction easily and in the
I' t t llntc prnb.tiily that iva ever mado In
i- mini for live furlongs. Correction beat
i iuiriii essllr for tno puce.
l'i 'hi- eccnnd race r.oti was l.ocod upon as a
h ii I ''ersainty tin accoant of his mud-digging
i i i villi". The talent couldn't eco anything
t. n.'iii Mm and they plunged on him accord
inalv. nln thev ivero dnomed to disappointment,
f r the M. fellow, utter tunning well up for u
it'll., (iiitt like aenr.
..iViiito l-iivc the backers of other horses
't ti iii-eae tor a mile, then stopped.
' liquet, well Packed, came on and won
h 1'ilf Irom I.epanto. The favorite wai
th.t t.
' Muling, Oarlo, Jindv Longfellow colt and
An tint nerunll heavily backed 111 tho fourth
ia e. Siiltialoiiir won easily from Alrplant,
r. Ho btsl Osrla cuilr.
ivecrsdakes, $:0 each, with 51,001 addedi
live furlons'.
. , Hottiuc .
St irti'r.. Wpln. .lockey. Mralulit.I'laoe.
i r 11 illb-rvlci. . .V.i Uul-vlulillii i- '!-
t - I rrpotlnn 107 l.lt'lrtield. ..-vi"i 13
' al.'ii trvet IV' lla lltim 7-a 7-11
1 iVroi-ua ll'l..A.('oTlnirtot 10 1 -"1
5 v ll l.i. Juuea 110-1 'JB-1
I lil t'orrirn wis Jlmt invar, followed 'y
i nrrrrtion, Ceretiu", M icella and Lonmtreet.
' 11" wmt down mi hu turn lii'iminu'. brinir, u.
' that point n leimtii an I u I'ulf l.otro Coricc-
tnit, with OrrtniH 5t'l third.
on the turn l.ltilefienl niade nn effort to close
nu I iMl s. nli'i. but v;i linatle todoso, for
, 1 ini ser lee hold nln lei ' nil t'ie way libd won
ei it by ulinit'i u 'ilf from forreotl'i'i. who
b it Iini-irect tl). In'i"i"p. Tmie 1.0.",.
' tmirU psli: .rulgi t. 118.111; place, iil.2.1.
' , Vurrecilou raid .". ro.
mtomi uvr:
, )' iidlcinwr.iporakes; SJ0 tacit, with 11,000
: .jc ij ml'e and a fi'rlopjr.
" t'ottlnr. .
Mnrlir. Vt'Mn ,T"rVMy". hirati'lit. I'litit.
I. Hi u t ll'l .ll.iMiIln.' . ll-1 4-
I nil V ,1. f..tllll'J.... 0-1 7-ll
. t inn V.u (.-rrlun 4 " out
' i -el r 1"-' Iny'ri JI-5 3-1 1
I I t'Orilill iriMPTBriUlin .. ..0-1 , lj
i I te 11-ht-weli'liti'i l."ninto Hep'od olf In
f" i' '.'id iti.iili) t'it riinilliil,' liy llioi-ttlnil Willi
' 'ortini. Iliinqn I, 1:m and K.'cl.ir.1 next. I
lip iiitu ke.it Hi frunt nroiint! ttio Ititn aud 1
, i'i,i tn UickMrete i, Ko'.i tnkltitf setoid pl.ice j
rn t I", imi'ii t r.tui lM;tilri. i
: I u.Mil li el t l'i., owl lllllil tile ktretrll W II
r i . .1, ;fi' ' lliinltinn heal llar.qiictup, uiul
' i id- 'i . ' back iieatuu.
i. ! i . mt won cindv tiv threo leng'ln from
1 ir '. 'ilmli-nt K-jii a length and a half.
. . ' -J. in.
i. v.i.tui' nii; S ralgltt, ?."); plac.-, S10. ui.
le.i lo .vlijai.ro.
ircmon! stakcF, fn- tvvo-ieir.oM.'.SimencIt,
TJ li II lor.'elt, Willi $2, MX) addtd; .1. furltiime.
,i rtfitin. .
id '-tarlern. t'!it. .loclmr. Mralrht. Plsce.
t IS, l.i'.i; Hi l.ltt'MHfll l-l 'in
t, '- ' riil .nr ll '..Hamilton (1 I - J
u tic I1H lnr.l :i-l '-Ji
I '. ii.tii..T n.llK iliiit.ei 5. i-
l ' 'IH.IH lM..T:iiiinlmili, ...SO 1 lol
- iiC'iii'i.-l Il tKrcmi K-l "-J
' x inlu .. m i Isrtini l'l ." - '
' I t ,t Iis.myl-ir 1"-1 1"-,' 1
,11 1 -. lim..lltirrlui ... I'l-J '-
r. j i ii 'i i ., . iin..Hinii jo-l lo-il
' s!'ln iltn ;' Jaiuped awuy In front slid Flayi'U
" 'in ii m timt ml, mniiluj, lulled up, by tmir
1 i ei'.t frum Alrpliut, who fot uwarm ihe
n fen 'unoh Mid gradually Improved his
I fit on.
'J5 "-Ho vvn third, three lcngihs Dehlnd Alr-
rl I mt. 'i mm i. mv,
a. ilmueU ti tilt Mrulght, t.U15i place, JU45.
., -Mi , laut I aia f IB.SO.
"'"Win Cup, 100 each, half forfeit, with
"i 'added; mile ailu half.
7J nettlm
iU ",!",'"r". Wle'it. .loclevi. btriunt.l'ltci'.
, ' ' l"2..Tr.l J'-,',, 10"J
'' ,, ! t hi . .1.' .li.iinlt.iii 7-10 at
a I. Ain.lest. r.'J. I. Luvl ll-'J even
I' ,' 'Ji l."i Anacles and Ktui'ton the
... al ""' turt, and to it n in lined by tne
-. ii d and utonim inp turn lo the tiauk stretch,
'Z W v,"''l-os AtigeleailroppeiloutoriU
,t ' "Halin then iet nut titer tlto leader and
l"l l up erauually. only being neck behind
' 1 1" head of tho Btretcli. lie drew up on
"'".."''mis with Kiley at the last furlong polo
ana iiien a rnaT w, u,
at llumiiton wmt to the whip on Klngttou, nd
" I ' ?,.lf',;t sou of spendthrift was beaten.
"Hey drew away and won sully by half a
dozen lengths. KlngKlnn bolt Luj Angeles
ten lengths. Time i.41'.'.
Mutuelspald: Sirnliiht, ilU.es; place, J0.ca
Kingston paid JO. 10.
Sweepstakes, tJO each, for two-year-olds.
wlih Jl, 000 added; selling allowances; live
. Tlnttin.
Sirtr. Whti. jMkarL blrlh. l'Uee.
1 UuoleBIm 101,.Jonm 'JO-1 7-1
9'l.nipla 1117. .Martin 401 1-J
8 ttul iir 100 Htenon... 4-1 -J
4 Natilin M 10(1. ,11. I.jrlnr tj-1 2-1
B Prutini li 01 .A.Oolnton .40-1 lf-1
A Mount Vernon .114) r.rol 7-0 1-1
7 llonilulmroult. H. It. llarrli. ..'0-1 It)-
H Count luO, .). Ijimblcjr .. ln-1 4-1
Ki-um 1H7 V. Uttlahiild .ir.- en
10 lllllotllout colt. 110. Hrrtua lo-l 4-1
Utility jumped away In Ihe front antl set n
llvoly pace to the turn with Mt. Vernon, Hi
cisa, Nntalle 8., and Count next.
Oollty slowed the way around tho turn, with
Mt. Vernon. NalalioH. and ltecois close up.
In the strotcii there was a general closing
up, and Undo Sim shot out irom the bnnch
andwonnn tho poitv a neck trom Tempi'-,
wno beat Oulliv half a length. Time ll.0fiy.
Mutuclspali: straight, tm. 25; place, $iC us.
Temple paid Hi 10.
Hweepntakes. JW each, wllh H,000 added;
selling allowances; mile aud a nlxtccattu
, ll.ttlnr ,
Starleri. Whin. .IneVevr. Stral.ht.riie-
1 Vlrnle S4. H..!ooc 6-2 7 10
1 (t.ttj.burir Hi7 Sim Ill-1 .4-1
3 llumilrnin.... M..J. llwr.tt ...10-1 .1-1
4 Monlscuo .. 114. laral. even 1-.1
5 II, II. Mllllou..lOS. UmUiiy 1-1 J-
0 Kalot. 10a,.Clajtoo 7-1 2-1
Vlrgie led all -the way and won easily from
C.etlyshurg, who was second the entire dls.
tance, Humdrum was third. Tlmo l.W.
Sweepstakes 120 each, with 1,000 added; for
beaten horses; aix turlongi.
Won by utlsyrlan, Diablo eecond, Kitty an
third. Time 1. 1"K.
(srrciAt. to Tm itvixito wonLn.l
lIoiiEwoou PAhx, rtiTsiiuiia, Jloy so. The
wretohed state of the track and the continue)
rain greatly hindered the sport of closing day.
More than two thousand peoplo braved the
It was announced that only the 2.2S pace and
the 2. !5 trot would be started before 4 o'clock,
when all other events must be declared off.
First Heat Six started and none conld go
any In the sticky track. Hilly 11 led till he
slipped up, and after a brush wltn Heseemer,
Henry 11. drew away and came home first.
Hcgulator four lenutha back, Mac, Hilly H.,
Striker and Uessemer following as named.
A Held of seven, and c F. Iscminger led the
betting. . . ,
First Heat Problem got away In tho lead
and kept there till near the flnlati, when Brace
let passed him aud was a neck ahead.
The latter had dono some ruuulngand was
placed second, the heat going to l'ronlcm.
Orand We, Abble ,V , C, T, Iaemineer,
Trluce A. and Btrontlanwoy back. Time 2.33.
bocond Heat. Icnry II. nnd llegnlator
brought fM oaoh and the field 30.
Henry II. came to arlel at once and rau so
far that ho was distanced
Mac led from tho nuarter, Onlanlng first,
itegulatloa second Tuanker, Hilly 1). and
Uessemer as named. Time li. 37.
(Second Heat netting was now 4 to 1 against
Problem for the race.
He led to the half, with Stentla and Urae.clet
Steutia camo on from there and Jogged in
three lenutha Rhoad of Hriceler.
C. P. lseralnger, Prince A., Abide V., Hoard
Isle and IToblem as named, lime asSVf.
Third Heat Pools 6 to 3 on Mao, and ho was
not headed-
llegnlator second; Shaker, Hilly H. and Bes
semer far behind. Time 2.38.K.
Oponlntr Day nt Buffalo.
BOFF4L0, May 80. The line weather to-day
bronght out a large crowd to witness tho open
ing day of the spring meeting hold here. The
grand stand was handsomely decorated with
lljgs, banners and other bunting. Loug
'before tho hour set for tho racca to begin the
crowd wept pouring Into the gronnda, and in a
short tlmo tbe grand stand and Held were
crowded to their full cipaclty. A largo
number of ladlet wero also In attendance.
The bookmakers wore kept Pubv taking the
money from the crowd who were backlugthtlr
favorites to win. Jamea Howe, the well-known
Pastern starter, n ncro and will act In that
line during the meeting. Tbe meeting will
tiU'loubleiily prove a mcccss, as a good many
horses are now quartered at the truck. The
results were as follows:
First Hacc Five.elglith uf a mlla. King
Alia won, with Tioga sxicond and Alwood
third. Tlme-l.Oltf.
second llace- H.ili a mile, lleverwyck won,
with Dr. Hill second and Katurah third. Tune
0. isj;.
Tiiim luce Seven-elghtliBof a mile. Aueo
erat won, wltn bvracu-e second aud Kiuga
lingi thirl. Time .aax.
Fmirtn llace Ono nine. Portohester won,
with Kinj Crib second and ovv or Never
third. 1 line 1.48.
Rosults at Latonm.
rrvriAi to Tftr irrriiiii wonr.n.t
CoviMiTOS, Kv., May "A A large crowd
tnmed out to-day to witness the continuation
of fie race- held here. Tne feature on tho
programino 1o-day was Hie Memorial Day
lliind'.cin, in vvlnot six tliree.year-Olds are
liatiieil to start. Proctor Knott bclnnone of tho
number. The results were as follows:
Firm ltace-Ore mile and seventy yards.
Co nn no Kmnor won, wltn Mlrstie.ni second
and Wild Flower third. Time 1.45V
Seo-md llace dec mile Hopeful won, with
Itd stgu second aud Llcdcrkranz third. '1 Hue
Tntfd Itice-Ooe mile ond seventy vard-.
Milpiaate won.wi'h 1'lillorAnccoudand MeloJy
itnl'd. Tltne-1. 'l'.
l'uarlt Hic-C One and one-qilarier miles. '
' Iinarnliot wo'i, wllh Fnreruuner tccond nnd
I Iliu.ucm third, 'llmo-1.47.
j CUcagi ItonultB.
1 Ifrvnat " ti'f rvtNivo wonr.n.t
I Ciiicac.o, My 30. Theracea were continued
hire to.d.iy, wltn me following resulis:
First llace Hvc-elatitns of a mile. For
ilpitr on, with Jim Murphy second aud
.Jiiiuu Six mini. I inn 1.0.1'.'.
r-econ I llace one and om-tunti miles
Martnosi won, with I'nretlo secoud and llau
Adonla third. 'Ilino l.Tt. , t ,,
Third Hice Die .mil oue-tlxtcenth mile?.
I'.inel won. with V'TO secjnd anl Ilrookwood
third. Time --
irrinar in ntf avamsit oi"i.t
MonitK Paiik Ha rTiuck, May W. When
an i:hMMi Wow 11 man reaciod Morrla Pork
unlay he was Btiuok by a contrait between
Hit) plclureaque pl.te anJ tlravesend tratk, so
marked as to auirceit being chased out of a
V. cant lot Into Central Park, hvcrvthltii-' It
in in pink of comlltl 111 for the opening wbltn
takra plate oil Mnndar next.
'liuuaw clui-liouic, wliloh hai Jus: been
c HiiUled. Is thetliiisi In thla oouutry, aud
Mr Morrla aud Ida son were atbusyaalntu
to-dar dlteeting the final touches Bhloh are
nue.Mrr to put a race-track grand aund and
banSVe?8Nelion' ore. broad smile when
the aun c.me out, an I one could fairly see the
water dry from ihe track,
Mould this weather continue Ihe track will
bo In lino condlilon by Ihe lime Ihe racca are
Casme0taryCcnr'lckn,ore. better known to tne
racing wirld as ''Krlk.'' was found In 1.1a
office np to his eyes In butlnef a, but he had
lime 10 oeseen nr tno newspaper man.
The iree celd at Morrla Park, which Is almost
as large as the Uwyers' teu-scre lot, Is belter
Ibis year than ever with its velvety green car.
net, and it baa aeatmir sccommodstlona lor at
tyttUSSftXfflSS atta. track to-dsy
.nd tne msosgsmtni gave tkem a trsst. mm.
ingoti the blS atfam oTcheatrton, wultn la Ihe
largest la the world.
. I
Harvard Capturing the Host Points Id
the Intercollegiate Championships.
Willlnm9, of Yalo. Broaka tho
World's 120-Yard HurJlo
Botwoen 8,000 anil 10,000 People
Wltticas the Spurt on tho Oval.
srrciAt to Tim kvrstyo onLn.l
HutiKlLkY OVAL, K. T., Muy 00. Pretty
Berkeley Oval, with Its picturesque soiling of
grceu wood and !reh foliage, presented a
scene of 'Ifo and gaiety this afternoon.
Thousauds of collcgo men with their fair
friends had come to vrttnraa tho annual chain
plnnshlp contests of the Intercollegiate Athletlo
Tue crowds rapidly filled op tho sevts In Ihe
big grand stand and tho bleaching boiuda at
eltncrcnd of the field, while tne grcon turf
stipe under tho treta at the south cornel wef 0
thronged with group of collegians.
The college colors wire well represented, the
dark blue of Yalo and the orange ot Prlnccion
being prominent among the groups of specta
tor!, both on tho stands and In the field.
Harvard's bright crimson was )o conspicu
ous hero and there, and tho blue and while of
Columbia had u goodly number of wearer.
Tho ladles were all dressed In their prettiest
Summer gowns, and Invariably spotted thu
dlillnsulshlng colors ot ttielr favorites. Oc
casionally the colors of Amherst, l.afojctlc,
Cornell, Swurthmore, I.ehlgh nnd the Uni
versity of Pcdosylvnnla were seen, for lhee
colleges woro slso represented among the con
testants, although they were not believed to
havo put forwnrd uuy formldai lo competitors
for the honors of me day.
Tho crowd was not so noisy as the ono
usually seen at a foi,toa!l match or a baseball
game when college lecllns runs ttrong and
excitement 11 raised to the h'chest pilch.
The support of Yale, Harvard and Prince
Ion, who were apparently In tho mojonty,
made their presence known by tlidr familiar
college j ill", and Columbia was not far behind
when It eamc to cheering.
Tao Harvard entries for all the ptluclpal
events were moro numerous than tnoioof any
other college represented and the Camtridgc
team wasregtrded as the strongest ever sent
to contist tho Berkeley gauiOJ.
The threatening weatner of the morning un
doubtedly kept many away from the game,
but the attendance whentlio gong was sounded
at 3 o'clock, waB probably between S,oau and
10,000 people.
Tne officers of inc courao were: liofcrcc, W.
M. II. Curtis. N. Y. A. C. Judg.'si (ieorgo V.
Carr, M, A. C. ; C. F. Matthmou, lli.rl.eley
A. C. aim F. W. Janfsou, S. I. A.C. Timers
George A. Averv, M. A. c. ; C. C. Hughes, M.
A. c. : Charles A. Held. Berkeley A. C.
Clerk of tho Course, SaniT. Cornell, M. A. C.
Sinner. (1. D. Turner.
Ihe trial beats of the 10J.jf.nl dash wero
flrv started. Following are the wlnuera:
First Heat A. II. Jonc, n)e, 11 rut; A. T.
Baldwin, Cornell, secamU Time 10J,n.
Second Heat L. II. Car), Pr tieoton, first;
L. Las-ell, Y'ule, 8'conil. 'lime 10 1-5'.
Third Heat Peter rol nburg, Princeton,
first; Victor Mapoa, Columbia, second. Time
10 3-5.
Fourth Hoit l). H. Sw.ln, Prlmeton, Urn;
O. K. IHwce, Harvard, second, lime 103.fji.
'iho first trial neat In tun 120-vvnl Cilgh nor
die) ruic wls won by II. I. Williams ale,
la sixteen heconds, breaking tho intercol
legiate record b oue-Otlli ot a rccoiid nud
equalling tno world'a rccurtl. O.'ll. I'tarlug,
of ilatvard, wasseoond.
The second heat was won by Htrbcrt Marc,
Columbia; V, H. Ljluau, second Time
IT K-54.
'Hie second trials In the 101-Tard dash re
sulted iih tollows: Fltst ne.it, I. II. Carr,
Piineeton, Ural; A. II. .tones, l!e, aeeond;
time, 10 1.03. Second heat, P. Vrcdtuburg,
PriiioftoD. first; l. It. strum, Princeton,
second. Time 10 2-53.
Columbia vron tho first tug-of-war from
Princeton b t-n luohe-i.
lira mile bicycle race Flrt trial beat.
o. It. lliiwc". Ilirvaril. tlisl; lalivnul Spalir,
C. C, Kew York, second. Tunc dm. 18 2-5i.
second Trial Heat. It II. l)ivl. Harvard.
flrt: ll.P.Orieu, Yale, biciind. lime Cm. 3i.
Third Tllil He it. O. 1". Taylor. Harvard,
flral; F. A. KellnT, I'tilvcrsliy ofl'cunsjl
vanii, eccnnil. lime 7m. 4-5a.
I'nurih Trial Ileal. F. s. Pratt, Harvard,
llrit: O. M. Coa e, rnlvernltv ot Peunsyl
varl , hecond. ll'iie 0:n. 31 1.5.
410 Yawls Basil l'lrst trial hen (1. II. Shat
tuck, Amnertt. rrat; c. MiCamnbull, Prime,
inn, recond; F. Leonard, Yale, third. Tluii
53 1.5'.
second Trial Ilent .1. S. lloddy, Princeton,
flrt; s. Seoville, Yalo, stcoml: .1. I". Ham
lord, Prlnietou. third. Tliii V.".'-5 b.
Third innl heat-P. .1. Stiad, Harvard, first;
Vtnrrcu Crvlt, C i N. Y., second; T. W,
McNi'itr. Harvard, end ll. O. Langlln, Colam
l,U. third. 1 line-6J 3.51.
Ihruwing the bamr.ier J. It. Flnley, Har
vard, Mrat, 107 feet y, luelies; II. S. Lrana,
H.irvuril. 1. S. . teiond, I0.lfw-t4 luchoi; c.
C. .lellers'iit, Prlncinn, third, oil foet 1 Inch.
In tho Bin! ot the lto-yard hurdle, 11. I.
Willi.iui1', Yale, broke ihu worm'e ttcoul.
Time 15 4-.'.'.
llerbi-rt Mire". "liimbln, was second, aud
I). B. l.yuian, Yule, ll.inl.
In tit 11 second tug-or-wsr Columbia won
Irmn Y do bv clghtieu mcnci.
um-Yiird Diisn, final heat, I. II. Cary,
Prlncoio", llr-t; P. Vredentiur. Prlnretoj,
Hcconl; (1. If. S.vaiu, Princeton, ihlrd. lime
To to 4 r. M. 1'rlnrcton ha I wono points,
Lnluiiiiila 7, llarvaid 7 unl Yule li.
Oim Mil" Hun F. F. Curr, Harvard, llrs';
W. It. Woodnrrge, I'rlncelnii, sunntl; ll.
L'lirtll, Harvard, mini. Line 111. 31 s.-H.
C. O. We'll, Am It rt, vvhti holds H o luter
colleglvto Chamtilnnitilp uci.rit, tin. VJ t-Sa.,
droppril out at Ihe I1.1K uille.
Pule Vault i:. I), llydei, ale, first, 10 feet
Ti, liioies; T. K. Si.i'rviu, llarvaril, nvciml,
10 leet Al- Indus: J.. B. lemple, swarti.more,
third, 10 fiet l Inchea,
One Mile Walk l.iojd Colli', Columbii,
first; C. W. Oillcv, Princetoti, mi'Oihi; A. I.
Kntllcolt, Harvard, t.lrd, 1 line Tut. .1 1 Ss.
1. ll-Yard Final (I. 11. siiallucl., Alulierat,
Ural: I'. J. Stead, Harvard, M'um.l; I!.(i, Lang
doll. Columbia, third. 'I mi'-J'tv,',.
Thn piiliita tinw hioiiIi llaivarl, 1M; Yale,
11; Columbia, 13; Princeton, 13; Atuheist, 5,
and Hwarinmnri', 1.
SHunnlng High Jump (i. L, IVarluc, Ilar
Tird, Hist, 0 !'et.
Piillltig the snot J. It. Fltilay, llarv anl, first;
E9 feet 61." nenes.
Pi'ln" Harvard, W; Y'ale, 13; C'llumhla,
18; Princeton, 13; Amherst, 0; Swaiii.morc, 1.
irrrrur to Ttir rvrxmo wiir.in.
I'irreai'KU, Miy SO. Ilsrry Darrln, the Kng
llsh rnnuer, and Peter Prld Ir, of tills city, tan
their throe-mllc race at the Kxpoilllon Park,
this morning.
Darrln won uy about ten foot. In 11 40, after
a splendid spurt of about 150 yards at the
The track wai In very bad shape, from the
r&'n. 1 he race was fur f vo a side aud a per.
centage of gale receipts. About I, boo peoplo
witnessed It.
M oXBLCix'a Cixcixhiti Laoxiv bai caplut.j tba
cttr, Jfithlai sia. li'ulwl lor, .
New York's Tribute to Her
Sons Slain on the Field
ot Battle.
Veterans of '61 anil the Na
tional Guard Unite in a
Darade of Honor.
Elaborate Ceremonials at Grant's
Tomb and in the Cemeteries.
bbserracas In Brooklyn and Other
Adjacent CIttes.
Athletic Games, Baseball Games,
Regattas and Other Holi
day Sports.
Almo.t like to chord, forrottsu
C'omo tbe dear patb.tlo tunea,
lllpiwltli tno-noilei uf tha waf-tinia,
Vulil of moled? aa tunuai
Yet 1 tow tha atirllt and pmro ng
Nttebf hfoand Wat nf tlrinn
O'er my sennre caat more alamour
lHian from clai.lc nptraa euuie.
Mbyvutlieliof Wlienee theulamourf
All. I M-tt tin biija march lurtb
l'luitiod with vitrlotlo rervur.
Muaterlntf to dafend thB Truth.
And I think hnw, four leara later,
Bnmb lay .ilent 'neatb thn aod.
And th. Teat, a. haRSanl fraction,
Wan aud weary, hoaiwul trod.
And ao all tba blithe and merry
otna nf flfo aud bwita ot dium
Cant a bllnht upon my fanaea.
Memory of their martyrdom.
Did )ou ateAnd are you miodful
Utmtbfl "boya' want forth to war?
How behind that barbarous mualo
They marehed otf- aonm srermore.
Dame Nature was In the sulk this morning
and a gonial Slay tun was clouded by her
frown for several linurf, making it seem al.
most improbable that the Mcmorl.il II ty purade
and observances would bo favorod by guod
Hut when the Old (luard, in lis full panoply
of war, iho gallant youths of the inlltua and
the scarred, crippled, grizzled old vitiruna of
the Union Army began 10 turn out and march
In equails and battalions to martial music, the
sulky Dame showed signs of pleasure, nnd the
prudent people of the great clly of New York,
began to turn out lb great numbers to witness
the grand military display.
inspector Meers. wun o.u pouuiiucu. cap
tained by ltelllr, Atlalte, Stevenson. Copcland
aud hchult, was on hand early prorating the
way from Twenty-eighth street donu to Four
tcintlistteet for tno parades liuinell, icmoii
ally superintending the arraniemenls at Madi
son Square, where a reviewing ataud had been
erected on the Witt and a grand stand on the
east side of Fifth avenue.
Inspector William and tlupb. Cltnrhy and
tl.e elder ilcCullagn were si the Uulon Square
l'loza with WW policemen, and Inspector
C'onim with Capts. liuuuer, U'arls, Croas and
JlcAvoy and 200 other men kipt order nt I'lfiy
nlnih street, whero Iho p irade formed.
As the clouds elesred away Ihe people began
to rnnffff tMtt. nnd bv 0 o'clock Msdlaou ullaro
bigiin to assume Ha would parade-day aspect.
Iho grand stand llllcd up rapidly wllh the
wives and daughters of New York veterans aud
opposite these hundreds of beautltul women,
rretty children cud disiluguishcd meu occu
pied the reviewing aland.
Ccn. Kiiimous Clark unil Ida tlau.shtcr and
daughter-in-law had a front scat, and among
others there were Mrs. Ihoiuns J Hell, tho
leader of the (I. A. It. Women's Auxiliary of
Auburn, N. Y. ; Sllui MiLcn, daughter of
the gullaut commander of the Oil Guard;
Coronir laivy, I.aHicr Ambroio 11. I'urdr,
Majir Uaverty, who for the Oral time In his
life uas a upectator rather lhan a participant
in tne Memorial parade; Dr. hagle, of Ihe
Health 1). partition!, wno pr ft cully got out a
Kodak camera and took a shot at Iho gayly
caparisoned Old (lujrl.
(leu. Dan Mcklcs, Gen. Franz Mgel, Comp
troller Mrerr, den. llibert:sugcnt, President
Arnold, ol the Hoard of Aldermen, and i'oI
master Van Colt were also there.
Coinmaniicr V.. J. Atkinson, Hecretary for
many years of the Memorial Committee, and
Ccmrado James Owens wero In charge ol the
reviewing stand.
The Worth Monument, to ihe rear of the re
viewing stand, was decked out lor the ocoa.
Hon by '.Votl.t l'os. .. 1!. It i.ns crowned '
wlfi wrealiis. t,'Ul the iron pallnis naa
twined tho laurel 'iud anicld wir.'Hunj on
the fao'snf thn shift whirl! mutinied ono uf
Vera Cruz, Monterey, City nf Mexico anil '
other battles fought br den. Worth. '
Across tho avenue the mnr'ne statue of rar.
ragttt was bratillful ulth flowers, and a floral
plate at the "nld salt's" Irvt bore Ihe words:
"TorrodOfS ahead, sir 1" and tho fiimoiii
reply ot tue sturdy Admiral:
" the. torpedoo, goahraL"
At U. SO tlioiiiuulprisini em til iny yelled In
chorus: "litre ttiey comet" and looking up
tho niognlflicnl nvenuo tne eye could ilearry
the famous Old (loard jaat rising the biow of
Iho hill atl'Mrtr-aevoiith, sired.
On llicT came. Ibis guard ot honor and es
cort lo Iho rovlowing party of dlatlngulihed
men, to tho Inspiring drams of a monster
brass band.
The form ilion of tho parade nas an follows:
llriK.lin. laiula 1 ltricTalit an Btaft.
Kacort, Old luarl an 1 Guard nf Uour,
flltinl (JorpH, inoiititol
Slit) nil. til llriinallt,
llllbtll lllKlinillt.
Mllllll tt.alllla it.
liTfiity Mcnntl HealniAnt,
heTpnty.llriil lleiciuiiiit.
bnventb Ilea mint.
lwlftll Itisltnitlt.
rlecoud Itattery.
Troup A, OiT.lry.
rnilneer llattallon, U. H. A.
Foot rtatttrirs U. S. Arlftliri. Ool. I 1 lainxdon
Orand Marshal llaors-r Chapjioll, fl. A. It. i A. M.
Cudu.r. Ublaf of Msff, H. Uoltliia, luaprotur
Geoerah Oeorae O. Uorllaa, Inapector Adjutanl-
l.SCOI.t,'ll STATl'E.
Iloneral; Vrfiik K Harry, Quartermaater.Oan.
.rail Ytiriam Ulanoy, Cotamlaaary-tl.neral,
FiusT Division Aloi.udnr Nowliurnar, Marah.l.
IlablKiun l'ott No. 113.
IC. I). Morgan Toat No. DOT.
Horace (roW Poat No. &T7.
K. II. Wsile Poat No. 620.
damea C. Hico l'oat No. SO.
Hndglek l'oat No. 1E0.
Ynnllitld M. llanoork l'i at No. S&O.
Gee. M. Corcoian Poat No. 437.
KreJ. ll.iker I'o.t No. 08.
lttbert Anderaon l'oat No. fid.
1'bter Cooper l'oat No. 313.
SrcoND DllaloN-t;cr(i M. Harry, Marahal.
William 1). K.nnrdy l'oat No, il
Abrabam Uocoln l'oat No. 13.
Wadaworth l'oat No. 77.
Adam (loaa Toat No. 33J.
llllaa l'oat No. '2114.
John 1. ll.ndll Poat No. 4U2.
Uan. Ja'u'i.a McUuftdo l'oat No. 657.
Cameron l'ot No, 70.
Con. James Hbintda l'oat No. CO.
Tarrauut l'ott No. 75.
lllllin lHviauiN hdward llurni, Marahal.
John A. Dll I'oit No. 133.
II. II Clntlin I'oit No. t7S.
Vandorb.lt l'oat No. 130.
(leu. T. V. Meacher l'oat No. 867.
llllaworlh l'oat No. GT.
llitl bbrlilan l'oat No. -23 1
Kltcblnii l'oat, Yonkera, No. CO.
bumtier l'oat No. 111.
Jamea Monro. 1'ni.t No. CU7
John A. ltairllna l'oat No. bO.
V. A. Kimball l't No. 101.
MTIIII-.n 11 Mitliiill 1'naL Tin. FA1)
l'ot'UTU Division, C. (I. Dolbi, Maribal.
Kenn I'oaL No. 44.
Ijifaj.tto l'o.t No. 110.
Phil Karny l'oat No. H.
Jm.rKa O Maad. l'oat No. HU.
V.laraii I'c.t No, 130.
Naval l'oat No. 3111.
(ieorca 11. MiU olla.ii I'n.t No. 332.
KiyTU DivialriN, Theodore Schmidt, Marahal.
Noah I.. Karntiain l'oat No. 434.
S Koltiu I'oit No. 'J'J.
Votuut.er l'oat No, 450.
John A. Androw I'oit No. '234.
liana Pow.U I'o.t No. f.'.
Lloyd Aaptnwall Toat Nil. AOl. lo carriages.
Joaaplid. Caatro, Marabil.
Veteran ZoaaTea,
Moasbcr'a Irlatl llrljiado Veteran Aaauciation No,
i'2, Ne Vork Voliinteara.
Veteran Corpa, hlity.nlntb Itealinent.
.rentb Heslnmnt Vetor.n Aaaoclatloli.
Ilurty.eiablb rteffiment (Kecond Stott I.ifetuard)
Veteran Aatoeiatioo.
Sisty.aecc.nd New York Vomnteora (And.raou Zou
at.a) V.teran Aaaociatiou.
Vet. rau Guard. Mntb Wanl 1'ioneora.
Ann York Turner Cadet.,
Charles .Sumtior 1'ionaor C.irpa.
lloatwlck Cadeta.
Volunteer Kzenipt anl riremen'a Bona.
Twenty-aocouJ Ibaitimnt t'atlet Corpa,
Ht. .Icliti'a Corpa Cadeta.
snss up vrn hANS,
C TlieoJnro erbm u. Marahal.
Kano t ainp 102.
'.. I). Hake r Camp No. SH.
V. II, Morsau Camp No. .'U7.
Kioi'lalor Camp No. 31
La ayetteUtmti No. 140,
Oliver lltdeu Cal.ip No, 10.
Cameron Camp N 104.
btefnvretir Camp No. 1'JJ.
Robert Amlcraon Camp No. IQi.
Duryoa t.ainp No. l'2tk
Koiina Camp No. 171.
Velerana Camp No. 13.
A. H, WilllainaCamp No. 101.
Tne moling column wasyel two blocks away
wnen Iho grand Mauds set up a tieaiendous
entering and clamdngof hands.
In the lore front waa b'ere&ut lioeib nf the
Twenty-elghtn I'reelnct, in i-ommanu of a
squid of tuonty policem cl In company front.
Ihcnciine Ihe Old Guard, In fu'l dreaa uni
form up to the bearakln ehakor, with tne
doughty Major George McLean In Ihe saddle.
The Old Gu.rd snd a parly of UranJ Army
officer were the Onunl of Honor lo the re
viewing parly, who rode in nrrlagra.
II;o Guard ot Honor countermarched at
Twenty-third street acd drew upontnecutl
tide of tne avinue lacmt the reviewing stau t.
l-rom Ibe first carnu.v aligned I.Kut..(lov.
Jones and Judge an llnes.u.
The next carriage brougiii Msyor Grant and
Comrade David is llrunn, and following In
carriages wire tien. l'.urnum, J. c. Hobluson
and depitlment oniceraof the Grand Army of
Ihe Kepubltc, Btato of New York.
Tory were cheered to the echo as they took
(Con?(m(l oii rurJJItf.)
NEW YOBK - - 6
Earlier Game of Same
Teams . New York,
3; Cleveland, 0.
Hot Far from 17,000 Peoplo at
the Afternoon Contest.
farrrtat. to Tnr icvrwtio wontn. I
I'oio (liiot'NPH, May 80. -Thints were ngreM
mill changed at tbe l'olo Grounds mis alter
noon whin tho second Memorial Day game be
twien Hie ioret city cohorts anil pectus Mu.
trie's raailodons was plnyed.
Inulseoof ttiu 8,600 who saw tho morc'ug
Itiuur, i eruwu eiUUIUll'll iu it mbaii mm. ..m
famoui opening day patncrltig of a low noeks
ago tilled the grand stand, thu biciclurua, tbe
lower centre Uel I and the I, road.
t'hey even had a band thla afternoon tho
Onrfleld Drum and rife Corps which made
lols of cbecrlul nn'ar.
The grounds wire not In as good condition
a.i they might havo boen, but Ihe sun shone
like a house ail re, doing Its licit lo cook things
to a dry condition.
The boys limbered up In capital style for a
hslr hour oclcu Umpire l'owera tailed play.
Whon ho old that Tnr I'.vtMMi Wont n re
porter estimated that not far Irom 17, lOJ ,. to
pic, one way or Iho other, would be shown in
the turmtilo count.
Tbe balling order:
riltKI.ANll. NKW YOllt.
Gore, c. f. McAlecr, c. f.
Kic'iardunn, SI b. McKcun. . n.
liernan. r. f. H.ivl-, I. f.
t'nntinr, 1st b. Coll. la. vd b.
OlNNfcoei,, H.e. Johnson, r. f.
o'Huurkr. I.f. lDile, :)d n.
Hansen, Ill b. Virtue, 1st b.
Clarke, c. Zlinmer, r.
bnurrott, p. Grnuer, p.
Uiiiire Mr. l'owera.
Fiiist lNMso-Goro opened the game, and
th second ball from Grnbcr's hand rolled off
tne end of his bat right Into Chlldn's hands.
Iianny l'.lohardion alanimed a nhlskery one
past Doyle In far left Held.
It was only a single, but Ihe crowd tore Its
tunas almost looae. Tlernan lifted a clnud
klsser, which MoAlear didn't miss, und Hprlnler
ltlchardson dusted round to second, golug
thence to third on big llogcr Counnr's clever
and new trick of billing a dropped ball behind
his heel. Hut Kogcr'a glory was short. lived,
as ho Died to McAlrer. No runs.
For Ucvtlnud, McAlcer sent a liner lo lias
set', who shot it to Connor. A little friction,
leaa ground rolled off ihecnii of .McKuan'a bat
ami right Into Connor's in uilcrs. Davla went
to first on halls and got second on a muff by
t lurke. Chillis nied to (lore, and there wero
no runs in the Inning.
Micovp Ivmnij Glasscock didn't lose an
opportunity when he grnundid to Hurle.
O'lfourke was soaked, McKcan lo Virtue, and
Chibia gobbled llaasett'a grounder in a great
plar. Nonius.
Hharrott t ppeil Johnson on the right hip
with a nice pitched ball and Johnson lonk his
time to Ural Dorlo could hardly bellevo It,
but ho was out on sirlkei, and bharrol; smiled
Johnson waa cleverly caught trying; to steal
NimelitKly ailed whero Virtue's fly went tn.
nnd aomebodr else said Jimmy U'Kourkc could
tell. No runs.
Tlliiui lNMr.n Clarke Just tsppd first In
time on his grouuder to Mcritan. bharrutt
sacrificed and I larke w nt rolllnir to aecoud.
(lore grounded out, Clillds to Virtue, and
Clarke reached think
It looked lite a run antl the crowd htipxd it
would be. ll w isn't, liCcuuseKlcQardaou filed
lu Jiibtiioti. No runs.
Xlmtuer wascaailv esfo at first on Clarke's
drop of his third strike, ami he reached aeeond
sifilj enough on another muff nr Clarke,
.Ininier gut to toird on Umber's liner to
Hhtrriitt, who fielded the ball to Haasett )usl a
little late.
Gruiier shoved along to second on another
muff bv Clark, the little ca'.caer being light In
II for errors Jut then.
.Immer tried lo croai tho home nlste on Me
Aleer's liner lo Glasacock, but Jaik hurled tne
ball luce a gray slrcak lo Clark aud . in neVir
got there.
On McKein's dilsy bounder over second
Giuber and MnAlrer came ambling hnme.
.MrKfan was f reed at stcoud bv lluvta. the
latter stealing second nicely, cnllds died la
Connor. Two runs.
Foi'KTlt Innihii. Tlernsn to base nn halla,,
ami eprlnted liko a deer to second. Connor
dronpod a beaulv In leu Belli, eendltig Tlcrr.au
In third and reaching seeuii I lilmstlf.
Glaascoek ninl lo Davla and Tiernan pot
home i.elore the ball did.
Dorli' made a darling catch of O'llourke's
ll) juat back of third. Hasten grounded out
lo VlrlUf. One run.
.lonnvjii made three resnltleas streaks In the
alinosphire and at down. Doyle's grounltr
waa nipped by Glasscock.
Virtue alucfed to short. .Immer forcelVir.
lue at second. No runs.
Flint ISMNii Clark filed to Johnson and
Mi.uroii 1 1 Mc.Mei r. Gure sent a nice rty lntu
tho suit mud tiitwceti centre nnd ruht, an I
took stco. id too on .immet'a dropuf one of
lt'ch inlion tile I lo Johnson. No runs.
(, ruber weut out ea-ll , bnarro'.t tn lonnor.
llMaeit mile a regular holiday grand stand
catch nf MuAlttr'a high foul ny.
MeKtan fanned Ihu air aud threw bla bat
down. No tuns.
mxtii Ismmi - Tlernan'a 'lo'.hersome
crouinler to Lhilils wia hpliudndr tlelded.
t'oLtior was a Qrsl tatu ileum, Mcfiean 10
Gla-acock's fly dropped right luto .McAlcer'a
bjski'i. No runs
D.n li singled lo short centre nnd got to sec.
ond on a paed ball, Culd tn ino on balK
bharMtt pi ched a faetlully wide ball, aud
Djv h aud Chillis Inched a.ong a liaae caeh.
.lohniiii lied to O'li lurke, who killed Davla at
tr.e home I late liy a inagutneent throw.
Tne ciewiauiU kicked like fuur-year-olda,
tnt 1'owerb'a di ctapi i went.
Iioili'a lwi-b'i(ger, nhicli went whirziiu
net third, ur'Ug..t Chi la in. Virtue out,
Kieiiar isou to Connor, one run.
riin Isnimi o'lbiiirke out, Ch'lds to
to Virtu., HareetlMiigteil toahorl light.
Uaue Hied In Mr. leer, bhairelt forcsd
Haaett at eccomi. No runt.
lU.-olt di t Imuaell prou I in a low right hand
plek.np of .tunnel's grounder.
Gore ild Just us uell will (Iruuer's dy,
wine.i fe hail to run like top let to eurrall.
Mc.Vleer out, Clark tn minor. No runs.
hiahtn Inning Hire tnu'.flyed to lintutr
and ao old Diiitiy Kirliarsou,
Tiernan went out, Minds to Virtue. No
McKrui dropped his lift field ay Into
O'ltnirki'a dekes.
Duv soul, G'aaaeoek to Connor.
I MUH out, btiutMlt lo Connor. Nn rum.
Ninth ismmi. ounor riled to Dsvle.
Glasscock got third on a ba i throw by Doyle,
o'liourkt's grounder past third sent Glass
cock home.
llaasett'a two-bagger to loft sent O'llourke to
Ourko sacrificed and O'llourke tied the
Haasett took third. Sharrolt out, Chllds to
Virtue. Two runs.
.In tiiami died lo O'llourke,
Diyle filed toGUaicock.
Virtue nied In ItlchnMBon. No runs.
1 1. ini Innimi. -Gnro tlnglod to left.
llic.haidsnn struck out.
Gore out stealing second.
Tiernan out. chllds to Virtue. No runs.
. Zliumcr struck out.
Griiber filed lu Clirke.
McKein nied In Hrsult. No runs.
Ki.ki tv ll ISNisti. Connor struck oat.
dUasi'iick sinal d to left.
o'llourke a two.'inggcr to left.
(1 iicui'k lo third,
IU"nci' double scored Ulasicock anil
( larke nnt at firs!.
Xlnirrctt .ilio bit for two bases.
lliasett criwsod the plate.
Goto nut at first. Ihrecrnn.
Llcviland mailed.
Now York. 0001000O20 30
Clovolnnd. 00200 1OO00 03
lli HiU-Ni York, '.I. CliiTeland, 3.
l.trora.Nen Yora, 3. Cleruland, 0.
Tim nrcount of this morning's
game will bo found on third pn&ro.
fsrtriAt. to the Evrstfa wonLO.t
HatTKKN 1'iHK, Hkooki.vn, May to. He-
ganllci'i uf tue defeat tno Hrooklyns snslalned'
In the f neiionu at the n inula of the 1'lttsbtirg
club, oer ten llionsiud people assembled here
to witness the ntlcruoon game.
Tnero wire hundrcdiof the fairer sex pres
ent, nn the Brooklyn ladles are great admirers
of the Nailonjl game, and there are but few of
them wno do not undeistand thu One points of
the play fully as well na tno men.
Ihe clouds of the forenoon wero gone and
no weather could have been more perfect for
ball plating than that of Hits aleruoon.
The preliminary practice was greatly en.
JOTld by the largo assemblage of spectators,
and a commotion whs kicked up br a ball
which waa tilt Into the open seats before the
i' sue, knoiklug one ot tho apcotatots In
sensible. '1 nu tinning order for the afternoon :
DltnUklAN. riTT'llUlttl.
Collins, Sti. Miller, s. s.
Vturii, e, e. llcctloy, lb.
Grlflln, c. f. Drowning, I. f.
Foil, lu. curioll, r. f.
Hum i, r. f. llcraer, irn.
o'llrleu, I. f. Hanloii, c. f.
I' nknej, .In, Mack, c.
Klti'low, c It nlv. Sh.
lerry, p. Huldwlu, p.
Umpire Mr. Lynch.
l'ltieT Inninii Collins was tho first batsman
who rce 1 the music and he struck out. Ward
bunted the hall and bent It to first. Grltlln
set thn emu d wild with a threc.hae hit along
the left-field lout line, tendlug Ward across
tho plate.
F iuiz lilt a long line fly lo Carroll and Grlf
lln scored nn the throw In, Hums filed to
Carrull. Two runs.
Miller hll lo rinkner and was thrown unt.
Ileckley high flb d tnGriinn. Urownlng drove
a beautiful low liner to lelt field for a base.
Carroll forced llrowulng at secoud. No
r-rcoND Inmsii O'Hricn drove a hardliner
to Miller. I'liiktii) stru.'X out aud Klnalow
filed to llanlon. No tuns.
llergrr filed to Ward, who had a hard run of
a hundred feel, lo make Ihe prelty calm.
llanlon hit In Ward and naa tnronu out.
Mack strut k out. No tuns.
THIhli Immi Terry Hoick out. ho did
Cnllliis. W.nil ngatu hunted the ball, but
llaldwin waa too quick fur aim. No run.
lleillv lilt a nam line lull tn foir.z, who let
ll slip by him. llaldwin strnrk on'.
Miller bit tn leiry, wno throw ltelllr out at
secoiitl. Ward s ut the nail lo flrt like a rifle
tbiii lu time tn put out Miller. Nn runs.
I'lifllTlI Inmso -Grimn got hla base on halls
and slolu seeonii. Foiiix also got a base on
(mlla and Hums sacrilleud them along, Haldwlu
to Hucklcy,
O'tirlen look first on bills filling tho bases,
l'liikney came lo tne reacue with a two-base
bit mil three men scored.
Kliiat'iw cot nil live uu balls. Terry strnck
out. Collins went to llrstou bnlla. Ward Bled
to Mlliir. Tnreu run.
II cklev hit salelr t.i left. Drowning hlrh-
tiled lo O'Hrlen. Carroll nnd to Foul.
Ilerjer lilt to colllus ami was thrown out,
Nn ruua.
FtiTii Inmmi Grir.ln 11 ed nut to llrowulng.
FnuU went out from Uerger to Ileckley and
llurus filed out to Hal Iwin. No runs.
llanlon "aa thrown out at first by Terry.
Mack filed to Collins und ltelllr was tnrowii
out by I'lnkner. No run.
Sixth ISNfn O'Hrlen made a anfe hit to
left Held, tut was thrown out trying to steal
l'liikney Hied lo llrowulng. Klaslow struck
out. No ruua.
Haldwlu got his base on balls and so did
Herkley high filed tn Grltlln. Drowning not
on strikes. Carroll nied too llrlen. No runs.
hktPMlt Inmmi Tirry lilt to lteiliy and
waa throe, n nut at first. Collins got first on
Herger's wild throw.
Collins at'. Id seunnd nn a wild pitch. Ward
struck out iud so did Grirflu. No runs.
llergcr filed to Grlitlu. llanlon ont on
Mack mulo a safe hit tn right field.
Ilei ly not his baae on an error by l'lnkney.
Hani nln si ruck nui. No runs.
hii.tiTit IssiMi-l'iintz elruck ont. Uurna
thrown out li Kielly.
O'llrleu filed to llrnu nlng. No runs.
1 urihtr progreia ot the game la Indicated in
MiHcr nnd Heckler mt safe in left.
Hrnwnlng got hla bas on balls.
Carroll's grounder hit Heckler, running to
third, and tne 1 itler waa declared out.
l'nutz took Herget's fir on the bound aud
doubled Cairoll aud larger. No ruu.
nrooklyn . li 0030000 O 5
PlttaburrT... OOOOOOOO O O
Tlio uccount of this rnornlnir'a
camo will bo found on third pace.
National Lone no.
Htnton 0 10 0 3 0 0 0 o-n
CiuciiiiiAl. 0 1 0 U U 0 U 0 1-J
lUtterio-CltrkM)n nil Cianio., lUJboura mil
Clark, Utupirt) Sir, Mciunl.
at rmnuELniu.
t'tiirieo 0 10 14 4 0 3 0.-1 J
l,LiUJol,.lii OOUlJUOi-S-7
l!aU"no-Stm Dtl KUtrttlxa; Tbornlon and
CkuivuW. Uiupirt Mr. llur.t,
American ABsoclatioa,
aiKTlliNOON 114)111,
Columbus .1 U 0 0 0 0
Uuioii 0 U 0 0 1 U -
Utior.eaf Dultu anJ O'Connor; llavldook aad
frrrll, Umclttt Mr. tVrKUMn
Cincinnati 0 U 1 0
lUtuuure U 0 0 0
Htfn Crn aa Ks Ir , Madden and Robin
ion. lmptro Air. Matitivwai.
AT T. lilllll.
M. Loui 117 0 -
AthieUv U 0 U 0
t.aHprift-K.ifetu and lloyl; CbAmbwUln And
Muiliiitn. Umpirti -Mr. Ksrint.
IaCUl.TlUo ...... 0
Whm iinslon 3
.UitvrUt Hrvll and Cook i Carte ud Lonman,
Gravesend Meeting's ;
End a Cause for If .1
Rejoicing, ; I
1 1
m m
General Gossip of the Tracks ; ,m
Good Racers to Watch. v ;fl
I m
Tne Hrooklyn miotlng ends to-dar, and ) rai
ererj ono will be beartllr glad oflt. There , ''H
has been more In and out running at tblsconrse l, Jl
tban was ercr seen at tbe mncn-aboaed Winter K H
tracks, and tbe Judges hare tak,en no notlco H
of It. Tbe riding ot Jonea on KittT T. waa iH
beautiful exhibition yesterday, anil beihould i 4H
oertalnljr hare been called up to explain. Erl- j '1.1
dsntlj the sting which Mr. Uradlej'a lash lo ''.laal
Clcied on JoaU'a hide baa died away. I A 'H
Tho ilorna stable contlnned on lu Tlctonona j Hl
csrecr yeiicrday. Terrlfler galloped away 't :
wllh lue Fort Hamilton Slakes and Uy pat lea Vissssssl
cantered In ahead of a good field lo a selling ,
BveepsiaKea race. Ilypatica waa entered to be r,!ssssssl
apbl lor 12.500, nnd Clirlstopher Smith bid her ;, '
up to 14,000, Waldon reluctantly letting her eo -i iLfaaa
that price. v, H
Chesapeake comes pretty near outclassing , J jH
any horse In hcary going. lie romped the 5 B
wuole ol the distance ytsterday under a atrons ,.',5 f jH
pull, making the mile In LUX. ' H
1 "''sbssI
The New York Jockey Club offlclals announce 1 ' ;
that the best road for those drlilngtotbecoro- ;j H
In.' race meeting at Morns Part la through, . ' H
Central Park, Strentn arenne, across Central 1 M
llrldne, thence to Fordham llepot, tp.Pelham 1 M
avmne and actoaa lo JlorrU Park. Signs biro '-M
been provided so that drivers will hare uo tlif- u M
faculty In finding their way. Ihe connection ' -tM
at one Hundred and Trrenty.nluth street and IB
becond urenue has net been made, awing to f H
labor troubles, und visitors ntli have to go la j jB
tho old way. i jH
. H
Ailkn Uwrer didn't think much of BsldnlDl J j
chances lu tho last race yesterday, and It waa j , H
only at the last moiucit that he decided not to j (' H
lit the colt run loose. He sent in 1800 aa tho , H
horsej went lo the post, but hla messenger waa '; 'fL
too late, as the horacs got away la the first ) . .B
break. M
llulillilit la badly broken down and tha j 111
ctiaucis nru that he will be retired perma- H
nentl;. . !
Her Highness Is reported as being hopelessly I IH
lame. VH
It Is reported that 115,000 haa len refused 'GaH
tur thai last Westerner, cWuipt Fluele. ? S
rrvnnllni. Tt.tr'T, alaVu vlilnrv vatAnlar. sr.BS.
lite ilorrw stable has won a trifle under Ib0,0j0 . ,vt
during tne present meeting a truly tremen- '; U
douasuc:eas. KB
1 1 jj
It n as rumored in Jersey City yeslerdsy that MH
rrrsldent Waibaum, of the Hudson County jM
Jockey ciuu, had been Indicted by tba Grand '(V
Jury for keeping a disorderly house at Uuuen. TS
burg. , i ?
7"'' H
Spider "Anderson actually turned white iB
yesterday when liergen came ruablng alone on ' Lfl
Nlnone. Anderson was taking a nap, but Jost : 'rBI
awoke In lime to save hla mount (torn deleat. H
Kl Corrlgau baa purchased the three-year-old j all
coil Daouee, by Tim IUkc, out ot Flora Me- ( 1
liouald. Dundee was one otthe boat two. . B
year-olds seen In the Vet last year. i -1
What chance would tbe great Kingman havo I jH
against MorrU'a Ihree-year-olda? M
Waleott i Campbell hate given up all atones WM
of brtngttig Huperta around and have sent her rM
to Palrvtiw to be bred to Forester.
Calcium, who baa been snowing well at M
Uiookliu, nss formerly in John Iluntei'a M
sirtug. Tho latter presented htm to Johnny H
inland. ... m
On Monday ot this week the Court of Errori jH
andActealsof New Jersey took up the teat jH
can- whlcu wllldeleimlneos to racing at Mora- ,M
mouth this year anJ laid II over until Jane 11 IH
Tula u regarded as a favorable sign. B
. H
The Dlxlana yearlings will be told In the free H
field at Morrla Park by Col. ti. ti. llrnce em , kS
batutday, Juue li I H
Sir Jolm Uacdonald Lingers, Thongli " I
Twice Reported Dead. . ' ' I
lirrciiL to rax avxurxa woxui.1 M
UONTRKiU May 8u. A report that Bur JoUl 'V
Macdonald had died at 10 o'clock thla moraine
proved to be premature, bat hut physician -B
said there waa no hope. , . H
A bulletin at S o'clock thla morning statetjl JH
thattbe Premier had passed the night quietly.) j H
He did not sutler pain, and waa perfectly coo , H
actous so rar aa making known hla wanta. . H
Atui. at. It wai auted that tn. patient bad) J
taken a turn tor the worse, and this probably I H
gave rise to the later rumor that he waa dead. H
At ia 30 a report of his death waa aaWBlvatW H
out, but not connrm.il. I LU
Alia. so It was officially known that Ely JoUM
yil lingered and waa still conscious. ' I jH
Flehermen, Talea Notice. i
It will be high water to-morrow, May 81 f4j
Sandy Hook at 2. IS r. K.; at Oovemortl '
Island at 2.3A r. M., and at Hell Gate ' , jffl
'li 'will be hlgn waur Monday, Jnaaj l-et Jf S
Sandy Hook at a SI a- u. and a. r. M,t all a ;H
Governor's Island at a. B a, n. and S. r t. fc J ,H
al UtllOatt at i, iOa.it, and B. Mr. Ma - ', VM
4 M