Newspaper Page Text
f 4 'I '' 2 A Million People Ileiul The Riindny World. K3 THE WORLD: SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 550, 1891. S3 117Q Anawora to Ono World "Want." iuMtiAcd dp fte ires i"uUf7if7 Comjiait!. 1 y ' SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 30. il I H'UECIlirTlOSSTOTIIEliVKMXC W01U1) ' . ' (fnritHtfiij; 1'oflnoe)- 1 I I'll It .1IONTII 110c. j ' rnit 3a ' . Vol, 31 No. 10,070 ' ' It ,' Interedat the fn.t (Mire t New lotkus.eo- 'j jr oDd'Cla.e tu.ttor. I , rfMANrrinrrtrpsi t ' woiii.u uitown orKioK-nnr itno.nwAT, i belwen :il!t ami 'Ml n , New Vntk. UIIO'IKI.VN - l.'.ll 1't'LTiiN Ht. HAItt.KM- ' .'' Department, Kill Kt l'J.'.rn Hr. . Ad- ' ! verlieirentat Jit? F.a.t llfiTii Mr. , rilll.AULLl'HIA, I'A.-I.innrn IIUH.niKO, 113 j South OthHt. W AHIIIM11 ON-II10 Htll Ht. i London ofucek cocssiun ar., iimt- I , OAK SqUABK. ' - - 'I MEMORIAL DAY. Comrades of tl.o mm who pno up tlinr i lives on tlio bnttle.flcld tliut tliu Anicrlim i ' nation might livc,nsM table to-ilay to pay the trlbutoof brntc mill to brat o men's mem ", l ory. To the participants In Ihe i in tin ulals nt tlio gnusol the .-lain in tin' dill war , Jlunorlal Day Is rlfo Willi meinorhs l - bivouac, of dec ils of daring, of hinn. ' nnd patriots. To thn wtir.itr. of thu :i Grand Anny thu tomb of liiitsT i a " .' fclirlne. 'I be, Memorial Day t It mil m thu Order Is a lyric that rouses thi noblest ecntlnunts of thu human iniml, : wid portrays to tlio rising generation the j ;. duties nnd obligations ol Amcrh an cltli n- i, chip In a n.anmr thai npptals to the 1 1 n -t I Impulses of human niituic. 'It c Inm and I ndmirallon of u grnti lul and i ntl.uslutlie jf people go out to tin' grlhd, iiialiiuil, i' apirlttd vettruUH who iniirih In our ttuwto ;. today, i en as 11 did a gent ration ngnne ti when they strodo down llrondnii) In full panoply of real war. ' It Is meet that .Memorial Day should be i n National holiday. 'I ho tceults attaint d In bntllo nrc tliupriiiuo!ln ot lusting piutc 'ii , nnd u more pcrlctl human brothiihood. i These are causes for rt jo!( liik", nml noun would participate thtrelu with truer patri- ' 1 ! otic ardor than thn men whoso gr.itijs are 1 1 'decorated with flowers loilu). 'I he da) Is , ' u perpitual reminder of thn -i 1 1 i ' i: of ; ja 'American manhood. 'Iliuo Im-. timpnoOj P .J pergonal und family griifii. 'I lie dm I are jjl tlio uatlon'H, iiud thu nation kIoimiIiiHic i I ( llfo lnurcd by thu diatliof Hi lunt loul. I $ It In u lesson of pittriotlMii that is liuijlit J I by nil thu obsen.uiees of thu day. Majlis i nuireilncbd. Its joyuiisncas, its full MkiiIH- i Lj uatiix mntimui to ho lioinu in upon the H ' winds of Ainerliati youth ; then tht sacil- ifi tico honored in its ceremonials will not jj ' Iiiito been uiado in nln. 1 " AIDS TO TOETUY. it Kverybody Kmms what an Inlliicucu on . poetical activity htirroitiidluus hae. or I' oourte, Rouiii people would not niltupoilry i if the wire In I'aradlsu They hatcii't thu 3 . ' dlvluu spark within themwuleh Kindles to ) poctlu outbreaks. Hut to one whose, hjurlt J leans to metro, t,ott sl.Ui, i'idur-elad hills J nnd tlio wurbllmcot birds, the b.ibliln of I u brooks, thu chiming of bells aio er 5 J belpful. ft Jllhs Minna ImiMi, thubardessof Tar rytonn, is bcfcet with the uppnultu of this t nveet I'tnlronment. Ono nviKlibor has I blocked off the scenery with u imtlj, mil jl Itncc, nnd aiiothir heips an cfii-ilmimiiis y f ock of doss, who bark and yelp and bay. II Thu late dynamllu explnslon threw .Miss IiiviMiV poetic chords all out of tune, and now those dos are driving rhythm and dreamy thought still further away. So she lins luius up her lyre on tlio back porch ' l nnd sone into court. JH Silts Invi.Mi Is intltled to sjinpathy, but 'jj'j her suit lius dreadful complieiition:'. Mie , IJjj means to huu for thu loss she has incurred ' 1) through thu non.productivini-is nl hi r l it muse owini; to thy dns. It will Le awfully ' J liardfortwcUopioMilciltltiisloilitcrniluo j J the cost value of thU mlsslm,' iUantlty II Hut the dos thoulil no Thu nil.'libur jt; kcepb them, it is aid, fir lluhtlnj; and ti r j fc beicj; bolkd doH u Into coiiiim roial articles 'jj But he .ilnajs hus u mpplj of the uulmiled jii iirtlclo on hand, and thoiuh the fair unci r ! jj. risirvis her opinion of bulled dn(!, the llhi j jj' ing, j cipim;, tinliulleil limine Is the tr.e uf , R hir poetic soul and she ihspiSv's it. IWiry t'llf should havun show. A ijuud poem is wuitli iji' inoro than abad dri, a viry bad do;:, I j! ut nil cu'litj, and Miss lu im, hhould come t. out ahead. i ; PniLADELPHIA'S SOAHDAL. j: It Is ulilom that to one city ionics meli j on Bicumulatlou of deplorable n-wlutlmi JlRl nsis now piesciited in I'lillndilpniM. Ciij Treatunr Diun-u Is locLed ui in default of luavy bonds to apjuur for trial mi charms of criminally mlsappropilatine: ptthlic moneys ; the d linqtieiit l'rvsiilfiit or lh'. tpruip; Oarden National Hank Is in jail ; tho rresident of tlio Keystnnu Hank is a ruRilivi from jtistiie. And, in If this weie not uion- than sufllcknt, thu pilsotur, li.Mjivi i., bnalcs down and makes Mich coiiicsMuti3 that an old city turns pale and cries out in despair: "I don't know or an) bank that can iBiapo now I" 'I la- new facts exposed are, brlellv, that IlAiio-itr dipolted with arlotn banks luiui sums of Htato and city money upon whu'i hu perfonally ncelvwl lnteust. Otlur arrests, bad upon thcsuri'ielntions, I ore fncly predicted, nnd the city finds u,.if In u M-ml-paulc, socially and lln.inci.illy. Hank directors have hastened to take coun tel 1 In Ir attain are the talk of every household. None can yet till where It will all i ml 'I he seatidul is u terrible one. It will last down w.ll.known names. Ills unothtrof , those dread social and business shadows I J'-4 - tuat ttUl1 lo make every man for tho time J jj euspect his neifhbor. Hut the good of the E , community demands that tho melatlous g jj now started shall go on to tho bitter end f and punishment lie meted out regardless of I hero the law's blows bhall fall. " M If thcro ls Bn offenB0 which should arouse ( m' the etroDBest Indignation It Is lobblnir n at grave of the remains of a man whose life T Jias won his memory respect. An attempt vi to deal ths bod; ol that great American, Piiim.h T Hahm i. whs hnpplly frus trated through thu wnti hiiien. '1 he three Ithoulswire frlghleniil ana) 'J ho guard will hu doubled, nnd any otlur attempt of the kind is not likely to occur. This Is tho most outrageous kind"' theft, as It affronts the finest fellings of human nature. Mr. and Mrs. ItmiLitT I DcutMsr will begin a suit for f'J.'i,ooil against the Western l'diiisyhatilu HailroBil for damage sus tained In ii ctillHuM. 'll.ey were nil their bridal tour nt tin Mine and were so Injured that they lm pint fnur months In the hopl'iil ami i i ' in Mr full) mmtiT, 'I he sum tnr wli.i' 'he) siiediifs not seem too lor yuiiuv piupli'Mi heavily hatidl cajipnl ut tin ii Marl In matrimony. s",I.oss of place Is it light phalty for a (talo tenilir who hint his hi ad Mtrda) at n Walirbun railway cro'slng. Hi lowindthe gato in front of u hired car, pi lining it In on the track, and stood daid whlli a fieight (iiglnu ihmnllthcd the car. Thu p .s? ngers baul) cscapul irom tho con-cjnnie. A while town, with a thousand iKgrois as Its population, has l in dicldul by court to b long Ion North ( iiioltii'au. If thu negiois jiay rental to the new proprlilur thuy will not be illsturlml. it is u nice thing to own ccn a small town. Son 111 sn t. hii)h at ( lilcago that only tiio demand ol an uprising party call bring the I'residi ill's consent lo a ii nomination. I hU.igo Is contributing u icuinrka'jlo series ol polltlial Inli mens thc da)s. It is mil that the North Wonds aro saved, bin that the w a) Is opi u to save them. Tl.e I iiieslry Ciimnussiiin now has Us work to ilu in the courts. Ki ep the r.illroad grab bits out. It was too bad the bullits missed the ghouls nt Hakm m's toiul). It is always loo bad whin dcMcrators of thu grau escape. 'lheru Ii n good deal of Anil-Trust In the air. Now thu Attotney-fiiiural ls after tho celluloid combine. Wars mid nan lorn pass away, but I lie call lor patriotism mntr i tnsis. 1 hero nro still living inmiinlui of brave dead. mm SPOTLtiTS. 'I ii let lftbiM pity o'i tliomllof fiiurtli atorjr wiu down im tuoHllty, lay (tunlil t untat mi lit sait, but Nfir Yurk U not KOiutf tti ny tuli I ltft,Ul 'liAiit Kuto tiioiM. JSo unn ('inrfi thn Iiaiiiu nf rpuiler tnor IIikii oiiuwliow ii I tpoil the iSmtti Woml. Ibn Muruin (tutjl)t In Im wnll qLslltioJ tn lodge t UVlHlllllt, li llAIMl WHli. ( n b'T (irtr tmicli jt ar nlo spnt .l.itt ll.Mll A hd iim t hIip mMh In iftlint A n J liuiun wliilt liaby io let. f .tat ltvinr, Hi lifo wfiirh ik tht UrgMt miihb-r of notn of any iti tut iutM U tlm 1'r.lice if attVi hoii itt-Uw, th DiiWhoI t4lft. ri(trtitltit !tn h CDiio'udatl fltl tbe family httl littr nut ltuoll too Anif iiiiii tiinlraiitn lnltn lm unkp. UmU t Hie Actors, Mrh, itibiMlv, Aim. MArUnyAiiJ 'nicli." 'I Iim Nlmt uvo of ( uin dt'hiiml priinouiia in our tfrnuLUlitx if nut a ditllculty ! a pro. tiuimiial uuu. WORLOLlNCS. Majtr Anilrttw Wiiml, thn KHpublionn CKmli tUlii lot tniviirijor of KntitiKNy. U tuniiKn tiulsKtu, pi.fcsit'Bnlhi m nnuMnmhiiK tlaliir ami tlin ilialatlTltli noullliro hiuvity ol infitinnr. Ho u h kootl or1ur, nitvil i uhticiaii, ami la ltfty mTi n yunra old. 1 ho Iaikii litrm hi thn w.nlil llttt iti NouttmuHlorn lrf-uin.Mi (tinl .'inlj0fH l,iitU 0 U Him, (i iiina uri'ivoiie liimttrc'i ihUkm noith auU ntutliby iwfiily lltu tnlltti uawl uixl Wti-t. t TIihhIoih Hi i Mttt, thoitrfat oftlxtta badcr, U tiJ font .Si iiiitiiK. (Ait liot wtlll tt-ct and rIptI. 111m linir h o I.Mt oiiim liotfuiiiy, but lit utttp 11 as xpriUiiy ! at lUdt ui a joutiy r IU4II. httiiKtor (oiiuan of UrUitd. Is a man of iiuprtf l'ii t)ii Mid iiiifl ltM. Ilia at tin lit plain ami Ii ib'tk lint app ar nt tift Tluv ti bo llio lofco tut p'-huu.d KMdi r tlitt lin li. 1' Ilir. of laan',tli inw IViiploS party ttiaurl in a tali an I rnlliT Iniitt hiaii. IIW Uard IfinU lilut u patiuri tun up m iikwit-x, lto ii kid to ha truublud w.iii il), vn.c'i may nt-coiint for nunm uf bi inutital mwaiuk - if VAGRANT VERSES. Hbnil Xiiiwuril to Fintlor. I t'ld'i't tbitlk IM tin L.I.Mt nl action, . lid t-l it tr .11" I t im t'fi-i 'lo a . Itci ih i it tn n, and lliu toyo An 1 rtnc 1 il anlii.f in tnu V ti. I t rmty hum. 11 1 to I K mint 01 tn. Itui 1 tl. Urf'it t i.o-t 10 r ubtiii , "li tiOMj au.'ll I m uii4i rttim. I'm .Irani 1 lull Jump 4t Ui. ilumv." "I !! nt Kt 1 -tiinuirodoul my 1 iv, tUt !!.- i,l I Ol III F HK'.f. -Ulpr Ht ; An I lifi aiiottirt lui im ui, I'm. M , ,ro, I In 'ml KCoril lliuli I , mi p.lilf I f) m. Ah I lirkd fell I ! tt , 4! d pi ttPliiKlpbud, lb r di'lUcntiMl .! 1 01 mi tit 1 1 ndi r IuiaImIsu il-nitt.l t 1,1 r rti, Al.d 1 luUlitllt 00 (.it inmiibi yiii, . ini ..r, 1, .(oiUfcM i, Homo and OutHUlo of It, III pllbllf n Mav itii 1 mi Jltso w ho phi 1 out.) t hut aro, A tlaiuiH nttat Mitt tU'tn Itirir nit llefortt allf'a trtlvi I) m v tar. 'ItlPV MPtll t lllttt 1 b4l Id iiiit , t 1 o Aoniiu 1111 huii-k ih in ni car-, t !( ulilli ttiti Ai 'ii nt pour it liijctal up tiuooluiu tbkfuUid Pttiirs, -CAiiajw fott. Thu AitHlorn Vy, Wti' i u walk into in) purlur v" hai 1 tint apidt r to li.t i. "Mil , IikM y, ' hind tin in.-tt, ft )t)Hiuid tla nl li 1 t. Yobi pMlor ban nil out rati p, I ut tt eula it ii ai, bo 1 11 iy OUtlT4 III alult uuJ miuiu a ItlllH 11)." - ttt. A'JOUl It. lrnwi tt.inikvyH Ltr.l (Jo.iln (wtiu 11 id inUi'd 1 urt ut reujurl') WiU. la hhi I 1I.J) InlkllU about? Uollcy About .HI the tiuir. A Dr.nk'oroim Rival, ttvm llrukluH Ii ' bundaf-sctiool 'Jf4L)n.r--(ioJ wuuns ever; Uilliif. i-'ri-Udy'le Dotd bo know more ttiau my brot'ier lltur w h. S IChimi-i , luditil, KruMy UijkIc Jtut Jltiur liiu lutl beru trJUUtt'd ulcnllt'.r Iminntoriu:. tf'Ni ia ( . I? j r,i,u it . 1 "On, jou ii -luMiii n. Hhall 1 call jou? etUmied Uu eutnuv t kltciifii Udy, "lull i(lu y.itx jnii ,iat, liia'am rtplled the lmiiciiiiriiHdi iiii.kiuip, triiiiiH florae h-d iHlujieil j lid aiiatiiied uiinld.v wior a.i over hr'., ,'i'1 '"w '' "U IMC," lie repealtd, ogrulam. Ma lie mtuerel up DU Uit atnl droTeofl. ur liaiu t no rule lur Hie per. nuDcutiun ol juopur lumvt, ' I)TtIhTllT io cbildtau cured by MoNLU ' Tuxmxu ConiXAU I'iUvSU. Gliaitauiai; V " ' ' ' ",""M "' wmr - SKETCHES BY A ' THE PATEHT TOWEL-HACK MAM. A quaint-looking (M oM (Ji-rman lintni 41(7'" grant had wnndiredi j. out nl the Ilargc Ollleo ' JT( nnd taken 11 Mat on i AJ "Tt. one of the belli his In Vy'w.'Jj 1 """ l"lr'' '"r " "foke. n'j'.hjfA As I drew iii ar 1 ob- li'ta ""id the man -Mlh TOVtRi!.i.i; ,l" indent kitchen ffirJ',t'Ki& fohir towi lraek on Irlfl't'Vw ""' '"'"'''' ''esidu him Wjjj iiiirlng. ".lust landid In this fren nnd glorious country, I tnku It' "Yawl aw!"replkd the other, nodding his head in a igoious uiannir "'I hat's all right, mid I'm glad to sec you, as I'.lili r .lohnson sild In the men who ilivkiti red him In the will win re he had bin all night. .Now, thin, )oti want to start right and you'll be all right." "Vnw! yaw!" "Iluy a kite lien roller towel rack thn fursl thing you do. 'I hern's a ilo."ii dirfinul brands, but take nothing but thu genuine ."eik-No-Kurlhir, patented all over tin I'nltid i-tates, and rccoiumenilid by uer unbiased man and woman Irom .Maine to California." " Yaw ! Yaw'" "lam no dicelver, nnd I wouldn't take aihani.ige bf your innocence. Look a-hi ru One pull on the towel tuuilvis thl-f roller thlrUtti times. Waves you n ipiaitiroln )nrd ol limilllug at IT a Jim), and It onlv ui eds one telipeuny nail to hang It up. If jnii'vo ulh a laiuily of twile. inch and i'M r) one i an wipe on thlsrnlliT-towi I from u wi ek to a month, nciording to taste." " Yuw 1 )nw I" " While there Is no burglar alarm nt tuelml lo It, there are no springs to get out of older us an olTsit. Don't hau to bu lli.iwiiliM.t hi thu Inter nor kept on Uu in the Miuimer, and she'll wolk just as well on a bum ilnor as III )ialu:e. It's thu big gest thing In Ametle.t to dav." " aw ' aw ' America"' exclhdly o. clalmeil the nhl man. " Dun't tiegin lliu in this rimiilry by walk ing iiioiiiidontliuklti'hen towel," lontlnued the man lioni lliicklibiri) I'lalns "lir course oii kin huug It on nil our knob, khk It under the sink, or let. the dog lug It under the spare bid, but thun jou'm1 got to hunt all mound when yoiiwuutlt or wlpo yer face on thu buck nlndir.curlaln. "'Ihu lirst one I sold was 'o Sipiar' Vut klns, of Huckleberry l'lulus, and ho beat mo down to l.'i cents, and madu mo take hulf o' that In postage-stamps. You couldn't buy It or him now fur a dollar. My sou bllu writes mo that hu gits up nights to wash his face and nipo ou that towel. L'p to thu day ho got It ho hadn't washed tils faiu fur thirtteu )eais. Ii.n't that thu biggest sort of a rec ommend fur in) Imcutloiir" " Yaw I ) aw 1 Ami rlcn '." "'Iwuu't two months ago," said the lowel-rncic man, as hu revolu'd tho roller with gnat rapidity, " that our drug stmo ma.i, who oucu saw a ghost and shook hands with a i Iritis ulown, and Is so stuck up hu won't use N.O.moh.dscs In his house, said that this woild had reached the clliuax of Invenshiiu. Hu must fuel mighty small now when ho urn how this roller Iohi lraek Is catching on ! I expitt there's thu blgirrst kind of an .seilimeut at hoiii" Mluwrllus ino that a mad dog ran past lllll 'la)lor'a groeiry tho other day, and the men were so busy talkln' abinit ni) towit nu k that they tieM'r went to thu door to look 1" "Yaw' yaw!" criud thu old man, pulTIng at his pipe until his head w as almost hlddiu In a cloud of smoke. " I iluiiuo, but I kin tiuprotii uu lur somen hat," said the lluikliberry man as he held the roller at arm's length. " .Might tuakt a pocket ou thu back time for thu line comb. Tarnal minis, ain't It, whar that pesky comb will git to when It ain't tied up V .list ns regularly as Sunday ionics we git up a hunt In our Imuse fur the lino oinb. The ulil woman hain't seen it, bllu hain't seen It, and durii ny hhlu if 1 kin remeiubir whethei 1 loM saw it down cellar In hind the blue ildi'r-bar'l or up In the garret among thu butiihes of catnip I" " uw ! Yaw! America! Pliermany ! Yaw "' " I believe I'll do it." " aw ! Yaw !" "And I might put a hook on the other side to hang the family shears on. Tarnal-l-a time in mn home to Mud tho shears when we want to cut our inn nails ynu icr did set . 'I he nhl woman goes Inukln' In tin klti hi ii, Mlc in the wond-dittl and mu up stalls and down cellar, and we are as apt In Hud 'on In the crock nt soft n,ip as an) wheieclse. Mmo with jou 1 tske It." " Y.iw '. Yaw ! Nrlii ! Hlsmarck ! Amer Icn ' Micrnui'i) '" replleil thu old manwith gnnt uiruestutss. And as 1 slipped awit) the man from lliuklebiir) I'lalns was n iterating: "lhlrtiui reolutiuui to a pull- ono ten puui) nail .iiics a quart! nf n )ard of toiMlllug and no daui r of a 'sploshun ou aeioiiut of low watir." M. ijlaii. Kopt Hlu Word. ....hi, .,.. Mr, lllcka ilu n d r tij tltue Intr.p muiuini: In uvl Home; I luM'li't lia.l h wluk ul tlecp all mgnt. lliuk righ', iuf (ii d iim; l miii rou 1 wuaM (i.K) In- ti, luiun- )uu weal tosleip. Hotol Logic. lti.llAr itti uh CvHtitr t.lllSt IIOK I. till.; .IJ Hill IDltlllllFlsfl A di), una lu.t ll.ienilier 1 luil ilio saaie room, auil it uai euly n s aiv. link i, I kauw ; but tboilaysaru luui'n loubcr now. rrutiillty. 1ro.i Vi,.,.'. Ht.Aly 1 The llrokui.ilc.rii'J uitl-llo trcateJ mc tiraially, Tim Himimt'i.tli Male Couilu (aclilag for u tU'il-sHV.g Ijl-Wnat did bo ilu-Lteuk ine lllk' tIl Ult-UI ? liiallrukea.llearteiKltrl No, hu ncier even prupusuit. A Ciood BRinurltnn. ltov, Juiija. i Mie How Jar are jou . curtail in scleatHt? lie To the extent of not stalling tor tue doetur until tbe caao U boiieleM anLow, GIVE Tie LIFE. Poor Babies Will Need the Free Doctors This Summer. Colobrato tlio Holiday by Scntl intj a Contribution. Nell Nelson Tell. How u Dime Hrouglit I. lick to ii Hoy. THE SUBSCRIPTIONS! "Ilir i:rnlll Will til" 8I0O.O0 I'r-Ylim.l, ncknimliiilvnil 311. '.HI A. t,. I) l.iU LIU .lioj'. cullaclltm l.U Horo'H Another Dollar. To thf ftlltur Inclose.) Llcaiu llnd II for tliu Mck llahy Kuuil. A. L. 1). Colloototl from Frlonda. 1 uin only im feurs oM, ami hit other little frlenils think o much uf ynur tiatiy funu that mi Inriiieil a cluti unit culleitail Hit of tliu money whkh we semi vou In thl lotier. Weniputliai the I e j r little b ibh'u will ac cept nur uiinifiv nit happily hh ho i:iniari it, Me will try in en nils nuieli nifi'iev every linilltll: II .III.; I,,:nwrlz II), Milo I usllmrg It.. Jul e i o'leii n, Mnrri l,nr to, vouli h siiw.1'.. mini li. mt' I'oiumi 5, Morn. I.aat i.erg 111 lKe ii'iioiiun e, IMiini.. I,vvi:., Mux llro.i 3, .MoirU Mtruiapf 5, Juuio Jatioba, Z muts. Iht GLEANEFt. I raw .Mr. Aiulrew .1. Wlilto among tlio nuill emu at lh lleikeiu) Sc'iuul npealau. Jlr. While's only son, It.iyiaonil, Is one r Hit. year's grmlualei. Mr. NVIilto Is li guntieiuau not iil of rre.a I'liltics ahiinr, nut ulsu nnsuscil nr u tiiorougli knnnle'ge or meill cliie. mi. I lisiaverr n-tmul ll.nnry tate. 1 Hunalii nut ncivirprlsi'il ul unr tlino in bpc litm ailiiel to ttie r.ul'er small HU or New York lallliouiires who liuvc written hook.. A ilcleclivo Usne Ic'reuliirs r.lTcr Inirarenaril or il.uOil lor (ieorge W. Marsh, tlie giullciiiju ig keistnaii l'auk nmur.etr who lias illsaiMPiite.l. A pii'ttiru ot Mr. Maisli mlnrna the i ireulsr an I a uiiniito ile.erlt.llon or limi U apiH a leil. .soiuo ni ,u may turn one tiiiiiilrnil honest pennies by bagging .Mr. .Maish. ... Tlio Invcntlru cupaitty or dime mm cum prnprletm. must l.o ruiiniiu low wtiea Ialy Pool Pliyers lire blllril a an eniielng uuvilty. I aiw a lljwrry iiiineum which blile. I this a' triutinu. Two women were represented in leeollele plak gowns at a poj'.talile. The tact remaliiH that bill unit iiml pool have not yet ilt'vi'lupeil any foniliinii" i inert So h woman who ran phi; a tl. cent game of pool may ileaervu to rank us a freak. Iwai struck tiytlin jouttifiil appearanen of l)r. White, the Principal of tho llerkcley behnol, a. he sat on the p'atform In tho armory of tho new liullJInir last night, when the drill entlnii exerrlina took plaie. lie lld nut seim In bo a man nf more than lorty. lb' W of mcilliim height, ateulcr .imt hu face is thin. A thlCK nmsliictie craces hu upper lip. . Thero was c,tilln .ill icclrslastlcal flavor about tho openlur of the new llerkelcy -chool. This ls not an ranch to be uoinlercil at In an Institution which la named after Illslmp (ieorge llerkcley. (Irorgu imam Curiis, who pre hpic.ij l)r. Mnrrs. lir. Mdie, Dr. Daniel c. Oilman, President ot Johns Hopkins, and even young Virgin, the representative or tno grmln stlngclas. of 'til. Mho gale the salutatory, all wore roi.CH of Mack silk like lhoe or llplsco pall in minuter. tetti low. President or Co lumbia, was In evening ilreju. A g'uy iky with aoflly tailing rain miT be beaiitlliilly appropriate for Memorial Da), especially If It brighten, into suiulilus carl) in the turennou, but It Is mt so pleasing in the mrn no hale to parailu thruugh thu inuilily strieU or wet grairyaiila. The wet iUk ilruopeil heavily us iticy hung at halMuaal this morning. ... I The wonts "Kismet" nnd "Mecca" spilled, lu natrhr. was a sreal attraction In the window of a'len Utie jeweller ye.ier ilay. Unas In liuimr or the visit uf Mecca Temple. A. o. N. .Malio Htiilne ot this clti, to the klimel 'leuipk', nl llruokliu, wnleh is to te muilswtin unat c rcmonles thlscienlng; An Incident in tho Young Coupla'u HntiaokiiODliKT. It. .l Villi.. '. II i The Young llmtun.l iltinahtluliT) If 1 am going to keep thin ciilcn la any sort of condi tion 1 lllllat k-et nllll' h i.e. 11k- Youmi Wife (brlghtl) and with a view to reonimij)-iili, ilnu'i ko to unit eiituse, Hunt. Ihavunaold pair upsislra that you eau hale. Wo'.M'ostml Cnttlo. Ilium .w lu.t ll..Alj. ralrMiiidiu (a cmaiiT nuarder) Ilmr hut aaeli that cow kinks at me' l'lrnmr llajaicl It'iyiuirrril parmol, mum. fair M.iiku I) hi me' I ku. w It tui a Utile nut ol, but 1 itidu'i auppune a country m would uotiei. lu i THE THEATHES HEXT WEEK " Effie Eilsler in a Play Now to This Oity. Murlc TwiiIii'8 "Tom Sawyer" tlio Attraction at Jacobs'. Miss Krtle Kll.ier will appcir at the I'our trentli street Ttnatru Monunr nigh', In a play new In Hilt cltr. H Is entitled "Miss Man ning, " aud has in i u prt senteil with sueceis on the road. MU I'l sler plays a i umudy part, wldc'i la Itaeir will be aonietlim: of n noieltr lo HU. lite. goers, for the little aclresi has us a talc .elicit. I the serious and tho pathetic. "Miss Matmlni" Is iliaerlbed as a domestic iiudsocKly iliama, "tluirty rathtr tnau Ui roarinus. " 'I hat Is good. . A "purely American cornedy.drama" cntl. lied "'loin Hmyir," and built, of cours-, upon tail lines tugieatcl h) .Mark 'I wain's book ot Hi it luuie, will be next week's nttrac tku nt II. It. Jacobs' Theatre. Tho dramatic ipislU'es of the play will tint tie permute I to Inteittre with the Intro Initiou of speelalllea. 1 homas It illamyno will play the title role, sntt the supporting conpauy, it is said, will bu very good. mallrAj performance of a new play by Kd ward .M. Allrlful, inllilcd '"Iho Loulslan lull,' will be glvtn 'iliuradayat tho Madlsuu t-ipiaro 'llii'.ilre. 'ihe period of the lay la Irinn IS',1 to lbl,, and thu aocnia aro laid In Ntiv Oman, arid Paris, lu the cast will he J. 1". llri"n, N'. c. l'orrister, Idivinl J. Henley, 1'rank binder, Wright Huntington, I harlei llalleck, It. I'. Lollou, Jar rilt, J. I". I'lirk, tieymour II. Hes, Iharles Hrake, Virguiu lliichanan, Mary Himpton, bander and Mrc. Heury Vauilluhon". (iiliunre's 11 1 ml will opeu too series of rronien nlii eimierts at the Madison . squire (iardt'ii Atutlilihi'a'ro this cveulug. 'lhcre will bu a hunilHil muslelsm In the nam!, an. I lu addition to Hill orcliesiral attraetiou there will bu u number ol eminent tomtits to be lieird. 'these roncerti should hevervsnccesB f ii I. 'Iho nuiiihltlicairu Is a uiaguillieiit plaro In whuli to hold them, and auili uatirtuln menu uru what Now YorK waut. Thu ripertolru ot Hint no A'nbcrj'a Terrace (garden him ueek will hu as follows: Monday, "Tliu Princess of 'iretilzonde," 'lueaday, "Die riidcrinaus;" Uedticsday, "Poor;" Tiiurs.lay, "cnellan Mght.;" I'mlay, Haiparoiie." and Situnliy, "Tho Seven Mutilans. " 'l'ho 'lerraeu l,ariien la lu I'llty-i'liHitli strict, mar 'laird iivtiiu.. 'uin or Twist" will be the ntracllon nt tno Winlsor Tneatio next wick, with a strong last of good old fivorliee. J. I!. Soulier will uppeir a. lllll Syke-i, Harry bytloguas t'agin, ini'l H 'arietta Vsders ns Nancy bykes. .Mrs. W. I.. Jones and Jar-. 11. M. Post aro also to liu lu the east. '1 hu play will I c viry couacl entlouilT staged by Munagcr Muillia. "Apollo" lias I'lioed the llrit month of lta run ut the Casino, mm u HtiJI doing very nicely. 'Iho roof garden conceits aro highly attractive. A How it show, tho irinilpal featuro of which will be an elaborate collection and dlaplay of Juiieroice, will shortly dp given on the roof garden, where brdelyl Nmzl'.i band may bo neurit every night. "Thu.Merfliiiiii," Slls MHrthi Morton's ad. mlra'uo play, Is drawing extremely well at ts Madison Squaru Thuatre. bonto Important i hauges have teen muuu luthecotncdy-draina, uad the changes aru Improvements. Tne Merchaut" is tliurougiily well acted In every Instance, ana tho performance ls u moit en joyable one. ' Martha " will be sung at the (Irand Opera. Home licit week, and .Marina" lias friends nil in er thu worll. 1'lotow'a charming oners, uevir grows old, and "'Hie I aat ltme of Nuru- lm r I'he Hiilutilug Wneel " and thu " Hood Night " qu irtti are as del gutful us eicr. June s win luiruiluc'j Tin- lioneuitau lilrl " and June lu 1 aust." "'lliu Tar and I'artar " Is still the nttraetlim at Palmer'. Theatre, mure it will undoubtedly remain all Simmer. MauaRr Asklu has re ceived troni Paris a new lotnU opera liy An. lr. in entltlml "llabolln," ulilcu la being udapied by .sy.iuey koaenlei.t. It will buuiieu ut a matinee erlorumiicc, as the ran or Tlio 'lar aud 'l.irtir ' cannot be Uislurnrit. "Wang" la nuking Hie patrons nf iho llroiidviay '1 liratre laupti, ami fulfilling its uilaaluu iiilHi'iiuenllj. 'I ue burlctta naa bi luine vi r) popular, uud Du Molf Hopper's', "Ihu Mm Win the Klcpnant on his Hand'.'' has made a hit. Utile ,MUs Dell i t-'nx shares ihehomus wild thu elongated e .in.-. Inn, who la ueier si'ldsn. I uu i o mlaritv of tne I'olu inula ballet nt the lldcii Musi u is a reltle.l fait, incoming to the tiiaiugtmeiit -aud lliu mauagtuicui ought to kiin. A le.ilure ot the Dieoraiion Day p. diamine to-day ulil Im n i haruitcristlis dame iu i. hlc Hi" ilancer. will tie arrayed In naUnnal coatuiius. Plroa Juset gtiea two cuueurta daily. 'Iho iittraeiions at Tony Pastor's Theatre ni l netk i.lli lucliiilu Harry uud John Ker nell. Mat lenaaud lunger, bottle I. Ilson, 1'iank K. McNi.i, i.ipitoli lornat, Harry and Mildred Ituiu-lcrt. the uilml reulers: lllltou, uu stliletie eniitorllimut, .lud I'rof. Campbell Willi his llutile. of tne Civil War." "Aunt llrmgei's lUt,y is still running at Uin 111) ni 'incatre, wph (leorne Monroe as tliu Har, Nellie llnsehu I as au energetic vocalist, ana Kale Dans, W. A. Mack, J. Aldrlcli 1 limy, I..I. iiufierman and '1. I. Mack in thu can. 'Ihe tario-coiiie.iy Is vtr) fuuny, and the hapi and iiiiehaes of lliidget seem to "loiieii reipoiihiiu thorda" as they say lu nniiU eierywin-re. "A knotty Affair "that needs no unravel ling cniitlntn-a to present lirrlf iilniitlvaiid at twn matliieei at the New Park Theatre, wlta John c. like aa tne slur, and .MIm Maily Cohen, inarles ,1. Hoai and Mia. .Mamo Kirls aa wurinr fiii'i'iin, 'I a aidu-uee. durmg tint last wiekame been 1 irge and have apuearedto en'iiv ihemsflvph. " Hon .luan."at the (iarden Theatre, cin- not I'uinpl ,.u ot neglect. Mr. ManitlcIJ lia. , won tor n.n a-lr an emlahle reputation ,.a un aeiiir, and auythlng be does l at least worth i Heelin' In ihu role ot Don Juau he lia nppor- I tunnies nt wiuen he avails himself icry Memorial Day Comes ui ar the end of sprlnr, the tt fea.un lu I 1 he fullowlnir I. from a well-known llmnkln wlil.-li to la.i- .lo si's!llla, Iwiau-e it I, tliewi'e of Mi. 1.. M. Ohlj, uf the tlnu of tin-tin..' tin U.,1, is liiireHO..i.tlbti'li.NiielU idil , hilinildt , II .rati, louilul.tloii lilenLauts from null, ine u illiv ulhe-cj-on. If , ul S Mnrren St., Nmt lurk Cltt tin hiie nut pre, nrel tnr thn not tteatllerol "lor .et..ral yeirs I sullirej irrsatly froiu sninii.iT, do an nott. Hoods sra ip.rllla will ' iri'iieial iteblllty, 1 tlinusneaa and aiik lieaJathss, build up your whole itslein, abari ru a.pu- ttltb lilw'h fi'tir. the duotora said I haj lllo and lurlf), tltulUi' and i nil. U the blood. From a War Votoran Malaria and th it my liter u a. nut of order. 'I hey pre I'oscniili, N. II.. Mat 14. IHU. M'rtbed tonne, but I re.'ulii'd little or no lame. 'I ruliatoil ilurina- Ilia late tnr m the ICHi HI tliiallt a i lianve uf air ai ri'ioinmendcd. 1 .Sen H.liil alike nluiilien. Mlule serMlla'al It.llf tu MlniivHotii, and aflei a alay of the iront In Hie uruit of the I'otouia.' 1 euiitrai led j mouth reallj telt lunch mil roted. but xion alter rheiiniall-ia lunauor't torui, aiidaiter Isdi g a ' uu ri'iurii liume I kit nearlj as hadaaeter. I 1.H1..- 1. li.. i lu tne In .lll.l 1 , klti u lul ilia- in I'd lint Mull three li'ot'ka tutliullt feeluilr per il.ute pai.r. and suit liume as laiurable. recti) rilijuattil, aail all my old, syuiituus ttiro What 1 haw kutttie.l blu.e . rutin i.uuF. Words Cannot EsproDS I Was Discournpod llatlmr tried aiui.'iiti'ier) thin.', iliutnj the pa-t It tts.juat then that a ladi recoumieiida I to me tlirec jiara I lulu taken Hood a Ssrsa.arllla J cWrwpurllla. i bad taken Haul's Sarsa uud liatf t mud In a It a me are iter rellet Hi nil Carllla lei. than a tieek mi appetite IKan anttliluw I lute taken. It keipalbi. uela kill lulllur, lu alik lieadaelli's Hero le tloient, na-.nar. ireivi.l. IhesnellluK In in, lunbaand I Ua'au lu f.el trou-..r nnd eni'iiuraed, the un, lines my keneral hralth. It t.irrtaiult an ietnr lame at kunrir Intort ala, aud 1 luipriitul . X. elk u. lueoi, Iim." in. D. 1. Ltu.xri, dally. Theftfthhuudayafltrlliilumoniud tak. luuiord, N. II ink Doaod with Oulnino ' Hood's SorsapariMa "I w.a ruu ilo.i, Irom .1.... a, Mh-atlo'i tu ' "'"'''"' '! lor ttto hour, with tturk, butt... tool I lia.l malaria and ., do-ed '", ""''"', "d'hllil ill I'mais-et Park ttltbollt tilth i.ullime, A. .Hhiihtia. i.e..,. l,lr,, !"""' '"""ed.aud mill dler I fell better than to t.kiH..ulas,r.aparill.und.u. now f.:ifc- ' ,r'"''' mm take Hoods y.rsatarllU airoiiirauu.bnnul 1 fi-.U.iMid It mil b. ""' """'" " hint au.l. ihtld and 1. and HI au t.l.o l-Uu it a talrtrUL it, u u """me. in th fall, aud o hatr no more Uuumii, VUl Bpriiig Ht . Ne. lurk city. ' I ', ""'V "l '"'"!"uh'" M,u- 1UuY ul-. ltrooklin, N. 1 IHoocFs SarsaparilSa I OO Dobob Ono Dollar I I OO Dosos One Dollar earnistly. Whatever I" said of the play Mr. Msiislelii may still he WHtcneil with Interest. ihe Metropolitan Kntlish 0(iera Company at the ( olumbn. Tneatte will. It Is to be hoped, protper uteatlr. It has done very goo I work during the pa.t wtek in "ltlggoletto," Veld's delightful upira. and "Carmen," llizct's gem. To-nlelit the strain, of ll.lfe'a liaikneyed but graceful Itonnulan Oirl" will be t.oard. " Iteilly and the 4nu,"i. still to be seen every night ami We tneaday and .Saturday afternoon, at Ilairluana now Tneitrc. Ilarrlgan Is still lu oxcellent condition, aa yuung ai ever, and quite us brilliant, while Dave llraham with Ida popular orclieatra utters tne music that hai made hliu famous, nml that la auug all ovu' tho lain). "The Veiled liitnre" will hcjln the "ecnnd week or I'a u.igigeuieut at t .e I.yreuin Tneatro linn lay niL. it with llonitt Mantll as tno re. moreeful artkt. lie irno I .'lion, tin the open Ilu nli'l.t Mr. .Mantel! mh. rt njliielhlng of a ills nil autage, oning to lue lait V at Iho enr Min fell tu i s inn uion tre llrst act. Some loiign edceiof "A ciled I'iclure" havo beeu timoied. "Mr. Miltinsoii'i Widona" at Proctor's Twenii.ttnril street The itte stem, to be un aftecttd by anythliu "at happens In theatrical Hrclca. It mote. nl'K.g lu It. own iiiirtlnul war, und p-ople flocK to sea It cud tie amnirrt. After all. It 1. tin- Mays that lutein. letitlT and legitimately I hit huvo tnu best ot It cytri where. P' pillar opris at tne museums seem lo bo thr Mug wninJeiliiliy. Nel week ut Worth's "'llio .Mikado,'' Ulliert and t-nlllian'a sp rigoily work, the bist that they tver n vtd. will be pri sentrd. The cl will be a goo I oie. 'Ihe tiresi'titatlon of comic opera at the iiniaium. doe. u it inli rlere ttit'i Hie other attrui lona iHtially found at those house.. " Hdlec '1 ijior " will ne sung at Dirts', lllglitli Avcntiu Mti'iee next week, wlih Ilrry I Inganl as Itnlie, a. ken llsruaclo ami A lee Maxwell ns tint Heroine. In tie vaudetlile conn any at this tiuu. u will hu (His Larmantlll.thc niii.ltal kulfi-urinder; Ktnura, the wlre-ttalker and Juirgler, and the Uarlelou Comedy Company In an amusing sketun. Caru.encita will beam tne sUtj-uluth wees ot her tuuagement at Knstcr 4 Dlut n Conceit Hull .Monday nliht. Hlie will appear dnrlog the entire mouth of June, l'cugy I'rrde. "Adam's Irmptatlon; ur, Ilirda of Paradise." Mood ami ibhcpraril, thu Wood lauitly, Paul hit lllo and otnera will uou'.ribulu to tno pro gramme. 'Ihu doors of Hiibcr's Palace Jluseum will be closed for the bummer Junu 15. The tatrnru of no house, thereliiri, only about two weeks more Hi which to tlsit the popular ri sort. 'Ihe attractions for next week will lie: Kiniiia rehlller, the aktlelon girl; Trunk Cot ton and his donkeys, Mr, Miiuct and Ins moil-koi-B, Hl-Ki, the comio native; thu .Moriau Cunnlbila and the 1 urtto Hoy. .Miss Mabel ronton, who wis so setcrely l.t.rued lu Paterson lately, will nave a benefit to-morrow umlit at the New Par.: Theatre. Among those to appear are John c. Itlce, (leu. Monroe, Flora Moore, bottle (hlion, Katu Dalle, Minnie Dupree, denrge Y. .Marion, Salllo Cohen. Itkhardson and Olenroy, W. A. .Mack, und J. lleruaril Dyllya. rrooltlyn Tbontros. Ihe Park 'lheatre rill have as an attraction next week Ml.s Lydla 'Ihntupson and tnr coiu pany of coiuedlius in " H.iZler,"a mu ak'.n I a no comedy by Tnniiia. Audlsou. Miss lliump-on has delighted many audiences lu all Ihe 1 irae cities wiln th's i lece, and has cer tainly scored a lilt III It. Moifls. oil. Miller, iirady and Wide, Ihe cuiuedlaus, uru a host In themselves. The Ainphlon closes lta doors lo-nlglit for tht. leanou. but will rent en its next season win one or the I est list ot attractilina ever seen iu Urooklyn. Among them in ly o namtd .Mr. uud Mrs. Kendal, 1'auny Daven pori, ltiehard Manstlel.l, Mu.rt ltob.oti In 'Ihe llentietta, " Maranrct Malher in a new play, Murie Walnwrtv'ht in a fine producuouor "Amy llotuatl," Hose loghluu, Roland Heed, and those two atiteesstul plays from thu Tneitrc, New York, "Ala bama" ami "Tne Merchant." Man igtr liola-ics will ha.e at the Star next week MH. Jcftreya Lewis, aupiurtedliy IVrtght lluntlnstoii .lud a power ul lumnuiiy, Inclu ! Ing Nellie I.lmrard, Tom Doyle, 1, mis llurretl and 1'lorence lucent In a double bill, patent ing those popular plays "Kngaged" and " I'lnk Domlnos, ' both plays at uaen perform ance. The whole la under tho management of Joseph Huzletun. Hyde l Penman's closes with this evenlnR's entertainment, nut Monday evening the trcas nrer of this popular liou.e, J.r. Henry . Itehtnan, will have a benefit which will no doubt be quite a aurncss, Juduing from tho Hat nt artists to appeur, botu m cfllciency and numbers. Huber .V ilcbhardt's CaBlno always gives a selected bill to lta many pairons, anil next wetk Is no exception lu the rule, there helug Hpencer aud hluiond. In character songs nod Imitations; Uilaon and llruvarde. Miss (tenrgls (ilrard, MissNellloCollltia an. I Joseph Natns, the baritone singer, and Minnie bchult, the ever popular. THE PEAN OF PEACE. BY KIIA W11EKLKK W IW0X. With ever some wrong to t e righting, Hti self ever seeklug for place. The world has been striving and fighting Since man was ctolved nut of space. Hold hlitory Into dark regions, His lorcbltuht has fearlessly cast. He shows us tribes warring In legions, lu the Jungle or ugea long passed. Kellglou, forgetting ier station, Forgetting her birthright from (!od, fit nation to warring with nation And si uttered dissension abroad. Hear creeds have made men kill euch other. I air faith nas bred hate and despair, And brother has battled with brother llecuuse ot a difference In praytr. Hut earth has grown wiser and klnJer, For man Is uvolvlug a soul; From wars of an ace that was blinder. We rlae to a peacc-glrdled goaL M here once men would murder In treason And slauuhter each otlur lo hordes, Thuy now meet together and reason. vtuu inougiuiior t.ic weapons, nol swordj. The brute lu tiunnully dwludles, And ksseus us time speeds a'oug, And tno spark of Dltlulty kindles And nliies uu brightly and strung. Tne seer can I eliold lu tne dlstauco The race that shall people thu world; Mroug men of a godlike cilatence Unarmed, and with war banners furled. No lonecr the hloodthlraty savage ManN vast spirit strength shall unfold; And talis uf red warfare and r it age Shall seem like ghost stoilea of ohk For the boouilug of gnna and the ruttlo (li csrnuac and conflict shall cease. And ti.u buglo rail, leading to battle, snail ibange to a p. can of peace. No Doubt About It. Ilium IA. Mart " rW-fWa.) Some young ladles were ucoated during a walk by a g)p.y wnnnn, who, tor a small re ward, tery politely otlered lo show tliem their future huaband.' facea In a pool of water thai eloi.d neai. 'I he ladles agreed, and Hung over tin pool searcud? for ti.e .iruml.ed fates, but could nud nothing but ihu lentctlon of their owu. "Surely on are ml. taken, woman." ex claimed one of tin m, " lor we sec uutuing but our own faces lu Hie pool. " "Wry true, mein, " icnllej the tui'aelon. foruuie teller, 'hut Ihu-e will be yuur hua. bauUa' fates when )uu uurried." Rouifli on tlio Colonol. ll.UH, tf,t U'a.Aiai;!..,, omi "One of the featur'S of thu evening was tie besntilully ilecnraled Jul pnaeuted by Colonel llriinm," Has the way It wont Into Ine piper and Hie reporter I. lookln.' fir some way of idling out mele.tcr "u" when he wants to wn.e ttu vturd "jak." A Motion to Roconaldor. Ifron, Ifua.rj', Mtettl!. She (swcetl)) luu may seak to pap, Georje, He Ant Hunks. He la tho rather stern, looking gcutleiuau at the cml of tho piazza, la lie not? She Yes. He Kituer rnusnilar? sue ery, lie-Carries a deue.ui ugly.looklng cane? sin lis, he. lie Wei., riaily, dun't you ihlnk jon have pjkeu a little hastily? jou uie Tho Great Question, irroiniu. ri.ii ,.'. rather If you patd mnro utteullon tocoov. iDg und leaa to drees, my dear, yuu woukl unle u much bellor THE WAYS OF 1U FUR. Fads, Fashions and Fanoiea That Delight the Gentler Sex. Kxtromcly I'laln Skirts In Favor Good Work of tlio Klnc's l)UBlt tors Cretonne In Deninnd by Upholstcrnrs Tlio Decora tive Itngo Subsldliiff. Nowadays skirts are extremely plain nnd close on tho hips, with sloped or gored breadths widening towards the lower part; when the ma terial Is very whir, the selvages go across In tho width, and there ls only one scam at the back on the cros. A costumu was miilo In this way of drap F.xcelBlor, a light make of cloth, shot, and so flno aud brilliant that It re sembles silk, and li really more costly than good silk; It was madu lo fit close on the hips by small plaits Inside. Ihe skirt fell straight, was about three and a quarter yards wide at the foot, and nouut three Indies or lour Inc'ies on tlio groind at the hack. Tnu front was deeply embroidered with I lack ami colored Bhailt'd hca.)s, and at the extiume cd c a unall black net ruche, with a gold thn a. I border; the bodies was made In the culraaso shape. Jif 4 W$ w M. pi ine first report of the Metropolitan Nitrso Assjclutlon, fur providing trained nuries for tte poor of Loudon, sbotis 'JU.ODJ vl.lts madu and OSi cases nursed lu the year Juat closed. In America children aro allowed to go work at tho agu of fourteen; In Switzerland and France tho age Is twelve and In Ureal Urltaln aud Ireland ten years. The Order of tho King's Daughters ha started a boarding-house for young women at llangor. Me., where those out of employment are helped to tine over evil times. New York conld stand just such a boarding-house. Mr.i. Edwlu II. Low, wire of tne well-known steamship ugent, Is described aa one of tho thriftiest, pleasjntest, all-round Dullness women In Now Y'ork. She Is actively engaged with her husband lu tho conduct ot his ulfatrs, and ouce or twice n year crosses the Atlantic to lpok after the London agencies; and she has entire charge of the New York oftlco when Mr. Low ls absent on business tour. Mho Is, wltbal, tho embodiment of courtesy and femi nine refinement, and In spite of her multi farious duties she finds time tu keep house, entertain hosts of frleuds, ami now and then appear In society. .She ls a sister ot Blanche KooBCYOlt, thu notellst. Thousands of chairs and divans are In tlio tiphulitery shops ot New Y'ork waiting lor cre tonne covers. a he working girls' club at Jersey City, N". J.. has disbanded. H was a sort ot Adamliss II len for iwo years, but a proportion tu have a reception euro a month to which young men could be Invited, caused a division ol senti ment, aud two new ilutishave been rornied out of the ruins of (he old. ono is Adamless while the other Is not. With referenco lo tliu marriageable ace for women Hi Sweden, the (lovernmeni has deter mined tr.ut the opinion of the Medical lioarg shall be obtained before further legislative steps are taken In tho matter. Jlmcrackery, as Mr. William Dean Ilowclls calls It, is being very generally packed up In barrels aud sent to the auction rooms by peo ple of sense and taste. The average homo can, staud a good deal of "decorative" stripping. Krrorts arc being made to Induce tho ltoyal Dublin society to send a travelling dalr) maid round the country to Instruct the peatanlry In the art of butter making. The term "vocal velvet," now somewhat hackneyed, was originated by llietiard Grant White lu a notice ho wrote over twenty years ago of Pauline Msrkham, remarks the Detroit 1'rte fvrss. At that time Miss Markham was one of the handsomest women on the Ameri can stage, aud alio was probably the most pop ular actress In the country. She was feted, courted and haunted by men and women alike, her portrait was in tvery tlub-room and many iiranlng.rooms, and tho papers devoted columns of praise or her face, her figure and her abilities. Her life Dai beiu an Industrious one, no scandal has attached It.clf to her name, ana yet this season sho was in the call of (illmore'a Twelve Temptations " company, until that company reached Detroit. Ills immaterial that sho was not seen here, but the fact mat her name win uot " given a line" on the bills, and that her failure to up pear lure excited no comment, Mill furalsn fooJ fur rtikcnou ou the part of all "Biage struck "grla. JIIss Markham la uoi yet forty years oil. Mrs. Sutherland Orr's life of thu poet llobert IlrowDlu; will oppeur shortly. Tu the ad. miters of the lats great bard this book will be deeply interesting. An limnuio friendship existed between Mr. Drownlug aud Mrs Orr furouritteuty jeara. When Mrs. Orr's eye sight incline weak, theenerabli) poet used to go iwlcu a ti cek to read aloud for licr. .Mrs. sutlierlaudoiru a alitor of the President of the ltoyal Academy. There Is u strong like nesa iictivccu them. Mrs. Orr lives wlta her agedfafier, wr.o is now lu his ninety-second year, He is still a great reader. Lost His Label, Thnfa AH. lVoatrs. Lh$m fiiu, i Miss Hiucbiood-Did yon disbud from ono or toe out families, Mr. Lowell? Mr. Lowell-Mitnout uny donbt. Timr ... mnfrsat-graudtather liveawuhuudr.a ear. Hnndr for n. Tost. frwfaa ni9..,.f. Hti.,. .) Sbe-If jou reuliy h.vo me, pr.ta m Ite-Wlth le..urel See, the river lsn.r FUN IN BLACK AND WHITE. ' . A Few illustrated Wittioiamt " Culled from Various Souroes. . Quito Natural. From DIw'$ H'Alj ' 4JTfl Mrs. Llrple (lo grocer) Tell Mr. Allspice I'm I I gnlngto leave him If hu doesn't give ma better I measure. I Hoy Whv, what's been wrong? Mr'. I.ipplc Tl e last bulter ho sent me was M half a pound short. , Hoi Oh, yer, mustn't mind dat. It's only his weigh. i Rocommondod to a Itofrltrorator Cnr. from 1'urh Tom Ileavyatdc? (or Chlcigo) What's tht cheapest way to ict to New York ? . Dick estrru (of st Louli) Y'ou might go IM at CUicaito dressed tieer. f ' Llko tho Rest of tho Soz. ,' Ihrom Oiuoklun (. j' Mrs. K. But aro yon sure tnat parrot wl , I talk? 1 The Dealer Ceatalnly ma'am. It's a female. What's In a Namo? , Front Once a It. ek. J H Sho What makes It so awful high? Dealer Tho artist's name, madam. It's Van Dyke. She Well, what cau I nave-It for If jou eat his name out? A Description. llrttm Juitf.J Son Father, what does a politician mean H when he sirs he Is in the hands of his friends? H F ither It means that he ls putting bis money there. Must Have Hated Ono. B. From the Lmerenre Anteriran. IBl Weeping Widow (whose husband has been Hji found ileuii, to her neighbor) Y'es; there was m John, leaning up against the mulberry tree, fmf dead as ho conld ho. And John always did B hate mulberry trees and wanted that one cut, I H dawn. H aggs (irrevently) He e en showed his dls. M like for ihe tree In death, didu't he? ' ' Why. Mr. W.gjs how is that ?" Wj " He was dead against It. yon said. " AS No Look There. ' Iroi HroMvii Lite. I HI Agent So you are not satisfied with the mU houe? Does it leak? K Tenant It doesn't look like It. The cellar ) has been holding water for live weeks. Hj Triumph of Art Ovor Nature. B r..m rurk, Hk ' What a terrtUu thuuder-slorm we had thl H other evening!" Hi I didn't know aiivthing about It until It was all over. I was ut thu ) aguer concert. ' Drawing; Linos. .JKJ UVobi fiirt.) fjH "Why, how Miss lleuutry na.s rhanged in mti the years since I saw her I blie looks as If she Kj had seen hard lines, " BJ "Srw haa shu is Jast through a courioot mm llruwnlng." mm fjeirel - 1 sassaissBBB(ls