SBlmaldrtl by (hit lYesrriit),uMn) Oynpanv. h 0f .MONDAY EVEMING, JURE 1. i ifitJBScklPTlOKSTOTHEEVEN'lKH WOULD ' ifilll? V" (nrtudfiB AJ'aJft) I' em? ru atoNTii soc. II IFirEitTEAU 83.00 I fVotai ,. .....i No. 10,877 I I jfc..'.' Entered st tbe r nm t New lotks we lt tiBr ' oml-clen. matter. I W1 rrrnnANrti offices t I, HP w'ouLo i'itown urvict-vun nnoanwAT, I' BffipetVMn Mill and. I.Mt rsw York. It K'lMt'MKLVM ' Iowok St. WAItLEM- fflEi'' "leSais Department, trill Hist lSflrrt Bf. i Ad li Wfii sre)rteHieiifealJ57KsT UfiTiiMT. I MJawPDILADEt 1 IIJA, I'A.-I.Ktmm DoiLninn, 1 12 I BSil1oCT0iiBr. WAMUNtTION-OlOUTiiBT. m tfg&S.'.lOilClOH OITlClv-.W CootLstusBT., imril- nU.. yfeafc'flqnaBt. K $&' HBB0E8 OF OUR PEACE. I'' tfiffiy'a01''' recorcls gaffered on Saturday, Bf RF'When tho superb nlhletes from the gn nt I. iKaolleccs of the land roc together In their ' HJ&aVBnual sports at tlio Berkeley Oral. It jBiTbey sro the heroes of our tlmis I. BiiOf peaco, these fellows of sturdy I jKumV ond steely muscle, nnd thou- I IMSt&bds who do not seo thetr fents of strcricth If Wwfeel In reading of them a touch of national I MaftEFH0 and individual emulation. ft H8omo.linTe complained that such affairs 1 K&j?'3 tneM athletic cnims hna come In lata I Hara t0 tnke tno nnc'1 o( tfl a,t'n- &g&ion' on c,norlnl ny which should I WMba devoted totho purposes for which the -' fflfdnyirM or'gtnalljr set apart. Itlaprotia. H; Mtteliowcver, that the dead soldiers of tho I' 2lJpfoitTfoul(ll)Oth8 last, could tuey speak, to I' ffiS(ter tbl complaint. They saved tho coun pST that It might grow ; and surely, n noble I' lie1t of its growth Is the development I' asP"0' ttrcngth and manly qunlitlcs amoncr H; SMthose whotna), at sotno future day, have He jfiilto be. Us ricw defenders. Memorial Day is itfjn holiday In memory of tho dead. It oin jftgnpt 'bo unllttlng to exhibit on that dnv Wtom; of 'the elements which will help to Hi g-gprejervp that for which they died. Hi HS& ' IaE PAaADE TO-DAT. HI r i"0 'ctroP0!'tan Police are a Ann sjiee- Hi 'c as "" '""ch ,n their annual parade. Hi s'n boJv they present splendid physique, Hi S51" em tuca stITnft'l' under snch perfect Hi (Uscipline and to know that It is the (Treat Hj. K CTigino o( the law apnlnst evil doing in this !Kcoramanlty Is a comfort to the citizen. JJThe ew York poltro are peacemakers. EJTner are the protectors of the cltficns, and llisfiuch ootifled to respect and consldcra P sttpn,",As a rule thov fulfil the duties of HJ) 'hVX position In li faithful, and exemplary HJi wii ,i iThe shortcomings of a few should Hji finl?"' re"'ct Vpon the cXLollenca of the ll B (many. i; HJ i 9 JUjWlien'th'ese ffnc fellows nro marnlialled In Hr Kj'no tney may well fefl an honest prltlu in H helrjtriklns apptann;o. The) loojt what Hh tSkxro'Uio city's defender. H iSdo TOT FORGET TDEH. Hj? fflWh ,hfl bln,l,? ot Bummer thp HJ, Hiof P001 rlUUrcn who live In' the HJ; ud'cd,teuem.aU bejrin. Their quarter HJ; P'ti-r'v confined and unbeaHU- The HJ (eBof'nmmer Mill aurt'il all the inoon- Hj vntencet of fiuxk Jiving quarters, and tho HJ jVrins'l'CdlKiH'o lnrkins in thno roomh J rllbe,d'STeIopMl. Children 'w I h their HJ Jellcate "physiques will be the lint and Ji thief vlclimr. HJ O-V small pootrihution to the Tree Doctors HJ ft'BJ a B"r tneaLS of vcitlncEoineof HJ (SVl''" nhlch will otherwise bc.jft thesa HJ ,!)ll(!rcii t.f the posr. Do not let 5 our HJ pclshbor, upon whom they have no more HJ ';ln!ni" thin upon you, do nil the helping. HJ i tire 3 onr ihare, and glvo It promptly. . . ml jS'JTbe YcJo Claps Hook" of tldsycar Hi fcho'ws lo'rth several things o (,-rt'iit In ptercst aid which nflict most crodltably on ItiOV Institution las a plaio tor opUcgiali ETruiuins. The gradnatint; class OLt Hl Knumlx-rs by thirtj-Bevcn any1 clawt which HB hatvir kft Yule. But ono point de. HB Serves s)ovisl mention. In thh claB HB ? fine hut.drcd and tibty.soi en nuni- HB. fjg, tlfly of ttn.q have dcpenJed on BBJ iielr oivn exertions to supply tto menus foi BHi (bcif.ipllogocduuition Another interesilpy BBJ iointis that the best tcholars of the class BBJ faro a40 somo of the best athletes in YaU. BBJ,' the mi.!n objection to college, athletics has BBJ lieen'tliat tliej stand in tho way of mental BBJ; vrofrrvS. The eol'ego in(,n iho cxctls In BBJ l both in the but tpcclnn that could ba dc IBB aired, "2 faj; ' BBJ ,t ThsConiKctlect bre has taken to school l fi!$2!&li' ,wt"! "' tl'om, U honeymal.- Hi ?Kjiip1cuiola of lladdam school hou-ie. bVJI fiagaKhUnef t ht rcureaftt tlicmtelvin. H; gjmWTOfe'ff lha uiiocRbiiauu BBJ) jKWW" do not entvr Into bVJ 3ffr.rJx ,lnil;! "'"' an) BBJ1 uii:nsa"JcwPifiv which ni bu BBJJ' fcUof and lh; edtiLullonal problem bai BBJ, Ua'ieu.on unlicHru-yf ulMeultlcs In that Jur- BBJ AiCcljCwctton. Jt hai uQtjto be uu beus o. BBJJ, n6 tchoot Tho beo ulionkl not inter n BBJ.' 'Jcliobl txoept lhrou;h Virgil' i OeoraiL, BBB vwliu'd it filluifs the joutbtnl brain oulj. Hj HJBj 1 A''liunchuuicn story of bus frtim BBB- Spzoustf. gu ouu of tho bmi-quarr) BBB bruqtUci ot tho P., I. , ,ipd V. . J.ailroad tLo BBB ipleuiolrortha' clecaio l'ght drawn u BBB;;uliard-shU!t.d bu vit!ilii tho lut- BBB' lnudon of Its spbert, und tho (rain, ww BBB; KtutuiDy - blocked by them. A local BBB. wratit sajs the beast is h) brid. a cross bo- BBBL '.weua p. Hthodome and souto predator BBK, (t.t. As their hard shells cracked under IB' (fa "uto!s oj the cars thyro was A cuiillaif- H fisdttBOatlon h of j-mallpivpls. There- BBK goit'Slut theke bugs Isdccfditljr loud. H IrJl,'WQJU:, ' On-tmrd street, cap- HHl m!. "rdar tho oiler night. She had HHb P S;.c''"" onto tho roof, but she linully Hl feH 'lm wllh lhQ M ot pme of tho BVjjP j'Wi1 ''"' T'' ma,v v"x4 6Uitemey dU- HB Pr'i"' ''n CJP'ural j) u uoruau, BBVI eM't 0tTTl ih0 l0L A tn"'kIur !3I."lve, BVHE Vv blm in, sumtnoiitd u pviicu- BBBJ ud thru fututcd. Tho beautifully hH ( mi ka calculated tlreo for the faint is tho Mrlklnfj fenlure In Tier cose. Women, even when plucky, are still fcmlnlno. Tho r.asicrn District has developed a pe culiar cran)c. lie Is particularly obijoxlqns to tailors, lorltii hobby oonslitcd iii smash Inp plate glass windotfs and1 ab.itractluK a pair pf trouMTB. JIu wai wont to pawn tho purloined unmititlonablcs. At last ho cov ered an artery In his wrist from tho jagged edge of n window ho had broken nnd was trucked to his homo liv tho blood which flowed Irom his wound. The llrooklyn tailor ttltlbroutho more frcety now. Walt Whitman celtbrtted his aovent). second birthday rtnlurday, forty admirers and frlcnJs uf his nlttin;don at dinner with htm. vl he halo old poet ns In good heulth nnd good cplrlts One pleasant feature of tho occasion was n lotter from another tcfenin bard, Atritrn Tennvon. Whitman ii bii Amirlcnn product, and whcnhcfifxs there Is no ono to take the unique position he has held In our litera ture. Many more jiars to him. Anti-Call men in Florida liate rained the question. Pf the validity ot tho Senator's Into election, Tjntcd on an Intcrcitlng point. It is held that thn quorum In the Joint hesslonofj tho Itejlsbture was Insufflcleut In that it I'ontalned no quorum ot the State Scnati, and that no Actual meeting of the Senate is recorded for the day when Call's election was announced. It is beiloed that of the 8,000 to 10,009 people who visited the Mnseum of Art yes terduy nffernoon tho great majority bad rieicr been there before. TnK of IIboU would bo the Sunday opening Juntlflcation, eru ono needed JIunAT Halstcau expresses the convic tion thar III UN'!- will' consent to a nomina tion in 1SW and that lUiuttsoN will be his warmest supporter. In case ho seems to be tho only Republican with u chanco of election. Tho Ertdgp promenade la freo. Tbero Is now ono way ot getting. to Brooklyn with, out pa lug a tax. Tho Art Museum's first Sunday opening was a splendid success. It's a Ono day for "(he Finest," on parade. lime ou tried the frco llrldge prorae nado T Tho raro da s of June are upon us. 1POTLETS. Ilia Orir Ut off lot of NibatUn oilltaln honor n lh .'xirvtltub'i t ill lo that IioJ. Trurat to tlio Cearavnoti mcaoa ttia abaedco of iraTftlt to tuth- oxllra. ( r Atono In London M borro-ftns of in Amarton tourtta?a-poundnot. J A roal INaljr Hpnos lamb lias inor oapaVa wbn it U alifn tban wban U it ft aaTory drpartkd. i ' ' ' i A ralt.bltd abotild bit a oir.toon In Ita mvalcal repertoire v ' i " Farly th !" t f n1 farir In rlie." U tb irnlbiMl lAtnlUir, itHraum Tban at S F, M. you'H bo clealps your erea, Aniiiail gal up with plta,avie at one. Cur. . I tVbaunMpmatt martfae.11 Icarnaa ba baa sot bU piok, HUAtavcr mky le enM about her. ' w . I "lapr coins for aalits inj ontter," Mid tbo barlff aa be IwtM jor an auction af bli taller'i . A writer ot topical aonsa bouH uot be regarded aa crlmtna bseampbeean makorbrmo. TbeTliltl 1'artr it lao friendly to tbe I'armara to to "Atalsallbecraln." . ' n en ,i WORLDLINGS. pokmofivaupof tli-t com foe AniBt.ean btutUi at KbcIUU tooiety She a a t&tl clr!, with a beta Iffutbfurtnil eiqaUUnolc nnd armi, 8b ta prt'iinted'ttt tti Uit tj drfflntrtkra by Mri. Llneola. V Tfaa () tribe of Inditn li tbn wflittfilrit tji t.n!n tbowTlJ 'fholf w'ilthjer cipltn s tiwrn tlm.xi. treat ml hii of tbo Anierloin psopU and (?n tlro a rift at ttt tit tha IfnitlliLi, rbeCouittos of LewfnhavPU Serratarj aj aTiladaurtitr. inherltfd $TB,00l)1by tba daatb ul her lunbaud. hho allll resides in Wilnu acton and ii occiiiuDttlr aou out drliloa, ttted In tla daptt b'lia A ' v TUa Quean pf.bpfcli li iid lo ba ona of tba bait hQUMltampur it Midnd, and more tliim ona of the cunifnts worn btbebiby Klnr batbaon made by li! loyal nintlipr. l Mri. Vanderhllt li eill So biva ptld lef.00)for ir new team of carriaia borne . Ttiry wore boojiht In Path and ara demi rang Tar obarooi, halt blocds, and us btaatlfuUy initobad VAGRANT VEHSES i Tlddledy Wlnfcs. W.l, wbtt artfyvnidDrIaaid toafitnd, . "In tna war at atnuftirt to-daj For Kuchr and ttaiina, I undaratkUJ, Ara rapidly An away. Apd WriUt, tlwtc'or.oue BiroAo( camaa, TbJt bta tia ) u ual.tnitad refro, AMth Ghetktitu, llfcktainmon and Crlbbajce, too. Ara all cf fcht-ra vailvi anaf . "Tliedonkysnolupcar era loainvt hair taili Ihi C(iff pirtUi are ttrgucb 1 b lii la Cluvnr urrr tl t hat1 to deatb. to wbati tbfrenow lalttadu;" ' Wa pity, ah . iiiwred,wltb a bluih and a imlle. A atiit fullof hi udifulklnVit 0ut it' Jnit iim twer- titrn yuii usard of ll ? iJuycaliu liitdlady Dka, r Hottvn Tromeript Help Noeeed. "Tt me put oayot.rltpaiif.aah. Ifvcot thirLitrlttit Vuf men lu weir (hoa thtngK,1 aba la d. It 1 not mibiy quit l!pin,k it tit, iiiu thru itieaald, V i my! Jxraiily tnv I li t put tblrt around alonat VwUelsbaie (ubeip me, dar)M CMhttr and WiWiAfr. Tlo Idoql ijincj Konl How oar Learta with joy uprUa lyu wObin tbam ire D li.rt'u Lti my Mfi u to tbe i k h Auinit arawi ue uuwn to arth, Jlrvi4ty , Coneflclnl Hxoiclse Iron (), A, lf.Afy J Mr. rininw (10 r. i.'0-Mr dar, tim doctor iijH a briik wIk lwtor com? to bfit will m. Mrf. lMikle ll, njf iivHra lUl clear tho r win no you v'au wilK. Z'lease carrr tno baby whhn7 ? ' P Saved Out Uoir tea lhl ooij stialUr xniei-iont are beard from tired, OTrnrorleJ womea.ancl wear), anjloaa nn. "who do not kn'ojr j-hera to find ro. Ilef, ror that luteuve wearlncm to eoaiuion And o dlsconraimu iro rcrneitlt rfoiatneud Ifood'e 8rairilU ' ii ta not a atimuSauj, tut a true tonic, i,-radtu)ly bui.dlnir up all tba eak ontim la tccb. a ,r a lo Lo of Itetta; bcaaat. blood'B SsrsnparHIa Paid bjraU dimiriita, Olt U for l'i. 1-repor.d only Uf 01, HOW A-'CO.. Lowall, llaaa. IOO Dosoo Ono Dollar I SifETCHES'BY'l KzfZOzZLi n.T-.aeiiaewii aiaeaj anl Ha Had Him. Ho atood nnd looked at a t(rn on Four teenth itroct n loner, lonfr time, nnd then finally cntctcd a amall shop and tald : "You hate n kIru out hero which aays: 'Troy l.anndr) '" "Yes, lr." "Well, lr, Uthl New York City or tho city of Troy?" " My dear lr," replied tho laundry man, " I ran nmcll nlilnkev In our hrcath." "I don't douht It, for 1 just took a drink," , "Well, lr. Is till Nov York City or Dourhon County, Kintucky?" "I envoi" chuckled ' tho caller as he backed out and wont his way. Ho Hit It. "Jim," suddenly observed ono of three men who wero sltllni; on tho samo bench In Union Square, "nrr vou uddecatedt" " Of courso 1" replied Jim. " Then I want jou to tell me what,' mor bid curiosity Is. I just caught it In tho paper here." " That's easy enough done, bupposo I put inc hand In tno pockot and pull It out apalrft" "Yes." ( ' "Would jou and John look to sec whether I had a plug ot tobacco or tno handkerchief t" " Wo would.'' "Then, that's 'morbid eurloMty' nnd a mean plrco ot husln'rs, besides, and I'll answer no more questions for you." Ilicht Bide Now. , , Ho was stundtiij on th,e, steps of tho Drooklyn City Hall Saturday and ohecriu the old vottrans, whon a man bevlde him asked"! - ' "Weren't yon In the war, too?" " You 'bet I whs t" ' "Then why don't ou'jo(n tho boys?" '' Just exactly becauaejBoirie of you'uns shot mo in the ltff at Gettysburg and tbe durnod thins had to bo suwed off 1" And tbo other lookod down lo find tho loft lepr none and a crutch trying to take its place, and queried i " Which side " " Wrong sldo then, bnt hurrah, for Uncle Sam now I Whoop I Whoopeo I Whar'a tbe foo who wants to tucklo this United States I" Working Up a Drink. It was exactly midnight tbo. other night when a stranger walked softly Into; a Uroudwny hotel nnd whispered to tho clerk, who whirled the register ar6und at hlin: "Will you please toll melt Admiral Deiumont is stopping" at this hotel " , , " He Is not," was,the reply., "Thanks exceedingly tjmnkful," whis pered the man m ho tiptoed out.. Teh minutes bitter he' rettfrncd tAlth'tho samo soft atop and mysterious air to whts pei : .. 1 r . " I was mlatakcn Ilts name is not Ad miral ,l)eai)mQnt, Jbut itu., Thomas.'' " Noatvch man here, air." " Than''- -pHny thanks." , . Iain time It wasn't over live minutes bc foroho returned, and he'walked bn tlptoo to tho counter and whispered f ' Sorrj tottrouhle you agaln, bpt it is neither Admiral lliaumont nor Oen.Thomau I want, ' U,ls Jones .. Joues.'' "No. Jonas litre." " Just plain Z Jones small man bald bead lame In left leg open countonance." " Ko8Hcb"mun.'" " Very well ; I'll call ngaln." " JJo, jou won't litre take. It nnd go I" Thet clerk bnmlcd out a nickel, iind the man. took It, bowed his thanks, and said aa be softly tiptoed away; " Yours uutll death I You know how to keep tavern, and jou arc onto the racket I Good-night I "- - M Quad AN OLD-TIME GEORGIA MONSTER. It Wub Half Animal nnd Half Man, Elffht Feet Hl&u. ' In August, 181'.', says' tho''st. Louis" J(t. 2llU, a ptrty of hunters found In a moun tainous legion, now known as ltabun Count), (!a., a telng nearly eight foot high, colored with bluish hair und hmlng a human face adorned with Immense ears resembling thoscTof an n. The creature was stono deaf, and on that account scorned to lio wholl) unconscious of tbe npproach of tho men Tho monster seems, from nil accounts, to bae been i-con on several occasions during the next, four )tars ' Iu 1S10 a number of adventurers from Virginia, most of them surveyors working up the unexplored portions of Georgia And the Carolina!, formed themselves into a part) for tho cxprers purpose ol capturing tho uncunn) icing ft i otelblo. Tbcy scoured tho hills and allo) for kcumi eluja and at list leturmd utuiic cetsful to the tattlni; point. Iho learned Joseph l'urlr, then living at Culpcpc, a , v.rotu,tho following in n lefter toj John Ulshop. of noto,i, 1 ineolU!.hlrc, rnglr.tul " An aw iul on attire1 half nnliunl and half man, of gigantic staturo and fierce mlon, Is Unnwn to iubablt the wild regions totho fotith ot u. boiut think there is a race ot thiHo monvters hiding In the hills and uiouiUatns ot ((orlu, the placo wUro It ni the) haw been tho ottcntat seen. "Ot thu tew peoplo wileh Inhabit this countr), nut nsoutnhtch wv 1 ao ui pioichcd floubtK that tho creature ts all thut It Is repiveiited in being InJted, sir. ono p or ptantcr, u ho guided us a creat dUtuueu lrom tho falls, la comlncod thut ho saw him face to fapo iiot,nirro than threotuiks since, ai a-i rt.ou in) mheii turous companions clo oul) too ready to btllce." 'lho many tales told of this extraordinary be!ngMx.m to Imvnureutwltiulte a stir all along tlio Atlantic copst. A printed circu lar lftued by it land company in 1815 says. "The climate of Ucwgla is exceeding!) mild, tho soil productlva and t)io danger ot nttuck from uncouth beasts, which nro rep. rcseiitod as In lug half beast' und b.Uf man, mo fair) tallu uot worth) otcouilderatton." A Question of Tlrne. ruMlAa ClolAltranJiurSliktr I Kho-Womo one, toll m lbs clhtr tlsr that you tioucbt all your clothes Iu EogUutl. I it trnej He Whr. ccrtiloly not. IlowaksuriL What injttey.m Hunk i: hbr I kuow jou baaa'ltetn oYerttiero lor scvtrsl years. X Mrnru.s Ttithiko Itunnui. reliatee dUaaa-a wliUe iMtuuin. t'likete. buiaaTaitwbere. ROLL UP THE DOLLARS, . ' ' Snmnler Is Hero and ths'Slck Babies i Want "Help. Monoy Wanted to Start tho Froo Doctor Corps. Nell Nelson Tells About Poor Mttle Mury. THE SUBSCRIPTIONS! "Thr. lWenlitir UoHil" 8100.00 rrFrtoneljr aeUnoledu-ed 3J 09 Harlem (trl t0 JubnW. Ileed , "$ .Malcolm Hunt .ID Hobble .01 , Success to tbo Fair. r H' r,ntr ' Wosio celling up a fslr In aid of the Wet nahy KuuJ, unit rend Joo M cents as a fore ruanrr uf tb sucoes yr antlcipsie. , lUllI.EK UlkLS. Bavod HlStPonnloe. To ii rtw I Have Leen saving tny pennies Caring tbe past two weeks and now t srnil yon tlio result, 23 cents, tn be added to tbe fond for sick lalca. WUhinir jou gresier aucce4 man ever, John W. IUto. In Favor of tbo Dabioe. rerteJTiflliri It was candy or hablot. I selectod Hie latter sod send jou toe nickel my pat a gave mo to spend. HonBifc dvory Dlmo Holps. Te IAa rdl'or, Inclosed plsjss Und 10 cents far Sick HaDlca' lUll.l. iUUOLM MlCl'IlKKSON HUNT. BRAVE LITTLE MAR7. Nell Nolaon Tells .About a Childish Heroine. Vo Mary, aged seven, was on tir knees not praylui; wlltt foldjii hands but serubtilaz tba kltobea floor. In the ndjoitttoK room, whlcn had dsyllnSt la It, a lltt'o abteriero years onngor, scarlet nun tbe ruin of an lncljil-nl diaeau, sat on the Hoar, her backers taj sgalnat the loonce, feebly trjluff ti taafen a blue plnwheel to a wooden olottieariu. The family w. ah could lis aecn flnttertni; from th'e palley liars ouislUo the window, and I no wash tipiler, wr.lcl the tnrant maid uf all work could not move, covered h ilf the coolant store. Bho hj,'d )nnt lit the ore to prcparo sapper, and tlio soapsuds neie bCKlnnliiK to steam and smell. Utile Mary, a sweeUtaeeJ child with the dark, pinslve beauty of, a Madonna, was bo atoall that she could could have been Im mersed in the pan of water with which she was scrubbing. Satfhad takea off her drcaa lo save It for school, she said, and the looir walated cotton flannel netttcoa, in whuyi abo was working so br4Vely. left her little whlto arms and snoal dtrs bare, Unf of her ttoeklaiis was ripped up the haoK audJior shoes ere broken, aliaye Icas and gray with wear. . The rooms were ss clean and ttdr as the child knsw hnw to make tteta, and quite com forianir furaiihed, bat thcra was neither the siivary smell of food nor any evidence of tarn. ily supplies about the kltcaen. TAfren alloitcther tho desolation of the home, the prematura responalbiniy of tbe elder child, the Hereditary lllnesa at her aJsicr, and tbe privations suffered by both it was aa sa I a picture aa aver was penollled by the crtlal hand ot poverty. It la 'not generally known that man ot the free physicians continue lo belpund advie nlltt medicine, money, Influence and expe rience the patleuta treated during the Hammer months from no oblurstton bin that of human ity und abiolntely no hope of reward. Vet auoli gtneroslty Is a fact, The fnrctly 1n question, have been prnalonrra on Et inimi Woiii.ii doctora' sympathy eyer slaca ihe corps was established. Two children dlsd in the lait (ocr years end alt the family bs received medical care from time to time, lint u letter to the doctor from aa uaknovrn writer will show tbe sore needs they am Iu. ror'reaiotia tiat term klad the Identity of tne unliapiij people Is wHUlicld. Here Is the leiter: ' 'Dkah DoctAii: You must come back to tbe T a ayd" do ssincthfng for (heip or the father and Aunts will certainly die. As you know, Mr. T. has basty contamptlau. " the bt. Joiephs Hospital here In Harlem, and they used Koch's limph on him. lie began to'jel bolter and came out looking Almost well, bat In a" few days ha was worse than before he wentilnio ihehospltak He gets a very high fever" every day at ihe nour in which he was laoculated with the lymph. ""Wnen, he was working tbey had aavoJ np enough, to last tbeinslz'months, and me wife worked every day; but tbe poor thing ltd 'given out, and It. seems lo be a Ing-of-wsr with them as to which will climb the golden stairs first. ''J hey would starve to doath If It were not lor Mies Mel), uu I aoine uf her friends. " Anulo'4 face la all ooered w)tn u red rash, and although alio will not stay Iu bed she H 'very weak. I am going lo try ami get some cUtrdug for the little ttirla, aad 1 uck tl st you will go and" help them. Njcnsi." When the writer called, things wero found 'lo be, worse than Nanny dricrttied. 'Iho father was down on trq sidewalk sluing ,ln the entrance of a vacant store too weak to -novo about aud dreading ire long Juurnry up Ihe five fllghia of sta ra. He etine dawn, he said, to get In Ihe warm suollrht, for mere is no lire In the homo and no money to buy fuel. Ouo bad only to glance at IU Dale, thin face, tbe eiee, with their unnatural brill iancy, and ibo colorless lips to know his real condition. He had been sitting and thinking alone alfduy, and now that the ana had gone down und ll o laborers had coweoutof the opeh trench In the street car track and gone home, he felt tltatsureihuman cllori mutt do mads to tot up to. the little kltohen on tho lop floor. 1 he struggle ws a hard one, but It can1! bo for long. During the dsy the siok child stsys with her father. Mary goes to school, for, ai ihe mother says, wisely erough, there is nothing about the nouie she cannot do when school is oat, and sie warns her to learn all she can while she hus a chance, , The poor mother goes out In wort at 7 in tho morn nc and frnineaily It ii V st night befoto aha rcturus, bho has no choice of labor, bnt must go. to sny .isrt ot the city sW can And scrubbing, coanlaora day's wishmg to do. If the good lady lives st udiejunte the time loit In reaeMi'i- ii racude mmi bo made up st ulilht, for "bulnn it tmaiufi," t Tcu&mouir so-calle I ihilartBMplc cnurch to'kr. Utile browiueyid Mry, whose forearm ta scsroely longer aud uot half as broad as her serau-brusa will tU you test sonictlmas wo don'lluvt our sapper (ill 10 o'clock at night, for 1 can't cook anythlngum mamma brings It home.!' ' But enoagh'bAi been written snd reproduced to show the urgency of the demands upon the Free rhjalctar.s snd tbe Blc'k nsbuts' Fund. Annie Is but five years old And juttly comes within the icopo of the 1'and. Bho nesdi clothing, food end treatmsst, and whatever help reichts her will benefit the dying man, the struggling mother and the heroic little Mary. Tho man should be sent to some hoap'tsl where ha woald bo tenderly nursd, which separation would qot only bq a personal but a general benefit, for there Is no longer any doubt about the contagious nature of con sumption. Tilt Is only one esse In hundreds tist need tttention, sad If everybody dm his ditty. If everybody able to help subscribed a little, the miny conld be asalstoJ, relieved and male comfortable, If tinvrestorcd to perfect health. Tiik Eveniivo: WoiiMi has nearly a quarter of a million readers-ipoople who dally bay or borrow Hie paper and if to-day taeh onosnti acrlned a alugie dime there would he a Hlek llables Fund of J23.00U that would not jDnly heal the sick, but clothe, feed, comtort'and encourage lO.cxiO poor lamlllcs. Us one ot the generooa multitude, and let the plans nisdj to reach tne sarTerlng poor of New otk bo carried out. Nell Nelson. 1 m am THE CLEANER. I was pleasantly surprised to meet Roger Donoho yoterdar. lis hid run up from Kast Hampton for a tew days aud was positively pining ln,tlie city nlr. He was the picture of health" with his skin bronzed to a rich brown. Kast.Hamrton Is perfectly satisfactory to him. Tlio shooting down there Is good. Unfortu nately ne cannot keep np hU billiards. Donoho Is a lino naud at the cue. e One Is told that there li "nobody in town," bnt the Park snd Ulvereide were lammed wltn carriages yesterday. People appreciated ihe lutefy day and were out on Wheels or on foot mult tadlaouily. In Central Park one had ta look shsrp not to Mep on a bitby. I asw a horse grazing on l'lltti Avenue yes terday. This ll llterullv true, although that thoroughlaro doej not readllr tugcal ltoit as good p.euirel.tud. There is a vacant lot near where thr Park begins and a horse waa cropping the grass thereon very contcutcdly. It was tne most expensive if not the tlcheat grain in this country. Miss Umelle blade and Mies Prances Throop, who share a studio in the snerwood An I are very energetic young artists, will soon go abroad. List year they studied with Louli Dumoulln, Ihe ImnresalonUt, and they will probably not neglect their ohemhed painting while they are over there this Bummer. . I had a rather Interesting passage uptown la a Fourth avenne car the other day. As tho ear was bowling merrily along there waa a abock which Jarred me from my ssau It had collttlod with baggage wagon and tilted the horse on to his beam end. Then a man who weighed four hundred pounda or nothing got in and sat down near a very emaciated fellow. Ttext, a man who was driving on the track refused to get off though tbe condnotor worked the bell flke a Swu's bell-ringer. Tba wretch nheud ooly turned around and made faces at the car-driver. A blind man was committed to tne conductor's care before he had time to regain bis temper. A little while altera hunohmck boarded the car. Two men tried tn slop tho car on a curve s'nlwere chidden by the conductor. So, the trip was pleasantly varied. e The letter-carriers' Summer helmets, donned to-day, are very umbrella-lite and do notseem torn.' They aro not beautiful, but I sunpose they tire ccmlortable, and, after all, comfort ti the first, requisite wlib those men who are obliged to submit to the duuerot insolation, sn J If comfort capnot be combined with beauty In the matter of their head. ear, they can bet ter afford to dispense wl'h the eiir.etlc. I had the pleasure of meeting Judge Duffy this morning on Park Itnw. Ihe "Little Judge," was on his way to ilorrliania, where ho seasons h s Impartiality for Jd sllc with his partiality for humor. He vas armed wltn an umbrella, whlcn, considering the leoKth of his Journey and the nature of the country tlnto whiohhe waatopenefrate.tcemed only reasonable forethought. The. snn came out aud laugned at him, however, ten minutes alter he had left Ihe Astor liouie with hut um brella. - English mutton is accounted the best tint grows, and !ur"ffui rCaaon, perhape, It is that tho belief has beenne so generally prevalent tlat tho larder of each or the great ocean liners is slacked with sufficient toothsome chops tn supply tho table lor both the out and tho home vorages. lake many otner be liefs this, Ib not founded on fact. 1 had supposed that I had been fed on English mutton on the' occasion of my irumatlantlo plbnmigo tin HI Peter (Julnn, who Uu stowrd away thontsmls of ton's of American mf at In the lardeni of tho oi -an steamimps, dispelled my belief the olhrrdaf when beshoned me a bill agitait uneof the blgC'umrd lines for two ions of mutton. e e I am pleased to hear from Iloston that Hull ueasMatisgtr JonnOraham,ot 'fnoKeferee,1. la well on tho way to recovery from the Injuries he received by tho derailing of a train on the Long Island llallroad on tbe day of tho llrook lyn Handicap race at Gravesccd. John It an euthunlsailo Elk snd bascba'l fiend and has a h04t of friends in this elty. Bolf. Clnoglflod. Ma iMarieil. hctlbbler Mce, refined fellow that young author, Pconlbs. rcrawler In what particular Krtbbler 1 tried lo get hlru into a conversa tion sbout bhakespeure the other rvcnlng at a dlaner, and be said ne never ' talked shop." A Plfeujlblo Explanation. t'ltMlha ClaiJtirrant ftirAr. Miss C alumet (from Chicago) by Is It that you New 'kork men always crcsso your irons aers? Clevcrton Thev offer leas resistance to the wind and we can get around faster. ' Not a Ono-RUtf? Clrous. no-. ;w.) Jack I know Ethel laved me. Tom but you had nu show with her father, eh? .faok Oh, didn't It I had a regular circus with ulni. 'that's where the trouble came la. i A Taslc.i rrrott fAc CforAfrrafftf VmfiAtr, DtshswAY look here, did yon go up In my room Isst night and take the. only e'een shirt I asd! Trsvers Yes; I had to go to a balk Dssaswar 1 hen there ti' only one thing I wuuld like tn know. How In thunder did yon get It oa over your nervo: A Good Way. l7Vo Ae rfelAf'raeil IVrnlihtr, I shsll have to get rid ot theie flaunel shirts. Trtey aro too email. Orlggs Why don't you send them to the waia? A PoaMble Peril. (M A.' rtrld'l WaaHleglna.) Travellet Can I f.I-Uud my way through Ihese w.w.wooJ4T Kealdenr Nut If It li irus that the man who hj-U-healUtta li toaU the wits of train ni ' . Fads, FaBuiona and Fanoiea That Delight the Gentler Sex. Woman's HlRhcst Duty Tho Latest Fnd in Footworn- All Manner of Knncy Shirts for Women Tlio Tritllliis Dip I)ls- uppcarltn Mnrrlaso Ktlquettr In I'rimoo unci Gcrnmnj. Hero Is a man's opinion on thn worn in ques tion! Iho great element of danger with wo mn'4 irogrcsa before the tubllc lies m this fact: Inn u tik's women away lrotn homo wnoought to bcTthercand uowhere cite, Tho public llatform Is no place for u mother who has either sons or dacgntera to educate. It worniua irogreas Is going In lend In that di rection, tren the soon r tint advancement etojis tne better. Ihe first thought of awlfa or amitlier should le her nomc; all tainga, no mutter how Importune, are secondary to that. No mailer how rampant mar become certain public evlla. let her see to It that site keeps the evils out of her home, snd iho iierlur-ns her greatest doty to her Uod, family and mankind. Teltow leather laced boots are the latest dictum In foot-cear. Tnoy are not pretty, bat Paris announces that they aro cnioand accord ingly siyltsn. " 4 i i A navel entertainment was recently Invented by a country social club. Ihe ladies ere re quested to bring thread, needles and several butio'ns, the gentlemen hammers, The ladies were given a block of wood, with nstls snd a hammer, and drove as many nails into their blocks In Dve mmutes as possible; the gentle, men taking sewing materials and scwlog on ss manr bnttons in ten 'minutes as possible. Pr'zes we-e given the successful competitors And all had a merry time. Up to the age ot twenty-live and not even then, without compiling with nisny 14 llous aud elaborate formalities youhg rrenchmen and Germans cannot marry without the ex press consent ot, their parents, wrt'ch has to be communicated verbally or In writing, legally authenticated, to the priest or mayor empowered to perform the nuptial ceremony, neither of 1whlch functionaries may olUolate nnlesa these conditions have been completely fulfilled. 'In the case of orphans, and eveu waifs, piovialona ot a cognate nafuro ex st, aad are enforced with a strictness thut renders fraud or evasion of the law all but Impossible. Women are excluded from the galleries of the Japanese Parliament, because, as a Japan ese nowspsper says, "tbey might be moved by the debates there to luttner political agita tion tn the Empire, " The Superintendent ot the Baltimore Train ing fcchool lor Nurses, Miss Louisa Psysons, studied her protesiloa'ln London with Flor ence Nightingale, and was a nurse with the Eiyptlan expedition. The Queen bestowed upon her inc Itoynl Red Cross. , Tho working girls of the Second street Club hsve spoiling matches every Saturday evening, but all sre expected to ba home at s o'clock. Their visits to the Uuteum Of Art lu a' clnb body are frequent. v Several New York rcall men's furnishing stores have made tho announcement that they will manufacture ladies' thl-u and undergar ments in order. A leading man In le trade says: "We have had such a call for bun mer yachting shtrts and the slHT-bosomcd shirt for Summer service mat we have decided to manufacture our own styles, i Ladles seem better pleased with a tailor-made starched shirts; they say It nta better. A peculiar; cranky whim about women Is Ihe fact that tbey always want Ihe collate to their shirts to bs made separate from Ihe garment. A great fatorlle Is the Norfolk. It hss long, narrow ptidts In .front, titling tightly over the shoulders and the bast, with a looseness In otter parts to give comfort, to the wearor. It Is designed for aeaslore and mouututn wear, to be worn under an outing ur zouave Jacket, permitting the wearer to reiuovo the coat dar ing the neat of the day. The black llk shirt for Udlei will bo very .opular durlug the com lug season, 'lho Dorothy Tennant is of while CnlLa silk, with an elaborately embroidered front worked In 'different colored tllks. The front la laced upwlth a gold cdrd ending in gold tasiela. Tho cutis are alio embroidered. To mate this a 'yachting sulrt, gold snolors are put on the cuffs und the neck Is finished with a blue rolling sailor collar. 'Ihe full-dress shirt ii of ery One IrUh linen, dslmlly em broidered down Die middle. It Is of luoalin de Chinu and comes la plilded, striped snd plain designs. 1 fio neck ts finished wjlh a high tolling collar, ami a white, narrow mutllu tie Is to he worn .with It. 'iheieahlria can he worn In a bummer pall.toom. It Was a Ohlll Day. PkcA scretary'lracy ltaial Echo Ta t. FBI IN BUM 1KD WHITE. A Few illustrated Wittioisms Culled from Various Sources. Nooeaalty Is tho Mothor of Invontlon. 1ro.i fwelel Mr. lllaecker What in thundcrr Mr. llrooke Lynn Weil, Pvo got to seo tti hill gsrae, rut', of course, I can't get away from thu unby, i I ii'vl-el this rather nu el arrangement. Clever, Um'l it T An Awkward Admission. From Uunitt iratly J It was very kind of yon to Invite me to your reception on Wednesday." " Did if Wly. I thought I had crossed your name off tho list." It Hurt Tholr Feollnrrs. li"row Jwlit Attendant In tho mensgerle) Vou mustn't annoy the animals, mister.; Ksyner Why aw I'm not doing so, my got d man. Aitendant Yes, yon are. Tou'vo been looK. Inrr steadily at those monkeys tor the last ten minates. The Opening of the) Soason In Now Jereoy. IFtom Brvok)yn t3f 1 - i A Sprlnp Opening. I from Judg$, Carrying: a Jary. frton IAa C7iIAC r and PurnUhtr, Head of Firm Mr, Travels, your expense account figures up very high fur a dnll trip. What hava yon to sayiaboiit It? Travera The trctti;of the malter Js, bust, ness nas been so quiet mat I got UMconraged. I bave been carrying a very heavy load around with me, and mj excels bjggage Das beenu big Hem. ' A Keon Minded Suitor. J rem IruoAya lt 'Why do you send thel snch hsndsome presents? Candy and flowers are enough." 'Hut's all rkjht. She eats iheciudyaud tho flowers fjde. hen get married I ket ihe diamonds back " Too Much Material. rVom VlmhUr and FurnUhtrA Dashaway I huyjs an old coat I think yon mlgbt wear, Uncle Jasper. Unc e Jisper Pse onllged, sah. 'Is dat coat a sack? 1 ain't got much use lor a tall coat, sah. i Uashawav Why, what's the malter with a UU cunt. Under Undo Jasper Uml Mighty unhandy, sah, gettlug obt-r fences. Prornlnont, .Yet Obscure. twIAe ltaA(itfii fvM That actor li pretty prominent on the bill boarda," remarked the gnest at tne hotel. e, nun very otscuie on tho board bills, " replied the landlord. Two Wishes. IYom IAa CfnlAfaramfWiiljAfr, J Winkle 1 Ian I cmld devise some way of hanging up my clothes. NuUd twlah I could devise soma way of getting them out utter I havo hung them up. A Suspicious Sound. From IAa rllUburq ChrOHtU'Tltfrajk, I believe young Larimer tropoied to daughter last night." Mrs. Snaegs But are you quite sure, James? huaggs v ell, when I camn by the parlur door I was certain I beard the e.iuiooud ring. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Foot; Report. km !Mk ,d f& rsri&C (f mJr B W1 frnf" 1X4 Powder ABSOLUTEElf PURE ,- J DRUNK OH NAPHTHA fUMES . i M Peculiar Infatuation of Sirl Em- 1 fBj ployeos in Eusaian Ecfitories. ''fl t I Fumrs of tho Fluid Snlellto Ilave X'H Slrnllur I'lTccts to Hasheesh. ' 'eV " t I Wilmot J. Wyooff. a chemist of Dres- H den, who has lately boen with an oil iJH uinuufacturluLT flriu at Halu. nussla, has ,H related lo mo no intercstluc o.rcutnstanco Ual in connection 'sjith tho nueor usos to l'l which tho products of prtroloum nre put, iflB sny a a corrospocdent of tho l'iltsbure wK Di'pntch. AoB Decidedly the oddest tiro to which ho t4H 1 lions it to lie put cninu under his olscr-. jH tntitui in I'nria lust uiouth. Mr. Wycoff a'.opped thero two weeks on his way to tgH Ki' York from Baku, mid while thero in- (Jl vosti-iited n rumor thnt tho girls em. YH ployod in n factory true inhaling tho f uuiea of nanhthu, w liicli they found to bo H it mild iutoxiennt. Ho, Katisfiod himself that in ond factory where naphtha. "was ja ti'ed larRelyitwus by no moous nn nn common practice. T i I 'ilio nnphthn is kept in rrsorvoirs and is l drunn oh throuph pipes its it iswantod ' for use. By nccidont, porhaps, some of fl thu fcnnloopcratics rundo the discovery B that the fumes from these rcscrvo'rs hadn II peculiar nnd plc-vaiit cllect upon thorn,', B uud trom (hia the itiiUattd fell into tho V fl habit of Konif; regularly to the vol' os and IB inhnliuc the tumes. ilS " I eutured upon the per:nicnt my- I ifl Rolf,"bftidMr. Wicofl- "morelortohelp ' (? alouumy lnveiticitioim, nud I nut quite I mU Euro that if persisted iu ii would hae the I JI strnngo otTect ascribed to it. I hunted up J ?.M ouo of tho cfrlii who I was told would not . besituto to toll me nil blio knew about the 1 l tille-Lieil practice. f H "hliewab notoer cichtcen years of II nco very bricht nnd iuteIli-ont, and ot I f ouo time liad bcru h nurso in u hospital. ,- fH fche lind frequently witnessed tho opera. !im tiou of ethenzins a patient, and it is not' Wm uulikely that she made thu diBcovory con- ?fl ceriiiuc the naphtha fnmcB aud cot tho ' idea from other or some such substance JfH used in the sick room. J ; " Sho mid the kuowlodge rogardtnc Tf tho nnphtbn inebriation was not ccncral vj nrnonc tho Rlrls in the factory, but prob. AfB ably n dozen conceuinl spirits knew of It xm and availed themselves of it quite rcgu- ( larly. fl "Ouo or two yQtine men whom ahe, ,1 JB know in the factory wvro not nbovo ir2af 1 ftM dulclnt; iu the mild drunkenness. Forp iSM liorsolf Rhe felt no ill ettects irom the mm habit, but nhe believed Fomo of tho more 1 delicate cirls had. iiho did not think it 1 would injure her in any way nnd had uot M thuticht tibout (p-iittmc it. 51 The Rirl described to Jlr. AVycoff how t the naphtha ltimes ullccted Lor, and m tho sensvittun aeinied to be something ' 5 akin to hasheesh or opium. The girl said , 9 ho had taken hasheesh n few times, but I ' liked tho naphtha fumes hotter, becauuo ' thov were cieaior to take. All that wag '! nocossnry wos,to iuhnlo them from the f pipeb and tlie work was douo. .Besides, lAal the latter cost nothiug. which was an im- - J?WH portont itom to a girl on small Woges. ' ITJ , M Mr. Wvcofl understood the Rirl's J iH dcsejiiillon. j, languorous and- pleasant j''ill bojibation cnuio error her, and when she . , M would urop off to sleep delightful visions 'f wore tho result. Afti Trapped. S IFrom IAa CfolAfarand VrnlaAee.l V 31 Angry tustomcr Look Here, I have only att bad this Bttlt a week and there's a button off. . t' iJ J Tailor Yea. sir; 1 seu ed that button on my- SfjLlM I self., and now I woald like to call attention to r" SSPfB your account. , TlM i . av1 SI, V ffl, iT r $u u "vol 1 vy.T Jl I art fy -U Ur3 V 7 II Hand-in-hanct fMvk Pcarlinc and purity. You lPff can't havo ono without tho t! other.' A oocl housokoopor will r fl havo both. Pcarlinc clonns any- jfitJB thing that tliit can faottlo on. In tho laundry, tho bath, and f tS all ork about tho house, it i I washes thoroughly, oa&ily, safoly and cheaply. You will find m thero is nothing olso liko it. W Everybody olso is using it. I j3 Tj-k Peddlers and some ansorapu- W' rvirl l'iA loua groe-ra are ottering Irotta- $ JJtj vrtllU tlona whloh tbcy claim to be Ji I'earliue or "the lama aa I em Peaillne " ITS TAL-SIS PF .TU INK is never J M ueddled y.'U JAMEi Pa"LU New Voek. J jr FLSI'iT'S FINE : l FURNITURE. 1 fso eonceDtlon can ba had withost a visit to our tfVl trarerooms of tbe OKK11N AI.ITY, i:XCI!I.. fjjf I.tSNCK and CIIKAPNIiHS of tbe new DU- jyg HICMSIn I'Utl.MTUUi: miaufactuied by aa. M M) .IIIIIDLU IMtOPtTHare CH AKC1UD fflj on TIlI'.Mli (l(IOI)S. Aa manufacturers we ffl uiudeiirer DIKUCT I'KO.ll OUIt WO UK- . SHOP TO THIS rUKOIIAHUIt. Injuring jRB MIIJND RONHTICUCTI0N snd a I.AltOIi WM HAV1MI IN I'KIOK. fiTT lU:iU.SI.IINIMJandIIAI.l.i'UItrI- ' J TUKUtil the flneat anartered ak. Verr ploaalog J deelgna in mahogany, mapto and eberry, al mach H under ordinary rata. IN I'AKI.OU (iOODH we show many new , M ahauel and atylae In upbolatery We bave atrtren m to combine artlitio elegance and durability with 'm economy. .11 AM. 1M.AIN VIUIIKKti, VAHU t0 J t'KKIIITM, 0 HIMC0UNT. "IIUY Olf Till! MAKIiK." M GEO. C. FLINT COW ( btores, 101. 100 and 108 Meat 1" ) uj -Dealna and eetlmstee fnrnlahed for all lnterlM berawood work and .mural dtftl Sw faetory. Ui. ISA West IBth at,