Newspaper Page Text
1 NORCROSS, I mm&2z- p norcross, I 1 Ed I4 Te Bomb -Thrower. B r,"vW JIB FpC" k 'ft Bomb -Thrower. IB j fe-Tho full BtorTfus life will bo told $ W .WMW ffl 41 1 t'TfaUorof hi7Hfelfra, 1 I k to-morrow in the ft MM I J W 1 TfH VtVTr7WTTOTZfSS7T TIT Vr?7IllT7 ft i W (ft "H iTlllltr -! fil Ir to-morrow in tho 6 I (Sundasf V5opW. WVJ mWWimM WwliP r Sunday World! wwawa MMTOM Jfexi ca. .vaLaKasgggsaig f 91 1 4 PRICE ONE CENT. XKVY01tIv, SATrHPAY. DKCKMnKK 12. 18!)1. " """ " priqu ONE CENT J I1 LAST EDITION. li NORGROSS'S HEAD 1 , HI He Who Threw the Bomb in Rus- f sell Sage's Office Was a H Boston Note Broker. k His Identity Fully Established k . ty " World " Reporters, jijm Clothing Recognized by His Parents, &MW His Face by a Friend. HI Ills Father and Mother Coming Kffif After the Body. lSti 'J Russell Sage's bomb-thrower has been fully iB5jl and positively ldentllled. Ho was Henry L. I0BH ,1 Norcross, a young note broker of Boston, who jSkI lived with bis partnts at somervllle, a suburb H? ot tbat city. H ft The Identification, which ban within tho Hja't 1 past twelve hours been established beyond Hr " the slightest doubt, Is due entirely to the Hfflyi efforts of reporters of Tnx World, who hae H Sttl teen PGra'stahtly following clues for the past H NPu week. In The World of this morning they ILiJCVGfiu describe tbe manner in which the truth about Kjv the bomb-thrower has been finally brought f B to light. 'Hi, ' No moro positive or certain proof that tho HW ghastly head at tho Morgue In that of Henr) 'Hf 1 Norcross could bo found than that which is i furnished by Tnu World's reporters. The clothing which was worn by the bomb thrower has been Identified, both by the Boston tailor who mado his garmtuts and by h'orcross's father and mother. Tho ovldcnce of the aged mother Is partlcu lalrly conclusive, as she has pointed out In the ,f , scraps of cloth which wero shown to her JBa L ' several places whero sho had herself mended 'Hf YlK the garments. Ken to tho fact that her sou JBr IlK woro two flannel undershirts Aim of the HF J peculiar tnlngs about tbe dead dynamiter Hf JfajylUxttT testimony Is illroct and pcsttlve, una ad Wf JPffiS"13 of no contradiction. FMSTj llECOOsrlZFl) BY A fCnOOI JIATf . Hj jj Last night II. SI. Howes, of Somen Me, once B J a schoolmate of Norcross, catno to this city S aid i lilted the lloigue. Ho saw tho head in B tho pickle-Jar. eiumlncd It cnrcfull), and Wf' m prono'inccd It boond a doubt that of his MT friend Norcross. This completes tho chain of Hflp eildonce wbloh has been welded together by JK the efforts of tub Wokid men in this city, I Ht 1 Boston and Somen llle. UyHkV SEM1CII OK NORCHOSS't, LI1-E. U . Norcross was twtnu-elghl )e.irs old and Hp unmarried. For thu past lew )enrs he has WHj been doing business as u noto broker at is HH Pearl street, liostoii, and has made his homo Hi with bis parents In snmcrillle. Ills lather is IHh bookkeeper In (J'llncy Market, lloston. Hk Noreioss's friends could not believe nt first nBl that ho could pisslblyhuio been the bomb- y'HJBl thrower. He had never shown any cildeiices ;HCV ' ot Insanity or even ot slight mental dlsturb- HjB . auto j whereas, a man who would commit sj 'jSHjil nendlh an act at that or at e nptlng tn blow ' upalmlldlng with 501) jienplo In Itlspre- ':SB ' aumptlvely a maniac. iBBi ' At school ho was bright and remarkably Hff clover, graduating first In his class. In bust- tsHCll Be8sue ,,a, clear-headed, and worked hard to njHjffV Win wealth, which teemed to bo his solo aim IBk X.n 1,fe' 1,urluB tl10 l"131 year some of his flf ilends say that he bocamo rather luoodj and HM served In his manner, but no one noticed ?4y I vbj thing ot tho madman In his demeanor or 'Bt ; Jtlons. Yet he e'early must lmo b.en trazy. Mtylk. One of his latest hobbles H said tohao jBfjH 1,,wl1 ,n tlwaM railroad scheme, In which 5BK4jp;lia tried to interest .sage, (Jcul.l, llunlln'ton ' (IBM". andllostm capitalists bv sending circulars :jHBr' to them. This, lioweer, was not regarded as i' JHJ furnishing any evidence of ln'anlt j , tnHH o 0-10 eer heai.l him si eak against nnyot JjBb theso men, anil Iioh he comn to taku tills sud. fHj den and desperato resolve, which icsulted in WlH lait week's hurrlble stl'l u mjs- ' ikS' tcry, though there Is no doubt that ho nas ' Hb' the man. Ht 3 HIS COMINd m STW 10I.K. Hf jf orcrobs went aayirLin Jloston tlinday SBM I Le.'orotlieboinb-throwlngltiltlciit. He'lic'ail XnE I uphlsulllce, and no one Iheie hnsheen him faff IbTO tlnte. He t Mills m Hit r that he was Hf K"R t Worcistei, hprlnsflcld and :e (HC I Haven bofoie ho n turned. yjHf A Ho had never remained away from homo so rHfl long btfote without writing or teligruplilng jl'Hjl to hlj parents, and they wero partial! pre- t 'B ) nrcJ ,or tu" shocking nu'vs when It came. V'lHfA, "TUB WORIll'S "IIKST ILUf. j uHj 1 The first tluo upon which Hik Would re l HB porters stnrted their luestlgatlo'is was jElB the waistband of the trousers belonging JVBt to the bomb-throw tr, thu buttons on milch .fH hciu lnbellid "ilrooki, lloston." It was jfHt 1 lomid tl.rt 1 hero w bj only one tailor bj this lif Hf I iinino In lltutnn Walter ('. lltooks On., CLB H. 't Mi'A' Urut. It wvs al.i' found that tho HBk tt! '' 'l'1 l"'l(hl otidM exactly with n roll of QLHft. r (W di ri itri wl.Uh hid been rccehed by uHfltaT Ail. HiiKiks In : number lajt, and frcm HK . v lilcli nun one p,ilr ot 1 1 ousers had teen cut, HHi Ihew tioiwis wein made foi Norcross, HHflk M u0 la4 been a customer of tnu llrm lor tev- crnl jean, mid was well known to nil tho salesmen In thelt store. Other pltces of the clothing of the dynn mller were liletitineU by tho tailor as haUng been made by him. ben last recti nt the tailor's store Norcross wore no beard, but It wasarteiwardj ascertained that ho bad be gun to grow a beard about three weeks be fore he left lloston. roitROBOiiATrn at ius iiomk. A lslt to hli home In SomerMllo led to the Identification of the scraps ot clothing by tho mother of Norcross, who fully corroborated tho testimony glcn bj tho tailor, and strengthened It In many rctpects, rendering the identification absolutely conclusive. The photograph of tho dynamiter's bead was shown to seicrnl of Norcross's friends In Bomervllle. 1 hey all recognized It Immedi ately. Gcorgo 8. Tolman, of Hlnthrop, said ; "It you had brought that picture to mo without a word, 1 should have said it was a picture of Norci oss." IUS M0T1IKR KNKW HIS CL0THK9. Whon tho scraps of clothing worn by tho bomb-throw ir wero shown to Mrs. Noi cross, tho mother, she at onco Identified the piece o f trousers and tho piece of coat, 'l hen sho was shown tho pieces of undci wear. "He had on two Maunel shirts, ono terra cotta color and tho other w hlte. I laid them out for him mi self," she said. "Thoy aro Just as 1 told you," sho added, picking them out, "terra cotta and white, and here Is whero I mended the sleoio ot tho white shirt, where the stitching had como out," and she showed a bit of mending that had hltheito escaped attention. ItrRDLRT HOWrS'S IPFNTiriCATIOV. As already htated, tho ldentlllcatlon was complettd last night by the Mslt of Herbert M. Howes, of bomerillle, to New York and his examination ot tho head at the Morgue. In his statement made to a World rc- H 3 IlkNKT L. N0RCR0S9. til (Krom.photoyr.pbt.kenehjhtje.r.aio.) TU! HASIE PICTCRIt WITH A BBARD ADDBD. porter Mr. Howes says : " Of course the features were horribly dis torted, but I am reasonably certain that the head Is that of Norcross. " Everything I saw at the Morgue points to the conclusion that the man was lionry Nor cross. Ho had splendid teeth, a retreating forehead, and & straight, prominent noie. Ho also had a beard which was only ot a tew week's growth. Then In the head was the striking fore head and nose and tho hair. The contour of the face Is unmistakable. Tho cheeks wero 'somewhat swollen, and thcr were some con. tus'ons that had disfigured the face. The beard and tho cyei wcrti rery natural. T)1 key POCMTBOOX N0 TIN DOUMt HI"-" NOI'.CROSS'S TOCKPTllOOK, KBYS AND FHAdUEN'T OP COAT. "1 am as posit Ivo as a man can be under tho circumstances that tho head Is that of Nor cross." I ma rnlKvn'i" Drscmr-Tiov. Hi. Howes says that Norcross was not a nerious man, nor was ho ever anything of a cranV. Ho Is amazed tint Ills friend should i bo In any way connected with such au ap palling deed. "Ileum alwajs pleasant and his A-bits' wero scrupulously correct. In dress he was neat and showed excellent taste, but was not cxtraiagant." NOKCROSS'S rilOTOORAI'll. 1 he photograph of Norcross, which 'is re produced In 'Inn KVKNisd Wokid, shows him without his beard. II w as taken several years ago, but It shows tho gtneial charac teristics of tho face of tho dead bomb-thrower In a most striking manner. The fotohead, hair and noso are the exact countirparts of those of Norcross. INSANITY IV !,0I1CI103'-'S 1'IMILT. It Is said that tuuo has been Insanity In the Norcross family, and that tho grandfather of Henry Norcrnis went crazy icry suddenly Just prei luus to his death Norcioss had been emplojcd In scleral lloston banks, and Just prior to going Into business for himself ho was In the employ ot V. A. Mostley it Co., brokeis, on btato street, lloston. TUB IlhAD NO !0OEK 0 VIFW. The ghastly object In the Jar at tho Morgue, baling In the opinion of rtgauthorltloi been fully ldcnllrhd, was to-day withdrawn from an.i turtlici exhibition nnd will bo hell sub. Jeet to tho ordi r of joung Norcioss's parents. At loo clock this forenoon no word had been recilied from them. Kusncll huge Is to-day Inaccessible to callers. A reporter of Tub Hvbsimi Would sent up a copy of Tun World's portrait of Norcross, and word was brought back that Mr, sage, on view Ing It, said : "The faco 1 tho same as that of my assail nut. though the mustache Is not ipilto so heaiy," mnsKS ad uis men Ain sokl. t'hlel Inspector lljmes poitcly refused to make an) lomineutlo-.liy upon thu work uf 'Iiib Woiild's lepiiier-dttectlU's, who traced tho luinuliiirler's identity from clues oi erlooked or tbnibt worthless by tho pro fessional detective. There Is evldeuco mat tho disclosures printed this mornlug harq caused . titling of soreness In Chief HyrnJs's breast, the fact that his famous stair bal been liAcleierly nutiloiie by tion-profcsslonals. being especially i humiliating. '1 iik Woui u men's work Is tho chief topic ot discussion to-day In police circles, and words of commcnJatlon are heard on nil sides. I UK. KAIIB WILL HlkB A HTATHMBNT. ' Col. hlocutn said this Jmornlng that Mr. lliibsell fcago has been reviewing tbooicnts of I that latal Kilday, and cnri'tuily recalling all the Incidents and occurences Immediately pi ecedlng the dropping of the bomb, and will within a few ilajs. gne nut a full and accurate statemmt of the affair from llrst to lost. Among other things Mr. Sage now recollects that hl3 ilsltor held the xatchellu his left I hand and that ho made a motion as If to throw It. Ho was very nenous and trembled with CMltcmont, and the big appaiently sllppul from his grasp and dropped sooner than was Intended, 'lho man Jumped back- ' ward its If to escape tho result, but was too late. Mr. inie thinks the man did not Intend to klllhlmstlf. Ills cildent Hut he mount to throw tho satchel, jump out of the way and escape th" results himself Through his ot cltement his pirns miscarried. Col. Hloouin belleies the published state ments that the bomb-lhrpwer was llroker Nortross. l-tirtller tletnlln nt tile lltftltifltntlnn o tlm liiilnb-throtrer mid n full Mory of thu awful crime, hy which lie cntlnn gereil innny ltirKttiul lost his own, will he pilbllnllftil in the HUN DAY WOltl.I! to-mnrrow. RECOGNIZED IN BOSTON. Business Acquaintances Identify "Tho World's" Picture of Norcross. IfFF.rTAT TO THF rTrMIMO WOUT T,. t HoaTOM, I)"C is Henry L Norcross did "THK WORID'S" It.ABII.LtOnT mOTOORAPn OF I1BAD AT MORODE, TAKEN FK1DAT, DEC. 4, , TUB DAT OK TUB CK1HE. considerable business for the West End Street Hallway Company ut different times. Mr. (loodspeed, Tieasurcr of that Company, knew I hltn well and said concerning him th!3 morning: " Wo had always made all our loans In tho 'city and In largo sums. Norcross offeied us I tome small ones on country savings banks, which we accepted. " During tho past year I have seen but lit tle of blm. I saw blm last about a month ago. He then had a beard. "I novcr noticed anything about bis action or methods to make me think him any other than a sane man. He struck me as an honest fellow a sort of a small note broker who was just barely making a living. " It was his custom to go up among small country savings banks which had small amounts to loan, get their rates, ana then come to lloston and see what he lould do with them. "As to his alleged schemo for an elevated railroad I never heard ot it, nor did he cicr talk elevated railroad matters to mo." James (I. l'eunycutck, President of the Alpha Manufacturing Company, has an office In the same building with Norcross. Sunday, two weeks ago, Mr. Henuyculck went Into his ofllce to write. About noon ho had occasion to go down the corridor. When he turned be noticed tbat Norcross's office was open, doing to the door ho said: "Why, Henry, w hat are you doing here to-day ?" He answered: "Ihaiobeen writing some letters. Have you got any Iron filings In ) our room I" Mr. l'ennyculck answered tbat ho had none, and expressed surprlso that Mr. Nor-! ' cross should want an) thlug of tho kind. At the time ho suggested that he could probably find some In the room of Mr. White, who Is the Inventor of tho White Elevated Kallroad, I aud has an omco next door. I When Mr. I'onnyculcl; na it lnti the room Norcross was sitting at an opon desk. At the j entrance of his ilsltor Norcross shut the desk I with n snap. Asked what ho wanted tho 111- j lngs for, ho replied, " Kor Bomo experiments." The photograph of tho head was shown to I six persons In the building this morning. I Kourof th.-m were confident tint Noicross) wnithoman. ino other two wero equally i sure that he was not. Wilton L. Farnhnm, ot Farnham & Co., con-1 trnl W barf, when shown a pholograph of the bead ot tho bomb-thrower at onio said 11 was that of Henry L. Norcross. "Poor fellow," said Mr. Farnham, "I knew ! him quite, Intlmntel), having been In the I Somervllle High Kbool In bis time. I saw him last about two weeks befote Hid attempt on Mr. Sage's lite. i "Atlhatttmo Norcross called at my oflico and had a chat with mo on general tophs. Ho had Marled a full beard postblv thtre i wci o tw o weeks' grow t b t hen a ilrcunistanco which all In the nftlto took advantage or tu plague him. Ho took the Joking plcusantlr i i and laughed as much as anyotus Ih.iie . not been nor heard of blm slnco until this morning. I "I hate heard him repeatedly talk about i lcvatcd railroad schemes. I might mi thai ho has shown mo at least a half a dozen ! different plans and pitent papus. . Ho used lo suy that home d t) he would bo I a rich mun through his tkiattd ral'road schemes. AU hu wanted was to get some, 1 blj capitalist Interested and wealth was j bound to lullow. I ' " I ncier heard blm speak of any rich man In particular. " 'I he girls who work lu my factory recog. ' nlzed Norcross very readily from Tnx WoKin't pictures. 1 also lecognlzvd him I from tho samo pictures. No one who knur Henry h. Norcross can deny tbat It Is he. I The principal feature I rtcogulzu tu this I photograph (looking at It again) Is his lips. No one inn be mistaken about them. i "I would bardli tall him a crank. When he called here he seemed tu act banel) , enough. I noticed nothing unusual about hltn the last tliuu he was In this ofllce." i Utoige Sanbtitn. the Pieslitetit of Mr. Fnrn- i ham's I'oinpan), said: "'Ihe llpsln tho pho tograph are lery like those of Norcross, but apart Irom them 1 would not no posltlie that thtilLenenslsof hltn. "1 hiiuknowu Noicross about a )ear and i a half, since he hind an oflliu from me. He ' win e a full beai d last Winter." ntirNTs tosiiMi Airm tub noni. Tho lather and mother ot Henri I.. Nor cioss are now lull) loin imvil that their son ' was the man who thruw the bomb lu itusscl I Sagi'solllce. I Additional evldeueo was offered this morn ing whtih 1 emotes all doubts frum their minds, and the) bow lo the lne liable. As sunn ns they haiu suMUently recoieral f rom t he shot I. of thilr son s u nihil death, the) will go to New ork and bring bick with them tor suitable bin lal then mains of thilr loied son. . STORY OF NORCROSS'S DEED. His Visit to RubbbII Sago's Oflico und the Bomb-Throwlnff. ilie appalling irlme, the perpetration of which has been fastened upon Nortross, was cmnmliud a few minutes niter noon of Irl da) , Dec. 4. Norcross came Into t tin ortlce of Itussell bage, In tho Arcade llulldlng, at 71 llioad wa),Jast aooul I-' o'cljck. He wits neutl) dressed, woro a silk bat and can led a small loat'ier gripsack. I Ills demeanor was qulot and nobody no ticed him at llrst. j Mr. sauc was not In his office nt the time, I aud being Informed that the millionaire was, out, the stranger took a seat on the little settee, und putting his satchel on his knees, waited. Tneie were several other persons In tho office. Charles E. James was lu tho private, room ot Mr. bage, also waiting for htm, as he had an appointment. In the gen eral onico were Col Joseph J. Slo cuin, Mr. feago's brother-in-law ; I). F. Norton, a clerk; F. J. Menzle, stenogra pher; W. It. Laldlaw, a clerk for John tllood good A. Co., nnd Chailes W. Osborne, the btokkecper, outside In the waiting-room Frank Ilobcrt son, a stoik clerk for W. M. linbrle ,t Co., was making a dclli cry nt one of the windows. Nurcrcim nnd bo were the only two persons In this part of tho ofllce. Mr. Sage came In at 1'-' 07, nnd passed Im mediately Into his private oniee. A few min utes after Norcross got up aud went to the window, behind which Norton was standing, and asked to see .Mr. Sage. ' Ho Is very busy," said Norton. " Will you tell him that a gentleman with a letter from Mr. Hocketeller wishes lo tee him?" Mr. Mcnzlo took tbe message to Mr. Sage, , and tho latter, excusing himself from Mr. James, camo out to see bis ilsltoi. smiling I pleasantly nt Norciocs, he asked what he could do for him. I Norcross did not reply In words but unbut- ' toning his overcoat slowly took out a long I envelope, which he handed to Mr. sage, all the time holding his satchel In his light hand. The envelope contained a long t)pe wrttten doaumeut, which Mr. Sago started to read. io his amazement it set forth In a wild, rambling way tbat uultbs Mr. Sago would at once glvo to lho bearer ai.SOO.OOU In money tbe whole building would be blown to atoms with ten pounds of dynamite which tne visitor had In bis satchel. Mr. Sago looked up, and seeing the gazo of the man riveted upon him as he icad, saw tbat he had u crazy man or a desperate crank to deal with. He folded up the paper and put It back Into the envelope, handing It baik to Norcross. Smiling as blandly as bo knew bow, ho said tu bis visitor: " Your request surprises me. It would take some time for me to collect so much momy as that." " I must have It at once," replied tho man fiercely, now speaking for tbe first tluio and advancing towards tho open door of the partition, Inside which Mr. sago was standing. Just then Mr. l.aldlaw came towards Mr. bage. The latter supped buck a couple of paies, baying to his crazy visitor hurriedly : "All right, I will haie It for )ou In two minutes. Walt here." At tbe Bamo Instant Mr. sage sa)s he saw the man open his satchel aud take out whut I looked like a glass globe about the slo or a basoball Without a second s warning tho bomb, for ' such It was, dropped from the hand of the madman to tho floor, and the terrific explo sion which followed stunned everyone for a few minutes, completely wrecking the ortlce, I and startling eiery body In thu lower part of I the ell). 1 be building Itself w as jai red and rocked to Us foundations, and Its panl, -stricken occu pants fled In terror to the btrei ts, whero an enormous and excited crowd qulcM) gath i ered Mr. Norton had ben blown bodily from the window of Mr. Sage':, olllce, and wusplckid upd)lng lu the stuet. He lived only afiw hums. All tho other occupants of Mrt Sago's onico wero more or less strlousl) Injured Mr. Osborne's skull was fraitured b) II) lug dibrls ; Hoberlson, the clerk for Imbrlo A. Lu w as terribly cut and bruised. Col. slocum ind Mr. .Menzlo were torn and cut by flying splinters. Mr. l.ildlaw was soil oiisly Injured lutcrnall) and Ml sage himself thrown down and slunnul, hi, i.ue and bjil) tut by plueb of glass and woodwork. 'Ihe bomb-thrower's body was blown to atoms, the only portloi s of a rcinattii'i, U lug theghastl) staring b( ad and one hv and au arm. FOR BROOKLYN ALL-NIGHTERS Half Hourly L Trains Aftor Mtdnl.-ht to EnBt Now York. lleglnnlng next Monday atl-nlght trains are to bo run by the lliuukln l.lciattd lUlliutd Company on tne l.tlngtou aicnue br.ii.ili lo Last New ork. Trulus will be run half.houny, 1 ginning at 1,110 a. i. till .Mil) A. ., it bill the regular schedule w III bo lesiiined. should the experiment provo succisslnl on Ibis Hue U M tho Cum uiny's Intent! hi to ex tend the all-night sen Ice to all lis Hut s. tmi- "iNnri:('i: aiiko tnfi iu: I MU'fi'P I'm It J.I. AIJCIS! PublLiiri) In 'UK, U liltll-., h,n 15,11, .ill-,, nulil b) ull Unl-tin.. to ilenU-rn! V 'CITi lS TERSELY TOLD. iTo-Day's Record of Minor Hap , peniiiis About Town. Chronicle llrlvllv Drniin finiii Note-Hook mill Docket. - Died nt tlia End of n Hope, ltcmard 'ihnartberger, thIrl)-two )eais old, 1 1 '.'.I stli'c l, lunimlllul suicide b lunging himself, lie whs lound dead til il o'thnk this luurnlng Mr. Astor Oosh to Europo. Mi. Win Ator left for 1'inine lo-da) on Ibe steamship I a llretagne. O Imr pa-si'iigers on the same ussil wetc II iron Hint lit ltntz, Idwntillt Miii (on ,itiu nlie, o. s. (.umpbeli and r. ",. o. Hi id. On!)- Ono of tlio Klvo Held, lour of the nvu prsoio .uicsti.l In tbe enseof Dora utTinUig, ot ,'.' (iiclnid stnet, who Issurteilng ihmii malpl itilce. wue ills iluirkiilln lb" lsi tlnrkit court n-ilit. i lie llllb, I mils IVIaililnlk, wluiguie the gltl 1 ini'illiln,-, wns held tor mil. Miss tirfinLi ig Is now out of danger. Hurulnr CnptuiBil by n Womnn. Kilio Knlzemlli nboen, u peddlei, of '1 lllnton streel, was h Id In l.sscx Markil Comt to-di) on in huge of bmgl ir). Mis. Hrrthn 1 iltsih, of .i'.'U lust Houston stnet, caught hliu i uiisaiklug bur apartments )es 1 cula). Another RponkerHlilp Cnndldcto. Assemliljtinn Ocnrge il. Push, ot lister Count) , called on Major (Irani this morning, lie said that ho hopes to be Speaker ot Ihe next House, and If work will win the loietid goal that he will reaih It. Assemblyman Urennnn'o Father Dead. John Ilrennan, father of .ssembl)man Michael Ilrennan, of ihe rlfth District, and of Alderman James Hrt-nnnu, of Albau), died this morning at his sou's residence, 1M (irand street, i he funeral will lake place Mouday at y o'clock. Another Crezy Man nt Large. Mrs. Julia blew lit, 378 West Thlrt) -second strut, lo-da) had a general police alarm sent out for her lunatic husband, James lllivvltt, who escaped Horn his muse )esterda while on his wii) back to Mootnlngdule Ab)lum, where he has been for the past six mouths. Aftor Little's Vacated Place. Friends of i'atrlrk Cnriull and Fdward J. II. i'amsen, rltal candidates for appointment as school Commissioner to succeed Congtess man J. J. Little, called on the Mnortc-day and presented pe itluns in their bebiir. t nr rull s had OOU signatures and Paulsen's 400. Raised Money on a Worthless Check. William tdsall, of asf. Second street, Jersey City, was arrested tarly this morning by ono of Inspector llyrnes's men for baling passed I a worthless check for till on W llllam Englcs uorff, of 44 Urano strut. He Is locked up lu Jersey llty pending the Issunnce of cxtra- i illllou papers. Sunday Lectures on Soclnllsra. ' Tho American llranch of the socialist I ubor party will hold meetings on soclallim evuy suudai eienlng at K o'clock ul Clarendon Hall, East ihlrtienth Btreit. lho llrst ot I thesciles will be to-inonow ennlng, wnen ' W. C. Owen will bpiak. All are milled. Young Doctors Iteslrrnod Perforce. 1 Dr. W. A. Macy, Medical Superintendent of Ward's Island Insane As) lum, has demanded and received lho resignations ot His. Will mnrth, ihornby and Mann of the asylum stuff. Unsiemlysk) larking escapadesot the joung doctors aro said lo hale caused Dr. Macy s action. Soribotd Jovoo. Miss Mary E. Joyce, daughlu of a well known builder lu the Annexed District, was marrlid to Mr. Harry W. seabold In St. Jerome's Church, Mott Haien, Thursday evening, b) the Itev. Father iandi. mm Hose A. "sinbold was the brldismal 1 nnd Cornelius J. Hoignn was best man. Alter the ceremon) tho louple lift tor Jacksonville, Ha. Funeral of Louis de Beblan. Tho funeral of I.ouls do Ileblan, a will- I known member of the French colony in this lit), will take place next Monday at St. I'alrli k's Calht drill. He was at the time of ihlsdealh l'nsldcni of the Christopher and Tenth street Hallway and a director In set eral Insurance und gas companies. He tiled Thursday night of lit art falluie at hts home, IU'j Wist Flti)-aeliiilh street. ! SWEPT OVERBOARD AT SEA. Tho Steamer Kate Loet e Sailor and Wus Damaged In a Storm. Vessels whliharrlied In port to-day report extcedlngl) heavy weither at sea. 1 Tho trump steamer Kate, from Mediterranean ports, which came In this morning reports tint her main rail, b.'h stanchions, tbe Hurhoard bulwark torwaid wtrc tariltd away, and tb it J. I Ingbast. a iswtdlsh sailor, twtnl)-seien )ears old, was washed overboard and tlruwned In a storm on Die. 7. ihe detail of Ihe career of llentu ' . SorcroM.t ihe Itmntf thrower, tchum J Hi: IdeMIlnl, trill be printed in (fir .Sir.UUI, POISON IN HER GLASS. Mrs. Grower Accuses Hor Husband of Trylntr to Causo Her Death. Mrs. Florence Ilrnnir, of 1S4',' Second aie uue, nas taken lo the l'resbjlirliu Hospital to-d i) lu a coiid'llon. she iharges hir husband, Hewitt c, llroner, with hailug given her pulsou In s glass of li'ii this morning Her husband was ai-restid TICE IN KEMMLER'SCELL. Next Canldnto for tho Electric Chnlr'ut Auburn PrlBon. (Ill AK.nt UTFI) rmis At'Ht'KN, Dee. I'.'. J iseph L. Tlce, tiinib tid I nl Hot holer ul the luuidi r of bis wlie in Jul) last, nas itctiiitl at tho prison In this ilty this hforulng and 1 ut In the cell formeil) "0- cupltd li) Kemmler. I muieatli NUictii'o Is ipptilnttsl lor some tlmi iliirliutln wtek Ugiumnt, Jan Is ilto Itiuktd well, lin i tlnciil s mie lit riuils ni'ss mi the i-li it walk tu m the rullws) sla. tlun to the prison. TIIK WOULD hut (ennui out n ho threw the lioinli ut Itussell "s.ise. lieiitl tliehl'Ml.VY WOULD fur the lull story ut the tiiiiib-throiiei llle. V. A . Silek l.lrarlrr UMriJI s popular dviAaltffut. liruKfiita. . IlEli REUS OF THE IE Florence St, John's Dotailed Denial , of Damaging Allegations, Tivenlj-Oue Lives Lost In the Itloivlng-lTp ul ii .Stcniuslilp. 'Ill jtfUtlATIIl ritfss i losnos, Di 1'.' I his was tho sum da) of i buirlal oft lie st. John. Mantis limit n suit. Miss St. John was this muinltig lulled In ributtal. she denlitl going with Arthur Lulu n tun house lu Willlngtuii Ho id, -ad liti husband was with hit throughout lho ill) and night It mis illegtd she was with t ulien and deilaied th it i ohen hud Intlud i h-'i to dinner at In i I i.bands luiuest she hidillseliaiged the housemiild lluhblo wliottstlddl against lur )ttenliv beniuse she was ulwu)s uadlng tiovtls und nevir winked Miss SI. Jiihii also denied the stall twills mado b) Ihealiiial Dnssi r llruit l.t'icwll-ntss-b. )esterdil,ln ugard tniiihiii silslls lu hu diesslug-r uiii at the llulit) I heatte. j Court or Apponl Allows Mn q iIh of Allsbury to Sell Ills Eata f. Mil AKHKItTril i iirss i l.osnos, Hei. I'-' In August last the Mar-, quls of Alls-biii) uiuihcd tu Justhe Stirling, of the l.oiiHhaticellur'sCutiit.foi appllciillou to sell his eilat, 'auruiki I oust. 11 Is bald Unit the Manpils unes X7.rll,U00, lho I prliu nsked lor the proert),and this sum Lord lveagh agned lo pn) It the Limit would iiuthorlzu the sale Judge Milling dtillntd 'o gram tho le quliitl iirmlsslon Ho said In bis decision that be thought the sum offered was tho full laluoof the piopirt) and that the sale would be beneficial to the crtilltoisot the Marquis, 'but ha bild that dim regard hud nut been paid tn the persons who are entitled lu the remainder Pi the estate. , I ITom thh decision th' Marqul appealed, and tho last, wih carried to the i ourt of Ap-, Ileal. This Lout i has just haudid down an opinion oi muling tho decision of ibe Lord Lhancillurs lourt andsauctlonliig the sale of haieinaUe Forest. It Isexpeited that lord Iiecgb will soon be 1 In possession of the propert). i M. and Mme. Morgan, Trench Ex-1 plorere, Return to Parle. nr AsmiciATrn rkBss Paris, Dec. 1','. M. Juiques Morgan, the ! explorer, hns n turned lo this illy from his explorations lu Northern Persia, lailstau. and Arablstau. He was acmnpanUd on his Jaurne)ln4s b) hi) wife, aud together they I coveicd a dLtanie of I'J.400 miles. Thu two I suflered snvero hardships and had a number of exciting adventures. Not So Much Political as rinar.clal Gloom In lilo Janeiro. Iny AiunciATrn rnrai , Losnos, Dei. V! A dispa'ch fiom Illo Janeiro lo the Kxihahgo telegraph Company dt Clares that the reports as to the gr.ulty of tbe political situation there untgicatly ex aggerated. j The despatch adi3 that tbe financial sltuu- tlun continues to bo oi the inot gloomy i nature. Many of the largest undertakings, It says, aro likely to illapsu at an) moment. , Drazlllnn Protest Against French Honors to Dom Pedro. , litv AMocUTrn rarss I j llio Janieko, Dec. I-', A public meeting , was luld In this clt) yestcrdi) at whl'h ' Rtrong protest wire made against the lui- pi rial hot ors paid b) rrnuco to th lateei ( Imperor of lliazil on ihe occasion of his funeral In Paris on Thui'da). i noiemor Porletla hualiy decided to accede lo the request if the i.oietument that ho leslgn his position ns Governor ot tho state of Kin Janloro, aim lie has accordingly sent . In his resignation He will be succeeded by I sdmlralsilu.lra. Twenty-One Poraone Go Down with I a Wrecnod Ita! an Ptenmshlp. j IPT AMocurrti rnriut Oitsoi, Dec. 1','. Ihe Hallau stiatner ( ala. brla lelt llenoa Mils niorulng for Naples, Uav- . Ing on board six pus-engers. ' She ha I proceeded bill a short distance when bti b.l r xplodid, so dim ilng the s'.eati er tint lie sank In .t very slioK m.i . ImlUill'U Ihe pissetigers and i itw Iheie l were Ihlrtv.lhree iHrsonsou bnaul I lie lalu- i brla. Of tills number twenlj-uiio were di owned A Caroloss Gunner Cttusud the Ex plosion of a Machlns-Gun. j Inv AforiATEn PBvm I Pout id, Dec. 1'.' During artlllerr prac tice o' buartl Hit" French trulser iroudt, a maihlne-gun ixplodi d. The weipon biok Into frvfiuenis, and the gun-slghler was ut) serhnisl) Injured. Ihe explosion was due tu the negligence of the guusnan, who had nut ilutd ihe breech .proper!). , Suicide of an Insolvent English i Banker's Sister, tin AfttoruTiD earns I l.osnos, Dei ltf. Jane Wude, sister ut the managei of Ihe banking Una ut llaiUrec, i Djwiiii) .C L'urznn, of Colchester, wiilih mis- j pi tided pu) mint on Tuesda) bisl, wassodls- ) tn ssi tint lh news oi the suspensl m of tho Itrinthilshe brc.niie menially Irresponsible uiidcuint.illled uhldfb) bangln,, hertlf. nuaslan Art.llory Instructor Killed by nn Lxplodlng Shell, u ,,f 'i i . l i nvm i st. I'm i ni hu. Dtc. iv (apt I'm-pu-hMi, iiistimiui ul Ihe inlller) i idols, bis Ixt n lllled I) the t xplo-lmi nt a shell during a seilt sui t eilineiits h, wasmakpig with a powtrfultvplaslve. Widow of Charles Klngsloy, Late Chnplaln of tho Queen, Is Dead. ' tei Afnu'iATrii iMirys losnos, Dtc. is The widow of the Hei, i hailes units., i, late Chiplalti lu ottlliury lo the (Jiieen, 1 dcid. In Mr-. Kinsley publish d a bio;. raph) of nil tlistlugulshed htisbaud i Secretary Foster "troneer. W'asHisutos, Die. I.. snieiury loster Is reiwrltd lo te bettei .uid strongtr b-tlay than ai an) time sine, he was taken sick. He is still weak, howeii r, ami will In ill) lie 1 able lu make his c iineiiipiated southern trip lui bi'Ui'l weeks )cU 11 EDMHITTEES IIME1.1 Ami the House Now Has a Recess Until Weduesday Next. : Presltlenl LIUolv to Wntt llle Ijlinlt lor it N u Steieliirv or War. , i so(UTn r-uFss I W AHIIM110S. Dtc. 1','. The seslon of the House i.-dt) v s lnetel) a loimaloui. Hi" Speiket aiiniiiniied the nppilnlment of the fulluwlng lomuilltec: (in AiiMuntit Missis. Husk, of Mar) laud; Cooper, ot liulljuu ; Dlckerson, of Kentuiky ; .il tes. ol South i arollna ; Scerle),of Iowa: I'eirsoii, of Old); (;iucki nbush, of Now "inik; tirisvToliI, of Pennsylianla, nnd Cul ling, of lallloinla. On Mileage Messrs. Castle, of Minnesota; ( t iivio il, ul North ('arollna; Kendall, of Kentuck) ; CiMwed, ut Ohio, and Mick, ot low i An .id) 'iirnuienl was then taken until Wednesda). It Is not likely thai the President will make an) new uppi lutminls before the cud ot next week. This is due lo uls desire to llrst sub lull to the oeiule for action all the appoint ments ho lias mad- since the adjournment of tbe I lltr-tlrst Lungresson the4lh ot March lat. 1 h' re Is a 1 u ge number ol these recess appointments, and their notification to the senate will occup) two or three days of next week. The first bitch was seut In last Thursday and would bale Leen followed by others )es teiclaj nnd to-Ja) had the senate lemalned In session. Man) liupoilaut new appointments arc to be made, thief of which is tbe vacanc) In the W ur Department caused b) the resignation of stcrelury Proctor. T his ofllce bus been lacant since the nth Hist., and undti tbe law the President has thlrt) da) s to till It. Ills known that hols not disposed to act hastily In 'ho matter, and a prominent oniilal ts authority for the pre diction that no appointment will bo mado until near the end ot the time allowed. Btopheu Hklns, of West Vltglnla, Is men tioned us must likely to recelie the appoint ment, but Assistant sccictary (irant Is ihouithl to stand a lery good chance of gelling II. Othet Important nominations which, how - cut, aie regarded as luely to be made much s joner than this, uru ihoso uf ihe Judges uf the Circuit Court uf Appeals, the Interstate loinuiirce commissioner, the Ministers to china nLd .Japan, and a Jtuge tu nil the vacancy lu the Com l ot Claims. PR'cCTICULY UNDER ARREST. Dr. Granger Made Responsible for E, M. Fielu'a Safe Keeping. I.FFrT.T TO TTF FVrSiS.l triSR, Tl t Mocst Vfrnos, N. V., Dec. la. Although the papeis are In the hands of bhtilll sthlr uicr, of Westchester County, for the arrest of hdwanl M. Field, son uf Cyrus W. 1 leld and memLei of the bankrupt firm of Field, Llnd le) 4 W lecaers, still they have not)et been served, and will not bo uutll after Kdward.M, Field has been examined by the medical au thorities as to his sanity. T his examination will be mado next week. Nevertheless Mr. Field Is to some extent In custody, for be will not be permitted to be removed from the asylum wheie he now Is exiept bj consent of sheilff Scblruitr. Hi. t, ranger, who Is In charge of tbe Ver non Hi me. where Edward M. Field is now cuuilued, bos bten Informed that aherirf Schlnuei has tho papers lor Mr. Holds ar lest, but I hey will not be serietl for the pres ent. Dr. (iranger has been made responsible lor Mr. Field s safekeeping. Mr. Fields condition remains the same, so Dr. Orunger sa)s ! CRUEL WIFE MURDER IN GEORGIA. Victim Wouldn't Shoot the Man of Whom Ho Was Jealous. 'nr AiaoriATrn rnu. I Saiansaii, Da , Dec 1'.'. Near lteedsvllls has occuritd oae ol die most horrible mur der, ever committed In lb it section. The victim was th" wife uf James Freeman, a prosperous lartuer living a lew miles Irom Keidsvtllt. 1'it email was ot au liieu-eb Jealous dl isislllo.i and bai vveral times quanelled i with bis win our slight frlenJU attentions pal I to her by t ntlghuor nuuifd Kennedy. soon a .er dist ullil bofuru lasi, arming himself with a V. luclicsler lltle, Ireemunan- liounied t hit wile that lie wnsgolugtu make net kit. Kenned). Taking a rope he , tle.1 It untiiid her bjd) mid dragged her I thiou.ii Hu ivtHxts and aims' lho real to ! wit l.l . a few tett ot the house of the man I whose lilt he desired lo lake. I hen lit) lorced a pistol Into the bands of Hit tan ist unionstli tis wuuiun, threatening hei with lustutil death II sli" did liolehtu 1 the huii-e and shesit Kennedv She nfUsed. Ihruvvlug the woman in thi' gi mnd, 1-ne-mm walktd towards th hiuse hliustit Ken nidi, who had Ixeu uu the wutih, opened lire on IiIul rretiiian then went back to where hts wlte .lit), and seizing the rope, dtaggtd her tut the rial, lum, imslng n I fui not n(H)lng ; hts tnlers tu kill Kenned), he smt a bulla lliiuughhei heau, killing h-r lustautl). The bud) lay lu tin road until next un riilug. PRINCESS ZARA IS FOUND. The Kidnapped Zulu Girl Arreatod on Thninpscn Stieet. lar.t, ihe u.u Princess who was kid. uipptd from Uu hoim of Mr. Marian Dante, seurialcnUifc, N ) , No Is, b) Obeliuus, u biawii) negio lab n"i, is found. I'einiHo Mil irl'i) 1,,1't hei this loaning, etmltig nut 1 1 a ihompaon siieet taloon and .uis'ed l.ei. li.letUiuii M irket Court she iilaiul thai obi'lliuis, who Is under ludlit n. ut lu Sew Jersf), put hiron .1 feii).buit. em this sjjt. o. tbe rlvei shs mel awhile w.iiuin, who put hei o'i a street-car and she km off .u Illerekerstrvrt. sle had Hied slmo with a colon tl girl n lined Alice, Mi,, ipher iiialdit m woulln'l lellwhTO 'Alio liudur anvihlng iibout her lire Unre, ami th- i lilhlrtus s s.let.v'3 ugentsare lu-ev. ugaiing Alls, tiauiv sa)slhat she was with btr hu btuti pi AtrKa lu IsTH aia, iheu mil) a bab), wu orpin. id In u bitlle U'liucn lilbts. sj. ntle wiu-n Mrs. Dance in at saw In i a br celet of claw on ber ankle and a i li ai her In her hair. uii Is a musical wonder, pla) Ing almost au) Insliuuicul, you have observed that THE WORLD has Identified thu bomb thrower. The lull story nl hU life In to-morrow'a SUNDAY WOBLD. i LAST EDITION. 1 A VERY QUEER FIRE. J I Tlie Morgenbassers Disappeared 1 When It Brcka Out. Il Landlord Cohen Had Threatened :!j to DispoBseB8 Them. M .1 Another Tenant's Little Daughter ft Thought to Have Perished. B Tivcnty Kmntllcs Driven from atl Doluneey Street Tenement by Wi the Klmnoi. I lie people are missing as tbe result ol a J,; lire tbat broke out shortly before midnight In jfi the big double llie-sitry brick tenement at i ai4 and :iltl Delancey street. Tne fire waa not extinguished until nearly -' o'clock thla vi morning. & lour of tho mlsslug ones are Herman Mor- t genbessT. his wife and two children, La fi whose apartments on the sicondnoor Uw bX rjauies first broke out. & Tho other Is (lussle s'prauch, two years and r a half old, the daughter ot Jacob Sprauch, 5" whollied on the third floor. Whether aha perished In the names or wandered away In f, Ihe excitement that ensued Is not yetdefW "',' nltoly known. ffi ' Twenty families, comprising ono hundred J peoplo w ere reudercd homeless and destitute S by the lire, w hlch U Dcllevtd to have been the iJt work et an lucendlar). C The ntst outsiders to discover the names jj were llhani Murphy, u bartender In Alder- r man Clauc) '3 saloon near by, and Policeman .Monaghan, who ran lo the nearest box and i sent lu au alarm. T lien they turned their 4'i attenilon to arousing the Inmates ot botn S bouses and gettlug them out. Jr TEVASTS FlKII IN A riNIC X 1 When the Ilremen arrlied the names wer g? pouilngou the windows cf ate and theter- J. rifled, I alt-clad Iiiiuates were rushing panic- ' p stiicsen Into the strict and up the flre-es- w I capes to the roof ot the adjoining bouse. a 1 Second and third alarms brtught more en- i glnes and trucks, and Capt. Doherty and all ' the reaeries ot the Delancey street police station. -Vj I Hernard cohen, the owner of the building. Si whollied nn the third Uoor, back, opposite it tbe Morgenbesscrs' apartments, told an ii Ki fmmi World reporter this mornlngtbat be was Just about going to bed when he heard j some ono shout tire I" outsldo his door. ; He opened the door aud saw Mrs. Morgen- M besser standing In her own doorway. She yjj had ber baby lu her arms and was holding j the other child b) the hand. 4 All were fully dressed and tho woman bad ?J n shawl oierh'Thead nnd shoulders. ,-) ! She continued to scream at the top of her i' voice until Cohen rushed past her, when he w sa)s she dlsappearel with her children. Her ' husband was nowhere tn best en. ,'i When Cohen saw names In Mrs. Morgen- j I besser's rooms he, too, shouted, and, grab- v blughls wife, dragged her downstairs into ?. the street w ith htm. t 1 Fddle Arnlce, who Uvea on the same noor, V; 1 front, with his mother, had Just returned " from the theatre, and was telling his mother & about the play 11 nen he heard the cry or nre. - 1 Hushing Into the hall he saw Mrs. Morgen- V , besser In her doorway, ci earning. He pushed i 1 by her aud saw tbat her wardrobe only waaon 'W, lire aud quickly got a pall of water aud threw on lho flames 1 SOUE OSIE WHNTEO TIIK FIRCTOBDKX. tt The woman blood by watching him and -X scieamlug ull the lime. Arnlce ran (or ;,'i! another pall of water and sho disappeared; T w hen he again reached her rooms tbe names ; di 01 0 him back and he, too, fled for his lite. ' Ariilee also says that while be was bring- Ing the second pall ol water some one struck him with a club on tbo head. He showed a it red spot on his forehead lu conflrmitlon. He 1 said tho smoka preiented him from seeing & who his assailant was. but he knewltwaaa w man, beiau-e It felt like it." W There were many thrilling rescues and '&. lulrbieadth escapes. Indeed It Is a wonder tJ that many Hies were not lost. i Jacob sprauch, his wife, her cousin, Morllx jsj Kasteubaum, and two children were on the ;M thlidilour. Mrs. sarauchgaie little (lussle, ' the bab), tn Kastenbuum, who clambered un ,V)B I the ilre-escape towards the roof, escape be- Vm I low telng tut on by th nanus. rjm Mr. and Mi's, prauch und the other child ?B escai d by creeping across a narrow plank :m Into the rear of liurkbardi'sstables on OoercK t'S streel, but when they met Kastenbaum In TJI the stieut later he did not hale Uussle. cSj He said th 11 w beu he reached tbe top nre- 3,1 escape .1 m m too the child from him. Kas- . leuuium crawled through the scuttle to the Xfl root and the man followed blm, he supposed, fy!m but he didn't know who the man was and did J-jfl not no him or thachlld again. Vm This morning Kasteubaum was hanging fi arouud the house weeping and wringing his V, hinds. Starch was made for the child In vain t& last nlghl, but It w us abandoned this morning. M Ull B t AT THE BOTTOM OF TUB AIRSUAFT. ,v j&t 1 here were soi eral teet ot water at the bot- f $ torn ot the atrsbait east of the house that bad ' SS not been seurclud. tf , llosie Miller, u widow, nnd her ten-year-old j.fe bo) Max, whollied on the top Boor, escaped "fm I Hi their uuhl-cluthes to the root and were ,3? 1 cared for all night at lho Delancey street jig station. ? she lost eieruhlng she had in the world, : and Strgt, l.irmaluo took up a collection Ii I among the u.llcers to get hor and the boy UJ 1 soiu'ilothlng ti I uu Marshal Mitchell will make a rigid tJ I lnii'stl.uiiiui. The vim geubessers have not rtai been se n since ihe lire broke oul, and Cohen, IfkM theuw vi in Hi' h 'Use, said this morning i m that M rgenuesaeror his wife hid set bebiiliill.igonllie. fflft He owed mo lur rent,' conttnued Cohen, 1 jja "and 1 wusg lug tudlsiOhsess hlmsomeiluia TM ago. His win's tonnuemeul caused me to ' $& delay the proceeding. 'jtli "ilethreaieiitdlaen toget tvenwlthme, . 4 and I tin ik 110 his taken lids vtaj ot doing lu VMS' rurseieiuldi)s he and bis wlie havo been , wi . moiliiguut thtlrtbings In small iiuautltles." isJl I I'ohe.i i.ilueii his bullulng, wiilih Is nearly Wwf I i.'u.ooti, lie Is lusured lor ',00U Wi mil Hu lussivlllprubabi) not t'tceed 10,000 tU iiltlinu.-li ihe b aiding Is pructli ally gulled. ,' i lie I ss tu hts tfiiatits may not exceel '4'M $:i,t)(iti, but ml they possesst d was destroyed. WsM Ntlgiilhirs ire 1 ai Ing fur Hum to-day. "&i'flL I he house ut JH Is ow ned by llutchcr A. D. Xm It isdauiajcdslLhil) bywaltr. JiSi 1 5I!M nr 1011 fuel neuralgic pains lu Ihe head, i rclltieiho.ii with Usunvcuomi:. . .''? iM Ihe whole a'ory uf l'cmb. Thrower fl Nnnroea'd life) In tho BUNOAY H WOBLD to-morrow. iH sH