Newspaper Page Text
& e Tills WOULD: SATTKDAY EVENING. APRIL 30. 1B.-2. , 1 B I t.lllrtitd lv IU I r tm J ubllthlnu CVm, mi.. H SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL SO. I Kfc a laci.iHiu.vs to i iikukmng would ! Hk (J.i.'.'t.e.'iH? J'OFla'.r) r rr.u month no. K; 1 i : 1 1 vi:.ut 3t:i.. H& VOL. 32 No. 11,211 Bv : SxrI 1 Lllltd at lb. Post-Ofnre at X.w 1 el as second. mJ. tiara matter, ? flr-BTtANCII OFKICPIs, Bgf, WOPJ.U uptown ovnrr-ior.7 nnoinwAt- H between Mat and 32d its.. Netr York. R-', mould iAiti.i:.M umiT-unu sr, im, Kui Slai'inoH Ar. WE, IlttOOKI.YX-309 WA.-iisn-rns St. tv 1 lllLAl)l:i.l'l!!A. Pa -l.noiin llmnrvn. 112 : Kccm Orn Rt. WakIII.'h.'ion-ijio HtiiNt ?. LONDON UKl'ICU-JJ Lucktpfu m., Iiijuai,. ftl CAltSuUAHC. Kv I A Trinmplial Marsh. m THE STRIDES OF A Yffll B Match '91 and '92 Compare! iHj niMniMMBiMi imi iiiinr inn i ft PAPERS PRINTED. (M Average Sumler oT WoiFJ imlt I'linted Dm in'' .Muicli. j ioni 312.570 IHjt,, Average Number of WorMi Sfe lVm,od ,)mi" Mi,,cll'onn ORn ml Wsl oyU,Da 9 (lain 1'er Day in Aera?c nnn1 f ' Number of L'.iiiltj l'rinre 1 I J ,0u u. VJbuiK wren wwww rimwiiMwww inn't If ADVERTISING, I 9W 'a' ',um'icr Advents?. BlS? menls 1'rintcd in .Marcli, ji i09i 71,622 ltl 11SD2 H4d0 r if I Gai" '" Advertising 1 1 Jut) iflfi joooooaooooco Jill Ha I , s !''' IIIEWOltLD wlUot,m!tr imyitrnimstaiitti, i JjjS JeM llf(f rrfpoMlffV Jler ilrirtirn or icf- ' "Wt i inrtnO of any rejee-ed iimnusmp!. ir plctu n, jt S 11..1 l maiif to his luff irlfl rtgciJio either ff ' (I'T ornc'osurci. Srr tilI lie eittcr entet f 2- info correspondent) ivr.stir.mj i itai.'iia't I tMll '' - - - fW,wl W- " llal Tbo Evonln World Prints Aiso ttM P clatoU Prosa Kows. tlf'i ' '"It Iw ft. P'. Tbo Fuorst Uisumrok U unw Btit also ji r.mon tho ocenn greyhound courahi,1; Tjl ; S IromSontUcmpton toNew Yoik. :lft fc 3Hf Somehow it Un't rcar led ns nn nimm ' vHj ' cH' tlmt Hint wbrn ii liilinlrs lUmnili- BJV JitinR gas Ills light ahnobt mvarinlily ioc WkW out. Iill eiWllv Unloss Uuueo 1'iitiro O'llnirN is s;icim1. heMtf Ily lccnpturcil a i,try important wiiuos ' B- v.Iil be miosing ut t lie i:ncstipntioii of AHfl ""lt uoteil seutleman's recent escape. ' 3aTBfi' T It is stated that there W objection to j fl Stanley as a inunilier of l'arluuiK nt. Is , Jj3 it that a bent Jor explorations ami disco. ' n,o iv erieB i cousiilored uusuiublo to a Hriiish ' o$M I'BMlatwr? Uf It is fearcil that not o.'U jJrimiM.'i TtS r1''i'tl aB nn expeit iiiuidtur enn noi eooltt h,lV0 im tt0M "10 lw' jieualt.x. fJySS r Yestardaj's ovKlriiea raienleil bun a a 3 $ Hiieuk thief iu Yieuua. jflVi A lanrriRse licenn" tiil:eu out mi jchm ureSn n" ln 1'lulni,t',l,l'i'i li.i i"1- heen re- DauKn liinioil, the wedding liain occurred a JhI;' wiclv aco. Some Quao- cition cm. lljfe itently ninilo a paiuful effoit to bo on time 1 ii itiehmoncl, Ind.. Kejidh out the. ktory of 12 ' ft thirtv-year-okl t ijiiiiio liieh ddibci- l "V "lc,y ,a5' l1ow" nl"' ilrowueil itself in a th W '4 "Klin. It issuiectet' tnat moionmriler IE 1 ' f ll' lmlu ll,an ""iei'.n of the hoe is W '1 jeally involved in tho ease. i'il"li' 'un JIaKSlc'a,,'!t's ,'0"1 1 llio mlo lm Jl k) '"U cstulllisI"' ,1,lt 1:v womnti ill- Vlnft f' "leed there, must Licp her bin.baiid'. hlnK V" 'I'line. The.IudKO islio to noid uu. IJ neeebary roiiiplinitiona of tin routt ji.i riMinlk. It in lively that this will be Mr, Eiwrmc tho rcei-rdial tho tipenso of the , ABi, IteliosB ol more than one fair plaintiff. 5nB." i ! TdK illf tllolI,Jtlos', Irulal.ty .oiueliiniO l """'fested by tolleye B'.udento fortunately i JBffifc 'elUom reaches Midi a limit nn has just I hJK 1 cen tho caso in I,ehish I'liivurbity. A V" fct-'k"8 young tutor there B?:" li'heen ciiycd" into insanity by tin- EKte eolieciaus. This U asbaueful blotoutltu XoiWt record of the iutiUition, and the I'aenlly ', fleKy will uo amply justified in taking extreme iWltc measures. MMMti bometlmcs it may pay to wahtii n lev.- HHHk words, even on u nuppoioil bingUr If IMI either one of two boardow in a Chicnuo WJ&JSfr limi lad thoncht of thU Tliuriday nlcht 'Jb tkey might have iparedihcmjsl tea adts- pnintett niggle in I ho dnrk.nud lluirlolil lady would not now Im claiiioritig r recompense Inr Lit fiiiahheil Inrnlturc As ca'li fought i:i tbo tiriu belief that the other v,ns n tiiurderi.u Intruder, the wree'. in lUa parlor miis ery i iiinuleu. mr. cir.r.i'u ccl'bed aci;:.t:. Prml l.'nl I.I nn a) i lhat lis i'ciH'.l't'i'.ri ur 1,111 Ii.t i,iaii imt-t lit Of t);tlo)lulit m Im VmuI, iml lutifrtn it.htntlitr 1 .1 (,iihI rep ttilm. it iMnitlAinT'iiu 4fir I feii ,im iifll cilhcrol tle,i. Plif .' 11 y hi. . M 1 I ntitipt, rltnltly lo I'ltflUil" In lA.e. ln.t ininnl I Iu tiiAkl ft mutt Ihitrr, u't tm liltion. ct 1 It halt. hrj ttiattltutit.Uer, arr tfiilll). Will ini-M-cii... Ilifln lo tnpfilllL.l rttttit or li.o .t, n. 'llils is President ti'itr.l's etiiefully prenir"d wiitlou s.atemeiit of tlin o-i. lion hi ileiiic-i to t iik.. iu tliu i"ivi of blaikniall iinohiti two oillcers o! hh Soc.lti. Ill c::i.r. and 1'r.x. 'Ilm ("oiielv, .Mi. (ii r.i'.v iii.vh, bin us yet uu op portunity to inustigiite tliu ciimi. nti'l lie indorses the tii'ititoil n'eiitH in men ol' ;;ooil icputJtioli. nt'ii u.t nnoiii im cut. plaint Iuh bun ni.ide during in.nii Mars (llk'IMIC lillt 111' piOllllll. It tl lli'Ul,ll 'a:i in.'.lioii mil n ii roil piovciitinii ' or the oIl'.i'i'iB it tl o nie gi.iM v. Tuo d.ijii hnc i in, ie I s.licn tin ar- I rest of ll.u lui 11. It Uiijtit h.'i.e In en Ithoug'it lhat in Ml 'h u n'tiuus ilnrgu ' tlirei- Inmrs Mould not lme been Mill i red to pi h bufuie (lie Su.ii ty began im imui- ligation, it would at lea t lir.Mi bteii moii' satiifai'torr if Mi. (!kiiiiy. hi bis uiri'fully eonsidirod i-ml, hud (.tulid ills. tinctli tint tho linn would do no furllu r n irk until tlirii guilt ur inn ici-ncj is us- iiibli'linl. Ale wu to iiuileiiluid tint llic in fUMil, or at (lie i. ill) who Until on I. ml. lull bo restored to duty until tin) Society Knd. tune lo iriil.u its iuvcMign- tlott 1 I ,oor kii uionllis ago auoihei iicnl nf the .Society ..s.uiesled on a obaige of liljckiiiail, whieli win siaudaloiihiy , hushed U)i in tbo J'uliru CouM. In tint c.iie tho people wmti'il putiuutly for tho oi,li,l.v's " niM'sligatiuu." It nocr tana . , In tliisuistniKH Mi. (Iniim will see that the duty of act, on is tho luon ItiipeialiM'. iuasuiiich im 1U. i.I.:i, otiu of tliu agents ' elmi,;ed with blackmail, it, i..ud to bit ion- meted by niarri.ige v.itli tbo Supeiluteu. dent nt the Suciuty, Mr. .Ii'.nkinh. wlio , ' inn-, tliu macliiuc " and from wlmm'.ho l'riMitcut iibtiiii.s all tho information bo .p out tbu workings mid agc.its , of tiie hocii-tj. No d , nut ii'iiicinbei that i'mpt. .1 v- ivts-dhp'mel auy particular l.i! in luo n , siign'.ii'U of Agent llrsi's t.iso lust N',K nit or. , 'I l re i.i'ist be no Im-liuig up and no wli tiv, aslung in this iiin'uuro. 'lho t'tiaie is must s.tious; the evideiico is stiong: lho evil it touihcs Is too pr,v.i. lent, nud il'inands complete ciadiviitioii. i I llhOULAK HOIMCHOLD nOBDEHIGri. Mir., nion I'm ij-s SroKi.s, of Mndisun in inn , '. with hi i luuuscl nl ll.i 1 ifiv-bcvnitli .Stiecl l'ohco (.'unit istei. ilny to iiinke complaint iigu.uvt , iniii, who hud lelt Iter s"iioe uftrr lobbing In of a largo anion tit of piup rly. '1 liowonini took nuny frutii thu lioiihe six big trunk: ,3111! a packing 'au ulled with p.uuiler. Two tsarntogn tr.nil.H. which hid biei stored, we i'rcruui-jil,audth'ii'eonlentH nil i ail before the. lustier, ..ii: the (Oiirt , t t'ui an appearance of a comb neii ios i ttiiner'.'. tmd biic-1'..bino eslablhnielit Thtio who dlChse-, pittiecals, mlkri, laces, Inney clnra. biKipiv otnr.nientn.ji'rt. ilry uud a arittv of other ailb-lci. The woma'i. W'1.0 has letutucd to i'ulaud, ih supplied to ham stolen two thousand dollura' worth of gooJsi. Mrs. 1'iivjcis A. l)i mm, also of Mnli son i.cinic, is a vic.Miii ot u dislioiut liuiw'. who maiiigo.l to steal via lug ap parel and dioiK pious worth c'.Hin. It m una singular lmv such wbolosalc roiiiieuts il.n lake phici' mill till goods be iuiinel !n in a rosub'iue nilbout detcc i '"''iiCifcVA: J j M into Dili! tl' V 4 1 LlV '1.. ,A Mother's Story J rtireil nl llili Hiictif' bt 2lnuit, Stti. I TUP 1'I.Al.N TM'l I Is smil .-i.iiiuli lo. lliol'sSLrtal'arillu. Ni n'f I if mti'lJlstin ciil i.r si-i..attcan'.t'i. Jul ii l.up.o, l-alirtitf.if. want naini.fiit liU- llils, ot V'AT lluoii'f I SAKSM AHI1.1.A JJOl.r. tells Hie oi ot It' mi:i i r j "li.e lrotctell tun lulli'li fool PonV har Mirarttlu illil my bun, UU Id. Wlru -L.'Ut ; , 5r.irncf nn' l.e t a I ., Ut Lit It lnoiutt on bit ii.ei('. mijiiiriuir lik ri'rofiilniii' tiniuui. Hi to lilt Malt, 1.11 ritf ill till lin huh lx icnv. ulil llipu li- le.ic.ii' luiuii,. lo wall. ainl ru ' 1 lm to tlio 'hlMit'ti'ii Uevrital in tlo'tnu, Vk li . lit w.i-. treaUil In.- iiiie ii'ulilli., tiiut .ill tin tttiiMtn tin ro.i rriiiuc or Ml eti hci 'llif I.KI lo'.l mo !n Wrillil Ncici' Willi. Vvnlil He w. Koltiiu Ivor.' liHti'iol fit le.tcr n ftf liiii.tKiit lit ii liolti uu lli. iron lr.niti1. ,!! I keit liiinoii it iit iiinu luimti.i outru,', llviaitii-. lo til lu'itiln. wH.ltnrnM o, t s sbtMt, mid iHiil.ina loll mU mi mi I bone. Yuuioi.M n-e hvhv Mia n lu luri!.! ul suit Unit i. I sal 1, it it ii:ii k Mill .11 ukc Hut, 1 llil'll c "l'l I teltlrotl. 'I J'l- i I w, tukfn ,1. Y. tcnl Isi&ll to taLc Peotl e sbj-dIj , r lliy i'titcu. It i l.rliid .in, suit 1 alio (.'me It to Wi, i, ; run I till li I .T liOl, it KH.11,1 i '.iln JIM Uu ii.iilicfl t lie lie. . nl. He lint roiitl rai'idh nud ,ilttuui I utritiKlti l'our tibi Hutt.s nn liti lifp ati tn'j'eil i ill .hnt hlim lit Ual tal.a tMotiuttleiio! II toil . I Vn.faarilli lie way Inch Mill ti'tiu', aiiU whit lo'ua Untf v.m with ttio atil of tTiiti' Pe ' loulil aUostaiul aloiir, i, 'ihli l.e lia 1 iii ,l.,ii,' inr nut nirt, Jlis u ncrsl l.eilla tmrroii'il ( liu 1 mill u if null tlul I iii'ilil limijjii , Mia ciiiii.s'h lo en. Ii, u licri ttu.oliw uakubU ' lo uhU tutiien rUliotit tiiitil.e., em ani iivl it. I'm siiiif. iiu oMir 'otir ji'ir. 1'i.i.utra' to i l.oi 1 icvaUil). vail lm. ctoAii utl aiut (loul. un.t I. trfi'ctli tll- I miiic liiU Inr llir sul.e rl oilier iool im,'!t'r liho1 itiaie ,rliilrtl lillilno," I.ji'ii . j Dun, Waljuilr, Mai.., j II noil's Pills ilu nut Htckru. i l.l ui.-ti- ; J tk'u uU ti.ue il.t .iuionli. 'In lleui. ton. It coilainh sh'is a gr a ial of 1'iti'lei.siiibs on tin ii.ilt of ( hi r. A Iml.' Mini can I 'so two tbo.lMilid d illai-s' i ,oML, ii' I'lcti I luirdtul iioiais'i wo. lb ol clothing unit luu'-a br.vv. ill ait I .knowing tlmt -.lie Ii hi sic mbli! . ,iiul , liiitii.i: Iiiim an i '.teti:iii v.nrdtobi'. bit I'Minot look altci her iro.ieity icrv barilv. Is it iaotlv!h.'il!it th.UK to put such ,l In the pithiif usi'ivant" ' T'iR 1031IA CROP CKU'AIKO. Nine women gn iii..ited fltim Hie i.nv. ri.iss of the 1'uiiuis t. of the fit" of N'ew i York last uigli!. Their ejtiticntos of ' piotleioni". are in largo nul nrilslle r.s if ihev wore 'l tnui-f r, all I they uio at lull liboi t. to go sbvsti ling .11 1 lm police courts , or to la.ieh out In.' the Hitter an J iiilicior Iftoswhii'li full lu the lot ol counsel loi lug co:i onitiuiis. Hill theso woniiti do not inti ml to pru ll in lho courls ; they will l.ei i then le.r.l Into on t ip for homo I ot f imily ii-u on li . ' II m h'. if thev c.iriv out their ppsilil p'iitis, thiu riich of tbelii will uiaki her fntiii,; oiiele a contintiil niiiud of inn item lillgitmi' 'Hutu Will b" n ' iiiont court in oei kitchen and siecial ht'hiuiM in every botiil nr. It Is u.isy to mo how n wife with the stalulos ut her llngLi- ends and lllaekslono bei tung from hi r brain, will hive a genu'iio subway ' cinch" on her Ii'inbiind when any ' ipiisiiun of iinlii'liiiil rU'liN c mos up. She ce:i certioniii him from the i to tbi utile mid ii.iiiiibiuiiis him mound tbo ' hull .n until li: ti Mb rattlu and litb clothes doti'l tit him, If he says anything doesn't like she can Hash a writ of erior on bin. and I should lie deiimt slio run let Ilv a li.ibi a rorptis I'.inl laid him iu lho middle ot net week A woman with an ceitablc ten, pet can , ork a gieut deal of destruc. tiou with an ordinaii-Mediito .lanaulo ' in a sma 1 west Milo Hat. Let lier cliaso hi r lord nml mastorwit'i neap u ad sitl fiieioudiini nud he'll think thu er.ick of 1 do .in lb loll'i' last at Ins heels. I Hut tho w Ife-law er's great hold w ill be tlie control wlii cli knowledge ot tbo Inw willguoheiof lur lord and master. If he wants to go out at nigh' nlono she can Httitig u no eiLiit at bun, and should that miss Hid kIio ciiii el. in an Injunction on ' nun mid d-hc it hniiiL with tho uufoatb- j etc I undo! aluoomstiek. When nil elso fails, and tbo re v f nun isn't in worktng oidei. kIio has her do lun.iti"o iiiiUiT.uilo in lesene, and that is sine lo S"ttlee,r ! thing and biing IViet',. white wings Hi gr.nofiil s .ii-ul oer tliu ettlwhilo tuibu leut nl l .1 tteiiibhug he.irtlt. 'J hi) growing I'ortiu busiuc.H in this , lieighborbooii ii going to increase tbo ' demand for "(lod llless Our Homo" , mottoi h. All hail lho new Maty Amu Iium! come to judgment ! i' wut 0T Some one out in Ohio has been raising ' giust hullabaloo because eMiry I'Vilcral : tiflli e-liobler ' ' from the l'ostmaH'.or to tli6 1 janitor "wai a ilelegnto to tho lii'iiubli ' cm L'otiM'iition. Tho carpinj: critic sug- , gosts that tho (ioviTinueut olllcis should i be. closed on OoUM'iitiou diivs fioin 'J a. M. to 5 p, M. , ami that on such diiji i tho CtWI-Seivioo law should lo fi'is- iiended. This arrant noimenso is mideutlv the ' cranky litleratlco of what is culled u Mug- j wiiinp. VYliv should not 1'cdcial place-1 men partieltuitu nc'lMly in the prorccd ings of the coineulioiis of thoi political oicr.iiiiition? Does nut their bread ami butter depend on the cnntmiinnci of then pirty in potter.' It turned adrift lromj the public er.b would one of them nut of urv dozen cam enoughat anv legitimate IniHliirsH to kei') bod and soul together.' t A I'lgir.innki'is' iMiiLiitioii would nut-1 uriillv bo atttuli'd bj men who make a III nig ai the cigai tinde. 'lilc' delegate.', to a batters' cotiM utiuu would iiattirullv bo the worki i in hat fortunes, ho long us the Go eminent rccugnios and is ion trolled by the pimciplo tlmt to the iclur i bi lungH tho spoils, w by should not purl v otllc.'-holdets slriMito urn partv uninii. tniUH lipoii tho iu tion ol which ill ponds I the prtsennti li of their ofllc'al hniiU? A "Doctor of Anarchy " is announced ' a1; liiiMug nniii'd in town to discouiso on I the doctrines and proposo 1 methods of Ins ordi r Ho should bo ipiielly imviscd that the iiioreconsi r utile his tcacliings urn tho more lortain ho will hctoiiwiid' j taking u in iv and uiHi'e.ii.aul di',;ne. i Howeier, tlie coiiutrv is not piitieuLitli afraid of him nor tin iustrtictious. j If huinebod,' polbon.-d tho gieat English racohorso Oime, to kiep him out of the Two Thnti'.niiil liinmi'.s, it istoo bid. It . tho soiiiebodv isn't caught It will bo again too bid. It ought to 1 e no trouble at all to rai-o tbu vl.'Wii for tbo fnis'nng touches on lho Washington Arch. Then lor moro such mil ornament i to tho citj'h itreets. I Tom ltfi.n is said to halo reached lho conclusion that lm h.u a fair ehaucu iu tho I'rebii'culiul race. Ilu'll find it heavy ' running. Aiiril doesn't !eae us in trnrs Kurope , is honing that Jlay will not come in with t bloodshed. ' liun't sulTri a piiui.0 in tho work till tho ( Moiitinii nt I'titnl is complete FflSlK HEWS Mi ROTES.' Long Jackets Will Rruf,iti Stylish thu Rest of thu Year. i C'oluied Iurn or Mil I Ili.ndl: ri'tilels ultli I, .i'o lincrllori. ton. Jackets u ru lil,ei.i to -ei.ialn la ntyle the r.'il or i he tear. A imkjel that eoiiies iiuiii Pare, ta s iiircout lasiiini, and li vi ry jMipu nr. rs uia'li' nltti n long waiiteoat. turiii'il'iliu'i eiitbii, gauntlet eiilfi, a stik llli'. I lion I, mil tlir Hlulu t leu it, il with a inn jW j;oIJ brill. TMs gar. acnl Illicit with sllK. ulili'i liee.t nut cusl iiiuuli. H imu lint can uh worn eu'ij .Uiei o nml with even thing II ls'o il in mil; f.iiil tiaii'l In an J s 'iMccil.le lm ch ucli, liii-itie all I liatl.. A now It) In liii.flkeii'Uli'tH Is col'iic.l linen, mull or batl-t wan an liisertlmi nt laio lho w.dtli'if the lii'in. 1 lii'se ul Mill. 'S conic an 1 jo, but iiilei al tie wiiti caiiiLiIo iiiua.ui prlu.e ami .ii '!,'. Mis. I am', lie U'lieeel, otllie Assi'lateil , Mtlsts, liaiiluciieied Hint there li ..nilitag the iintter with tlieail puduutuf Amirtca. ' .siiiiieortlH' blUilttSt glll'J III tliu HtlllllO," li"a) , " 'rum the West. The) menot onl liip'lll.eni but they mo oiljlual, audi lime as mil h n nun lasto i s tin- I iciieli. All they llt'Oil It ili'li'lnpnieilt." All I ullllthts' law lu.i'erlal Miu ncelr-r Is cnniliii; a silmolnf ait unliable to tin- needs (it the time ami the means ot tbo people. Th" II) lug ribbons nl the back ol lliet.ii! Pig lull Is a ru ney thai tli".gciitlciw)t.tin Mums. "li'.'ie Is a lioni.ia elfcct .Hi ill" Ilu1 iitlu , smainois tspeeiillaily ImLuiUii. 'tlie )nun; in.' n who passei thlotlli the, hanJs er Hi- iiiiiiielpaiuJ young wonian Is rtji'iceJ aiiliy.H thucaiiibiioliaiiJl.,'ielik'f Unit (;o-s tlnoucli u iluubli'i'oller nilnju . Mid l-i so ineietiiryat bear: that mil) a inillloaalie'a bon em satcli c irri'spuad with her iire-ai it liur mhiiiiIii liu-liieis block. 'Hi.- I books Hie Is .0 a.-iNlnm to U'liU, Mlio mtlstV piuots nlio lias been try In,' in no nml lho musli'Mio would like to nniovi'i not onlj nut iiione.1. but ileal or time ai.d tiuublc, lo procure. I Imported iliiiiiicW In fancy itrlpes and llg ' iinssullat (icetiiH. 'I!ie ur.. thlit) Inches wIIm, pit, bi-. nml soft and Juot llli tlipig for e'alldrcii's blutisus and skins ! Mm (ll.l'idom's Pols' (iriiliaiiiigj dates back in thils ; In-' leais before Itinl .Mis. 1 l.lausl'iiie lud Peon liiduojd to oner hospital. j II) tun nuiiibci url.iiieashiio girls wlio lud I siiiieio.l keenly Uiiilmr the cotlun lamliie. In i IhiliJ hiiauiiltli's wi te dlieelid to tho Iktat I ml, where she iisum-tl muny of tlni,c i orphans whom the choltraMsltiitlonof lhat jiea. lull lelt ili'stltilte. Tlic.v uul Hist lo. lutnlat Cl.'pl ii, llien Mrs. (daiMeiin lierell j link suk elnie or tho b iys uud iiniiskireit lliciiilu llau.iileii, the liuls hailug tiiolmllrl i I 'ig fni incilyuii: 1 led liy the Liuiuishlreglrl). I 'llidliilnatesal tills oiplian.igo usiull) num ber beiwi en tweuty an I thlity, and the lads, who aio t.iscu In Letiieeu tin; ages ot nmr nml tlie, gem i ill) remain leu jcars. Mis. l.ladbloii exhibits lho kcetu-st. Interest ln I the lustltuttun. iiii.I takes earn that tbo lite the lads, lead cliali lie a lice as possible rrom mechanical restraint. A .simple dies. Jacket or bonnet majo ur gout material, that Ills mill bulls the M) lent ' the woman wearing It Is nliwijs gv'tilecl. i One or tl'c most luieK'llns feattiies of the , urhl l'alrcl.lblt of woiiian'H wotk In tliu I spusltlou will be an cvlilbtl iiicpaieil and lu.iiiaki il bj .Mis. Krnest Hart, of Donegal, Ireland. Mio will rciuodticii an Iilsh llt.i'e, ainl i.-ltliln the coitagcsotlhls Milage women who luii' belli taught b her or her agecy will be at l.oi k wealing ihtli, prcpatliig the iljes limn pent, and I) lug beloic .unit ,yis the pimliiiliif ilulr louiui. .Mis. Hart w, II : alsovlittilt the piuiliict or a (actor) wtilili she has established Iu Irelainl, win ro .ucciii. plo.ied men. women and b i)s In tuinliiL, out mail) piiJiiils, iMimplis nt )ou will en Iu the wiitiiaii.sdcpai I incut. Mich ev.ab Idi iieulaas Hies.' ruiiilsiiii siiliitluti, In pan, nt the Ituh quo-iinn. li Is liiteiiilvd b) -Mrs. ' t that tliu Mllavo shall consist or a pc I tuii'sipiu stiiel or c ittii),cs incaih orwlilch an Irish haul will be cm led on i by actual peasant inukrii, liaported, with then Imp, i uiclitMir iwiik.rmm I'onuty Done, gal. 'lho Milage hulliilnss will, It possible, Inrlmle a iiprniliiclloii ot an aucleiil loittul loner, an lilc cross, and the ruins of l.'oncgal fasti.'. IN 1 HC WORLD OF MUSIC- 'll.ela-.tor tl.p lb yd crtniuts mil take p.ace'lucsaa) cwiiliigat Hi Madison Sipiaio t.aidi'ii co'uert hall. Tills popular singer bin iiiiieiismi lo bei otherwise than pleased with his iiie.Uloii In New i ik. 'Hie last tn.i.ioiron :ilfc'ht nt Miisii; Hill wilt iH'cMi'idlnj!) Intuctlti.-. It nlllliel.iioiMint.i "gi'iinl iciiust tilsrht." 'IhoMilolsts mil bo I'i.iii llltiei-i.oote. ion- iraltoj Tin J 1 la Pl.illllti, s.i))iano; Ailoll licilsl), I ill n'.-l ; .tubs I i, mis, Mulliilst, land M.ton lid. .lug, M iViiaclllst. liii" i. Ill be selections Hum the compusitinnsof ' i:uln'. Wlcnlawakl. uguer, lla)dn, Huh, 1 I.1-I, rieliiimauii and .i end-en. ! -. i.p at pie, nrall. i are belli- made for the i apiieirance or Pulltni lopuln prices at the .Maul wn s-(une iliuden Jliiy to, 1'J and 14. People who liaie watched Pattl ti r tliclci.t I ten jearsaie asking tlieu.sehes wbatiffrrl I litis wlllhaieiiiioiuiny rill lire apueai-ances In this coimti). uthuillia liri.wicabliilie.ip- c.U'd? . I Tbo Titter Truth. I l,V,ii, . fit ill rr tit, I litrintlier. I i leionou ui.l mm, I should think )i,u I would near r, silk hat with u On sssuli, I Dusliaw a (radii1 nu mii't litre a silk bat. ROYAL is the only Baking Powder Absolutely Pure. Protection from alum baking powders can be had only by declining ic accept any substitute for the Royal. All official tests prove it to be a cream of tartar baking powder superior to all others in purity, strength and wholesomeness. See that no baking powder is received into your kitchen in place of the Royal. SPORTING HS AND NOTES. , i Exports' On'.niomof the Coming, Slavk-Jackson "fight. j ! f Hunts ytlll Caiit'mio Their Dovtti w.itil .Move. A. t). Hale i, ii .vrP.kiioi, ii AiKtra'.ls nsport Itig man. lias i ecu Hi tlilsilt) sewialdays. llesalled this i.iurni.ig lor r.ilglaii I en i iitte to tliu Inl-.l -gro'inl ot the shiMii-Jaeksoii ll.rli . '1 Ids light, will b" deeltl'il Ufxiutlu .N.itloaol ilui of l.otnli-n on .Hay no. Iu talking .Him, the roiatlw-Innlli nt the men, ilnles HJttl: "At iesoht I think Mivlu wtll wit. I have not Usui him nn niue time, and unless he lia.s gone out or condition alto gether 11" has thu 1 est ( liuuic. Jacks u Is a Mi) (icier piijIlHt, and liuiiu or tlu moil sullrul blrf ew" itjodln lliciltig. lie can glw il.c best or tlcui nil tl'ei Hunt lo bandlu la a slatid-u;i Ll.'o and to'." style. lie loses Ills lio-ltljn, hoaever, v.iieu bo tnools a man ot weigut aul livl'jh w ho resorts to roiigliiiig ta tics. In his light wlt.i (ioldaid heiii ild m.W'li:lil win the best nt ll b id not (mud ml gono In on a hot, nislila; policy. As It was, t!i,' llgut wai a draw. Ilotli of the men aio wrybaid hltieis. If Wai In goes In.o the iliu Into (.oiulllloa bo will surprise a gn al nuny.' ! I n l 'irbetl'M Idea o' Jackson -ceini to be 1 li" one accepted b) a large lilimb'i'nf spoit I e; men. l'orbcttsa)s: ".laukson'slcll hand Is.suuii'lliltig ten lllc. Ilu hasa wist amoiiul n( clcw.'i ncss about 111 in anil l:nottb how to his )ioi'i fit! left to adiantngc" Muln Is esssiitlill) a rnalier. linn) opinion It will bo a 1 iu!'- ur Si.lll agiliist i.iiisciil.-ii (one. John I.. s,i iiv.m a id .ll.u Hall lnvo expressed theinselW'. asbllollng lint Jackson will In Die u Liner. M.iMn Is now training on thu westcu.isi of l.'iglind for Ids coining baltl". Jacsici Is gelling luo K. I mill oni or tbo sibiiiusur limb men aio leuurtcd as noi kins hard. 'I he Ne.v Yoik Ilnseball team stiuck an-I other si aj )esle.'di) In (.leieiand ninlwiiei ill. i ali il to the nine or 1 1 to n. The illants ' aio being deieaied In auuost anything that I i oiues a uiig. 'Hut iheic Is something null-1 call) lining i'M'1) one bell'ict. 'Ill" illrcc lois in t- t,' si rloiisl) on Ihesubji'ci of iceinih.iiii.liiii. (.lie, linssett i lane, Cnlng. lliisl .uu among those tenanted with curious I (')i's.aiid talk of ugulu;,' n'liiit new meu Is cm t cut. I Pro iklvn was (lelcnted by bnulsi lilc ," to .'. lac tn h is at In il won a g line by deteat. 1 In,' ITillailclplilu. i In :. '1 lie other games , l: -, lilcil: Ni'iisbtbgton I, I liKliin itl 1 ; M. I.u'ils i. p.iision o ; Pittsburg lg, llallliuiiic :i. I t, alien . s, heduleil M" t -da in billows: I At ( lewlaiul "m;m Yolk is. I lew I uul. At l.oiilsMlIe-lli'n.klUi is. Luulsiill'. , t iTiic'ijo Pliiliii'-llihla -. Chli-ugo. , At i hi, luiintl .in"lil'.(,t'i:i is. tluunnail. . .i t. bouts II 'sion i ht. bonis. Al l'lllsuurg llaltiniuie is. lTitsburg. I 'lids arteraoou at Monks Park the rtept rnutid ci-ins-coliiiti) uiuiieis or lids Mcmlty ' will tunipUc lur the senior ami Junior chain pi nsblps u( tlio National (.To -country As soc .uu. Tnelio piiilor ica-iis an I lour sentui- lyatiu will sunt, 'lho senior teams will lepie-eiit th Pros) ect Harriers, siiiiui'uan ilmriTS, Navlor Athletic Club ami tlio Manbatliiii Athletic Club. 'II13 Juulois 1 will inn me miles, the seniors elbt. 'Hi" tiatl lull out lm.liii.les it water pimp, ' hurdles, bii.s'iu-oud. nuk ellinbirtiraiid other obstacles 1 ali'iilatcil to bllugout the lliiiilr- I anee (,f the tiiiinclK. The lonliir packs wtll lm sect 01 the trail about II o'cloe ., the ' senloisnt -l uel, ck. Ill" '.M.l o'clock train ! 11 mil this city will atrPu nl the purl; in time tot tliosia.i. 1 Cajit. Zac'a C'nopei, ot tlio Aicadla Atld"tlc Assoi.lalio'i, slid Dili morning thai all ar il atigeinents had liem completed lor the big I buxlnif show to be glien at the 'Htlli Aieiiiiu l.)innnsliim. Ih-inklya, 10 nljin. He sis tlio lolloulng linguists will j iiosltlw.1) appuu' til eight-round bouts Pill Ilium ind ll.u iy Neiuuoci. Jim McN'amcc I nml .inck (,)i:liiii, and Mm Collins nul Imgene , Hoi'nbacliLi'. Tin1 Dauntless, t'nlon and MrtroDolltan Honing clubs will Iriwi l heir eight 11ml ronr 1 irc.t i.-ews Iu practice, on tlio Harlem to mot row. (apt. John (iiny, nf lip Star Athletic Club, I ong l-land CH). expects tho mcmtwrscr bis I I iinlaltun will makengooj shon lag this seioiiln general uthletlj work, as tliu men me wonting hard. Jeiry llarnclt, ot tlio Downtown Athletic (lilt), will lie one or Hie star ilgnterson the piogiatmui' or tin) annual boxing toiirii'iiuent of the .Mohican A. C , or Newark. The pre lltnlnarlih mil be luuglil t -night. The tlnals will beiliiiiled Moiiila) night, l'ho ITuo lias nlaitreits ot entiles anil sumo cieier short bouts arc espcetcii. A latgo delegation or lm at boxes expects to be present al this ex hibition. The inembiMour the Astoria A. 0. will cle. idle their lime lo Hack and Held woik nn well as 11 win,'. Captain llallett has tlio sprlntcis In hand, and c.xptcts lo una out some pi bo uliiuers. Tho New ork Athletic riub'a Summer linitsa at Tiaiem Island has been pin lu (un-1 illtlou lor the PuminiT's woik. II Is already iciy well p.itionl"d by tlie I Ittbs athletes. 1 I 'the spring guines ot the .New 1 oik Athletic Club. 10 biheld at 'bo Wai, 1 on June 11, uic ex.iiclcd to lead all 1 ast ew Ills. ! Hob will undcrtakp to stop lluiiii) I'liin II, .I'lliimv looiic) anil'loui Itoli blim, I line In iiij-.u'lguis, pi lour loumlsat New hi k to-ill,;!)!. It Isil.iluicl that ltubblus nn iu.tVs.ltL a i-l Mi'in-i iMimt iliau with leil i'lii.-li'iiil, 01 l.'ugl.u.d. I'lliliiiiidiis Is er) li.ilUn.'.ni nt tin nun or n Hairs in the II ill-l lislt.i'i.ctii negoilitlnus. He claims Unit Hall has 11 , oud reisoii ror no a.-cept-li g the nl) in) IP 1 tub, nld li Is 1 he sec. nml mis in .septemU:- I It.'sliiimniii will u-In ibts 1 1 lur two hci 1... beginning Mm 1 n, anil ilutuis thai In will show Hall up H h dui s not come to time. ' Ir'Hiilir'. II1.1 Vatil.tit'llnti. ibniier for 7.V. at lm- I 01 1 Mini, un b'lilon S. taio, Mu ISP, Al., li I 1 lliw lot in mi. ult. Cliariiiin i.ijii.'. ' Oood Evldone". Pnsftt.,1 "I ,."tir failie" In faior of patronling licniD Industry " ascl a Udtr r or Krully. " I think he H. Juaglng by the way lac m ine i.'oi k," 1 'piled I'redJy. f f"W USKD to suffer '(' rl U awful with indi- W fl ll ".fiction but I hard- A V ly ever have it Iv, H nou" fa' y Tlut man stopped jfyJi W catiny common oat- j tj mca. in order to (l!' VI l il I! lorce II O 'or LiciUajt. ni BSOYCLES. 'I 1 s. 1 a, i-iiiUi. it mtv.M OldwlieU taken ti ft.iuc ( rttnx iP, ) .t nt tfroint.hs.n4 'rfti it. -tk iruuni ).tinnt liUHe I ttmrn t m. ot. unj 1 1 1 en nmt t irt a.'tiiinl tool J wliiofi t 11. .tirmvi" w Hiiji-it Siiltt, 7.(10 to 1& ut, (in '' tol " lime Mcitk di, jy... i. $1 su. AtfiM. Jourua. itM IM.tU i b.NYUUU i l''(J uuu SI. . V v HE CLEANt.x. Ike evil nsults Hint often follow trout practical Joking suutilil serve as a cheek to those wiiu aie In the nail, i.f pl.i)lng i hem. ' Tnu t.iaei of people being driven ln-ati bv witless piatiks bale cine betore lb I 'iblio mi'iitiy ami icmtaiU nie of two oibei pi-1 stat ees which came under irjy pi-ituiial notice. Th' first was tint ot a levy timid boy wlicsu etili-r biutln'is were constantl) iilf,h! etilng blm until tin Ills mn ussysi'-in was almos'. Hli.ittviiil. Ine cltiiiix was leachid wTien tu) s"tit lilm ton closet where th'.')' 11M preU'il!l) d i'l 11 skeleton covered with ' plio.pliorus. I'll' shock of the dlscown) 1 Hi u-w Hi-; uu) into I1111I11 ten r, tiom wblci Uc molded oaly utter a seveic Initio Ur life. The other case i.'iis that or a cornuicr, ltd I tl. ncller who painted a red gush un bU ' throat, held an open luzo,- In his band, turned tliogu.s low and placed lilincU Iu nn attitude ol ikuth on Ids LoU ivlilie his most Intimate ! lilciivl wosslioiMi I Mo ilif. loom by others in llioseiiet. The Irion I, as he suiv ibosiip ' posed suicide, galea shriek and minted. As bo lu.1 a Lint I alfeclloti the shock killed him, A ilesj trom lllchiitoad, I.iJlana, stales 1 that a iiuiau thlrlj je.iM uld deliberate!) , waded out Into ilu river, lay djwnln lour j leet ot wuter and was (lrjivncd. Nu cause can bo assigned for this suicide, but Iu the ca.ic ot u dog w ha Is cald to have jump.'d frmu ino lirooklyn ltrlugc down Into Koutb stieet last iiUlit it Is siil J that a jullow cm or the i.piuslionax halbceu round deal lu ande- waier street, which may throw soiuj light on j ibe icasjii rur stildcsiiuctlon. 1 t I I sec that llrastus ltogers, the c.x-cliampion j oaisiuau ol America, had Joined thu ratika ot PeiieuTcts. lie was mairled yeslctday at 1 baraloga to Amite Hawkins, sister or the I well-know ii Saiatoga bake sculler. I " " " 1 Two Chicago men bale can led out In real- 1 It) what tha cartoonists hmu iu'lii ilctuilug lur) ears lu larlnus st)lcs. .Meeting iu tho j dark, each mistook lliu other lor a burglai, , and in iLelr struggles broke nearly nil the ruiultureln tlierojta besides sevend) ltijut- Ing each other ueroro tlio mistake was dlsoov. ' cred. '10 muko matters worse they aie Intl- j imilo IilcndJ, ur rather weru bcloie their en- ' couatcr. WORLDLINGS- Mra. Lllnbotli ttobblna Pcnnell, th arltdl' s Ife, sliarra her lualianu' atrsi.tiuu for tho biccle, which ah learuod to rid, s year ago. Mm baa hIcco nilileii the wheel troiu C'uIodo lu Vloalia aud all IhruaubtliiiTlatiHylTatiUii liiounuilns, Vhf,a Knitrard Kli.ttn a; was sliteou lie had writ ten ciuAallilt-iof btcrtm and colutntiaof verse. It itai, Ht Ihttt aca Ihlt he rn encaged O cutoludi as the suli-udtlur of .1 iiiis.a;it'r tlierc, 1'AdereiTskI bean to ila tliu piano hcn sii rears uld. At twriit)tUrds he i,u l'rulossur ul Music iu tho CouseriAturr of Straa'jiirj, IlTcrr time .Mrs. l,vlaud ManforJ ililts (sacra nmnto she gooi out lu aeo the tiny twe-.tory rot lane that wua ooce her home auJ her husb-od's. ( It lias theie that her uuly child eras born. Tlieie are eight Waterloo veterans still aliro in Prauie. Tho Untuxed Forolouor. , on, Jiitlje Stars ltcclproclty Is a groat tlilnjr. hlilpcs Yea. 1 bee chili propus s to rc moie ibe duiy Irom American implements or war. Rules Infracted. lroi Jiiiiie. "3lrj. Small," said thu star boat dcr to his landlady, "I thought )ou didn't allow smok i Ing in tho pallor." lilou't," replied Mrs. Small with energy. I no's doing it, I'd like to know " "M' )ou line time ) oil might step in I and iciuoiisnuto with tliu lump." Abating A Nuisance. It rum J'u.l-. P. M. f eeg Il'ml 1 wender how shouter's nelghbois ewr happened to make a Congress man ot hlmr How im uu itoui I suppose they wanted to gel him out or low a I A Good Enoug-h Ehymn. Itivm fuck.l Scrlbb'er I am getting up a McKlulcy campaign ballad forth! Uepubllcan Commlt lie. line uie a good woid lo rhyme with taitrr. irlend rafter reflection) -I can't think of n-a) thlug but sheriff. Ahead of the Old Man. (ion TV.III, .S'('in7.l " Arthur," satd a good-naiured father to his young hopeful, " 1 did not know until to da) thin you hud been whipped at school last week." Didn't )ou know It, par 1 knew It at tho time" Unpnrdonablo. ( rom Pur k, 1 " Jly wire has sent mo around lo thiash the society editor," ho announced, as ho entered the editorial looms. " What's the trouble?"' asked the elder. " In v riling up her dinner and ball last nlghlho negl . ted to call It aiiiucltuu. That calls lor blocd. I.etmegol la) hanJaoniho Ulatu I" T"hen ftaby was sick, ve gave her CaEtorla. When she was a Child, sho cried for Castorin. When she becmc Mis, she clung to Castorim. When sho had Children, she gave them Cattoria. S TEnRIOLE DISEASE. NeKtoct Alono lo What (Vln'xoo It. TM cpftl'fs tint I v& Mt!ckei .uHi tiirsljH ' nf f o JMt al-it in 1 'IT, nml lifcve r. nc that Unit? In-mi inulcr fho trituictn i f i.tinii piijim'i.vii.t an J ' triil arloua r'Mniillpi. . o it . i t n't y r I hit irt-r pif I tit rt fi irk, ft ffiv hp ft t tr tin . lit Aunt. lii'MlH-Mt 1 tt..lltf l'r ttWPtlP'a Nrr vuta, r1 I am n iit nblc in it I It .J.I".'it i cup, liaviiiK (intt iimi i.l Lit I'ofit umthlcti'Mt Intitf nt t Irt, Dr. (rem rui ,n cuinl me of mi terrible triable, AM'.XANpnr. no:u. Stnrmn Anli.M, 1'liJ ntlf'jj'i.n, l'a. Smurii to intl nitn.i'U'd teture metu" 11 l day of l.-cemlor, A. I). Ht. J. S I'mt T.ll'f-, Xottry Vutilii. I'rosnf like V.Ai li uu nlftliilrlv rerlulti fcii.irniilre tlmt ail slmllnrlv n(lrilrit ctn Lt tured I j tin RtMidprfi'l tomHy. " nnf hri lair J-trn niniw irAn ftrt t "ttora't m to l.fttth itM luri tKirh I17 in. n: Dr. (riniir'i Nftrura, thu tirt Ni tf Cure. lMreli Tcetnblea'id liar.iilrju. UruiKtiti, 41. Ul'. CLl I 1' I , IiliUWilii ,riflrittl,0 I'lrst JIMIIMIHIM for the) uirlv l,tfiil lo I'l uslrutiuii nml J'lirnljpit "'ine Vonr-stt'HrM I10111 1I10 Trrrllilr lKeiir Whllr Tlicrr Im Ttmr. TiioowholiaT liatt thp (rl are ucciiharly liable tn paraljH, olnc ti the i.cfiTjr Meilcnlnj? etTect ot tLli (ll(sfant uiiuntl)t lunesaml tlie ner om eiliaufctlon It alira). lea.u. jnw fir tufftf iiftjtom nitint'tirt, trrm(lf'lt 1"' i A , Itrnl ftrl iint rifirHfit Htit'tt, tin t hytrnt txliantion !?fl !, .ifir'Vi m nl ut tlfjrt(nit 11 f 11 rat' in, nrrrnu ur irk KtU'titehf, hart Hnt, iti'itptj Jti'!. iutlf j-lfin, " ai'itttt comtifHi' iin 2.c . by all moitift iirio thli wo'ldrrful rrtnoy. Dr. (irpcne'a Xrrurj. an.l an primnt 1'ai ali iti. rrnMrntlmi ur Drutlu JWDr (Jroone, the cuncunful fppcfalist incur I'lKfll fnrmt nt mm. in and rhruuic .liscar.e9.3o West 14th ht.,Xpf Yurk, can Lo lonuultcd ru, personally or hy lettnr. Call or riltphlrn aboiit your cat, or m-nd for aymptom blank to HM out ami a letter, fully cspUlniiiaT your diaeise, givinc adtlci, Ac,, will b returned, frre. Scrofula is, in the main, a disease of early life. Home knowledge is all astray about it. You cannot tell whether your child has it or not; your doctor will know. We do not prescribe. We are chemists. We make the remedy, Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil. Your doctor must tell you when to use it. A book on careful living tells what scrofula is. Shall we send it? Free. coTT&nouNE, Ch'.muu, ijz South 5th Avenue, New York, Your druggist kiepi ce.raEmuUio.i of cod-liver oil all druggist everywhere do. $1, 6 wmmimimtwmmtmimmmmmmmimmmammtmmmmmtmitmmammtm,nm Clay Diagonal I'rock font and Vest, $10.00. bin bargain Ne, ph. id en I'heTiuU ainl brizi, ulnijlo ortUmbitbrLaattHl, ifirj.Uii O. A. ):. hultH.OJ.UU. , txtra art ol bit.ttnn hpring Ovr-rioat. apt-rial line, $0 110. nOYh'. OlMllH1 AND CIULdKKVS SUITS. 1 wDar latpat ollt-r Ro'k iMut, xtra (ualh, witn rxtra innta ajd cap, 41,'Ji. 'u eitri (.harsa it made u litre riti;iMT is sivi:x. FURNITURE CARPETS FOI.m.MJ UKI1S, KEKItlORKATOIS. I1AUY CAHItlAl.l.M, .M.M'it.NelS, OILC'LUTHS, BROOKLYN. Atsdt anil 4011 l'ulloii ft will lie fouml a full line ct Alen'-i, Youths' and Hoys ( lollilng, LaillLn Wraps, Jackets, Ac , Ao , same pricea aud same terms Open Wednesday end Saturday Kvenlngs uutll '.I..I0. KXTIIANl'l. TIIKOUUII rUKMTUIU. STOHH. T8 KELLY5 263 3th av.& 104-106 W. 17th St.1 A Case of Deri: Despair. r in 71m- m iUii.; 1 Ilurlcipio Acticss daie)uu any black-sllk tljlit-i? 1 Ucrk No, madam; but wc haie otherrol- I "rs- I lluilesipio ctre-.s I must haioblai k. My 1 husband died lecently, and I'm wearing mourning. Stern Brothers, will oiTer in their Ladies' Cloak Dep'ts ' CAPES of English Serge Cloth in Black.Bdies.Tans and g w r? f 1 Grays, Embroidered and Trimmed with Passementerie at 95U I CAPES of Tan, B'u?, Blacl: & Gray Bedford Cords, W ! Vicuna Cloths and Serges, trimmed with Lace and Jet at s ttQ O1 CAPES of tine Tan, Gray and Back Corns n f" r trimmedwithSi'kr-mbr'y.jL-t&MossTiinimingat 9fi fOaOKj ; REEPERS ot 'Ian Covert Cloth, B'ack English S.rge n t m. j and Vicuna Cloth, double breasted at "ZIo-DU DRIVING COATS of Tan Coveit Cloth, Venetian and n - w Kervey Cloth. Double-breasted and fly fronts at O. 5 REEFERS of Tan Kersey and BlacK English Serge ; q p? r. j Cloths, double breasted with Silk linings at " O0Sij j COACHINO COATS of Tan Bedford Cords, Kerseys, Black Vicuna Cloth and English Series, A f f) P? double breasted with changeable and Black Si.k fi Jn O linings at West Twenly-third St. Qtern lJ Bros. " direct attention to their complete lines jh of exclusive styles of Men's .;; Spring & Summer ;,',', Neckwear i: i a and will offer " n..i htii Hi the new ;' Windsor r FourinHand ?' en in English Twill Silks ' ' at 1 W O in Also a choice collection of ii if. Paj annas & l Negligee Shirts ; including a special line of ! - Twill & Zephyr . $'' Pajamas ' lUs $2.45 at Aty T J' u ja'i West 33d St. !:i: It . RAILROADS. '' READINCtEAILEOADSYSTEM Station foot oTLiberty St., NorthRiver. , 'M lliuo Tallin ill rfteel prll 11, 1802. i tn i TruliiH lettle ilu l''" Central Railroad or New Jersey . ," For Phiiatleipliia, BaltiniDre and Washington ltOYAL BliUE JLINK. 'I, Pnr I'hllidel' lila, 00, 7 1.',. 9.00, 10.01). 11.30. '' with Dniint; Car A. M.. 1 110, J 15, U.W), wltB '; Dinilii; Cjr, 4 l), .''.00, (i on, 7 111 I". M., V I 1J I'l inchl. him.. ss. 'J. Ill), lu 110, 11.11), with il, I llininKl ur, A. ai., 1 JO. .1.311, with Dlulns Car, . . j no, I. on I', lil , 1) I;, niilil. lor li.ltliu.ire aud War-bituton dailjr. At tl.UO, 11 HO. lllillinintf Car, A. 11 , 1.3U. 3.J0 Uinlnj; " tar, 1,00 ,'. M. l'.MSmtilnlKliI- "' 1'arlor Cars on Day Irani., bleepers on fi'tzbt . I Tiuiii- i. , 1 or Hcnrilnc. UarriitliurK.l'iitUvIllp, dVo.,at 7.15 .mi I A. II., I 1.0, 4.011, O.IIU, inci-l.t t'otlsvllle. 7.UU, ' , nxri'pt lUrrlHtmrc, I. Al , 12 o ulalit. eicetit ' l 1 Sitlird-il nlillit hin.i!a)n, 11 till A. .M.. d.tlu. r nictit llnrrl.lmrir, .1.1.0, escept rottsvllle. o.uo l mr.til llnmaln'r j. 1' s.t i. if, ,iht. I'nr R ill. n. . inill, Leivlsliiiric ami litllaItllnt, via 1'nl'adeU ,,,, t'hia, .-1(7 A. -M.. 1 110, 7. ail P. il., l'J.ISnmlit. S. uicrpt SnturJny lilnlit, bundajs, 0 1'. 11.. l'J. 15 """ l.ndi iitlit ' '' I ur l.istnn, 4.00, 7 15, 8.43 A SI., 1.00, 4.30. 1 i n 41. ? mil', M. Sunday, 4, JO. 7.00 A.M., 1.00, imu f. .nil'. M. ,n 1'or lletlileliem, Allentoivn. Manch ChunV, it,, ,.,, 4.110,7.15, H.45A. M.. 1.00,4 .10,5.45, 7.30 to " Allciitimii 'I' M. ,Suudas, 4.oU. 7.0J A. M., I un. 5 :iJ 1- M , '" 1 i'nr MlUestiarre, l'lttstnn and 'crnntou, D.45 ''i A. M . 4. llll' M. Slllltsjs. 4 Jv. n. SI. 1. 1 For IIUli llriilf-Hrancli. B.4J A. St , 1.00, 4 30 ,,., I'. M l.i nia)s. 1 UU 1' JI. ''"' rrri, Aniliiiy and outh Ambov, at 4 30, Mil, K H. II 15 A. St., 1 .10, 4 00, 4.J0, 5.15, I, "C II nil. 7..1U 1'. SI. hilndays. 9.1)0 A. SI., 4.00 . ' I'. M. I or Freidiold and Atlsntlc llle'-lands. 4.30,8.15, ,, , 11,15 ". .11. . 1 .til 4 .'il, 0 Ul 1'. M. MuQdays (ei- ' ' CHpt I teeholdi. i) 01 A. M , 4 OU 1. SI. '" I or Iteil Hank, Wmz IttalK-n and tioint. aonth ta . n I'mnt 1 nisaiii. 4 .III, H lo, 11.25 A M. (1.30, Mm 11 4fi. Ited l!ank nn)), l.nd, 4 'JO, 0.00 1'. M. hniiuis, eieept () uul (iioie aud Asbury Park, ..i. V OJ A. il., 4.00 P il. . "" For LAKE WOOD. , AH 30, MR A. St.. 1.30. 3 45. 4.20 P. St. 11.1 1'or Totiu I'lrrr, ttarnepat I'arlc and liaraesat. .so 4.dll, 8 15 A. M. 1..1H, 4 'JO I'. SI u... Ki-rAtsiiti Clt. Vmebiul and llrldgeton, 4.30 ,"' A. SI.. 1 Jill' 1 1-orSloiiiiio.itli n.'.ldian.l Seabrlgllt, 4.30, 8.1S, "! 11 15 A M . 1 JOaiul 4.. 0 1' ",t. Tl'nllts Iciiv e Ithoi e etutlo I l hi I Isi LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD ' For IliilTili), Ni.i&ii'.i Falls and ll:o West IU H 15 A il..7.'lur. S!. Sundays. 7.3a 1. SI. lur i'aslon. 7.0'J, 8 il A. SI. . 12.30. i.15, 3.45, 6 IS, 7. IU l" ll. .Sundays. 8 13, 11,00 A. St. I 4 40, 7 till I'. JI. I l-nr llflhle'iein. Al'e'itown anil Staurh Chunk', r. 7 Oil, H.I.', A. SI . 12. JO, .1.15. 5 IS. 7.J0 l. SI. U Ism iiiim, 8 15, 11.00 A. M , I 41), 7. S8 l SI. fl rrllarlpon. K.1 JI. . l'.'.JO, J.45, 7.J0P. SI. Mm lay, s 1", 11 A. M 7.33 I'. JI I or pom., in tlm nhauo iiul reirion At 8,15 A.M., U.J0, J.45 1' St Sundays, 8.15, 11,00 A M. Tor IVi'kH.bsrrp, I'lllHlon nml eranton, 8. 15 A. 7 J 1 ; 12 .I'l, 3.41, 7.10 1'. SI. .Sundays, eiuept . tsi-rsiitiin. 7 .IS I'. SI I I r r'lmlra, s 15 A. M, . 12 30, 7.SU P. SI. Sun. ,1ms 7.38 I'. M Tuk'-I ami parlor , ar scats ran be procured at 172. -j:.5. 'Jtil 41.1. 75, 1142. 1140 Broadway. "H Jliliral -t . .114 Cimal at.. .11 l.ast Hllist. 2J5 Ciiluiulii"! arc. nml 5.1 Mcsi llth bt , New York; aaa Wa-lihiKtnii si., 721! t-ti'li.u at, lirooklyn, and 74 ilronlway. IllUiusbtira I Wistt-utt's rp-o. ( o will call for and check t aKne 1 1 out liolel or resiileiico tudeatlnation. a il A A. llc'.l-.OI), C. li HANCOCK. ,, i'ns't audi. en. 'it'ur. (leu. Pass. Aeent. l ,r AVERICA'i GHEATE3T RAILROAD.' '(l, SMEW YORK ::' CENTRAL ' & HUDSON RIVER RR. ''.. tiiieel l.iiie lu Nlai-ura li'iills. lot, AH Irriiia uirivout nml ilcia-t Irinii (Iratid Cen. , trill si a ii.ili, (lie only rallrosil htallon In tho city of ' lll'll nrii 'lialus feaie MS lo lOHS J i, t'.I.OO;Ml'llli:sl'AIl.l:vl'ltES3-Fst. ci-l nan, in ll world Noextrnlars. u ' .11,1(1 1. .11. I'VsT SlAll.-ror i'ouchkeepsle, m ! .tltiatiy. Naiat-jra. Jlotitn tl. Utlta, hyraouse, '"' I iliiclieel'ir, ItaUvi t an l llillla o. n, ) .u 1 lll.UO A. .11. -.sil.M mtlv AXI) CHICACil) N I..SIH.III.I. l,lMin.i)-Uau al C'blu-o 0.4) I 51. in st -lay. Itl.a.l A. .lt.-llAY i:i'lU:.S.S-I)ally .icepl '0i i rat" '"'. h. soiniivrsTi:n-; i:stiiiui.i: c 1 l.lMlll.H-neel'iiiUnnrtl II 11, ludlanapulU. , u, II LA. ..I. .si Louis, i 1.1 P. Jt .... 1 I. till I', ll.- Wtlhl.u'M I Allt isi'l.CIAI-Diie , I liieaj., .1 CO 1' I. licit cny ,,., i. J.iill I'. II. Nim'lll hllOlir VrM'll'.ULl. LIJinilD-lniHl in ii, 4. l I' Mi. -at Jay. a (I. llll I'. II. 1ASI' tl, M't'lIN 1 'l'li:s.1-Oa Ul I nlcatrutl UUP. .ll St. Lam, 7.45 s '',. "I ' ll.Vi.l l', 1l.-AI)lltilM)S Is AMI MCIIS rilllAf. I I.M'ilLriS -Ilu. at Muiilrcnlat , 5A 51 . 7. ltd!'. II. -111)1 fsl.l) .MIMl.AUA 1'AI.I-s rs.'I'CI AL llu. ll.itlul.,. 7. ,0 A. JI . ' H.tIO I'. .11. -CI Ml SNA 1 1 ANI) hT I.O0I1 rM'lll.Ss Duel llii' 7 llll' St .llldlau a.iii Ij. 10.40 I' M..M. I,lt. J .I'll' SI. In, ll.rt'l I'. .11. USIIi'I.ll l'Ah'1'HAIt.-blotpliW i in l'si.i,.iii.'i'rslor llisili-slcr "ii y 'li tl.l.YI', II. I'll ('Alio Mull l' LM" nifiS. . . Pll-I.s flbll. LI'..MlX.,.(liril AilAJttl AMJ Jo 'llll lini.KSIIllii: IHI.IJs l?,tnro,in trsln. . , TU.M. -f 1.01 A. ?L. duo I' tl.ll.ld. 1 .0 I. .J' Ins .Norm A.laiu.tiau I'll tJ.50 I' SI., ilno Wtla r eld K. llll'. M. . Nonll Adams 0 10 P. JI to Tor tunc d local iniii.. ti, kct and Pr" J" tl Mci'iillic Cars, apply i '.rand ( sntral htallou nr , al .'ill, IU, 785, 1142 linuilway, 12 Park ii c . JJ ( oluiiilms '.'. 53 Most t'JSili et. and i?,i'.', ' slatlou Now lorl. .13 1 .W aslllnslnil st . I''"' lb, io',,.i.,aii.;iJHIli1(i,r.lave., 1. II. Ilroojlyn. 1 Daily eiccptH'liilais other miusdir . ii Ahote trains, eaceiHlilos. Iosviiib all) 00. J.l If A M.; HOP. JI .sto.tPJRIIi.l nation joti??.'rf. ,iswi?.!i..,ft