Newspaper Page Text
extra, i nfjip ipiM L I I "" PRICE ONE CENT. NEW YORK. SA'IVUDAY. MAY 14. 1802. PR:;E 0NR CEN1'- I DON'T FAIL TO BUY THE SUNDAY WORLD TO-MORROW- f mm ....... BLIMUiE!, . i At 12 to I Captures the First Event at the Hilltop To-Day, 1 EUTTENBUHG'S LAST DM. I ! 1 Blilzen Takes t!ic Handicap from H Badge and a Good Field. MU trr nAr Tf Tin ivvvhi ifi'.n.l H Ciuttknbcro Hack T'iuck, May 14. The 9M Hudson county Jockey Club ended Its meet Blug to-duy with diour) weather. It illil not Ml keep tLo crowd away, however, and thcro Jweru Hilly ...not) people present when tho Hj bugle suunaud Horses to tho pist" tor tho B opening event. MM Manager carr --.ild tint tliu meeting BM during tho Winter unit the spiing "' the hill Hv.aa tho iuO-t Mttccssfiil ever hold there In H every respect and thai cut body connected Sj wllbthu Association wore perfcetly satisfied. m Ulluen hoifos raced the biaricr in uio i JH; opening event, in one of the bnakuwa)s mm) Hiacl.tborn, who had the Injciilon, ran uway i Wi ncmy three milts und hadm lie withdrawn. locoa was favorite toi the race, out got away nm poorly and was nevirablj to got tliiiiugh UH V Held, lilmstnnc, nguliint whom l'-! to I was Mmtt quoted, won in u i until'. HB Tho therein. hbrrds in training belonging to ini the WcoJland Stable were wild at auction here to-day. Harlequin, by-llyder ll, dum JHL i. a tl"I. ivent tit .f. l.uwioncc- f' r SlioO. Tliu UU I'minuet, 10 llj dT All, dam Music, K. hi B Hint, s-,'.7.'i. snndowne, li) spetidthilfl, Zuc- leka, II. K. I.hrens. '.',.l(io. 1H Din. was a fuvorlt-' I ir tho twp.year.ola V race, but in a good tinlsh he was beaten three Mf pnrtsof a length b) (iladness mi). V 1'. Ilu'lov, o,vtu rut m. John, wild won the . H tliirJinu )eslenl ly, has ilmi'iti'd tho pulse ' m thuiTiv 1'iv. I' will b"iemeiu-, be id that li wus rlttli'H- St. John that caused Mm. I'usl slnjuiy. A gciuleiiiaii told an Lvcmmi IM ,imi.ii lepi rter thai he hus In to bee row J,M i'-il v ami that he Is getting aloug talMy H well -ii d tn o recover. ) lipst.iT was made a. I to .'i choice lor the tldni , .i , vMMi Mn.i'-iiickReciindclioiie. The b Ihui w .s will rnlili u b) Kli itn. who took TH tin b i gniii,-and won U) n scant length. -b .1. Ki Ih, mini i ii! klngstock, won t.'i.OOO on HB the lace. T tie I urth was the handicap, and tho evi lit of i (lav li was a spirited hotting a'Tali, und nearly oveiv hnr-c In the race whs Uicked. II He 1 ml went In (lie pi si a slight lavnrlte -i liaise. ITuTil lo 1 i ould he ob- tulued a 'iinsi lliitin.wliu won a line luce by K a ncik mill I a lie 1 ml. K 'ra J'uriie MOO: wilphtsynll). ubovc tho Male; mS bellliif. live iuilon0'i. UK iMrl.t. II -..!.(. .r,,,.va M.I, III, ft. ill l.ltiintutix ... IJJ .1 pinm.. ! H 1' La ('oUlKtrraui. lij VorplMii.k A '1 'J1 1 l.ibiiL.u Ill .Oilmit M 4 an M uIiim. i ,i .... I'.Ti Kulb a I. 4 IH lian-i'ij uj ii)iin ii 'i i )Hf I n rl.L- iii l'J2 11. .Iuiic 4 i r- ! Viiikii- M iriit-j lo; 'I 11) nit 7 N " M IJullililer . I.'' "! Ilnui-ltl.' 1'' H H I...O,. H'l.. . I rlsli 111 7 II H .iiU u.,11-, li ;i i'....k ii ii in hnii-r I liiLA-l Mlly HI Mitil-krr . :' 5 11 H Mintoirr Uj Uliitvliraill.l U VI I Klikkkunk .... Ul .lliiilnii I U 1.1 R SwiTll.rPil lJ M ll'lilio. m Hint k'liutn I'JJ lltirstmi 1 P Lelt lit pit. l. I Hail aim) , didn't flirt. W. l'uvt I i-'ttii u ( olii.1, A la 'J Hint 4 til 5, l--er ' Loilgi' 'J lo 1 miiIH to a. Ilnltlt-t r), 7 In 1 iuhI U t 'J lli)..ctli.ii. s In 1 uml J to 1 -Miftlinml, 1U In 1 And 4 tu 1 , Lebmiuu. lotn 1 and 4 tn 1 , .M.ivi:ii-.Miir- l hy, 111 tu 1 n ul 4 to 1 Khn.luni', l'J to 1 anil.' toi . Sntir 1 hi i' ul 1 . 1 1 v . 1 Mo I Kiulli tu I. Lol.lsl ri-am, 1'it.i 1 midli in 1 11 iiktl.nrn. IR tu 1 uimIC. ml , (iiilltliU-r. J ta 1 nn-l Sin I hliuirer, 40 In 1 unit lilol Km. kknn.l. !l0 lo 1 ami 40 to 1 , .Iumh flla 1110 t - 1 ana 40 tu I M li whs ii lulilv (""dstaii tor all Mithwiel. bieud, whfl was kll ul lln-pol. KlliiMmn made all the riiiiiilnt: and won In a K.illop U K lour i-ni;i lis liom t'oidslreaiu, who wai thici. lilivihs lemrr la banoii. 'I Inn -l.d.'l. MUlilels paid: stialht, .V.V,.- ; place, n tt:;i.:;o. ti ia&tteaiu -iaiii r.'.o.'i. B KtroMi ucr- H T'uri-o 4-10U; or two- cai -olds; allow nnccs; hull a iniii.. (B EiartrTM HrlijMt. ..irUia. Mrf. Hr.fli I, aJu, tllly ...... 10:.. tu, ffl.i I. 4 ll .,... 115.. I . VanK'n '-' 'J" !!' B 'I iitui- ... IMJ.,11. Jourit . a .11 ltl Mi.liaiilliiod DO Ulliuaii 4 li 4 IB l.ituuni no Mttou I IH 5 ' Wlilli'li al .. Ill"- U)lur .7 7 II llu k-r Hill . Itn Ilu ft .1 7 M Larnalllo . JISu uldlpr S S It jack l.uvud ij I'lny 11 0 U H Pimt lltittitic Out, rt tu .laud 1 lu U, (jImIiiuhs ally. 7 tu-iaiidii la .. Wliiti-ussd. II In 'i an.l S In ,H 6 1 Put nam nml uuil 'J In 1 . ?lloliMiiiiiird, li to 1 V nnil li tu 1 lliiukiT Hill, la itu-l 1 anil l tu Is . 'Iramii ao tu 1 mul 10 tnl,Jai.( Inivell. 50 tn 1 and 1 a to 1 . i ariiuiitn, 1110 tu 1 and 40 tu 1 B To apntMl st in l'tit and i)in wcie the M Orst pair awaj. 'ihey ran totrcther to the M btrctcb. w linn Putnam ipjlt. 1 u tin- lai tin - long Oladiicis nilv camo iliroiiKh and wun by fli three part'Mita lemjlh Irom one, who was (Jw1 two lenirths Irmii 1 lump. 'Ilinei).4lii. m .Mututlb puld : Mrals'ai, tiy.bO ; place, J H.i'B. Uni paid ij.'.'jo. 'I 111 1111 lUCL". 1'urso $400; selling j lh rurlonKR. B Miltltr- Wtiyhti. ...rfrtfl. Alil, ?, ft. I KlniiitiHH .... H 'I I'ljnii ...2 -" II I 'llliatalt 11-1 Martin a Hi vl Panoay . . 'li II -lunpi . I HI .1' H Jioli Arthur .. 94. t-lluian ..4 4 4 (1 AlmaT S3 l.rimu .S 7 ft II lattledikti.. llll Hi no . a II li II OrtKOii 104 'laylui. s ft 7 III Karatune .... US llrouka 7 S S (IL 1'ott llpttiUK Tipi-taft, II tn ft ami out; King- f stuck, 3 to 1 and il to 10 l'amia),? ami J.lattln I A Jaktf, 7 to 1 ami ft to li, ll.iti Artliur. s and 3, Alma 1 ' T., lbandft; OrtKou.llUand u, hjratuti, 1U0 ami I, SO. f When the Dag tell runway a In front, I closely lollowed by hlugsiock und 'llpsiafr. ry '1 hoy ran without any change tor n furiong, M when 'llPalafT went to the from. In the Inst f turloni; Joo t-lynn brought Klngstocl. through In tho middle of tho track und won bj u length. Tlpslalfwas second, tho hamo ill. I lancobeforo l'anway. 'lime 1.0k'?j. K Mutuelspaldtr'tralgbt, tu.50; place, 4U.-13, Tlpstarr paid 2.B6. K roniTii iuce. B ruraetSOOi handicap j six and a half fur- I tones. J fitartrri. WH: Jmli'V. i'rl. llll. Hi. IJItfen 107 II, -loura., ft 4 1 .ItlU rrad 101 .'!. Iljuo . 1 P VJ I Vairabouil !0..(lrlthu .... S li" II U?dS 117,.1'lyim.. .il 7 4 H Klodnrly ill. snedekcr . I s 6 It J-Mter us, uiay 7 r. & , ,.11'i Merrick ,0 n 7 J Ifrd IUrry.....il9U.. Martin. . H ft W TW .... ...,v, i ;iu 5 tn 2 ami even, Lord llarry, l to 1 and 8 toft, I'nuatl n anil U tn Si Kltiiherljr, (1 and 2. II iten, s to 1 ami a to 1 Va;aluud. 12 tn 1 and ft In 1 Lrrtor, liU to 1 and a to 1 , Drraucu, .IU to 1 am) 10 lol Utile Kredwnaa length In front when tho tlut all, but tho others Wfre bunched closo up. 1 lynn tent Utile 1 led out, lending by ti eonplo ot lensths to tho strctcn. llllten tnen began to move up, mul in a spliltid llul-li beat Lltllo 1-red a length. Vagabond was I third, 'lime l.aa. I Mutuels pild: straight, 17.40; place,' 4S.05. Little I'red paid jj.Oo. H1T1I HACK. I'urse JUO i selling ; one mile. I Slurlrri. ll.l., ..ifli... Slrl. 111. ". ! Chun hill Clark. Ills 'laytnr II 4 1' l'.llmu Ill J. McOlo'e 1 an 'ih I iretly 11J ll)nn 4 'Jt' al' loiiawier In2 I oldtM '- J 4 irsli- 104 II Jonea . s 7 ft I.ail) I'llMfur lOi I'nok ft H "j hMnpland 1115 lliinn , 7 n i l uaracltr lor. hm-dflcr . fi ft o bir (Iforuc II 107 J Dula ... Lett at putt foil Ilettinn -l-'lrftly, 7 to 10 and out. Churchill Clark a to laud 4 toft. Vlrgle, o to 1 and S to 1 , jVlham. I J tn 1 and 4 tn 1 , , . ,. Lady I'liltlttr, 12 to 1 and 5 tn I . Kunpland, 1ft to 1 ami ft to I Characfc-r, 25 to 1 and S t'i I . Sir Ixiomu II . JO to 1 and d lo 1 , 'lop Sanytr, lull to 1 ami .10 tn 1 ... 'lop sawyer niado nil the running for three nuanersoi a mile, when Churchill Cla;k drew away on tho outside and won by a length ir-'m I'tlhum, who was a head before ITrctiy. Time 1.4SM. Jlutuels paid: Straight, 13.56; place, JltUO. remain, $ place. tlXTll HACK. 1'urEC 400j selling; seven furlongs. , Bfltlnil . .SMrlttt triAlit Jt.ttyn MfnlcM. I'larr Alptbra oldlnR 111 look MI--1 20-1 .Icihn Winkle. 1U4 T. Hyun ... . f.-l H- Ktialtau Ill llunn .. 7-6 1-1 Prince llouard. 122 M Uonoliuo.. 41 4-ft l Mirry lluku 100 II Juiifa. .. 5-2 .1-ft I Clamor lift J.Kenny. ll-l 12-1 Lnmii.lrlde U.I llunton ...10-1 H-l liradnate . . 112J !ol 15-1 4-1 Won by Khaftnn, John Winkle second and Merry Duke third. Time l.'l','. Gloucoslor Racea. rarrclAI. TO THIS rVENlMI WOnLP.l OtorcrsTEi; ItAc-tTitACK, May 14.-llesults of to-daj.'s races follow Vlr-t Unco l'our and a half lurlongs. Heglster Ural, tirlmuldl bceoud, ltlallo third, 'lime, 1.(1 IU,. second Itucc six lurlongs Disappoint, lnent nrst, alaiihnnscU tocoud, tdule Jl. third. 'llme-l.i!sV4i Ihlid Itaco six and a halt lurlongs. lllclial first, Iliackburu i-ecaua, l'eUianie ilhliil. 'lime l.yo. 1 luiiilh llace seven.clclitb!. of a mlle. I Stnouluov won, with ltuielgh second and liil-vle third. 'Ilme-1.;7. I nitli liaci' l'lve-clghths ot a mile. liar I theua vion, with Austial second and llonnlc 1 Lass third, 'lime l.osj. STRUCK BY TIDAL WAVES. Several Pooplo Injured on tho Btoamshlp Normnnnla. Vho steamship Normaniila, of tholliimhurg- j American line, which anlvedthli altcmoon, was strucl: by three tidal waves Tuesday i night, and ncaily tverjthlng movable on ; decu was destrojed. This was Just cast of the Hanks of Newfoundland. C nlef Olllcer Meyer's thigh was badly hurt, fine sailors HI") vern broken and tho car , pentcr uml Loathivaln wero coLslderably hurt. i N-tcrnl stcerngo passengers were knocked about and more or less Injured. Tho steam-1 ship's bl on loom was dismantled, her for-1 I ward turtle-back wrecked, her ventilators I 1 torn away and her rails torn away. I There was almost a panic among the steei-1 I age pn-sengers. Notwithstanding her mis adventure, iho Noimaunla mado tho run Irom Southampton lu tl da) s, '.'3 hours aud 40 minutes. MUSEUM MEN HELD. j But Simply to Mulio Test Cases or tho Sunday Law. The eainlnallon of (ieorgo 11. Iluber, pro prietor of lluber's Koiirttenth stieet Mu seum, ihurged b AgentsOardiierandllowes, lot the Hcv. 1)1. Attcrbury's society, with I sabbath breaking, was held by dustlco Kll birth in tho Kssi:. Mnrkel l'ollco couit, this ' morning. Agent Gardner tcstliled that he aud several I other agents vxut to the museum last sun ! duv and saw an educated donkey and a ! lialned hcro. 'Iho horte was ablo totelllls age, ui arithmetical examples and kiss tho girls A point of law was raised that theie was 'no si ener) moving and no cui tain, and no co-tuiiies. I' was no performance, but mi 1 1 ly an exhibition. I .iu-iii' Kllbri'tli was ot tho samo opinion. . lie did not believe Mr. llilljer was gulltj under the law, but for the purposn of ullow- lnga test ease lo bo mado ho held him for trial. Albert Hernsteln. of the "Oaletj" Museum, i of mil llnwerj, had a inuglclan giving n pm- toi manic list Miudav. 'ihe miiup points were i ralsi d In his en-e. He was held for trial. i 'Ihnmas.Meahan, of llin "Ulobe' Museum, 1 ','us How cry was also luU. GIANTS DIDN'T PLAY TO-DAY. j Rain and Wot Grounds Caused tho Onrne's rostponoraont. The few people who lournejed up tn the' Polo iirouiids toslay with Iho expectation of witnessing tho game bet wren tho Now urk and Philadelphia teams were sndly dbap. Iiolnti'd, as the rain loll the grounds In biieh a bud condli Ion tint the gsine was poslponed. I 'Iho teams will play two games nn .Monday. Thn Rrooklyni In Boston. ! Ikihmi. ro thk rvrstso wnriLp. i ' lin-TON-, May 1 1. liroiii'lvn and Iloslon met on iho baselnll grounds hero lo-dav. Hat- , lerles-clirl.sonnud Kellj ; felclnnnd llalley. 1 Memo by Innings: Itn.tnn i t ti o 0 n 4 llroukljli 3 1 0 0 1 II 0 - - w I.nwyor Towlor Is In London. William A. Fowler, u joung lawyer assrt. elated with Congiessmeu .lohn II. I'cllows, who disappeared Irom his homo ul till I'eny street, over a month ago, has been heard Irom. Tho nas ti. Flnnnirj.a saloon-keeper at the loriier of Oieenwlch nnd 'Ivveltth streets, railed at the t ( ntral umci- this alter noon nnrt showed a letter vvhiih he had re ceived irom I'owler. Iho latter l In lndon. m f Goddnrd-McAullffo Fisrht, Juno 20. l? nu itrl r iir ' ftov Francisco, May 14. Tho California , Cluti has decided on June '.'s for Iho Ooddard- McAullflo fight. Tho betting here Is slightly In favor of McAulliTo, but t.oddard has mado so good uu impression that evou money will " prob tbly rule before the fight. Harvard Wins Again. ir- tpfirMirn itm. IlANOvm, N. Il.i May 14 Ilascball: Har vard, Ti; Dartmouth, (I ntrr tba lUriNOJ ltiooani loniathlnt newt no I. battlua man can, do without If. , THE WEEK'S EVENTS IN BLACK AND WHITE. Tho wretch who'll .injuria III rtijiille, Bi lictnti i trriltnl rliht. VticU Sam hat imllnl thn Klrlng, In t'll'tit tithtihl the ryufl.rr aijirilltl. CIVIL JUSTICE CLAKCY EK. His Daughter, Mrs. Connelly, Also at the Point of Death. At the homo of (Tvll Justice Charles M. clano, 05 l'rlnce street, 11 was said this afternoon that he was delirious, but his Suhiily still hoped that he inlghl recover from the shoik of paruljsls bv which he was ! stricken down last Wednesday. Despite the hopes ot his family, friends of tho Jtistlco, who were ecu by an Lvimno iiKi.n leporter, said that there had been no material gain, and the fear was expressed thai his end was nut lar ofl. 'I he whole of Justice Uinej's left side Is said lo be I) iral) ed. lu the sime house with Judgo (.luiicy his Ijoungest daughter Agues, Mrs. John Con I mil), Is alio Ding at the point of death, sho I has been ill lor six weeks, over sinco giving 1 birth tn a son, and tho ph)Blcluiis despair of her recovery. she was married two vears ago, while still a pupil In tho Thirteenth street iirummar -chool nnd her youihtul hiisoni'd i was a student nl St. Francis Xavlers col- i lege. i .liidk'n t'lanc) was very Indignant at first, j for l he marriage was a rluiiilcilneiine, but ho micro arils to-guve Ids daughter and .bl and liei husband went lo live Willi the Judge at tl.'i Prince slnet. SENATOR VANCE MUCH WORSE. A Prlvato Despatch from Aahovllle Says tho Worst Is Foarod. l T itinriiTni pm .1 i Wafiiimitos', May 14. A private dispatch received heiethls morning from Abbeville, N. C, says that senator ance Is In a very pi e cailous condition nnd that the worst Is f eai ed. Ills condltUu Is much worso thanyestcr-da). TAMMANY'S NEW LEADERS. Iho Twonty-four to Act at a Special Woetlne To-Day. Anlmportanl meeting of the lominlttccot 'lweut)-rour ot Tiiinuiany lla'I will bo held lulu this afteiuooii tn loiisldcr dlstilct ai fall s. 1'iovlslon will piolubl) lo made for a new leader lu the 'Ihlid lUstiKt, 1'ollce JustUo Daniel u'lltlll) lulng In Lurope and civil Justice Clancy, who bus been acting In Ids plan1, IncapacllaUil on m count ii sick ness. Tho vacancy In the Fl Hi Dlstilct will also be dlsciikscd. 'Hie landldatestosuccetd Iho 'Into leader. I'eler .Mitchell, uie (lvil .Itiitlco iDnn, John 1'uaell mid Hcput) coroner Donllii. SUICIDE IN A CELL. A Prlsonor Strantrlos Himself In Mor rlsanla fatation-IIouso. Christian Johnson, u Iruinur furt)-tliiee ) ems old, ul 1114 courtlautlt avenue, was ar risted shortly alter noun te.ilay for intoxica tion and placed lu ci 11 Hi the Morrlsanlu , station. : He secured a pit ce of flannel, tied It to tho i cell dour, passid li muiid his neck and thus stiunglrd hllntcll to deiith. Koh bmull-I'ox. William Kelli'her, loi t) -dght jrarsold, of 'IO spring btnet, was ti-davsct.t to Hlvcr I side liosriial with biuall-po. Don't norry yourself into a teter House i fiunting is a pleasure when you use THE WORLD'S HEAL ESTATE INDEX ft LTlgiiUJM.gttJiVi...( xaCm llj ilrlK r II r N Joirrf now trota out hrr llvlrsf And H'raft-m 'emocriiM rrjolcr. Xnrlontlng Jrxan pfiilm V'eic York' Mnwir hnultli regnlmi. GUT HER THRDriT ftND WRISTS. Horrible Attempt at Suioido of a Woman of Seventy-Two. Mrs. Annlo Colter, sevent)-tvvn .vears old. made a desperate attempt to end her life this doming al her home, 1HG7 'ihlid avenue, IllookDu. sho cut her throat and seveied ihe ailcries of both wrists. The old woman lived with her husband In nparliiif uli on the third Hour, totter went' out i arl) this morning and icturned homo slmilly alter 10 o'cloik. t pon op- i.lng the dour he lound his w no 1) lng upon ihi' rtoor in a pool of blood. 'I wo raior-. and a buichei's carvlng.knlfo lav near her side. 'I he blado of ouch w as covered with blond. Mrs. I ' iter was unconscious and tho polho were untitled Ilium dluti Iv. surgeon Nujii uinoved her to the Seney llo-lilial, while. H l- said, her Injiiiles will pinb.ibl) prove i.itul. I 'Iho motlvo lor her de-perato attempt at suicide Is unknown. FLOOD ALARM AT ST. LOUIS. River Rlslntr btondlly and a Honvy ' , Ruin Fulling. fitv iniii UTin riirna. 1 I ST. Louis, Muy 14. At 4 o'clock this morn ing tho situation heio was more alarming than last night's reports indlcatol. A hiavy rainstorm came up about mid night and continues to pour dow n. Iho rain extends as far north as Haven port, la. 'Ihe ilver, which Is ktcadll) rMng at tho raieol an Itch an hour, now uu-asiiiis :!.'. 7 f CON SIGNED BY THE GOVERNOR. Moaeures That Bocomo Stnto Laws at tho Lost Moment. r- nriATFP I'nr.i.i Aiihsv, May 14. -t.ov. Flower has rlgned thi-ie blUs among nlheis: t lialil. r :il 1'ruTidllitf for tile rotccllnil lit lininiin: tiiai-iiut. ( liaiilm U.I AineudliiK Sm lion 77.1 of the I run In. I uU-i i-iianliui: tin- iluli- ul i ur it-r- ( liaiuer "ii,5 I xciitpl Ir.K paiauiiagea Iruiu tata tlou tu tin-niuuuut ot t2 llOU. , - . , l Iaiitir'i7u Hi-apiiruliriatn. ill'i.ii lur ihe i-.Lu.i-l'intnl ul a liuiite til r-liii:-i lur Mumrn al Ainiuli. Illltani I uulil t liaiutr .')71 Im tcathii: the uulnt'iT nf warn. Ill Syraiute tluni I" lrle-li lu iiimtli'-'ii. I haplei 1-7 J I'luitdllii lui ill 'ti-ratlun and t haiiiie in tliu graitiaof .tr.ta lo In liuiirmfit In 1 A NEW YORK-BOSTON "FLYER" " Whlto Train " to Wak tho Run In Flvo Hours, Forty Mlnuro. .- AtforlATrn n-i... Hoeios, May 14. -Commenting Ma) '.",'. the luvnck " Wilto 'iraln' or Hie New York and New l.ngland will rtduce Its -ctieilule i time betwifii New Vnrk and llO'.lou to live hours aud forty luluuies. Ptrlckon at tho Urlrtg-o Entrnnco. Patrick llennelley. u boikkcirer, of UH thallium s.piurt, was nrlcken with up". plex) ul Ihe HlldgO enttniue, ou the Ni vv ork side, about ti oilock ihls m'rnlui,. He was removed lu i hauiDers stuel llosidtal, where he dud at noon. Do It ui- a wldaw lu Manchester. I ug 1 1 " - - i Wr thlriw away a half clear when a llelviren llir fln all'tnuari-u titaretu ln lual la-t tuui your houia to llie tar . Ihe. miilillr jilrtiire, note It well 'Ihe J liier Hunter " l it nam' It represent ft pat'toii ftnlit, , II io' tchtnlulrtl jur the roll of lame. MURDERER T1GE MUST DIE. Gov. Flower Eofuses to Interfere in His Case. ft.Y AAAniivTt o rnias.l AinAsv, May ll.-Kev. r. I). Penney, ot Aubuiii, uccompatiled by ".ouimandcr-lu-1 Chief John palmer, ot tho (l. A. 1C called upon Gov. Flower this morning and asked for executive clemene) for Joseph I- 'lice, who Is under sentence lo bo al Auburn duilng the week commencing to morrow, lor tho iniiuleroi his wife ut Uoches ler. The (lovernor refused to Inierlere In tho CIS?. Tlco Is Rondy to Die. nui in no. ivisiso AfitlBN, Ma) II. As Ihe liotlr approache-. lot tin-exicutlon of Joseph L. 'lice, the lto cJn stir wlfc-muidi itr. In Aiibuin prison, tho J ndininiduiuu'sstolcalliidinircncosceniitii li.cic.isr. He Is lu i-xivll-ni health and does not exhibit the slightest duudof unpenning ilonni. m fact, heo prestsa wish thattho time would somi eoine. Warden Dm stun lias not Issued Iho lnvila II ins lur the xi'i till" n, and It Is announced Ilia si-llll-iilllL-lal wa) thai the lllllldcier will nol Lu led t.i tin-lalal ih.ili eaillc-r lhau Wnlncsilaj 01 next week I The nrrpar ii luns lur the i xecuilon are ull completed, howev.-i. suci essltil lesls ol the tleciilcmachlini) have lei n inade. Tkerecenll) n-ked Hint it clerg) man visit linn Hi his cell and Ihe Ut-v. F. D. Penney, of tlu-sicund Hapilst church was sent lor un utteiidshlindill). U. S. SENATOR BARBOUR DEAD. Ho Expires Suddenly, of Henrt Fail ure, at, His V.'ushlnnton Home. 'rv A-" 'til i r,,t Wamiimitos. M.o 14 -senator Harbour, rt VlrtilliU, dliilsuddu I) lids In 'ruing ul 11.110 of heart laliuie ul his hmim. Ilu had no pre vluus Illness and iiiipled liW real lu tho scnalo jestcrday. lohn s. Harbour w- bom In ulpenper county, Vn., Dei yi. Is.'o. studied ul Lul verslt) ot Mrgul i Pu-ihnu )eat. and gradu ateilllOIIltlli bth-i .1"! law llirre III IHI'.1. lie wasilecl'il loth. I .gl-d ihiiu of Virginia Hum Culpepper fount) hi 1-sT. anil was re elected, s"ivlnij fnui i insiiuiivi sisilotis. lie wastleeted i" t lie l ort)-seeiitli, l-nrlj-flglithund I iiiv-bliitii i .'i.gri's-es, nnd was ch -en lor I lilliU U'f - im'oi as a Dulnu ct.ii to succeed Hauls n II llldrtleberger, HiMilJUsler. lie took lit-m at Mm h I, lhail. Upclo Sam hrlllni; Worth Costumes. I lilted btates Marshal John W. Jacobus iniiiniuied a sale ii t u-iuii-llnu-h- rcled goods lu loom -III In the I Hulidtiig, at I 1 o'clock this atteruoi'ii. 1 he i-ohIs com. i pil-rd in.tny guvrns inade bj Wnitli, lelix, I anil oilier I'nllsi.ii iiam-ia. which vvi toiiigetlybld mi bv Un n. ii I idles pies int. Musi ol the pi.i.hisis wne bargalns. T here wiisa large ut ii n.i u ci senator Hour on for Europe-. U.'lu ouigomg nmuisi i, s this nmrulng i a rued a large numteroi pi incgulng abroad nu their tacutl-m. siiaior ttt-orgo I. lb nr mul his wife -HID 4 i. lh Nord di ulbciiei Llojd line's I. lot. , ' Weather Fororast. Till S .1. M, i.n.M.ifi air; i r,i,l.lltj trm-iiiii-; ni'ni-'t r Ii irn.ilr. ti Miniliiu flat .'unif'-i' ; "1 " ". ttljlll.ii i trui .nt-r. Tile lollowlic; record sli iws tus changes Is the teuiwratmo lor tu.- - ai iweni).faur ' U'Hirs A.a-..,.53A. u 1. IUM....5 i Ami' llrookluil' llaiuHrni ilraw near, rhr ciuck ul fr(Mlr-irhlJ'ru' liear. Ibhn Hull nuwmcnt the. Hill-horn wlnhl, John llarleycnrn In legend 'iltfi'. STOLE FROM THE GRANT FUHD. i An "L" Road Porter Caught! Rifling tho Contribution Jars. P Phillip I.arlon, a colored porter, who has chaige ot tho novated liullroad station al j Fount outh street and Mnlh avenue, was i held In ball for trial in thi Jpflt-i-ou Market l'oluu t omt on a i hargo of n hbltig a nuuihcr of glass Jars al stations on the road lor subscriptions to tho (.rant Monument Fund. Tho le.-tlinon) In the caso showed that t here had been a llv el) chusoover llm tracks I beiore llarton was taken Into custoil). ' The trains on the Ninth avenue roid oenso running alter H nVl.ick at nlghi. At 10 ti clock last night llarton. befme l-ivlng his siatlon, rilled iho subscription Jar tliTe. Then he walked up the truck lo iho Tvvent)- ! third street station, where, It Is charged, h" i hiliwil litiusrlf in tin coin In tho monument ' jurat IbalbUHiiu. II" did Ihe same ut Iho I Iblitleth strict station, and then went on up lo thoThlrtv-louith sircei siauon. while absirai ting mln irom the Jar there I., dn.piied sevurat pieces of monev on thi iilalforiii. . . . 'I He noln nf the falling million attracted the ill nt Inn ot Purler sedderwulle, who wns i.u dut.v there, and ho made a rush for the I arton ran down the truck like a ipinrter horse, and sedderwulle. seeing that he was being distanced, yelled pullo-. Ills cries at II icted Hi- attention ol the penjile In the stiti t. und (Hllier Muiisiiii aeriilubli d lip to the uai k und Joined the eha-i- ovei the ties. lust ns llnrton rruched Twrntvlehtli sirect, th. nlHicr shouted, -slop ur I'll shoot mi. The threat brought the rorl-r to a Maud-till und ho was made a prisoner. I In i iins he had taken from the Jars win iiiunlid and looted up t4.1is. mrMi a rKotrs nox. I'hlllp llnler, h vouih of flllicn, wh Hvis ut l'.'.i web-trr avenue, Jn ill) Hilk'his, und who Is ciunlov'd in I nutiriMili s basset Hure at 1J1 thai-.. ters strei i, reported to-day that lu- hid luiiudoiii I'ltlieiirant Mi iiument Fundi i iribuuon bi.xes Hi the hallwu) of thui but d. i tie box wasbn ken open and there was no inoue) Hi It. JESSICA KEENE WEDDED. Tho nroker's Frotty Daughter Is Now Mrs. Tulbol J. Taylor. irrrrm TOTtirrvrM-uiiwisiM l inu.nt iist, I. 1., Mft) 14. I'hu vveddiiig ul Miss Jt-sha heeue, only daughter ul Jnmes U. Kcene. and lalbet J. 'Invlnr. ut llaluniure k place m l.HO o'clock llll- utternouii ul Ihe resid ueo of the brides I lather Tut lereui 'U)' was peiloruicsl by llrv. II. -. sawyer, rn tor ot si. John" ' churtli. l-ar llnckawa). About one hundred ! guest wen tin s' nt at the wedding and at the breakfast serwd b) Dclmuulcv) imme 1 rilatel) alter the iei -111011). Tho Last Providence Elootlon. '1 Til i' MO i ' l'lioMnrsi May 14 -Ilu loaiduf 'Idcr. men lo-ilu) I' 'iinid th ballois east In e leidu)' rimlon !u n 'Heiitatvc to tin i.ineial Asetnbly Im ihler and dtseoverec siinicieni erior In Uu watuens returns : 1 let 1 caipeiiti 1 Pi ui . who. In the wardens , count, wii-diilurei l" liicl auia)rtl). Thi entire seven bu. I ted crweu tUi-rmpoi. di 1 laied elect (d In '' videt et dclrgallou i tin Assriutdi siuuts lac'ive IH uiocrata it I olio Itepliblluiii. The llrtiol.l'ii llninlli-nr. 1 Tn nKrru'. si st .V litis 'to present frei I ' pin tuarat ir. e t.n-.-i tut. iiotatl.-liir.e. an 1 a. ila ..pnvt vviiur, i'.l - tl lit uk l) u Hat dual it.) noil Maiulay l'i a . lil "ml people l . tne-R the a-tat la . fn I't'.OiW irad-rawil w.ui lilt mmui IM.l .- i-utuitr. Uratfrutyuui 1 iieH.araier I mi:U. ' ..,,.. tV , st,.ii . a meyiiia- it.iMH.. rf ."T 1 nay h Its ,al 1 m .L. 'sl.1 jJ s. . . - ' f BROOKLYN HANDICAP,1 ... 1 . o I This Great Even! Will Open Now j York's Turf Season Next Monday. Famous Horses to Contest for tho j Stakes of $20,000. Possible Winners and Some of Their Notable Performances. Ciisalm, Who Win Heavily nackod, Scratched at 0. 1G To-Day. Every man with sporting blood In his veins looks eagtrly forward to next Mondiy, on wblih day the legitimate racing season In this 'late will tegln, und tho crack thorough tin ds of the country will meet to battle tor a tilii.uoo slakes lu Ihe Urcoklyn Handicap. JcnoE nonanw. No turf event attracts as much attention as tho Urookl) n Handicap, tho first big race I of 1 ha ) ear, for which horses have been spe- clali) prepared during tho early spring. Thuiisands of dollars aro wagered upon tucso horses during tho Winter In the future books, and every one connected with the ' stable, from tho owner to tho ' rubbers," re 1 gard'his particular borso In tho light ot o i gold mine. 1 here will bo no pulling " lu the handicap F.very horfce that goes to the post will ba Mi to run thn raced' his life, nnd will strait ove'ry hcrvo and musclo to be first past thi I winning post. ThoJockejH will ply whip am l i-pur mercilessly In thlarejnl battle. TAITLASD. which horse win win tho big race? Thai iinesil'iu cannot it? answered until Miiudai. It msy bo that l.otigstnuti th uiandaoa of Long-1 li How, will carry the blue and red braces of M. F. Iivvyer to the front a winner. Perhaps thepurplo nnd whlto cap worn by Judgo Morion's Jockey will bo tho first to catch tho I juitgis' e)es. The familiar blue and red -leives of VAalcilt -t I ampb-ll. ma) Hash under thn wire lu the van, or posslhl) ltace-' ' l.ind,Portchester,MajorDomo,Clarendon,IlUs- , stll or MJil-tone may finish in Iron. F.very hoise has a chance, lor horse rsclng Is the most uncertain sport that over flourished. Tlinfavorltomay gailnp a hundred to j onethanco may squeezo in and win by a head. ' I IOSI.STKHT- The Uiooklvii Juckiy ilub grounds will no doubt be crowdul to their utmost capacity Moiulnv Thi re air never less than .Tti.uuu peoplepre.eni at thts great ra e, ami Judging from the interest shown this ear thai uuui lur will Iw rxicedisl. James Howe will no the sinning this )ear, and be Is un ablo and couselcutluus sutces- tor tothe pilii'e of starters, James F. Cald- welu The latter has east his 10' w lib t.ut- irnuurg and Is iherelou- ostracucdou tho traiksuud-rth" jurisdiction of the Hoard of tintiol. llrookl)n Icing among that ni.mbei. All eve- will lie on Mr. Howe Mondav uouul 4 ocloi'i. inr the race will prub.tblbe startcel at tl' . i ht'iir. Aii.Mous owners and bettors will wa'cli anxloiiil) tho Wt-Temviita ot thut little rid rag. li i nr hail the presence of mind aud the will . I'owti in Lu e the crowd while the raco li nu- lahliil, ne would wltuesS a tiul) wonderful ,' lie vvuulilliuogltio that the people luu 1 gum cray. Iiul). there is nothing so thrill- ' ng. sv' bliMsL-ilnlng, as a close llnlsh be- tween ti' ble horrs. nnd evnr) on.- gives way ' 10 hi emotions. Men and women scieam i ull). wun bats lu l he ah and Ji all soils o: fifli-h things. , . , ' Ih' wilier, earl) III Ihe simng, srlectrd JmUe Munow uslli' horse liuving the best U. in win. T here Is. to his mind, no rea. en ut this late day win ihlsselestion should to ihangt-il. vagalxiul's sou has eli iu till . that hasleen a-krdiii him In his work, lie 1 Is In the best possilirioiuiltlcu that hts vet- ' nun d owuei, ilreen II. Mortis, can i get htiu Ho icitulnb Ins me best ol tho ' j nruifliibrui.'i .Sfro.d I uOv.j ,-wtUy i .,j i rilllll --"'-fl 1 f- 'j -' L' j. '"'an,ai.,b W,;,.&-sg L W 1 IjiS M li THE TURF. I Victor Smith Elected Third Judge by the I Board of Control. w mm ll'UMTJ LICENSED. Ike Thompson's Plunge on Old I" Firefly Other Track Talk. I iltr Tho Hoard ot control held a meeting ) ester- wl da). The) appointed as third raclLg Judge ffl Mr. lctor smith, the well-known turf writer, B who recently pi eel led at tho asltlugtou J meeting. It was given nut that tho new -ifl judge's duties would bo to seo that horses tl redo out for third place, but no resolution einbod)ing this now lule was adopted. It 1 wuuldbo well, iorbaps, to let Jockeys and 9 ownciH know In plain terms that the) aro VX expeclcd to try for thlid money. The Hoard 'IB I has uractlcallv followed the suggestion mado jig by the writer at tho close of lis. season, Ml to place three reputable nnd cftpnblj gentle- jl men on Iho .stand and glvo them entire B i charge of the racing. Tin next slop should JH i be tho taking nwnyof any such power irom WM the Hoards of si. vards which, though com- SS postdof honoiablu and upright gcntlemm, B aro morn ornatncntul thauusi HU in the racing ;J Held. Thn public will applaud tbo Uoaid's 9g ! determination tn protect l-"-:i bcttois. JD Among the jockos licensed b) iho Hoard Mm tot contiol )tsterda) wis Andv Mctariy. jV 'Thl)ouug man, though a capiblo undcfll- -Wt' ( clent ilile., lias iho same fulling that Marty B , Ilergcn possesses, a bad tcrap r and a sharp 9j , tonjuc. 'i his anil) gut Mm lutotrotiblo, M I and he was In siis llsiotl eleven out of ivvelvo rBI i months. Ho will probably get ulo.ig better B with startei Howe. iS The tiuttenbiirg meeting closes lo-da) allcr MA a most succeislul seven luoulhs' racing. Tho B management has pass-J tluo'ign many w; trials, but has; count up smiling niter every fl buttle. Tu say that the Uuaidoi (sintrol did ' not bum the hilltop l.nlng would to telling B an untruth. The resolution certain! kept S many high-class ho'ses from racing on tho .B courso this spring, l.ongstreet, llamiuet, m Mmlslone and inauyotnn good horses uavo been siul) i.dssiti. licit tho Hoard of Ml i ontrol's ruling was arLliraiy and Jl unjust no lalr-mlnded man will den). Tho i.utlenburg racing in no way M Interferul with the intert sis ot oilier ussoelo- lions. That Winter rating was detrimental "jB to the best Interests ol the turf ' Is nil boslu 'rjm The ilgui Is over lor the present, however. tS and the resolution will probibl.v bo a dead m 1 liter biluio tho next seison ujiviis on the N-.sS wimp. w erv few of iho Handicap horses were S worsi'd yisttrdav, utarl) ull wer. res-rved .IM lur the tlual trlu's ti-Jayundthos'.lt re- TD ported wlih aiDthuu' like nccurac). should m tell prclty neai who will be the winner of tho W '.o,ooo slake'. The horses wer-- simply :Wt galloiird ut a gi ol p.u e around the truck nnd 11 t hen ret Ire d lor t ho il.i) . M 1 ... jim si. iTorlan and Mais worked a mile to- gether vestirda) in I lil'i. The .alter will bo a hard nut to crack this ) car. 3 I Mr. M. r. Dwver sent a eominls-lon ot 3 S"i, noil to the ell) )esierday lo lo bet on m ' l.tltlo 1 led lu tho puolrooius. w i:arl) In the weak reports e-amo from Mon- J mou' h Park that Plckiilcker would not start 1 lu 'ho lliookljn. Now iho nevrs comes that 3 he Is burning up ih" ti ick with fast work. 1 having tun red a inllo-ud a quarur In '.'.08 M villi 110 pounds up. m , fl i lleadllght his performed so disappoint- B I Ingl) of lato Unit the b oks made bold )estei- m dav und iiuoled as much as ti to I ugalust W hlui. iiilnian rode l.lm In good saapo and S lauded him a lruidy w Inner. M sa Hello was quoted ut v to l In tho lasc B race jeslerday to beat a poor lot of h-irser. M Tho muue) wcut on m lumps ol hundieds and M al Hie post sho was evru up with AlmaT. M Martin solectrd the diyspou and won hand- H lly with Leigh's uiate. M M. Luke's race was dlsippnlnilng yester- m dav. lie was lavorlte, but ih- g mg was not lo'bts liking and he did not e end Llnis-'lf Jl sir Hue's pen iniincc was a surpilse, 1 and It win evident ihat In his past tew ruccs , he had he-en on Ice. " ' ... t ' tine hears very little about big betting on ' tho Handleup lhls) T t-lstlme a )eara,'0 ; si me tig Lelllug tudtil.'cd lu on nad ugilnst I cnuy's chances, nioia the present iippearauee of Ihe weather i' wiuld seem good bi-uiug thai 1 ii'igstrect v. ill i "' Hart mine big e vein, fui the inck will ctrutuly bo heavy. ... " Miginla Hradle) will take Mltr-n and Dr-tui.-iito l.a mil I'irs. ehicig , i.etl week, i linien has se-r.ral .take eiis'Kbi'iuuits in thn m West, uml It he strikes heav) g. lug h vv 111 j uiaku iho eslorti erai ga hua:lea lo teal him. ,M I llvaciuthe bud a Dad nt of Hi' sulks yester- i da)" aud wi.u.du'l U) a lllllu U . I Jocke nvrrion rode his own horso ' gowan lo vicun) in the DclCeo Handicap ut : i Louisville )esurdu). I ... II Jickev Niirvae. who will lid- f r ."ixhalt 1 heeuo t'hlssi ison. has ha 1 slxiv innuuts thui i iur Ihls season. Ills reionl Is twi rilj-ntua j wins, i un t-en sis i nils und 'in u t lib Us, liuv 1 lug mi') i hven 1 1 his iiioU'iis uLplae d, . i Ike Ttoinpsrn poundc j Mis-Uy arouna i the ring jes.irdiv. lor ho bets big un lie) v ii-n on his iilungl.ib til, 3" j P.WI. 14X1. AM, 1'WI. I j baalall iQliAiWicciartllt., Imu, par ;ui.l " Ti ....,.Mt..-riun i ""-&' tJiM