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mmmmmmmmxlmffmumrr ' " - ""WWi1.'.1 ' '"lffiffi:'"8 . Jl WPfj TE WOULD: SATURDAY EVENIIft, MAYfU, 189'i. W 1 ON SLOOGS ALARY. Hi!) H:I; ' Accused Ex-Gerry Society Agent IB' IB Becker Seems to Have Had HfB Plenty of Money. i'K K' Kept a Team and Bought Mucli BBJF -, B? Real Estate. Hh;'w bBBM '' Thc A,lc9ccl Blackmailer Lived in ftvflp Style at Williamsbririgc. H;i ' HB'Bj Maintained Two KMnlillslimciits BBBK tfBY'' There nnrt Won B ')B;' " 3Ihii. I BBBMtBf The charge! nr.'alnst I'.dvv.i'il .1. Becker B( B; agent ul tUo Milet) for ibe I'rcvuitlnii of Hvfj BY Cruelty to children ami son-in-law of supt. BBJBE SrVBf y 'llcurs JtnkliiK. of ihats.oclelj.of lovjlng ' Hi'B''' blackmail to the CTtrnt of l.'uu each upon B$ ABjt. the keepcrsof two houses of questionable Bf ivv rrputatlon In Allen street. have created n Bl BY' lively sensation In thevtllngo of William". Hf ,HL bridge, wheic In- liai lived for tli ibn-p Kl 4imW years. BBBH r.Btf SH S Hcckcr, as nn agQUl of the s-oclitj-, has Bli; WpBj lately been reiilvlngu salary of only l,ooi lBIi;iawflr nyoar, yet be has been living In a stylo fyH'BB thopusatsiur of an Income of eJ.oon roiilil S' 'A m hardly afford. He keeps u horse and cirri ige, BBI',' '' on D3 a hnudsotnc house, w here ho lltn w till . H'r reB! his family, has been raj lug rent for atiothei , BHIr 'uliVJ' house, occupied by his parents unci lux slter. BM' & nJ recently purchased other prnprrlvliii BBU' tt' fll Wllllanisbrldgo worth SO, mm, upon unit h he ri'SjiiBl Is putting up a lino house and turn, to rust BB JmPBM' about H.OOO more. 'J his new house, he told BH' l3&Bft: bl9 neighbors, ho Intended lu on upy .is sntiti BVJI' iMB " ""' completed. j BBl.IsPvm ll ls o,ily "ihia tic ''1'11 u'n" r ,0"r Bb ewl' ycrs that lleckir received large a1 BBv KB salary (is $1!) .1 week, which hu was In ncelpl j bBMkK' n,at "io ""iu "' liis nr,, iin(i it,' "''-, BvM I EBB.' tcr' where hu lias been able to obtain the 1 ? !fVX uioicj lu meet all the-n lirgc expenses. He BH'' 1 sBl' ad b0-'n "Hug In a luxurious uuttintr, fur BBV'4,1Bk' Wllllaiiisbrldge, at liasl, and drcwd his1 BH'! faftJRi iniullv In n stjlo Unit 1 vnked frequent remark BBt'M!''1jJi lrcmhlshuiul'lei i.(lghli"is. BH jEf Within the pa-l month he astonished his BBn!'a' ' Icllo -townsmen by purinuilt s tu" pi11'"' BBk i imi lnml lit fourth stri el .Uel 'I ti'rtectil h .im nui-, BHM I'Bk' ncartheciitsklrtsof iheMIURe, '1 htri ims .1 Br & !' lull ucru In tliu plot, mill It l- n venelinlcn BH': tr' X' elIe AL"1" tlirt'c cl-K- ao If1 liT.iti Imllil- BBTK Bf' Intra hcuw upon thl land, mtieli l.ircer and BJIll iB ' Oner than the one v. hkh he le.w oe. uples BBflttBr' with a flne till 11 adjfclnlns. IIjIIi iioii-o and. BBl ir TtK t"ru arc "oarl)' eullllileti d uoi. BBj'ft-St Jusitofoie lilsdlfnniliy ultli tapt awt. B xIH nt ,b0 1:ll,rl''S"-' htreel stitlon. ou'tirri'd BB B Ilockcr tola hU friends he nasiilng in mole BBXt K, Bk' lnanIoccup Ids lien house till his on BB: wk' tflK ana hH father's fainll). lie named to sell BJl B the bouso which he at piescnt otcupl", and BBX d HBi U (s now on tho market at, the l,nork-dnnn BBji -'HB rrlc0 (r 4'000' Iur '"' lns '"""'e eon-lderalilc BBj X'HBl Improrement upon the place stnu he bought BBX) KBBk ll two ) ears ago. BBv' K" bBJ Tn,s TV71LZ' u,li ol" s mini 1 or-. BB KJK- "rlie luestlou now ngllullDg the people or Bv'BiwJr Wllllamsbrldgo Is, how could Keeker hate Bv2 WriBr lived m this style with all the comforts and BB, 'rH many of tho luxuries of life, and accumulated Bvi' ffSJvX! so handsome a property la rial estate upon BvV Bl- a salary of$l,OUUayear, lilclilsall thai he BB.v Ki BvJt' hascicr received from the scnoiy for the Bl'''' 'sKSaB Frevemlon of cruelty to Children ' BB'JbAvJK' ll16 answer has not )el been gin 11 hr ' nKBlBf Becker, for very little has kra seen of him lu BBW.CvAr Wllllamsbrldgo since his arrest as an alleu BBftEvvBB'' blackmailer. He uoer told his trlenJslii the BbBBCimHK ton n what he received as the agent of the BBlJ ,vflHi'- Society, but he allowtd them to telleio that BftV ?BB!' ho held a position of high lnllueine and Im- BbS if'BB portauce In that organization. Bm' '''! An Kvksis,! WoKl.n repirler paid a lsU to Ba ' V 'BS Wllllamsbrldgo a lew d.ij s ago, and found Bb: u flV plenty m LecLer's ucijualntancth uhoneio Bl'' ' .' BB7c' willing to talk ttpuu tho subject which Is at Bfl' ' j'Bli present uppei most In interest in thu town. BB ' ( ' I' pon luvestUallng Hccktr's real estate BJ' w! BHb "transactions It wa, found that his spceulut- BB K(, R j IDC lu Mllaco lots during the jiast Mar had BBj- i, S i been tbe lalk of the tinn. Mconllng to BBsMfV ( ifeal Estate Dealer W. (. llaens, the oldest BBBftf) hr r man In the bu-liiess In, linkir had BBpBT r? bought a nuiiibcr of lots within the past six BBpJfflT I months In tho newl laldom part nf the Ml. BbKJXS fc lak' UP o" thn hill, and had sold I hem at a Bj K I profit. BMkWk M ! IIUheaTlest purchusu was uadu a little less BrH''I' i than a month ago of the acre m laud at 'llilr- BBjI Bcs ft 1 teuth avenue and I'ourih street, t urlously Hflf Bj Bf enough thU properly was purchased from BHr B'i(' BJl'i Kmanucl llurlundo, lonneilj un agent of the BBT BK Slil.- 'Jerry society, who was dismissed b) ill. BB - Bw Ells' Oeiry himself on 1, ihno. Iiuilandils BB' Bfcf3fM" dqw it building contractor In Wllliimsbrldgo Bfi8BjMO and has put up a great many Iihum's thtie of BflBBMvBBlv largi 1) lu ria BBBBBsBBy estate and Is said tu be bicke-Jlo an BBBBflBBPt, tanker In this cltj. B Xm WfflUll llecleer'H las' purchase of real estate extendi BBjIJBuflBT throush from Twelfth lu Thirteenth nu'iiue, BBjMBBBflM and Includes thn eiitlru frontage on 1 mirth BSIBBBBB-I street. According to the records In the t'ounli BS BBBBTv Clerk's onico ul hlte Plains, He. ker paid BB ISBBl-r :i,500 for this proper!) and a-sutned tm BB IlHSBB'-' mongago of 41.&U0, which had prMnusi BV K BmBB' Pecn Pu.t.','lJ0" " 1 lie transit r was lecordtU b KbbBhI ''"" a ,ioc" riui '" ''(,m' BK EBjBsBl o.UV"5'Jr. "e1"'" I" hell, who looks nttei BBP fiBBB! ,!'i!y"Da.0.s reul .ebt-lt" tolnm- in Mllllain, Bflrff HlBBBK' brldite, inlormed '1 11 1 i: knimi oiti.n r. i"re I fVif bent am 0 t hat lieikir agreed lu 1 111 nor BV I - BB '?i ' :,i,,,l"01 0I """ """ W paid dow 1, a .01 BV f "' BBfi fWoiahesum wlii'iithiMier-a wasuelhu.ilti BB' BBBs L"", "2 llu,'" 'I might hate Led a BB W BBBr Iuu.':u "'' "',IU(J 'ha- II. 1 K. r pa J dow n BBBk' within 11 week idtei pt-roha-lng tni, t,roi BB I H HBBV and barn. Ilu- houe 1, a 1 cat three., tor' BBJL'LBBKf "nllB xlrin-luio Willi an i-MeiiMoii Hhfl 1 H&lBBflf uih,shedwllt1aIUhem,d"rI;l. p,: ve ent BBjfKflBBB' 2 '" MA"' Is i11' n :uncliul, and the slle BBKBBBk' ?r" fchlnzlra InstcaJ or clapbonraci 'i n BBBB3BBBK-' barn corresponJs lu sty.e with the House at 1 BBBflnBBBK. IS only u short distance Irom ll. '"eaui BBBmBBBK .Jnir2a1d0 m es .'" ? larKe- handsome, brlgh BBrBCHBBBw yellow house, which can lie seen about BBbBjHBBBH!' quarter or a mile distant from me new li.rke BBBBBBBB& ?te"rt' cotof Decker's new I. ms BBBBBBflrl,' (i.OOa11 WU rtt,matcd y r. Uaicii BBflSBjBBk number of carpenters and plasterer! Hbb BBBjBBBBflBJBBaBBflBE) BiTBflBBlTBflBBBBBBH bbItabL,. ' $ BBBBBBBBBBBJI(HawiaAi.'':fit ;'.wM(to... .on. mostly Italians, worn engaged upon iho Iioum: and bam when tho reporter Mslted tho 1 plnce. It Is about mile and a half from Wllllalnsbrldge stalloh anil Is localed high tip on Hie hill In that poiiloimt t'acMllsgewlu. Ii . lle In Uestihesler (.utility justuu'r the New York ( ny line I he h use 'Milch llei'H r has hreii uictii Ing lor ll.e p .-' two enrs Is much neari 1 Ihe Tillage. 11 sprniKl street. It Is one of H n w of tiio.lerie.-l;ril iriime liulldu gj. In Ihe hack J snrd I 11 long wired ihlek 11 rut., wnero 11 number f Mnry fowls were toniini d , doge. Itiiliidli.--a St ilernard. a pug uinl n' Im terrIM, wne sport Ing on the law ti Inlront of the p irch. hv-oriiM s.itr.iv st mwAiin 1. nn kk. 'I he s. iv ant who oi"ii(d the door said that 11. rki 1 s lai her and mothir and sjsteT, who hid In n IIM11K togoiliM lu aliiiilur iml .1 1 'iv do irs aw. 11, the u nl of which was paid uv llii'kir, siti up til" plinc uu Mil) I. and wi lit to It s wl'h Hi. M'l llicker's lau.o.v eoii-lsls of himself, his wife .-inn an mlnptiil I'lillil ithoiit tle etirs old lllswlt- l 11 siepdaughltr nt V, I'ellows Jeukltis. of the s-rxlet fur Hu I'rtwniliui or ( niPily I" ' hlldieii. II" luirilcd h. 1 alioul live arsego. ,Miu was kHB: WliBl .rr..'npr nni'.F. TWIinil UI'MI, IMi H) I II - I I I .. W II I I MSIIfHllxJ -. iwfiiit.'cair tuh 1 1.1 at that time, and lie. kel lii..w uil twelltj-slx. moiiis e stI1II 11 USOIT. Mioul :i mar ajti lleeker lxuight a ha Iioim iur which ho paid t'J.Mi, ll is sihl, and se.'ial Mhl.hs, Including n Milage buck board, phael on mill l.uggj.nnd his rigs are tin mo-a siMlsh In town. I kers lather was Is I said, but lu 1. 't been engaged at Ills 1 Mile , for uais. Ills son has Mippoiiedl In 111. 'Ihe sa that llicktrpald him l(i n nionth I" tike . are of his hoise. loiili I'Uiig, 1 builder, of Hllninslirldge, Is well iieipialnii I alth lleeki r. He told the ii'port.i Mi.u he hail nln)s liiiderstoml from lleekei th it hwns r.-ielMng a good silaij mid that lu h id wealth) ll lends. In n ll ki r iKitight his hoiis.' on second street nli.uit two eaiN ago, said Mr. x.ouiig. hi- was a lu. 11. In-r o 0111 building and loan iissoi'latiiin. Inn Im did not isk for imv money from Ihe ssoe latlnii. He told me thai hit got hlsmonet iriiin pitiate "I.I 'ii t know wh. 1 her he has fulli paid fm the house vet . I not, hilt 111! ll ipn' Is Inn li.'.iwns It mthniii .in eiicuiiil.i.ime." Has lie. ki r been In lag In an eunnagant Utile I 111 1 ' 1 -Well that depends up.u what 011 c.ilt I 1 xii 11 .gnd. I era man r ho Is got I lug only I $l,iiii(i a 1.11 1 should mil II rillH'i cxtrava I gatil, I. I he lilll-t h ive si.r.nt t hire Utiles that I I sum .luring the past c ir buMt.g hoiscs, car- ll ii .11. (I p at estate I must eonles 1 don't ''re hoiv he w .- nt.le to do It, hut I didn't 1 1. ink le -tun ge at the nine, l II. Mug him ). I haie 1 large s.iIji), lr stdisag.iod prllate In- Ieuiue. siot s sow in Mil 011. "sinie tin s. stories hniecohlo out. I. on. ,ein,l liii. Hen thinking n good deal, .mil ! (he-e things si, in in W a little clearer Io im I mm. I -est., th. Itiill.llng and I nan Assnci'itinn, of which lie. k. 1 nas I'leoied Ire.esuru last yi u. the nit ml 01 ftel'-ure thill the aci'iuits I hue all ln.11 ki pi straight, and Hu ru was no .mllii.r. si. 1 in- -mil. 'sah ut Ills doings In New Virk Irene. .tit. 1 hough, some nr the b ij s air It. ginning t gi t a little shakj , and I slf.uMh'i !. -.upn-e.i If sou, e or them luslsl upon 1111 inn -ligation r the Jiensuicr's i.c I counts the 11 xt ineellu.' 1 inEemiis nnik ai siiosn a hstF ami hiist Ml KIT. nil 1 UM:1UIm,i. M aiiv 1.11. . they n h iiiusi resign the onieei.f I ri.mirer, for It a. ul.ln t d 1 to hau a man in that position widle micIi chaiges as those .ignlii-,1 lleckir are p. n.ilng " . Mr. ullllg added that lltekd w it .secretin 5 I of tin 01 the Areanuni In Will .lauisbildge, md Hut there h id In en talk Ii'. lore the ret em .1. 1. lopui. nts raine out of 1 running hi. u ui one ot the ullage tiustees nt the next election, ll whs said that the intlm.iey between I lleeki r and llurl.iiul'i had l.ei 11 erj r'loe evir sinn the laiter .nine 10 lue Hi 1 Mllllaiiubildge. Kcecntl) this combination I had l.ei n known as HoCai r, lluihiudo ,t 1 n , for It . innim.. u talk lu Ihe tin 1 had 1 ngaged In leal l state deals to- Ig.lllel. I W In 11 I nnier siicll was iiuesllnned bv the jripoit.r 1 1 legnrd tu lleiker's mem pur- I I base ot Hie properl) wneiehe Is now l.nllil. Ing, hi said 1 hut lleeki 1 Was now ety nnx- 1 uis to si 11 anu would make good terms with an) puichas. 1 ii h it mil lie sell It for ' the reporter In. quired U ell, he paid fil (ion for II," leplled tne ' law), r, utid eoiiiiueiiin. Ihe liupioieiueuts I he has made tin 11, It ought to le worth a good dull limie than U1.11 nun. It Is 11 rj ehol.e I' eat Ion. ' j VtheiiMipl .liMikin . was iiipmi med b) an IKllNlsn W.lllli lepollll in Itg.ll.l Id tho leal i stale operutlon-, of lleekei, he said that hi kliin n tnlllgaboilt Ih.-lll. He liu.lel stood thai Heik. r wnsu uiemh. 1 of soim- building I asMHlailwii 111 ', and had i.b. . tallied uiiiiie) Ir.'liiltl.i ptn.liase thu hotiso I where lie lived I "I Ii lie seen lleeker hut oneo nii.'o ho was ane.iUd. and that was when his shUdd wns I stripped 1 n and hr and I Inn wi ie stispentlid Iroiu the so lety. lor .11.) other Infoiiuntloii 1 1 inust 11 ci jou to .Mr. do. ry," said tho mi- pellnlelidi 1 1. Mi. i.eii) nn nil ill) surprised when he ot lleekei s ual est up dealings and j m.Kle of mm., lu Willi imsbrhlge Ilu ill 1 lltnd tu be liiitrMene-l un the hiibiet, but stand Dial lleeker was lu nowa) e'onnecieil " h it Ii 1 he so. lei at 1 h" pr. sent I line. I lie w is not making 111) Investigation of tin ilnrgiH again. 1 Hi oi l.lmseli, he said, bin I waving lu lei HiPlii take isiuure. Ifll.e luui w. r- pioved tu be guilt) or the charges 1 against them he would loipieM tho ( o.lrl t. luipusa the s(.eiei po. ally that the lun ull'iwpj. ihert would, Mr (ieir) sahi, Iwiu allelupl lusntelil III. 01 pallllte lllheOll' .duet biciiiv of tl c m nisei! man's rdatlon I 1-U1 1 nllli 1 ne si.pirll. rii.lriiliif the Mjclet) s Ir inn) ijiiilile I that oppurtuiiiiy wa: k. I oil. ie.i pu inn, 1., a. 1 niong lui a long tlun s without ..rorr) where great 1 oundene'i e 1 d. 11 pes. d in ihem Uj tln-lr ernplo.uis, an. J thu lb. use o lleekei might bo one uf Iha' I son. t '1 ho rci urdsot the hoclely show that neckei a Piiieredlts imploy about seien jtiirs ago r He had preMutisly been an assistant book keeper tor the rnn of risher V ( a ot this ell) t W hen ho entered the einplo) of tho huclei; be was at first u clerk In ihe ofllcu at a ven small salary, lie was promoted from time V I . gSjHBBjBJB9KM 'time and his saliry was Increased until It reached tl.ucio a year, nriKLii r virus tour, ucnmiii. J hen a second Mlt was made to Williams, bridge b mi Kv isisii Wiiuinrpiiurti'r lleckir was found at home lip scciutdirr) mucli (list ui bed when he learned the reporter's Mis. slon. "Ills nut I nn nm proper!) In Wlllhilnsbiidge," l.e sinl, ". ACCpl the ll ihs.i lu whtclilme, and that Is mortgaged for n. ail) llstull alti.. I have onlr Hied lu ll two. i als. and I hale hot )et been able lu pal tor It full)." Hon about jour pur. huse of land fiimi do and the new house you are build ing r" lie. k. r seemed taken aback at this, hut linnlli d' tiled thai he hud bought rtlir land 11 .III lltlllalldii d.-plle the fact (hit the I nl-"t the I'liiiiiij (lerks ulllee al Mhlle I' ti- -honed that he had I hue neier had 11111 dealings milt Hut land he -aid, and tiot bought unv Iroiu lil In. Ne.uiir linie I spem lull .1 in leal (stale.' " knen lliiilmiilo before hu was dl--charged from the i.erry xwletj r" I km n liiir.'iitiilii sllglitl), lull Ineier I). ml 111 it In was dlsniis.ed.' replh'd Heck, r, nil th. 11 lelued to tall, full her mi the sub Jici 1 itm-HiTi in-111 essi mini ki nt hi ammi It was aitel wards iisn rtalui .1 Itomi hatles W. Iliilloeli. 11 rial isfate agent In William bil.lge. wlni his elriige 01 lltirhimlos busl. hiss, that I he llerker pioperty on r'uinlli mnl hid ins 11 rittaiisfcrre.l In him by It. . ki r, ami that this had been dune wit hlii Hie past ten dl)s U the time ol ihe llr-t Mslt of the reporter to Willi unsbrllge Mr 11 illuek had Mated thai lleeki r wis Mill the own. r of this prop. H) and n 1. verv .1 ri x I .us to si it. It leiirrou 1) repoHid in Wllliaiusbrl Ige tint llerker has bi en l.oatlug "Ihee Ills ar lest Hut th- 1 a si) agalliM him would uot In' pusheil, claiming that his n I ill .hshlp wllh Mlpf. .lellkllis would plot let hlmlro upiosri 11. Hon. It is u uiiittt r of ( oinmoii gossip tin c thai he tohl his III. n.'.s that the Malely would hot dare .i dlschaige him RIVES HEIRLOOMS MISSING. Ono of thn Qu'c'c Got In nt Donel of Nlight nml Took 'Em. (apt. Mel oughlln, of th" Tenderloin I're. 1 lnet, unlit this morning that 11 burglar had gained entrance Io Ihe iiuidohce of dooive I. Hives, 14 West 'lhlrti. Ight street, during the night, and 1 iriled olT n iiumber of fainll) heirlooms, Jiwelry and brle.a.brae. 'Ihe Intrinsic inluoof thearilclrs stolen Is U ss than .MI0, but Mr. HUes.w hols 11 cousin ol the novelist. Mrs. Muella lines Chanler, is cr) imu h cm rched oi 1 HiiMois of the lulr looms, which he prled i ry lilgnl) Ml. lilies, irliuls n mitiiber of thelaw Ilrm of (din. Hives A Montgomery, -aid to an Kiisisii Wiiiiin reporter lo-di) -A thief dl I sti nl a lew trinkets Hint were valu iblo as heirlooms. We w. ie nor rinakemd bv him. honevei', and did not knon n Imrghir hulls en In tho houso iinlll we missed the articles." EVERY OTHER CAR CLOSED. ElBUtli Avenue Lino Hoods Supt. Edson'n Butrifoatlon. Sanitary supt. Kdson said lo-dit) that the Mghlli venue Hallioad (oinpaui, against vvhoe open ears (omplnliil hud bifii tiled with tliu Health Hoard, has agried to run a dosed car altermtel) with Its upon 'Ihe latter will also be taken on in rainy 01 unseasonable weather, loinplaluts against the second avenue lino are now bilng Imcs-tlgaled. OfllcorH of tho Conomiuiffh Wotl Entortnlnod lu Rusala. ir v A"i.o.'tAii n I'ums Hlii e. Ilussla, May 1 1. -Count 11 ibrlnsgy, In the presence of the city uutliorlllea to-day presented to capt. spi nccr, uiistei of the Aiuirlcan siiamer 1 uuemnugh, which biuughl to this poll from Philadelphia a eargu of Hour, grain and provisions for Ihe benellt ot the ltus-l.ui famlni' sutTeicis, an enamelUd lei si rvlev, Ilu- gilt of the t or to the American ofllcer. 'llie (lOvcrnui of Klga will give a banquet tothi'olllcersol the suamer this alternuoii. 1 'I lil- (Veiling a p nermann' In ihcli honor I will bi' given at the clri us. lo-mnritin Him will ulli nil a dinner given b) the I'lelecl mid mil alle. waul- bo nresenl al u gala per- furni.ilue at thu theatre. 1 I Austrln a Now Ciii-rencv DUN to j KstnbllHh 11, fioltl ijtnndrtrcl. 1 tl r Ar.nriCITrn pieu 1 1 I, Mbj 1 1 The currency reform Mils Hut have Ik en Introduced In the It. Irhsrnth propose tu couicit Into gold slock at ledu. e.l Intel, si the untaxed live 1 i'reent. paper lenle. Ihe bills establish n gold st an. lard, the kioi.. lelng Ihe null. 'Illlsi-llllldeil lulu 1011 In lien Two kroliell will npial lu value the pie-i nl sllvei florin. Got tho Mon, Uorso nnrt nie, .limes ll.ibller, of yj West Klevpnlh stieel, and lliulcs Mlllei, also of (his illy, wiro ii'iuauded this inoriilng by.ludge O'lionnell, of Jersey lit), on a charge ot having sKuVn n horse nnd pha. ton In longing to Isaac A. Ilu, Id, of ealdvvell, N. J. 'Ihe) had got as far as Jerse) 1 Ity with the hor-i and llg when they wele nircslid on suspicion. Donth Endod thn Sproo. Thn inlddle.aged man whom Policeman Hal let toiiud with a fractured skull nt Third avenue and '1 went) -third stn el, about T..'IU o'rlock last night, died at '.' o'clock this lii'iinlng In llelleviie. lie Is believed to bo llei 11 ml Iliad), an attendant at tnucturlt) Hospital. Central Thoatro Flro'a Mth Victim. I tn iMnc'irri. rnr. 1 I l'niLAiii-i.rillA, May 1 1. James Pigeon, another of the oecupanls of ihe galler) at the i ( I'lilial Thiatre tire, dint this moiuliig uftei sniffling over two weeks iroiu burns and other injurlis. 1'igeun was ihe luiirtcenili , Metlm. Itomnnded on tlio Cliurtro of Uomlcldo I Julius Kiiba, wlni threw John (lOldnlck In i a wiesiling unteh nl Is-, li.1v.1nl street, HriKikDu, list siinda). tr"iu ihe effects uf Willi li (loldwlek died I hurs.lav, .was reln.uided lu tne 1 1 e Avenue Com I, till next l rhljv, wlihuui ball. - Cornlnu Evonts, 1 hi tir-t AiuitiBl tui-i'll ne i.f tin N-vv Vrirk ( .rj j AnniH-'iKtiuii ut t uuiti ui l'ruuiirrs uf War, un.trr tliu revi.isl ti.iitflltuliun aii.I I.T Ihm n, will Im, lifl.l I (III. t'v-itiltii; nl tin- llnruUl llulril, ltri.'Al.Ay nnd 'Irurti mutt)"! I tin llie.lit'rr ..f I hr lli)iim llt-vr-lopmnnl ltltl liltr-. .10 s VVi-.l I ifi) tnittt. .Ireet, Mill I.Air s s)in I iiAtio linn 1 rt 1 1 inn ilu- rr cn.i.t: I IIih li-clt.Htl s...ct il liul.l n mrrtms tliu j tT-Milnir at IM I lor. I a, rutin. j A .Iran. all. mtillr-.l "Miamru k I an I K..-. lint l.r fiirii If r llm hi'lirnl of s Kaplailii 1 I int. in II. r I hafrl Mail, l.iitlrih ptri-ff ah I Ir.ilh airior, ..11 t tin . veiiinca nl la 11. IT Is. I.i a .1 Jli Annua s tnm rr iiurril'a Irstiral nt ('mm I'tinran No ,,i', V 11 I ot A. hulir' llarlrm lli.rr Para, llDr lliiulrrl anil I r iity-iiAtti tlrrrt aiel Sr, mi,) avrti ir, Ilu-, r nil nil You are in a hurry. j I You must got a now hand to ! take tho place of tho man who loft this morning. ; No time to go to "Tho ! , World ' offlco. , Don't like to send a boy, What thon ? :i 1 Pull a "World" postal card , out o( your pocket, write your r ad mail tho card. . j That's all. " The World " does the rest. jBRQOKLYN HANDICAP.1 1 (Cj I'ln mil hum h H 'up'.v wlghrs wi.eii nls past pi 1 1 riuanei s arc eon. shleieil. With 11(1 pounds up he has a loyal ell iliCi'. ' Ni vt tu Judge MmrnXv Hie wilter Uliclr. Itsi'liitnl Ihe ri.d -av lug of a ' leati hot so I fm along race ' Is p. .'ill. 1 1) alii In llace. 1 lands ca.e lie Is iln adv a Mibtirbun win-, net He Is 11 grand leuse, ami Ills work has I , been ver) sn'sl. Ilemiv be-nund. 1 Ashe will prrib.iiii) le i upled wllh stiiel or lliniil(!t In the betting (all three being owned b) M 1' Imver. speiul Hi 1 wlll have an ndvant ige. I' 1 tld, Is .1 11 lu hard to beat. I'm thltil place tin writer likes WnlcottA C.ihipbi II s 1 1 ssar 1. w h 1 Is 111 gleut shape. ' i alu nas to have la 1 11 Hie eanilldale In 1 Ihls slablr, b r hi-nuik hu 1 In en PMellelil A fen dais ng", Iiuimvh Ii legant go wrong, nn. I th ii . mm. . 1 t asslus nits withdrawn nl i 1 . .. . . ., t hi- mui nlng. lit SIM I. It Is -aid th it tunic moncv had been pill up r.n I'a-slus ihan mi an) other horse 111 th' list. Ihls limne). "I luurse, nuw nil goes In Hie biiokuiak( is. 'J lie lollowlng wn given out lain this alteni ion iih the list of actual start, r-. with their locke)s A'l.n'. II ' ' I ir'fnt t..)lir"slrrrt... . ,.'. I M. I a. gi. m KstetMi.! I..' W. ltlp,ttrt k .liulur .Murmur 110 Itatri-m Piar-arri 110 laral , It ...'II .... HI I.lttlrll-M.l 'Haniurt Ill I.amhlr, I'tlltt'llrnlrr . .. Ill -in,. I Mnp.r lli'tn 1IJ . . Haiii'M 11 I Ma.Ut.i . H' Il-i .Mi ltr, lair. UK sum I'airur' 1 " 11, mi t I Allan I'Arr , 101 ClAmml 11 . , 4 ... lanau VI irphv 1 (Mluiiiakar 'I , XMr I ((! V. leu . . IV. Ml.ljrlry I I'i. kktili krr .. . Ill I'c.iThia I T .1 llwycr .1 s.. u'n rntri . Suns 111 rll .ilo.ri 1 fTrrll.irir In nIAItril I I here ma) be one or tvvu other starters lu 1 the race, but those tiniunl nbovti uppeiii Io bn tho mil) ones ri( k lu ll to havo n .liarue. Teliuv does not appeiir lit the llsl. 'Iln snav. back Is Just nbiiiii able to gallop mid will nut be nt to nil c fur s.imi' mouths jut. 'I he iiatne ot Itermuil 1. n hu w as bellevi d bv Keiittieklaiisto h ive a grand chance. Is nl-.i omlltul, as he has gune lame. Kingston, hou, l.ounlnka and I'tlu 1 cracks are In po .r shape. 111.1l will not be ainoiigthecontest nits. Arostiuieof Ihe best performani es of the probable starters is in imler. Tho post of honor probably belong-to l.uiigstieet. lie Is Invorlte with the public, mil lu the (stluia tloti of tlieliandlcnpiiei. who makes him 1 any toji w 1 lght. ff I vt '- -Ji. MdllSTIIM. I (iiigstreei Is a slx-veat-uhl b.ij'luise. by I otigleliuw, dam si'iuper Idem, nnd I- owned by Mldi.lcl 1. inv)cr. lie stalled eighteen tluuslasl veal and se'oied sixteen winning I brackets. Ills llrsi line was wllh 'lonnv ut Morris Hark, ul a mile and a on irlei, each earuliig I'M pounds l.ongstreet made the whole of ihe running und won b) -tx 1. ngihs 1 lu ','.117111. I ongstrei't will can) I'll) pounds as will ItiirlV as 10(1 pounds. He Is In good shape nt I iiie-eiit and Ii is worked fust trials. I llaeelmid isiin ngid I1.1 gelding, b) HUlet, dam ( 'ilomel, and Is also nw ned in Mr linvii.' He startul I1.1 iilv-tilne tin., s la-t M.u and won -eienteen raics Ills best performanee l.istjeu mis .1 mile In 1.41.IU the rourUi of .lull lliiiidlenp, hind ranjltig 1 1.'. pounds I and In allng 1 l.irendon, Hhiblu and stoikloii In a ealiler bv two lengths. 1,'. Iceland won the siibtiibati ll.iuilhap In Iss'.i, beatltu: 'terra Cotla, iiorgu and other good ones tu '.' tin 4-.'. .ludgo Morrow, 'lui I.iivivii W minis se. leetliui fm Ihe Handicap, I- ,1 llvi-v lui) colt bv ag.ibonil, on' of Moonlight, nml Is on ned by fireiti II. Munis. He Is a gnod pel former and will have only 1 111 pounds up. lie car rbd 1 is poiii'dsln 1 t-i veai's llrookl) n, an I was ll!th atler having b. eu Jammed I ngitnsl Ihe fence nn the lurii, win re Juerke) i uvinglim's leg was broken. ,-sC im UA.IOH imvto. lu the sn,., jishiad Hay Handicap, nt a mile anil a furlong, Judge Morion uiiilnl Ilu pounds and bent llaniplet, l.uti, Hi chile ami 1 1 alrv 1 isiiv lu 1.. ul '-'.". !-ubsciiii nil) he beal I'll Jan es, I'nrlchestei. Madstoue, ills. sin- and "Ho'islu.i nwippsinki s at a tulle nnd. 1 tut long lu I. .. 1 .".,. .11 r llm 1'.'.: pounds. With r:; p. nnds on hi- back he tmi a mil' Muirts I'aik tu I..1H..., unl. Ii is it-. t lai (loin Hie itiord I'essii.iis Ihe eanilldale entered b) Wal. .(Oil , I alopb' II. lie Is .1 liiut-vrat-olil ilia) mil, b) ImpoiKil lTnrio, mil m ssi, 1 j Monti 1 Ills best perloini inee 1 1st vi.irwi I In the si..,siu'.id Mnkes nt 1 nw v Isl mil 1 win ich 1 an led I Is pounds ami nn 1 milu nnd a ipialti 1 in '.'.nil ,'-."., heal Ing I'm 11 lusiii, l.a 'I"-. .1 and Homer lliis-. will prnuably be the c.itiilld He nl Me-sis ,1 . a A. II. Mollis He Is a nuil-veai-uld luv cult, bv lailtls, d uu I Idle Hits sell I ast )ear ho inu sntue vei) goud inn's nnd s. ni. v.r) bad nties, n Id. h glvi him Ihe n I" tali n ul being mi In 1. lid. "Her Ills besi pi 1 l.'iui Hue was lu iv sweepstakes al llrook l)n vvIimo cirolng 10. 1 pounds, he In it Miiithuu ith, rsenoilla, Mastirlodi, I lte, s.iuta Klldier at ! inllo and a lui long tn I.. -.4 '.;. lb" Mclevvi'o aiablo Ins tour candidates ent.te.l in lie) 1'cl lie), sail Juan. Clarend .11 and I'liliMen. It Is nut Iidsltlvi !i kll.vvu which of this nuuitet will can) 11 . siablu . .. . is to the pu.-l. ! y t r.rv un. 111 1. The tormer Is a four-yeai-old chestnut colt, by Norfolk, out of HalUuettu lie- only won twice last year sn .lu ill's best perionn inee "as In the Jirse) Handicap, ul a tulle .11 .1 .1 .piaitpi. al Morils Park. Ho carried llo p muds, and dele ued I leknlckcr. Iirilihr I. --. II. salllu Mccidiund, Klldeer and Nut hr..nn In the fast time of y.Oli. 1 liegardlng l-alrvlevv but lime i.m tsi said. Ilu Is a four-M-ar-iild b.i) c.'ii.b) 1 orester, out of WTssablckon, and s'artid onl) iwlco last jear, going wrong at bin - mud attempt, llaniiuet. the ihlrd o( Sir Iln vei s irlo, is a nve.vear.old bay gelding bv I. ion jur, nut I of hlu T. lie holds the record iur a mile and 1 a (luarter. S.03M. This woX.lnadoon tho straight course ntJIonmutith l'aik, llannuel ran fourth In the Handicap last year, finish-1 lug dose up. He ran nianv good ruces, Mulsh-1 Ihgeluso an second or third In tho best of I eiimpth) Ills best pr'orinanco wns In Iho I .Moniu'ititli Handicap, nt n mile nnd a half, In 1 which hei airled 11.1 pounds and bent Held , Kngllh l.idv, llusil.. l'runlehic and llace. lulij I 1 '.' IJ I RlMJl KT. I 1'iilliP J. Ilwier litis t aii utiles In Iho h inilli ip. In View uf recent guod work It Is uiob.lli.i that llt'Cl.lie Will he ple'lCM I (1 III I'i rtelu -ter, who up to a few divs ugu was tie de'lee of tliestnble. Ill" Ian Is a till'.' ' ir-olu bruwu mail', b) Hefoitu, out nt e 1 ir i j I'mtehesler Is n foiir.jenr-uld Inj coll, b) l.ilscltn, il.un Selilpel Vive. Ills be-t i.i'C lu-i var was Hi the Tidal Mnkes, in a mile, at slu opsin ml Hay. He carrh d weight for ib' null Htissell, 'Ii rrlllei, l'o.xtord and Mir I lu. and milt in 1.4'.' .'... Mndsionc mill Mujni' liotno .ne tho other I pr 'butile starlets. Neltlu I, propirl) peal.. i ing. I' with Ihosu Ilium limed above, but tlulrw irk has !.( ii vi r) fair Ihls Mulng, mid Ihiv luiiv be said Io h ive a ( hahie. .Major Iii.iiioIihs winked a tulle nnd a .piarler lu I Letli r than '.. 1,', tiiul Maustnnu Hie -mm' dis tance in ','.11 and bettir Malm Iioiiiu'sj rec i id tn hist vein's Mibtirban was his besl ran-, lie then lairlnl HlTU. pound- and -el a ter Hllc pace for a iiiIIp." lie Is a st.x.) ear-old bi nun horse, bj 1 oin (ichlltice, mil of imp. .-.met Hume, mid Is on tied bv W.J. spins. II ail of the iitiove conie tc the po-t those pn sent on llaudtcnp Day will see iigiaiul I .n.i . CAMDEN'S MAYOR ARRESTED, ChnrrTOd with Fnlso Imprlfonmont Outoomo of ii Political Fight. rrrrciAi. to tiii ivrsts-rt -rnitr.ri i ( ivinhs, N. J., Mav 11 -Major Wescntt was arraigned bclore l'ollci Justice Haul nils morniiiglli this elt) on n iharge of false Ilu pilsnuiucnt. Ho walled i xamln.i Ion und was held on Ills own recognlauco lor tho (rand Jut). I rx-.Hnige llugg, ruiihsel for eight men com milled by .Major Woetutl for diunkenness, at noon obtain' d a writ ol habeas eoiptis le quiring tho 1'iosci utor to shuvv enii-e why i the men should not be released, 'iho matter vvllleomo up lorn heating Monda). I I. x-.ludgo lluggs.i)s that Mayor Wescott's cniumltmetits aie Illegal, and thai he pro poses Ki light the matter In the courts. i 'Hie .Mayor as usual this morning held cntiit and commuted social persons to Jail, not withstanding his ni rest. 'Iho charge brought against tho Major Is the oiticoinoof a bitter political . mil. M nvir the legislature's paitKan ncls. authnrllng Ihe (lOvernor to appoint Justices and take nwav magisterial Miners from thoMivor. 'Ihe cluirgii.ignln-l the Mav or was made by a man named brad), who had been commuted lot diunkenuiss. 516,000 FROM THE " L." A Verdict in Donovan's Suit Reached 1n Flftoon Mlnutea. A jury has decldnl that tho .ManUattau 1 levateel Hallvvav Companj should pav irlii.tiiiu for the brutal treatment of one of Its ' p.i-etigeis by a poitoi' at Inu (me llundrid and reuirth slreel Minion of tho Muthave- i line line. I Ihoeuso was tried bofoie Judge dlegencli, 'the tmi ooiupjlng thiee dajs. Tliiplulu i in. .lames liouuvau, has been partially iirul)cd since s, u'd'ck untile morning of .Mav I, Ism. i that hour he hada dispute with the tlcket-ehupper as tu whether he had deposited his tlekel lu the box. 'Iho loloml poilei on Hie station -oied lillu, hustled hlin to tne exit gaie lino men tliii'W It 1 in down. Donovan's head stiuck tho plulfuriii. lie was unconscious im eleven (lavs, and thu .loctun say his paialjslsls per manent. It took tho Jury lust miccn minutes to agree that Donovan -hould receive $111.00(1. nnd Judge (ilegeilch taxed tin Company ." per cent, bcddis lot cuiinscl fees. Employment Affoncy Llconso Ro vokod. 'I he llcen-o nf 1'iila-kl Terwiiliger, for nn eiuplojinenl oniee at lull blxth avenue, was levoked by Acting M.ijur Arnold to-day on Ihe reconiniendntloii of tho Mayor's Marshal, who reported thai Terwiiliger was acting as a " iltiiumy " im Kdwuid Vihlplt, whose llcenso was laken awaj fur acceiitlng Illegal fees. p Mri, 4utm Suthrrtmulf of kAlam.izuo, Mi ii. Hood's Gonquers AI! form of ! ttorri. and nirritt: m.oon. , Kvfn tlif obntlnat,- (.nitre, r undllnif in tlio iifi'l, &h rtc'I nf .reiiltul r miiimf Miri'c, ilplilto its KTcnt Mooil-rlou:iHni: mnl plrni-rUi-rdx.!.,? I )mth. Mut cutiM li ii it n romurlinble ttu.ii Uv i tire of On 11 re of IO Yrnr MnmUiiK a ilfHi ritwri in tho Ftntcuint llnw I" 1 lial t.nltrPt r lu the t 1 wa tt esrso:l. .mi n-w litty-tun. I Ufi ili. i id's s.ireftrarillnre.tntU ami thmMfllitiirhHH uitlrelj illari,(,',retl. It lidit'ii r) tnnill ftinif. Mien I bev-fti. I wu ff t llnvr ki illsiiiur itwe 1 with the goitre und r.itMm.ut.MU I uoul.l j Kh .oimi llr Driiil ' n kIIm. Mienever 1 taiirflit roM I cotiM not walk tMb1(vkH Hitliuut rnlutlntr. Nor 1 am free from It all nn.l I t in truly ret ouiiiirml Hutiirp WaranrarlM-i to ant i'ne I nueIM let n r from Mr. J',nn.'' riflow, now of I'roiuorit, Mm li , BHbuitr if in) loMtuiiiuiitl a mUnt in be liu'f of ilooii'n Harsaparllla .i true, I at nine utt-.itr hr that It si, aii1 f tit partlrtildM of the , bfttent the mod Line li 1 me. I hao rluce re cened a letter from b r iluiuutua uir ery i much for recommtnln I Hood's Sarsaparilla and stttlmr tbat the tlio took It and wan entlrrlr cured." Ma'. ANSA Hi (IIERLAMn, 40u Loin htrert, KllaUlAZOO, Jlli h llnnd's I'HU ilmiilil li'Uirvrry family me 11 rltirctitat One iel. aim) prtferrel. A Full Pnpo of REAL. ESTATE NEWS 'iia tlio sjuuday AYoild To-rUorrow 1. s WENT FISHING FOU THAT CAT. Agent Seymour Baited His Gang plank with Shad. liltty Stepped from Her Trectop l'crch nml Wns Whlakcil In nt a Window. The clerical force of Iheufllcp of tho 'oelely for llm I'rcichtlnii ot ( itiiltj to Animals was lniiensed tills morning bv thcuidilltlon of a cat with a lilstuij. 'I he rat was presented to tin' ."oi'ltty bv Ageiii ci uioiir. who tin ilotibtidlj saved her lulu n lingering dentil. In (" Ion f ihe lellne's loicid lust of Kiity-elght huitrs he Ins lillued her Mg. not lun sued ".iljjjli-''" 1 N . 1.1 sCTI.Mi THF ( vr. I I gent scjiuotir icseticd Jllss sun at ti.l 1 J o'cloel. this morning from the top if ,i lurtj-' font tiee In the jard tn front of .Mis. Patience i ( i aiiihtU's house nt 'J'JT West i:ieveuth slreel. j 'Hie cat had been In tho tieo slnie 4 o'clock ' Wednesdaj nt'i rnoun vvlthuul a drop to 1 drink, anil with nothing to eat except what was pushed up to her on the end of a long ' pole. i Mi-s sued Is a glildyyoungthlng of possibly i one summer. Mio has a coat of black and white fur that promises to become sleek nnd glussj under kind ticutuient, but which never I lnd a chance while she was hustling among nsh.barrcls nnd limning mice In Dr. Ho costa'schuich for a living, she led this llohcmlan soil of life without I uilslup until Wednesday afternoon, when a small black terrier, kiiuwn lu tho liclghboi- hood as llisuinrck, skipped out outo the side walk mid eumincnccil a Dilution Willi hei. Miss sjtiocl Indignantly icpclled the tcirler's advances nnd aroused his Ire bj lusdng Iut conn nipt lu his lace. 'I hen she whisked i.iciosstho street, the Uillir nl her heels, shlnnid" up the walnut tree lu Mis. cran. dall's j. u it and camped out on a convenient limb about Ihlitv feet from the giottnil, from vvhlen cotgu of vantngo she cast reproachful , glances at tho teirler. ' The tinier barked vociferously and blutT InglJ. while a bid i ion el of blitult bojs galh i eied to watch the sport, eucouiaglng Hie dog i It) stoning tho ( at. 'I nisonlj' served todrlvo Jllss sued higher up Ihe Hoe. hho mounted I to tho top and suddenly dlsapjieared frum I Men. "She's dropped:" shouted the gamins. Hut shohadnl. Tho tiee is an old one and has been cut oft nl the top. T his left a holo lu the decajed trunk wheie tho eat iiuletly uesllcd and nwultid developuioiils. Tlii'bojsgut tired of waiting lor her to appear nml lelt, thinking that .she would I come down during the evinlng If .let alone. 'Ihe teirler held the tint a llltlc longer and then he, too, went aiv.n disgusted. Imagine their suiptl-e when the ne.xt in ruing the eat, lle tho rstar-spangled llau- iii rot old, was -till tlieie." what Is mine, i she ev lined no de-lro to desoend iroiu her lofty peich until afternoon, when she began to get huugij and waved her I all and mew. d appealing!) nsiiMgnalof distress. .Meanwhile p.i-seis ti) began to collect In crowds Io wal. h her. Ihe quality denoted by SI is. Patience Crandall's nrst name bicanie suirce In tho I hiuisi ai 'i'JT, as that lady thu notorli ty her leslilonce was luiKxenllv nchlevlig, , which she was powerless lu prevent. lihiay morning the cat was still In tho tiee, ami (lining thai day the irowds lu- ' in.tsed. ni ids i did the evident distress and i mharrnssiiie it of Ihe i at. j At si ii'iToirf jesterdaj mteriioon Sirs. Cran dall became t'uiiipnssiuu'itu as well asdesper ate. and Dlug two clothes pules togelhei.shu succeoded lu reachlt g a lib ee of meat to the cat Iroiu ono of hei third-story windows, which aroou a level with tint tne top. 'Ihe eat luul eaten nothing lui torlj-elght hours, mid she tackled the meal with evident satl-lactlon and tiiowid lor lu ire. It was lui thcomlng, ana Miss isticcl settled back In her nest aud disdained In come (low n (i walk act oss the pole which Mis. Crnndall had coiishleiatelj left resting uu tho window sill and a blanch of the lice. , It was onl) sixteen feet, bill Miss succl ' declined io list. Hie Juiirne), thiTcbv musing ; a . nut) old gentleman to remark thai "she I must be a tool cat." lun Miss succl knew her rltrhts. If rescued nl all, It should be In -tj n mid oy the pioper authorities. Houndsiiniii Ktigene Collins, of I Ihe Charles -met station, at whom shu im nut .111,1 whisked her 1. ill. sent word m the Here li society aud Agent Seymour nitthil up I to tin hot'sc al H o'clock lasi night in the 1 f-ooltlj s ambulance. I Mi e i ai. dall wouldn't iiuiseiit to open the v Iimiovv fur Agem sevmuiii, lor the oci ipaut or i In room had lonslllils. mid the nlglit air would be bad lor hiiu. so the agent h.i le Miss sued goo 1 night and promised to call again this morning. At 7 ui he was on hand with a hoard six- I Ii i ti leel lung and tour Indies wide lie alsi i Inu 1 1 lmlcc nil of shad and a -.mot mil of Mush mill,. The gentleman with toiisiniis had v ii'ited thu loom and Agent M'jmour went t i work, tm (In- end ot tho liranlho plated a small pi f shall, a lew feet lurthei along he pl.ii eilanot Iur mid In tliemiddle ho phueii iho I Igtri st iiiidcholeisl pbeeof nsh. At tin win d n end of Hie plank he pi, ii eil a dish ur milk. 1 'I hen he nu lu-ii Hie board out to the tri e. Miss sued was liungi), but -he was also (ov. I imill) she walked out and grubbed ino in -it piece ot n-ii and went back tatli" lira and ,ito II. she evidently eonsldeieil it n snap and took her (Hue In L'etttug tho secoiul cut se, which shu alsu tarried bacs tu the In e and ate. I mall) her appetite gave hi r courage, and whin site caught sight of Hie big pi. ee of and tho dish of milk on the window -m sin vv.iikid bravely to the centre and giabbcd thells.l. Itistautl) thn board wns moved window, ward. MPs hiicil wassy aurpl Iscil thai -hit lust hei grip on the nsh and lame near railing Him tin street. When she leaclud the win d iw in she gm In a hull at bi lug sodeedved and started to walk back over the poll , whldi had Unu left leaning agalii-t a limb, to the in i Hut Ageui Seymour vvas dlfiloinatlc. He 'ptleilv held out the saucei of milk and .Miss i Mu 1 1 Melded. 'Ihe boys In Ihe strrct cheered, and ills trandall shut the window. I hen grnt Seymour siiru,ulerrt the cat 'to tin. rate of the Udlo In the house, who garo ncr thrr e siucers ut inllk In lapld sue icssion, nlitio Miss succl purred gratefullj-. lu an hour Agent Seymour returned with his ambulance nnd boru the iat triumphantly aw aj io the t-ocTet j 's ofltcc. I Olnlfcs Acquitted of Fmustrllnff. I idled slates commissioner shields today dismissed thu charge against Paul .litlze, bo- i til-kceper on ( hrlsiophcr street, who vvaaar. .rest id last week ou Buspielou ol receiving emUifgleiljeiTclr). af WALL ST. STOCK REPORTS. -a. Railroad Share List Vigorously Attaoked. Gould Party Said to Be Depressing Union Pacific. Ilnuk Statement Slums Cntii In Sur plus Reserve- yiiotiilloiis. Waii stiii i"Ti Ssntttrda.v. May 14. 'I ho bears hammered the railroad -hare list t f tcctlvely this Inuililng. I tilun I'aclll". North. cm l'uclllc prcloned, (Uu il.a, Nt n Hnglaiul, Mls-ourl Pacific and Hock Islmd deellned 1 n l'u percent , and In sumo Ins'auees (no I uv. i st Id' wick's figures were touched. Itepdi of damaging Hoods nnd unfavorable crop wiMthci ul iho Nest lulpcd tho donnvviiril movement. 'Ihe market closed at a fractional iccovery. Slnnhatlun Jiiuipid to 1-H! al Iho opining, and after declining to l'JTK- rallied to lM.sV It Is said Unit Ihu drop In I liloli I'm Hlc Is Hue to the de-Ire of tho (until people (o pun ish tho-e wlni opimsi d them at the Into election. People who gciiei. illy hntidle Hock Island bonds, und who have been connected wllh the road aluiusi since Its lucepilun. arc tak ing the -lock on tin way down. They nio nut al, all alarmed bj Ihe raids nude oy the bears, and s.ij that Ihe slunk of a road Iraver-liu, the l( rilKir; ocitiplidbv tho Hod. Island i annul be called exlinvagaiill) high ut Mas .'. II Is riuuoied that Jttd;c iluikehas settled with the Hocking Vtillcy on linns favoiatilu to tin Li'inpaii). 'iho directors today de i hired . i dividend ut 'Jiy per lent, on the pit ternil stuck, puj able .lull 1. Afeiliirii of Iho 1 oiidou market wns the silling of Xmeilc.iii riillnav -(iiirltles lor l'mls .u count. I here Is uioie lhau a sus phiun that the oiderseamu irnm Nmvoi.s, und I hat the bear leaders here aie not entirely lunoient lu tbo in. liter, ll Is given out th it the Hlchmond Terminal Column tee will modlfj the reuiganiatluu Iln n nt lis mi etlng Slondaj. Tho hilat'ce -sheet of Hie New York tc New I Inglsud -hows a gloss lloatlng debt of (l,.'i(),',ti;s, and cash us-cts of if l.ltlfl.'Jtlh, I leaving Hie net lloatlng debt at :t I II.KTll. i Iho steamship La llouigognu sailed this morning with noo.ouo in gold, and (he isjiree vvlih.'iO,ti()() ounces ol sllu i ' Tho bank statement was lav ui able, show -.Ing nu Inciense In reserve of;.'., I widen brings tho surplus re-erve up to Hl.-i.TT'.'.l-'.'i above the y5 per cent. iriiilrcil i bv law. The Hems show n contraction lu i loms of si, H. !-.', iiuo, an Increase In cash of I liil'H.txuii. and a decicase Hi deiio-lts ot 41,(i.sT,:i()0. Iho lollowlng ni o the comparative figures: ll'iV 7. Vin 14 rrVrlrivr- f,naa. (iii,KHi;,7iini4ii, -ti.sti.ono hpnlr lull, 'J.l'i, 4(1(1 V'.MUVTUII lli-ey 1, IK l.fllll'ttr 4T.4li'.i,lU0 411, ,C,u COU In, l.Ssl anil llrp'ta &Jl,S24,tlllll G:i.l,".l(l,7l.O llrt 1, OS. .1011 lirc'lim &,7Jtl,U00 5, ill'.', .'OU IJ1.1:. U7,0U0 Quotation-. Ol'ra. lllsb. Iiw Clns Amrrlesii Suvr ltr-r . UJ '.'J '.ilft. 'i.' Alurritali SilifAr Itrf lit 'Ml, K Uvi i I'A t't'l Alurriiail I nttotl (111 .. .IHCj ((.! ase .J s l.j Amrikaul iittuu Oil if 7 1" 7lie 7U4 71.11, Amrinau lliat. IV1 . 1,1V r, p., (11 iu r.l j Auk, lun A hauta I'o. .14".. .iUg .!'(, till, Hal A (lliio . . '.lev, I'O, yss. I'S'h , ItillTalu, It A l'ltla 4'i I.IMi C-"i 4 .(. I I anaili Siiuthrni . ... I nit (.li'i l US I ( mitral I'acine .. .. lld'i JH4 .1 ''! ll.'l ChrAalirakri 1 (111 J,l, '.' l( 'J.I '.'I I lun. A Illilu 1st urrf I'i J CJ Ui l.J 1 liic'AK'itia. soir; sot su se' ( I1I1: .llur dlji liiej . 1IIM. 10,'Ai, till IHU','i.t Nurthursl. . I'JOlr, ljelt It'"! 1 1 i( I nn- , .Mil . hi. I'uiil 7N 7s(l 77fJ 77-. 1 Clin-., Mil. AM. I". pi 1-J.I', 1-JIU 1JJ, 1'J is ( hie . K'sk Ii. .1 I'ao . H'.'ie s-jk. sli, H., Can' .1 I aat 111. pref . Kill), lUllit lou, ll"i)h 1 ( Ir? , Cm.. U A St. Ii. lis lis 1, 7' I s 1 I ul. A Hick Vallpy. . .I'i 411 Use, .!'.", 1 ('nl. A llnrk Vallry lif 7K 70 7s 7!i ! Del., I Ack. A 1W.1 157 137' 157 15i' llrlA'iir.'.l . . 141 141 14:', 141 lion. A itluliratulri pfd. 51 al .'ilv-j M Ills. A Cattle I ml Is 4S 4Ti.j 47'4 IMIsiiiidrn l.lec 1 II. Ill 111 llll'-j IIU'h l.akslinr 1J4 1.14 Ul 1.14 l.akr 1 no A Wrmrrtl .. -J'l J'i -Jiae -J44 l.akel riri.1 Wnl priif. 77 "1 77 "i7 l.iuiaTillr a Nashvilla.. 7H, TI'H 75", 7.i" 1.11111-.. ?, A. .1 ( til -J5V .'.'Jp -J.VU -J.'ii., .Manhattan Cuiim.l U I 12 n, l-, JJ-i, Vlrmaii I eutial I7I-, 17V li'v liV Mi 1. 11 A St. . . IP, Ills Ul. IP. 1 .Minn a st lamlsprrf -Ji V -0! 'Jlo-r Ji-Cj Sllmuuri Pacino rin3h 5M. TiTA. .i7.i4 JVat. I orrt (o .... lOTSi, 107?li lo:1, 1ii;-a Nat I...S.I l ... 1,1.1. SIV Sl. s(ij H It. Nar. siai.n Xlm 11 .11 11 : 1 New.lrtar, Cr-ulral US lis lid lis New York Crntral... . 114 114 111 111 .X V A .Xen l.nirlau.l . .Is'6 .I'I .17', Jsl. N. Y., laikr I rle Jt VV'.. -pi .III -J''i, -j it. iK V . I. i: A VV. prrf 7I'A 'IM 70', ,'li-; I.N Y.sus.i A Wrnl . ip, in, 1 1 tJ li N Y hiinq A Wrst. pf. 51 61. 51. 51, Miltlirru racilU- U9I 1- I-l, ij-Si, .Northnrti 1'acltli-iiief .. 5'i. 5ri 547.J 5', .Ni-rlli Anirru-uu . 14 14 1 li 1,1V lllilu Snutnrrn . 'J a. 'Js -j.i (liitariu A Wrstrrn . UV lil'ii 1'Ha ll'V Or. rsiiorl (. A Utah S. S4 'J4 -J I J.I l-ai im-.Mail Ill a', ,ti :'t Plilla. A Itrailinc . 5 ilr; ..ti), 5 1 I l'ulliiiiiii I'alair 1 ,r Cu l'.li 1117 1j7 pa; It AW I'Irr T. lire . H S 7It Is II AVV.I' Irr.'l If...- pt Ml Ml 4s 4S Urimi.. Wa. A Os-itrna Xii-isj- lutlV lll'.-si lli'lM M. Pant.'' (linaha st'.Pj 4'JH 4si, 4s. M. I'aal A Ulliltli 41 V 4' V 4' 41, M 1'.. .Minn A Mil 11 . 1 1.11, 11.13, ;r,a nvt hi s.riiitliwr..trrn SC( SI4 lj l St I, Sritithwr.terii (if. 1'V H'V I'V H-V Southern Pacihc . , 11714 11714 ,t7 ,1; 1 Jetili, lualiV Hull,. 4 1 4.1 41V 4J I I'iiIuu I'aclll,- 41V 41V illl'a 4tli I'niiin Pai-lne. Ilru al,. I74 IS 17. in JJla.l 1-J I! iv u I VV ,1,,,!, ,,r . .j,,!, -j, 1 ..U, .,,-, Wr.lrrn I'uiiin Irln ll a, '.(.I1! O.-Vi. tlj.. I Wl.rrlu.K.t l.akr I'nr . tl'JH IIJH 3l, .lib. I Mirrl,KA.lji,0l;,I,f , 74-, 741, 7J -4lJ Wik Crulr,l .. .. 1(1, 1114 !(ij J,!! 1.x. Jit. Mlnincr StORkts. 'I ho following nro tho closing quotations of mining slocka al tlio Consolidated l..ehongo to-Cny III. A,L rUt. Allr-I. Am I I, ir . .05 trim Silrrr. .40 - Allir . 7(1 -llrun Hill, . .-JU AiIaiiis r-.'U 'J I 'Jiillj Cnu 'J5 lli-lli- IS, ' .II 'ku-auth. . .14 Itekhcr . 1 Jl kliiKiliin A Hr.lA Del. '1 JX I IViul, ,1U llinlls 10 l.adus.r. - .1,4 liulwrr . ,45'l'lHC. ,11 .17 llanr-..tia. .HI - I.ilt I hl'f -Jl llmnr .. .115 .40 MrAhan. 1.115 1! IK) iriistt'kch. .15 .10 .M.i.illi.u . ,J5 ..tx llrluiimt ,M .4111 Ml lllablii. 'HI I . I air liinia Navain . In ' 11.11.. . .SO .1.15 N ItrllrN. .15 Cnii.i'ailnc - .aolXuitli star f.5u Chnllar . I 10 i,i .'.I.I 1 Cruwu p't. J 10 .(liitariu . - 41 Ml (Inu. Imp - .HiOphlr. . 3. 1 11 .1711 I lirjMilltr. IX .'JXIO.t.M . .us Cm Cm . .70 I'hmo.ith. .911 I ( ,1 Va. 4 -JO I'll1, l.rvl .III Ciiinuin,,. 'I'h'x An. 4U ifraitti. . .ill Kuli'ul nti. .411 ((tltnik -.nvaicr, , l.-ju SOick 14 .1 Sirira N'rr. 1 .til llniiila IX 00 Slaiiii'il ... 1.40 1.5(1 Serin . li.llll istiirin'l . .PS llnnain .'JO .40 Snutlan.i. .511 lira U1101I 'Sail Srli ,111 'lirni 'J.'JX MlrrrCiird - .50 , I'ur'ka Cnu 150 2.f II Si. Hupra . ,PU I I i ,5u .75,h M. Cn. I .IrsniPt .lu ,,i i.f I, V .50 1 -J5 -leiihiMi.-.. ,tl Hair . I X'ur 1.40 I intra . . .Ml llonir.l kr. 1.1 50 - II 1 .in. I.:t5 HiiruSlv'r . Jl 3.M1 Ward Cnn 15 ,-j5 , Hu.ljui'iiJ .114 Y. JaekuU .S5 lllcl rn.l'o .20 I GlndEtono To Tout tlio Mldlothinn I Voters nt tho End ot Juno. i try ArifociATrn rnrax.1 ' Iomios, Slay H. Sir. Gladstono has writ ten a le-ttei to Ids Midlothian Election Agent, stating thai ho will be in a position to ask the electors for a vole of confidence at tho ' poll 01 the end of June, Fourtoen-Yonr-Old Boj' Drowned. Hlchnrrt Hails, fourteen years old, o- mo Wsi Koit j .eighth street, fell Into tho North ltlver nt r'lftj.tlrsi street this morning nun was drowned. Ills bodj was recovered. A Full Thro of . REAL ESTATE NEWS iu tin. Sumlu;- WwilU To-Morrow. LITTLE CHILDREN, I , They Often Suffer Terribly I Through Ignorance. I rnrriit rn UmiMiiMMttr Iur Hit r.ft I Vhhli Ciin-,)' Tlirlr I Itlln Oni'n tn VM !!ut nrli I'altiful f:riiiitlnns. 1 Wlut aroimnon tlunif itHufe chfldrm, man of thru, fiial. clilliirpu, wlm hlutetiFn, tnr flii.l tircnUwiK-. imttii vnrhnu k(tnl-i 'then'o tr. hlenam iiHiimuiil ftltrthutfl l notne lUsordcr nr taint of the Ii!f.o. lnrriiprl tho arfntKate(m. ..ur ntxl muh-.-. mini Ifttcr'j anjthloir tf hith tlipj mav hrnr ItHnicrrat ti.tMnko t think (hen elm- ' ilren's trotililfN arhi fm u ..i,v.mi. l.lom! U in not tnir. 'Ihnrltin.' I.mllp-i am i tit lianicneil an I flrong, thur ...Kthtimi u tint nluai ruoij, ami cr. pfi'litly. In tiiily ,virv iap. r- their khtnr and nrlnafj orjjann urik nn.l olim Ihrc yf 'i in ttm ooiiiio of llidr truulilf, anl iiarrntt n rtnllclt Iff thtfjr mil Mutt tu think. Iti.Tofta, ' harr jini I ail iirciJ that jottr thil 1's kiititP) WPT4 xiak Ifth kltltipya arc nt Mrnnn atulartitt the) tin tint throw tho luiinoiin from the IrhiooJ nu I litMire tl cso poMuns hrmk mt tn tsnif , n, et ll H mj rail) to k"',t their llttlo tinrlies in roo-I, i hra'thp cnnlltl m, t Mldr'ti ar" nauaiijrn, tlran I tihjfsil, and with a Utile help, ma: thn a ijhtiMt nnlatanr. thry can Im kepi henliliy nnd their I Mm. J pure. j Ihcre m n criat preparation la th nn.t popular I'i nao tn-daj. hut which haa, foi fi.-in atraiiK-' rcai n, 1'c-n , uuiidfrfd prniuli a ly gLoa, I ftir KM'Hn-uppMiplc. iVrliapn thla la Ix-raii", it I hat ucll unim al p-mer, hut hIiiI, it 4 ' trtiH tint it 1 powerful, it 1 i-o imit n harmlrat, that pipu hnh ccn taV'i It witlmut tnitirlmn etfoirt HV nfrr to Wartr' hifp t'nro, wlihh (i a purely roifrtahlo preparation nnd wholly haitnlfx" in t trry r9pi ci It ?A I . 1 1 In t mi th priiudpal oraan. of tlit body, hut rupee all) mi thi-kidneji and nrtnar nrpaas, and Its etlc. la nn bn ft It within a fr.v hoi'i I.lttlft rlutdreii who ara ntlln, who eom out of foru.ul... hate eruptlofia. earinnt le rcre I rxi.ept b? ao.m to the m mo it the trouble, lira i uliat nn 1 ni n ho r fniyn I I at .'ltnr of aje tin I oy was taken wiltt Wi!n-T " titmbl of the vort form .fter nMntf e,rithln jliimll k'f-t that I thomht woi.lil heuerit him and 1 i fPte.Tiiu i" pr-r'iiaiei't relief I waf mtlneel to try ft . . aincrV Si'p -'nr", I f art him three bottle of it tt and h i eoinplBtely ru'r" 1, ilo now M jari fl J ft are, aim iz and health) ."- lra. I). Y SrFFt r, Mfilio, Mo. B j 'I hinlti.Tf ihowa. rnnrliiilToly tb preat rT.eiene H of tin rem d fcrboth adult or ihildren. It ht Jk no qua' K Invest in a King Model House. I What better investment jH could be desired than a Model 9 House, well built, well planned n i and well plumbed, in a health- H ful, accessible neighborhood, H that is certain to grow in at- OS tractions and increase in JU value ? K The young man of family, In with a good income, if he Bj seeks safety, comfort and sat- H jisfaction, cannot do better H i than to buy one of these H houses, m Two entire blocks, mk l Sth .x; i 513th Sts.,7th & 8th Aves. jH HDWD.' W.SCOTT, jr., Supt. M Office ZI3 V. 138th St.. j THAT ATT0RI1EY STREET BABY. H ' Leltschuo Drow on His Imagination W j n Llttlo Tor Ills Story. JH j v.ilontlnu I.r-lisclino was a pilsoner In tho tB l'.ssex MnrLet I'ollce Com , this morning, llo "B& wasi-nnii.iinant in the same cout l jesterdaj j3t against .nnle, who was held for trial paB on :i (.hargeot hivin;; liiirled a liabj- In iho vM .cellar of lti.1 Atlornej- street without n per- IBl ' 1'olla-iiiaii Hogiisdlscovcicd that l.ellscliuo H had lied In eu-ij p.trl l.-nlar. m lite stot j ot his having been .vnt In the jH Mtonipj street liniisu liy his emplojer, .. JH 1 hlipi, 1 no tenlie sticcl. was denied bj thu H l.iltet. H 1 l.eltsclmc 1 that he Imked throush RI thegr itlng In the icllat and saw the vvoinin I jp liuij tlu iliild. 'ihcio li nu grating In thj LIB j. ml. M , .Hisilco Kllbrcth salt ilia' U'lng was no H offi nio mid lie disehatgcil l.iltchtic. Iha tm w oiuan li still locked tin. aw vl FROM A HOSPITAL WINDOW. A Privnto Tntlent In 6t. Francis's B Attempts Suicide. K renplp walking through Kail I'lfth street V at ll o'clock this morning sawn middle-aged 'B man appeal alone ot tlio w Unlaws on tho H M'couil Hour of M. I'latuli Hospital, at UUU fl H.isi 1 Hilt sliect. H Ho w.ilied th"io lint . few minutes when fv sudrJenlj lie lulitd ihu ivlnil.nv and Jumped. BV When ho I inded nn tho t-ldew.UK hi appeared Bf ns li dead. 'Iho man was taken In&ldc tho hospital, when- It was tminil llial ho wa 4jSf biilTerlng fioni Internal liiluiles. Ha Ihe hospital the man niisiloliii L'uiinollj, or Hi I'lltne street, wlm has lieeii a I'rlva'e patient In the huspl'al for MM 111" past lew d.ivs, siHTeiln- from ale. liolluu. Bl 'Iho Uocloisunj ho will die of hu mjuiics. Anothor Dlvorco That Interests Lon- jH) don's UI3I1 Lifo Society. B3 Irv remriATrli rnrst a l.osnns, Maj H. Muli-tj- lias been some. Jt whil luleiesti-d In niiother divorce unit, ill') Bl panics to which are well known in litch llto. M 'Ihe pcllllonci liilhecnse wna .lohn ItlcUard Mnlone, Major nnd lloiiuruiv l.lcmcntun.ccl- I onel ol the Mnili Ilntiaii Itltlo llrlgade, ot I llatnston, t-'otiulj- Westu eath, Ireland. Ilia , wile, tho lion, (.linrluttn Mlldicd, Is tho eldest I hlsti-i of Lord i:iiiirblon. Count d'Aullchau, I of I'.irls, wns thocu-re.spondent. m No difeiiso win madonnd Iho fourt grantod m adlinicc. Count d'Aiill-han was condcinncil m tnpaj ihec'islsof theuult. H I ( ol .Malono married tSe lion, Mildred In!" ! ! lbT-.'. fe t wjz Arrlvod at This Port To.Day. TjW, htrht. Enoch (Hr.), I.i'trrool May 1. Mr Arehlmailndlr I. hmtoa April 12 April IS alrainrr'a captain, Itobcrt Auatlu, died of y,llow 41 trver lliirlril at ara mU tslr Npaia (Hr, i. Iindon Mm Mr 'Irrian (Hr 1, 1'arthacfna. 1 Mr .Nuinuiinla (tier. I, luinburs May 6, 'S In V IAULE.1 J llarntinrK Arrlvrd- Uftiuljurc-American eteamar Onthia. from Iv'rw Yorl fm Ijiii-rnatnivn 'ArriTnt-Cunard ateamtrr Umbri,, fri-m .Xew Vr rk. houliiaiiiptnn - Kailrd Hamburg - America H BlrainrrCiiiunibia, for New York I. Irrrpoul hailed Whlui tslax ateaiver Cane, for New Ycrk. fl A Full Pago of 1 REAL ESTATE NEWS J in tho Sunday World To-Morrow m B