m -IB
B "Evoning World" Readers Point
m Thein Out in Detail.
B Suggestion? That Tend to Improvo
B tlio City of Churches.
HB Sflijl ii(V'iif Hllif Sllio? ht'J.
HB E. II .Tonus lni swuiillii; .mil Ml', foul
B laniiiiaRo by buys nnd nun In tin- imlilic
B Etrn-ts ot tliM Ul. until no nnd ttop
V binoMue In tliu llrnuMyn fuirj-lioiiWH.
HK lit J.'ml ,lr f Ihliliir.
HK OiiFKvi It U my opliumi Hint nollilni;
HV wlUcttr Improve HrooHju us niiicli ns the
HJf now, as! lllvir I'.il'ls'o mil wlun It Is tin-
E Isbnl. tor will It lint Inlp to iiiciptii llw I
i ixiiiulitlun Mill If tlie imputation Incun a,
H tbu struiti, stuet-cii llltllj.'. "l i ns, ni, Mill
H roads anil unite ifcnoralt i.iu-i linpi f ml
H vllllteer licnnmAtdU) l luk.Utli
tuy belter nnjr
HB Ml.rf mill Ah 1 ill ill".
HB wm to Improve HrooUjn niiU till itliu uu s
HB would bo to uave all Ibo stru tsilcnicd nnd
HB liavoa icfiulir duinp madi.so tint UiimiiIi
m banels lould be unptli I eer am, then
f t bore h mild not bo so much unit nitloiLs ill-
mt Pa--c. inoii Mrro to do tills tilt-penplc noulU
bu sstlsilcrt, l gums they would liotnnnt so
Bat uinuj decorations.
HB Uciilnr imil ftiinnt JWfi.
H J. C A r-nildlj glowing cll llko llrook-
Vf ljualway3 mniltiaa crtut nnn Impiuve-
BS incuts and tbo means ol nee mipllslilnj tlieui
BB Is to bavo tltj ollicluls uliu will bo as mie-
BB lulaudentcrpilslnu'liinirivliiallitm out ns
B euy citizen Is about lit-, own pilvnte biM-
ues,s. ltrooKljn Is a lllui i ItJ Willi a lot ot
very nlco respcctabluiislitences and ugmil
W many line buMness tonn rns, but w no, trivel-
V Unir through It, will not olw-no tbo wi tul,
ankopt conitltlon ot u treat nuns of tbo busl-
w uess places, Uong tbo ilui limit or aw.ij
1 In tbo outskirts ol tbo city wheier.ietorb h
1 reartbelr imlestlc lu-uH betoro tliuolistncr
It Is nlmosi Hnposslblo to pick one sups out
1 of n mixture ot buips of iltn, Iml pau nn'iit,
borrlblo ubndisfur tin d, pi otitic iiiniiiiilt,
1 streets blocked with t rinks, ami citrj tlili K
v lDKeneral bulnga Iook or deei) and dliapl
f, dailou on its race. T Ills should not bo so,
C uud 11 It la not ttai business of tin mice, tbo
S btreet-tlLanlbuor tbi llialth lb pirluii lit lo
ff bee that It Is not hCstbin llio kliitienls
K more than an) tblinrolMj an oculii andnisal
f department to ho that It looks llki a ill),
j. imclls like a tltv, and 13 a clt).
Bft Ilronklyu'n trrrt .miii nclatiirr.
H Tills city of Ilrookl) n sudl) neoda boino In-
BJ telllncnt s)itcin ror niinlui; tlio streets and
BJ Bvpnuc3 In It to prtLUt persons stralns
Bj miles from their destination and Horn h.ivln.'
BJ tbesamo names roi btrtctsandavcnutswlilLli
BJ aro respeotltly miles apirt. like 1 nloustreet
H indlulon avenue, Oraud street nnd (irind
nenue, lrankllustreit and Iruiklln aeiiue,
f Jliherolo street and Meserule nuiiie W.isli
I lnirtou street and Washington ivi nuo and
1 vet) mini more. Then m,,ilii, wo luid tint
1 VllloiiKbby aenup Is a continual Inn ot 11
f loughb) stieet.l ultonaM line or I niton stiitt,
f tt. Other combinations oi tbo samo strict
Mtl liao double titles, llko 1 rinkllnsircit and
Hr Kent iTcnue,Ii) a enuo and N osti and n i nuo
T while the aenles ruuulmr pirillel totlinn,
Hu like Iledfotd imnuv, contlnuo under o e
HI name tbelr mlirc length for man) mill s. ( t
L marly every Bhort street, lacing another
nciossriilton streel, bis to lno a sptelil
HB? name, like Ja) ami 'mltb, Ae. between
t tts streets and avenues ind places and Its
Ba Urst, outh 1 Irsl and Noith Tlist streets i 1
B illtlticnt sections ot the clt. It Is nluusi Im
Bi possible to find a creditor when looking lor
Bi him.
sBt Proffrnmmo of tUo Locturos Included
mt in this Week's Series.
H) Tho programmo of tlie lectures and meet
IE ingsotthe lirookIn Insiltme ot Arts and
JU bclencca tor this week Is as followb.
mH Monday -lecture 1 Hr Charlfi T. Vtn
H rrearnd herpent ore hip aiuone tli Larlior
B IlACof Meo.M")0-! lultunctrtet 8. I. M
L ItiMdnr lactnro lij I'rof Charles Spri
H Bmlth nn " An, tlm 1 othr f IlcUihI lttrrH "
H. 6UJ 1 ulton etrn.t, -t 1 m Itturo hj th ltor.
B inorHO I), llulut ou " How l'lauti ltro," 6UJ
V iultnn street 8 I' v
H Wedorit iy Mtcroscoplo exhibition, 1"J Mon
M taim Btrt-et, H V V
1 IhurKiUy lfuurft by V UlUm A Ncirptl on
H huropraD llnllailn ami tho lolk Sm ks n( thfl
H ornemen nr1y ) nnch, llaMnim and tuiiianN, '
BW Mi J h ulton htrft. l M Lturn Will m 11
BB Tubby on "hketcbvtt trum an Ari.hitLt.t s Drawing
H llook ," SOS Kultutt street, H I . M.
1 trldiy -I ocnuo nn ' Hotany," by I)r II 11
H . Kul y, 50J 1 niton ctrrrt, 4 1 M Mttlon of t oia
H tnlttfflon Kl( trfcal ) ihibltton, SOJ Fulton utreit
B Katurda) lecture l ( harten Hf dnnno in
BBjt I'BTcholoKr uinl tho Goimoot htudy," &0 1 ultou
.BBH street. H v il.
H EvontB Abend In Brooklyn.
B Concert by pupils of Kron ConK(rratory of
H Mjsicat jotluir Ma-nntitlicr Hull, Mflj Its
B Annual enmrsmn cf the Count) Monathan As-o-
H olatlun to Huer lew (trj.e, sunda. Ma) 2
H Recej tfon of the outh HrooUiju MiiBirnl 1 lub
B at I lehth stroet llroll 1UII, I'mrnJa) TeuiuK.
rotumhian spcctacalar production ty Trof
BJ Rivera's pupils at Jleuford Arenue Iheatre lueu-
B dayflTentnp
H CharlAK V l'mory will lecture to nicht before the
m Young Man' Curittlau AMOtlatlou a ibe
H btearu hnsloe "
H To night the I eon art) Is Pramntb Aciociation
1 wlilclvaaa vutertalnrueut lu the UedfurU Aronuo
H Thtatrt
H Ir Charles 1'. trt will lecture to nltrbt. at '.OJ
m Fulton street, nu "Tre atul htrpout orbhlp
j Anions I ariier Hates ot Man
B A rereitloii of the Jvent) slith Ward llepubli
H can ( lub ulll take iluioat tlii club hoavu, (j1
K lonoylai)ia are iuu tbm uvcuuitf
H CominonHealih ( nnnrll .N. 54 i, Horal Arcanum,
mjM w III hav in eutnrl iiinuvut au t a dame it Kiinaeii
EbVK Hall, lurda eveitmii.
rV I he fourth anniversary of Oxford liodge. No.
'1 3 (J I, Otd r of Itutl will be 1 Id at Amo-JotUm
B JJ all, hultou and lbiml streets, t ues lay nvetilnt, a
H A textluionUl tonnrt to MUs t)he Hlanrhard,
BBJF sjoprauo, will be Riven this ev niiiK ut Aou Hall,
H lied lord avenue, near llalney ctioet.
H Commonwealth Council, No 0, Hoval Area-
Juin, will clvo an intertalnnteiit nnd dame at
tftnsen llall. Court and Heniseti tftrutts, I leJday
H The Neldhardt family, assisted by popular ar-
H lists, will Klvn a tonieit at the Calvaiy UaptiHt
H Church, Decatur street an 1 Suinuer ateuue, J burs
M day evnluK.
H literary and musical entertainment for tb
H benefit of the I loin o of Iudustr), TU llloiuhby
Itreet, will be held at tbo reatdenteof Mrs M. lt
avor, 'JU llansou plat-e, thu eenUiii,
H A concert under the ausnlcts of the Women's AM
H i Society, of the Nostrsrid Areime Methodist 1. plwio-
Hjt pal Uiuixh, will 1 e Ktvruou the Urevt ort O rounds.
HBK jtrnvoort place and lledfurd avenue, i ueday and
HAf&VA.v Wednesday eveninea
TafBii Mis A. Chapman will lect ire on "The Vital
U; Iaauea of the Day" under tho au Iren of the
HF Economic Heading Clrc'o at tnrinx Hall, 118
Ig South Llahth strtet, N edit ( lay oeniuR 1 be
BBBBf lecture will bo pieceded by a oi aland inn truiucutal
BBHV concert and followed by a debate. Admisilou
1 free
VXtbtk Next Wednesday from to 10 r t , ft barar and
B featival will Le Kiveii ty inrinttvra of the rlinary
K department of the Sabl ath mhool ot tit 1 iret He
Hl formed Church, Seventh aveni eand I arroil street,
BbVbV 'or the benrtit of a cot In the children's ward of the
R Beney Hospital.
K Chaplain llobrrt Tdwards, of the National Assc-
Kc. elation of Naval etrrsns of the Unite I Mate
Hf Aruiv.wlll icivH aneveuliiK's talk entitled 'Aruiud
c the World In Iwn Hours" at ileiser's Ase lily
t Itooms, lift llroadway.nn Ihuraday rt umtf, under
Bji. tbe auspices of 1 arravul Feuiple No U
K, Mme. M SUieretta Jones, who has been callet
BBBBi tke createst sinirer of her raco and t known as
tfBBr the black Pattl," asslitrd by the Ala ama jubilee
.VafaV alnirera and dancer, t appa s Meventb Kelment
VafafK Band and Frnest Jarruld, entertainer, will give a
JR conoert at the Academy of Muslu W ednesday even-
IbVM Tbo following is the oniclal list containing
BBB tbo name of eery person In Drookln ocr I
BBBi ten years old whose death uns reported to tho
JBH Department ot Health baturda) I
BBBB Tiiouai COUUKT, 33. u 318 lorlmer it i!
B plumter
BBC ALnnrr II Uown.L, 43, St M.rjr'a lloiplul,
BBB JUnllJtun(JALUPP. ST, r,o 601 Ilmiulw.y
H I.OUIK AMI.nlKT UllXUOKY, SJ, o 07 Ull.oq
V tt, t talfamau
f 1'ATItlCK I IvKiaiun, 47, f0. HO Willow It. ,
jffB ftrohttmit
lllint A Tltuts, Ot, bt, Mar' lloipltl
B aotcr
Vl Uut ICLllinrni Wriin, 03, No 3j!IH Grtbtui
lBBK "
IK llrvny A blTCilrilLl), 61, No 1411 Qulnor iu ;
MBt m.rohant
B HaudilII. Ix)itonnTn, 41. ItrooklTii UiivUaI,
IW ftTK ilOllAII'K, SI), No lUlrrolll.
bBt rBAiDtJH, Ncnoe, 07, No, Ji6 lol. , thoe.
jBmBM' S!iBntorrr,7J, No. 159 Vtnt.l.i ttl'or,
B' . Kfcritlillin.i),ub. o. JI8 Vo Uruntat..
fHBiB' . HoVxu. Tofrmo, to, 1S. iJ lltuooek at. I
IBBBB'" Uwiar.
Kow llie're orr.
"i ili"Tj)s In the dlst inee.
'I bo trouble bculns.
A Uttlo tlckllnc
Causes a disturbance.
It we could stop them
We would get off.
Well, Hero wearof
Qflrilon Cltv'a CatUodrnl Bcliool.
' The corner-stono ot tho now building tor
tlio cithidtal facbool of bt. JIary, (larden
'City, will be Hid b) Itlshop Llttlejolin to.
morion at 11 .10 a.m. llo. Otorfo It. an
do Water, 1. 1 , nctor of '. nJre,s
church, Harlem, and toimerly of M. bukeu
(.hurch, Ilrookl) u. will dellvei tho address.
Pnlffrnvo Simpson's Appearance
Frlghtoned a Woman,
Amour tlio many Moilcs tliat l'alcrave
bmiiisou tolrt uie, kbvb n writer, was ouo
I about liia first Rtnrt as a drnmatut. Ho
usod to ho iu Urompton after lm return
from l'aris, wliero ho linil been n pupil of
tlie croat Scribe. Ho wns of strikinc ap.
noarnnco. with lone black liair and n
inustaelio, nuil usotl to near a clonk.
Duriua hia walks abroad liocatno across
a lady who toetueil to shrink from biin as
if dho feared him.
Ono ilny ho was pwiUK by Thurloo
hijuuro aud uavo n penny to a crossing
hw Leper, aud, lienrliiK n ciy of astoutbh.
inutit, luiued bharpl) around. '1 uo
exclamation cuino Horn tho opposito mdo
i of tho rnnd. Itcmaunteil from tho lidy
i who had so frequently exhibited Bim of
npiirohoiibiou nt his aiipniach, nnd who
now Bi.euied nutouudod at his littlo act of
I hi)on nftor thiB nicotine, armed with n
. I letter of iutrodnction, ho took a pieoo to
a theatro in (ho biraml to road to ono of
tho management. ibo author did his
best uud iho reading weiit off well. At
' tho conclusion tbo ninuuxcr wild:
"Aud now, ilr. Hnupaon, ou muBt
allow mo to introduce you to mv mother."
" 1 Hhall bo doliKhted," said PnlKra've.
At this moment b lady entered tho room,
in whom my 1 1 it ml rcooftni'ted tbo stranger
he had seen in 'lhuiloo biinaro.
"This Mr. PnlnniTo bimpson, who has
been reading me a must amusing furce,"
Bald tho iiinua;er.
1 'lhe lndy appeared to be in the last
1 btnuo of nstoiiubmciit.
' Good crncloun '"she oiclaimod; " why
it is tho beuuolLtit briKiindl"
An Incident of tlio Statesman's Early
It is perhaps not ceucrnlly known thnt
when ho was n voting man Hismnrck was
for sonio time nn official reporter for ono
of the courts of justice, sii) s on oxchauge.
Inthosodius his temper somotimoi Rot
tho bettor of him, but upon ono occasion,
at least, his wit saved him from di'crncc.
This was wticn questiouiuc a witucss tho
I latter mado nn impiuleut-rotort, where
1 upon lli&marek no aimed nusrlly:
1 If ou are not niuro respectlul I shnll
kick ou out uf tho room "
I "Youiii; man," said the Judue irter
Iruptini: tho proceiduic, "I would hao
j on until rstautl that thli is n dicuihed
comt of jiulii o, and tint If nnv kkklu:,' is
to bo done the Court will do it."
"Ah, j on hco," said Hismarck to tho
witmss, " if ) ou nro not inoru respectful
to mo tlio Court will kick Jim out of tho
room; to bo careful Tory careful, sir."
Why Ho Didn't.
Fion ih luirMl liftl'if 1
Now York Mllllonalro (to tramp) You nocr
did an honest day's work In jour life, did
you J
Tramp (rofloctlvoly) No, I don't nunprso 1
erer old. Up to the time 1 quit warn 1 wan a
Wall street broker.
kJtitkj&QiiteiiMjj;AW.! aft
SC Can Do It. I Have Been Doing It
for 20 Years.
tn,i. Mtx ntr.-Tfii iio-i:
INM'M'TION t I 1 1 ll i ban I tnlir r hk
'i, it I ft' Mf, ll lljuu Jin tin I WHOM
!l !l I Al I W M)l'r
Mil IS t OIIIM.I tl)N l II t". !
n ii, 1 1 inii.ii liunnl ,1 i 1'"'' ' " i.''
I . . , iinlira ion '-" Wlilllllil li I Ml M.I
.HAl' t ilrtiKl-U' it I l mil 0
I t ll.l, I'l T I t I ) MIT. V I'-Jl
!a ani 1 aialp. ! I" "' '". '. "' ' V. '
Hanoi III wlthVlMIHI! in 1 I Al Ml M)l'
Aliltumil'la', rbr mi I TiJ.
an t.u' i.M't.itu m r. lui tiiink.
nt, r iinv "" tmi Hi i, pi 'ii 1 1 ;
at ik on nU) ,iiniiltlon inn Inn fa, r null
I, aIiin r, uiuvlnif iiluiilii..viuin i. il ilitii.ui hi, nn
i I i r lie ,riitl .11 I 1 nt nnl iinni llittli.
ili.iufi1iia tl uu an ntlirr IKnilAlolol.t
IN t I) ll " I'ltlM. " i I i 'I "" ''
I i I , , ll i ,in i ii it I in , i, ) n n I tl
,. ii l ixti 1 1 )i' r ili
M t I t ( I I I It 1 I ' on 1 l I i I
I I (Mill I I 'S I ! I l I l'
I j, i t k I K!- I I I
ili it niifkiubia i lit lli h ivl
I ( W'Ttaltfl Ihn Flints oil fi f r nr Sfipww
nil Imdilvtllor iliii purpest h it WuUljiU H
I ( Ul sul'il nuko tli" laiiuaii fktii tin at
I fiiitiliil to luolt upuu. At ilruKtfitts .irlij iumi
( ONNTIPTfO itn "ro and treatment,
nut a itliyrtft, hi n I fur l ik
ltsI'M( , fM Pil'tt- mi tlie eUn and the
1.1. ol He J thiDrtlQlc t t :
rC i: 1 1 1IIN, th lito t f i tan be
usoJ at homo lric f ll f r ho k
THAT M IMOI 11 I MM- ono lis
hIici. rUtnK In tint iara u ludaallto f Iroublu
Send for M5 I hko bo ik
Il'OIMO M 1112 jwumrlf n nt ri hm
Ton tununiilltri nt time to Dcnimtololit JO 11 Pi
II OtlHUK, U"iUcM4idft
ICINKlil f laultlie 1 by V litest lm
pru tl mttliuJ
ll( Till 1M Itl.M Vnow r Rinl tt in vliim
tlniit Nitftrtij-t I hiy kii i i I thin
wit n thtv tr ti Itrtnn- tiiffH nr f i n Ihi
lav nut trt 1 WOOLMU U h V 1AI. 0l I
ant Lo know lonud hfr ll r to I iidTet
tliu for thit purpo-t
HlMITTKI I'M lt Urtlimir ltd a ink
fr-kl, tc, I'i. it 1m nn mi! it with onj ot
tht at ulnf'N ill il tt-n 'I'nnl!itiiH ;ur
wtitottt .Toll II tJUlH.UUY Dtruiatotiriltt,
1J5 Utt4 Mfct
nns'TTiiiiou a on: vuv .
No mittor If jo i arc tirf 1 1 It Dmi let it nn
untlljotihivn read UK WOODllUin ,fc4 llook cr
ca ltd upon bun
voru liuriTii I- TrititiiiM. i
think you bavo l atarrh ( r ilropi ini; f th ttiiicim
matter n jrour thrt at I or Ih ml 1 1 1 tlitr- who
Fit tMd" nu nil er writo ll rmittlniit tOHN
II. ODlHUK, 1-3 trt4Jt it , (Hi
OVMMM PI', Warts. PliupUiat d Ittliliig ol
tl e Sculp inroi
IMH OT IHItf Vn I titrr aw prrinn
with thUk kln nnd conrn hair wli i wn I h t
hea tod It it tli tr in hi.ni pit ic who loto t..elt
ha.tr Did mi t r think ut it I uf r
OM) f N. fr it la nt t nr ar lor ou to pet
old if juii uso tho n-w 1 arlul In truiut nt
Till 111 VltD MM'. If tho 1 ntr i ahom
th I eird line or betwet?u th es, It tan ho per
tuiuentljr rtjmoToJ
mim: im.vtiivk ;.iaiu: mm:
TII1E l).' It ut a woman tan ni-Ur attain lpii
nine luvnlinesf unlets the had it cleir.luulthy akin
AOITlt I VK nro 111 abated Tlmj atr u I out
too far fioni thu head Did jou ever think ot it to
fort ltoad the Mook
rOlU, UJ:," bnt not jonruond
AN ItC!Fj MJSP ran be ImproroJ, More
wondt ri til thtnRt )iavu botn tlnno
(.1 M'llW m.H MAMinl r.n' IMttukt
aro crnocil from tho akin without tb Lnlioor a In.
TIM DJSI'H-1 IMN5 rOI.OIfi of mi-
IT tufted vt Inn at th" ti 1 f tin n)tand ht?-kn Jn
ttc tuall) nu 1 patnleHkt) removed without c it tine
HI ll HIM crubunclo LOba-ma i blue
Pearly clearnodo reiitorod
rll Till' sKV of tlinom who Mt Inldt
you in thH ar net th iu punplfhc tf jour fn e bond
10. for 1 lri pat,A 1 ook and ttamplu inc t f 5onp
TOIEIM M M Pills rndnco flttih 10 pounds
per month, with diet, hend for Uoo
VTMlt'll.-Kead the cliaptrr on It In tbo
book published by Jul 11 WOOIMIUHY
Tin: m: i vein. instkiii nt i
applicable to all llthy parts of the holy, nnd
' should be on the toiltt tabio of uvtry lady aud ueu
a smiM.i: ( ki: or sow ami
10c, IhMM'KV'illl), ON SKIN, s
And for a Tlmo Matters Woro Frotty
" Iteail BoinelliiUK tlio oilier tiny about
a enso ot misliikcn iilcntit , " tuid E. It.
Bliu to nn Inilliit,nioliB Jumnal man.
" I liail ouo onco mjBolf."
' ' An tliiuu reiunrltablo ?"
" oil, eB; it mails an impression on
me Unit lusted ft (,'ood whllo. tSoYornl '
ytrn bro, Mlicn I was much jomiirer uml
friskier tlum I nm now, I boarded tit thu
Bt. Cbarlis Hotel ou Illinois ttrcot. It 1
win thin Kept by a man named Hurt, who
bad formerly been a profiseioual wrestler.
" Hurt took a treat deal of interest in
me, anil oLrv now and thnn -noulil crab
ino to hhow how eamlv a inim could bo
downed if one only Knew liow. He
would coma up, reach around my uecK,
ltft my cum kotlmt I would be at h.s
mercy, and then ahlt 'How'b that?'
"One day I was whILiur alone VirsinK
acnuo, near WiisliuiRtou street, when I
taw Hut Ktandiua on tbo RidowiilU talk
ins to nnothir innu. His baelt was turned
towiinlR me, nnd I tlu)iip;lit to ii)tilf,
hlm, here s j our opportunity '
"I w ilkeil tottiirilKlllio imstit.pcr'tins
mnn, brought my baiiils ilonn on his
1 hliuimltiH with all an niipht. and, lillui'
liny laiPii at the huiue timo, riiM.il linn
I Iruni tbo Miluwnlk ns I asl.od, 'How's1
that i"
" Horo Mr Shiiw Mopped to ipo tbo
beaded peibpiratinii fluin his blow.
" tio on with tho story," buid uu inter.
, cstiil lifcteuer.
1 'Ml11, tliuowfts an nwful flitht I lyht
there, ami I mus in it, or tliini-bt 1 mihi r
n little wlnli) 'J ho innu was mad all tlu
wa thrniuh and wouldn't kio mo imj
' chiinre In txpliiiu
I "He cot tlioiicli finally, and thou I
told linn I was iiilstnKcii in thu mini that
I liml thought ho wax Mr. Hart, 1 didn't
I iihk Ins pardon , thut was ipilto umitcox
' r afur what bad occurred. Tlmt'stlio
niot rt niarkiibli1 1 an of Inisialti u identity
of which I h:to i.in Uuouleiluo."
A Honmntlo Moment.
(tout I'urk
"Your c)ea oro tn cnij books," talil Uie
"liluo tooxs aro not InUrestln rcadlne,
cenerail)," slio relumed sottly, And lio
i well, uu taa ula4 tiuuiaiiiuia .liua.iallcu
I aslceiL
Kt I'l l I'l I til s II I It on tlir lmal. tacn
Ii lidlja link. Uu l HI 'lit Ini'l I il
nn: iut:t.i ti. n thi,i'ii ri in:
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H, I li Nil I, an I ll no I I'lu'wra
Till: Itl'll SI I'l Ill'l.l' HIN-m nnr
t, .i.nllllinl iikiraliowll llrali i 1 1 "" luatuli Ut
"HIN M WOlllllll Its . Ill Mm Uil l . M1'
Sulk t Ity
lll IH Mlllllli, It " iiitl'ialu,
Viuiiiaviii.ttliliik .i.lut Itltn fait llnl tlio
HI'll I I'l M I'll' I,KH v,,l:
s SKI S IS. In fn I )oiir vtii'iol ip iram.ii
llulitatia i nn la D' Innu
UK, III" '.I' r Mnnll Imvl nl'li a ill af t
ari t la nn i,!ir
ItllVilSI. III! T lrpnilllil"'l 11 li"it
II aim- II ',, 1 i il lii.iniiii'il a l.i it'i
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Ii rt ol tlml "I)
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il ",nH, lm Iituin ul I iiiiialli ., nJ lUi lull! i
I ii I .k
fill 1(1 It I ISs in j our no ' i not iimhI
lull i it il
I'MIPI I mi t 'ilr ti i lik'acatikir apoton I
n r "..I ml b lin.il.l Mil
'I HOt t.ll Ol It SOs S lie ai rrarl.t
tin all i I I u nil' i lull l all 'W
i iii . it w nt oi oi it wi'stw in:
ran lm lm.ua.' I I') thu Ittwt mollii'il
" i hi ki.i:-." " iiotii.i'vitiii h
an I allu Ii r akin Hi mi-1 in riinou 1
Till l s IM I I' ii mr ali "1 '"J,1" lr.
ilium l a I 'i. I al ll m i iilu'ilil' an I
llltiv Hi alth. .. U.IIOIINII WODIHIIIIIS,
I) t'nal Ii Ki-I
Till I'll'ilSt.s n Miurtain I aui auro I iau
lt im il iuu nn I in" "HI lia i
SO s lit. II Al. (I I'l It TION ! H'alaJ
tor'llluto lllat luil'uila I lltlilliark
II Mllll nlllllllWs tro thlik ml run
tii!i.lliT 1 n il I ilil"' fuu tu aaak lliu blluvur
,lll 11 WOlllllll us
TIIVT Id'll ItOt'CIISII-'S of jour akin
la iru ipielit I'm ma M 'I' u at umo
til VH Till' ( HAITI It inSrara Wrlnklra
an I l'lttln In llouk lijJOHS 11. W UOlllll ll.
Hi rniatolui.lHl.
thin rAi'ni norsnri), haniiioxa.oft-
'nwl, wnukiaa 1 anUh'il an I 1 1'liiUh'a , ra llcate t
YOI ( S IlKTrl I if llial tnttn illur linsulnE
tolLiiiiituloiilat J01IS ll WOlllllll l.
iioi.ks utii nisi it. i ui:ui:nts.
lla tin 1 1 reniuiot
Tllllsl' IIVIUI.ISS M'HTS on roir
acalp I" Tiln-onMi tail' I Alol oma or InlllliK of tin,
, liall It all li inn I
I SO s ltt.lt VI. Ol'l It VTIOS no'iti. I lir
I llrnnatoli ul"! 'I'll' H V.ilillHU KV In f nuto
KunpoMili r mark ami mal j innu..
VtiP. ll.l M ss vstl I l" ia'io urln-
kl.V Piirnialo ial-l JOltS II. VMIUIIIIUUV ie
laoioi tUim
IIMIII It l'. llllltOVVswroallttletblcker
loa wonlil 1 1 tu till jinttmr It tan ta itoti'.
OI It 1' IJsnrolll ilnt'il Thej Hani out
too far Irjin tlio I tail
Ol It III I Ks am aiinlcn In. Don't nsa
tiluini rn hut ri ul iho irtliil,' onlailal Povali p.
uiiulby ,1011 II WOIIDIILMIV, llennato'oi.nt.
s IM I'M HI'S II VIII pirinaninllr ro
mof 1 li) tlio ekttrlo mo IK nor to roturu attain.
I'Kt TTV As VOI ar, ou aro not attracttre
wUrn Puni'Iea anil I'l itulat aro on )i or face
V VltT't VS1I IMIII'I.KH on tin- Siatp.Trry
annojuiR to lai'laa, aiKepaafullr rrniovul wltnout
I tlio kllll,
II Vltlll It's ITCH, a Jiaintul anil olatlnata
1 afuicttuu iaiui klyiurul
I VOI ( VSSOTit rll of "llell Worma"
ami "1, a k lUada i) i lij.ii an 1 a jtiiczlntf tbetn
V 1,1' VN F'.Ci: may bo niaile plump and
plea. in
"itni'TV is iiiit skis m:ri. In
otbor iiorJa, iMtli a lilouiiblitil iklu tlnre can bo no
Iti:i) M)Si: IH NOT alnay. ln of
i i.-i-rv.r hook sj'st si'i,i:n roit
i.i', m:u oi s vsi) hi.ooi) iiisi:vsi!s.
Ori'M i: OlS 1IY I.KTTK1I.
i 1 1 i:i IS70,
Otirulilu Contla. I mv l'rluei. Luteal
stlc .
Nu ili'pu.lt iilioii Innu limrla nut "iiiilod.
torn oni. iM.vtiioi in sisusmi.
ct- iii.i to atn I'Vitu itovv. s. v. nrj
l!t rhatbtm Mijoare an 1 City Hall atatlom I, IIIL
Pitrlor Suits, Climnber Suits,
Diuiug-lioom I'tunit.no, Bedding,
.Stoves, rolling Hods, Oilcloth,
Lmoluum, Alnttnigt, Window
Slmdos, Cm tains, 1'ortioroB, lte
fiigotutois, Lniniis, Cloukii, B.iby
C'airingos, 1'ictuio-, A.e.
Ii fait
r.vritvTiiis'i'.i'oit noi mihei.i'imi,
I.tlMS C HI HIT VSII 1,(111 I'lllt KS.
hill III It HVsY Tl'ltlisi
tSownrlli AJ drj . t I ilaiii. f I ar month
(SUw nth tl ui l alan i.r nionlb
7Bwirlli i; 50 d i - t l i i ? i.r iiionlh
tlOUocrtl 10 u.p'.t Ula u.i trmuutU
Ijitkoi aiuouuu limn rai Ano ttiuu mad.
lOl'lt OMY I'l At t 01 lll'SIMSS)
9193 to 205 Park Rov,,3
m;vv yohk.
wmoi en tivaaa esziq WMrntri
P jZ"k Cear s'r! a
H vJT ft A two-cent $tampu
4AQa J scaled and frea
H t - vS from nijrkt, a snm-H
tl f J' vJSw. I'le of thB Irrtngn
k54JLkiiiCi0r Fa Vm; Yitul ty
iand Ncrvou D'bi'ny flho sunn I OocKp
of startling fact) and truths The onlK
certain Spe.i'ic or ficnatura Decay ft
Curt quarcntoeJ
.-I OHM tun. or 10 A M. lo I P M. p
,ij 86 I itth Aitnue tew Ycrk Cilj, lA
Icarakl ESS loca-m auria .-.
sppjire f?Wf?fWlffWfp TOfTlfl jj m
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