OCR Interpretation

The evening world. [volume] (New York, N.Y.) 1887-1931, May 16, 1892, EXTRA 2 O'CLOCK, Image 4

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030193/1892-05-16/ed-1/seq-4/

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Bt WKW" '
II Wbtmilb&wlto
B BB' rubUshca tv He Jrens lttblttltlng Company
K ' H&i (Inctutllna Postage):
Ba!Wi rnit month aor.
Hi lw ri!K VKAIt 83. HO
B' BB Vol. S3 No. 11,227
B : HBbIi' Entertd ittho Toil Offlr t Sew York ai lecond.
K HR clasa matter.
i Hh
IhbbB sHavv i
mmmm -lHB
HH nr-niiAJiOii orncrs
H ' 'WORLD UPTOWN OH ICE-13(i7 nnoiDWit
H, aR between 31t and32d eta . Jtew York.
HOl tmmlt would haiillm oiuci'-I'jjth St. as
B'Llnt J1ROOKLYN-309 W.hiitoi Rt
B. jfHIb PHILADELPHIA. I' a -I morn Hriimsn, 113
LLHL elBtV': BotJTrt 6T1I ST WASHIM.TOV-C10 14I1I ST j
,'He; LONDON OFHOE-31 Cccsirin Hr., Tiia'ai.-
Bt tfll Jv OAH SQUARE.
B'1:''Ra', Tbe Best AdTtrtlsIng Month In the
;f;;if History of THE WORLD.
ill I
Kwfll The Gain in the Average
H IvBfl I nnmcr 0f Worlds Printed
H 'SflpfL ! rer a)' " April, 1t)!)'2, as
iB ' V'SP I Compared with Aiiril, lllUl.np njr
111 " '
'ISf advertising.
I wMH Beat Advertising Day R Q7R
H fibHn" (Sunday, April 10. 1092.) U,U I 0
WLsBL" Best Advertising Week Day . 0 JC0
WK St HC (Tuesday, Apr 1 26. 1 092.) 0, I U 0
aB' JIBl! Best Advertising Week. . . . nn J CO
WE' 'IwflH (Ended April 30, 1802.) LL, TU0
WM' EiHPt Bcst Advertising Month Q 00 0
Wmi ylBlfe', (April. 1092.) ul.tLU
H ' If 5$ff Best Previous Month Q 0 t 0 fl
HIISff (March. 1892.) 00,'tDl)
mIjP""-! Gain for April nver Best 7 70 D
H; i i l Previous Month I f fl 00
111 J IWifciifakfai
lli 'J -
7 Wlfer) T,,K "Oltl.ll rrlll nut, uiirtn- nuu rlnum-
LHv' lrmrBl finrrr, UlW itseirteiimnttMrfui iltrirtiiru
LB' C'tBh A oruf-Affjiliij or" rit lenttnl mimu.'ti i;iN
H' 9 aR . or picture?, of rrt a'zortri ihmartn ui tnttir
BS-. feBt '" .o exception irlll tie moilf (o iln, i nfp ,n(i
PBi, PK rfffnrd m rKAri Intrn ui imfcuurtx. u,
HH RBBz " wilt the rtWoi enter Into correxpowlnice toii-
BS, 1 ;S reTnlrifuiiataHnft e manurrrliitt.
mMF "'laWjC Tho Evonlntr World Prints Asbo-
WWm' I 'Wvy' dated Press Newtf.
Bfl ( - HKrV Every creen leaf nml bliulo on tho lh.
Wm'!i ?-Hl' B'' ' Central lur reluriiK us blcsBmys
B" wllti i0t sa'Tfttl0U Iroru the Speodway job.
' rmtp
Bfl 'ttMBclU New York besan, right at the Crnt
aami' BaSaV really fen id Sumlnj, to lcoep up to its
Hk rHKp pood name m nn unrhnllod bummer
HB & jHBV, resort.
BH (1aB9aT
BBf iVBJBv " Heal estate is lnnctlve," rnenuinc in i
BBS '' BPI New York. It applies in California, tlm
WWc 'm.'r BPriD" on'y '" ,lin mtennl betneeu
Rl! ' earthquakes.
Bl)if B Until somebody in nulhoriiy docidoB
Bl t V ml ' differently Excise section 32 nnil tho
f' i Wf r, "well" 'will mo it their own way in
BK'll' k 'ft:' it. New York o' cSuudays.
Bmt' '
BBftJafs ; ? Warm weather's firt strridv atmck
BBaH; But" T Beems to e UI)0U '' Kow reincml tr
aaaW It"! liberally the fund that "ill i;o to help tho
BBEv1 ilM'i Buffering tenement house babieR.
BBBb BS'1 De Kaiher'i, insistence ou tlin nbiolut-
BBBw)' ffl iBm ' "luv will " ami " ni) nay ' is not
Ba Ki' -' Gotl remedy, by example, for the petty
BBBleAK I con-cominissionecl tyrants of tho German
BBBK Bbw' Army. It is little u under they are on tho
IBK; f W0t Jncrease.
H9Bt'9 V II 0k French ddectnes to till the
BBJBBi t Czar that his Gatchlua pilace had leiu
VwBBB' uudermintd, and nns all fixed to blon
BBBBB him up the first mcht he shoulil sleep
HBBBBW there. Now, who will it take to catch
fVBjjBfc the underroiners?
MHIP Sv With stiletto and razor a coupln of
mm VAB: Newark Italians mauauoi to fi;ht a duel
which will ptobablv result m tho death of
both partio. 'lliib will sne trouble to
njijr BBBBrtHIt fhe courts. But who shull decide which
Wmf lBBBiiy b man's honor oomes out ahead ?
bhBBSmbB: !. Fouod dead and alone, ntd eiu'litj-one
BaBrSBnTBK'i 7eaxB lier possessions numbering thou
BB MRSBWa? Ie dJb of do"arK. her surroundiui,'b, bv
WM fmWmwt-Be miserly choice, those of poierty und d(.s.
Out BK' BBR 5 titution. Mrs. 11ai:v Laiei.s. of Will.
Wm HE '"BMjt' Jmburff, made of lift about tho worst she
Wmm V JBhl could.
BBf.' IBK ' Whether bichloride of cold will cure
BB V! 'MEro drunkenness or not. Dr. '1 almaol's crosi
B J6Vi,BK ' oxamiuotion of Dr. Kelley in the lirook.
BIBBI 'n 'aernac'e crcs eery hearer or
BBm SEmSv rfftder who may, before taking it Hi, ha e
LBbrbI ' naJo UP k'H miud that the natural Ttln of
LVaam wIbK circumstantial humor has been exhausted.
HHnHy n Africhtful collision in a terrific storm.
HLhBs Jjocal pauenser train tnd fft freight
Hp'1 ra1h Into each other headjoremoxt-
Hk, v jPnrl sad dylne and voanaed ones
HHByi4y, ,:, ,.-.- .;-. u ,
mJnclod In an awful heap of smoking
wreckage. Did tho freight engineer for
get his now scliodiilo? He is dead and
cannot tell. Did tho slpual man forgot
his wnrninc? 'lhat ho will toll to the
authorities who look into tho Sunday
wreck on the " lllu Tour" road near
docs, O. But somebody is fiarfully
to blnmo.
Hecordor Smttii has recently found
Brent fault with tho Diitnct-Attomej's
oftlco for alleged noRlcct in the prepare,
tion of cases for trial and the colisuiueut
loss of time to (lio criniinil courts. Ills
to bo liopul that tht next time the (aleu
dar Rios out tho Itrconler will biar in
mind that the Diitrat. Attorney s olllio
has demands on its tlino in tho cause of
mcrc as well as of jnstico, nud bo mure
modcrato in his ci usurc.
It turns out that rmiitlv tho District.
Attoruoy and his assistants liuo btun
busily cugaccd in an incstij.ation of tho
case of Mr. Jons MiiTl!. who dcsind to
Imvoanold iiidictmcut ngaiust him dis.
missed r- vc ml jiars ngo Mr mitii
I had lioroino lnol(il ui diflUultits
through disdiarging a gun, at tho oth, r
end of which stood a Milloi, who
' immediately after xpltod. Vftir ono
uimictiou and an order for it new ,
trial tho witness disapptarid and!
Mr. Smith was admittul to bail llu
begged for n dismissal of tho iiidictmcut
bceiitiso he was a reformed man, a mem
ber of aGcnuau Luthirau Church, tlm
support of on eightv-thrto ear old
mother, as woll as of an invalid wifo and i
thrco children, whom he wantid to save
from tho stain of tho indictment.
'lliiswnsn touching ifo ond after a
soarchi'ig incUiry the District- ttoruc 'a
otlue satisikd itself jf tho truth of tho
redeemed Mr ,Ions Smith's stor and got
the iiidictmcut dismissed. Hut alas, two
dojs thoreaftcr, tho police made a raid on
a dio in Kastl ifteeuth street, utar ihird
aTonue, kent by SJtiTii and his wife for
the last yoir and a half, and arrested fno
men and four women Moriocr Inspec
tor M it iiamh is authority for thu state,
mint that Smith has kept an "infamous
establishment" mi Bayard street eversinco
the sailor was so mcousidorato as to get
I cfore the wrong cud of his gun.
It is supposi d that tho rorord of Joliv
Smith's conversion and of his admission
to tho German Lutheran Church, with
the biography of his agod mother nud his
prajcrforthe removal of stains from his
family, aro on fllo in tho District-Attor-nej's
offico, with tho cases that wcro noi
read) for trial tho other day when Judgo
Smyth sat kicking his heels behind tho
llocorder's bench
A comot with eight tails Is visiting
around in tho suburbs of our solar s)s.
trm, causing many n flutter in tho most
rcchorcho circles of ultro-stollar society
and cutting a snath hi tho hcattsof sus
ceptible scientists that surpasstB any liko
meteoric perfnrmanco of the past. Tho
distinguished luminary is now shodding
his lustro in l'cgasus place, one of tho
most fashiomblo quarters to which
planetary commuters hurry when their
tin) 'a or night's toil is dono.
It cannot ) et be sei u by the naked cyo,
hut nn eye in n nightshirt may discern it
just ns easily if it ascends to tho roof with
, a pair of oporn glasses and perching on n
chinine.top nboilt 3 '10 o'clock to-morrow
' morning projocts its gacs nit tig tho
'eastern horizon. In block ysfi. section ,1,
I of the I'cpiisus addition to our uimerso
the searching eo will light upon tho
ncta-camlalhd stranger wandering on tho
other lawns of tho constellation or pump.
ing its bic)clo on tho cerulonn pave
ments, entirely regnrdless of hm.ui's
laws or tho cit). oidmauceH that govorn
nudrigulnto hpced ou the cosmic thor
oughfnris. 'I he o) o that resists sleep until tho hour
named will bo amply rewarded for tho
snenfuo. '1 ho comet's tails aro not only
brilliant, but there are more of thrm thsu
n comet ever grow before. A centurv nud
n quarter ago there wns n comet with six
tails thai thought itself some pumpkins
nud was much feted nnd celebrated by
the sk)-scouiing Four Hundred of its ilav.
This new comet sees thole six tails ond
goes thorn two hotter.
It is really tho swellest comet that has
yet done us tho honor of appearing " in
our midst. " Space is full of cobbed
comets, comets in claw hammers and
comets with ono long woebegone, lono.
some toil, but a comet with an octet of
appendngos has never boon soon before
and really deserves to ho liberally teod
and "swa)raed ' ond to havo its uauio
nppear frequently in the society columns
I of tho newspapers. Nobodv knows what
tho comet's business is with us, but thu
comet itself piobably knows. Surely
there can't bo any flics on a comet that
swings eight tails
I Thisweek was to have witnessed tliron
executions under the Stoto Inw dealing
with tho crime of murder 'Iho number
has dwiudhd to one, Ciiai.iih A
WitioliT. at Clinton Prison, has had his
case nnptiled. In Hi Mil C 1 vvsimi'h
esse, at Sing Sinj', tho Gournor inter
fered vuth a cominut itnm to life nn-
prisonmeiit, Jrnzi n I. 'lie i will die in
the ol trie chair at Auburn, l.xucutivo
. clr inmcy hav ing bt en re fused
'! o maiiv prnplnthn Govimor's action
in commuting Iasmnos sentence and
leaving 'I in to his f..to appwtM both ill
ndvised and inconsistent, 'lhe murderer
at Auburn is an old man, a v i n ran of
I the war. u victim of a nvero uorious
all'.ietion which sharp" lied a temper not
naturally of tlio best He kllltd his wifu
and did it brutall) but it was after iho
hud rif usid his pleading to r, tuin lu tho
home from wli.ib his bail tempi r had
duveuher 'Ihireisgool rejsou to be-
I lievo that 'lice's mind is olfccled and that
he does not rcaho his toming fate. It
was urged that justice woul I he as well
berveJ in his uiso by life imprisonment in
b) death
I or KtsMsn, the chief argument be.
fori the Goveruor consisted of aspersions
on th law)tr who defended him, und
i Blighting reference to the fact that the
brief in his appeal consisted of only
e ehteen pages. He killed a woman
whose life he had ruined, but whojai Le
could not marry because tie had a. wife
already, lie killed her cruelly, cold.
bloodedly, In a "Jack the Illppor "
I fashions an( left her dend lode to be
found, a gliiutly thing, in n publlo atraut.
H is true that 'J u r. siabbud his wife
neatly to death ou on occn ion long pru.
v lolls to tho murder. It i also truo,
according to tho tvidonco in tho case,
that Fasmso once stabbed tho woman he.
nnaJly Vilkul aud drew a knife on her yet
another timo. 'I hern is amnio opportunity
toqunstioii tho Governor's Judgment on
the two cases mid its pos-dhlr effect on
other murdcrtri tluu those coiicomed.
Instead of the I encdiotlon tho congro.
gation of tho Anbury Mi thudist Churdi.
in Wnshingn n Sqiuiri , took the appear
once of a hwlrophohl" vnlluw dog as n
signnl for dismissal )oslordn) iifteruoou.
EmiIciico vms thUH funiished tint the
righteous, as well as tho wicked, mav
snmctimo tit o whin no mull ursueth.
A llttlo latir tlio rabid uir stampodeil a
parading si tul-uiilitar) i rgaiiiiitiou. And
after bovenil thousand people had 1 crn
terrorized b tho one t i lied qiinilruped
it remained for n single mini withnsoft
hat to dexterously blinilfold and mu?lo
tlio dog nnd drop him into a box, wluro
he remain, d until n policeman's pistol did
tho rest. 'Ihis little incident might fur
nish the themo for iv piaeticnUeriuon or
two next Sunday
l'onsion Commissioner Kal'm's threat
to reiuovo tho pension n.'ency in Indian
apolis unless tho liimocratia State ( om
mitteo is evicted from tlm snnio building
is interesting and enlightening If all
thiugs worked together for tho good of
tho nation, Mr P.aim'h own removal
from ottho would havo long preceded his
opportunity to mako this threat.
'Hint shocking Colorado tnlo of nn
English ugent comiug to Amoricn nine
teen years no to buy from Congress, nt
n price without limit, tho demomtuntion
of silver, has not nbout it n convincing
ring of golden truth. Its inventor must
soon porccivo that the story 1b of poor
It suits Mr. I'i att just now to find Mr.
Blaine "in first. rate health."
Harry sammls nnd mil VaeDonald, wlio
eiihtiHinil the "Ullklal I'rogininmo' of the
Actors' I unit hair, swelled tho prontsof tho
event 0) over iin.000 llu) got out a vcrj
or'lstlc volume, lull nf actors anil actresses
photograph, anil w hrautllully bound tint
It would be an ornami nt to any elrawlug
roora latle. It sold for tl a copy.
Capt. Westervelt, of tho Thirty-seventh
street Btatlon Is ono of tho most zenlous
police ornccrs on tho torco. Ho canbeseon
da) anil night In citizens clothes, doing
speelil duty himself. The result is Hint ho
his tho best-behaved prcclnclln thi city.
homo of tbo papers make John I. Sullivan
talk like a doctor nf letters. Hut perhaps
his mentality Is trowing.
His Son Wns etago Struck.
Two men met on a train going west. They
hail known each other In tho 'nils, and re.
sumed acqualntanco with vim, sa)s tho l)e
I irolt 'ice llesn.
"An' how's that brlnht boy of yours?"
askul tho city m in ot hlsold-ttme trleml
"1'iart, pi art as ever, pard I wero goln'
to mnko n mliilsli r ol him, but hegotstngo
! struck and took to tint lino as nat ral as a
duck dies to water, an' I hid to gin In. And
he s tlio bist shot 111 Mnntan)."
"looktotho stiihi, cht And his ho been
, siRCesslul r
"Miccesstul? Well I reckon he her. W li) , I
there it I tit n man ciu tie named In tho same '
ilaj with Hill. Ho kin drop a grl77l) In his,
tracks without ever coming down Irnin ills
What lshtsiolo:"
" Hull ? 1 don l sav ej , pard."
' I menu w h it lino Is he In V '
"Oh, the Mounting an' Valle) lino tint runs
to dnochvllle through catamount crovo and
(irlzly Hollow, 'faint fun all tho time,
cither, pard, when bandits Is layln' low for
)cr inouev or yer lilt. '
" Mi, ho does tho sensational on tho boards?
Isee. A lowiomedlnn."
" Nothln' low about lllll, olo friend Ho
, Just sits up on tho top ot tho, Jlontany stngo
an' drives Ms foiir-lti-liantl as ens) as rolllu'
off a log Vi I said, tho stngo wiir right 111
1 his lino an' bo's a thiiiulerln good drlvi r '
" Have something," slid tho elty man, ox-
tending a flask, and as Hill's fither Imbibed
I his friend congratulated himself on unaer-
! standing at last tho status ot said lllll on
" the stage."
Whnt Ho Head.
Krfrt Is a boy who Is very fond of athletics
and that sort of thing, but a t ook is a buga.
tmo to him, which hi will avoit on all occa
sions Hecentl) a gentleman of whom ho is
, ver) fond reproved b'ini for his lick of tastn
(or books, sa)s the Detroit Fne Ire;
" hy don t )ou read some"' he asked
"1 do read, Major,' ho Insisted shamo
factdly so, you don't," persisted the Mnor, "and
you haven t a slni,lo b iok '
i "V.e, I have, too. 1 got one on my birth
day last Minimer '
" Hut joii never rcvl It "
Yes, I do, loo I ve read six pages In It,"
and 1-rert k tone had a ring In It
" W ell, j mi ought to re id other things."
" I do I read over) di)." This In all seri
ousness ou don't do anything ot tho sort."
" 1 1 s, I do, too. re id all the signs on th
Y red spoke n tth such an earnest belief that
ho was i great leader that tho imjor dlacon.
llnuid his let Hire
Mia lliirntl la Imj with tar lllrrarr work
nl a paltlkinir sin t it m II lir aia pra
tarinic bar Aril , luin,, ( rtharoaii liar liaa Ih
la aAld lo 1 a j,r anil kSa h lan ortara I l,y hrr
lljjiiiuu, tu iiiii ia huri aiti dar la Ilia
o an n t
I A Hind jo rajib hAi hit n .nllla ! ul d.rni
tuia maila t ,1 ai wi, I , It is a htisa tiaililaa 1 an 1
aailalKiSid 11 a K iik uf Sum liai dona tall, r
thin th la rr dar In h a hniaa tuajoot slaii it r bu
I lljr a naw la In d rca in tta Tjrol a haatj line li
llmpf-aadou an; m due tared lolllon lalxalu
tla famom II, ar of II afautl Ala ) much lourht
jj taruli
( onflaiiman Si riniar'i wlfa i n,l 0 i, tha
laadar nt ilia Ditto i ruion of ladlai loVVaihlnn
ion Har raeei t , m ara thronga 1 and lhara li al
; wi ji a Uij of (ir. u, V aitarn r i abo it liar
Tba Koctalx of tna At cianl Ordar of I oraitan ha
A ntatnbcritjlp of foci Ot
IT'S a fact Tha Tabla d llola dlnnar for T J. at
TazUOLUMBU, oo Union blawa, (toaf, M..U
t-tabaatiaUvaUt, CbarailBg wium. '
"Tho Evoning World's" Fund
Will Comfort Many Ailing Tots.
Nell Nelson Appeals Earnestly to
tho Little St. Nicks.
Children din Mnko (ho Churlty n
(ircut Success.
lur I'vrviNo VVonni ?100 no
I'nilotialraekiiiiwlalital 1, IH.OI
I M II .... V 110
I 1 S 2 01
I Mra I, . . - (JO
i M ... . 2V
A Vlothar 1 nn
1 ltlli l.ooioe , . 1U
Mils lettei, In whli h wis Inclosed H100, Is
, nt once text mil sermon Iir all who can uo
' moved by human love, i r wh possess hearts
tint will rt spinel In a In iiilirul chnrlt) liko
jlni I.vi'vimi U iiiii ii s,k Dili) 1 ur.il,
vvlile.li sends n corps of ph)sltlvtis everyday
diirluglbo Mimmer Intu the crowdid tone-
incntsofSiw ork to minister gratuitous!)
to tho ailing children of the p tor
To A. fllor
I love Hip linlilr., nml nlvrnrs wish
llieui loin ol In itllh, jn nnd iittttlsemt lit,
mi 1 liielnae inv mltp ultli u hriirt full of
lute for llu in nud my In st viKlu n I hut It
vi III mid In llu ir liniiplneaa.
ours frul . I.. J. vv flOI.SKY,
,i. H l,eliij;tnli an n ur. i vv orlc.
.Iliiy II, I Nil.'.
Noll Noluon AppoaN to Thorn In Bo
half of tho Bnbles.
Attention, I Ittlost Mcksl
lake )our sea's, fold jour dewy hands,
opoti)our dn Tiny eves, prick up )ourenrs
an 1 hear) our President sn) " I he Isocloty
vv III pletso rome to order '"
nw that )ou are sn Rvveetly attentive, hear
tho walls odour babies rilscd Imploringly
fni help
(inc. n tiny Htisslnn-Vmerlcin, lies In a
starch-box In Hlnnlngnvn street, n section of
l'oki r Hat, lieiivein Vndlsin and Henr)
streets The poor llttlo wntch Is about as
mean n spiclmen of hnminlt) ns )Ou ever
heard or read of. Into n worse botch N'aturo
cmilil liirll) have put the breath of life. Tho
apish llttlo In ad Iscovired with lone, conrse,
black hair 1 he complexion has tho green
and yellowish hues one associates with do
, composition. In the wrinkled forehead, the
drawn mouth an 1 tho plaintive sounds that
escape, human agony, awful to contemplate,
I finds expression A pet doz or a cherished
horse In the svme misery would be Instantly
put to death b) a merclf U owner
The unfnrttinnto mother, following tho
custom or her nee, had tied blnck thread
about the sktnnv little wrist nnd run It Into
the lobes nf the child's ears. Hut more mis.
chief than mngtc was evolved by these flaxen
Would you believe that this mlto or mlv
fortune his nevir known tho refreshing
Inlluenro of n warm bath, tho luxury of a soft
flannel bnilj garment or tho blessing nf ono
wholesome meal'
Well, It Is a fact.
It hns been absolutely without phvsleal
comfort. Iven fresh nlr and soothing ltfe-
glvlng sunlight havo Peon withheld Tho
In st part of lis miserable little life hns been
spent In the starch box which has cotton
I rags and woollt n rav clings ft r a 1 ed.
' 'oino evt nlng when the worknt the clntr-
Ing fnclorj gives out and tho mother cannot
earn iven "i cents a div the box will lio
1 In ikt n up for fuel and Inbv will have tolle
In tho dirk room l )ond the conking stove,
1'Hlable as this easel', wondi r ceases when
the pan nlnge Is considered, for the father,
who Is nearlv slxtv-seven )earsof age, Is In
rharlli Hospital and the privations of vnuth
and the haidshlp of womanhood have de.
stroyed the health nnd blighted tho llfo of
the mother
Devoted frlenls, ns poor nsshels herself,
bring shop pants and vests from the fnctorv,
and with the starvation rates that tho "mid
dle nun" pa) tor llnlshlng shn manages to
Another child nt misfortune In tha same
neighborhood Is n skinny starveling wltn a
weazen face, limbs as lean as a rake and a
neck no thicker than an hour-glass, who
would not throw an more shadow than a
rttuli) s cane If It had strength enough to go
j out for n sunning. This emigrant's child Is
left alone ill da) In charge ot a ten.yeir-old
brother w lith t he pnn nts are at w ork.
j It would make a splendid stud) for a class
i In nnntnmv, for there Is scared) a bone In the
attenuated little b wly that Is not clearly out.
line I
The child Is ns quiet nn 1 uncomplaining ns
a wax doll, and tho famli) pooli-poohs tho
Idea of sickness, 'i his Is tho protest of Ignor.
' snee, for the poor littii creature Is wasting
awa) 1 1) digrns. Us flesh dlsippenrtd long
ago Now the skin Is tlghtinlng. the ()cs ore
sunken and tin shrlvi Ulng of tuu features
gives the tlnv la o a tool, that Is positively
hideous, so low Is the ebbing strength that
jthnflnjers have no grip, nnd when ono li
I raised it falls limp tho moment support 1
I withdrawn I lio pn ssureof a bo)'s mllltirv
capon thi delltnte bead would crush It with
I lie last of the quartet Imploring aid arc
t rollier and Hsu r, whoso homo Is in Wcnuo
I A, in ai Ildi I strict, Mimo Inslillmn ills.
I ease of hi redlt) Is manUcst. tine chill
I bus softening ot tho bonis, nnd the
othi r stub tli Ircllve sijht that thesnrtit
ravsof Pent .ire pnlutul. Mo-t or tin dav.
I lime be ilipi under tho lied or tnl le.
iinth an bltiisllcss Utile creitures, with
Mesh thi ct 1 ir of i oi nmeal.
I N , di ir llttlo 't. Mcks, don't you want
touve a cindy.pull, ostrowberr) fistlvil, n
I dolls baoar, an oicn.alr loncert or a I i)
part) to help the I und for these babies'
I An 1 1 ksisti Woni ndoclur will to sent tr
the iinhipp) ii ur, tnil ho will neul inone)
tor f l ii thing, medicine and liospit it sup.
I lb - lb win m all rolinbllliv InviMopnv
1 i k r in In order to have incited si i-m
vvii n, inn., theinse. lie vvlilnnlirl.it
lulls, o sinti t units nnd boiisei li ai It ii
of will h will mcissli.itii mil nud pnliip
tlie iiriins. of ki tilts, puis, Inslus brn-lie-suit
vmIiiils Hi will have to have a ii il
sum i r ihttiliiilala and ho will hivi t i, ,
it - it u v
v.i i can di wondeis If vnu nrl ktew it
Vim iro will and happ),)ounri apnurir
the Iiiii I, mil nur (lilt Is to the ale , tin
1 s r in spirit and the heipli ss.
lie b ilili s Inn,, lo )uii Ii r sv ripalh) lh(
world exptets klndniss trom v m, an i tin
Irie Inn lors l-iiriil hopes to bavi ur to
i pi ration MIMiom It nothing ( in be dnni
Im ase ih n't muse. Nm Nhsun.
A Mother's Mite,
rm. tiiir
I ni lost d nnd I fir the Mc I ables Pund
Mv s)inpililes ar wlthtun sli k Utile ones
ss I an a mot n rinvseir la U:eki . in ,
In us al) the undertakings ollur Kvkmsi
W oki n A Moiiii.il
I Inclosed also And xo cents from
. '" . -s-v
from Iht llltl'ntt DlHtir.
Weary Traveller Heaven bo praised I
Iht ru aro tlio loners of Munich.
Dnrli ni Y
f - ..$,
The tevvers.
A Lost Cuatoraer.
Irom fuctt 1
I srtujsiTSA fi r. I
gj A & -
Jlr. Sutherland (making purchaso for her
husband) llavo you llaiik)-l'anky shaving
I sonji ?
Zealous Clerk Yes, ma'am; out here Is
some o( our own make. If )ouusoltonce,
)ou will never bavo any other.
To Enlare-o His Pnper.
hrnm Itur Hf rr Vre$
" I'm going to cnlnrgo in) paper," remarked
tho editor to the farmer.
'Ho am I," was the icsponse-
"Why, )ou haven't got any paper," ex
1 clalmid the pued edit i
ot like ) ours in iv b. but I've got a note
out for y o and I'vogot to enlarge It to$iu0
or sell oft halt in) farm '
Gotntr Prepnrod.
l7rom Tin Jin 7rti
(Mamma, explaining tolur llttlo girl, nged
five, that (.very thing sho dos and sa)s is
written down In a largo book in heaven )
I tl asks ro nil tlio naughty things, too?
Mnmitia -V, i s di ir.
I. tl (pinslveli)-lbcn I think I'll tako a
pleeo of ludl i rubber with mo
Ifrnm It trj .r'j l.nr
An nged Hnptlst t Ider, who wns noted for
his Intillccltial vigor, wns conversing ono
evening with it number of tho brethren wh-u
the subject of old n,'o was ti uehi tl upon ono
ot Ids trie tuls vcnttirtd to nsk If he found that
bis Increasing )ears hail In an) waj luipaluM
Ills mtiiior),
I he gooti t hi man pondered for a while, and
then u piled Well, I laimot nt tho pn sent
momtini 1 1 member an) thing that 1 have ever
forgot ten '
Not Thin Kind of Fnmtly.
Frrtm IA. ) ,ml" ill ! -
Protestor 1 his eccentricity vnu speak of
In your daughte r, isn't It, after all, a matter ot
heredlt) ?
Mot hi r (severely) No, sir I I'd have you to
know, sir, thero never wns on) heredity in
our tnuill) I
A Chnrmlncr Tribute.
(TV im lltri r'i tnmr J
" Tapn," said a little girl who had been
getting a great man) f-ntlsfactor) answers
to a great man) quisilons, "what's tho uso
I of our having a dlctlonar) In the houso while
)ou aro hero:"
A Touchy Point with Htm.
from n I Hill 1
Alg) lo you think, ni) love, that your
, father will consent lo our mnrmgo'
Angel) -or course papa will boaorry to lose
, me. d irllng
, lgj Hut I vvlllsa) to him that tnstoad of
Using i d uigliter he will gain a son
vngel) -1 wouldn't do that, love, If you
really want me l'apa lias three such sous
, living al home now, nnd lies a little bit
touch) on thu point.
i ' But n Clovor Reporter Outwitted tho
i Comocllnna nnd Qot tho Words.;
When Donnelly nnd (iirnid, tho come.
tlmns s-truik i cltv not n thousand miles
nvvii) cnrl) this scosoii, (he songs inci.
, ih ntnl to "Natural Gas" wero now, says
tho ( hit ago oil,
Iho ditl) nbout tho horse Bonnimrto
sttiik tho populnr tnutv, nud many
omnia wero iniido to obluin tho words.
' 'iho music aiis so ens) a boj could ro-
luoiiiber the nlr, but ns the ctimotllaus
pud tli'i for tho song, tno words were
kept in tloso i uslody.
One of those who wero nearly " tickled
, to tli nth " with the roue wns the editor of
it 1 cut pipci, who ilesputihetl a steuog.
r.ipliur tn "titko It,"
llio stenogiiiiihir;, thinking tho come
1 iliiins would feel Itntteiod bv tin prestueo
of it shorthand writir, nit in tho front
I row. 'Iho son' begun mnl thorcpoitir
whipped out lis unto book nnd ( mil.
mi in oil to "tako it." Ilio comedians
retched tho lines
i " I In owmrof a horso nud 1 nek said
' he would si II to him the fastest horso ou
, llright Hi tioik " when the) slopped
i ho t ri lns in phi) ed nil nml woiidorod
. vv lint hud hiipin In d llu li those on thu
. stage In gan guvuig the rtpoiti r, whoso
fni was now suffused with blushes. That
uudleiiee did not htnrtho rest of tho6ong,
nor ditl tho ituilieiice tho next night.
Siituiilnv night, however tho tomcdians
sang it again. 'Iho reporter wns there.
I ut Ihis time up in n box in the second
' gitlleo.out of sight, llu took tho song,
j missing n fovv words, which wero after.
waidn rcartllv supplied, nud Iho editor
published it in Ills paper the follow lug
Monday ovenlng.
A Oostumo That Will Bo in Uso
All tho Year.
Somo Timely Hints on the Solectton
of Veils.
A costumo that will be nf use nil during tho
year has a skirt cllb.tr or broadcloth or black
sllf, while to be worn with It is a ttirec-quar.
tcr coat ot dark blue, brown or moss-green
velvet. With a bonnet to match and gloves
In harmnn), ono would bo dressed for almost
an) time In such a toilet.
J F J SJ llv il MBM I ljl
The heavy Russian net, that which Is called
Croiistudt, Is not advised by n student ot veils
for small women, as it tends to so disguise
their faces that they havo a headless look. A
veil with a border will ago tho race. Although
the) are the most dellcato and can only be
counted on for ono wearing, still thero Is
nothing as absolutely becomlnj- as folds of
fine tulle. These, or course, con be chosen to
match tho hat and give any shading desired
to the fate. A red or a pink one will throw a
llttlo color on the cheeks ot tho woman who
Is pale, while n gray, a pale green one or a
Ikht brown one, ns well as onoot blue, will
subdue, the roses that oro sometimes found
too intense.
Somebody has discovered that much time
Is lamentably wasted In slitting open en
velopes, especially when ono has a large
correspondence, and In order to economize the
picclous moments this Ingenious person has
devised a means ot opening letters at light
ning speed b) means ot a thread run across
the told or tho flap. An end ot tho cotton Is
left out when tho envelops Is stuck down,
nnd one has only to pull this upward to open
tho letti r as If by magic.
Jewels possessing a history, or to which
somo superstition Is attached, aro greedily
sought for by tho girl or to-day. How many
of them would liko to possess tho necklace I
which Is worn by .Mme. Bernhardt when sho
pla)s "Iheodoral" It consists ot squaro
gold plates Joined by gold chains ; each one
Is Inlild with stones that represent a charm,
or a virtue, or, best ot all, bring good luck.
lionnets nnd hats for maids and matrons
aro qulto pretty, tho nrtltlclal flowers are
lovel) and all tho satin ribbons used for
strings me rovcrslble, with contrasted colors,
such as tlitmn on one side and amber on tho
other, or lilac; and old rose,
Tho lady managers or tho Worlds Fair are
desirous of obtaining a full list of all organl
7allons conducted D) women lor charitable,
philanthropic, Intellectual, sanitary, Indus
trial or moral reforms. In this country there
Is noway by which one society can tlndothers
whlih havo the same end In view. With a
knowledgo ot the whereabouts ot societies
with similar purposes the women think that
concerted action could bo obtnlned and a
much better result brought nbout. Accord
tngly Mrs. llarker, lady managor for South
Dakota, has sent out a circular letter to tho
commissioners or all labor organl7atlons
throughout tho I nltcd States. JIany cordial
responses hav e already boen received. Feorgo
W. Walts, of California, expnsscs gacat
Interest in tho alms or the Woman's Hoard.
As the Information asked of blm Is not
now complied, ho has appointed Mrs.
Frona K. Walt, allernato lady manager, as
a special ngent to cotloct tho desired data.
Colorado's 1 abor commissioner, Lester Ho.
dine, has m nla a prompt and cordial re.
sponsc. lltn H. Howard, Chief of tho Indus
trial Duroau, of Ilnltlmoro, has forwarded a
long list ot charltablo organizations In .Vary
land controlled b) women. Iho beads of
man) Catholic Institutions aro also In corre
spondence with tho lady managers. This re
quest b) the W Oman's Hoard hits shown how
utterl) laciing this country Is In statistics
Buch ns are dcslrtd. hnglaud has a carefully
complied volume, similar to tho ono which l't
Is proposed to lssuo here. Among the replies
received to tho letters was a communication
I from hamuli it. llotchklss, Connecticut's
labor toir.missioner, who furnishes a list
I chlell) of Industrial nssotintlons. The Super
intendent nf the CenHus states that tho sta.
tlstlcs now being compiled will probably be
ready vMjhlii tlio next thrco months.
- m
Und Eomo Depth,
lrom Train J
" The trouble with lompy Is that he Is
" lornp)? Nrnsense. If you had ever
tried to nil Tomp) with champagne you'd
have chanted j our mind about that. "
Honrlng the Returns,
fm Jury )
Jnbson-What did llobtou say about my
pin) :
liuliann He said ho certainly felt that he
had gotten the worth of his monej.
J Jul son Anything else
Hobsui-iihl )is ho asked mo to thank
I you in thu complimentary ticket jou sent
Id in.
WorUlrir His Mother.
Ifrnai floo-f titvt
I Irst Hoy Didn't jour mother tell you to
get nutmegsr
Second Ho) 'Vcp.
" 1 hen w hat did ) o get cloves for ?"
"'tausii shell want me to go back an' tell
'em I midu a mistake an' want nutmegs.
, Then I'll sav I'm onul tired an' aon't wanter
, go back, anvUrtiiiclie'ii give, taeove cent, to
buy caudy."
...,' Ae,tt,iurr;Wrf'.lAt V n. '
coxtixci: voir at his noMtc.
Ite Ha rt RMfTmr from Catnrrh, and
ilr Sau Utt IWin Vntler Iltu Obllun
tinnn tn Doctor McCoy and lMf
man for Making a 2irr Man uf Him,
Rdnurd Otto in a llthnjTaphc r r. 1 St Will km
rtreft tu thi rtty ami hr ltf al 143 llroati mret.
HUpleton, Mi ten Ulanri Mr Otto nude the fol
lowing: ntatfinftit ' I hare Im. n ifff ring with
catarrh fnr al nut two yearn, an 1 1 tried all the dlf
terent method I m tli, think nf tn tl I myself of the
ilieailtul and torturtnjc disease, tint never ifot any
relief My none war one solid maan tint 1 co ill
I hardly breathe through I waa continually hawk
Inc and npittltiu 1 often thouf lit 1 had tonmimif
tlm 1 finally went to I W torn Met. nj and VMld
wan, and In all weeka I waa coiitulerably relieve 1.
' After a few roontha treatment under Doctor
McOty and Wlldmau I feel like a new man 1 feel
that lain under a bi obligation to Ioctora McCoy
and VMldman, and I am ver thankful to them for
what they have done for me I iheerfully recom
mend them to any one sutTennfr with catarrh Any
peraon whodunhta thU atateiuent may tall at my
residence, 141 Itroad afreet. Mapleton, Sta ten
Island, and I will conlnce them tjenonaliy "
Doctors Hot oy and VMldman make a apeclaltr of
the treatment of all chronic Utee., including
catarrh Ther ftirnUti all medicine free, and
their charges for treatment are so moderate that
they are within the reach uf all
Offlcos, 5 East42d St., Now York,
wham all curabta caaes ara traated with toccaai
If you life at a dlatance wrltfl for lamploni blank,
Conatiltattun at ofhee or by mall free of charge
Adrtreai all mail to S Fast 2d at , New Yora,
(maalioura-S tu 11 A M , 1 to i V 11 , 7 to
0 1', M. bundaya, 9 to li A M
The system of selling every artlole of furniture at
factory cost and of a reliable quality Is strictly ad
hered to e keep no goods we cannot recommend,
therefore our customers areahsolutely safe In their
dealings with us These principle loyally main
tained have secured an uninterrupted and unprece
dented success
Our samples of "White Maple ara much admired.
Wood Mantels, Inlaid Wood Floor, Cabinet
Wood and Interior Decorations made to order from
special designs at our factor, ISA, 160 West
13th it,
104, 106 and 108 West 14th St,
'ndlnn Couriers Have an Alarm
Clock Upon Which They Can De
pend. "I elon'l know what I'd do without
mv alarm clock," yawned Simpkins nt
tho boording-house breakfast table.
" It's hard to get nny fun out of jour
evenings unless )ou ntny up until nearly
midnight, ami that means 1 o'clock bo
foro jou really got to sleep. As my em
ployer insists ou mv being behind tho
counter by 8 ... M., that means waking
up at C.
" You can't get tho chambermaid to
v.ake j ou every moiuing without consid.
erablo outlay of tips, nud it would tnko n
pretty muscular girl nuv wav to pound on
mv door hard enough and long enough to
wuko mo olle'i tuiill).
' Now , luy alarm clock makes it simply
impossible for me to sleop.for it kicks up
such on awful row thnt I have to jump
out of bed and stop it in self-defense, be
fore it gets hnlf through tho perform
ance," nud Bimnkius, snis the Cincinnati
Uniwutciot.Gitittte, smiled the fatuous
smilo of a man who uovor discovers that
he isn nuisance.
"Yes, we've all noticed that,'' said n
stout commercial troTollor. who, wheal
he was at home at all, did not get up gen
erally for full an hour after Rimpkius
did. "I could recoinineud jou to nn
alarm clock which would arouse jou just
as effectually ns the one you have now,
and jet would not wake up everjbody
else withm a quarter of a mile of you.
" lhe lost time I wns down in Jlexieo I
left the lines of railroad and pushed out
into tho wilder parts of the country, in
tho interests of my firm. There I mot
for tho first timo some of those famotiB
couriers. Indians, who enrrj- messages
for hundrods of miles with much greater
celerity than horses can do in that moun
tainous couutry.
" When the courier's trip oxtonds ovor
throo oi four davs, as it frequently does,
ho allows himself two hourB sleep out of
evory twenty. four, nud, ns ho mokes his
bed on tho ground, just wherovcr ho
happens to stop, thero is no chamber,
maid or anyone olso to rouse him from tho
htavv stupor which naturally overcomes
a healthv man who has been running
stendily for nbont tvv out j. two hours, cnt
I mc occasionally wlulo ho runs.
" Having solected his bed, ho takes soino
thick cord from his pouch, cuts off a
piocoofit, of a length which cxptr.enco
hns taught him to bo about right, ties ono
end of iho cord, which is composed of
carefully selected material prepnrod in n
particular wav, to his too, sets tiro to tho
other end nud (nils asleep so quicklv that j
j on would think ho was coiiBtriuted like
ono of thciso mechanical dolls w hich closo !
thoir ej i sns soon ns thov tiro lad down,
" Ho feols iierfcctly confident that the
cord or fuse will burn slowly but surelv
up to his too in two hours, or thereabout'
and he has no doubt that when tho twist
of it which he put around the too is on
firo it will vvnko him effectually."
No fienso of Realism In Her.
om lAa Jirnmlon Jiucktaw J
Mrs Joins Whj, 'lommv, have jou got
tired already pla) Ing with ) our llttlo sister?
Tommy es, l don't want to play with her
nnv more.
.Mrs. Mnlth (a visitor! Wh) not. Tommy?
'lommv Hecause slm is too mean lor uii).
thing hho iron t lUlil a bit liko you and
1 npa. Sho Just sulks.
Ard That Is silvo-.
Irr.in furl.
" 1 hero are rift) -ono metals," casually re.
marked a man at tho breakfast tabla in a
Washington hotel.
" blr," qulckl) itsponded tho Senator from
Net oda, " there Is but one metal."
Musical Novoltles.
irrem 1h JvIIr' H'a.Wv
Blppler X have an organ clock at home
which plays aerer'al tunes.
T IppierTUaCi toothing, -i 1 nave a band
. f!- 'V'J.r'' l-j'a'sfnl.a ) ji li'1'('',M
Ulnii :. Cii. I
offer To-morrote, Tuealay, Mag 17,
A choice line of tins season's Wmmm
Importation of 11
as follows: tW
Real Guipure de Ge?ie H
i7i white and ecru, nmm
7 inches wide jil
Q(c IH
C J yard; actual value $1.20. ISeH
I I inches wide Wt
JL X KJ yard; actual ralut 8108s H
Black Chantilly iH
Demi-Flounces WM
J J yard ; Vjmm
reduced from $ , .35. lH
Black Silk Lace wLW
Demi-Flounces H
atiO and lQyrd; )B
reduced from $1.75 and $2.95 Wmm
Embroidered Chiffon Edges Qmrn
in the most desirable shades, Hiavvfl
CJ 1 yard; reduced from Q2o, 191
18th St., 19th Stand OttaAva. j
(18th Street Station Elovnted Bo&d. ) J mWM
At the Price of a Itndy Ilru.ael.. j jH
(to Introduce),
New Weave Ingrains, H
aa rich In effect and we believe enal In wear to 4 j-M
I Brussels H
A large line of EXTRA SUPKRS, patterns we d -W
not Intend dupllcatin, at less than cost of produo- H
tion JHl
Durlntr the dnll season we- vade, out of rtnv TmWM
nants and odd pieces, and hare left, about 1 WJfl
In all sizes, suitable for all kinds of rooms , will bv i H
closed out 1 imM
Just the thing for hotels, cottages and ummftt n H
resllenrns 11 H
Brinsslzeot room. 9 H
Onr new Importation of China and Japaneaf y H
8traw now on rihlbitlon Many new and novel B
effects, white, red check and fancy'patterns, H jH
FROa 85 PER ROI.Ii OP 40 YAltOH. 1 M
A large line of Jolntless ( hlna and Seam I Mi I H
Japanese Mattings at 25c. per yard, f !
OR 80 PER It O I.I. OP 40 YARDS. f fl
In sheets and odd pieces, I to 8 yards wide J it
We have also some remnants of Heavy bhaetatA ( ImMw
close out I jM
1 isl VTII AV i:.. lllth.V.M) I ith STM. I M
hrt'T I XII IIMI.NAIOH, aure daalh to all in. B
acli, ourna tlialr lillai antt tiiiKB Mn polaonotia
ami non aijiloaiTn Alaiiniir MikIo Koacti Food, vl
tlaitroys ruacltaa anil watar bnca oM efarr IB
lara MAI 1.AD1. i ( (.) , Mtn , New York M 9
ftacurltr or i utraitaotiN ratal! Itiitabnatit luloaa da aLVJ
mantlail ,han purtlia-ltiK fitrrilliira from ma llava . aval
vaiau luaiuinntli taaralmniai In ,N Y Cltjr. Sal
.1 a it i:i i'i.A(.(.. .m.. , WJ
Crantl Haitla 1 nrtiitura Matiutatturera' Aaani. S Vfl
llll Wait '.Jtli at , ultin open J A M to 9 I', ,M, I V
Tho Only Way. I M
I Jr. in. fuck 1 I W
I "I wonder how Haw kins got his Invitation
to tho Van Met nbtirgs" reception?" W
" Kobbcd the malls, I guess "
Had tho Essential Qualities. I
rnirt TVulA 1 M
"Ihey are talking of running Parker for fl
Mayor of Jlorrlston."
1'nrker I W hy, he's deaf and dumls" , H
" 1 liai'a just It. He II be nu Ideal canrli. J 9
dato. r n
A Pair of Chumps. 1 fll
7ob. (A. Harvard Lanij tttn J H
Churaplcy I sav, cimllie, doucherknow, I ', SJ
Just received an anonymous letter, douuio flj
knovr.t Mm
JJtpley-aoodgrraclousI Who from.

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