Ml OF HI WOULD. SPORTING KRW NOTES. Q JjjJJ gROS. OflB DoilaT PW Wfifik! Sfifihu- TTBin: I
Frank Carlislo Sucooeds Barry- Lannon and Godfrey in Good Form tjL enr,.. TUIlflctr i .... . , ,.., TT llfe?t Station foot of Libsrtv St North River I
m more in Palmer's Stock Co. for Thoir " Go ' To-Night. W, SPECIAL THIS WEEK- Will Opeil an AcCOUnt With Us. 'lOjMJrA
H ftWt& EN'S ALL-WOOL SUITS, Miynyimwaiittotnimpthoi-itvwhciiwncnnprovitloyou uTl SWTtfeuA Tr","'""'"l I
De Koen'. Nv Opera to Ho 8taBcd OInt, nn.l Quaker. Pin, Two l&St SSCkS. ?5lO OO. F.OCkS. th .V. n tiling Mm iimv possibly lT...i.'0 ill P-V VYJf vf-j l" J r LT? , ,""7
WElMI vot !KJ!i out "mni our shop. I PICTURES, BABY CARRIAGES AND REFRIGERATORS, D S-C "alhi,uklise.
B There has been considerable curiosity ,o The sport are; .enthusiastic over the nod. .XmMm ' ' cs-T I M Uio onsiost tonus of linMiiont iinilKinillilo. HoMllos, HV 7'""- " "" .ft",' KiWl1,'- a0?; T , V!. J.0 A.1 ViCi
TfT'S MuurZHa : b .KwiopTot tSMMI $5.S3j Us,:,,-,,MmHiti',h arrniitt,KixofulUiiluoforthonioi.cv A GOOD MOVE. pXflA tXti
nVmch iV" m n " b t! u' ci'.imot .L? rLT oTtim fefS MFN', FI ANN Fl. INDICn RMIF, SUITS I"1"1 tu,,,t ' l,i'h',1,s ,,,,,,;'-tlv ' "V,rv pn.tirular. ' rot, wit... make a noon aovr. whin oftM ".1 tUft " " "'-" "
gTsses wc wr Prt'orln,. Iho met that I.snnon ami nL H lUClH f L Aft H tiL 1H U1UU DLUliOUll. , Q Ij o TERMS Yolf HELKtT Youu FURNlTUltE and (Alt- iiS.JJM'TOSnVrfVjVWiSlls
ft man, and Mr. Palmer himself Is too authority licr liwobMh locl iilihln ev wlMni WMfMiWiX tftt 11 QQ .vi nii, .r u.nl., n ", Ufi.wRi h!.S A .,!., .m hr Wf-k. pc AT 'n I-"AI.1SIIMENT. Til.: ' VirVu',". .".ii) 'VfiL m.eper. on m, h
for tho announcement. When the writer distance ot the Uub has given nil thoso who EmttfHwN SJ3-ILlCiB ,? .V .'.' .' .;', ',. j; ; ;f $ '.'. tuns or niwns we orrtlt is WELL "f1"' ,..,. ...,, ,,., , .
V asked Mr. Palmer It It was true that Mr. Car- -'ro a trifle doubtful a, to the men's condl. WII-'W i DAVO fliUfDIM A miftll OIITTC -- - known iou sUl'EntoitlTY of style. Hi:- ; W. '""oiVSiWAtaS
BK lisle bad been engaged as leading man ho re- Hon a chance to , them up. iVZMlfUW DUiS lj 0 III 0 1 M A 1 1UN OUllO, TJ T-n -. LlAim.lTY OF MAKE and moderateness s,i
piled: '', sir; thero arc no positions In my Lannon Is In bettor form than bis friends lii'-Umiy NsS- n . m . i .. . i ii.i 8 ffl-C tfTQ 1 ( -rt-- KTB V - JbVa 1 J ..,,,,, lj.rri.bur. 6 uu pi.pi.i . i-oii.tui, c.ihj .tcrut B
Company. Mr. Carl.slo has been cnKnBed, ...llclpalcd. Godfrey Is In Koud co.jdl.lon W Coill, TffO Pair l'ailtH niul Hat; B OO O Ifl 0 0 11 CV l FO- P AI l .IIOWKCO A s.-f KNUin t W OF "Rbu" .'l'n.V,,nSor,n.l".h(t, ,. i
H however, to play Mr. llarr j moro's parts, and too. and cars an air of -do or llo" about iMm ZTZ , Q A il A It J. A JL ?k. J-J' 1. J'B "I- AUl. SIIOUINO A su.hMJin MNh OF t a rf. l lu. T .iii i- m . ij is ,.im. .i.Vpt H
ho wlllappcar in 'Alabama- In August." him. 'I ho club omclals ho been bus KK. WM OOO.- 1313 tfl 1315 Tllll'd AVP llPt 7irh nnrl 7fil"ll Srq , nnimooa mwith at imucfh oo to '''" '"' oi.M..iiM. H
K ... ting things into Rbape. and HcM-ral objection- Hfcvwn - - 7 iu,1,H. , ..,, nvl"l L UU1UUU. (ULU Olb, 1 1;5 oo. some or which AUK paiiticu- i..r j,:.in . 8 4.1 A m , l.on. 4.30. B
capt. Alfred Thompson has Btgned a con. able appointments about the clulvhouso that MgN'O MARSEILLES FANCY VESTS. ""'-""". "' "" - " "" "' '' LaK,.y ,.OQl, AT r, 00 ro , 00. U; , .,0 M. W. 4 J0 7.15 A. M. .,.oo
H traet.PWltn J. Jl. 11.11 to stage l.e Koven-s new were noticed at the .llmmer-Kclly tight hae PMk mnUJUlUUiiO 1HHU1 I UOl U. ouiiHll.KliOAiiiw.MiccniiTAlM.VWOiiTll 4 t'VITS''T.1 ?S3.hH.BV
H opera, "Tho IVnclng Masler." which Mana- been put In condition. It Is claimed tlut ho fe'Mjm SU1 A AO (VI O O O T U C CJ C "'' "" " r.i."T ,filllll m, ihi ( '! !1 7 ...Uw. rv'"l nlun b,L ",'s detfor mm)," . AN EXAMINATION. iikalTI L'l. i OI.ONIAI. AI!5",,""P,-M- '." A.M . Loo. fj
H ger lllll will bring out at tho Standard 'lhea- Uubls In better condition now to handle the tiW8W& 1VI M l I V K2 IV J B fH C HV 3 ' "' " ' -'' iniut-M- II thej Ii.im m.i am ad) incut ..f dues. 'Hip Arbitration loinmute.. rslNS u 00 TO 1 00 oak ihnino '" W i.k"l,rr-. I'itt.t.m .n Scr.nton. B.J
iH tm with Marin 'lemnpst in thn leadluc role, crowd that Is expected than It would hac KiiSJ w33P .,.. .mmT, . ..n ..., duni". 1 a- ordcied tn altemiu a hcttlement il tno '" ..w, ..... a )l , 4 30 P m. Snnilnjru. 4 .in A Jl H
tre. with Mario lempest in leading been last Monday night. Oodlrey and I.in- Js5B ffiT CLOTHIERS HATTERS AND SHOES MlllrWiH and Millers' Inlnn No rsd re. , '"; "' llwUmui. Uubber 1 ran. TABLES. VPUY NEAT. 5 50 TO fii.oo. n.rln.h UH-. "" Vl" ' 'SuXVTft
iBt ,. . . . . . , . 133t'sft uuuiiiiuiiu, liuiiuiiu 11HU uuuiju. J, j , , . . . imriHlucn the eluht hour l,J" l Mount ernon. Iho nett meet Ulttot r. 111. its iiri:t 1 ivtit rt'sn. nnrinTiii ,;"'; 0-0A--1'-. 'uu. '' ' ouna)i,7.i aaajl
IflB ItlsproDOsedtoputon-AsYou Llko It" no ""o .met tke before, and each tr nil in 000 RranH ct Pnmnr nrphnrri ct ' ' 1 -I Ih' in iiV. it , tl'i-lederal Ion lll take plaee on board of "III I.TS. ltt (,S. I.l.voi.I.t MS. OH.f I.0TII3. AM Am,,r,nd stll Aml t 3n R0 H
iiB ft a matlneo at the .Madison Snuaro Theatre "B" h"" fn unsatisfactory to them. Ol'r 10 OZU 1)13110 SI., bOMBl UlClldlU SI. .-, ,. M . a w i,irpi'i i.i.isi" aieimt sTtls. I '"" "' !'" M.aint-rs of thn Socialism-1 1 MAITIN0H, if . AT VEIlY I.ow I-IUCES. s ',','.' ',," ,'i ?. V. 1 : an 4 on. "J'Sff. s-lslfclS:
B May 0, lu which .MUs Alberta Oallatln. who But If tho nght to-night Is not stopped by the . lied ,,h .h,; arrangtMonnt a sliu, .il ... , jemt.Ne Publhh.n,- .ssoclailon's .scunlou LCT us olvn vou AN I.STIMATE. ffrpI-1?;hJfJ";SVA-tili,?tajlfJlAi1185.S a5J;8.t5.
H I. said to havo metwlth somo faorln the authorities tho Club omclal, claim that a - " - 'l'l., ."wiiV.'.m; Iriuui." i-aMi ! h ti 11... No ork Federation of Labor wa, JUUA,n.noVV' iV. p41 "'""""
IK West.shall make her -New York debut. If draw 111 not bo permitted under any clrcum. FROM THE WORLD OF LABOR. "Y ' u'ns c ' "" ,m" dav J""rv l.m? ' "'", "" llllH Ittr "',,lM'1 t0 B""'1 tl,u nntl"H rn-sldeiit Uoinpersf Mlerday that TRFniT TFRM; Tfl CHIT Yflll 1 "r K-n Ilin? I,.r'i li-,,ch J!d ,oinu .onth to
H the arrangements are perfected Charles Han- stances. ,'nVra liU ob Snic" ll be n id M "'"" J ' .l1,'5'' '",tr Vr""!'- 'e.ur.-"' CHEBIT TERmS T0 SUIT Y0U' v.n. im,; 4..m. s .DU.r.AM i.so 3 H
V crd is to play Jacques. The sports are rleased at tho selection The members of Ilakers' Union Xo. 1 are on laur.m. '1 h- I ib.;ieis- I ulon lole;;tlV, .velety gP''D5 .. sAn'"' '"'7.': "'" "10: A-'i-urWrV.oTZ
' ' 0, ..Al" Smith a, releree. At tho las, MrlK- lor union w.ges at the eo-operat.vc IJe i;rtendlr .cl, I I IJJI tT 0 (ft ' W &. Ton,, n,r. . rv .d
Char.cs riHoyt has attained mshearrs Jf V0BV JISVS "rio Sua'S Se'i J. H. L Lt UU.. 'VA.l.AiRAV.n.V.kVSa'ufflll.dl...
PK desire, having been elected a delegate to tho "0, but tho wlso ones say thn. ho will K. of 1.. ma. hlnery constructors, sucacded lu , the leembeis nro mm on vtiike. 'iliej 1 Z"i , , 0 u '11 .11 1 I miroo S '1''" "' '' Ucai.mi.kers at the th .p f 1 !! fc-l I I eVIa WW UUII A M , 1 :m I'. M ,,,,. .,.,.
IH Now llampshlro hepubllcau btato Couen- run up against a hard gama to- unionizing three shops last week. Mippoii. d by the entire soclet), whose mem- ,";,, , ,', ,,,7,', " , , ,, ", , , iin "1, ,,"n 1 i. oii.nberg Urns. '1 he delegate of u.i'fec. . ,, lii.'S, ifTio" hirTi '"ib ?!i f ii 1 "tSd-!',hs H
r ilon "IB". H is 0 well-known fact that The International ncnr-VafcorVrnton lias 3 & 5 WEST MTH ST. i.".bl V. Jn 3. IW.'i!; " " ' "' S
H Godfrey and I annon are both came and a at present noeut 4,700 memliers on strike, carr) on the striki. h ie aboul S..MIO meiubcrs. nt the last mietliig 01 the Harmony Cornell- H
H .,,. , !,,,,.., , ., ..,..-, . , , ,. .,;, land :ino,ot)U 111 the general treasury. The bakeis1 dem 'iistratlon of Long Island 1 q,. ,,.,, ,,,, , ,,,,. .,,. rt v..tr "'h that the bakers had been nrgnnluil by lxli for th. .i(n j. 11 Llttl. A cu. or.r th Trnlns lent p iibnte Ktmlon via IH
,r"nt:rZmh T Z SSSe.'S? n?e SroceSyx.'lo I JX ' r .S'hSMS - V .hn';o!!g,!''slnV"r''i:,rar'ffli ! ffiV ' !; 1 g SSSS &Ken"SS SSffflr VW hWl dt,.,,,.. ,.,;, v.w.:Y iImAH
.t .a 9a,d. and noticed on the biM.bo.u ' W J VJeWelila',. ', fflSXT ,!S M ''' .""""" ".V, -in'... iiu ( ti!:!;llV i., l r,lnfrrt. 'V FOMENTS. For Buffalo, Niagara Falls and the West.
H the name of Jupiter. 'I he odds quoted tre odds of from 100 to 711 to 100 to no. The I 'I he central I.ibnr I nnn received ereden- , Mnue lor beluir iliftinl) 1 nelu thetlly ''"""''' ;' 'u'; '" '"' J'1" u""rJ n. H"s 1 wnsrevmed to rcqueHl the public press to mnAfFAls"rTTnTjici rnrr-p mo-p 8 r. v M 7 10 ! it SunJ.ti 8 13AM 730
Btoltowln.lltol for tho place, and o en ! "k'Ht will begin at 1. ..-clock If the arrange- tlals leste. day from New York 1-res'm-fs ,, rung t .eomrD wlih union rul.s " :i,;i.1rl"r:"." ., '.I.1- ! , .7; .'!', ! I.ni' "I P"ldWi llilsstat.m.'nu 'I he delegates ot tho TONY PASTOR'S THEATRE, J; M' A. M . ,.3o I . it. Sund.,.. 8 I3A..M.. ..30 H
IH L.V . J.,.w ihn nnmpdi.n r,.rH,, I meuts are carried out as schcdulod. 1 nlon No. 11. Henry Aers, .lohn T. Moral ; S-c ..i the inkeis wi.n item n, in trnii from , , . mf'",l; '." ." . 1 nll'd ( lothlng ( uturs reported that their utlut . i.Pt.B-iind 4th... l.,r i:.io, 7 00. fl IS A. M.. 15.30. 2 is. 3.45, H
H money to Bhow. Iho comedian regarded . . . j 1 ulted ( loihlng iiilleis' I hlon, Francis s' '"'k''" amiluud wllh aumo .siilkeat the shop of Wallnch a Nenburg KERNELL'S VAUDEVILLES 6 13. 7. loj- M. t,..,.,Ui.. 7.ou. 13, ll.'oo a! H
!m?n1s'Srsoahotmaccfanrocc Haln Interfered with the (Hants' work on l"?- . -,. ,.., nf ,hn reur,l toVhelmer'' ?!. Kj ",!! lii'C ' ") J J' j.,. ..0BlInllt,p . .... hlrik.,. J MX WlTurZ ?n!?X J, .TOorrilKIl A..MN ." .,NE wS-K :&LY. ". rtit.riiA'rS'.niown .nd M.uch Chnnn.
h namesaKe, bo uo piaciu uu i.i.aiiuiiai uuii.ir s . . rt n,Pr ,tt,i n.i ,n...r ., phiin.1,.1 Alexander McDonald, 1'reMJont of tho troll nni 1 them lor ti.eir time mid iiiiijiit' 1 ne 1 x-1 Mtno t oinmiiteo or me striking 1 noiei and id slaurant rrotectlie Assnruiiun iiinnii inn mini Ifrniiri f 7 00 si', M u .10 .1 4: s 15 7.10 p m BH
H onthesame. '"I1"" fan Mcoiidnnd lilby , Snturtla) and th l.asieis' I ulnn will organize a 'lioad tiek ii I "r rtl 11 1. 'll"' ni nl I ih t "bluel-m .ke.s rep it, that , of the No. n complained that tho National Alliance HARRY ANR flHN kE-RNF I h' V- ? '". "V , A.M.;"lo'.7 30a.m:
H quit 0 winner on the race. Hat S tr,? 11 te , ! 1 Z 1 im ? ( ' bfaii 'h Uiy t 8i i:w l'ourili street, ,,'." "$& B0t' 1(' , '' ',,' "a s ,V- at ii: I l,us ''',' ' ommehM d l.p 1 ut the Ixnc'.e, of 11 as making trouble for IImii. 'Iho delegaies Willi UllU 0111111 rLnilLLL. Jor if.ri.t... .i A. .M . la.jo. .!.. 7.30 pC ,
. ,. ..,,,, people yet. Harry right's lenni ba.e neid bee - uece-Mill. 'ihelr deui.mds were granted hocl.ilIstsmrrlt.il their red llig In the p.urde. ",,"' " l'"-""' ' " '"" "' l-r.M s.r 1 Mlh C Unrln U-.ll A llkmhr-. pn,ir rickpimnd parior-cr . r.n l.p procured at
hail.'ue'r.fSgi'S ' liin'nTielllV'sllap gS.-r.Urll'i'aSured'fuAUr,, AJjout Uien, , .,, ,,,e M rlklng clgir-nnl e,s , ,, lAl,fum 0( ,, .,, Mr. ,, .n'; .Vjom the Society l4,h St' ' jj, gS C0" M,! jl'l". 4.5ft 'ft'WJ'Wfi
Vla.11 7 : " McAViiv will "all Jtinofc? ?,a,nt' "aK" ycst,'r,Jn' Ir"n' ft- I-H !;?wLni,e hiTcr U,,lPr' """'"i .' shI will probabl) be 'V'!1.':: ,5 "2 'wm ,So , S I Mr- ""'t-s l"al I can paint the town (J T? H TT P-iSTT-JTOTNI . ""'," K.r"' "' ,T" " 'r nd check H
V lau irtei J. i. .iicivinne) niu sau junto. Uroiins by ascoro or .. to4. I organize ni" icrrucoiui aim piainr inout i- ...,, lh,s .,,.,,. Hating lha1 dincniicn ate expfeieil with and hale mi etoeiiM-H ttnid WXljwJ.XXjkJ .L XLJ.wJ.1 Lkchibp from liott or residence tudeitlnation. :fH
After ililting Cork, HUrney and other points, i.an.'shcheduled for lo-dav ara as follows- lersot IMlh Amboy. N. J. ,,, , bosses about tnu i.-ueiial.ii annual u.ntr.ir'v aim nan. m) ( xpunts jiaid. uxuuj.iuwj.xvauj.1 "a a. M.I.lol). c u. iia.nuock. .H
H ot Interest In lielaud, they Will cross tho . . , ; h, ,' . "' , J . ,"? ' 'Iho llremeirs I nlon. of lliooklyn, reports 'Ih" leineni Labours' I nlon. of 1 rook jn, 'increupoiiMcieiar) hurinki.ai.e as sei.t r , - ". rin U'err Artpriioon nn.l i:tPiilnB. Pip. .n.i i..n M'r. (.. i'.. A.ent. -H
channel from Dublin and make a trip through l h,d. JI. j.t .V rk. n.t -u .b,,r, , Athe "oprleloi- ot the ..odslde llreiUr) , '- '''r.V'.I.VuiV'..1 ','',' '2". iV !,1K l'K l,"'1; ""'"" '' r""' lu -"'' "' "" h"llll" "' "' Wnntod It All. Ko.sTf n A IIIAI.'N. MATINEE TO-DAY. , T,Tr J '
HS J-'ngland, a.teriinrdstourlug tho umtlneiit. "wnwiun. i limorc John MdtVka, refu-es to pay union wages. egjles In llionkhi las week, but he wi s n .1 trouble-. 'I lie l Mmi at I'hiiaileiplila Has re. u, ri l (SADMirkiniTA "li STATE. ,H
H wlh the Vienna JAposltloii us tho objective """"- iti;"ore t vft onal 'Irade Assembly of cracker- ?.""', WWT" '"' ,,."1"" ? rV:r,'"'t;""," '" I organized je-ierdi). Ihedinerencesat Erie. ily Joiel" -aid tlm burglar, as he looked CARMENCTA. , .,-, , ..,-rm i T-
W "L"Ut- . John I.su,van is back on hi, own stamp- bakecVot'iin.zbv 'e tni nuj flXS? ' mM " '"Su ?" "" hoin7 !, merest he 'nMf"1' MifnHir.r JAMES L. WELLS, AUCtlQneer, .'
Manager Fultord Is thinking of taking out '''"ni'theflai1 mAiX? ?&?! T' uou'T a en's"itS UrJoUin' """'t tl protest ot I.lstrle, Asse.nblv oil-'aiid Unu-nnes, l,,d! a ! !t in lun b.U had eon.e to rob. - This Is elegant. I've half Mo""' 1?UI,"Ur;1 ' : HaPlley. , , llon t ,h n , E.,. ,;Ich.n
K let ers paten ol m ill, Vm n N "i ' "rooU)n, k k of , u Hrot.klj n t entrnl Labor also lei n oiganled it Aun-i.i. Ii.d. 'Ihe u lulnd to elu- up burgling and becomn a from th. Lldun.lo The.tr., U. I.. .d Auction Hour... M to C3 Llbenr .t.. atnoou. ,H
K the ruins of l'ouii 11 iuo Instantly tiau-S nTfP1?il imnn.. , . t nlon has leeogmed lleiiiiersi.rmo IMrk as Hroi.kDn iii.hms hue betu UiMrueted ,o laii.ier. 'Ihunlcun steal the houso if 1 HOYT-.s M.dl.on Mr The.tre. -J4th it.. li'.r. rp...-..v ni-i. H
K, format into n c ty "l tho most lmt"sing , t LiJK, !? P ', ,, I 'Ihelron-workers and Irainersaio on s rlke a union place. D. A. .'L'O Is bo)coltliig the n.cept tho promlv nf the Long Island haiu luck." i.t..i... .t s . n .-..i Slit .t a 7th Month. TI'I.SIIA'V. .HA 31. -H
lecture in tho'tlrst act of-FollUld " j elro'oliSny fflfe io.on'fn? "J " "" j SSiS rurnWuXWK ProparTron.,.. JTOSSr. 146 SELECT LOTS,
9 Alexander Spr.ncer.ett ,or Cleveland Satur- SyTSuu;;', a'a.oT.lfena ..Uoetor.'Ub youtould lue m9 and FRIENDS WWt -"" Mh.
K SbaieblllJXp K.nTi5ant. Alffi.aVi mVho? ' -flfirlfii S'liSA,!. !ier.o,,,c,dS.. nirbfAhceWiu'it'u.'u.rllfA A .ransiaHon or .. Herr Most's" description ''- uhatou think about my mental or-jj SUCCESS. DICKINSON ESTATE,
B to M. Louis fr the summer, alter which a ulS to uu l U ot tho M n Da) deun.uMrallon of tho central balance." -It's all right." "Alut there a OM h" TANI.AitirTlirATirP wiwiiiiowi -w n a., H
H tour of the counrr) 111 bo made. Miss LUzte seL. ilH old tparr.ng partner put up the tight dlllerences ot tne i ast. .tin., iiroiherhood. A proiosltlnn to Join the Labor 1 nlmi lu the Auuulilst organ, litr little sumelhlng nrong-Jun enough to put D.- ,.....' .a.'.,.- t- . u . u . .. . o llplndMljlH-tedonnddjeniio sJwlek
Aiinandale, fnriuerlv of Emilia Abbott's com- ofUMlfe. Mlk-Weaiers areon strike at Hagerstot n. American Federal Ion of Labor Is uudi'i i onsld. ft n pff, w.ib uailbi-Me the c. 1. I . jester- , ,,,,1,.. n, .., ..,, ,,,. ..., B.W!iT,,i4-. . U" fcI V' !-.. Viui V. "' onLeautliultndpopultr i-M
H jiony, is Ihe prima donna. KullHan will begin training about Julv 1 Md. 11 Is rep .rU-.I that at one mill on,- or the ' eratlon. .lav. lu sum It up. Heir Mo,t " chuaeier-1 "' ' "", "a.. ,. J h ,? nnilir THE AMERICAN '
- - Ills training uuaiiers h.ne not been ueler- bosses tlrul mo shots at the members of a1 m H(. v,v York Kramers' Union Ii Mied 'ed the demonsnatlnii as an lguomlrilous III-, Intel) nothing. "Well, goodby,"hesald In a MUAUL , ....., . If I tl S C H H I O ll P flH
Comlrnr Kvonts. mined uponit as his backers w committee u ho attempted to srttle the strike. ',,.-, jerd.i to "ler" iii.loiis nLi '''- if Uuseiiho dl,u.s,ed the uemonstr.- '.' H'7''VlVfl,""J:. V.V rii a1VennffWa,,."nntU Unflllt., MINISTER. U I U 1 K U l I' U :M
m tii. Pn.pl.... of I- hchol.m h... .r,.nK.d for "ear this clij the location Is likely 'o be in nrlcklajeis having struck on sei era! Jobs of , stilko In this cltj. A tlueor : will be Iin-! ""..".'T,1;., ' i.fobn 'i ', ble,'oi, 'l f C' ma mm s. to "rob so mefidr and f wanted BifKN MlTV ild.t nrTir..d7 EllnUODlllUUL iW
; B.mmrr nlKi.f. .e.tiT.i to ifko ..i.e. .t Mulier'. fomu quiet point on Long Island, bullltan noss Chnrlth Frt.blit, who employed lion- posed upon inemb. rs patronizing a certain !! ' iV.'iwi ih..! ii...7 I . L t i? ii...".....?; 51 1 And out whclher I is cfi2 biioubU t2 NEW iilioui's IN WAN .i; '.itiiri?" '" wniiBwa !
if ILrleu. lii.er l'.rk ou Wedm.J,, ., eulnK.il., believes that corbetl means bJMnesB, and re- union timers III Ninth llrooklvn, li.o latter Loicoiled siloon.kee,ei. A shop d.legito V.h.Vln.i ,,iVt ,, ini.,iV n make 1 safe II I ot Intocuun ' e"0UU l0 POWFI I VnH Mfllll TilN IIKIAIIVA '
V " gurds I he l. allfornlan as sincere in his efforts I Mipi en discharged una union men were as lined 10 fui lulling to icport ilolations I't.thuinaJurUj.uf Iho body that hereaiier , make u san it l got into court. r"UVLLL ana fflAJILlUN IlllnllTO H
, Tho New Yori Deraocr.cr of th. Twentr-.pcond to win clmuiploiishlp honors. While sulllinn nut In their nines. of union rules at his shop. wn-n tlie i . I., i . wiiiieut nioiiiaueu onstrii- r in n .ntir.lj new prirr.mme HV'Dl.n I X H
t A.i.niblr UUtrl.t Hill ilvp u .icur.lon on is mi etlng his old irlends her-i on all shies -'V.,, , ,,, ,. , . -o ,,..., e, . . .., .. t on It Mould iillmi oo oiitshiers to take part liic-rt CONCEKIS AK1KKNOON A'I KVENINO. IIS 11111110. .'IB
Memori.iI).vtomT.-.T.ilrore.on the Hud..,,. 'J orb,.tt is at home ai"an hra Tailors l'ron-ssUe Union Mi. 11 enrolled I pon request of me iin and Mieet-Iron , )ls ni.inagement. and timi the lallureor Us I "lf'"' n,,,.,.,... ,,, -. -.-- IIB-IUSI I Ul HJ
W 'ih. h.n.. hpe.r. Morton and ll.k.-u .nj th. J"? r " ,l, "JiJ. VrSniVi - nt A.biiri isirt-in hS four new inPinbers last week and gale ln to Worktrs' I nlon the central Lahor l nlun n- i rr, vM iiemousliailon Mas due to outsiders. fArrilllV.-Aft.r . .hort lilt..... Jobs '.V.-TtiV w RTDflCC TUU nnTnURP .'H
Ml .,.u.cr loicheBterh... been ch.rterea for ihe oc h Mill begin tralnlii. at Asbur) 1 ark on. luno lU(, l00kea out lui rltrs and fui nanus. This soiled )estirday to request thef. L. U. of ,...,, ' l( Taken hart to s, n" their own i.er. CArtim. M,d at). TIII.ATItli, jlHII HH HN IIMAI. 24TH WARD, NEW YOUK crtT. . H
1 ca"'g' 10- ... week nn organllhgcominliteeiMllbeelected. I hlcago, HI., to assist the striking lion. ".V.,,, , , i" "i'h Mil) liiy 1 emoi stra ion Huiiprsilur.ii.,. M.r 17. from hi. i.i. t... .,.,A.lwif , J.1, UUU Ji Asr miv sii iith ' . , afl
I dr..ntic8nt.rl.lnn.pnt forth, benefit of St. rinnkm nlers' Union No. 1 has elected Mor workers or Mmnnds A Co.. of Long Island . 0inmltu-e as d sell lice 1 1Hmou,lral,uu ?.'nSr'?i?, ',"' .'' ' 7 X p 71, .."' Mm. w.dJS.t I.A.si Nl. NU.IITH Hlfli. hetlthr rronnd. lover Tie... ne Uhbor- -,B
H iLpli..!'. churih lll t.k.pl.ciu th ch.pel h. 1 Tho Standard Athletic Club lsgottlng ready ' "? "V" J,.T ,., ,,?? 1,1, TSlt city, by mediating with tho linn's Chicago l01nmUL asuisch.iij,ni. ,., , .,, ,,,, j. .,.,,. .cifuiij mvit.d to . bhoaIiuaY rilKATKK. Hro.,l..,i tl.t.t. booa.i ; h.nd.oni. prli.i. re.id.nc... nonol.tnc H
I to-uii.t. to hold a set or out-door games. 'Ihe offlelals EH Kuu .Llf ,'1. '. si !...,. 'ii.cb branch at 07 and till I akc street At the last meeilng of the Journeymen und iutenn.utlnc.le.tr. Di: WOI.I lllfl.m r-rmli ,.d. r.led .renue. nci .treet. propenr '
K -Ih. OollPgl.t. Mu.oilolu.ldof th.nuuer. if ihe t?ut fclalm ih it the guines ihlsseasun iK'.V i'risU-es- N -tur M I'lnck 1 woo "he m"moersof the Fresco Painters' TnllorV l'r..lectlieaiid IbMieiolent I nlon the UADDI7D lAflinJP Luitrj?" A"'l"v"i "a '" f" lm""" --
H .n..le (oo.kp will ooinr.t tho c.rnen . iluulo ti 111 be belter than those of last year as thei r-cule-liigi r, irusrees. N ,,lu"" " unncK iwooi nit m.moersoi me rresco aimers ueuths. I inembi is MlsM.ogland and Wl 1 urn iininiriim rr. T , Hllrrr.K DlUIUIl uuiiam.
J il.lii..it'lhut.d.,..nln(. 'e " la lnr" field of athletes In troluine and A. lrry, Delegates to the Harmon) con- I nlon were I ned..u mid one -.'., hist Mitur- Sl nnasie worerep.-rt. d, bo.h lu good stand- UNFURNISHED HOUSES TO LET. X1UJT L UIV f I llllUl OCWJCD UATCD AUn PAP 1fll
f -lh..l.nish lh.,ul.Kk.i mln.r, U1 d.dlr.t. aJrlg ."inr. " ' en,lon' day for rel using to go on strike If the) mu- , ,,.. sr.angem. its for a inass-imetlng at .. j.,,- rTT. k1 .-t tiTj.-at ,t- .....muiT OEWtH, WATtHAND OAo, -
H it. ...w i,..ii,i,n .17.10 Leiinttou .,euu. ou """ tuu UBler: . . q ho 10-ccnt assessment ot the International .n "''V,' , "r U,!;.l,,l,t,LHfI.', '.'i0 ,"ls ''t,I",r I'-nnit,. .,. .lu,,.. .) hum- n. cu miilr! Jersey City. lr IK H . f-T"TKi-f NhAl J ' w ,,l," ""' "' "ul .HJ
Hft Modno-d., .......,. il.25 , T) pugraphlcal I nlon h-e the supporter the " br. "V,1;, l" ll.r," ,.Vi .. J'. l.11,' .V.,tn ",Ul CuIIUIIUIl..-It i.IU ttiu Ml-r. liailC 'JallorV 3C7(1-T.RT II.nd.urT.p tja.n Ani. hot...10 room. AMM C DIYI CU ."il'l"- All cltj ln.proT.menU nd convenience.. '
B At.tedn.et..iof theliordof Tru.i.p. of tho The Columbia Athletic Club has Just com- i-msburg stilkeis has been detlared orr, us ' )"" ",ot bi permitted to work until their lines j-Xihaiue for the pmpns. of deinaiidlng that I "J i.th.. 154 .ii.ki.oII. .to . be.utitul n.i.ii. AIMINIC. rlALtT. 131 lit It 1. i:s. ,.... ............ ..... .H
H MtmtiruiieK. wiiik. held t the h.li of the llo.ri. plt-tcd a building, suitable Tor dicsslng pur- th defense fund Is lllhd and the slrlkers can 1 h'iu' Ut'" l'-ll(1- thelarllT laws n guiding the linporiullon "f 1 horhood r.ut .uiy.iu . ui..nth. 16 miuute. to m -JJ Htdn.yIto.enf.ld'. f.rce.-liu.iln.tlon." TVi (I UAII.KIIAI) TATIOS BH
"' J:'"'"""0"' '" ""'.'' nuiht. poses lor Its athletes, up in tno Star Atuleil ' bo"nslstid fnun that .-uuree. The ArchlUclural Iron. Worker's Union, of 1 ieuJ)-iiiado clotliiug be 11101, strictly en- .n.".X, 'Vene.'iur'llei.nu' ' ''" casino Iiuoadm AY AND 3'JTII ST r.itl..n. f.wn.inntfi"..lkof ib.lot.. .nd 11T
HH .."Hirui"!"".".'?! ilioln.ir.iptlonof fitit.s grounds, Long Island LIty. A lurto ,, , ,.,,. ,,,. l.ictinp.rraine Workers' KioikDn, Is tr)lag to oiganle the men forcul. 'Ihe Mile 111 taivr of ci ntrlbiuing """".-""rfuiiiiNiiiu, tfllll It fir rnriTIIIIPI Al tt.lu. d.U iurni.bu.uuk-. cn..p tr.n.iu 11 tho H
unti.niui'.e.f..r. tli-li'gatlon of Hie Coluuililn's crack sprint 11 ... .?,?, . . , , ',"n tnu . ent?a Libor l-nmn woiklngiit Dug.o's shop on Hour) street, 'Uli to the enbllid-lnakers' strike fund was fill I n nr rfinT UCI 8A,'. New York .j.u Northern, .onneulnir on ...no pl.t- H
H rff.k'Sfn we.e, uesent at the grounds jesterduyuiur. "SS , " llinokljn. should the boss refuse to reeog: I i.:ih .ig.nusi M. Nomination-. h,r the I'lcnlo HELP WANTED-MALE UillLU UP rUrilUIlLf NIn.tTI.Y. r'a'n'm'n V, ',? A?' XXH WKS.K.",.
jff 'ih. dP.ii....otP,.,r the nli.rlu,., for !'"' "hi "vcral last miles w ere made. ,c urelti.ii o Workeis an i would hereafi.T '"'" ,", l ," UIJ, s,'rlV'M""t,l,V?r,"l'rV'1 !,.,'lls ! T,fiU',eJ,Vrn''X t'"?1'.1'. ftV '.'r'":'"?.1 ra-rr, t Z r, M.t.n..H.tnrd.,.t5 Adml......r.ucent. ;vVtor.tmt.7' -re'.. '.Uin.".1' f.re. incSSnillS .
tho II. I.i.wl I,., Ire-, will lo held t lt.nk.Va ' be know II as tho t.lldcrs' I lllnn ot New Ytlk. JOOs. 1 he dl h-gules to the Metal'lrudCs COUIl. ( ll ill. Koscllkraills, jr. .1. .Iu)iv. 'I. Howell, CAnlNH.MAKEltS.nd C.trer. (nil protection Sl lot' TlirATitl llro.J.r .,.r JUthTT '"J. niu. .n.l on..,iu.rter cent. 1-et tide. 11 ,H
ft P.tl..Kocl.,i:pMli.ui.TuP.d...M.34 ' Tho Columblas havo Ilnlshed their pool ,., '"."s 1 olo n No 1 his notllled tl n ell have been iilthdiaivn. .V Pearson J. Miults (I. . Miles. Messrs. '. ....... ..-.1 Puttier. bi,n.u. A Co., U.lu.tou JOl JIU.ATltL ( H, .J. ....r utn.t. j,0 Vurl L(.,ltral. .i ,lnulM,4Jd .1. HJ
DB Ihovutt i.r.tann.,.lm.etleS..ftle A.n.rlc.n tournament. 'Ihe standing ot Ihe leaders Is ' l.rr.mV, n re. .- 1 Inn that let will nVt Tho Diamond Woiker's Union Ins sue ",l,,,1- ;NI,0l);1'''j'K,- ,"1!",',' 'aisui, 1 all. r, " 'u.Mi.t.t. PilPRV aAVTOR orUIII ol' ALL TIIE&E ADVANTAGES
H Vi.heri.. sou-ij u ill i,0 held w.dnp.d.r and us lollows- l'lrt nrle ih.iiles eslner- Drookl) n 1-iremoii i ninn uiai in. ) win imi . rt , ,,.,.... ,,s ... w ..,.., .,,. ,ir,nti-ii l.v Irank ..lsh, .. N liel lei, II. Andersoii, tl. II. XJUUDI UA liiUrl II1 I ICTCR T"E iu...u..Ai .a...auu m
'-i-hur.,1,.,. Maya, 3. .t iho lluilknd "fnu" ? secohu 1 iobcrt Con n ' tblfd I o ilnnd uhu ' berec.gnled miles-the dues and llrus of tho f.?.eg', ',?r '". i ti-icei.Ilnil II 1 eil 4 KUebo. A. . I. Anderson. .IuIIih llobins,.n. 'Ihe BROOXLtN iMinFMFHT: IN mr MUSH aI.SAIIKE. MCALLIbl CH 4uu. r.Bd,M.i. ,,rpertr nnn.u.ll, Mtr.ctiT. for horn.
KM'krSWtV'X'XrlXM -ohd,,(obmco,,n,,h,rd.Kowlnd,ch. mom orMn. at M'PJrewerhuve ffiga i1..1?, - ukenw.thlu the ne.t two -- -J 0nS," OAT.D1.N THKAyu; E..n,u... s .5. h.,. WVZ&XV!Z'X'JiJ'lM
vniK,,';-i;v"or;i;.e;Vu,tlr:i.rciruu HT"ryn,plnnIvii,bfnrh,r.,?,T,u BiSca- . . , .. , , ,, ,. 5fo'?;fti?M M,".ioti,nat ,i . 0,,0, i-10n MWvj'M'Ti: IN robin hood title llakanteed kuee oncost
m u Lo f.,.d L,uu fcpeedyoaiynen in training for tie llark.nj The malorlty of tho twenty-thrco abor llISCl, togootit hate been expelled. wnsadmliied to the t .i.tr .1 Labor IVdera-, '' tljC TXA5. e ctcdc '' nUOIIM nUUU. .... r. term, of ...vment Send f rl
H st.Ai,il.o,-.Yo1(Men-.L,cP,.,nwlH ulvo.n ,r.Kl " , V, 'nri 1 i.J ?It n.... i . 1- 1 u",u m l,l"s" l. lie, who combined lo give a Club leportcd to the ll'd. m s.u). 'Iho Oig..nllhg i.inmlttee1 THE TWO SISTERS. HPRRMArNIlNI'Q 'lO-MGIir. m.i."."- ' t-rrnent. Send for AH
H fiernmi.,.iiicieiuB1.ici,icati.lim l'rrk uu hut- crew an-iiorkllig well together. 'I hi. i lull Is grand lestlwil on All,' 14, has di elded tn de- ,. ' ,' , . ,1,,,, ,?,,!. Xi,.,,iii' ii,n. sI.w.V.i was oideied lo s.-tile th- dllluences I etitecu n. .,....- l....... L- ..... .-u . 11 UK Kill A IN IN O l iB
H urdat.ilayjs nl" lei) proud of Us new elL'ht-uured shell ust i,e Ihe pioieedsot the oe-asinn t , a Hind by J' '"' ';a ' '' ' "' n' :' ''"; ' I'" "J,1 "' .i ,. ,,ri ?uhm ilubuii 111 e"l-sle Mils- Gil MR A 1-DWIN k.NOWI.ES a CO.. INirUI. PHOIU'iTinN of JAMES L. WEI.I.S, Al'iTIOSEEll, !
H 1 ... trlt,.Nci.,ci,,i, ..ill hoMti. .,.,! Sum. tiiiiij doier to tlie.u by litlly ollitr. the ll.ii-, which x, i-tiabllnii a grand centiul Labor XZV u I S'sol ?,?." " Vcliin gi 'be i l f. . bi Aril I all!.,, 7. iiralit. e lL . UU I "S'&Vm-, M.tln.e.W'.'.'Sr.., ..'',',:i'sV .V ? L Y S I U M uJ MULIITY .st. .
H inr"iunV"s" "Ut 'i,""'urd..,.. lem boat-builder. Dcetun In thlsclt). ,, i S S ia i, c. t , r J,it I poit.d inn L..i.,'don .v i.iai.gei li.s,tti,.t RH A R I FS if I P IT in M In I M PlV R ' ',VIM( ' "1,,:,,v' Jj - L U -M-l ,
Iwt. Juno 4. . James Dlvm.nf 'I yporuphlcal Union No. ,iu "n r.rtyi.liu lui. "or I iin ell y Wrl niruVi' l- Ue "'" "'" dl-ci.nrgi. .u.) nt ilm l nhni UnAnLtS UlUNUrl 111 INUUU. qraxh ofntA HiilNK H
LH rur ivioifi'c d'cjii rTc- ln A large number of athletes will leave this US. died yesi.ida). '1 lie lirookljn Central cluussh.mld llrsi eainlne thur unl n t uds. I oiiis werhlhg at th.ir hrewiry. I'lieim)- cnl. sinn-i, new PAUK TllEATIlC 7V A"..Vnn.nrT',ii.Vinrn ? "F.Vr w- w I'OOO, AUCTIo.NTErt. H
H 77 HO710 5 ?. fATJi-f INDEX elty to-daj 101 Philadelphia lo attend the In- Labor Union, wheie he ie-,;resente.l his organ- ... , ..,,,,.. iheliiunniluiiil I r,'n, ,B"1" l M,."f : f"' ''"nl ' ,'-1"'.r,t '"" " i'!!.VlJ-'(t to sli.HT. Wi.tu!J MARGARET MATHER i,ii Ra. . s. -b. -v r. crr-st . :
H urn aw, ww, tooMv. te,.-o.leglat1.tor.i.,mel.tl..monow. Ion as .u.ie leg, te, resolied tosend a llo.a. A,Kl!,l'Cmm". f.' m'sKV. fi MIHlFrllJ MJTfH J'" 'J-'"'?il. 3) tf O I S
. -; lliuuteioi isiuuua. cl-luu not to iidmltiohned men us m.-uib.rs. " , V' ."J '?.., ' "' ' .", ,,,.;.. .,, ta..ki.. W IT. m.ii.nt Artl.t. ll Pi U U L D 11 IHll 1 Llla OCnbt E'C TIll.tlKF fi. E'3r 3 81 5 W H
s,rfr!1, jol.dt h0 $90 Safeties for$60. tlliWSSo'W .dl'iriun,S amusements. kMSv. I EDELWEISS... .... MlloCim
Si. en li.miltrliiKU..tu.. ,. -. frj.oo wages bj luti.uliicln.' the lejin-woiksjstem. nr Oil City, l'.u, h is b.en eluted 1'resl .nl. I ,1I1.on ri ir.V.V... ...1 ir. 1 1..- 1 .1 1 r 1,.' ...i.ntt t ...I ' O A I V'-5 To niht Plt.M Tt'ALI.Y.tS 15. Clll.l' .Mil's TII llAlli:. M.r Wed. a h.t ' ' Johp. A I o., .t thl.n.non wUlbe.o'd.t pub. H
B,A',S..,l.!"-,- "' ""'- 1"" S40 Safeties fOr S28. l.Wn.JorV I ..Inn No,, celebrated its Jhe next Cunient.on will take place at In- " CVtV.V. i!. 1 ..'il'wl Al',? s'i.u'J llilie LY o'S"1'.-., mVyVA'ut'sIIui, pj.'.'iun n , 7l'i nn I u'TiTun ,nnn I
..r..N,bTMa?wI.1iuni,ou",1, Z&Wk':L-t!l iu'rd'a "VllS,.! !!,I drecl ,,'f "'n:' nm,a. Contention o, Natloni, Trade I VSKrC ' .C ..MalerC'"" ,i! i, '"'.e, ,lE,SLDY,;'ilMY,:'l'S T.k".-. orsP "" "I'muW 8810104? MAY 28 892
m Jnll"lB..U ho held at Washington on forV,Si. or B.nile.'en. Th... h.w n... lor- b) Ihe Libel ty Mus.i .il I luon, Draiinillc Ni- Asseinbl) -.'.ll, K. ot I., l.annihl t utlers, has unions w. ru n .(UinU-dlo aislst tin 1 In mt n s Prej.Min forth, ntjt.imp in Aiu.r.c. MAKU' rirNos't Viimi.-ii '' vKiH UUII Ll, lUUt, ,H
thlJXl,C!-."'-- A:SE V?aMFM$!"aMta liZZ THE -PAPER OHASE., ..ItfJl;. -av.-.rt--i-Vh
V JWals,.,i,!a.w;!', fc" . H'wii"..'lt.i1',t::o,u" .u-yt?. 1.:'!;, Ma.0! ufj.,Va!;W,K,.VK WEAK IViEN h.mr.sJA cobs ' theatre 3i w'&w -.-?ni:r..w :
Tho Ill.er.ldo wheal...... .in ,n.f..o u t.rra. of p.r.ue..t if de.ire.l. " Hon, the Furriers' I nlon last baturday i e. noiildtelru the buoksm the i.rganlntlon to .... Tlu-'e. . I sat Viisin i- isn ! n. Kli. J "?i,. ,"''," '.'.If. orTi,i -"-,11 ii""nM.,n!rrfn H
l.rouM.,"T,'1'"'!lme" -"'"atolortRchu,. ,.,,(.K J, -, Ylli:u. IVJO 'R.snu M..N.Y. luse'd to accept the te.ms of the bosses who procure e.lder.ce against Mr. Hughes. Kn.lW. I..lrhlt. IVrmn.,P,,ily llr.to,. VlA I W FK -T' 'one UFTl'ftl'imWFh'f THEAKKA.Nsai, 1UAYEI.LER ,::,!:Vt7e;V,;!:VkpV'cIpn'LVLI.hVn'.'3
B Ih. Manhattan Athletic Club Wheelmen em.ct " Will reinstate the strikers If they consent 10 'ihe Compact Labor tlUO, U. llrewcrs' As- ,"u".nfreV.1.ir..m", r,pr"r'.oM. ere.ce.'.M JPA1.MEIPS SI) WEEK" X-YCELM TIIEAfltE, miin PDDV MADD rp.id-i,c....i.thl.;j;rin Nnd a. one. lor rual.; ;H
H tob. rept..e,,tod a hi lath, tandem .t.nf. thl. Tile Stoolc Llot. with Bnloa of loud- ,w:nrk l"0l',ourV" ?ay- 1L0 l0Ck0Ut W,U BOClallon. 'llullo Musical Club, the llgir- J',.'." i.ol ,i.VrV",'ln.... io,V""p lull CKOWDED Af.f. THE TIME Curt.m rl.e. 8. 15 jjij Utthl MAKt, ' . '.' kr"or to L ,ll,J 'fu .' liu Bliw.t H
1 "r nil okiii. uvi u .wo therefore loCLnttuued. Makers' Progressive Assembly, tho Ceniral .trenjih. d.tpii,u,piii .n-i to... .I.Jh to ...t, Ill(;il i IHDITrD M.tlne. n.turd.y .13. liru.d.r.or w . l-oi.t.., lu Broadway.
H Th. i century run from rhll.delphla to Newark lntr etocka In 1801, and lilgnost nna Tipoziaphlcal Union No. '.'74 resolved yes- Labor Union and the Winding Irudes Mellon un .oJ imriira. .i ih. i...di Simple, n.t.ral lll'.l.l. dUrl I Kiv, cosmopolitan PAUK and casino, lUKta H
'Jriewood.wllloccurto-d.y. lowoBt nrlcen of stocks In 1800 and terday that from next week the members ol, he c. I. U. hate sent liners to M. .1. Fen- '""" hi.''llir,, rer,,'ei"'I'i'Sk'V.'Ui.ii't oil P" -'"'" ' i.euer.l Adnu..lon 50c. .i. .nd Am.t.tdaro ..k-Icni. (iround ijowi- - -. v i .XTX w H
m !, . TtrtP wnKLD AL. wrklne lor dally papers and making more ton. superintendent of the 1 idled Mates Ap- &;. al K " n.TbTn". "" A",M- """ . J i-WhluiIM.. LOTS GVEN AWAY,
H' Mi... WIN,Lw', RnoTinst, SrnDri..ni.ne. 1001.nPPeBra ln THE WORLD AL,- tlmu 4yo por im-k-'muu glio one day to the I iiralsershtores. requesting him ,o appoint j "a'""" '" ,",," ,,:lll'' ,. f"",V von' niln.in .i f T....."-i"o.td IVeli! A. HAKLEM KIVEIl PARK CASINO .ud c.rd.n. .t PluT VI.-Tn' J., onl, S3 Applyto ' '
B ceiloiraodUinoforchlldr-nwhlleieVthlnV tic " MANAC for 1802. Uhemplujed members, lliuao earulng (111 , James 1-dwards, C;f the lleiagou I abor Club, ti 1 Nluu.iru ti., II.HIhIu, . Y. Neuendorn'. i.te.i operelu, ''Th. Mlnitrei.'' op.u tot euiu.iu.uu lot pu-ulc ad.... C.ltil. A: CO., J41 W..t SSth.l. M
..K l t l ll I.B I AMliin'O 1AIIB B to olitnin enougli by this means to pay r-. wl.nt doublfnl. He -wanted to borrow j the reinain.lor to constitute a fnn.l, of I " Tbat will raako no difference. 'Whtlo 'IH
IK S Ll f Itfl 191 III B 1 lul lK Mil I I 1 fur his college course. He lia.l niiplieti to . ' I i :, tbrco hundred dollars of me the other , which tho income only shall bo employed be Iiies.be shall bo comfortably oared M
lV.1I BV.B.VVJWIU J Wll IIUB.0 each of bis two lelntives present for u ' l'l J"-v-" for the purchase of books." lor."
1H2 buinll tciiiioriirj loan, to help bun com- II 1 J I I " Anil of me. Did you let him have It?" I Hero the notary mado a pause. 'Iho "What a model nephew I" Eaid tho ,
HS plete bis studios, but iitlhiiut eflect. He . I I ' "Not I I've enough to do with my merchant and lawyer sat with looks ..f nierehiut, sarcastically B
HH hu.1 becu curl ly ref us. d by both. fl T C ) ') L .1 , money without glimg it away. Of courso i blauk .liHapuointiiu-tit mid anger, which " (iootl juung innu!" said the other -ill
lHr m -r ..., , lie had coiuo hero to day asu mattor of Vi''! V" m f!. "' sV ' be'd noier liato repaid It." I thev made no attempt to conceal. relat ve. with n surer.
F -ck, JL'lttlC (infl'ioiJ TVTiili fh rill fir (I, fl. VniMlfl form without the slightest cxpeetntion of Y A J j I Vil V K " No. I suppoo not. The coolness of I " He had no right to defraud his rela. "Gentlemen." said the attorney, "I H
H ' v"w UlltVlC H illCl lsllUittfVlV lt J-Utvivy beut.fltmc ,iy tllu ,ull llf hiH i,ltl, rt,latlTe ?N J'SL i '' irt t fomo ti.opl.' is refreshing." tives in this way," niuttored .lames. will now read tho codicil." ;H
ijHE Ho ha. I knonii him but slightly, and ',vr IMJi L-1&K. ' l! i lft "Well. I lake it for granted old Adsm "It is a inisetable impoMtluu." fald iho two older men looked at eaou l
IfiV JlVli'Q 7fVl 1'T1I IIP noier recoiled anv eiieuiiragcnient upon A 1 i x 's 3t2v ;. xWi I i 111 was much too shrewd to lavish nny of his Henry Holoomb, "to put us oil with other in surprise, which changed into H
t -"i""" o iuitli'iit. which he could build a hope. Vit if he J -"'l.A 'T lua. H l"l - f ' l luoiiev on such a fellow." such a ulggurulv sum." rage mid dismay as thev listened H
ijV Ptiultl but recoil e a legu -v of moiir3i)U, , jjl ''iVl l'l ' I U'V r V-A i ' TSs- ' I I' " '1 rust him for tlint " "For my part I am quite satisfied,"1 "To that one of mv nephews who H
K - liu thought, it would help lit tit materially. (o) ,'liiiSPZp- 'll'lr . . -wf 'l1i"r ' I Tho young man was .nsaged in reading said the oung man. "1 haie rcccitetl , ibnU agrooiotake charge of my dog. be. H
iH Thnt ias the ninouut winch ho liiidinlnly lill ' Wvf VvV1 ' lI'VsVuV W J i'f" n (l ' ' aioluine he had taken up and did not more than 1 ojpecled." i lug jtt uiinciiiaiuted with this prons on H
liHt Adam Ilolcoml. nn in,i n, i .. -. . . .. . . , i ., l ni,r.t ibn .n.nn sought to borrow of tlio merchnut and klffli, ' IWB siT1n.filrW( i' W N.'' beiirtliiseoniersalii.il. ' ' tih, jes; it will boa preit thing for a of my will. 1 buinoath the residue of my H
.Hj ntt Z. no;com" v,n,s deaa ftt lnt-dtad of tho last-named and about the r,amo hc 111W ,)rrSenl NUti, lllmilt the r61ul. 1W' Affl NOf)F M iL t, J" VlVl W i ' It was mtertui.l.d by the entrance of beggar like you." bald James, sarcasti- property, amounting, us near as I cau H
JK niter keicuty years of muney-golting, and ego. Ilo was tall, thin and nugular. Ho hnu0f Adam Ilolcomb't. last will nud i V WW& ?"' illH g&&M'M ,i '&I7$'. L , ., Mr. llnef. lloth the merchant and the cally. cbtiumte, to s-UKUKlo " H
IjW. the gruio had closed oi er liuu. Ho had belon-ed to tho bpnl prolussirii, in tcstatpfiit. , I. VJ I'OTjH A M.'i rVfil ,,.. . 1T, ., ...,,1 iT7nvmMvm 'i m" er t-'reeled him with dclerenco nn.l t "I am not a beggnr." relumed the I "You knew of this '" t-xclaii .ed tba m
IPjJK no children, for be bad led a sinWo life iw bicu'lie bad managed to pick up con- 'Iho nierchnnt and lawyer conversed ' Slr T ll'A', Tl f iP-iWwL cordially, as a man whoso words might you.g man. proudly elder men. tumluB wrathful faces toward. M
.K indue,.,. . ,, .. .1. ,. ,,,'.,,, iiiwuni,". i i while waiting for Squire Uriel. ' 1 ij I ,J '111 v-i-rrKrifpA 14 V.'.Cff-!- bring th.iii pruspenly or dieapixiuitmeiit. " tieiitleuien." '-ild tho lawyer, " 1 1 Altred tiraies. H
H tuciucta. t.0 .was said, though nothing bidtrnble money, though bis reputation .. ,,, vol all. ,,, cimhi,u jlow . . -IHWxaffl if f ;il 10a,.ji'Ui7leV , It J. Z- '" Alfred lirni.s roso in a quiet, geutlo. hnie not finished rending the will. Not a word. " tnid the young man. H
H Mas certniuly known, by mi early disap. huh none of tho best. Ho was ronsid- miieh the 'old gentleman bad ucciimu- ' l fl Jf ft .v1? .M-.'rtV II I'lM t manly ninuuer. and bowed with the cour-1 " Mv fatthliil old dog hcipio, who is ! " I nm as much astonished as j-uu cau H
gH poiutment which had wnriicd h-s nature end tntky. willinc to undettnke any latul ?" asked J nines Holconib. Mfl Wfl! Mj. Uf5p--!l - v) " dU.MM ." tesy which was habitual to him. now Bomewliat intirni. I tru-t one of my be." H
IHiud uiivlo him PA,lHnrv,uui.i , , , , ,.i,i f,,r ,,,,, " I hni o heard it . btuunted at f 250,000 !" ' .,jf, .,,, BffiJ 'j),u f oin'irwaaf1 l'c ? . yvfl v " Gentlonieii." the attorney said, "I n.phews will I . willing to take home. ' " No one knew of it except mysolf." H
fjjH ami uirtiio Him lead n solitary and belflsk cause how eier disreputnblo. for monej. wn. tll0 rollly. ( ffWflii Ml H t '! yxW'MlFA -TTT7F) If H l $&, bold in mv hand the will of jour late nud irent indulgently for tho sake ot the s.iia the attorney. " 1 congratulate i yoi. H
,l 1"e Civtuup to Jliunmou ulono. He tins married and l.ntl a familj-. lor "That is n large sum I bopo be has j 'Ml' m'fJl 'xAlWI JS ' vJt-Lli-lT 'Ulll'' ? i & n-latiie. I will at once proiecd to ri-ud uinst.r to whom he was nttaeliod. " Mr. lir.nes, on j'our largo ui-cessiou of
tljM Auam Holcomb iiusdcnd. and ns jet no whom Ho proiidcd in a grudging manner, not Utn unjust tin.ugh to squander nny ' . Nf '$ iftHL iULJLl'--??? ' ??M' -J Y " , I " 1 hat's .-ool: ' ejaculated .Inmes. "As wealth." H
'mlVr1 lIi8',0S!,1O,, " maiU' JIB ,0-, hMl T'M'r) TKUT h" Hf f' l ."W ?1 rU?"W Ih. a great 'I I'lMf-fT . JflbP ( f , .' TSio' uTSSr 'ft iWU. Cll0 ,0 b0l"tml ' make d'oft" -1
fJilKOl his money finding himtelf much better off ufter bis ip(c , lI)J1,K(, , lis rimi(JIl8i.. h F Aa' .$ T I , ! li-l-n- Hut " suid tlio lawyer, "sinco your man ,,
iiiiiH -Ihrco days nfter tho funeral tlio next uncle's denth. I " He nt-nr dropped iinvlliing to ran ,' &L&R fyiT .-. ' l'l After the usual formula came the fob uuele has gn en you n legacy, nro iou " I Inn e now to repay mv -parents for ,H
P)f km nml possible heirs were collected l.nst cum., n young man. presenting n I about the disposition hemleiided to make ,.i ,tSSSP-JtA'! I , '' ,-v I , I lo".1!": "e"1, , ., . , not willing to incur this slight cure and tLe sacrifices they hate made iu mv bo. ;H
Juthe Lffi-eof tbelawyerwbo was the s,ronC contrast to the other , no. Hewa, "'..'."o.'close ,.. very." Mffi kfWrT'U WW W'XT S, refuse. Mr, Hoi. if 1 lad but known." said the mer- '
HIIHciiB.oUiau of tl.o will unit pn.atopnpors of light comploxion, brown bair. clear said Iho oilier. "IoncotrUtl to worm Kf l llll,ul . I " ' ' ' ' "il ' . w '; sand dollars, to bo held intrust for his comb does not like dogs, nor I. More- chuut, with bitter regret. I havo tlH
H' the deceased. Ibey weio few in num. blue ejus ntid an attractive face. He was Mmietbiug out of liiin. but didn't get ,t"" children, J over, mv uncle has treated mo too scurv. thrownawHi n fortune. .... ;H
iHbers. for the fnimlvwnsn.it a lame one Imrelv tne.it y five vr-irs of n"e lerv much satisfaction." Rr.niso tiik win. " lo my nephew. Henry Holcomb. I ily ior mo to incouveuieuco mytolf much "And I." chimed in tho lawyer, rue- H
IBThere wr , 1 ,T.h. i.i n , . V u ". , .1 ?l " What did Le suv?" However, everybody knows what the old I me." likewise gne the sum of tile thousand on bis account." fully. ,.,,,,, T, lH
iHuuere were but tbr.c. and the-o tbreo plainly dressed, unit with a modest num. ' He said that ho thought of endow, man was. and 1 let it pass. If it had been i "How about Alfred's chances ?" i dollars to be held in trust for hi. cbil. I "Then will j tut tnko him ?" asked tha Hat thero was no help for it. Tlio m
iiiiiHUny ho briefly described. ner whioh iiropiissessed one in hisfnior. ing an asylum for fools mitt lunatics uud any one else I would lime gnon them as qu. nod Iho lawyer, glancing sharply to dreu. to whoso sole use the income shall solicitor, turning to the lawyer. deed was done Iho two ilisappointea fH
ijjK I'lrstcamo James Holcomb. a nephew' He was tho sou of old Adam Holcomh'a that 1 could tell whether 1 was likely to good ns they Bent " i that part ..f the" ..ill. .- wi.ete tho j. ting luiuunlly be app led. " Not 1." said ho. shrugging his should, men left th.-houso.fi !li; fim,u' i'" ''
IHErf the .l.o n.i . .7 i. i ii tlio souoi o.iA.inm noicomus ,, i,enetitf.l liv bi bo tloius." " j,, you were afraid it would apnll , man was quietly s. aie.l "lo my tun, remaining nephew, ers. "The dog may star e for aught I grateful to he unilo who they persuadeil ',H
.fln lit ?r ' ? ' ' ' r.'Uv y0"'"-' sister, who bint married a poor ..,,. ho ,, hlIIU0l, jmo!) lmki yol,r 0" U-ps. ei.V' t'h. hi'll get nothing." sa-.l tho mer. Alfr.d (iiaies, I g.ie too sum of two care ,..,.., tb.mte ie.ha.l "'w1' V"'' ''u.-h,. 'H
iiiMUian, all Ins thoughts centred upon him. minister, unit her sou. Alfred Graics. . , capacious sidos . "hu tot you there, " Ah to that, I have no hl.n. There is ' chant conteiupt.i- uslv. ' tl belongs th.-u.and ...liars to be appropriated to his 'And you. sir ?" turning to Alfred 11 at tbero was a modest little home tnat ,BH
ljiiU nud his own family, who bad never, was Btudyiug medicine, for which ho bad eh?" ,..,... no question that wo ought to bo joint to a btggnily stock mid a lieggir he'll own Use ns he may see fit. Gr.iies. was 1''1 c' : b' ViVimmi.thunionev fl
ifckur t-.!.,,, lor. - a, tecided predilection, l.nt be had been j h "" Uwyr 1...; ,. uu-unjo h. juU of his s tLung to .thesun, of -lj'ffi- fjffg J. ET
HHHptle purpose. cramped by narrow menns ami was tv.-, You don't appreciate the joko. ehf" wonldgiieono Imiidrod and twentv no' Well. I wish him joy of bis profes. . town, ono quarter to be appropriated to, knowjedgmont lor imy uncle's lecaey." , beon uiade onntaiu ot 'tjood deeds ana .MR
pHHJ Next came Harvey Holcomb, u cousin ' now teachlns -in a cwmtirohootl litniinj; I "It viMofooluh'plioHniprlluouce. ' thouiaud a piece. Thar Mould .atisi)' ja, If heeTorcemu'U, Weh is toiao-' the erettlou of a suitable lulldJi)j; oud '" iou inpy find UUu UguWeiouie, iJaitfUaWeifluena.-WHii.(n JB