Newspaper Page Text
'H f iBoarding-House --Mk7- Real-Estate Men I II Ite Keepers jm&ztw -m L. sss Ws. v7y win find plenty of g 1 iK 1 wH Will find World Postal $SS La X -Wh'-J 7' 'lAVk- frtfM r?V I S & "so for The World's n ' V 1 M Cards very handy. They Mil tl I tnftrrWnffilf tti' ffl 111 ' Postal Cards. FAIR 1 Kr can be used the instant a Pb III J IlK WPIIW WDU 41 PU& ' I W wLw room is vacated. " j ffcl A N H S1 $i 'P 'i 1 Vs' vv V TRY THEM WS; E ft kSTJEtr-NTn tell lai M HI 111 1 JUltllKal IMlCTiM ''iiriilMJillM '-JUMrfWWiaiUWUUMIMWailWW"1' H PRICE ONE CENT. NEW YOltlv. MONDAY. MAY Hi. 1H!)2. PREJE ONE OEM I'. I I ASK THE ""NEAREST -"STOREKEEPER FOR WORLD " POSTALS. I I listed. HANDICAP DAY. I F Fine Weather and a Fasl Track HP Augur Well for a Splen fli did Contest. .lKv-rf """ ' ggaHLVLr V Over 30,000 People Expeoted to Hi Witness tho Great Race. H One Hundred and Five Bookmakers H Weigh In (or Business. Hj Trainers and Horsemen Think It Is Hy a Cinch for LongstreeU B I.TFrlAT TO TIIF KTFNIHO WOnt.TI.1 H Okavfsend Race Track, .May 10. A moro t H beautiful day than this lor the running or tho H great llrooklyn Handicap and the opening or B tho raclnB' beasou lu this mate could not np H been had were such things granted tor tho , HF asking. '1 he sun shono bright and warm and I B . a plea ant land breive from the west swept1 B J over thn course, Imparting a delightful fresh-1 B r.css to tho at mc sphere. I M During all pi last week, however, It looted B as though tho llrooklyn Jockey Club would BJj . havo Its usual lll-lucl: on tho opening day, B bo tar as weather and track were I'oncerned. j Bj 1 itnln and bttnshlne alternately raised and , JT dashed the hopes of the sporting fraternity, J Pi I ant last evening the prospect looked very JT. black Indeed. '1 his morning, however, , E dan ned bright and clear and the hot bun took By thu moisture out of tho track almost as BR quick as a burn would raise a blister. j BR The course looked beautiful, and the lawn , BJf , teemed llko a huge stretch of green vclvot. BB j i In the field tho wind started tho tall grass BB I moving In waves that undulated from ono BB end of tho enclosure to tho other, l'atchos BK, of blight yellow dandelion gleamed llko Jew- j BM' els In emerald settings. H Around the stables containing the cracks on B ' whom their owners depend bo much, llttlo BM knots ot colored stable boys and Jockeys stood Bd" ln;groups, claiming the attention of visitors J BB by their arguments for or against certain en- . Bfj tries in tho Handicap. Hi Tho Brooklyn Jockey Club Is certainly In ' BH luck at the outset of tho present season. BBj I Nearly every handicap that has previously HB been run hero has been spoiled by bad HB 1 weather and a heavy track. To-day will bo ' KB I j an exception. HB 1 TUB TRICE IH FINK SnAPC. V I The track Is In txcollent shape, and this HB will be good nowa to tho thousands of people jHf. I who have their dollars on Longstreet. Last H night's showor made a few pasty patches i BV near the Inner rail, liut on the outside rail sBbj- It 13 comparatively dry, and by 4 o'clock, Tj when tho buglo calls tho thoroughbreds to fH!v the post, the tow damp spots villi have dried H out. Supt. llrush Is working alllhe harrows flu at his command, and every lump of mud will KJ be thoroughly turned over and dried on all HJ-f ttits. ITno pleasant weather will bring a great crowd to tho course. Not less than 30,000 people aro expected, and great preparations havo been made to receive therrt The grand H I l stand this morning might uavobecu likened 'ft ' j t0 a '"P" ttut liJH- No life was to ho been ! B (I ouislde, but underneath thn Immense seats BJ hundicds of men were busy astho Industrious Bf Insects ever were. k UUVFS AND 1 ISIIFS FOIl T1IK IUKCY. I Hj ' Thou-ands of loao- of bicad weio being HV made up Into bandwlchcs lor the hungrj, 'Wjj and beer, wlno und otlar liquids ncio be- Wi lng placed In lcadlness for the on-latiglit of B the thirsty multitude. In tho kc-bo.ics . Bfl i weio a.iioo (piartsof ih.unpig..c and y,()00 VHj j Plntsnf the -mne siparklliightlmulnut. H On the gi.ind stand a huudied women weie t I husy washing ehali s und (leaning iloois, and (Hf ' eveiyiulng w as made as Irlght as a new plu. Ht I In the butrtng ring 1 nomas 1'. haii and his ,-Hjj corps ot assistants wero busy placing stands flB and arranging matteis bo that the public 'HJ would have a good chance to bit Its dollar. HJ. t The mutucl machines, thro.- straight and HCj flvo plaLf, werii 'it up, as well us an etia H box for lha' . itlonof the publle whkh does flw; not wish tu w.i, i ai.)tulni, uiiei 4','. ,HH BAIIIV UIKIIS -KSiM.TIIh IMOKUAllllV WO!H. HH Theemwd be,-..n to airlio I'.iilj. TlmtMiatM HH that lift Whitehall Hrrei at noon weieslinply irHH packed frum Ucl to pilot house. 'Ihu i.ns HB leading tu the tiulk weie tronued to their utmost, pci pie clung on wlifreiir thcionns MB a place to cling lo, ami tho , ttpj Journey was inade s Ho and without accident. BBT "or 'Her four hovis the trains deposlied Hj thth 1 juds ol i agcr tlsltursut the gaios of AHf the Jockey Club, anil for tin. same space of HB) thne the si ream ot hiim.uil'o poured In i'HJ through the entrami and implied list it Into HB tin grand stand, tlio I lug and the puldoik. MHjH Ot c ui-sc, the thliaty trawili isbtuppitint vr flBj t'' hars, vt lie io from seemingly UieMiaitst- 1 HK bl keS'' that cooling bcveingo known as h flBt " beer" was sent over the cnunterhRs last as' 1Hf 100 baiten leiumlu till . TBB In the crowd wire alUortbot pei pie. Thero l'jft was the ileik with hli best girl on his aim HHB explaining tin points of the illlltnnt horsis !H4Ht based on his ispeipnio lu tho pool-roims. JrHBM'I'hero was I lie -luul businessman, who never UflJjflF Ms is the nw true . save on big events Thu HHj r(V ia s weie on i lu lull force. Nothing but HHH lt.Uh . ould l.e p tin m away. HHj I tin paddock won- gathered the trainers HB ail(1 hoicmei, j and here, too wero the outl iws BaJ from Outte.iburg. catching all sorts ct chaff HBHt Tom their biethn ii who obe)ed Iho Hoard ot HjHB tourols mandate and did not run at tho HHB Hlli'optraik There w i ru touts galore, and HjjHm Winv '-ereH-.e Inooicnts that these gentry sflHjH Cut 0llt heir statr durliu- the day. HH At 1 oclock theie weio tully 10,000 people jEHHjpl'Mnti and there were many familiar laces tJrmHHfr'(urmg the parade up and down tho lawn X HWre he races commenced. BBBpa hualllar figure was missing from the HHaflP BBBBBjjg3il Juilges' enclosure, the Into David Dunham N lllieis, and tho timers' Mnnd scotm.l to i havosomeihlng lacking without his laci. I IMI'llOVtMIVTH IT 111k riUl K 1 here have been many inipiovenK ntsat the i lliookljn track. 'Ihe appronhio the grand t ktimd Is now made by a broul Ill.'ht of stairs, ' leading directly Horn tho trains, roi inert) race-goers had to g underneath tho M.iml ' by tho bars In older to get to tlio grand I Btand. htalrs have also bten cut into th" grand stand so that peojile will not be obliged to cllmii on the grand stand In order to git to tho lunch counters. Tho club-houso has been enlarged mid tho paddock greatly lm lirovid. 'ihe lawn Is closely croppid audits' bright gieen Is very n freshing and restful to j t he e e. , 'Ihe visitor will loyk In vnln, If ho looks nt all, for remliideryrt tho warlike seems that wero enacted HI thu track lat l'a'l. Th,, high board fences Intended to obstruct th Mew of city pool-room agent havo intlielv disappeared. 'Iho two glgalillo tele'iapli poles, fi oui whose lofty tops Del.acey's men st6le the news of tho lace.s, are not to bo seen ilther. The tall I ldcl-llke lower which was erected by Do I.acey on tho top of tho old hotel outsldo of tho track has also disap peared. Iho man who talkid through his hat with the aid of electricity and other In genious Individuals havo lost their calling tor this year Do Iacey and the Dwjers are tho best of friends, and peate will reign Instead of tho dl.sioid wnlchsu dlsturbid thu racing butson of last year. l'romall Indications thlsyeats raco for tho avn.oiio stakes will bo the lest In the hlsiorv of thu Club. Thu gdinest thoroughbrids in tho country w ill go to thu post, and the strug gle tor victory should bo ono of thu gr.ui.list, over been. I'llKSIIIFNT rilll. P1VV HI HAl'I'V. President Phil J. Dwycr was In high spirits this morning. " 'Hits Is better luck than I ever dreamed ot," he said lo an r.vKMvu Wmiiti man " l.iisl evening 1 was viry much dlsliearli m il at iho piospects, tor rain wis then tailing quite heavily i think we will have a iriat, crowd here and ono ot tho bist, I aces ev li sten on this track. "i.lvo you a Up? Well, I think Judge Mot row will win. I am nlralil that thotiuck will not bo dry enough tor I.ougstreet lo be at his best. 11KCLAI1K WILL NOT bTAUT. "My mare ltcclaru will not start, and I shall rely on I'ortchcslcr to win the i arc tor ouie. lloislu fairly good foim and will not bo disgraced, lteclaro Is viri lame and will probably not start until blieepsliead llaj oi'ens. ' 'Ihu starters In tho great race will probably number fifteen, ilarendon Is likely tube among tho absentees, tor he woikedn mllo and a quarter ycsteiday, and It Is not the policy of tralnirs to give a hoise such woik on the day before tho race. l.ongslrect, ltaceland and llanquet will buioly go, with McLaughlin, Fltp.urlck and John I.amblcj In the sadules. OTIIEK SUKK tTAMKIlS. Judge Morrow is ulsoasure starter with Major Covington up. Others who can be counted on to positively appear when the buglu blows will bo l'essira, wilh 'iaulup; rortchester.wlih Muib In the saddle; itusscll, Udden by Uttlctleld ; iteekon, with Callahan up; Allan ll.ine, plloiud by lluton; Key Del Hey. with the dti-ky Anher, Isaac viurphy, on his back; Madstone. with the udouUtiiWe Man j llirgen up; Major Iiiuim, with W. Mldgel riding; licknliker, caujtiig Tony llit.illton, and lalivlew, with linzi.itl. 'lids will make a splendid Held, and the peo ple will wpness, no doubt, one ot the grand est struggles iver tern on a rate track. 1RAINFH3 IIKK I.OM.sriltn 3 UIANCI S. Tho opinion ot tho trainers ami hoiseinen nt tho track Is overwhelmingly In favor ot LongstrfCl. Judge Monnvv Is second choice, and 1'essar.i and itussell have about an equal number ot admirers as third choice, i Hero aro a few of thu Individual opinions worth quoting: PreslJent I'hll J. DwverIMho track dries out thoroughly l think I ongstreet will win. It It keeps heavy, 1 think Judge .Muiiovv will gi t the big slakes. supt. lliusli 1 think Mike Dwyer Ins the race at his mi icy wlih elilur longsue.tor ltaceland. Judge Monow 1 faucy most of the Othels 'li.U'icr Hilly Lakeland LonsM reel or ltaei laud will. In my opinion, capture thu slaku fur Mike Divjer. J0I1VSY CAUmi'LI. FKMS 1II.ITF. John t. ainpoell. ownerof I'essara 1 thnughl II hid a ( liancu, bu: after btelng l.ongstteit , and itaeehiud work I inusi lonfess that 1 I think one ot the two must win. Ill be in It bume par of the Journey , howuver. I Pifsideut Waibjum, of the Hudson County Jockey l lull Put mo down for Loiigstioi t. I Supt. 1-rauk Clark, of jsnaopsUead llaj ltaceland lor me. 'Ihey can all talk about Longsiieetsand Pcssatas, but Old Hums" will walk In. I'ol'i.llui Judge Morrow Is my choice. He 1 was lu It last year and Is a ten-pound betti r huise this spring. Adler and Harney Aaron both think I.on.'s'rcut has the racu at his m-icj. one hundred and live bookmakers have wi Uhi.l in, and tho betting public will rot laei. nciOhimodatlou in this icspi ct. It. dug wlllb'ginal'J.lloo'elock-. i but will bring the handicap, which Is the fouith on the pto- I gramme, on about .1.1,1 o'clock, llusloess men . an leave tho cttj at :t o clock and be in time io the great cent, s, elded. ! ihi re are many routes i the tuck, floats leave irom toot ot Whitehall aticet nt len minutes past eviryhilf hour, and connut with trains from Hay ltldge. A quick and convenient route Is by wav of tho Hiook.yu llrldge, rifth avenue 1. road to the tettnlnus at ihlrlj-slvth stree , land thencu by surtace tiiilus to tho track. i 'liulnscin also be taken from Mmh nvini.o iinil I hi nih th street bv leaving ihe 1 Ar. l.levaled load at Hull avenue and lwiiitlein sltiet. A DOMB FOR THE WRONG FAMILY. Reformers by Dynamlto Mnlio n, Sad Mlutuko in NobrtiHka. Ii v inni uirn rnFB. hiiriK Citv, Neb., May lf A dynamlto bon.b was exploded under the lesldenio of J. I 11. Johnson Saturday night, ihu building anil contents weie pull) destioyed. il.u ' mil) membei of the famll'' Intun d wns a tin Mai.i hi glii. I In bon.b e'ipluded near her bed, and sue Is imw 'ill at. t mil ihi ntly ihe h.iuso was iceupled bv u lioiiulous I.IIUIIV, an. I II is believed ihuihe per-o'iii .piiMblo in tb" i l' Sinn was ui uwaiii Ui..illiudlsitiulnble people hat moved out and lull tided uieiny to iilghten into leaving. BLOCK ADEJQN THE " L" Ihe driving wheel nt the engine ota south- bound tluln on llm th" Mth Aveiiuohlevntcd (road this morning jumped the track near I Hector stiicl ami caund a great deal ot on- elttmoiit. i ihe accident was owing to sonio dlsar- rat.gemeiii ia tin interli ..king apparatus of , the awliihi s, and, altliuugii no peiwiu Hat injuied, theie Was a delay lu tialllennd a ' Mocsudu of tiultis lasting over hall an hour. Sltfnoil by tl o Governor. I il s ..n us. 1 1 r s 1 Amu ny. Ma Hi. -I'hcteiuii.or hosslgned. I t h.jit.r &3I lornftiitlra iJujrrf the louviaia of a will t tmriMK u.iulr ilHrrininril Ctiiter&91 Aliciivuii. a ma rl..l tinmen to con tract with tivr tiu.bno tll aalueaA VTitn .or otlur person tu tlmr.ame extent at If uiiniArrlS't Otiftpter &97 -AuiqiiiIidk ihu Club luourporitioj ct Obipter HV9 Allowlnc the ronitrucllon of lenen In Orcoklrn before toe aeeuuient tru Itld Lt lb. Couimaa (Jauncll. it t. VERYLiKEMRS.PECKtNPflUGH.' A Body Found in tho Hudson, Thought to Be Hers. ."Missing Since April 'JU mill 81,000 Ollerid for Her Ulscovery. Hie tody ot a w rman was found In the Hud son Hlvcrat lilv crdale this morning by man Morris, of tho Klngsbrldgo station. It was removed to the slatlon-housu and tho Coroner uotllled. V'K. llOStVt'lNI) rn KIM'tl'lllt. i he police say that In almost every partic ular tho body unswcp. the description of Mrs. Pfckliipiiigh, wile ot a phjslclan of Mount Vol non, 1ml., who dilapidated mysteriously ApilI'-'tJ Horn tho hrjiivi 101 Kasti went) -llfth street, this city, ihe disctlptlou lu iludesascar upon her bod), wiikh Is exactly llko one upon thu body ot tho drowned I woman. Dr. 1'ecklnpaugh, who Is Btlll In tho city en- I gaged In tho search for his wife, was notified 1 and requested to tome at once to the Klngs- , bridge ttatlon to seo If ho could Identify the bod v. Through Chlet Inspector Mccrs a reward was oITired a few weeks ago ot 81,000 for her lecovcry allvoand ."i00 tor tho discovery of her dead body. i Mrs. I'eckltipaugh came to this city from Indiana A pi 11 "0 to Join her husband, who was attending a course ot lectures at the Pol) cllntc. They had rooms at the above no. I dress, which Two days 1 nftervvards she went out to make sotno Mslts and never returned. It was said that an accident In which sho I w a.s hurt alioui a year ago, had affected Mrs. Pel kliipatlgh'3 mind. ! i apt. Martens telegraphed to Chief Inspec tor -tccr thlsatternui n that ho had no doubt thai the body was that ot ihe missing VI lU'lli. Dr. I echini augh had not arrived at Mugs budge ai L'..iO ii'i lock. ihe bod) will be brought down to the Morgue this afternoon. 1 I non the body fnuml In the river was found tl(l in bills, whliii Is tho sum that Mrs. I'eik- lupaugh was known to havo In her possession the day she dl-appeaied. inner coineldfiiies In tho description of , Mr.s. 1'ecklnpaugh and iho drowned woman I aiefouud In both her di ess and her personal ibaraclirlstics. - c. OLD EXCISE BOARD IN COURT. 1 Judfto Insrtvhtim Will Construo tho Plunkltt Law on Tholr Caso. iho much complicated caso of tho People against Alexander Meaklui, Edvvjut Hi., pan lik and Joseph K.,ck, tho lute Hoard of i:iise i oiumt-sluncrs, camo up Leforc Justice Ihgraluim lu the Court of Oyer and ' Ti rinlni I Neither ot the ox-Kxclso Commissioners was In lotirr when Assistant Dlstrlct-Al-tornc) Mikr moved that JuJgment to enteied uguttist them, the court of Appeals having dmdiil adversely on thilr pica in 1 demui ier ot 101 mi r Jeopardy. Ki-.liidgi lilt lenhoeter, ot Counsel for the Ho ml objeclid. Ho lontiudod that when the in iltir wassint to the Oeiieral Tetm lt was on the undi'i standing thai thu lase of thu defend mts w as not lo bu prejudiced. 1 In re h is in ver been a trial ot tho case on lis merits," said he. " No trial, no convic tlu'i, unl) a i .using of tho plea of tornier Jiopardi (mi plea did not admit any of tho laitsat cgedl' the Indictment. All that Is Hi the rimer ot tho Court in do now is to en tei tipor. lh" ii cmd Dial there has bieii no lotiuer vcuin i oi acquittal; the conn can inn tin 1 1 a vi nliit oi gellty agalnsi them." Jusilce ingi.iliam agreed with the pleader. A jib a "I Ui'tgutli) will bo enleitd," said the tourt. And we demur to the Indictment," said Mr. Dlttcuihocier, pioinplly, "on tho ground that the gintind that thu law making tha alb ged olTenso an otlenso has been repealed." Justice Ingrihain tald ho would recelvo brlifs tioui the counsel on both sides as to Urn en. ci ot tho litinkett law, and would iiirautlmi' rt-eive decision. ONE YEAR FOR MME. ANDREA. I Dr. Pnrkhurnt's U.xamplo Ho. 2 Sont to tho Ponltontlnry. Mis. Mario Aiidna, who wat couvloted ot H.'pIngadlsordirlyhousaaHJ West Fourth l stleet, vas tu-day seuienn.d b) Judgu Ht. i gernld to one year on HI iikwell's Island. I Her arrest uud coiivii'tlun wero duo to tho elToits of Dr. Parkhurst. I Mr. Anthony i ninstook occupied a promln- ctit position In the i.uv.veis eiieiosiiro In Part I nt i.cii' se-sl his, and "hill it Dollar " Ml HIl V, .Is .llsoull llci's, . Ai ll.l.'i Aisisiaut Dlstilct-Atfimey 'iownsend stepped up to lh j Judgi'sdesk 'and said, thai Ills colli agin. Mr. Viclnttie, would urn I e in toiiri. cm mi um of Illness. " Mailvi Audica at the ba;, ' said all. Clerk , Hall. ihen up blrodc tho tnasslvo dcfenclant. , Shu was diessul modest I) in black silk mid .velvet trlu'.uilti.'s. and inmiutd hut oecoraiid wlilu isebuds, lihe ptomicd ioi met cy, and said i Ids cll.'til was too poor now to prosecute an appeal. .lu lite litgernld said the woman had been rcinvlcii dm keeping a di-orcli rly house, she did tun i iiko the wiiciss-stand litisulf and mid iierjui vi" her past lee rd. " dial ts tho ouiy clicumstauco that aiw peals to the c atirt lu Inflicting sentence," hu iiildid " I'hu sentinii ot tile limit Is that she be imprisoned lor one year lu thupmlten." I Wputhor I oroenst. I Til 8 A. J, lu utau; tlnieraUy air, pi i ci 5iotr. rlii. eieni"!; tcurmer, nout if tin ! idiot', .tjr 7ui 'ri fah,etljliHi ''(limn. r'"i' llrd'icctci- 'cur ciiid icnriu. 'Ihe followiug tccorl Bhows the changes In tho .temperature lor the past Iwcuty-taur hours A.wgA. w 65IUA. X....T1 1 13 X....TT IllKriTiclTrrtleeinertt we have aeeo areTaxa MpuITitlia. AddroM 1327 Uroadnar. V ytr -mst iaii,iui -j. .c. s . . - ylfc DEACON WAITED II DIVORGF.' It Would Hnve Averted the Scan dal and Murder of Aboille. ; Onra In I'nrls tho Ki-oiii'lmmn M'ns taught In tho P'nlso Wife's Kootn. fry AFinritTFii i urs l Ptiits, May HI. 'Ihe r. VeiieleiiK" strc'r I tiMlti) publishes a 1 mgnlsi' ry ot tlio marrli d Hie of I'dward Parker Deacon, who Is now analllng irlal befoie the Assbe i ourl of the Alpes .Marat lines on thcihirguof manslaugh ter growlug out of thu killing ot M. Abillle. w hum Mr. Deacon discovered In his wllu'a apartments at tho Hotel spiendido at Cannes , on the lUtll of 1 ebi uary last. iho newspaper asserts that tho story It publishes was told by Mr. Deacon to his solicitor. Aicurdlng to this story, Mr. Deacon j sn)s that o Ion days pilor to t'au tragedy and I again on tho evening Iho shooting occurred, 'betnrohe letl the hotel tn attend the ball given by tho ferclo Nautlque, ho urged his wlfu to consent to a divorce. llu had a ver) strong suspicion that his wife's relations with Abilllowero not what they r.hould lo, and hu thought that If he could pi ucuru his wlfu a couscni not to eon list an action lor divorce much siandal could Ii' averted. Mrs. Deacon, however, objictid to this course. Mr. Diaion, the story adds declared that his wife's conduct was until Abelllo was Introduced lo her. iho 1 icinli- man became nsshluous lu his attentions to Mis. Deacon, and Mr. Deacon frequently pin. tested ngalnsl his, lo him, unpleasant actions. Alter Abelllo lift thu country Mr. Demon began to recilvo litters Horn an anunjin us j souno staling thai his vvitowas dieelvlng him Hi one da) hu letolved sl such lutliis. bubsequently ho found h tiers that Abillle had written to his vvlto, but his suspicions ns to her fidelity were not tuurntignl) amused I until ho found Altllle cm one en e-asKin hidden I behlud a curtain lu his wife's room at ihclr I Parts residence. Alter this onurrenco I scenes between himself and his wife were i frequent, and Mrs. Di icon upbratilidhlm lu j very strong language, accusing him of tyranous and Intnmous conduct. I While thev wero at M. Montr she became I so violent thai hu threnuned to bend for tho police and have her taken into custody, bho retorted: " tend lor them ; I nmtlicdof Hits lire, and I don't want you to communicate with me except through my attorney." I He afterwards ajrologUed to his who and a J reconciliation occutrid. borne Utile time I after ho went to the United Mates and upon his return his wlto declined to sen him until Christmas, i hough they then lived together, thoy never fully resumed their i Id relations. I Tho riste ot the tilnl ot Mr. Diacon Ins been dellnllel) iixed for the yuth lnu Mrs. .Deacon will not be prcsint, but her doposl. lion will bo read to the ptry. It Is already generally believed that Mr. I Doacon will be acquitted. I The halt In which tho trial win take place Is of small dimensions, and In view of the lim ited accommodations It affords part'lan and foreign reporters aru already forwarding their requests for seats. .. MEXICO MAY TAKE OUR CHINESE. Reported Plan to Colonlzo Thorn In tho Stnto of Tiimnullpas. II Y f.nciATFn ran.. I city or Mexico, May lu.-chlng Wun and Kong Poo, ihu former a wealthy chinaman, of ban Francisco, and the latter of bU Louht, are hero and havo had two audiences with Presi dent Dla. The object of their visit Is to secure a col onlzatlon concession In tho state of Tainan Upas for the purpose ot removing almost tha entire population of their countrymen who now reside In thu I nlted Mates, ihey claim to represent a socio!) of ihluesoln the United Mates, numbering several thousand. Supposed Loss of Slxtoon Men from I a Wrookod British Baric. II t .MiruTi n i .. i London, May ltl.-iho Hrltl,h tnrk Karl ol Aberdeen, tnpt. Patrick, from Harry Dock for .Montevideo, got out of her com so and ran on thu rocks on iho const of ihu county ot Pem broke. It Is supposed tint sixteen of tho crew were drowned by the capslltig ot their b at after they had got away from the wreck, 'thirteen men Irom the wreck have landed at Mlltord Haven. Cashier Jnourer'H Accomplice In Robbing: thu Rothschilds Arrostod. " iH(n'. p i , , Hums, May 10 To-da) Ilerr t.crlofT, who held an i Itlclal poslthn In the house, was arresiul tor donipllclty In thu frauds by which cashier Jatgerionbcd the Hothsihllds at Frankfort. Throo Miniatures Defeated In the Oroooo Elections. i i.fnelATi n i i.t ATiir-r.fl, May HI Purttirr returns of the (lections (or members of the lloule shjw tint thu Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Justice have bienditeattd. Reported that Hormany Accepts tho Silver Conforonco Invltutlon. j II v APRlrUTrti "icrsi I London, Ma) 111 It lsstuted lh it i.ermany has accepted ihe Iniliatii n to th Interna tional silver toulirenci. CRUEL TO A CHILD. A colorod Woman Hold for Trial on I Sorloun Churgns. I Mrs. Mart i'a)lor, colored, of :i44 West Forty-tlrsl sireet, was to-day held In .100 at j Jeflerson Market Court fjr ttlal i n tho j ihaige of cruelty to an eight.) cur-old child, Martha Monroe, who had Ucu lift In hei cnii). ihe child was given lu csre.f the t hlldreu's soi iety. Mrs. I aviur was charged b) hern: -lib r with leaving the child all niht t. I I 'ki hands to a door knob, and wun ti. mvisu treating her Hi a must Inhuman maimer i Tho girl showed marks of cruel Dealings. . "Tlarr. Ilrail Ilraud.'r ItonmT Smith. India Pale Ale ana Drown biout. eunerior to ear iMporleo. Alldealera. Aienuj, 1 it, V TWOMEN BURNED.! . i i Brooklyn'3 Maennorchor Bu:ldinp; Destroyed by riaines. Two Employees Sleeping Upstairs Supposed to Have Perished. Several I'rople If ml Thrilling K onpes Iruiii tho III117I111; Mrurturo. iho handsome hill of the Zncllner Marnncr clinral llmadivti) and lllnugliby avenue; In Fast llrooklvn, was totally destroji'd by III 0 tills morning, iho flro broke out nbotit 4 a.m., and at b o'clock tho intlrc slructure wasln tulns. 1 foJjMs&h "-I b mfflnl thk ntit.niNri mtreiRr: to-iuy's firk. Million b of iho Hrookl)n Post-oihce trcu- ' pled apart of the lower lloor on the llroad- ' way side, ihe flames devoured everything, and nil the domestic and fore lgn malls ready 1 for distribution Hits uioinlng were desttoyed ihe reglsteicd mall Is in tho bate, and It U 1 hoped It Is uninjured. lt Is believed tint two employees of the ' Mnunnerchor society, who slept on the top lloor, perlshtd in the Haines, ilielr names are given as John Kutky, twent)-tnur years old, ond carl Mltzcu, twenty yens old. i hey are Hohemlans, and h id onlv been In tho I country a short time. They hid no iclatlves here, bo far as Is know n. 1 i woof thttt-ci iiiiianl 1113, who ocotiiiedan ' adjoining ro .m, est ipe.l. ihey sav that the 1 two missing men went to bed at the same ' time the) aid, but alter tho Hi 0 broke out Ihey saw nothing of their associates. Kut7ky and Mltzcu wero employed by I Charles 1th hter, tlio steward of the boclety and the lessee of tho hall and banoum, to do general work about the place and bet up pins lu the bowling alio), ihe part of tlio bund ling where they slept U lew a miss of slunk I lng itilii, and the tireiren have not )e t been abl t" make any tin their li kHi s. Mrs ltiihteranJ her clilldtcn and servant who llvoon tho thtul Uoor ot ihu Hroadway atim x to tho hall and above the Post-uIHci had a narrow escape from di at h i hoy weio I taken down ihe tlre-cscapu lu their night. 1 clothes. I ihe total loss to tho society is plated at iMfiO.OOO. but the Insurance Is said to be be I twecn tsll, 000 arid siiO.iion. iho piano store ot New b .1 1 vans, also in the burned building, was damagtd to thu ex I lent of t-t.ouo. I A coniert and reception was given in the big ball-11 0111 on tho second I. our last even ing by tho Maennerchor to In rr Durr, the leader of the lluinorl.stlsih" so. icty. sevirul huiielrecl peo 1' weiu presi in mid tho enter I talnment lasted uatli long attir mldiilghi. I iho balUr ni-11 wa cli tiled about .it i. b) 1 Special tiftlcer lie r-e Uu.i, and the place was lockml u,i. llu le wero about .1 doen hit n lu HlchtiTs m ,n 00 1. stairs at " when souiu one uutsidu Marled tho cr) ot "rire." l.veDbod) rusled nut and saw the flames buis. lng from lie iml-r 'tn window 3. ihe w hole nt tin u r ail of the building on thu Wllloughli) avenue side seemed to bo on lire. I The rtrst thought ot Mr. HP hter was tor his family uud the cinpl.Aei s who were usiiep m tho upper poor nt iti.'ci itroadwa). With August Luers lie ran to He private stairway and attempted to . . tips airs, but the Humes on thu second Hour ut He m oft. ihelr shouts und tie md-e outside, how. ever, rouse j son.e it ih -m pers, and Mrs. Hlcbter, with h. r . WMre'i, appeared at a window on the tldr.l llu 1. lie) got out on 1 the fire tscape, and 1 11 '.'.' of thu ' men, shonl) .utuiurKu tasen lo the 1 httecl In cati t). Mrs Up lite 1 s servant was resi tie el In the smi " u Ai t he 3 itue 1 tin la 1 men wire si en at tho windows nt tin- nt n il 01. I lo 1 flimU'd down to (he tuiir n s' n. I.n -esi ape, and reached the groiin 1 b) tin lit it. Ilie-ywere verv much tn.hi. 111 a, '..J sail there were two mora men in the b'.iniing, but they did not know what ha 1 tiee nieottle m. ihe-building has a tiuulageuf l'.Vi fict on liremdivti), incltiiliiiE N - 11ns. ni"o and 10'J'.'. ami extends loot, el along Miliottghby avenue, where the main cutranie lo the hall I Is h eat fil. Dlst rut t diets I at.nlng an I Perry were on on html, mill the tinmen did desperate work. me Haps in, me llinadwn) side fell lu and the whole ut tl, it pan ot Ihu biilellng Is a miss ut -1 ,. n g lums. ilm wall, mi Ulllutig ill, net. in in still maud lug, bin the 1 iti rii r Isi. inpli 1. 1) guiii'd. ' i lie properly was punii 1-1 d to Ule society In ls'iii f .1 iliAti.niio. an 1 the t tub tuok pus I session of it in iiib. 1 I isi, at'er spend-'In.- ulioui irtl.i,0iio 11;. " o In repairs and I alii'inil im. ih .leiv ttv n ivv 4so mem tiers .Hid mili.ler.s s. in 1 ' n we althlcst (rirmati leslduiiis ..f vvt 11 lit.t;, Mme 111. iti tf. 1,000 Hurth 1 ! valuable milslo Wa ilcsirnyed. Ihe oiiin of the lire Is a lu .-dry. It is In 1 Ion I Ii wivir, that It 1 narted on the stag- ri tin lullroom. Ihrre tv,u no sign of 11 when nftKei laust lucked 1 the plai-" up at vi ihe lurnliure and tluiiglngs of Post 1 ORl.u Mutton b, w iih is in 1 hatgeof Mint. J. II. Mci'inii')-, an mil civ diti..ved. Tho lt) earners li. al, Unit uniform and mill - bags, v d the d 'tuestle and fortlgn mall, whbh is alwan heavier in M unlay m r-iin.' thin ai.t other da) in tie we k was biini d 1 11 1 i p..iiiv No e tlui.iti'i'an l imub'tif the 1 s 1: 1 business I f Malum N has in . 11 11 u.p. 1 iril) nmou-u tn tin In imal 1 1 vt.llll . . 1 ' 1 b .1 ding was 1 1 vin 1 1 1 r. vi In inns I) II W11111, f ru. Hi, '.1 r I'stltute. II i't. runrds pawl 1. 1 t'i 1 i' is. .titer, naid Pt'I'-lS, the pi.b.lsi.. .' e llnn.kltli i"ir , irom nil on It was pur. hssid ty the Zoeiltter .Macnnerchur ' VViir throw awar a h. If cigar wh.n a llrTWx Tlir A. Tt all. tobacco clkarel( win ju.t ia.t from I) our houaetathecail T. 11, 1UU-, eil. ISStJ.V VJ .s 'EVENING WORLD" IUVSTRAUO PROVERBS LXI. -tf?Zvx& sJ-s cr' vt-M5V Tho race is not always io ihe swift. mmhmiim. He Is tho Reckles3 Driver Who Ean Over Mrs. Ann Kelly. Henry Frank, twenty-llvo ears oil, of 1:1 Y' rk street, HrookDu, was laid In al.nno ball for ttlai b) .ludgo (irady al the JolTcrson Market Court this morning, chit ged with j reckless driving and having ruu over and j serluusl) injurtd Mrs. Ann Kelly, sl.xi)-fnir ) ears old, of .io.l West Twentieth strict. I After running over Mrs. Ktlly at ILo corner let Llghth avenue and Twentieth Unit )eslerday afternoon, Frank grasped his two- , , andaine-half-ycar-old sou Henry bctwien 1.1s 1 knees and then bunt his lron-ray horse spinning down the street nt full tilt to get 1 away from Houudsmati Anton btraussner, I who had hastened to thu old lady's assist nnce. I i ho roundsman Jumped on a back and or elered Its dtlver to pursue Frank, whoo yellow gig was bowling ahead at a terrific rate. Tho race was most exciting. Frum crowd to ctowd tho shout was taken up, "Mop thief! stop kidnapper!" but no ono hid courage 10 run out and seize the plung ing, snorting Iron-gray horse. 1 timing Into iw-eltth street, Frank drove I towards t.reenwkh avenue, along that thor ' oughtaro into Hank street, down tow .11 Is Wavcrly plice, then lull Perry strtet, and down Into West Fourth slrei t. I Ike a streak the jtllow gig stung thence Into Harrow ! street, then again Into West l uurth, All this while Roundsman Mraussner was 1 standing up on the pursuing h ick-, shunting, 1 gesticulating, encouraging aud urging "ti tnu 'elrlver, until at the loruer of Sestlourin I aud Jones streets the Iron gray ball. id at the ir. wd gathered ih're. and was Pu tin dlau IV rsptiiied ntid It- driver arres'ed. 1 Mrs hell) s lnlurks wire attended to at the. Sow urk llos tml, when she was found I to be siirrerlng Itmn depre-sed fracture ot several ribs, she may recover. Frank, Il Is said, was Intoxicated at the time. MT. VERNON'S CITY ELECTION. Entire Board of Municipal Officers to 1 Eo Choeon To-Morrow. I trrvriM to rrr .TFtiiT "uis ' i Mocvt ViRN'os, N. Y.. May Iti.-Clttrens ot this placo will to-morrow for tho first tlmo vote for city ortlcers, Including M'i)or, lit) Judgo, Supervise, Treasurer, Heitlvir of 1ax.ii, Justice of tho Peace, three Assessors ami ttvo Aldermen. 1 1 he candidates for Mayor are- John Herrv, lie.uocrat. Fdvvatd F. llrush. Republican, an J 1 larence M. Lyon, Prohibit l"iilst. Iho Democrats aro coniidi nt of rlivtpig in rrv useMayor, and expect to secure a ma Jjiliy In ihu common Cuuuctl. ON FIRE AND ABANDONED. Fate of tho Lime Schooner rieot wt&d Her Crow Bnfit. (UT AtBOCIATKD raCAA Protincetown, Maas., May 10 The schooner Nellie M. buow brought In )esur- day Capt. Colson ana the crew of the schooner I Fleetwood, Rockland, Me., fcr New ur vvlih 740 barrels of lime. ihe Flet wniKt ran Into. 1 southeast gale off Nnuset sim.l 1' morning and sprang n ba I h ck.settlig Hi" i.ugo 0:1 tire. nen aban doned she Ure live miles northeast of Natis, t, with her pumps c himeu, water up to her cabin Hour ami s ie poi.nng out of her. bho will probably burst open and sink. 1 COL REMEY SERIOUSLY ILL Tho Overworked Judgo.Adrooate Oeneral of the Navy. 1st Aroi-tATrn esr.. WAfllisnTiis, Slay 111. -Col. W. 11. Hcmey, JudgiAdvocste-i.ciiiial 't the Navy, Is but tering Irom 111 rvotis prostration as a nsuli vt ovcrwoik and 1 under iteatuient nt tho Naval Hospital In this . Itv. I leut. s. f. Ltml) Is pei'ormlng the duties ot his urtici. 1 . j TICE WILL DIE WEDNESDAY. To Bo Executed In the Electric Chair at Auburn Prison. . 'rrrriii -r..i" .rovi.r. j Al'BCiiN, Ma) 10. -1 be u-reull mot Joseph 1. lice, Iho Rochester w lie murderer, win take place Wcdncsda) inurnlng after I'.HO o'clock tn the t-KctrU chair ct Attbuiu Prison. I.oat with tslx of Her Crow. ( '1 T iiti'rlc -" n PHFat HttiFtx, N. s., Mat to His (loveinment sv uncr Newhe .1 h i arrived hero from sable Island. I ringing six -a.l rs irom the bark lb ti-y, whi. h was wre ked and tho captain 1 and five othtts ot hei . rcw drowned. Inspecting thn School-Houses, An Inspection ot the school buddings In tho city was begun to-day by Dr. Morcau Moirls, , , 01 tho uealtn Hoard. s . . " BIS FDUR'SATaI GRftSH. -- - - No Moro Bodios Under the Ruins of the Wreoked Trains. trv A.nor-iATrn rnr.t I Cincinnati, O., May 10. The huperin tcuilent of the lllg lour railway telegraphed Iromdeves early this morning that It had been ascertained booud all doubt by the re moval of the wreck that thero aro nobodies burled under It. Tho ll't of casualties by )esterda)'s collision ot a passenger train and a fast height Is as follows: iuk ntun. NtwiiEiuiY PutVAhoa, ot ftrrenabarv, Ind. , en irlu.i r nt tbe paa.fiuicrr train. 1'nlIlP I.UIlisps, i.r l.awrenceburr. Ind., act Ins tiKKiiKeiua.ter of the pa.eoiier train, vv 1 Lla am llloui, of Indiana t'ullkl euclneerof the freUtit 11.111. IlIHAM ltnt'cs, fireman of the freight train, of (ireennburi;. Ind. Dtt 10 111 TWooo, of Indlanapolla, eoniinotor of the frelrllt. TltC INJURED. J. C ltunrR. raaiencer, lllamlabttnr, O., biulc.n, bea 1 out, . Isht. ItOLrkN lKiimil- iia.xcOKer, aead etgbteea. mn oi l)r Icrml. of Delhi, c. ; ecalded all over tile .ciunot life, ' i en luct ir John hi imopEB, a paaeencer on tbe i trnln, I'ru.lid in irtall between the care. Mas Mui.l.i ivli, ot North allthtly l 1 hu freight train was going west and tho I passenger train was tho accommodation coming to Cincinnati Horn Lawrenceburg with ubout thirty pissenkers. Thcso were gathered up irem Harrison, Aurora, Law reneeburg and 1 lUabethtown. 1 The colltslun occurred at a bend In the road west of Llert-5, about eighteen miles from i here, with noih trains at full speed. 1 At tho scenoot tho wreck thj road la lined with cottages. A Blinding rain was falling at the time. Tho sehidulo was new and botneoody blundered. Who tha' was Is.. question In dispute, iho stories ure numer ous aud conlllitliig. Tho members of the en w who should know most about It aro numbered with th. silent majority and their I testimony will never bo heard. I ihu locomotives plunged into each other like ileuion-i ana tumbled down together be st le tbe track, and the passenger and freight cars smashed upon them In a ruinous con fuslun of wreckage. 1 he relief was very prompt, and everything possible was done quickly for the wounded, s one of the nover-to-be-forgotten scenes was thu death of llrakemaa O'lbbens. He lingered unlit after noon, conscious all the time. Ho had n young wlto that he had kissed go"d-by an huur before. All his grief and all his talk was about her. In tho agonies i f death, till his tongue waa stilled, ho spoke only of her. RANCHMEN ON THE RUN. A Band of Texina Said to Havo Been Hired to Murder. DT AltOiItTLp rani. HrpriLo, Wyo., May 10. Alex Lowther, one of the stcckmeu wounded In the right at the 1. A. Ranch, Is dead. xesterday "Kid" Donnelly and Jltn Taylor cairn In from Powder River, having fled from their ranches Ucause of warnings given tin m that thn stuck f. m wero sending an cih'i band of icxans to clean out the cc utitr). m veinl persons, the) say, have seen bands nt stianers amtdlng lallruad towns and con cent ret lng In the vicinity ot this place, bcouta arc oul invest igatlog. FIREBUG IN A CHURCH. I.TTC-Iir TO T1IF FTTSIVIl WiTt'TV t Newaki, May It) Fire, which was evl aentlt of imeiidlary origin, broke out at a odo k this morning tn tho little Italian I'nih.l.e thurch of bt. Philip Nerl, on Orovo strn' ihe Dimes were fortunately ells coven d and extinguished beloro much dam age resu ud. 1 ev. rather bchoethoeffer. the rector, fays he found that a barrel ot paper scraps which had Ineu swept up In the school next door had be. ti i Uced under thu from window and a llt-nied match dropped Into It through tbe st.eitied giass, tilth had been broken frum Ihe outside. I iht'ii is no clue to tho Identity of the firebug SWIFT'S COIftET-O'-NINE-TAILS. A rhonomtinon to Be Scon In the Sky To-Morrow Mornlntr. Theto win be visible, near the uppormost star tf tho constellation Pegasus, at a. HO o'clcck to-morrow morning, a comet with ono rudimentary and eight fully developed tails, which will bo going at the rale of flit) miles a ivontL 'he tan-tallcd cemot waa first discovered bv I inf. bwlit, ot ltoti ester, and Is known to astionumers as the swift comet." Goddnni and MoAullffe Bifrn. !TT AllOCIATXD rKK8S.t 8av Francisco, May Id. Joe Onddard and Joe MoAullffe have signed articles for their i right in tbe California Athletic Club. The right will occeM- on the night ot Juno uout, IQO.OOQOMSTRiKE. I - m i - Organized Labor Fights New Eng- I land Granite Quarry Owners' I Lockout. Complete Paralysis of tho Stono M Industry Eesults, M Building Trades Take Up tho New M York Pavers' Battle. H Work Stopped on Many Structures H In All the Lnrce titles. H Despatches ree-elveel this morning Irom all H the points luvolved state that tho New Eng. '"pH laud Oranlto Manufacturers' Association, H comprising thu owners and operators of.tltty- H two quarries In Maine, New Hampshire, Ver- H moot, Mnssachuset", lthodo Island and Con. nectltut. tins carried out Its thieat to lock H i out to-day all the pavlnt'-block cutters and H quarrymen empl ived b Its members Lecauso H ' of tho strikes Inaugurated by tho pavers' unions tn Newlork and other cities. Tho H men were locked out this motnlng. H frCBETART JASIES P. Oil (VT, Or TUE rAVIKSf H Ity this move th greatest labor war In the H , hlstoty ot thu stono Industry la fully do- H ii ired, and no man can predict tu what ex. H teut li will be carried or how many workmen H of v I'loun trades In all tho large cities ot tho Haslcrii and Middle Mates will bo drawn Into ' ihestiu;gle. Probably 1 00,000 men will be H on stitku before sunset to- lay. H As a result of tho lockout In tho quarries H "s)tnpathy" strikes have been ordered aU over tho Lntted state?, wherever a piece ot M ' stone turned out by tho New England Asso- elation Is used. The direct effects ot tho M strike vv 111 bo felt as tar M est as the Missouri H Iho number of locked-out men Is In the H ticlghborhooii of l.'.ooo. jH In New York and its vicinity alone the M strikers nunibir aooiit uO.000, Including M paver-, graulicrutitrs, longshotetnen, mar- M llc-wcrUtisand ramnurmen. AsthuLentrsl M i Labor Villon his Indorsed the action of tne i pavers anl tl.clr assuilatc unlms, every M , oihci labor crganlatli n which has to da wltli fM building Is of course atliciel M Arrsngtmiuts have ten made with the M General Fxccutlvo lloaid ot the Knights ot M Labor, which mctts to-day nt Pittsburg, M vrhenb', Immedlaio action win bo taken to M make the sttlku national In Its character. M i llestde the men directly emplO)ed In paving M and d ing stone work on the strike M Iniludes many Irtruchcs ot the building M trades such ivs dirrtckmen, engineers, truck H drivers, bnckmasoi.s. hotiarrleis, plumbers, H gastlttcrs, carpenters, plas-ertrs n"d iron- teaaaeH wnrkeis. The itlect on the building 1 idustry 4spH will oe seriously fell tu ibis cltt. Phtladol- H phla, Washington, Alcanr, thic.i-i, -Mil. .H waukee, bt. Paul and Kalis 13 City. Tho New M I Kngland Association sup;. lies la-go quantities H 1 ot stone to all these cities. 'H I Amcng some ot tho principal structures In H New York on which the nun Mil: t. . rdcred H to quit wurk are tho new Ulick li.iidlng, thtt JH Mutual I Ho Uullding and l.riui Mouiment; H In HrookDn, the Mcnotial Arch and all sorts M of monument a' d tombstone vv rk.thetapl- H 1 lol, at Albiny; Her liiewery and Illehmoua 'jH Termtual, 111 liulaJelphit; Naiioual M library at Mash.i.gton s iu ot tho H World's Fair buildings at Chlcsgo. JH 1 Iheorkln ot this gigantic lubtr struggle it dates back to about tlourst ut Hu )car. Ac H cording to the tuilii; cutters It has be on H their custom aud'.hae e'l tuo to ' l-iciors to tH islguascalu tor each ci uing )ear H 1 abeiui May 1. lhis )ear. h .vv v.-, ihu con- H 1 tractors insisted that the -ealo be -Igned Jan. H 1. lie paving culler.-. ieit.te1. s.n lng that JH b) sodoltu lh... wjuldtoata ettsudvantage, H I tn that the) 1 auld nut make as g ud terms as H usual. 'ItH lha CTntracM-a vvouM not v.eUl, s' the jH 'pavers 01 this illv took the uia'i.r ti and H deciaied a sti'Ku unless the denmnds 1 1 1 lr jH frllow-wurkuieu, the pivlug-ciut. n. "ere H granted. The conlractois letall ite.l b i n. . H lugouiall their en.plovi . -. aim ttie anions 'H In turn 1 rdered n general sil.,e. ,H Hut ts the -It t ti to-diy. ilieieisno BH prosiert f a s tth 1111 nr soon, as tliere aro no 1 dlsiu' nlb'e sign of a dLspoab 1011 to caj.o uialo H on ellhi r side. gH bo tlioruiishly are the strikers organized 'H that the pa.ers feel they uio cartalu of ,H winning, becretary nraut, of tho Paling t)H cutters' Committee, which Is in charge of thn g,H strike, said this morning that " uvemtitngls H beautlfuL Money Is pouring Inandwoatu M prepared to hold cut all bummer, aud longer imm II necessary. 'gaW "Uoiar as I cm learn tiero araoo cast. vH Igggggggfl & -Sgggggggll s.. , y . -, .-fjjjUAtfclkj-iaaUIlagaggga!