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ryyff f 'flu rr -i vrrtnmhunii imirnr iftiiriiririigsTTrrnTiTf "i i -"iif fsaffirffllHfrff inrfyifi If 4 THE WOULD: WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 18, 1892. I f I ' Deutsch FIFTH AVENUE, HI COR. 22d ST. I This style Jacket made of 1 i Navy Blue, White, Red and K Cadet Blue Cheviot, em ir broldered and sleeves silk - lined, at If $R ; It 8 If reduced from $20.00. if BARGAINS. It Choice Dresses, H Capes and Wraps, I Hats, Toques and Bonnets. If DEUTSCH &, CO., 5th Aw., cor. 22d St. I mAlY& II SIXTH A r , 13TII TO MTU .ST wk By supplying your wants at nji our stores you can save W 25 to 50 K Careful inspection will K convince the most credu- jj i lous that this is no idle 8 v boast. I S l L A COOD MOVE. K YOU WILL MIKE A coon MOVi: WHIN B YOU SELECT VOL'K t I'KX.TUIM'. AND I All HP VETS AT OUll I STABl.lll.H:.r. TIIK Br CLAXS OV LOOPS Wi: OHTK IS V H.I. X KNOWN IOU blTJ.UIUItirY Or STVI.E, HE Hi LIABILITY UK MAKi: AMI MODKUAI ENLh.S Ik or rnicn. jj. WE Aim BHOWINf. A hl'I.KNDlll LINE Ul' HI BEUItOOM bUITS AT I'MLKS tlC.IHI It) Bit tit 00. SOME OK WHICH AIIE 1'AKTIt.T'- I LAKLY OOOO AT ill's 00 TO 50 00. OUR SIDEUOAKDS Mil I EHTA1NLY V. OHTII 1 AN EXAMINATION'. I.UACI rl'l, COLONIAL Fl DESIGNS, (MOO TO JHOO, OAK DIMM. SK TABLhH, VLUY NEAT. i". 50 'ID 12 00 Rt CARPETS. HUGS, L1.NOI.I.U.MS, OILLI.01 US. U MATTINGS, if . AT VERY LOW PHIi Eh K LET US GIVE YOU AN EbTIUAl l R CREDIT TERMS TO SUIT YOU. I J. H. LITRE & CO., I 3 & 5 WEST 1UH ST. J Uol lor til. linn J. II I.lttl. A Uo. over tbi ?. door before entering dentistry KKKKKKKKKasaML jft Ui'f Ins at hoiu. IlfU't rob lonrse kkkkkkkkkkm i!w !'' loailolttothedentUt b p.) f Tfefrr '"" ' l flWNCW 1 VJ SO UESTTriTIl Of SsUHLJEiUitfJiCHr (if l Knir- AllluNTEti I . T Sf-- ' ( It (';,3id"or ik-u uruk'" "; !""" Wi DE VAL ASSOCIATION. fr RfooWi"- i"h"' i"" '-d, ""''"""i B. Viui-'l uil.tiiLu iiiai iluiir Jar llitaltn' 111 N.I LONDON AND LIVERPOOL CLOTHING GQ. OUR CAN'T BE MET BARGES. 9 65 Will buy until II o'clock Saturday night the Q 65 best Ciolhing bargain to be had in New York, 18 - i ENTHUSIASTIC CROWDS respond to OUR great SPECIAL REDUCTION SALES because they're HONEST. j ? The mere advertising of a PRICE (why, wo linvo MEN'S SUITS tho best in the. City at the price, too low as ?5) , without (iniilitv amounts to siniplv notliiny, and tlio sunsible people seem to know it MIGHTY AVELL. Our Can't Be Met bargains this week aro choice of thousands of Men's Fine and Seasonable Suits at $9.65 that were redueed positively marked down from our originally low and close prices of 15, 13 and i2U, and really worth, a's alues go in Home Broadway houses, from $'26 to :SU. j CENTLEMEN, in a word they aro as good suits as were ever sold in tho world under S I 5.00. BOYS' DEPARTMENT, I MOTHERS. Wo shall have a grand Special Sale of i Boys' Clothing. "Wo have 30 largo tables loaded down with thousands of magnificent Boys' Suits, costing from $o.0U to i SS1.00 per suit; wo olVer your choico at ! SS.OO -pox- i Seo 'em, and to-day, if possible. Look at our "Window Display. LONDON AND LIVERPOOL CLOTHING CO., 86 and 88 Bowery, cor. Hester St. Our Only Slore. 1 Stat Le Boutillier Bros Summer Silks. Having imrcliasoil a largo uantily of light weight Silks for Summer wear very much below! their value, will place on sale to-morrow the follow ing extra offerings : 23-inoh Blnck Habutai Silks, fino quality pure AQC" I silk, imported tp soil ion u 65c. yard, at - - - ' I 28-inch Blaok Habutai) Silks, extra quality and' RQc very durable, worth 85oA "" yard, at - - - - 26-inch Blaok Japanese) Twilled Small Silk, extra', DQc quality, rogular $1.00j Wu goods, at - - - - ' 1 19-inoh Blaok'J. Surabv Silk, fino quality, reu-( OTjc. lar 50 cent goods, re-v ' ,duced to - - - ' '48, 50&52 W. 23dSt. ' 37. 39. 41. 43 & 45 West 22d St. ft vi. r lu.rciii'.iis, $2.97. Smuolli, flrxiblr, it, ., brdrr K llinii any SI. IK) d',. ll ii l" I a . ; I " " -i--" I'riivrrM In .linriniiklun lin. rrilurp.l llir rum, 104 OQ '''"", rrrni'U Cull' ur I'ntrrU 04.00 ''"lll"'r "r Kn 'iinriia (limiil M'uril, i iiuhIm ritiiUiiii .liurri I lilt 1 iinulil i-ii.l 7.110 In R.(K). o r nclt iiiori slnir limn anv iVirri nirn'M uliiir Nliirri. T!ir niliiniluaf r. cm I'll U lit! ur liii)lii( I'ltublci in In mull rtrll nil i'i.iii 'flilor.. i k CO. Boys' Clothing. Wo continue the suc cessful sale ol Hoys' Cloth ing, and quoto I'ollowing Sl'liClAL ATTRACTIONS Splendid all-wuol Cheviot Suits, in pretty, light gray mixtures, s zo 4 to 14 years, usually sold from $4.00 to 5.00 ; OUR PRICE S2.4-8a Blue Flannel Cloth Suit, same sizes, warranted to be full indigo, actual value 5.00 ; OUR PRICE vDaO. Straw and Cloth Hats for Boys, ffw ii ml mi. Outing Flannel Shirt Waists, i 2.5c. and up. I Pretty Suits, made of washable goods, l.(j:j ami ui. i SIXTH AVEMUE. 21st to 22d sl.l FURNITURE ANU CARPETS. CASH OR CREDIT. Ournbli. (.uniU.l.uii I'rli'fi.I.ntrM Mr,.s, "Mi io Pi:it ciat. i .sii now.-s. nbrn lunii limp U not mi I id. j Parlor Suits, Chamber Suits, DiniiiK-Hoom Furniture, Jied- 1 diiifi, Stoves, Foldiiin-Uods, Oil Cloth, Linoleum, Mutinies, Win dow Slimier, Curtain-i, Portioros, Hefrierators, Lamps, Clocks, Uaby Carriages, Ficturos, Ac. i:i: oi it JS&wuilli, ii btUnc,4J (icr mouth. .Mlwi.rtri, $ft litlanr..4 pr umnttl. t.&wortl, T. b.l.ut;.,& ..r month. lUUwultn, 91b I.Uiuff.VD li.r initotb ; lrii.rftiuuutit.i.ta.rLtr. Alio term, nikil. to.ult. jB. M. GOWPERTHWMT & CQ..' I tOUt ONLY r-I.AlK OK UUSINKSS ) 1 8193 to 195 Park Row.Q ,' MIW YOltK. FLATS AND APARTMENTS TO LET I r'urnl.h l'lttt nlcly lor I5h, without r.qtitrgln oy c.h rnrpt .iif ivisut. ii ur.kir. intu.if Dlbiiic ,oitD.rt.tUii. rLiff.lUJW iVth. " jiis tructIon . BrKNOUHAI'TiY Dd t;t.initinirT.iaona at K10 Uro.dwtr.N. Y. (t.iml nmtek icillorwrit.. ADAMS afcCO; As before announced, no dry-goods house in this city has over made a purchase as largo as the one wo have mado of the entire Stock and Business Plant of S.BOLTON & CO. The fact of Bolton &, Co. beinci in business such a short time Ins left their stock on hand New, Choic3 and Clean. On THURSDAY and FRIDAY we will I oirer mty Miousand dollars' worth orthis superb Stock of SILKS and DRESS GOODS ONLY on special counters and contro tables at the following great reductions. Our Mock f l'rmU'il I'lniin MlKs Mirimi- m Mlo. nunlit nml inoili'M- tic.n of piiciHiiity incliiu cITtirl. Wu ofTi r .4 iim li l'lintcil Clmiit Sl'.kn frftSlft In lour nml ritolDiiui'lIm IB llultun'H i-. -1 01 . OIK l'ltU'i:. WWW riKiiritK lmii!,M'iili!r t-tinth Willis in a Mtr.ctv o. ilmlce. neat tlehlylii. i nolliiiij; thii Miasmi nioiu in iltmutinl , iisj pi mi TuiK-lu (tluro in i-vury VSJ I voiiiliniiiiiuii liolt..ii'Mprii'f. tjl.a'i ... Ol'H l'KII'l', C'ryHtal llunualiiic. 'Ihin opulnr Mlklitlirii- ns niivcir iiioirf.oni;lit nfliT. Wo hiio tlioni in I'ttry coliii. Imth in Mri'it nml i M'nini; nhnilus 'Iliot nri'nlii'uy. ncli siiimil ronl, nml fin wtur nml iltunbility Mirimns nil CgHft nthcr Silk falirici. llult-u's prifp, tl.W. Ol'lt rUICT.. " I1LACK SritAIi SII.KS. u tlou't know i.f nnv Itlnck Sillt falitic inori? tlnriilila llinii n Kimil il itililo unrp Siiinli. '1 lie ii'.alilv i of n holt, ni'li Kruiluj iu wliii iiLMpmlltioH am Irulny rcrniiinii mleil. Hiilton'rt pine, jfifSfli iwo... : Ol'lt l'liicr. WSDkl HLAOK HIl.KS.-You urn now Imy n koo.1 cpmlity lllaok (Inn Ornin. llluuk TnlTctn, Inilin, lilac): Sutiu Du Celine, Ulnck I'nlllo as low in price ni onliniirj ami inferior uo.nK. NntlmiK luttor for bvrvice. Tlii'se sill,s am of n lilcn, rich lti'tle iiiul o onti liinlilv reciuii- KQtf meiid tliem. Holton-H ..rice, hllf Ol'K lMJU'l'.. " l.Oin Diessl'nttuiiiHof nll.siik natuinl i-olur l'oiiuto. i!0 vnrils to a pii-i o. 5 rcilucoil from iw.w . . AT COLORED DRESS GOODS. j Tho biilitiico oftlio Ilolton stoi'k will he ollcrcd Tor enle ut tho folloninc , low prlrrs: , Ah. Wool Nny-llluo Storm Htrpe. 51 imlics wiile. recently miM bv lloltnu Kj I A l'ii utUSo.port.tnl. . . Ol'lt I'ltlCH. WHII.i: '1IU:V LAST " riinoy I'iuurcd ninl Striped ChevloN also lVntliivtlB nml ('iitiicl's Hair l.lluctN, in nil tue must popular hlialcs, loouiitH solil by Ilolton & l'o. nt 3.Q flU) per yard . .. . Ol It 1'ltlCi:. WHII.i; 'UlliV LAST, "tfwa 200 pifci-ii 42-inoli ii!l-nol l'rcurli Hi Jfonl CoriU, Melanges. Ikunottas, J hurKHK, ChoviolH, Taney Wmies .tml t'hcron Lireeth, recently sold by i Ilolton A On. fiom 7Co. to il.illl per yard OUK l'ltiCi:. WHILU .Rrt. T11LY LST Mi 40.inoh iinported SeiHCh. in tanH.niujH it ml seipont cieen.reitntly Bold by EaSSm Ilolton A Co. at sue. purjurd .Ol U l'ltirP., WIULi: 1 llKV LAST l40o 8(1 inch lledforJ Suitings, also all-wool Chorioti, llouretlcH, Tennis. ' ilomitaln nml Trutel StlUinus, leoeutlv Fold by ltollon A Co. at 50a 5?6jn iiudfil'c. purynid Ol'lt 1'ltICi:, WIULI-. '1 liKY LAST Wll, 50 pieom 12 iijelt iill.Miml CrtQin Lice (IrennJines. in Hlnpes and checks, ft lmpoited by Ilolton A Co. to --oil nt 75c. per y ml Ol'lt l'ltlCUDOWN 44Swi Iuiineiisp naiortinent of 4l).iueli all-wool and s'lk and-wool 1'laids, Stiipea, Mixture ami uolusie note.tiei, leccntly t-old bv Ilolton A Co. at 1.W1 SS A and 1.25 por van! .OUll l'ltKT. I'OH CIlOICi: Ol' ANY Ol" TllLM U" 25 pieces li'i.iuch Silk and Wool 1'uucy Striped Ch' ron1-. in ulintleH of tint, lttifisinn blue, brown, hcliotrop1 and I'rench cray: lmpoited by Ilolton RQ A Co. ntneobtof'J per yard . .Ol'K 1'ltlCi: DOWN TO UWUl CO I'nttern DrobscH nilli hiiiulMiiiiu trinnnini; bordcin in all tho most ex. iinimte shadei for Spline and Siininier wear; iiiipoite.l by Ilolton A Co. O CfifJ ataeobtof ilS.OOtbe pattern OlUt l'ISICi: DOWN TO WiSJO A nood nssorlmeut of colors in 1'aris Itobes Mill rcniitin, Lnt this week will cltitr them all out, unit these nro the prices : flfll ffftiTj Wo bhnll sell all Ilolton A Co. 'b S..W.U0 Dress ltobtsnt .. . EcJiSidS We. bhull sell nil Ilolton A Co.'h ir'JO.OO Dress Itolos at.. . . OiOS Wu shnll sell iillllolton A Co.'h .ilo.OO Dioss Itobtn ut LH Tans, (iinyn, Modes ami Nuy liluo Chotiots, 52 inches wide, leccntly sold by Ilolton A Co. at "lie. per yuril. Ol'K 1'KlOi: WHILU TlIl'Y SQ LAST SG. I'lnin nml l'ancy Crepous. 40 inches wide., sold by Ilolton A Co. nt 85c. C(JS ft per yard OUK I'ltlOK DOWN TO 3Wi All-Wool rieneuChnlheii, sold by Ilolton A Co. nt 59c. pel yaul. 50 Ol'K IMtlCi: DOWN TO fcwC. All-Wool l'reneli Chnllios, sold by Ilolton A Co. nt 75c. per ynrd. A G A Ol'K I'KICI. DOWN TO iTwC. 30-inelt Kn-jbsh Mohnir Ch.illies. wcie .')5o. . now flSfi Yard Wide C'hnllie llatibtts; llollon'a price wits 25c. pci ynrd. 19' OL'KS, l&-G Americnn Wool Chnlhes, now dcslsus; Uolton's price was 27c. p Ol'KS, fiOCi BLACK DRESS GOODS. 4Uucu black Camel's Ilnir Twills, lloltou's 1'rieo. 6'Jo... .Ol'lt PItICK uOC I Ulnck Henriettas 25 pieces silk tinish Henrietta; llolton's Pimp kd,. ' bim oin' i,Kit'K '..::. 5Sc. MG.iuch black silk ilnisb Henrietta, Iiollon'a Piico. 41.00. Ol'K PKICE OOCb Ulnck Silk Ulorin, rich uuality, 4G inch; lloltou's Price l 2'.- ni'li whck '....'..:.. 67c. llhtck finish, nll-wool Kcdford Cotd; lloltou's Price, 9-c. .Ol'lt PKICH QCi SIXTH AVENOEtllST" TO 22D ST. DANIELL AND SONS. IN OUR STORE, TGI BROADWAY. Devoted Entiroly to Dress Fabrics, Wo Will Sell Specially All Odd Lengths of Cotton Fabrics in Dross Patterns at about HALF PRICE lor a few days, commencing To-Morrow. i . . BROADWAY, Bth and Oth 3ts.. Now York. RED HAND flllA?r'8 I lloltl.d brlh. Br.w.t. In Pndand I A. Y, UllKb, II J V Ml 1 .1. t. U IHU1, Altai I psus', e n ' m vy nisu.'i).N i i.NjtKbi y I , tb btaltli . r mlrrfer witk bu -M r tdiur. It tuild up udtmovn thoitl htIth r. ib ikln ntj lutl(lrt tlf u rltliiD o rinkUt i flatibi im fgllow tttti trM bjtiiU Knioiitd by )ti)Utui t j lJln dty lJi. PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL. CONFIDENTIAL IltnalMS t&il with tUnlnc, tnconrrolrtic or bJ if irru. or pArltralan adtlrvu h ni la mkb, PH. 0. W. f. SUTDEB H VICKfH ; IHUTf II cmcuco. Or. A. Owen's Electric Belt, 4MUTSyjTTTSjKR or trtW on ltup I jWteAAVJW-1 TvJQ30 'ur oarad by X) I M BeUar, N. Y.Kmt HI-IW3I.U .Ctlcc HanrrtDc.jLOni'lDMmiWmUailM Im. THE STATE OP MONTANA) BECBETArtY'B OFFICE, j HELENA, Feb. IS, 1802. ) THE WORLD : THE WORLD ALMANAC for 1892 is the most comprehensive and valuable publication of the kind thai has como to my notico. Yours truly, J. K. TOOLE. Tbe Wurlit Aliniinnr nm Ilurrnu of In. lomiftiUu 1. ,r nr by all New. ilculrr. iiud Hinllanora. I'rlce, 'i.-i CcnU. I I - I X Mil I li DIJ'.lRJ'Ml.Xr FOR Ladies HOUSE GO WNS i Willojltr To-Mnri-it, Thurmlaj, .May ID, Silk Tea Goivns and A' evinces, T- II.26' 13.50- Challic and Cashmere Robes, 5CtOm n Wrappers of Imported Flannel, 25 I 50. L and ii ISth St., 13th St. and 6th Ave. (18th SI. Station Elevated Road.) 6th Ave., 20th to 21st St. I SPEC!AL5 i JB1K DRESS IDS, 7o pieces Black All-Yool I French Surah Twill, 45 inches wide, 59c. Horth 85c. 50 pieces Black All-Wool Storm Serges, -18 inches wide, oCn Worth 1.25. 1,000 yards Black All-Silk , Grenadine, 25 incht's wide, , Worth 95c. Colored Dress kt 300 piooes l'ancy Mixed nud Plain All-Wool Cheviots, all desirable shades. 39c' Worth 65c. 150 pioces All-Wool Colored Henrietta, now shades, 5(T Regular Price 75c. Ono largo lot French Novelty Dress Goods, 49C Yard. Reduced From 1.00. h. o'neTu CO., I 6TH AVE.. 20TH TO 21 ST ST. RUPTURE CURED. Tti impTOvaJ oltnttc trcM 1 tht only Iruu In ei lvtoiioo tikt wurn ith fttiaoluts oumfort nlhl I artu dr. a it rl.1nt'irutanunftftr ttmtiarilt'ii I irrri ur Bertrstt train, intwil elXfut a irin 'int and iiii cur without rcnnl to the rub i 1 the patlaut. hiamlruttou freo lJj in atteuJ atiet for Udtn. rWnd lui pamphlet. uii'kovki Ki.Ahnc ruuhs co.. S12 and tii Urcaanaj. cur cor l'Jtti at., Nw YorL, &1 itfi FORITH FOUAt. THlt MAGIC dflith to all tDtftctt, cur tiialr bitii anU atlng. N'onu3laonoua and iton-air'oalt e. Alao nor Mastt IImoj FooJ,dtroj'B rmcbti and waurbuva. Hulii forjwbtra. BALLaDI: 00.,lU., Waw Yorfc aa. a ! an an ao ti;ht fuuutkuwii stup c Ladies' Underwear. Seven Urge Lots at One Small Price Forty-nine Cents, II folloWl, NIhIiI l)rcm Bl ,'" with tolld tnckril joke, tnckpl joke-ctnbrlo rultle anil iiirtitiits ftiid catnbilo rutllr. ClirmUi Twtnti.twoitflM PonipAiIoiir or V iliat'O-enibM or wltb unb'y ti'nl toichrn Uci ods and InRcrtlun n lemb'd rutUt Ritd torchon Itcei others with torchon Imonn.l In.oitlnti, lcj oimn front V emb'd and iu.ertliillf. IlrriMCl". ... Tw.lfitjl irllli homM ifh unb'd rJflls; tmb'il rufllf- with tnd without buidlnit. emb'j r.tfllo aud in.ert Int. , torchon lace ruffle, and tucta and cambric ruffle, all with rokehanJ. SklriH KotiratilM Willi deep hem and tllcka. cambric ruffle and tick". wnbM rnlllo, tueka al ore, and cambru riillU', turthon laco Jk'o. Cnr-i'l t'.iMTH Twelreatjloi V aliaiie-lnoertinjc and etnbM edge. Medici laco trim, torchon lare and tine emb'jr iniiert lliira, low neck, deep French emb'd front trllnmod alien and ran'; lnertln back and front, oloiiire neck, lolld tucked front-line emb'y andbeadinK. all perfect shauet fellej Beams -ticarl button.. Willie I. it" Illiiimp U'llUta .. Tenitylea 1' aln. Dot led and Rlrlped-plalted back and frontdeep cuffi aud rolllnit collar. NnrnPN1 Annum Sli itrlea with Im Inch hem ; hem and tuck and tine emb uiiertlniii -all extra width wide atrlof a. All on Second l'loor-all one price-all 49 centi. Summer Blanket?. The ueual flttlng up of Summer hotel! and cc-ttaite! at thin time of year bring! demand for llght-wellit bed covering! at moderate coat ljuvepunhutea made at tho lowett prlcei which ca.h can procure, enable tl to uatne ipeclal In ducementsai foltona White California Summer Blankets. 10-4 ... fO.SH: worth J4.nnl ln-4 II 18, worth t SO i 11.4 :t 4M, worth fi.liui At) prlcoa 11-4 U 118. worth r 3fl I 11-4 4.!M. worth f. SHI 11 4 all . i.l MM, worth 7, Ml 11-4 all wool 7 SIM. wor h lll.uni r 12-4 3.m. witth 5 .Ul 12-1 t.U8, worth Ii .VII 12 4 ft '.18, worth for pain. l'i-4all iiool . II '.M. worth "I.HUI ia-4all wool . B 811, worth 10.0UJ WIIITK xlTrini!:!! llI.ANItl'.TS. lO-l-blc. ;viotthI.0U 11.441. 50, woith42.'J5 .ic v wool :aiimn: iii.amckt". title 61.25 91 50 special value Tit; in. nki:tsam itui;-. Woolau.l l'lj.h 1.3'Jto$2S.U0 i, i Kimr.x. M'j-.flAI, sAl.t; C Eugs and Art Squares. " New Mnruit Kiis. 6,M Dcsntamiutlie (o,, rf lSa3C C5 tents i usually 9y0 26,1,1 8centiiiiuallj 11 oo " 3UCU l.f, ajj 4,,n' .uiualiy 70 I Cl0"- ? US .uiually .oo I AubiiH.oii MtiirH. illi14. 7lc t 3(5x72. ,, 1 3Uif,0. use.. 4l.(l) 'j'JJ all colors-alike on bUniiles. C Just tbe Hug for .Summer. Iiilirnlii Art Square. 2Kx3yds., 82. 08 j worth s M 3'3jil'.. 3.08i worth 'oa 3i3nyds,, 4.08i worth j'jj ! nil-. f..C9 worth j'm 3x4ld... 0. 08 i worth j0'M f a,I,J. 7. (IS i worth uod I 1 ho lowest prlcos ever quoted for this quality. Trimmed Millinery, ANOTIinit ISKUAT ItUlltrCTION. I At 08ceuu llonnets and Hat. worth 13. (K) i At 's8 BouueUand Hata worth MO 1 A12.VI8 Uonneu.ndllata worth 7,00 1 r At 4,08 Iloanet.and IlaU wortulO.Oa At 5 98 Uonnetaand Hats worth KM At 7. 08 llunneta and Hats worth 10. W All nrtt. Iu Misses' Department. I ' FIt hundred H Children's All-Wool Roefors 1 Plaids. Check! aud 1'lain Navy Blues I l'l.ln or Trimmed, with gold braid and anchor!, I il.OO worth3.7 J All ages, 4 to 14 years. Mlssos Blnzor Suits R Kin. All-Wool Twill Navy, Tan and Orr M pointed UoJIc. belt military trim 1 placquet pocket full tallor-mad I &7.0H worth $15.51) 1 Ladies' Shoes and Tie?. 1 , Thrav extraordinary offerings ' I F I r t . ! I.nillc Hlnik Doncola Tic. i ptaiu aud tipped, . high aud medium heel aM sizes and widths. all hand turned, NlNtTV-EIGIircKNl'S. . .good value at 4X00 Sicotid. I.nillcV I.ielil-U cIkI.I WnuUtuphnsU. suft tlliUh pliable sole. All sires. All widths. I ONE blXTV-NINK worth i .50 ! Third. a 1-adlei.' I'inr llaiiciiln Miori. 841.08 jfl box toe or common eeose, H Pancy Stripe, SJc. l'lald Mohair. COe balance of Three-Dollar Shooi, of which tnib'd Momlo, 70o (IrejnCljth, tl.C'J aire! ur not quite complete. Book Sale. Fietnres. 1 10.000 12iiio. cloth BooVb, comuria. ' luclSS titles. iucludiuSKtanaaul 1.000 Eusmwuc. 1'hotosrapJw. , . . AutoRravuros. 1c. hnuilsome, . fiiiduioilcm authors, every book oruainentcrt. soli.l oak frames. 71) 1 complelo nml tiUfthriilKOil. to ho 2JiJ8. raliu'ed from .1.25 to ... .(U sold this weak for tho .irU'e of J C i . , IU Itichlv ornaincule.l Oak. mlh M Mlier boots steel lubido. 23x30. reduced from QDH Tho conuileto worl:s of Shakes. Sl.C'Jto UU Biie.iro, bouud in one larce 8vo. ol nrolusely .Unstinted with OQ Ucnulifully orunmeutcd Oak, with stedetmravinss -03 Bteel UadluB. 20,30, reduced? OQ from5'2.08to PI.OU Tho comnlele woilcs of Byron and nn .,,-. , Mooro, bouud uniform with the CO One lot of fine Autosravuies, , iUU wluto and tzilt Florentine cut- out frames, 25x30, reduced fromO 4 07 Ca-.nen's Frcuch and EuRlish Die- f 2. 23 to 0 IsO J tiouory. also German aud Eue- KU clish i)ictiouary , , ., , DINING-ROOM PICTURES. Vebs!pr' oricnal Uuahridsed nn Dictionary '" ! , , , . , Olio Lot Handsomely colored, nn Coo liook. bound In reduccd (o g i oilcloth, especially adapted for yij 1 tho kitchen u Another Lot Froo-hand Psstele, , . ., ,, ...., .o.". 7 beautiful iIchicub, in a highly- Handy Cook TJooV paper co, crs. .0., . . Chas. Dickens's "Works. 15 vols--g2,69 reduced from 41.50 to H-uO Tliaikeiav'sWulks, 10o1h.. cloth 1.!S '',"'"'"'""' ' Lliofs Works, r, voK.. cloth.. . . 1.1.. ;A fust-class Crayon For- ,. nn. ' liulwer'Voiks. 13 vols., cloth. . 4.U7 ! trait. 10x20 bust sDI.30; , lIacauloNKssays, 3ols , cloth. 1.4" Longfellow's works, 2 vols, gilt po top bbC. SPF.CIAL - Beautiful Pastels, JO designs, v. Into nud gold Lossius's Eminent Americans. 2 tnamel(d frame, 20x21. re- ill flO ols 0Ul" diuo.lfiom$3.75to 01. OO Dnnins's works. 8ols 5J,,nl) ' PaMols. in white and cold bis. Cooper's Leather .Stockiu;: Talcs, p- I qumo nud fancy Irames, ro. 5 vols x-tJGi diieedto I ,... I $'.., :5.r,o, $;$.. $4.50, S4.08 llax O'ltell's EiiRli'.U riiariseo. . . I J nud Trench CroiodiUs OlC. rnneis175 nOI t0ll rft,toSi iize I Jlni-ion Crawford's 'I hi eoFntes . r,i. Ux2S, rodncodto U8r., WLB.!. 1.0tf EnimiiSoutlinortU's Kotcls. .. 7."i. ! ,,,.,, lted Line Poets, silt c.lB-a 45r. e L.iR.aunus. in oak or wliuo nud cold Floreutine rf - i -j mn timiios, liv.e 34x40, ALWAYS i OQ 65c. Euckies, Jc&c. Eidaiin,Now 4.u0 100 dozen fine-cut f-'teol Pucklos, in 2. 2, and 3 inch all Lmio 3 FRAMES TO ORDER A SPECIALTY. rows riveted steel iiriuts.usnnllv Kild nt :r,c. , f.Oo and C5o, , our Q r liricu'i.i-nllM04 tfl Uwiuoo Eakolu, 4c, !)., OHc, 1.3l. fiolid (iol.l r.un.i KIuum. rut with - 0nj. nlll, chesinut Eusals reduced to & ruftOUeiUloiies tLD US., $1.(11), Qll.Uti, 92.U8. 1 lot Solid Com Siher Thuubios, . White Ennmelled Ense!s, I nlUzos.iit ,0 91.-1U, tjlU.(H), :.l)B ;Bloomingdale Bros., cTr:rs;. I ft