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'gaBBBgn T,.t, , fr aa.ys. .vt-iwtji. mwhwjw,!. .1, ... i , ""fermj.gPnB If 2 THE WORLD; WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 18. 1892. I Guards PnrsoDanil K edclaflgn by his side. a Owing to bis spinal troublo TIco Is obliged to carry a cane, and ho cannot stand erect. He Is rerlectly calm as bo takes his seat In tlie ( cbalr. His Test Is unbuttoned. Now the at a tendants aro strapping him down. They do ft their work quickly, "fluard, tako ray cane," m says Ttce, holding out bis walking-stick. "Ob, you will break my nose." Thoj are t Tlce's last words. Ho Is complalnlncr because m the broad leather straps o er the laoo aro too IS tight Chaplain Yates and Pastor Penney J now enter the room through the door at tho B left. His Just 0.3D to a 6CV)nd when )r. Daniels raises bis right arm as a signal to Electrician Davis. ; R1 TIIK DIAT1I CCRRSNT. G The latter presses something, and In- ! 2 Btantly the body of Tico tugs at the straps. ' 6 This lasts mtcen seconds. Then the contact 9 Is broken for a spaco ot three seconds, when the current Is turned on for another nttcon f seconds. Again the body nun at Its fasten- I Jngs and again It settles back When the clr. cult Is broken. For a third tlmo a contact Is made, this time lasting ten seconds. Then there Is a rest of five seconds. The fourth and Inst con tact lasts ten second Tho total tlmo of contact has been fifty seconds, and tho total time of execution sixty-three second. At tho request of Dr. Daniels, Drs. liakcr and Jrvlno cxamlno the bodj. They ss there Is no pulsation whatever. TIco Is dead. The other physicians also cxnmlno the body a little later, an Invitation ot Dr. Daniel All agree that Tlce passed Into cUrnlly tho In stant tba first contact was made. Electrician Davl sa that tho Indicator showed 1,720 volts on tho nrst contact, with a Tery slight falling off when tho thrco other circuits wcro made. A closer examination ot tbo body shows no marks or burns upon It. Dr. Daniel an nounces that tho autopsy would bo hi Id at in o'clock. Then tho witnesses go to tho ofllco . and sign the oniclul ccrtlflcato of death. They are as follows; Dr. Frederic Idmlngton, Hochcters Dr. T. K. Smith, Auburn ; Dr. J. II. Melon, Roches ter; Dr. J. It. ltuf, iljdel William I' I an sing, Little) Falls ; Edward M. Allen, llcuben 1 J. Ilyers, John At. Ililley, I. (. Wash burn, Auburn i Dr. (Jcorge F. Fell, Buffalo ; (. -K. (iraham, Albany ; liar Tey D. Btirrlll. Syracuso; l'. W Welch, Syracuse; Iter. Frank D. Penney, Her. Hora tio Tate, Auburn, Dr. A. fl. Hoot, Al bany i Dr. C. M. Daniels, Iluffalo j Pierre Purrell, Chaa. II. Bailey, llochester, n Ilrown, 8tng Sing; Dr. C. o. Ilakcr, II. D. Peck, Auburn ; Dr. It T. Irrlnc, Sing Slnj. mi.,i8Ties talk ok Tier. Chaplain atcs and Pastor Ptnncv were with Tlce halt an hour before tho execution took place. Ho told them, they sij, that ho f , did not sleep well last night and that Ms eplne had pained him considerable ji ' ' He was very brave, ' said l haplaln Vato, ?' " ho fulflllod bis promise to Mr. Penney and l myself, that ho would dlo like a man and a I Christian." It s " Uls last words to me were. ' Oh, If I didn't ' ! ' drink that whiskey.' Put that In big tjpe," said Mr. Penney, with toars In his eyes 'ihtn' . ' be added, " But for that vory thing, ho was f'm ta good a man as any witness In this room " fS a medical iew of Tim itxrcrnov. llB Dr' 0eor"0 F" rc"' nt HflTalo, who also . fJS witnessed the Kemmlcr execution said I til The execution of Tli.o cannot te Improved I kjW- upon. The frequent short contacts aro un-' tiffl doubtedly the best method. There was rjK nothing revolting In thl case. Jail "In the execution of rice there wereabsn- aiyt lutelyno reflex movements from beginning S to end, aside from the rlgldttvot the body p produced by tho making and breaking ot the ffi- current. I was one of tho first to advoeato Mr electrical execution, and after soelng thl l event of to-day I am satisfied that the ground fnlK I assumed were correct. There Is no mctnod W comparable to It." : Tlce and His Crlrao JtB Joseph I Tlce was more than sixty year M old. tie served as a soldier en the rnlon side -.(B all through tho war between the States, an 1 tL fought at Winchester, Gettysburg and In lM many other engagements In a Michigan regl- EE ment. H Three years after his regiment wa mus- Sflf teredout of sertlco lice deserted his wife mm and children In Michigan nnd went to live in , W' ItocbeBter. He was a skilful mechanic and J always earned good w ages nl hi trade. W Ten years ago he married a Hochester 4 woman, and alter many quarrels, sepum- 1 II tlons and reunion, lit killed licr because ano k refused to be reeoncile d to htm aguln. flfc rico had a naturally sullen temper, and In 'M bis latter years this temper was heightened j by a nervous amictlon. 1 no troubles nut led B Up to the murder ot Mrs. 'lies be'au last EfSJ Bprlng, when she left hltn lint They patched up u peace and were Uvlntr flSfc together in Rochester, when one dij In u iix quarrel he plunged a knife Into her body five . ijlijf times and then .slaboed himself. Hut none !K of the wounds proved mini, una when both Tlf h and his wire had rctoviredhe was per- M mlt ted to plead guilt) to assault In tho secoud jB degree, and sentence was buswimeil on hi W agreeing to go to tho boldlers Home at Bath !S and remain there. Jm- "e went to Bath, but turned tip in Itoches- 'V te-again In July. Ho hunted up his wile and Lik loundher employed In housework for Mrs. m Eohl on Goodman street, llochester. S It was the afternoon oi Julr lu. medonrs Jet 'were open because of hi at. 1 Ice entereu the m kitchen unannntiticcd and seated hlniself In JIB a choir. Ills w Ho made no sign that the n a i w aware of bis presence, and fur a lew mluuto W be said nothin,. Then In a low, soft tone ho asked her to w live with blm again She refused as quietly 1 and continued ubuut her Kork I P "Once and for the last time I ask you," he V aald. I 1 She retused a firmly as before, and then, 1 Tfblle tho stood with a dSh In her Uand-i, he 1 arose and plunged a knl e Into her bosom a. twice. Hhn turmd to lloo and be plunged the knife Into her bid. up to tlinhlit m She staggered out Into the ard and fell rt Upon her lace, with the ktille still sticking lii I 'mi ber back, lie lollnwed, bent oer her, with. 4K drew the kulio and tilid to return Into t lie im bouse to a'tuck Mrs Kohl. But sli held the1 'ijm door, and afler a moment he went uw.i), wandering In I he struts till arrestid, while JL bis wile died Hi .i great pool of her on n blood. Ijmr The deiense offered wi lnsanttj, but lieu IK was convicted before Jui Ice Ua j , ot ltoches- Hf the court of ojiruud lermlmr.aud lm sentenced on Dec II, 1HU1 to die lu the week H of Jan. 18, lhu,', at Auburn Anapptalwus R takenandthu UtUsloo of Justice lluw was Of austalnedand Moidi lr Jublue Iiavj again K nxedatlmefor Ileus txtcutlun at Auburn B Prison. K Tlce has been cool and Indifferent through Ht all the proc edln,-s lie plaied corili with My asmuchieil after his sememe as before It WL, andlnslBted on all occnslon that he had no my recollection whatever of what occurred on H the day ot the traced) . CHALLENGES RIGHT AND LEFT. rat Mexican tldltors Aro Thronglnc to H, the Field of Honor. S li T MociTrn rnrrn.1 H CfltnciiiiA, Mex, Mav m.-Last week i IK duel, In which an editor jell, has i ngeudered Wk bitter feeling between the factions repro. t seated by them, and uumerou challenges WK have been accepted Ml lo-daj a proposed duel between I.uM Tci- ffi razas, Jr., son of tne e-(,oirnor, and Mauro ' m tandano, a crippled aoldlai with a duellluj mt record, was stopped b onicers. Knrlquee,. treel has ulso challenged cau-j iBlHttfe-. .?0T' CorlUe has also been challenged and fplher meetings aro ruinuird, all growing out HHHHK( tnB ochoa-condler mtctlug. Wjlt&2W Who Is Tll8 Drowned Woman? Tv fSS" 'ne '""'y of an unknown woman about Jt brty years old was fouudln the Morris Cu- JU nal,at the loot ot Itlchard street, Jersey UK City, tc-day. The woman is 6 feet o Inches Sh tall, bl aitif hair and gray eyes, and had on yick P""1 sn1 (1T "ck. She wore gold Ml i.rtnOT- Ue Docketboolc contained tEll. K Tbero are no signs ot violence on the body, tT!iKmmf mWmmdr- y WENT MAD IN AN ASYLUM. Ainalia Del Qardo Threatened to Kill Sister Irene. She Is lire WnyWHrd Daughter of a Once Wealthy Cuban. An ambulance was called vory early tbl morning to the New lork Foundling Ah Him, nt Third avenuo and Slty-elghth street, for a woman who was Insane. The surgeon who accompanied the ambulance from tno I'rcs b)tcrsn Hospital took tho woman to Belle vuo Hospital, wliero she w plicrd In the In. sano pavilion. No llttlo dlfflcully wa e. perlcnc( d In getting tho woman Into the am btilanca and out at the hospital. 'Iho pollco wcro able to liarn verv little about tho woman, wnose iinine was vln n s Amelia del (lordo nnd whose age wosatalelto tie.lKjeur. Atllillevue llospllnl the wiitnsn sill I that she wa born lu tuba and that she wnsn teacher and unmarried, bho wa placed In the Insane piMlluu. hliler Irene, who Is nt the head ot the New rk lounJUng Asjluni, whs unwilling to talk much about Ml del Garde, 1 he wnnnin came ot a lino fun.lly, she said, anil llng lu reduced clicumstauces had been given a home In the Institution, of lato sho lind;bccn uetlngqueerl), audussho was evidently be coming Insano nnd might grow violent and dangerous It wa diomcd ailWsablo to hive her rclnoud to Ih'j hospital sister In no added that for the sake of the woman her self nnd her connections she dldn l tare tu sn) anything further It w ns Ic.irnid from other source that the Insano woman 1 the daughter of Cor snudu (HI Gardo, a Cuban, whose fam ily was once wealth), it Is said that sho ran nway from home when she wns n young girl and that her father had never torglien her for this wllilness. Friends of the family In tbl country took (Sic of her. and after a tlmo she was placed Inaimivcnt at Morrlsanla, where sho re mained several )cnrs. Mio then went to Havana lor a lew years, and finally returned to this city three or tour years ago. She was without means, nnd friends who had known her from childhood gave her assistance. Since sho was a girl sho hn been troubled with cataract of tho ojes, and sho became olmost blind about two)urngu. Although special ists np rated on hereyuj scleral time It did not serin to help her She desired to bicomo a school ( acher, but In her condition, half blind as she wns, no one wanted to employ her. Through the Influence of friends, Msti r Irene gave ber a home In tho Foundling ylum about a year and a. halt ago, nnd she had ben there i cr slnm Within a fnw weeks she ha shown sign nf bti umltig Insane, and she got so bud tint Mster Irene notlflid her friend that It would be best to tnkehiriM it hospital she brcamo Unlet) I and tbrinii'Md to kill Mter Irene. Hiuothn .listers in thu Foundling As) lum b"camo alarmed, and Sister Irone ar ranged to see Miss del Garde's friend to-dy and decide wnot wa to bo dono with her. lust night she insde some luither threats and created a scene, whkh resulted InSlsttr Irene cilllng lor an am bulance and bating ber taken atvny. Miss del uardo told the hospital doctors that Sirs. Julia Martinet, who lives at 4n West Fnrtv-second street was her irlond The siatr physicians sa) he Is suffer ing from ucuto mania. She Is a fine-looking unmnn. BROKER BOUVIER ROBBED. Burglars Carry Off i Quantity of Silverware, capt. Thomas Itclliy and tho police of the Twcnt). third precinct, or " Millionaire Dis trict," are Investigating a robbery which oc curred at the realdencoot Michael V, llouvlcr, 14 West Forty-sixth street. Mr. Bouvler Is a broker, and has an office at 1(1 Brood street. It was rumored at first that burglars had ransacked the houto and carried awn) s lO.UUO worth of plundii, but Investi gation to-day proea thl to lie untitle. The valuuutthe articles taken will not exceed $.150. Tho Bouvlers' servant wont to St. Patrick's Cathedral to attend early mass at 0 flu o clock yesterday morning. leaWng no one In tho low er part of the house. W lion sho returned at 7 o'cloek sho found thai a quantity ot ntnull sil crwari-, Including two don n spoon and lorks, six plated buttei-knlves and a flue silver Ice-bowl had been takon from a drawer of tho sideboard In tho dining-room Capt. Hellly thinks that the robbery wn I thu work or asneaktnlef who km w that It wn tho servants' custom to go to early mas. It would be comparattul) easy, ho thinks, for any one tn open tho basement gate with a 1 w lie, nnd llndlng the door unlocked, to go up- . Blulrs. IVTINTYRE MAY MOVE UP. District-Attorney Nlooll to Make Borne Changes In His Office. It was said thl morning at tho District Attorney's onice that Mr. Mcnll would an nounceln a few aays tho changes and pro motions In bis staff necessitated by tbo ap pointment ot Assistant District-Attorney Wauhopo I)nn to succeed tlMl Justice Peter Mitchell. Deputy Assistants Henry t. Macdona, who gelaasalar) of Ki.UUO a jear, and John F. I Mclntyre, salary 4,n00, aro In line ot ad- I vanccment. one of the two will get the place left vacant by Mr. I) nil who was an nssisuut ot the nrst grade at 7.600 near. Mr. llclntyre's chances nro considered tube good, and no will prohabl) be Iho luck) man Deputy Assistant Dlstrlct-Attomev Charles . Mmiiis. jr , who uuw gets (4,000 a )rat, I will Lc mndo lie put) Assistant at 4,iOO or I'lOOO, mil Deputy Assistant ant thief clerk llinr) W ingcr will tccelvo an lu. crease Ir m 4 I loo to 4,0U0 a year. Joseph 1 Miheon.ortlieHrsl District, who 1 w.s u (iindldaio against Mr I)nn for the ( Ml Justiceship, will 111 said, bo satUtltd . Willi Hie vacant Diput) sliaut District Allnniejshlp, at l, ,uu n)iar 1 vllchail I snarkty, nllhe Hfth District, is also alter tho appointment. He claims thnt tho nlaie Miould bo given to lit district, iu Mr I )uu was I loin tin re SWEPT BY A CONE-SHAPED CLOUD An Iowa Town's First Iiouirh Ex perience with a Cyclone 1st Antocurrri rurgi i toNr, la, May is toncshaped cloud passed ovtr this town, hnlf a ratio cast, last evening When first noticed It was about two miles south In thu Cedar Klvcr bottom, I sucking up tho water ot the creek with a terrific, roaring sound I Itpasvd up thH bottom, over tho bluff, I tearing down outbuilding and unroonng I barns and houses, among them being thoso of ltlsdou Tipton and l M Cecil, i barley i i, at, a)oungman was picked up and carried twent) irds and Mrlnuslv hurt. Vi fatalities am )etrepurltd Thl 1 tho1 nrst sturni of the kind ex r known tere. , ' GONE TO MEET HILL I Ahearn, Webator and Bulzar Confer , with the Benator leuator John 1 Ahearn and ssemblymen I George P Webster and William hubter aro In j j Washington, where the) have tieou m con fercuto with senator Hill lachof the slates, men solemn!) dtclaitdthat be wa there on private buslnesi aud that their meetlog was a mero colnclJence. Politlolaus, however, seem Inclined to be lieve that their visit at this time possesses political significance By some It is believed that the legislators were bearers of a mes sage to the senator from Mr. Croker. Mr. Croker Is at his farm, near lllchfleld springs. "mmm beformatohy Gov. Flower Signs tho Bill to Eb tablisb Ono in New York. Assemblyman Sulrer's SIciistire Cer tain to Work CSrcat (Jooil. The bill Introduced in the legislature lsi Januar) by AsstmbDinan Wllllnm eulzci, of this 1 1 ty, and pemlslontly advocated by'lim Msvino Wontp, providing for tho establish, nicnt of a women s reformatory In the (ountyof Sew lork, ha Just leru signed by (lor. Momr. As expressed in It title, the act provide for tbo establishment of n rcfiiruiulor) P r woinrn In tho (iiunllis (f Sen ork and Wc tcheslir upon vcrv ri(nrlv tin simellni asa-o lalddoAti in th' clinrti rsof tin llousii ot ltetiige fur Wiineint Hudson and the Hocheter Ho oriiislnr) .i r Wninin. It provld s fui the appointment b) Hie Governor of n commission of four pn son two of whom shall bo women, toeany the net Into effect and ui bo known , a Hoard of Maingen, who within six months after t b( Ir appointment shall purchase luid nnd erect buildings for the proposed rctormntor). I ho superintendent will also bo a wiituin, who shall have charge of then formation and In struction in useful Industries ot women com- i mlttcd to the Institution Afler the Institution I ready tor tho ic (eptlonot wonidi I lie net jruvliles that It shall tie tho duty of all Justice of the tn nee, pollco Justices nnd committing nnglstrntts ot therounllesof Nuw ork and Wistclusler to sentence and louimll to tho suld institu tion fur a term nut evciHiltig llvo ytarsnny feniole tietween thongisnt lliteen nnd thirty v ears who shall have been convicted ot pttlt I larceny, natltual drunkeniiihs, prostitution, dlsirdcrl) conduct orauy mlsdemeaiiur Tho bill also provides In detill tin the man ngotrcnt of tho lletormatort defining tho powers and duties nf tin superlnli udeni and Board of Mamgers, thf proci dure fir com mitment, the care, training and educitlon of the Inmates, the discharge and iho condition of the same, and appi ophites aino.oni) from tho st(, tieasury toinrr) tho act Into effect I nder the liw as It stood until this net wa signed, women In New nrkand Kings coun- . lies women of fifteen jeir an 1 upward convlited of mlsdemcnnors were sent to thu penitentiary. It matters not whether the offcnsii was the most fdonlou or tho most trivial, whether the offender wa an old till prlt stoeied In crime, or somo pour girl who , had taken her first downward sup on con viction she was Invariably sent to the Island. Mr. super's bill, which passed both tho As- ' scmbl) undthnhinute b a unanimous vote, received the hearty approval of nil those who arc Interested In charltuble work among women, and the nnal signing nf the LIU by the Governor give to.Nework and West rhester an lntltutlon the need of which ha I long neon docply felt. ANOTHER COLUMBUS STATUE. Offered to tbo Telle Board, with Conditions. Tho New York Genealogical and Biographi cal Soclelle delro to honor Christopher Columbus by erecting a stntuo In his honor. This morning tho Park Board received a let ter from ex-Ma) or W. II. Grace, lccompanled by n photograph of tho proposed statue, which be offered to tho Boaid on behalf of the organization to be placed on tho east side of (ho Western Drlvo In central Park. Tho statue Is duplicate of tho one nt Mad rid, unil about the sla of that of Shakespeare now In tho Park. Tresldent Dana was Instructed to reply that the slalue must bo offered tothoclt) without conditions. Tlio Commissioner thought It I lundvlsvblo to havo anothtrstatuo of ( olum bu In tho Pnrk, In addition to the one for which arrangements had been made, partic ularly slticu tho proposed monument, wics merch a replica Fnglneor Kellogg submitted plan forex touMvennd cistly Improvetutnts to tho Met ropolltau Museum of rl, tor repairs to cnstlo Gardcn'prlorto changing It Into an nqunrlum, I to cost 'J7.'i0. and for the approach to aud loot pub for the New ork iind Northern llnllrond bridge. The plans were n fen ed to the proper onidals. President Dana announced that Malcolm 1). patteison had pnsontid the Central Park management w 1th u black bear. DENIALS BY WARD M'ALLISTER. Ills Daughtor-ln-Law Not with Him No Marrlaso Eight Yonr. Ago. The myatory attending tho wherenbout of Heywnrd Hall McMllster and hi wife, nco Janet t uampton (larmnny. Is still unev plained. In spite of a report given wldo circu lation this rooming (hut tho lad) wassta) lng at tho resldenco ot her father-in-law, Mr. Ward McAllister, iu West Ihlrtv-slxth street. The report, which Is alleged to have ema nated from a friend ot young Mrs. McAllister, also state that Mr. McAllister had known ot his son's marriage sine e June, ISM), but had commanded his son to keep It quiet, piesum abl) with tho Intention ot having n public ceremony latir hru questioned concerning the report thl mornlug, Mr. Ward McAlll-ler said to nil hvxNiNO Woiiui reporter. It s nil stuff tnd nonsense, every bit of it, and only circulated for sensation! effect. 'thero Is no ouu In my bouse exct pi the mom bcisof tny own Inunl) and in) Mrviun." Concerning auot hi r re pint that Ins ion and Miss Garmaii) had been In leu married, the llrst time In savannnh.threo Joan beloro the ceremony in tbl city In, Mr McAllister ' said: ."'lhere lsaiawordof truth In It. It's all ' stuff and nunsense ' , WOOED HER WITH A PISTOL. And Mrs. Allco Beverly Crane Is Now Waiting for a Divorce. 1st AMnruirn inrns.1 W'AirRTOws, s Dak , Ma) is The tamou dltorcosult of Altco Butrly Crane, ot New York, against Waltir II ( rane, of London, has been i unhid through, and Judge Andrews Is expected to Issue a decn e to-day. 'the ease wa peculiar and sensational Both parlKa arc scions ot wealthy families and cousins Aceoidlng to Mr, cr.ino stor) ber cousin took her for a cab drive one day In London, and while In tho vehicle drew u reudur and told her he woull kill her ou the spot If she did not marry him. She was too much tr'.ghlened to eltlnr I (onscnior demur, and lie ordered the cab- , man to dtlvo to a church, where the) wero dnerrled wlih a license he had procured i Ihe next d-i) he was called to New York aud bhe did not see him ngalu for thrt )ears She told htr stoiyto her mother In 1HIH, and an unsuccessful attempt to secure an 1 annulment ot the marriage was made In tho Inndon court. Mrs. ( nine cam n South Dako'alast No. vtmlKr aud lu February nied a suit lurdl. I V OKe A LUNATIC SOUNDED THEALARM. Result, Brief and Cr.usiolesa Panic In the niackweH'o Island Asylum. A female patnnt In tho Dlsturbc 1 W ard ot the lllaikwdl's Island lunath s)ium I broke the glass front of the fire-alarm bov, and turned lu au alarm at 7 iu u clock this ' morning. lliero wnseouMdcrable excliement among the patient when the Island tire depart, ment s engine rattled up to thu scene, but it aulckl) subsided when It was shown that lere was no cause lor alarm. Dr. Tyler, ot the asylum staff, tars that this is the nrst time that the fire signal ap paratus has been tampered with by a patient since the system was Introduced. 120 stjlcs (iiiigliiini Drrsses, oliilioiatoly, sizes i to 14 yeais .... 97ct I i"()0 Gnls Slnpo I'oyal Twill Ulouto Suits, complotc for luouu tiim or Hciisiilf, li tn 11 " pure, worth !?'2 50, ut Si.00 I Will close out 7 ii short Conts in rlinllms, cashmoic, Frrnch Ann Hoi ami iniimit d pliiuls, wcro !jS0 50 to h 00, at $3.95 Parasols- Special. 500 heavy gi or grain find surah frill: Pniasols in all tho leading shades, with imported carved sticks, actual aluo $4.90, at. . .$2.67 500 21-inch O. Sill: Hun Umbrellas, assorted hory and silver handles, worth 2 lit, at $1.19 '250 21-inch Taffeta Silk, jicail handles, woith S4.7.1, at.. $2. 98 Bloomingdale Bros., MRHRiED ONE WOMAN TWICE. Dr. Buohanan Eounited to His Divorced Wife, A story comprising somo astonishing de tails comes from llalltax, .S 8 , to-day. In which Dr W. It. Huchanan, n physician widely known In the Ninth W ard In thl city, figure"". 'Iho story 1 the new that Hr. Hucnanan had rcnjaultd at W lndor, N. s , jesttrdnj. tho woman who wa bl first wlio nnd from whom ho wis dHoncd not more than fourteen month ago. '1 his t e man lege follow quickly after tho detth of in. Huchanan h second wife, whldi occuired about n month ago at the. doctor' homo Sin Wc?t i:ievetilh street. Dr. Ilu channel his lived nt varlou bouse In West Kleventh street during tho past slxjcars. Ho first If ed lu the giound floor Hat nt No Jililwl'i wlfo No. 1, who Is described ns a tall, distinguished looking, handsomo blonde '1 ho couple, lived nl No .'OOfortwoor three jenrs and then moved Into a flit further down tho street A daughter was horn to them about fourjonrs ago. (something ovrrajrai ngo Jtrc Duchinan No. i dlsiippcared. aul the neighborhood wni surprised when tho il ctor leased the browii-slono house nt o. '.'ilTnud Installed anew Mr IlucUanan. Sho was very unlike the nrst Mrs. Huchanan, and tho nelghtors only thon lcnnnl for tho first time that a divorce Ind separate d the pretty blondo from her husband Mrs. lluchinnn No. 'J looked nt least len j ears older than thodoitor, and was reported to bo a widow with a fortune. After hi hccemel marrlngo Dr. Buchanan brought hi mother and the prcttv little tot hy the first mirrlago to sharo Ills now home. In the b i k j urd ot the 1 itter pi ico ho built ii 1 irge chli ken coop, iind the constant crow Inieit thu elector sgnmecockn did to annoy the neighbors 'Ihlugs, however, piospcreel with thodcxtoraiid he hud engaged pissat'o tor Hirupo on a While, Mar slcauishlp for hi wife, mother, child and him self about a month ago. Iho elaj beforolhey wcro to sail, however, Mrs. Huchanan No. !i died after two aays' ni ne of peritonitis, hho wa sold tn be a daughter of a Philadelphia bmkir, Nathan Hrown Now come the news from Halifax that last night ho was married to Ml Patterson, who was the Mrs Huchanan of five year ago. Iho couple are now on the way to Hoston. m m FITZGERALD FOR SURROGATE. Tho Roglster Bald to Do Slated for tho Now $15,000 Offlco. Theic w a rejoicing among the friend ot Heglster Iranlc T. Xlt7gorald thH moinln? because (lor. Mower had signed tho bill cre ating an adJlllonal Surrogate In this rlt), I which wa admittedly Introduced In Hu- i gernld Interest. Mr. I'ltrgerald said somo tlmo ngo that he would be a candidate for tho place It the hneauro beevmea law, and It wa generally ! understood tint It wn "allllxed ' for Ht7. gernld. No one elso ha nunounied himself In ttiei field, nlthough the omco 1 a most I desirable one It pa; $l.'i,0UU n year, and 1 the term Is for fourteen vtars. 'Iho election for the now burrogsto will bo held next November. Itegtster ntrgrrald has been one of the mint sueeesitul politician In thoclty, though still a joung mm. He Is a Now- orkir b birth, and a graduate of Columbia College-. Mnco lhh8, when he succeeded Police Justice HuOy ns leader of 'ho Hrst District, bo has carried tlio district In every campaign. In lssH he was tho Tammany candtdvlo tor Congress aDd was elected Ills term of ortlco legsn on the 4th of .March, but there wa no H'sslonof Congress until December. Mfinwhiie" lit was elected lt( glster, and rc slgni'd as Congressman, oever having taken his se it SMALL PLUMS FOR PLUMBERS, Mayor Grant Will Namo Threo for tbo New Examining Board. I Major (Irnnt will probably appoint, soon after hi return, the Ixamlnlng Hoard of Plumbers created b tbo bill signed by (,o Howeryesterdaj The object of the tneiaiiro lstoiompel the registration ot iillplumbeis engaged In or desiring to beglu business In nnj if theclllesof tbo Mate. 1 hey will be examined as to their competent e ami if iiualiniel the) will receive certltlcite- to that tfl'it tTi-r master plumber lu the eiij mint bo registered betore March i.ihui. M 'Intlnn of the lawl made a misdemeanor. I he hxamlnlng Hoard, shall consist or tlvo lersons of whom two shall be employing or master plumbers ot not less than ten ears' e xpe rlencv lu the business, nnd one shall he a louriirviuan plumber of like evnerlence' 'I he either iiieniber of tho Hoard sfcan jie c lib f Inspector of Plumbing an 1 Drainage of th llotnlot Health of i ich i ami the 1 iliM I-nglntir Having clmikenf tin siwers Ihe iiustc'i and Jouruiimin plumbers h(rvim:ns members ot the liuird simii Le the ratnot ! adnyt"r ea l daj'a sei iho rendered. Among tlie Whoolnion. ai t Coldi. will led lit luiMlt to Onus ,iu huntlty Th vhrrltun of (be St&t.u U'and Atbl.tlo Club are perfettioic a .rpara(e ort auimiion A tia f mile ilaah and a utile hauil aii will be tie. . at (lie MatibetUn aaine un Ma, .1 (ail Matiahao,of the Manhaltan Hi, )ele Club, li aeKiuu a sooil racing learn lugflliei (teurie Smith eipe.ta to fljr(be Itiver.ele'e color. at ntoat of the bia: meet. The Kioc. Count Wheelmen hate retired from geoeral atoletloe. The Builoee. M.n'e Celin Leane ttie joined the Im a. W ' The UonUak Wteelmea U1 hold 4 read ran Dandat THINK STANTON WAS INSANE. His Etnplpyers Can Account for His Suicide No Other Way. 'Ihe sulcldo of Albert I. Stanton, on a New ork central express train late yesterday nlternoon, was a shock to bis employers, ( ross . Ileguclln, dealer In diamonds and Jcwclrj at 17 Maiden lane, who declared thl mornlug they could not account lor Stanton' rash dee d. Stanton wa returning from Lyons, N. V., whore ho had (estllled before the (Irand Jurj in 'Iraln-Itobbcr Oliver ( urtl Perry's 1 use. A the train approached Poughkeepsle stnnton drew aknlfo and, screaming, " 1 hey are atle r mo!" cut hi throat. Htontonwa a porter for Cross Ileguclln, nnd they reposed Implicit contldenco In him. He can led the keys to the store and handled thousand otdollirs worth ot Jewelry, but be nover v lolatcd hi trust, said Albert P. Cross, of tho II rm. W hen he was subpoenaed to appear beforo the 1, rand Jury nt I yon. Htanlon was some what anxious, as ho had never hid any ex perletieeln court proceeding. He was sum moned to testify that he had packed some Jewell) in a box which was found among Perry's effects. All Associated Pre despatch from Lvons sijs sionton acted strangcU wnlte there, and when a fcllow.eniploeee named lleards lej wn questioned he said that stnnton had been badly seared by the men with whom I13 woiked, who told hlra that bo was liable to bo put In J ill for perjury. ir. ' rosnid that upon Investigation tho firm found Hint Stanton had not been fright ened by hi lcllow-norkmeu but that foi the pas, mouth he had shown signs of being men tally unbalanced He believes that Mtauton via on the crgo of ncrvou prosit atlon, and that he suddenly be came Insane on the train. btnuton lived with his wife at UI I Johnson avenue, Jirstv Cltj. He was tblrtv-elght vciold. .so iar 0 the firm could leain, nl nemo lite was hipp). Ills brother has gone to 1 oughkeepsle to tako charge ot the bod. TO GIVE "THE COLLEEN BAWN." Newspaper Dramatlo League's Com ing Porformnnco at tbo Criterion. Ihe Newspaper Dramatic League, which, although a young organization, ha already won high rank In amateur theatrical circle In Brooklyn, will produce "The Colleen Ilawn" at Iho Criterion Theatro to-morrow night. The characters will bo In capable hnndi, a tho following cast shows- Mjlei 11a Coppeleen Sold. Front llardr-".. Crfitan ......Jamea Qatun Dannjr Mauu . John 1 I auacan K-rle 1I- J U l'loaett l-etherlom Ktlward Hamilton Mr. Co-rlaati Kobert tront Bertie O Moor-i It A Moore HylaiKl Crrautl J Netina tc-irvaut , f. lolej Corporal , . I. c. CI Daniel lily CI C nnnor ,..,.l lorenoe M Wool Anneltiute., . .. Minnie VV Ilowen Aire linen II V. liunptir Hhee'vll llyrJIe J-aaoa Kathleen Creacli Mite Hutterrielil Duclo ltlennerhanaet ... . .... Mle rvriuau owing lio a recent death In hi famllv, Thomas llleld, ono of tho league best Irish comedian, had to withdraw from tho cast. 'Iho play will begtven under the direction ot .sold rrost, and It should draw out all the friend ot the League. BIG TOM WANTS BiG DAMAGES. lie Will 6uo tho New York Central Company for (260,000. 'Iho New York Central Hallroad Company I to be made aetcnuaut in a suit that street l leaning Commissioner Thomas Urenuan In tends instituting for It, was ono ot that lompanys engines which smashed Ielr. Hrennans carriage recently on Kleventh avenue, killed his borso nnd gavo the Com missioner such a shaking up that be Is still Incapacitated tor active work STOLE MR.GALLUPS CHECK STUBS Albert Lutttnan Held Therefor In the Tombs Pollco Court. Ubert Luttman, formerly bcokkecper for j Park Commissioner Osllup a law nrm, waato da held for examination In the lombs Court on the charge ot stealing Mr (.jllup's check stub book and selling them to a morning newspaper, which published some of them to show that Mr. (lallup had made large cam paign contributions to 'iatnmany Hall. 1 uttman admitted that be.took the check, books and sold them to the editor for 135. The) havo been returned to Mr (lallup. HORSE THIEVES IN BATTLE. Two of Thorn Killed nnd a Deputy Sheriff Also Talis. irTAMociATrnriit.M 1 Oi TitKir, O.T.. Maj is.- majl carrier who arilvcd hero from Marsh illTo. T., ajs a pitched battle look pin , between horse thieves and Deputy Hi ills tn the Sao and l,x country. Two of tin horse thieves and one ot the deputies were killed This is tho aanu gang t f thieves that killed W illlstn stalner, of orlanlo, 1 woek ago. Found Drowned In tho Day. The badly decomposed body of a man was found near Stapleton, s 1 this morning, by the crow of tho tug Mcts rem. Jt was towed to Quarantine station, where coroner Hughes took charge of It. Ihe man wa 6 leeto Inches In height, with guv hair.' In his poo ket was a bunch ot keys, two cards Inscribed, " Armand Dellaport Lincoln, rtonter Corps 80 Clinton place, Ntw YoraV" ' t lAjJK.- B. AIMl rl CO. DEPARTMENT EOR Ladies HO USE GO WNS Wtllojtr 7'o..Vorroir, Ihurtday, May 19, Silk Tea Gowns and Negligees, v io.25, a50- Challie and Cashmere Robes, $5.25- Wrappers of Imported Flannel, $i) 25 I 50. L and Tl 18th St., 19th St. and Gth Ave. (18th St. Station Elevated Road.) REVENGE FORAWflEGKED LJFE. The Motive That Sent H. G. Stagg on an Anti-Dive Crusade. 1 " I am my brother's keeper and I will hare revenge for hi ruin," said Mr. Hartson c.. Stagg, the son of a wealthy commission merchant who live at sort West Ono Hun dred and Iblrty-second street, this morning, In explaining a suit he lm brought against Kate Lnger, the proprietress, and Jennie Pyke, an Inmate, ot an alleged disorderly house at .1011 Third avenuo. Iho caso will come up in tho Yorkvlllo rollco Court to-morrow morning, and will be pulied, Mr. ttagg ajs, until the two women are brought to book for his brother's down fall. Thl cose, he asserts, is but the begin ning of a crusade he Intend making against every disorderly house in tho city his brother has over frequented. The young man whose ruin Is to bo avenged In this manner Is Morgan N. Stagg, aged seventeen, who 1 now ill at his homo as a result ot dissipation. Ho and his brother, Hartson, live with their parents la a brown-stone front bouse. Their father Is a travelling commission merchant. Until recently tho two sons kept a fruit store at 84 Park Place. Ihey were forced to closo out the business on ac count of Morgan s dissipation. This fact, ns well a fraternal love, has In duced Hartson to seek revenge, and tn speak ing ot the matter with an Kvkmno Wohio reporter to-day he said: "I hive personally and with wltnoscs gone to every disorderly houso my brother ever visited. I hare seen orgies a bad a Dr. Parkhurst lins described. I have proof to sustain tho charges made against tho Pyke and Unger women, and as sure as thero Is a Cod In heaven I will bring them and all others who aided In my brother's moral and 1 phylclal destruction to Justice. Kxpense Is I not a consideration. I have attornejs en gaged and will got detectives." Continuing he explained that It had been hoped tn ki ep the nflalr quiet for a while, but that the Pyke woman had insisted on coming to fo his mother during his Illness, and had even tried tnettert money from his motht r. capt. Uallagher and Detective Ileasley, ot the fast Twenty-second street station, he said, had aided blm lu getting evidence against the houso at HOP Third avenue. He thought there were at least fifty girls lu that house, and said a number of them had in formed In a "circus" before himself and three friends who had accompanied him lu the search foi evidence. Morgan stagg wn too 111 to bo seen to-day. The family said that he was completely In fatuated with the Pyko woman and had threatened to go to tho hearing to-morrow andtestlf) In her defence. He laughs at hi mother's talk of revenge and suys It will amouut to nothing. SAT DOVN ON THE TRACK. An Unknown Man Oround to Pieces by a Locomotive. lerrriir to tut tvkimo nm I EitziBETii, N. J May 18. No person ha yet Identified the body of the man who com mitted suicide at the depot hero csteiday afternoon Ho was evidently a laborer, about forty jears old, and had sandy beard and hair. Ho wore a Jumper, overalls and straw hat, and carried bis coat on his arm. He had no other effects. Tbo man's act was most deliberate. He crossed severol of tbo tracks and coolly sat down in front ot the Bomervllle east-bound express. Bystanders shouted, the engineer whistled, but to no purpose. The man nald no atten tion to theso alarms, and beforo tbc train could be stopped he was gruund to pieces. The horribly mutilated bod is now at tho Moigue. Coming Kvonts. A collegiate mtielral In aid of ltulgera Vemate College ot inoCitrof 4e York will lie glreu in Carnegie Mmto Hall. l-lftT.neTentll etreet and Seventh avenue, next Tbnreftar evening Ihe New York Academr of Medicine will holds meeting tola evening lhere will be a meeting thla evening of the Sali vation Armv at Aeaociatlon Hall, Ivfeulv.tnrd etreet ana 1 onrth avenue. A reception, ai whloh Rev A VV, II Hoddet will be Installed, will take place thla evening at the Buteenth Baptlat Church, Hiiteenth atreet, near Eighth avenue The Llnnaan Bocletv of New York will holds Reeling thle evening al the -merlean Moneum of glare! Ulntorv. The New Tevrk Eiebenge for Women's Work tt !??,F1,T? W. ""! -ll ! of eg tdbltv The eele will eloee to-morrow nliM. ' , ,".' r,.. iSUjVK. jt.Jl.jwlCV; LONDON AND LIVERPOOL CLOTHING GO. I OUR CAN'T BE MET BAftGA.NS. I 9 65 Will buy until II o'clock Saturday night the 65 best Clolhing bargain to be had in New York, mf ENTHUSIASTIC CROWDS respond to OUR great SPECIAL REDUCTION SALES because they're HONEST. Tho meio aihcrtising of a PRICE (why, 0 liavo MEN'S SUITS tho best in tho City at tho price, too low as $5) I without quiility amounts to simply nothing, and tho sonsiblo 1 people bceni to know it MIGHTY WELL. I Our Can't Be Met bargains this week are choice of thousands of Men's Fine and Seasonable Suits at $9.65 that wero reduced positively marked down from our originally low and closo prices of $15, $18 and $20, and really worth, as values go in faomo Broadway houses, from 528 to $3(3. GENTLEMEN, in a word thoy aro as good suits as wero over sold in tho world under $ I 5.00. BOYS' DEPARTMENT. MOTHERS. Wo shall have a grand Special Sale of 1 Boys' Clothing'. Wo havo 130 largo tables loaded down with I thousands of magnificent Boys' Suits, costing from $5.00 to I $9.00 per suit; v o oft'or your choice at I SBS-OO per Sii.JL"t. j Seo 'cm, and to-day, if possible. Look at our Window Display. m LONDON AND LIVERPOOL CLOTHING CO., I 86 and 88 Bowery, cor. Hester St. Our Only Store. I if IS NO GRIME TO STRIKE. That Was Justice White's Deoi Bion in Harlem Court fdward Emlth, who Is superlntenillnz tho bullclln? of a row ot bouses nt One Hundred and sixteenth street and Madison avenue, was complalnint In tno Harlem Court this morning aualnst Irancls C Zelgler, Walking Pclegato ot tlio I'ubllc Carttneu's Union, whom lio charged v, lth eonsplracr. clgler, It was charged, ordered a strike of thu carltnen nhonero hauling brick to tho building yesterdaj afternoon, and tho brick layers ala i quit v, ork. V ork was brought to a standstill, and binlth caused 7elgler to be subpoenaed to explain to tho court why ho bhould not be looked up. elgler Bald bmlth bad owed a union man a sum of money since 1800, and he advised other union tnon not to work for him. .lust lco lilio bald that tho men bad a per fect right to quit theyjwanted to, and Builth should lnrootuei men it tho strikers would not return to work. I 1 1 an t hlro others," sa d Smith. " ell. that's jour lookqut," said the Jus tice. " 1 here la nothing against elgler that 1 can see. Ho Is discharged " smith left tho court, threatening to appeal to a higher court. A PET PERSIAN HORSE. Follows Its Master About Like, a Gentle, Dos. " Persian hor6es, " sag Sirs. Bishop, in " Journeys in l'crsin and Kurdistan, " "are Io bo ndtiiired unci lilted. 'Iliolr beauty is a source of con'.tautonjojnient. and they aro almost invnriatily gentle nnd , docile. It is m am to form any rcsolti. liou against niakiut; n pot of ono of tlicm. "My new acquisition. ' Hoy,' insists i ou borne petted, nnd liis enticing wnjs ate irresistible". Ilu is always tethered iu front of no tent, with a ropo lone enough to give him coubicleiablei liberty, nnd ho look nih milage of it the verv llrst day to eoniu into tho tout aud mnko it appear . that he wanted uo todivido a melon with him. ' (irnpes woie his preference, then enmu cucumber, bread, and biscuit. Dually, ho drank milk out of a soup pluto. "He comes up to me nnd puts clown his head to hnve his curs rubbed, and if I do niitnttendtti linn nt ouco, or if I censo attending tn him. ho gives mo n gentle but Admonitory thump. " 1 (lino outside the tent, and lm is tied to my chair aud wnits with wonderful pa. tioueo for tlio odds nnd oikIh, oulv oeeu. ioually rubbing his soft uoh uguiust mv faco to leiiiind mo that ho is there. A I friendly umllle is the only sound he ninkes. lio (loot; not know bow to light or that teeth nnd heels nm for nuj othei uses than c .ituig nnd walking. Hois lenllv tho geutlot nuil mott docilu of his race. i 'IhoSpeiiut nt which ho draws tho lino is I beinc; led . thcu ho drags back nud n mulish look come s into nis sweet eyes. Hut ho follows hko a dog, aud when I walk ho is always with me. " Ho comos when I call him. stops when I do, accompanies me whou I leave the road in search of flowers, and usually puU his head either on my shoulder or under ray arm. To him I am n embodi. ment of melon), cucumbers, gTapes, pears, peaches, blaoults and sugar, with a good deal of pettlon wad ear-rubbing thrown in." A COOD MOVE. YOU WILL MAKE A OOOD MOVE WHEW YOU SELECT VOUIl tUKMTURE ANU CAR PETS AT OUR LSTABLISmibNT. TIIK CLAbS OF GOODS WE OF! Ell IS Tl ELL known i or BurERioRrrr or stvi.f, re liability OF WAKE AND MODERATENESS OF PRICF. WE ARE SIIOWINO A SPLtNDID I INF 0 BEDROOM BUIT8 AT PRICES 10 00 TO $75 00, SOME OF WHICH ARE PARTICU LARLY GOOD AT $15 00 TO 50 00. OUR SIDEBOARDS AUFCERTAINLY WORTH AN EXAMINATION. (1RACEFUL COLONIAL i DFSIONS, CM 00 TO $38 00, OAK DIM.NO 1 TABLES, VL11Y EAT, $5 50 TO 13 00, I CARPETS, RUC.S, LINOLEUMS. OIICLOIUS. MATTINOS, iC . AT VERV LOW PHICtS. I ET US GIVE YOU AN TSTIMATF. CREDIT TERMS TO SUIT -YOU. J.H. LITTLE&CO., 3 & 5 WEST 14TH ST. Look for tho ilcn J II I litis A Co. oror tB door beforo enterlux HARDWARE IN THE STOMACH. Romedlea to Prevent Serious Conse quences from Swallowed Articles. 'Ihe denth of tho "human ostrjeb," after the removal from his 6tomach of enough hardwaie to nil a small showcase, lms led to much debating as to the power of human boings to exist with hard, me tallio substances in theirs stem, tijun ixchange. Any druggist will tell jouhehasLeeu consulted frequently by the frautlo pnr cutbof Hindi boys who bo swallowed marbles nud ceu more dangerous arti "it's, and Hint in not ono instance out of a scoru does nuy iiiionvuiiieucu retu t after Iho fright tins subsided, When thu nrticlo swnllowod ii not cry Inrge it is usual for ulijsicmns to pre scribe an emetic, but when it is large and heavy it is bettor to est irtoW of Hmicthmc that is mdigestiblo, such ns hot broad in large quantities, or better ttill, u large lump of uncooked bread or paltry. This piotects thu delicate lining of the stomach fioni injury, aud Ihe singular meal is speedily lurgoUcu. Among lower animals, nails and similar hard substance! are frequently swallowed with food and the fact never ditcoTored until the animal 1b slaughtered and oat up I la ordinary course. f