Newspaper Page Text
I THE WOULD: WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 18, 1892. 3 ll loR THE NEW BISHOP. .Oatliolios Want tho Cathodral of I tho Immaoulato Concep tion Built. Tho Architects' Plans for Completing tho Edifice. A Mogul Hccnt Structure Thiit Will Cost $2,000,000. Now that Mgr. charlos E. McDonnell has been consecrated second Bishop ot tho great dloceso of Ilrookljn, a movement has been set afoot among tho leading and wealth ier Catholics of the city of Brooklyn to enlist him In tho proportion to resume work on tho ginnd Cathedral ol tho Immaculate Concen-j lion, begun so inanyycnrs ngo and ubandoned nlmot at the beginning. Those who will urge upon Illsliop McDon nell tho completion ot the Cathedral point out that tho conditions which caused the lato Bishop Loughlln lo abandon the worK have, thanks to his wlso nnd far-seeing policy, ceased to exist. TIIE VKSTKY. The church has grown from poverty to I-'-hes, and In place ot tho six struggling urches In Brooklyn thlrty-nlno years ago, len John Loughlln was consecrctcd first shop of tho diocese, tnere aro now flftj :ht edltlco3 In the city alone, beides jhtccn chapels, whllo In tho diocese, which eludes all of Long Inland, thero are ouo mured and twenty-one churches, thirty-two apcls and stations, ono seminary, two trade lools, eleven asylums, four hospitals, two mes for the poor, one newsooys' home, ono me for Invalid", two colleges nnd ono hun ed parochial schools. Those who urge thu erection ot the great ithcdral point out that thirty years ago, ben it was projected, there were but o indful of Roman Catholics In the dlecese, hlle now there are moro than aoo.OOU. 'I he d St. James's Church, In Jay street, built actly seventy jeara ago, was chosen by shop Loughlla tor hts Cathedral In 18.13, it It Is antiquated, small and almost dllnp- Mated, and ardent Catholics Insist that It Is no longer suitable to the purpose nor worthy lot tho second diocese In size and wealth lu the United states. Thcsl'e for tho Cathedral ot tho Immncu Hate Conception was purchased from Jcrc- iminri Spader In 18U0 for 7S,a0- In June, pes, ground was brokon for the now Cathe Iral." and threo years later, on Sunday, Juno f7, 1808, tho corner-stone was laid with great pomp and ceremony. Archbishop John McCloskey, afterward Car- dlnal McCloskoy, delivered tho sermon, and tho event was made tho occasion tor tho . mightiest religious demonstration ever wit- i ncsscd in Brooklyn. The streets were liter-1 allr thronged with people from Long Island, New York and Now Jeisey;; the housetops In tho vicinity of tho ceremony were crowded . and Archbishop McCloskey and Bishop Loughlln were surrounded by bishops and clergy arrayed in tho rich vestments ot their offices, whllo tho enthusiasm was so great that tho wicker baskets used tor collections were made tho receptacles for the greatest church collection ever taken In a single day. People emptied their po:kcts ot money and women tore off tbelr Jewelry and cast 11 Into tho basket receptacles for tho cathedral , building fund. I For a few months the work of rearing the cathedral ptlo was prosecuted vigorously, i 'l hen everything stopped. Tho walls, risen to a height of about ten feet, ceased grow lng, and the grass began to spring up nbout the builder's stone that lay untouched at tbo foot ot tho walls. n.ACB OF T1IF. SlJiCTl'lRY. A hlcli closed fence was built all around thu site and lor neaily tw cutj -four jiars the place has been oncxillcrot tho curiosity uf btiangtra passing through L.ifajcttc, Cler mont, Vaudciblli lireene avenues, for tho bile Included tho whole ot Unit splendid sijuaront the. very up'x of the "lull." As has been Mated, the ground cost only tT.VJOO, fin' It was far out irum IliookDn's cenne ut population. Tn-day this bit of land would bo cheap at, icr the ilij has grow n all around It and is tour times as large as It was when tho Cathedral was pro jected. 'I ho good Illsbon Loughlln was wont to soy I when asked wh) hudld nut continue the wuik ot building the cathedral: " Mone., 1 scaler, and 1 will not run my Into debt. Besides, wo need moro uurlsh churches that poor people ma attend, lud bt. James's Is good enough caibcdialtor ui" And so tho poslllvo and hard-tioiklng llsuop went on clotting tho landscape ut Itookljn and ihe rest ot his diocese with onctuarlcH and schools, asj lums and refuges. ud moss gathered on the low walls of tho new Cathedral." Now It is hoped that Bishop McDonnell will complete the giant structure which will cost about UU'.OUO.UUU. I'eup.i! who caro to look through thn cracks In the high board fence that almost surrounds lhosltouia) tco from Liinoetto aienuulvvu parnlhi walls, each 4 feet tblck.vvlib massive Piers and obutmenlB at close Intervals, and the teet of giant toners at the corners nearest to Clermont and to VauderUlt avi nut a. riiese parallel walls nro the bides of an nuQttorlumthal was calculated lobeat 10,000 worshippers. But tho grass and needs grow high lu the Immense open space, and even a mouiidot a bundled loads of sand. that has lain ft inrothaii twenty years, where the tltar wiii i. j, ias becomr grnss grown, and mall trees nnd bhrtiis havo struggled 'lirough between tLe building stone thai lies about and put forlh shoot and sprig nnd leaf ruestonu lined tor the walls, which hod risen to the height of the w Indow sills, Is blue I itranlte, utd In couises of broken ashlers II ya.r"nK ,rom eight to sixteen Inches In II r. " Thu trimmings aro of light gray, and II ""window dfcorailunj wero to bo of buff 1 1 PWo fricMPIlu ulied with gray Bellerlllo freestone, while the pillars of the doorways were to bo of led granite. Cardlnnl McUoskev, Bishop Loughlln and Francis Currun, tho builder ot the cathedral, have gone the way of all tlrli, and Patrick I. Keel), thearchllict, who drew the plans for this noble ulitlce. Is n iceblo man. pant seventy J ear3 of age, and Hilngnf.M7t.lcr. mont avenue. , oiuss-cni riiKD WAttji. Tho grrnt cathedral, planned by Mr. Keelr, together with the chapel, vestry ami epis copal residence, Is to occupy tno whoiC ot the broad sipiare. 'lhu Cutiieilrnl. minting on Lafayette avaiuc, will have a depth irom the luasslvi) towers to the rear wall m !I14 feet and UII4 feet fi mn the entrance to the altar, while the breadth nl the linnsept will bo lull feet and In the bod) of thu auditorium UK feet. '1 he Cathedral was planned In the French (lothlc style of the thirteenth century, known as tho "decoration period," with its clus tered shiitls, richly triued windows, sun ned einlclllshuients, pinnacles nnd gabled canopies. '1 ho lront of thecalhtdrnl will be 100 feet wile. 'Ihero will bo two toners flanking tho entrances and standing at nnglts with the front line and lailnyetlc nvciuie, 1 heir bases arc each SO feet hcpiare, and they will rise to an altitude ot !IJO teet at tho top of tne crosses, which will stand on the. gracefully tnpt ling spiles. 'Ihe west tuner will hold a clock and great bell, w bile In the east tower n chime ot bells will be plan d, and stair turrelH nlll afford an nsieut ot a43 fiet In either I on er. '1 no other towers will stand at the transept. They will bo '."feet square at tho huso and rl-e to a height of 1H5 teet. i The root will be 111! feet obovo the street. Oak beams and ratters, eovend with slate, will toi m this roof, and tho walls on which It rests will be 57 teet high. The nave nnd transept celling win bo 85 feet high, und the aisle celling fill feet- '1 ho nnvn villi terminate by anapseofflvo sides, under which the altar will stand. This mnituarj was built as a part of the wall of St. John's chapel and the building now used asaestry In I His, nnd Its unfinished bide may bo seen from Lafayette avenue. AN CNKINIBIIEU COllSEJI. it Is 54 feet deep and 8.1 feet wide. Itstlvo ! bides are niched lor statuary. Ateltheiside ot tho sanctuary aro the arches for entrances tosu John's (hapel on oueside and thu vestry on tho other. 'Ihe Interior decorations of the cathedral will be inngnlrtceut. 1 ho line, large chancel windows will recelo paintings representing the Annunciation. Nntlvlt), CrtiiiliUon, lies unectlon and Ascension, and Intheeast tran sept window will tie a loprtsontailon of tho Coronation of the Virgin, while a nlctuie ot St. Patrick will bain the nest window. 'Ihe rose window will bear M. I ecella and un an gelic choir and the otlur windows will be ap propriately dccntnted. Tho celling will be or open wojdnork, the I pillars will halo caned uiplials, mid the chancel will have c.mopled niches and trlporlum arcades, frescoed In gold ami colors. The altars, reredos nnd tabernacle. I will be of Italian mable, as will be the steps ot the sanctuary. St. John's chapel and tho veslry were built i In accordance with Mr. Kcely'H original plan, ' which made them a part of the giant cat he-1 drnl structure, and that is win the Hit' nor of lhu apse, where the simctuaiy in the cathedral nlll be, la now seen from l.arajetto I avenue. M. John's chapel, which was dedicated I Dec 8, lh7n. Is a pretty sanctuary, 40 by uu I feet, minting on Clermont avenue, and I i reached by a covered way of wood. It seats' i UOO people and the pastor In charge Is Hev. I I'. M. l'ltgerald, a youthliil prltsl ot gentle i ways, who lives at 101 (.reene nvciuie. '1 he " vestry" ftuiits on Vanderbllt avenue, nnd will be used, when the Cathedral proper Is lluished, ns tho repository of the huihuilst during the Interval betwien Sundays. 'Ihese two buildings aro In harmony with the gen erul plan, which also Includes two small i chapels, ono lu the face Of either of the great towers of the Cathedral. The episcopal tesldencolsamasslie house of granite at the corner of (ireene and Cler mont avenues. It was completed four years ago, and Bishop Loughlln nmuved to It elgh-, teen months before his death, mi Dec. an last. It Is four stories high, with a Flench roof.and Its only occupants nl Father J. II. Mitchell, who has been In charge of thedlo ccso since the acatli of the Bishop, and the good woman w ho acts as his housekeeper. A GIRL'S SUSPENDERS. They Attract Attention on Broad, way. In WllllanjBburtr. An odd artlclo ot feminine apparel, or adornment, has mado Itsappiaranco on tho streets ot WllllamsDiirg. It Is a fair Imita tion of the mascullue suspender, and is worn outside the ordinary dress. , A young noman promenaded Broadway yesterday with tho r.ost elaborate harness which has yet appeared on the stiect. About htr waist was a bruad belt of gold braid, to n hlch were sewn gilt buttons corresponding tothoso on tho nalslband ot a man's trousers. 1 Tne suspenders were nlso of gold braid and t were nnidu up wltn buckles and all, and nero attached to tho baud about tho young woman s waist. It Is needless to say that, the new style attracts attention. r.EATHS IN bROOKLYN The following Is the official list containing the name of tiery person lu Dri.oMn over ten j ears old w hose death was reporud to the Depaitment of Health jesteiday I ItOiK .!riK IIfach, 10, No :I87 lirand .1, KiiMAim lU'firx, M. i.uthnrftn lliwpltal A1.1IFH INK I'LACH, Til. l.UtttulAU IlilHtal, ItAl.ill L. Ciuu, 61, 41S Clerntuiit are,: reftl 1 CfllUt. I AHsir. tLrt'BT. 37, 3JS Brrernit. llEsitl tlTCll. C4, 7s WIIiIkiih ftve. i ilrr food., ' William ansius Feloin, 33, .No. Cud lit Ktlli ftve. . clvrk l Jacoh Haas. 'Ji, No, 1SJ Mrlros It. , gits. blower. I M.uv lloilr, 113, No. tit? South 4th it. IllAliltAHA KAI'tMAN, 05, N'o lii .Norm 3d it. .Maiiy lv(LLT, bi, .No. 61 .Matropolitan Av. Daiicl hILUl'ri, IK, .S. ICO Wilor it. liborr I .MuitnrcAiJ LoTTnitmr, CJ. No. 4 1Q Pacitloit. IIAIIUAUA MaIlr. 'it, No. JH ltM avr. 1 Nuha 11 MansINu, 17, No t Vratidb placo I.Iiwahii I.LI.WIST MoilHIB, III, No l6'JW;th tT0, , clrk l.HNMT Mt'LLER, 40, No. 43Ueiverit. , drlftr, Martin Mini hi. 42. No ts llopo t , laborer, Maiiy McI'aui ah, 44, no. U !uDt uIacs Maiiuabltu MeliiiATU, ij. No l'J 1'arkarat. MlL'HALL II l)NSOK. JV. to. 10U U,llord AT. I.e. iniiaHimmona. 87, No aju Wa,bliintou ats. I lHAI I.LA &1MEA, 'il. Ao. (13 llfcraw ht, Iamci II tirrAiivAN, 'iii, No. 702 Proapeoi plac. printer I ANN Vaiohan, 32, Nu. H09 Dran at 1 I'AnL li.ANn. 20, No Utt Itopkloa at. i brawar. Barren Mi.liam, 70, No. UJJaj.i. Mliftli lion, f, Atiautio Dok , aAleiaiaa. Snyo Sbo Blnpped HIb Face. Mis. Carrie Haugon, wlfo of the proprietor of tho Klghlli Street theatre, nastc-day, lu Jefferson Market, held In (.100 for examina tion on tbo charge of slapping the late of Fire I'atiolman John Kelly, w lieu bo Insisted on the altle of the thruiro lelug kept clear. BROOKLYN PAGE. THROUGH WEDLOCK TO JUL M i A. Brace of Brooklyn Men Confess to Bigamy. Tho I.nw Will Inflict Further l'un Isliineiit un Koch. It was "bl?amy day" to-day In Judge Moore's Court ot sessions In Brooklyn. Jacob fioldbi rg w ns the first prisoner called tothelar. He was married July 15, 1S7I to Sophia s.iponlch, in ltussta. Tho couplo had thirteen children, llo of whom aro dead. Alter UUng with his wife for nearly fifteen years he deserted her and went to cicrmany. He did not send her any money, and sho rot. lowed him. lie came to the Tutted Stntes In lsuo. 'I In wife learned that he was In this coun try, and 'heiros-cd tho ocean too. I 'lhu etldetico prisented before the (irand 1 Jury showed thai. Mnr.h 111 la3l hewa mar , rlul to .Mtulla shaun. Wile No. t tcsttnel to-da) to the clri'uiiislances recited aboe. I 'I lie prisoner plenJed gulliy. Judge Mooro i dlschargnl the jury and remanded lloldberg lorsouteiKf. I The next case was that of Jacob hhrgott, i I young man, wno coiilessed thai he had mar i rlul t n i) n om n. i The testimony bhowed that Nov. 4,1884, I the nccucd wns married In Brooklyn to Atinii. Kirn liv ltiv. Mr. slater. Annlo Is now living lu McKlbben street, Wllllims burg. Ho llitd with her for several months and then disappeared. Jan. VU, 18111, the prlsonerjmarrled Hannah 1 Malzen. 'Ihe ceremony was perlormed by Her. John M. Wagner, and tho coujlo went to live in 177 Montrose avenue. on the witness stand this morning Khrgott i tried ti prote that he did not marry Miss 'Maten until he Lelleied that his first wile was divorced trom him. Wile :o. 1 brought suit against him scv cralyeaisago, but lost it. 'I he liiry rendeied a M-rdlct of guilty with out leiiung their seats. TO PUMP MORE WATER. More Machinery Wanted at tho Rldgewood Reservoir. Chief Knglneer Van Iluren, of tho City Works Deportment, has rei ommended to tho Brookljn Common Council tho speedy In crease of the city's pumping facilities at tho Kldgewood engine-house. 1 he city Is last encroaching upon the limit ot pumping pon er,w hlch Is 80,000,000 gallons In tneniy-iour hours. Mr. Van Iluren estimates the cost of extension as more than .1uo,00O to obtain a dally flow of ioo.ouu.000 gallons. He sugitesis the erection ot aduollcate en gine and a remodelling of the present yiglue, and urges Immediate action. since the completion of the new water-main Irom ltldgewood to Brooklyn Heights the consumption has Increased about 4,000,000 gallons a day. Theio aro mo engines at ltldgewood now, two of nhlch wero built In 1S.5U. Four of the engines hae a capacity of 15,000,000 gallons each. It has beeu tstl mited that the new Twenty.sixth Ward, wltn Its population ot 30,000, consumes 7.10,000 gallons dally. lo-morrow tho common Council will pay Its annual lsll to tho water-shed and putnp 1 lng-siniluns. m a. SUES FOR 520,000 DAMAGES Laura Owen's Hand Was Crushed In a Laundry Mnnplo. Laura K. Owens Is suing John II. Ernst and Henry D. llelsscnbutlel for J'JO.000 damages, for personal Injuries, before Judge Osborno and a Jury, In the Brooklyn City Court. The planum Is only sixteen years old. Friiit and llclssenbuttel are theownirs ot a steam laundry ou Cuurt street. Miss owcnB eutered thilr employ In January, 181)1. She alleges that she was put lonorkata mmtilue known as a mangle, and that the iniulilne, she alleges, wasdeiectlic, but that htr employers nt glected to Inform her ot Its djngen us condition. OD Kib. u her hand was caught In tho ma chine and cru-hed so that Bhe will never bo able to use It again. MRS. SMITH GETS $110,445. Bridge Trustees Had Awarded $00, 230 for Her Seized Property. A rommlsMon appointed by tho Supreme Court to pas upon the claim of Mrs. hllza T. Smith, who&e property at JJ77 Fulton street, ,r..okl)ii, wa taken by l be l.rldj;o Trustees, t -day reported, allow...; her llo,44.r. Jus tice tullei. nustulnert ihe repoit und granted .Mrs. Multh an allowance uf l,000 costi. The I.rldk' 1 rusteeM had awarded her $00, 2aororthe property. Events Ahead In Brooklyn. Hi run ion of Hrftnchf No, 397. &57 nd 1,304, Ordfror Iron 1UH, to (irand View 1'trk, Juue 15. Tho vhototcraiihlcihlliitton now In progreii at 201 MouUtfiie itrret will c ote Maj 24. 1 wfnty-litli Wrd Hepjbllen Club reception t 01 l'ennc)linl iTeour, oo neit MoDdty veo-trik-- The iTohn W Hirkett Association will give- tbo x Scnator a rrceptiun at 61 Mjrtlo avauua WbJnei day effiilnf (rand Army poaia mill decora to Lincoln's mona ment at the Pripocr Tarn Plata on theaflerDooa uf hundajr. Ma; 'itf. A reception will l bald at tbo llrooVlyn Orphan J Aijlum, Atlantic and Kington aveuue. IhuraJaj . at '1 V. u. Viiitora welcome TbaNeihardta will (ti an Instrumental concert at Calvary UsptUt Otiunh. Detatur straot and ' humncr avenue, 'I liuradsjr ereoins;. , Chaplain Hobert T.dwards, of the l S. !avat Vetera n will lecture under the auspbea of 1 arra fat '1 em pie T. ol I., vt A at Heier a Acsetnbl too ma, 13fi llroajwiy, I'hursdar ctcuIhi 1 The dedication ceremony of th hanltarium for Hebrew Caiidrei. will n neht at Uockaway Park. Horkaway lleiu.h, on Tursday, Msy'4. at li. 3 U p M The train will leatc the ttot of Last fbirty. fourth street at 10 a h. IhtMonteflore Club will hold ltaflrnt annual In vitatlon packaice party and reception next Sunday veuintrt (Jrntt'a Union Hall, corner hwn and Mcmol streets. The Arrangement Committee U composed of the following ( barls 1-ngeiman. lmis .Newman, Krauk Kraeuer, Aaron lliller and Julius Uatheiruer. The Leonard! Dramatic Society expects to soore itaicrratext urces with the drama,' John t-rank lln. Hanker," which will I pnM itd for the rtrst time In this couutry next Moiuia evening at the ltrdford Iheatre withastroim (.at Ihe perform ame will lie under the directum of an actor who played tbnibivf rolelo tne uiama durtug its run lu Loudon The Li 'ingston Club will have the first of a series of aUifs to-iiluht at 1'JS Limrtou ilreet. 11t. and Mr. John K. Aduuis will be tendetela reception thl erenms m the parlor of the Hum Mreet Presbiteriau Church. 1 be Department of .Microscopy of th Brooklyn InttHute will open its anuual exhibition to-night at 174 Montague c treat A (oucert will be held at Calvary Baptist Churoh, corner f Deiatur strett and huinuer aveuuea, un Thursday night. 1 A strswberrj festival will te hel J under the aus pices of M. John's M 1 hunday tohool on 1 Wednesday and Thursday e.euings, June 16 and 16 j Annual ramp Are ana celebration of the thirty 1 firt anniversary of the departure for lh war of the Fourteenth Kegiment Wr etvrait Aasocta I tlon, .Manlou llouoe to night. i A Karden party Mill be given by the Ladle' Aid 'Society of the Nostrunl Avenue M. E. Church, llrevoutt gru inds, ti ruer Bedford avenue and lira voort plate, this evening. j ni'Henntjr Hi kett will be the honored gueit at a reception iven bythejaiun V Hirkett Aasoola tlon, at M Mrtle avrnue, this evening 1'arragut Temple, No l'J, T of L. of AM will have "An of Laughter " at llrlser'a As temhly ltoonts, 13ft Broadway, 1 nursday evening. liatfloever Circle, of the King's Daughters, at tached to the Ktrong Place Baptist thuroh. will hold a Grecian festhal in the church tuts evening, Mr William .Newell, M A,, of Cambrldce, will leUuro In Asoiatiiit UI1 1 nursday aftrnop on "Lur'psau Ballals an 1 the Folk hongs of the Nornriueii, HpaularJs, t-arly J'renoh and Italians. " I A traw erry festival will be given by the Young People's Assovtatlon of the ( Kvangelical Church, tn tne Huiidayschoot rooms, hchrmer horn, ucat Court street, Weduesds evtntni, June 8, Ihe annual reception by the pupils of Mrs. I .). Bogaa'aseleut school will h held in the Trinity Baptist i hunb. Urue and Patoben avenuee. tbla anil 'Ibursday evenings as is usual at these en tertaliiiueiits, a very Interesting programtna baa betuarraugaJ. I. MOORE GOT II DIU0HCE. . - Ho Wont to South Dakota to Soouro a Dooree. Now on His Way Homo to Drooklyn n Free Sinn. Ilc.patches from Hlnux Knlli, S. link., ttnte tlml llr. William Mooro, oflllrookljn, wliolms bi i'ii a resident ot Sioux Kails lor lour months, left lor mo Knit lo-ilnf with a decree 1 KlifneJ jestcrtlay nfternoon, illTrrcliiB Mm from lils wire Virginia. The couplo wero married In llrooklyn In lhKil, and llreU happily until April VII, 1MJ1, when lir. Moore camo lume and found that j his wile had roup, IraMiiK a nutp to tho rftect that the did not lorn the doctor nnd had re turned to luo with her mother. llr. U Moore and hln nllc lived at 41 Seenth inenue, Urookljn. Thn doctor still has an omce in tho Totter llulldliitr, lu New iork. ' An KriMNO Woki u reporter, who called at ,41 Seventh avenue, llrookljn, this mornlnf, elicited only tho follonliK intortuallou from the landlad) : " I kno absolutely nothing about Dr. Moore'B alT.ilrs. All I can nay is that he and hlsnlle boarded hero, and that both were very nice people. Tor further particulars joti wlllh.ive toifothol'ottcrltull 1 should . say to .' Maiden lane, New York. ' At '.:ti Muldeu lane nobody memed to have eur heaid ot bitch it name as llr. U . Moore. Ilonever, acting uiion ihe unniilshed ' sUKEeslln ot llr. Mooro landlady, 'Hie Mknimi Woki.ii reporter inadw Innulrles at the l'ulter llulldlii); nud round that llr. Mooro had an otilce there with l)r. W. W. l.jnde, la room 184 on tho hevenlh floor. The door was locked. A written notlco di rected callers on Dr. .Mooro to Inquire of l'hlllp Current r, room 1U., on the sumo lloor. .Mr. Carpenter Is a lawyer. To the queries of Tub Kvkvino Woklu reporter ho leplled: I i am an Inilmati friend of Dr. Moore's, and think that I (u;ht not to discuss this matter with mranners. All I care to say Is that he seems not to have found It dlmdvan- tageous to visit Mou Kails. "I do not know Mrs. Virginia Moore's' maiden name, nor do I know where she re-' sides. I do not even wish to say whether or not Dr. Moore'd piactlce is large. In lact, I am determined to say nothing at all about this affair, (lood-day, sir." LEXINGTON CLUB WITHDRAWAL. Its Members Believe the May Con vention Not In Mr. Cleveland', lntorost. The withdrawal of the Lexington Demo cratic Club from tho May convention move ment and the letter written by Its president, I). A. Carvalho, giving the reasons tor this action aro the talk ol tho day In local pc mi ca 1 circles. , President Cnrvallio says In substance that tho Independent Democrats of the Tnent-1 third District hao become convinced thut the May movement Is not really In the In iciest or .Mr. Cleveland, but that Its ulti mate object Is to stienglhen the local null. '1 iimnmuy organization, with ex-Mayor draco at 1th head. llobtlieves that the sending of a contend ing delegation Chicago will be decidedly to 'he interests of Mr. Cleveland in this cltj, nsli will btlrup party discord, and lose many voles for i Icvclan.l, who, ho eajs, is biund to be the nominee oi the party. .My relations with Sir. Grace," said Mr. Cm Valho this mornlug, "have alwnjs been mcsi friendly. i 'lhu withdrawal ot the Lexington Demo cratlc Clublrom tho May convention move ment and my letter, I dn not wish ui be re. I garded aa evidence ot any hostility on my part towards hlui pirsoiuiiy. " I cannot say anything more until he replies to my letter, except tn contradict a btatemenl with which ho Is credited in s mm ot tho newspapers lo the effect that our withdrawal Is the result ot his refusal to appoint mo aineinlerot the Provisional state Commune and a delegate to the convention. "'Ihls Is not true, and 1 can only say that no such motive actuated me. "'there was borne talk between us a good w title ujto about my representing the district where I live on the tiatu Committee, I and hu want d me to represent somu other I district. "'lhls I declined to do, and the matter has never U en spoken ot since. Tho Lxlugton Democratic club Is nrst, last and all thn tlmo In favor ot Cleveland's nomluatluu acd It Is because we do not wlh to see his cauv Injuiidthat we have w Undrawn Irom their hj racuse movement. ' " 1 havo alwuva been an opponent of Tnm-' many, but 1 urefer to fight mat organization right here In local affairs and not over the head or Mr. Cleveland, whose namo should be kept out ot local poll tics." JOAN OF ARC'S LAST VICTORY. Won by Margaret Mathor In Miss Cralsren'o Suit for Falnry. Tbo suit brought by.Malda Cralgm against Actress Margaret Mather has resulted In a practical victory for the star. The suit was bruught to recover 4,.ri0u on a contract Miss Cralgen made with Miss Mather to play tho leading support in " Joa-i d'Arc." i the tlrst night ot the peiformance Miss Cralgen received two weeks' notice to quit. bhe immi'jlatily began an action to recover i lor Ihe balaiue or tno siason, claiming that under tlit lr contract Miss Mather bad no rUlit to terminate the engagement, and that a ccr- I talu other contract tUncd b lur and subse- ' quern lu date to tho one sued upon was ob tained without right. The ci-u commenced jesterday beroro Judge 1'iilleison and u Jury 111 the hupremo lourl. David UerDer, on In-half of Miss Mather, moved to dismiss tho complaint on the groun I that before Miss Cralgen;could re cover In mis action sue must first bring suit to set aside t he contract which sho claimed , was obtained without right. William II. Hamilton, representing the plalutirf. 'niiteiided that he could "0 ain all that it llei in this present S'ltt. Judg" I'at terson sated that in his oplnl.m the point taken bv the defendant's counsel wns i good one, at dliistiucttd Miss t raigen siouiki-I tu consldir until this morning nnether i e won l withdraw a luror and terminate Hie trial. 'I his morning Miss Cralgen's counsel accepted the Couit - -Ukgesllon and withdrew a Junr. THE DEVIL'S PAL PLEADS GUILTY. Necromancer Vlnasnzo llbsrtlno Remanded for Sentence lor Ex tortion. VlDcenzo Ubertlno, ot 11 Mott street, tbo Italian nici' m.inccr vvhoswInd.oJ his fellow. I counii) i J pretending to be able to work nilrucles lm in ney through a compact he had made with tli' devil, pleaded iilltv ti. ixtor tlon before Judge Mlgrrald in ihe i c urt of tieneral stssi m to-day and was ruuatidcd for Aeuicii' I When Mr latc l-ergl, ot I'.'l HaMer ' Mnet, was ib -i rted by her husband In .lanu aiysheapiill'dt l.lbenluo lui relief, having heard that U as rn adept In the bim. an. tor aconsldti di m of 10() heagrent t"Snd her husbaud ink to her. Mic paid tni nmuey went home aim i 'nd ber husband th. re. (in comparing ui.t'-l'h him she loun.l lie had returned tHfi'te In r Interview with HU-rtius, andthtnshe i 'keJ the neeroin.inciTs ar rest, he having m fused to refund her uiumy. M'.es Johnson Qets an $11,000 j Verd'ot. A Jury in the supreme court today gave Miss Lou M. !' nson a verdict ofll'00 d.magos against tho Forty.second street, Minhittanvllb ad t. NIcnolM llallrad company for uriea austalncd by Miss liron.on while p ' mp off the car a Iiroad. wajr aud tfortj-Hvenih ttrtet lu June, uuo. syjfa ... a-j ihv. THEY'LLWAKE JOHNNY D0BB5. Tho Burglar's Body Taken to His Widow's Squalid Home. Sho 1 1 its Clinngeri Her N'nnto for It's Children's Suite. The body of John Kertigan, better Inown as "Johnny lubbs," burglar nnd bank robber, was removed to tho home ot bis widow, 7 Little s'reet, ItrrKikl) n, to-day, and to-night there will bi awake that will be notable In the annals ut llrooklyn. Tho funeint will occur Ic-morrow, and Kir rUan will be laid torest In Holy Cross tunc. tery, Klalbush. Ilesldes a jming nnd comely widow Kerri gan leaves thne children Jtmnile, a mnnl) ladofseveiiie.ii; Annie, n pretty girl ot six teen, nnd lttllu .Martle, a brlghl-c)ed bo) or eight years. An Kvxnisci WoRtn reporter called nt the Kerrigan home this morning. It is pi maps the most rickety ot the rickety frame telie. ment-housis that line Little s'reet. Iho houses are built in a niche lu tho wall or thu llrooklyn Navy.i ard, and No. 7 Is at the tool ot the street, adjoining the dock wlnre llrooklyn dump her refuse. Mis. Kerrigan, who has been known to all her neighbors as Mm. Oould, keeps boarders at Iso. 7. Hhelsapltimp woman ot thlity. flvo years, wlih red-brown hair and gray eyes, f he said " My husband was given a bad nam?, but he was the best of men. Didn't ho die with, out a whisper ot where wo were became ho did not want todtsgrice blsehlldieuf Wu had to move away from whero we lived when ho wns sent awa) because the ehlUreii Jeered at my little ones. " When ho was sent away, In 1NH4, I took my maiden name ot dould, and my children tear that name I was only fourteen when 1 married Johnny. Ills name Is not Michael, as thu papers call him. Mike was his brother, and be r In California. Ills sl.ster, Mrs. Den ning, died In Providence, where her daughter Is a teacher now. Join got the name of , Johnny Dobbs because that was th name of lhls uncle, who brought all the children up i after their parents died. Mr Dobbs kept n Haloon tn the fourth Ward, and my husband, bora on ine wa) over from l.ngland, was brought up at Dover and Water streets. I was a fourth Ward girl, too. "llefnrotbey gave my husband a tal namo we owned a line house nnd farm at I'lalnnrld, N. J., but we spent everything and I sold all my Jewelry to get Dinner to defend him. ".nhi.ny was lort -eight years old, but he looks seventy In the comu. He welghtd '.'00 pounds, though he vas onl) five feet lx Inches tall. Now he doesn't wilgh mi re than nil pounds. " I don't know where Jimmy Hope Is, but he'd be here It he knew Johnny was duul. , Ab' I'oakley Is put away; (leorgeliay lidead, i I U' Mini 'lhompson Is Hill In Charlestown Prison; Krcd I'. Hi ay s "begot hlmpardoueu, and they went out West and bought a big ranch; Lnny (Inrtln, I'ugsey llurly, Dennl" I Hradv Hiid 1 atsey onro) are all dead. Ihey all used to be irlends of my husband, anil , the) d help me It thei could. I "Old lllll Meagher Is in Mng Mng, nnd 1 don't know what's iecoine of fairy Magture Dig frank McCoy. Nun I erry and tho lest Ilia irlends, who stand by hlin n..w he's dead wouldn't want their names in the parir, but we will wake bltn lo-nlght. 'Ihe utuli rlake: has froen the body and it will lie here lu i minute." At this moment I'ndertaUer Krnncls Har per's men came nnd diaped the big, barrel parlor with black, set candelabra and tht placed the body in an lco tnsket on stools it the centre ot the room. A h-ndred tohllin chalta camo next und the tatterdemalions n Little street and the gas-huuse district gal h ered In front of the house, while a crapo wa: j tacked to the doorpost. USB FAMILIES TURNED OUT. . i - - Flood Situation Grows Moro Seri ous About St. Louis. ry AMnriATTn rn.t St. Locts, Mo., May 18. The local flood situation grow a more serious each hour. 1 ho river Is still rising and there havo been heavy rains In tho past forty-eight hours. Kour hundnd square, miles ot ferule lands arcund St. Louts on D)th sides of ihe river are now under trom two to twenty teet ot water, fully l,tou lamllles In this area have left tfcelr homes. The muln suffering la In tho American bottom and on Missouri Point. In the former locality nearly 500 rcopic, gathered on the bluffs, require food and shelter. (,ov. V rancls, of Missouri, is sending lh?ra food and tents. BoscluTtown, three miles notth ol ; St. Charles, Is all under w ater. ihe flood is lucre, sin; In East Madison, I Venice and llrookljn. In Kast St. Louis j through train service Is badly crlpi led. Alton, IIL, May lb. The evils ot the flood , hav o been Increased by robbery and by specu- ilatorawho am bti)lng stock tor practically nothing. Depredations have becou.o so bid 1 that armed men have started lor the Inun dated districts. ViKiiINU, III., May 18 Thn breaking ot the Linn dyke, len miles north ot here, linslet a great quantity uf water tutu tne snngamun bottom, and several laoillles have been flooded out Knrimrs are losim; stock and grain. I Punts, Tex., May Ih. Ifecviil rains have spread tho lied ltlvcr out over the bottom ' of one to three miles, ruining thousands of mres of rich running land. More Ihiu 1 00,000 wcrth 01 logs have been lost 111 the ireshet. Wurmen, NeU, May Is A heavy rain baa deluged this eitv and dilun lurty lamllles from their homes. Ihe blue lllver Is higher , than slnco lShll, and .i",u"tl w rth of pro- I erty has been snepi avvaj 0. uestr. )ed. I ItelUl parties aro at wurk 1 Haktinoton, Neb., Ma is. A cloudburst In this section last night swept una) many countr) Mad bridges and H ssleu ihe lower part ot the town t. such an eMuit tint lamllles bndto tlee from Un-li 1. onus. Nr.w Ohlkans, Ma) is.-ihe water Irr.m the Panther forest break is grjiluilly cnvei lug tho country. 'Ihe tire ik is i.uw l.ntiii leel wide, and Is discharging about 75,000 cubic teet 01 water pel se, u id 1 ni'scti. Ilbrrrs, la., Mav 1;. The 1'nlon I'acllle grade In tnls cll bis been washed out, and travel over this line Irom heic Is suspended. m m HE FIDDLED TO HER HARP. But a Cornet-Tootlni: I'npn, Didn't Lllco tho Arrnncotnont. Henry Hi'lmkc nillates a n.l 11 and f red e rick Alton toots a cornet. 1 h, v formed .1 co paitnershlo and played at" 111 1 In saloons. Afleu's daughter Kate, sevintn'i. tvvangs 11 harp, and helped the men In t licit nieloJ) murdering work. Monday night Allcnwcnt I" l.o lalge, and and HelniKe and Kate start, d out t gi ther tu vvi rr) the welkin. Kate dtit imi reiurti home. Last, nlglil ahe aud the tld ler ere found at thelatler's conservator), 14 . I il llnuston stieei, ana both were ur.e'teil kat. said she wanted to tnurr) the sal -oi.- hrllllug l'ugamul. 1 111 the Kssex Market rmrt ti-10 the fid dler charged with abducthin .is t.ei.l for ex. animation. Katlo went home l icniet plu)ln,' papa. The "ICTrnlna; U orld" nlll print an It. Ilroakyn I'n.e .niiotiurrnienia and report. f enierlalnmriiia, nire tlna, Ar. arnt la tbl. onict by art rrtnrieu ui lllrr nnd .oclul rluba mid Ilk r a.uiiMillu.a thai cxlal In llruuklru. A BROOKLYN CONTEST 1 - In VVliioh tho Briphte t MindB of that Oity Aro Enlisted. Suggestions Concerning Its Most i Important Needs. l"or tho Ilcst " The UvenlnR Worlil" Will (itvr 11 Gold Double K.glc. The latest suggestK ns that have been re eilvedfur the Improvement of llreoki) n are I 1 tve 1 In this column, for the best surgt stlon 'lm Kvrsisti Wiiiaii hasofTered a prle of a (old D.iublo I ngb-. No a mmtlhlcAtlnn should 1 xcied '.'DO words, and nil suggestions should tie addressed tn Hkoomvn mrsov burst l'.lllTOK, TlIK hVKNINII WoKIO, 1". tl. II0X '-',:i5t, New York. Hetnnrr Cart fltid lenif Auitnnlt K. P f., Kosciusko street Ills well onougU to talk ot rcpavlug streets, establishing parks, building handsome idltlces und many other things, posslbln an-t Impossible, tho majority of which will nerer be attempted. 'Ihe best way lo proceed Is to make the most of lhu material In hand, ltemovo the carts 'that stand lu the streets froui day's, end to 'day's end, ttirutshlng n reaurl tor lll.tondl. Uiv s, w ho assemble t her In to form plans tor the promotion ot vie or lo pitch pennies, using meanwhile the vilest language. .Next relume all dead animals and thoroughly sweep the streets, latnjelto avenue is swept dally, thu work being properly done. Now we can uudci stand wh) aiboroughtate should need this, but man) ntljin ent streets h iv e been swept but twice this ), and then there) was so much dirt I It behind that one Inquires why they were swept a', all. It such things weie better nttended to, properly owners would Interest hi mselves to Improve their posessluna und llrookl)ti would soon becomo the model city li only Thk hi rsisn W mil n would lend a helping hand, all this might lie accomplished, fur experience has taughtuslbal what ll!K Kl KMsa Wiiian undertakes never tails, otbeiwiso I fear that llrooklyn will Jog on as before. .Veir ltotuln attit tmlm, I 1'etir Dawson. 11H '1 went) -second street 1 suggest : first That feiD-bottts be run betwetn ttatcn Island and llrooklyn, nnd I thus avoid the necei-tlty of gclng and coming by wa) ot New York, and thai one landing nl the proposed route bo made at Ihlrt). ninth street South llrooklyn. Second '1 hat like connections be mail" b tweeu Jersey tit) and lrookl)n. Ihlrd-llut ono or two llnisol cars be i un from Hie upper portion or East llrooklyn to south llrooklyn and irom flat- . busu and Inst New v,ork to South llrooklyn over that vast pull ton which Is now un. I trnu rsed by an) line, fourth That an le. , vatedroadbe tun trom fultun 1 erry along 1 fuiman Mreet to Wall sireet f err), thence . 1 1 south tcrrv up Atiautio avenue to Third I avenue here cuini ct wltn filth aienue and ' Long ltuui I lluilroad b) a si at lunar) engine) ' I hence along 1 bird aveiino to fort Hamilton ; and Cone) Island, connecting stilJ r ad with ; tulver's at Ihlrt) -sixth street and l'lilh uviuueb) mums of stationary engine, and I I urrangeuients be mud' lor transfer ol passengers with proposed connecting lints, " firth I hat road lu laid from Mllllntnsbur J right up tu south lirnokl)!!, somewhere near ; paiallel ot smith or court stnet. slvth- ; 'I hat a nevsbu)s' lodging-house be erecteil r lor theaccoininodatlon ot poor bo) s and inou ' whoare In neid ol shellei. Seventh '1 ual Dial vail ot the city seiunnguue, ll provide us wlih three or lour; one main one In the centre or Ihe elly, and a branch in ptiulh and a branch In Knst llrooklyn, and one In Williamsburg. 'Ihese are requlie ments or w hlch the city of llrooklyn has long been in need I am sure tint If these plans wero carried out they would go fnr to en hance tho convenience nnd welfare or the people of lirooKl)n. and that Its citizens would reel gratelul to 'lur. Kvfnino VSoki.o tor its part in adding so materially lo Its wel fare. A ell) whose eiery portion Islnhab Iteland which Is so famous tor Its beaut) and grandeur. Its churchi s nnd great men, should be easily accessible Irom all side's. OOMPH PORCKj Despite Whioh It Is Rumored tho Road Will Pass tho Dividend. Waii. SmriT, Wednesday, May 18. The stoci market was extremely erratic to-day. In the early trading ltodgers tlould bought 10,000 Northern Pacific prefeired from fill up to 57, said to be for the account of a director of the road. The tears thcu made a sharp assault all along the line. Chicago Oas declined Hj, Nortneru Pacific preferred 1, and other stocks M to V Meanwhile the bulls were having fun with Now York, Susquehanna i Western, and In a lew moments put up the price ot the pretenol from AW lo illVtr. 'Ihey then took hold of Heading, and on htavy purchases llft.d that stock lr.ini.-iin, to no V Ihe general niliiliHl Is that tho Northern Pacific nirectors will pass tho dividends In the preferred otock ut their meeting to morrow. I Tho Quotation)). Opn. tll.h. Ii" 1 Am.llr.nSutar ft'f W Vi, -rl Aiiinu.i Mm ll'l Vrt UH 1'4 m't AnifticMH ulio'i Oil . . a ijsl, Js Alch.. Inp. isaata r. M S'l, lie, ilaltlinor.Alllii' V f'S ''' llillt.lo. K A I' ll H S (. n. Hilt 101, Id. Irntr. I'a.ili. ... ;' JlH ill' I lu.apesHr i. tlhio i.S J I 1 4'A Dli.ii Jil I r I ;js Ji 4.S C lllcarrl.a. hl Ml ..'l Lhu ".liar AUuu,. 10. 10 U JO j, Lm..u.t s.n '.a I." IJO li 4 I'htf . Mil "' ''"' ' ' S Uhicllickls al'io . . BiM "j. ! CHir A...i.'M. I. ir. luoc, looe, lu UlaT..I1n .1 I"' a "I I- '. fs l.s lU 1 V ui 1 'i J-H -S.S lii I ... a w-.i 1J2 l;I ljrii llamel 11 .' ..I'll ' , J.'l lS 17 t).nfr It"' i'auJ. wrat SI M' ot lilt, lllll'l"! 'b ,; .f'1. i.e.. lieiln. Trae 11' ' 111 110 l.Ai'.l.lil.. l1. -l .'I1. Uk.Shor. " 'J l?iJ lJ't. I.a.i, .. .if I'm j H -'a UI. KnA tte.trn in .. ;. ;i LiililiTltlal SiiB.l. IS 7 1 . !, Luulf.. Alt' l Id ', ," ,SJ, Maiili.ll.e i oo.ol ' Mull l -nltal li'-J ?. 1L Miaanulll'arlRi . ... ,), S 'i ,' ..t. C.rdlo DI". 10. l jo; .l I .. .1 ir-i '" !' .Nal la.llo vrl tj,1. ' JJ Sal M.uU rtu ... . i2 ,'"vs ,i r N J.r.lira ) isjl . J.l.J, Nrw rnrkt.etral 11S 1J II N. V A S l.utnol .... J 'l !' J J N V .ijli. I ti-.l v-i . '.1 ' l't N V.. I.. ' 1 vli-.t l"it J1, JI JI, . V Miasl a '' i-.S rS '-r s. ,m.,, Vlr.l I'lfl. iKS ills' .III. Marttiaiul'aiilti ' : ! Nunlio'ii l'a,inc l'IJ ' , Ji llaloSi.utb.lli V'4 2J 'JJ1 I'atmc .M.I J, 31 .A llr. .li. a . feH Ji. Pa.. . Ills.. A K.IU.Tl a IS IS Js Uui k.ntari.r.t .. I. 1. 1" 111.. .IVV.I'l.r I Iter "H TJ( 7 ht Paul A Omaha ... "t JUH Juli M I'.'U A lluiaua I.IU J-J j;'! M faul. Mum A .Mill tol.4 ll.l' 11S 1IJI M i.r l rrllllial. . . Js JS I hjutliarn Paclao S.e, JiH Jje, lam. nu Alum fa H J. I'uiunr.c.tlc . .... ; ' H l . . i a. lu. Ilau A l.ii I I" IJ Is ii... 1 It M14 1 na . ... 8.4 Jf! 3ft Waitaro I moil talaiain V 9JS . Wnaai.iiAljkahna JJ 3,J S A I'PJ account ot Wall streei affair, will ls found la lus WouLu'i sporting j "Utra. NOTE. A trndo nccitlpnt puts us in n position to sell SOLID 1H CSOTjD EYE-GLASSES, cork hoho pircc, penscopio lcnHus, usually eold H foi S.'i.OO, nt SI.94 l Brussels, 59c. Ml fe-4 I IMl'OHTANT.-lOJ nils regular Our Long llrnuch llocker. cokl ' , ,, ,, , . - elsewhere at lS. 00; ou sale hero n HO H . ono.ilollar Hrussels, rooJ pat. PQ y UH H ' ternsi ou sale liero at , UU ,'H 1 ltcdroom .Suits. r,pocia), at l-.GO np. ! , ... , Leather Sent Dining Choirs, U.J50 tip. IH llicso ore of eicollenl qualll.v and rep. ... ,. . . . IH ... , Fttrnituro deliverod free, under specll ! .seut oven better vnluo tliat, any hereto- ftKr(,emenl, ftt nny rnlIro9(1 Mation or M torn offered . stenniboat landing within 100 miles. jH Bloomingdale Bros., ;a07". I THE TDRF t t The Handicap and "Eve World's" Tips Topics of Conversation. 'jOraTAKFIMHC. I Campbell's Winnings on the Han j dicap Other Track Talk, I Nothing was talked or at Gravcscnd jrester ' day but the Handicap. Trainers ond horse men could not rtguro how Longstreet camo to ; be beaten and Mr. Divyer nlmsMf could not 1 offer any direct explanation ot bow Lougfel : low's chimplnn son perlormed so jiocrly. The ' remarkable successor Tiik World was much commented on aud especi ally alter the races when race-goers saw that vesterdaj's Evkmmi Would had kiptuplts record by tlppleg Oold Dollar at) 20 to 1, Nell coll at 10 to 1, Willie I. nt .'I to 1 and Diablo at even moues, nil to win. Fol lowers ot the KvitMxa Wohld's selections had a great day. lireen H. Morris declares that he didn't have n dollar on Judge .Morrow. He laced blrathmeath In the winter books and when the American Derby winner went wrong he gave up all hope ot winning the hannlcap uutll Judge Morrow tegan to show up will. "I'm as glat tiio Judge won I lor Altc's tMaJor Covington) sake as anything else ler he Ha god lad, takes n pleasure in his work and Is a better boy than you fellowj give him credit lor. Did ho bit pessara over tho head? Of course he did,' and so wou.d uu or anjbody elso when you saw a ho.-se being driven right on tojou. Sly horso was on the rolls, whereas the other had the track all to himself. Hut I not content with that he wanted to crowd the boy In so thai he couldn't keep his horse going; but it illJn'l como off, and that's tho long and short ot It." Sir. tlorrls said thit the Judje was as fresh as a daisy and aid not i show the slightest effect of his hard race. ' John Campbell Is credited with wlining moie money than any one else ou the Handi cap. He plajed ltussell and l'tasara In the i one. two, time future books. Campbell Is an excepll mably clever trainer, and nu i better I root of this Is needei than tho romllil'iu or hts horses nt piesent and his rimarkable successes In the big events, in lhim he wunlhe llroekiyn Handicap with laataw.i) II., and 111 the name Jear lau see ond to alvator In the suburban. Last ear t iissius was also plated In the .suburban, anJ this viar Pessara H uuly Le .ten a head for tho ilanilcap, and will probably wli th5 suburban. No one could complain of tho raelni at (iravesend jesierdav. Ihe second event at a mile aud a slxteeuth was particularly tin-. 1 he whole tlel I ran In n cljse bunch lor smne furlongs. title U w i n irom u rle In a drive by ball a leng.b. Manv clJl.i'.eil that Osrle 'w.iild hav, won hail he got through nv er. and that l'.eau I'.ruun.iel vvai the best burse lu Hit i uce. line I., would hue won, lm maitir bo.v the raci was run. lie win ins! bmk-jii.iiplng irom the start to the h. ul oi th' streti h, and was pounds better tiinii aid tiling c '' the m '. Ills sttb.i ou nt ifiioiiimnces will prove this Ihe i line Ilntsh was due to the fact that llaml ton win t i sleep at i lie sivt culh pole, anl ratal ver ncirly nlpjied him. i , 1. llu.ipert Is to be congratulated on bis owi.irsi,li ot Ajax, who Is ti'tter known as tu, Handy Ultiui nt.Miunlignnult. llebeat I Is tli Id In c untuaudliig at) le jesterday. lie go' uu. i) badlv. but lier.en lo"k matters veri i sillv and rushed the colt In the tretch mill u bum of spied that was . Iivtitciit. 'Ihe iwo-ji ai-"M that beats Ajax this season will le acraekir-Jack. i Viubil! Keeue's siring are In excellent hhape. atnl "1th stic'l Juckejs as llumilti'ii and Nai me to rid' Hum 'hej should ore man) brackets during the season. Honeasier will do to have a let on In fair II a race jesteiday wasanexie. lent eri.iriuuuie. Tarnl is tiding 1 1 superb form. Ills flnl'h on Plikp'isei was me h.'iluin.u Hicili). 'Ihe te iil.iri ate vvalllt.g lor iianlsun and 'liiial.ii siile t lie head 01 eo.iie da) uiitw ' game Ilnlshers. I lien iheiewlil be tin lAliUlili-nof Jivkejshlp. inral's has lust pieseliwdulm with an, iher bab) b. i, '.ud Fred .bciaied that It hi had vvoti ihi Handicap with Pessara he vv mid haio named Hie )oungster ulter the great colt. lea fray, as usual, sulked .lesierday, and a lot ut the llrigliion UiM. lierV uu lie) "h WlllH I 1. w ent back on Tea 1 r.i) s. ... Jockey Dclanr felt very bad txcause Ed iiirrl.'iin aouU not lei hlin have the im-uni on lluion 111 the Keniu.k) DeiD). Dtlany aaked lor hi leleasa and Mr. fonlgau ginuledli. , . Jack McDonald has named his Aretlnc Moderator coll Moderate. I Jonny Howe's work with, tho nig yesterday s-- ..a.-l - . ' - ' was a great improvement over his showing ':H on Monday. Itowo haaalna)a been popular with the public and they want to see him ill succeed tn hts new vocal Ion. 'BJ vH Canvass Is thn samo eld dog. He shows il speed In private trials, but none Tn his races. ! iet he ran a consistent ran a consistent raoa '' ) esierday-nlntb all the n ay. i MORE CENSURE FOR DR. COX. M Another Coroner's Jury Condemns iiH the Roosevelt Ambulance Burgeon. ,1 A coroner's Jury held an Inquest to-day in tH the case of Fritz Winters, who died In Belle- ,l Yuo Hospital ADrll iv from the effects ot ;H turns received at bis home, No. 553 West H Fonteth street, by the overturning ot s M lamp. j'J When Winters was ndmltted to Bellevue, ;H Dr. Hubbard charged that Surgeon Cox, ot ltoosovclt Hospital, who dressed bis wounds, ' had not applied the proper remedies to alio- 'isl late pain. il In consequence, Dr. Cox was censured by 'M the Jury "tor bis neglect of duties lathe t. tH treatment of tho patlen.." '1 burgeon Cox was censured by a coroner's Jury jaVJ fix weeks ago for icruslng to take to bis ho. . sl pltal an old woman who was knecieddown iM in the street and fatally Injured. ; ai 1BJBJI FOUND IT IN PAWNSHOPS fl Mr. Oentley's Btolen Silverware Ee- M covered by thn Police. i Detectlve-sergt, itoche, ot the Brooklyn H Central Office, to-day recovered trom pawn- '.M shops In New York nearly 1 1,000 worth ot ..IJ silverware, which was stolen irom the rest- sBJ denco of Norman 8. Bentley, 271 Hicks ;H streets. ,H The family were In the country between & Feb. IS and April ao, and when they returned iM on ihe latter dam they found that thieves .;9I bad been at work In tbelr house. - ! The pollco have no clue to the Identity ot 49j the burglars. Jl THE NEWMARKET STAKES. Event of Newmnrket'a Second Sprlnfir H Meeting Won by Curio. M (dt iiaocuTED rat-a.) '' I.osoos, May 18 The race tor the New , - market Stakes ot 4,500 sovereigns wu ran at ' aVJ the Ncwn.arket second Spring meeting to-' ' day. it was tor tbrre-ycar-olcis, one mtlo 'jBJ and two furlongs straight. H I it was won by Prince boltykorrs block or IJ I brown coll curl), by Ihurlo, out or Light ot 9H other Days. Sir. Henry Mllaer's bay colt St- . Angelo. ty Clalrvaux or Oalopln, out of Ag- :BH nete. was second, aud sir. Hoses bay colt 8W . iH Damlon, by St. btmon, out of Distant Shors, third. ;i Liontf Island Episcopal Clergy la jH Session at Garden Cl'y. 91 The Episcopal Dlocejan Convention tor 'H LOLg Island resumed lis sessions levday la th.) eathedral at Garden City. - Hepons were made on the conditions of the '' churchisln tho diocese auJ the oiiv ot the . Ihe treasurer's i eport thows V5 000 In- ; ( criase In the fund ti.r aged and inhim clergy- tH j HER VOYAGE IS DELAYED. ' i Mme. Olnhener Woe Arrested on sv H Koboken Steamship Pier. H I sirs. Slaillda Olnhener, alleged to boa dls. H onlerD-hous) keeper at l'-M SbcDougal stnet, ims tc-Jay held for examination at Jeffirson Market court. BH .Mercer street police raided her house Satur- BJ day night, but tailed to arresi her. ishe was arrested Inst night in iioboken as she was BVJ I about to board u bieatushlp bound tor Europe. MSB m IIIJ Wenthor Forecast. BJ riff .. J'- iirit'i: fiitr, erf enffl Bv BH lulu 7'..iirrt i moriidi. ; tcur.iin , mind. BJ t.iviiilJiJ .o ilhfiWrrU'. ''' Thuri&avt litln,tUg f t tfiii tnrr. For VriOt-vi C!""'- BJ ig (ii (he MuriifiiQ-, fMu eeJ tv hi. . CJolr. , Ki'Mi""diiy: F(i,cmI. BH Theiollowliig recorJ shows ths chaa;esl the lemperatuiii lor lus pasi iweuty.WUX m hours H i.....MS. lA.a....eTIH....TJ BEJ '.V'.ro Now m Brlsf. H .v;. ft.,.r.kius " ' tuaaallaillmi b'. BBI M ho... Ciuaii.ia In ! t Llk. Cll BBJ of aauiiary mlaalia laiiwl plul.l ! HH llr ll II rnar. ef Hovbrat.r, N . BH 1..ia.sini.!oiiorth.lliiiiiil. iroup ol niin.a n-r BHJ l'rai.oll, AIK. BBI MfMiall Taeil danlaJto eoramlll .thatb. HH lia.1 aaitlun tul .J taj mollt.l In .i tlag hi. HH bSniJ Ul.ol aj.cim nlm na bit lol- BJ . a BH Cable Ilrevltles. Slinltt.r CoolUl'-'H oceupj .i-Mlnm.rll.M'i l.ia r'aiilanca In Pana. HB sutarn Talu.lila A trakhan tliaap tanl by Mr. HH lVTn,.V," io H.ral.. .rrlarf U BH Uoaon u-d. .n I; th. I "".'J Vi.VriV le Bl cullur.l llepailniaDt Thar aia wantlarr! la V tha.Stlloii.lttaamar llalaalia. BH lh olBclal In tba H"l"s BBT Ultuu.LT.lyn p.rjuryctt. la pubillhad tn Ln- ft llilllah fore, on fi. Afrla.n old enail data. "" lh" tn . tbtru unit, lotl.f .itl of btirntiT..lll.a. iBBT jiBH -'sflVni