Newspaper Page Text
If THE WORLD: WEDNESDAY EVENING. MAY 18, 1892. . 'Z I 9 published bv the JYen J'tibttshtug Compnuv. I :. WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 18. I BUBBORIFTIOHB TO THE EVENINO WORLD I (iicfuitfiiff l'ottage)i 1 pun .MONTH nor. I ; pi:it vi:au ;. I Vol. 32 No. 11,220 I Fntcrrd t the Poet. Office t New York as second- M class matter. I rfHRANllll OFFICES' WORM) UPTOWN orFlCE-Uo7 nnOADWAi I between Slit nil 3'M uti , New York. v on i.i) iiaiim'M oiticc-ijoth bt. n I MAiiifO Arr I 11HOOKI.YN-303 WAmiNnTnx St. P ; PHILADELPHIA. Pa I.rnorn IlpiLMin, 11 J 1 Sol'TH GTII hr WA81II.MiroN-C10 HTII NT. 1 ' LONDON OFFICE 32 Licx.rrn hr., Tiiatai.- B uaii HguArir. API'S llfl. ' FOUR RECORDS BROKEN. The Best Adurtlsing Month In the I History of THE WORLD. PAPERS PRINTED. The Gain in the Average nuinhor of Worlds Printed I per day in April, 11)92, as J Compared with April, 1891, np qjp j " ' : ADVERTISING. i i Best Advertising Day 0 Q70 I (Susd.t, April 10, 1092.) UsU I 0 I : Best Advertising Week Day. 0 4 CO ' (Tuesday, April 26, 1092,) OslllO ij Best Advertising Week nn Jf-n H 5 (Ended April 30, 1002.) LL,fuO B ; Best Advertising Month QJ nnn W ' (April, 1892.) 0 IsfcfcU U Best Previous Month 00 JP( Wi (March, 1892.) OOjIOU I ' Gain for April Over Best "7 70 C ; 1'revious Month I J I DO Ull' T1IK WOULD frill not, muter mv clicitm- jy3l rtiimrt, 7,oM itrelf mimnnUit for lir rrfni u KJk ctt fafr-krriitity ur ttuti i fit tint miiMii.ta tifx faB or J'ffltii rt, or vl n'son rr i harartn ur i ulur. jjHk, -Vo etctptlona trill be mode lu Hilt rule irilh HBj regard to either lettcix vr inclutiire. .tor KKl. will the editor enter into nil rr.iiiuutteiae iuu- MPT, cernlng unataltabl manuaerti'ttt. pHti Tho Evenlne World Trlnts Acso- Efltt ciatod Proas Nowe. If Do not forget tho fund for tlio sick w B babus in the tenements. it E, So Gen. CuithsoN ih "lor tlio w inner." B llicu be in with tho lunj JNty of his party. I IfjE Commissioner IIiicsnan wnnts hctvy e8; ilBmagis fiom tho New York Cential fGm' Unllwny Compnny for his " Denth aw- UUt nuo" oiicneuco, An J fchoultl get tlium. EaP Dr. Ktr.i.EY Bys his druukeuitesh enr JOi' oanuot bo nurtlvz'il. It is m ihm;er of IK loins harshly jit ri.I very g)on unless Irajf the Doctor reliuei aoiuo of the inybtt-rj. . jfiK Tho Natioml Art Association rusoives ' Ogf that it wants uorkx of art put on tho frto k9$J list. Duubtlu-s tho arltul I'rotuctionfita nB io ConcrecB will pity tho anun for thuir K delusion. K A nophew of licvtvaliet Smi Jonlb h mil couvicluil o( tuur.luriUK a niuu. 'Ihu luff uuile tlayh tho JiuiMfcb luuunnsu ami tho IjjC' tuei hiulll"l,"ttt uf teal rclit;ii u omt uMt Mcitpeb cuumvUou. HI 'ihe troublo ib tliut 1'rus.ileut i!l..s J! doebii't ipnto know uuu yet nliether it' BK rnlo to bo roAbMimt hy Qi'i' frauu Kf- clecliirnt.ou that thcro is littlo priupv.t of Rt boattni; h.m without lliixt. Kf 11 sotnis u if tho lives of tho 210 pu. ' BJI nujtrf. of the Alos.imlor Wolkuw wiro ' H rather u iiberal priro to piy to bcctiru tho Kf louoji't'ltctid nibpewtiuu ami ovorhujl- It 1UC of tho Can man bt a Bteimtis. jB ft T'hft eumtt wh.chn just at VK probeut la.islud witii thu heols of 1', auu 1 ft il huvr got wull out of tho way by Juno f lh. 'lhm will liavo the li)in 1 oibo US fe ut m tiuio for tho Subuili m. St It in not mrprikiuc Ihat tho mtetiu- of Wm a coed mauy join n.ory notCH of lVdi Ul' patrouago bhotild been dofeued till Wt thr lo. year of a rcaspiriup Aduituitr. 1R "' And it in bald that they w til bo paid H 5 l'U tulereBt, I.i New York. B Mr. UiaisE'ii ) (,iito HS7PrHF 1u BtippoHiu that tho wor d ucnerjlly WKL-vUhOW nfcLI'8 hlui of ktiovrluj: the Secretary of V Rt Ktnto'a iiuionatit political becrctB. Tho lym yrv:l knows that Mr. Blaine 1 not that VM klU1 ' B 'alller-lu-1w or of n politician. laV Krmor Huwr, pf Stony CreoV, Coun.. Uftt i uot a uc:esfnl artist with tho shot. HE (TU". HeekfiKf to fresco with cold load i? akiiiiiHr ' "" T" ot a doe tePortei1 ,0 to wad, he managed Instead to tattoo with small shot nine strlkinc Italian iiunrryuioli in front of tho villnu'o depot. A littln private tnrot practiee mtclit tuich Mr. llowr. moro of tho when and wliero of shooting. ONLY ItEFORM KEEDI'D. II Is oihlont from tho tnne of tho dls. eusslon in tho Hoard of I.durntlon yos torday that tho Boutinitnls of hoiiio of thu members in relation to the. Colli ro of tho City o( New lurk are not iiifluenroil sololy by educational considerations. 'Ihe College has lonq been n bono of conten tion ainong tho Kchool Commissioners, and it is toured that political anil ior. soiml fuelmi!S nml Interests liuio had lunch to do w ith the antagonism the insti tution has encountered in the Hoard. It is not trim that tho Collcgo is a fniluro ns ati educational institution. Nollhcr Is the assertion that It is all that it ought to bo warranted by tho facts. Tho institu tion has done much to raisn tho standard of education among tlio pooplo, and many of its graduatos hold high positions of honor and tniht in tho city. Hut tho prosent management has great faultH and needs n radical ehaugo if tho full benefits of tho Collego aro to bo secured to tho penplo and to bo enjoyed equally by all, Thcro is no reason why tho Collego hhoulil not bo ono of tho most ofliclcnt and thorough educational institutions in tho country It pays to its professors, is a rule, a higher rats of remuneration than 13 paid by any other American col lege. It ought to command and under good management could secure tho best ability at the head of nil its classes. It 1 does onjoy the services of Boino very ablo professors. Hut they aro in a minority, and a dictatorial and narrow-minded management has greatly interfered with ho efficiency of tho Collego and tho prog lesn ot tho students. Apart from tho vexod question of tho sort of public school education that ought to bo given to tho people; whether or not they should bo satisfied with an Knglish courso and Icavo tho higher branches of study to those who can afTord to pay for them, as some persons con tend, thcro can bo no doubt that while tho city helps largely to uiaiutiklu such a beneficent institution as tho Collego of tho City of Now York, It ought to bo as porfect in its management mid as cllieient in its work ns it is possiblo to make it. No prejudices and no favorittMn, either through tlio wbtms of its management or tho freemasonry of secret societies, ought to be hoard of in a people's collego. 'Ihoilutyof the Hoard of Education is to act with impartiality and detormiua. tiou in effecting such reforms as aro neoded and in giving tho penplo tho full benefit of an institution which coats them coiiBidorablu money, but no more than tho groat causa of high education justifies. C0URTIHO A3 A PROFITABLE BUBINE88. Lots of peoplo fool with matrimony hwo do not know that it is loaded. An east-sido woman understood this fact 'horoughlv when sho went into tho busi uts ot frightening atliauends out of thuir cash and comertlblu collateral by giving them the alternatno of marrying her on tho spot or escaping the awful fato which such an alliance implied. With 'j.MM) in bank and nliatchcns looking for jobs on ,'erv corner of I)iision street and Ilust Hroadway, shoiad all tho stock in trade j that was necessary, llor ollico was uuder , her bouuot, and rapid rusiilts and largo profits followed her tiroloss efforts, i This is how she wurl..'d It : l-'indmg a depirablo victim sho sent a shiitehi u to him, who, baiting his glittering words with a few irresistlhlo remarks about the woman' M)0, which sho watt willing te pay for a liiibbaud, quickly mrangod foi amairiago. A fow days thereafter tho woman swoopod down on hor pw, and, under pretenso of domaudlug an imino dialo performance of tho ceremony, frightened tho intending bridegroom out ' ofnycai's growth by her hustlm; buii. nefH liko methods nnddroxo him to tho desporato extremity of "putting up" to return his libortv, Sho struck ono man for 100, and after hoofforod her ?5, compromised on $13. Another victim had to send hiH gold watch round Ihu corner and raise, rt'lon it to lift tho uiortgago which sho held on his, future freedom. The last ictiui land, worse than thu others, for sho married him, aud instead of giiiiig him tho prom, ised ijtn.l had bun arrested for abandon ment. etc.. because ho refused to go to xjrnrlr. Mttrimouy has its terrors, as every body knows, for some of tho people wiiliiu ,ts Hut hero is a parly who strews its threshold with thorns and ,rrikos eouitship a thing of torture, along. siHo or which I'oe'k contracting chamber of horror is a blun aud gold boudoir. The woman in question selected widow era for hor urtnns. It was so much easier for thorn to understand that a llanceo who would wipe up the floor with htr bo. trotlied woull bo a wild aud woolly whirlwud when sho became a wife. Having been thoro before, thev probably d'dn't want to bo there again, and cheer ful y thiew up their hands and let tho i buxom buueoer ham CMTVthing, ixccpt 'their only suit of elothos. 'Ihat is how the made tho business pay. A MI&1AKEN VETO fiov. Flowth has disapproved tho Anti.Kiduopping Society's bill to allow inmates of insane asylums to writo ouco a month, without supervision, lo somo pci Mm in tho outsido world. Ho says thn pres, nt law ampiv protect tho rights of patients 111 asylums, became letters addressed to public officers mint bo forwardod unopenoJ, aud all others must bo sent to tho Commission in Lunacy. This ha thinks Is sufficient safeguard against improper treatmeut or coulluemtut. 'Ihe liovornnr is wrong. It was be. causo tho safeguards which ho mentioned in his memorandum have been proven in. I si.JU -lent that the bill was drown. 'Ihe measure which ho has vetoed was care. 1 fully put In shape. It would not. as he , opines, have interfered ' with the propci conduct of institutions for the Insane, " nor subjected " mauy persons to unneoes iary annoyance and embarrassment." An "nnnoyance" or "embarrass, ment" greater tbsn that falllug to asani person held in an insane asylum tbroogt somebody's Interested cunning or mallei would" bo difficult to conceive. Sack ex. pcrlcncos do eomo, despile the present ' apparent safeguards, and tho bill vetoed yesterday would have gone far lo remedy the great ol. Its disapproval was an. other of tho mistakes of Mr. 1'i.owiii. I "L" STATIONS AND 1'OUCE. 'lho l'ollco Commission! rs, nt tho ro qiiest of tho General Manager of tho Klo Mited Itailroads and mi the liiommouila- j Hon tif Supt. IhiiHPs. bavo agleeil to ditail special polico ollieers to somo half 1 11 docu of tho railroad stations lu thu rltv to looknftcr druukin and disorderly persons. I'erbaps this a proper order and in thu public Interests. Thu duty of tho police, however, is to look after drunken and disorderly persons in tlio strict, wherever they may bo found. Tho best prott clion I for thu pulilir at tho Klouttcd Knilroad ' Btotlons would bo a few strong and em- I phatiu instructions' to tho guards, ticket- I lokers and porters of thu road to triat lho passengers with courtesy and formula j of them to act as a bully or ruffian on 1 a cry poHsiblo occasion. HMD, Intoxicated men arn llablo lo mako a disturbanco nt such places, and n 1 special polico officer to look nflcr thorn may bo well enough. Tho latest English compartment car raso is tlio worst of all. A clergyman of previously unstained charartcr tho uc. I cuscd, his victims two 111 number, both J I in ono train. HI this bring tho Hritish i I people and railway companies, to tholr Beuses, so that tho compartment cars may 1 1 go and take with them thu temptations aud opportunities for such crimes V Having tho Kills Island buildings turn-1 bio nbout tho heads of newly arrived additions to tho population would hardly bo a commendable method of discour aging Immigration. Hut tho Congress Committee roports to Secretary 1'osikii tho cxtreino possibility of Btich nn occur-, reucc. Tho country would bo hotter satisfied I ! with less of o rainbow tingo to .Senator Allison's declaration that by July 1st I thoro will bo a National surplus of i2T,. 000,000. If tho Senator proves n trno I prophot thcro will hnvo been somo clever work in economy between this time and that in Congress. The number of tragedies brought about by tho faithlossness of wives was sadly and notably Increased yesterday- And tho most woful part of it is thnt not only human lifo coos out in every cade, but some portion of human lovo aud faith and hope, as well, which makuii tragedy within tragedy. Pugilist firi.MVAN is declared fit by export medical authority. Hut it is 1'ugillst ComiKTT to whom his admirers expect him to glvo fits in Septomher. Legal lightning has improved in its striking qualities at Auburn Prison siuco the Kemnilor experiment. THE CLEANER. Judging from lhiglMi cxcliiiiges, l.ondim must bosurlerliig terrllil from tlio T.i-ra-i.i lluom-ile-.iy epidemic. It creeps Into tlio most prosy repoils, and u'hders ut tlio sun aro ih lured lu cvciy stjlo. London Is mil to bo em led. A friend, lately returned from auroad, tells 1110 an amusing snake stmy, A venomous reptile wis shipped Irom llidt.i In a bos. liber ally supplied with air units. 'lhi bu wjs I regarded with suspicion and placed In one ut tho llte-uo.its. During the Mijugo setirai littlo snakes made thuir debut and wrlu''lid through the holes to the deck, to the tenor ot the passengers. Not d irlug to tutu li the box containing the p.irent snake, the sailors pulled ttiu plus mil n( the boat and loweied tt Into tho sea, wluro the bos. Honied awuj. I saw yesterday a novelty lu the way of flowtr as"S. It was a colored glas bowl standing un three feet, with a perforated glust li.), thioiiKh tho apciturcs In which, inch Mower U In id beparalcly lu posltluu. Now look out for a bell fad. It Is tho latest thing In Jewelrj, and carries with llapromlbu of unceasing good luck. It Is a little golduu atlalr fashioned alter an nnelcnt bell found In some excavations. Upon Its four sides are' enslaved tireek chaiaclers, Interpreted, "1 was made against fascination. ' A gentlemau wnowuruouu upon his watch. chain Is said I in I1.1t 0 carried away tiiu.ouil Irom Monte Carlo during a recent visit, lho women of ancient Koine aro said to hue worn similar , bells as a protection against wlicheraft, evil eye, 4c. An enterprising rngllsinnan, with a of Yankee liigenult, has Inientcd what ho callsaripl) postal card. It Is an ordinary postal lard with spaco for ipiestlou and answer 011 ono sldo and a thin outer on the other, whlth, up in belli,' lorn on", loaves the faeo clean fir ihe letuin address. The In ventor Is trj lug to get tho Kngllsh (iuveiii. ment to adopt liH card, but does not seem likely to su. ci ed. VNORLDLINCS. Ml 1. Jean Nttlinn, tln vron thn honors of the Intfr.UtM ro IfKUtn erntoriOAl runtcat tt Mlu 1 ualM li. In ..lily oliiPti'en yi-ari old Mie Is it ntm ' trrittt juutur taesuf ihe tie Pau U'aDeraitjr, I la Iitduna I I llio Urce.t child ,er horn. It it iaKI, ntttlie j ton ef lltut tlie " hrntilrkir lllaut." ttid lilt J "Iff, ire "Noit Scotia l.iatito t.' Fhit lufaDt, j lterrulrs, neunedtloi pnuud. I Only ittrntr-tli of Ihe i.W. t,.a that pitte.l ttirouKli the Suez I'aual latt jear bore the Amertcau flax. l'orkt were not iotroluccd Into lhistand until I tlio rrlun of Jamet 1., lu the teienteen.a lotitury. I The latest novelty from Pranco It the eilatillt'i- liient of a Sumuier tehool for fount uoiueu 111 ihe l.lffel Toner. I 1 Itoata Bomatlmos. j lrow, tt. 1 I kcultul Youth (languid!) )-l')o pu sing "Koreterand rVuerer:' 1 bhe (iracticall)) No, I slop fur mcsls. ' I ! VKK3B u r""1 nunflri mnam I F"K Dcar 5lr: Hi 1 I rS'viilfo tin-cent stampa ' JSal'vfw '"''" br'"3 o" ' b "35kidi aea,ed "id (ret . I ft- S?'jOKVrom ", a sam- . B Vs3kV' of the Imngfi "JVraSr'ec''M for iofB r rs.xr-w jsjsy;B0. fa,i,g y,tai,tj r and Nenroui Debility, Alto stale! 600 . got startling facts and truths. ThionlS 1 certain Specific for Premature Dtca.i . "Cure guaranteed. CONSlJlTAllON FBEt 0AII.V 0 A- U. to B P. M. Suruf.i. 10 A. U. Is t p. y. ! I IftmO HOMEOPATHIC WSTltVtE. I a M fifth Arn,u, Nn, York Clt. - s mmJL BABIES CRY TO YOU,1 1 1 1 Tlio Hot Woathor J.3 Horo and Littlo O1103 Aro Sufforing. Work Awaits " Tho Evening World " .Corps of Frco Physicians. Scuil it Contrlbiitlou anil Help Along tho bummer Charity. THE SUBSCRIPTIONS. TMr tlvrstun Woain (lon.oo PreeloiKlt acknoledecl 1,U4..11 P. W. Ihlolinaii il 00 W. II 1011 I'atli 1 (HI tlut.le, .Marniii rite, lhttlo ami llrace. ., 20 M. Ull ,30 It lsalinoil lime for Tub Kvr.NINO Womii Corps ut Tree I'll) slcl ins tu bo In tlio Held lighting lur thu lltos of the sick babies ot tho tenement pour Already warm weather Is at hand ana already thu pltuoUB pleadings ut littlo ones In pain can bo heard. Thu probability Is that thcro will bo a greater demand than eter before fur tho min istrations of tho children's physician. This means 111010 money than was collected 111 former Jfcars. Tiik KtKNisn Vtoitin presents tho plain fact to Its readers, confident that the state ment Is all that Is ncee-sary to awaken lnrger enthusiasm than has jet existed among tho numerous irhnds of this boautlful charity and to widen their purse-strings and causo ihclr hearts to beat higher for tho success of ihe sick nablcs' l'lind than has been the case tn t ho prot ions Ulster) of the causa. contributions need not bo large. Brnall coins arc always big factors In every charity. will boon grown Into dol lars, aud these two will multiply to quickly that the result will take on the aspect of an Aladdin's lamp achlevem nt. Mend In what juu lll.o, AH Hums will no thankfully ac cepted and every penny will do good. THE HOMES OF WRETCHEDNESS. Many or Thorn Hero Which the Sick Bnblos' Fund Will Reach. When tho ros) -cheeked Mrs. Dorothy Ten mint .Stanley was in Now York Bhe looked In tain for n veritable tattcrcoat to put In her collection uf street children. i.raclnus .Mmc. Albanl went through tho backgrounds aim In tho shado ot this city and saw nothing surmising. "I'overt) tn America,'' sho said when sho returned, "only mimics tho mlsiry ot i:ng land." It Is just possible that tho local pride of tho committees on sight-seeing Induced them to steer the distinguished visitors clear of tho bywr.ys, lanes and slde-trarks where the pri vates In the awkward squad of city life aro Impilsoned. Lady Henry .Somerset looked over the field bounded by tho bridge, the battery, Four teenth street and the L'ast ltlver, and said : " It Is horrible I lmrilhlcl lho herding of human bt lugs, tho creaturn suffering and the degradation ot soul and body has no parallel In London, .Manchester or Calcutta." Mrs. Annlu llesant, whoso efforts In tho nanio of huinanlly and progress have been earnest and until Ing, went vrcrywhere, and after 1 ompletlug the rounds summed up her observations in (ifioscnti'iico : " l'overty has nngengiaphv." Her iscorl was her hostess, Mrs. bainuel Klehtierg, a lad) whoso religion Is based upon two prlnclples-charlty and truth. It has hi en her lnbll for almost twenty ') ears to go down Into .start at Ion Alley and lift struggling humanity out of tho mire. Sho lent her help not to thu multitude, but to the lndlt bin it family, w Ith tt bh.h sho worked and siritcd until It ttai up on dryland and on tho straight road to happiness and prosperity. Mm hlitd 11 ph)Mclau at her own expense to treat tho ailing baby, straighten tho curv ing spine and iced tho dellcato littlo bones that weio crumbling beneath tho slight weight of the growing children, sho paid uneniplo)ed hospital nurses to go to tho wretched home and teach tho poor. Ignorant mother tho rudiments of housework and hyglnie. M10 engaged painters and kalso mltiorsto m.iko tho repairs (ho landlord ro lusedtodo. .sho found imploymcnt for tho Idlo husband, and manual training for tho clilldriii, and at all hours of tho day and night shu waged war against drunkenness 1 aud idleness. I It was in theso rounds of practical charity at midday and midnight, In fair weather and I foul weather, that Mis. llesant saw the poor of New York as they realty are, and con llrmed hor belief that " l'overty has no geog rapii)." It seemed to her that very littlo was done for the helpless In this city. Mie did not ad. I tocato the bestowal ot even a farthing, but sho womb red why tho prosperous did not personail) mingle with tho poor to counsel them, show them their mistakes and cnco'ii ago them with sympathy and Influence. Fvery n.nn who has the means of acorn, fortable litellhood, sho maintained, was In duty bound to help his luckless lellow. , man." Kt cry woman In society w as answer. ablo lor tho debt Bbo owed hor humble sister, 1 and "no child In the land wastoo)oung to be ' taught tho lesson ot human kindness " And (hero )nu have, from the lips of an Kngllsh humanitarian, a woman who has lived and suffered, whose defense of tho weak and alleglanco to the helpless has brought her respect and love, now, true and good rea sons to come to the support of the slcit babies and help lim Kvknimi Wohi n to reach them. "It Is tho dutyot ctery man with tho means ot a comfortable livelihood to help tho luckles fellow " temporarily ai.aulrd, the min w ho has been tripped up In tho race and cannot provldo nourishing food for his youug family. It Is the duty of etcry wmnin la enmforta bio circumstances "to giein among tho woikcrs"uml single out soaio poor sister wluibp lot Is naid and tt ho ,e burden Is too heavy to carry. The tcry beauty, health and happiness ot her own littlo children sh uld mauo her anxious to do something for the grliu.vlsaged mother and her bro d ot little ones, mado crooked, scraggy, cross aui almost hideous by want and dlease. i No child In oil New York who has arrived at tho age of thought it too young to be 'taught that the children ot the poor have a claim on his s)tnpatny and aro entitled by tho unwritten laws of humanity to a morsel 01 his plum cako and a tithe ct his pennies. He need cot be a little WlUUm Astur In or- Why? earline the only Washing Compound ever imitated. t rW-i -iiWliTWlr- n-f'f 11 jJi&KmMlUk tmagmHumiiauiij&agMMmMjltt HUB der to bi'como a contributor to tho cause of goodhcil'ti. Dank bills aro not expicted, hotvovir di'tlrable. All)' 11 nil little rascals with fun In jour eyes and dimples In )our knees nro naked for Is thu price of ono gill of sterilized milk. Nothing )ou can contribute will como amiss, and etiry solitary penny will bo duly ac knowledged In thCKo columns. This merry sunshlno and thcao May blos soms mean hummer. Hummer means sick ness and physical dlscomlort to many thou sand", and that Is why you will please hurry and send In your foe for tho tioatmentof ono poor child. N eli. Nelson. Fronts of o, Fair. Inclosed plcaso nnd 20 cents for tho Sick liable' Fund, the proceeds ot a fair gotten up and conducted by four tiny maids. nt-ssix. M llldtlKRITK. llFSSIE. UllACIK. A Drooklynlto'a Gift, r.i ih' riiiinr Inclosod plcnso tlnd SI for tho Sick Ilablcs' Kund. FhfiiW.Tiiifi.mas-, lirookiin. Ton Dlmos Moro. To Ih rl (Mr- Inclosed plcaso nnd 1 for the 6lck IJaby's Fund. W. 11. Fifty Conts Worth of Good. T Ih tAllnr Inclosed nnd 50 cents for the tund. SI. U II. Hero's Another Dollar. Tn Ih riiltnr I 1'lcaBo accept tho Inclosed mlto for tho Itaby Fund. Cisn. For a Poor Family. T ho caso of a poor family tn East Third sticct was told In .Saturdays Kvemnii ! Wom.11. Sirs. SI. F. has sent $8 for them and u. A. W. '-'. THE KRUPP CAMERA. 1. "K C ' " lly the Orcat f.osh, 'tis tho trail of a tilaour." II. "Slcrcyon mc, by your vanity, my chief tains." III. " Wo shall mako n pretty couple, my littlo chocolate-cream 1" IV. Tho effect ot the Instantaneous Double Action Duplex Dynamiting Camera," spo dally adapted tor savages." Ho Wan Particular. Ho was standing at the corner of Woodward and Jefferson avenues last hunday morning, sa)8 the Detroit Free J're, evidently In doubt, when a policeman camo along. " I want to go to Westminster church," ho iatd to the ofllcer. " Up horo on Woodward avenue, Isn't It T" liK'Uhod tho blue-coat, whoso religious edu cation had possibly been neglected. "'that's what tho hotel clerk Bald," ex claimed the visitor. I " Well, you Just catch this car coming nnd It will take )ou right past there." " I don't want that kind ot a car," objected the Inquirer. What's the matterwlth thatcarf" argued the onicer. "Do )Ou oxpect a vostlbuled train!" And ho looked as It the good name ' of tho city ot Detroit was belug smirched. I I " No, not exactly," hesitated the stranger. I want near that will take me where I want to en." " Well, didn't I tell yon that car would take )nu right paat there'" asked the omcer, somewhat provoked. "Yes, )OU did, and 1 nm much obliged to you, but I don't want a 1 ar that will take mo past there," protested the visitor. " What I want Is a car that will Ut mo out when I get there, bcot" Tho policeman gasped once or twice, the j stranger let a wee lit m a smile nicker on his face, and as tho car 1 ame by ho swung 'easily on to the platform, leaving tho onicer to wonder why some people were so funny on a Sunday morning. Ono Below Par. Irom Ju-l i J lilnobumpcr I nlwajs laugh when I hear cubbago tr) lng to slug uld Hundred." I t-natts Why? Illoobumper He's niter ablo to get any I higher than Nlncty-uii i-niuo." A Volunblo Horse. I lrorn !., ,tig,ttl. ' You are lu mourning, my old Irlendf" Yes." " For whom T" "Korinytvic. feho went out riding tho other day, tell from her horse and thereby lost her lite." 1 ltt-Hlly ? I am bi rr for you 1" I Thanks." Hy lbs bye, wouldn't you like to BCllme I that horse 7" Very borry, but I intend getting married again." WEAK MEN EhxIIt. C(nirkl). lYrmnncritlr ItratnrrM. Wrakneu. Nrrroutncee. Ilablllijr ana all the train of aetla Iroiu tarlr errors or later ezceatea. toe retain ot oitr work .Icknett. worrr. An. foil elreafllh, 4efelopmtm aoa ! slven to cTerr erlo and portion 01 Ihe bod. Simple, patmral neUtode. Immediate iraproveBieDtteoa. rsilnrs lmpMiblerJ,oop itl.,. uctt. peek, eipleneUeoa iudlireol lulled (ttiLt)(rM. adarett FOLYPUS TUMORS AND CATARRE .i.v vsxAivitAL annuTii which ril.l.b VI' Till! XUSE. U tint 11 llrpiirttr l.titrned nt the Ofllttt of Doctori McCoy nnd lllldmnli, Ihe (innt t'ufnrri A;irrlflf. A reporter learned at tlieotlket of Doetore MeCnj ml VVilitman that nneof Ihe inotl annojloe ohtr. ilerlntkt nf ratarrh In an abanced tttie It the iiro-enrenf noljpua tutnort In the note, an unnat ural urcmth whleh tlila the nuelrus and eliuta off the natural breathing fliaimelt, compelling the anlterer to breathe thriuli lot or her iiMntb. (Ine nf tbel)n..lor eald "A great mauj of our pa tient., hen tliejr rtl begin treatment, don't dream that their nnalrilt are tilled with poltnua tiimiira that hate been growing for jeara, and Iher are tiiriitloeft hen In a twinkling we remote a t ninor a big at a hlckorr nut and ahow It to them. It It dune b; ut nnli ker and with leta pain than in pulling a tooth, ami men the patient It able to breathe freelji, and Ihe relief It wonderful. The uotirilt are Miilcklr r.tnre.1 to treii natural func Hone and life It le.t ..fa burden. Thltltoolj one little pliate of dread rtlteate, catarrh." Ibttore Mtt'oyand tt ildman make aepeclaltr of the treatment of all cnroiilo dlteatet. Including latarrh. The all medlclnee free, and their cliarget for treatment are to inoderato that they are within thena. h of all. DOCTORS MCCOY "AND WILDMAN, OIIIcob, 6 Knst 42d Btrcet, Now York, where all curable caset are treated wlthaueceat. II you lire a a dl.lance write lor eymptom blanks Conciliation al odtce or by mall free of charge. Addreat all malt to V Latt 4'M ttreet. Nee; York. Iimcehour. 'I to 11 A. M.. a to 4 I'. M I to 91'. .tt. tsiindart 9 to l'JA. M. FASHION NEWS ANU NOTES. Straw Hats Eemodelled with a Crown of Gauze or MulL 0110 airy, dainty treatment of tho straw hit Is to rip out the crown and Insert a cap ofgauroor silk mull, with Just enough wire fur a prett) shirring effect. Tho mull must mutch tho stiaw, of course, and then all the decoration is planted on tho brim. Planted Is the word, tor ono knot holds la place a bow of rlblxn with as many loops as the legs of a centipede, and growing from ono Btem Is a rosebush with buds, halt blown and full blown roses. An elegant dress worn at a rccont hand some dinner Is ot black silk and net In largo diamond-shaped meshes, without figures. It Is mado over shot silk, changing from blue to gold and Is trimmed with rich gulpuro lace. White alpaca as a material for dressy gowns has been brought to tho tore by no less an authority than Worth. A very stylish gown of this material is made with a velvet Eaton Jacket, with tho full front of tho corsage ot whlto mousscllno do sole. At Ogantz Seminary no girl Is permitted to wear costly rings or any unnecessary breast pin. 'Hie finger ornament Is limited to one plain gold band, and It tho brooch or stick pin Is not actually needed to fasten the collar It cannot be worn. Karrlngs, bracelets and necklaces aro absolutely unlnwfuL Watches arc permissible, however, and In the cases and guard chain tho vulgar rich manago to display huge stones and costly mosaic work. Fashion has set her foot upon the gradu ating dress and kicked off every article of lace, l'.lbbous? Yes, but they must be narrow. A pretty little accessory to the toilet which Just now Is very modish Is a rucho ot satin ribbon mado like a mlnlatttro Elizabethan ruff. It Is of reversible rlboon, say green on ono sldo and plmc on tho other, and Is tied with a narrow ribbon bow either at tho fiont, back or side, ns is most becoming to the wearer. H is not Intended to bo a prominent feature, but only an Incident of tho neckwear. Sirs. Paul, Lady Slanagcr of the World's Fair from Virginia, Is giving particular al. tentlou to representation of tho colored women. Tho younglady graduates of Hamp ton Normal Instltuto (colored) nro co-operut-lng with Mrs. Paul In tho endeavor to secure a complclo exhibit ot the progress ot the race. In tho progressive cooking schools and philanthropic kitchen gardens thu pupils havo thico separate stations through which tho dbhes nro put. First, thero Is tho pan filled with warm suds, with a big soft cloth; next comes tho rlnslng-pan ot warm water, and adjoining Is a drip-board of criss-cross pine. II Is good to know that theto are wide-awake housekeepers who can do the dishes In a JlfTy w lthout any fuss nnd only ono basin ot water. m m An Improsedve Warning. ITroin Ttxut Slttniji. Mother So you say Charles has becomo a Journalist. Daughter Yes ; the first Issue of his rapcr will be out noxt week. Mother-Well, )ou can let him know, as coming from me, that If I find ono of thoso silly, pointless Jokes about mothers-in-law In his paper I'll snatch him bald-headed the first time I can lay my hands on him tho brassy littlo whelp. I'll teach him. That Wao Hla Lay. oei Me Il.troU Tt fri " Cnn ) nu beat a carpet ?" said tho lady of 1 thn houso to tho tramp who asked for some thing to cat. Don't know, mum," ho replied frankly, " I net er tried. Hut I guess mebbe I can, for . I'te beat most everything else In this town." tpo B. A Itman & Co. will offer Ijiiss To-morrow, Thursday, May zg, I The , Hnnun Ladies .-button pique Pecn Kid Gloves, at te BhOI A 25 F- I . . 1 loom A. per pair. li,c flhey Knogi tore . , BrOUli Also, Baui Ladies .-button French u; Suede Gloves, !! tn Tan, Beaver, Slates and Black, at ft1" CU per pair. ;; Kid as ciu JHct 18th St., igth St., and 6th Ave. K (18M Street Station Elevated Road,) M Hm m an K - Bi CLOTHING. foikacrew Coat and Veil, 10.00. Clay Dlago. al Haek"nl. U 00. Alto "", ,9J;: num. llannockburn and llawloll Chetlota v tremelylowprlcea. .,,, EOYS' YOUTHS' AND CHILDREN'S SUITS, allalyleaandpncet. Special line of Chtldren'a Jertej Bolls. S. 00. F.nsllili Imported Worated f".nt.. ..00. Ulg liarialn. No oitrs charge la made lor CREDIT. ,,adTf s;i?wsf frW es0.nn'd0,c,!d.ttd8vv,.p. from $ J.&0 up. MISSKS AMD CHlLDnEN'B SUITS, REEFERS, I1LAZEKS, Ae, filace Stlka all colore, Bo. l worth II. 15. India Silk. Mi.' worth ai.00. En.Itah nd Scotch Chetiott. all wool, 39c. , worth loc. r.n. All other gooda at prices In proportion. Family trado solicited. IIOUHEKKEMNG GOOUH. FURNITURE AND CARPETS, PAIILOTI SUITS. CHAMP-EIl SUlT8,FpLB INII.IIROS. HKFlUoKltATOlUs. HAtlY OAK HIAOKsV OILCLOTllS, MATT1NCB, c. BROOKLYN. line of Men's, Youths' and Uoja-Clothing, Laiea Wrapt, Jackets, 4a, Ac , tame prloos and same terms. Open Wednesday and Saturday Keening, until 9.30. ENTRANCE THROUGH FURNITURE STORE. T. KELLY, 263 8th ay, & 104-106 W. 17th st, VAGRANT VERSES Bontr. Her cheeks are like a tluted roe. That.lnne hath Mull, cbarllhed, Her heart la like a iter that glows, W ben day hath darkling perished. Her tolce is as a snug bird's sweet, The drowsy wolds . waking Hut ah , h.r lot. Is patt compare, . Andksep. my heart from breaking) Lott eunbeama llgnt her trettes free. Along thttr thadowa gleaming, Her smile, eutaugle memory And att the aoul dreaming. Her thoughts, Ilk. serapha, upward soar, berth's narrow bounds foraaklng llut ah. her lore abldee with me And keeps my heart from breaking. rlortne Karl Coal in LippineotV t. All In the Name. Why named they this the month of May - Of nlcknamea, pray, be wary I For oysters we might eat .to-day Had they but called It Mary. It: An Epitaph. A martyr to duty beneath this stone ll.s, A lotlng young husband who at. hi. wife's pies. Judj. . Unmerited Reproof. trroei (. The Rector Sly dcar yqung lady, I hope I am mistaken, but I thought I saw you talk ing during the service ) esterday. Stray Lamb You certainly are mistaken, Doctor. Why, I luwr talk in my sleepl FURNITURE AND CARPETS. SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK. SPEGIAL FOR THIS WEEK. ' PARLOR SUITS. CARPETS. Sail, 8118. 880. 875, 8100 rVJiffflTt'AV AND UPWARD TO 8300. W VVaKTI&Va , At this season wo offer rare bargain, in all our sVLOOK COV12K1NCJS. I arlor furniture. ,,,. IN onDER TO MOVE OUR LARGE AND ELF- IiKDUOOM SUITS. "ANT OCK. OUIOKLY WK HAVE DECIDED llslJJXVJJUM. oUM.l.i3. TO FURTHER RKDUU1S OUR PRICES. 810, 811.00. 812-0. 816. 818, 80, .. ,.,,,, u, ,. .... and UPWARD TO BIAII 3II1QUKTTI M HKHOI,II KL. S- . , . V , IIAllUblinH OF COST, Many new designs at very low prices. Dnino cniniup Dene tai'emtkiks, hoc n:it vaiiii. PARLOR FOLDING BEDS. uuussui.s and inuhains at U DHFERENT DESIGNS AND MAKES. '' Al'''ff "'0' '"' Atkt. urNo. 2 Red. with large betel mlr- .1IATTIN11S. tor front, lor 8'il.aO worth 35. 0ut , mport,ton of China and Japanese t'omeded to be the innit perfect article, tbor. atraw now on elhlbltlon. Many new and novel ouhl innttructed, easily handled and worked, effects, white, red, check and tancy patterns. In nrue far below anything in the market. . i .TVixri nnnii l'ro,u sl l'er Uo" "' 10 Y"r,,', UliNliVI-ltUtlfll. Kneclal attention It calleil to our large line of MDF.llOAllDS, 88, 810 amlnp.ard to 8I.M) IIAIIY V Ml III .I1K - nearly Iuu different each detlgnt -at prlcee from 8 I.O up. Alto a large S7.U"F.X. .i TAW'I:8' 83'0, a' """ " 1 '.'r'd'a'ndothV, iU'i "" '"U'nf A mainltirent line ot newlr designed Sideboards, Till! I'I'ltMHIl IM1 (IF HW.t.VII!U I'lleiitlou Isblet, Dining I naira, ,to , Jtc .at rata. llOL'rsLH A Nil t'OTTAtllili A thattaunol elsewheie be excelled In cheapueas. HVV.Vl Al.T V. ACCOUNTS OP ENED FOR ALL. PAYMENTS ARRANGED I TO SUIT CUSTOMERS. SOL HEYMAN & CO., 993 & 995 3d Ave., bet. 59th & 60th Sts. It UK. (STATION ON OUU COHNUU. FLINT'S FINE FURNITURE. I' ... n i . . i i i- ' K SPECIAL BARGAINS. B W. mean to clear our of 8PSINO jK ClOOIIH.ev.n If th. Motlnuou. r.duetlon. brlpc jB price, to tb. cost of cartas W. nmst kMp fas Hl tories running at any los. Id l.ftT.r patt.rDS. Tfa B ar. now gelling H HIDRDOARDS. B Those worth 137 ar. down to (30. K UINIM1 TADI.IiH. H Those worth (30 aro no III, DININU CIIAIItH. M High back., with leather back sad .est, lliaie H nowtl.TS. H HUITS JM W. thought oheap at CIS, now QiO. jH BUY OF THE MAKER, H CEO. C. FLINT CO., 104. 100 AND 108 WEST 14TI1 ST. H i-ss'M'SSS..M......MIISlMaVSSVttttt- IH HEADING RjlLROlD SYSTEM. I Station foot of Libert) St., North Filter. I.v Tim. Tabl. In .fleet May IS, UDJ. Meat lYo Train, leave via I !$. Central ltnllroad of New Jersey ley ASJ Vila For Philadelphia, Baltimore & WashloglM ; ROYAL BLUE LINE. i For Philadelphia, f )0, 7.45. 9.00. 10.00, 11.11 We with Dining Car, A. M. . 1 80. J. 16, S.SU, IU Dining Car. 4.00. 5.00, 0.00. 7.SQ P. M.ltll iff i night. Sundayi. 9.00, 10.1)0, 11.30. with DlelU , ' Car, A. M., 1.30. 8.30, with Dining Oar, i.M. 9 !n 6.00 1'. M.. 13. 15 night. - I be! For Daltlmor. and Wathlngton dally ak I.v, I he II HO, with Dining Oar. A. M 1.80, 1.30, Dlattg Ke Car. 6.00 1'. M., 12.15 night. Parlor Care on day trains. on algal tralna i tor Rea 'Ing. Ilarritbnrg, Potl.vlll., A..,.l 7.45 A. M ran, 4.00. 6.110. fottsvllla. p: 7. JUeicepi Harrlsburg V. M.. 1J.15 night, eaespt ul Saturday night i Sundays 11.80 A. M., 3 SOetespl llarrttburg, 0 00 ascent Pottavllte, 6.00 except Harrltburg P. M,, 13.15 night. For Hnnbuy, - Lewl.bura and Wllllamtnort, via an 7.45 A. M., 1.30. 7.30 i'.M.. 11.15 night, exteel Saturday night j Sunday., 6. OOP, 11,, 13.15 mil " f or Vaeton, 4.00. 7.15, 8.45 A. M. 1.00, 4.S0. it! 5.45,7.30 P.M. Sunday, 4.30, T. IS A. M..1.M ., 5.30 P.M. ' SI For Itathlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, .1., 4.00,7.15, S 45 A.M., 1.00, 4,30. 5.45, TJsU Allentown P.M. Sundays, 4.30, 7.13 A.M., 1.00, 8.30 P. M. , Fl For Wllke.barre, Plttaton and Seranton, 6.4 ye A. M.. 4.30 P. M. Sundays, 4.80 A. M. ltl For High Bridge Branch and La. Hopsloone. ., 6.00. 8.45 A. M., 1.00, 4.30P. Mr Sundaya, 7.11 lu For Perth Amboy and South Amboy, 4. SO, f.J'. 8.16, 11.16 A.M., 1.80. 4.00. 4.30. S.l; 6.16, 7.30P.M. Sundays, 11.00 A, U.. 4 OOP M. .. f for Freehold and Atlantle Highlands, 4.S0, S.1S. la 11.15 A.M., I. BO, 4.30. 6.15 P.M., w except Freehold, B.00 A. M., 4.00P M. L. m For Red Ban k, Ixrng Brabrh and poInU sonlh le Point Pleaaant, 4.30. S.19. 11,16 A.M.. 1.80(3.46 l" Red Bank only), 4.00. 4.30, 6.15 P. M. Soodays t (except Ocem Grove and Aabury Park),.00A.H.. 0P- M- a te For Lak.wood, Toms River. Barnegas Prk aol Barnegat, 4.30, 8.15 A. M.. 1.30. 4.3BP. M. , .. For Atlantic City, Vlneland and Brldgetea, 4. J9 A. M.. 1.30 P. M , , t, . For Monmouth Beaeh, Seabrlght and IliaM.oa Beach at 4.30, S. 16. 11.15 A. M., 1.30, 3.40, Se bright .xpre.s 1.30 P. M. Train lenve above nation vln. I.KIIKUI VAI.LHY RAILUOAD For Buffalo, Niagara Falls and the West. J 8.15 A. M., 7.30 P.M. Sundays, 8.19A.M., 7.30 For Easton, 7.00, 8 15 A. M, I 13.80, 3.1S.3.4S, I 6.15, 7. JO 1'. M. Sundays. 7.00,, 11.00- 1 it. . 4.40. 7.3U P. M. . k I For Bethlehem, Allentown and Mauch Chan (, 1 7 00.8.15 A. M. I 13.80,8.43. 5.15. 7.3Q f. M. Bundava,7.00, 8 15, 11.00, A. M.I 4.40.7 30 A.M. . rot Haileton H.15 A. M.I 13.30, 3.45. 7,80 f. lu li. Buudaye, 8.16, 11.00 A. M.I 7.30P. M. . For points In th. Mahaaoy coal region at , s-A ATM .13.30, 3.43 P.M. Sondavs 8.T5. II A. . Is: For Wllketbarr.. Pittttnn and Scrtnton. B, A. M., l'J.30, 3.48, 7.80 P.M. Sundays, except U Scranlon. 8. IS A.M.. 7,30 P. M. -. flk ForF.imlra8.15A. M.. 13.80, 7.30 F. M. Sua- dajaS 15 A.M .7.30P. M. .. ., a Ticked and aeat. can be frotmtfau Noa. 173, 3S3, 361, 416. 786. 043, 11411 Broadway, 0 73 Murray St., 314 Canal at., 31 Kast 14lh sty 3 Columbus av. and 83 West 135th st , New Yorgj V 333 Washington at., 736 Fulton St., Brooklyn, .ad . 74 Rrnadway, Williamsburg. . . wh Westcott kiprese Co. will rail for nd ., btggage from hotel or re.ld.oee to dMtlnation. ' A A. McI.r.OD. O. (1. 1IANOI10K. t Pr.t't nd Oen. M'gr. (Jen. pats. Agent, Greenwood Lake G'fBi. t Romantte PlenloOroond. DANOINO PAVILIO. . Boating, Fishing. Bath- f Ing. r Irtt Glass llotel gas . Rettaurast Aecomniod. tlont at lleas onable ltooliaopen t'."'lt!f: 1 menu. Seotire deslrttl daleeatonee orricg, . Chamber. Ml. Fetry. ....... tMeee-e?jweij , Solentlflo Itom. ' trom rrriit .VirYNrt.l r. I1 " When I grow up I win bo a man, wont It" asked a littlo Harlem boy ot bis mother. " Yes, my son. If you want to be a man i you must bo lndustilous at school and lesra m , how to behnvc )otirself." . .. . " Why. ma, do laiy boys turn out to M women when they glow up t" a w li It's a f.ct. Th. Trbl. d'll.te for TJs. l , TnOoLOUStA, on Union Hituar., wl. t'e tb. buna th. oil, cnanul.g uwtle. " , . Taaoa Is e.ry good al p0. O. FtlirT CO. W 14lh st., owug to lb. low prl.ei a walali II the; at. selling Brit-cTast FcistToax, . Ill