Newspaper Page Text
; THE WORLD: WEDNESDAY EVENING. MAY 18. 1892 j? M IImong the player folk. Elaborate Plans for the Produo f Ition of " Tho White Squadron," 31 Iso Jcnnlo Yeamnns to lie it Star I Next Benson. 1 Tho warm weather Is bringing Into the city innumerable road companies, and tho Itlnlto fa crowded every attemoon now with loading tnen and soutirettes. They all talfccheer liuily of tneir pUns tor tho Bummer vacation f-they aro all going cither to Ktirope, the snore" or their "country places." Occa. Atonal trips to Coney Island nlllbetliocx lentottbo "snore" for many, ami tho back loom of a cheap boarding-house represents lie " country placo " of more, but an long as hey nro happy In tho thought that their Rnoglnatlro tatc of tho summer delights In toro tor them Impress tho listener, who toulddeny them them the pleasure : Aunt l.oulsa Eldrldjo is ono of the very few Mho does go to the other sldo In person, and Hho could go this year It sho chose, but, who K3 say she Is going to spend tho bummer In hear old New York." , Elaborate preparations aro being made for He production of "Tho Whlto Squadron" nt Bo Fourteenth Btieet Theatre, Aug. is. It Hdescrlbed as a romantic spectacular drama four acts, by James V. llarklns, Jr., author "Tho Midnight Alarm" und "Tho rlro Beutrol." Tho scenes are laid In Mo do Janeiro BK1 the interior of llrell. Klglit whlto mmu aro to add to tho realism 01 one of the Bfctics, representing tho silver inluliiir dls let In the western rait of Hra7.ll, uud tho foiutlons of tno Whlto Miuuriron In tho Bbbcrat lllowlll bo shown tu the last act. fthor llarklns, who is now an actor, was BJfraerlv a principal In tho Minneapolis High BBiool." Ho Is said to have spent all last mmer on tho L". s. s. lTilKu flHpnla, studying tho points and tactics Bfthu Whlto squadron, and exoects that In flftilism and Bpectncular eflects his new piece But exceed any military or navul play yot toducod In New York. Tho estimated cost IBS the production Is between l5,ooo and m WMr.tiOO. It will bo put, on by A. Y. Pearson, EBh of tho uew lessees of tho Union Square BB-atre, under tho supervision of James BBplcWBon, of tho nrm of ltandall Dickson. flit tho company negotiations havo been (bed with Itobcrt Milliard, K. J. Henley, . BBllam llarcourt. Charles Dowser, J. . Kel 5 BBJ, Elmer Clrandon, Allco Fischer, May Oal BKticr. Aunt Louisa Kldrldgo nnd I.I7.I0 Khelle. It you have held your breath, you "a iflBY now breathe. rtof HHf fi- HBhe Ernest Hutchinson benefit, a. the . BBrteentn street Theatre to-morrow after- " BBfci, promises to bo a big success. The ut- BBEtlto programme arranged Includes Felix BBYrls, lu "The Old Musician ;" Kobert 1111- jBBfd'a adaptation of " l'ru (ilacomo," Mr. Blard appearing as Cuunt I'aoll ; BBnlo ITxley and her company In the BBfc act of " Polly Middies," Camllle ' BBKvllle and Flora Flnlayson In selections h "Kobln Hood:" Annie Meyers, Charles BB?U and Jeflerson D'Angells In selections 1BK "Child of Fortune;" Helen Gllmore In BBJcltatlon; Mabel btepnenson, tho bird IH( BBEler, and the Casino serpcnlitio dance, In- MHfetcd by Juliette fcenac. Hp root garden of the Madison Squaro BBRen will bo open to the public for tho BBJi Memorial Day evening. It will be mag BBcntly decorated with rich lollage, rare BBfera and fountains. Illuminated by myriads BBMrl-colorcd ciectrlc-llghts, on the tame BBpt P. s. C.llmore and his band, Increased to BK begins his tjummcrnlgbt concerts In t BH amphitheatre. ThoMadlsonquare Uar BBRtowor will tnen be open till midnight, as - BBTl also the root garden. ThoTlpaldlttroth , IBB1 mandolin orchestra will bo an extra at BBctlon In the roof gndaiu- Ily a system of JFsBHiange checks admission to tho three t .i, 'uMrtlons will be obtained for the price of al ii Mission to one, and tbetUnSm Theatre audl-111- Sices will have the privilege of entering the ""oof garden free. Mr. nenry Oreenwall savs he has no Idea of far Htrylng to obtain another theatre lu this city, '" Has he Is satlsflod to give the I'nlon Squaro his entire attention. Ho will remain in New J York as resident manager o( tho Union Square, which may bo reopened within a week or so with Jeffreys Lewis or Annie l'lv- ley. lie promises a general reformation In 1, fli ulB new house, and thai, box-ofllce Incivility IDA w"l not b0 tolerated. If he reforms this ono abuse, which Is altogether too common, ho will be entitled to much credit. Tho Llllpu- tlans will open the Fall season with a twelve 11 weeks' engagement. 'lit ... !lu H. E. Graham, the comedian, will be seen of In a oew comic opera next season. Two aro . f being considered, and the choice will bo re ft, 1 hearsed In Philadelphia before coining to " New York lor a metropolitan verdict. tit ,, Julius Whltmark of the "City Directory" iliV company has been engaged for the tenor part '.3 in A Trip to Chinatown." est ... iut. Fred Lenox will succeed Frtd Clifton as the 1. " auctioneer In Jupiter" uext week. as ,. Mr. A. M. Palmer sails for Europo June T. ,3Sl lie will Inspect the foreign theatrical market, and may bring baok something new. Hi ... 00, Another fair for tho benefit of the Actors' Fund is already being talked about for next 1,4 year, although nor, on so extensive a scalo as that just held In Madison Square Garden, and Yj the rumblings of which are still heard. lit' Jennie Yeamans li going to star next sea Eon under the management of Frank 111- 1J. lams in a musical comedy being especially written for tho clever daughter of a clever u mother. Miss Yeamans Is delighted with tho 1 s prospect, and says Bbe has a real surprise In im atore. Mas. Wrj(LOW'B boOTIIINil HYKUl'for children 4Bg tlttblnf ! the family bftoefartor. 'J5c. h botl Is. . . THEY WILL FIGHT MAY 30. Date of the Jaokson-Slavin Battle Definitely Deoided. Colleces Prepurlnu for the Annual Iiitcrcolloglnto Onines. A sneclal dospatch from London this morn Ing states that tho directors of the National Uportlug Club havo decided upon May no as the date for the Jackson-Slavln light. There has ueen considerable speculation among sporting men as to tho exact date of this fight, and now that It has been definitely tie i ldcd upon Interest In tno battle will Increase In this country. Tho match Is for 10,00t. Slavln Is training nt hlschl quarters at Dovercourt, a small town on the west coast of England, and Jackson Is doing his work nt lirlghtnn, a suburb of London. Doth men aro reported as woiklng faithfully. Slavln said on tho day ho sailed for England that he would train for this fight as he never did be fore. I'nrson Davles Is now In Eng land to look after Jnckson's interests, and tho latter feels confident ho can whip slavln. It Is thought that Parson Davlos, Jim ilallnnd Joe ihoynskl will bo In Jack son's corner, whllo Charley Mitchell and Jack Slavln will to back of Slavln. Helling on this bottle Is light lu this coun try, and reports from England state that very few wagers on the result havo been mauo there. Several well-known sports of this country are preparing to be present nt the ringside. ... The next big athletic meeting lobe held lu this city will be tho annual Inter collegiate games, on May "M at Man hattan Field. The different colleges expect to place strong teams lu the Held, and In terest In tho games runs higher than usual. Columbia has a stronger field of athletes training than for soveral years. Yale nnd Harvard athletes are confident of making a big showing and Princeton has some rare talent, as was been at the Columbia-Princeton games on Saturday. Tho New York University athletes are In form, as are tho sprinters and jumpers of tho City College. Most of the New England, New Jersey nnd Eastern Punnsjl vanla colleges will be represented. Manhattan Field Is In excellent form, tho track has been rolled very smooth, the curves are well adapted to bicycle riding and every point on the track Is visible from tho grand btands. The spaces alio' ted for the short sprints are fine straightaway courses, while tho space Inside the trick Is covered with bright greensn ard and vs HI make good ground for the Jumps. The ofllclals for the games will be the same as thoso who conducted the college tourna ment at Philadelphia yesterday W. D. Cur tis, Referee; Judges, C. F. Mathewson, K. J. (llanlnnl and Harry McMillan. Tho field of entries Is the largest In the history of the As sociation. ... The New York baseball team seemed conn dent that It would win the game from tho Orioles yesterday. Tho tnen worked at tho grounds In the morning nnd again In the af ternoon, but that did not affect the result any. The rooters for tho team thought that tho Giants had struck a winning gait when they captured two games irom tho Quakers on Monday. It they struck such a gait they havo evidently lost sight ot n. The score yesterday was lu to u In favor ot tho Orioles. Ward's Ilrooklyn team did the playing ot the day. The Uostonlans had thint pretty much tneir own way with the llrldegrooms at the Hun, but at Ilrooklyn li wasdlficreut; tho Heaneaters were turned down 7 too. Chicago won from iTitsburg, 7 to r, nud Is tied with Cincinnati forfuurth place. names scneauien tor icaay aro as lonows : nltlmors at New York. ' inclnnati at Pittvburr, Itr.Bton at Brooklyn. ht. Louis at LouUfllle. Waxrnnrtuu at I''levelaud at Chicago. pliU. E. (. Leonard has sent the following, with t:;.'i forfeit, to tho sporting Editor uf the Kvenisc) wohmi: " I hereby challengo Nick cox to run me a titty-mile foot race for sr.o a side. This challenge to bo open to Cox ono week beginning May 18. If Cox accepts 1 would like to maku It a three-cornered race and give Connie Murks a chance on tho same terms. I will meet Cox at The Lvemmi Would office at any time ho may designate." ... Fred Johnston, the clever English feather weight, Is expected to at rive In this city some time to-day. Tho cables state that he left England lat Wednesday on the Malcstlc. The Coney Island Athletic Club ofllclals will meet him down the bay, and tliey will inv. the general supervision of him until after he meets George Dixon on June 17 or 2D, according to tho date agreed upon. Johnston's arrival Is looked for wltc much lutercst by the sports of thl vicinity, as they have heard so muct about his cleverness. The majority ot tht followers of tho ring hereabouts think that SPECIAL BARCAIN8. $90 Safeties for S60. S40 Safeties for $28, W htf jmt pnrehaied V00 23-10. Full IU1 Htfetltt, IH to. cushion tiro, oonvrrtlbli tor Udiea or emlmMj, Tlieto wblc Ct.T tor merty been oTd tt 1U ml tre now offered (or oiv weekoulj at 860. e hav purcbueil the utir lofkof Fray1 nolld-ttre Nonpareil !fetl,Jfl-iucl whrvli. Call quirk, at tb toclt m Itinltetl, ant tbey will eell quick at tb aboie price. K, terini of payment If dm red, lMX'K ;, IttONauaii fSt.,N.Y KNGLLYS'S STORY. st. Two Lives Blasted Through Unfounded ' Jealous?. u! I Those who know ray friend Knollys ".' 1 only casually aro apt tu set him down as .1$ 1 cynic, because at tiroes lie i n man of Yj Isa'turnine humor, given to ridiculing pl 1 bravery and charity as madness; but I d- I know danger holds no dread for him, t at I antl havo accidentally happened on some III I of k's taaay KoJ ''oeds, 'I'o me ho lm al rij ways seemed a mau of unusually lenient judgment, putting the best construction " possible on the evil actions of his follows; t though his own life is beautifully clean, he takes people its he finds them, not I feeling called upon to attempt to revolt), tiouize the world. K1 - If I am unreasonably proud of my "ti; friendship with Knollys it is pardouablo, Kia- for no is an oxpcrieucodinauof the world, whornust be ueoriug fifty, whereas I nm ttl not yt thirty. It had been arranged during bis 6hort ry, stay with iiB in Now Vork that in twu TS ninnths I Should join hint in Luudon, nud the prospect of another delightful inn f turougli Europe with himmndo mo some- mt wuutiorgetfulof tlio faot that it was his r. '"t night in this city. aan .lie hail rosM.v proinised my cousin to ara VUU '" rosu uardcus, uud on that utter- noon redeemed his word. When we mot be nt tho Club I noticed that Knollys ap- peared tired. lie stood nt tho window, apart from the other men, looking ncross at the Plaza, and did not at first notlca I suppose tt was irksome," I began, for Ton: can talk of nothing but his do!i III roses aud bis w ife. You see they are re. uewing their htiuoyuiuou. Their affairs looked very black for a time, but sud denly righted themselves, nud their friends are suffering the consequences." Knollys ceased to watch the wavering shadows of the trees and turned in juir tugly. " It was it iiiisundorstaudiuz." I con. tinned, as we walked out to dinner. "Tom forgot that appearances aro often mislead ing, aud she was unable to furnish a sat isfactory eiplauatiou of her conduct." " I conjectured Rtmiethiogof tho kind from what he told mo coming back to the city, uud it teminded me strongly of u littlo episode in tho life of it friend of mine. Aud she, ton, in some indefinable wivy somo turn of tho head or trick of tho voice recalled my friend's wifo. The story might interest you." " I am iiato sttro it would," I returned eagerly, for Knollvs isulwais well worth heitriug. " It nil hippeued some yenis ago, but I think 1 remember the points quite well," ho commenced, smiling luiutly; "I am not so certain, liouevtr. that I shall bo abluto do the story justiee. for I am not a clever raconteur, and you .will ptobnbiv suriiiioe Ihu end long ere I bnvo reached it. My friend wo might call him Smitii my fr:;nd Hmith was able to be of some lervicoto it mutt whom be met inn foreign laud. The mau met with a fatal accident n lew days later, and, togother with tho valet, Smith volunteered to nurse htm. The strauger, fcellug ho had it claim on Hmith because of the first favor, but" deued him with the pleasant task of bear ing the news of his death to his wife. ' ' Upon Smith's return to England he carried out his mission, and having gone once, went again. (She was a very young Dixon ts about as clever as any man In tho business. Johnston will bo watched care fully, and his training quartern will bo at. coney Island. As both tnen have just a month to get. ready for the battle, the veter ansof tin-1 Ing anticipate that this tight, will bo one of the most important battles ot tho year. ... Tommy Shearman, tho deter athlete ot New York I'nlversll.v, won the individual all-lound- championship nt tho college tournn. mental Plilludelphlnestcrd.i.v,havli,ir eleven points to hii credit. He won tno high jump, was tied for the pole vuult and tho broad Jump. Tho trophvwas it illaniond-tudded gold Iteprcseiilntlvesirom soma, fif teen colleges competed lu tho games. ... The Ilrooklyn Polo Club is working with considerable etiergv to rovlvo that well known spun. Tho club plays at the Parudo nrotmd at Prospect. Vark three times it week, nnd an Interesting game will bo played this allernoou. . John I Sullivan Is all right. The big fellow has been sled up by a physician, who says: " Cor bell or nnv other man will find tho llos Ion boy n hard one to handle." If Sullivan Is as lit as Dr. Miradv claims thoso who havo been rooting ler him lor years will feel en couraged. ... 'Ihc llarlein Yscht Club will sail three special races on Memorial D.15. The couri-o will bo irom college I'olnt to Hands Point and return. 'I hone races will bo for cabin nud open sloops and cm boats. The nrooklyn Cricket Club will tike a nip the last of July. It will play at Mugam Falls on July V.T., and Hamilton, Toronto and London, Canada, aro among the places to bo tinted. ... The National Association of Amateur ous. men will hold Its auniuil regatlu ut Suraloga thlsjeurou July '-'tl uud'JT. .veteral clubsuf this city Mill be represented. FROM THE WORLD OF LABOR. Worklngmen should not patronize thoso who retuse to patronlo them. Tho carpenters ot Newark nnd Kll;auetli, N. J., have been successful lu their strikes for nine hours. The Master Builders' Association, ot Hoi yoke, Mass., has black-listed every man who went on strlko last week for eight hour?. Agents of the cigar manufacturers of Phila delphia, workmen are on stilkc, hate come to New York to engage " tcabs." Tho workmen ot CanTtda aro agitating for tho abolition of tho law under which cred itors urc enabled to attach the wages of work men. The Clerks' Association of Los Angeles, Cal., has received letters from Mayor Hazard and other oniclnls In that city favoring tuuearly closlug movement. Tho Trades and Labor Council ot Vancouver, II. c, reports that over 4.". per cent, of the workmen, both In Vancouver and Vlctoila, arc out ot employment. At to-night's meeting of Local Assembly 7,445, District 75, K. of .., Lumber Handlers Truck Drlteis, rtbotu seventy new membeis aro to bo Initiated. Theio will also bu an election of walking delegate. Tho Fresco Palnteis' I nlon has established headquarters lor Its Htrlke committee at clarendon Hall, where reports and instruc tions nro received Horn 8 a. i. to lu i u. I'nlou bricklayers are forbidden to work for Contractor Webster, who Is charged by Ilrlek layers' Union No. 7 with refusing to pay some wages owing to members of that organiza tion. The railroad telegraphers am assembled In convention at Chattanooga, Tcnn. The or ganization comprises 170 branches, with L'!.r,0(l members and about tr'0,uou in Its j different funds. Plasterers should not go to Cincinnati and i Pittsburg, where their fellow craftsmen havo ' been locked out since Slay 1. Thre Is also , trouble at ticranton and iiarrlsburg, Pa., and I Wilmington, Del. ' At the trial of the directors of the co-optra-tlve colony at Vlsslta, cat., now going has been shown that f l,",ui)U has been ex- REHLJSTATE. REAL ESTATE. IDEAL ALL-YEAR-ROUND RESIDENTIAL SITE. AI.3IO.ST ADJOIMNfl t'lTY LIMITS. I THIS HIOH CLASS FflOi'F.itTV IS 1IF.NKFITTHD II V IIIKII ELEVATION. I'KKTTV ', COTTAOES MACADAMIZED I10ULEVAI1DS, I'AllK, HOTELS, FINE ItAILW AY STATION, ' ! NOBI.r. MANSIONS. SCHOOLS, CUUUCHES. I CO.II.tlAMHMi VII!V OF Till! SOl'Nll AND HYIi HICU II, HOTII t LOri: AT HAND. i PROPERTY RESTRICTED AGAINST NUISANCES, i Lots and Villa Plots j Titles Guaranteed I'KOM 8230 III'. j ! bjr the 1 f Laij Trrnit and CoDilitionl. German-American H. E. Title Co. ! rROPEKTY MAY BE SEEN ANY WEEK DAY Oil SUNDAY THAINS LIIAVL' WEKIl HAYS AT a I". M NILMMYH AT 1 I. .11., FROM NEW HAVEN DEPOT. ; 35 SPECIAL SUES EXGURSIOH -3 !; OH DECORATION DAY, MAY 30, AT 2,20 P. M. i Heud or call for ptiii and proapctm. ' BRENTWOOD PLAZA CO.. ""-JSWrBrn'oV1"- woman, ami very beautiful, anil Smith was irresistibly attaohed. Her husband hail beeu n scotiuOrol, nnd after n decent lapse of time she married Smith, for the first four years of their marriage they wore so inteubclv happv that it is possible tbey proved rather tiresome to their friends. About that time Huntli lepau to miss money and other articles of value, nnd was finally able to trace thp thefts to tho butler. Tho iiiau vamly denied tho charge, and althotigh none of the iiusiub vnluables wns found in Ins possession, 'he was discharged without a character. This mild measure was adopted because i of tho iuterces8lon of tuv friend s wife. I " For some weeks Smith entertained no i doubt that lie had fastened the Imrclarfes uu the proper parly, but on reliirniui; litime one otiuiui; ho lniind Ins wifo iu tho library. Slio had cpemid his ilosli hy mcaus of a falso key, mid in her bauds hold it roll of notes. Omit wns depicted 1 iu every fenture ; she wns ubjeet in her cowardice." " She needed the money to save her brother," I broke iu. authoritatively. ' ' No, for sho had no brother or any near relative who might need help," Knollys said, as he set down his class. " Tho tnnn, anxious to find some excuse for her, suggested this' but it wits for nn relative. It was for her self, yet she had wanted for uotuini; tbiit inouev could buy or love de. vise. He might uoi lniMi conceived hr sin to be so lingrnut had t-ho not por. milted tho scnant to suftor in her stead. Mo far as it wns possible Smith lmtdo restitutio!! o the ninu. but by her silence she had rontietod herself ot the most heinous of all transgressions iu her bus. baud's eyes. Theio was ono way only in which ho could explain tho matter to huiisulf. He had never believer in klep tomania until then, but it was tho one thing upon which his mind was centred. ' And sho confessed she hnd often telt im. pellet! to take valuables lor which sho could have no possible need. " He was a proud man and lie was tor. tured by his discovery, lie had regarded his wifo. bis child and himself as being made of finer olay than the rest of man. kind. His disillusion wns complete. The day af ler she was unmasked she came into ponded for which the rtefcniunts c.lnnot pro-1 uueo any vou hers. The hoartmtarters of tlo delegates to the International Typographical lnlnn'1 fon vent Ion, whose cs(iii' are to open al this Ilre.xel Institute In l'hlluilelphla Juno III, I will be nt Hie ulrard House. Ninth and chest- nut streets. j Tho Kniploylntr I'rlntoiV t nib, of Ilosion. j has nd(iieil a leselntloii reiominenillnif to, the I tilled Tjpclliettn of America lu adopt the Min-hniir nnrKday. ansucli action noulil , be deslratlo and practicable for the Iriute tliroiiKhonl the count r. secretar.- James Me.Mi'irte. of lron.Mottld er's I'tilon No. ','.i, rcpoi tst lint trade Is pick Inirtip. I.nsi month four ne meinbers vtero Initiated, st wcie adudlteil bt card, six wcro reinstated, seven have been Mispended for iiou-psMuent nt dues and cleteu were granted trntelllut; cards. tlrand Master Fiank P. Sursent, of the lliotlierhood ot Locomotive l'lieinen. Is on an agitation lour tliniUKli Ne England. Last week he orgnl7ed a new IuckI uiil ,n ut Chailestown, Mass 'I ho brotherhood bus at piesent about twenty.tlte thousand seteu htinUred members. Ausust Arleth. Secretary of llrewers' I'nlnn No. tin, has resigned. TIib I nlon ifalneil nine new ineniberti last. wiek. liiirlnir the next three iniint lis no more liew inemlers will lw admitted, as work Is Miytcuree at present, 1'iul many members aie nut of eniployuieiit. I Ten new memls'rs wcte enrnlliil by clear MaVrrs 1 nton No. PUjesti-ntay. Thoassens ineiilfnrt)ltenbeiK'sMilI.e must be paid next. Saiurd.ij. No travelling curds will lie Issued to llnitiui, where tho members of rnlon No, UT aieon strlko. Mifldnlsts' I nlon No. li hiis removed Its headiiuarters to Lincoln Hail, Allen nnd Houston streets. Nest Mmda) Jel-u'iitci to ihc Harmony Convention will he elected. Tho Pool and Mioeworkers' International I uliin been succe9ful lu pustiliur lis blue label In the lupsof ltoclii"-ter. N. ., where tliet exueet to havo ui least nve label fac ilities nltlilu the net three weeks, sltnllar food repot t s havo come irum St. Louis, Mu.; i ItlcJifo, III., and St. .losoiili. Mo. Prank llanifl. one ot the foremen at. MiiKcr's vewltisf.uiacliinc factoiy. Elliabctli, N. Jde. nled ihu statement made about hlin bv some workmen, that huwverftiinpelleil onybod.t to pay him liluod-iuoney for irDlmr emplot incut nrproi tirlti,: hhftier wuges to thovi worliliii; lu his department. The members ot Progressive Paliitrr-'t nlon No. il aro sli iking ugalnst the eonlia, tor do ing the paint work on the llilKhtiiti Hcaeh truck, because lie refuses to puy tiiilon wages. , I'rogresslto I'dlnterh' No. I ordered a strike on the Jolmif contractor tireenbcrger, tiki sntne 1 iileii lias strikes nn lliu Jutis el ( on tractors Mancry and Arinstrong. 'I he still: at nlciMli, Nnrlli Itlver, has been su.'cessful. All members of the lloiisc-l'altiler.s t'nlon who work on sub-contracts have bcii ordered on strike. The truutito on tho new rliurcli nt. l.usl Thlrl.v-nrsl street has Ineii fcitled. Messrs. Lang, Daub anil riehiielder hate been elected members of the Examining mm inlttee. Members will not bo permitted to work on any Jobswl.ero the cabinet-makers The meuibeisot llranrh 1 nt the Mlk r.lh bon Weavers' I'nlon are discussing a piopotl tlon to amilgaiiiate all branches of their tradeln this city and tlcluliy. and hi have one branch each lu New or!;, llrooklvu, i ol lege Point nnd I'nton Hill, whose business li to bo conducted by a deneral Exccutlte com. loll tee. During the summer meetings will 1k hold even two weeis. A committee has been hent to Hoss Imnkel to point out to hint that under the I'oiiMltulUmof this glorious Itepubllc even workmen have a light to or ganize and to free speech. Tim lurnltura manufacturers hating pub lished a statement In their official organ, lirmid unit dxfilr, tu the effect that the strlko of the cabinet-makers has cnllapsfU, the Executive Committee of the Litter bus written a reply In which they tay tliatonlt lltteen men have resumed work at I he shop ot ilradley A- cunler, who weic induced tu take that step by some Knights of I nber who remained at work when the strike was ordered by I nlon No. T. The Commlttco also denies that the wives of the strikers were not. Informed of tho strike un'll ufier two weeks, when they went to thcsliors t' Hnd out why their husbands did not bring homo am money on pay day. The benches of tho men have been removed front most of the shops, and tno strike IcnetllHaS paid yesterday etenlug. In several shops the carpenters Joined the strikers. This aiternoon an enter inlnmont takes place nt l.',11 second avenue tor tho benefit of tho stilko fund. One Dollar Per Week Will Open anAccount With Us. Wliy ilo you waul to trnin) tho city when woonn iioitlo you with oviTvthiiiK vu nmv posHilily rofjuiro in FURNITURE, CARPtTS, BEDDING. STOVES, CLOCKS, ! PICTURES, BABY CARRIAGES AND REFRIGERATORS, on tho ensiest terms of payment imagiunhlo. IJokIiIch, ve fiint'-' itiifrr sotht'tuiinn, jiosilivolv wnrraut to givo full v:tliu for tho money I riutl treat our patrons honestly in ovorv pnrtioular. ' OUR TERMS: , SSO Worth or llouda. SI.OO I'rr Week.' Ml. VI Wwrtli l- l.', 1AM lrr H too i., -it) j' " aiti " " " ' JuBaumann&Bro. 1313 to 1315 Third Ave., bob 75th and 76th Sts. I.lctnli-il lilt, silnllon 7(llli t. tlirn nlnnliiM. III! Ill I'. .11, REAL ESTATc. V -t"E JOHHSON, JR S FCH.l g PROTECTED CV DECISION 'BrSplte OF SUPREME COURT, ; mwjfh Homer J J DON W tTE FLC Ot OPENING WEEK, DEMOREST ON THE HILL-TOPS, , On the Umuu rriin;tt&mA KM , tir lUtintjr I rtt triltit, f uniintitatioii nt th raiof VI iiitn 1 per trip. ! FREE EXCURSION DAILY, (IN TWO THAIS. Until Monday, May 23, a discount of 5 per cent, will ba allowed on all pur chases. Adttltluitt) 111 per ctnt off fur ill t-li plots j;iao iiA.T i:acii, iicom 4uu Ai'iJU'i: vi I'AVAin.i; in i:r.UI.V INSTALMENT OK ddr. AM) I l'AUI. IIKAI'TIPM. VIlIH'.s. A N4TrAI, in:uiTi iti:soi(T. Umorfit on th Hill-Topi jonilitiiti a nugolft ciit plalftu, t.ul Ik (he tiiithrtt on the lnnih Aina ).H lntPM .Nfw ot ttid I'htla itiU'hm. t'luie ti UK. rUtiou nit lioth mmIi- of ih protifrly. ItuoMiparnttlpfnirrtiunilliiKi Ovpr looln Jtiliwiy, uitll its liiituttis'i triKiiurncturluff tuterettd. TITLES INSURED. Formtpi and fre paM from New Vrk, .Terij fMtr ati'l liitftitifdlatf' polnli apply iti pTon.or br Utter fit !'n til. to tlere Jnhiimm. jr ,fitl l.thrrlftt , N V., ami lH'.l autt lt'l Montague t .Ilrooklyn. I ! FURNITURE. I'eoplr itli niuilrrutr nirHii rnn lurnlnh tholr liouiri Uiiiitlv with Furniture and Carpets, BY fAl.l.l.Nti UN' J. LEWIIM, 2311 Wi'M 125lhMt.lfI Tlh ntnlHlh nvn. i Ourpricea are ?r low, and t9tupainrnti ttirio ai Our Extraordinary Terms of Credit : I On $20 xurlb, Mc. prr nrtV. . Oti $t0 Hortli, 91 00 rr week On 910 wortb, T&c ,er wt,k 1 uu HSuworlh, Jl.tO per week. On tlllO wotth, 'J OH per week :ni vi:ht rj.-.Tii st. j SP0RTIN0 I BICYCLES AT HALF PRICES, MUST SELL. 18111 JI'NO SAFI'.TIHS. ullli l.tnnii and Hell, Null.l tlrr.. M47..1II Cllahlull llrrf. A6.U4I l hiii curst km sai'i:tii:s, vllli l.iimi. und llrll Snllcl llrre S2.."iQ Cnaliioii llrr Itll.llO jt.lIllKIClNOIt.llll.Mll.t YCM1CII,, VUSI-a Sf null Air., Nr Y.irk. i Brooklyn Jockey Club. I SI'UINd MIll'.TIM. MAY 111 to MAY 3X. ! hlX IIAI'1-S I.AL'li DAY AT '2.30 f. it. I How to reach the trick from New York, HOAIrileaietiiti,t ttlilteliall Street ("l.'uleer ll'inte"! at 11.10, 10 10. 1110, 11.40. 12.10, I 1V.40. 1. 10, l.ltll. J.lllauJ3 III. Hiiateleireaetn etreet'err; Ola 1. I llailruaai at li. j;, li.iv, , l.o; (farlor car tralnj aud 1 lb Till- rnl'MllaT I.K1TKK VA AIII)ltl:Sll:l( I'O lll'lt I.V A 1IA.VS lUMHUII UNI- - a Biileniliil liilifiituiicc. lint Smitii nror. oiil.v ridiiseil to icrulttlie oxiniinlittlt'e tif , imy uf it in the liouaehulil. Hi' dart'd nut leavo lift- for kii lintuiit, llnnkint! tin' le mro iinslit oiuii lmck to Iht. Hi' tu'ri- i lli'cd lliu uiiilo by tellltii; llio tnu' tat' uf afluir tolior iniml, atruntiil hitmiiU. kii1 ! tojclUor tbey kept Ticilnut cuatil o er lier. It wns tlio wokt lUhiaioiiHcriiolty Ut ruulil contrive-ono tlmt must luno woiiinleil her Koraly. , "SUo win ncTor allowed to lohosielit of I her Bins. Ho was lufleilble iu hisconri-. , keepiuc her always uuder his reUuitics eyes. My (rieml liinlth thoucht himitolf in those days quite capable of aoctimc nd judginK bis prisoner, and seelnc that the sentence was properly carried out. When shu seemed to forge ( for an inttant her pnst crror.Suiitlii,ertii:fiitlv tnriu'il the lIlHlilb.CTiHB. Ah. lir luillv ili'MM'd uioilfs uluxijttiiiiteturtUK' tliut h' hhuitlil liropirly pinre lur i rtuir. ' No, hlie did nut telirl In' ilreitrily nroi'iileil the pcnnltv ! lif. inlr.ti"l At first sho lived in di.tdly ienr leu ho should end her iiway troin bun. b "hen t.bu fiiuiiil it wns imrt uf hi plitu t l-e viitli her i-onetiuitlv, slu hcctncil n,iitotit. Sue I'ould not. rather would ii"l. atvvt aconn. touied to tlio thought that elm bad for leited Smith' Ioto. Dtirmi; tun first few davs she borered around him, bnpiuc to lure noma expression of pardon from him, some word of Ioto. Neirr force. line that she bore his name, he mated her with a cold ciTllity that was mora frightful to her than would bate been an REAL ESTATE ' JAMES L. WELLS, Auctioneer,1 Mil ft1) at auction at the Ita1 taUtr l.aehani ami Auctluit ltootu, ui tu C5 Liberty at .atntmii, ' TIKSOAY. .11.1 Y 31, j 146 SELECT LOTS, ! eoiDpm.ntT portion uf tha DICKINSON ESTATE,; Blliplfmitltlly located on am) ailjavtnt to Htlwlck ait. , ou tcautllulantl i-opular KINGSBRIDGE HEIGHTS, : UIH WAHO, NEW YOUK CITY lliili. hralltiy ground. IotpIj TtnR, nftfhbnr hui.l u( lianiloriiu prtvalu rrnide-ncf, nonutcan. ei pnrnilttil, ur(i(t arrnnea aut trtii, propwitj arflu'ly UTlupt-ij and read fur bulUniii, SEWER, WATER AND GAS, All city Improvemanta and t-onveuienoat. TWO HAII.KOAII MTATIONS iiwi1lnni ffw minutra' viallc nf Oi Inta, an J 11? train daUjr fuinuh quick, t lieap tranait. Ily 111 .rti Vcrk (.ml .Nnittirn, iunnouilng uu urn plat fotm Mltli KleratetJ rnatl, unly 'Jl inlntil t 4'JJ ai.. S.l inlnat tu 1 4th t. ainl 4i uiiiiqIm tu Itactumt. byeijreNa train. 1 arf, InolnJiug Kit vatcd. itin ana tiaiuarttr rent pr rtJ. By New Yuta Central. JI uitnntra tuiJ at, AM. Til UK i: AOVANTAUKH I rtilr thl prupcrtr unaually attrartivt fur hoiua 1 bull.tlnc atul fur luvvatrutjnt, and a peraunal tltt autt a tarrlul wiamlnatlun are auliuiteil, TIT1.K MJAKANTUI.It HIKK OF t.'OST 1 to bujuri, Kaay tcrtua uf payment. .Hmt fur uiapa tu JAMhHJ.. Wil.I.H. AKcnONKKH, CtfUHi:UY ST ' W. W FOfi(.t AlCIIO.NKKK. ARDSLEY. I TliAbalaurn of 1 JOch(.lcpI.ti,llonf In toOyrnt II1. Iun'4 A i. o., at thia tatl'in will t to Id at pub lie auction, on the prrni.tei, uu ; SATURDAY. MAY 28, 1892, fat 2.30 P.M. A epaelal train will Irar ISStli at. ' and Htbatp ai'Jl1. M. ftliaipnn tliat dale. lhf are tlieinuat lavorably Lnown lton tb ltnof thn I l.tli ur Ulli av. l." anil N'tn York ami Northern Koa.1. laretn Kector at., l'2v , tim. til tuinutfi i Mu) lota already old. 'Ilienn will lunula at baraaiu price in nntar tu malai a clean awep l.:tlit haw 1 rt-HHlencea up tint atirlnc Send at oiico for mapi and tlrkeu tu CvJtl.'n V. JO.Nth Jt t'O., 1J64 Itruadway, ur . W. j'oiiU, UU Uruadwa). 1K!ti: .lOII.SSOV, .In . ArtTIO.ST.KH , Auction !ale. May '.'. at ttie Heat MtateKi 1 banr. Sy l.iberl) at , atlu'cluck. SEASIDE COTTAGES. beatldn ilia l.ta and Hota, bltuated at l.awreuce Heacli, He t ween 1 ar llucliatear and I. on lieach. Adjoining J.awrfru-a and t'edarburat I "'ibe Mneat 1-am lly Heaoti in America.' I LAWRENCE BEACH l notetl ai T1IH aeaald rcnort fre from objection i ali! a features, and liaftnv atlractiuna In eurf aud atill water bathing, eicellent carriage roads, tea J tlful aurroundiiiK. with tlfslrable ueightora not found at any otber eeaaidf ren.rt AdJieta fur 1 map. HK.NJ. W IllTCIlC'Ot'K. 14 Chambers at , .tew Vork ' 3S2 CHEAP LOTS Wi 1 be aold at auction .HONDA Y. 1A ai. AT 10.30 A. .11., ' Decoratioti lf on tli grootwls adjoining Van Neat !pot, Wratcbeatrr, aud MORRIS PARK I KAUi: TIIAt'li. ! IS .lll.M'TKS l-'ltO.II I1MITH ST., Sil A.e Klerate.1 Htatluo. Verr Kai7 Term. I Kite lueurei Free. Mr nil lur .llnpe, .Vi'.ili. II. ('. .llnpra A tu., Auctir.oeere, SV Liberlr it.. S. V. "LOTS givenaway7 at Tine View .V. J., only 93, ApclrUi 1 liAtJk A: r mi wm jvniL 1 Don' t worry yourtilf into a terer. Roust hunting it a pleasure when you use THE , WORLD'S REAL ESTATE INDEX. exhibition of bruto force. He una dis. ' cipliniui: lihiiBOlf hII the wbilr iu rpreia. , iiiL' his letlitiKs. for, nn yon !'in perhuiis siibpci'trd, he loved tier as msa iinutel) KSB(T. " She devoted herself exclusively to the cbilil, who had become n bourco of fun. btHtit acony to Smith. If lie took u fruit I or Hweetiucat that had been furblddeu him it became to Kliiith'H fevered Inmu'lnti. ; titut eviilriit'e that he hud inherited the i niotlirr's wiakuebs; in other days it won UI have teemed the child's lovable I fault or plnv j ; " 1 in. child slept iu the uiuther's aiiatt' ineuH, uud Smith was about to retire one uicht when Iiik w ife i ume iu hurriedly, bid-1 ' dint; him send liiuncdiutely to their plivM-1 1 ciau.forthelittle one vnscboUitii;. Smith i went back with her, nud utter heoiui; the , vhild left tin' room - she thought to send , for the fni'iilv iihysiclan She used tb ' simple remedies tlmt formerly proted Suctua), but without avail, bho rmsod her eyes to Siiilth in en nitouuiut: appeal. hut lie m ud e no movement. At leuuth he told bur that he hud not summoned n physiciau. believiug it better that the child should die." Whuti''' I cried, aghast, my loud iouo iu marked coutnm to his low, unhurried words. 1 " You arc not rating." remarked Knol ' Ivs, as lie relleitirelv rvgnrded the bend that hud formed loutid the edge, of hi, ' glut.. " Ytui ate asloiuuleil at my friend's 1 urtion, but In- hluitilf did not question I the, wisdom of bis i-our-e. pelispii it did not occur to him tlmt ho could err. Het. ter, lit! thought, to cHiise himself due j stiarii pang than untold iuimiv to the hitler etui. lu Itul. lie lielluvid be was doing n very brave deed to nm I sign your child to . U at li m not such I a simple matter as it may appear. Winn the mother leariie.l what he hud . done she was wildly indignant for uu in. slant, then iitiietlv placed tho child iu his , crib aud stoically watched 'jls sufferings. I And what has seemed quite right aud I courageous in himself struck Smith as , monstrous in the mother. You are lie. , clctiug vour fillet. You will find it" - -' ' Hut the mother?" I reminded. "The mother?" echoed Knollys, wearily. "You progress too rapidly. 23d ST., EAST. 1 135, 151 AUD 159 EAST 131 ST.. WEST OF 3d AVE., NEW YORK. il SPECIAL REDUCTIONS THIS WEEK IV '& Furniture, Carpetings,&c I VI' 'J5 I'KIt CUNT, I.OWIHt Til ANY HTIIIlIt IIOImK IN 'I'll II TKAPI!. I lltai'ilrlle I'er'nr.Snlte. K.'tO.tlllt north t , .1 on ' Sl.viuette Catiwte H Itnr I'lrlnr Kutlei si:i,).llllt "urth i...vimi ' ll-ti -r ,iunllir Vl.lOjanl 1.e,lrj Parlor S nte. n III. Dili noitu t" nil ' ll'ty liriii.el. Toc.JirJ ;1 Halt I'liamlier Sitlti.. . s 1(1.(1(1; mirth ttH.lil It-nor g,.i II) lMlc. jar.l H I lienj Clumber Suiie. Sl.'l.llllt mnlli -.:i U'l 1 !' .1 HrMieli 1.1c. ir I '' H's-Kie M-l.'S,i,l,. s:t.-..(l(l !rtll '..t "" ' 11-tlfr ,,nility title. 'aril ; Wellinl Sutei M'.Ml.tMl: norlh t 1'i.triii' lriis 30,.. j.rl H I tteueinn latilnt H!. A I nmrli t'A I, I lletter IMa.,1) ,V)C. jar.l (liLHiilrtmiul. XH.IIItl n.irlli 1 , im Cliina .Mallllun S.l. 00 roll H I Inttoiileri otl.tllll nrrh tl! ii l'irr iimilj SS.Otlroll ' U llelr Mllre..e, SA.tltl I ""!' Slii " I su,rtlia llii W'J.AOup -,ta J.'itll 111 '.ill 1 a'hei I , n :nt r. 11. .10 Up ! H tlfn,ell.-.k. t,.,OII inirlh tj'i.iiu l','pi ... . . SS.-IOup ' till Mu,1 SI1.IM); u , i Hill uu i'l ,i rt.xLrrs .. . .l.tjOnp ll "-I'lUltl, ITTIINTIIIN lilVI'N TO Till: I'tltMSMINC ir COI'NTIIY TOT. ll Ttl.CHANDIIIITI.I.-. I" UITII'IH IIIIINTIINII IM IK'll AXM A It II Ml'UCf AI.I.V -iM iTrii to i am. am i:ahim: oi it i:tk.vsp t .htocu iim'ouu ? " ACeoilsOOATIflN IF DESIRED. Satisfactorv Jrraiifcments Made with the Purchaser. II KraafeimiiBiftt, DfBfiTlirsfi liny t'n)aiili'M ur. y.-" UMgWMrrl 'n 'I' hours ellliilll( A ,.,-A IWlaeurMriilriMr,ntlrtliMie MlnT I wHIln nhlrh C.ipiill.ii. rii.V"11" wr1,,.iw IM ItilrdliMiN lull. AMUSEKE.VTS. MJ8& HUBER,S I4tlf St. Music Hall and Alhamlira Court,' lit ami lit lalt lll'i M. TIIK .IIONSTKU ORGHESTHION l'lns l.riT AIIituuuii uml l.vinliiji. HERRMANN'S.,i I'l.KUON'S- llnskl Karri -Merr l.lauc.i. ..vine ELYSIUM. Airt l,raief l,Trlr lleiire. COIKIIV. , Die liewit liin Harem hreiif.U.'JO. C4SINO IIUOAIIWAY AM) ll'.M'll HI'" CHILD OF FORTUNE s,5, .,. Ualiiipft Satur.fnj nt 'J 6r-ntt FRIENDS hWMw,:v. ' li,,iri. SUCCESS. ti..iiiiii Tiu:Titi;. PEOPLES .Mr III. .SUV I MINI'll, Proprietor MISS JtA'I'lll VII KPIti mMSy. I EDELWEISS. an Nn ovvm k Tioink KrTfil ftt, Un-lieuti-ft t ireU idiI Bfclcony, SO. wS.,u,Ss' MARGARET MATHER i.,... Neit Week The .MMnlf ht Alarm, J?Al,Sll:ll'S .HI) W KEK. I'llnWIinil AM. Till' TIMI . I.' i JUPITER. ()per I'd, iu I i.enrs.i AdmiiUhni 10.' srit Tin: v'i iu:. rv'. satMit.j.' nniiir THE AMERICAN Unflnt. MINISTER. I GARDEN THEATRE. I BOSTONIANS. iu!V3.,?fi.'i. I ROBIN HOOD, S'ueTHE-eylfl Or.aiil.t " Mat. hat Ml U J UIUIU 1 MOVl"SMtJI.ohur. Iliealre. Jlthel.. B'war. i Kreuluk-. at 8 Jil hat Mir at'.1. 7tli Montli. Hull, l.relte.t. Itlxae.t. I.i.nice.t Huotu, A Tltll' Tit I IIINATOWN. SOOth I'erf. , rr,il, lr 'Jl. ' "itly Siilreulre. I HELP WANTED-FEMALE. ' JBXI'tKII Nt KII IIA.MIS on ladle.' naltta. 1I)J 1 Manili.t., Itniokbii ! LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS. , lJOSI',t fur return of pujf iloe ilra)ei Irom liouie Tuei'lay u,tfhi. 204 Kait 1.1th .1, A Gourmand and Wlno-Blbbor. tf'.e.l J t; I roBge-My rank Is hljlu-r than ymiri I H0iTB- I Ji'iiy Fiiirgs 1 ala jir.-reile you la to dinner. Uoeks Aud I always freceilu you b.iot tc tliedraHlUK-iuom. Oottlnir Acquttlntud. IJrnm ;i,AIi .i. 1111 Miaulu Mfsty la tlia' lloston mat ' irrtlliitc tliaMvit mil i't? , Urliutv AtsMsni Ih'Hl-l tlilnk lie's lipcln iLllitrto; IieaulU "liouil iiiornltii " to me al I . Masri.l.liiZ'lunii tm nn- Smith was nil.' lo ilismiss fiom his mitul tlieiiliH tint he hint been instrumental in liringiiic about the little fellow's death, I for it wotilil biiVB been iinuoisiblu for tho plivstcmu I" teach tlie luuiso before the t i-lnlil expireil. 'I'hei niotlier, howevei. , ilnl unt H'Hhon ntli eo luia-h lliiesse. ami alter the iknth of her i-lnlil tailei! visibly. I lu this instanci) physicians wute culled ' hi. hut what they inii.'lit lnv beeu able I to ilo for the I'liiM tlev coulil nut do fur the mother. It is true she could not lie found life ery joyous, but lier dm tors iitfrccd tliey had never before httu ativ one so ilcteriniiied to tsraue ' from this world. Tlieie us no illticr, mill ii srow.iit; hiunidties., u Kniiliial i iniltiliL' by oi tlui smallest tiii'is and a wutit of will to recover. It ier a uouimi , died of a broken htnrt it wasun fnend'n wlf'" , . , I " Did she fio no tTtplnuatioti of her conduct." 1 deiUMidcd, leanlui; on tho' table lieHvilv. Knollys vas lonhitig at sotucthinir be-1 oiid inc. and did not hear me tiutil I hud reiterated my iiuestiou. "So ou do not believe she win a' kleptomaniac? 'Ihe explanntiou did not come Irom her.ltit from Huotherouarter." , he llnullv lirocecded. " She was deliriomi for ttearlv a weak before lur death, In lier lucid moments sho Mould usk the' dat.i. then strive to recollect somethiiii; ' thai tdiMwU exuded her. She was. con-, tinuiiili li.uriuuriiiu about siiiiic in. i.ey l tlmt was to be sent lo some uu, whom. I thev culil u t determine. Mnilli had , bet n Willi lur all the dav. andt wurdsj eieuiui;. filling he must be ulouofurai wliilc i ii unit to ins niiserv. went lo the lilinin. Tlie iiuti mnu- mail was awnitini; bin. Ihe topmost Icttir was uddtes-ed to her in a man unliumlinr ! Iiiiti.t. lie tore it op. ii. tilled with m- suue jealou . ) "Ah. of course, yi u pervert e ftoiu whom it was, Vou ate in the siuno posi. turn as (ho novel nader. wlio. kuowini: both sides of the story, is aware of the end Ions before the hero aud heroine bare lived it out. rnfortunately, Smith knew onlv bis portion of the tale. The I missive purported to come from her first i husband, whom Smith had helped bury, but whom she believed to be still alie, . ,. ; AMUSEMENTS. fl ' OPENING NlGHT- I POSTPONED ,1 SATURDAY" MAY 21, I FALL :;lLEffll I South Beach, S. I. I i MUSIC HALL. W!z I l'UMA. TONHlltr AM) . SATIIIDAY AtTKKNOON if Wriln'ilHl foil have A vbalire to make ! 'ur.y.,v"ATrip to the Moon;" 11 int. hi .. wilh is.reU p R,rtfi , Oalit. H Heirftt bftti, 6b;.'anil ?, vH ' - - 4' EIH.N Mt'Sl r. miuup&iv wax, POWELL MAJILTQN , 1 WONDERS. THE FRENCH COOK. ; Till' t'AIIINIlT IK I'll ANTO.tlfJ. B CON! l.ltl'M Al'l'l'.ItXOONS AND HVBNIWOS. XSM)S'li:il i KIAl-'3. MATI.NKKTOUAT i H CARMENCITA. : 'lilt: I'AltlSIAN IIA.NCK DUK.Tl'IRTS. , Mens. Uufour. Mile. Hartley. 5 111 Itl.KSt.fl. VAIMIKVILI.K.KOVr.L.TIES. J ! r XT V'C ro-tiTKUt I't.MTtni.i.Vats.H. ; UttLI O. Matinee HATUKUAV at V. i MIUS wrilfCC Nunporteil bil Itm VIXCO, I'hl.IX MORKia ! ami Ler MI.VIIOX COMKDY COMPANY, eB I A I.KM'INi: TlillAT. ? THE PAPER CHASE. M "ti. R. JACOBS' THEATRE, "sIVvV"-' 11 MAIS. MUX., TIM CUONIX to dH THI'ltl. ami SAT,-- 17 ANII . eJi Nl'XI'Wi:rK- ONKOFTllKlIKAVEST. '! TONY PASTOR'S. . iVSStiw" fl I HAREY AND JOHN KERNELL II AND (HtAXU hPK' lAl.TYJ'UMl'ANY. la ' F MOSS TIE POTOUL I i iUlM. Weil. Jr.lai I.ASI' rUUH XIUIITS. ' 14111 SI Itllln'Tlll.ATIIK. XKA1I CTH AVK. jS Meht. 8 :td. l.i. t War .laliiril.r I.e. 1 Week 19ei ANNIE PIX LEY. HUI'Ih, fl ' Mir .l 9ilner Hoseiifeld'. firce, "Imagination. Sifl i UMiiI TIIKaTKK. "ltroaJwar. near JOth'eC ffl 'mih.IS. Male WeJ.A Sat CPflUT OKK 4'Sll BOBBY &AYLORUriY,UKTFn!"',' IXTIII Ml'SICAl.HATinK. MCflLLIO I Cltl 4U0. fl EUlllAllV. AY I lltATltr. " Brnailway 1 41tt at. jfl HOPPER i WANGjl. 1 COI. I Mill Till'. 41111. Mat. WeJ. Ma 'H I'llh I'ATItllL IIAKN. TIIK IIAYMAIIKhT MJI'AKt I'll I.I UG 4M -1 111: M'ltriilil.l.'. I'ATUtlle. , Ifl MAItl.i:it 01M:itA-lliTr.sK. Sat. Mat. onlj. ! vr.itMi.w .iauiikai . ! In the lrr Mu.ioit Comedr. AS, KTAULIIIJIT. ! ' Vtf IND-HU Till:. IHK. ii and 47 Uowerr. 11 IN- ARKANSAS KII'. THAVEU.KR. ' COSllbl'OI.ITTN'pAHK AN1 OARINO. 16lk 9 t. aud Amsterdam .e. I'lcnle (ironnd: Hoert . SfJ IneA'leje. Kille It.uae.. J. IJUTEHDIXU. .jH jiMUl HI. TltrAtlti:, inm Place and 15th St. ;l 1 lu-ulatit.rur llie tir.ttliue, A. Xeuendorfl'a lateeS cutnlcuveia. " 'i'lie itlnitrel." - ''l ' MAKI.WIKIVKU I'MIK tAHISO sndUirdams )l iLeu lur euaiireniente tor ulcnlet. d are. 44Vl . . t ''B BROOXLfH AMUSEMENTS. 'H AMPHION. t',lp,rPr,.n,dEM-.n.l.,. M THETWO SISJERS ' 'COLUMBIA. mw&X,so-' ' l.rerr Lrenlni. Matlneet W ed. and Sat. ; , CHARLES DICKSON In "INCOG." 9 MSN'SXKW..AltK-..niATtp. . 18-H. AHODEBHHATCH. I aud catitioued her to forward his monthly H allowance :it ouce, or he would be under jH the patilul necessity of declariUR nimself ,H to Smitii without delay. It was a pity M he hud nut done o lone before, as B Smith would hnie reeocuued the scoun- H ilrt'lly butler. Vou see, he bad for B mouths imposed on the wife and black. H luailed her in tho belief that her worthless M tlrst hubband wrs still alive aud de- H liiauded niouey. She believed if Smith B learned of his existence she would lose bin loie and him. Does it not eeem al. B together impossible that Bbe should have been so credulous '.' ,BB " So. ou He, the mystery w hich Smith bad believed to be no mystery, was cleared up without her speatiui; but a little too late, for while Smith was reading the lot- ter she passed uway, leaviu:; him in inne of maddeniui; reflections, lie has M liad u lotii while to appreciate the bitter pathos ot the incident, aud sometimes ponders on the problem of whether she ' would have confessed had he not sue- BH ireskd to her the excuse of kleptomania. BJ Iiuowiuu the simplicity of her morale, BB he comprehends the struRcle there BB must have been while tho butler was sufteiiue for her. I think Smith B would havo pardoned her for takinp the moncv to buy the mau, so that he should BB not make himself known: even her own BB silence, hail he been conscious it was ' done that she might not be separated from BB him. Ilerlo.e lor Smith was thq one .BB piissiou of her life, and she paid for It .BB dearlv. " .... BB l'oor woman ' 1 murmered, tritely. BV Knollys raised his head, bis lips parted BJ iu a shndowv smile. "Note how '.h inner. 1 should say, ' l'oor man. ' She is in a place of ieace. " BB ' ' I am L'lnd 1 am not acqtmiuted with BJ vour frienu Smitii." 1 observed, trying to BB1 shuke orl the gloom of Kuollys's story. Bl " lie must be a ery sombre companiou. , Do you sec much of him ?" .' "Tho world knows nothtiic of his his- -iB lory; hedoes not wear his heart on hie JBJ sleeve. It la only to me that he confeue how dull be finds life. Yes, I eeo wTtt BpJ deal of my friend Smith great detu.too '.BV much. oi drink to hie early demise. iBB llelieve me. it is what would please hl '.BJ best." Tlu Argonaut, ''Hiel . . . ..Jy.A..., i,IV'V .ee igJH