Newspaper Page Text
Br 6 THE WORLD: WEDNESDAY EVENIKQ, MAY 18, 1892. ' 1 1 Deufsch i FIFTH AVENUE, jjf COR. 22d ST. B This style Jacket made of Mavy Blue, White, Red and IB Cadet Blue Cheviot, em- K broldered and sleeves silk B lined, at m $c 00; II B reduced from $20.00. H BARGAINS. M Choice Dresses, Mi Capes and Wraps. H Hats, Toques and Bonnets. H DEUTSCH & CO.. 5th Ave., cor. 22d St. I Sp I LACE DEP'T. H Special To-Morrow (Thursday) V Guipure d'lvelandeAyj Ac m . ? IIQC- m Wliito and Ecru, at -A 1 Worth at least dou-jQQC If ble. 'yard. ft 6th Ave. & 23d St. K DONNA MADIXXA WINS. KM; Courts Glvo Her Half of Her Hua- lKr band'd $3,000,000. Wgf A dispatch from Dearer, col., states that tH, Donna JIadlxa, ttie w Mow of thu latu William &,- 13. Daniels ot that city, has won her suit to maS obtain poaseaslon ot halt ot her husband' HP estate i)t3,000,000. out ot which :hu clnlmed ft to hare been defrauded. jft' Donna Lllynn IS. Jladltxa Is a (,'rnnl- jm daughter ot coui.t, and was born la Mf Madrid about th'rty-fHe jears ago. Mio la UK strikingly beautiful. She graduated from the IB?. Boston Uulvcrl'.y School of Oratory with UK, high honors, and net Mr. Dank-Li while at. ? tending a similar school at Denver in ihKO. p He followed her Kast and thoy ero mar- w rled at Did Lyme Conn., but separated noon ? after they returned to Dearer. They becumo f, reconciled, however, and lived together, but W when Daniels olfered her tiou.uoo if nlio j, would consent to a divorce she lelusoJai.d ML came to Hew York, whero sue wuutontha Kr stage at Daly's In the soasoa ot 1881VU0, jW; ana later appeared as leading lady In The - m Blue OQlcer " at the Madison Siiuure i heatre. H iM Pi I. W SIMONDS'S FOUNDRY AFIRE. ' 9 The Firm Thinks It Incendiary nnd pi pMr Blomoo tho Strikers. 5. The top floor of the main building of si- K v mond's store foundry, on Uordon arcnuc, F. I Long Island City, was destroyed by fire tblj t- ' morning. The flamcsweie discovered at 1. 30 ft. o'clock. The tiro was extinguished In three f" 1 hours. Many roluabla patterns were dc- f. f troyed and the total loss Is $50,000. ;' The moulders In this foundry have been on ' a strike for several mouths. It was hero 'hat "1 1 Detcctlro Bertram K. Arnold, who was night ' ' B. watchman, was murdered by tome of tho l Etrlken. Tho tlrm attributes the tiro to tho KKKIr'' strikers. A plot to tiro the loundry was tlla- KBBJf ( covered bomo t ime ago. AVEsf Free Concerto in Et. Mnry'a Park. MmWiMt St. Mary's Park, one Hundred and Forty. r& ninth street and St. Ann's a.cmie, was to. P art added by the rark Board to the list of & VJ where free concerts will be given weekly during the Summer. The first con- cert Usee the existence of the park will be l? siren there next Saturday by Lclboldt'a 1 Twelfth Ittglment band. mk, jMmdMi&MhhmM&wtMM t'i& ffl Street LeBonlerBros Summer Silks. Having purchased a1 largo (itantity of light-J weight Silks for Summer wear very much below their value, will place on sale to-morrow the follow ing extra offerings : 23-inch Black Habutai Silks, fino quality pure AQC Bilk, imported to soil fon TU 65c. yard, at - - - 28-inch Black Habutai) SilkB, extra quality and' RQC very durablo, worth 85c. "" yard, at - - - - ' 26-inch Blaok Japanese Twilled Surah Silk, extra' DQc quality, regular $1.00 " goods, at - - - - ' 19-inch Blaok Suralij Silk, fine quality, regu-' 07c. lar 50 cent goods, re-t ' duced to - - - 48, 50 4 62W. 23d St 37, 39, 41, 43 & 45 West 22d St. Simpson, Crawford & Simpson HAMBURG EMBROIDERIES. Clearing Sale o ( lllffli-Clttss Fabrics 1 Away lielow Imjiovt Cost. 1 11 LACK INOIA MSKN VIMVSC- i IN(i!, 43 luebes wiilo, colortil embroM. tr'-J. with nuisl Iriiuinmj to match, fast colors, In finest qualities only, 4'$ yards ' main ni: complete dross, at Otic, and Uoc. per yard; Ono-thlrd their cost. IU.ACIC INDIA I.INKN FLOl'NC. INtiS, 45 Indies wlile. littiustitcbdri lior ilers, with cold anil silver tinsel embroid ery, at 4-Oc. and b"c. per yard; Wore 1.76 and 2.25. Several thoUBauil yards of WIIITK INDIA I.INKN KMItKOIDKKIKS, with embroidoreil liendiiiRS, G to 11 iuolies wide, neat nnd efTectno designs, on su perior ijuallty of cloth, at faUc. per yard; Worth from 40 to SOc. 6th Avenue, 19th to 20th Street. HXTH AVI' , 13TII TO MTlt hT. By supplying your wants at our stores you can save 25 to 50 Careful inspection will convince the most credu lous that this is no idle boast. A WRESTLER FROM GAUL. Apollon CtiallongoB All Comers, Black or White. Apollon, who claims to bo champion wrest. ler nnd all-around nthleto of I'racce, cnlleil at the yoffce Gazette office thl3 morning with his backer and loft S100 as a forfeit for i I match with any man In America nt wrpMllng or llftlmr weights. Apollon nrrlcd In thlh city on Sunday on l.a Oascogne. llu sas ! Koblnct, who stjled lilinhe'l ibo champion I wrestler of Franco mid who was recently de. fcattd In n wrestling match b Krnesl Itoeber, tto American cuuiiiplou, Ik only u becond rato wrettler In I'rauce. Apollon ts twenty-eight yearn out, miiud(J feet.'l Inches high, weighs a0 pounds, measures :iuu I Inches around tho waist, 45 inches around his chest, '.'OW Inches around the muscle of nls right hand, i-'SH Inches around his thlgUs and lu inches around tho calves of till legs. Ilold for Robblnir RUorlclnn. Maggie Kcarns and Herbert l. Woods, who were arrested on Saturday tor stealing luo In cash, a diamond pin and an uncasbed ticket on the Outtenburg races for 56 from Mortimer Sheridan, a Harlem builder, were to-day held for trial in (1.000 ball each by J ustice White In t he Uarlem I'ollco Court. I MB k CO. will continue their Sale of SILKS To-Morrow, Thursday, May 19, when they will offer 2,200 yard, of Extra heavy India Silks, in plain light Shades, at 68a- and 2,000 yard. of Black Brocade and Black Striped Afoirc Silks, at I O yard. 18th St., 19th St. and 6th Ave. (ISth Ktrect Station Hlevnted itoad.) ilif&l Boys' Clothing. We continue tho suc cessful sale of Hoys' Cloth ing, nnd quote JnUowing Sri'X'I AL ATTRACTION S I Splendid oil-wool Cheviot Suits, in pretty, fight gray mixtures, Is'ze 4 to 14 years, usually sold 'from $4.00 to 5.00 ; j OUR PRICE I248b Blue Flannel Cloth Suit, same sizes, warranted to be full indigo, actual value 5.00 ; OUR PRICE 0)&a2?Oa Straw and Cloth Hats for Boys, 25c. and up. Outing Flannel Shirt Waists, 215c. and up. I Pretty Suits, made of washable i goods, 1.03 and up. SIXTH AVEHL'E. 21st 10 22d si, DUKE OF CLARENCE, MRS. T. LYNCH, 1 I'MON MH'AKI?, (OH. I ITU HT. OuIiik in tlif ilrnlli of the Ilitkr of t'lnrrurr ilir nnlenl IHnmniiiU In liomlun Ift mIhkiiiiIimIi nnd Urn ! nrli linn bniiKht alitiOMt nt lirr n vrlcr. and linn rrilnrrtl tlirprlrrnflirrnturUol DlnnnnnlJ o rlry ."i orr rent rlnn IIoo; n 2 ttrit-vt&trr dlamomlx an tI'IhirM Q cart, rtiular rc B0, o t price yilO Fine DUronn'i HIdr, H carfttK, perf"tlr htt none, TfcaUr pri $100, our prke i10 Iirauttful Mrroh, 0 Urn lilu.hite dlantonds, rrc"'ar iric 75 our price 10 Ami Df it ts UrRtut Hot it la the world to select from, all at -i irr crnt dmcuunt. WATCHES. BolldllVt (loldbtrm-wtml I adtea 4(0 ' 14 Lt. (f old btetu wind (cut' !3 " 14 kt KUln aiidWaUham deuU' fc.fl Vtt xuar40ttuirrjr wal-on m tt Wechargf nothing for repair. Our Kuarintf U cooj (or Sto yeara, and for balf a rroturj our eatftMutimont HAS 11KUN ChLE 10UT1.D Toil HAKUAlMx Oprn Saturdar until 0 1 M. BANKER L L WHITE HURT. Ho Jumpod from n. Wntron Drawn I by Unmanageable Ilorsos. ' 10011.H I- White, a tanker nt 40 Wall street, Is confined to his home, at T Ki.-t I rorty-tourtli street, to-day lth painful in- Juries which ho kUitalued jeoterdjy while druitig with James S. lVrgUMin, a horko dfJlei.ot ni.i West Klfty-tlrst stmt. , Mr. White was trlnga lmrvj wai offered t" mati hone 01 liHown, and Mr. rer. I rumhi wat drllng boih anlumlalua llelit wa.'nu. At m. M.'hol.n aenue and lino 1 llunuicd and Tblrl-ntth Mrni tho iJle I bimp on the oiT-Uorto broke, aud Ik(1i becauie uninanniti'.iliU. Mi. Vt hlle junipel nut ot thu wa,"n, landing on his head and should"! I nnd sustaining an uglj scalp wound and bod body Mr. 1 rrgus iu wasuUatlirown. I but was not seriously hint. Commissioner Smith noslgno. 'rrcui. to tui rvtsiNo wimin.i Nkwuk, Jlay 18. James smith, Jr., the wealthy leather merchant and the recognized botts ot.tbe EKbox county Uemocracy, has bent In bis resignation to Gov. A bom as Elec trical ttubway commissioner, htate Treas urer George H. Gray his been appointed as hut successor. Jackets & Blazers. Tbi list reprohonts tho most ro murkiiblo reductions that tiny houso has yet nmtlo upon Buch do (iirahk1 gnrinonts. tOO Jnckols in cliovlots, rliorouR, cloths, A c, in tans, grays and tnvy blues, on snlo until to. Q iQ morrow at 5.S3, upccinl at fc."0 250 .IncUets in all wool, ladies' cloth, tan nml grnv, pearl but tons, (fdlor nia'le, have been solluiK in regular stock for $0.03, 0 QC special at O.OU 2.000 Ladlos' lllorrs, 30 Inches long, in Navy ami lllack, sizts from .'12 to 14, actual valuo $4. 00, i 00 siitcial at 1. 00 Ono lot of Suspender Skirts, in Tans, (Iroys, Niuys and Illnck. iundo of fino fiuntlty Storm Serge, nluo not less than Q QC IJ8.00, ot U.UU We liavo imported n very largo quantity of Jot Shoulder Capes nnd Yokes and have sold most of them at tJ'l.V'J, f I.UO nnd $3.73. nnd to closo tho balanco quickly i QC we bavo marked them nil at. I.UU; iMnslin Gowns. With .voku of lace insertion and tucks, with sailor collar nnd C7 tuffs, regulur prico 1.00, at ! Muslin (lawn, yoko of tucks and eiulnoldory, uulor collar, trim med with emliroidery, regular !7 pritu ti-ic., for . .U I Muslin Skirt, with deep tlouuco ut handsome hemstitched cm- I JQ broiilory , regular price t t.C j, for I I U Bloomingdale Bros., Third ave., cor. 59th st. fAIMEYEP" J Stamped on a Shoe 1- means Standard of Merit. LADIES' ( Triiile INDUCEMENT (MtrL) OXFORD TIES. TltCsi; SHOES AKK IICAUTII'UI, IN f ON STItL'LTtll.V. Hl'PFltlOll IN WOnKSIAXSItlP AND I.N KVi:ilV WAY WORTH TWICE 'I UK AMOI'.NT ARKKl) foil THEM THEV Alif. THE IIHI'hMlKMT AND COOI.VST OF AM. I MIOKS FOR Slt.MMl'R t'MF I HAVE HAD THI'Sr tNIII't EME.NT OXlOIll) HE SHOES M'Ei HI.I.Y MADE FOR Ml.. I.AIIIFh' SOOI.MA KID,--OXHIltD 11KH. PAr.SSfl E? E.NT I.UATHFR IIP,. I "ll B II limit a t.ow HEEI.S ) a IttP 'W I.ADIEh' SOOI.MA KID gT . OXH)Rl TltJi, (OM-j 3 fl tjl MON SENSE ) BBJrvJI LADIES' TAN OOATj g . ga - OXFORD TIES, IIICIlJ fl J AND WW HEELS ) W' f Indies' linow.N goat) Q A ? OXFORD TIES j H 3 V VfUY PAIR OF THESE OXFORD T1FS 18 A POSITIVE BAHRAIN AND IS WARRANTED PERFECT IN EVERY PAKTICULAR. I Sond for Catalogue, Mailed Free. li J. MIEIEB, Sixth Ave., cor. 12th St. RED HAND V llottlrdby theHrewrs in Pnrland I w8&W4A,Mi,lL,",,!D' 11. Y, llrincb, SJI'auKt, c. L, ELL, DEATH OF WILLIAM KING. Attnckod by Heart Fatluro at the Salvation Arvay Conerees, 1 The carpet storo ot King & Jsckson, 123 West Twenty-third street, Is closed to-day on account of the death ot tho senior member ot tliellrm. William 1- King. .Mr. King was an Interested sptctator ot the proceedings ot the taxation Army Congress at Carnegie llnll laji night. He was suddenly takou 111 and died of heart talluro before he i could I.' taken to tho open air. . He was slxiy-llvo ycura old and well to do. for twenty jesrs ho hai lueu at utts Kast Tiilrn-nrst wroet, Ajinr agohtswlto and sou died in quick succession. An Engineer's Costly Forirettlne. Hit nsocnTin rRrsi.1 Kort Wasuinotov, Pa., May 18. Engineer Crockett, of tbo early milk train, while under , his engine making repairs, cut the air brake, , forgetting that tho train stood on a grade. The entire tram paaaed ovr him, crushing In bts face and shoulders and nreaklns uuj ribs, lie is etlU living, but win die. ,a..,-i'aJfetf';-U,, ,nJajjjJjM ADAMS fc GO. As before announced, no dry-goods houso in this city has over made a purchase as largo as the one wo have made of the entlro Stock and Business Plant of S.B0LT0N & CO. The fact of Bolton & Co. being in business such a short lime has left their stock on hand Now, Choica and Clean. On THURSDAY and FRIDAY we will oiTer fifty thousand dollars' vorlh of this superb Stock of SILKS and DRESS GOODS ONLY on special counters and centre tables at tho following great reductions. JKiISmT ML nflff mild .mifWN r-Tpy Our ttock of Printed China Silks Burimstcs in style, quality nnd modern, tiou of prices any previous effort. Wo offer 32-inch 1'imted Chum Silks Rt r iufourand fie tono effoits. lioltou's prieo, 1 00 Ol'H l'MCE, "Bill Figured Clinugcablo Surah KilkR in a variety of choice, utal designs; nothing this season nioro in demand; also plain Taffeta (llaco in every fCtn combination, lioltou's price, 1. 25 Ol'H THICK, B CryMal Hongaline. This popular Silk fabric was never more Bought nfter. Wo have them In atery color, both in street and evtnintr shades. Thoy am a heavy, rich sound cord, nnd for w oar and durability surpass nil UMft other Silk fabrics, liolton's price, 1. OUU 1'KICK, """ HLACK SUItAH SILK" -Wo don't know of any Black Silk fabric more durable than a good double wnrp Surnb. Tho quality is of a Bolt, rich grndo; its wearing qnalilios nro highly rocommuuded. Holton'H prlco, 86tf f,yc OUH 1'HICi:. ""ill ULACK SII.K8. You can now buy a good qunlity Ulnck Oros Groin, Ulack Taffeta, Ulnck India, Black Satin Do Celine, Ulnck I'uillo im low in prico as ordinary and inferior goods. Nothing bettor for genorul service. These silks nro of n high, rich lustre and we can higblY recoin- hfln mend them. Uolton's price. 60o OUH rillCU. Wb. 1,000 Dress Pnttcrus of nll-silk natural color Pongee, 20 yards to a picro. A QD rednecd from tIU.OO AT "W COLORED DRESS GOODS, Tlio balance of tho IJolton atoclt will bo ofTcrert for sale ut the following low prices: All-Wool Nnvy.Hluo Storm Serge, M inches wide, recently sold by Ilolton Kjflff. A Co. at 08c. per j ard OUH PJtICE, WIIILH THEY LAST " Fnncy Figured nud Striped Choviots, also Foulaids ond Camel's Hair Effects, in all tiie most popular shades, recuutly sold by liolton &. Co. at 9 Q A $100 per yard OUH PIUOE. WHILE THEY LAST. 200 pieces 42-iuch all-wool French Bedford Cords, Jltlanges. Henucttas, Serges, Cheviots, Fancy Wenosoml Chevron Effects, recently sold by Jloltou &. Co. fiom 7Cc. to .il.00 per ynrd OUlt PHICF, WHILE ! m THEY LAST Ofai IB-inch imporled Sorgcs, m tnns, grays and serpent green, recent ly sold by KflfJ liolton & Co. nth'Jc. per jard OUU PHICE. WHILE 'IHEV LAST Wli 40-inch IleiUord Suitings, also nil-wool Cheviots, iiourettes, leunis, Mountain and Trmel Suitings, teccntlv sold by liolton . I Co. nt Mo QQa and SOc. tier yard OUlt PHICE. WHILE THEY LAST H"OW. CO pieces 42-ineh nll-wool Cream Laco Orenadincs. in stripes nnd checks, ClQ ffi imported by liolton A Co. to toll ut 73c. per yaid OUR PHICE DOWN W Immense assortment of 10-inch all-wool nud silk-nud-wool Plaids, Sttiuos. JluturfB aoil oxclusio uooltius, rocentiy (.old by IJolton A Co. at si. 00 Safdn nml tl-2") por ynrd. ..OUH PHICE FOR CHOICE OF ANY OF 1HEM " WW 25 pieces ICinch Silk nud Wool Fancy Striped Chevrons, in shades of tan, Russian blue, brown, heliotrope and French gray; imported by liolton QCIa A- Co. ota cost of 1. 01 per yard OUR PRICE DOWN TO 5?C 0 Pattern Dresses with handsome trimming borders in all tho most ex quisite shade3 for Spring and Summer wenr; iui ported by liolton Co. (O QSJ ntacost of 418.00 the pattern OUR PRICE DOWN TO Oi0 A good assortment of colors in Pnris Robes still remain, but this week will clear them nil out, nud those nro the prices : t , , n Wo shall sell all IJolton A Co. 's S30.00 Dross Robert. . 1 0 B 9 ll We shall sell nil liolton A Co.'s 20.00 Drew Robes at B.SB We flbnll sell all Holtcn A Co. 's IJ10.00 Dress Robes nt "408 Tans, Grays. Modes and Navy Hluo Cheiots, 32 inches wide, recently sold by Holtou A Co. nt 70o. per yard. OUR PRICE WHILE THEY PJJa LAST ttJvJw riain and Fnncy Ciepous, 40 inches wido. fold by liolton A Co nt S'c CO ft l,eryard OUR PRICE DOWN TO UVU, All-Wool French Clinlliea, sold by Holtou A- Co. nt 39c. per yaid. nQ OUH PRICE DOWN TO &6, All-Wool French Chnllioi, sold by liolton A Co. at 73c. per yard. A (Q A OUR PRICE DOWN TO WW, 30-inrh English MoUnir Challies, were 33c, , now lug Yard Wido Challio llatistes; Uolton's price wns 2Cc. per yard. Jfjl OURS, l&-'6i American Wool Challies, now desiens. Uolton's price was 27c. t sp OURS. SOG, BLAOK DRESS GOODS. 40-iuch black Camel's Hair Twills, Uolton's Prico. 6De....OUR PRICE lIOG Black Henriettas-23 pitces silk finish Henrietta; Bolton's Prito hoc" mn I OUR PHICE SSC i 40-incli black hilk fiuish Honrietta; Bolton's Trico, ?l,00 OUH PRICE 8uQ 1 Black Silk Gloria, rich quality. 4C inch; Bolton'., Price, J1.23; OUH i j " If Ut Black finish, all-wool Bedford Cord; Bolton's Price, Oo OUR PRICE 410 SIXTH AVENOllisf TO 220 ST. THE STATE OF MONTANA) SECRETARY'S OFFICE, HELENA, Fob. 16, 1802. ) THE WORLD : THE WORLD ALMANAC for 1892 is the most comprehensive j and valuable publication of the i kind that has come to my notice. i Yours truly, J. K. TOOLE. The World Almnnar nnd Iturrau of In. forniKlloD In for Mile li nil New. denlrrnnnd Mailouer. Trier, 25 t'rnu. HELP mfTED-FEMALE. MOU8EWOItK-N.l. ,mrt lrl for general I Mi IfMt ili it. BLOODY BATTLE WITH PIRATES. 138 of tho Outlaws nnd 68 French Soldiers KlUod. Hit iwociATro rr. Pabis, May IK. ha Ltort rarote to-day states that the French forces In Tonquln re cently attacked and captured a pirate strong. hold. The pirates made a de perata resistance and their lots was very heavy, It being known that 135 ot them were killed. The French less wai also heavy, ntty-tbree soldiers and five officers being kuitd In the attack. RUPTURE CURED. Th ImtTOreJ nUMlotniM ! tho only trnm lnx itttncA tnt 1 worn lth abiolute eomrortnichl ni iUj, i tt retintiirupituunartrie hardest xr. uo or BTfrct strain, n.i will ffect a rerma ncnt and ntdt cure without regard totheasof the pfttiant. Kxaruination (re La'i in attend auveforMrUeii Send for pamphlet ai J.MinovKi Ki.Ahnt-TUs ro , ' BJJ and d.4 Urotvlwar, coruer lata at., Now York. I Ql Ann FOIl ITS rqiTAT., THE MAdlO O 1 .UIIU INHKCT KXlHMINAIOIt,Biiro ' lUPiuitoall imecU, cure tliair Uitea aud hiIiikv 1 tin P0130"0" and non-ftiiiole. AlanonrMaio lloich hiMMadetroT roQchea and fater hugi. hold everywhere. bAUjADU CU., Mfra., Now York, PIED. BlAr KIT On Wednesday, 18th Inat. , at fl . o'cloolc A. M., JIanxaii, dauatiter of Uh a rlfn and lUnoah H. tilauvelt. atced 'i years aud 5 ui nilia. Notice of funeral hereafter. FLATS AND APARTMENTS TO LET. ! I I-urniah FUta nicely for 1d( without requtrola any cah deposit, accept payinent $2 waekWj Leepevtrjrthliiv.opeuereuius, l'lafg, lUJW Jtfth. INSTRUCTION. Sfr.MKIIUPIlY unit trp"ntlnr lon a StG llrukdwajr. V. .term 91 per neki call or write. DR. BR1GGS0FF FOR PORTLAND. Will Dofond Ills Alleged Horesy Boforo tbo Qonciral Assembly. licv. Dr. rharles A. Itrlgsslctt for Portland, ore., early tbU mornlns to appear be:ore the General Atsembly of tho Presbyterian church, now In session In that city. Dr. llrlERs expects to arilve there In time to sp-ak for himself on tho ostcmtly Poor in defense of his alleged heretical utterances. He Is maklntc tho trip tn deference to tho wishes of the Union Theological bomlnaiy's director, who met yesterday ntfrnoon. All the dooumenta In the alleged heresy case have been sent to Portland. HEARNI 22, 24, tn AM) 30 WliST FOUIITKCNTII ST It CUT. H LadioB' Underwear. HPBCIAI' SA,'K W& . . . ., Rugs and Art Squares. HI Seien Luge Lots at Ncw Klnyrna us g! One Small Price Forty-nine Cents, "'" u!::s!!; ST. Mr 21 93tentuoll7 (1.00 H a u follow. i 30U CI. t ituuaJlr ),H II NI.I.I nrr..r - . .1,1- fa - M ...h .olid tucked ,ok., tucked roV..mb,.o ? ." J ' I ChrmLr T.entj.iwo.trle. Aulinaaon Hue MT Ponqiadoiir or V aliapo-emb'd or with erab'j . 7tfc ; 30i7J. t.4 K and torchon lace de and Insertion and emb'd JUlCu. ' ! 4i7 ft . 1.88 !! ruNe and torchon laco, otliera with torchon all eolora-allke on both aldea. 'Bl lace and lonerilnga, al.o open front-V emb'd Ju.t tlio Itug for Sauimer. Bjl anilineitlni. Ingrnln Art Ninirc, H Drnweri Twelteitrlne 2i3rd.., $2.08. worth JB.OO ,j with homttltch emb'd ruftto; emb'd ruflle- with 33 rd.. a. Mi worth 6.UI jH and without beadln; erab'y rufHe and in.ert- 3'H d,, . US l worth 7.60 jH. lni torchon lace ruffle, and tucka and cambric 34 d., S. P9 1 worth 9.00 IKl ruffle, all with joke band. 0i4J idt. 6. 98 ; worth 10.60 H Ui.lldv, 7.9R; worth 12.00 IB SklrlM Fourstilee Tim lowest prices err quoted for thll nnalltr. lH with deep hem and tucknt eambrlo ruffle and I Ucki emb'd ruflle. tucka atote, and cambrio , ikB ruir.e. torchon lace edue. iriinmed Millinery, H 1'or.rl t'orrn Twelve atjles ANflTIIUIt CUIIAT IIKI1UCTION. iH V, and emb'd I da. j 1W M ,8 1Ionnft, and aU mIthJ.M lac. trim i torchon I.e. and Una emb j In., t- M , Boan.t.and Hat. worth 6.00 ' In,., low neck, deep Irencu emb d front- A 2 H rththtM MlM nonneta.ndllat. worth 10.0. H front,. I.o equate neck.. olid tucked front-fin. A,gJ lioon.t. and Hat. worth 14.00 VkW .mb', and be.Jln.i all perfect A, , 1S l;nn.t. and Hat. worth W.00 JM Baiin -puarl nuttonr, HaR White Lnn Illoum Va1ntn . Ten Btjles All new. RH lu, Dotted and Stnped-pUitcd back aud HB troTit- diepcuflj and rolllna collir. IV Nnrw,. A,.ro,, si. .tn.. In Misses' Department. H with Hn.lnoll bem , lieui anil tuck.and line ,-,,,.. lOMW e.b'rln,e.tlne. width-wide utrlu... , .,".. . r, . US , . Childron'a All-Wool naefers IM All on Second Hoor-all one pilce-alU9 cent.. plMa rhrkl(l,ld ,.j,m N, Bi BMV Plain or Trlramed, with j;old braid and ancbon. BH Summer Blanket?. l-su"M:ri7nUt'-n M The osnal fittlne up of Rummer hotole anl HH cottar'" t till, time of jear brum, demand for Misses BlnZor Suits t bed coTctliiR. at moderate cot. .. . Fine Al -Wool Tulll Katy, Tan andOrar AjjH l.imopurihl.e. at the lowe.t pme. which pointed KoJIce bolt ... . mllll.rr trim fB call can procure, enable u to name .pedal In plaeeiet pocket lull tallot-mad. duiiinonUa. toliona - &7.IIS worth sll. 60 B H White California Summer Blankets. Ladies' Shoes and Ties. , ll 10.4, worth $t OfO three titraordluarr oSoriaiel H fl 10-4 S19;worlli 4 50 .Jftfl 11-4 .1 4l, worth 6. DO All price. I Int. Ill ' 11-4 :l ill . wur'h 6 3li 'trnVS 11-4 4.9d; worth 6. So l.nillr.' Illuik HoncnlB Tlea. ifllvlal 114.1 wool A 04, worth 7,6 11 ,r, Dl.ln .nd tipped, 'UM 11-4 a 1 wuul 7 VH, wor'll In to tl . ., ,, ,' . ,. !;., 3 OS, worth S MM blsh and medium heel- .11 alio and width, i Ut 4. US. worth r.Vl .Uh.od-turoeJ, ,'2-4 6.98, worth T.soi for pair.. N'lvrTV.I'llillT iTNIs ood ..! t ..nil naflBI W-.llwool n Vi. worth v.i0i .ii.r.i l-uiun i ul.tii.i.,. . ooa alu. at 100 BJJ U-4aUwool 8 89, worth 10 50 (Second. laai IllTi: SIMI3IKU IILANKIITS. I.ndlr.' Mgl.t.Welaht WRukenphasta. '& J 10-4 O'Jc. .worth tl. 00 11 l-il.39.woithit2.23 pll.bU.ol.. H :ltA WOOL CAJII'IMJ ltl.AMt.ttTS. Allaire.. Allwldttu. IffB OSc SI 25 $159 bprUllT.luo ONK MX rV-NINK worth 3. 60 TIlWHT.I.INi! ni.ANKKTt AMI Kills. Thlra. H WooI.ndPln.1. tl.39lofJ6.00 i.d,. I'lne nonajnU 8fcoe 81.08 ! J,V HO UK. 'x oe or common aeoie, (faaal laa-ySt!pff, '20c. Plaid Mohair, COe tatanco of IhreeDo.lar Shoee, of which IH KmbM Mamie, 71)3. OreenPlMh, fl.CO blies are noi qnite complete. JHbbb! BLANKETS AND QUILTS. Wo aro selliiiff Summer UliiiikctH lor Siiifflo Ueds, ut s2.oo,s.3o, sa.assind SI. OO per piiir; for Double Beds, at. S'.50, SJi.OO, S3. To, SI. 50 mid $5.25 pur pair. I For Hotels and Summer Cottages, tve are showing three numbers of very re liable quality, heavy weight lilanketa for Sin gle Beds, nt S1.G5.S2.00 and S'-i.oO ier pair ; ilJouhlel$eils,$2.00,b2.GO land S3.00 per pair. Crochet lied Sproada, of superior quality and. pure bleach, for Double Ueds, at 80 cents, Sl.OO, Si. 15 and SI. 25. I JAMES McCRKERY & CO., Broadway and 11th St. HUE AND CARPETS. CASH OR CREDIT. Dnrnulrt.ooil e, Low 1'rlerw, Latest Style.. ONLY 10 I'lllt t'UNT. CASH ltn V h lieu loutt lime Unot nnnleil. Parlor Suits, Chamber Suits, Dining-Hooni Furniture, Beti ding, Stoves, Folding-Bods, Oil Cloth, Linolouin, Mattings, Win dow Shades, Curtains, Portiores, Rofrigorntors, Lamps, Clocks, Baby Carriages, Picturos, tVc. st:i: in it kahy ti:h.iis. 25worth, f2 depoalt . balance, 2 per month. 60 worth, 5 deposit balanoe.vt tier month, A76 worth, $7.50 depolt, balance. 86 per month, 5100 worth, lu, balance, C per mouth. Larger amounts ..roe rate. Alio terms mad. to.ult, D. ffl. C0WPERTHWA1T CO., (OUR ONLY n.ACi: OF UUH1.NE.SS.) IT-IBato 195 Park Row,.8 j MtV YOltli. H rroLK U5 HFRDAL HIM V JTA tro tta.ll cr latrrftio m tlh builii r liurr t ballJ up nud lu)prtn li rtur.l liilth rla lb iUn (.nj ttauUftti tbe rot.iittiVn N rtnkl rr fl.Min. follow thb trt BKiit, EDdr4 r fJ-1" " U4jh aorittj Ulln. PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL CONFIDENTIAL UrMU-ts., and witb im larrlef, IncAivmltrra or U4 ti. focU, lor parttniUn do)tOM, UU e i-rnu In na ji) t. 0. w. r. JiiDtit. HiicKti's iBfiiu. caieuo. ; Or. A. Owen's Electric Belt, fHuftvlhUMHQ lah ihi NorvMlaa, Her W. 4a.bra'i SmIi WrU mmtiXtSS. DANIELLl AND SONSa U Upholstery Deft m (Second Floor). m Closing out a manufacture m er's stock of M Byzantine Rugs, 1 all sizes, at less than cost to W make. j I urn it ure Slip Covers, I cut and made for suits of seven pieces, with material in- fl eluded, from H R 00 I Estimates furnished on fl shade work and reupholster- H ing furniture. 9 BROADWAY, 1 8th and Oth Sts., Mow York, fl snSvT" ci,r ni.uciicns. O $2.97. 1 I . 3k. tuJonlb, flexlblp, (aar. M L lfri durable, brltrr M t; Ibmi uny 94.00 M c1 :teaa3j.s. alio. el... H V-tuu4ii. 3s wU" '' fl ??Si1 Froarns la .liarmaltlna- bn rrdttred tlie coat. WW fti Qn I'lnr.t Frrnch Cnlf or I'alenl WM I VI 00 ''ro",rr or Knnrnrno (hand mM a ., ed), t'uunls rH.lom aboca tjm lliut nould ro.t 7.00 to 8.00. H Wo erll inorr .bars tbnn any threw Ml inrii'n .Imp .term. Tbn odTanlnse Hfl rurnl br Inrjin biijlan enable, us ts WW nudrrerll nil romiii'tilnro. MM NTSTfir: I t'fi.VKlTY , .. H lleirins .1 bum. Ilcn't rob rartl ! of 7 to tb. n.atlst bpa. ln tt5 lor . set of teeth. ( co BKSTTximi en OK HUlll.KK I'l.ATE OX U Oa. Viirt., Wahbaxtxd U No more .sk.d or taton on. pnc. H (iold All l.6U up. .oft all 60.. .pi. o'd plaUs.oldcrawna,telbSilthu pi. tea, Kxtraetlnff 'i6e. , withp.r. BJJ IrMh ila. 6Uc Merer closed Car, Might or hundaj. H HANKS 1 DENTAL ASSOCIATION. 1 NRWYORK-lnlntb arfc, 2d lithwU , itltOOKLYN-478 Fulton aV, aur Eln pUM. J JKltSKY CITY -4r. York .ndOroresu. HI Iloa'inil.lakenextdoorfarllanka'lalfaV I, li"'