Newspaper Page Text
THE WORLD: FKIDAY EVENING, MAY 27, 1892. 3 AK1NG IT WARM FOR W1CHT. ' is Son-in-Law's Mother Will ty. Sue Him for Assault ,ffW Hot Coffeo on Her When Ho ( .irrled OIT Hit Onughter. iV. tu complications nrUIng out of the mar .. f Harry B. Irflni and Miss May Wlcht iu. night ot May 1H last promise to make it. rs exceedingly unpleasant lor Papa i.i ,,rt 'ts. carrlo L. Irvlnff, mother of the fcrlde utn. Is about to bring n civil suit against B Wlcht for assault, and sho will claim .wees ot 3,O0O. rtmgand his Vide spent tho night after ,1 marriage at Irvlng's home. Wlcht .cil there next luornlng In an excited ' ani ,(. of mlnd.and, m oung Ir Ing now says, d Med a pot of scaltllug hot coffee from tho t. and tried to strike bis mother wltn It. Tilssed her, but the contents ot thecoffeo )g fi-il over Jlrs. Irvlng's back, scalding bcr trcly. t content Willi this," Irving paid tc hu pushed and shoved her against tho lint- ilMocatltiR hi-l wrist. Then ho car l n in "He. whti would tomu back tome, I iu sure, It ho would let her." I II Hears, who runs the saloon whero i nun implojeil as bartender and where cut alleges hli daughter was drugged pre it lo the wedding ceremony, threatens to hi., a ;iO,000 suit for damages for defama. n it cliarac'cr against Wlcht and Injury to .business. awjcr Frank O'llrlen has Mrs. Irvlng's 1 1 leary's cases In hand, with Instructions t gin proceedings at once. Irving said to- mat unless his brldo was returned to him day ho would begin habeascorpusprocecd s to-morrow. -. POOR FOOD FOR PRISONERS. ie Grand Jury Makes a Proe.ont tent AcalnBt Raymond Street Jail. . i be (Irand Jury made a presentation In tho ooklyn Court of Sessions this morning In aril to the condition ot the county build- UUi (hose at Klatbush were found to be in good idlllon, but as to Kaymond street Jail, the tts mil Jury says ihat the supplies furnished - inmates are ot the poorest quality, par- ,- ularly tbe todhsh and the so-called coffee. 'n mo female wards the bedclothlug was 3TH md to be dirty. rren itie Oiand Jury recommends that all wners bo compelled to baihe thoroughly lu- entering the Institution and thai tho bed thing be washed moro frequently. la. ii I! THREE VICTIMS OF A JOKE. iey Ate Oysters by Invitation, ouldn't Settle and Woro Arrested. I N ' We nr0 tno Tlctlms ot misplaced contl nc, Judge," Bald Charles T. Kirk, In tho Uonue Police Court, Williamsburg, this ' rning. "Wo were asked by a friend to e some fried oysters at Perry's restaurant, t: Urand street, last night, and after the :. r were given our friend ran out. leaving ' i kettle the bill, w hlch was 00 cents." on ' spuko tor Walter Volkenburg. George II. yyC inn and himself. Kestuurant Keener t"rii, retry testltled that there wasn't a , ! inllnr among the three and he accord- " it called an officer and had them arrested, .,,, ustico tioettlng fined themttll each, which iNY. """J- ST. THREATENED TO KILL . . i .. '.8's stlce Walsh Holds the Man Who SM Once Menaced His Father. rr" nomas Connolly was held In the Adams ret court to-day for examination next cMlay on the chargn ot attempting to kill mas lllley, a barkeeper for Thomas iit'j , or uu Myrtlo avenue, with a big fish te. cars ago, when the late Justice Andrew Mi, father of the present Judge, occupied same desk, Connolly once threatened to him In the court-room. Ran Over and Killed a Boy. Anniy mock, a four-year-old, of 353 south rth street, Brooklyn, was yesterday run w by Daniel .langman's grocery wagon, Sen by Henry Pcrrv, aged twenty-seven, my died this morning Justice Ooettlng. ie Avenue Police Court, paroled Perry l Juuo o. 111 B Ready for the Police Parade. jrrangements havo been completed for tht TBual parado ot tho Brooklyn police. The cession will be held next Wednesday. In- fetor McLaughlin has been drilling his men I many weeks, and It Is expected that this fir's parade will be tbe finest that has been tn In Brooklyn. p tho Short-Haul Burglary Route, l.ctween midnight and a o'clock this morn : thlcvee got Into tho residence of Oeorge rs, 7,"iO Jefferson avenue, Brooklyn, and lo Jewelry ana clothing valued at S0. ftttlry valued at 30 was this morning en from tbe apartments of Louis A. Alien, I Kulton btreet, Brooklyn. In Erooklyn Play-Houses. ' !any theatre parties are attending Lillian scilH pi-rioimances at the Park Theulre 5- eek, tthd tbe bouse is nlghllv packed to sV uooih. Tit-nlv'ht the Ivy Club will wit- El "Lj. Clgale.'" Next week "Little Tip- mi i," which Is said to te a laugh-making J2 I t-couieuy, will be presented. j? J . rnona Jarteau does several clever things i J he way of singing and dancing In " star- r u" at the AiuphlOn. Ldwartl Harrlgan f l begin Ills annual engagement at this 2r i c next Monday nenlng In ltellly and y 400," with scenery and settings shown In ' York. rCATHS IN BROOKLYN The following Is the official list containing name ot every person In Brooklyn over i jrara old whose death was reported to the I ailment of Health yesterday . i uxku Hock. M, So. 20!) .Mlildloton at. ,optl- ! IlllAliLEr. 00. -No. 622 Dean it mm. LKUi k. 21, No 416 hi. lot plies ay I-. tilLH, 20, So. all lUdaun ave. laun -, uiliolT A HviM. CO, .No. HI Franklin av. WU.1AM .VlCIIOLAH IHH18TIAM1, 17, o. 811 a Iw.y raimiic uukor iZAl.rTI!('ocuiiNE. 37. No. 07 Flojrtit. lAltxt'ol'LTEH, J6, toot of trremiait. i liam IiEas. i, .No. C7 2d "I. MNA Donneu. 72, .No. 714 Ploahing ftTr. fn 'MV hAHI.t, jr , 12. No 242 lioorv at. rf vuad locitx, 40, No. U Columbia place, tfl6 aitroN l-UAW HAwraoK, 60, No 728 Gatai ., . ..eltffr) ilerk, tie Haruitti KALrCB. S8. No. 14 Rtld a... InilHirT MciiKATH, III, Nn 54 Walcol at. Ivf- NCI 1'ALAr 41, No. 2ft7 orlh Olhat. ' J1 .lARUABET E IIFEII, 41). Ao. 148 WjckOlt It it 1)6 Aul" Riocimt, 62, No. 115 Vauilerbllt .. 0T Sciimict, 14, No. 31 Scbolaa it. i pol- " UN Uannau hotOMOlc, 17. No. 1950H At . ar mile Smith. 21, No."0 Central aee. . butcher. ;ai,j AMtiTEWAtlT. S7. No. 60 humpter it. ' itai V Villecmizr, 61, No. IS9 Wood. . t tnerctiatit, u .ibt Willi, J3, No 2132 Fnlton it., porter. TenerlfTe's Captain Safe In Port. apt. Brown, of the brig Tenerltre, whleb lost at Crab Island, arrived In New York - morning on the British steamer Bermuda 'tn St. Lucia. cNamoo to Repair th Aqueduct. Brooklyn's city WtrVs commissioner Adams lay awarded the contract lor repairing the "liict's ireak. which recurred Ian No- '. .' ,0 -ouiractor John JlcNauiee, ot kin H tin m rilnl'e rttienjfqtnltr. , , yJTgaP . fry, .'it ,. " ,y. -'J- CBEEOE MAY BE SWEPT AWH. Willow Creek Bank Full Peoplo Flee from the Peril. Klootl Still Oulnlnc at Arknnms City Distress Anions tho i'oor. Irv APforuTrn ram. I CnrEOE, coL, Mav ST. Creede Is In danger of being swept anay. The melting of the snow on tho range has caused Willow Creek to rise rapidly, and for the past week It has leen running bank lull. It Is almost out of lis banks, and the dykes are ept to give way at an moment. ltesidences along the alley road are In a perilous rosltlon, for ones the djko gives way there Is no hope for the town, which Is mostly bottom land. .Many peoplo have left the city owing to the danger of a flood. Ahxansas Citv, Ark., May ST. The river keeps on In Its upward tendency and now shows 4l).fl on the gauge. Tho back water rose another nvc-tcnths during tho lost twenty hours, and reports ot flooded plantations nnd ruined crops con tlnue, and numerous reports ot sufferings of poor peoplo In tho back country aro heard on every hand. ROBBED THE SAFE, BUT FREEED Banker Turner Decllnod to Proso cute His Tblovlng Office Boy. John Y'agcr, an ofllco boy employed by the banking nrm ot Uorman, Tur ner & Co. at 34 Broad street, learned the combination of tbe firm's safo and used the knowledgo to supply himself with pocket money. Hums aggregating $80 wero taken before detectives were put on tho case, and then Yager was trapped with a marked bill. '1 he boy, who llvos In New Jersey, was a Erlsoncr In tbe Court this luornlng, ut us Mr. 'turner, of the firm, declined to prosecute, Justice Uutly discharged the lad with a warning. TO DIE AY AUBURN PRISON. William Henry Parker Sentenced for the Weok of July 11. It T AMPrtATKH TUMI. I LocxrOBT, May ST. William Henry Tarker, comlcted ot murder in the flrst degree, wus sentenced by Judge Orcen In Circuit Court this morning to death by electrocution at Auburn during tno week commencing July 11. Charles Kclley, another principal In tho crime, was sentenced tn lite Imprisonment, and William Chambers, the tblid ut the trio, w as gl en eleven y ears lu AUburn. Drafts on a Bogus Bank. Hlslenrned to-day that fraudulent drafts for small amounts, to tue order of one Burns or Kennedy, or others, aro belulg cashed by a number ot banks lu Western cities. The drafts are Mgned by J. Speth, cashier of the Merchants and Farmers' Bank ot Day ton, la., and are drawn on the Lincoln Na tional Bank ot New York City. There Is no such bauk lu Da) ton. Thomas L. James, President of the Lincoln National Bank, says that three of the Uralts have been presented at the bank. Inspecting Brooklyn Parks. President A. It. Mjers and Adilan Van Brunt, Kansas City Park Commissioners, visited Maj or Boody, of Brooklyn, to-day, and wero ldtroduced to Park Commissioner Biower and other city officials. They are ou a tour ot inspection through the Last to study the park bystems. Painter Bosso Dies of His Wound. Emll Bosse, the French painter, living with his wlte on the top floor of 3S3 East Seventy-1 fourth street, who shot himself In the neck jnsterday atternoon.dled at the Presbyterian I Hospital earlv this morning. Bosse left a letter to bis wife, wberelu he expressed dis gust wltb life, saying: " In France I couldn't live; In this country 1 wouldn't live. Pardon me, I love you with all my heart." e Two Houses Struck by Lightning. Ifrrr,- 'nirr vYv .,, , New Bbcn8wicx, N. J., May ST. During the prevalentoot n heavy thunder, lightning nnd rain storm at midnight the residences of S paschal Wright and bafford 'lotten were 1 struck by lightning and badly damaged. 1 he storm almost amounted to a cloudburst. Nine Years, Five Months for Ewers. Ferdinand Nicholas Ewers, who stole over 110,000 from the corbln Banking Company, by which ho was emploj cd, and was caught In Chatham, N. Y was to-day sentenced by 1 Judge Fitzgerald tn General tiesslons to eight I years In Mate Prison. On another Indictment i for stealing a diamond pin he wus sentenced to one ) car and in e months. Nine Shipwrecked Seamen Arrive. Nine seamen of the schooner William A. Marbury, of Baltimore, which was wrecked on the hpanlsh Key Beef, Bahamas, were landed hero this morning by the bteamer Clenfucgos. Events Ahead In Brooklyn. I Mine MflvUle'l ctlncexhlbltlon of fancj aan I clntc at the Critfriou Tneatre to.ntxbt. ' There will t.a an athletic eihfbition to-night in the crinuialuni of the l'oljteiuiilo Inatitute A reception will ie held by Prof fima'l'e dancing c'Afl.ea tontnhl in Wafer! Hall, corner of Myrtle and Ware, It arenuee. I Annual reunion of the ht. Patrick Sooietj at ' Clarendon Hotel Saturday evening. I May SU will be opening day for the Brooklyn YaLht Cljb, at auore headquarter!, Graieieud hay ' Biacti. I Package party of Clinton Cocneil. No 21, Trten , Dill Henent Leagie, it 21" Court alreet to-niglit. I Ihe Loug til nd Live Htoclt Fur Avaociaflnn'e ' Spring Mihibition Mill l.e held at Huntington, ' L. I . Juue 8 and D. hntrlea oloae May 30. j Prcaentatior. of billiard trophy to tit. Peter'a Cattiolio LlDrary Aaeooiatfon, ilub.houee, 110 to 116 w arren alrret, tliia ereulug I On Mcnday evenini:. M.t 30. the U'a. k Pattt I will give at tbe Coluinnia 'theatre her aroond coo i,ert in tbl. city, htlo ,i i be by Julea I Ivy, the cornet lolol.t, an 1 hit American band I and Ihe Alabama aingera. I The aecond annual doling exhibition of the even- 1 fng gyinnaalum uiaa.ea of the rlanteru 1) etlkt branch of the Young Men'. Chn.tlan A.aociatlon, 131 South 1.1 A hi h tre,t, will be held Saturday evening 'ihe tauten' auxiliary of the Aaaooatin will hold a take, candy and ice-cream .ale in the partori during the altoruoon an 1 evening Wire News in Brief. The St Lojla stamping Company ie to build a ton on theeatt aide of the river ou a plan imllar to that ot Pullman. III. S A. Ee, a New Yorker of olJ. for many yeara Chinese touaul at hat,, fell dead in the atreet yraterdey lu that city. "J D Jonnaon and Levi Miller, fa'm laborer! In Jackeou County, Ind., are killed b) lightning hherilt Ben wilder 'hit and killed by . priioner at Macon, lie. The Uutchera1 National Protective Aeaoclatlon decidee to loiae tta packlni-nouee and atocg . pena, to oot bait a mllllou uoilara, iu Dallaa. I Underhlll, Prealdent ot the defunit Flour City ILife Aeaoclalion, of Kooileiter, la found guilty of torgeiy In the third degree The Hnie at Vfaehini ton paaaee a bill providing for tho aaleof navy land in Brooklyn, at a price ol not leae man 641,000 an acrj. I Weather Foreoast. Tilt l A.M. dalurday: Showtri, follow t b air ternttitr this it frrnoon; slightly warmer; tout hieesle r v vlna : f.r Saturn nay and Sunday: fair, Hallonary tempera ture, Tbe following record shows tUs chanjus trt the temperature lor tuj pan twenty-four i houri a. .,( a, u C2 1 9 a. ... .M 1 13.... 63 u , . u ; , . . r t BROOKLYN PAGE. THE TURF. , e , - Spectators Hiss the Horses Contending for the Brooklyn Gup. JOCKEY BENDER SUSPENDED. Decision of tho Allan Bane-Banquet Race Saves the Bookies. Tho race-going public could not complain ot lack of sensational Incidents at Graescnd 'jesttrday. It was one day In a mIMIon. j Eu'rythlng seemed turned upside down, and I spectators becarao so disgusted that during the farcical raco (?) for tho Brooklyn cup ! they hlised vigorously while the last quarter was being run. one cannot blame them. Only two horses started In this hts- ' torlc event I.ongstrcet and his less celebrated brother, Longtord. The latter was hlmply started to get second money. He was plainly out ot condition, and bis Jockey, llaydcn, took a double wrap on him and prepared tor an easy gallop. There was letting o'l this race, and many Inno cents, attracted bj the tempting odds, put their dollars on Longford. 'I hey had no pos sible chance to win, and, In view of tho exist ing circumstances, bets should have been de clared off. It would hao been the fairest posslb e tblog to hje done. Owner Collins i and Jockey Ilayden wero censured. The I former pleaded that ho was Ignorant of the rules, and thought It was no nrfenso to start for second monoy. It Is to be hoped that a repetition of this race will never occur agnln. In the second race Jockey Bender gave a wotully bad exhibition ot Jockejshlp. He simply choked the spirit clean out of Lcona well, so that ulna be tried to get up In the stre'eh It was like trj tug to run n locomotlvo wltLtut tteain. Whether Bender's riding I was dishonest rr whether It was a bad Interpretation of orders It Is alftlcult to 1 say. It Is certain that his riding beat tho colt. 1 he case Is worthy ot the probe. 1 ho fact that Leocanell Is engaged In the Metro politan Handicap on Monday at nlnel) -eight pounds should not be oerlooked It an Inves tigation Is made. Mills may lead to the dis covery of the motive which actuated lienuir in his riding. 'Iho boy was suspended Indefinitely. In this same race Allan Bnno and Banquet ran whut tho Judges doi-laed wax a dead heat. ut cuurse, there is no gulug behind the de cision of these oftlclals, but eicry man Is en titled to bis own opinion. The men who tall the races In the p, ess row tor the newspaper ini'ii were unanimous In declaring Allan Bane the winner. 'Ihe decision sated the ring from a scorching which Allan Bane's backers would have given it, and It also sated Mr. M. P. Dwjcr hall the plunge bet he made I on Banquet. KuleSTCotthe ltules of ltaclng reads ns follows: "A start In irout ut the starling post Is void and the horses must be started again." suppose, for sake ot argument, that Mr. Khret, owner ot Don Aluiuo, or Mr Huppert, owner ot AJix, or any one ot the thirteen owners of li'irsts, should tile a nro. test that tho aboe rule hud been violated In the third race yesterdaj. 'then there wuuld be a pretty kettle ut fish, for no less than thrto horses had passed the liming post when Manor Howe's nag telL Iho timer did not think It was a go and his flag only tell because he was paraDred. It was the duty of tbe Judges to order tbe race run over again. 'I hey dlj not, i however. If lules are made to gotcrn racing, It seems only proper that they bhould be lived up to. Llttlefleld met with his usual Spring accl den'. )eslerday. While at the post in the tireal American with Minnehaha, tho tllly stumbled and threw the Jockoi. llu was dragged along tho track for some distance, and when picked up was lnsenslblo irnm trlght, as his injuries were not serious. Ho will be all right In a lew days. Superstitious people claimed Ihat the presence ot thirteen horses at the post was suttlcient reason fur an accident to haupeiu Br. Shepherd, the well-known veterinarian, jesterdaj offend Louis Stuart lor the colt Patron, it Is said that the offer wns made In behult ot Waltull and Campbell, btuart refused tbe bid. I I lir. Knapp, the well-known pigeon shit and i clubman, who Is credited wltn being the I of Mr Wnller, winner ot the i.reat I American stakes said to havo presented (utirlsin with t'.'.OUO alter the snapper landed tho Midlothian colt a victor. Kstclle, ridden by Oeorgo Taylcr at St. Louis jesteidny got i.lpjed on the u Ire by Hoodlum, through Tajb.r's careless Mulshing. I The Judges sti ended 'la) lor tor thirty dajb. I c. Cornehlseu has named tho yeaillnzcolt I by Powhatan out of .s-a-Vsby Virgil, Mc Int re. in compliment to the secretar) ol the I Brookltn Jockey club. I i " Brown Dick" cut two good things loose 'jestcrday. one was Allan Bnn and the nihtr nest Brand. The former ran a dead heat and tbe latter wa- very unfortunate in getting away. A m-sscnger boy gao Bookmaker sam Fmiiy two tickets ricrday calling lor alA'OO on Sir Walter. '1 hey were cashed. Liier It was dlscoiered that they were forgeries It Is reported that starter Caldwell win be. come a oonllate. Burner my that he has purchased tue Huorado, on Twenty.elghth street, from caterer Mcuialh tor J0,00u. Fain lew has been declared out ot tho Met 1 ropolltau Handicap. Proved an Alibi for tho Money. I Blchard Walsh, an tx.conttct, charged Charles O'llara, bartender at the "Penter Mug "ont hern Hill. In tho TotuU Court to day with robbery and assault. Walsh said he was released Irom the Island yesterday, that he wou $.14 on tbe races, and that the money was stolen from him In the ' Pewter Mug.1' o'llara prnedau alibi fur tbe money uud was discharged. Hun Down by a Harlom Train. liriCIAL TO THCXTEXIXO VTOKLS WnuK Plaini, May 27. John Collins, em- ! plOKd l.i the family of Dr. Mugness, was probably fatally Injured this morning near llartsdale by being run down b) a luriem , train. Found Oend In His Offlco Chair. 1 Watrnmaker Henry Ulrsch was found dead In a chair In bit office at 137 Cast Eighty seventh street, about midnight this morning. Heart disease tsa-t the auppcied cause of death. t y ytfp yf yj f ' w7 '" v SPKCIAL.-l.OnO ilozrn Lntlies' fine ptuliroidorril Whito Hniiilcr-t-hiofs, sftillopotl etlyps nil now tuid linmlsnmo tlosiim. Tlioy men Hnct'iiil lot of lino hiuhjiIps sent to us to hdect next buiisoii'h stltM ami , inttcrnR from. Xo sccoiuIb or dnmagotl ,'ooila, but all choice, clean stock. NOTE PRICES: Fino Embrouloroil, worth 25c, at I5c. Fine Embi oidcrctl, worth GO p., nt 25c. Fine Embroidered, worth 75c,, at 35c. Fine Embroidered, worth $1.25, at , 48c. 6,000 MULL TIES AT 5o. On Saturday, 500 dozen fino embroidered Mull Ties, value 25c; will be sold at 5C. Bloomingdale Bros., Boys' Popular Fashions. Boys who want a cool suit for warm weather, do not need to look twice at our blue serge Suits, in double-breasted style. Tho prices 13 and 15 dollars. 'Then there are whipcords in slates and browns; same low ness of price and highness of value; 14, 15 and 16 dollars. Boys come in for about the best of everything now, ex actly as men do. HACKETT, CARHART & CO., Broadway and Canal Street. A BEAR RAID TO-DAY. Cntnronclc Contingent Puahea Down Prices of Railway Shares. Wall STKruT, 1-rlday, May 27. Tho bears ncreon top this morning and succeeded In putting prices down tor railroad shares ' to 1 j er cent., tho latter lor Hi clc island and Louisville and Nashville. National cordage preterred tell off from 114 to IVHi. Large sales by Charles Head Co. were at first uiougtit to be long moclc, but It was stated on good authority that the orders , emanati'd Irom the cammack contingent. 'Ihe market rallied under tbe ladershlpof I Western Union and Lackawanna. Among the specialties Colorado Coal & Iron was galvan Ued Into life and ruse y per tent. I I Tbe Quotations. I Op.n. tilth. !.w Ararrlran Cabl. H3 Hi HS AravrlcanSaiar Itef 'J"M H'Vi U7i Auieiuaulsuiar Kit yr.f US VS U'U Auirrtiaii Cotloi Oil prf.. . Ti4 TiH ' AUh.. lop. in.ula f. 3iH 3IH 3.,W I rtiititnore t uln.i Uta otai y.H I hr.aprak. t OUm 'JJla 2J( US ' flncaso itai HJ'l H'i 'J 1 ouic. Uur.4Qlnoj 10)H 10)1, 10IH tn. rf... i ml..., IS'J !,' LtucaaoA Nbrttlw.,t ll'J'a 111H lll. Mil. A ht. I'aul 7; 78 71t C11U..M Aril I'. uret 13ts 13H 13iMi I Olilc. Itockla. A Pac iil .H 7., cm. . J i K.inil lir.i ... 101 10I.H 1U1 Chu .Imiv A lr hl'K Yua. m7 tn 7 Col. A IUntnt Vall.x 37 3i 37 Culura oloaiAlruu .1.1 .11 ao I umu iitaled l,aa . 1151, lt.Mt 115c, lli-l.. ii.k A ISh 1JJC, 161i DetiverA itiu I,rau0e ur.r.... 004 5 4 $Mi 111.. .1 I all he. 1 ) tl .! Ldiaifi iicii. hlftlrlo Tr.o ... Ill', 11IH Huh, i v.iih .. Ir I am. Idti'i 1 . H l3lf LlrlF.IM.a, 71vj .' 1 hi jL; ljk..Slior 111 1J1 13i)4 1 ,n . ri. .1 IS, tern J3, .'S 74( Loui.viil. A Naalivlll. 7'.?, 7 oil 76 .Maunatlai' Cou.ul 1,1 ij l.i t Mini l mil. I . .. . Ills IDS 104 n.liiu A M Mini, 1V1 i ill iH Mi.tuun I'aclrio 51 Ah 56 Mn. i.n a in. pr.l 'ii 1 'li .Sal. (ordLu lua, 11 lUTi .N.l l i.i l.r.i 11.11, lit li.l 1 tjalloi.rff Ktt, s:w h;s N. i A . Kncland 3si .1"H 3ita K V t-ri-A Wmi kiM t alia Is. V.. J.. I. A,tl)raf 6I' 1,7 f.lU . I . m,i. 4 wl. yr.l, ... I m, HH tl' .Nortl.ri, l'a,ltic 1D' iJ' V 1'ai.iric vX 5J &l!l 5.ift Oiiul-s MtH JiH 'ilU tlntariul v.vt lf.1. I"7v, 1M I'.uw Mill J5 . Ja Pili., e I .rtltlcale, 55ta Wi Art. l-lill. A Kradlnx .. 1,1,1, Hull IOC, I'.o , II. A l.van.vill. 17C, 18 l.c, Itkn .1 tt I' I.r i. Itcc. .i III 4 ht Paul A Oinalia M'' Ml, M,l bjulLcru 1'iliu 1)7 c, J7, 37), IPM, I'l II 11 I'lk t'l, Turn. Coai A Iron it ,,' i: Union I'ai-ino sue, nil, .,'. l .... II 11 U Mabatlipr.f 'J. 31 2 1 S., I tilon r.l..ra;iu Uili 11.1 H'4 Wh.rlini J lake hna All, Alt, J1H V lir.iui. A 1 .k.r.ri. pr.l 7IH ?4 7H A lull aciounlot Wall strCLl aSalr. 111 b fouud iu iut: hvt.MMi Uokluj sporting 1-xtra. Arrlvod nt "ihtsi Port To. Day. Mr, piliw.r.. I harl.ifn, S. C. Miy 21 I hlr h. i -i rta i hr ) I, ,erpnu. Mj 13. ri-lr. 1 1 ' ill . Hr ). Lou lull, Xan llhtr 'la llr. i, M i.tiria, rfiar 17. jjstr lei'lurgi".. 1 i.nt axo . Max lu tolr lieruard. llarakoa, , a a,a l m i I AMONG THE WHEELMiN ' The I.. A ' wantar.orianltatlonat the lnl.r- co'l.glate aainre I Ibe HuJ,on t ountr Wheelman will run to Ureen- ! wood Lake. N. J . on Sunday, i Th. M.troio ilan Aavoclatlon of Cjcllnf Cluba will meet at tu. I oluubla, oa Fourteenth, lo-Lljht The houth flrusklvn Wht.lman'a clob-hoa,.. on Fifteenth aire. I. Urotklyu. la a popular reodeioua , tor oilt'Ol-lown wnetltnen riding in Froipeit Park. I The Monlauk Wheelmen will be represented at I the Milborn Irvmsto road rare on May 30 i Tba Lenox Nsh.eimtn are taikinc cfalonrvaca tioa tun cu tbe biate tblaoummer. Tlie Union I ousty ltoadalara wPl open tbtir new qaerter.tnl e track at Habway on U)uday. The Rlverflde Wneelrnen ar ready to mvet the Klnara Coanty Wheelmen In a team race at any we. PAISLEY'S, 397 6th Ave. Between 24th & 25th Sts. Summer Shoes. Ladies' llussct Oxford?, S2.00 upward-. Ladies' White Canvas Oxfords, S2. 50 upwards. Ladie' Kid Oxlonis, S 2. 00 upwards. H'ELPlVANTtUMAL. CAII1M:T-.MAKI:H.S. rli.lrm.k.n and catv.r. Tnu.t untl.raUnd wi.rkln Irom plan, .t.atly work and full proteotlun Peltier. Myiuu. ACu,, lxlugtonave andalatat TSNtllNKFIt having .ip.rl.nre wllli ..winc.ina. chln.i 04 Zabrlakleat., Jeri.y City Heiihta., Ave Intelligent hoyi. Apply at ."soctoo A Lo.'i, 1 and 3 bail IJthat. DEATH OF MRS. RACHEL WISE. She Devoted Her Life nnd Fortune to tbe Poor of Jerusalem. The announcement Is maoe by cable of the death In Jcriualem of Mrs. ltachel Wise, mother of llev. Dr. Aaron Wise, of Templo Hoaoph Bcholom, In bluj -third street near Lixlugton atenue. Mrs. ltachel Wise promised her husband lust before his death In Lrlu,, in 1NH1, that the would go lu tho Hoi) Laud and neote tho remainder of her life tu the care of tho poor and sick in hospitals there. Mie kept her proinUo and devoted to that purpm-o tho fortune left by her husband, -he died on Wednesday and will be burled to-daj on the Mount of Olives. NEW MANHATTAN HOSPITAL Reception by the Manager of tbe Improved Institution. .Manhattan Hospital tn Harlem is open to day, after extensive Improvements, and will bo ready to receive lis full complement ot patients next week. There was a brilliant, reception at tbe Hos pital yesterday afternoon tendered by the Hoard of .Managers and the Ladles' Absolu tion of the Dispensary. Among those presml wero Mr. aul Mrs Alfred M. Judson, .Mr, lie olney Kterett, Mrs. 1). l 'liemanu and Mis. J. Hood Wright. mm I GEN. A. D. STRAIGHT DEAD. The Officer Who Planned tho His toria Escapo from Lib by Prison, rr Al.rriATrn .r., l IsniASArotis, Ind, May t!7. tlen. A 1). btflgbt died at his c uniry home, two miles cast ot this cltj, this uvrulns. Abdel I), btrelght was torn In Wheeler. N. V., Juno 17, lM'ju, Uu talsej the Hlti.tlr-i Indiana Volunteer Itigun. in nir iheelMl war, and when be and bis uiii.ui.iiid b-cjmo pris oners at Llbbyhe planm J Hid memorable and historic dcliemc for e.v .ipe, by which 10b urtl cers herured t lelr fieedinn . Altir t lie battle (4 N.ishWlle llr was made brigadier general by I'rr-ldetit Llnculn. Lynchlne a Question of Catchlnir, inv aaaocUTrii l H.e GKEEM-r, Ky Mav '.! - ihreo miles south ot Wilnrd jesterday Au-iln I'urter slabbed and Lliled his wife. Olllo l rter 1 Ley parti d one enr ago. Poller mine to tli.'liuu-. ot , his taiher.ln-law, tieorgi' II ates ut i arter 1 tounty, entered by a wn d ' ai .'t o'clock In the tnorulng and stabbed bllo h- was asleep. r,hu died In a mlnuiea. I'ornr will be Ijtichcdlf caught. A GOOD CUP OF TIJA. HOTEL-KECPKHS make a mistake in luiMiip; j)oor tea or cofl'eo. Jt disturbs tlio tempers of tho gue.-tr. and causon loss of patronage. We niuki) a Hjieeial rato on livo pounds or more. Writo to is, stating quan-tit- dosiieil. Ilmaon t hop Ten, . . 1.1c. per lb. (nld .ilrilnl Java CafTrr, - 3iir. per lb. Mail ordera promptly filled. Samples sent free. Now York & China Ton Co., 77, 70 nnd 8J Ve.ry -trcrt. IUrlem tlmnch, COO Hal ICJIb Hirrd. Perfect Fitting Light and Medium r x . Extensive " Variety. in all ,0 Prevailing ' New Fabrics 25 and Shades For Men and Youths. VOOEL BROTHERS, Broadway and Houston St,, Eighth Avenue and 42d St, liT" I'nalilun Cntnlosur Srnl 1 ree. Our stores will be closed Monday May joh, Decoration Day, Lord Taylor. Broadway Store: 1! roadway and 20th fit GraBt Street Store: QranaVuucl Chrystle Sit. A MUTUAL SURPRISE. (roe, Tritlh.l Jt. l.-Prof. nilaiice, the great alack-wlre nalLer. prepares to surprise the town ot fu.allMllc 'i Hut us hi-, ji.-i i. nnlng wire happens to Ui crossed to a lit v elecul,. light wire, tj surprise pruies iiiutuat. Gar Hnd N'onrl Killed Him. I William A. on'ail who has for twenty years Lept birlir shop at IIM. to'.is sileet, Jersey i n astound unconu'lous In hU roniii last iwnli.-. hating been almost asplDM.itid bj K.I- i id as seating troui tu.. open turners He is lu tin-hospital li rtaauilma) uni rion-r. He denies tuat he jlieuipud to kill hln c f. Alnbrun. Lvnch iia- I'nrty Jailed. I T iimi ui 1 1- nm HlKuiMiiiAM, Al.i . Ma -.'T -Mx men are In l.ill at I'uller on riurhi ,1 with pjrtL-lpallng In a l) orbing. Ibl- i-Hn- fir st tlmelntbe recent lilttnr) ot .M .bimi tint a i) member nf a mob his been l-itirtirel wltn by legal IbeMcunis were two white meu, Monroe Irens and nl- son John, Crushed to Donth by n, Tucr EnRtno, Joph llencruan, thirty yeara old, ot lioadnut street, New Vorl . a rremin on the tU ibarlrs M hempland, while oiling an engine this tnnrnin; wis caught In the machinery and cru.bed to di a h. the tug was at the tool of Vau Urunt street, liruOkiyn. MAL ESTATE. j HEAL ESTATE. jgfl KCaSaifjJrUOil 1 ' im:iti,i)tiKiti tiii: m: MTti'ti, moimi. w vl (i lllllt-TIt IK II All. KOMI. m Si FULLY RESTRICTED. II CLRAND EXCURSEOIM AND SALE II DECORATiON. DAYB " 11 . -I'Liltl, TKIIN l,l.lti: Mill II WIN DIVISION. till.VM) (L'NTItAI, f. JlH DtMMIT, jU ri' AT 2.30 P. Nl. $ ? 'ft -imh i ( i i(i,) at i p. .ii. u i:i:k ll.i AT 2 P. .11. ) 19 fLOTS AND VILLA PLOTS FROM $250 UPWARD. fe iav .Mu.Nriii.Y rAYiirsrs Sf ! (Q Tii'i.i.s ii i in iti: i: i) y) HH ,S ly th. ni-tni.ti Atn.r -an 11. al I alat. Tit. I, lara-ilf v Co. & YnH M Ml llllt rvs-TS AMI IMlUSIM.iri' V-v 1 BREWTWOOD PLAZA CO., 1 IU7 IlitOAIIW A. ITU I I.Otllt. H 5 0r liranrhlimr... iimj Mav. , SI t.nt lJ-,thl , 1171 ll.l av. . cori.r 5Sth t . U1R Droadwar. 'v t.tup.n 3'Jlti an I tOtlirin 17 l.iat 1 2 I it . n.r llran I L'eutral llepot : 3J Lmt 8i3lh at 'J' M M ('nil tit our oflico for lailroail jwsboh titul nvoitl tho crowil lloiulav " j H bv visititifr our property Sutiiriliiy itftcrnoou. H SCARSOALE, I On llnrlrni Kit 35 mimitri from irtmi. ( rntrnl Drput onlr nrrrn mttea from M Hie rlli limit. 'II, r llurot pH In Wrilrhoilrr Cnnnty. l.COO loin , M nt HIOO lo S275 rncli, pntnlilr 95 prr month. M NORTH END LAND IMPROVEMENT CO., I 49 & 51 Chambprs St., New York I- FROM SIOO UP. EASY PAYMENTS. M M ffy i.oth in , i:i.i.-i)i:vi:i,ofi:i) town. I , a "Jr wher. th.r. are rhurche., .chonta, ator.i, hoto a, park., vaa.ll ' SS .l.ctri llalil. il.yot ami n.lifol on iirnpertj, r.anhe.i by LehlffUn .M SfSjJr Vallejr, r t-.ntrai ltailroaii of.New J.riey in ilO 11 IN I TKN 14 mlieejl M W irnm N.m Ynik uv.r 1UU traltia dalir icuimuutalioa 'J centa eaca wa, lo-fl H VK ciuiinii t.rnaic.) hutll ia ' TH r.&Zr itn-i.i.i.t , n. .1.. wunii: in: Aitr. now sn.i.iNt: 7nol r m:lTlll I, I.IITs, Tltlea ruarant.odbj --The .New .l.n.j nt'e and Ab-B j H JJjr atrartl" h.tul lor tnapa ami I'll I. II PA ..!:. to elamlne ttl. tiropertr ( M Xir Till. riti:tl!.Itlt K II. TllOlt.NS CO., HI HruniltTny, New York. I S BiliaaHaTBBatTHaaBaaaavBHnHrSTBBBHaiBa : H v JERE JOHNSON, JR S riA3 fy i protected cr d:cision J'jj of supreme court, $&ggjaw NOV nth, 1588. e,snt;JOHNSoW Wl Hnmer Jy I DON'T IM'TAIC FLG lfcQta OPEWBSyC! DEMOREST ON THE HILL-TOPS. flntht firnou rnnjlnU Kit ner Uahwiy, ft.t train. CummuUtiou at tberatu of li ceuta lrr trip. FREE EXCURSION DAILY, ON TWO TIl.WN. UP TO AND INCLUDING DECORATION DAY a discount of 5 per cent, will he allowed on all purchases, Additional 10 per cent, oil forallcaih. On I DECORATION DAY A FREE LUNCH WILL UL M1KVCI) ON TIIK rROPKItTY. n.oT- jrixt.'io rniiT n.icn, i.noij! i'.IMt,?1-i.i,Vii:h-h. A NATIUAL iu:.irii itixiur. Imor''t on Ihr lltt'-Tops ronttttitei a mucnlfl rfnt plateau and la the hiitit ttrojnil on th rM.iii.a.iu Kit l-tweon .Nw V-.rk ant Thila ilolnhla ( luftfton Kit nation on txHli pIJ uf Ua itronrt) lnrnmiiarabir urrtuudtnua Ofr look lUhnaj, UIi iU umiietiic luauutacturinit IbUrfat TITLES INSURED. Kir it;. anil fr pufi from Nw York. )nr Cj ami uitMmn lt .tolnla apply In pron, or b ltir ut po.tal. to,Jrr .1 t nanri Jr Cu l.ihrrtj t.. N Y.,dJ laJauJ lift Montagu' at .Urookiyu, mm sale decora bay. I Clerks and Salesmen Iloi'lsi.e. ' a arvio S. w 1. -k i lj Lan I 1, ,,, i ,. i i tl . l.ltMl lilIOS .-'. at Mm IIluim II i- m I i Allan...", lln l. i. r i P. '. " ' i'a M ia'av, Mar M), at 2 1' M i.iiit.1 lr. in i rm li.i.jLof-t l.uauiLeia I . Ill ". ' a I. i". iij.ii.1 jjfuu. . Merchants & Mechanics pon't i it i i rrt jr in iy -n ot .' IOW MI 1.1-3 ihi (f hi . rk i fj, ''ti r' hr time luat m trat-i ti. ! ritra ar farr, v i verLa hu.! auy iiu a-itanitk' ' aityiv iJiiv investors & Speculators Tr.p i ar i h ri 1 ,,f i' the lpot , "0 nam ' i -J - '" ,,' 1 uii() trumi'bam tr sin, t I -r-v N ' at 1 N Y KU. u?ar wok Ihol.riiti Id kfi v a tf acl ar bound to ra, I' i a ' BUY f nt to Sw i rk - ill w'ier n tM ar imreia tii(tan-1vr i" itwn iiM.ianii . ill ri ., .i iwian.luW l STA.Nl. IMI, ii K-a .cat N V I CHEAP LOTS t in. be ,r! J at auction III t IlitATIIIS II W, .1IIIMIV1. M ill), AT ttt.atl . .11., o i the gn u.i ta adjolnmc Van .Not lu t. Wf.uhMtat, and MORR3S PARK ltAti: Tit tt ii. 12 .1IINl".'L I'llllll IVOTII T., SJ Ave. r'leiatetl 5tailui ' V.rj Faay Terms Tittea Inaured Kree S.nilror llapa, Ac tn II. I'. Ilniirn Jc Co., Auctiomtri .S'J Liwertv at NewVoik , ICTS GlEN AWAY" JAMES L. WELLS, Auctioneer. I will anil tit auction at the Kal Etat Rschaor 'M auJ Auction ltoom, M to 65 Ubrtj at., at aon, i H TL'EMI.Wt .HAY 31. , jl 146 SELECT LOTS, 1 comprtalns a portion of tht DICKINSON ESTATE. l alt pnJidj IcN-at on and adjacent to b ad ( wick l at., on trautllat nJ popaiar , KINGSBRIDGE 1 HEIGHTS, I 2TM WA1U, EW YORK CITT. ffl High, healthy irronnd, IotIf vlewa, ne(gbbor 91 honOtii handsome private reldrucft, no naiaant .?IH (Tiiilltod, KratlK-i aveuuea and atrteta. propTtf IHI tarnfiiny derelope4 ana read (or I iu medial r lM SEWER, WATER AND GAS, 1 Allcltj lmprortraenta and conTeniencta. H TWO UAIiatOAl) .STATIONS H arts within a few mtnutM' walk of 1h Iota, and 117 !1H trln Oallj furnl.n quick, cheap traoalt. Br th jJI ." lork and .Nortbtrn. conntciinff on umi plat f lorm vfith KifiTated roa1(OQiy3l ruinutea to "J J 4 jH at , ;)J iiilniitea to 14th at and 45 minotea to .11 Hoc tor at by iprea trains. Far, laeludinx al Mefaivd. n(n ana ons-uarifr enta per nda, 11 tflvH fw York Central, 31 minutea to ;dit, SiH ALL THESE ADVANTAGES ffl Kndorthla pvport unna uallftttractlra forhoma til bulldintf and for lnTfimnt, and a pergonal flail tflH and a caroful esamlnatlon are aollcltrd. jH TITLE OUAUA.NTEED FHEE OF COST Iffl to buy era. Eaay teriui of payment Send for SlH maps to JAMES L WELLS, AUCTIONEER, H t0 LIBERTY ST, 4H GREAT AUCTION SALE I of Elegant Building Lots 19 AT PORT RICHMOND, fl ARLINnTON STATION, S 1. jfl Ad,'ountd from May 14, oo account of hear $t.H lorin, it JraH bATUROAY, MAY 28, lJ:. ale commence at 3 I M H Thla beautiful properly bejzina at the station tod 'dfl run to Hay, attordlug nue Doitioi, Kit bins ani MfaH Hathinc M IT is OVKK MXT JEKTAII IVKTIIB ffl WATf.lC, WITH El.KtSAM' VIEWn. Sold at auction on tbe Instalment Piaa. TitU 11 ptr(ct. 10 prr cent tash.utber payments monthl dM it iiiartmy ilM lake 1 J JO P M. toat from Ilattery. Fare lOo. .-iH THIS lh A CHANt.E &ELlOM OFFLKgl. ! Jl. LOT, 25illu, in the bett part uf Da tuoor 1JH tfivrn treewttn 4iuJ worth ui ktock paymj li )l prr i ent guarantnf d Prnculara at I jte.uU.oua4 !H ctLhaue, riJi Broadway, Hy.m J 11 Vfl m - THE M FAMOUS ill O l D M E N M OF 1892. Tables of ihe Metric System of iU Weights and Measures. H Interest Tables. H The flew York Stato Flowor H Vote. ! Legal Interest and Judgment. SH Outlawry in All the States. I U Exemption from Attachment in jH All the States. IH Full Tables of Postage Rates 1ffl and information. ffl Corrected to date for THE ffl WORLD ALMANAC by tho New $ Vorl Post-Office. H Tlir U'orM Almnnap eiuil niircnu of In. I'jl rormnlliin la lur anlp br all .Nrvrav a drolrra anil stationer.. X'l l'lli-e, 'ii Coat. TeH 'fal M