Newspaper Page Text
HI ;jiiiMALsTHE SPRING, I I! BEN HARRISON'S PROGRESS, fo 1 H 1 ,00 A Vory Bplrlted and WolMllustrntoU i VC!lty-- T , TT ', toMM 1XI fflffl Account of tho uonata nocentiy Dom; v sW few John Bunyan's Story in Beau- Wm fH t&.w ' to Ub m tbo Zoo, of tho Nursoa ond 43B?25.Tiir tfFtS WU '?l'?Av5r ?5?i?k.V la S tiful Pictures, with Mr. Har- WM H IITHeIuNDAY WORLD. CS'1lIlr IflUfli&MlMiiif ClfiiLO't HJ' "ThE SUNDAY WCTJLPT 9 -- mteaMKMi iBtfll ;"i i -jl t ?EJAg PRICE ONE CENT. " NEW YOliK. K.V'ITIIDAY. .MAY as. 1S1I2. " "" PRICE ONE CENT. 'j PONT FAIL TO BPY THE SUNDAY WORLD TO-MORROW. I EXTRA. 2 O'CLOCK. WELLINGTON'S WOE, i . ' I Probably Twonty or Thirty Dead by Last Night's Oyolone. Material Loss Estimated at More Than Half a Million. A Ball unci a Salvationists' Meeting Going on When the Storm Struck. IrT iMncMTrn irtras.1 Wm-iikotov, Kan., May 28. -Following Is the list of tho killed by last night's cyclono here as far as completed: FK1SX P. CiMPBEIL. James Ha stir. LroKaiin AnaMSOv. In Jonks. Mrs-IAdHFR and Rioter, Katie 8Trunn. Prof MATFitand IIokt Ursos, tnlsslngand probably kll'ed. I.lcut Wii.i.iam Frfncii and Cadet Samvis, of tho saltntlun Ann). Mrs Murphy and a child named Matllo 1 Hodges aro badly Injured. las Sloncr, Gus Colby, Dick Wearer, Carrie V fclltchell and Ed Form thu each received In ' Juries more or less serious. , The streets are luipassablo and nothing but ruin exists everywhere. " At least twclvo bodies liao been taken out ot the ruins, and something less than setenty- nvo aro Injured. Men are working even w hero fc tnlng to lescuo Imprisoned ones. No one 1. now can realize tho extentot the catastrophe, and daylight will alone reveal tho saddest sieno of ruin and desolation cter witnessed n Southern Kansas. ' , The Colo and itoblnson block ruins took " 3rc, and strenuous efforts are being made to escue the people known to be burled there. Ell Is now believed that the llstof the dead . ulll number between twenty and thirty and the Injured about seventy. 'J he awful visitation cumo from the tunnel-shaped cloud which ploughed lis devas- tatlng track through tho business p.ut of the town. A heavy storm of wind preceded the cyclono about halt an hour. A few minutes after o'clock the cyclono struck the city I coming from the southwest. Thero were no , premonitory signs. Everybody was Indoors and the cloud passed with its destructlio rush and awful roar unseen by most of tho S people. The most appalling scene was that at the rhllllps House, where a ball was tu progress j BTslicn tho cyclone burst. The dancers, wero given Ultlo opportunity to escape from the I toppling structure. As tho building began ! swajlnglu tho terrllle gale, tho people In tho j crowded ballroom made a fi antic rush for j tho doors. Tho stairways and halls were lin-1 nudlalcly rilled by tho crazed men and women, who toro at taih other Hi their mao ltishior tho open all. With tho crash of tho walls about and over j them there arose a great wall of despair from thu imprisoned and doomed multitude. As tho timbers crushed down upon the strug gling merry-makers their hoarso cries were thiottlcd by the weight ot the mass of tlui. hers above them. T hen came tho silence ot death and Insensl- blllty, only to bo a followed a moment later 5 by the shrill blasts ot the tempest as It lushed on to other destructive work, and tho agonized shrieks ot the Injured or d) lug who i were pinned down In the inasH of debris. Those who escaped from the bullalng began d, Immediately the work of rescue. Sumo of 0f those who fled from the building had left wives and sweethearts, husbands or brothers oeblnd. These they sought In the pile of bricks and timbers. As fast as the bodies , weio taken out they were sunounded by a C crowd ot anxious people who talnly tried to ,y Identify the mangled remains. A meeting of the salvation Army was In "" progress in a hall near tbo Itoblnson block. 7). 'Ihe tailing walls ot the block crushed tho ball and It Is known that two were killed. "' It Is probable when tho wreck has been itl cleared away it will bo found that many more perished. It was past time for tho army to adjourn, but tho storm kept them In. one of the j.0 members was engaged In prajer when the o) clone struck tho Itoblnson Mock, lietoro j W of the soldiers could rlso from their Q, kneosihe walls of the building, gave way with y a crash. How any of themebenped alive Is a marvel. Seven persons wero In tho home ot f-qulie Smith; the whole number may at auy time bo added to tho list ot tho dead. Waller For sythe, ono of those rescued from tho debris, 11- has died. Tho scene at tho temporary hospital was lIB one such as Is rarely witnessed except upon tho battle-field. The floor was saturated with blood which gushed fiom tho many wounds of the many persons who were taken there as soon as they could bo extricated rom tho wrecked buildings. There was little sj enort at orner. Ftcryono was too oxclted , , for that. Tho Injured wire carried in aud Jl placed In the Hrst vacant placo that could bo found ujion tho floor. Then the rcscuirs hur- . Uedanny to renew their etrortsln behalfof f, thoso still lutuo ruins All the physicians In town hastened to the tpot, but there were not enough to attend to nil tne calls upon them. They In no case could atiord more than temporary relief. Jl Not a wouud could be drosscd leyond the Immediate requirements ot tho case. In some Instances limbs were amputated In the hur- '.Si r,'ea Mlur that ws common on the field ot battle thirty years age, bcalp wounds and Memions wero left to bo attended to by volunteers, for the stirgi ons had their hands full relict Ins tin moic scions!) hurt. The material loss by the c) clone will ng. grcgato J.ioo.noo. Two hundred brick and woodm buildings were doslroted. Fdltor l.tiko llcrrllg, ot the Mnnttm; nn caught In Ills falling building and badly In jured. Wellington Is tho county sett of Sumner County and has a population nf otrr ten thousand Inhabitants, it Is ta the centre of a thlcklj settled agricultural district. It Is tho most prominent town In southern Kansas The town hud u ntnnlier ot laige grain ele vators and quite a stock nrd. The business portion ot the city Is unusually compact, ex. cclicnt food for the cyclone and subsequent fire. POINTERS ON THE RACES. i m Fort Hamilton Handicap and Trc mont Stakes Features To-Day. The card at Gravescnd to-day Is an excep tionally good one considering that It Is " get away " day and many of tbo stables have left for Morris Park. Thcro aretwostako events to bo divided. One Is tho Trcmont, for two-year-olds, and the other tho Fort Hamil ton Handicap, for three-year-old. Tho latter Is tho feature, as St. Florlan, Leonawcll, Lamplighter, Hex, Charade, Korllng and other good ones will start. In the Trcmont aro entered Wallace, 1'rlnco George, Klsluo colt, licglnald and others. The remainder of tho card Is tery promising, and tho prospects for a good day's sport aio oxcolltnt. The track w ill be dry and fast. Tho selections ai e as follows : Flrit JUr. Sfftep8tken of 820 etch, for two. ynar-oltln tlut have ruuiuJuotwon at this mMt in, with 1,UUU AdJed,llT9 turluagt. CUt A Wondfurd's l'loaer 1 13 i 1'. Ilrbharit'a Kl.inocoll 11.1 1. ,1. lMyer A Hon' IndiKO 11:1 V C. Daly'. Iliiatn 11.1 .1. II. Komn'a llpattlce lillj 1111 O. A .Tourfi A ( o.'a tarpoal 1 1U J. A. A A. II. Morrla'alllona 110 OinwkStahld'i tin Mid lul .1. II. Colllna'a I.awlrna , 101 I T. T Cully A Co.'a Nau Htctianla crldiug lot The opening otent looks a good thing for I Pioneer. Ho ran an excellent race when last out and should win without much trouble to day. Lawless may bo tho runner up and Little Mid may beat tho others. Second Kara Handicap anrcpltakea of $20 faon, with $1,000 adatd, one tulle and a quarter. HaLiottl lampbell'a Hlatlo Wo W O. Dalj'a llolero 112 W. 0. UaU'el-epantn lul 1. .1. Ilwjer A Son'e Temple 100 J. U.l'eppeT J: Co.'e'Ihe Pepper US Tho second race may be won by Diablo. He Is tcry good now and there Is some doubt about Jsolero's ability to go tho route. The latter may bo second, how oter, and Lepanto ina beat thu others. Third Hare The Trcmont Makee, for two. ;ear-iMs, of 410U eacli, with $'J,600 added , li fnrlonicn KantakaRtalile'a WalUie 191 t Daly'a Prince (ipurge . . 11H r. (ieblianl'a l.l.lnoiolt 11K N Straua'a.IeromeH US N strana'a Heglnall IIS tt'alcott Jt Catupbell'a Mlloe Maudiah 116 'Iho Tremunt Stakes may go to Prince Oeorge, who Improves In etery race. Walllce carries a penalty and does not look as though he fancied the weight or would go the six ftit longs. Ilo should bo second and Heglnall sluuld not bo worse than third. Fourth Race, The Fort Hamilton Handicap, for ttirpe.year.fiion, of tt'JOO each, the club to add ku amount necearary to make the value of the atake st 1U. OHO . one mile and an eighth. I A A A II. Morrla'aM Vlorian F23 llrowii A llftgrra'a Lamplighter 11, 0. A Jouea A l,'u 'a Leonawell 114 . II. douea'a Charad 110 (i. II Morrla'a Hex 110 P. .1 linyer A Son'a Zoning . 1IIS t'. Keenea Camlelabra lnr, tt alcott A t.atnpnell'a Actor . In, .1 M .leRrott'a Hamlltui KM W C. Daly'a FMelio lllll J. A A A II. Morrla'a llarefoot. ..10U W. Lakelanil'a lloey 0" F A. Khret'a lleau itruiuinel HI) I lay A Woodtord'e Mir Arthur PO Olay A Wooillord'a Host Ilraud . '.10 '1 his race U .1 tcr hard one to select a wlu ner iroin. Clay & Woodiord have tw u entries '(Mr Arthur and liest Brand) that cairy very light weight and will be hardjtojbeat.lpartlcu larly It tney get away In front. St. Florlan carries top weight and will probaoly win, though the pair ahotn named may make him liuslle In lively fashion, hither ono ot the latter (Sir Arthur preferred) may be second, and I.eouattell should not bo worso than third. HUli Race. -Hweepntakea of J JO each, with $I.UOO added, oue mile and a allteellth. t-mplre Stable' .Maitatone 119 It. .tl.llrlue'e .Major Ilaly Ill) (lloiHeaterNtable'e Inula Rubber 115 .1. A. A A II Morrla'a Itutaell 115 tt'akott t ampbell'a Peaaara, US W J Daly'a Llie .. 110 W.ll .SUCartby'a Plenty (formerly AbuuUuULe cuil) . ft 1. (lebhard'a illUrard Ui II Mil'arreu, ir'a., SI. Mark '.I'J .1,1 Pepper A Co 'a Ada lllue II Pessara looks to have a moral In this oveut aim he should wlu easily. Hussell should be the runner-up and Mudstoue may beat tho others. Slith Race. -Selling aweepitakea of $20 eaih, with il,000 added i oue mile and a aixteeutii. WalcottA t'anilibell'a snowball, 114 1. I Miller'a larohniont 11 I W. I.akelaiid'a'lea lial Ill II. M llye'allen Kiiigahury 1UH t.. Smith'a Montague lud Piiiplrestable'adlrtle I) 101 W .1, Hpelre'e War Iluke ltli J MbUnilillu'a Hayllla 1)7 I.. II Morria a Olla V7 tt. I' llaly'a tagol 'Jl The closing event maj go to Snowball, with Hen Kingsbury tho runner-up aud War Duke third. Morntntr Pnpors' Selections. AT ailAVFSF.NP. First Race Llttlo Mid, F.lslno colt second Race Ilolero, Diablo. 'Ililrd iiaie t.allace, 1'rlnco (leorge. Fourth Race Lamplighter, St. Murlan. rilth Race Pessaia, ltusaell. Sixth Kace Fagot, snuwball. First liacc Itloua, Hiram. Second Race Diablo, liolcro. 'Ihlid Itnci'-Prliico (leorge, Wallace. Fuuith Race Lamplighter, chaiadc. Filth Race Pesara, India Rubber, sixth ltuce-Uertle D , Fagot. First Race Lawless, Pioneer, tiecouil ltace- Diablo, liolero. Third Race Wallaio, Heglnall. Fourth Race Lamplighter, sir Arthur. Fifth Race Pessara, IttisselL Sixth Race Snowball, Larcbmont- Flrst Haco Little Mid, Lawless. second Race Diablo, llulero Thlid llaie Wallace. Prince George. Fourth Race st. Florlan, Sir Arthur. Filth Race Pessara, Hussell. sixth ltace Tea Tray, Hen Kingsbury. First ltace Lawless, Illrain, Second Race Diablo, Holcra Third ltace Wallaie, Prince George. Fourth ltace Ltonawell, Lamplighter. Filth ltace Pessara, Hussell. sixth Race Snowball, Tea 1 ray. Selections rtt Gloucester. Flrat Race Kempland. Knapp, (IrlmaMI. rieeond ILaoe Jaraey. Lebanon. Vereet, third ltace Uarlhana. Can't Tell, Fernwood. Fourth Race llaluaipn. Italelffh, Jack Itoaa, nrth Itaoe-nryaon. Mary M., Eoetuy. blith llaco-Olalece, Objectloi, 111 Bpiut. s !THE SUHn-JICKSBI nwiT. Lively Infrct Taken in tho Mill by English Spoits. Arrmicineiils All Slmlf for Monil.iy MkIiI's HI;; lluttle. larrrui risn tu tut. i tMM wont ti i IciMitiN, '.'s 'Ihe lltt.llclsnii ul In teii't Is lulng laki'ii bj the fpirting fraternllj on this sh'i of tho water In the I Il(.-ht scheduled in tako i !i""o bid ween Funk Mavln and Potn .Im'ksoii 'iet Mondav night teiorelho Lonuon Nntlimul spoiting cinli. iWAt 1TTKK J1CKH0S. '1 ho ai r.ingements for the meeting are about completed, and it promises to bo ono ot tho most select allntrsu: thu kind oter known In London sporting annals. The members of the Club who wish to witness tho encounter will have to pay stm.fiu each for tho privilege, aud each member bas tho privilege of intro ducing a single friend, for whoso admission he will bo charged l'J."i. Tho object of putting the pi Ices up to this 'high letel Is to keep the assemblage small and enhance the Importance ot the contest In the ej fs of the outside public. All tho lead , lug sports among tho Knlith nobility are e ! peeled to be present. I Loid Lonsdale will llgurc conspicuously as j.Iacksons tltni keeper, with Parson Datles, his backer. Charllo Mitchell will look aftei Slat Ill's Interests, assisted b Hill McGannon. Mitchell Is not at the present tluio with Slnvln, and this has occasioned pome talk. He ttlll be on huid, howeter, when tho men tome to the ling. In tho public bet ting Jackson Is at ptesent a favorite, tho odds offered on him being & to 4. Tho friends of slavln, however, hato the I greatest conQdcme In hlui and do not he-d- I late to plci; up nil the bits they tan get at these figures. I Jtoth men have trained conscientiously for I the fight, aud tho lepoits which aio circu late say that Loth nro In tip-top condition. Slavln Is getting Ids weight down inpldlj. From morn than two hundred pounds he has reduced himself to 11)0, nud expects to fight at IMS. Ho Is a hard worker, and vaiies bay punching routlno with dally sparring exei else with his brother, Jaik Slatln, who is getting ready for a match with "ton" Rear don, the California!), which ttlll take place on Jtmu '.' at the Ormonde club, London. Fiauk also skips the i ope, sprints and takes shoit walks, with tho Usual, amouut of dumb- ' bell aud Indian club exercise. Ho regaids the light with Jackson as tho most Important In which ho has eter been matched, audsats 1 h Is prepared tu make the elloi l of his life. Jacksju, ids colored udversarj , Is doing tho hardest kind of stunts every dat, and slmo ho has settled dotvu to steady work Is said to hatu made the most wonderful Improtemenl. His muscles have been loughcned and his wind Is excellent. ' Paison Dat lessiys that Peter punched the 1 bag thu other day (or more than two bonis : steadily and showed uo signs tit fatigue. The 1 negro takes long runs and other forms of e.. i erUse calculated to lncicaso his quickness and actltlty, but usos weights aud clubs very little, comparatively speaking. His training place Is at llrlghton, and he Is doing bis work all alone. Hesas hepitferi this to being under Ihe stipcrtltluu and con trol of any one, for he knows whut bunas to do, and when he oiicn sets himself to a task ho inner neglects or Fhlrks it. Jackson's present condition, according to all accounts, shows that ho fully understands how to train himself. 'I horn is some fear that the police nf London may Inlerfero with the spurt on tho night o( the light, and It Is rumored that u special squad from Scotland ard will lie sent to tho National Club rooms ostenslblj to preserto order, but id realll) to stop the light It It be. comes too fierce. Pr j fHE WORLD pOSTAI, CARDS hould be Id ever baftlneia office In the citf. Help tny be w.uted at any roo mer) t l!j writing a duieu w rdeou 4.rd, theouall.uf the card, emploere are given no further trouble beyond reoelrlof appllcantiand amwere. TRY ONE. fa , ELffl I MEHOMM. DM MINNIE. An Jmponiiip; Military Display Planned by tho Q. A. E. j Olisrrviiiiccs In New York mill ilroolilyn JIulr Hull Sei vlt'es. Memnrl tl Dnj. tthlili falls in next Mopil tj . will beielelmitiil with I 'legie.iti'St u ii'lniiny and tlin iiiusl linpi siu milium dl-plii, In point of iiuinlnis, ui least, eer ii-pii on a slmllai occuslnii In New toil, As tiatiiil, the sltlklng feature of tlio dij s tents ttlll he tliu tug mllllnry paiaue "I ihe Kcguliu Ami lnnp, the Natlonil ilii.ird nud tho dr. mil Army of tho Republic, ulm e let mlicrs ttlll turn nut In Unco l hi nm the ini'innrv of their dead iijiuratle,, the In roes nl tho Cltll War. Tho National (lii.uil bands ttlll nm turn nut, bfcauso tho offlclilstleellno Id pay the union rata of (H n day, but Micro will be pleulj of music. Mno dltlsioiis of drand rm) posts will form nn tho left of tho National (liuiid, wlilili will Lcilrnnn lipim Filth at cniie from Fifty eighth to l' street, under iom. mand of llrlg.-ln'ii. Louis I llgerald. The sixty-ninth, 1 Iglith, Ninth, 'Iitenty-seeoml, Sutenth, 'Iwtlitli nud setentv-llrl Hegl mrnts, 1 list und Second llallerhs nnd Tnnp , cat.ilry, ttlll b' In the line. A fCHtuie of the procession will bo the First Ilnll.illon, Natal lascitcArlllleiy, which will parndu as Infantry under coinin mil of Lieut. Commander J. W. .Mlllci. The regular troops, eommnnded bv Lieut. Col. William 11. King, will form on Filth ave nue, right resting mi l'lfij-i'lghlh stwet. 'Uuy ttlll coinprlso thu Knglneir Il.itt.illon and band, Ilutterlisl), L, 11 and M, First Ar tillery; lintleiy II, second Artllleit, and lonipan) A, sixth Infantr). 'I ho old uuaru and iluard of Honor ttlll ioi m on Last Forty-sixth street andmovual s.4.1 to escort the reviewing ofllcer to thu stand at the Worth Monument, 'i no regular loluinu will move at n o'cloik. 'iho lino of march will bo as follows: Down 1 lfih ntcnue to tho Worth Monu ment, where a nvirchlng salute will bo paid the reviewing ofllcer, thence to Fourteenth street, to I'nlon Squaro north, to Seventeenth street, to tho Plaa, where tho Grand Mai shall will recelto a marching salute, tuenro to Fourteenth street and Fourth atonue, where tho procession will bo dlstnls-ed. 'I ho Grand Army posts will then proceed by various routes to different cemetcrl"S and de corate tho crates ot their dead comrades. At the Worth Monument Major Grant and other city officials ttlll review the parade. IV BltOOXI.YS. Tho parade In, Urooklyn will lie tinder the command of Gen. Isaac S. Catllu, Grand Marshal, and will form along Hedtord avenue and motoat 11 o'clock, matching as follows: Hedfortlutenue to Lafiijette, in Clermont, to W'llloughby, to Cumberland street, where Secretary 'ltacy. Mayor isoudy and other notables will review the pioeesslon, thence to Lafayette, South Oxford, to Hansmi pl-ue, to Fiatbush avenue, where the paiade will be dismissed. 11 OilANT'S TOMll. Theio will bo imposing cciemoules at Gram's Tomb, lu Riverside Park, Hi Ihe af ternoon. Gen. Ilorato portei. wiioserted mi Gen. (.rant's Staff, and Col. Charles Mnrshall, oi (.en. Lte's Staff, will deliver oration i. Tho monument fund this morning lacked about f.'O.OUO of being complete. MOSfJIhNTS TO UK I'M'UUD. Dm lug Memorial Day, monuments to Capl. Maurice Co.x and Rov. John T. Hthaiil, veterans of tbo ( lvll War, will bo unt idled In Caltary Cemetery and, as usual, the soilelles ot tbo sons ot tho Hetolutlon ttlll droiiitu ' the soldiers' Mouunieut In 'Irlnliy Cliuiih- yanl, Washington's, statu" nl thu suo- I'lrensur), and the Montguuieij Monument, I St. Paul's Church rvKMSu siKiior.iAi. sinvicrs. Commnndir-ln-Chiei John Palmer, of the (I. A. It., will preside at the memoilsl sertlees In Iho eteiilni at Mush: Hall, when W. llourke coekran will dellter the oration. Grand Mar- ' shal Collins and stan will attend similar srr- ' tlces at Fmanuel Haptist church Hi siiftulL street, neat Grand. I At sa. m. lhiiiueintxrsof Judson KllnalrM: Post, h:i. a. A. It., will gu to Wist Point and ! decorate the grave of Gen. kllpatrlct. spokts of Tun IIAt. As usual thero will be plenty of sports dur ing Hie. da. lullotvlng uiu the leading I etenls' Athletics Games of the Manhattan Ath letic Club, Manhattan Field, 10 a. m. ; games I of Iho New Jersej Athletic club, ut liirgeu Point, N. J., '.' i'. a.; gamt s of the stai AtU. letle Club at Long inland (lit, ".::n i.w.; games of the Wayne Athletic i lull at Jersey i Ity, ! r. M. Haseball St. 1 mils against New York, at polo Grounds, Due Hundred and Fllty-tetenth slrett und Llghlh nvenui'. morning and nfier- , noon; Hiuuklyn against cinclunntl, ut I.a.r- ern Park, Hi ooklju, morning and tirterncon; orange Athletic Club against Wesley an, at Orange, N. J., 4 )'. u Lawn Tennis Hillside Hubs tournament i at Plalulitld, N..I. Itucing at Morris Park, '.'.".0 r. . (opening daj.i Hutting Annual rigatta of Iho Passah' Rltei HiitvlngAssoclatlon, Passaic Hlti'i.ueai New ink, N. J. cnt!ug Opening tlav of the Ainnlean t.uht (lull, ul Mlltou.ou-lhi'-snuhd, noon; upining sail of the Atlantic Va lit cluu, It), to 1 a. tt. ; icgattn nf the llailcn jcht club, 11 i. u. ; Cnrluthtati Mosquito I'leet's legalta, 'at Larchniunt ; New Hoihello Vai hi lluu.s I opining duy. ' Tjloomlncd tiles' Kniployooa" Bit; Out- lntr. The boss and gills emplojed In llloomlng dahs big stole, at Illlt-ulnlh slieel and 'Ililrd ateuuc, will hato a gala tlmu i.ii ' Memorial Day. seTeut.t-tlto omnibuses, coai lies aud wagons will take stotl of them I foi u d i) 's outing, beginning wph a morning drive lluough ( I'nlrul I'uik. xtter Ihu dilvn tl.i v will pnnlo at the M:.i"t-sixili stnei ( i.uii.ion. Tho programme w III Itn ludi nn,. niid reipatlons, and them will b nuiiieious iii'tdmi seternl iii'in'hs no slngpig and reiltallou ilasses were Irrmednmong the j emplottes, and undi rtlx tuition of somn of tin-tnleutid toung ladles Hi tho storo gieat pioguss has bicti made. ruorst Olsmnrck'a Font Trip. The Hamburg. steamship Fuersl lll.-iuurc't arrlted ul her duel, this inorntug ailet n ter last passego from Southampton. Her tlluo Is six und sixteen houis. Duilug the l vnjage tne steamer encounteied tery iniiih ! weath' i. and the steauit-lup i uipunt's ofll. clalsn. that had It n' t been w slio tvniild 'hate tronun the record, which Is six das twclte hours and thlrtt-threo minutes. Koeloy Patient Found Dead. tr aaeeiiTrri rsrn Kaiioo, N. II.. May 8. II. McKenzlo was found dead la his bedroom at a In ul hero last nljht. Ho had been taking tho Keeley cure for the drink habit. He was ono of thu earliest settlers In lied ltlver Valloy, aud was lUty-five years old. Moqcis'a UrsTACKANT. HDFi-liaiat SOAnu at., open on D'rcriilon Day. I rou r down town yoi win Anu title rhrwre eianu and the ce' a, Moxivik. ' efegj2iS, CLOSETED WITH M. BLAINE. Clftvkfson, Fnssott and Filley Moot tho Sccrotary. lie Cues to Washington To-Uny I t litrlisun Isiijs Ho Will tiliu. -i. Mnry HI Mno nnnntinerd this tnorrlng, I lit Hie I lllll WetltlK Hotel, lie slinnM ' I it, ( .r nil tin' .1 'Dtialii this iilti i mioii. rir-tili-iit llmrlsou left Washington this lii"iln,' mi his xx .11 to Hifht-Hitr, win-in lie . will lake ptul In I no .Mrmuiial Dat eterdses. 'Ilmiigh pnlltli Inn I, big mil Ultlo. throng! il It.cci'iildniHi.f thel'lltli Atenuu lloltl Hits miming, Mr. Illalno tlei lined to receltenny .une. 'I lie twilling tinttd had been told Hint I I huh muii .1. s. (Intksnn, nf iho Republic in .Niillinial Itiiiiuilttco, hud iituineil Into lad ' night fi nm a oiintcn inn with tho President I nud II was expicted Hint ho would call on I the Seen Inrt. .Mmiil 11 n'llock Mr. CLirkson nnd ex-Sem-, tin l'assitt etui nil Hi" h ilel, nud Joined hi i ( liauncey I. I lilei, m si. I mils, repaired to ! Ihe apartments of Mr. Illalno, whero nt noon they wire still In cuntcrenco ttllh him. lletote gnlng up tlni inlrs Mr. said to .in I'.t i mmI Wont n lepaiter that all signs pointed to the nomination or Mr. HI line, . ml ho personally believed that the seop'tar) id SI Ho would be lb" lulli sclcUod h) the cmivontlnn. Tin1 currcnl report thai t haliman t Lirksnn hud, in his lutcnlcw with tho Piesldeut, vlr lu.illi lead the n it act" tuhltn, luerciiessl) pointing mat that his candidacy was Inhct ently; nnd doomed to bring disaster on the pnity, could not be termed. Mr. Clark ou would say nothing about II. T he sior, which had gained wide clrctila. Hon, that Dr. (. luiiincoy M, Depctv had de clared Hint fifty of the Xen York delegates Hi Mltii.eupolls would stick to Harrison through (nick and thin, w us found tohato oilglnatcd In a Jesting lemaik hi Scnntor I Hlscock In Mr. Fassett. Mr. Depow denied ' absolultly that he had tvir mado an such j assertion. Theannounceinentthat e-peaker Thomas I li. Heed, iho Man from Maine No. ;, Iiadde- ilared In iat-or of Mr. Illalue s nomlu.illou ut I Mlnueapolls, caused a great deal ot animated . talk around tho lllih Atenuo Hotel. 11 Is said that Mr. Heed declaied with emphasis that fiotii Information lu his possession ho I was eontlneed that Mi. lllalne would consent ItoruuH the Humiliation should beolferidto him. if lie can defeat Mr. Ilanlson I am for 1 hlui," Mi. Heed Is quoted as sailnk. I am In la vol of uuy llrpuullcati who will do that." I on tho Iili'Is of this aunouui'enient eaitiu tlm "tttemenl Hint -en slur iitiayUndui- iliircilnt Pittsburg that Mr. lllalne will hato I 70(1 of thu 000 delegates to Mlnnoapjlla ready I to piisxut his inline. Mr. uay thought It . irobable that lllalne would uecept- Altiiinoy-Getieial Miller, In un interview with Tiik Wnshlng- toi), said he did not look for a stnuiitcdonf dHegut sin anyb'dy. lie did not bclieto i Mi. illalue will allow his uainu to botiscdal j the (ontention. Mi. Miller hts no doubt i that President Harrison will bo renominated I and re-elected. COACHING CLUB PARADE Annual 'Dlapluy of Flno Equlpnges in Contrnl Park. Tho auntiul parade of ihe Nt tv York Coach. lug Club took pla'o this lorenoon ( p.nk. Tho coaches mil on tliudilto mar tho i Mall, and tlielr ruuto was up tho west drive , and down llio i ast drive, then dispersing to I im-i t ngjln for lumheoii at thu Claremonl, lu Kit ci side Park. I Among tho dtags In line weie ihOM' of Col. I William Jay, Firdeilck llroiison, Charles tar. I mil, I ugeno lllgnlns, F. K. ,-turgls, c. 1. i Hiiti'intiei and 1 . (i. lleaih Some elegant . turnoius tisuallt In thu parnJe tri ro not seen i U-d.iJ, their owners being In mnuiiilng. ( ol. Jav Is prestdeiil of the Club, Fredeilcl. i Hiiinsriii is Mce.l'resldml and J. lloosetelt Hoosetelt Is Societal, UNKNOWN DONOR OF 5100,000. ! Darnard Woman's Colieiro Bulldlntr Fund lifts u Mittrnlflcent Nucleus. Itev. Arthur Hronks, ( hatrinan of the Hoard of Trustees of Hiiruard ( olloge, the i woman's annex to Columbbi, declines tu give tho iiameof tin- donor of IU0,000 In the building fund nt the college. 'Ihe ail uu, bilti Is giten on eoiidltlou thai llainard 'Jollegu shall uu.l 1 a eollegu strue t mo within I .lino iirt ... tlm lands intulj nuienaseil li i nintnoU tnllege at one Hun dltd midSlxteenthstiee'. aim thu lloulcvai u. 'PRESIDENT OfTfOR ROCHESTER. lie nnd His Tarty Left Washington Er.riy This Mornlni:. IT x iaronnrn pnraa i W'AFiiixcros, Mai '.'. 'Iho Pie, Idem and parly k" It here ihH morning in 7 o clock over the Pennsylvania Railroad for Id Chester, ' N. . 1 Wllllttm Ao'or Oavn $100,000. I T he announci ineui li made to-day that Iho lato Wlllljin Astor had, before his death, l,Hen 100,UO() lo the Hulldlng Fund of tlm I'plHoopal cathedral or -'. John tho Divine, whim Is tu be en i led on lllooinlngdale Hi 1,,'bls. ltlch a old Find In Arkansas. Il-s en ni i tipi. ' I inn. Hoik, Ark , .Mai sh I hero Is tou- , bldemUle exclleluent lu Moiitgomerv County iiitei thedisroviri niatirt valuablo vein of gild me lu tho Lost I uuiiiaiia mine. The ore ,isajs all Hie wa noui k"iO to tllO. ! F.e.muoln'u Dots a Light fiontonoo. I Mil satnuels. of 101 fast oi e Hundred and sixth street, the butcln i bo) who attempted tu assauli llttlo I'loioiu e M itp-r, nf lu.l J.uat one Hun Ired and sixth stiiet, on i night, was sentenced t' i-lx innnthson the Is und ti-da by Justin Welde in llailem Pnllce Louru j Jtociutom Miieo nt tho Cntliedral. Thero will to a solemn requiem mass at I s :io o'clock on Memorial Do at Ihetathc. 1 drul, Filth Ui strict and ITlto utenue. ! Molly O. Hcanlan's beautiful waltz sons; snug everywhere; words and music In to.mor. I row's Mkrcuht. ,' IIIITH HUN Tll Al'TM Jr IIHATO, e. HaLr Diur , So., all. tobacco rlcavattea, are the only braud male by facta, H.llall. lialati'd 1890. , ----iH-i-iHM-Mi : ; ' lm& L'r ' ! i $&&, :$;, ' llV "s.'j3.i J , j KJ , ! va-U-'LiL I ! '-fev- -. v mm ?r4 i ,1; affifj (m i fc-r-r!! l ii.fMW I ' L-sInv'' BABY McKEEls Mr. B:uwe vrry sick, Gran' titer ? GRAN'THER Ho appears io bo iomowhat stronger, from all accounts. is HE IS L0YUT BOT. But Ho Wouldn't Wear Red, Whito and Bluo in tho School. Ktvcns Alexander opelaud, fifteen ears old, n pupil In Gra' of (Iratcniir school I No. :l In West Tit" Mi stivei, has gotten Inln trouble of a u, .Iur chnraeter with I Principal T. Dwlghl In and Ids teacher I Miss Anna L. Forbi mist's nut of iho 'lad's refusal to woa. i red, white and blue rosotte and pari lclpato In tho patriotic exet- clses commemorative of Memorial Day at tho school house yesterday afternoon. , Tho boy, Is the second of n fimllyot s-'tcti j children. Ills father is SI. .1. Copeland, tho undertaker, ttliou ofllee Is at tilio Llghlh I avenue, s. oung ( opelaud was found at his homo, '.'nil Wist Twcnti-nliith sliect, this morning, by an l.vivr.n Wnmn reporter, and was asked to explain his uasons for leimlng to wear tho trleolored badge. He Is a trail youth, undersized for his lears. Ills face is pale, but his grai etes are bright and spark ling. ' I don't know mi self,' Mid the boy, "why I I didn't wear It. 1 was not told thai wo weto I to near the lOscttes t mil I r uteri d the loom in tho aftirnoon. tliiu Miss Forbes asked I me ir I wanted to In tne colors on my Jackit 1 answeied no. 'Ihut'snll." Asked If ho hud am "ciuplcs against we.u- . lug tho colors, young Copelaud replied limlg- nanilj : " No, sir," and his big eyes opt ned to their fiillct extent and a flush ciepl into hlicheeks. "1 was born lu inln cotiniri, and 'snwero all mt brotheis und .sisters. .M father was mil bom In thu coiiuti). bill he Is aiiAiueilinn tusi the same, and th"s bos I who said ai.j thing dllferi'in lelllk-. ' 'Ihe luiigiiagu was -liuple, but the boi et. I (lently nn nut to repudiate any Intimation of dllo)nliy, aud was evidnitli much nrficttd I b Hi" pridlcumenl he lud gotten Into "1 don't csrc," he said, with tears In his eies and his llpa ((Ultcrlng, what they sm It was made tne do It, so lung us 11 umu t un dlsrt sprit to tho eolnrs." ' Did ion mein It In spite tuyourleachi r ,"' asked tho reporter. Well, the iiuth Is, she has Ireili d me and mi liiothei tiry moiii. shu finds Mini with I I very little thing wml.miidgHesusdcUitrlu. I My brother Is n.iLnid W'lllluni. He Is tlilrtcen jears old. He has been sent I tu .Mr. Martin (setuial Minis, aud o hate I. Mis, Forbes has bucii wtlilug note s to mi lather about Us all the Mine, and also sending us home for note-. I cuiildn t understand an leason only thai sue didn't 1 like us." I i'he boy's sister continued her bmilier's statements legurdlng Ids trcnlmeui hi Mlsi I lorbeg. Ihe exercises nt the school cnnslsied nf 'singing und recitations bv members or thu I grnle, niin hau been drilled f.,r the ncusloti. I liiei began ut 1 o'clock lu the afleriiunn. I William i (ipelrtnd. a brutbtt m ). win-, put 'on tho rnsrlte and was allotted to loin i the riot) M air pupils In ilw Iinge asseuilih- In i lu when the exep Ises were hi Id l.iteu had alua.i soul lined the exercises In firmer tears, and hii cuiuluct was rxieptluual, sj his lirnihersats. i titerdjt hettassi'iit info another nmn , he tats, and was 1, pi writing tables until i nttei the ejerclses wire concluded ut : o'iiH'!, rtieu, he sxts. he was kept b 1.1 teai hei until ifiii, and then sent h une. 'Ihe tors iuiimiis say tint they uu as well i be'iatin usihlldreu ii-ually an. , pi luclpal Mnrtln "111 make an Investigation Into the i .isii next 'I ui sday. Tii.' not - lather had not yet Iweu liiform"d I this inornlngof Ihetmubli'. IhebO did tin' , realize the slgnifh aneeot his mid ai. loidliu'lt -tail iiuihlng about It ut home. I Alter 'huvleiiof 'iiik i.t immi W'OBinre. I porti i tome i opelanl bome Lweus went to 1 Ills father's undertaking shop to tell him nil ' iibnul the dimiulty. but his lather had gone to a luti'ral, howeter. Dr. '1 - Martin, the prluclp.ilnf the scIukiI, i was not nt his home, 6'JS I ust une Hundred 'and -txt-tlrsl street, when nn Kvkms'I Wnmn ri'i'oner called this meriilng, and II 'was said that he would nut bo home mull i ot idling. I Mr l opeland Is a member if Ret. Dr. An derson's tte'l 'Ihlrtt-Murlli street Presto terlau Church, aud Ills i hildreu all uttend the sundai-si'hooi. Miss loibes could not bo found th" re port i r. Mora of Hilly Myor'a Money Up. tsv ifcftitriA 1 1 n t'ltraa. I Sim Onir-tss, La, Mny 'J- The ohmple Club yesterday rect Itcd Its second dt po-lt nf 1,000 from Alt Kenneitv. on behalf of Hilly I Meier. McAulIffe has nluuily posted tl.OOd, I and bis second check tt 111 be forwarded w hen due. Thoi'onei Island ( lub's orfer, theie- fore, seems lll.llmrd. 1 he Olympics luttiuaie that the Fltjatmuiona-l'ilichard tight will be 1 all right. ai Monday, May 30, " THE EVENING WORLD" will be printed on Bluo Papor in honor of Memorial Day, IDi L GOriil IISIIL Tho Archbishop's Brother Sent to a Privato Asylum, Dilate Lewis c onlgau, lhcldisl brnlher of .irclilthoii Coirlgan, was coiuti.llied to day to u private In-line nsilum nl llieee huil Tinnce, Whllestoue, I. I. He was taken from his home, 117 Fast Fourteenth -treet, lo llelletue Hospital yes- tcidaj afternoon by Dctectlve-Sergt.crowlci at the lnst.uu " of Mr. John D. crlt'imlns who I was git en ihaiguut Mi" whole arfalr by the iiuloitinute gcntleiiian's relatltes. In an lutirtlew with Mr. Crlmuilns, the l latter said tha' Mr. Corrlgan had been enn- lined In prltatn Ins tne as.iium seternl times i and wasllbetaleil ten months a'o irom the I llospllal for the Insane nt Mount Morris, N.J.. I but Irom the tenui niMinieuf Ids leiteys lat- I lerll he has given i tide. u" vt a relipv, and his ril.itlies, ailing on Hie advice ot phy- -ti litis, ham thought It best lo have him re- lommlttid to a private asylum. Aichblshop corilgau Is In Poughl.eepsle Kiting confirmation, and Father I avelle, who Is lu charge of tho Cathedral, said loan 1 rr.s- isu Wi-ni n reporter this morning that he could ii'jl be quoted In mo matter. " Tho Aichblshop will not be home until to-inoirott iiU'hl," he said, "but whatever Mi. ( rlnimlnssais about the case is likely to i be line." I Dr. DouglaH, ot the Insane Patlllon at Iltlletue Hos) Itul, told the repotter this ' mornitig "Mr. Corilgau li t,ry mildly In- sane. He Is ten imotlonnl, but by no means ' tlulent. last iilghi Mr. John D. crlmmlns culled to Impilre utter hltn, but did hot see him. I 'I he people at the (trlundo, a faintly hotel at 1 1: I ast 1 ourleenth street, white Mi. conl. ' h id been living i long time, said that ho I was u incsl gcnileuihl and blglil edticati d I man, and they netei suspecled Hut he was Insane. I Mr. Currlgan Is lllly learsoIJ. He Is said I tu h.tvi! drawn small Income (rem some suture In New Jersej, on which lie manage, l tu lite In strict I'lOnoiny. j Mrs. llauf, his landiad) ut Iho Orlando said' , "Mr. corrlgan wasriitlielr rational and I , think Its. IsiLiuio to put hlui In au asjlum. Re used to to out for a dally llttlo walk, and I ahtttis spent the etchings In Lis room. i "He netcr drank, smoked or ihewcd, and In his dress and mam rs showed Mm he was a inenibeifif allist.class f.unll." It Is understood that during Mr. Cr.rilgnn's stay lu Lasi 1 ourleenth street his family 'hate kept track of hlui. The Rev. James II. i nrilgin, pastor of -t. Man's I atholle l hutch, his brother, died two )ears nx". and 11 Is thought tint this welghvd upon his intml. 'Ihe lift, Geoige w. I Currlgan, aliolher bre'her, Is a pi lest In New Jeisei, win re Mi. loirlgau has Hud most ot 1 his Hie. i ThreatH for a Harrison Colored I Editor. Christopher Mfit.irt. the colored Republl can eilltoi, reports that he testerday reeelted ' a letter elgued Hufiis l'erry and George T. Haggcrt, threatening personal tlolence If he old not quit booming President Harrison in The only Rulus Perrv in the city , dire 'tnry Is n colon d Democratic lawier, who lull-" ititly denies that he wrote the letter I I r he knows an) thing about It or about St i "til- I , Chinnmttn Qlbbe's Suddon Death. i w ulbbs, a i hlnatnan who had tor eighteen i years Upt a lestauraut at :i;is Fourth utenue, died suddenl) In a pool-roora at 104 ' We t "1 weutt. fourth street. Ills wife was a Iti tiibwininn, and she, wliti four children, 1 sort ites uttu. !,. ! WORLD POSTAL CARDS ' One tit I" btftktn Into tlm country hj j fTf) tftiuitj ltsT"c the city (ortbo uiumer. STTtul nfian cbaagfi their miaja, litukrrpr oftn change tbffr sfrvat At turb time toctt IkprftT uielrsi, but with rr.ily- WORLD POSTAL ou hn J u 4clvvrtiienirat nijbeiu erted lu TIIK WORD In Nt w York without the trouble ol tending a t ticktmoDr onltr.poettl note or cub EXTRA. 1 2 O'CLOCK. 9 S11E13MRS.D.D.B.N0.3 M Rich Daniol BrinokerhofT Pri- 1.H: vatcly Wods a Former Em- 'T ployee. jLfl' H Was Recently Divorced, and Has r 1 Son 3 Older Than His New Wife. 'M She Wns I ls Illniii'lie M. H after, Kl mid Wnrlceil In ills Cracker i' lliikory. 'Hii " BB' I Dank I D. Ililt.ckerli'irr, who made a barrel ' ' ni iiiiiiifv in ihe irackrr mid biscuit business fll and who re, emit llgtind In a divorce suit, )V bus lrntdreit or n third time on thomatrl- flL 1 'Ihe third Mis. Ililiickcrhoff was Miss 'H' j lllanclie tl. Riifier, daughter of Iho late Mr. H' and Mrs. Tii'Mims J. Halter, ot Urooklyn. Tne 'HH' loupleweif married In the study of Rev. L' ' Abbott f Kittri'dge. luck of tho fashionable 'Hi MJdtsnii Aemif iteformed church, at the !flh ' (orner nt 1 ifii-setctith street, last Thursdsy HH etetilng, nnd the witnesses were the two H. c'lnrtnlng diughtirs or Mr. nrinckcrhorf, H' Mlssi s't'..i mm Mals'l, and Messis. George H Van t )' Linda and 'I heodoro Lions. ili Mr. nnd Mrs. ltrtnckrruort at once set nut tour, but Miss lirlnckerhoff de- dimE dined at her lather's elegutil h ine In the 'Miff Yosemtle, P.irK atentte and hltiy second !T street, to-day that she didn't kunn where 'HH they went Lor when they would retu n. IBHi Daniel D. Htluckerhofr isn teleiau otuiaay B tattles In the late war. He is gray-haired ..H i aud past flfty-lltc 5 ears old. Ills first w Ho ii 1 ivm the eldest daughter ot William York, ot 1 P- 1 Kingston. They ha I four children Daniel ! !., jr., Thcoaoio T horaas, Loretta and Mabel HilnckerhuiT. -. t .H tlrs. Hrlm kerhoff died In 1S77, and a few H months later Daniel married Ills deceased ':' wife's sister. Henrietta York, ithowrs known rHP to hlin a- " lUTletin' nnd to her chums as k .tF j Hcnrlfttt was about halt as old as her hus- 1 T band, plump, blundc-halteiland ro"y chocl ed, v'BH and almost irom tho beginning suo and HH Daniel differed. Mnully an outbreak camo H nud for three tears the affairs of Daniel and iH Henrietta hate been In thu newspapers. 'L 'ihey sepirated and she sued him for anab- 'i solute dltori'e, namli g I ella Dunseltb as his v'aH ulllnii). Ihen she had a couple of men ar- ,'SB , rented for following her In the street, and 'HI ther pioted to bo private detectives engaged l'''l ' b) lir husband. 4mH 1 In answer tu his complaint In the divorce ;l c.-is . b'stdi'Sdeu)lng any guilt on his part, ' jflH1 Daniel charged her with tnndellty with a H' diweii or more men of the town nnd asked for ' adltnrce lilmilf. , 'iHH 1 The ease was tried before Justice Patterson B In supreme court. List Winter, and the Juri I ' were unable to agree In their lludlngs. ?, ' Hcauiu up for tilal again March S4, and ' f ! Henrietta fallid to appear. An inquest was H 1 taken and Justice Patterson entered Judg- iH ' ment In default Hi Tutor of Daniel, and on ,H 1 a pi 11 l.'i ihe judgment was aflirmed and re- M corded. $hB In her still for divorce Henrietta demanded -B ! l.'.y.imo damages and 1 on a week alimony, H but cam" to an amicable arrangement with ', I Daniel after the tlrst (rial. 'H '(he new Mrs. HrlnckerliofT Is twenty-six j cars old, which , something less than the H m,o uf her two stepsons, she Is a fragile little H w-oiuaii, and becamo aciiualntcd with Mr. B ' llrln, U rhon while she was employed In the .'1 'letull ti.tnch of his big cracker factory, 03 ! LlUabetlistteet. '! D. D. Hilurkerhoff retired Irom the business ill t nice lean ago, but his son Theodore Is em- , H plot ed by tho new concern as a bookkeeper. fl 'l .ai M 1 mmi Worn it reporter Theodora ;' -.11 1 this innrnl B Mi fahi'r had known MUs Hatter several .! 1 m u. 1 Lellete she Is u llttlo older than my ! tfi. Hei' f.u In r and mother aro dead. I 'HH , t.asn'l at tho wedding, only just heard of It. " I don't know how much father paid liar- $ j rlotla In setileinut of their troubles. It B w in t J. ,0,000 end -SI 0(1 a week, though, and HI I guess the lawyers got the most ot It. Father f land thenetvwHo arc going to live at the SCB I Yoscralte. My sisters and their afrianced hus- H 1 bands were present at the tt cddlna, but bo- H 1 body else, I guess." f$ GEN. RALPH BUCKLAND DEAD. Hj I He Commanded the Fourth Drlijade $bBI j at tbo Great Battle of Shlloh. ilV Irv aisociATrn ?ns.i "SiHH I ToLkuo, O., Mai 2S. Cien. Ralph HucUand, lflB.I of Fremont, was stricken with apoplexy at if , his homo In that city last evening and he died tt lthtn a half hour. ' (,eu. lluckland was born Jan. '.'0, 1812, and ! loc ated tu Fremont In ls.17, tt hen he was ad- ''iHH I muted to the liar, lie has been Identified with the Republican party since Its organ- 'RHHU 1Jtlun, has been Mate senator and was a iiM 1 member of the T hlny-nti.lti congress. ,! I At tho butluotMilloh he was lu command iM , of tho Fourth llrlgade. For morltorlous Ber- iHHHi I I ice bo tt as promoted to Urlgadler-General tn 'SB Gen.' iluekland has been au Intimate friend nBTI aud neighbor of Gen. Ilaies, und It was largely fcjtl through his ertorts and Influence that Gen. 9BHH1 Hates was nominated for Presldeut, R1 -. tfH ' Ta-na.Itn-Doom.Ta-Ra." MBMI To-roorroir. Bundar. Mar 'J'J. THE Pmtiawlll itBBVJ liana (raa with avtiy isipr tht worda and maala ef aHHH thla popular aonfi lu regular abeat mualo form wltat HHB full piauo aud voi'al aror. It can'l ba bought any- tggaHr"J wbaro alaa for Uaa than 20 will, Order of jour HHlil nowadaam l-dar, BHL I PAX1. rAXT. PAXI, PAXt. lBBvl kaat U tetaaao cUJtratt, It aU, tt oaakO, Imf m atioggaaH 'm