IIIIIIIBrBHPryftyv'?-r- H I
Hi I
ni BBS
HI I! Spectators Hiss the
Bl II Horses Contending for
If II the Brooklyn Gup.
m ,, 'Decision of the Allan Bane-Ban-
K M - quet Race Saves the
Bi i Pj " mms
aaaaKiut Hf ' -Ihf rfte'3('ln public ennui nut cuinplaln
aaaaK 7 iBm ' lack ot bclibatlniiul In. Idihts at t.ratev hd
BBK f'i iHIl' yesterday. It lias one da) In a tnPllon. j
BBSV IBbN Kvir) thing- seemed (uinc d upside nun n, nnrt I
BBBSsHv aaaK?1 spectators uciaiar so dlsjuslid thut durlni:
BBbJrI' SfJ'IJ ,l)C '-"deal raco (?) It the liroofclyn cup
BBBSr''''- XBsifl they hlssul vigorously uhlli lLe Inst iU.ul"r
BBBWs 'bbbkTjI ,M1'1 belm: ""' u" tjl1"''1 I'lsiix' Mi' in.
BBBBSUi iiHi'il only Inn horses st'irnd In itili lit-
BSBSPFv, 3Hf torlc crcnt LniiK'sln ci .it.a Ids ks
Kl.UV JBi- celibraud orolhei. LonIoi 1. 'I lie latter!
vl, 'i Hfs ,V1" simply started in pi Mtundl
!(M Ksb money. Ik was iil.itniy out of c mditlou, mid
LaLaH'ti H "jlsjoekc. Ilnyam. tm-k u uoniii- wrapim!
BBBBBBEftf JaHfF lilmandprep.ii'!d mrnh e.is.. : Inp. 'llicio
LLBF"k HIS "a1 bcltlUif en this i ! . ruiil inanv iniin-
LataSf" taaaf'wS it-Ms, attracted li.i Hi- tt lupiini; odds. UL
HHSif' 'Em their dollars on I'hj-'iuid. Ihei had no m ,
LaaaK?'' KtH hlblPCllHIIll 10 WIU, ulid. III 111 ll 1)1 llieell-t.
HC r, Hafi Hijf clrcuinstanu-s. Iits-ln unl h.uc Iund'.
vu, "bbbU'IS - -'larcd oil. It Mould hum u-i-n tin- ihii l
H ft Hl'rS pcisiiU!o thine; to h.iio doni. inthtr Collins ,
LaBBBaV?' r l'Bti'2 "l"1 Jocle) llaidi'ii ueio (fiisntid. Ilii'
sl! I -Bl t Jiirmcr pltjilwl mat lio us ItrnTJlH of Hie
miX itlB".'5 rules, And tlmuKlit II as ii'i dlli iim- tn iart
km I Blfi rorBTond tnotiP). It Is lu In Iiopcil tli u n
BBBBKKi ' Mm repetition 01 nils uu mil mim r ornir .tuin. i
BBBBk V tilr.n l'1 1u0 ciritid tw .loi m v ruder catu a
Kit ; ill 'a nulull) lul 'L1MMjii ni i (keylilp Hi:
tiO. s IB -IE hlmpl) clioked Hie stunt ileiiiniii id I.ennj'
Kit : 'I3 J? vi h, :,o tliiil. uln n In- irli I h ' I up In the
BBB?ik '- mh3f trctchlt vtas like mink lo inn loi wiu itii
BBSF'S '- mi'-'yi trltbotii M' iiil Win him l in!. 1 1 ndliii:
Wttt ' 'Ii'lf! ,v" illshonest or v. In tin r u in.- u bud
BBrll'l V Jii ''fc lnterj'letHtlou nt unit it It l iiinirint i
ytnl I. Vtlvjfi b&). It Is eriuiii that his ndln.' In at Iho
K&' I nil i Ml. rile i ase Is umtli) "I the nnr . I he
- 1' Di'L-i III' I thai U-nii.iHell I-. i-ii',uki il In I lie M pi in.
Ktrl' 'I Lrl1 pnlitaii llunillc.ip on SKmtl.i v at him ti.eu-hl
BBS- lf I ffftli pounds bhoul 1 nut lie oieii'iok' l It an tnii's.
BBBt'U 1 IH !' llsallon Is tnuili' 'I Ills nno li I t'itli"ill-
BBk?! i5 m l coM-ryit the limine iDilch nctuuiid Memii i
BBBk -1 llfi lulils riding. 'J ho Iko w as usp'inltd in-
BftW4. d J (lifimui). . , .
BBBBk S $ " ' In ttil nutue rm Ml.in r. ine and llaimui t
BBBB") 3 i 'J tan Mliut the judges dei idi l n a. a dead In ai.
BBBmsi t '' 1)1 UltlTie, llll H ! no UilnK Ithlhil llle de.
BBBfr'' 5? ,fe iWuu "I tin se iilililals, uut eur. nun Is en.
BBBK'" t it '!. tlllid tiililscmn I'plni'iii. I lie nun lio i all
BBfi' G J "'? the luies in the intss n Ini 111' llpapl'r
BBBl'i ''' "I f ""'u 'o in. nl tii-jil - In il'"-lu!iu' Minn
BBBbT ) 'I lliine III" Mlliliil 'I he il"t Isli.n mii. I the
BBBff ' 'i 'V l"k' '"'U " KCurclilui: iMih h Allim llane'K
BBBkrH .'if i tmcktrn uiiuld li lit Kl n li.und 11 ulsiiMtiid
BBBKt' ,'; Mr. M. I . Imjer hall tho pluuije 11 he inudu
BBBk U i . C 'J1 I'D llainiiiet.
BBBke' T m.i ituir-r-. v (if tue iiutes m iuihc le.i-. as
BBBSV R mYtt riulons' N start m-irnnl' ! III- htaiiliul
BBBb ft? ' i ixsMc i.st is ml I .Hid l he lmri s must In hluited
BBBff' i VnlP'lC acaln. Mlppu-.e, lot sake tit lilailtiient, that
BBB' f '-i'vlr Nl1' rlirel. umihi n( Imn Alnn t, or Mi
BBmiV't-v- 'MS 5- lluiipert. iiimh t ill J.ix. iii nil one or tho
BBBbsi st i I 'i thli in h mi nt M ol h irMS, Kh'iuld hlc ii urn. I
BBBl'T, i ,j;t'C teni IU it thoalioieiiili' hal liei ii Mniniid In I
BBBbV' Ml' ," it the third line jtnlet da). I hi lit hi ro ii'.idd
BBBK'V'i 5. 'fit '"' ' i'i'tt ktttie oi tish, ini mi itsi
v'i. , ii IH than thru' hois' hud psssui t Ii -1
BBBM . J& 1i? ilinlni; po-'i iiheii siuitii iitiiit . ,
BBBvvit !v,i iW' "" !'"' "'' l11"' r did not think li
BBBb 'Vn '!tr wjta en andlils Iliii; only tell lsiniii lie nut
BBBl "r I ' "jail p. irul) ?'!. It waslhe iliitrnt 111' )iid','esti)
BBBb 'ft 1IR nrder thernee inn out iiKiilu- '1 1 1 did nm.
BBBM'lK1 W iP honeier. It i nleh iiru in ide In uniiin rut Int.,
BBBBF' 14' If' It ifciiis mil) proper that I In.) -hould Iv
BVBKh' II. I' llieilii))lu ...
BBHR''f I'f , I Itlletkld met Willi Idsiihiial -piliu' mil-
BBBB' .! f. f ' dein e.-i id.i.l. tlilli in Hi.' ist In Hi"1
BBBb ?" H ', . ' l'" Muell'MII Willi Mllllieliiih.l, the III I v
BBBV " l(' 1 F stumbled mid llin'.v thn Juki'.. Me itus '
BBH'it a I "" tnai.v'1'il oloui; lln ti.i.l. I. ii si m"tlHlali''e,
BBBB' !t nli . -.1 "'"' wluiu pi. ke.l up wis liisi'iislnle Hum,
BBBb:"3 M'a irlifh, in Ins injuries wire nui serloiM. lie
BBBB'vr?' JjjT Mm um Ufull iikIii iii a lew tl ds. MireMilili iis I
BBSs' H s itSl ini'plerlali ie.1 Ihat the presetu e in lull'.. Mi.
BBbB- r m I rit-' iiors'jiiai the .ot wassiiituli ul tLa.nn tor.tu I
m '.,! Aft ii ii mcliKlil in liaui"ii.
BBBB f,V M V ill Dr. Miepheitl, Hie wi'll-knoit n v ieiin.ul in,
BBK r' ''!) J- & )estitluy nfl.Tid l.inils htuart s.'i.iiimi inr
BBBBV.V v3 '''Si tho coll Pan mi. It l-siini thai tin iiilei was
BBBh tid, IS I, W tuado III iMluilt i.f Wal. on unil tamplxll.
BBBVK!!f 3! '"" " Mtiait ruti.sl'd llle old
BlBvJ '.S-.'l m ? R'l Dr. Kuapp. Hie wll-kiinnu piston shit a .il
VsU lift I V'l Clllblliall, wllt Is I'.ldlle.l Willi b IliiC II"-'
BBHR'iS '!Ti "i (iniier nt Mi Waller, wlnnei nf Hie i.ic.u
BHBB'i 0 n i American Man-) nslfnlj). H 'aid to hale
BBBBrfi in V presented itairis'iii itldi fL'.iiiin .1:1. i Die
BvBKiil i ..I mapiKT landed thj Mldlulhlan eolt a Hi tut.
BWv 'ft ...
BBBBi!' S I ; llstclle, ilddru In (enre 'l.uKr at -!.
BBBVtl il I Louis lesteiility 1,'nt nlpied nn llie wluli
BBBH'".li' - lk IlOodllllll, tlilliUKh la)l I s.illi less tluhhllllf,
BvaflS Ml s? 1 i' lite Judi;cshUpt.uded'l.i)lor lor Ihlrt) da)s.
BwBK !f 1 ' iiT' 'ft
HHHK ''r' 4MI V'' C. cnrnelihx'ii has umiied the jrnillti: toll
BBBBlC'J JE Ii 1v Powhatan out o( Is.,,.', i-in nli, .Mi.
BBBB-I'.f r r lnt) re. Hi I'oiiiiillni.'iii in u,e '-fcretnl i ol the
BIBHB'kl- ' til l!rooU)ii .1." ke) i I'i'i.
bbH.'s a i , W ...
Vl't' ;rl ' Eyt A tii'-Hseucr li) '..le iankmn,er aui
HK'I-H . . XI rrn'iry two tlckeiv t,., tenia) i.ilui" im
BBBWol!?, w m i,::uo on s, u.iiie the) n eie i i-iii'd.
BHHH,'i9 ,'R 412 l-aier It Wits dl'Loieml lli.il the) weitt
BBIi ii , ffi turxerks
BHBW'ft It fi It H reported tha. si iriei i niiiun'i nm dr.
BBBHtvi M ki come .itinnltuee. Iliiiii'r h.i)s that he has
BBBH;l!9 !5 & imreliiied the H'lorul n 'I'u.'nl i.,'l,'lilh
HBbS.!! M t m tlieel, lioin luleiei .Mu.l.itli loi "ili.uuo.
BvaBn! -N i '' lasllls aud I'nli.'a p H.iatchtd li'niii the
BhBv f ' 'H 1 M -Mrjiupwituii llailitlc.1l'.
BBBK4 t J ...
BBBBtfi' U 'i ill r.iliew has been deilartil "in ot the Mil.
BHHHfflk !5 fi F ropoltliiu HandUap.
BBHKdl ! 8 Remarks Whlln Ku Dolnfir tUn; !!
BBBG'"J - 1 B l Doocn't Hun a roo'.-lioom.
BwABhiI ' 3 1 KI James M' i aulrv, i tie i. the men uircilrl
BHkBR ' 1 Ii fr liiiheriililnii (hail.) ,l.iiiiioii s lliiokltn
BHBBv'3 '' ta Bf " P po'il'Mt'iu. nas In ,d Iii t ."(I I. II : r the
BHBH ra Mi. 9i (irand.iuri in the xiijmssin.i I'.'iu. i.i.h
BBHHt t 1 lS'JUS'Vi1 llil .iittrnojii Lhutle) .lohiit in uaie iion.l
BBBBm lVVi lor hlui, and took ociatlon to dm) Hut h"
BanBHii BLaflULLBB W,i pioprletor ot the i ooi.rootu In iiitMlon.
BffiBjV'SWsHwBjf, yBf Tliolr Cnndltlntea Cnti't Oet on ths
AV'm?A"J3Bj K?" MnBeHchusotts Stnto Ilnllota.
4 r ggttaLuBrlBVBlRC Ip imih iathi riirn
iJMK,!, BBVl H Ko'tos, May '.'7. -In the Senate tn-day, the
BvBb1KB MB;'fK rcllllnn "f llio 1'rnhlbtuoii smu oini.ilitie
BBBHttVF. ifili'1 lorlejlslatlnii enaUllnir tlu'lr ciiiidldiites to Iks
BBBHbBt ; IB"' 4" placid on He (initial Mule ballot was rcltised
BBBr ' W'w udnil.fclun, 1 1 io lu,
IBHBH ii i iBf.Tfi only "in; lteoubllcan (Arnold, ul l'l.Muoutlil
BaV'!' WyM Toteaiorlt.
H ' ., 'iHji.H Monoy for rhlladolphln'u Mint.
Ha Htn'Kt li t prrrii rFti i"tri i i
BBBB C ) m 3 Ml' WisiiiNoroN.May.'T. Ill Hiius3 committee
BBBBl I in SB oftboWUoleon the suudiy t'lill bill tn-dat
BHBK u ' ltais thonmcntlmeut was oied donn nrlklnfout
,, J ; iSBt'IHi tbH appropriation of in:.'n,000 (or a new .illui
,'1 ' Bj&n bulldlutfat l'lilladclpala.
ill tkKBHtJE'
BbH! )'' mYu ,V Judii) C!aaoy'B Dausbter Dead.
MBBBbI ' 'VAK'bV- llre.Xjiis. Connolly, daughter otciillJuv
H''''t SBK tlcc CtMrles II. Clancy, tiled this inornlns; at
BBBbBS- '" iIbBh n ucr lather"!) home, Uj Prince street, Hlie wan
BE' ' fBBPli utuctcon years old. Her child died on Mat ur.
BHBh','' BBkC' tl3yjait. Tfioluneral will take placa. Sunday.
BBBt ' BBb . AJW-Ccrtmoliy wcsmarrlednearly twojean
BIBBK BBI V" w Jamci Connolly, a brother of Fattier
BBBB. 9BHB ConnMly. 'ibe laarrtaea was becret, and her
BBBw ' CBHBi parents did Dot knoT of it until tlireo months
BBBS . eBBBBl afterwards. Tho young couple were forelren
BBBHK k r hBBX ""J weDt t0 reside at Judge Clancy's house.
B BBBl.-'BBatt ; . Judsa ciiucy is still in a critical conmtlon
BKsf SBS' UmMlr.
BbHUa IBBB''4'iVJii.i .,J.winfc. t .,-
BBBjBBBBajf, iWflLiBiWiBBifijIiiBW ""
Seven Indiutraents Charge Him
with Insurance Fraud".
Minis .spUBi'l, a wl,riliile lltiior ami'r
Hi 101 end KM llltiad tlmt, was antMi-tl I
I if lids all'Tiioou on .1 ts;neli ntirr.iiii Is
h'Kd tm MKii indlctmtnts found n.'alnsl
hini by thptirni.il.lurv today.
t-pi";"r lorri were destrnyid li.i rreni
llr. 10 list, anailltrnkrif'il tliut li'enlefel
lais" rroii of l"vi) tn mil' it ln"iir.inee. j
. III- nores weiu insuri.l im :t:i.i.cio and he
nTlinid ihat liU lussi am lUtitnl luirii.tmii. j
' lie fill'intne; Ii une't ei'lilp.uil' , nhl'li had I
in ken il.ks "li his ti'.puii. i" the i on pllr.
.in,' w nm sHP- in U,e ciliiiiial luou'edl ft
I bi'iiiehl .i ,'nlt.vi , in .
, I num. m PI II i'Ii Iphia: I niidon As-urnm e
l.l.ipnni. Miihaljli' . 'I I'lill.vli Iplil i ,
' I lilled KIM lui li-. "I I'lilladelpliu Hun. nf
1 I "iido'i I In men -, nl -n I ran. imh; Iiil'
p il.il, (! inloii: Noun Mut rl. an "I I'iilia-i
ii. ipliia, Ilurp'i'l, I.011IM1 A tilobe, and
I "llll'lll A ' mi a-lllri
Mr -il((;i'l li lull re-ted in the Mjoh 'Inr
unil i.ise, whlili lias li n In flu . oiirtt i r a
lotik' Him
lie mill liwlir Hist the eliar;. s w-eio faUe.
and Mini tli"t nm id' uvlit Uiaose lie bad
Itileatentll to SU.' II Ilipanles lll'e "tllel
acrepled the 'iiirjN nielli "f hl losses and i
paid him his ltisiir.it.if.
lb sail alsn t mi the cunipinlps hid ap.
p 'Intel nn iiiiprnlsir an. I an tun' lie, rh"
).rlli Piililied i In I r ii. ii I. and iii.ind nm e'li
tin'ii li. Mr spp.i i j, hi nm ,i i m i a iwiiidf
man at 4 'nix I.. Ills lin.ttiii . Tm. I I" f '
1 hall fur him. 'Ile'laiter It iiortu tLi'Miuti,
but has nurn I ' -t.'i'i.
I j
I Lisht Sentr-nfi on tto Unn Who!
KwlnUled 7ir.ntiys Out of 4H,O0() !
I dailies A IMlmrr. th iiiaiiuf.iruiret "f brass
Wnrl.'f '.'.I" i a-t 1 It'lelll sllei'l, who Wis
I ijiiglit -nliiil.lhir Tinnns I . b fal-lf) In,;
bills nt Kuods which wen nil iMlU'ie'l. was
t'dav seiitui'Ml In JuJk-e ntr-irald lo,
three years In the penltiiillar). I
Palmir's lather iar'lt'1 mi a busluissot'
mnniita' uirluj eliandelli rs and broue (funds
at Hi i;t SeMiilcenlh itrt 1 1 and for near!)
hall a unt ut y mall with Tlffnii) ,V t n. Ills
son nn ceded bis fnthnr In liusiutsi uudjr
the name of J. '1 . Palmer s son. i
I I'jlimr had a trie run ot 'Iinnuj'.i More
I and when he pn ynlnl hli I Ills for paj meiits j
no ipusllons were osi.nl loiiccrnltic the col.
leethessof tin in. I
I (in pnl '.' I.e made out a bill for tliire ,
bione staluts, laltiid at iih(l n pre, wioto
the Initials of tin-pent m lu w linni ll.e) weie
Mipptist-d to hae Isen dillteitd on It aud
presenti il It for pa) inent.
Ii was nui) U) aeclaeii' thai Palmer's
'tl.i-its vuu detoiteil. oud ot the I Ills on
whlrb ho put a looted nudltor's tuatk eon.
talned an Inenrrerl ud 1 1 LI- n. and the emit In I
I hi footlm: i iiu.til an lun s'lyatldn. I'.H
mer h tin Its eMeudi d "le,' Hie ii-.us. and his
lll.nlH ii utliis amoiihteil to Horn SS,()0l) to
Il-.clclobrsrry Hoiid'a President
i Ordnred to Do Kxamlnod. ,
supiiiiii in .lusii'e l.ivnnee to-d.i)
rrnileriil ,i ili-ilsP'ii Hi lln -HI "' Id" aid t. j
' II. tt to iiciiet l r mil the '1 lioinsoii.lloiisii.n
I leitile I oiupaiii for i riniiiit-l ins iiHeeil to
j I e due 'I lit ( nun ni di i s l'rt"ld' nt ( nltiii lo
K'l limit tot xa m I lui 1 1. in todl.e!"..! the iituoiiiit
1 the i "iiipnni 1- tn leti lie l"i i ipilpi lii lln
I lliu 1,1. u,.ii , llulhi.iul, nhlili iniiirail Mi.
lln- nlli-Ki-H that ti hi lined ft the I' In-
Thomn.'j Kollr Plondn Not Oullty of i
Murdnr In tlm I'lrst Diirrec- I
'lb Unas Kelli. alius 'Ihomiis I'a'lsli I, of II'.i
( nt mine si i .'t I, p.t .nled nnl unlit) l.i mtird. r
In the llisl ili-gui' im I.- .Indue Klii raid !
In Hi" (iineral m silonsi "'lit tn-1 1. I
nil till-night nfAplll III I.is 1 ell) elic-l.-ed
In a ipiaiu-l with Anaui Kam and Ids liinth' r
llaii) at liraii-l unil s(1vati sunt, nml
slabneil I'lilh f In i. Ad'ltll Kiln' UP d ot
liU In inrl'-s on Mai .'.
Attondod liy n Physlolun nt u Uotnl
! In Ilolunu, nrU.
i 'I ini.r'nl - re .
IIiiim. Ark., M.ii ':;.-i' 1. -inlin it hi.
lulls, of New oil,. I-, Ul'n' s- ll illslr III al .1
lini'l lu tlilsil v. A ph)slet.iu I, In atteiul.
milt ,
' It Oooi Over Until Tneidny, to Hnnlc
im UnMnlah-jd Hustnosi.
I 'M !' I" I I' II -
W isuiMiioN, Mai "T " I.'- I-. . -The
sln bill was I ill It fi"i- the sunn ni the
(I i-e i.l the tin I Hill,: buslne-.. Mi, Mieriuaii
( Mii'sid Ills Hit i ii I n I i speak, but aild
that In- would I ut lie pi pin d in do su until
1 lin-Mls).
Afn r some i'ill"'i'iy the Lin wii". bv unaiil.
uio'ispniisiit, ptpt)iii il nn '1 uesilav. when
Il will mine up nt : oiloik as uutlli'rheil
j bll'llie-h
Kxocutoi'H Fllf) n Totlllon for Itis Ad
I miKt-liiti to I'rnbnlci.
'I he pi lltlmi l.il the pmliito t.t Hie mil ef
Wililmu -t"r wis IH..1 imiii I'u. ii.ii, thru
llei uard ,1. I Inn. i I Id-, .il;ei n'fli In n repn
I'piitatlM' iiom Hie unit nf liii-il. Inn ,v
l."ld. -lohll -111 "li S'IH still nt lilt- dl it .11(1,
illej'ii lini unl Phi, In U lttiiin. wlin oi-) lh"
eretiiiii, Mfci lln-ikiIII ni 1'inl ins thai a
diy b-live I t In n Hie In ii-,uij ., .i i, kb,
inn apiim it I Ut p- Int. pi". i 'lilies,
I he Mil I iv .ill' ha- in I u l n. I ll,e due
111 the 'l tltlltl llie f-i'l ilMle; lln IllU.elns
In Irs aim ii. i ni l.iu
llie .hiiliaiiie 1,,-iIkiii ii- ml -I'liaiiH
i ami Irlends wi,.i i.nl,.il I inn ', m. aUo
1 sk ""rVl
J'atmtntan Jttttu .ritUrr !
Of the UiPtUrn, N Y. Pou e V in , aliJtj te.tu '
ri to th roarlt ct llood'i hrnptl'U !lliif
tiV,filtfordlJ!2loeMftiid Indication ind It worLi ,
rhkrialoclj "Thchtldrfn ilo Ulr it with f tent
leu e tit. It li witKont dnuht a moil nctllrnt t June
(or That Tlrrd I'rrllux I ihefrfaliy rv.um
mend j
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and llood'i PUU 13 artryoD who wllbvi to hlT
h.Uthwd comfort." Got HOOD'S.
HOOD'S PILLS car Urtr lll. coDttlpitlon,
tlllaM, jtiodUc and cltk kodtoht.
ii'Liiii iti-a-g-f'i"' iiiiHts'ri'ivi aiH ri'ii'
Prices for Railway Shares Forced
Down by tho Bearc.
Sterling Exchange Rates Higher and
the Market Stronger.
ISduin Ir.tdrn Holding Ofl' I ntll
A'ler t lie llolldiiy.
Wai.i iiimi. 1 rids). May ".'. Ihebesrs
wetenutip this inoruliix slid nucciediU In
puttlui, prlicsdown for rallmad sbares i4 to
I piriui!.. the latlir fir II' tl. Island and
I.oulSTllle an I .'.Tit.i!!l'. .Nattaual 1 ordace
piclerit d 11 li nn irnni 1 1 1 to 1 r.'i
I -irt'e -lies in ( barb's He 1 1 ' ". v ere al
His: .nought 'n tp lutn; itii-k, I t.t II 11,1s
smied ii smut ii,iiU'i-iiv that the nrlers
1 itiaiiitid 't'ir:' tin ( atniiiaek e 'litliik'' tit.
! lb" mail.et ralll"! -ii.ih r il" l"d' is'np' f
1 Veiirii I iilon and I lekawaiinu. s , 1 1 " 1 1 t ttiu
I sR-i .iille 1 olorud" 1 oal A lion use;aliai,-
I lit-l In i. tt ft nn j ni-e .1 t 11 ni.
I l.iili.oi li'il ' I'tei. in (IT-nl.ill'.h that the
1 Wiii"u I nl.'M (In id -ud wieiij bi ih'iiased
I this ,.i..ilir. but ny i.-ii!ill welMhtnihird
1 tijeral r- M.l - at'' ill-lfe,llin. lie lji-
meuii"b. s il 111IU' d, liiiuitr. -.till teiei)
laV'iruii.e. '
Ml. I. I'1'rp..ni M'uaii 111 itnlnblr reach I
hei.- nn Wiilue.dai iei. . u 1 thin son,,.-j
iniiu ili'lnlti will in made known eunierii
Inx the ii-1' "i of Inr.'" Ii')ld"i-nt I'l.'iui.und I
'li rm, ml I .llie bnii 01 lu. M I, Mi'ik'.'n A lo. I
to lake 1 1 aikt of Ihe rei,ri.ih).ii. n 1 1 in. ,
he -'t lllluest h llie luarkll wassl rollift I, .
ni iiiinnl ia'es b-im; put up tin hT nmr1
lt-11 1 In. ni,iiiiel duo to ,1 lljh' suppi)
t bill 1 aud ,.ii iinitavd ilinnnd jkiiIiisI
sali r ni hunks 111 the " 1 a I tiiarkel llankets
1111 dai" sild t 4 s'li,, deuiuxl at 4 S7a4 a '
l.ss 111U i-ib.i s it 4 sm ,1 4.8x14. I
It Is remr.id thai Nation il 1 ordnce stock '
will t... iwiiii ni the I.ondoii stoi-ij Kxchance.
I lie 'Iri-asiiiv liepartiiuui liailui; pur-'
cliasitl the amount ut sllwr reiiulred b) law 1
for tin c'linliu,' moiilli, t.'i furthir offers will
be inusui -1 fi i.mil Wrdneirtii .1 line I.
Iheip nun er) little dlapiis.il. m tn trade al
tin-sink, Kx lim-;n t lil nltirnniu, nn fti-I
, unlit Mthi .iiiiirr.u'hli,i,'h.ilidiii. lo-morn w 1
the Hiiiinl will l.e npen loi two hours ntilj , ,
and Monda), Memori il liny. It will be 1 Intel 1
a 1"''tlii-r 1 uiis''ii.ently operators weie not '
.inxnuis mi nm im 1 111-it 1 tik'ii' men's.
I'll'--1. li'.ueiei, wiie a little ml'r nil
ainuiid mini,- in lb" lirinniDs of sterling ix
iUiiui, 1,11,11 li-iltn ta'k of protable gold
Moments in-it w k.
I In siuull I1II1 In I niidou and the silver
1 Ir-Il'lu'l 111 nt V asliliiiftnii were do,t upon
al itn-ut pis;tli i) tl slimts (in tlio 01 Inr
hand, the lulls loiiteinl thai mm fair
weitlnr al Urn Uisi Inr n fen dais 1 unfi 1
thill I'lipnbi ills will be (lliublii nrer each
"Ili'-r 111 I hell ll.i)te t-i net baCKslnll inn
Halts. In Hie ii sinif dealings lleadlm;, I'.nck
Is! ihl, s, iriin in l-.iiin. prefirn-ii nml ill-
sjutl I'.iillli 'll-plii)eil 11 iietu d HK'liL'th.
I Kl. " M.I" -in-i-ial sat s 1 liuiieelltu l.lbsoii
hasreliHi-il lo appniu' inceliei .1 xrniiL an
1 In mi. 'lion In tho liiil leuntiste, Vliglnla
1 a i,eiiik'l' --till.
I I. a w. s, Human t ro will ship luiMini)
I oiiini-s, iisnj) A ll.iriunii .M1.111111 of sllri r
null Nt sslu;;e, 1 olKiite A ( J.'i.iK'ti Me- lean
ilnllnlsto llulope Klliorrow.
Ihe Ali-lls in inrnltik's liK'ri-:iseiHs,i:i( frr
lln-II, lid wiekl.f M 1).
' 'Ihe tiii.il sales ai II, e New "iork Mmk K.
1 liuun in.ila wrre linl.Tnn shares nt lisle 1
stni l,k, 'ii.iliiu oiiiu'i snf sllter and 4,0rtu bsi.
i' .-ni rci.lisili.ii. 1, 1 nil.
Clre'r.if Quotation.
I It on. Illrb ltw Clo.
Aniirk.n Pipit" Ud ISO l.'n l"U
Auiri.'SD I nh .r.f '.'- 'S at lS
Atn'iU4,i ( iblf si "' S-. SS
All.rn.A . hu-.r lief 7'4 '.''l MJI '.'"'l
lu rniMii sir.r ltt iif '- i't ')," v.'t
ATnrriiM. ' .'tl'in (I.l tsH l-i4 li a-t,
Sllill, I'll I etleil nil nf ',6'i 7.J. ',','4 7.'ti
Anta. n. .1 MllUla. .1.9, .U' '..J, .11 ,
11,' .in i''s :17s, in 9-t,
lli.rislu.ll i PllH i I " 4.1'i .i'J
I ii.s.l. tmitliprli 1 1 i t M4 S'' fi'JSi I
I fMtl'r.l... a III tn . .Ml. .' U J( '..I I
Chi. in l. . sin' s,i)4 T'lt, 7'lTi
I'll.. . I It, r ig 111;. Ill In HID, llM't 111 U
I II.. nr" A t ID 14 1 14 1 14 1
1 ( hituKu .'1 .s.iil..l II " ins lU'i lli'v.:
I'n Jtiilllliii-111,1 I47'v HIS 1471, 147',,
iii. ,ilil i st . ;;:, ;, ;;it 771,
I'l V.I M I 1.1 Ml'-i l-'l'i l.'ljt Ul'tl
II... II... k Is tl-ri 7s'4 7s'4 "Tt i '
ii 11 .1 1 i 111. en 1 mi unit lui let 1
1 t 1 .. .line Al'sl. t,li s, s- s. s7 I
I ,, 111.. I I hi I. I.'i l,v ("', ISW
I I Hitk. Wiii-t :it ,i,4 1; :r.,
l , 1 -1.1,. I il .1 lr-.ii 'II II '0 'l.'"l
I 1 nil ,UI-I (,... II, N ll'.'v 11)1- 1'J
ll.l.Uik A Wc.l lai-'( 1 . is, HjsI j i,
ll,".,l- t liii.Ui.i H.'l ll-t. II. ll.'l.
ln A Iiti,l,iiin1. (ltd A '4 )" Mil TO',
lln. A I ullli-l Vi-.l 4H 4- 4'. 4S
lli.iilll.HI I li-i I It lint 111". Itnl, i,
I I Ion ,t . A i,i til ,f '17 IT , 1,
I muni In lls'ili) l.l'.t. llt'i 1 )', I If.,
I ii.'lp.lnl.ii .'I', '.'I'l il' 'Jit,
lnVrsii.na 1)1 1.11 I.I.4 l.l.'li
I He III A tt. .1111 -l"( i' J VII.
I, Hi. till,. I .'mll . 7t ' '4 7I4 7t'
I..1111. s I A Ins. 'i '.'.- '.J it
, Mutili.llanl'onsul Ill M.lU 111 l.'J'l
Mull I 1 ill 111 I11S Ills Ins Ills
' tlmii ,1 si I 1,1,1. . U( l.'H. 1)4 .ifj
1 Miiieuri I'icltn- ... ,V, In-iJ Ml Ji't
' sin . Kin Ifi iiirf. 'Jl 'J.' .-st, a,i,
Nil.liu.il- 1 1 Jt, llt'i II. 'I, Hi',
Nai 1 unl. In I'l'l 1 1 I'l 114 li'Ji, 1 1. si,
.S.I I i.l I .1 I'td K'.'y STh, HTi s'.i,
Nn l.iu ini nn, .ii', an, .in,
.s v .1 ,. 1 mIii.,1 :i4 :i , i:, a-i,
.N t .lililnitll -'T', . .'71, .74
,N V . I, I' i W pirf 1 1 '4 1 . 1.1, 1,1,
IN , s., ,v ttet 14, IU4 i4 nif
I.N V Mll JW,I. if 141, Lis, l,4'4 f'4'4
t..lll'1111'l h. IH'4 I 't. I'e, I'll,
.Nvrilifiu I'T-itii '.ml , ft I tl'i ",,l, f,j4.
.Ninlli AIU'II s 1 lit, LIS lit, I '."
nines j-tlirn .'I1, Jt J4'4 '.-
iluiiii,, .1 tWiti-m lsla ht, ni. k1,
I-.. 111. Mill . . It 3 J-, !-,
dp. 1 ii r t (-nun ,ipi a'.'v ' Ta .T i-.tt,
I'll! t. A Itritdinc HI1, in, l.ul, 1,11,
l'i- li.i I I Till.TtllK IT', lk'i 17U. tsii
, II A W. I' In I. lln- n, in s' )'
II t u.l' l.i i w- ni :,i .it -,i m
Hun... IV, A (lolt-lii. til 111 III 111
M Paul t uinilii, '.i4 el, 4 lw 411,
M I. .Soulllwe.lrlu "l, ,t, 71, 71,
Sitisr I eilllit,lr s,l, S74 STL l',t,
."-.Million l'i i . J7I, .,71, :,7h, a'.l,
Irli. I'Si-lll" ll. Ml, 'll vl,
li-tlll. I.'i t Ir.in 4' 4-"t 411, 4(l,
I'tiiau l'ltltl,- 4.H, 4111, 1 'i 4
I 1 imh I'itiiir.llon 11, 17 17 17 17
Ul.l.i. tl.. II 11 H 11
W ,1-i.ll .i ,-f .;, . .-. .'
tl ,-itiru l'ltli, .14', M"l ml, y,B,
Wlitrl.1,4 .1 I '--I'n. SJl'i all. .Hi, Ml,
I ttlnli,.A l.k, I pi 741, .tl. 74, 7 1 1.
M.nnitr Ptocus,
Die fnlloiiliii art-llie clotlni; iiuotatlouknt
I11I11I11U' sl'iiks ul the lousulldnted Kti'liiu,r
I ! ili.l. !(, Ali'l.
Am I la? . - 0 Jul'. ( on 111
I Ails i I ,l'n,i ,K
I AUaiiii i'i,n y Hi,lv-ii,il .15
, A-ierii .(!.' I.illioiai'f it
lli-llt- 1-1- .It ttrtirtii. 1 .ml
' 1,'i-t ,t llsl. '.'.in Muuituii . .I ,j',
. It. -In- . . 10 Mom '1
I lln ! ,4S Navajo .ml U
llit.eluna .115 N llollol.. .11
, lllri.,e , Ja 40 Ninth .tut CS.ll
H'n.'koti. 17 .11) llntarlo.... tt.f.J
I lirlni.'lll ,Ju .da llililr. 'i till
I l ale 1. in, U, A M .im
I 11 II tut (,t Mental r1
1 li. .mi , 7u il-lTiuojtli ail .1)11
I r,,ti I'l, 1 III 'I', i'l I.e, I III
ilij.i.hto It , tli I'll' 1 Am. 41 .C'l
I., l ell. . .I'll - Iteh'llCon. .411 Stl '
'I III. 4 la is,,fce , I. It
"i'l ik sleirN'. I. .10
Milk II .1 st.ntlM. . 1..I1
. ll 11 l, IS nil sltii.11'1 - .ul
1 s ri. lt.uu santiann. .. .Mi
le,loul isn hell - l
lena '".lit ,sil,er c,,r,l .III .at
I 111 k..( ,.a 1 til 's liie, . .71
,ii' ti.ti. .in .ru S tl I ,1.
I He sin, I .III In e I, V .l
tr-eiui,! 11J Mio.lliuie ,111
l. ml A I' 1 ill - iSiillitan S4
II, A N'i,r I, til I.U114 to
ll.iinefke IH.J11 -HI lull. l.,li.
l..n. Si'.'r J. vd 3. it Mint I on. It .51
Imn bill.-, .1.11 - V. J.cLvu 7'l
j lti.il IllU, . .',0 .Ml
1 Millions Involved In a Suit Over
1 Duties on Certain Skins,
irt i.toruTrti eRcin i
Hoston, May '.'".- J udjo Colt to-day de.
! 1 IrtcU a-ralnat 1 be Got eminent In Ihe csseot
tliel'nltcd Mates Tersus Wot leu Pi others,
oi Now York'.
The subject ot tbe suit was tbe duty on
rabbit or coney skins, from nblcb tbe lone
lialra bad been plucked. Tbe skins are used
In bat manufacturlntT, and rell'lona ot dollars
ai-o UToired la tho decision.
Movement Resumed to Roturn Ills
Case to New York Presbytery.
Ity iMoruTMt rsr.s. I
PoaTLisr. me.. May '.7.-A flotal column
of red roses fully five fcit high was placed to
day uron the desk occupied by Ur. lirljfs In
the rrrsb) tcrtau General Assimbl). 'I lie
column waft lurmoutitcd b) a wbllo dorewllh
nutsprtad itiiik-s llio attendsnt'e and Inter
est In tbe pr-s'-ertincs ttrre undiminished.
A resolitioti was introduced by .ludgis
Sirutell. of Montsiiii. looklni- tn the riturn
nf tbe lllli'i' i.T-e lu the Plisbjtcr) 01 .New
Mnendnif nts were offend sllchlly tnodlti
Iki,' this will u l".t with the same object In
ti w. The .ai tic were allow id to withdraw
In order to prepare a lorm 1 1 sctlon which
should be Inutiiri y aneptable.
! Tho Bnth Bpech nond Hoduces the
! Price of Fxcurslon Tickets.
A rato war Is Imminent lietwren the rail
roads lunulb-- imiii HioukDii In inniylsl-
tid. and the ledi'tl 111 a.nad) cototniticed
j nro gristly 10 tm iidiantagi of the excur
sionist. Ihe Cit Is due ititlrel) totlieiliarp
t-otniK'tltl'in at n '.Vent rate nf Iheilertrlc
load, whicti iiil- lnuwien Ihlritelh street,
Miu'.h llr.iol.l)i., and i "Le) Island.
1 lletetofore tLi r .iinJ.iilp lalirnad rate tn
(one) llntid has le. h 4(1 ciuts. 'Jo-auvthe
I Hath llik'h and Wi-t 1. 11 1 road cut the price
1 o '.'. t ents. 'Ihe Until ileaeli and West I'nd
1 rrnd Is otil) f tie - f -U line-, I . tin- IMatid, and
till' 11 tl.i oth-rs draw llulr l.tiltes an ama.
In.-slaslilnof rit" mil) LeiApnied.
Ho Will Etnit for nocbtsstcr nnS
1 Msy Inlk nt K.mlra.
' I-" Al'" " I '' "It- ,
' W AiiiiNOTOs. May "T rim' arrangements
'lnti In en completed fm the President's tilp
to llnilicsti-r, and he will leave here In-iuoi-'
inn runrnln nt 7 ii'i-loek on the I'lnnsjlvanli
! imiroad. arrlilnirat ll'i'hialcr at 7 In the
llie Preldent will be accompanied by see-n-tai)
K.lktus. licpre-entatlves (ireetilear,
l.loiiut, outbwallc. Lnckwood, Hooker, ilen
iliisi.n, Unifies, iitirruw-i I.. It. 'lajlur, n'
(ihl", (n-ii. and Mis. si-iiutielil, s, eretary Hal.
ford mil jirobalil) firm c . thers.
Ill" Piesldi nt s trai" will arrlte nt Harrlv
tun k nl 1(1.4.", Wllllnuisp-.rt al 1.10 . m.,
renin hlmlia at II. -.-II, wn'fe a stop will b
made tor a short tlun , nml 11 Is po-Mble the
Prisid'.nl may make n few rctuaiks.
siiiiimt thep.irl) will epemi in KnchPster,
nml Mnudai the President will unke a shnii
nildte-s at the Menmtlal Hav etenpi s, leav
ItiK Hnehe-t'T mi Wushlniiln-i ilther Unl
tilKUt or '1 uesda) uioriiln6'.
A I.odc;lrf---HoUBo Blnzs Costa tho
Llfo of Onn Intnoto of tho Placo. I
, ., iii I ia- n rn- s. '
lln-Tos. Mai '.'7 A lire bi"!.eout about-:
i n'llOi-K this inuruln,.' lu the tipper alt of the '
Hotel linj al, ii iheap lodglni-ho'ji.e at H,:
. i ourl otrict. ,
llioie weio some Iw-em t.nte lodgers In
, this porlloii nt llie bull Hug.
j .lohii '"nihil, a-ed Iwent), was found lu the
I upper hull umouscloils and dlnl at the hospi- ,
Inl. ( . 1 1 irk Is at lln hospital and mm die.
i I'll nn II Wil-ht was (ivtriniii,) In nii.oktt
, ntid ha 11) luritl attiut tht back and arms.
If. K. I'irl's, a cripple, was I, a. II) burnt il
idsiiit the upper li. it nl the bid) ami i.caily
npli) ldtel nniuuge li the tiro about
i ;,uun.
' -
' Nnw York Democrats' Only Mndlum
fur Exnreoslnc Honoat Judarmi-nt. i
l t jasm iai in eel '.
W iTKiiroii s, Mil) ."..Mi. Hault'1 M.ioue,
of ngdensburg, eoiiiei out strntigly fut ihu
J!at ( ontentloii ir.uti'ini'Ut. He say-'
I fat or Ihe Ma) inntentlon as thn only
m ilium ihiourh whl"li the ln-iuui rats nf
New nrk inn cite an horns' . xprt sslnti nf
1 their Jiidgmeiii as in me iiiiidldate Hint
should be m lei'ti d tn the National lieuiui-
rac) lor Ihe Presidential nomination. '
Itoundfimon Uoonnrd, McAdam rind
Todd Promoted by tho Pollco L'onrcl.
At the regular meeting of ihe police l "in-lnl,-lolH'lH
till- nltei in on, Hi u.idsineii Patrick
leonuiil, of Hie ink stnel stallou: .lumes
Mc ilJlii. of Hie 1 Ml Idge street siati, in. .m.l
nrillle A. 'I odd, of 'lie 1 1st line Hiludltil and
I weiitt.slith stri-i-t st,itiui,wrri'pioiiiottdto
be -tige nils.
leon.iiil was nsstgiiril to ihe I'llnuetli
strei i si it lnti. tie l.uu to the Miidl-uu strit I
statin i and TnUd lo tui tluiberi) siieet
M-lgt. Wood, of (he K.ll-atieth strpet station,
' w as ll untuned to lhesleauibo.it Patrol.
I Whlto Caps Thnt Neid Tamlnff.
iiih 'n t- en- t.i
' TtNsn Hut. (,a.. May -.T . band it
While Cap ikspiradoei liatii tisited this
place mid l et, guilty of erer) an short of
murder. t nu early hour en Wednesday
morning tbet mrceii .luhti Murs imm his
house and tut. him l.'n lushes. I he) ne.iilv
killed a bill, 1 ne.'i . land adintiitViToii scu'li
t ) -file l.islus to a negiu worn in.
Snllor Erown Looking- for Fleht.
II itii'in-rii e-li,
I niiissi-oiiT. Ind., Ma) '.;. sill"r llrown,
nl New nrkilti. a middle. w el.-lit prl'O
llghlei.whn Is In I.ngan-port, his Issued n
ih.lleiige 'iflentig tn meet nil) mid llf-we Ight.
1 Ills eh lln ng wld pnn.ilil) li aceepleu b)
1 lil.-r l'Uts, mij has iii-ti r Im-ii defiaiel.
Oflicer Morrison OatB tln SfiOO.
i iniiiissiiiLtr Miilave, Irmsuni of thn
t I ollie Ilnaid, tikiUt detldul tint I'nll uirm
Muril-oii, 1 1 ihe Mngsbrldgi- sipi id. Is en
lllli'fi to the '."iiui reward l.-n with tin- Hoard
l.v in Pi. kiiipiugn lor Hie pen-nil 'th i Miiiid
lln-li d' nf Mi r- IVi-klnpaiih In Hi- Hudson
1 1-' ifik.
novolojvd lyvihus In Ilollovue.
f daaiil Ili'W-ers, u lin hail bien In thel'on-
t.iil.ni- w ir-1 ai lli'llivue II spii.il -Hue
lutsdsi, wis rituoied tn lh'1 Itneptlnn
liopit.il to-da) siitu-rlng with ttplms fetei.
PlnywrlurlK Gnylor Bettnr.
il was repoil'd this morning al l"i" btatc
slieel, HriMkl)ii, Ihat Charles i.a.iler, tha
playttrlghl and brollier of lln- Assistant Past
matter of New "iork, tt us luiprotlng In health.
Mr. (la) ler has been surterluk' from HHghl'd
disease for somn weeks, and last nljht bis le
cuier) was despiilnd of.
Host Latin.
Ifrt-M rt-l 1
i lark Paeklnhouse tent to nn Kasleru
lieruldr) agtney for a tree. Ihe crest was
sailsfaclcr), but be tblnks the motto must
I hate been bulled In transmission.
Md'iioe Miat waslir
Clark lu hog slno tluclt.
1 Appropriate.
JVC. I . HA. J
1 Wool Funtcus (jot a note from his editor
I the other day suggesting that be give a
Van Pelt What on t
Wool-Ills 1,000th production ot tbe
nvitbtr-tU'law Joke.
When Baby was sick, we cave her Castorls.
When sits was a Child, she cried for Cutoria.
Yfbso tho beeurM Mist, she elnn( to Castor!.
(Von Itarltm Life-
I w 1 3sv --i ' ly '"
V.-'' .7, . &&&
They Interest Audiences at the
Criterion and the Strand.
.Mine. Albanl at u Benefit (.'oncer I in
St. Juines's Hail.
fry Aori,Tri rrt. I
1 iimios. May Vb. Atnerkan dramatl-ts
1 wi re tu the frnt hire on '1 uesday. . notatle
audience, gatheied at the lilterlon 'Ibeatte
on thai dny to hear Mr. Isaac Henderson's
, new thrcr-ait play, entitled "Agatha," the
i plot of whli li Is taken Hum the author's not 1 1, I
I ' Agatha Pa;e " 'I his tits the first nf a series
, nt file special matinees to be glunbyjlr.
I Hetidirson. Among llie aiidlome were Mr.
Hare. Mr. .lonoe. Mr. Pre I Terry, Mi's Marlon
I'leity, "illss Kale Hoike, Miss Kllrabeth
I lioblns. Miss Marlon I.-a and Mr. Henry
i James, I hn novelist.
I ili pliywas ot UDenuil merit. It ron.
talned pl"iiiyof dramatic lnteii-st, but was
i badly consliuited. lis fault. It Is thought,
can be easily rimedlid, and It will utidouiedli
be tery "ucci-sslul.
At the Mraod luentre on 'Ihursdav Dr.
I. atigdon Mitchell pnsluieil thtee of hlsnne-
act pieces. The) all showed Unit Ur. .Mill hill
posse etnsldei.iblo eainclty tor writing
short pliys. Ihe chief pleie ot tbe triple bill
was - llullt I rideiuimd," a storv of the
! Mnerlcan ( It'll War. Anotbi I of the plnjs,
j - In lln- season," Is a Rtoit of Kngllsh socl t).
j The last-naiiii d plici Is n coined), 'llicthree
pl.ns w'-ie capltnll) acted and well reeelie.1,
, Miss Marlon I am, Inr. Mitchell's wife, scored
I an iind-tilable success as the I'tiikirtss,
i ' lliilh I iidiiwood."
' A highly Micci's.-ful morning concirt was
klii'ti ji'Slenlay at M. .lames s Hall for the
I cm lit ot llie Nntlonaf Micicly for tho Pri
tcntlon of crueltt to llilldrtn I'ulle a num
ber of distinguished nrilsts Toitmnered to
I nssls' In the inlerpilsc, among them b'lng
I .Mine. Mb.inl
j As h.ii lefoie been aniiouiirid, Ihe fiirnl-
I tin e ant fittings of Her .Mjle-ti's Ibtatic
' (ll'iyiii.irket will Le sold b) auction nt the
end of Ihe present month. In the middle nf
.liino Ihe hlstoilc houso Itself, the -icnc of
man an operatic irltimph.wlll be disposed of
as building material, and the stage, where
(.ihl. Tumhurlnl. Mario and Ittiblnl sang so
glorious!) till mill when they bcredei! and,
with Ctisin, the famous conductoi, started a
1 rival establishment), will tanl,h loretir.
I lln the site of tho theatre will rise a pais-
, Mil hniel fitted Willi eter) possible modern
i ltiMirt and louiemence.
i nnJunet; a special matinee will be glirn
1 at Terry's Theatre, of Mi-s Kstelle lluruo's
1 pl.iy " ihe country," which Illustrates the
wiongs'if womankind, nml a new comedietta,
! i ntltled " Miss Impudence. ' willicn by Mr.
Kdnntd . Morton. The principal part In thy
latter plat will be taken bv MUs nnlo
'Hughes. "Miss Impudpiire" Is an offset tn
Tln'Couiitr),''luiii!U' li as li Insists to a
certain extent upon woman s right!1.
th. .luliu 1 atl liasatt jngid lo luntlnue his
l-.iie of the sliaftesbur) Iheatre, and here
K) lie Pellew anil Mrs. .lat.ies llrown Potter
v 1 1 present "Ileio nt.d leauder." it Is said
that the production or this pla) In London
will le attended with far moro claborato
' iniisleal and pictorial effects than marked Its
recent presentation In Manchester.
Mr. M. I- Slijer Mailed the ceoson of
Kietiih pla.ts at the npera (..ml.pie mi Mon
day. 'I he first play presented was .sardon's
- Ihcrmldor," wllh M louuelln, llio elder,
and ii mined coinpnti). 'Iho whole Interest of
the audletico was centred In M. Coqttclln's
role. He was rccelted with great favor.
At the lto)alty 'Iheatre on Ihursday there
' was presented for the Dt si time lu lAindon a
I French mtislial pia) without words, entitled
- I.o Petit Chaperon Houge." (Little lied
I Hiding Hood.) II was nry well reeiltcd.
! .Mr. Duncan C. Dallas Is eugaged In repro
ducing bv means ot photography tho first
folio (Itl'.'ll) edition of shakrspeare.
I Funds are being colic, ted to purchase the
I houso tn Halle wheto Handel, the great com.
I poser, wa born ou Feb. -,':t, los.i. The house
I Is to be sold, and n brew er, w ho already uses
tho grounds as a beer-garden. Is desirous ot
I purchasing lu Ih- admln-ri of Handel did
I not wish tbe bouse to fall into ms hands, and
I home the movement to buy It. It is pro
I posed to convert tho building Into a Handel
How It Is Done.
( Vfsti.f. sillosapolf. Journal. J
Tommy Psw, when a man commits politi
cal suicide, does be sboot bis besd off f
Mr. Flint No; merely his month.
AaBoancemrut far Measaa ef 180Z.
Tbo boU of Uilc roato will bog In runnlD on Mtv
If, I.aVUi Mow York fPUf 8, 11, JU-.) .14.80,
U pat tela -rBM tkou jass 3170
iVfi'liaaftWiatl' iii'illtftitl'iri-iaVrirTl Vr
ir,'.. i
W'i;,L::' -s, ',
.Vol hers LcuLCt,
)ter varv's Irunet,
."StSrir j
I ,,
jai - M3t
Helen s ii.ii
And lathers ' tile."
Vile cod-Hver oil has lost
its vileness in Scott's Emul- '
sion and gained a good deal
in efficiency. '
It is broken up into tiny
drops which are covered with
glycerine, just as quinine in
pills is coated with sugar
or geliitine. You do not get
the taste at all. ,
The hypophosphites of '
lime and soda add their tonic
effect to that of the half-digested
cod-liver oil.
Let us send you a book on
CARtruL living free.
Scott a Downs, ChcmUu, i ). South jtk At taut.
Mew York.
YoordnictUtketrpoScott't EnubdoaWcst-Unr
H-tUdrofgliasvciTwkoisdo. fi, t
UMJjjjjiLijiJh.. ,-ay.. tMi& ttsifftjtti
' a i
Following Is the List of Places Where WORLD
Postal Cards Can Be Obtained.
Find the Agent Nearest Your Home and Try (tie Cards the Neil
Time that You Want Anything,
Now York City. Brooklyn.
Entter to 14th Street, inclusive. MjXl-'K'h'',"''!$''tl-?'a,:mTy
... ... Atltntlc f. .25, us. " .nJ.'Vj;, U. "
itt.t . 35. J,,J!"lLont;' s5." 3 " A'-'. !,;!!. i0t" iiv-' 5Ib '" '" rain piM.
7il.l 'lot. hldlidg. at,, SI.. 20 0. 'JGS I. 7, ,,,.. its i.i,i.7;r
3d! i. "t. 314 Li.t HroadMj.Hll). ill. Iledford . . IM. 451, ."oo.344.4,e ill J"-
ifhJi'.r.Jt. 4-..105. 1.155. M'k ""' lofl.'lUit, Or.nd.l 73. 335. 3TJ,
.mat. Wral. 5J H. Houttin it.. 50, 140, 1700 i,0i '
0 h-t. L.it. W. . 150. 147, 174. 19a. 441 lln tie. U . 54. 0.( ..... 774, IM),
110. I. ah, t, 154. ' llrosilw.r, 41, 4, 13J, libit. 1417 '
-th" . r..t 11 I.849. iralton.-..-!-!. l'.l .176. IJ4, 4US.57C. i.Jb.iKIbs.iod .to , .-,J.
Kltnat . 1..I. 57. Illrand at., in '.'.I I, Jin. r.si. V4i 1IIJ1, 1071. ll.af.7elte.TF., 121 Hit
iblb.t I Wf.i.,411. a'!;. Ml, 5jt.555.50J. 1151, l'.'7,lu,l. 1771, jil.iiii.tun iVL, ' ill
iltnJt.'.'twn.'iu.' rrom't.r'ee'u-ich al. -?. 3. txuiil . C5. 71. IM. .M'l'nro.tl . all
i. 1,.. 'i'lfr. C, IJro.d.j, uo.r M.rcjlDUn L 'ii.
At.nue t. is. M. 6J. (.reennlcb .t. . il. 35S 11. 'J'JU. Mirtlo ..... 10s, 111
149. 'J2 1 '.M.I . Bs llto.di.at u.Ar Park J7li. SSC. C59. Il4f
A.enue II. IS. 56. 9t.,Otsenlch.ie .cor. 15th ate . (tti 11W. l!IM. liiai, IjSt
, i7o. 270 I .1 (.nhniii iio.,!!!:, 285, 15H5 "1.".
I AT.nu.1. -t. l.'. 209' 'l.riiteal.,SO J-fll, 40 Ninth at.. 2SS.
.fy, H.ntiTer luare, foot I. Hroadw.r. near "atet Nc Yo,K ... 54.
A.rnnel). 1. IS, .. 1 llsilon .. 19B4 il'oln.m ..... if.
1.1 ... . 55. lit. 18,,lIii-l"U -l-.l. ,31. 'j- I Jmhwl.li.te , BOl. P.rk ..... ei, 14s, 57
230, 2U. iii. ,, JC5. .101 Ia. "-'. ' ' lletseu ..... 1701 luinh ... , L "jj "
2,1 ... . ... rnr.th ;t. 'Kin. .1 . 1.1 I -enlr.l ... 0J, 272. Itelj i.e . Isj. 257
3d.,e. . iJ. 07. 120, 189, llreoine it ... ,431.3.0 ) :43 Hjeraon at.. 259
n 1..1 nihil Ill.erttii.. C9. 1J0. 1-.won are . 7r.n MDd.t ill
4th..e,71 151 ii.ii uue. 4t I'nutt it. l.t, Jll, 361, Seoend ... and 54ib.il
t,!h ..,'. 10, 6J. 13'J.,Mr,.t-t .47.7L I 447. 4-1, r,. .Sroltll .t 2W.3li.5jj;
IV.' 'ta-.l. .ijlsl .31. ti.iiiniliU .t t5, 170,'M .l.int.pl.e., 2S1.
7lh..e,11 tli.iniieai . J14. ill,. 214 humner a.J , 2. aij
hlh .to , 11. IS. 7. 83. .Unnai it 1. De K.ll, ai... 421, 717 Itilrd ..... 4CC.6IL
150. 1 U 157.503. .N'"" .11 'Jl'i.lUls. mm "" ""
Allenil. ". 'N tlenie.t . ,n lUnillfon I.e., 01. Ilnmiiklri. ..... J4. 1J.
1 Ilarelai .' . SO I'.rk low, ,ij. 81 Hull .t , 1 75,1 "
Peitfordil 47 I'lleit..'.'. li, K.lli ... . 024, tor- Union ... 114, 14s
hrekn.orl.lU1. .. i;noit..ll I ner M.rcj ..e. I'nnerhill ..... 43
Hleeckrr ! , Jill, !6,. 1'ltt It., lor l.tercreen ale , 131. Ilk..,. 'JJ
3JJ. .15 I'niiio.l.. 4.. I niton 1 .9 1,1, .19,211, " a.erlj ..... 105
I noiter). ','.-'. 171. IRS Iti. mirt'ili.t .19,37,122. 'J I, a.15. 197. h.VJ.O H, H.ihiuatoo Jt . 301
'.'OS. .'17, JS1.JJJ.J49. Ilutc.ri.t.. .11. 1111,11. 10-JS, 1149.11711, U'rlbe are., l,u eii
.t.lW st tl.rk'. pl.ee. 25 1V9I. 13(1". 1.1SJ,1417. Vurk.t.. J4C.
Ilro.li-.t 1. 46. 52.43S, tlelancent .45.J14.278. 1501, lilsl, 17'Jfi,17J9. . .,
1 717.774 Souths!.. I, J ... 177s, 1S11. 2050.2158. '''" I.land City.
IlresSxl) tor. Itnalit.. smith 5tli.t..,lR...C,49 22U4, -JSSf. Hurden ..... -,
' NtM-il.nd .spring -I . -, JJ, 144, ri.ll.ii.h.. , 99. K,5.24UlHro.dw.r, 491
llni.dj MelrouollUn I'll. . 14.1 . 1 lushln. ... , 70(1 lulton at... Atlotl.. 49,
Hot. 1 11. wi ll n't 1 'iiTer-llJ plac, 11, al, A 11. .nde.eer'.. II Inahlnc ..... 289
Iki.i n . 17. ."'J, 109. .! 1 niton placo, 49. It truon .,.., Ul. ' ,
4J9 41 t arifV si .11,198
'.tbarir.e.t 4 1 lt.il it. 10 .. -
.C.rniinr.1,1" l'..' ..liini.t..iif t ,7M TM. NOW JOrSOV.
I ( enlie it., 57 tte.lil,, lyl 'iji. 3JI. J
( litinliat . .14 tlllli.ni.t.. 7. .terser City. Ilfiboken. I
Ibn.topLet.l .101. ttnlellrt .ss- , wx I4lh.l PI '
I'llnten, .'.;.. l I louMon .I..106.11I. tVr"enVr . 4 44. 4C4. ' . 13J
l.,lornl'ia .1., , l-"t 1- ,1 entr.l .... 45s llloomn.l.l .t., 171. 411.
liid'ow.l,.U .termtt.. n-1 I l.ranitst . 0U4 ltlhil ,;,'-"'"
IKesf i'lCc, rtoo 14tl, to 125th Street. '.'MiiS.-K&XSXl. il'V, ' HP' "
23d i. . tie,!. 124, 275. U.lumt,,,. r . 50. US. g ' ,1!'- tb6' iJ' "I''JiiTlVii01,1"'
VJltl ., , tt .... 11, I'lJ "JO. 241.24 I, 27 J. 1?., n , . r,B W I lowb4.,..l.31i,i.
:.4lll.'..n-. tir .lh ate '.'en..l.'J. 3.0, lO'l, a 4 , ,r,, t, 155 ii " ., ,
3611. .1 . We.l. 71 . '-ul. 1 J7. (,'.4 70.7J'.l. I v.,Ii,fl.l,i;r.',U7,i42. ,ale.
'.d-l , "l. 1 . J--- j-1- '. .,.. M'.nlkt,iiierr.t..JS.4C.sl Main... . 222
I Ulrl , Vte.t. 4'.'-. sth ..e , '.III, 1,9, 214, 1 'M loiner Pro.peol ..I
67ihl . M-,1, leu .Mil. .nil 'i 4, fi.'.-, 1 ()(i, 1 .-,fi - ,,rn ' ,,i.,..
I IIRihM.. Wesi. J''J 7ol. 720. 7s7. SS1.J04, I'.clnc .,, -1 I loster.
lJ4ih.l . Melt, J44 1(17. 14I..I, .1670. '.,rt"",e ."'liV III. Il.k.r.
isij'.iMr;-'1'-" .,uV;:.v,02':iiir549, 1''r- ''4-u- :"-.
1 B:lh !- "-S!.1" : "' '-'' "" .,.-i"' '..-. E "'"-
'.is,; iuii',. i(l'j3 Arn'slrrilltn o.r .0.7.121, ' Sslllirs Pink.
Tin i.e.. 2f, ITH, 442, 101. Ii.n. :i75.4 JJ.14T. 11 ,1 tt .N.'i.l
4S2 3 JO, 570, 7.17, 4nl 7o7. 7i i.sjl.--to. i ' fireeiiTllle.
1 l.ifll. '.ul'i .Ureal,..) "54. UUi, I -otilh (Irnnee. , h M. ,..,,,.
y,i';..vif.1oo;in: &:Mu"l-liU' "- 0K;dJ,f,:w,1,,
791. tiJ M...lefnlloui.,.rd, 209. I'lnlnilcl.l. "cf,liln,ler
1 "" i0' A II M.lli.on. J (, I'ntrrsnn.
East Side, above 14th tot 25th Street. M'"7,. , , . iMi"ed'.t' .
.ili'l itelirn. ( t.rner Park ... i.j
tie A.l.tsi. 14 14. IS14, 4th I.e.. U9. 14?,3.1G'4. 1'. 11 Upplnr str.iohi .1
103J. 113', 11,71. 4lil. . evinrU 'hlhn Mi'on, Slr.l.ll
4.... II. 193, 1514. X. tor 2'Mli it Id .... , .""? .. at . J49'
A.e ll. 5J0 .11 ne , 177. all, 217, Brmil ft ( I.I 053. TT4.
IK ..... .171. 411.1. 400. 2.15. .'li- 27U, jsl ,IJ ', ,!M. 4s, IU, llellei llle.
S'17. si', l. T'.ll. I01K, .Oi. , IS l. ,Ss. . 9 I, 4uJ. I I eril et , J. 21 sy ,. sP,r
llifi. 1-I7J. 11(0. I Jl-J 4 9. 474. 4'l 1, til-: Hi. , M ttl .1 . 20. Is. 180, lr ""'
I.I4J. 1154. 1I.IU. 1111. ;,'.4.59 .IIJ5.I. 111. 7IIJ. I ,'J'S. Itllhl.nT.
11,14 15i,l, 1,1'U, K '4 '.Jl. 75 1. Till. 7C4, Tsn, lluln.rrr tt.. IOj L Until. brown SmlU
1K..1. 170-. 2240. JJ ii. Seo. V i7. -.14.-. I1S4, r.iim "t.. 17 II lerrill
2J31. J4U-, I loo,, luJli. li'4G, ln.'ij. Siprinizlieid.T. ,81. 122, , (Iriinne.
2.1 i.e. 3 0.. 414 .174, 1111, '. Iii9s, lli.J llss. ' 10 '
i-Jl. TiM 71.1. "al.TT.1.1 11114. 12Ji. 1.30, l.MT. I "l'lnitt.n it , tlsC V,i?n,"'"r- "
7s S14.S5S sol. S70. l'.'SJ. l'J.15, 12' I. 1 IIS. I.ludri-. M-nmlill
I'll. 31.J. 1U24. lu',4. 1.1(5. 1.. 1,1, list, 1 4.1.1, ... . J' " ,J ' flrn-ice rnllst.
1I117.1I3U1110.U1,. 1 ('.is. l.-.lit. 151 5.1 M.l. I " A. stone, jr fe Fteeiurn t
llil. 1240. loll. IJs. ,al, 1SST. ltul, 1-.1JS. , Mestnelil. ,, nl
I.IT-J, isa,. 1390, 1441 lOi.'i. l'.iTi. ju'il. JU91. .Rn. i (.o.i 1 i- m llinilinm
15US. 1520. It..'.'. 114''. 'JIlo.'Jl'Jl, JS I Willi. Ilrehtn's I-hsrst'T
1'5J. tl.m.KTo. 1711. ,1'lh si . l.-l.'JIs IV. 11, I. , v.... i,... . 1 ,.
IT.t'l. lU'Jlljl.'.s, Ihl. ',1it , l'..l , lie. , ' "' "-" rsv ItruustTlrlu
21SJ. JJs5,J.iii'i, J41H -i4lh.t., Mil. Ill '' , ' l''1' "solIoj Itntsef'. Pu.rim.j
temigieii lie. fill ,17lli s ., l.i.t, 4(i no, III,., lern 1
1.74.1424,1744 ftithll , J-st. -Jii.-. Itnl Mniik, , ttlnji,
Jli llion i.e., Tt,S, 9S5,7J,l.t., I i.t, 2Vi 1 . . 1fnrri.ln
ITU T4iiirt.. I.iit, .ion ' J- 'ner ' unrri. nun,
I Parlite., 625, (00. '.'01. TOlliit . I i.l, ll'.l I. una llriiuc:i. " ; Mnith, P. A
11.14 .Tsih-t.. I i.t UJ. , , lonnel.. Stildre. II ( Ho,
I fle,.tit..e.21. Vftiiii ,1.... H-1.140. '"' -"n"'T ' Unrri. 011,
isillon i'Ii, e. Jii sum .1 . l.t. I7J 1 li-nud). J .1 Il.l, , ,,s..
'."Jdit , 1 nt, 10J. 1U( ll, .1 , I n.t. 141,107. (,.o. M ( e.lr. J. .1. n.U. I ttltottin
Jidri.. li.t. l'J 441. 107l,in , I .t. 2111 i-ni,.ii. siimmll.
JIM , .orner Jd.ie 111 I'l it . Put. .to, l.llllliel ll. ( N wm
l.'lit , I-..I, 1, JO, Ul. lJ'.tn.t.. 1..I, JU, 129, I Lliriheth .e.. JCI ,""''
I4. 1 1 0 3d. I., JII ftnsniioo.
.j l.i -.t . 50, 14(1. Ate II, JJ I, UJ.
Above 1 25th Street.
i-,in .i.,.r,T. K-i, .... 210,. 2..s ! Long 3land.
1 4Mjs .. W-'il. rot. J.;iC. .(. 21 k; -JT14. j Mniltnch. , llrmusienit.
.111. .till luiit.e ,i,rrl.7ttiil ... ,1 v ., T . V. 1 1
ISTln.i .ii'lAni.lerd.m I .1 .Niej.i.mi ,t 1 "' -""'"'id. - .NSiiel.l.r
air. I Him Die.. f.il. Il.th, Inn II I ll
J'l.t- ,2l'TUI4(,.JIl". Ai.i.n.'ers.e .'JJ1 I. , "" .'.."tr""!! I. v
J.1S4. -.- .'. Ain.trtd.iii .r 1710, T let.ncr. Il.ei.lse tt llrinkerhofl.
3d at... 2ll7i, 2 1.14. 1 -'.,. JU 14 ..i.. -in. . I iir IfnelinitaT.
J.,l.-i, -J.lll.. 2!'J.'. J41.1. ljn.'i.irM . 91 Amilttllle. ill.nniil.ro.
21.1.-,. 2IIII, '.U.ll, ud. I.emt ..... 47.1 tt . (., tllierli.n 1 U oniUhiir.
.071.J77'. J.'OI .115,. tlorr,. .... .114 Pinr.nlls 11, I lljfkt " Jl
-.l'll.Jllin, IVJt l-iilii... I s ,11. ,. .,,,"" I "lck' Al
Till te . JU74 2140, ta.i.t.in.lt ... , lSRf t.. M I inlit.ll Nell loi, n. II
157, J1CI. JJC ,. JJ.iO. ttilin,,,. , JJl.Jsj.iJJ. ('inii-t l.lniiil. " s Johntton 1
., ,. A. Chaiub.... Cnllene I'tilat,
Stnton Island. ,,,,,. .1 n narn
WmVis I'lilollliis St mm 1 ms -n it. AlcNickl.-, pinrmio.. Ilii.lilnn.
Po "iu . Hfosi, -A. w'rTiVVa.HH'V"- " "". J' '"-" ,
Hour, 1 mills htii, .1 h Mvwrll j , i)0-n,ni, lln -ltor-
YuAkTiw A, Howe tionimu, 1J tirlftin n. Jmnlr - .
New York State. n. it. .ti,.r. " J'"'r"11I.
-nl t Ilia.
tViiiiMn.i!lt'ol S. V Htr ,1 ll.nrj Inllri-lrr.m. 1,1 a N.uert
.1. tt Unci., tt Mi-jAlinsn-k -Tl t. T. I. Il.ntminn -.,n..e.
h-.Tin.lnn. P.liner. ,,. , ., -"tn.sri,
Tiliatlons. ,S. V. f 'Moiu.isASiA. N. V.-M. tt nt'il lint en. li. Vinn.Pro.
Hirnn . 1, K tlonasji.u. A. t Ilp71r.lt. I'nlelinciia.
!,".rt'"' ,i!'',,-,,AV Ko.ll n. H. S l-Jnkll?-
Sisi' msoV N. S l) K'ivi',!J'i,ii,nr. N.V.-C. P 11 Tit tn ' Hlierliead.
tt.ililmrn. anJ tl . I II lliick. ilen llrnil. V "".'Vvi!' f"1
'lot.nr.nl M.i(...r.-J.I.BIau. u iLn.hi. A. l.oldberj.r
Yossrni N V .1 ..It .. - . , M' 1""'1bl'' , ' (ilen Cove.
lrei,l.eten It taj. I'll rmost. N. Y.-A. ,1. lllnenln. 'ILK Holierli
t, J Sclll.eina.r 111. I. Slnllnt , , Smniii, It.... !...
,1 T I.-iinon Post I lir.TrB. N. Y.- ,'1' "","", ,,l,,''i0,"
Mnl-si Wii-.it,. X. Y.-l I II. I.lllt. Illekstllle. I M.nr.t
1. tl lain tV. Lorlmms .. .'rot'lliT.
tWlllrslone " f f,ralh' f"l'
Connecticut. I , 0i, ,i r.ir. ' n A:"r,,rifhn "'
Ninmlnrtl, tlrernwleh. I l.iieu.i Vnllry, I'reepnri,
J r llolilnann T Aln.ini. ' L "" IMeJh.r (...) 1 Kid.r
Made 60 Because "Iliey Do Not Wear
tto nieht Kind of Collnrt.
A larco prnporliou of t'je citilizeil
ttoinen in llie world nto ronutl.lini'heil
and liiilup-sliouldcii'd. 'J lie reason is ,
Hint they iitnr no cullurs, or if they ttinr ,
a collar at nil it Is ol some soft material
1 tlint does not keep the cliin up.
I Itisutterl) impossible fortlienlio-llders
j 'o droop vilieuthe licail is enrned tell
tip, and notbinc ttill ninVo a iiinu Keep
' bis bend up like a stiff, bijjb collnr mtb
j isliat t points that stick nml burt ttbeii
libit 1 bin is allotted to droop down on
Half n dozen yiars nfjo, wben tbo
fashion in collnm ttns Tery bleb bebiml
1 nud lott or turned back in front, many,
innu.v men in Ibo country were round-
Tbo slid piece of linen bebiml forced
llio bend forv.nrd nud down, nud n droop
in tbo sboulderb was tbe result. Buys tbo
Mctuphis f'(iiiHeiff.W.
I'bcru is 110 particular fashion in collars
lion, uor has tbcro been for years, but
tho prevailing taste runs to n collar that
I ElnnilB strair-bt up nil around, tbo points
1 lapiiiui.' under tbo chin. This collar is
hlf-lior in front than bebiud. and the men
vho wear tbcm soon learu to throw thoir
. heads back to provent tbe blf-b points in
' f tont from clmniiR their ohins. Tbe ro.
1 stilt of this is that the men of to.ilay lire
, strnipbt. backed, s(uare.sbouldt'red, flno-
lookluc fellotvR.
Monday, May 30, " THE
printed on Blue Paper in honor
of Memorial Day.
The Fnco an Indication of the Anl
mat's Charactor.
"I nevir nsk nbout a hor'e's Iraiti,'
snid n horse buyer tlm other day ' Ml
waul ih n i-'ixid stpunro look m tho face
Oucn in n bundled litucs I may luistai1
Ibo head, but not ofteuer than Ihat, I b
lioie." bnys a writer iu tho HVii-'W.j Ml
'I illf.
It doesn't reuuirn nn expert to res'
horses' faces, either. A person who h
net i r handled a homo cuu haunter ilowi
llroadtvny nuy ufteriionu nnd point oo
Ihe uoiid.docilo family cuirmco horse, Hi1
bitiuj,' hoi se, the treacherous Kuimal, tb
ono likoi to kicV; or run al nuy moment
or tho proud. hiRh-spiritud horse lb
way Im uuuscruuk nml yit uotticloush
tho least.
'J'bo kickinc borso can nearly always b
siiif-lpd nut bv tbo ticious l'ltiini iuW
eve itbirli stamp, li) in u linru kicker. U
nil horses, thouifb, tbo uilHortible-looKini
horse nttructs most alteution '1 his is to
liorse iiorsecuted by Iho I'heek.reui.
I.lko men and womeu it lui wear snot
too small, bo shows Iho outward evidenc
of misery Many cood.iiatured borsei
horsemen say, have beeti made fretp
nud Ticious by being enslaved by the i
famous aud oruel chock. rein. There ''
horses broken down by Iour and cob.1111,,
ous service for mau.wlilch show sail UC
Tbe Bald Truth.
rron riifi.
Patient Doctor, let mo know the lvorit
Doctor (aUient.mlnc'cdly.) Your bill
be ttvo hundred dollars.
(rvom rrwrk, l
"You bom my luture happiness," be fV
perei. u
Weii,"siie anawereu pleuwltly,'l,
It go."