Newspaper Page Text
-. THE WORLP: SATURDAY EVENING MAY 2R, 1B92. '1H ON THE BIG BRIDGE. LI Mon and Women Who Take Con stitutionals There Every Day. .,l A Good Place to Siretch the Legs and Fill the, Lungs. Some of the Queer Clinrurters to mti Bo Seen on tit o Footpath. :, HI. 3IJ, Those dcnUeiis ef New York mid Urooklin 0j) who look upon the K'iat lirtilgo that liiicsfs tho two cities Into oiif ai onlj a business cou. Ill venlonoo and the footpath but an economy ot " expense, do not rcallzo that It la the grandest health report promouudo on thoNiatern ion )! tlnent always tn tho tidiest condition, ueur i if, muddy, net cr dusty. mi $tfL S 111 1118 DAILY rONTITUTI0VAU Here tho broMt, fmhencil trrm its con tact with the diep, uroud water b-.low, 8 al- ways Iresh, always bracing and liealthlul, and besldo? the hardo that pussei otcr Ironi Ilrooklyn to New York at the rate ot 10,000 M) an hour irom T to 10 tn the morning, and wends Its way homeward uUn lictwmM and 7 In the ocnlnn, thi'io are scores ot peo ple who trcid tho promenado cteiy daj, purely as a constitutional. other scores trucuetho rallo and a quar ter span on foot each daj In a healthful com bination of exerclio with business, while thousands repair for a bracer to tho brUlgo lliu occalonally when thej nro feellnc out of torts, run down at the heels and tho like. Those who patronize the i:isl Klvcr llrldgo health resort lncludo man men and women til of note In all branchoi ot human efTort. 4lfta Among them are Mayor Moody, of tho city of churches. Mayor Boody Is a busy man between his duties as chief m iglsti ate of lliooklyn and as a banker. Each ilav at a llttlo after 1 o'clock H he concludes his day's herMce to tho city and B sets out for New Yoik to do a second day'g t. T II work. IMiMaiMI h,,a- " 4ff. III - a A WISDV CORN Ell. In ten minutes he entors by tho broad arch UStnds street, and, Blrlklng aswlnRljg trait, walks arrets tho great brirtgo to Park ltow and Isswnlloncd up In tho throngs. The Major, smooth-faced aud grae, wears ' a black Trluce Albert coat, dark trousers and , a bilk hat. Ho looks even Inch a Mayor, and he Is a courteous, suave, old-fashioned Ameri can gentleman. I Anchor un ims bis constitutional on tho bridge Is Gen. names the publisher, who Is also a trustee of the bridge. (.en. Ilarnes I appears at tho Brooklyn end of tho brldgo ' promptly at N.-f.'i eery mornlnir, and In I twenty minutes his brisk walk hah taken him to Now 'i ork, his eyes brightened, his chetks , flushed bj tbeoxeuiso in the MIH oriezes . that cnine up from the bay. j At 10 o'clock each morning n btocky, elder ly man uf aoldlcrl) Ix-mlng and nuarlriir a email black mustache, entirs U the Siundi ' atreet btatlon. He nads to tho oitlcerHonl duty tliern and tusses on with a lelsureli, rtlgnined btep. lie Is an ubsirranl cltUou and sees imtj tlilni; of Interest nom tho mmm chair of llrolllngnag at the lirooklyn end to thedotuecf the I'ulltier llulldlug. ihemun St. tsUeniyJ. C'awlcj.aMlcraniif mi battlex, , out ot which ho e'.imn without a wound s.te ' a bijonit thrust in his side, lie tm.irl.ibly Am returns Irom his business lo tho saino path It! oclocMn tho afternoon. i llicio arc two Ilnokljn brother, butchers ' lit!.' ?l ""'hlngton Mark twhu walu out tho . bridge eten morning aud baik uguln at Ml night. 1'hey am shott, round Lnti hen th"so face two, and the uie notluMll- because when ..V, ,lcJr en,er "" '''Ue lo.pthei ono steers Stan close up lotliRHitlit and ti,e oiher to the lift Ib guard-rail, and the walk "apan to Mm Milicr. sb'utln,: uuir ihai to iaeu otLtr Ml across the pi ink w.ilk 10 teet wide. The bridge lollcinieu i.otiie all thise "lit:- ulars." and oilkei Lourtney said. rem "'Ihoso but' bet brother- walk lain u' i br shine. When tho inuiuen ide h n been tkwd lnwi ". nirouui of ilnnu Irom the Ue on tj. iowi eabea, ti,,.s,. uos hate linlsnd and t oo been allcwed to pioinenitdi--at their own In '"" lij". tli'-J hate the, r,nj u mi) ' uitildn't wulkthc ilsnlin!' 1, tt . Ulllcer 110'ilej, the middle of the ,,.nl J-rldge, Islhe most uWnum ol tin nice, no iiT. nasbien on the bilige i-lnce li otened In 'h 1881), andhesiws th but. In r 1 1 eat. that usn daynnd Ihm n't mhsed Mint s, n ot the ortlcers kUrt tin I nulla. Ilor !e H lespna- -sl tlbl0' t00' ,T u"" sialemeni ih it imme ubi brothers ato twin-, I ut dm m ,.i oin n weirs a must n If, wiillo t tic o'li r eum ,." snicoth.faccd '" ';.h n''.r1'10"1 slimati, of tlm sunn IlmoMjii s to Building and I. mii hsnel mot , w in., im di s. pcptUiu h, ,1,1k, ewry in nulng. ami his ,hoe talliorm anil How ng biowu lui'stacne aie ienc familiar t' mi in d e goers. rse li. Krothiiigh, ui, ,i t Hi, I n ai-shetildeud etfo PJ8?:!,".11 "" ,,1",, u' '"'J u-umliihl, h.m . a undlimtemd, u a ii-iul, r, ' wmkln m his i rubber iu uiii,' uuslm sin .en 1 i ewrv tl lUghl a"'" "' nsam to Ihj ileKhts (U facu Wllllnra A 'in i-end, the let.nn pub-1 Jl1.r r' h- nnc, his lifiltti and ilinr, with nearl ot a untinv of '"' Uliidliun. In iuii to his dim Libit of WJIkllU limn lin.or, n tu bu- 'II snii this greit spin in 'Uh in .mh.1i Dim ... . 't- lll" vr.'r' ' ' u" '. nml s a i. Inn 10 1 "' '""''" '' ""'0 ''"Td b .Oie I hi ijrhlge I.-a ,m rlt" revet of u e,.tben J nit umtli nun,,; c ! , r.tuiisUsrle in. . " H '". r '"' ',llt Ta mage. no has Irnl ",',,,n1IK'1 ," '".'eliil lie wW ii,i. .."" ''"' l'""C'nieu, anu Mops to ehat it,, -m Ml'''l'"ting emhiifcidatically on i -. uJ ii VP0".'.1"! IK ''"ow. to tin, rjiht and to 11 "u iVH": liv l;""n' every mure and mwir, ft Jl,,L.l?Nf'T"'1;i lroin " I'rtHluee hx.' K?ri8?..lmT'r, '" tl, rB' 3"lf "' " m. rirKka. Heljviiiiim4),:vBujia thluks, Rupt. Ujrnes n marollous man. Pr. Talmaco says : Trill brldgo Is tho greatest health walk In the wot Id!' Andasasort of return for tho Doctor's irleuilllness tho pollco Inform icorcsorin. quit ets each Sunday morning just how the lu,i Hint their no to the 'tabernacle. T.ii. li age, In a huir, would keep a spntitei bits to kiep tip with his tniig, raj Id, Mgorutis stlldes, despite Ids sltty )e,if. IN TRAIMN0. ltabbl Josephs, tho chief ot tho Orthodox tn Aiueika.lsa regular patron of tho health promenade. He Is usually accompanied h) a joungcr man and they stroll slowl) oertho bridge. In earnest conversation, or gazing at Hit; sights about as they snllf the sea brnzis. 'I lie ltabbl Is an Inveterate clgaicttu, and Is liberal with his tobacco., Hov. Futhir Koatie, ol ht. J imes's Chun h, New oik. and Ituv. Fathers Kelle mil Miceti, ot llrookl)n, aro frequent strollers on lh" bridge In tho attcrnoon, spending much tune on thu middle span, between tho two towirs. .liilin 11. larlor, the lnwcrwho defendi d tnil)lc Harm, on trill for polsntilng his sihool-glrl wlte, utid I'ankei Halsteid Ji in ei.-li other at tho sands street entrance aud walk our evor morning at li.HO o'cltck .lames'lhorpo and sain rilllcsplc, tho cofTeo men hunt, are among thoo who take dally conslltutloualsoii the bihlge. 'I ho brothers Nash, of theOrlcntal and Corn Kxcliango banks In New York, exercise euiy morning b walkliu Irom IlrookDn to bus. I ness b nn) otthe bridge and baik again at night b) the same route. I l'lesldent n's' afT, of the llrldgo liustees, lsa fieiiuent "air snifter" on the brld-(, and home 'lrusteis Hull, lleniKiuosand lllldei brandt. I His notlciahle that most of those who promen idu Hie bridge h ibltuiilly weir blue spcet ides, the s a buio pioMug too strong foi the uuprotL'cliUejr. Athletes apireelato the bridge hcilth walk, , ti o Among the dall pedcstilans tin re Is l Ham Buermeter, the " lather of athletics," who ilvts In .-ottlli llro"klii and walks to his sti rage bullulng in New ork eei day, I Mill Case, the champion handball player, I "trains" here, nnd.lohn I. sulllnn. Charley John-ton and other spot ling men take brldgo I constitutionals at times. I Among the regular promemders Is "Mrs. Cuiuitiighaui," a ut rous old lady, fo nami d 'because rf a fancied lesemblnme to tho I woman charged cars ago with killing Dr. I lluidell. "Mrs. Cunningham" Is a faded, ancient damo In rusty ilolhlug. bho abhors men In general and policemen In particular, and sometimes wit Ids her big umbrella tn de fense o( fancied Insults. Her hour Is a r.M Madamo stralghtback, the Temalo toundcman," Is a daby promenndcr. "She Is as straight as tho drum major ot tho lnnbklden Dragoons," sas unicer Dnoley, "and slio stojis at each of tho four corners and gazes at the clouds." sho Is tilty ears old or more: has wiry curls, bluo "blinkers" and a maitlal air. bho spends about ocr afternoon on this " beat." 'tho "female tiddler" Is a thin, old-fash-lonod woman of thlrty-tle years, who was onco pretty. Plio carries a Tlolln under bet arm from lit ookln to N'cw York twice each diyln the ear. The l-rench " Is about twenty-five, winrs spring-heeled shoes and tan kids, sim csnlesu Llg bluo patasol to match her gown, and could dlstnnco Dan ii'i.ean, heel and toe, on her two trip" each w j dally. A procession of oillee-eleaulug women passes ocr at 5 every morning, goc3 back to lliooklyn at 10 and returns again nt 4 r. m 'Iho lamlllar llgure of "Duke O'Neill" Is seen here each morning and evening, with padded bhouldi rs aud bell-einw ned silk hat of the count dOrsa) stK-. Do was a swell I when dukes were Indented, a dandy when swells eame Into fashion, and a beau with , Benu Hickman when dandles eame In vogue. 1 llo Is the most suao of all tho patrons of the bridge promenade, and carries his slxtj.iiro I eais with wondrous com age aud spirit, llo I Is a famous New York tailor. "Aberdeen" Is n scotch gentleman of 1 ilght-oneiars, who walks our from Hrook lyn eieryday to get a bow 1 of .Scotch porridge at a l'atkltow restaurant and breathe the lush ilr en route. I. mil the rat-trap man. Is another famil ial. UBint-trap Is an invention lor picvent lug i allway collisions, lie Is a i ounty Derr m m, and jet his Invention Is a dream. Iho " Ijrono Man" is a ruddier of tei which ho carries In a gripsack on ilie bridge I twice each day. Hols seeiit-llvo iarsold and wears a heav bl inkel on his shoulders at all seasons. Ilin old spongo man Is another regular "passenger'' with his strlngof spougeson Ills back. "Old (.corge " is a tramp ot the deepest d e who walks with tho heavy step of a tiagc dlan. He gets his meals from the palls or me good-natured bridge policemen and sleeps on iho hurricane deck of a south street lodging house, though he proudl claims Brooklju as his birthplace and his home. In fact, tho Last ltlver Bridge Is n placo whero all sorts and conditions of men and women ma he found overyuaylu the ear for health, pieasuie or business. DEATHS IN BROOKLYN The following Is tho official list containing the name of every person In Brooklyn over leu ears old w hose death w as i eporlcd to th Department of Health csterday ASM! ISatmasn, 24, No. 31J V)l!i.o Llizahi ni Hum. .".i. .No. (ITU till i Anna llltAMOllli, 14, (irilillli Hume, No. 320 V k.llilixtuu vf. Iiiomas I'AKimi, !!., .No 19K rdltrjal , 'a tnrrr I'.'IANK II (I if.K, Jt, No 210 ItOMIt , book kroner. .Iamih HrNliv Urmr, 10, No 3D t'lrmout ae AltXASlitll t. Die 1. Son, 4J, No ,IW Atlantic av ili rk Jamts Huoim, 71. No. 'alTi(,raliamit , .10111 titt.r iiiAHtrs litLrns. tt. Ilrookljni lloinital, IiaintM Jam HtsNAH I PKN.U.No 110 MontcoinrT tt ,lnHN v lllLli, 03, .No Ut au uotlna at , li ilfaler ilvvrN I irzi'ATlltCK, -', llrooklju Honuital. kAnuilIN I I 111 elllN, 11S, .No Ttl. I Iran 1 it rnoMAH l.liullnil, (,i. No .Mia Mnitjer at , almviiiaker NiatNNAH I'liAiirin (ii rimm. ro, N'o 21fi 1 ranklin are rntniNier IUmiitos, :'.' No 'J3.i liri,lct John llAlirMAV, 3, No ITS .MolilroKo ate : tlil-r Katiiaiiint lit Tr. 7'.' No. 30", Sitnintrr at .lA:m I.AMU. 1J, ht I'tlrr'a lloiinlal, rlrk. .ItNSiLlI liAMIil-naoN, IU, No Ajjicthat I-17I,aK hi, 7s, .So r,.' Newel at I'UAlllTH MKUIMA .MtnrAtr, 70, No 1; s, hptiu'ihnrn st 111 IH VtmiiAM, 41. No 172 1lerrt. Mi mit. 17, ItockaMa), jar Tait New 1 ra ae. , ti iu llr. IIuiiiiiaO'I iinntiI. li. No 197 North (JtU at. l.LLF.N .MATllirUA I'MrhhON, JO. No. JOJ 1 Mil At iHUIh) I'll KltAlI. uO " '17.1 (He'lino-oaTiN I'Aimin; J ijLINN, to No 16u ilmlioi mv. inariui-r ANlJN lllld, 81, No bl Valntm are. atoie aeer III llu FT Ittll IV 75. No 10'' At'-t tlcare Tu-olnr.l MKOI, 17 j lis Cirton aie. . I rat llni"! er iiki.ii.i i, lllMiiiifi, 44 No 407 iVarreu at lalnirei AtiNr-aSl 1 1 IVAN. TO, No Jill iiloni.t J01I.N uii(, 3", h . .Man a Hoapital, li.krr. AT HOME OR ABROAD DR. TOBIAS' Venetian Liniment Will be fclnn INVAI.UAI1L.K to nrraoni auHatlr 1 from ItllMJMATlNM. Ml UHALlJIA LOLDH, Mill E Til ItO A rs. PAINS In lUhUJlBS. BAC'ri I ok nil st. si-it aiVik. miuiRiM. t a, rnou. aandaoIOcrtlllvataaal Dopol. (0 Murray at., N.w 1 York, bold hi til Drugjlata. Price jJanJWccou. j tJX2S!S2a4.v3i4llvitfCia.' it. j THE j SUPERIOR Modicino is tho term by which Ayor's Snroapnrllla is host known, to diatinfjuish it from nil similar propnrrttions. It is S U P E R . O R , bocnuso it has for its bnso tho truo Hondurna Sar saparilla root, tho variety richost in medicinal properties. It is SUPERIOR, bocauso tho Yellow Dock-anothor of tho insro dionts is raised oxprossly for us, and wo know what it is.It iB SUPERIOR, because nil tho other articles comprising this preparation nro tho choicest of their kind, and bocauso thoy aro known to have a specific vnluo in tho troatmont of diseases originating in impure blood. It is SUPERIOR, bocauso adoso of tho same mcusuro may bo relied upon to always produco tho Gmo offoct. It is SUPERiOR in combination, SUPERIOR in proportion, SUPERIOR m appearanco, aud SUPERIOR m nil that tjoos to strengthen and build up tho systom, woakonod by disoaso and pain. It purifies, onrichos, nnd vitalizos tho blood; it cures Scrofula, Scrofulous Humors, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Liver and Kidney Disonsos. If you need n blood MEDICINE boGitrotoaskfor Ayor'a Snrsaparilla. It has cured Othors, and will euro you. Road tho following testimonials: 1 Ajei'sSai-.ap.irlllilsaStiperlorMotlielne "Several .iro, I ptescrllied Ajer's a'td we confidently icenmmenil It lit In- Sarnp.irllt.i for a little Rlrl, four je.nsold i;i ,'dlents aro ninong tlm Iiet hlood pin Ifleis ( ineinher of .1 ptntnliietit family of this known tn pharmacy, and aro ubsolntely free count), who wns nfllicted with scrofula, front any Injurious drtiR. It Is htRcly pie- After onlj tlireo or torn Imilles wcte used, lerred hy my eustomeis tonny sltnllai ptep. the disease was entire! eradicated, and tho illation "-(Mound I.. I'leltl, 190 Mcrtlinaelt now enjojs excellent health ".T. W. Bos st, Low ell. Mass worth, M 1) , l'hllllpl, W V.i. ' Mter ens of experience as n druRRlst, "Tor two c.trs ptst I have prescrlhcd (lurliiK which tune I litvoseen, hanilled, and Acr's Strsaparilla In numerous Instances, heard of hlood piirllleis almost without Hum-land find It lilphl efficacious In the treat her, t can sit that, for genuine merit, Ajer'slment of all illiordets of the Monti It sells Sniaparllli Is without a rival." (leorge well In my store. '-It It Ilojle, M D.Thlnt I.lnnett, 43 Slicrm.m ae., Ncwatk.N .1. land Oxfoul sts., riilladclplila, I'a, AVER'S Sai-saparsl.a I Proparetl by Dr. J, 0. Ayer & Oo,, Lowell, Mass, j Has Cured Others, Will Cure You A Complete Assortment of STEAMER, TENNIS and YACHTING HATS and CAPS. Ladies' I ni p o r t o tl Snilots, with bilkM OR bands, 1 oat her' I U sweat-bands, in all i tho Intent straw L1, braids, from I 1300 dozen Fancy Straw Huts for La- dies and Misses in " ten of tho loading f -V VC shapes, including J j the new Knox Al- V i;At.,, pino and Sailor, in 1 black and colors, nt 200 dozen Childron's) f)Pn Sliado Hats, in car- ( HO. dinal, navy nndf LiJ lfni, at ) ,;... Sfcli Ave. & 23d St. HOW OUR PRESIDENTS RODE. Qrnnt Llkoet Fast Horses, Clovolnnd Slow Ones, ArtliUr Pocera unci Harrison Coachors, Sixty lont; cars, with their btinsUino ami shadow, htno pasi-ed since John T, I'r.ce, tho well-l.nown IiTcryniRu of .ill Sixth street, lint stw tho light ofilm, savs the 'N'asliiiiKloii 7W, and nil day Slcmdti, Ilie lit ti. ho was Kept busy ro- cciwug coii,'rnttilatious ou his golden jubilee. Sir. 1'rico wns horn lti Alexin- . drm on April 11. 183L'. I llnviiij; been in business nt his piescut Blnnd tor twenty bourn ji'ara he is full of I reimuihii n.f. of yreat AiuirieiniB who lmtiutilid his lljers Aiuoiir these win I tit it. . r nit. who eanio in tins tiny nml Kind. " l'riec, 1 want to a spin ner the road ti-iln lot no haooiio of jour tastes', trotters." When tho lien. etnl returned ho was protnso in his praiso , I of tho hoin" ho had ilmTi, nud snid i I " 1'riee. thai fellow wns chain lisbtuuii! ilsell." " I (it'll. (itaut'H Ainbian steeds, presented I to linn liv tho ,Snltau of Turkey, weie plaied in .Mr. I'ricoV care when thoy Urst ' I'liiin here aswoto I'resideut Unmson's io'K'Ii liorsoi 1 rcsnlont Cleehind was nfraid of iuii awa in skittish horses, and always asked 1 foritceiitlB anitnal. Mr l'rico met ox-' i J'ro'ddcht ( leeland at the depot upon ' h'siuriMil lit re with semi larrirciH fur himself utid imrl J'rokiilcut Artht.r'n liiMiute was it ai iny Iioim' IIonlwiis mid that n pneei ntinelnd toneamiie r line il tin iiiost dtlij;litffl t inut-oii He t lily fvirn'shed 1 rcsnlont Hne will ono liorae lor an min iiinriiint; ' licirsobnelt rido in Iho country lievoml iho holdieiR Home Mr. Hayes tisWil for a contla horso uud would not make his, 1 nual telocliou until he had seen soveral tried by tho stnblo boys. 1 Gen. Shcrhlau nlwnvs nslcd for an equine full nf life mid fire, lie Mas a J dating and daubing rider. EHRICH BROS. MISSES' SUITS ID LOIS: Confirmation Dresses, White! India Linen, cm- broidered yokes .. .. and inserted skirts, ) ft uO pu(7 sleeves and! l sashes, sizes 6 to 14 years, worth $6.75, at . . . One lot of Summer Flannel Dresses,) trim m e tl withf SO Q fancy braids, sizes,' Zo 6 to 12 ycarsA worth $4.50, at . One lot of Scotch Gingham Dresses,) in a variety off Si OQ styles, sizes 6 to 14 j " years, value $3.50,1 at Sailor and Vachting Dresses, in light) combination' SC 03 shrunken Flannels Jg sizes 4 to 14 years, worth $7.50, at . One lot of Children's. Russian 13 a c ki nn Reefer Jackets,; Sl 98 sizes 4 to 14 years, value $8.50, at . One lot of Short Jackets, sizes 1 to Si 00 12 ycais, value! , $1.75, at . . . .) Complete assortment of JI o u r n I n Coat's and Drosses. Travelling Coats and Commencement Dresses. 6tLi Ave. & 23d St. A WELSH EPITAPH. Poctillur Obituary Ovor tho Gnvo of n Jowollor. Iho follow int; cpitnpb is reproduced from n tuinbstoiio in Iho eetnt tery in I.lwiiilllwfudl, fnvs tho Jmilltit' tmiilnr. "litre lies in o hori7ontn; positienthe outsido tnse of Cieorue Itntleish, wnleh. inuktr whoso nliilitics in that line were nu l.nuor lo his profeshiou. Iulecritv wns tho niaiuripriiift nud prudence tho regulator uf nil the neti"i'i. i f his life, Iluii'iiu. honest. Industrious. Ills liauils lit-Mi stoppttl until l,o had id td ills, tress lie ha '. the art of dis in, n" of his I nix 11 sin h 11 svav that In nifnuiil wrotiu'iN e.twhtn M-t ii.-oin b pot-tms wl.o t'l I 1 ot Know his kcvnii'l tveti thti'i is e.iHitv .t t right again He departed th s me No 7. 111 iniiinl nil 111 the hope ol being talteu in hand I his lliof ulilv lintied. regulated and ro palioit aud Kit ncoiug in tho world to come ' THE WORLD'S fiSAL SSTATS IKOEX tans n:ai tsr footstifit- j , , X ' A REAL NEWSPAPER'S REAL I SPORTING EXTRA! 1 TuatE rafflii mm I SPORTING EDITION. I Jn THE EVEiNING WORLD'S Sporting Extra you will find I The best daily racing accounts ; B The best daily column of sporting gossip ; I The most timely cartoons ; I The best Wall Street summary and tables ; ll The best general news of each Day ; The best Evening Paper that ONE CENT can buy. ''HI IT COVERS THE WHOLE FIELD. I " THE TURF " is a daily column in THE EVENING WORLD Sporting Extra. It is a most interesting department to all followers of racing events, presenting, as E it does, general racing news, notes and commentaries, information as to the condi- H tion of horses named for coming events, and timely tips on racers whose form ,1 makes them vorthy the attention of speculators. Prepared by a special writer. SPORTING GOSSIP, attractively presented, is a daily feature of THE EVENING WORLD Sporting Extra. The general news and announcements of the athletic I clubs, the latest developments and promised events in pugilism, aquatics and all H general sports are found in this department, which is always up to the times and up to the readers' demand. All prepared by a special writer. H SPORTING DATES. A calendar printed daily in THE EVENING WORLD Sporting Extra, giving times and places of coming athletic and general sporting H events, of local bearing. HI What "The Evening World" Sporting Extra Doess WHAT IT DOES NOTi Bl It knocks out time ; It never strikes out ; m It distances Competition ; It never " Quits"; fll Et always makes a hit. 1 It is never caught napping -HI RACING ACCOUNTS, daily, in THE EVENING WORLD fll Sporting Extra. The most complete stories of events on the '9H 'iHjI track put in type the same day they occur. -fflm mm iM