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taw - v i-- " '" ' J " r"" u - nv JVrt-HHHHl I '"hkh I Ir-. , 1 ,j S I ji ANIMALS OF THE SPRING, BEN HARRISON'S PROGRESS, jfej 'V ' Wi KffiS A Vory Bnlrlterl nnd WoU-lUuBtrnted rfb KvlTtl X M 4" fc w l , , . , nni 9Hj ill HOTS Account of the Boasts Recently Dom tffr tl J.JJ IT-i IT li ! John Bunyan's Story in Beau- g ;HJ B If EgM to Ua in tho zoo, of tho Nurses snd PG&rfytf IMmcT- I lylv rStilJI -fSV rT OTiw tiful Pictures, with Mr. Har- mim vH1 (f in.ThoirViow.ofLit.. nflflrtf HBN JVA-nt-l Pll fltllll 1 1 ison as tho Pilgrim. j H Uia?sUN.?AYWORLDw GllJlw Bll lQiLlU' !- Ift-l&J ' IN THe'sUNDAY WORLdT ' JH "don't fail to order a copy. tt J? BBBMliyMlMl- Wi mKI wPAl'Milu "ss DOn't fail to order a copy. jH CriUCEONE CENT. NKW YOHK. SATl'llDAY, MAY 28, 18!2. ' PMCE ONE CENT. ' ' H BROOKLYN EDITION OF THE EVENING WORLD-ONE CENT. 1 LUST EDITION. WELLINGTON'S WOE. . Prollably Twenty or Thirty Dead by Last Night's Cyclone. Material Loss Estimated at More Than Half a Million. A Ball and a SnlvntlonUts Meeting Going on When the Storm Struck. try jMociTrn T"ist.l Vr.i.tiNOTO-, lisn., Mar 28,-Followlng Is the list ot tho killed by last night's cyclono hero as far as completed: JahbbIIastie, unmarried, killed In barber chair In tho Phillips llouso while being shaved. KnANic CiurMLL, married. Jahes Mator. piano tuner, ot Kansas City. Mrs. HinnEB, recently married, crushed and , burned to death. Tlio shock has affected tho mind, temporarily, at least, of her husband. Miss Strahd, Mrs. Sashcr'a sister, crushed and burned to death. llKNitY Adamsox, a laborer. JAUr.9 Wbavkb, ocoupatlon unknown, crushed beneath walls. Ida Jones, a waitress, crushed to death be neath a fallen wall. FATALLT WOCNPrP! Adawson, unmarried. Mrs. CapU Maiian, badlj crushed. Mrs. J. T. Hanna, crushed. Mrs. Mmiritr, skull crushed. Charles Stoxbr, Santa Fo, conductor. Little Maqoif., daughter ot the late I, K. King, wounded. Ki FoitsYTiit, a printer, bones fractured and lnterual injuries. Bylta KoiuiYTiiF, a printer, skull rractured. Walts Foksvthe, a printer, Internally In jured. Kx-SnerHT Thrall's child, Internal Injuries Mrs. Robert MiiLAiiD, Internal Injuries. Jambs Millck, Republican candidate for Attorney-General, leg and aro broken. Lieut. William Fbbkcii aud Cadet Stam iok, of the Salvation Army. Mattle lloges, Guy Colby, Dick Weaver, Cat rle Mitchell and 1".. .1. Fcrsytbe, received ID J urles more or less serious. Prof. Mayor aud Hart Upson are missing and between forty or fifty more are Injured, but none berlously. The streets are Impassable and nothing but ruin exists everywhere Tho Lutheran Church was turned torn pletcly over, tho court houo ilcmollsheil. I'resbyterlan Church reduwd to splinters aud ot the Speckuolt Block, on tho street of tlio town, composed of a liulf dozen brick buildings there Is nothing but a rile of brick, mortar and glass. ')he standard llluck, cnnslstltik' of six brlcl. buildings, was completely wrecked. In tills block tho Wellington Daily Mull and ft'u.iuer Comity sianaard wcio published. These plants wero tuwrly destroyed, as were the Monitor I'reta and rode lu the Specknott Block. Tho foiiDdry and stovo works wero also levclloti. On Washington avenue every houso on each sldo of thn street Is unroofed, the b.ick walls are out ot many of them and window glassos arc genei ally smashed. Tho Opera.Huuso Is a wreck and the Phillips Hotel a complete ruin. Tula house proved to bo tho most fatal trap, for over'hnlf a doeu bodies nr moio will be taken from lis ruins. The principal church Is In spllutci-. and great damngo was done to tiiu Hock Island lumber yara. 1 he hChooMiouso Is a total wrick. U least twelve bodies bam been taken out of the ruins, and something lessthan seventy, tlvoare Injure I. Men are worklngeieiywhiro trjlng to rcseuo imprisoned ones. No one now can rcallo thn extent of tho calasti ophe, and daj light will alono reeal the saddest stcno of ruin mid desolation over nltntaswl ' In southern Kansas. The Cole and Uoblnson block lulna look flrt-, and sticuuous crforts uro being made to rescue the peoplo known to be burled there. It Is now believed that the list of tho dead will number between twenty and thirty and the Injured about seventy. 'Iho awful v.sltatlon cmo from tho tun-nel-shaped cloud which ploughed Its devas tating track through tho business patt ot the lawn. A heavy storm of wind piece Jed the oyclone about null an hour. A few minutes after 0 o'clock the cyclone Btruik Iho city coming from the southwest. There wero no prtmoDltoi-y Mgns. tverjbody was indoors and the cloud passed with Its destructive rush and awful ruar unseen by most of tho people. The most appalling sccnu was that at the rhilllpi House, where a ball was lu progress when the cyclone burst. 'J lie diucers were given little opportuult ( escape run i he toppllug structure. Ah tho building l)e,;an swajlng In the terrific gale, tho louplo In '.he irowded bullrooiu made a irantlc ru-h fui the no, ik. The btalrwaysand h.ill weie fu mclutel) lined by the ciatcd men on.l niim ii, who io'h at ea-hothui in their inau luth lor the open an. Willi the ciasli uf the walls alum ami over tlictu there arose a girat wall m ilespulr fn.iu the Inipflioned aud dowincd inultltuile. as lliu timbers cnuh'd down iinon the blrug dllng inerr-makers their hooisd cries wero llirottltdby the weight of the maa of tlm U rs above lie in. Then came tho tllenco l! death and lctenI. blllly, only to bo a followed a moment later u Iho shrill bljus ot the tempest as It lushed on to other destructive work, and the agoiiled shrleki nf the Injured rrdj lag who were pinned down in the mass o( debrl. Those who cscapsd irom the hullalng began J Immediately the work of rescue, borne of thosa who ncd from tho building had left wives and awcothcarts, husbands or brothers oehlud. Thoso they sought In tho pllu of bricks and limbers. As fast as tho bodies wero taken out thoy wero surrounded by a crowd of anxious peoplo who vainly tried to ldcnt lfy tho mangled remains. A meeting of tho baUatlon Army was in progress In a hall near tho Uoblnson block. 'Iho tailing walls ot tho block crushed the ball and It Is known that two wero killed. It is probable when tho wreck has been cleared away It will bo found that many mure perished. It was past tlmo for the army to adjourn, but tho storm kept them In. One ot the members was engaged In prayer when tho cyclono struck the Koblnson lllock. Hetore any of the boldters could rlso from their knees the walls of tho building gave way with a crash. Hovr any of them escapod alive Is a marvel. seven persons wero In tho home qt Squlro Smith; the whole number may at any time be added to tho list of tho dead. Walter I'or sythe, one of those rescued from tho debris, has died. The scene at the temporary hospital was one such as Is rarely witnessed except upon tho battle-rlcld. Tho floor was saturated with blood which gushed from tho many wounds ot tho many persons who wero taken thero as soon as they could bo extricated from the wrecked buildings. There was little effort at oroer. Kvery ono was too oxclted for that. The Injured were carried In and placed In tho first acant placo that could bo found upon the floor. Then the rescuers hur i led away to renew their efforts In behalf of those still In tne ruins. All tho physicians lu town hastened to the spot, but thero were not enough to attend to all tne calls upon them. They In no case could afford more than temporary relief. Nol a wound could bo dressod bejond the Immediate requirements ot tho case, lu some Instances llmba wero amputated In the hur. iled manner that was common on the Deld ot battlo thirty years ago. Scalp wounds and lacerations were left to bo attended to by volunteers, for the surgeons had tuolr hands full relieving the more seriously hurt. Tho material loss by tho cyclone will ag. gregato t100,000. Two hundrod brick aud wooden buildings wero destroyod. Editor I.uko llerrllg, ot the Monitor, was caught lu his falling building and badly In. jurcd. Wellington Is the county seat of humner County and has n population of over ten thousand Inhabitants. It Is in the centre of a thickly settled agricultural district. It l the most prominent town In southern Kansas. The town had a number of large grain ele vators and quite a stock yara The business portion of the city Is unusually compact, ex. cellcnt food for the cyclone and subsequent Ore. BREIIirS MEN'S UNIFORMS. Official Garb Chosen for the City's Street-Cleaners. commissioner llretiuan has decided upon the uniform which Is to be worn by sweepers and drivers of the street-t'leanlug Depart ment. Prof. Chaudler and Mis. Irwin, of the Advisory street-cleaning commission, to-day visited Mr. lirennan'sonlce aud inspected t he various bt)les of uniforms, which hod hi en I submitted to the commissioner. They agriel 1 that the selection made by Mi. Urennan w is ! In f very senso tho most serviceable and i adaptable to the pui pore. The sweepers will wear a uniform consist- lug ut a loose coat aad trousers of dark gray ilcnlm. The coat will have lilinmlngs ot . brown on tho rollar and cuffs and brass but- ,toi. bearing tho letters " I). S. C" Tho hat 'Is soli, of in j sumo material, with it wile 'brim and a band of brown, 'llio letters ' I). s. c." win he on the. front oi the hat. I 1 lie uniform lor drivers will be of brown iiluck, ivlih tilinniliigs of Min gieen on , I eeollai and cuffs. The drivers will wear huts like the others. Tne coal will alsu havu the official buttons. I The tor the unlfouiis Is water- pioof and will not "showaTii" that K uji until It Dfooines verj dirty. The unlfoims will piobablj not cost the men mure than St oi sT, bur this cannot be definitely decided 'until bins lmvobeen received una theiun- trad auHHlcd. L unliilssioner llicnnaii wli; ut once prepare the hpicillidtloiih and will advertise for bids i ran) next vieek. I Kverv awtpp-r and driver In the employ of the Department villi be required to wear a badge, with n dlsilmtlve number, and thus. It uny citizen has lea-son lo lomplaln ot an employee ef th" Department, It will be u sim ple matter to identify him. i he uniforms of tho Inspectors have not yet licen selected. They will piobably bo of dark blue, with a cap similar to those worn by police captains. CUT THE "L" GUARD'S COAT. Merchant Ronraan Hold In the Tombs Court. John Itohman, a commission merchant at tit) Norfolk street, was held In tioo ball at the Tombs court to-day, charged with as saulting Y. B. Cramscy, a Thlul avenue"!." guard, with a penknife. Cramscy said he awoko Hohman at Orand street about l.:io this morning at the lequeH ! of ii man who left tho train at Houston stieet, 1 and that liohmau etruck him with tho knife, i cutting Hohman says tho guard kicked him a d ' thrratenrdtn throw mm off. lie had been 1 dunking aud was sleepy, and didn't rcmem br using the knife. Molly O. ! "oniilnn'H beautiful wnltz sour; Mine omrvwheii'. vwuiIh ami music iu lo-iiior-' iovi'k MfPcrjir. I 'THE WORLD I DOSTAIv CARDS ' iho'ild b m ry butirriincftiro in th c'lj. Help may be wiutd it on mo- me it Ilywrltlujr iloiau riKou card ttieuinftitiuff thicird, employer r nm mi tuithrr trouble Imjomi reoeUliirTrppllcAnttknfl irivvri. TRY ONE. m -m mmmmmmMMw mttmm -n i r i ilteiiiMJtJ BABY McKEESee Uow fast they're going, Gran'ther. Won't they rim over somebody ? CLOSETED WITH MR. BLAINE. Olarkson, Fassett and Filley Meet the Seoretary. Secretary Blaine announced this morning, at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, that be should leave tor Washlr gton on the a.,o train this afternoon. 1'rcsldent Harrison lell Washington tils morning on his way to Kochester, where he will take part In tno Memorial Day ctci rises. Though politicians, big and little, thronged the corridors of the Fifth Avonue Hotel this morning, Mr. Illalno declined to receive any one. The waiting crowd had been told that chairman .1. s. clarkson, of the Kepubllcan National Committee, had returned late Ian night fiom a conference with the President, ! ana it was expected that he would call ou I the secretory. I About 1 1 o'clock Mr. clarkson and ek-sona- tor Fassett entered the hotel, and joined by Cliauuccy I. l'ltlej, oi St. Louis, repaired lo Ihnupaitinenlsot .Mr. limine, where at noon they wero Bill! In conterence with hlin. Ileforo going up thu stairs Mr. Clarkson j sold loan Kylmmi Woiu.n leporter that all 'signs pointed to the nomination of Mr. lllalne, and he personally believed that the ' Secretary ot Stato would Ire the man selcctid , by the Convention. The current report that cliah rnau Clarkson ' had, In his interview' with the President, lr- tuallj -read the not act" tolilm, meriTle.ssiy I pointing out that his caadldacy was inher. ently vvcaknnd doomed to bilng dlsasici on , the pal ty, could not be verllled. Mr. Clark. Kon would say nothing about It. I T he slorj, which had gained vvldo ilrcula- Hon, that Dr. Uiauncey M. DeM'W hnil ile- 1 elated that filly uf tie Nciv ork mlegates 'to Mlnt.eipolls would stick to llntrlson I through tnlck and thin, was found lohavu I originated lu a Jesting remark bj senaloi lllscock to Mr. Kassetu Mr. Dcpew denied I absolutely that ho had ever made ah buch assertion. T ho annouuceineul that ex. speaker T humus 1 1). Itceu, the Man from Maine No. M, had de 1 dared In favor of Mr. lilaluo's nomination at Minneapolis, caused a great deal ot animated talk arouud the Filth Avenue IIoteL It la said that Mr. Heed declared with emphasis that from Information In his possession he was convinced that Mr. lllalne would consent to run It thu nomination should te offered to him. "If he can defeat Mr. Harrison I am for him," Ml. Heed Is quoted us saying. "Iain lu luvoruf an) Ki-puollcan who will do thai " On the heels ot this announcement cunin the statement that senator ouay hod u. - 1 ilaredal PUtsbuig that Mr illaiue will havo I 700 of the ui0 delegates lo Minneapolis nady , 10 present bis name. Mr. i;uuy thought u probable that lllalne would accept. i Atiorney-Ucnernl .Miller, lu mi Interview wllh'lm oiiilii(iirioiideiit,al Washing. tun, said ho did not look tor a stampede nr delegatvs to anjO'dj. lie did not believe Ml. ulalne will allow his name to beuseuiu the tnnvenii n. Mr. .vllllir has no iinuut iliat President ilatrlnoq mil bu iinomlnated and reelected. Adespalin en' out by the Associated Piess lo-du) quotes i lialrman Ciaik on as iln thut ei-spiaker Kee l will be selected as the 1 ti mporan ' hairuiau of tun Minneapolis Con vent on, nnJtiiv. Mi hln ey, n. Ohio, us the permanent I resident. ' ihailesW llaekctt, of I il-a, es-mnnber of i the Itepub lean mute lonunlt ee ami a el t-e friend of Warner Miller, was at n.e lit'li Avenue llniel liilin. VMtli Warner .vullei uiul llinmas t. I latl vvn.'Mng ti.ethei nr haimi' theyaio at the pieseut tinif. ' sail Mi. Ilncki It. " 1 do not fee that iheie can be but ono outcome, Uulno will Im the 'landldita nf the Mrij and will enrr) tho touviutlou wllh a liur Jli." i Wentlior Forncnit. Till A J', suuaaui fiilr, sllvlittv ciuUr ; iresfer t, innd . I .sumliy: Tin mil ulwj trciii,ei, fuiutn rt tit nun; innritin', fur j .ioiiuiit: iVtin, xotuvvr. 1 lheiolluwlng record uhniTs tin chanvreila ' the temperature mr tan past twenty. four bouri I i. V.,..SjC ., u ill Da. U....S3 ll'J m....(j i IIUTtVKKN Till'. M"VH Ac HltATll, lOr. Halt IHMC , 5c, ill loliiccn cl(irltM, r thn onlbr.nil uii:lb) ifiub'd ISSO.,' vmjutasmtmiiuttitimk i 1 1 i irlM DYIHE AT GDMMENTRY. Bombs Exploded at the Houses of Two Principal Citizens. BT ASSOCIATED FREHS. Tabu, May 28. c.reat excitement was caused to-day at commentry. In tho Depart ment of Alller, by the explosion of dynamite bombs that had been placed against tho houses ot two of tho urlnclpal Inhabitants ot tho town. both buildings were badly damaged, but nobody was Injuied. Commentry gives Us namo to a cool field which occupies a tonslderablo nrea, and many of tho miners hive been Impregnated with anarchical Ideas. There Is nvory strong suspicion that the outrage was the work of some of these. SINGULAR RAILWAY FATALITY. English Engineers Allow Their Trains vo Lock Ono Man Killed. it Moi!.TFn rnrs. 1 Lomion. May ','h fatal collision occurred at lllnnlugliam last night between u train iu the Northwestern Hallway and a tialu ou the Midland Itullvvay. Tho two trains wero approaching tho sta. Hon at tho same time, running on tracks that converge to a line common to both com panies. The engineers saw the Impending dangor, but neither attempted to slop his train until It was tun late. Tho two trains horniuti locked and went along together for a short distance, crumbing uud bumping with libthtiul violence, until llnully ono of tho engines lell over tho via duct. One person was killed and many others wero Injured. Expected llnke-Up of the New Cabi net In Portugal, lev n",ciAiri pn-M-. i Ltsiins', May ".' Ills expected that the follow lug-named gentlemen will take the oath of ofllce tn-day a3 members of llioiicvr cubl. net: senhor Kcrrelra, Premier, Minister of Kl nanco and ad Interim Minuter of tho Interior. fenuor Vasconcellos, Minister of Justice. senhor 1 nrtalo, Minister ot War. Senhor Ilclhsalda, Mlnliter of Foreign Af fairs. Senhor Amaral, Minister of Marine. Senhor Victor, Minister ot Public Works, Ileport of a New Yorker's Suicide Dented at Monto Carlo. ir-' MooiATm rarsi ' I'oiib, May ys. A dlonilch from Monto l alio states that the report that James Wei. I hregg.a resident of New orl, lud committed sukldo thero alter losing e' st the tnuilug tables, Is nn absolute canard. Justifying tile Declaration of n Btate of Slegn nt Buenos Ayrns. ' TV A(..orATf' l' I lit ksos Avars, May '.'h. I'rejldent Pelle. gilnl has sent a message in tongies Justlf). Indus recent dccl. nation i f a siiito of leu on thu giound thai the Itudicals, led by Dr. .Mem. hid oiganlzed a plot touveithiow tho iioverniiunt. i nngii'-H has approved the action ot tho i.ovcrinnvnl. Actros Minna Galo to Wod. Miss Minna K. Oale, the ai tress connrms ! th' repoit that tne Is engaged lo ruarij Atililbnld c. ll.Dlicg, of the 1. .iltUMo l.lto Insiti .in. e Cimpau), And .) thu wedding will take place some tlmo next Winter. Columbian Committee Summoned. meeting of Mayor Orunt s Columbian ( oinmltteo of One Hundred has ncn called for next Wednesday evening ot s :iu o'clock, nt the Mi rtou lloue. Tho report "t the Cnm iii'iiei on ind eope and othir Impoii. ant matters villi bo consldere I. Mnoxis'n llrrumNr, MO Kf 'mi,, 20 Ann nt , , iii un n uriilaa Dii, I ,"i r. at. ii nwn o win tin., tlivrea vhiu ntriiu ami th l r.tLd wintvuf tlit.CAT.tsot 11, Mogul. s naHBaaaBBB-aHHHHHMa-a--ali mm suteb "gives" up. He Is Lorillard's Butler and Is Held in Bail. Ardiew Williams, butler for Pierre Lorll lard, the tobacco millionaire, surrendered himself this altcmoon to the District-Attorney on a chnrgo of murder. The (Irand Jury Indicted Williams for killing William Hnlibs, an Englishman whom ho Is accused or having labbedln tho eye with on umbrella, inflicting a wound fiom which he died. Williams pleaded not guilty and wns le. leased nn .",Oliu ball, which Mr. I.orlllaid gave for him. A LEAK IN THE CUSTOM-HOUSE. inspectors Think They Have Dis covered One In Clgnr Importations. CtMtoms officials nro confident that they havn iineorthed a nest of irnud In the linpnrl. iiiIoiik lu cigars, whereby luiporteis aru sav- I Ing thousands of Hollars lu duties. Special TreoMiiy Agents chance and Hun Ion, of Philadelphia, aro In town Investigat ing a case growing out of the seizure, lu thai city ot ".'."i.tiuu Havana cigars consigned to II. Watsoruiau tin. of :i(H llroadway, which It Is alleged has been pasvMl throiigntho New "link l ustom-llniisi at iilmilt two pounds per I thuusaad clgais liss I lun the proper welgln. Illy tins, It Is alli Red, tho Importers have sitviil lll a thousand In duty. Attention seems tn huvu been drawn to Wasscrman A Co. by the charges ot other Now "ioik importers thai tut nie undei selling the trade. T ho firm's uuffdi una! i lerk said toun I'.iKMMi Wniun leporter to-da) : " It Is line that our cigars wero selcd, but 11 IsnlMi (nielhut Havana tlgars will absorb a great amount id luolturu when taken out of the packing-cases In which they lire tin ported. As lar as we arc concerned even, ihlng Is all straight and we are anuinns lo go to the bottom ol Hill nuMei. " nn. talk ot traud, wo believe, Is merely the result or J-al'iimy on iho pari or oilier d.uleis whom we undersell because we be cause we Kline lu small profits aud large bales." Moving from Sing Blng to Newark. irrn.t to TMr ivrsiawnin,s NiWABi, N. .1 , May -H T ho Monitor Iron Works, ol Mug Mug, havo purchaied fevrn acres of land, fun.) I 'gun Lock wona street and tlio Morris canal, upon which they will build lactones at a cost nt f:i.i,nno, and wtll ulti. matelv remove lm Ir business from slug sing to Newark. Clinrgetl with a Heinous OfTens.v. Saloon Keeper John I'arrcll, of 'Joa Avenuo II, was to-da) held In t'.'.nou at Vorkvllle com t tin cxaminuiloii on the charge of as saulting nilri'ii-ieur.old Mary Daffy, of iu;i Kasl Utteoutli niieei, who was sent to tho saloon b her sii ('lather t j bu lu cents' worth of whisk, y. Hainllton'a Hitsl Cork Liookoil Un. In WnUvllle i om iimIiv ( lerk William D. Ilimbur), nf Man n'mi's Hotel, ;,' t larksou ruu. was held ti tvainlnattou June 1, on , the rharge nt fnrguv preferred by hit im- i I'lojcr, DhiiIiI llainilion. I'olltlcnl Potpourri, ivnit inniM' tr ") )rjri.n tlit h.nnlor Hi.r'rk t-t rt-. I't'l t ...Mir .eriiitillr,tlr In It i I Mil of VVa.liiiift' ii .il.i In. siiiilii itl term I iltlr" HU i.,i .on- in- lomteit uul lhrr Amtmitf I lie- I ,'lnh' Si ll wbo will tT.n I Mil. ' MiniieMll Ciinrrntt 'I.! Colin tiir llcmlrlck , .S'at.I 111! car VV'lli. Csiiirur l.jon. Ili ilj I ilirelii i llunnrr inl llaimaiul ml A.tlctiDt Afl'rs f Murk ' Slt.iritij' tipiisr.l Mil ir ht eiAinm.l 1 1. eltmeFH ibAdi. nitni I mttil htftlrn Mar.hil '.It, "Im t.j T .1 It 'rt n wtm rUiui. that IS Mar. till atriuk him ii a i ' oir Hit. liarruoii I'Rim.r .i ilm .stitith n. trni hi lublkau Cluli I lit Altiini.y.l,enml m oatr. that tliiharu arc too trivial to no lv tw i attention. Monday, May 30, "THE , EVENING WORLD" will bo printed on Blue Papor in honor I of Memorial Day. 1at i.,.. ..rflMlfcitU' l.,lsW.v,ii.. MURDERED BY TRE INDUS. Eeported Fate of Dr. Sheldon Jackson and His Party. frv AMoeiATEn raERs.i Seattle, Wash., May us. A Victoria (11. C.) bulletin, Just recelved.says word haa reached theioihal Dr. Sheldon Jack9on and parly have been murdered by Vukun Indians. PRESIDENT OFF FOR ROCHESTER. Ho nntl Ilia Party Left Washington Early This Morning. Ift AMnrtaTrn rnrii.1 WAMiismos, May 'JH Tho President and puilj left here this morning ni 7 o'clock over the Pennsylvania Hullroad fur Rochester, N. . llAHittsBlKO. Pa., May "-'h. Tho siedal, binrlug I In- I'll "lilent and part) lo 1 1 o. lies. H l, N ., arrived ul llarrl-burg at 10-45 a. m., promprlv on schedule time. I 'Inn I're-ldi lit vvus In umihiially I splrlls. lie and his immediate parly occupied the nb-ervaiiuii car and seemed tu derive i kei n enjoyment from the trip, i I tie train slowed up in passing through i s. r I, and the Pretldent steupod nut on the real platroim. A large crowd gathered In the I station rhti'ied The President removed his I hat and bowed his acknowledgments. A , sllnllai dt ministration occurred here. 1 Gov. Flower and Staff Will Meet tho Presidential Party. Aiiiast, May -n.-Oov. Flower and his staff, accompanied by Adjt.-Oen Porter, Col. Williams and senator Parsons, left here nn the 1:1.40 r. u. train for Hodicler, The) i pert in iiifel ITesldeut Harrison and putt) a short distance this side ut llocntstcr. j DEAN STANSBURY DEAD. A Famous Episcopalian Preacher, i Philanthropist and Author. - AM"iMTn rw".. t NivvAHiL, N. J., May ;. Uev. J. N. Mans. 'bur. In an of the Kplseopal Dloeease of I M wark. died this mornlug at lo.liu o'clock. I lie was ono oi the lounders of St. llama. . bus's Ilipltnl, was th-author of "The Pul- I It nt the cruss; A serks of i-erininettrs nu the seven r-ajlngs of the Cross, and wrote I other books on religious questions. Two ) venrs ago he was atlncked by paralysis, and .Hi' e then had not. becu able lo perform the anlvo duties uf hlsunlcc. Locked Up nn Ex"-Cnhler. W F Frleke. formerly caBhler of the County Hank at suminervlle, N, J was held In ai.riou ball In Jefferson Market Court to. day for trial on iho cuirgeo! passing worth ies checks. Hold for Alleged Check Forgery. August tiibhardt, of 4-'0 West Fortieth sue. I, .vns held to-daj In Jefferson Mnrket ( nun l"i tvamlnatl n next Tuesday oi the charge nt turning the Indorsetnent ot the Mil. lull N line coinnaiiy, In which hevv.i cin'l"Jid, tn aclnck foi 3s. IU. Mlnlstnr Coolldgo fulls Away. Mlnlsur t"l'rnnee Tliomss Jefferson ( o.. Ilge. of Pnstnn, with Mr. CoolMge.wlth the'r 1 dau.'hti r, Mrs. r. It. sears, and hi r luisbind. sall'sl nn Havre ti-Jay on the l'rcruh lliu r La Tcuitiliii. Kisiind Sic'! with Rtrnvll-Pox. MMueli riven, nf i7 I hlrd avenue, vva found s.'k null snnll-0 lo-l, and vas 1 lemoved to Noitli iiinUur Island, Nnws .n Brlst. I JolinWorlli Aton't rn4 .i,M ft litirncl at TtO, , S V. t4ia. iris, 'til itiajraiur, t S.0.U1 ScTnle. n l..i, kilvl I ir liaetn nc in loll Coiulj, i .lot nrra oi a ttis k iiutur a tri I . M Vlaui Imdy ro.ercd a .s o it l itj I. 1 ixht otli.r tiucto.. naic limn loanj ii Ivu ' i V.lrhael tlnrke .hm and kl'lfd In Kan. a. ill), i M'i , Iit VV llllam li i tiiuiir. It th wart iar Icip.i , tula lanuljr ,uar lhiaiia I Four e nlJrar) tlroMnpl in 1'ia U ila at WimmItiII, Pa I In. line r.hlnir ah.n tin. liank i a etln J awph Unipn an I VV'a lar rinn.jr,,t ll.hway. I an. a kn vi iu a tiiulil uid, iicai lUciur, Wi. I VVilliatn Purrcll anil tan (rightfully manclad bj a nullijog aaar Laal l.iuu, 61... liuth ma di. I The Hvil r.....M of hi. Juhn'a. M V . In au at traarJinary la.ut. A inuiuiiat ilia laiuuial of ,11a cinuiuatur dutlaa aaaiyat Canadian prvlucta. HE ACCUSES STEERS. Arthur Bliss Swears He Was Made to Sign a False Chargo. Says the Inspector and Attorney Wcllmnn Frightened Him. Now Mnkes nn Allliluvlt In Defonso of Ills Ktnployer, Morris Slccel. Facts ot a somewhat sensutloual nature wcrudeuloped lo-day lu tho caso of Morris Spiegel, who was arrested yesterday ou seven Indictments for fa'.sltylngslatements ot InsseT al u lire lu his wholesale liquor-house ut 101 aud loll Ilroad strei t, hut U-eeniber. l.awver John 1). Towuseud, wli nerresents Mr. Spiegel, iiotlllcd the Ulslrlct-Attorney that Arthur 1HI-.S, tjookkceperfnr Mr. Spiegel, con fessed lo lit iiv to-day that lie had Lucn coerced and threatened by Inspector steers and Ills. trlct-Atturney Wollmati Into making a 'also statement against his employer. Mr. Tuwnsond Immediately took hi in In hand and caused him to miiku an anidnvlt to that effect. Miss, although the fact was not tuado known until lo-dav,was also arrested jcsterdiiy aud takon before Inspector Steers and Assistant Dlstrlct-Alloriicy Welltnanul Police Headquarters. In his aflldavll, so Mr. Townscnd says, llllss swears that a statement was already prepared for him to sign when ho reachod headquarters, in this statement he wa.? made to say that he (llllss) bad overheard Mr. Spiegel tell another bookkeeper named Joseph Stoin to alter the merchandise account so as in make It appears tluii.UUO nr so nnro than It actually was, and that the order was obejed. llllss also Mvore that he was told that unless he did sign such a statement that his family vvouiii be ruined, and thai hn himself would bo held under i-ir,,liou ball for (rial a a party to the alleged Iraud. llllss lulils affidavit says that It was only under duross thai ho signed this stninment, uud that hu never heard Mr. Spiegel any sui U remark to stern, but had, ou lliu contrary, heard hlin tell him that he wanted bis books kepi perfectly straight aud coins u Mr. Towuselid refuseil loglvo tho affidavit for publication, but said ha would read It lu court when Mr. Spiegel wns arralgucd on Monda). Anotner very Interesting thing has cropped (iiiu Tho books of the firm huvo mysteriously disappeared. A search warrant was Issued lor I hem and Mr. Spiegel was rearrested and takon to his placo of business by Detectives Von (lerlchled and Trainer to produce the books. T he sate was blown open, but the books wero not there. A was then made to the house of Mr. .splegel, at :i.'7 Last ! Thirtieth street, on a similar quest. ! Mr. Spiegel sain this afternoon tnat when ho left his store jesutdaj morning the hooks were in tho sslc. They w"ie r.Iiu thero when ' llllss was arrested, so llllss aid. Mr. Spiegel sujs full her that a boy was left In raargo of the store, and that a voungman went there )esterday all-moon and, repre senting hlruselt us coming fiom tho District j Attorney's office, seemed tho booki from tho i boy uud took them away. I llllss, (he bookkecn-r, was leleastted tinder the uoinlniil bail 01 '-'H0 Mr. Spiegel i mphatliallv denies that any false representation iijj inaile to the Insur ance Companies, thai the statement of lo-isns .submitted vvus correct Ir m Ills Judgment, and 'hat 11 was the business of the lusuiance i apprul.eiri tuiletc, mine uudM'ttletho lorn i The) had b.'uii tn make nu nppralstment, but hud stopped, so Mr. Spiegel savs, after a partial tuve-iUk'iitlou, and In could not re i over his insurance. ' He iiuiiiiiij the aljustiis that unless tho I matter was settled bj to-d.i). Mai UN, he 1 would Ugln civil proci-i dibits a-ralnst thiui. I Mr. Tuwi.-a.nd and Mr. Slpegel were al tho liMilCL-Aiiorncj s offhu ait morning Ilxlug up their aide or ih ease. Inspii' stters smlltd vvl.i-n the substance ot llllss s anidnvlt was r peuli d to hlni u all 1 Kvrsisa Wontn repurtcr. " Theru I- , nothing In It," said he. "I was litre when tin' man was brought i In mid saw his statement taken down by the Assistant Dlstrlct-Atlornei as ho made II. i No t.rce was us"d, none w is requlrtd. What he said he said vcluninrll). The man niu-l be eia." ssslsisiit District-Mlerney Wellmnu said Unit the allegation thai llllss was u'eicel lo 1 sk'ii n statement against Megcl wus uriqiiall I lit illy false. i llllss was taken to Police Headquarters ' and told thai he would be given Imniiimiy It he lidd the tiulh.aiul prtsumablv he did, ! and voluntarll). i "He faldthat splecl doctored his lks, making It appear that he hid inil.uuu wurth uf slock mjie than he isisscs.sed. ' PRAYERS AT HIS FINGER ENDS. They W(ro In Dook Form and Ho Stolo Them from a Church. I i barlcs It. Clarke, ot Newark, wa-s held lu the Vorkvllle Court to-day charged with the theft otprnjer and hjmu books trom Holj I Trinity i hurch, corner of Madison avenuo aud Fi rt -third street. i lark confessed his guilt when caught yes I terday with some ot the books In his possess. Ion, and admitted nut In- had suit! other books taken irulu the ciiui cu lo a second-Uaud , dialer. Mount Vernon Bank Case In Court, i.reiAt Toinr rvrsTs,jwrsTtv.t i Wmrr Piaiks, May ','s Justice Djkinan. i "t i he supremo Court, Is to-day hearing the case, of James I- liuynolus, vvh i ,i, thita ricelver be appointed foi the Mount ternon flank- He alleges that this bank ts Impiuiw erl) managed and setksto restrain loans to dli ei toro and Issues nt sloe .. Sonwanliaka-Corlnililuns" Now Homo I'rrctAt. 10 Tin rtiMvii vrouui i histhi lliv, 1. 1., Ma) ','S. Tho new club, house of Hi' sea.-dic il.a.l urllilLlin l Aclll i Inn nn iiutie Island was firm ill. opene I ii iheie is a large u'le idamc uf) actus an 1 ) acnisuiiu. WORLD POSTAL CARDS j (lugiii i ' lie tAken tut i tlit t nnmr 1 y L rrrj fainilr Vt.vnj the rltj furth P f TimNr &KTMit often tli tiit; k Ihfir moll, hoiiLtijh'rs . 'u i t 'ijnic tin tr rrvinu t sin tniitu nil iptrtr uie'f, tul wltu ft re 1 - WORLD POSTAL rn ht.'i ftittirilititirnt mir le in j its I ii nil' .ViU.I) in NowVrlv, valiuut th tr ubi uf eo(lln a j thck,tcone onlirtpoaUt ootorch ' LAST EOITIDH. I SHEISMRS.D.D.B.N0.3 1 . ? Rich Mr. Brinokerhoff Privately IH Weds a Former Employee, H Recently Divorced, Ho Has Sont lM Older Than His New Wife. JH ! ! She Wns Miss Itlnnclio M. Rafter IH nnil Worked in Ills Store. tl i'alH ' DanltlD. Ilrlnckerhnff, who made a barret ,.H of tiiunev In the cracker and biscuit buslnea !LI nud who rti ently figured in a divorce suit, ''lil has ventured lo: a third tlmo on thematii 'iH munlal sou. H The third Mrs. Erlnckorhoff was Mba H HUncheM. Hatter, daughter ot the late Mr. H and .Mrs. Tuomas J. ltatter, ot Urooklyn. Tne H couple wero married In the atudy ot Her. -ral' Abbott K. Klttredge, back ot the tasalooable MH ' Motilsoii Avenuo Koformed Church, at. the AiiV corner ot Flfty-sevonth street, last Thundtr JH' evening, und tho witnesses were the' two TaaaVi charming daughters of Mr. Brlnckerhoff, , aB' .Misses Iireltaand Mabel, and Messrs. George 'aaaH Van o'Llnda and T heodoro Lyons. ':H Mr. and Mrs, llrlnckerhoff at once ser out 'iH, for a bridal tour, but Miss llrlnokorhotf de- H '; dared at her father's elegant homo ffl the H osemlte, park avenuo and Slxty-sjcoud ''aHl' street, to-day that she didn't know Wiiere aaH' I they went nor when they would return.. 'aaH' Daniel D. llrlnckerhoff is a veteran ot many 'H' 'battles In the late war. He Is gray-haired 1H .and past Dtiy-nve years old. Ills Dm wire 'Hi I was tho eldest daughter ot William Torlc. ot tlH' ' Kingston. They had four children Daniel ,H 1)., ir., Theodore Thomas, Loretta and Mabel H Ililuckerhorr. H' Mrs. lirlnckcrbofl died In 1877. and a few 'fH months later Danlol married his deceased liil wife's sister. Henrietta York, who was known aLI; to him as Ilarrlctta" and to her chums aa 'yB1 "Kttto." M: Henrietta was about halt aa old at her hus- 'H, band, plump, blonde-haired and rosy cheeked. a(1B j and almost irom the beginning she and iiEL, Daniel dlfforcd. Finally an outbreak came 'aH 1 and tor three years the affairs of Daniel aad jial I Henrietta have been lu the newspapers. lal 1 T hey separated and she cued him Cor an ab- "ssil solute divorce, naming Leila Dunseith as his TaHH I aniulty. Then she had a couple ot men ar- --iaaaWM rested for following her In the street, and 'aHIfl they proved to be private detectives engaged aB'l by her husband. H'l I u answer tu hts complaint In the divorce -HI case, besides denying any guilt on hU part, H'I I'aaiel charged her with Infidelity with a "'fl 1 dozen or more men ot the tow n and asted for H H a divorce hlmseir. H H The cuse was tried before Justice Patterson H ' In supreme Court, last Winter, and the Jury aH H were unable to agree In their findings. iH I It ciime up for trial again March 34, and 'HI Henrietta failed to aDpear. An Inquest was HJ H taken ami Justice Patterson entered Judg- HJ H ment In default lu favor ot Daniel, and on HJ.I I April ir the judgment was affirmed and re- Hf!fl H'HJ i In her suit for divorce Henrietta demanded LUB1 anu.tiiM) damages and eioo a week alimony, H H uui eamn to an aiuhable arrangement with HI I Daniel after the first trial. H H ' Ihe new- Mrs. llrlnckerhoff Is twenty-six I ,5 ears old, which Is something less than the -HJj H ago of her two steps ids. she Is a fragile Utile H H woman, and became acquainted with Mr. HJ ,H llrlnckerhoff while she was employed In the tBlBl 1 retail branch ot his big cracker factory, W HI IKl I KIIatMMh street. B HJ I D. I). Ilrlnckerhnff retired Irom the business HJ HJ I three years ago, but his son Theodore Is em- HiHI plot td by tho new concern as a bookkeeper. HiIhI Tu nu F.vrMsn Wear u reporter Theodora aaliH ' said this morning: IBJ My father had know n Miss Hatter several Hi HJ yean. I believe she Is a little older than my HB HJ slileis. Her father and mother are dead. I LilLi wasn't at the wedding. Only Just heard of tr. H HJ I "1 don't know bow much father paid Har- Hi Hi rlclta In settlement ot tbelr troubles. It HhI ! wasn't toU.oon andtioo a week, though, and HalU I guess the lawyers got the most of It. Father H HJ land the new wife are going to live at the Hifl I Yosernlte. My sisters and their affianced bus- HJ H i bands wero present at the wedding, but no HaraV, body else, I guess." Hi HJ RUNAWAY ON THE BRIDGE. HI Three Men Hurt by a Colllnlon Near HUH the Brooklyn Exit, HJHJ A horse attached to a grocery wagon driven Hal Ha bv Henri Hebrlng, of 404 Henry street, HH llrookljn, ran awa on rhe Urooklyn Bridge, tBifl near ihe New York exit, at ." :I0 o'clock thla H morning. Hatal The vehicle collided with another wagon la HbHI which wero Willi im Markness and William 'BhI I I lrlch, of 130 hllery street, lirwklyn, smash- HI I Ing the wagon and slightly Iniurlng both lHH I men. Ilehrliu was thrown out ot the wagon 'iHJ and iistalnnl si' ,lp wounds and concussion HaH ofthehi.iu Ho was removed to chambers 'aaVaaal stitet ii"s .'JBbbbI nn i.-e Pi iieiiiu'i I.nuterhorn stopped th HaaHa ''jHLal - - m , aaH " m-Te-Rn." 'JHH r mr.rrow. Santr. Mat J'J, Thu Pacta will iBBBbTbH. Ulue fr" ..illioiei . lha wonla and luualo ef lawHawwi Hi . p ! ilar Buni; I., regular alicet muaio fproi wllh 'laawMBawi full I'lano and viH'il .core It can't ba tiotigblan. Jawaawawawa wlifiae., for Ira. ttaii .tu tenia. Ordtr of finr 'JawawawBBw! n.w.iirinrtiiiii, uaaaaaaaaw! dBBwl I'WI. P.WI. I'AM, PA.Vf. ;1bBBBBBBBw! , Saat al. tuba.cjelaaratloa,, par paaciia. s slaal Monday, May 30, " TEE J EVENING WORLD" will ba H I printed on Blue Paper in honor lHH j of Memorial Day. EI ' iHVaaaaaaaaaaaaal ''aOHB 'I