Newspaper Page Text
MBWMLaaaaaaaaBPWrTPP,PSB(MMI,l,'' LV i J f J 2 THE WORLD; SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 28, 1892. ' I ; THE SLAV1N-JACKS0H FIGHT. K" , Lively Interest Taken in tho Mill !; by English SportB. fk ', Arrangements All Mnele for Monday P K Nlaht'i Ulg Dattle. '' ' ) . ttriciAL rABtc to inr Tfnownitn.l . ., ' London, May 28. The liveliest sort of In- 1 ' terest U being taken by the uportlng ," traternlty on this side or the water In the ' tight scheduled to take place between Frank k Blavln and Peter Jackson next Monday night f before tbe London National Hportlng Club. t til rsTrR JiCKOov. ' lit' The arrangements for therauetlng are about , llF'i Dmpleted, and It promises to bo one of the i '"H' BaostBoloot affnlrsof tho klndover known In u'Bk London sporting annals. The members of the iB,B Club who wish to witness inn encounter will j lUtfi bare to pay aik'.fiO each for thn privilege, iLBt . and each member has the privilege of intro- B? duclng a single friend, for whoso admission ho iiBii WU1 " chr"1 ""'"' MSf K FiiiMC hi.av in. tB8 ' The object of putllut; the priors up tothti '(wfB ' high level Is to ki'i p the asst'iiilliKii small EX,'? and enhance the liiip'irliiini' id ihnii.iitesl lu iSJl' P. the eyesot thcemisiil" pul.'.li-. All the lead- 'f' I ;, lngsporls among th" I ns'llth noblill urcex- ,'MS tj pected to Lo prcsnt. 'Wt Lord Lonsdale lll figure roniplcuously as B, T ; Jackson a tlmekrepei, with Parson liavlrs, Mf j I hlsbacker. thiirllo .MltchUl will luck nfler BB' I ! Blavln's Interests, asststod li Hill .Mrdannon. I Mi f ' Mitchell Is not at tho priscnt tlu.o with B Kj -t Blavln, and this has ecoasloned some tnlk. B K ' f e "1 on hand, bi'vvrur, when the uien K. H ' I come lo the rlut;. 'IS" In tho Nubile hotting .litcktnn Is it present Mr W favorite, the odd offi red on hint bung fi to KMb- fit Thelrlendsol Mivln, tuuuvcr, hue tho BSf I reatu&l confldiiuo in hlui luil do not hesl BmJySHfate to plCK up the bits the) can (jel HflHBHMBBitso BbjBVvTvvII Boln mcn lmT0 tralnoJ conscientiously for iFlLyByfli j jp"e fight, and the rcpoits whlili am iircu Kw i3m M"" lated say tint both ore In tlp-top condition. vVaiBBi' Wo"" h ce'tlng blswrlcht dunn iuUI), MdJBHp from more than two hundud ouud ho has HE reduced hluibelt to jno, and expeits to fight ' I He H a hard uorkci, unj inil.K Ihik- BflR I punching routine Willi d.illj h; ntiiiik i.i HI S else with his brothir, -lutk MAtlu, ubu U Hi; I : Setting lead Pr a mat. u i:h "luii1 h,m,. BBf' S,i don, the Calllirnlan.Hhkh will like place ou! BBb- 1 June a at theOruiinJi nub, London, BflJEt V rauk ulso bklps the rope, sprmuandtakes jHE' V , short alki, im the usual .nuouui uf aumb- )l" '. bell and Indian club eerii-M ilo rt-Ranln ffi , the fight iMih Jaiksun iu tin- most impur mil I p U In which ho has ever been lusichiil, and s,i)s J sf, be Is prepared li make the ellort of hl Hie. j( Jackson, his colored adurkuu, Ixiuins thn Mi hardest kind uf blunts nery day, and hlme f ; he has settled down to ste.idy work Is .tj tj S' '. naTCuadclbi tin st vndirtiil imprint ineiit. jjM X '; Ills muscles hare u.ii toughened and his WV; i ' wind is excellent. m' i '' I"aion Davles Peter punched the 111 ' bagthe other daj 1. 1 m,n than to bouts I 1 steadily andshoned iii .-,.t luiiuue. ino j f. f : negro takes long runs andi'tiur Mnusofex. kl , 9 : erclse calculated to iiiciuw lu huicikss ( ( f and activity, but uses weiRUth .Midi lubscr Ttv"' UttlCiCOmpnratlvol) eaklut.-. W i. Ills training place Is at llrlhinn, and he Is 9) i doing his work all alone. He su ho pr '. rs Mi J, this to being under the Mi,cn ll. n and c. u- 8! it trol of any on. , lor ho knou lul he has iu rwi K do, andwLen he oun'M'i-, Iiliiilf tuatask JMf ' he never tuyleils or MiUks it. Jaik-ius jJSf f present condUl hi, au .idiiu to all iicuiun.-, " shows that he iull uiiUersiands how t.i tiui'i lf '' himself. If Thcro Is some fear that the jifillce of Lm.don Ji$K. may interfere with the Bport on the night uf M?- lUo Oght, and It U rumored that a Uncial WJft ' squad irom Scotland urd mil Ui Kin lo the JHKf I ' Katlonal Club rooms oslenslU) lo irenervo BjS4 order, but In reallt) lo stop the fight If It be. 'IMKf f comes too fierce JBBW i En '' " Lacal Interest In the Jaeksou.Havln battle Jf t growing steadily. The sports about the Kb '.' i hotels last night were discussing tbe merits B, . i of tho two men and r hoarsing their records. VS i ' ', Blatln now has tho call In the betting. .luck. Kir' f ' son was a slight lavorlle two weeks ago, but Jk,' L ; bis chances for some reason or other ore not aRi : ) ' we" thought of now. & L S Watreu Lewis, who backed Peter Maher In BflFf j . :; W Cbt with Fltzslmmons, has been the r l ;-: ;, leader of tbe local Jackson people thus fai '' -I?.; Be baa wagered orer 1,000 on the colored Wmi ; Bkl -'a. man. Hilly Ollrer has taken tho Plavln end for a few hundred. Hilly Held has placed over 1S00 on Mavln. ousTuthlll has also lsld a hundred or so thn same way. fteve i Ilrodle and Hilly .Madden think Hlavln's , chances are good. Charley Johnston, of Ilrooklyn. has taken tho Jackson end for n small amount. I'hll t'oscy also likes Jackson's clinnres. Hilly 1-Mwards likes- sluvln personail. but hs handled money In small amount for lienors on both sides, liomlnlik Mctaftrey has laid out several hundred dollars lor other people on Hlavln. Jimmy Patterson hns the Jackson end on what he terms the meiltsnt the case Col. W, 1 Harding has tipped Hlaln to win, and local sports who have taken the tip arc giving odds of 10 to 7 against the negro. SAYS HE IS A LOYAL BOY. - But He Wouldn't Wear Red, White and Bluo in tbo School. Ewens Alexander Copeland, fifteen years old, a pupil In tirade t) of Uroinmnr School No. as, In West Thlrtj.lltth street, nns gotten Into trouble of a very peculiar character with Principal T. Dwlght Martin and his teacher .Miss Anna 1 Forbes. It arises out of tho lad's refusal towenr a red, while and bluo rosette and participate In tho patriotic exer cises commemorative of Mi mortal Hay at tho Hihool houso yesterday afttriioou. 1 ho lioy. Is tho second of a family of seven children. Ills falhir Is M. J. Copeland, the i undertaker, whoso ofllee Is at mil) highlit avenue, oung t opeland was found nt his home, a3 Wist 'I vveiiiy.iilnth street, this morning, by an Kvkninii nnin reporter, and wns asked lo explain his reasons for relii'lng to wear the trlcolored badge. Ilo Is a frail south, undersled fur his yeors. Ills fsce Is pale, but his gra c es are bright and spark. ! "ng. I " 1 don'tknow mjsclf," said the boy, "why I didn't wear It. I was not told that we wero to wear the rosettes until I entered tho room In tho aftornoon. When Miss Forties askid me If I wanted to pin the colors on my Jacket I answered no. That's all" Asked If he had auy scruples against wear ing tho colors, young copeland replied Indig nantly : " No, sir," and his big eyes opened to their fullest extent and a flush crept Into his cheeks. " I was horn In tnls country, and so wero all mv brothers and slslen. My father was not born In this country, but he Is an American lust the same, and thuso boys who said anything different toll lies. ' i 1 lie language wns slmplo, but the boy evl dentl) uiuint to repudiate any Intimation of dlslojiilty, and niu ivldtntly much arrecteil by the predicament ho had gotten Into. "I don't i are," he said, with tears In bit ' ejes and his lips quivering, " what they say it was nude me do It, so long as It wasn't anv disrespect Id the colors." I " Hid vou meun It In spile to jour teacher J" asked Hie reporter. " Well, the truth Is, she has treated mo and my brother very mean. Hhe ilnds fault with every Utile thing wed land gives usdenierlls. My brother Is named William. Ilo Is thirteen jcars old. Ho has iieen sent to Mr. Martin seversl times, and mi have I. Miss Forbes has been writing not is t i my lattior about us all tho lime, anil alsOKeiidliif us home for notes. I couldn't understand any reason only that sno didn't llko us." 'I ho lioy's sister confirmed her brother's statements regarding his treatment by Miss ForlK'H. i 'Ihe exercises nt the schonl consisted of singing mid lecllatlons by members of tho gride who had been drilled for tho nciaslon. Iliey liegsn nt 1 o'clock III tho afternoon Mllllitm (.opcland, .1 brother "f Kwens, put mi the rosette slid wa itllovvcd to loin I ho Mil) other pupils In tho large .lstemhlv- i i om, where the exi rclis were held. IZwens had slw.irs attended tl.e exercises In former enis, and his conduct was nueplloiial, tin his brothel hivs. eitiidav ho was suit Into unut her room, hes.ns, nnd vas kept writing tables until alter tho exercises were concluded at s o'clock. Then, he sitvs, he was kepi by his ! ten her until .l.;io, and then sent home. 'IIil bojs' paients'iiy tint thoy aro as well 1 lehnveil aschllilien usually me. i Principal Martin will tnuke mii Investigation , Inln the i isn next I ii"wl ij. I 'I lie bor'H f.itln r had nm jet hern Informed this iiinrrili.'nl i he i rent In The imy did nut li ,ille tin' nU'iilfli nun ol his refusal and ac. I iiirillnglysaid leilhllig aboul It at home. I Afnr the visit nf 'I in: t v rsimi Wont p re. putli r In the i opi I Hid home hwiim went to ids liilliir'Miudirtnklng shop tn ml mm ull I aliiMii iheillllli ully, but his lather had Kn to a lino ral. Iir. T 1. Maitln, the prlnelpalof the 'dinol. vviiHiint at his linine. .V-'h 1-iisi line llundreil mid HlxlJ-nisi street, whm nu I vksinu Wnitin leporlir culled this uioiuliiu'. tmd It wnssald t lint ho would nut Ihi tiomn unlli , I'Velillltr Mr i otieland Is a member of llev. Hr. An , ilersnn s West 'I lilrD-lnurth street 1'iesbv I teilmi t'huiili, and his children nil attend tho Minda).si hoot. Miss Turbos could not bo found bj there-loner. COACHING CLUB PARADE. Annual Dlnplny of Kino Equipages In Centrnl I'tirlc. ' The annual parade of the New York coach. ln Club look place this loretioon In Central l'.irk. The coaches met on the drive near tho ! Mall, and their route was up the west drlvo I andduwti the east drive, then dispersing to meet agiln for luncheon at tho Clarcmont, In lllverslde Park. Among tho drags in lino wete those of Col ' Ulliuii .liiy, I'lederlck Hrousuti.i harlescar- roll, I iigeiin lltgnlin, I". K. Murgis, C. i". llavemejer and l.n Heaeli. Nnne elegant lurno'i's usinitlv In the pauile were mil seen ti-dn, their unnors I elng In'mnurulng. I lo.. Jaj Is I'if-lli m of the Cluli, Fredi rick liiuii'un Is Mc.'r.K.idiut nnd .1. llooioiilt Is .eiretarv. UNKNOWN DONOR OF S100.000. Ilnrnnril Wotrmn'n CoIIoro nu'.lillntr Ftind Hon ii Mntrnlflcpn Nuclous. llev. Arthur Urooks, i hatrtnan of the llonrd of Iriislees uf liarnnid i ollege, the worn ill's jniiex in 1 1 luiiiblj, dccllni's to glvo tho mime of the doner ol tlim.udO In Ihe butldl'iif fund nf the ci.llcire . 1'he liiii.iiiio Is given o-i londlilun that lliittmid ''iillige snsll inuli a niieke Mrui. Iturewithlii 1 noli lea m ihe lunls line,) iiiirclissed b i iiiumoix i i!.i(i .it un. Hiin- drul and sixteenth street and the H tiievntd. i ( : ftttrulmnn Julliii Zrittlrr Of tlie Ilrooklyn, N V IoIlc 1 r ttlt'lly tti- liea lu lb turrit if Hood' tSrkiirilI& Hi wife i ULet It for itKiln" tu) )ndigtlon an) It worki i rhatiultiflj The cbildrt a in Vi it uith -rtat hnnt It ! without doubt ft moat nctllent thlnf for Thai TlrrU J'rrllnt, I chrcrlollr rcom- 1 mend I Hood's Sarsaparilla and Hciod't Pill t) tvtrrcna who wlibv to hvt htilth and comfort," 0t HOOD'S. I HOOD'S PILLS cut llli, oomtlpttloD. j, Jaundice and lick hwdioa. flawfi&afcMMMiBttiifiilSaMlirtf" MAY BE A BIG LOCKOUT HERE. Reported Retaliatory Plans of tLocal Qranito DealerE. Strikers Pooh Pooh riiirh a I'luri 1'urkliurst Not to Arbltrnte, Confidence unahxted pervades the ranks of the striking pavers and vranltt-i-UlUrs to day. All the Idlo nun In this rlt) will he paid their wages In lull at fit! I nlon sipi in this evening. About tl.uoo will be disbursed. Tho pavers am elaiod over ihe favur.itle attitude regarding them of ( otnmlsslotier Adams, of Ilrooklvn. Ihrough his Instru. mentality that ell) jesterday placed unlets for '.'ftu.ouu union pavlng.siones. amounting lo ;,n,000. 'I his stone the pavers Intend I" supply from Iheir co.opirotlve ipiarrlis. Ono of the Strike Lotnmlttoi' sal 1 Inrlle r: "Commlssloiicr Adams. It Is said, promised to iiso his Influence to have soino imitracts which uro to In' hid for within ten d.ivs aw arded to union men." Aicordmg in .1 member nt thcl"cnl (Iranlle. Cutlers' ( nlon, theie Ii n movetnenl on foot to force a lockout, of all tho granlte-cutters In Ibis city ami Us vicinity, numbering fnun IUU to.'iOO He said there was to bo a meelln of the local granite dealers to.ilght. nt which action might bo taken indorsing the priu ceil ings of the New Kngland Association. "Tho latter org.uilallon," said tho speaker, " Is anxious to get tholoial granlto deali rs to shut uovvii bulldlo upeniiluis In this city, as far ns grniillowiiltlug Is ion cirned. tho object ln-lng In wuiken our cause. Hut It will onls mako us stronger.' At a uiietlng nt tho Joint strike committee to Ik' held lo-duy the matter of nsliln Iho co-onoratlou 01 Dr. I'nrkhursl In what the strikers call tin expusum nt Urn inrrupt methods of the eontrai tors and llepsrlmint I of public Works In furnishing the ill) with paving stones and nork will bo brought up. Commltteman McNoir, however, denied that he Intended to take mi) pctsonal part In help ing I)r. I'arkhurst exnose tho citj's vne in return for any sorvlie tho latter mlht ren. der. Iir. I'arkhurst was asked br an F.vkniso obi ti reporter If ho would aid the strlkeis In settling their troubles on reciprocal leims. He waived his hand Impatiently, nnd said: " I haven't seen 01 heard irom that commit tee, and 1 do not think I can aid tin in. Do you think they can aid j on In jour work then ?" Another Impatient wave of tho hand was the only reply. contractor Kelly had two gangs of non union pavers nt vvnrk on Third uvi uuoon Iho blnck Irom lortv. third aud Fnriv-tourth sin els this morning Ilo expeo's In huvo thalbloik finished by to-nlghi. It Is Ills In tention to pavo tho remaining thru- blocks with new stone, 'ihe work ol grading the I street preparatory tii laying tomrUo wus lie Ingdone thlsmornliif. " I have iioiigh in w si one on hand now to 'complete the Job," slid Mr. Kill), "but In case 1 have not I have ordered -III, 000 more now stones. They will mine from Hooih brothers' iunrrles In New Knglaml, und will bo here next Mnndnv or 'luesday. There will bo nodlillciitly In gelling Ihe stone unloaded and hauled." Askod If he would have nny union men, Mr. Kill)' replied that ho had given the union men until noon to-day to apply to him tor work, Mcrotaiy l.ranl said he had heard nothing ol Mr. hell) 's infer. II. f. hanpher, secretary nf Contractor Pi Irces company, told Ink Kvkmmi Woiun n n rtcr Hut In had hranl n ithlng of any luietliu to be held to-night by too local granlto donlers. He know theie liail been no notu-i a sent out 1 here was h i nearly coin plelo Niispi nslou or business i.ow, lie ssld, tli Hi any lurther srilmi iiiiilil not appKilubly alter tho aspect ol affairs. WE PAY S1I.40 EACH FOR TRANSIT fitntlstles of Trrtx'ol on Now York's I.ocnl ltallxvay Ine-s. ThoSlato llnllroiid Commissioners furnish soma very Inli ristlng Infoiiu illou In tlnlr anuiiiil ripnrl on Mirfnco mid llevntiil r..l' rinds Inthls city. Tho repnrt ibows that there mo l.ln ';s miles uf sum car lines and j 4.i o."i miles of l.lcvuted rouls operulid by fouileen nu pm ai Inns, with a uipllul f i-n:i,-IMIV.OUO, liiLludliig piild-up stoi k and fund. ! debt. 'Ihe average Imlchtiiluess pi r tulle Is I tlil'.'.T.'iii. t uipt In ili lasiuf Ihehinvi:) li'iiiilid Ftiiuih avenue ronl.llio Indehiodiu s uf which Is ',riin,iiiiii per mile. liurhig tho yem 'j.', people, or il'.'U.I.'iT d ill), pntionltd sur'iit'e ruuli. Iho hli valid roads i auii d llnl.Tl 1,11m p isvu- I bits, or .' duiv. riguiiiigiin i.sini.. nun as a busts of p ipuliiilon, -vir) Nnv orkor pavs jearlv in.:i:. or riding mi stieii tain and .'i.n.'i on hlevatcil roads, til. to m all. 'Ihe report gives n record of lilt nceldonts, of whb h 1. 1 J eie on surface lln.s ,u,d utt un tbo "L 'mads, llilrty wero latak DELAY ON THE COURT-HOUSE. Contrnct Tlmii for tbo Now Crmtlnnl ' Courts Bulldlnc Nearly Explroil. ' Comptroller Mjers said this lunniliig that the contractors if the new i rlmlnal t oiirls ' llulldlug have Jus. two nicks more to Mlihli 'iho structuro within conirnit time. Inr lever) da) theydela) lieyond lint jierlnl they wlllhavolo forfilt loo, nud, accoieling to I Kligiticir Mil.ean, whu Is siipervMng the work for tho clH, the) will ho itiiiloied several hundred hundreds. I I don't believe that any of the ollhes will I be rend) lor oicupain) before .l.uiu.o) next, and It will be ovir a liclu.e thoitiliro building will b" '.nopletist and nailv lobe turned oir. said Mi. Mi loin in an KvtMsn Wuui n lepurter As soon iii the i. mriei time e v pi res," re marked tlio i niupt roller. I sn ill bung it n 'itie attontloii of the Milking 1 und i nmmis- sleiii'ls, who have thu ponir to inlorco Ihe penalties." Work oa the Cilmtna' inurts Hulldlng was lieguti Muich 1:1, lsio 'Ihe cornel -Mono wjs luld lct, . I hu s. line ; car. I Moro of Ullly Mynr'n Money Up. I ll T AHHOI iaimi tsrss i Ntw HSIK4SK, la.. May Vs Iho nl.v tuple Cluli)estcrda) tettlved Us second depositor I 11,0110 from .Ml kenneoj. on tell ill of Hilly Meyer. Mi Vulllfe hnsulreiid) posted jl.tluo, and his soi check w HI be toi w inted vv hen I due. 'I he i inni I-laml ililbs offer, theie lore, seems iil-e imed. Ihe HI) tuples Inlttnaio that the Fli-liuiuuiis-l'riuuunl tight will w all right Thronta for n Morrison Co'oroel Editor. I hrls'i'pher Mewart, the it I red lleruh'.t. ciuidlt r, reports tint ho .vestenl.i) mt'lvi.l n lettir lillld lfufus IVirj ami Ceore I II i.g. v, tluealciiHii iisoiul vlolcine II lie hi l nu nun tun tiling I'usni nt llaniMi i in lds.ilir. llu mi!) ltiitu.l.iii in llie.l v din 1 1 ni) Is a colon d Hi'iiioei Hth I iwver, w , i ll UkIUIiII) itellle. tlut liexi tc the let'i i r i i ii he knuw s ,i i) thing abonl it oi nln m -' wart Clrniimnn Olbbs'H HuiUlon Dontli. i.lbbs, a vv ho ha l for elghli en )iars kept ,i rest luranl at :la Fourth i vinuc, died suddenl) In a nsvl.rn im West Twentv.fourtlistreet. Ills wife iva, a rrruebwoiiiin, and the, with four hildieu survives him. Hoeiulom nt the Cnthedrul. Thiro will be a solemn reiiulem mass at .10 o'cIchk on MuiKrlal Ha) at thecalhe drul, Flltlelh strict and Fifth avecue. Hevmusls Qota n. Litht Sentence, gol Samuels, of 101 Kast une Hundred and buth street, the butcher bov wbe attempted to assault little Florence Moher of ioi Fast Oue Uundrcd and bl.xth strict, on Thursday night, was sentenced to six mui'hsonthe I?1?,1"1 J"rta)r Ujr Ju' Wclde la llatletu Police Couru PABKHURST ANSWERS MARTIN. i ' Ho Will Not Trust His Evidence to tho Pohco Board Intimates, llouerer, That It Will He (itven to a Future Ornnil .Jury. Dr. C, 11. pnrkhurit was up betimes this morulng nnd read and reread the remarks President Marl In, nt the I'olleo Hoard, made i at jesterday's urn Ung anent tin-reverend crus.idersdeclarnil .ns as lo his tweiity.two typewritten pagu of evidence attesting ,lo picuni.iry r"liu-lon criminals land tho pollen liep.irtment. When an I F.vimsii Wiiki n ri'iKiitcr called lit llr. Park ' hurst's home, KIT I nsl 'lhlri).fth street this ineirnlng, the m u-sli'tle al delver Into liilipilty was eager to lepl) lo th" ihallengn I thrown ilnwn b) l'ieideut Martin tola) thit evldetico belorL tin Point lor nlllclal action. balil he : I "1 am HUbstantlihv In aciord with the I opinion exprcu'd b) i niiiisellur Moss on tho 'platform nt (.oop-r I nlon 'lhursda) nlxit, that Iho exierlinie In bunging suspected members of the l'nllee liip.ulment beiore Ihe I I'olleu ( oinmlssloners In times past bus been such as to muke ll well nigh certain that nny I similar suit we ma) hive to press now, or In lime to come, will l be fnrenneithir tribunal." " And Hint means the i.nind Jurj'e" queried the reporter, "' would be nntither tribunal, and I I pri fer to leave It In that form It would be I Interesting to gain so di ep a look into tn mind of Commissioner Martin ns lo ho nblo to discover whether his dlsipikt Is duo to tho , facts which I stated lasl I hursday or to tho uncertainly ns to how many moro J facts of tho same kind 1 have In 'store, and I which may i nine out lntir on. ! " It Is be Iter not lo nariotv oneself down to olio tribunal In this case. Then havo not 1 belli oh) results In bringing pollco captains before the I'ollio Hontd 'Ihero havo been four instances vvhero charges were mado i against captains, and they rctilted In a dead lock, tun lor and two against. It Is a pity thai the 11 i.ird Is tomjioscd of tho even num ber, tmir." " on ore making a prctt) serious charge In ileclarlig that iciunlnry collusion exists be- I tween tho ollce and criminals," suggested tho reporter. " Do you mako any dlt crimina tion between those high luatithorliy In police circles or do you Include the entire depart ment?" I "Island solidly on tho presentment of the March Jury, and that body did a great ' thing for Iho cause, when it brought In that presentment. 'Ihe March ilruiid Jurors gave us a good solid tooting to stand on. It wns the result of u long Investigation; and a sin gular thingaliout that presentment Ik that when ll wits adopted ll was dune so unani mously and b) ii Jurv luide up nt men or all pollikal tiiluloiis niul ol wldilv var)!ug iiilths. subsfuont to tho tlmo charges wero Hindu In Februarv, tho iiuestlon, 'Is there this collusion?' hid been hanglt g in the air. " Iho MaiLh I, rand Jury couvirled that question Inln un unirinatlnu and s.ild, practi cally, t hero Is such collusion, 'llio nnl) ob Jeit I hail In bringing liedore Iho i.nind Jury tin until ivlts 1 did was lo secure JU-.1 such an Itidieiiui'iit of thu I'olleu llepaitmcnt. 1 said to the Jtuors " eieiniemon, I have nodeslro to secure nn tndn tiiient against nnv ofllclals against i wlniiii I have iiuiloiharges. I merelv wtsha geneial liidli'tiuentiuiilust the liep.irtment. " is this ivldenio coll.tlel in part by yourself;" " I do not cam tnniij." " W ill v ni detn thin It was ?" " 1 nIll not disi uss It ' lr. I'tiikhtirM Mild he vvnuld sail for Kurope next Widni'ula), .mil tho "glorious work" wiiil I go on unlincriuptcdl), fur he would totilliiiio " to be In touh with his hell ers." 'MISS BEBH01E IIS MISSING. Sho Did Not Go Homo After tho I Suiciilo of Her Companion. I 'I lie t !y of Hern' ti In, Jr , the votm;: uiiiti whi lumped Into tho huv from thoM.itoii Island b m-boM Northllold on lis llocloc'i trip to this ill) from M. tienrgo . last night, his not Is-en recovnod. In i.iiip.iny It It Miss Kate lledmond, a jilting diissinakei iliiilo)ed bv .1 ITfili me. line module and who resides at l.vj Kust TniutU'tli slreit, Hcitistcln went to South He it'll early last evening. 'Ihe couple spent si vcral hours tin re and startid to return u this nt y on tho MiithtlcU. I In re was a full loiiipleiui nt of pnssi ngirs nu Is aril. j llt'iii-lelu and MPs Ke.liiioud otcuph d vents In . i ii tin d cornel on Ihe uppi r deck, Just iiltnftliopiipdlc-lmx.ini the -.tiirbo'iid side. 1Iii')iiiiiik nun vvii- under the li'tluence of 11 inni, and uiiill the .ipptosihed I Ili'TI) Island be l.vlng imwii, with his head on I the girls lap When the .Virtht'olil was mil) n few hun dud aids ill liliertv Island Heri.stelu sud dciil) luiui'id to nls lii l, threw on dies, tided til hi-, i at mid with ,i in umi ilearul the link rallln. and tell In the w iter. I en Iv i tew ni i ', pisiciigcrs. Milling tin in Hums Mi latum mv, "( -11)4 West 1-inn leenlli sun i, sun p. i i-.ui ii lump, but It w.isoiiu" luliiiit s In r re iln .i la i . u given. i apt. Ninth si'ipied Ihe .orthll"Ul and a IIP ii at vmi-I iwued to search fur tin luslv. 'Ih w i iw,,t aisnii in the dark fur in uly I half .in hour mid then gave up the si irch. i .Vis in am ml was un.ible to uccoutit sitls fncit rl in ni .mini p,r the )oimg tn.m s aitiun Mit si-, im d simeivhat ainl, alii i giving t in n inn oi her tomii.inl n.siid h" lumped overheard, l.nti r hc de. el iriM w Ii ll p slllvt ic-s tint he bad nctl. lb n! tilt I llli ti Into the water. 'I here w nu I pu Id tnsii at the h rrv. tiotle and sin w -. al. 'go In insii In s coat and hut wire Ink. ii ha,,, t sl.tleu island. 1 mil i w.'du) - igo Heriistcln llvett wlih his fut Inr. mm he r aid two sisters on the top flour of VI. i t asi I hint. fourth stnei iint div ii,hht In vvtni tev'a le ii-' n lO'hal 'I weiitieth stiei I, wuere MI Hi dnioi I also U i.n iled. n Ivisisn vvusin leporter saw ll imaii Heinstiln, Ihe lamer, at his home thK en rn In. Mr Ueiiistilti Is a tailor. 1 1 , . m hu ho.i had bie'i iiuph vnl tn tho stort "f I rank Iln v i " , Ull' i ouiiitins, at Ilroudw iv aud 1 vvi ui)-seveuth sttti'i. "We had nm s( en Herman for tw davs," heajuni. "i ii ni ii'en worrjlig us so ' mutli coining le'iii. il I o'clock in t e morn. I . ilia' we weiei hllgeil lotill Inn tint he luii-t I ml uther ipiuilers. I cam oi imagine wi ) hi -liould tnki hlsll'o. ' 'ii. s ItidiLond emilil not te found this lib tiling. At 1 'i.' I ia lweutletli -Ti i, Mrs. Ilnvev, the lai.dia n said that i n id not seen hot sll.te e-.louuV. THE PRLSEiTERIAN RFVISION. Ccmraltlno Kisjiort Accpte-el nnil , Ovi-rturoa Orilored fi..t Out. i v ARioi isn n cnr. IMuTi ash, me , May '.' Al ' i-' evening's sisslou ut the Presb) letlan i.i in m sm'iuP1) tbertpuri aid iciomiiicndail ns it ihe He. ViSlm iitumlttie wen' a I t-1, and the iwi uD-iiin i v. Hurt's then In i r p .ed were ordered -eut down to the I'!eu lems fur their llt'tlnu. 1 his 1 1 tls the question so far as the Assem. bl) of isti'.' w cuucerr.ed. When Baby was sick, we gave ber CaatorU. When tbo was a ChllJ, sl.e cried for Cattorla, When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla. Yhn ah bad Children, the gave them Csuteria. I WILLIAM E. CDRRIGI INSANE. Tho Archbishop's Brother Sent to a Private Asylum. Or. Douglas, or IJellevue, Sayi He Is Only Allldly Insane, William Lewis Corrlgan, the eldest brother of ArcliLMiop Corrlgan, was committed to day to n private Insane asylum at Breeze hurst Terrace, Wblteslone, I. f. He wns taken from his home, 117 East Fourteenth street, to Ilellevue Hospital yev tenia) afternoon by lctectlve-hcrgt. Crowley at the IhsliiiicR of Mr. John 1). Crlmmlns, who was given i large of the whole affair by the unfortunate gentleman's relatives. In an interview with Mr. crlmmlns, tho latter snld that Mr. Corrlgan had been con fined In private Insane as) lums several times and was liberated ten months ago from tho Hospital lor the Insane at Mount Morris, N.J.. but from Ihe tenor of some of his lette rs lat lerl) he has given evidence of u relapse, nnd his relatives, acting on tbo advlco of phy siilaus, have thought It Lest to have him re committed lo a prlvals; asylum. Archbishop corrlgan Is In I'oughkeepsle giving eonllnnatlon, and Father Lnvello, who is In cm-go of tho Cathedral, said to an F.vrs isu W om ii reportor this morning that ho could not be quoted in the matter. 'Ihe srcnhlshop will not bo home until to-morrow- night," he said, " but whatever Mr. e rlmmlns says about the case Is likely to be true." llr. Douglas, nf the Insane Pavilion at Ilellevue Hospital, told tho reporter this morning; "Mr. corrlgan 1 very mildly In sane. He Is very emotional, but by no means violent. Last night Mr. John U. Crlmmlns called to Inqulro after htm, but did not see him. 1 he people at the Orlando, a family hotel at 11" I'.ast Fourteenth street, whero Mr. Corrl gan had been living a long time, said that bo was a most gentlemanly and highly educated man, and they never suspected that be was Insane. Mr. corTlgnn Is fifty years old. He Is said to have drawn a small Income from soino source In New Jersey, on which be manoged to llvo by strict economy. Mrs. Ilnuf, his landlady at the Orlando said: "Mr. Corrlgan was entirely rational and I think Its a shame to put him In an asylum. He used to go out for a dally little walk, and always spent tho evenings In bis room. " Ilo never drank, smoked or chewed, and In his dress and manners showed that ho was a member of a first-class family." It Is understood that aurlng Mr. Ccrrlgan's stay In Kast Fourteenth Btreel his family have kept track of him. Tho Kcv. James II. i orrlgan, paslor of nt. Mary's catholic church, his brother, died two tears ago. and it Is thought that this weighed upon his mind. The Hev, tieorge W. corrlgan, another brother, Is a priest in New Jersey, wheie Mr. corrlgun has lived most of his II. e. POLICE PUZZLED BY HEB STDHY. - Mrs. Hennessy May Have Bound Herself in a Fit of HyEteria. Further Investigation of the strange case of Mis. Alll. iln llciuicssy, or rjivl iaurl street, Jerse) illy Heights, Inclines tho pollen to believe that tho alleged Intruder who gnggtd, bound nnd attempted to ns biiult, Mrs. Hennessy on rrldny night Is a in) llu capL Newton's detectives say they havo discovered that Mrs. Hennessy Is subject to cataleptic tits and that about a jenr ago had I a tonic altnck that threw her lntoasctnl coiiM Ions state, from which sho did not e uici ,-e for full) two vv eeks. llu husband stales that his wife has sevirul times of latu complelneU to him that unknown parlies woro auno)lng her by top- 1 ping on the windows of the house- He In- I vtHllgated, bui cnhiltldtd that hlswlfovvas alarmed without caue. Hr. .-teele sa).s positively that Mrs. Hen tiess)'s person shows absolutely no tracet of vinlenie. I Ml. Henncbsy, who Is ft clerk for F. S. Jaf lruv .1 e o., of ihls oil), Implicitly believes his wliessloiy He Sa)s she could not havo lied hi r hands and bound tho cloth round her head. No mark from the conls is now vlslolo nu Mrs. llcnness) 's hands. Alihoiis'h several valuable nil hies wire In plain slLhl nothing was missed until last utgut, when Mrs. Heh- I hess) called attention to tbo lact thai her , diamond earrings had disappeared. 'Ihe clothing worn bv Mrs. Hennessy Is at Police Headquarters. 'Ihe dress Is of thin lid muslin, null white Otures. the front seam of iho s.lrt has teen ripped for about tnent) Inthe.s. iho material oi the -skirt was 1 iindiinagid. Ihe wali nf the dress was Intact, even to the films) hicowith which ll wus trimmed. The cornet tovir tint Mrs. llmnessy Hal .worn ha I, however, been ripped on nolli shies, but how this could have lieen done I without damaging tbediesi waist is apuecle. I MRS. ASTOR SAILS. Mm. Drnvton Will Kojoln Hor Mother In Purls in n Week or Two. Mrs. WUIlim Aslor, widow of the man of six i) millions who rcceutl) died In Paris, and vvho-o bui) she aciompaiiltd to lbh city, sailed early this morning on tho steamship La Tour.ilue for France. Mrs J. coh man Dm v ton, vv Lo accompanied lur moiher here and whoexHcted to ritun to Train e with her, decided to defer her de parture for a few days or a week, when she will nossthe water and join her mother. I Mrs. Aslor goes direct!) to Paris, w hero Bho , has engaged an apartment in the Hotel Liver- 'pool Wltu Mr. and Mrs. tiime Wilson and their family, who havo been abroad lor somo ' weeks, hu will pass a month, oi probably six weeks, at Alx.les-llalns and In Julr will go for a visit to ono of the reruns In the north of France. Accnnllng lo Mrs. Astor's plans 1 pi iresint she will return tn New York In nctuber nnd will occupy Ler residence lu I Fifth avenue. IN A "HEAD-END- COLLISION. Ono Man Fntr.lly Hurt nnd otlinrs Budly Injured. irv iistociATrt. i nrss 1 j Ii'U irons. Ma) '.'s -pili Handle pis. senger train trom t hlcago due hero at :i.."l i . had a heud-ciul collision with n fielght Itr.'lnntai llcwl.iuds station, two miles te- 1 ) i ml I his t lly, this morning A doen people ' wi re Injured, one prob.ilil) tnially. i Most oi tho p.uiseugeis wire asleep when the i rash came. Following Is a partial list ol the Injured i londucior (.nils, of passenger train, In I illaimp Us. badly brills, d, Pavld Ingler, i (freight, liiiirnally Inlured and will i pri bald) die; Chailes 1. Mart, Louisville, lace and head cut, 11. t.. Ferine, mail clerk, Indianapolis, nose nu and badly bruised; Ii. Milllvan, engineer ipassenger), Indianapo lis, leg sprained and bruised; Kemp ltldgely, I inns v llle. head and bands cut; J. II. Uoldlng, Chicago, Injured Internally, MANI1Y HOOK HOUTK. Announcement Tor Measou of 180?. Th t o4U of (hit root wltl bla rannloc od Mtr 59, lu.lni N- York (Pl.r H, N. K.,) at 4. SO, lo it a. jir.a 45, s.oor. ji.siturd,oDir,i.o6 P U . Saod.,., V.SO A M. Arrlvlna .1 N.w , V.rk at ., 30 A. M. , 1 JO, .&0 V. M. Bun. 1ji. P. M Th full Sumniar acbtdalt will i UvatlatatfiMlabiiat Jut 2T. V f MEMORIAL DAY PROGRAMME. - An Imposing Military Display Planned by the G. A. E, Observance! In New York and Brooklyn Music Hall Services. Memorial Day, which falls on next Monday, will be celebrated with the greatest ceremony and the most Imposing military dlspla),lu point of numbers, at least, ever seen on a similar occasion In New York. As usual, the striking feature of the day's events will be tho big military parade of the Kegular Army I troops, the National Uuard and tho Grand Army of the Kcpubllc, whose members will I turn out lu forco lo boner the memory of their dead comrades, the heroes of tho CIM1 War. Tho National (luard bands will not turn out, beiauso the ofllclals decline to pay the union rate of tn n day, but there will be plcnt) of martial music. Nine divisions of llrand Army posts will form on the left of tbe National uuard, which 1 will be drawn up on Fifth avenue from Fifty. I eighth to ITfl). fourth street, tinder loin. j mand of llrlg.-tien. Louis Fitzgerald. The fclxty-nlnth, Llghth, Ninth, 1 wenty-second, 1 Hcvcnth, Twelfth nud Sevent) -first Hegl- 1 menu, First and second llatterlcs nnd 1 roop A, cavalry, will be In the line. A feature of the procession will be the First I battalion, Naval Kcscrvo Artillery, which will I parade as Infantry under commaud of I.leui.- Commander J. W. Miller. The regular troops, commanded by Lleut. Col. William It- King, will form on Filth ave , nue, right resting on Fifty-eighth street. They will comprise tho Engineer Hattallon and band, ilatierlesli, L, II and M, First Ar tillery; Mattery II, second Artillery, and Company A, Mxth Infantr). The old iluarn und (luard of Honor will form on Kast Forty-sixth street and move at K.4."! to escort tho reviewing ofllcer to the staud at the Worth Monument. The regular column will move at H u'.lock. Iho lino of march will tie as follows: Iiown Utth avenu- to tho Worth Monu ment, where a marching salute will bo paid the reviewing ofllcer, thence to fourteenth street, to I'nlon square north, to seventeenth street, to the l'lani, where the t.rand Mar shall will receive a marching salute, thence tn Fourteenth street and Fourth avenue, where ihe procession will be dismissed. The Uiand Army posts will then proceed by various routes to different lemcterles and de corate tbe graves of their dead comrades. At the Worth Monument Major Grant and othor city ofllclals will review the parade1. IN BKOOKLYS. The parade In Ilrooklyn will be under the command of Gen. Isaac s. catlln, llrnnd Marshal, und will form along Hedford avenue and move at 11 o'clock, marching as follows : Hedford avenue to Lata) cite, to Clermont, to Wllloughby, to Cumberland street, whero Secretary Tracy. Ms) or lloody and other notables will review the procession, thence to Lafayette, Souih Oxford, to Hanson place, to Flatbush avenue, where the parade will be dismissed. XT ORAM'S TOMS. There will bo Imposing ceremonies nt Oram's Tomb, In lllverslde Park, in ihe ar teruoon. elen. Horace Porter, who served on (Jen. dram's Stan, and CoL I hurles Marshall, of fien. Le e's dlnff, will deliver orattona. The monument fund this morning lacked about 'JP,000 of being complete. MOSUMFNTS TO BK I'M Llt.m. During Memorial Day, monuments to rapt. MourlcoCox and Hev. John T. Hlzharrls, veterans or the Uvll Wur, will be unveiled In lalvary Cemeteiy and, as usual, the societies of the sons of the Hevilutlcn will de-cornto the soldiers' Monument In Trinity church )urd, Washington's statu 'at the sub Tn astir), and the Montgomery Monument, Si. Paul's ( hiirch.; r'l-sisei jipvioriai skktici". Conimindir-lii-tbiei John Palmer, of the r;. A. K., will preside nt the memtnlal services lu the evening nt Miisli! Hall, when W. llourke Cockrau will di liver the ui avion, llrnnd Mar slial Collins and start win attend similar ser. I vices at hiiianucl Hapllsl Church lu Suffolk i Mi eel, neni (.land. At s a. . the members of Judson KllpatrliL Post, H.'l. 0. A. It., will go to West Point und decorate Iho grave of (im. hllpitile!:. STOllTS 01' TIIK PAV. As usual there will Im plenty of sports dur ing the da). Following are tho leading events: Athletics Uatnes of the Manhattan Ath letic Hub, Manhattan Field, ID a. u. ; games of the New Jerse) Athletic Hub, nt lurgeu l'nlnt, N. J., 'J I'. M.; games of the slnr Ath letic Hub al Long island Htv, .' i: m.; I games oi tho.Wa.Yiic Alhlellu Hub at .terse) I Hiy, 'J I', m. llaseball SI. Louis against New Yrrk, at Polo Grounds, line lluiulre-land Fltt)-seienth street and hlghth uveiiue, morning and afti r iinon ; Hroi klyn against Cincinnati, at h asi- I cm Park, llroukl)!!. moriilng and nftennioa; I Orange Athletic club against Vcslrjan, at Orange, N. J., -I v. M Lawn Tennis Hillside Club's tournament at. I'lalnfleld. N. J. I liacing al Morris Park. CflO r. . (Opening i dn).) i Hovvlng Annual re'gattn of thn Passaic I lllver ltowlngAssoclailon, Passaic Hirer, near Newark, N. J. nclit'.ng opening da) of tho American Vucht Club, ut MlUoii.on-tbe-soiiiid, noon; opening sail of the tlautlc Yacht club, 10...U a. .; regatta nt the Harlem acht Club, 11 I a. m. ; Corli.lhlun MC'Sfiuliu Fleet's regatta, al Lnrchmoiii; New Itochello Ynchl Huds I opening da). I SIDNEY DILLON'S ILLNESS. Tbo Union Pacific's rrnnlder.t Is Very Wnal: nnd MftV Not !!ecovir. Serious doubts hive arl8en as to wheilur fldmy Ulliuii, Piesldent of the I nil a Pnelrlc llnlhoad Coiupan), will lecover from tho lll it ss with whlcli he Is now euii.ined at Ms I home le. West HIt)-seventh street. Hiirlng the Inst week Mr. Dillon bus bcti uniihle to leave his bed. It was said al the louse t". lav I that, while there had been 110 oh 111. e I u tn,. 1 worsolu twenly-foiirh ur-.hevv hi.nuenk nnl that hts illness mlglu tcrminaio i.uull). Do to the Police for Your I'lBrnoni. Flghtecn pigeons supposed lo havi been stolen are In tho possession of the police to da). 'Ihe) are of a lino breed. It Is thought they are the proper!) or a club. Wlllinm Astor Gavo 100,000. Tho announcement Is made to-dav that tho late William Astor had. before Ids death, given tum.ouo to tho Hulldlng Fund of the 1 Episcopal Cathedral of i. John tho Divine, 1 which Is 10 Ho erected on llloomlngdalo Heights. Vile cod-Hver oil has lost its vileness in Scott's Emul sion and gained a good deal in efficiency. It is broken up into tiny drops which are covered with glycerine, just as quinine in pills is coated with sugar or gelatine. You do not get the taste at all. The hypophosphites of lime and soda add their tonic effect to that of the half-digested cod-liver oil. Let us send you a book on CARLruL living free. Scott ft BowNS,Chcmitt,i South ithAvotiiL Hew Yorl'. Your dniftUt kpt Scoit't Emuhion of cad-linr 1 all drug giiu vuywhut do. i. THEY SELL WORLD POSTAL CARDS. , 1 Following Is the List of Places Where WORLD Postal Cards Can Be Obtained, Find the Agent Nearest Your Home and Try the Cards the Next Time that You Want Anything, Now York City. Brooklyn. i Battery to 14th Street, inclusive. AJ,.nV;'ltor,,"N" 5rt,hU.;."',on''rDJ!c7 I AtUnllc t. 1 35, 119, .110, liT, 4. ' ' lie it. , 35. I) Jl'lem it.. 187, 507. 17 458 360S, 5695, Mil .t... cir. 1'wk plana, 'ielit., 3DD. Hdlldgaal,, 80. 56711, 508J. Tin are , IIS. 118 ut 3d . I.V.i. 301 EMt llroailvtaj.WO, 511, Pfdford ... 13. !, .100, 314, ti, 413. " llhit , K.t. 4- 105. ,1B. . . . ... Ml, 1063, 1071, 1U78, Gnuilit, , US -35. 371. Itliik.VlMI, 1U K. Ilomloti !., 80. 140, 3o0. bl .., 8th -t. I .il.JJ 4i. 120, 147.174, 193, 441. IJnd..t. . 5(14. lit a . TTI, 103, 15'J. h'i.l J. I)rort..y, 41, 4R. 119, UHil, 141T. Mint., Fant.111.C4). il'ullotiiU.'JS. 181. 370, 1J4. 495,671.. 67ll,Klnfoo ? , 59. ISlll.t . im, 17 . Il.r.nd l.. J. ,2 13. J30. 1 941.1051. 1071. I.f.'.,f... 123,111(1. 3inm , ttMl. 411. 3611, 394, 61(1. 555,602, 1161. 1437.10U1, 1771, Manhattan .,, Jia Mill II. , 1 ant. .W4 68C. 1899. JM. Mthat., t. 20. roomlnr"nwl'h it.. 28, 92, 4thait.. G5. 71, 1IM. Monniot. , 211. i. , 167, 298, r,97. Maro, Malnat,. IM. Anu A. 31. 62, 83, OrMnnlehate. 2'.. ..5l, a , 290. l!rrtl a., 101. 381. 119. 251. 2.U . ,88. llrnadwav. tirar Parkl ft7fi. 686, 819. 114?: II, 18, 58, 91, tlrMn.cha.,cor 12th ar. . 862. 1133, 1222, 12J4, iJiil 170.278 t- .. Oraham are., 28'.', 883,1 loss ..-. taa. Ai.iii.UJ1 121, SOB, ( 80. 329.403 Mnth nt , 388. 202. .Ilaneif.r Siuar, foot I. IlrnadKar. naar (.atfl N.n Yora af. 3 Af.iin.ll, 1. IS . ilallon af;., 138 Putnam af... VhT lit,.., 5. 120. 184, lludiun .1.. J. 81. 120, ,i.hitk if. , 801. Park aff 82, 141, 537. W. ill, !'ll , , 2C3. .181.415, 62U.C64. Il.rt.n af... 1701 'llilph af... Ill, Jji, Jdif... ll, rnr f.thjl. Klnil. 18 ... Inlral .e..C2W. 275. H.UI.t... 193.237. 3dav..:3'J.t7. 121). 183,,, 257. 411.3,0 313 Hr.on it., 26 " ntf. rur. ilthil l.lhrlj l,. 09. 136. Olaoon af. , 7H0 Sandiil.,63 4tnat.., 71. 151 i.Maid.n Ian.. 44. Court it . r.3, 311, SOlNw-ondaf.. aod 4th t- llh us, Ill, e,J. 139, Mark.!.!.. 47,74. 447.481530. I.Smith nt , 3 iff. 318. Jj 162. hacdoujal.l ,31. '"ii'da 86, l'O.lSt. Jam.. plac.,381. 7lh.f... 13 . ., Monro..t..214. 316,334. ... "" Ma! Bth f. . II. 11. 76, 83, Murray it , 7. I. kalb f... 434, "K.IThlrrt af... 4C6 64L 120, 1J2, 157, 6UJ. ... 3(1. Si. 1018. 129J. ' ' ' Allfnit., 30. J. too"" ". I imllton af... 61. Torankloa f... 4, 151, Ilarclar.t , 8(1 Park ro. 33. 84. Jlullat, 1. I 7jJ. ....,.., Hedford it . 47, 3. 1). Kalb af. , 624, cor. Union af.., 114. 141. Ilr.kmanit . HU. l!'l,"l,'".l'i. n.r.Marcyat.. .Underbill a.... 43. Bl..ckrr it . 210, 265,lPittit.,106. EmitMi af. . 185. 'Utlt .f... 93 J2J. J5H, 47. Fulloo it., 9. 63, U9.515,iWaf.rlr af... 165. Bowt, 162 173, IRS, llllflnrton at . 19,37,133. 339, 355. 397, 839,9H, Wa.rilniton at', 303 201317, JS3.J23,J49., Itulf.ri !.. 31. 1060. 10'.I5. 1149.1l7i., 608. 64(1. .156U. SI Mark', plac, 33. H3, 1369. 188S.U17,IYork at,. s7. Hroaiif. 1,43, 52,438, Italanratt.. 45,214,376. 1501, 1681, 1720,172 I , .. . .. 717.774. , hoolhit.. 02. ,. , 1778.1881,2060.2158 -"n; liland City. llroaday,ror. tanalat.,rloiitri 1thaf..,lR.36.49 2204, 2686. nord.n.f... J. I .N.wMlaml Kurlna it.. 36, 39, 114, Flathuahaf., 99.165,340iliroidway. 495. Hroadwar-.MftlopollUnl 191.348. lluihlnf ,ii i. 760. Fulton af... Aitorla, 49. Und. . Unnoriltr plaea, II, 61, A. Ik Vandifi.r'i. IFIuthlnc af... 389. , Canal at , 17, 63, 109, 76 t ultou plan, 49. V.rnon af... 1st. I 429,468 Vatiekit.. 94, 198. Ictrralni.'St'l'lo.f.a. Waahlnin.t..T88T8l. NOW JOrOOV. (, 67 W..t.t 191. 393, 391. ' lChnrcht,34 William at.. 7. Cllj. I Ilnbokea. Ihn.tophfr t . 163. ., 88. jlt .09 .. Vo cUft'-l? fi'V,' IW .VrlVn 1?!:. 444. 484. l6h:?33. huKfu'.S'-"'' !'Vr!h.,..i8i. asairebi5 Jin1,?3;,," Ifesf Side, abon 14th to 125th Street. ,. ..r'lSSn:l: HuoVoV., 'X-8"' 23d.,.. 11..1, 124, 275. Columl.u. ..... 20. 98. "jos!"1' "9' 4M' "" 'o.VlVo101'"- 28lhit , W..t, l.'.H 193,220,241,34:1,272, Hoboa.naf. 66 Wllln. Ill itft J4lh.t..n- cor. 280,322.376.469.046, ",," jjj gs. ""low ... 611. 3Clli.t., VA..1. 71. 691,627,694,708,729. Mnntk.llo a 107 143 I'm.alc. 62d t , "est. iit. 8tn if... 90. 179, 334, ui Corn.r .4 Md.t. Ill ..t, 422 381,387.449,164,468, Nji.rk af. . 79 01 130 BloomO.ldVt. 67lh.t , W..t, 4UH. 6111,533,604,625,700, 166. 371 680 u'oorao.ia .w. I HOthall, !, 230. 701,726,787.881.904, r..lrlc af i 311 tlo.ter. 134lh at.,, 244. 1267, 1461, 167V, a . 363 D. U Bak.r. 125th .t.W..t, 217,243. 3138t, 3180, 3378 I'ifonla a" 118 143 p.. 1. i I 260. 386, 41ll 10th a.. .382, 442. 649, 173, 371 "" 118' "3- -rilevTood. 6th af.., 2112. 297. 1 661,843. Summit af. . 943 W,,!,?1,ln' C,ih.!."..:'S,'-,,1l o'l'VrV" "'' t:B' " llnton;t., 200,350. " C' M"k"- 1MII, 7,iy, 77 ,, 812,929,1 7CU . . , V88.1UU5.103J Amit.rdam.f.., 65,151, A.burT Park. 7tb af... 264, 378, 442, 161,168,375,433,447, H. A W. Nafl.l. 482. 620, 676, 737, 461. 707, 761,831.860. OreenTllle. 1960. 2019. Ilroadwar. 934. 1209. Honth OravnSe. n,u Mi..,!,.i. ' 9th .f. , 336, 333. 477, 1331.1267,1491,1812, J. A. Grlfflna Oni'n.. !l : wiiii.- 678,581, C2i,700. 743 1627,1670. o,.tniBB. lTo-hhlSj J. U' """ 791, 852. WMno noul.fird. 309, Plalnflrld. uueliblnd.r. 331' 507, A. D. MallUon. J. o. Puter.on. Cast Side, abort 14th to 125th Street. ""',,...,, cr'.nd.1,' "i'j. ilirinrriGD. Corn.r I'a.k I Av. A, 13R9, 1414, 1564,14th af&. 309, 349.356W, (1. 11. Tapplni. Stral.htal " 1632. II. J, 11.74. '463, Nfurnrli Jol,n Maon. Btratiht Af.. II. 195, 1614. ,N.ror 29lh at. 3d af.. . ' e"r?i it,, 349U. """ Af. 11. 621I l3d if. , 177, 216, 317, Hrjl at.. 613, 629. 774, ''" lit ar... 371. 409. 460.1 235. 2)6, 270, '283, 329. 791, 848. 927. IlrllrTlllfl. 1 8.17. 861, 791. 1018, 36(1.385,388,896,103, Tf"7 .3, 21. 88. MrSchur 1(164. 11172. 11(6, 1913 419. 474, 493 6U1 30l "'I 50. 48, 180, Mr ,"'.,1430,1611, 664,692,635,696,7113, ,28. Ilahnravr. 1664. lSe.1, 159J, 1624, 731, 760. 7C0, 764, 786, J,'"1,""? ! 103. E.Huth.Ilrowa A Smith, 1665.1708,2310.2285 860 .937. l)42. 934. l"lflflil '. J. 11. T.rrlll. 2J84. 21115. 1007.1026.1046,1059, Bprjrufl.ld .f..,81, 153, Oranare. 2d if. , 3J6, 154.574, 10S2, 1098. 1162, 1188, 1- . .. , , !.?.. I C2I. 70.1, 711. 731,779. 1191, 1226. 1336, 137, Waahlnaton it., SS6. u.jJ-,. '. r. 78, 814.858, 8bJ. 870, 1262,1236,1264,1338. I.lnden. BcOmlllt. 919, 9r,j, iei24, 1U34, 1J66, 1361., 1485, 1493, w . .,'",. (lrnnBe Taller. luilf, ll.lll. 115(1. 1167, 14'I8, 16(14, 1516,1561. W. A. Bton., Jr. 66 Freeman .t 11 Mil! 1216. 131(1. 1.118, 1131, 1887, 1921, 1928, vVealllcld. oo r at. 1.172,1.188.1396,1442,1 1960,1973,2061,2091, Rs,w Uoff C lr w I hathnm. 1108, 1... V 151.'. 3110.2126.2184. WlttkV ' Drh.n'. Pharmaej. Ii.'..'. lil.l,li-ii, 1731. 39thit .tut, 218. l'Vrlh Amh. N.w n. i w 17J.I I IU21I211R. 2101. S.idt.,V.i.t .160. ... " , ,, . Nciv nrunawlek. 2182. 22s5,2ICfi, 2418. 14th !., I at, 111 ",. '""'. K.aal.jr Rutg n't Pharmacy, leilnitnn ar... 601 S7that., Fiat, 4M 10. Criai. Tann.r. , 674,1124,1744. Aiithit., Kail, 202. ltril Ilailik. AH. Wllaon. lli.lliiiiifi!., 768, 983,72dat , lit. 33U. T T T,.. I 17.IJ. 74IU at., Kaat, lien J. .uorrl.tovrn. I'arkaf... 525, COO, 001, 7r,elnt., Kaat, 196 Lone Hmnch. "t,'i sT,"h, D. tL , 11,14 ,78tn it., !'!, .102. J. P.Coun.llr hlld., Ih (J. lloy. Plu.antat... 298. 861I1 it., !, 101, 140. 1 Ilnrrlaon. hutlou placi), 20. Iptftliil., Kilt. 178 Trnndy. , , " " "" " 22.1.1, la. 163. 1101 ih.t.. I'm. 141.167. C.o.M.Oytfc J. J. Dlr. O. vT.Rolh.a. 2.I1IH.. 1 a.t, lf3. 443. llO'that., Fail, 301, lill,.h.. Summit. 2 Id it., corn.r 2.1 a... lllbth it., Kaat, 60. t J I. O. N. 42.1 it Kaat, 4, 30, 13I,123tn.t., Fait, 30, 129, .fo., 363. "' ' """n' 142. 189. Sdau.Qll. liuronne. I !"' ;. 60, 140. Af.. D, 333, 038. ., ,.,., ,. . Broad at.. 23, 47W. 131. ' Above 125th Street. 131th at., feat. 67. ;Rlh af... 2S61, 3438 -Ong ISlanCI. 14Mn .1., Weat, 303j 25 )C. 2682.2687. 2734. Wnutnah. 1 ll.,r,... :i(l5,320. ilOlh.f. ,n.arl&7lhaL, w 17 v..r!H ! v u- ?Pt d' 137init audAmil.rdani1 h .1 Co. "' U' trand. k X Sned.ker. '" intonaii.1l, IlnbTlon. I' v &,. I 2d .v... 2073,2146,2318, Al.nn.l.r at... 235 t n in V s ll.' vi0u', t v 2381,2431. Am.l.rd.m if... 1710, T. C. Fl.tch.r. O.orn. VV Brlnkerhol 3.1 if... 21171. 3331, 1893, 3034 AmllT.III. Far lUckHlfar. 2J45. 2350, 213 , 216'J,, 91. "lTllle. f)nni Ilrn. I '.Mm, 26(11. 21,20, 3(162, I.noi a..., 475. , O. Albertaon. ll...l.i,. , '.671.2772, 2JIH, 3158. 514. Peor.ull. L F H?Jki " 1 1191.3109 .11.184. Pitkaf... J8t0. r Vf (w 1 1- 7lh if., 2071. 2140, Vand.rbllta..., 1888. O. IT. Caldwell. JSrviloiTn. 2167, 21C1.22C3, 3300. Mllllaaf.., 231, 266,333. Cone) I. land. II. S. John. too Ci.j. i-in-j A. Chambera. College Point Staton Island. Illllh j.d. IVfbt Xrvf llmeillTD-e Statlkton it W. MeNlcklea'a Pharmaer. Flnelilntr. .I.Kerr. U.ckir. A. II. tlllfBn. u... liamlli.. iJ. Il.phorn. ! PonT HiciiMOD-A.,VraT Umourun- Knrt llainilltnn. " "". Hot... Vrank loxiln, J h Mowell j J. nownlnr ' """ I l.iirht.rAMIlanr TcMl'II8lII-LE-W. A. , ""'' 11. 11. liroi.n. HiiATlSi-.. Iliivaa e.onuan, 12 Urlffiu at. Jainalcat. Iwp I Now York State. SfW.iE' P--,.. ' WiillAMsanlDor, N. Y. Itvr -.1. Henry. Valley Strrnm. J. a. Nau.rl. -.1 VV. llntke, V.,MAVnorcil - D t. T. C. Dergmann. Sjoi.rt. 1 TaiiMi'ifiVsT.' N. Y.-K 'Mo'nuiAMi. N. V.-M. Wood Haven, D.VInn.Bro. Hun". ... Il -Monachan. A. C. Iloyaradt. l'alrhnn-ne. Njw l!oriirxi.r. - W. Jonmuii. N. Y.-J. II. n.yn. II. S. CnklirV. I VV.lB.kl'I'ti Jou.a " . , Mvi hlMl, S. V -S. (,,KlMaiiBllxic, K.Y.-C. r. II. Tltua, Klvrrhrud. I Maahburn. and W.I 11. Ilurk. (JImi Hrad. Wilhiro II. Ian. Tntfii..n.l. ..MArr...N.Y.-,I.U.Bl.u- T",", A, Ooldb.rf.r. Yiimeiis. .V. Y -W. ,1 1 felt M. Twombly. ,.ri) t.TO ' 'Iraot.ll.ori. II. IVrty PirnMOMT, N. Y, A. ,1. .Illnrola, H. K Kcb.rU. 1 I,. J. schlr.liiaer mid hlornii . p 1. ,.. .. .,, .,. 1 .1. T 1,-nnon. I'oai I'llMTEB. N. T.- ',,,. P r llinfi."1 "' Miit'ST Vl umiv, .N. Y.-l 1 II Kill. Hlrtinvllle. I.l.ilauraa. 1'. M. Caity 1 IT. Ixiehwlng. . J" en, CI I II. l a. " hli,.ione. " Z """'!. f.Jf Cortnociicut. c..k..,T.ff. n. il"rA.n"II",oa Nlniufnrd. , Crrruirlrh, l.oru.l 1 allry. rrerporl. .1. C ltohliiion IT. Ahranu. c- " 8ih.r O.o. F. I'.idfr. MANAGEh HILL'S CREDITORS. Thoy I.onrnert Thnt IIb Kbb Trans ferred HB Property to a Brother. Manaffor.l. M. Hill, of the Pi.iiidard Thca. 1 trt', l LeliiiT rai.ilnt'd In bupptcmutitary pro IcccdlDfS on two judgmenta taken against ' him for tho aggregate sum of $1,100. l.munz j elli'i Is aitlng as rclircc. .lohu il. Weaver, Jr., and Frank Coleman, propilcteri of tho Kvorett Home, obtained Judgmont iik'alhst Mr, Hill on a promissory note for l,ion given tor board. Judge Mc C'arih). of the Clt e "Url, liaued tho order In , siippk'inenta.j pncftdlnpsdnthls Judgmeiit. I 'Ihe c.ishliT nf the I'nlon iniuuri' Hank, AiUtn 1-uhb, li.ild another Judgment agalust Mr, IUU fir a (1011 for money udvaored, and he hin rrought iiipplemeutary proceedings In tup siipriine court, ilio evidence taken In ti i' CLiiuliiutloii en the Hist judgmpiil vrlil he used In (hu pun.'-, dings mi thn stiund. Mi. Hill ha-t .In Tdi t -iilled mat till In'ur. r-i in thi'st.u. Uiilnnd I ni nsepi.iri' i.icn'.rcs was iiiiihii' it 1 sup!!' umi' iij;ii 10 nil brother, ii. Id lv Hill. 01 1 lilvatfp, tn secine li.vid'i 1 j 1 111 iigalimt Kim 101 . ill. 0(10 nu mono ml v in 'ni. iif is now d in.- Lult.i;s 111 innti. ai; r Mr hi" tirntliei. i Ui" ni i li ivrliirf U'fore the referee Mr. Hill will glvi a Hit 01 Ills ercaitors. iMili the iiiniiuiiiniliie Uifin, mid he tuiuHlltd to tub lull h.i accounts In cYldencc. Fuoret Bismarck's Fast Trip. The Hamburg steamship l'uirst Illnnarcl: arrived at her duck this morning alter a very j list paisago from Southampton. Her time Is six dii)i nnd Blxtccn hourB. During tbo voyago the steamer encountered very rourh wenlhur, and the steuinshlp company'a om. 11 not been so Hhe would havo broken tbe record, which la six days twelve hours and thlrtj-threo minutes. mm Koelejr Patient Found Dead, lr liancuTrn r.raa Fa 800, N, I)., May SB. U. WcKennerraa found dead In his bedroom at a hotel here last night, lie had been taking the Keeley cure for tbe drink habit, lie was one of the eariieat settlers In Hed Ulrer V alloy, ana ttss ilxty.nva yean old. Gr.W. RALPH BUCKLAND DEAD. Ho Corarnandod tho Fourth Brlcada at tho Grant Battln of Shlloh. ll' raetrlATTP Pnrn ' ToiEno, O., May 28 On. Ilalph Bucklanfl, of Fremont, was stricken with apoplexy at his homo In that city lait cvonlng and he died vvlthln a half hour. (Jen. lluckland was born .Ian. '-'O, 181S. and located In Fremont In 1H1I7, when be was ad. milted to the liar. Ho has been Identified with the Itepubltcan party since Its organ, lzallon, hns been State Henaior and was a tnemiH-r m the 1 congress. At the battle of shlloh he was lu command 01 ihe Fourth brigade. For meritorious ber. vice he was promoted to Brlgadler-Oeneral in In im::.. (ii. Eucklard has been an Intimate friend , niidntUhbnrnt i.on. llnycs, and It was largely ' threiu.-h in. ciToris nnd influence that (ion. Ilaji's wis hoinlnaled for 1 resident. ! . , Iiloom'ncUnle-' Frnployeos' lig Out- 1 !'.. The brs nnd girls cmploved In Blooming- ' dah'S big & ore, nt Hiij-hliuh strioi and Third avenue, vvl.l have a gala time on Vi'inorlal Day. Sricntj-tlro omnlbiiRes, coaches and wagons will tako 400 of them for a day's outing, beginning with a morning drive Ihrough Coulral Park. After Vie drlvo ihcy will picnic at the Ninety-sixth street Common, The proerammo will Include Bongs andrccltntloiis, and tbeie will bo numerous outdoor games, fjeveral months ago singing and recitation claws were formed among the employees, and under the tuition of some of the talented young ladles In tho store great progress has been made. Monday, May 30, " THE EVENING WORLD" will bo printed on Blue Paper in honor of Memorial Day.