Newspaper Page Text
P'-'W 4 THE WORLD: SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 28, 1892. EftV'B, IV Jliblttlirtt tv Hie ITtfM IiMlthlw Comprint. Ity I , SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 28. i I- J BBEE0Birri0K3 TO THE EVEHINO WORLD V B?lfji rrit MONTH nor. '' m!U- run yea it 3.ho mk, i li; Vol.82 No. n.aao W,.' :-: -7t-t-.-. r U ' -H'r Entered at the Pcet-onlce at New York a. second. f BK i' c'aii matter. Wfr' r . . -."-it 5 H3 primANmi OKKK'r.8 j ' VOHI.I) UPTOWN orKICI! 15f.7 IIpoai.wat- j BB ' etwren Slut and iVlii si.., New- York. Jj Hf . VOrl.H HAItl.r.M UH ICT- rjSllI S.T. tin i Bf'1' Minimi Avr I BE.1 I1COKIAN-303 WAnnoTtiM Ht rfifi Hill AlH'l I'lllA. Pa. l.rnnrn lli'llnis-n, 113 ! BRlt IM'TpfTllHT. VAHIIIM.I(I.N-(I10 14TH St Bjrl' 1 ONIIOJi (11 llCK-a.! Cceaaicii hi., 'IIiaiai- ' M'),1 I.AH f.gfAlir. 1 1 APRIL'S Sill. 111 MR RECORDS BROKEN. I Up Tbe Best Adrcrllsln; Month In the l;f History of THE WORLD. I! PAPERS PRINTED. M; I The fiain in (he Average . K; j I niimlier of Worlds Printed : ' I per day in April, 1(!!)2, as : Br) J Compared with April, lUDl.nn n jr ; ' was 00,010 f il , ADVERTISING. K; -Kest Advertising Day, D Q7D ' ' il (Sunday, April 10. 1092.) 0,0 1 0 )'M(i Best Advertising Week Day. 0 ICO -fi (fueidBy. Apr 1 26, 1032.) 0, NO $Hifi (P"1 Advertising Week. . . . nn iCO rBa ' (EnlldAPrl130-,092- LLftuv ' Hi st Advertising Month QJ OOD '!! ) (April. 1092.) ulsL&U ''1 Best Previous Month 0Q JD( 'Klf' (March, 1002.) 0l,f0U iH'l Gal" fr Apil Over Best 7 7PfJ ''j- j Previous Month I 9 I 00 IM r ( "f 7fiiV WOULD irllt nut nutter any iImuui 'WJ m tttuntti IlI it itn lj iriunihlfSur thv ttui ii Bf' $ ti taji-kt i'lifwj uf ( nhtfft iiinnuKiTiiits BjB 1 trjil'c'UM'.sotraifori r hanutir or niluc ? ''! o tjtfjitfuhti irftt tn tniMli tufhitiHh tnii I ?1 t(,(Ml C(l tilhtr fUtu- fV IIH tnt.UI fl, iif Hk t3E ViM( tttlhu t utt r intu cm 1 1 :iivutl mr uh- t R (ft mO utidictii'iir .iiKtutn'jtf.'f. jBT Tho Evonlnir World Prlntn Aubo- jE?1 i cifttod Trosft Nowi. U'ry rout of tlio (irinit Monuiiii'iil Hi Fuiul hliotilil liv 111 liuforu Momliy uiulit. mv fv Mr. Hi.AiM', hiui Iiih ini'ttirn tiilii'ii B' 2Ir.llKin.iHON still lins liopcs ol liirmnu HB la u to ti.u miII. BBBjR if (incnuo li.ih mou it's tn Kt Kli'Miti'il KflM it tmiii, '1 lie snnii'v 11 CNpi'i'tvil to mvo tlio , BiaVI 'I cit) uuiuit lilt. Hijfq "ii It ii tiiislut tliut ttiorn 11111 not wiiuiiliH 1 HlaV f i ei.iiucli 111 tin. Iah ot lb'JJ to hit ipiitu till BuKa ft the otltiiili'is slip out. t, t-'eii.iloi Ii.i 1 1 u-. lot 11 ilnu ! mipurtun tv uil'iini; uliM'iit from tliv path rfVI'j . . I of List niylit's Knusii, cm lime. aTHBrr ' h aHZ 'IV ltt A MimiB I'liii'iiiiuiti (,'irl lins lirtn liiiiitu BHK it is not BJBBB4ME3S9 Muttd to I'mo been c 111 tiM, 11 tlicr. IBBImt J Bi ijViSJLw Of tuo cx.Sptnl.rts in,!,! .M.iini'. foici. HKv ot t'litnuistnucjs (oiupils .Mr. Itii.n to T (1; clioono tho less 1111 imiiit of iioiiiliiioisi. BBJi' i 'IhM Hiovmisv.IIo 1 'lot. i imivi who ac BKl , cmiiauliil limn osrai'inj; pilKouiri m BK J ', their tlijjht lavs hiiuself upon to tho ae. H ajr. f lUMItlllll ul slifl.m too closoly to lllK 11 I charge. hi ' Ii t Altiiitii-.v-denirnlMii.i.i iisays. '"Iliein B,:t P I'M' men tor ulioui u.11 itmuoi Jo HSI h cumiuli." MckKrs. lUiiniMiN niol Miu.i 11 BI I mil Ik-- Iv.o ol thiiii. Ki I ' r lit- Itn'fli iiiiuikti-r lutK lu'lpoil nn. Bli ' otlu-r nun to ilopi. 'I'n the p.nittsnf IIP ' llict: il in tliu enni this iiiiiv I'ppenr HSR' t j cnjins tint -i.lili 11 nilu iiutl frate'iiul BN ! 1 ll?t! unco to im liiebs. Hll 1 'llict lVIltp I'o.i il ilnlliusrB lii. J'hik- BMll IH'ii'l to fiirumli proofs of tlm nl o;oil B t l.iuu littnecn tho polled iiiul tliv law. Bi i 1(J' n'.iMK. Now Is tlm Hocior'ii upih.r. B'S ' (nnii.v. 1 et tho ('oiiuiiiHbiuiieis know tlm B CnV uirsl. 131' ; ' B at ' B. O'.it in mi 1'runcisi'o n fcllowwho was B'itS1 I able 10 lal;e un ijH-K) hath 111 climupun-iii) n Kl I ft-tt .vturoo 1ms jint coiiiiiiltteil siucnli! Bjafi I 011 nciount of poMrty. II11 o;ilil him Bwfi . , ihne liettcr nuil licil luiiuer it liti'il utiicli il: , to unter. Bff, 'Jhu iiuiiniinci'iiieiit Urit (-'oini.i, "the BvMi . Fen." Iia litem locHtc'clnud that BtnrtlluB BV -'V. lerlopiiieuln III thu Cionin rnso atu ex. Bs'A '' pKlfil bUBRBSts the tliounht thtt Ininiui K'1 ''' I 0'Kdm.ian'i. ii'tml bemt: iiiiiv have re. BBk '' r ' tnrue I to tell lali-n. bbbf: ' BHK, ,i ,' ' He nholiy the ploueli would thriM- V j hiuiaolf umat eilliei l.o il or ilrhe. ' B1 1 Cncu heedid the niloe donn m AOilnnd fVn. nnd in 0110 furrow ho turned up a clnsri jnr oontninint; nearly $400 in gold and Riher colli. Tlio cents and the clollnrn that no into The I'.M'.Niso Wom.ti'H intid to iiroldii free, doetoiafor tho hohles of he Aery poor form rapitnl woll invcntcil. 'I'lioy will not coma hack to tho iursK, hut tliny ill Jiehl nhtiudant returut to tho KPncroi'H henrts of tho donorn. SOME CURIOUS POLITICAL I'AOTS '1 ho political niaehlneH elect the. dele. Kft'eri to political coiiTeiilloiiN. 'i ho political 1 ousts control tho politli'iil ma. chines. Hence, thu political boswn can (mierally dlctsto political noininntloiis. Hut. aftur all, the people eloct, and polili cat hoHMjs do not rolitrot thu peoplu. Kceretaiy Hi.aink hus tlio ftdaiitnun of tlienupport of tho most prominent mid active of tlm political liossea in favor o' his nomination at Minneapolis. Hut li it power do these bones wield at tho noils ' Look at tho chlofs ainnni: them Tlm irrepressible Matthkw S. CJi'at. of lteptihlicaii I'l'iiiisvltanin, declnns I Hint tliore is nobody but Hi aim: in tho 1 field for tho nomination Hut nil tho work Qi'av colli. I do nnd nil tho iiioiiey he could rniso did not no his I'niididiitn Hiiamathi, from defeat, for lov tuor III IHIHI. Kt-CioA. 1'oiunin. of Ohio, dcclnies Ids intention "titular nuv and all circuiii stances" to oto for Hi.aisk at Minne-npoll'-. Hut Koiiakmi m beaten for iocrnor In his own Itepubllcim Htnto ill IrW'.lby 11,000 lilillillity. Thomas ('. i'l apt, of Now York, heads tho Hliiiuu forces'. Hut 1'i.ut had n cundi. ilatuof his own for ioernor Inst enr, who wan defentod by IH.000 plurality, nnd whoso dofent was said to bo owiiiB to tho fuot that ho inn 1'i.Arr'H cnnitidnte. Oi.iymi Ami.', of Mnusncbusutts, lavs that hisHlato is " nil for Hi.aink like a pickaninny for a hoccake. " Hut Mr. Ami.k could not ploct his brother million. nire, (Jiiaiii.ku II. Ai.ixn, for Ouvcnior of liopublicnu MnoncJiusctts Inst year, nor pruvent tho election of tovon Demo. cralHoutof twolvo Coiicressuioii to tho I'ifty.Beiond Oouuross. Ill 111. tv, of "blocks of fivo " repute, is enthusiastic for the Hecrotnry's nomina tion. Hut would Dtim.r.Y bo a power nt the polls in his own Ktnto? Would ho bo likely to bo found nt tho polls there nt nil '( Ui-Htnto Scnntor J. H. Fashkti, of Now York, is ardently for Hlaiuo. Hut Mr. I'Ai-Hirr lost his own Htnto for (lovcrnor InBt yenr, nnd roccived a Miialler plurality in tho ltepubllcau counties than has been cast for n Republican candidate in twenty yenrs, eicept iu tho disastrous l'oluer j ear. These fncts are presented as curious political incidents, without prejudice to any candidate ami without comment. IUT P01H0H OR A nUBBAND. ' heiu is a llrteen.year-otd i;irl in this city who won't Kt loft iu tho mntler of hiishanil. catching, if sho cm help it. Notwithstanding tho tenderncHK of her Vinrs, she already lins u voutli in her not, whom alio is aminos to wait, up to tlio h.Muencal u.tar and iiiakii liirown. Her j mother ohji ctH to the youth nnd tho etui, uioiiv, for lensous that lira cohoreiil and tot'eiit, hIiu thinks, mid there lins been trouble iu coiiseiUeue. I'lie dmiiiliter, disatipolnlud m her de sire to nun i.v, sat down to a petit simper of rat poison, and was patiently wmliiii: for the death anuol to ruin lli door. bell when 11 doctor eniuo n'oiic with a ivldo. bote sloiinifh-ptiiupaud ludelluitely )iost. pnneil the Iiineral. Now the (jtrl Is l'ouik to ho tin list into 1111 institution and her .M'ained-lor vouth iiiny fall into the hands ot soiiiu iiiht'i iiiariia'jc-nimiia'il maid. I This attempt at self-destruction by a Ctrl iu her early teens, bocmise she enu-' not mnrrv shows tliu desperation of tho I si' to possess themselves of husbands. ! '1 he instinct develops ) otitic and waxes stioii with 11 ue. It is laudable, of I nurse, but in the mad, impetuous insli I foi Mctims a i'irl Nometimes makes a so-1 nous mistake nnd utts hold ot the uroni; 111.1i). '1 here is a enblcsram in to-day's paper about 11 New York woman who married II J-cotchimiu somii.tiuiti iio, mid who lias . just heeli kicked and beuten ami banned , around by himself and a muscular friend 011 hoard her husband's jncht until she is i.s black and blue as a Skyetomer streaked with ink, tf this woman's mother had j interposed to picont her uiarrine nnd ' had driven hir to rat poison tho poor denture would be better off to-day limn ' she is. Hut poison is 11 aweet coufei linn 'compared with some husbands, and phut) of 111 ti 1 iu I women will au'iie with us 111 saving so. I I'lNAKIHR AND 1'Kr.ll t'lLVER ) The flee e .inaye resolution of Si nator Moulin enmo up vestcrday iu the Senate uiidei the tules, but was postponed until p. l Tin slay. Senator Sin km in sicniiUd Ins di sire to address the Heii.Uo on tliu lesoliilion on that dav. It is i n'v fa r to those Denim ratieseui tor, who .no eniidiilutis for the 1'resl. diuliul iiomiiiatioii, mid who have not yit eiijiijcd an oj norluiiitv to uiako known to the 1 n ple the position they 1 eiiipv on tii'P iiuuiiiiv, that this imiple no'iee of u lii'ii on thu Moiau n solution shoiilil be civeii. r.x-I'lvsiitint CiniiiMi has n riA ly b 1 Ian d himself 011 the ipulion. and tu tliHresiiii't his mi niUsntsiie oer otnor-i whom mimes huui In ell lucntiuiii d In lonni'it 011 with thu t'liicigo iioimnation. It 1. oul fair tint alt si oithl start on , llII.ll 111 III. Slllll'OIS llll.l., tlDUMAN nnd t'M.tisir will, of eouise, cladlv nnil themseheh of the opp irtiinitj uf. 1 fouled at next 'lutmhij's session to make , kuowu tin 11 iews on Iroe riiinni!t, nnd to , that end thej will take cure not to hamper , tUuinilM wi'h "pans" 011 that iiiipur : taut ittestloii. j tTKEET-OAR COKDUCTJRJ' 0MF0RM8. 'J he strict ralliuad sudicuto has put its 1, R(0 conductor into iitulorin on tho Hroadttiiv stucco road and other line which it controls. As the suits the men are reqtliiml to wear cost ihcm ifljiacli, niiiio of thu condiiclirs, especially tho'o wunnic not vet en full work. coiiiilnlii t in tho expem- 1 hardship to wuioh it is lujiist to sn e tlioni. Is this a roa.uunblc complaint? Or. tainly the poople who use tho street rail ronds nro entitled to eome e nsidcrntioii, nnd it would not bo plcasuit to tlitiu to hao shabbily diessed ntnl not uter chnuly men tiiishinu in anmiii; them on n . crowded inr lolloptiiiB faiei. To women , this would bo uspienll ubjcctioiinhlo. A conductor must tlicreforo naturally I xioct to bo required to bo tltlj nnd clean i in his diess and mold he elollm hiui-elt 111 any ikcint Milt that would cost less than fl'i? I or this nmoiiut he obtaiiis a liltiu cloth, sinulo.brpiistid coat, with vest nnd piiiila'oons of tho saiim mnterinl nnd 11 white din k cnp. 'I hero is much to bo nod in favor of uniformed conductors ,ti surliuc mails, 'Ihev mo lasdv recoi;nlahle. and their uniform kims them a soil ot authority tlmy iniclil not otherwise possiss .Stole over, tliev mnkn n moro sinmlv appear, anco ami better satisfy tho ttiivellmu pub 1 to. Tliu (ondtietors hnvu no justiaiiso fr complaint, provide 1 the iinifoiins thnv u t are worth what tliev eo t, nnd of this the ('oinpauv 0ll;ut to be nssiind. THE MONTREAb l'hAO INOIDEST. A Montrial nowsmpir nurily run. sores tho silly loinluct or u Canadian Volunteir nrtillor) eoiiipauy lis onlirinu down Auiiiiiuin tlav'S wlinli went ills, plnved on various private buildings In thiil citv on the (Jueuii's lurllidav. '1 ho .Moll I real editor calls it u " stupid nre'i niou," nud ft ais that It mav " unfor tunately brnis; on compile itions for which tlio whole country will have to NtilTcr. " Nonsense' Limit. -Col. t'oi.i:, com luamlluu' the garrison to which thiso diuukin nrtilleryiiiuu hi loin;, iiindo an I iuimediato ami iimplo atioloy to the. United Stiitis ('omul for their loinluct, and that ends the matter. The spirit of nunoxntion has manifested itself so. stronply in Canndn H'cently that 1 1 in flunkies who wear tho Hritish mili tary liverj, when ill then cups, are tempted to display their lovalty by all sorts of ridiculous antics. '1 ho Montreal newspaper, which culnincndahly ile nouiipos thu affair, may rest insured that thu American people, only lnuejint It. Whou Montrunl is one o( tho cities of tho Union no one. will object to tho dis play of a hundred Hritish linns on tho fourth of duly. II-3ENAT0R FA8BETT8 5UIT. Whou Kx-Sountor Tahskit, of Llmirn, was found at tho Fifth Avenue Hotel vch. terday luornini; at an early hour, ho told tho watchful reporters that ho had come to tlio city to get a new Hint hefoio thu Minneapolis Convention. As tho ux-Bouator was not seen to visit any other tailoring esliibllshment than tho olio on tho second Moor of tho i'lfth Avcuiio Hotel, which is just now busily employed iu trying to ylvo President Haiiiiison tits, Bomo euriosity is fultns to tho chnmctcr of Mr. I'tssim's suit. Is it to be a Cabinet olV.iei's uiilfoiin'r' A diiilouialie court dress t Or n Collectur of tho Port's claw hntiituarr An thu ex-Senator is anxious that his suit shall ho finished in time for use at i the Minneapolis Comention, it would seiui that ho is fully resolved not to bo put off with tho too common "Hack." It may bo that tho belief of many apple- heiisivu people that Home iluv an Llovated : Hallway train will comn down into thu , strict will liovor bo unluuil. .Siuionlv It I" to ho hoped that it nevet may he. Hut such cnsH as Hint' 'almost" of yister- diy. when u Ninth avenue tram under full speed tot alariiiinuly twisted Into the I the curve towards Sixth avoniui atd'iftj- llnrd street, do not tend to luissiiro the public. Trainmen aid siiih a thui f huln't hnppeuod a iloi u tmiiis siucu thu loads were built. Hut Isn't even that I a little frequent? And isn't there n re- 1 spoiisibility which ouht to be idacul in 'time? A woman in a suburb of Kliaheth scared away a constable ami escaped a lev j u declaring Hint her child had small. pox, List this clever method of doduini: the of law should prove rntphiiii; tho New .lersey constables will do well to gut promptly vaccinated livery victim of moli law in thu South ol elsewhere would if he could liudouht. filly join I'losidoiit luitiiisoN iu thu declaration that " Lviiciducs ato a re. pioacli." Hut oveiy respecter of leal law nud order docs so join. I ArronliiiK to Mi. (Jpav, Mr, Hi.iini eats too much mw. it tho l'ennsvl i vauiii Senator is prominent ainoiii: thosu 'who would make the Sucntary swallow 'his own letter of dccliuntinn written a few shoit weeks no. Twetitv-one inure women doctors nru Kindunted. Hut tho nicieiiso in thu number of phvsleiam. of thu rentier se is no lonu'er n hitter pill for tho male i practltioiieis. Chicnfo waiters thicatin to strike for udvaui'ed pa, the dav beforu tho Dmno I cratic Natiomil Convention intets. 'I hey I must expect a lo! of lmue,ry ilplonntcs. 'the Methodist 1'iolestaut Church Iiih stileki ii the word " obey " frointhe iiiiir I iace service. Keirlv every wife iu tho hind did the siiuio thine; lonj; a.'o. An Attor Tliotictiit. l. UM oui.i "I ili n I li'lleve t duU' will ever c an tuck," t.llil Nn.iti, ntlcr the bird lie tlevin en ur sljlit. "then wliv Iu ruoiliipssitliln't you senj t tu p iimivr" said .Mr. Ne.ili. "o cmilil uavi spaicil It.' A PEEP AT TUB ALLEY. One of tlio Wretched Homos tho Sick BabieV Fund Will Reach. " Little DcfendBr3" Rallying to Hu manity's Cause. Contrltintl'itis for " Tlio Kvenlnp; World" Corps or Free I'hyslclnna. TKE SUGSCRIPTIONS. 1 ur I- vtninii Wnnl n I'lrilnnalr 1,445. CO W All SIM i.l. 21)110 IIh nn Hlio lnsllin lliliKi ft. 00 Mli-lsn.l I..IU ... . I 00 I). 11. I. . .. .... 1.00 Uaalf .J5 Alxi Ciililltr . VII Wlllln lliinlmll .10 I' 1'. .. .10 "LITTLE DEFENDERS" RALLY. Tho Army of Tiny Humanitarians Will Doom tlio Fund. All linl llerearu tie llttlo HcfcnderV ilooralil .Sow km reaily to see the f u ml for tho sick lial les run up like u Miry palace In the nlglit. I his nr.inil army nt little humanitarians lias In en a Iiuik time cumins', hut wo knew It would POMP. A fair jouiik Uatik'hter of tlio llrookljn KUlliieiil Uads tlie van, ainl the babies are t-'lau ot licnrt, the Huui Is hnpolul and even buil) Isluppj. Miss l.nilly Williams, nf 131 Kiftrentli street, MrouM)ii, says Iu this llrat letter 'iota llio Sockty that she "Icels sorry for tlio babies," and liulosts !, wlileU blio collected Irom trlciiUs. utio hupes it will reach tliu Huui sufcl),"niia avTcctly "wishes It weiu inure." Son, then, that's Rood. It's very Bond. It Istiio keyiiotu to nuciss it Is n lesson tu every mcuibtr ut tlio noblest aud iniml beau tltul orK.'iiilatlon In clubdom. Miiiposliu; that 10(1,000 I.lttto Defenders wiiitc a letter tu the editor wltu an ex pros slim ol sympathy for tho babies, good-will for tliecatiso andtl for tho fund collected from friends I Why, all ttin news would have to bo lift out It li air tho letters were printed nud would bo (100,000 In tho cashier's hands. My stars, what a bIoiIoiis fund that would hoi Why, It would build nnd eipilp n Miminer "irndle-nesl " In llattory Park and welcome ovcry poor sick child In tho Ktntu to come and get will and have a tood tltno. It each Hi rendei colleettid one dime Irom friends there would be $10,000 In glltterliis silver, enough to closo tho fund at unco and begin the piosccutloti ot disease, want and distress U each mcuiher collected Just one cent the total would he an even 1 1,000, ami that would bo the Jolllcsl kind or a subscription. .."(iiiia such harvest ot good Is going to bo ' garnered by the Defenders. HoyH and girls who lent protection to all the dogs and csls In tliecotiimuiilty and given usslstanco to ever) in distress are not likely to torget tho liable. 'I hey nre never want lug In a good muse, and tlili one could not bo letlir. I'le.ise huny, I.lttlo Doteudeis. Make up join broad minds wliiiDuu Intend tu do. It Jim are Miy small nnd can't collect ns much as I'.iall) w llllauis did, a great ileal less will do. Post or send whatever sum you can ralsu or sp.uo to the hick lubles rund now nud lot l us call upon j on again tor tho toys )ouaro tin d or, tho books )ou know by heart and , lliu(lothlng)0ii have outgrown. Here Hone or man) Interesting letters that ' the big and llttlo rcadi is may care lopeiuso' j le IA .((, 1 Would) mi phase mall lo mo the nddress of seme pour little gins, as 1 luivo sume clothes nnd tu)s 1 should like to bring to them ni)- 1 seir. l'lcnsu add this half dollar to jour I mid. Iti'Tii Nkniifku. sweet, smili yainiirltnii: uu aro Just tho Utile girt we havo been looking tot 1 The 1 Mi) thought or j our tojs and clothes Is a idillght. And jour deslie to bistnw them voillselt Isa tapltal hit a The trip will do . Jim good. Il win bo an obJ"i't lesson, ns they I say In siheol, only Instead or the geometrical loriiisor hits ut still lite juu will have a I iliaticu lo study the tonus of humaiicre.itures I who light toi oier) cubic Inch ot nlr they , breathe and every ciuuib that holds body and soul together. liojou know whern Tub Alloy 1st Will It) on go to Tub Mley any one will ill- rei l )uii tiMhe hlluit mini's liun.e. tils vvtro illiilab.ait tour. vearsngn, leaving him alono In the endless nlglit o( an uiiaeen vvoild, with llvechildien to beg tm. Tho joungest girl Is not ipilte live ) ears ot a'e; there Is a bov ot n'v en who leads his sightless father through the streets to get n living; another a jcar oldei who gathers cinders, coko and coal along the i alliuad tracks in l.lcventh avenue, mid a ghl ngid thlitceii, who stajs at homo 'and minds her sisters baby, 'llio joung iiiiitherlsonl) a ghlherseir, being less than I ilglilipii j ears ol age. she married a youth I about her own age and Instead ot being a lumlort tu hei lather Is a drawback, having developul Into a good tor nothing. IU stands on the street corner wlthhis bauds ' Hi his pockets and a clgaiette In Ids inouili; iili'l leives the support or Ills vv he mid child . to Hie helpless mall wliolusonlv memory to tell him or the beauty ot spring, sL),cailh I ai.d Hie doings ot Ids fellow -Is lugs. Delias aevu even seen tho laces or his little chll- ilien. iiit vet he Is patient and brave, and miiieiliiies ho is merrj and sings hi grand- i child til sti iy. j lummy know, perhaps, th.P nam, pilvn- lion and iic.'leit nro not apt P'Uiveloptho -wei l side or human nature. Hie ghl mother lsiiiii.iln.ijsl.inil. Mip dues nut alw a)s ue end .uinj teinis In sjn-aklng to her little In ol hers; ullen sho Is reckless in the uu or her hinds, and many blows .in given toher j ine and milium nurso which she does not uc- 'sirve. Ir big sister knew better, If sho had ' hat mm pilvlleges, It she had leen born 1 uiiilir h ippler Urcuiiistatni'a sho would have been koidi r Annie, vv ho ugN her delicate had) round I all day, who runs crran Is anj docs most of Royal Baking Powder , Leads All The Secret of its marvelous success (its j sale being greater than that of all other cream of tartar baking i powders combined) lies in the wholesome, deliciotts food its use insures ; in its uniform, perfect, never failing work, and in its ' satisfactory use for a quarter of a century which has won for it I t the implicit contidence of the pubi.e. the housework, takes the hanging, ear-box-log, tongiiedasbtBg and brow-besting tho only favors sho ever gets In abundance as a matter of course. Sho seems to havo gotten used to abuse, and It Is avery.rcry hard blow that looens nr hold on good-nature. (io and see tucso llttlo girls, (let acquainted with the tlve-jear-jear old Bister; give her any dull you may havo ntil watch tho beauty ot happiness shlno and gleam In her pali, llttlo face, If jcur old shoes tit htr sho will bu transported with delight, and It you wero to give her a driss that had all tho buttons on the w-nlsl nnd no holes or patches In the skirt, I actually believe that Joy would maito her cry. Don't lie surprised II jou nnd poor, patient Annie ss black as n coal-heaver. And don't mako siiv remarks about the baby's head. It Is always that way. bomclltnos the sores disappear for a week or so, but they nlvvnvs leliirn and bring others with them, llio At) cents has boon added to thu Mck Ilabli-i' Kund, and a bright red credit mark has been placid alter jour name. Just as loon a there Is money pnough to milium n tho lrce physicians for duty onu ot them will to sent up to the alley tosie what can be doiin for theso halt-lid, hall-clad and more I linn halt ekk children. l.inrn a lesson from Ituth, and hi ynur kindness hasten their roller. Tho blind man does not expect tho leiurn or his sight. Ills mil) hojes nro In his rhlldren. Ile want them to grow In health, knowing that II they live and are nblo to work ho will escape, the piiorhniiso. W luil do) ou say to giving his children a euunce to gel strong! Km I. Nki son. It Urines Comfort. T lA. r.lor Inelosul please Ilnd if."i ror tho Mck HablrV 1 I mid We hope thnt II will arford a llttlo rnmlnrt to some suffering balie. We also In clubu our best vv Ishes tor your success. I Tiiosk Woo Luvi. 1UK llAi'irs. Horo's Truo Oonoroslty. To A r.lllor I Inclose BB cents for tho Sick Il.ibles' Tund. 1 take Hits out or thu money I w as saving tor an artificial leg, I hnvlng had the inlstortuno or losing my It g one ) enr ago. Alixaniikh Com itz, eleven years old, 141 sixth avenue. Hor Flret Earnings. rill' FrlllOT- 1 am a young girl and received to-day my first earnings, 7',' cents. 1 send you MS cents of 11 tor tho Blck babies. May Uod bless It and your noblo work. Miuuir. Tho Dimes Help. r IA Fililnr Please accept 10 cents for the sick babies In New York. 1. P. Willie Earnod Ton Cents. To thr ftHtnr 1 Bend my week's money which my papa gavo mo fur kieping my hands out or my pOCketS. LITTI.B Wll LIE ItUKCIl AI L, 71 Uoratlo street. THE GLEANER. Tho news that Minister R, nurd flrubb Is coming homo Irom Hpaln without his luxuri ant whiskers Is worth more than a passing reflection. " Illow, j o winds ot the morning," again and again, but never again can they wander wlnspmcly through tho splendid hirsute growth ot this home-coming (leneral. Well may tho icpujrs coustder themselves bereft. I nbservo that I.rlo l'utlcr has translated her serpentine daneo Into Cermaii nnd trans terrcd It to Amberg's Theatre. Hut It must still rctnln something nt the French accent. a Mis. A. ltcartwetl Magrathls a recent ad dition to local literary elides. Mio publishes a monthly entllled FaiuloH ami t'am-v, which was established In M. I.ouls tour years ago, but Is now Issued In this city. Mrs Magrath Is a fine French scholar and has dene abundnut excellent literary work". James Wcllbrcgg, put down In the cablo di spatches as an American, killed himself nt Montu Carlo because he lost C'O.OOO. It passed out ot the hands ot the croupier Into thoso of the croque-mort. WORLDLINCS. A lilAtorlo collection of railroad tlilteta wilt ba odd o( tha ihibita at tba Worltl'a Fair. Triers Ira boiildiir In tli Olark Mountain no itftnelj cliarffiitt with magnetism that a knife ilror-psit to tlio ground ulna teat away will lis at tractail toil. Hit raid that an Italian bandit never buja a tllclto. lie inakts one for lilmealt, anil howovsr criidel It mar bv faetiioucd it la alwaya an inntru. niunt tiiat ho can relj ou. A Herman Protaiaor, Dr, Sander, baa producad, alter a labor ot thirty rears, a (lerraan ihctinnar eo vuliitnlnoua that ha cannot tinil a iulilialitr tor It. Schubert lived to tie nnlj thirty-one jean old, yet tturlne; that brief lime lie aet to mtielc more than fed poem. Me sometimes virote tcur or ttveol hta rauiiius soogs iu a single day. esse i VAGRANT VERSES Tbe Difference, A lltHf re-1 farn Wtlhhutt. wruiklftl kin, A little nub not Anil we liut'karAit cbla, A llttl tKi id. Two writ, tirjr jf, TurtJ, touthlr. iiuint '1 hat tif) jtiutta. mhn lie cries, Two thin, littl liniid. That ir olutrhhitz the air, A final! frrlful olc That dcuianiU tointant rare. Itint watth way h lookrrl to mo N hen I called. hr lint-bora ion to aee Hut slit falil with pride I hope that h 1 ouka a pretty toyuu aa he does to me I 4C.t'lc. Htn nownrd. llittmuf lit two elitr-dollar nultt. Kipfiisive, a tt nutf tot a twenty tl.uatid dollar nirl la what the Irllow $oi i l hit at' furn(htr. Comlnt7 Kventfl. Oppa't Sevenlli Helment Hand will cive a con tert tu t eutral I'ftrk tu tiunro.. aftenitkon, VetetatiM of the Nntfty ninth Ittclment, New York Mato Voluiiteer. wtll t are their auuiTertar rnninn and t'Mit'Uft tt Mjjthi iu the Hotel Vianu, J't 1 at l.lghteeuthatrcft l(ohrt T ldncoln Camp, Nona of Vrterann, will hold a reception to-nuht m Huppiucer Hall, TU 1 uurth atiert A ttrawhrrrv frittral nnd proinenndo concert "IU '! irmti In Ih It-noi, (. futn to-night Vj the Ycuutf .Meu'e Hehtew Asaoi laiiou. Irititnonlal to 1 J IUiini her, Initructor Iticl- in enifii (ijintiAraiuui, Ineitth Iteriuient Armory, to n!tit. 'I he Star rieauure 1 it will hare Ita firkt month'y i tiiin at Hanuouy 1'ark iiratKinom ,tatlon, h I , M'.inUj, Ira. vi tin unth I erry at 8 45 a m I The third yU-nU ai d ganu n of tht Suierlntend etitn and t'lerki' Anltiou nf thn No York Toat O.ev.ill fo held 1 1 duller a Hariem UlTerl'ark on 1'rlda), .tune .1 i 1 he t aledonian ("In fit came an I ptonlo will he KtTrn tn Jdo'i 1'ark Mondi, afteruoou neit. a , M - - Her Hih Standard, j Urofti Ha- Hofton Air ) i Mr. roinja)-.ln'i tint fictrt-sE0t'8"nt i teeth? Mrn. ropinJi -Ain't she? They're Jest as 1 good as faUooncs, 1 Very Cnroleso. rrti fufX.J i Mr. llowitz ouMituc liilo the ofllfp) Hey! te' here, them's Htinthlnj; wrontf atom this j draft you cae we. It h&i been returntd Ihl5 ranrnluif ! Fflir Tyn writer tinnocntly-()h, inaia t"iinil! It t Air lurdup l. ,-,(. h i.'Hrtit si uidU, loa, vciy tricu hlsurulta coiuu Uacu. GOING AHEAD. i. ii. r11 v III. IV. V. M. MI. VIII. IX. X. X'l. Monday, May 30, " THE EVENING WOELD" will bo printed on Blue Paper in honor toi Memorial Day. NOTES IN FASHION'S WORLD. Pretty Patterns in Lawn and Oambrio Dresses. Tntto In L'liilirellas Use of I. mo Corselets, simple lawn and cambric drcssa havo tho white ground woven llko rtrawn-work Iu crossbatB, and ore strewn with colored (frcek squire or else with blossoms blue corn flowers, pink roses or orchitis of pale violet hues. These aro niado over a low-necked nt ted lining ul white lawn or cambric, with n foundation skirt ot tho satno gatheicd to a deep joke and sloped la tho buck scam, then trimmed with a fool of plaiting of the figured lawn ii.f erted at tho end of tho hem or facing. The high lawn wolst. Is cut ns a itusshm h'.ousedf very slmplo shape, buttoaed down the left slJe, or else It has a yoke of open-patterned white embroidery. Special orders for umbrellss havo como to be regarded asatradoby Itseir. Many women arc democratic enough to make one umbrella do lor sun and rain. 1 he stick Is generally some light bamboo, with nn ornamented handle ot lino china; and tho cover Is a twilled silk, tho color ti " go with every thing." Blue Is popular, deep red Is another, nnd dark brown Is also a favorite. Tho lato Dr. Amelia 11. Fdwards be queathed her valuable library to Oxford, at tho sauio tltno endowing a chair ot Kgypt ology. Courses of instruction in games nre to bo held tor women teachers in llcrlln and Uruns. wick. Kach courso will last a week, and Is free. The objector tho course Is to interest women teachers In school games, to glvo them opportunities of practlslngihesegnmes, and of siu.ljlng the came as carried on In tho chief public schools tor girls. The corselet made ot lace Is ono ot the con fectlons of the toilet never Intended to Iu put on a cloth dress or worn on thubttect. Mrs. Amelia II. I.tizarus ana Miss rmlllo I.araius, the widow and daughter ot.IucoD II. I.azarus, tho portrait painter, havo given to the Metropolitan .Museum of Art -'4,()00 as an endowment fund, the Interest of which, about 81, '-'00, Is to be awarded to tho must piotlclent male student in tho class or paint ing organized by thoAitbchoolof the Museum lor tho purpose ot competing tor this prize, to bu called tho Jacob II. I.azaius Travelling Scholarship. 1 he ramous I'rlx de Home, cov eted by nil French students at thu lleaux Aits In Paris, lsuulys.oo. At the ribbon Bales enttrprlstng drcss mnkers buv up all thu pieces or two and inrco Inch watered and gros grain ilbbon In popular shades and use them tor the plaits and runiesonsllk and Imported cotton dresses. I'suallytwo rows are applied to tho hem. The ilulsh Is pretty and easily made. lllack satin nocktle, an Inch wide, with slid bow, lIKe those worn by men with even ing suits, aie worn with standing collars or linen. When tablecloths and napkins begin to break away in many places, It Is wnstcd time to try to repair them to nnv extent. Iho economical treatment Is to take the corners and other parts that aro still Mr in. and make them Into napkins ror nursery or emergency use.or Into towels to wlpo tho bab)-. Hut the wear of toblo linen can bo somewhat in creased by runuleg tho tiny spots where a thread has broken. Tho ordinary hard twilled spool cotton does not adapt Itself to this uso as well as tho sort tambour cotton or linen floss. These match more nearly tho threads of the linen, and press smoothly In tho laundering, blzc 7 In the tambourcotton, and l or A A In tho linen noss nro well sulttd to the ordinary grades or damask. The same thread should be used In mending dnmask towels, and in coarser number for tho crash used for dish or hand towels for the kitchen. Woman's Way. lfom 1'nrK J Husband I am not ready to goout walking jet. Wire Hut I am, and wo must go im mediately. Husband Hut, my dear, jour hat Is not on all night. W no-Hear mel Isn't It: Walt a mlnuto till I go to my loom and IU It. (t-Ml wlto lor halt an hour, and her shrewd husband com pletes his wulk.) Tho Centrnl Parle Wood Soed. IJr.ili7Wt I "Aie you sowing jour lawns with fresh seed this jesr?" "No. It's t(.o expensive." "seed Isn't expensive." "Nu; but It costs money tn employ a man to pull up thu tlilugs that sprout Horn It." I For men who work and B women who worry jj HORNBY'S H-0 OAT-MEAL Means tonic rccupera- i .ive energy. I A royal summer dish ! fl A DEAF MAII HADE TO HEArT ,. UK II .IN AS HKAI- AS A 1'OAV HI MAW rt.AUS j 1. I( sit ih Intnrt 1 tilamtne'm Uvmttvfitt StY Ml m 1nrr Lmt Hi l.'rrtrtttv tioir It llffe HeBturtftJ.trhta f (Snr Atatn M Hernia the remetkahle tMory of k man. 4.6 t a n old, who wan deaf tn both eara itnce he wan In. 1 i M eaia, wlto can now hoar aa well aa anihodr I l-rani'l Iitllatnmfl III en at fiul t Wd at on tiiJ tiuitliwnrt corner of 11th are He la a a hip rajikejl a and a man of lanilly luarl tortcrheeald I wai ,Wj both par from the time ti J. 14 yeara old, an I&0.1 ehort timeaito, and now I ., 4(1 yea m old, tnat'a .12 j 4i A ) 'there waa a burlna i raJ I AP Ztf "SM llke ,n0 arlnc ot J , ,ZT t ""rlall. I waa er dfrj D W " ( "n hear an ordlnirl, li '' i louerjation ai well a anji , T body. Auhody cau underitaTflvV y )sa.wh1 ft I'ocultar enoatlonA A w SH, I ' eiperlente.1 When I foun'M v .siy A could hear again ai goo I ttc ' l'- i7 v nhody. It u tike li' ., j) TK ' V wraailn like lllti WW ti V i imw world. My deaf ne. ftreL'a V V S from catarrh 1 went t " rN& I'ter'a Hoapltal In teU 1 " and to a dlxpeiiiarr tht ,frn' I .UaM It laUotried hly'a Cream ut" v t,AH,lMI' and other alleged o . pill lU cures, luil n tmndil me any Rood. Sly thri. n( wan nore and rny 'tomaon vis liad My atomic 4 waa weak nnd tliero was a titiming aniatlon iu v both my Honnicli ami my throat. My note wu A pttiffrd nn and in nens dropped down tntomythroit " I had had heailacheo a " I tinally wnnt to Hoctora McCoy and Wtldman . ati'l after 1 had befn under treatment for sii week ' I (oiumem.Al to kr in In health, f.y hearing begati ii tn cut hettpr Jnw 1 can hear an ordloarr con- vraatifn 1 haven't had a, heaJat hurnnce nnortl 01 nfter 1 began treatment with Ooctora MrO ni tVildman. My head s aa clear aa awhlatt J1 lien I tt up tn the niarult.c now I feel tv ennary bird. 1 teel a" nood now aa I ever did tn . I'fc, anl m th 7th dny of dune my time U up an "' 1 will he dianhait;"d ae thoroughly cured.'1 $t Dortori McL'oy and Wtldman make aipeclaHyol thn trcaltiie'it of all chronic dlseanea Incluaint (Htarrh 'I hey furaM) all tnedicloa free, anJ th)r chargri fr treatment are eo moderate that they are withlu the reach of all. 0 DOCTORS MCCOY-AND WILDMW I1 Olncos, 0 East 42d Btroet. New Y S V nhero all curable cases are treated with an A V. II ynu lire at a tii.tancewritetnr eymptoinl u ( nii.altatloa at olnce or by mall free of oh. Tr Y Address all mail tor, Kaat 4id elrcel, Nenl n (lilleo hoars -0 to 11 A, M.. 2Ui 4 f. A). w. In 0 1'. M. nunitais, '.) to 13 A. M. j JJ . ODD BITS OF QuTEHPOBM HI 1 Tho Witty Boss. """'m. They had tern down thoold one-story hi. iKt T , hullulngaud were beginning excavations to; ti a bascmem structure, t-cveral peoplo stood h watching the bedy or laborers at work, and oc J1, c.islouall) one ot the curiously Inclined woun: ti address a ((ucstlon to tho man In cr' ; ' i olvva)sto rc'CeHuagrufr and surly ar '?4',' says tho Chicago .cte.. pl5 'b AttershoveU and picks had been lnd lurc'.t ously piled lor some time and tho dlr n being piled high up on tho sldcsot tin lors t irenehmcnt a modest young man w enacd I '" t wa) thrmuh the crowd nnd In a mild, ge a Iiunnly tono or voice nddressoa tho atoi lCca" r boss: i:cuso me, sir, but Is this Mr. J , i property'" ? It ain't no one else's," was the ''' , Amoi Ii rt'"ly- hur I I "lhank j-ou. Arc you In charge o '""' t workr lr 'I That's what I am, and I don't wat Vullt ) help bossli.' thu job." Da' ; "I had no Intention ot Intimating thr let01 1 did, sir. Mr. Mnlth, my emplovcr, unde f0!i ! that there was to bo some excavating " ' l i hcie and sent ii.i down to see jou " J I Well, If your e)cs aro good there s In' to ircveiit )our seclu.' mo all you r I I lease." I Tho fellow turned uround as II expecting t: , hear a shout or laughter greet thu supposed!; C ',ttly Hiteiiuptlon. I -It jou will listen a minute, sir, I'll mab i my errand plain lo you," continued the I" ( speaker. "Mr. Ismllh wished me to a3i , "J "(Questions, I suppose," brokolnthec J i "Mj good man, Mr. smith wants" J "The earth, I reckon," howled the bo? i "TualM It exactly," said tho moek ) v man. " He wants some ror grautng pur N and sent mo lo Ilnd out If he could buy ' luad-." Vj j , Holplni? the Needy. "-, llo was hard up and wanted mono) so tint he llnally concluded todepo-,lta I some diamond i lug In the hock bhop, sa Detroit fife Ifruf. I "Can I borrow J100 here on a dl jl worth iJ'J.IO'r" he said lo tho propilolor. 1 In te " I.cmmo seo thn stone," demiudo '.tsun mono-lender. II was handed over ai "alks iimlntd. :ndH " cll:"lniiulrod the applicant. Hie " I guess yuu can have tt." i Use Thnnks. What nre ycur rates?" "ilk "Ten per cent, a month In ndvnnce. ""Isa is, I tuseoiit tho interest and give ) ange balance." ' AD0 "I don't care how you doltj all Is.' heh. the money." i on say you want tlOO." " Yes." How long?" " Ulamcd It I know, but a long while ' . should think." :l" Tor a) car J" nat c "No, not that long; say about ten mo At ' and tho applicant hummed "I want a L"' Hon" In a low key as tho inonej -lende. was making his calculation on a sheet ol wrapping-paper. "That's all right,' llnally said tho money lender. "You can get tho Hng when you call with the money." "Hut wheie's my hundred?" asked the astonished applicant. "Iho Intel est has obsoroed It," resi 'tided the inonej -lender with a placid smile. ''Ten mouths, you know, at lo per ccnl. In advance Didn't you lay ) on wanted a hundred for tec months? 1 think )0u did. There's your ticket. Ihanks. Call again, please. Wo an always glad to assist the needy." Tho applicant was dazed for almost seven minutes, then ho walked out and hunted up n policeman. Limitations of Hlffh Art. 7Vn,u tht Afip I'urh H'eeWil J Manager I am greatly disappointed In your acting, sir. You hav o completely ruined toj new play by your cold and wooden per ! lounance in the lovo scones. ! Leading Man (angrily) I hen whylnthun del do )uil luvu a leaQU'g lady who can I enlouol Tho Rubicund Feature. ljio. . ) old otard This wlno always has an ci qulsltu U mpiut. 1 doling Hyson l should judge so from tht una. ga) Il has given jou. ! Wsves Mountain High Or at'trewlut lesh-lluojtf u, during a itarni. to 1 cntull the tonturoja Tojscrr on the teinptaUoai Altai tic. hLinctluiea he la torn with deep dPh at uct. a jui tuie. aumelrare ho la rather el J lit. 'llio Uiter iundltlon of mind obtalue when h la aeatlck. The diabolical qualm, which he hi ! undertone, and wlno1, ary mw aggrarated tanfaH 1 t'. tho pllchniff of theehip, render hhn lnanil tire Indifferent to hta late ThU picture I icatoalf j eiaggeralbd, at poople who have been Tlo'et1)' ' aeaalck will avure you. Tmelleri and tourUU W tra anid laud rh ,'d nMave 1 e nroildod with lh tettm'a Mumiili U'tler ua a mean ol coiintara'i- lug reauiiia ana i-e nerrou dutur aocee lcuia hlo tr ub'e I evoiten l iDeonUtitab tr'(" il nr land or vater or in. hlem me toot r5,lM awallowetai r4tlway itli a Em.ara da ? ai'pply thcmselifH with Un te ter' MoiRUb irr. aa a lanilly e urr aamit in'"J ftiomaih. liver an t wat co.uylalun, a I as ti trow I bit and roeumatUm