Newspaper Page Text
Wl 9 II l-l rnY TnE WORLD; SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 28, 1892. ( 5 fH j HflRRYWiiNEfl'S NEWTHEATRE. ' llel ' J'BtiTo Be Opened To-Night with I "The Eobbarof the Khino." DHls Offered by the- Various rinx lj llouies for Next Week. Soi' Too lone-delayed opening ol tho Fifth I Aienuo Theatre- will occur to-nht, when ml "The llobbcrot tho Ithlno 'will receive Its 1 ,1 lDltlal production, 1Mb new opera, written ,, i,y Maurice Harrjruoro nnd composed 1J Mr. nA iucrncr, will bo tho only noullj on llroid. ' i way next week. Iho book was originally ' ,tt written about llio years ao, Mr. llarrjmoro ,si,lf titenillnB It (or a romantic opera, to le per, 'ailed " 11 aldcraar, nnd which was ncur Mil 1 roduceil Mr. llarrjmoro has rmt'cd Uctn t conslderaby, impha-.lln? tho comic puc luterest. The music bj Mr. l'uer- ner is highly Bpoken ot by tliw "I wliohavc luard It. Mr. llayden lunln, the "f Angle-American barltono will mako his American debut In "Tho ltobtci ot the Jf ithlne ' Mlhs Mnrlt n Minima ami Mr. I II ' It) ley will also be In the cist, while the clioi us rh and orclitstra will be Inrgonnrj, It Is nld, of ji leasing (trength. Jlr. Mlnei s new theatro will dill, lit tho eje 'I ho vcu well known , Jnlni . Hamilton his been spri tillj engaged iih business liinnnsir of the llflh Avenue " 'ihi-atio "l I he House en the M-iish" will bo 9een for ttieflist time In hew ork Monday afternoon and evening, at tha 1'eoplus Iheatie. Ihe ill phce wasniat dranXlea li) llirvjn D-illns 'lli with the cmsent of llio uulliui, 1 Inrcuce i llirdin iho pnj Is Mild o ei ntaln bright X dlalosui", elinuiitli. situations, mid to bo run A olliiCli.entsor keen lntei est. Mi. Dallas will rAl'luj tho prlncip il (.art, that of (linns IUj- (l, tier, alias Jim lieodtull the gentleman burg- ' tar. Itwpilnilpil ireintn i sot his support Hn: li-'ompanj ureljronc I'mur, Harry st Mum. frank uppcimiin. liilng Williams. 1 lttlcilale Powers, and the Misses intt 1 nimeiilioiT, Ida snipp. Mm lu htuart. i- inn a alkti an J Olive L finer. Lhlldof Forlunn" Is respluga rich htr- casino, and (im usu malliiio at- Dcr,.raetlon this opera eems to an btttirlhan 'ctv did several of the ioriner aeknowlidged sue- cesses Soicral couimenceniont theatro pii- fo- ties from out-of-town collegei and schools ocx: have arranged to witness the pirformaneo ,. during the eomlng week, and llio most lmioi- loc' tant party nf tho season will como Juno 10, UK the occasion of tho West Point, e'idofs annual J visit. Hi ginning net Wednesday nlg'it, ind? there will be n double nttiaetloi at the .i. , caTlno, (oi on that evening tho enlarged nnd 1 beautiful roof-girdeu will bo thrown open to lureltno public for the season A contlnous elite r- otli talnraent will he given from H oclock until .... midnight, ihe entertainment win consist of the latest musical and ierpslchorenti novil- I 'I ties trom Europe and promeiudo concerts by (hi, a complete orchestra. .,., " Hobln Hood, ' at the Garden Theatre, has met with such popular favor thai tlio stnj of torts the Bostunlam Ins been extended two weeks Th Elaborate preparations hnvo been msde for ., tho two perforinanees to bo given Memorial Day. That old favorite, l'atrlek baisllild 01 " Ullmon, will begin his summer engagement idjoi In tho Jtadwn squaro Clardi u Itnplitlliiiiue f. Monday night, and tho lout t, irdtii will do opkiied at tho saints time llio i,irilen Ma 'iheav-u will bo specially decoratid In inm- I mil memoratlon or tho ilav, aid in thuev nlng h,, Lillian Kussell will occupy a lux Afiuiha Jerformanco Miss Hu-sell and tho In io ;ei prominent members ot her complin and ot iso the Uostonlans will asn nd to the rout .ar ri den. Mr Ollmore and his Mud will hnvn preceded them, and tho arrn il ft thcnpei atlc artists will bo made tho ( cuaslon ot a unique ovation The fourth and last week of Do Wolf Hop. per'B prosperous return engagement at the Ifroadway 'Iheatie teglns Monday, and when tho four hundredth ami closing iiriormuico .' t: of tno sprlghtlj burlettlls gH en net natur al! day "Wang ' will hao ticu plijed lu tho metropolis twenty-six wef ks, hi tho ixncl half of one jeai. Mr Hoppei anuhlsbusliiiss 111 associates, as will as curj member ot his " cicellentoiganlzatlon, irotn a happy train" ,ot mind, and n t without icasni. for Hie rentreo of "WanK lias l m t'riril bi i. j coutluuous su t, -vion ut xv-ll-flll el h us ' A AspeeUl hollJuy .nitlnec will to given on Menu rial Uij Dlgby Hell and his mnrryopcia, " Tu,ilter,' will enter upon Hie mi una mi nth ot their iry fiuecesMi I en,ai,oiiieiii at l'a im t s I lu- fttro Monday, w hen an exti i insuijec ti given on lucadu) onilii Ml Hill will Vj piesent tho seeondidltlonol " Jmltei,' upon r which ho and Mr "-mlili hiobeeu hiid ut i- woikmi tho 1 asl two wirks lu imm lt- - speets It wl 1 lie different Irom Uil i i leliul, yit It wlllio-ess ill the poi ui ir lealiuis mil mu-,linl numbiis of th tiit idlilon llii Hill" luclliMi hi Mi lip I li.inov In the iart of drmnpus, thn M ii'-ili ill r in iki s tin iirtm ii Imp )i tint anllniti plvi of titi- (shlnz in llio 111 si net, asp inn rh he' will now ,ntHuth I n t i r i wi atl ( i i L In l In m ul1 i ii t, ui'l ii i s me sir ngi m u "cems with it sin hi. 11,11 mi cnnlis liungin win u-onnk' alks iisdHiiu in tin new idnlmi In Urn part ot ,nrt . Uentalus wh' hhisilsnl i n (lihurntcil ' " Mild led l'ro'iM ' his iiltlnh ci mi to Ti' ew oik to st ii Ihe wtl" m aunid il i Uicf Im this wrf , u I'roruii s 1 in nu was as ,.n, heirtj us (Mil lid hlmsir euuld wlsii i h u 's no ilouht tint tin pnlille llk llio 'on of ii-lsa iiitertaliiiiu-it Mr ( di n inn I lie-wnii this angiihce, OMidriwu as H 1- I u liu htu Y00 .Mileh follow j il o eutrn co of th ib urdly rustic characters, and which Is Incessant throughout the performance, proves this. Mr. (lolden s impersonation ot the old llucksport lunkeepir, whose sterling worth Is concealed beneath a nualnt and bomew hat rugged ex. tenor. Is likely to prove an attraction all summer. A special matlnet will bo given Memorial Dov. Tho success of ' Imagination " at tho Four teenth street Theatre nasbceuso pronounced that Manager Kosi nquesl lost i o tlmo lu ex tending tho stay beyond the original forl allotted. 1 ho duration of the engage ment now depends solely on weather law able to thrat re prosperity. Tho dialogue of " Imagination" Is bright, Its situations are very funny nnd Mr. Kosenteld has handled skilfully the liitioductlon Into an establish ment ot unquestionable iroprlely of a ben picked imnllst, under tlio Illusion that his i in lronments are other than nspectablc. A spetlal matinee will be given Monday. Hut one m ue week lemalnsot "IbeGrey M ire ' at the I j ceum 1 heatn , when the sui Clcinontan senson ends and tho theatre will o closed until tho return ot Mr. nothe-rn In Augtint. Tho wirkntthls theatre tho past year showed the highest nrtUtleiesultsthat linn jet bien uchlited by the I. ci uui coin piuj. 1 his has hi en shown In the demands inudo upon Mr frohmnns urgunlntion by I adj llountltul," " squire Uate." " Mem (iuthiim," " ihe (irev Maro" and the t pass "Whlti Hoses' and " I he organist." Miistot tin so plavs will be performed hj the c inpanj during the coming summer tour. Murk Murphy In "O'liowd'i holghbors" wlilbotbi aitractiuii at tho tnluinbusThea tio Mnndny, whin a stieclal Memoilal Dai miittnei willb, giicn Mr Murph) has been ti fun tho public for a good many years, but miir appealed to so gocd scnnntiigi usln "Olionds Ni lghbors.'1 lie is supported b) a ery good company. 11m popularity ot Hobby (las lor and his Irish cunrat'erlzatloi has won him an exten sion ut the engagement of "Sport McsllH tei ' at the liljoii Ihe haps, mishaps and ndienturesot thlsquj7lcai pugnacious and wltM ch-irsi ler nro (he Bourn sot Ulibnimdid Isugntir, with the aceompanjlng result of en wiled houses. Ceoigto I arkcr, n clevu plaier and graceful dancer, taintllo CleM ia nil, ;i sweil-olctd stngei.anita charactir quamt, with unique aud liking; contribu tions, art among tho more prominent people ot the bright company engaged by Manager Iliailj to summit his Irish stai. A special matlin e will bu glvi u Monday. Irip to (hhintowir is nt 111 drawing full houses to lloyt's Madlsun square '1 heal ro On ot tho nasons for Its great popularity Is, no doubt, the fact miteuiy week sumo new I nnd Inlenstlng ieatuie Is added. 1 oi next wick Mi. Charles II. Hoy t has sent down a lot ol new songs and sayings Managir Sanderson has prepared another stioiig bill of attractions for next weeks show at Ions Pastors. The list otiiiteriulii- i rs Is headed by tho popular tamos I. Hoe). I or tho first time In thret years Adams, ( asey and Howard will bo seen Uiiu comes Billy I carter, I'ctrle and Hlse, Will 11. Fox, Clayton and ,u linings, 1 Utlo Honrle Thorntou, Marlon and Hill, tno helson sisters, Morris cronln I am Miss 1 inma IlelL A moio entertaining voudeMlle programmo It would bodlflliult to airnnge '1 Ui fiurth week of "Friends ' begins at the standard Monda) Mr. llojlc's play has met with a success which wns hardly thought loslb'e when It was llrst produced. It has stcadll) gmwnln favor, and to such an ex tent t Inn It was found profitable to extend Us time. 1'rlncess Dolgorouky. tho llusslan violinist, will make her nrst appearance In Ami rlca at tho scadimv of Music to-night. She will irlie three concerts In New YorK before going on a tour of tho I nlted states At each concert she will bo assisted b) distinguished I uropean in lists and a large orchestrn, which she will conduct lu l liu principal selections. The I rliieesi will appeal Hi llusslan costume as w 1 11 as In W orth s latest creations. 'Ihe introduction ot specialties Is appar ent!) depended upon to prolong tho sta ot ' 11) slum" at Ileirmanns Iheairo Ihe added notoriety glcn to omene b) tho trial or hi i suit ngaltisl hoster A Hlal has led to hei ongibcmcnt b) tho managiment of "Hy slum, and slu will appear lu tbo harem teem, beginning to-night. A new burlesque, entitled " Pocahontas up to Date," will bo presented at Koster A. Dial s lor tho tlrst tlmo Monday night. Mons iJUIour and Mile. Hal tley, who havo created somithliig f a Mnsatlon, will appear In a now l nnlomlmo nnd chuactei dauces. Ibo latest Importation, tho Uoranl Hi others, are attracting considerable attention. Ihebal nueenr (heprcgrammo Includes carnienclia, Joseph Nalus, i eleier (enor; Samuel Deal In nnd (ho students Ihe new Aincrlciii historical hall at the 1 ilin Musee Is a ci eat success and eiokes the admiration tit all visitors lho group-, nro arranged Willi unusual skill anil tho ilgures delineated with that f dclllj to tho original fir which the Minee li noted. Fuwell lntro- , ducis now fi us In magic e ich week and Ma- 'jniun Is a show in lilmseli bnered concerts will In given tc-inumw John I' smith s new version of Mrs. Harriet I ei cher sunn s gnat work, "Incle Toms ( abln, will bi glvenaievival vvlthaspeclall) si lieleil c unpaji) ut II It I itobs Ihealro roxt will Many specialties will bo lntro du td, Hit liidlii.' the Creole Wnrblers, fclia Hublnsoii ind ( harlis sbury, the alabama (iuaiiet and twenty Mrglnla Jubilic singers lho attractloi nt the Kiaud Opera-lloiise nextweik will le kate Claxti n, suppmled bv an cxei lit nt coinpniiv lhat evei-pupular di am i, "lho Two Oihans will In pri bcnud, with . "-levenson as Jacques 1 n ih nd Mimiilal Dim 111 be eelebralod at Ildo lado on the I ali-nl swith a co-cert both ' nrieriii o i ami evi i lu? At nl;hi Pain i sous wlllmak a giand in i work iilsplai 'Ihese airiiitmi nts will mt Intirftro with tin. ngulai Sunday atternoon and evening con ceits. HuLirsMu eum on i-ourtee nth street pre sents in my u w ait lotions and m to than sustnlis Its rep.iillon Mnong tho sights an si); Mmly nnd monkeys Munsollui, the nick breaker iletx,, ihe glass dancer; the W ood h ei inltv i o Dal) md 1 earl, W ebster and etnlln tho Trevallle Waters and the heioot 1 levna, savo l'crovlc. ue u, l j AUNT JAKE'S MODEL 19' .Lft hucufln Atfcetii Kvcr'fi 3Tatrhiionial Plan J1-""" Which Was Xctttly Defeated. rap- iey- call ) Imvo ii'v uwii notion of what n gentle man is-niubt people havo, win n you the tome to tliiuk of it. Ten uibtuuee, sumo leopk rciml n ceitun teetiim of llio e louse nf t'oiinuDiis as geiitl'inen wlueli islnoisli, lint mil iiliKilult v irimiual, , ' wlii o oilii is resnnl rs u gintlr it n a m .u 0UI who spunls lis nit ut fico nu other nre jcupo Jut Mewtil run ni v point of mow, I fail In si o lmw any oi o ci ulil ri ven ignril aunt Jam 's biro us u -.cntii innii 1 up JSut perLnps 1 lutil 1 mttr tell you huv it nil t aim about I hml not lieen miir rieil louj to I.iiiv, about seven m nlit mouths, neilmps, when Annl T mo my Aunt .Inuo, that is camo to i nj us n visit. "J I illil nut invito Unit estiinalno femilt, im lne" filic ilisnenseil n lib nuv such list less ctre- per' mouv in iiiMtin' lursili, uml I pio. fesseil to be iilensul to tei hei I ilou t iun Know that we wanted hei, but whin ei" limiilen nuntH of inituru venrs uml full b il It aunlH who eit Iiie lint slliifis nigbtlv eXiitsH (Inn in ii liiiiuitli'ii to Mslt tier ul, lives is it lull 1 n dlco Uui i u Ii tives i n nut 1 1 ji 1 1 M 1 ilou t i tin ti u Mill mi-win ui, us 1 lllll s nit JI S IIM II s.tir I tt,i t7j() tbi I'ut .'(ini in ileiivid "imi (.imminent stink s i wasn't halt i bul ulil ladv, riallv uml ul nu ul she I ul notuiuv mini oi vie zv lie i iiibliiri vi u pt n do,' ,-ln hml uuiv inn in i nil intv she woulil not lubnit timt tie gmus gentle. man ri ina mil exliuit ' , ' " M i tnr, (hue is no meb us u oa' Koutb-uiau ' slui vvoulil ilniiut. Io l.iuj "' at me with a (Itclsiun v In h. vvlnn juti i come to thiiiK f it, wiibiiuito the levorsi """ of fluttering 'lheynii nil gone, nii,l ' Ibo lat of Ins men was Mnjur ) ulilwuutl. ' Ab' lho a njiir was u mist ilelUblful n- liliiu " " lreplicil iliplnnmlieally. that I liulnnt i.Hf doubt tlio liut-niiletil, how could 1 when M the virtues of tbut -01110111111011 Major I were hj tospmU ic! eil lit me till in) '1 pioral eplilerinis was positively bore t ,. trnuiwlmt I tiiulilcnllier this D'Oisaj- liii enni.(bfsiBtt!elp, with n dash of (be Cid oif aid Jlnvnrrt lad been nu ndmiror of 'f Aunt Jaue'Biomevv Lore buck in the tvv en. .?' ' u what na(1 become of him or how Ibis admirable Cnchtou perished I bad nevei heard ' snui! ft gentleninn," mint went on, j nno pnriiiulnr night when sbo was inoio , tli in usuullv m nt 1 nit utul 1 It wns a gieut Bliuil, to uio when bo vvinl iiviiu but 1 irtuuistuuetis, (Jiurge von uiiilt rstuuil 1 I now tlio pool dear It How lilt it an I us Im me1 Hut tlxre, I (11 1 i'i I ilinw h veil " I txprt soil 111 tlecp siur'ath) with .this 1111 sty ii'il luiiiiiiiu, nnd was lust tiding t,i blast out n tribute to the Major's milium whtn tin ro rune ni lug nt the liuil mid Ditseutlv the parlor mind en liiid VMtb 1 luuk ti e lfiersii tif iilinsant, nnd 1 urrj mg a dirt j , dog's-eared card on n h ilvtr " I'll no sn, lho gentleman is in tbo I ilinw ug-iooui, ' A 11 me oiplmued, " ami I I wn- tti j'lvt tins enrd to Miss l'attorbon." I Auul Jnno gave 0110 gliuico nt the enrd 1 mid then turned deadly inb. If llio ilntlcr ot I.iis 111 1 1 rsou liml sent las 1'iiril in shu could not luvo be, 11 tuoie ngitnti d and trv to digtuso It ns she might illstiessod also IhoU',' she Fniil, in a let.nie.lio. d ii n .iml.tlie a o 1 n " it's tbo dear Mnjor - Al iiu Ho dwood- of whom 1 was just peaking Will nil ask linn 111 l.t ro ' ' " Won du't it I botler it yon xvtut Io tl n dinning ronin " I xtntured. 'Hticb a vor ill of vouratbnt renll), u tluips" Not for worlds " Aunt Jane brokn out, xilif neutl) 'I would ralber not 1 mean it would look luoro soc able, mid time is 11 lire here. I dare sav be bus clmiii-ed n grtnt deal, poor man but nothing can di-gutsothe gtutlciiintt " It ktoineil to uui wben 1 got tothedraw. ing.rooui that the giutleiiian was pretlv well ilis.-uised in liquor. Of course. I ib u't profess to bo sui b a connoisseur in gentlemen as Aunt June, but if Major llultwiiod wns one, then let mo remain tbo loudest Mrry that ever desecrated I suburban London on a bank holiday. , saw before ino a tali individual, who . bowed to mo with uu exaggerated flourish of bis proas), curly -briuiuied bat. Ho wns wearing an equally timo-worn froek- runt, tlgbtl) buttoned across Mb cbest. n pair ot trousers liberally- adorned xvilb lringe at the heels, and bis boots might nt one tune have been tnsbiouable. He had la renulsive, leering; face, with little bloodshot eyes, and a noe bulbons and 1 bblumg, tba xvbol being ffeclivcly set SPQHIIN6 NEWS Ai NOTES.! McCarthy and Burn3 Said to Bo in Fine Form for Their Battle. College Athletes Preparing for the Ncxx' Jersey A. C. Onmes. The sports now bavo their eves directed I towards Cone) Island On Monday nlglrt tho programme provided by tho Athletic club ot the W 1 st lnd will bo presented under more favorablo circumstances than evtr, ntullhe card will be a drawing one. C'al McCarthy, ot Jersey tit), and Hobby Hums, of 1'iovl denee, will lio the stnis of tho evening, and I the) nre governed by ilrcumstantes that will I Insure a hot tonlest. '1 hey nro to bstlli In n I twenty-foot postless ring lor a purse it 1 2,600, governed by Marquis ot jueenbcrrv I ruli sand the gloves nre to be ot reguUtl m pvilght McCarthy Is viry anxious t 1 win, and a)s himself that ho has dono lltth, or nothing, of late, tog t back Into the good graces ot thosowho lost on htm, In his light I with Dixon at Troy. McCarthy has w hlppt d I Tomtn) W arn n and Tommy callaghan In the mi an time, but he does not count these Mi ti tles as iifTectlng his standing hero to any I gnat degree, and he Is anxious to show his 1 Northern friends that he Is still In the ring lie Is said to lie looking rimarkabl) well A well-known sporting man, In slftng cnl up, sntd: " When McCarthys clothes don t I tit him you can bet ho Is In condition He has 1 been taking on his supcrnuous flesh at 1 asy stages and docs not look at nil weakmolb) his riductton In weight. Ilo Is now nt Coney Island nnd Is working llko a beaver, with Jack O'Mara and Tom Collins keeping an eye on him " Hums has been dolnc all his trnln I lng at Coney Island and Is anxious to win this contest. Ho Is regarded as a game nnd clcv cr fighter, and, whllo ho has not earned tho rep utation for himself that his opponent has, ho thinks hn Is In a fair way to ilo so Hoth men aver that they will be down totho requlrid 118 pounds when they weigh In on Monday alternoon lho preliminary battle, which is limited to right rounds, between Fddlo 1'lerco and Willlo henny Is attracting considerable at tention. I lcrco bos bieii tho pride of tho Nonpareil Atbli tic Club for a long time, and was one of the nun who caino under Father Hill curtlss h suspension act, and has decided to enter the prole sslonnl ranks. Willlo Kenny abandotud the nmntiur lists last Inll, whtn he met Alex (lallngher lor six rounds, and the latter, although a heavier man, failed to stop him He then mot loinni) tnhugnan In a small glovi -tight, and Cnl lagnan punished hlin badly. Kenny and l'ln cu aio game fighters The men from Chicago gave tho (Hants a lesson In tlio science ot ball-pla)lng vester da) . ilecause tho Now 1 orks got to tho wind ward of tho Windy City players onlhurs da) Iwlng thought he would astonish the spectators with a repetition Ho did nok do so, howevir lub) went Into the box for Chicago and the clants managed to work In thrie hltH, which netted a total of ono iuu, w hlli c hlengo made lour runs. Pal Powers, tho ow lorks manager, Is getting rather tired of repeated di leats, and talk f I an earthquake striking lho team Is current. A general shaking up has been threatened lor sorao time, and it Is now given put ns certain that Bteps will be talon to comrcl tho high-priced cilants to play better ball over In Hrooklyn tho local Interests were sadly niglected. Wards btara havo been shining brightly thus lar this season, but they went down before the st, I ouls team In a hurt y yesterday. Ihe score was 1 1 to 1 in favor of "der Frowns ' 'I hi HrookDns seemed to bo out of Joint from the box donn I LouisMlle touchid up Huston II) to.l, l'hlla 1 delphla was ded ated bv Cincinnati, H to 11 Wastili gton led I'Htsbutg 11 to 4,nudcli ve land defeated Haltlinore " to " In tho tlrst I lame, and 10 to ,'1 In tlio second I (mints schedulid lor to-da) arc Clurmtoat fiw ork ICtutli nati nt Phlladel'a 1 St 1 ujn at llro ,kl)ii, l luielftnil al IUItimoro. ljottiaTllle at II utun 1'itlntmri; at VVadtiltigl n A largo field of college athletes are ex- SPECIAL BARGAINS. S90 Safeties for S60. I $40 Safeties for $28. I hare iii"t pcrLlinpil .00 Jt in lull Bill fifarliiK afet.f, 1H in ct atuun tin1, totnertililn fcrliit.rfl or nentlpiiien ThB wbcia havo lor mrly bf ii sold at i) and itp miw ottr t for oi o wrtk oiilj at toll Wv 1 are pnuhineil llio rtitiri htcvkul iuj build lire Nuui atet taft t i- .' lib wlifrli Cat ijuicii.a I be ttttk Id limited nnd they will Efll (piitk at theatufu price J a tfrrn of j aju fni if desire 1 ri.CK JL N, tJH Nntnnu St.,N. . hiriiTlLAWN TENNIS (tiiliilii'l-Sifl Kill, sui Hit- (.nine I rr . I lvrtt!flBKlM iierlllliltM ouill lot lulls l'KCK A "Ni IllJIt, llM!RHMiiit.,.N. . off by a maps of lilncl., sodtlcn louking whiekers, with which Ins nil, unilulous cheeks v cro fitlullv atlnrnetl imi cnnio to sen Miss I'ntterson '" I nskoil looking nriiuuti to sen if nnv Hung wns niiFsiiig. "Is it possible you uio Mnjor liolilvvooel '" " I reckon I am," llio lniliviilunl io. piled graciously ignonng tin sonuvvliat etUivnial tone ot the iuoliou. "In (lillillioo l's munv litnir. mi boy wi bpnrteil together iiillnig lluwi rs of fnmv in the girilen i f (hu ineutorv Mie win Iniletueil line wouiiin sii ami between us tbeie natseil siniiinnts woilhj nt I'aul nml v m turn or Hero mil l.t an U r 1 anil also ilncj d mi anil 1 ve. lunis she " I Itegartling tin uieetinc botween titil June nuil her lenttldtalof a geutliiiiun I will not sav niijlbing. '-In proft'--Io bu delighted tbo delight iWasiclv liltileiriil sbooV liniids with tin model 1 1 all u nmn slould bu mill went, with a gl anlv innlo on In r f lee to bed, vvliiie sue had a lit of Mtileut lis I ti ms, tit i luring ltrsilt bubsiiiicntlj to I bo the in ist mist rabli wiiuiu 111 the I Minlii, which, when juu cnnio to think I of 11, H not what might lime been ex I poded uudei Hit eiisuiustanins i I ' on have leen uvvnj Irom rnclund fomo timo ' ' I suggested, when at length i I found nu si ( alone with tho gallant warrior, who snowed but littlo disposi tion In leave. "I have' lie iipliid. belping luinsolf I to nnother whibkey without eerenionv "I'vo leen iiwni for years Irving to Irarvo out a lirtune for luysilf, and nt length I've succccdod. 1 said to myself 'Adnliiluis inn o vou are lu vond hortlid cans you slnll lit vour lliouglits lofor In June mi anuig J ur Aunt sir And ' nfler nil Ihese v ears I'vo i onto lirnno, trip to the gill 1 bit behind me ' I "'liuth aud constnnev are nlvvuvsto 1 o nilmlred," I said "nnd if tlio qui s. tiou is not a iildo (me what (to you pro pose to no now '" He vvinKi d at mo slvh neross llio tnl It. Ho wns von fin gone Iv this time but nil sense bad not deserted tluit bi mused, lnuddltd bead I " Mnrry her, my bov," bo xclnimoil "Mmry my tbioj pansy blossom, (lot I up another bottle ot wluslei aud drink bticiiss to the bluslun' bride." I did not get up uuy more whiskey, but I got up ilajor Iloldvvi od and led linn to the door. There a ero live or six stein to go down, and he went down them with, out ony aid of luino.u stern sell. denial for which I hope the rocnrtlmg nugel will i duly credit me. Hut vre all havo our moments of happiness and when I saw that sun of Mars roll headlong down those steps I felt as if life had its hours of bins aud that there is something in ex lsten:e after all 'lo the astute reader I need not remark that we had not seen the last of the gallant 1 Major Bold n ood bv a Jong chalk, lie did cot come so much iu the evening, as pected to compete in tho games ot the New Jerey Athletic club nt Ila)onne on Monlav" TheNevr Haven athletic club sends a taiu1 nt six, nnd among them is (I 1 Bandtonl.wh I won thoiiuaiter-inlloatthe neent llaivard-' ale games. Ihe Harvard nthletii team will be well repri sent oil, and the) will also carry the colors ot the II iston Among tho-t in-1 tered arc I II. Illts, Joe Mehuls d W sihead. (,. t' llrown, () luiHlieldti, c. 11 liar-1 dcen, I' 1 Unneran and II long ihe 1 rlncilon inllego will lurnl'h a num. bcr ot Its best alhliiis. as the students are anxious t i ei the I rlin tt u ( ollege lacrosse team play Hie Si w lorks Alnntigiho I ilnei liin men that win e inpelt an I Itir-I die rung, Irving lirukatt, il. W. Hitts. (. II swan, c Hlnik, I 11 l ratio and i.l llcnel en i 'lho lornill I nlverlly will also bore) re sentoJ, uml the I litirrsltv nt l'l nnvlvatila I lee, W Henry llansi 11 and 1- I M C bun h to i ouipetc for It, Intrles hnve ulsu been rccilved f rum the follnelng ilulii Niw York l .Manhattan A. C, Xnvler A. ( , I rosi eet Ilniili is st suphens , st (leorgn c, lionlitsiir , A , of Hi ston (Inrlleld . c, corn . , Wayne I Hlnbeth A ( ., uraiigt i , Iorlllird I c, V in una Hint ( lub, Ni w nrunswiik ( (iilumlli c , siirrelk c ,tf llostim null i many othi rs. . I ' ' . ' 1 Seerelar) (' ( Hughes, of the Manhattan i Athletic l lub, t n els hi si i snino good wi rk I doiu at the l lull s atiiiuil spiing gninis it Manhiiltau I It Id llondiv lu lulling abnut the tvint he said "(it uuri wi art sirv I we hail to pistpune i m H inns last t utirda) I but that fact will not atTtii the ipinillv ot I thospnrt atl), as wo eiptet to give the best st t in spring gimnnii Voiulav el glvt n bv the ( lub We havt i.rintir fat miles tlinii I t vtr tcfore nnd thoiiick athlites ot this vicinity are ( nti rid After w ittlng mam months for the com pinion ot thill mw cliili-house, the cresciut Athhtle (lub will forniallv open llsmii, nlllient mw umiuer huiim al Hav Itldge tt ilnv Ihe building Is a inotli 1 from asm lal , md nihil tie slaiidpuliit, nnd will doublltss prove a gnat allractlun to tin members of Mho clubdurlng Ihe Miiniiiir I lie i reseents have nlso ovirhauled tht Ir boat-house and tli ct of boats, nnd aro well equipped tinman aquatic stanilpolnt. Ii mils ana cricket will have tho tall among tho II, 1 1 sports during the senson. 'lho club has a large new ath letic Held, on which the l iiib s roo(ball-pl)-irscan train for tlio championship ottho Amuteur Liilou this 1 all Tho members of the Acorn Athletic club nre making good use of theli new tlub-houso on 1 Itth nvcniii, llrnoklrn Ihe Club has a large number ot atliktis In training for tno siiinmu games nml soine ot them are slitiw lng up lu excellent torm Ihe l lub holds a set of membi rs' gauus once a wet k, and tlio memtiernlilp has almost dniililtd In tlio list, two months lrclmnt i unimlng Is highly elated at the progress his Club Is making. Manyot the oarsmon from this clt) and long Island who are toconuetti inthevarl nus i vents ot the 1 assale lilvir regatta at itwnrk on Monday will tnko lliuil spins to morrow the clubs all ug lho II lrlem will bo better reptescnted at tht ugntta than of any other locality, except those on lho 1'assalc There are sports In this city who nre firm In their belief that the hiillivati-corbett iKht will not take placo beloro the Olympic Club, otcvv Oilcans. A dinner will be given lu honor of Ind Johnson, the yngllsh pugilist, at cone) Island lo-monow night. Monday, May 30, " THE EVENING WORLD" will be printed on Bluo Paper in honor of Memorial Day. The Kind TI107 Llko. ron Sirl 1 Manager lour play Is marvellously gcod It's one fiult Is that It la beyond the abilities of my company. Dramatist Then how con I ever get It pro duct d' Manager ou rin easily get on amateur rnnipaii) to underuke 11. In n Drue Storo. Frn i ttrrrt if Sm(lA' Goat ,etrt J alr cnsiomir I sent rn msll hire icr 'Oine slleklng-plailei nnd vm gave her a porous plaster New Huv Ycs'm Tint's the stlcklngcst plaster 1 know or. Wasted Enorrry. lrnm Truth J Chappie Whenever I nm Indaubt nbcut a matter I stop and colli et my thoughts I Jessie I th iitglit u i.r innii atttiidcJ to ill thedl'-igit ible llltlo t this n:J i ail- Very I.lkolv. III .MM I "liljoii on vlr innklngien cantrneo I his m i isli i lui k to tin thiol ' " i I im sum hu has lull rlted his fear ot wvei, lieu ' ! SPECIAL NOTICES Ac Ilnrrv Tl It oplii rmiK irfieut lair fi ,m fal itia. t ut, rule, t t nil a ill hour abjndai t FROM THE WORLD OF LABOR. In lsot about l.KOO girls wero graduated from tho l.oton cookln chool. Wnltets t nlmi No. 1, has reduced Its In-1 Itlntltn lie to .' lliehnrmouy question will bo coiislderul lit tt vuek list of sal ions aid restaurants whero bovcittid btir Is sold has be( u Issued by I ocal Assembi) H, liu), K. ot I. Alo and Hur ler Hi ewers lho initiation fee of I edernl fnlnn So. ", -tus Hittilcal Workirs, has lieen raided to ,) foi nallvo Mnerhaus and (hill to tnielgiiers IheJIallltnore 1 libel ( nnferenco will Issuo nnuuillih biillellu nils distributed free of to,t. to bring union labt Is lo tin uotlei ottho publli. Ibis mi ruins tho tarpinteis weio with drawn in in the dr.ind mitral Mitel, whero tin lronworkirs and huiuesmtihi Inaug united a i,ciicral slill.e. Sit Monday the sulking varnlshers will le paid their wtekl) strike Ixuint I heir pliktls ii port thai two "scabs havclHcn uigigi I by I ottler t: xtymus. In id ss! ml ly 1 74-', K. (f I . llnchestcr, N 1 , Is inlli rtlug t vlttence in Ic presented I ilin Hoard nt llinlthtil that clt) ui regard intli -iim ni MiotuMintid ban el-, lor Hour. liu sllilin't ( nil ago havo I et n success ful Intiulr strlkt lot $lfi pr lutk, no per nut. nmn fir nv rtlmo and tin siturda) halMinlldiiv In .tutu, Jult and Migust liu pliiinbirs at st 1'iul, Minn have gone n-ltlht in nil but onoot tho shops nt that u v mid thill ilemnud tnr eight hours Is iu I) in 1 1 grnnli d within n ft nihjs. Ml rut lit r Is an Odd 1 ell w !' boasted n lltilt biy ' Mid in) fallu i Isa 1 reeinason' i Hot (lit nilii r, and thats lilslur, (or the hi Kill ws wult on tho niacins. "(hIuk He If.' I Iirns-Werkers 1 nlon No ,11 has elided J I tniMtr, I'nsldint, I Vlilioniilil, Met- I r M h nt , .1 J Kouuul) s ti t my -1 ii as on r W Hti K, Ithvard Utrgeralil, Uiorgu I I irk and II. (I WllkeH, irusltis dtb He upon tl e subject if' lho 1'nllev of Hie sodilists galiist the Nation illsts, ' I will tiki place al tin linli ki ibotkcr Const r mton bitween 1 rot Daniel Do l"on and lawjer lhadileus II. Waktliiui, to-murion iiltirimi n at I oclock. I In oriranled sailors and fit cmen ot (irenl 1 ir n ii I ii are nutating tor im act of Parliament eninpi Ilin,' inplnlns m d owners of vessels to glu sicurlt) lor thu pa)in(nt of wntesbi tort thu men aro tuken on Ixiam the Bhlp. 'Ihe Hrnnklvh cablnit. makers sa) that trade Is Improving. I nmn No N has union li d the shop of Hoss ngner I ho members win nquistid to always havo their lards with Hum when nt wink. Death biucllt nasi ssuit nt Ni. i I Is due on lul) 1 Ihe working nu tubes nf the Iurrltis I ul ni an to pay thilr strike assessment nt tin headquarters nf the Ixeiutlvo com mittee Hull om ii 11,111, I Ifth sued, ottho tliliiv-iwo bosseR ot whom the ilght-h ur da) was dcmntuliu twdve havo granted Hit demand lo slop the nbuso of mt n buying their union cutds without Joining lho i rgauirntlon tho Mm blue Mini rs' lilvlsim ot oh o has IJlsul (ne 1 ii 1 1 lu t Ion fio lo 'i, mil no man win In iliowttl tu work In tin mints unless he can sh iw a recopt lor his lnltl itlon fee 'Ihe liirthiilio dot Hallnnv lrnlninen and the Auialgumalid Assiclatlnn ef lmn and stil WiukirH have proclaimed a boyeotl ogalnst the ( mnbrla Iron Works at Johns town, Pa , for rifu-lng to ralso tho wages of theli workmen and to recognlro thtlr or,niil mions. I'i 1 xieutlvo cimmlttie nt tho Vnrnlsh eis Lnlon lipuits that during the six weeks nf tin Ir eight-hum strike only two ot their ineiiili rs hau be'ome "scabs," one at the sh sof llradley currier and the other ut Hoss Ullpitllck s. The typefounders, compositors, stereo typic, iicssmen, UthOk.rapncrs ond in iinvirs of Hueiios l)n hive formed a Muling lrndes I imnill, ei nslstlng of tlnei seetlous, who'O dtlci,ales me separated ae ciu ilin,-in tin tr nailonalltlis 1 reiich, Span ish mil Italian Tho West Mrclnla Tabacco (ompnn), nf W hilling has enured Into ah ngtitmcnt with the Wi -t Mrglnla I)ltilit if the I nltcd Mlne-Wiisers to Ut tlfrtl that the latter will push tho .tods of tin company In all liiluisof the Male, when fore tho toinpaii) will in) ,i pir ci nl ot lis iroiits Into iht tundof tlio mltitrs I In mint rs of Monongah, o, have been sin (esiul lu tin II hght lor tht appoliitmeni ol cliitk-wtlghmtu, mi lnht It ul I'll which is to prevent iiiltit rtrom Wlutr cheated out of pan of the wi ight tu roai mm d ,iv them 'lie ton.panlis h ul ahillshitl 11 c-e he k im Ulil k r , wlileli thy unl in had apjdiitid sevi'sl viuib igo A stilk, is tht rniise quiiii e, ui d tin lOmpni) was oimpi lied to . 1 1 tin n to tho honest wdglilngf "in Walking Deltgatt Hlwurd V 1 1 uis'lilln, ot 1 1 n,riKslvt J'llntirs I I Ion ;,o 0, In Ists that ihe boss whom "in Hoim-l auittrs I nlon declares tn bi auiilui boss has uivir h ul a unto i shop mid al 1 unh n wniies I ut in ce In his liu. Mr Mel niilillnndds that I e nlv aysiiriwnlreu slhtirsas unlun men i"ho iitiltii iitilon vr, wi rk union hours .nut belong to a b mi Mil, lab r organization liu new i m t rs fthecnr tnsiiitois 1 ro tee Ho AssoiliiiUn an orrt.t iron, 1' isi i lib t , ,1 II. luic-t, supriliie llilil.c.s POSITIVE CURE (a, lll-l it I a.11 'V lirvllll (.fiicra and M Hill's 1)1 HII Ul Wialn.s of II ai d I Mlml I tlfot of 1 rro.a or lirM,ti Ir OM or 1 tine llnwlo nlarse anil utrnslhf n IV I AK, II Mini Kl Ol I lllllllAManii I'Anrsol lit 11)1 Aluiuls.., untlllini HUM! IKI-ArMi.M- I IILHM u a i)a Mru lrllry from 51) Mats and I I tirfix i lointris ttnl, IIipiii IleMriptlTA i ool rtt Uiiatltin ami 1 r, ( fs tuallril laaaUd) () AJUrr.. I. Ill I III Dlt VI. CO., Ui Maiara it ., Ililllulo ..N V. a wi ii-ini i imi mow i Alii Tin inmsTW ik iiitov his naex I wns nl boino then nn I in) v cws on the ' Or, at luslii v Qui stion 1 v no means no nn 'i 1 with his moro 111 1 1 il nle is U inv .'. hi spudllv hei in i nn ti nitl I gnti 1 i ui line to nn little wiles miiiui i (h i'e so, ne win iirn'iDlliTWi niut rcul v slop ibis " I, in v Mini iint' liu mm, insl is I wns leiviug nu I'm tv 1 osi tnl ills n scand ii mil tit tiiigbbois nm uegii uiiig tu intiiu ,1 '( e iiir-e duir iiut Inuu s inone v w uld 1 1 u tful, nut i ut i nist diaiv tin Inn siiiuwlieii I He. hi s 1 ku v slit is in tiiallv in tirroi of 1 nn nnd 1 1 in w she sim.ilv ivis bun I every pennv of In r lniuini Iiop, uil upon upon it vnur aunt would be tiuitt us glad to 1 1 rid of this -'until mini us wi si uiild " " Wi II. .lack will I c 1 lie in n louple of ilnvs nnd hi can try his Iiiunl ul kinpitig that rulhiiu in order, mid un iinwliilu 111 consider a plan to get rid of lmn " .lack wns inv wife's brolhir n sailor, mul, sooth to say , a bit nf u rolling stout, although hn had only out great vice an utter inability to settle down to auytKcg. Jack was not a favorite with Aunt Jrtno he had nothing to lone l) not conciliating her, and I determined to ti'o him lo fiually get r d of Major Hold w noil. I saw the gallant Major In tl e street two days later as I was walking towards Char ing Cross htntiou to meet inv Ian . ta. j ,, i- ,x-iw.UMisy. - ian-V is niipeniaii I nil altered eonsider nidi for Ihe I ti r nnd uitottlitr hn wote uu mr of pro oi it) unusual to lmn. l nn't idwav ' sn 'iird iinpt iirunces," lit iiplun tl rit.uiding Ins ilnrid gar uu ms Willi uu tie of erllienl approval ' I'i i n iiiouil i ii 1 lot tin io rr ilin s when priil' n list be hwinlovvnl, ivlneh rciiiiuds un Ilntim my. faun r' by tli" mm, and It tne I 1 uiif v, ha I i was loing 1 found inv si If in one nl tin 'union iilrisbunut romi while tho Maior orderui u bottle ot Muuiiii Willi tin l nllv mr of ono who jiosst mih tl o ; In i "Well ben s t imi, ' lie said, Iigbtlv as hi lilted IiIb g ass "I In gal I in 1st It nil, if ymill (euso uio Most lutpottimt uppn'i tuieiit 1 lluiost btforn 1 1 1 ul 1 turn round the I Major wns off I hn I looked up just I qilicl.1) enough to cat h u glimpse of all unusually wliito, fn.hteutd face ami n pur ot bluo, trembling ill's the uieiuitig of which 1 lould unl uudi rktnnd We aro almost alone in the refreshment- X' 21, to sonfaring men being there be. situs ue nnd ns I liu knd up at them to see if I could note aiiytlimg in their ap. poarnuce calculated to alaim tho bold iiiililufiv, imagine my astonishment arhen my eye encountered tho familiar features of my brother-in-law "I came up from Greenwich by an ear. 4 ' 'J-,1. .s ! . 1 arrolt, Asslatant (hlef, I K. 1 vens, He. curding Seen tar). 1- C 1 rust, HiiiinMal huntirv, John Slci alx, Inaunr i I, itaph furd, lunl ir Inspeitnr , o W i am it v, i hapl 1 1 ii , W II Johnson, W W I aw s loinblln, J. InnghatRI. W 1 Wallers, W II Kendall, 1 rustics, J V Htrjolin, t lit. r Deputy , (leorgi fcontt, supremo orginler Ihe organisation has deeldid to publish a monthly journal i "llnrd times make rig! 1 economy Impera tive Hot snip, ," eents, with klass "f lei r or I California wine, at No so nnd so I os AhKoiea street this advertisement irom a sn j rnn. Cisco paper which nmtaltis an mioiitit f n banquet by the 1-dlltirlal Ast elation I tin Inllid states, at which Harstow Win I tla), of Maryland, gave the lollmvlng toast to cnlltornla "land of minis, land o' vims loft) niountalns, cr)Ktnl t nntnliis swietisi posies, lovel) flowt is. irngrnnt mwirsiiiMi with perfum-d breee, blowing thr iifli Hio crntige trees , i illti rnli we ililuk to 'nu ABOUT THE SIZE OF IT. IVnm Ju III I Mr Mieklefrlilr (as ho troumes his son) This will teach )ou never lo till a Hi Ion are a dlsgiaie loynur family Mr Ftiekletrld? on tils way rtnwntnwn Ushl wh), in) ileal Mr Indirlln, 1 rnuglit n llnundor out there ns big us that wi U-htil Inline en pounds. Morelr a Rolioltor. (Irom I vttt I ,41 &. u Meek stranger I nm hunting for work. sir. Have you ony scrubbing, washing or cleaning of an) kind you wish done" Jilr. Morrison Is?ex lou don't look like a I man for Hut kind of work Hleek mimum r 1 am not, sir It Is for my wlft I mainlining won. Ho Hasn't Enid Anything1 Since. I Tr m Ihr In limrij.ill, J.i.irn ,1 Mr. W Ick wire Hire Is something ) ou ought to read an article on ways u woman i ail save money. Mrs. Wlckwlre noestt say anything about bei remaining single Tho Propor I orHon (A ,n ni i "Whodo vou suppose will leal tht'slngln In the next wc'rlii ' st I ein.of inur'e " "Why shunt In lend? "He has tht hi) Worso for tho Nephow. rr nil' IrrH II .JUv 1 l'cturnel Iraiellir Is tint rich old bacheUr undi ot ) ours dead yi 1 1 I lltjt (de'i tledly)-Wtir e, a thousand limes j win-so HoK iiiariltd and (.ot ibib). , lit r train." ho oxplalm tl ' 1 l.ntw vou would conic to met t me, so I just loulml lu lit it till It wns tltiju to look vou up Vml bow's 1, ut), mid how's my dear old friend. Aunt Jam ' ' ( ab wo drove towards inv o'lico I ix plume I tho situation. Jack wns nvti) uiiu h )ouug r man than 1 am nnd full ul nniLual spmls Jit imis.itct ot an earlv etitountcr littweiu luiuself tindllu'dwuod pli used lmn liiiuii n-i Iv , "Anvtliiug ti obllgt b" Slid leioni I moiluiuul) " lVrliaiis the old lull u iv ' live to thank un vti.uud. v 1 n l.iiovvs liud n i orner for me in In r will " I Wh iliil not st thu Mnj r nnin fur nearly n wnk, which, pi rliiip, un) hn nieouiitod t i li) the Inct ihnt iiiint had i ieuiillv diiiwn her half vearlv ' nn nils I Ihi lo was siiinellilug lml i lulls if it hud j mil In en pniuf'.l in tin vvuv in wl it b she still t lull i, pilt uslv to her lulliii ilol nml , I strtivt in vuili to discolor lavoinbe I p nits in Ins , harm li r. i lit ntnruid nt length us I Knew lie would one night ji c li t nm fur diunir 'lli was n littlu nitl sobt r than iisiinl, juiiini, dniibtlibs tush itnoss i f ti n I' ll WILS Oil tllO polllt Of lllslMlbSlll ' lllll win ii Ji. k ihiiio into tho drawing n nm, whore 1 was iilimi wilu inv uuwiliouie visitor ninl immediately I miv hi iimc iiutd em h nil ir li ik looked veil grim nnd Icttiiiiiiud us he eoufioutid thu un hupp) Muj r ' I think ' ho mid "tint Ihnvethe i pleasure ol v our uopi initiiui t I pnu ui) soul )ou me inidnkeii ' Unldwond repllod firvuiitl) "I ham never Im n in your ut ul the i mutry 1 ineaii 1 bnve in it i mi u vou 1 1 fore " 1 nlwuis tiiln n guitliiiinii s word," .Tuck sn I us lit, tuini a on hi-. Iieel. "1 bee s mniiv fin is uml wt urn nil liable to iir a, tin lot! itiiiin Is ns ' I With tliso iv n ils he bit tin room making nm a sign vi'iirh 1 mil putitlu .lean tint I miist di tnl i l iv voi'ir V ' ft runt h ' tba' s mt wt o, mt t xi i sine wns on tl, i -, ire In, i i v is ,ln hope li-pt Ibu ns 1 uiiud the grt ileal ilitlluulti in pirsi ilng uiygu-t to re umiii ' It was a tin(t iiienl, the Mnjor s Hurul eonitrsnti mil powers bin ng itiipiinutlv desert d I un fur u liiuiiiiut lli dnl nut I eat luili b but drunk if unv tiling itrit'e , more than usual he wns nstlesi mid ill i utilise, and from t li t tu tiuu lusnnxi us glance r sttd furtivilv un links solium 0 muteil line 1 lu-. disquietude wns Iv uu nitniis It sseued win ii the latin lav tug rtttred tutlu tlriwing room link n -" i and. locking the dour, put the key in ins pocket " How long hue you known this gen tlemnu I ' he asked turning to me mid lighting a cigar, wnh cool tinpluisis. ' 1 am not asking out of idle curiositv " Hold wood pulled hiuibelf together. I rould see that he did not lack pluck of a certain bullying order, aud, moreover, I the wine had stimulated him, " Now look here," he said, with an at- 1W I EME.VT3 UUfll W Ul IK (.Ml. 11 VI no. I I OMM llll I MS I VI I I) I Vl) r -li tsl, ti r c k i njiat I V i'i ilyrnr 1 1 alV aunt s , i , ir., , nr ii a i I in I Ma), r Iti in I a I n. t k n la l I I Up n man As t.t i,v ( ri i I I Inrf ail r h,i tr rk I raiia n , millloi ,ni r I III M I n ' W i la ii a i I I -, l i ti il pilar ii ,- r! arn I i i I -1. W 1 t t I li I, In K i In - V i I r i nm nan Sain t i i i at In t VI r-l I III Villi Ma I, i a i I Ma, i I i i i i t Vlai r Vt ni VI i i. ii an i Vt i r ,, , a III Mil ,11 t Mar i Iff I T I at I I i n I I i Iv l'l i I li 1 I III I'I III nulla, s lllllllllu VI111I1 n tOe I - k 1 . a I is I 1 if ir It l i P VI H BJ Hi r HTH ST. PALACt MUSEUM. W I I k III Mil I 1 I I 1 1 II M VV ZORONA WiV" ALLIGATORS, UNDINE. A LIVING MtRMAIU. AnnalttM r .- n. w i -tar ! m. ItAII t I ni itl Kfl I ft R t-rtt t I A uRONCrlO'ko" '..W.'V INDIANS'! Hahl, " . 1 - T t M it 10 I ntr 1 Iv 1- r Ms I 1 ton BRUNZ & NIUA'6 LITTLE IIUGGEfS, In I t ling Ma 1 i km. i r 1 MnrrNim i i'ny t tli Mi i inn I ii 1 M t i m t i nm t tl 1) IH All tH 1)1 (ill il i tj i i , l- I I 11 A i I n tin 1 ot) i r 1V1U 1'IM I loll MM MIulsl Mot Mt.M 1 ml t iur Mill A Mlrt-nl JH.iW t IMi I 1 1 nr ili f 1 Mi IN 1 S i i 1 j) I 1 a.T I Imi Kt n it itm n I ill U I I k I M .1 V iH) kl I I . lltnilil vtll I I i i nri L tit Itl t j 4 M ) pt I l p- r Ml mtK a I k- t ilH i 1 nN I Vi 1 b I II il t i i it j 1' tirtiHn lf rAtioNtlAy 'ACADEMY OF MUSIC. TO-NIGHT. 1 1 e lirM npp arnn n i t tl a c, lt-1 rate I Id ..! IN 1 llll IMSI, PRINCESS DOLGOROUKY. A Kranit i ii lipntrj ah 1 thT la nn la it TONY PASTOR'S , nuiu i i i ii im u 1 1 ai ii i. UYYN IttAVKl Ml JAs I OKI", CUflW . M 'I I' Ml IVI I) 1 l) OnUU, IMISKAI 1IALI I OIL i ituLMI.' Jttlsll II I III AI - MVIIill III DAI I IK III Mill Ilia 1'vrlelan llan, Dnntllatf. II. IM I Ol II IMI Hilt. II II! I 1,1 1 . AL 111 1 II I I IIHIISIJII MIVll.lllS. Nlt II in Ia tl i N 11 irl, lue I'm iihin I i. HERRMANN'S. T.V.Wi',, Mir, lal Matltia, 1 I I HUV S llr rail I, Hit CI Vl IM l.rnrra A Inuaaio 0 LLIOIUIVI, PEOPLE S Vlr III Mil l MINI II I'roprlstor IRISH INSPIRATION. ,UH.,L llll HOI SI IIS llll MM. sll ' DECORATION DAY. Twrnt) tlilrl unUltl Ilci i and datum nf St 'trick a Aliltu t Atiiftitit it I inpfti (It t nl Mfiun mi iM ai 1 I Rt Hitft Monda) Maj 10 Ilk-Mi A Imittii g b t t man tit Ma 1) 0 DR. MnGLYNN. ""''MU'IN1?.'. hill II II AMI S(i m Mt 61 II AIM Al, I'll Ml iomss wiiiin aii v aid urn st, I 1(11 Al It M l DR. McGLYjNN 'aIJiMiIVs11 Mill lij M llllllli. Tlrk.'!-, ., STANDARD. fcaIV,;?A?",,,J ot) HI I k Ol llll SL( tLSs I It 1 1, Ml-. HI'AIS 11V1I III I'kv IV IDlAVr XA1 VI I. ) 11AIIMI Sll II II 1 i:t.!v. ,,"-I,,1l ' JUPITER. Opera o in' Pxtra Mttmcf n litHuratu n Iaj OnAMI )PHt not rft i St irui'trAi er an 1 lUIrnn? '0 THE MIDNIGHT AURM. i " ', .Vn.',1 .lt IV rr i kill II IXIOV GARDEN THEATRE. BOSTONIANS. 1 tflilns. al 8 11 "al Mai at RflRIU IMliHI i J lira Mat lltci lotion Da) llUDHI lUUUi HOYT'S A!"C.V.S THEATRE. ) ninp ats I) -.aturtar V alms, at J SOIil In JOII1I1 ( 11111 1 mil f I t rttiriiuiiirr. IIiiM'k "1 1 llll' 11) II I I 1(11 ." ISH'IADIV 11 III A1III Bi . I.ii .111,1 .1 I III Villi I (Ills AM) WH K HOPPER. WANG. I'M III Ml IIM i tire on in ) D1Y i:,::!'lv:!:'-THE Grey fere JI.MIII 11(1 I III A I 1 I IrTlnc i i vil loth el I Hi i I. I tti a I ii Sew V rs Situiat I'aiat ,,-iii li il art W1VIMII fill Villi 4 ill I erj, llll l.HI II TIN Ml.lll Mt 1(1 I, I 1,1 Ml, I A II ll.ltOII it. A Good I 'no f o'. r ,i 7 I " lllio mi 1'ilnr' iliPil a Texas "liniliy. tcli' ol (t it hi r I'll, I 11 IS 11 til III, ' " w li .liiiiinj, I an surprl il nt rnu" ' It si-, i In ih- lilWi, i ivtiow Imi It tl i nth i ilil K suis h ii in I ii r, ninl up ti (In, hrlrl, I'll liiiuii i?ij itimi li Ku s, Intltirj rt a t ot tin I UUI I hLlll .1 I, Hi Willie hlUl uf Imilillus tint ilil tninpt nt I oiiliiiMili vvluilisnt I mill upon li i in vilmi an on i'iivm i,t, lining ft Hon ' Mv fiimilv s ijiult tiiml tn vmrs mul 1 1 niu 'tut nt li tints in thu .-im ' "Nl st nf tliciii lotin il .' ncrniirs if tiniiitv mils nml nil that l.niil ut tl.m ' liul. Mini nuiu Iiiiulv l" mo Mr I'i il tun alius ( apt J , sin. nllns Id nitl unh Limns vilmi, mn ( lull see tl. ul llit i,nimi i up '' lln'i me' ll 1 in ' lu Mnooil sail, ill spt nut Iv i,ii I hm I vim Km iv si tut ilimu iiliuiil l ii ami it vi ii ilo all 1 snv ih prow it I" n i . tin it is a ur lmn Imiv m tills In ue iiti.'nu ulnmi uml tin' litiuiblti iinliii lunl vi lo a tiltei-sts vou timliir iis,i.'t8 I inn imioii Mm vi II ilo iiim tli li I 1 nt 1 1 ii lllj Will' in fail, 1 l.uit- lit'r ivritlt u pruiM,i liert lie, tu pi il Ins lin asl oi kit tluutrital'i unl M sn 1 itt, si u Is II llllll It vionlil u li nn to 1 ") c nun IK il to pro i inn tli. so 1 tti ik ' 'It mil ' ,1 Ci ,tuiiiiit,,l ' utiles-. nm fin iln m up vi 'in l mli 'Uil umlorstiii ,i lli it juu iniiii to trj fort ' Mini tii ti Minor lli it wns nn ii ph n tin siilor's pait titlif r llinn a ur il iliut lul 1 Inn ivMih ! lunl Hie mil mitiir' r t il "ii liu luck mil turn iiuiimi in, I i Mru!;li si , ut I ut l lllllOBt III Willi li V until im I llltl riuitiu . tn.ii Ihmlli uvtnuii tl., il - . t'l'l' '-i Hon At tlio rml of a fi vi mt uitiils Tn,'k st 101I 1 iiioru tlif tire i ttli ili li tltrsin Ills liiitul fti 1 1 tl i m in nil mil in lit xlnvii) prriisiiil tin in i lit In on, ilroppptl ttli ui in Uu tin i Mm si nil p n fur tliis ' Hie .Mnjor Willi, bonrselv as lit uipttl Ins bltutlui file 1'ln'th vilntc in loiupan on mill tl i trn I ni; It I -, , l 1 s Hi .veu i ll s i I ' Wnv Itfp t u, ' ,1 it K -unl i"l!. tl lll nous I Im 1.1,1 1 1 u tin 1 1 l li' Wl n I tt i n- tl l .11) I I llfcil u i n ' 1 i 1 I li i' t 1. ni Un lut I' o a! Mi t uli 1'iui v rs sui I lot .!i I ii' mil i " nl it i on I iVu ,'i ti prtttv Im 1 iv itl tit rnciAilv 'ifi r ot I i . i . ,. inn I i y hi '1 In t 1 i'i ' unt or.t t t i In 1 up .v. ill iiii'u t-ili uts v. nn a in vi to 1 1 in J tit i m tli it u wl en it nil nit mul it'ii in) turn inn Vn ti Ik nl ut thu 'ui tm. v ii niu on vutlj nu i -Hi ei Imli in tli-, li uiso wliu WHS I .. Ii-li it m ii u nirti lor iuu mum vn ,ii I iifurn v mil ki vour un tin r s In in ami sin in on Intlit r a Inc. eiiriiliuaii to liu .! in lut tale I'iru li ni j on lull, of llns iiit of ikom I c bill- OU 1 Bill ll Wlfi lllllr' , Ils n lie ' lluliliiiuil irinl ill ivift' tilt il vtars n(jo 'ourwifi is n ivt nml is in 1 oinlon nt tins n oincut with In i liothir who is verj aiiMoiiRioKiturvievi v u liu tlioiiyht lie rocoKiii7etl ion the ctlior tlnj iu Char iuc-l rosH Station. ouh jou w ero too quick for bim I hjie let jou down pretty . eaailv, bernuse I knew tbut when ion met h'ed Buckie) he would pay jou lor both .1.. ... aJ'sl ... .M (M US EM EH To 'Hj Kll.l. Ot l'l,' I 1 I PH . VI I. Ill' I'.IllM mmmii hi:acii. lM I 11.1, IH I'lllll SU'fl.Msl.AMI, rfiH 1 I . A V H TO-MLII" isH ih-mi.iit rH id.sit.ii r uv hoat rttoif Hl 'II. Ml III' M)l!1 II I'UKKV H 'I ll-NKill'C ttlH ' VMIMMIll NK.IIT. 'ffKk IVIIsllim MlillT. KTHRY fH vii-isiivi Mimr. TiM.siv iiH IMlslMin Ml.ll'l. .1ll.MJTi.SI. iM 1)1 ( UK 'TION llll, !tK in ( on vriii' Dai, i'lH 1(1(11 1'1'IOS I) ll , T1VO SI'Kt'IAI, Jj'H III I (lit III 1)11, I'l.lll-OK.II.I.MJES tfM 111 ( 11.. ITION I) 11. , fH IT'IUMION T!2, 'iH VI'llltS"() IT 2, liH 1 lljINOilN IT '., I vcitYtionv SHH II lilts .US II'-', 1)1,1, IOI1T1.D. vlM n n iimiiii it ii, i iH 1,1 I MM. IT H. 1,1 "H I'lKMMl 1I'N.-. MlHI IM 'IMI A I S.I.,. A BIO HIT. i H H f i nn r a nn oN T,n pauuades. jH LLUUnlUU cippoaitKliett HilSt Ferrr. i GRAND FIREWORKS DISPLAY. xH sI'lilAI 1 MIAIlfMI .M Ol JAM PALVAhOf. DECORATION DAY. MAY 30. , I.K M I'll O Hi, m, COM i it r. ELDOR DO BAND,1 . ! Hi -ii i in turn Ihr luKiilnlurlra "Junal. H bill AVE. Mr II e "Ulnar. Leaaet - M'c't ilH .'i.-rOs'. TO-NIGHTWo ' SdlOBf-fEiR .. ni;!r,u!rl,Lr H . H OF THE RHINE. , John it in i hn 1 1 1) ro i im iniow. B I 1 AllllAlil T ON Sllll HOAIU) AM) MAM Ollil IiaeHIS UtOM HISTOnT. H I POWELL ,. NEW WONDERS. ''H I ""ft.' iVVti.01- , iV.s!,,i.T,oo. jroNcllllS Af 1 1 KNOONs AW() "v?KNlWOg. ! FVaUSICHALL.7a,lT:. . ...... lJit 1 ut On ii I'orformanc. H I i.U. A TRIP TO THE MOON ' SUNDAY ,"th l.arrad I' Sarrl.a u r.nlda. H ? J,.,, ..' Maritllnu, l,a mini laaelutloi I HH AI8 15P1I I'OI'I'l AIU'HK E8. )H Val., .5. 60, 71o . Dpi mata, 11. H 14th St. Music Hall and Alhambra Court H I ll an I 11(1 I aat tltb Ut I I III' 1KIMSTLU H ! OECHESTRION - I I'ln lirrv Allrrnnon and I:thIdc iB P."L",'aT,..,'ATlil . ";.j-,nMrl)0tl1l H NitH 16 Mala M.t.lSal,, CDflDT IONS -iB I itra Hit Dnuratlon Dar OrUHl or V I lliilllll I. ll I on Uetl I ICTCD TIIB -i' is nu mush iLMAintn. MCALLIalbH1 Vuu. H- 1 14.TH sr riDATitt m'ah era Ain. ,H I ipnlnua at H II) Matlnaa IV .d. and Hat. H i imagination,- l As,,;i?:li.Anc.t,.r ' III Sj Ini-r Hi aanfald I MAI DbtoltATION DAT. H COI. I lllltIS THIIATllli. Efnlntaal8.1 H' PAi'iCsT. Struggle ot Lite. (!;, ' IVr-k-o DOW) S .M.lUllBQlth. m CASINO BltOADVVAV AND 39TII BT. H CHILD OF FORTUNE Jk.v ilatlnrrt Saitirtlar t2 Admutloo 80 cenf. H J. R. JACOBS' THEATRE, M',!.,'. iH M":;s.?r,l.hIu" ONE OF THE BRAVEST. W I rit llrrk t'SLl b. TOM 8 UAlilN ' COSIIOI'OI ITXs I'AltK AND TARIVO, lBKltl H I at an I Amatrrilini aa I'lonlfl (tronod bowl- H j in. A 1. ) - I. ilia Lamina. J OUThRDlNU 'H , HA1II 1 11 UU Ml I'ARK CASINO and Oard.a. H ! t,pon tor encasement, (or picnic. 3d a,T lH I H 1 BHCOXUU AMUSEMENTS iHf CO( hiss SSI-VVPAIIKTHPATIIF 3T llllb 1V1 IK ONI.V MAIISlXSArURDAY. B , Lillian Russell $$&$? w AMPHTOM tiiiu.s k.sovvles H iilVlr tllUiN. Proprietor and Manlier. B I i, rr I Teiitnn Matinee, lledne.dar d baturdaf. M-HII starlicht. Elt0yA,yAttnEAD E I SPORTING. , iriin-iaawiir.lii..iiiiimwiiiiitiii-i-r H l BSCYCLES I ' 'fj AT HALF PRICES. 1 B ji MVJST SELL. , fj i sn i .iiMi .Ari'Tii'.s, H kl 'villi I uinp nml llrll, H fi -,'llit III, - S47..10 H H I tlxtiinn I irrs. A5.UU H JI ISlll ( III -( I ST r-AI'l TIKI, H M v li'i I uinp unit Hell. jH rt -- 1 1 .( tiiri. 8.12. .50 !: j ( iinlilim nrrs (IO.OO H .dAiiiUK isoiniosi)i:("ici,i:co., H '-'OSI ,t s, ,in, lr rvv Varll. B of 11. inl now go lieforo I forget my. jH self iinain t Jin i, uuloi 1, tl tlif tloor nml pointed to- H 1 uuls thu Irtill. "ulinii loth, Jioldvvooil '! He t ok Ins lint nml stick without an. 'H nlhcr vveiul, mul ns luck threw open the WH hull Hour ho 1 nu 2 111 the retrentiuc form "! nitli 1 n n 1 1 kicl which tumlileil the Bl Minn hiiiUnn ou lho nivt?meut Lelovv. H It v .!. ii ill imiitii tilt, hut nu effoctive H nut' li r 1 ntit r hutl tin ploisiire of look. ' in.-niu 11 lunt I ia6's iiiinlel iiRiim. That H ptisoti tici.t.uu oi a Kditleuiuu passed oat H t' our liv pi, hivins uothius but a pleag- H 1 lit uu mory I eliinil. HH 11, ii-. thu nnv to settle fellows of JH his 1 1 is-, In k olsern il, as he returned to lna p', ir "Its hi'kj lor jou I rccoKnizoii the H rascal, vv li j nppcurs to linv e been vour Old B I Mini 1 f the 'ei Hut v, hat will Auut Jane H Is iv vi lieu shi 1.ik vi- H I ! 11 t 1,11 1 1 'I unlit il. "Do vou H 111 lul ti i. H 11 111 iui it I Jo, luck replied, ilfjor- tiislv ' M 'trikt si it l'ltidone ruypart, HH mil thu It' iiiusi liu left tu hurl, 'lheso llfl tiling's un -, in the h mils of iv omen. ' i ottourst l.iu 1 uuilerstood thu iltlitate luisniuu, uud of course, she earned it out H u- 1 1 itte ii-jirl cim lunuipulate such 1 tu- I uiiut lonfiss to feeling a trifle n rv inn. vilipii nu tmur later she sum- 11, unl ns to tho I'rnning-room with the HH 1 h iruiiui: iiitormctiou that uuut nas calm B ut' v mil preiurtit to listen. H the dear old lull's eits nere iery red H imi 11 si) 1 oufusion limrked her for its HJl mill lut she lal entirely lost the rsta- V It ss. iiuiintis ok vi hit h hid so prowu HJi 1 pon hi r sunt the iitlviut of the dilapi. ilittil t'lusli rti'ild viho-e micuiticeiit H I uniities sit h 1 1 so uiton -tolletl nheu , B V 1 ure niu nvs deceitful ci cat tires," m1 s) r sun wl , 'i lu 1 hud finished hU slor, SHI sotli niu.' il '"li is much as she could the EII liaj is ,1'irn.: I itilts ' nuil we, poor , Bil vv tun, u, vi ill iiviiiv- le creuiurea of cir "'BU I I 11 t 1111 But, ri'iilh, vvlieu I know '1HM hm ui', .liu u ilo ilvviiotl vvus all that a .iBl itntl mm -1 1 uld bu ' tI I v us a ooil 1 oy once, " Iac (aid, J1 n tin 11 ' 1 ut no matter " (l Hid iuu are a dear good bov now,'' 'f'lBI lunt limn Hied, gtttug up and kissin-j '!U tin isli 111-1 1 d link ferientlv. " '"epeurt jl 111 1 uit I i-liun't forget jou, my thiar," wl slu vuut 011, vuth 11 humility raru in a ?ll uiiutltii huh with uioiitj 111 the funds. dH 1 " 1 am 11 silly old ivoiiinn, aud whenever. if m 'mure, I nm inclined to abuse the ( I tuts, nt generation, just remind me, if jou please, of m irieud the Major. And '9HI I now if vou'lle.cuse me, I'll go to bed; &H I'm reall) sleep) for tho first time for a J$JH mouth " i'mi llutwenoyer had occasion to use tba JJVH reminder, and when finally Ihe old ladv lll died ne found that she had left Jack half nll her money as a slight token of gratitude '1 for preserTinc to bei tho wherewithal to !.. 1 life. HI . A'n- Ml!-3-Mil-M-l--LllJ