Newspaper Page Text
MMVVHIWLa3HBlll,rl1rrP"'4 MmiiwIwwwiirtiKio nmniti ' erlrtrr ni iiinili m 11 "fWHv' Bff TW fr ' THE WORLD: SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 28, 1802. I T !"! I WM ttt-i i i TTTTrr-i i i i i ui-m "rr-r jrEa.--rEi; lb :'; we M II ' : THE SUNDAY WORLD, t I I ' - MAV 29. I 1 1 '"-- B. HARRISON'S PROGRESS. I H' W 1 John Bunyan's Story In beautiful pictures, with Mr. Harrison as the Pilgrim. ' B K 410, cf, e . ' I Hi : - FARIBAULT AND "THE PLAN." - E 1 An Intelligent explanation of the Interesting subject of religious discussion. A de- J ' H mW , scrlptlon of Faribault. j ' II ;"ffl - ANIMALS" OF THE SPRING. -J ;,; H II I -' "'"" A very spirited and well-Illustrated account of the beasts recently born to us In the H ;; j 1 wl ii 00' of thc nur8es and tnetr v,ews f "fe ' ! i I If :: A HORSE THAT RUNS FOR CHARITY. -j HI j Mz mp ; La Fleche, the Derby Favorite, whose Winnings all go to the poor. :: I! Bit z picturesTnthe SALON. : " I R Hi'' - , . Interesting and instructive comment by Mrs. Van Rensselaer on the Frenchmen's work J HL fn '.'-'. and on the rich crop of new artists. 111 &' THREE CHANGEABLE GENTLEMEN. ! HI HI !f!;7." i Piatt, Quay and Clarkson, who four years ago howled for Harrison, and now are j B E(' h"' sharpening knives for that gentleman's vitals. i I II W. - the grave-robber ghost. : HIH.f Mr. Ed Mott'8 exciting and plausible tale of a ghost who stooped to rob the dead. ! H' 11 ' 1W" HEWS' SP0RTS LITERATURE, WISDOM, PATHOS AND OTHER FINE THINGS IN I : THE SUNDAY WORLD. : ll " ' TTT" i' rrrri n r litzt rr r i . i jt i r ti jt i r 1 1 ' 1 . JJ . ! iil NEW PUIS By HEIICHS." If ' Thoy Interest Audiences at the f Criterion and the Strand. I Mmo. Albsnl mt a Benefit Concert In ' , St- Jtmct'i Hall. H HI t aaaS'S? 1I it-t eaaociiTiD e.e.iea.1 HW Vsj Lokdoh, Mty SB. AmrrlCAU drataatlMB HHHH 'jp vere to tt front here on Tuesdj. A not ablo HHjBt audience gktnerod t the Cilterlou Ihcitre Bj Si'?. on that tl7 to hear Mr. Isaac Henderson's HHK i I? new three-act play, entitled "Apulia," the H it' j plotolirhlchlstakenlromthuaulhor,anocl, HBj 1 I j Ajatha rage." This wm the Urst ot a series Hjf ; vt ot nr apeclal matinees to be Klicn byNr. jr !' . , Ilendtnon. Among the audience wero .Mr. HH i Hare, Mr. Jones. Mr. rred Terry, Mlai .Marlon HHj I , Terry, JftM Kate KorLe, Ml Kllaboth HHg & Robins, Mlas Marlon la and Mr. Henry B a I James, the norellit. HHHj If k i The play was ot nscqual merit. It con- Bt H I ) tained plasty ot dramatic Interesi, but vr&i H n j badly constructed. Its faults. It Is tbouKht, B: ;, ; caa be easily remedied, and It will undouteuu r ' 4 1, beTeryauecesslul. HHL Lattr Xl tb0 mnai fhtAfe on Thursday Dr. HHHHfHH Lanfdon Mitchell produced tbi to ot his one HHBKi3 act pieces. They all ahowed that Dr. Mitchell PnflRamTV I S3P P0aMBS ccnatderable capacity (or writing VaBjjJlB-fWJli shertplaya. The chlet piece of tho triple bin "iVvftV'ijLiilSRr w "Rhth Under wood," a story ol the riiii.MRiW American Clrll War. Another ot the ptnys, JmHHBP i " In the Season," Is a story or English socl-t. 09 K TkaJatt-ftMsea piece Is a corned). Ttiethreo VRi i playVwar capitally acted and woll received i, ; r Miss Marlon Lea, Dr. Mitchell's rrlle, scored ' an undeniable success as the 2uakercM, Jtuth Underwood." . i AhtlWy sucoeaMul morning concert was y glTen yesterday at St. James's Hall lor the t I benefit ot the National Society tor the i're- mm r i'l ' Tentloa of Cruelty to Children, (julteanum- 9 j f, br of Olstlngvlshed artists rolunteered to HH 5 ' aaalst In the enterprise, among them being I'i , Mme-Albant. H ail- At naa before been announced, the turn)- Hl I ! tore and nttlnga ot Iter Majesty's Theatre 1 5 (Uayaarketl will be sold by auction at the BvIf' Oa ot tnQ present month. In the rnlddlo of Bvif ! j nns.theibtnotlc, houas Itself, the scene ot HI i Biiyittopkratlo'trlumph.wlll be disposed of K i at building material, and tbo stsge, where Kbf Orllt, Tamburlnl, Mario and Ilublnl sane ho Hft i f gloriously till ltue (when they seceded nnd, ' wltb Coeta, the famous conductor, started a f rlTal establishment), will roulsh tori' er. ; On the sit of the theatre will rise a pala. .Rp (1st hotel DUed with crery poslUlo modern H JlJ ' ' Kiury and conrentence. HlC; ' ' ' On June a a sprclal matinee will be ghen Hilf' ' - tTrryi Theatre, of Miss Kstelle lmrneV H'SS' play "The Country," which Illustrates the Bgjf I wroogtnf tromanUnd, andn newcomedletta, BaVHaliH V entitled1' Mist Impudence,'' written by Mr. BflSA 1 Edward A. Morton. The principal pan In the Vf )3 Utter play win be taken by Mla Annie HK t Hughes. "Mis. Impudence" Is au otrset to taVaWSll' "JJejCotiBtry,'' Inasmuch as ll Insists to a $' '' oerttln extent npon woman's rights. HW& Mr. John tart hat arranged to continue his HHWL K i Uaaeof the Shaftesbury Theatre, and here HHt; ,! I gyrle Ballew and Mrs. James Brown Totter HKSS;". i Wtllprotnt"IIero and Leander." It It said HH9Hj ' h ,i that the production of this play In London HHH1 v j j Will t attended with far more elaborate HHJBffi ' ' ' mtwlcalaadplctortal effects than marked Its fp MfMftmtaUila la Manchester. 't "Mr. U. V Mayer started the season of H BK J ' , Btck pun at tfet opera comlque on Mon- HI' - . V day. The first play presented was Hardou's " Thermldor," with M. C'oquolln, tbo elder, and a mixed company. '1 he whulo luterost of the audience was centred In M. t miuelln'H role. Ho wasrecilvcd tilth great favor. Attlie Iloyalty 'IheAtro cm 'lliumday there was present od for tliu Ural tnnn In 1 ondou n French musical pln without words, entitled " l.o l'etlt Chaperon llouije." (I tttln Kcd Hiding Hood.) It wns very well received. Mr. Duncau ('.Dallas Is rnguged In lepro. duclug t) means ot photoh'tjpliy thu IlrsL folio (ltl'j:i) edttluu of t-liakespi-nre. 1'uiHls ure being colleittd to iurcliaso the houso In Hallo where lluudel, tlio gicit com. jKtser, was burn on Keti. ',' , nih .. 'I he lnmsu Is to bo hold, and a brewer, who ulnnilt usch Hid ifrouudsug a heel, Is desliuus of piirchiislni; It. 'Hie nilinln is ot IIiumIi 1 did not wish the. house. In fall Into nix hands, nnd liencotho imneiueul to liuj It. It Is pio. piraed to i omen the building Into a llnndei museum. Illch Gold Find In Arkansas. II v Ar.ncuTrnpnrs. ' 1 irrts Unix, Mk , Moj "s - t licit Is ion ulderablo excitement In Montgomery county over the discovery ot a er) viiluatilo eln of gold ore In the Lost I ouM ina mine. 'Ihooro assays all thu way Horn .,'() to 11 111. FOR SALE JLa All DealersJffT Pennyroyal pills. OHc1h1 Mna Only f)rn1n, A rc ltjtr'IUMt UDiiatik f irutti fur ihttkMttrt iHf(ti3i ',i..J Jh-rJ In UeJ d GflAvSr1 mttallK' laittr fld with b1iirlt Tlr ob TaiLt nn tker. Kt,fun V Jattftro uititvti,n and ,Mrriiu, it Druiilita pr im.1 !., it aitei rr frtkuUr, iMiuanti g4 " IUU i-r ltH, in Utfrr ti rflnrn UkiL 10,000 r ' rn d lit .ir U kj all lHn t itna..pv mm K lfclThrje liny t'npsu'iro nr- y"-sv I IVSaVjresI 111 IN bnur llhuilt .... A I s,rfflneMiiriilenee,nllrrlloiiiiJ MITTY 1 1 -"'"'. ' " I'JJ '""i full. I K:-r. A POWDER THAT Aff .DISSOLVES THE ROACHES. -IKDACHU a k i mi si ,Kis y IW"- &fl GREGORY MFO. CO., Kftrtt'Vng Hint, tot r. cm si, u r. i .POHTINC 2 Young Thoroughbred Mares (or Sale". OnM j Alarm, 1m anni a t j Nnrf a l)D li Noueu Ii til in in la lij ' Noufauch, by imp 111 I r 1 ilam im)l ritici: i(iit Tin: two. ivv(ni. Alio uiitrlnt rlUnjc li lit. R. W. HOPSON, ci:i)Mtmif-T. i i. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS X-OST Nr rorntr Hm at. nit IlrtJwj i l.atber cm, mirked ' to.rtt Ui.mtrek " a.ult abUrwarawlll baptMondtllr.rrat th. omo. ol Jh Illmburi-Am.rlc.n Ttcll.l to., 31 Uigidaii, 1 862-REUNION -i 892 OK COIIHAOIW O Till! I ITU KKai.lll!Vl . ;.. H. .N. Y., arraniit ninUr Iti ttianarmnt of tbUran Aitattitlon, 11th ltftiiHiit, tn t IitjIJ uu Katnr dar. May JS. 1H, at H u'clock. I1 M., at their litatlqutrtiirN. lUi llownr. tnli brattnij th llur licth mnilTinary nt the iieitrtiir of th 1 1 tit Hrtfliuent to Irnliil All honoratilr itlit liarrwJ rniinaileiar ortllally In vitrei lu uarlUilt l Ul. JOA( HIM MAimiOl , John Ha! 7, Adjutant i halrtnan ot t'mii)itttj VITALITY RESTORED g. . "NERVE SEED8, iW tW 3t A tll iinlrfui rem- Aittl . M 1 tiy,lH(.iI wiiiin u It- PV 3C flD Ci&CT '" tfiKiriiniW to crro fSr W f- V nil iHTfimmlliwiii, W ? ixL -Sad I i-mli "at Mem j tvCsttTf tVsth orj, Ldri tif Drain M TV !-' J Zjl. !'' ' r. llfailnthi, '-tffjL ,5S.yaat'flnfasl.(.. JaBlIWTWfi.aifMft;,alllT. tNurvtiufrifiKi, iM)Kr i hh iMVd lunsituiU. all itralm and ln tf pinT In p(ilur niud Uj ur ruttili it tr i'i hbltv iiKiv n( tulMtciti. opium or aiMmil tuts which ttumi lend to Intliuilty, 4'on- pumptlun aiul liiuntlt t'ut tip un ton tent to 1 nrry In ifl h kiM HI pr pi kngi bv uinll, for V Willi eToiy tordir wottlrou uriffriffU'ir- iitiff tm tit for re runt thr tiutiif 1, Clrtular free. ddre MUlVrNKI!! .. hi , III. VurSalf at lluilnofa I'liarmacj, eisll'naj. N.T. At Atltiaii l'araili, liU J ulluii t , llroukljrn. EXCURSIONS NORTH BEACH. Opon for tho Season. College Point and North Beach, L.I. To-Morrow, Sunday, and Monday D'co'alion D. Hunt. lo...ln.t'1'Jlli.l for Ct) I, I, r! 11 I'd I NT II i.rl from 7AM It. II t M , .lupplna .1 l.ltN'!( I'll'.lt, SOU Til 111' Al'll. on 111. Ill A M , 11 I J. I, . n, i, 7 inn V M tm. llrliitnfiiu 1..I loat Ipti. I ollfr Point at lit' M ami Norlh II"., h at V 10 I' M PA UK Ml ( IINTs, 4 MlltTII lll;( II byrara, tUtheJtth autt.l.M.t fetrir. I'nrr .S IVllta, STEAMER GENERAL SLOCUM, Kill K t W IIK( II, M'M l mill IIIINIH1, II V VltRiidnO. TWO TIIH'S I'.AI II Dal. IfaToa A M r.M WitJJ,lat N V.nk a ml 1 .in Ur.tllllll.1 tin 14(1 Cait Klianlrn IikIiuk '.' Ill J 111 .Iv.all'a Miar( llr 'klj" 4 :' it, ,lrr'r t'ltr, la Aiinm i.JO 2 0 K'Iuiuidi'. Iw Uracil III I'. M 50it I t I'HMt .N UCktT., OOfta GRAND REPUBLIC. M III lti (Ml KHT IMMNT. Hi M , .11 ail. 1 fiato ,! I. Watl, llioukljn. K IU l Iduiliim II nn A M W.t liltliat Vuri UUA M Ui-.IJiital N ota. II JA. M onkor. lu IS A M ill l. I l I KMON Til KI.T4. JOtta lit I III. 1 1'llltT sMI ItOTIIN I'OIVr. KOMI 1 , II till. l.xn.Uf Jl.i. N.tNork, mot M r-llitlal S.nNir. K 41 A M I aatlfliai l.n I nntuifr ll 1 1 A M lowH . Mf lr,l , (i JO A M II Mimra I .at llu.r S.w Yutk I. la M il.t.i I a.t lli.m New Viirk 111 US M . ! ia nr J 10 A M I '"- I 1 I II KN Tl( kFTs, 50 , l. i'".v'! J NI)A mi niiiiiutitiMnv I l I KslllN . , Mt in mi. a matf mh. rur vi.i, I I I. i.ii I rani . I nli lin.iatilr i.rl, ami Iho ! t ,it ,1 It- . iiiH t'a ait.. .,. I lih M N II anlini al Ulii si N It In nun it., hit Mi' 11 V ll li l I J I ' i '" i a ,1 i in .1' M ll.lutiii-i s l in an l 'II M l.i M I, .' I , 6. ltnl ui 1' liilialf ail inlrriunlial. Maml ii.. I rii-an a Ir. l.fnto In In ami RQGKAWAY BEAGH I l .1 III l I II M. l N 1 AMI HnlklAV 111- at. II lUtl WAV I.I w i IIIM, IM.AMII ir DAII.V I ' I I" 11 m It 'III, J.II5, I 0 'I li 4 'ti .in, t u 7 on 'A lli nan nay.. 7 III i IS til hi I) .ii ll in, m j ( 1 511 I 11, I I , 4 II ll 10. - 15 Mar JO i l).i, lailuu llawiny HT1 I'M STHI ll(V I.OMI llltAfT bf alififbt, ri.a.utn liar lltaneliimri, l.a.i., . luta luot Jan. at , on lilpk abcii. IV. ,1 llhat , ? A l."u8 A, M H.lit. ! Umiclipotl Oil ! M . Ixinj llraiieh 3 SO, n.abtiibt 4.11, acurtlon, 80g otjpa at Fort liamlllou, 1ai FAT FOLKS REDUCED DR. SNYDER, Tho Successful Obesity SpeciaUvt. lira Ktta MullKau, httntt and alter trtjattuDt by l)r Hnydar Testimonial o! Editor Chit. F. Dona. Rice Likr, Wli. An la wall known to a I art nubibr ot our frlrndt, w bave ln iimlrr thn trBtmeot of Or. (1. W K Hnjtltr, tbrlthralJailaliit o(('ht r ao, sini tti IHtli o( Januarf. IHUi, tot eteilty, with Try iratltjlurx TMitltii, a tha followtnc atata mcqt of walght and maaautamanta btfor and altar CUdayi' treatmaut irwl abw ittruur. Arrrn. ion Wfljhi J4A pottmtt Slit pound CA iHMinda fht &Utnrhai 44 lochaa 11W tnchea Ualtt fll4iuvlii 40 Inrhea 16 tDrliai Ulu tG locha 4tt inohaa iU motta " AM til time we have attenilAil to our reciilar butineH, nuflared do Inonntenlenro whatever aiul hiTf tin improving f fry day. W wonld adfiio kit atnictfd with baitr tn wr.ta to Dr. Hnydr will t pleated to aDifrar all Utter of toqulry whr tarn ii U incloaad." Niet Iuk , Wit ) .?, .4r.l I, IHUi PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL Confldrtitlftl. HarinlMa, and with no ttarvtar, In iinvrni'Mir, or bad affacta. I-or particulars, oa.ll. or adilrem with 6c In atampt. DR. O. W. F. SNYDER, McVICKER'S THEATRE BLDO , CHICAGO. Unlike the Dutch Process Qfa No Alkalies V Other Gliemicnls HlMYfflaQa art) uaed In th KaoPW preparation of rr W. BAKEtt & CO.'S I ilBreakfastCocoa fell MrJA ''hUh ii atiolutety Ki , itm pur and tolublr. fifS ' k ff lltbatmorfArtnfrfm fcfu i rtlF''lH thaitrrnath of Cocoa mixed MjlLs1.''' rhwlth Btarcli, Arrowroot or ""viBlrllM" fluear, and la far more eco nomical, coiling lets than one cent a cup. It la delicious, nourlahlof, and EtMLY OtGEtTEK. SoM bjCrortra ttarrnhrra. W. DAKEE & CO.TDorchejter. Mau. - , , ; Furniture, Carpels, Bedding and Stoves. Asll Oil (UtKIMT. ONLY 10 PER CENT. CASH DOWN. NuTaah H.qultad nh.n loot lima la Not Manti1 Lo v. Prices nml Latent Styles. B. M. Cowpcrthwalt & Co. Oiir Only I'laca of Itn.ln... I 1113 lo tO!i Park lt. New Vnrli, llrl I lial ham Kiilara anil I itrllall Station, I, II R Here at Last. I QQo Itrua.rl t'nrprta. iTllh Ilar4rr OQr. ao1" lln.le, l.nldnuil l.lurcl, prr d. 5,:,c ATTIIK OTII ATK. nAl'II iNN'h. Ill I'er I rnl. I uah Down arl.ra Ion Credit U not tlealred. LUDWIG BAUM ANN & COMPANY, Xos, oo, na iitii ave. RKMFMIiyR, PAST SIDF, .1EAH 1TTH 8T. mm tkiiih . i ajl.Oo par w a , Tlltl aop.raaak oa IOO I 1 llwHkaa, 100 1.00 par .. ,n, JSU a.lOpar wk os. 101)1 ilOnimliaa,., 1 00 -; HEAL ESTATE, REAL ESTATE. fc (iviiiti.ouitivt. tin: hum ni'i i. noi'mi. Z. 11)1 It.TlttDK it Ml.ltll vi. i FULLY RESTRICTED. pGRAND EXCURSION AND SALEf I DECORATION DAY. fi crrt'Mii tiiain m:avkh ni:w h.wun division, ijhami mi.vtk..-. s? DI.I'OT, $5 AT 2.30 P. M. J) MI'MIAV i:. TlfalON AT 1 I'. .11. MH1.K U.WH AT 2 V. .11. jfc LOTS AND VILLA PLOTS FROM $250 UPWARD. S i:asv Mii.srin.Y pxvMr.NTs W 5 TITMis til A It A T Kill) ?. by the (lernian American ltral I'atatn litln fttiarantea L'o 4! K KI..M1 fOK 1'AhflS AND PIUIIPIXI Un S p BRENTWOOD PLAZA CO., I 5 HIT HltOA:A. 4TI1 l'l.HOIt. 5 6 Branfh Orllr.a, 2000 Id a , 81 Ufat ISrilh.t , DTI 3it ate. rnrner SBIh at 1118 llroadwaj, 3) K Limii 'lam and llllli .1. IT I I J.I nl nrar Uran 1 1 antral l)rnit . 3 10 Ea.t SCtliat 31 v! i tjcki:t" i i kmmii:i it iii:pot iiv hi ii aiil.ntm, v B33S 55H WSiCKS fJ-5. 'WfirirrjaS-tS". l. "THE SWITZERLAND OF AMERICA." fl TIIK OM.Y l,AKi:.Ulll)I.TI VI, PKOPIIUTY IN THIS 4TATK, IIKNT.'1 3F1TKI) II Y I.IIPKOVIIIIII.VTM, ll l.tll'ATIO.V 1IY CAl'ITAI. AM) III" , r A SPLENDID BSIVESTENT. t A .HAItVllr. OP SCKMI lli:At'T. JJ CHOICE LOTS AND UILLA PLOTS fl AT 812.1 Til SH230 !C UPON EXCEniOSALI.Y HASY WhKKI.Y OK MONTHLY PAY4IKNTS. at 8 TITLES GUARANTEED tj tb irman-Aiueriean Heal Kalata THU (luaraotM Co, m FREE EXCURSION TO-MORROW AT 10.55 A. M. ffl W AM) vi:kk iiaym at i.ii a. m. 2.1a r. .11. ii '.U from tli, Harlem Dlilalon Orand Cuntral Depot and from Molt liana Station J 10 ml'iutaa later V, H WESTCHESTER LAKE SITE CO., jH 105-107 IIKOAIIW A, 4th iloor. 111 nit a.M'11 OVFICKni I Faat tit St . 14 Wrat tli tit.. 31 V.V.I HJ A 116th St , 202-t 3J Ale l III) Hprlnf fit., I SI Kaat llSth hi., X ff 90.1 Weat 14Mh ht.t 41IH 8th A,e. HIUIIIIU. YNl 10 Wllloiifhbj if I" Bt , 14 1H llroadwaj ,. S fi" ON DECORATION DAY g Tit AIN I.KAVKS HRANI) C'KNTKAI. UKI'OT AT 10.39 A. .11. ' I- FROM tlOO UP. EASY PAYMENT8. 1 (& LOTS IN a vi:m..i)i:vki.opei) toyn. I Va1 where there ar eharchee, ichoola. , tore,, hotela, park,, aaa.H "r eleetric-llahta. depot and arhoot on property I reai-heil br Lenlah. X Vall.r orOntral K.llroaJot.N.w J.nry lu 30 .IIIM TKH H mire(S of from New York, over 1UU train, dallr (coiutnutation 9 cnta eacn wa, in.ll WSr cliidins f.rrlace) Hmhta rfi&r ki-i:m.h. n. J.. ,iii:in: f. ai: now hki.i.imj 7001I -Vljr HKAl Tll'l I. LOTS. Title, inaraiiteeid tij rh, New Jeraei Title and Ab-Q .Q3r atraetLo" Hend for mapa and FKIIIC PA-WK toeiarolne tbispropertr. Sr TIIK IfUUUllUICK ll. TIIOU.NS ()., 01 llro.ilnnj, New Vorll. I RUTHERFORD TERRACE, N. J. tiniidlna' lota within 10 inilea (.10 Jnlnuti a) frniii New York In town hallo all linprnremeiiU, water, aa.. gi'od aihooln, itinnhe. .It t.j term. I I. n.ik hi llir ProperlT llrrniiillui. Iiiv. I Take 8 3il A M or 2 10 1' M train from t ham Urraatret fnr Larltnu Hill Itutherford) im l.r I itatlroad or S nilui le, earllor from Jlilatrrrt It 7oulia.e not re.ell a tlibet putihane one ami we will refund the lutinej i For mupe, parllculnre, iVe. nfiply tn i COI'I'IN A m.i.i:. H7 iiitiiAiiw a K'oitsint ui:iii:i. i HOTELS. I HOTEL MARLBOROUGH, IIIIOAUWAY, IClll AMI 37rll STUULTS. Mill YUKK. AMERICAN il EUROPEAN. 400 ROOMS WITH pitiVAn: nATIl. HE8TAUIIAST ytllST CLAhS Af it i: anon a in. t: pitn;i.i. Ttaatage eonrered to and from rallwa atatlja. and boat landlnt a lite of cbarite. OENTISTRT. tllY l.OMII. There waa a jrounc man from O.hkoah beu wed, aot too jutlr, ub huah ' lie ralelonS Ida lal.e welli Knr bla wlfe'a brulal wreath, And now he', in trouble, llj (oahl SO Beat Teetn, Itutilmr Plate Q (J OaaFree, Narrantel 0 No more aaled or taken (.old till HI TO up, aoft fill 50o, up Kold rrnwn., void platra Exlraollnf )3e , with pure frenh i;aa 'tQa Never finned, I'm, Nlalit nr iinilnt. HANKS DfaTciATfoN N KW YORK 301 nth are , ad door l.elnw 14th at IIIIOIIM Y.N 17H hullmi.t near I hn pla.e .IPlthKY PITY Cor York and Urn .la Don't tnlelakriiextitoitr tur IIuiiUm' lu N. a ! FURNITURE. i FURNITURE, I CARPETS, C nrrnliiN Pnrllrrr. lh-inrri. I'olitln llriltt Ilrtiha mnl Iron tti ili, Ar.i in Httl rvrrlliliig "" hniiNeke! tiua, Oo li.t-fl tfrnn of rr lit totuit jni HENRY MANNES St SONS, fin stii vi: , IheMlilte tlulldlna NPAU12I)T Pl'KMtlTHK. wllhuil parm.iit down irrni." tlOO wnrlh, (1 Ml week i I.VI0 It 1,000, 7 t 1,1)00, (ill atupondona .In k, llranit Hapldl lanutactuiera' Accul 1UJ Mr.lJJtU.t. 1 i , Monday, May 30, " THE EVENING WORLD" will bo printed on Bluo Paper in hnor of Memorial Day. " -!5' --" ' talaWt ll fa4iliri GREAT SALE DECORATION DAY. Clerks and Salesmen Don't giTfilt your xalirr to Nur York Citroil. ii.iti- (oi 10 th? muNii xnn ion su at ost lliikrnMolt Helelit. Lodl Ailillttun. On tlii" (tiuiiml DeoorMlon l)y, MontUj, May 3U, it 2 r Jl ntiarp, frum hrie Itaot, tout 4 himberi tit , anJ aei ui e a Homo en jour own (trim Merchants & Mechanics llon'l aiiiandrr ronr mone; on lot, 30TO BO MIL! R away from New York I'll;, where tbo time loal lu travel and ejtra car fare, will ortrbalame an) ill. adrautatie uf a tit re.ideoc. Investors & Speculators ThM lot ro bUh and ilry. near th depot, 70 train iWuf inljV! nilnutet ( 11 inlleiHrom Chtim teMnHtrfM 1 errr.on N .1 nml K Y Hll,, overlook Die )ini(u II rk finite it Valler, auil ttr boaud to tncrrasi' mpiillr tn rahtf BUY rto.e to New ork t'ltr, where talue are Inrreaa tng and property always In demand, Mild lor inapt. nd tree ticket, to W. P. STAND 1611, 61, Keadeat , N. V, HO ITII US ON DECORATION DAY AN'II I AMI.Vl". OUlt LOTS ARDSLEY nouns vi.ukv) nd TAERYTOWN HEIGHTS tl'llt TU O IIIM.e) MTATIOM, on the HEW YOBK AND NOSTHEBH BAILWAY. iiii.ii i.itorM). I. KAMI It I Villi VIKWH, Our rrprraentatire will be at atatlon. fith are andliM.iat I'tmtnna Otn and VI b eleeatedl, lo lake u.lutiier. free nfeipeo.eon tralna leafing at 11 " I )l . 1 and il JO P. M U 20 V M7 UNION COURSE, on At ant.A A Hapld Tranmt, juat bfrnd tho irlty lunitauf Hrhokljn offiio at nation, open all w, or ot ft i.ot4 a in: it run 6 tntnut walk of atattona, a a I ti inat&lmriitt pr with iliarount for eash, All Ultra ituarantaad Mapa and further partit-nlara of EW AND CO SB ,ini ijiiMiTt -t ann w. la.iTii r. I " " so a I CHEAP LOTS I vfillb aold at auction I m: OUATION DAY, .lOMV, illAV .10, AT A. !., t on the crounda djoininit Van Kent Depot, Wtvatrheatar, tod MORRIS PARK HACK TUAt'K. iz mim;ti:h i'hom iuotii t., :id Are. KI. rated Station Ver Faay Tec m a. Title Inaured Klae. he nil fnr llnpa, Vr. to Il.f'.fllnpeacV Cc Anctloneera, fl9 Llbertral New York, I1- TAKK TltAIN AT D.4S A. M. from 13lftb at. yd ara. Bieeated Road etalloa ANU BXA.1II.Nn LOTH HEFOUK SALE OEGINH. REAL ESTATE. Mk JERE, JOHNSON, JR.' 5 FUO p TROTECTED BV DECISION BwQ?,,- 0F UPRSUE COURT, GRIND BARBECUE AUCTION COWENHOYEN FARM. NHW I1TIIECIIT, I I To be mdr br ponlllre wrder of V.V- FJNMIIA.M 11. MOIIOI.S, I'q., ait TWO O'CLOCK P. M., n I ho prcaalaea, DECORATION DAY, MONDAY, MAY 80, 200 SUPERB LOTS, O.V COril, 618T, 2D AND MD RTS., AND ICTH, 17TU AND 18TH AVI'A, near Rlrtbeboarna and oppoalto the I And, of tba WEST IIROOK1.YN 1MPBOVKMKNT OO. INRPllttNt. NATIONAL MUSIC BY TIIK 'J 3D HFOIMENT UANI). I Mammoth Barbecue at I o'clock. The Htookljn. Bath A Weat End RIL. nlthata-, tioua rlcht by thfl properly, ruua to tbe union ! fiQt. 3th at. and Ot b a?a , wbcra It ronnecta wftb bebtb Ave Klevalvd lira trom the Itrliic. Su tmnnta. Wilt aoon h runnlnr tnrouirn tha rcateut toSUthat. Frrry, the bat aqutppM ferry i lo tlv York tare on railroad fitenta. One of tti a most n taoalte ih(olhotiBta nn l-on Inland (ontvldaof i Brooklyn) la wltbln hra rnlnutea walk 1'rvparty In tha mldtt of dwalllofta. j Lota may b paid for m monthly lnatalmiit, nr a dloum will bt allowad for all caU. lltleain aured I Additional Information and free paaa from j JhKIi. JOHNSON, jr . fO Mbartjr at , Na YorL, and UP and UI Ioutague at , UroU-n rfK JERC. JOHNSON, JR '0 TLAG i PROTECTED C DIClStON E9vt OF SUPREME COURT, ran 'foi mwfi'iy I DON T IV'TATE FLAC'mfcaa OPENING! DEMOREST ON THE HILLJOPS. On'the fatnoua PanneyNanla RR., ntar Rahway. Jaattraloe. Commutallou at tha rata of U canta per trip FREE EXCURSION DAILY, ON TMO TKAIN. UP TO AND INCLUDING DECORATION DAY a discount of 5 per cent, will be allowed on all purchases. Additional 10 par cent, off for alt eaib On DECORATION DAY ' A FREE LUNCH Wll.l. BR SEKM'l) ON 111): PBOPFUTY I'l.OTH B.-il.51) IT.r.T KAI'll, I KOII s;iii ft i i ), i'. -. .it 1.1: is ti:r:Kt. instai.iiiint ) oor. AJ7rAl,yftltMVirH. A NATI'ltAI. Onioreal on tha llllUrnp rnnMltuten a raagnlH rent plateau, and la tha I ijcheot cnund on tha VnnsvUania 1!R teUfi n .Sw York and I'biU detphla ( loautna RH, alntloti on tntli atda of the property Id coin pa rah la anrrmindlnci () looka Hahway, with it a liniuenna wauufacturluc intercatfi. I TITLES INSURED. ' 1 or map and frea papara from New YutV. .Terxi ( llv and intennejlat pnlnta apply In perann, or hy letter or poiatal. to.Iora .lohnvm, a)r. , CD Liberty t . .N Y.,mi 18'JanJ 191 .Montagaaat .(truoklyii LOTSdiVEN AWAY at Tine View, N. J., only H1. Apply to ;A(.I, tV Cll. U l h'MWH I JV LOT. 'i5illn, in the bent part of Baltlm o- I Riven free with 15UU worth ( atook paying -i per ant Riiarsnteed Pnrilcalnra at lutarnational V arhange, 834 Hmadway, Room "1" HAILR0ADS. "AMERICA'S GREATEST RAtU.0D., NEW YORK CENTRAL & HUDSON RIVER RR. Illrnt I.lnei In Mmarn I'nlla. All tralna arrive at and depart trom tlrand Cen tral Station, tne oolr railroad atatloa In tbe citr of New York Train, teeroea followa 1II.UOA..1I. KMIMUU rlTATHfcXPHKSS-Faet eel tram In the world. Noeitrafare. I). It) A. .11. I'AHT MAIL-For Pouihkeepaia, AlLanr. tlaratora, Montreal. Ullca, Hrraoilac, Itof heater, lletavla and Kuffato. IO.IK) A, v)l.- NhW YOltK AKDCHlrAOO Vfhllhttl.l; LlMlTED-IJue at Chlcato il ii A M. neat day. lO.IIO A. ll.-DAY KXTRESS-Dallj eicept ifsO J'J'.H. SflUTIIWFhTFnK VFST1BULE I.IMITKD IlueClDclnnatl, 11 16, lndlanapnlle, 11.66 M iM 1-oul.. 7. 10 i' M l.atl l. JI.-WOUI.U'S AIR tSPFXIAI.-Due Chloain, S 00 P al. nelt uae 4. 0 I". il.-NOHTll SIlOltE VFSTlIUILE LIMIT) t Chloa.o. 4.S0 P M. neat nar 0 V. .Il.-)AST WESrgKN KXI'UKHS -line Chloaao. 1 CO P. U. I Bt Lonl,, 7 411 A. M. 0,8j IVt. ADIRONDACK AMD MONTUEAL EXI'ItEH8-nne at Montreal, 7 55 A. M. 7. ifil IMI.-IIUtFALO AND NIAflARA FALLS NPKCIAL-lUe Hiidalo. 7 31) A M. H.IM) I'. II.- ClNCfNNATI AND ST. LOUIS KXPRKrV Dae Llaelnnatl. 7 1(1 P. M. I Indian. I apolla 10 10 P. M. i Ht. Lonl.. 1 SO P. M. I H.OII V. H.-LIMlTF.!) FA8r MAIL- Sleeping I rar eaaenaera lor lloohealer onlr n.ia i iir-oilioAiio niuht express 1 prrnivirLi.. i.fnox, north adamh and Till. UKItKSIltllK tlU.I-1 wo throuah train, VIA IIARLI'M D1VI8ION. NF YOlfK t'l'.N- TRAL -tll.Ul A. M , due PlttafleM. 1 311 P M. , ' North Adama.Q, HUP M I tS 60 P. M ,dae PUta. I field H 10 P M i North Adam. 9 10 P. M, For tltno ot liN-at tralna. tleaata and ipace In Rleeplna-Care aptilr at tlrand Central htation. or at ll, 113. TJ, 0U llroadwar, U Park plane, 335 , t olumbiie are., r3 Weat 133th at arid UHlh at, I atatlon. New York , 331 Waahlniton at , lid Put. tenet and .I9R Bedford are., K. D., Drooklrn, t llailr exrept Hundar, Other tralna ilallr, Al ore train,, eireot thoae tearing at U Uu, 9.10 A M.4 30P M. .top at Hath at. elation JOHN M. rOUt'F.Y. OKORUB ll DANIFIJ), l)an,rat Mapaaar llen'l Paaaenger Agent (irmood Uk G'fDS. IlomantleplenteOrouoda DANCINU PAVILION. Uoatln. Flahlnc, llath Ins KlralOlaaallotaland llaatanrani Aoeoratnod tlona at Haaeonsbla IIooLtaoptn for ancaaa mania, HfMjor daatraola dataaatonoa. Ch ambers HtlVtrry SUMMER RESORTS. OO to Back's UoUl, By Pb, W, Y., IHaorar tloa 0aj( blf clambaka. RIDLEYS" Grand St., N. Y. 0UTIN(TSUITS. BLAZERS, JACKETS Z AND MANTLES. J Largo l'urcliair, Hnlf Price, In All I Slzea. FNCMSlt SF.IIO E TAILOR.MADE BLAZKa) H BUITS, bodies belt, bell aklrt, ( tDlDU reiki value, $10.00. L AI.I.-WOOI, CLOTH ULAZER JACKETS, la tan, nary and black, g. ZlOU I ltnve been $4.50. U IMPORTED TAN CLOTH I1L AZER J AOKBTt), with plaited lace front and girdle, II $ T"l J U biiTcbecn $7.00. FINK JACKETS, ENGLISH KERSET, MKU TON and UROADULOl IL large pearl buttona, 111 (POltJUj retlticed from $14.00. 11 LADIFS' FINE MANTLES AND OAPES-. ' trimmed late and ribbon, S6.90. $9.75 J linic born 810 nnil SIS. LAUDS' UPS r QUALITY CALICO HOUSE Yl RAPPFIPJ, alt al?e, medium colore 7 tic. 60 DO.hN LADIIVV hTRIPEI) BATEE.t WAISTS, boi.plaltedback and front, I r UgCii mil rnluc, si. 00. LARGEST ASSORTMENT V1SSFS' AND OUII, DREN'S C.INUHAM DltK-SSES-iiew, pratlj atyles, 59c. 75c, 95c, $1.25 to S2.90. MUCH BELOW VALUE. MISSES' AND YOUNG LADIES' WHITE SUITS. $1.50, $2.00, $2.90 to $6.00. 600 MIS'iF.S' ItKErtU JACKETS-plaln and (, faoiy tmutued, c Sf. iO J worth S2.0I). , MlhRFS' UNFTAILOR-MADEJACKETS-Un, '1 nary, gray and black., t)l CO CO lJ' U JiJiOU J iiavn hrrn 9,00. nii- i i i BARGAINS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. "1 ' 1 1 1 Store Closed Decoration Day. , ' EDWARD RIDLEY & SONS, :;; 3C9, 311, 311 1-2 to 321 Grand St. - ' RAILROADS. n t REiiTMiLfojiimEi: :;: in ' Station foot ot Ltbsrty St., North River. " I TunoTable In effect .May 20, 1P9.'. j" . II Trnliia l.'i.r lu i I t rolrnl Hullrnnil of New Jrrary. ' ' 1 For Ph ladelphl?, Baltimore & WssMngtoi ,'.' I UOYAL l.LUE LINE. hi 1-nrPlilladcpilj. I IHI. 7.45. 0.C0. 10 U". 11.80. ' ' with D'ninir (.r rt M. 1 ill, l.U. 3 Su, irltk ll Dining t. III! r tin. Ii till. 7 U P. IL, li 1) l.c nlgtit SiimU,!. II tn 111..!'', tiro, with lllnloi Car. A yl 1 n, .1 .ill. nltli Dining Car 5.00, 0 un P. M . l..n nih. i lor Haiti 1 1, - a (t U. lilnglo i dally at 0.00, , m ! 11 ,U, with II n ig ,il. A l . i nil, .1. JO, Illume ,.,' tar, 6 im I' Ji 1- 111 g ii. ' Addiloi.l r,ln wick d,.ur Dalttmore at 6,0) P. .11 I i Parlor Cjre n i day tralna 8 tepera on night It' tialtia Uf I lor Reading. Hirr'a'mrr, Pottarllle A"., at t i ib A M . 1 III. ..I'- itnillng inlj, 4.0U. 6.0u, Pi iiiont I oltnvii.e, i 0 ix e,i llarriaourg P M, lint 1J 13 l ralnr .ay 1 1 lit Sundaa ll.tlO tin A M . ,1 'lu crept llr I tmr,. 6 00 eroept Potta- Im e l, ll llneitr, t UarrlMiurg P M., l'i.ll night. N. )q Sunturi, Lewi.lnilK and Wlllfamaport, 1a I'u I dnphla, il ; ll l M . 1 .10. 7 SU P. M , .,,' 1 J. i.l n ght. eiretit Saturday mcht , hundayr,0 00 P. .M . U l.'i nmlniKhl. ,,, lor la.lou. 00.7 1.1,8 41 A M : 1 DO. 4.30, ," r. IV7iD P. M hunday, 4 3(1. 7. 15 A M. , I.IKI, i, , tSOP 11. or 1 rlhl'l nn, Allfnlnwn, .VeLili, 1 4. nli. 7 11, n.41 a. M. LOO. 4. ,lii, 5 41. 7 aota 1. All.ntnwn P. u Similar. 4.30,7.15 A.M. , 1.00, ft 30 P V. hi, )or lle.larre, pltl.tnii and Scranton, 8 4J . ., A M 4 .ill P JI Sun a).4 MA. M ' )or lllrti hri lgi hranrh ami Iiku Hopatrong. 1 0.00. b.45A .11 , 1 LU, 4..IU P M undaya, 7.1J i For Perth Alntioy and r-nnth Amtvy, 1.30, ft.PO, . 8 15. 11 11 M , 1 JI), 4 Oil. 4 10 5 -U.d 13, 7 .III P. M S unlay.. J. mi A M . 4 00 P. hi. ALL-jMIL HOUIl I Fnr I re. ho d and Atlalltio lllghlanda, 4. 30,(1.15, 1 11 1.1 A .M.. 1.J0 4.80, 0I1P M Sundaya, ! cent Freebol I, J 00 A 11. .4 10!' It . . For Red Hank. I ong Pranth and vointa aonth ta roint Plea.ant, 4.30. Hll, 11. 15 A, M., 1.30. " '.IS, 4 HO, 4 10, f.1.1 P M Sundaya jeiaept Ocean l.rore and Aalmry Park), 9.1)0 A M , 4,00 " P. M Vot Lakowood, Tome Hirer. Rarnegat Park and I llarnetat, 4 30 . 1 1 A .11 . 1 30. 4 5o P. M. , '. For Atlantic City, Vlneland and Brldgeton, 4 SO ' lor Monmouth lleaeh, SeabrUht and Highland r lleaohat4,30, 8,15. 11 15 A, M., I 30, 4.30 P.M. ,, , N.tMIV HOOK ItOl'Ti:. f Fnr t ong Branch, ttcean t,rore, Ac, from pier 8. N R . loot Rector at -k j For Atlantlo lllahlamla. Red Rank, Highland lleaon.Heatirlghtaud ling Hranch at 4.S0, 10.11 A. 51. 1 ' Sai rilaya only, .1.45, 6.00 P. 51. Sundae". 30 A M , . lor Elberon, Ocean flrore, Aahury Park and $1 Point l-ieMant at 10 IB A M . 1 00 Saturdajl only.1.45P M hnndaje, 0 JO A. M ... ,, yttr lkewood. 1 nnm River and Harnegat al 4,8(1 ., A M , 1 00 Saturday, onir. 3 45 P. 51. u. For rreeholdat3.46P il f, a, Tralna Irnrc nhm o alntlnn via i,i:iiii;ii ri.i.i:v it tn.itoAii For Buffalo, Niagara Falls and the West. 8 ir, A. M .7.JUP. M. Sundaia, 8 15 A M.,7 30 , 1 Inrl'aalon, 7 (10, 8,15 A. M 12.30. 5 15, 1 45, 5 16, T 30 P M Suudaia. 7.00, 6 15, 11.00 A. 1 51.1 4.40. 7 30 P M M .. . . . .1. For Uethlebem, Allentnwn and Mauch Chunk, 7.00, 8.16 A. M 1-' "0. 3.45, 5 1J. 7,'10 P. M. Sondara, 7 00. H IB. 11 00 A. .11 ,4 40 . 30 P.M. 01 For llailelon, II 15 A. M I III JO. 3 43. 7 ii P. M. M Sundaya, 8 16. 11 Oil A 51 , 7. JO P, M ..... In lor point. In tlioMahannyioal realon at 8.15 A. s, M , ll 30, 3.45 P 51 Sunday; 8 15, 11 A. A ,' lor IVIIaeabar.e Plit.ton andriurantnii, 8,15 A. " M 12 JO, .1.45, 7 JO P. 51 Sundaya, eicrat Soranton, 8.11 A J!., i 30 P.M. o .. 1! ForElmliaH 16 A Al , l'J.30, 7 80 P M. Hun dare B.15 A 5! .7,30 1" M ( Tiakela and parlor-car aeata can he procured at No.. 173, 336, 351, 416, 785, U4;, 1140 llroadwty. 7 Murray at , 814 Canal el. ,31 raat 14th at., JJ Columbu, are. and 63 Weat 136tli at,, ew York I , 831 Waahlngton at . 728 Fulton at , Rrookljn, J and 74 Itroadway. Wllllamaburg. . i Weeteott Eipreaa O" will call for and ehtca hi baggage from hotel or realdence to deatlnatton. A. A. SIcLLOD. V O HANCOCK, s Prea't and t,en M'gr, G,n Paaa, Agent. j s i CLAIRVOYANTS. ji IVTEXIOAN (IVPRV. ol Rockawar Peach, rrrreaU paat, preaeot and faturai prtoa 60o. 435 8th4T. f s INSTRUCTION. , '' BTSNOOBAPUY and tyMwrttlnat UaMUt4i . Biaixtwaj.N. T. 1 tartaa (lpat wart oaU M wtU