Newspaper Page Text
'. ji THOROUGHLY PRACTICAL v,,, NOT A MERE ' THEORY. ' PRICE ONE CENT " zzr )M ' NKW YORK. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 2l, 1892. PRICE ONE CENT. fl COUNTRY PEOPLE "FIND WORLD POSTAL CARDS HANDY. J EXTRA. 2 O'CLOCK. ' -' ; - WIFELY LOVE WINS. Devin'B Sister Will Atteud Max Glerget's Funeral, She Is the Murdered Man's Brother's Wife. The Hnlf-Wlltcd Avenger In tlio Tombs Tells n Strnnpro Story. ! The funeral of Max clerget, murdered In . Judge MortlQO'R com t-ruuiii by an avenging, bnli-linbe'-Uo brother o( tho foebk-uitndcd little girl ho had wronged, will tone place at 1 o'clock" to-morrow afternoon nt the under taking looms of William Colahnu, 131 Avenue B. TXie Interment will bo at tho Lutheran . Ceravterj, the youth having died without too paoof tho Catholic Church. I Hut one carriage has been ordered by 3Ienry clerget, tho brother of the dead boy, ,and tho question who will bo Its occupants, lead to tho discussion of a most remarkable .complication of nffalrs. AnErnxiNQ Would reporter found Henry Clerget In oca at the comfortable Hat, .Mil Fast Fifteenth street. Two prettv, fatr balrcd llttlo children played uron tho lloor In auotber room, and a sunny-halrcd young girl 'admitted tho i eportcr to .see her " cousin I lleury." lleury Clerget Is a kindly-faced young man, ' of gentle speech, lie raided hlmseli on ono .elbow and called reproachfully : " .Mamlo 1 1 Mamlol Wife, where arc you? I did not wish to sco visitors to-day." I The sunnj-halred girl said that Marnto had , gone down to the grocery. I ' Wall, now that you have conic, what would you have me say?" demanded Henry Ciergvt, bait defiantly. Ills language was that of a well-educated person, though there was a slight French ac cent. In two minutes ho bad becomn reas sured and talked freely, pausing now and i then to choke down a aob or to control hl3 im muling Up. lie was rcpljlng to questions about tho .luneral and his family. it will bo to-morrow, and I will have a priest The exclaimed, passionately. ' "Who will go? Well, I will and my llttlo c-n, nnd I don't know who else." i riiero was a great struggle hero with his u-uvjilona. I sen here," he Bald, "inv wiro H n good woman, bho has teen good even In this ' trouble. My brother did an awml thing. Her Utile slater was the sufferer. Her brother ill ltd hi in. Hut she has no haid feelings inwards me. She is sunerlug ten lb.y. "My family? 1 havo a mother in Tails and two married sisters. They are in lair circumstances. My father was once wealthy, 'if n years ago bis clothing house la Paris burned down with stf.-io.ouil worth of goods. 'Ihe lire tuMiraoce nad burst; a wees before. ' lie in j ruined, com-pnr-rha-llvciy. lie lb dead. My mother v. as coinlnf to America ours more on La champagne, to sail from Havre .luly U, and arriving heiu about July 17. "I have written that Max Is dead and tuned; (but she need not mine. Hut sue will, 'ihe story ol thlsavviul crime bus gone over Ihe woild. bho will conic. " Vi'j, in were educated well. 1 went to tollegcund then to the Ljceumof Charlres. Mux was educated nt tbu College of Charle magne. I speak Flench, Kngllsb, Spanish and Italian enually well, but 1 have been ablo to nnd only miserable employment In my nine j ears In America. 1 am a bat tender. I cannot tell where, tor people wonld come In lo look at me to look at the brother of one who vv as killed for his great el Hue. "Hut it matters not I 1 will get tho bounce irom my place.'' he said bitterly. .No, Henry; jo will not lose your place. Your employer would not bo u man If he dls-mis-edyuu lorwhat jouare not in blame." It was a gentle tote?, and looking up lucre lorter's eyes metgleat, soft brown out s-et In a pule, draw n lac. It was Henry Uergct'.s wife the mother of the falr-halrcd baboon the noor. "bee, .Mairle, tills Is a reporter. Ho asks bn win attend my Di other's funcial. Aru you going? The soft, brown eyes took on a loo' of autumn. Tho pala face became more draw n ; white hands clluebed each other over her i Vreastj her lips became compressed aud her I breath raiae short and quick. '1 hen : . "Why, Henry, you have got the cat rlagc. It may uu w ell not go empty," she said. I Nol That Is not it. You must not go I only of your own freo will. If jou think It will make trouble with your family " 'lh Blender ilguie mid been swajtugtni and tin. tho while hinds clinched. Tho brown hair had Pawned from its fastenings. Jut uho broke in with a turn of tho bead towards the babes, who had crept to the door and were looking on In wonder, "This In my family I You are my family, Henry, All the world besldo Is nothlngl I wyj jo with you to Max's funeral." leal a dropped from Henry Clergot's bluo ves upon tho bed. After a moment he said, soothingly, though argumentatlvely: "What Max aid was bad-bad I But at m "I he would hue only been put 1" prison lor twentj joins. The law did not glvo any. body the right to kill him." 1 Ue woman's passion rose. "A!i, but they do kill peoplo for that," sho "claimed. " Thej Killed ono In Long IsUid City, and only the other day In that place In tue eountry they dragged a mun through the city, and he harmed only a grown wumau "J"; a poor little crippled and weak-minded girl l "Poor Mux Is dead. Ills troubles aro dono, but little Sarah, my slater they will point jueir lingers at her in tho Btreeu They will point to mo and my sister and bay: ' Her brother w as a murderer P " It was a bitterly fought battlo, this, in tho oi'som of this young mother. Hut the wife's inf conquered all, and she Bald at last, ooilly ,h ' aro my husband, Henry. I will go to ino i funeral. I will ride In the carrlago be side you." There was a reaching out of Henry Cler. ii,.'? . na ""d a Biateful pressure of hers. I hen he resumed: ,. "And Johnnlo and Edna, our llttlo oues, u g.j. Km, and perhaps I havo some friends who may want to follow tho hearse for my ? ,. J ""rrtlrt wru&a". - krlowbl ivould mat this wore spared.""i0.t,"M,Be "Thrathy of his friends In nriiViHL'loua Hasrecehed from the Knter Sm, i00""1' t0 wmo, "e belonBS. o In Wtnpatby toucnlnlf 'a "1 affectionate uer nve hundred people, men and women, streamed Into colalian's undertaklnir rioins' last night in ga70 nt tiio body of Mat ( loitm. , Nuno Of l no locliibnrs of tho DeMu family V sited the lace. Kdward Dei In. th father, t died in lccemiKT, mtlO. The mother am ' Katie Dcvln IHe a, 4:17 Last stoulh street. 1 but the) had gone to tho Tombs this moi nliiir 1 to seo hddle. s Iho Inquest In tho case of Mnc Cleig t's doath will be hold mi I'rl Iny monlii". Devlu is belti carefully witched In tho I ombs to-day, following the directions of Dr. IharlC't Iv. Mcfiee, the pilson, who, after liU examination of the unforttiii.iic Veiling man last evening, conclud-d that the latter'rt mind Is unbiliiii"jd Tim avenger of his sister's honor occuplu n portion nf Ihu hospital cell tin the ground lloor of the muln prison, and his celMnates arc .tnhn Kelly and Kdward Hallls-ey, both awaiting trill for murder. Ills keepers hau found him to bo quiet nnd docile. When an Kvrvivo Would reporter visited Devln tins morning the. hitter had lust lltilshed hl.s broakfast. Ho was Hi hl.s blilrt 1 fL'l0''.".'!? .WU!I Rllll"lf n 1 Pall, peering . through tho lroii-grated cell door. When the keeper unlocked tho door Dot la 1 stepped out tnto the corridor aud looked nt the reporter with a vacant Man-. Tho Hush 1 on his cheeks, which had been brought on lis , the excitement of sh oting ciergtt, haddl appeared, but ho appeared to bo In good " I reel vory well this morning," was his re ply to the reporter's inquiry. ,.'0 'hen asked the reporter If ho had seen hH llttlo sister Surah, and when the latter replied In the negative, he said, his couu. tenanco suddenly lighting up, "Well, you oiieht t0b"eher; I love her dearljV questioned about the shooting, the half, wilted youth cast his eves on the stono lloor. nnd tin u broko out : Yes, my father told mo ' to do It. Ho was with 1110 again last night, , He Is a-coinlng to see mo again to-night. I " hen I lay down on my bed nt dark last I night he cime tip to me and greeted me. Wo 1 bath had a long talk about our fatnllv, and he snia to mo. Kddle, tako goon, care of your 1 little slter harah You must protect her I from this wicked world. M10 Is your sister ' nnd I will hold you responsible for whatever happens to her.' Knther on lay bed all the time, and whon light camo this morning! ho went nwaj-." Devln'ssutemont of his dead father's visit to him was told In a clear and cnhcierit' manner, which made an unmlstakcalilo Im-1 pressinn on his twomuider.s.tulned cellmalt.s I aud the keeper. Warden Fallon said this morning that Law. jer Louis Levy had been ictalned by Derm's irlenrts ns counsel to look after the legal I rights of t Impartially paraly?id jouth. Lcy. it is s.ilJ, has had already tli-ec coiiKUltatlons with his cllcni, but h s been unablo to get him to tali; rationally on tlu shooting of L li rget. Tevln v. Ill be c.a:r.!nc J again to-day by Dr. Mciiee. POINTERS Oil TIE RACES. . Vernal Stakes to Be Contested For at Shoopshead To-Day. Though tbo carJ at Shecpsbead Bay to-day Is made up mainly of selling races, it has an interesting ihnor about It and there may bo 1 borne go, d lacing run. Only ono dxid event' will be decided; that Is the Vernal (stakes for two-jcar-'dds, and a fair nld w!'l como to I th post. I'otomao and Itcckcn will make tho tulrd race exciting, and the son of m. Blaise ought tn disprove his owners assertion that I he Is a cur. Mldd'.eton, Kir Klch..rd, llisic and oll'cr gojd j-oungsters meet In tho second I event over the Futurity course. Tho track ' wilt bo dry and fast. The selections aro as, lolluws: I l'lrct Fa A Bwrentukos for tire-year-oIds ami iinru nf :.1 mcti. wltll fl.nuu a.ldd, wltfhli '1 ll. .1 ori3 tlm icalp; one mil '. .' (ll.tfsnn 1 Da'r'B Mrr Munar.'li 1 I,. .1. Hosd'nlilr) , li Hrisrii .t iloiriTM'. M-y win 1US KfV.luo Mnbln'fl .VailBl 1US W, ,l..i,nlin.' Kol'er U'U (;. Mlllfr'. Jo- Kelly U.I V. I' Dalr'6 Ccuut fl.l I 'I ho ojenlng event looks a certainty lor Falrv. the should win hands down. Holler limy land second monej-, and .May Win should ) not bo wori-o than third. beiond Hce. Purse 91,U0r1, for twrvycar-nliln; 1 rntraiiuwj'JO pli in aliowanc.; futurlljr cnurH. llrti'inwood.-talilf.' hlr Hloliard 11.1 Aenell Mllc'i Heads nr Tall 1UG f. .1 1) tr A .son'j t'.iroiio uott. 1U4 .1'duu JUlLpaniV.,MUUIjdnu. jf imrl Laur Ml.l.lletoiiiirMinT), 101 Knitaka Staldr's Willms ln KimiI''ii.SUUIs' (iirlru.lecolt 1114 S. Mra'll'H Itrilnald 10J W. I' lMl' lllrni Ill) W. I'. Il'irtti'a All Nlrllt HI . J. A. a A. 11. Morru's Klin IW .1. A. Uennett's Vlrsla II VI I MlddlLtou, when the Lady MUldletcn geld ing, ran some itry good races, and he may win the second nu'iit. Mr ltlchnrd should bo I close up and Htsk may beat the others. I Thtri Ha.o. A IihuJIchii lweepitftkii of $S rs.'li, with 1,5'iU addtfd, tor tlirio-y ?arolds, oua ! milt, and a furtonir. .1 . aud A. 11. Morris's Heikun 11'J M. P. llwrer's foio'iiat. Ill) 1 A Julias ,t L.'s L-.tnawoll , '.'." W. i' Dsli's Crn.uro 113 ;, WlUoil'a KluriUh I ady Ill i.l. Ik lVppnr .V Co. ' Loid AlolWy nil Potomac has at last b ill placed In a raca that lie might to win. Hicknn will be his most dangerous i.ppjni'iit, but Ihe son of M. Blaise la steadily improving and should dis pose 01 her w 1th case. Lord Motley ought tu be third. lourthKue -I'lrseUl OOOi entrance (33; soil. Ids allnvraurtB, ouu mile aid a quarter. I . Un's Wallcntoa . lit M I' llnin'sl ata.i'il 11" a oitt .V Campl''I's Orio l'l ,1. Kneal's hrolitrnac ' .' Vi. II. .Mel arth 1 niji. ror Otho 1 10 r. .1. ll)pr'i. kltia-'hrldfe 1 n ruiplixMalile'allirtlol) 1U4 W. 1 a'. land's John Caranartl '17 V I Half's Alcalde SO .Ichn I'nvanagli ran such a good rare a few duvB no that the witter will expect tnseo him duplloate tint victory t(-diy. oarlctnay land second money and Fromeuac may Ihj tblrd. Fifth Bice Tho Vernal 8taVr, a swrupstakes for two.yeir-c.Mi of 10 'aih, wltl 1,500 added; selllnr allowances, futurity tourse. UrookwoodHlal.lo'sl.ltra HH A. .1 Joiner's Muscorltf ,,,, 111.) H. W. .Stirels llp.Urt IHU Hlemton Stable's Ina-ot Vi M t, llwjer's llllss colt US 1, J Hose's Ooiurad.. US Keystones. ulo't Industry W Kxtra should land the Vernal Stakes, with Muscovite second and comrade third. rdltll Hare. A lill.wellit handicap sweep, stakes of 10 eacb, with l,'J5ll added; one mile andaunarterpn turf. freak nose Mat lo sl.ironla Ii5 V. T. Mlller'fl l.sritlinnnt. ll'J W U. Daly's llrxpielort M V. Deyer's Alrshatt 1 10 The closing event may go to Livonia, with Larcbmuut second aud Hoquofort thlid. Olouooster Solections. First Haco Misty Morning, lleba T Fade. Mccond Hace Wang, I'rlnicas llelda, Itobin Hood. Third Hace (iardner, Jersey, Courtter. Fourth Kace-1'robltdilou, John Uay, Oou- FHth Haco Vernon, Blackburn, lilalto. blxth ltaco Vcvuy, Addle T., Deer Lodge. Dived Through e. Broadway Win- dov. Owen Owens his bauds nnd face covered with small cuts, was a prisoner at tho Tombs Court this morning. Owens was acting strangely on Broadway, and suddenly was aeon 111 alve head first tlernuh he plate. glass window at No. k'K7. He could give 110 explanation for his conduct and was held fur examination. lll'.TWKKN TIIK AUTH ik BKAVO. lOe. lULr 11IMK, So., all.tobacco olarstte. ar 1 the alirandcuuii Wvi.U. UU. mttb'iiltJOiV I REPUBLICAN CLWOIiESS. - st .1 - Workingwoiuoii Urged to Aid in tbo for Proteotion. Colored I,!ostos tsuo a Cull for uu Afro-American Convention Hochktfh, .lune yo. In tlio Conrcnttnn ot tlio auto Leu;rua ol ltcpubllco Clubs this niortilmt Clmilfb A. IlcsH, Ciialriuan ot tho Comiiiltteooi. Itt'solutiond, prtfieiiti'tl rvfautu tltmacontrratulaiiiij; tho locrsoi good gov ernment on tlio bright prospects ot n con-Uuu.-itlon ot the national mtmlnHtriulon ns now condui'tcti by iTeildent Harrison." Alio cougrntulatlnj; tlto citizens of tbU .St.iie on an aroused public hcntluicnt, wlileunssurc.i tlio ptoplouf a speedy return to u fair and honest, administration of public afTalru In this commonwealth." Of tho Kcpubllcan National Platform, tho rertohitlons say : It Is eiprMiel In pUtn termninil horfttlr rpr mnts the ntiraont ot tlio unity mil tltit If mr of oir rcjrril " Iho lteimbltcan pullor ot protection at a frnud," upiitrtunltx lp now affttnlfil thera under tlo platform of tne Ileino cratlo prtr, to rTi-rne or their rotes tlio r coord of I thirl TCAnof unAiamp.e.1 growth, public tirmlit, roipcci for our hat (inroad aud prortprrltjr throiifch ont the Uud. The followlny declarations art) also mado: Iln'ocnlrlnir tm we do the fact tbat a larje nam ler of women are einp'oje.l 11 thn fattoric of thii country, whlca are ehleuled by a protective tarlit from tulnoua roinptltlon. aod reoognleln the great Ittflnence which women eiert upon moral and political anemone, therefore be It A'ft.WiW, That we nrve the hearty co-operation of all nomrn In the grat conflict In which wo are nj.T eugafea for the protection of our hornet and I nreeldei, and to this cud we lurlte their &aiit ance. Tho resolutions hold that tho orpanlrn tlon or th New York benato with a Demo cratic majority waa an outrage aaltnt tho people, having no parnllfl in tho political hlHtory of thU or any constitutional govern, ment in the world." Also, it la asserted : lhat the action of the Democratic majority In the late Democratio Acaembly and vnste, by which a I cruiUH and apportionment bill wern paated.and the priHoeeJlngi under tbnne atatnten by which a cftirui wan had and a pretended app&rtlonmont mado, were Irregular, uorrupt. unouuatUutloual and in violation of law. Hy thera the rlyht of representation cuaranteed ly theConilltutton of tho Stat haa been violated and wilfully et ailde. t)y ttiftm couutlea of the Mate coufeiaedly oontaiuiiia itepubllean maiorl tlea hare been robbed of their due number of rep rieptattTfB and the etoleu repreaeutatton added to countleeadmlttedlr dmnoratlo. Ihe teiinus returni were tamperod with and altered to irake the uctmus report to the Legisla ture meet thn plaun of the Dcmurratlo majority. All thla haa been done, ahd laalmoata matter of common nletory. wltbuut uue word of proteat from any Democrat In any attembly or convention of the Democratic part) In the State, although the method iiy wfiiob eoLhoutraceewereaocomplUhed have been Uenouuoed at lnfaniuna and crtminal by a committee compoaed largely of d latin autebed llemocratlo lawjera, acting lu qoaal judlotal ca pacity to iuvetlate the nui, The icaolutlons cuncludo v.lth tho Indorse lutinco! and proinho to elect tho itcpubllcan aNatl. mil candidates lumlorea deK'ffatea to tho convention this iiiorulntf lpsuou a call for an Airo-Amerl-tau Convention, "for the purpose of etTectino; a thorough und eniclnt orjfanlatlou ot the Afro-American Kepubllcaus ot the F.mplre htale uhererer lound, nnd thereby prevent thn apathy which chnracterDed the campaign uf tnat year and which contributed so largely lu tho uru-jhln: drKnl that we then .sustained at the hand ui tho common nemy." 'I he Com enliou Its to be held In tho city of Uroukl.Mi on thn lrttli and 10th uf AugUHt, und the barilsof representation wlllbone UriexatcH for each regularly urganiod ( lub ihroUKliout the HUte. Xho citllhau: Dur a til it ted brother?, in tho South mint hato ant warnu'at pymptLy, and It must to our a in, rid dut tousKof .St&ti knd Fedetal liorerument the en fi.rctraont f noh lawa ae wid eeoure to all Amen 1 ait tliiicns ' the riaht tu lite, liberty and tho pars jit of Impplnem." Wtdo earueitly euhmtt thai life la a common hnrltase, and that out of one ! blcd tod created all Us nationa of thn orth. i Nt'xrodomlnatlou, tho perrcrslon of Inteiliaont I will, the rvaatpful eipendlture of common re- I rourcf nor extrarauartt fxp'nditure of the frulta I ot tli nation'a bet ejdearor are no-ie tt our 'rtfel. Ojt dcle aiifaiti for the sei 1 the hopea and tho pru)cra of thoae who made tho Krpib.K. D.F.mOCBATIC CHAIRWAriSHlP. eonntor Erlo Buys ConRreeamnn Cablo Will Pill It, Irv fSPCIATFI rnns.l Cute i'.o, Juno SI). A special from Lima, ()., quotes Senator Hrlce assajlng that t'on j grcsiman Hon T. Cable, ot Illinois, will be Chairman ot the Democratic National Con tention. I Now York's Dalegntoa to Omaha. i Delegates from this city to tho National convention of the People's party, which imcts In Omaha, Neb., next baturdaj-, aro as follows: Thnddeus II. Wnkeman. l'rederlck w. llellevuo, Dr. i:. 11. 1'nnte, Jr , 1). 11. Mnltli, 11. Weston and 11. A. hpei.eer. Rctlflcutlon Meotlnofs.'. The James (I. lllalne (Hub, nf Harlem, will rat. I Ify tbe muuiuati ins of Harrison ami Kel.t tu nlcht 1 a. tU'i cluii.liuuse lu One, 1 an.1 Teblti street. (1-n iteorj-e A. 8henUan wilt speak. l'reslilo it I'urroy, of the 1 iro Husril, will preside, and ot'eehe. will be made lij Assistant District lllo-lieys Itsrluw M. We.'ks and Henry 1). .Mail, dona, Conner Jhll B. Miet, J. Fairfax Mcfjiuuh ll.i and others at theTsinmanr Hall ratllicatiou nieethiir ft One Hundred and soventUtn street aud I Tnlrd iveuue to.ulaht. Knife Against Harrow Tootb. Inv asuiciarrn rnrs.1 uwixiisviu.i:, Ky., June y In Fleming County, Blue Hlco, a farmer, and Zlke Turner, I a hand In his etnploj-, fought over a difference In their accounts, nice, used a knife and Turner a harrow tooth. Wee 13 dead and Turner fatally Injured. Mornlnc Pnpors' Solootlons. AT EllKFrSIIF.All BAY. I'lrst Hace fairy, Meiry Monarch. Second Hace blr HlcharJ, 1!!. '1 hint Hace Iteckon, l.eonawell. rourth Knee John (. .ivanagh, Wnttcrson. Hflh Haco-Kxtra, ltik'nt. blxth llacc hivoul'i, Hiniuefort, First Hace Fairy, Merry .Monarch, second Itace Mr Klclurd, Wallace. 'I hlrd It ice I'otuiiiiH', Jlfckmi. Fourth ltacc Alcalde, Wattemon. Fifth Hace Kxlra, .MuseuMle. fclxth Hace Livonia, Larchmont. First Hace-Falry. May Mn. second Hace-.MIddleton, blr lilchard. Ihlrd lUct IlecKon. Leouawell. Fourth Hace Watterson, John Cavantgh. Filth ltaco-i:xtra. Industry. blxth ltacc Hoqucforl, LlvocU. rirft Hace Fairy. Holler, necond Hace W allace, blr Hlehard. Third Hace Kngllsh l.adj-, Hecknn. Fourth Haco Wattersun.tlertlo D. Fifth Hace Muscovite, r.xtra. blxth ltace-LlTonla, Itunuefurt. Flrst Hace Fairy. Hollor. Hecoml Hace Mlddletun, Hiram. Third Hace I-ord llolley, lleckon. Fourth Hace -Oarlc Alcalde. Fifth ltacc Extra, MueoJTltc. tjUtblUoorUTOUwi lrftrctuaontk FBSifli OF StfillORlllLt. Will Ho Bs a Silent Spectator of the National Campaign ? Stiltl t no ITrccil to Glvn Out m Ite nuirltiiblc Force IHU Aililrrus. tsrrcut to vnr. rvrsixo wontn.t W'AsiitNdiov, Juno yo A story has been told tu ah Hvi.nimi Woiiiu ciitrcupjiident here, which, by reason of the high authority fr.un which It comes, dniamU consideration. It relates lo benatnr David, II. IllU'a ponlltuu In the cnmpatn, and In a few days Its allega tlons will either be HUbitnutlahd or over thrown. beuator IHU bai been milking In liH tent over alnco tho Chicago Conveutluu. Tun Kvknimi Woiii.n'a Informant awerta, pro fcis"dly ot his own knowlodge, that the llttlo Mr. IHU bai said coucoriitug tho conven tion's action, even to Mi confidential friends, baa Induced the boiler that ho Intended to preservo ausoluio sllcnco on tho Httbject of tho nomluatloua and to tako no paitlutho canvass. I " Hecontly," Bald tho corresnondont'H In formant, "Mr. IHU has been urged by a news paper In New York which ban long been pcr aonally abualvo of Mr. Cleveland and en thubdastlo in Mipport of Mr. Hill, lo wrlto an address to his Hemocratlo friends In New York, thanking them tor their faithful sup port and urging them to utilto hi defeating tho Hepubllcun pnrtj', regardless ot ecry thltig else, In order to prevent the overthrow ot tho Constitution by tlio uso ot Federal DayonutH at tho ballot-boxes. Mr. IHU baa been told that ho nettnoteven alludo to Mr. Cleveland, out deudo hM ad dress to this ono Issue. Then, ho has been reminded, no one can charge hltn with aiding tuedefestof tho Democratic party it Mr. Cleveland should bo beaten, aud he will bo all right it Mr. Cloveland should lie elected. " Mr. 1I1H Is In New York to-day," contin ued Tun Kvrninci Woat-u Informant, "to talk the matter over with tho Journalist, and I bclievo ho will follow the policy laid down. It Is urged that It will not help Mr. Cleveland, but wUl eovor up tho tracks ofthosowho would rejolco over his defeat, but who would be ruined if the fact ot their trcachory to tho Demooraoy should be known. Indeed, this Is one of the motlvos ottho Now York Journalist, who is known to desire cle eland's dofcut, and wUl boip to secure It as far as he can do w without again risking tho destruction of his newspaper, which was nearly ruined In the Duller campaign ot 1NN4. "I think you will find Senator IIIll's ad dress, or whatever he may call It, will follow closely the lines 1 havo marked out, and will seek to leavo on the minds ot his friends tho Impression that ho Is Btlll personally and politically opposed to Mr. Cleveland. "I may add that Mr. IHU Is seriously troubled about tho romarkable advancement of Mr. Wllllnm C. Whitney to the prominent I leadership ot tho Now Yorlt Democracy and, i Indeed, 1 maj sy of the National Democracy, I Mr. Whitney has proved himself n general ot extraordinary resources. " Now, Mr. Hill, with tho new machinery in his hamtaand with absolute onncrshlp ot tho I Ooveruur and Lleutenaut-dnvernor ot his J Maw, his wemed to bo certain ot the succe sorahlp It Mr. Cleveland should be elected or of the continued leadership of his Mato If Cleve land should bo defeated. It Is easy to see that Mr. Whitney's sudden doelopement Into a masteily leader, Joined with his wide knowl edge of National Democrats In all tho btalcs, his social position, his acknowledged ability and his reputation for honesty In politics might seriously interfere with Mr. Hill's future plutis nnd ambitions." It Is only fnlr to say that 'I tin Evening Wohmi's ltrforuianc Is a strung supporter ot Mr. Cleveland. BREWNAN TELLS A STORY. ThoBlfr Etrset Comralaslonor Throws Llciit Upon Ilia Dlfflcultloj. A dUconsolnto and lonely looking .street , seopor scraping up little mountains nf dirt on Frankfort street was asked this morning how ho liked Commissioner Urennan's new sjstem, and In reply saU he was lining too hard work und nut enough compaii). I " Look here," he said, as he leaned his ' broom against a lamppust ni.d tLun leaned , himself I'g.Unst the bruiiiu, "I want you to 1 say in jxur paper that I'm worked too hard, "beo thai," ho addel, pointing to Ihe inlro ' I Irom Franklin square to Park now; ic got to sweep tho whole street ns clean as a i pariur carpet If it takes till midnight, and ( there is no uno to talk to while a teller's do j lug It. I'll h.t hanged It I like, this solitary confinement and hard work. We'to alw.ijs I been In gangs bi'fore, and uow they wnnt mo . to dua whole gang's work. " Uesldes r'rankfurt streot, I've got cum squaro on William, (iuld, Jacob, nnd i llh I htreetH, and 1'vo got the whoki btisluess to take care of, llku ono of them common cop pers that patrols a tat." Why not strike ';" tho reporter nsked. "btrikel Strike who, Tom Hreiinitn .' Sen here, who do you take mo for, bullivan ? My name Is Jack McFantierj', and I aiuastuil cleaner, nut a slugger, ui.d 11 1 don t go to work I'll get fired. With that Jaikthe sweeper took up his broom again and the Interview was ended. I Commissioner llrennati wasusned when the ne r,ji.tciii would I'O adopted our the i utile Ulj-. and replied that l.e cuulJift !MI. I'm like a i'liur.:li congregation 1 lieird ot once," continued Mr. llreuiun, assuming h.s story-telling altitude, "thai deieunliu 1 to build a hoiuu uf worship, and met ui.e bun uay afternoon lo deildu uu the plans, one good old brother, nimby right oi Ulng I lie weilthlesl man In the rhurch, was glten the privilege of um km,' all suggestions, moved lirst that a new building uc erected. Tim mutton was cnirled. It wax next resoiied to keej. the old building for worship until t he new , building was tlnlsh1, and aio to ue lb" ma terial In the old building for use In thciree-' tlon of Ihe new. All (lie resoliillons were i carried, and the contractor no dmil.t had tie samo trouble I au haIng in (.eltlng a new torco w hlle retaining tae old men kvr lug tnt'iu at wurk." I Ptiss'on Piny at tlio World's Fnlr. , irv assoriaTsn rnrs. ' Ciiicaoo, Juno sii If no objection la raided, ' the Passion rlsyof oieranunrrcait will be' produced at Chicago during tin iir!d's I air. All tb. original participants In the perlurm-1 ante have acreed to cumo to Lhlcagj, aud with them will le brought tbt original cot tumes and other accessories oi the great re-1 Ugtous di-uan. - . GOV. GnHPBELL GUIHS Mili7 Tho Ex-Govornor Confidont of a Tidal Wavo for Clevolaud. Mr. Kansott Crltlrlacs rrcslilcut lliirrlson'a Choice ot National Chairman. An liiirorliiut h nivalin town to-day is that of ex.tioi'. .lames V.. Campbell, of Ohio, who Is now stopping nt the MItli Avenue Hotel nn his waj to Huston. It is believed Hint he has lu view n visit tmiray (laliles, iillhuiigh ho i has not said that such is his purpose. Tho 1 trip trom tlio Hub down tn Murrnrd's Uav Isit short one, and the ex-(lovernor wonld hnnlly 1 leavo llostou wtihmit pajlng his respecls to Mr. Clevel ind, one of whose stanchest sup- ' purK rs he has nlw nys been. In regard to thn nutlixik lor the Deuiucrattc tlckot, ex-(lov. I Campbell said: I " The prospects aro most encouruglng, nnd 1 lii'lleiu that there Is not tho slightest doubt of Mr. Cleveland's election." j " How will Im run lu tho West?" " I think that he will carry Ohio and all tho I other doubtful Slates In tho West, nnd them 1 never was a time when tho prospects ot Dem , otrntlc success were so brilliant. " 1 rom what 1 have lienrd Miice my arrival 1 here, and Judging Irom tbo attitude nt tho I party In New York, .Mr. Cleveland wUl cor I tulnly rccclvna handsumo majority lu his I own State." In tegard to his cnulldrtnce In tho ability of ! his party In Ohio to give a Democratio ma . Jorliy the ex-Oovei nor said: " Ohio Iiequently docs unexpected and re markable things, und when 1 told the dele . gates at Chicago to keep their eyes on Ohio next November, 1 meant what 1 said, she Is going to give tho country a surprise." Another prominent arrival Is J. Moat Fas sett, who has como on from Washington, I vt hern he has been attending the meeting of the National Heuuhllcnu vAmimlttie and con- bulling tho leaders or that party at the capl Mai. -Mr. Fassettlsnot at all satisfied with the turn which alfalrs have taken In the Na tional commllteu nnd thinks that President Harrison made a great mistake In taking tho stand ho did with reference to Us Chairman. fchlp. I In Insisting on the retirement of (Jen. Clarkson," ho aald, " tho president empha ! sled the fact that there were still two wtngs Mb th party Harrlsun and antl-Uarilson. 'l his. In the optnlun uf many of the leaders, was a grave mistake The light at Minneap olis was a friendly one, and It would havo been good ikjIIcv to endeavor to make the frlonds uf the defeated candidate forgot their defeat. Instead ot that tho President has gone i out of his way to mako those who oppi sea bis nomination feel that thy are now uutslde the breastwoiks.' Aurnidlng to his friends, bis only reason for opposing (Jen. Clarksou was that he w anted one of his own friends at the bead of tho Nntlonal Committee. " There woie foity men in the National Committee," said Mr. Kusstt, Impressively, "who were not only willing but unxluus to vote for (Jen. Clurkson, and we would have elected hltn chslruian despite tbo President's opposition had hen jt positively told us that be would not serve under any circumstances. " N e believe that he was tlio boat man for i .tho place, and that lio deserved it for many 'reasons, lie had the woik well In hand, mi- 1 dei stood the situation thoroughly and was I personally acquainted with every man of I National reputation in the party. "1 voted for latupbell for chairman be 'cau'P there was no nlter.iatlve, and others I did thn snnio. l hsvo nodcuht he will make i an cnlclent Chairman, lor his friends all say that ho will, and I lake their word for It." ' This sort ot feeling seems to extend to till those who were active Hi opposing the uoml , nation uf Mr. Harrison. None ot them shows any particular euthiialasiu for the ticket, and all seem to regard It as tho lntentleu of the 1'iesldenl to keep them at a distance. Among other notabilities lu town 1 3-d ay nre M. II. De Youii,', ot California, Vlce 1 Chairman of the Hepubllean National Com i nilttee, who Is at the Fifth Avoaue, and Sec retary Stephen II. hlkltis, who Is at the llotl- I man House. I I Mr. Do Young said that nothing had jet r-epn dono towaidn scouring h-adqurtrafcr i the National Committee, aud he did nut think , I tnat the i:ecutlvo commutes would tie 1 named for several doj a yet. Mauyot tneold members, however, would, he said, bo re i quested to serve, and when the Comtullteo had been selected work would bo begun at once. secretary Elklns had nothing to tay this morning In regard to the political ouilock, and declared hu had only como to New York York on private business. THREE NEGROES LYNCHED. Sliot by Masked Men After Confess- ins to Criminal Assault. tl v arroclTH rums. 1 0i vfston, Tex., June yii. A special from Lulines Ntlll sij.s that the tbreo negroes. Pi luce nods, Tom "tnllli and Henrj (Jalnes, anested on thechurgi) of criminally assault lug the ladles uf Dr. shellleld's family near bpuigls last I'rlduy, confessed their crime and hud brer, lynched. 1 pon the rumexslon Ulng made ten men were depulled to convey the nigruis to oodrllle .lull. When out about a mile from bpurgls thev noticed a lot of red nags hang, lug apparently Irom the ruaiislde bush. Hit)' masked aud armed nun then came out and demanded the rcl 'Use of tho negroes, em phJhllnir their demand by levelling their guns upuu the guards. 1 he guards ero told to retrace 'heir steps a few puces, and a lew moments later a volley irom ih gut,s uf tho masked men told tho fuieof the negroes. When the deputies returned to the spot they found the three negroes literally riddled Willi bullets nnd all dead. BATTERY PARK FOOTPAD. A Pnrk: Pollooman Saw Hltn Steal a " Blonpor'a " Watch. Ono of the gang tint nightly robs "sleep eis"lu Lattery I'ark was caught by Park Pulli't'inan Farrcll early this morning with a stolen watch lu his possession. 'Ihe pilsoiier said his name was Henry Dn hn, he was a butcher und lived at 4 (Ireenwleli street. Matthias llejer, a stableman, of " I'lko stnut,lill asleep on une uf thn benches and Diehu lublH'd nlm 01 his watch. The theft was vvltnef-.! by Farrcll, who pursued the thief mid tau.'ht him with the timepiece lu his liana. Drelin pleaded gulltj In the Tombs Court and Justice White held him fur trial. Olen Inland's New Brooklyn Landlnfr. since the ontngot (Hen Island last Thurs day llrocklynltes have had to cross to Now irl:. 'Mm new iter at the foot ot South Filth street, which Mr. Marin has leased, has liven undergoing extensile alterations and will Im npen tor business i burial ty morning, when boats will begin l'i run, eommeuclng at U.(i. . ., hourlj up lo :t.oo r. v. Most Of Ilrook lyn'seir Hues pass this point, south Fifth street is one block luTllt uf the lnoadnay I Ferrv. 'Mia management expect to shorten the running time between Mrooklyn and tl.on lsinud 1J this change of landing. Formerly I much time was loit In making landlnja at JenvU'sWbarG MAKING READY FOR THE PROHIBITION CONVENTION. MISS CINCINNATI. I'll havo lo hvrry sweeping out ffiojo bottles or there'll be trouble. cms in' an asylum. The Dry-Gooda Merohant De clared Insano by His Friends. Creditors ot Ferdinand W. Culvvls, the dry Cooda merchant, formerly of the firm uf conk Hn X Chlvvls, but rtsiently of T4U Third nrc-, nuc, who havo been looking tor him in vniu ' ever slnco his failure for :io,oon was an-1 nnunccd on Juno til, wero surprised this I morning to learn that he hud been committed to a lunatic asjlum, This explains his mysterious dlsappcj ranee, and people In Mount Vernon, where he lived, are talking about the queer manner in which he was spirited away. It appears that on Thursday last, two days alter his assignment, Drs. bmlth aud Panning, who are lntlmaloi friends ot the Chlvvls family, called upon (. Ity , Judge Appell, of Mount Veinon, and requested him to sign a formal com uilttuetit of Chlvvls; lo Dr. Carpenters private Insane asylum nt Mamaroneck, to which tho bankrupt mer-' chant had already been taken bj his frlelidr ' Ihe two physicians submitted nnidavlis lu which they swore that Chlvvu had become suddenly Insane, but the Judgo was sus picious of their motive's. In view ot tho recent failure, and refused to Elgn a commitment i without a further Investigation, llo a polutcd Dr. George 1'. Weiss to go to the ' asylum and examine Chlvvls, and after a hasty examination Dr. Weiss rolused to cer tify that the patient was Insane. 'Ihe friends uf Chlvvls Immediately applied to County Judge Mills, when Judgo Appell refused to entertain their application, mil that sunt evening a regular cumiultmunt was signed by the Countj Judge. 'Ihe tesult , Is lhat the creditors uf Chlvvls will nut bu able to serve any legal paivra on him. Mean-1 while moat of the slock In his store has Leen , rrulcvlntd by creditors whovvero ablo to Identity their goods and others arc seeking to 1 becure themselves by attachments. I It Is nol believed by the people in Mount Vernon that Chlvvls Is reullj Insane, but that this means has oton employed by his friends to keep him secluded until the storm blows over. m ssi DR. STEPHEN SMITH RESIGNS. Anotbar Member of the Board of Health Leaves It, Another honorary member of tho Hoard of Health has sent In his resignation and It has ' been accepted, 'this time 11 Is Dr. Stephen i Smith, of 474 Madison iiveuue, who was med-, leal adviser ot the lllard Parker Hospital at , the fuot of Kast sixteenth street. Dr. Smith hus been connected with the I Health Department for ycais. Iludccllues to talk about his resignation, leaving It tu hu i Inferred that the "outside liilluenco" that' I caused the retirement of Drs. Living, Jams. ' way, Jacobl and I'ruddcn had also nlTtcted ' his action. He hinted that more icalgii.tll' us , uilthl be expected. lir. Smith's resignation was painfull'.- brief. It read: "1 heuLj leslgn the position uf member of the Uedieul Hoard of Health. ' in. Frank Ferguson, uf vu West '1 lilrty elglitn street, has been iippolute-d lon-ultlrii; ' physician to Ihu Hoard lu place of Dr. I. Mitchell I'rudlen, rtelglifd. Drs. Fwmg and .laeubl havo riccntlj resigned Hum the He .ah Uoal d. HENRY W. FULLER'S FUNERAL. Services Ovor tho Body of tho Chiof. ' Justice's Only Brother. Iirrfui TOTnr rvrsi-iii wonr.n.l Nitw Hociiki t.r, June an. Tho funeral ser vlcis of Henry Weld Fuller, only brother uf ciilef-Justlco Fuller, w ho died J esterday Irom , the elteets of splnil Uouble, wi re held In tho I tastle at 10 o'clock this morning. 1 ho inter i ir.cnt will be In Oukwood cemelerj, Chicago. Henry Weld Fuller was born in Augusta, ' Me., April 7, 1S1I1, and wuseducated at How. doln college. Ho married saruh 11. Ladd lu 1S.V.'. lie studied cheintstrj aud was adiug gist at llaugor and tn Chicago. He retired from business lu IbSd. i Ho leaves a sou und married daughter 1 M re. Saunders, wife or the American Vhe. Consul at Nassau. Ills son started the Col-' rgiate Institute In this place. Ihe Fuller laintly genealogy can be traecd ! to itlvlc the Dane, wlio conquered Htissia, ' and Includes Dr. 'I nomas Fuller, the Kngllsh I am and nine of tho Maj flow-era's passengers. 1 IS1 M I An Alleged Bogus Telegraph Com- I pany. Irv asa.r:sTri rapes. Cine ioo, Juno '.'li. ijiio warranto proceed ings have been lnlltuteil It. tlie ilrcult Court by Attoruej--iener:vl l.unt to lorfcll the char- j ter of the Mercantile Telegraph companj. It Is alleged that the Company Is not c.iriytug out the obiecis for which It was Incoriiorated, but instead la conducting a ruvlrootu and gtmblim buitavsa. WILL DR. IRyiNC EQ FREE? - - ... Belief that the Jury Will Bring inaVordictof "Guilty." Speculation was rlto this morning In the Court of (Icncral sessions a.s to theuutrome of the trial ot Dr. John A. Irnln, one of three physicians Indicted for performing nn Illegal autopsy uu the body of Mind-Header Wash tngton living lllshop, who died In a cataleptic lit Immediately alter giving an exhibition at tho Lambs' Club on the night of May lu'. I Hull. 'Ihe trial legan yesterday morning beforo Judgo F!t7girald, In I'art II. uf the court, and when nn adjournment was taken last even ing counsel for b'th s!ds had put In all I heir evidence, reserving their addresses to the Jury for this morning. Drs. Frank Ferguson ard Irwin A. Hnnce, who wero Jointly Indicted with Dr. Irwin, were In court with their lawyers and eagerly watched the proceisHnqs tho result nf which vv HI deti rinliio thi Ir action whether to plead guilty or stand trlaL '1 lie defense set up by Dr. Irwin that Bishop whllo dying had reque-stcd the phjslclans to make an autopsy oh his body causod a good deal of rumir."ht, and tho opinion was ex pressed that the jury would find a verdict against Dr. Irwin In accordance with the evl dcrceortho prosecution that the physicians had received no pi rmlsslon from the Ccroner to perloim nu autopsy on the body. When tourt opened this mornlug thiro was ablgciowdot spectators present, conspicu ous among whom was Mrs. Eleanor Fletcher lllshop, tho mother of Ihe dead mind-reader, vv ho Iijs been largely instrumental In bring Ing about tho trial of tho alleged "mur derers" nf 1 er son. Mrs. lihihop Insists that the doctors orened. her sou's bend while ho was In a state of trance, und she has wrltton a book on the subject. Hi's. Feruuson and Haneo were ab sent, while Dr. Irwin was un hand and took his seat .ilonstde his counsel, Messrs. l'uge low aud .Mesaiu Dr. Irwin declined todlscttsstho trial, but his lawyers expressed a couvlctlon that tho jury would bring In a verdict of gulltj-. BON VOYAGE, MR. ROBERTS. Pennsylvania nallroad Vosaels Sa lute thev Company's Provident. An unusual demons! ration was accorded this morning lo George II. Huberts, President nf the l'tnns.vlvnnla Hallroad, who sailed .'or Kutopo on tbo lumati liner City of Paris. I hen the Ug (cenn racer pulled out of hcr pier and started down the bay the entire , I'cnnsytvntili Hallroad Company's lleci ot over SOU vessels, Including ferry-boats tugs and Ught-rs decorated with flags aud bunt ing, lined the river and saluted Mr. Hoberts us the steam r passed. as GOTHAM'S STATE TAX. Tho City Now Has a Representative on tho "State Board of Assessors. The Now Vrk tlty onielals are rejoicing to-day over the iippolutiiieut by l.ov. Flower utaNuw 'V.ork representative un tho btate , Hoard of Assessors. Although the city pays mote, than one-half ot the state has i had nu ropre-entatlvc on tho stato Hoard sp ce lsil. 'I he New York appointee Is John .. Mason, editor of the Harlem Lucal Hf iiui iri , and a Heputj Collector lu the Custom UnusKUUdtr President l levclaul's admluls tritlon. HLs c Ileagues In the new stato Hoard are VMlllain II. Wuod.ot l'oughkeepsle, and Henry 1). llrcwster, of Wecdspjrt. JOE SIEGR1ST IS DEAD. The Voternn Ticfcot Speculator Leavos Only 915,000. Joseph cr"Joo" slcgrlst, the oldest and best known ticket speculator In this city, Is derd. lie was burled on Monday, but It was not until to-day that his friends became awaro uf his death. Joo bad been a ticket speculator for thirty j ears, and was a famil iar nguro In the old Academy ot Musloduys nndl.itir at the Meltopoiltau Opera-llouso. llo speculated in tickets when Jenny Lind sang at ca.stle eiardun. lie was a great ad mirer nf I'attl. and used lu maxe her presents ! of Doners. He died at the home of his brother, F. W. slegrlst, on the Boulevard, It Is bald he leaves out J $1.-,000. Take a Columbia Osllego Professor. irv aRsoctATVP punas, I ' ( liicAoo, Juno L'u.-At tho meeting ot tho Mrustecsof the HUuola Slate University here Dr. David K. DoJgo, now Assistant Irofessor ot Fngllsh Llteraturo In Columbia College, New iork, was elected to lUecIialroI ug- IteU Literatures EXTRA, i 2 O'CLOCK. ; ' AsB MUSIC AT NIGHT. I Park Board Orders an Evening ,H Concert in East Eiver Park. 'fl Action Taken on " The Evening fl World's " Plammo'.h Petition. &fl If the First Concert Proves a Sue- ,.,'H ocia the Plan Will Do Made 'ifl Permanent. 'il M The lloardof ParkComnHsslonersthlsmoni. H Ing empowered President Paul Dana to give fM ono concert at East Hlver Park In the evening 4H as an experiment to test tho advisability of PM holding evening concerts at that pleasure ro ') sort permanently. 1 This victory for tho fre- ''('H qunnters of KaM Hlver Park and Tni Etxk- iH isd Woni.n, which has championed tbelr In- i'M terrsts. Sl Whiles tho change will not ba mado this 1 week. It Is highly probablo that one week -'1H from to-morrow night tho experiment wUl bo .1H tried. S'M onco tried, It was not unreasonable to bo- M llevo tliat tno chango will bo made per- "H mancnt and tho long-sought-for enjoyment '( by the masses by reallred. 'l When the subject came up for considers- tlon this morning nt the regular meeting ot rf I the Hoard, Commissioners Dana, (Jallup and 'afl Tapjien were present, tho latter having Jtut relumed from a riving trip to Kurope. PM Commissioner Dana called attention to the H fact that evening concerts were apparently j ganrrally desired, as evinced by the mate- !l moth petition piesentcd to tho Hoard by Tns Ktfmmi World, and said he was In favor ot Z'l 1 granting the reipiest. I SM I Acting Capt. Flock, ot the-. Tart police, 4..I ton, the Commissioner said, had declared 5l the plan feasible, commissioner Gallup YH jwus opposed to evening concerts "' I unless the railing along the Uver-front was ; made secure and safe, hut ho finally said he i , would vote for one concert ns nn experlmenr, aH , and ho accordingly made tni motion em- M powering President Dana to order tho ex- . pertinent made. -M SS S. SBBBB THE BIG YALE-HARVARD RACE- si IntoroBt In the Event of Kort Friday EtoadMy Qrowtnc;. -?sH .'rsH IrrrriAt to tht. rvrMivo woblo.1 'H Nrw Losnov, Conn., Juno 'JO. Interest Is 1 steadily grunl-jg In tho Yale-Harvard Unl- ; verslty boat race, which Is to be decided on ' the Thames here Friday, though not many M college men are yet in ton n. l i The usual practlce-wcrl; Is being dono by HH I the crews. The betting Is siightlj-In favor of '-- I Yale, whose crew is rowing In splendid form. $ jllarvaid's heavier crew does not work to- 'I Igetherllkc the Yale right. Hot h crews are 4afl now deiollHg mi of their time tower- - ""tsH coming Imperiectlons. aH I The tact lhat the Norwood will steam over B ! the course betuie the race Is the cause of iH ismno apprehension. It Is feaied that this ,sbbI will tend tu nil up Ihe river with numerous jsbbI small craft, which win retard the work ot iH I the crews. 1sBBB i The detent ot Harviid's baseball te'm by JlsH Yale at New Haven yesterday had a depress- tH Ing effect un the Harvard men here. They IaH had arranged for a big demonstration, being '-'sbbI coundnl nt victory, but all tho celebrating , ;B wan doue by Yale. Immense bonllres were 7"t5B built and all was Joy around the Yale head- ' 'tiM manors. -iH JbB NEW HOME OF THE LOTOS. Two Flf.h Avenue Mansions to B ,$JM Converted Into a Fine Club-House. 'asBsi Th Lotos Club has purchased tho four i story brownstouo bouse 5JU Fifth avonue, v near Furlj-stxlh street, for ilU.'v.OOO. This -H w it h t he adjoining house, No. j.'.s, w hlch was 'J bought two months ago, will bo altered for -vB use as a club-bouse. 1 he work of renovauoa, is to begin July 1.1. -f-sssl The facade will ben composite of attrao- 'dsTJ ttve character, with a single entrance on to vj south side. In the rear will be built a dining- '1H room, accommodating '.'."el guests, in the 'iH cellar will be loeMttsi tho kltcheu, serving jflfl and store rooms and closets. Tho hir, bill- ,fflj liird-ruom uud cafo will occupy ths base- AtH nieut floor. , , $al i on the first floor will bj the reception-room, B 'office, coat-room and the celebrnteel Hrooks Pfll Sarlor. 'ihe second lloor will .-ontaln the rfaVJ Irectors' and card-room. The remainder ot SSJ tho second and the third and fourth floors TaJBj will be given up to chambeis, baths ana ? wardrobe. uJbwJ The plans call for the expen llture ot about TCMHj 30,OOU. Ihu now homu Is to bo ready tor f'VjVJ occupancy Nov. 1. rfB . aiMisBBl MRS. MONTAGU'S CHILD BORN. 9 A Llttlo Son Comes to the Con" fl vlcted Woman tn Prison. J'U lsr.rM-lTrppnvi.' IJaB Dviilis, Juno Si). Mrs. Anna Margaret ,jH Montagu, who on April 4 last was sentenced mVJ to ono yeai's Imprisonment lor causing ths 'XH death ot her three-ycrr-old daughter Helen '9wJ has given birth to a son In prison. C? Presentation In School 7. 4jH Hans Powell Post, a. A. It., will to-Morrow r"'JH afternoon present the female and primary nfl departments ot Urutumar School No. 1 with 3H set of resolutions. tiaBj Comtner Events. '9 Paltr Star Lod. No. Hi, Y. and A. M., has ar. 'V'lBl raucl for an .tcutslon tuOilsatal lirov. oa Jal ''nasi 13. si Ths annvisl sjour'lon of J. f, Rlk.r :'C91 No. OJ. (1. A, It., will tsl.dmlsjMrat -ABM Cornwalltori-iii -tlc-iiu Uonunfcundajr salt. I-.1HH TT. Couatr'l'ir n. Assorlatlon fcato Itaista est '.Jfl lor itsn-t Suraiusr-nixhl's rs.tlysl at IS. IlaM.m LsH Uailna aud eiardsns. On. llnudrsd andTwanlr- 'jH .uth iimi tad Ssoood Tinu, Filoay avtatag ?M Jal; I. 'vv:H 'KbbbbI