Newspaper Page Text
K c THE WORLD: FRIDAY EVENING. AUGUST 12. 1892. I K- t . ' ' I EHRICH BROS.! B To-Morrow Until I P. M. I Ladies Shirt Waists, for men Ml 2,500 PAIRS H Br JOB DOZEN SUIRT WAISTS IN FlNn nED- w I a ,. ft f If I H -0BD0ORDS.CUEVI0T8ANDSATi:-.S, IN llflrrf I fit T Ml H t HflCfl I VUn COLORS. POLKA DOTS AD-TMr-. Ill K 1 1 JLuLLUIIIIQ 1 11 U JU I Kl 0X PLAITED BACK AND FRONT. V...II -I-W "" IltSal W Ft-ITKD COLLARS AND r ULI. J1U0T IJOW.M ... .- ..i!rl path, nrillTLD OUARANTEF.D FAST nl.ACK, MODE AND I mVf TUB WONT. VALUE! 55 EACU. RLDLCtD aj( .,. N0T OSE pAB W0IlT11 Ls: 4 TO TUANJic, SULh fl, TO 11, AT I 41 I22 flf 6th Avonue and 23d 8treot. B REAL ESTATE. I REAL ESTATE. I : o 0 0 e I - QOIIJK IPftp but if you hurry, you can get Hv some. Of course you know I mean the $70 plots ?t near- B by Holliswood, which are described in that beautiful ft art monthly, Rath's Home Guide, (August number just out), which is mailed o free to those sending . mc their name and H address. There are Bl a few of the $;5 plots remaining, and a trip Bi out there at my ex- k pensc might convince ft you that now is the aaWfl time to make your H;j selection. Remember, no matter what price lot you buy, flf you can pay in small amounts, or save 10 per cent, for cash. HENRY C. RATH, ft ELEVEN JOHN ST.. N. Y. ft 0 Bk I T The ft TRIED I f I 5. World I rr postal 1 A 1 ft great J I arfi P SUCCESS; VdlU. MISCELLANEOUS. HinUE8T CASH PRICKS p.ld lor ell klnrt.01 eld gold anil eitvtr. 108 Uo-erj. near Gr.t4a Nell Nelton in Dolldom. Buy the SUNDAY WORLD and read Nell Nelson's Una article on tho doll-makers of Bonneberi. Tbe little Bonnoberoer'B keenest enjoyment Is realized on flndlnir a girl who has dropped from a modeller's oart, taking her by the heels and dashing' her brains out over the cobble stones. "Home, tof( humr, tt If riar go humblr, Tlitre'n no filacr Itke home.' rrnTiatd It Una. Tns Would' WOMAN'S 1'AOK, wbtcn Is printed srerr day. IT I1 A IM'TY jou owe nnrelf and fnmllr In Bei elie In l mliir fur n"r' ttiiinry. l.'niiomlr In turn fol cui uy nureUiiOiiu . I.. lloua-ln. .imra, Mlilri. rriri-erni ilie bre uln- lor pru r u.urii, lll 1 r -1 1 1 . tv takL no M'liii'tn ti:. : W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. m best shoe 11 ii! mui 111 m miit A genuine i,riil .liar, thai .till of rip fio c-ll. keaulei.. aincoti lul1. fleiible, mora cotnforutil. en.l iluiatil than any fthtr alio. ..rr colli el ilia prkr l-iiual. iii.luui iiieJe ebwi coating Irum 4t li& fi M mill Ti.1 lluilit-iffefl, fiti rail ihnM aD'v'ltif tun.t .tiliili. a.y ana durable ah'ma Ter ao.d at III ll Ic. Th.) otjual tin luiportod itioisa rottlux frum ItS In 1'J tc.ll oilier srtifli'H of the Biunr hlgb Inndurtl f rArrllrucr. CMTIoS. Il.aaia cl dralrll lub.lllullna ahoea without W, I. Dounla. uarnn and the (irlt atampd un hutlom aabktltullco arc Iriudulfttt and aulijmt to pro.pcutlon t lur obtatnltix rooner unlrr lalnu tiretonata . I.. IMIlJIil.AN. IliDi'lilnii. llna. l.l. -l.i'K, tVI,I" Mi WIli'l'lll Klllt " l.l! in llir Inltiitvliiu 1i1iici-i Kill, 14V, 'in.'l. :i, ;iiit. Hi, ii.-i 1 itn, 1.1(H. l,,(l (at iiti-.i 1 ill, 1HT, HNt). I ikv. . ia:i 1. ii.i.i. Hit. ijilp. aaiii i v., 2'jii. u-10. 710. 1A2. Ani, 1130. 1470. 'li.'li. lll.-llt. allJli. .i8l. 2111)1. 3A?I3 :iilnvi'.t l.'iN trnr. iiM'riuiil 'I.), Ift;ta nrniuln trnr. nr 4 .1 1 Ii at.ll Pit ! !!'' T7 trnr. r Silli ki.i A07, lTa7. 77.1. 7711, H77 Kill live, i llltfl 4110, .i7U, Ml") Dili itvi-.i 3(12, ."AN, 7 it) (Qlhatr.i l.0, .1I!I ( nnnl nl.l 1(11, l. iill. :i7 1 (irreimlrli at.l .1A, 117, Hill Avenue III I, III, Iitlil Avenue l Hi;. 370, 3111 Uovrr;l 3111, t.ill, .J38. I70 lirnnil l. 20 1 lillon nl. a74 Weal 12AIM al.t 31 e ( liniiiliern nl. 371, Aftll. lliiilnnii -l. .till lltlimrt 110 I'arli lliml 'JUO, 110 I.UM llmifitiin at t (III. 0U3, HilO tinalenltiiu nve.i 143 IM. vlalonat.i 14 .tlnrkei nl.t -'II 1 Wmt 'J.llli al.t 2S hlielinll al i Vi.'i (iininliera at Jrrarv Cut 122, 20(1, 1134 Newark ave. I II llrnir , fj .llniinioinery at. gt. DR. OWEN'S LJELEGTRIG BEL1 HBB CURE? acuta, chronic ai(1nr BUIbIH vnu dlipe without mrdl iQ ctrt. Rnrt to for H catAlocanil worn Half ment nH . In FngiUh, (Jfrmtn, ,42Jfr',,- hwedlh or orweffln, KH& or triatlaaon rupture Ptheowcn electric jHgBELT & APPLIANCE 5jJJ5JJ)-r W1 tU SCatr ht . ChlcftffO c tod lur iro-uiit or Dr. A. Owen'- Electric U orM HUP WANTED MALE. JnENT- WnntoJ, a romi plant man lo acta etarr-1 at cut at Ne York for ii"- inr-laLtr niauuUcturliiM (umpiinyt Hhfrai mnimnMon aou fiurst.ti a, uiuii Ib L(uliMisl with jotibfnir and retail trada, tif tefarcDm ami lo wDtd, tfnod aenrral axruM for nthrr larica clllea Futomau riovalty to , Aleiamlrla, a. ltVANTI'D A No. 1 man on A II sum woik, alfto una an Una eri"m, itaadr work in rollttjU and nnlrr mn Apply tt one petrolt ConfnctlonerTjt I rmt Tal.Iftf'o., Detroit, Mich. "V ANTTn-Ynunr man to rntka hlutatf ui.ful to t'-uflra halonn 2C& Ilotvtry .V l( riir rj itjtn'jM, 'J hrrr'a no iilinvtikf home." FroTinetf it lias 1 uk orlu3 WOMAN'S l'Adi:, wMch is printed ncry day. RIDLEYS' BRAND STREET, KEW YORK. CLOTHING. MEN'S &. BOYS'. MAHVELL0U8 REDUCTIONS. 50 Cents on the Dollar. Men's All-Wool ScasonabloSack Suits, ft QR i ,0iucca l)UluJ j from 515.00. Men's Light Drab Alpaca Coats, QQp , UoauCBd JJUlj from 3'J.OO. Men's Fine All-Wool Seasonable Trousers, r QQ Beduceil yZlUWf from 95.00. Boys' AM-Wool (long Pants) Suits, 15 to 18 years, Ar nr Reduced VUI JU f from 010.00. Boys' All-Wool French Flannel Blazer Coats, At ys-s Reduced $li I from 93.50. Boys' Fine All-Wool Scotch Chev iot Suits, 6 to 14 years, Aft QF Reduced $ - 1 3 U ) from 00.00. Boys' Outing Flannel and Cam bric Waists, 25c. Each. Reductions In All Depart ments. EDW. RIDLEY & SONS, 309 to 321 Bratul St.. H. Y. ei.OOO FOR ITS EQUAL. T1IK MAOIO INSEl I P.XTP.RMIA A'I()M. aura dalh toall In. atfta, Liirra their bltoa and littDf. IVonpolaonout and nnnXnoalfn. Alu pur Mafic lloaotl (oodt daatrora n aih and wattr bus-. Hold caaraliara. bALLADt: CO.. Mlia.. tlaw lork. IN TEREST AND DIVIDEND NO TICES. fllUKIIhllt IIVI.AMI C(l.1ll'AY. Mil York. Au,. h. 1893. IheDlrrutnra hava Ihta nar drc!aralarU.MIAN MJAI. 1)1 V1D Nil Or 1 1I0K TtU UKNT. on lb firnlarrad atotk. payalileon tnelDthlnau Lhacka nr dlTidaml will lie mailed loatockhnldeia Tranncr hooka will be clniail on edne.dar. tha lOthluat.. al J P. M . aud reopeLed ou Wednea Ua), tbe nib (net., at lo A. M At.LXIn I.ODII.LOT, )n , Treaaurer. "fAIIEYEP" Stamped on a Shoe Means Standard of Merit. MEN'S SUMNER SHOES MEN'S RUSSIA GALE LACE, 1f 83.50. J I MEN'S RUbSHT CiOAT I.ACR O f SHOLH 3.W MFW RUSSET HIAt. I.AOE I f0. KUOhb t.Q-VU MtfN'H WH1TK CANVAS Jt gf IRIUKKT LAOG SHOES .. JJ JIFN'S RLACIC AND RU-SUT CALF II!i;VCI.K LACK g CZf B1I0ES ' MEK' RUSSIA CALK HLUOIl. Jt gf ER OXFORD TILS "rel"J) MEN'S RUSSET AND RROWN - gg COAT 11X1 OHD TIKS U,UU MKN'S TAN GOAT OXFORD f (" f TIES C.O MEN'S DONOOLA I. A. W. A CA BICYCLE OXFORD TIES ... E O 3 NPORTINd noOT.H AND HIIODS OF KVKUV DUSCRII'TION, SUCH AS Foil YACHTING, ItATllIMi. HICYC'I.i:. AIOUNTAIN CI.I.lIUINIi, ML'AHlDK AND ltlIIN(J-IN FACT, A COtlPLKTE ASSORT MENT OK FOOTWEAR roil AM. OUT DOOR l'UItPOSIiH OAN BE FOUND Al MY STORE AND AT TUG LOWEST ruPULAK PRICES. Send for Catalogue, Mailed Free. iLCAlEM Sixth Avenue, cor. 12th St. EjS?2 (",uv5 ft) fw tnvlif lUtfrntnt ftf B)J-f r f f 1 wrt-ht an4 mrttTi'trnrBtt III rforr Af-ir Lnit, w lbs rtHl t Art BnntU..' t'jht UO lit 1& lb l U Ut-loiflTitby Vr, Sntilir " iPuii ... 43 In. Uln. 10 ku UtUt, ltd with ii t lan tt lt . 4f In II la 11 Id. ta(a U'oaTMUeet r kal aflacU rtlp W lo. 40 Im 13 Ik. PATIENTS TREA.'EO BY MAIL. CONFIDENTIAL. I-rlrxt I tn'a In ii.osi fkr Clrruliri uq TtillRtonUIi. Ii. 4.1. r. miti. iiciiis tiuui. CB'cisr. ff-4- fgr4rc. ,-i ..'JEBE. JCraSOM, JR.'S FUO. r PM01ECTED DV DiCISIOM frfr OF SUPREWE COURT, ! ls.ii. ..OHNSoiil? !J DCH'T IMITATE FUoJ''a CO AND nL'L' TIIL' Cl.AMS OP HOUSES BUILDING AT DEMOREST ON THE HILLTOPS, ON THE PENNSYLVANIA Rn., OVERLOOK. ISO IIAHWaY, N. J. LOTS 25x150 FEET EACH, From $40 apiece up, payable in weekly in-, stalments of 50 cents and upward. Free excursion daily on two trains. Free lunch every Sat urday. APPLY TO .IFnE JOIINSON'.JR., 00 LIBERTY ST.. Nhtt YOKK, AND 183 AND 1U1 MON TAHUK ST.. B UUOKLVN. LOTS FREE at Pino View, N. J., only 1 3 aud upward. Applr tj IUHI! ACQ., 311 (Veat oilth at. EUSINESS PROPERTT TO LET. Brooklri. ik BRICK STABLE TO LET, 10 Stalls, 100 Feet Deep. WITH TW07FARS' LASL WITH MODERN ISirKOVFMENTS. ALL IN OOOD ORDER, IvO. 129 UERul-.N ST.. NF-AU HOYTiT. BROOKLYN'. Water, rn. and fuel Included In rent, which Urn anrable. food HffVt and venlllAllon, high eetllnte, with a eupenor WAOON WASH, carriage alera tor.aioraira for from 30 to3u waftna on aecond floor, cat.bin and bay.olt arcr atablei all eallad with yellow pine, no dual or baracadt (round floor furnlabpa plrnt)-o( coach and carriage room,uaa cf office and I'lturea, with large, pleaaant roachnmn'a room on tbird floor; being Id central lo, atlon, conrenlent lo I ridge and ferrlfa. la very ilealraM (or a UOARD1M1 STABLE, LIVERY bTARI.B. SALE AND EXCHANGE STABLE) alio lor taker, grrcer or rollkmant would alao make a eood CARPENTER SHOP OR CAR RI AUi: MIOl', aa one entire aide la lighted by aer eral window, looking out on recant lota, oflering no obstruction to light and ventilation; theaubla part would make a good BLACKSMITH SHOP) the lea., run to Mae, 1691, with tbe privilege o( reuswet (or two jeara more. Inquire ol or ad ri'3 l.l.or.GI. ti. LLD1.1L, Pulitaar bLilding. rcnor 'ibe uuiy yai.oa auliiorla.J to .-ate 'vriu H "- iflB NOTICE. I Extra Big Values I for Saturday at the I Chivvis Bankrupt I Sale at Bloomings I dale's, Third Ave., fl corner 59th. St. I Cool Straw Hat for Mot Days. wl.. irnii.iii'n.rai.wKiwi." ' Jupanran braid (rrlde (lat brlmll QC. (Worth 1.60.) OOC. Baaket Hennelt " " I QE (Worth 1. 00.) OOL. Eaallah Hrnnott ' M.90 (Worth S. 00.) .wv VDM. A8H0RT.MENT, ALI. SIZES. fo'JXSJa Yacht Caps, blue and Tc"iP SOc, 95c. and $l.BO. RUPTURE CURED. The Improved algetic trnaa la the onlr truaa inei. ttteoee that la worn with abaoluta comfort nUlit ann daf , aa it retalna tbe ruptnreunder the barde.t enrol. o or aavareat etratn, and will effect a perma nent nd apeed; euro wltbeut regard to the age of the patient. Etaminatlon Irea Ladj In atteud aace lor ladlea. Send for pamphln. IMPROVED ELASTIC TRUSS CO.. 819 and 8J4 Broadwar. comer 13th at,. New York. AMUSEMENTS. "Reverend Dr. McGlynn will addreaa Ea.t Side Braneh Anti-Povertr Sod etr at ttor Picnle Empire ColiM.nm, Jonea'a Wooda. VV.d'r. 17ihlnat. John R. Feenv, Chair mam M.M. Koit;. bee'; Dr. liearj Carer, Traaa. INSTRUCTION. ST. FRANCIS COLLEGE ll 41 BiitUrtt., uaarOouri, Btookljo. H Prnndacttii Urollirrn. , Hroprna HtpU ft. iM Studlas. Claialoal, rtcluttrlo anI Oomm-reUl. fH Doard and tultl.ui, par annum, payable halt yearly H In adrancc, (3A0; niudcnt tindar 16 jrara, 8300 'H dar a-holr., per quartar. 98 to 916. H For ctalPRU anil further pirtloulari applv to IB HH01H1.K JUUOME. O. K F. H RTKNOGHArHVand trpewritlog leaaonaatlia M Uroadvrar,N, Y. ittrtna 91 par week ; rail orirrlU, H PROPOSALS. H JLQUCDUCT COMMISSIONFRS1 OFFICK, Itooin iO'J, btewatt Balldlnf, H No. V80 Brnadwaj, H Mw Yuki, Juli 38,1892. B JO TONTa ACTORS. H Bldt or pro pot a In for dotuf the work and farnlih- iH Jnc tbe matoiiatu called (or in the approred form of iB Lon tract now on rile In the office of tbe A quad act jH tJommlaaioueri, lor hulldlnc the newOroton Oatm vi at Cornell bite, on Crotou Itlver, In the town of lll Cortlaudt, WentrheBtrr Countr, New Vor, will be ! receiTeJar thU ohlce until WEUNEhDAY. tbe fH Uithdarof Aumt. 18UJ, at J o'clock P. M , at 'H which ptaoe and hour ther "tit be pablloly opened tB by the Aqueduct ( omralapionert, and the award H of the contract for dnluf ald work and furnishing H aald material will he made by said I'omraiM.onera H as nun thereafter as pract liable. M Blank fnrmt ol ald approred contract and the peclhcattona thereof, and hid or propoaal. and KB proper antnlopei for thnir In-lomre, and form of M bond, aud aloothe plans of laid work and all M other Intonnat if n, ctu be obtained at theabOTe H 0 Hi co of the Aqurdmt Commisnooari on ap pi tea H tlon lo the SeLretary, H By order of the Aqu1iot CominUatonej-i. H JAMtCS C. UUA.NE. Preildenk, M J. C. LULLET, Secretarj. H Nell Nelson In Dolldom. H Buy tbo SUNDAY WORLD and read Nail Nelson'a flne article on tha M doll-makcro of Sonneberff The little H aonnebarffor's koonaat enjoyment la H realized on flndlnsr a srlrl who bos IH dropped from a modeller'a oart( JH taklncr ber by tbe beela and daahlnsr lt bor brain ej out oVer tbo cobble- M atonea. H I TODAY AND! I fill ' 1 (ALTERATION I SATURDAY. 1 JMlLfJ ' MM a HJa 1 BARGAINS. I MEN'S SUITS 7.notN0. J jgm NO 1VIJ. ,m,. MEN'S SUITS ,to.u,., I Bvc Several thousand Men's Superior All-Wool Tweed, Sergo and: JKiHj KW k "Wrrn valiiPQ fVif -wrnrf Ii nf Tiic rlnllaro ffitl' KM&k lKv : From tWs lot we offar as handsome Men's Suits as tho best Jm . , ,.i ii. ,i u . .i a ' in.j- Mr nuM a aa vmuoo i.ix wui in ui Alio uuiinio f"h wttI Cn , ., - . -I J, Cassimere SuitB, which wo have boen selling throughout the season : aw W mtsm R ff , , ,, . SvtfgK jjBft : tailors oan make of Superb Foreign Cloths, Fino Blaok and Fanoy fl K at $15 and $18; all sizes, in neat, tasteful patterns. Surprising; flBlfejM G H B Can d"0r& to ITllSS thlS great 2 days &ib PirB'Wortels Homespuns, Twills and English Tweeds. Absolute per- I K; values, and are good enough for any man to wear. Your ohoioo: gg'W ' C Bf MS Opportunity of purchasing" a newSllit. ffl? Si HrBKjfeatioiiin-t guaranteed, Many are silk-liued. Wo sold them at K to-day and to-morrow for : wjf Hk-V ' fllKiiW Hl? :$22, $25 and $28. Your own ohoice now at !i I "Ili M A ". TfMBI-i IIK&-fr ESTABLIbHED IB58. TTi- ' i Tr ' .. l .IE....1DOLLARS.: WW ajuviu tflJMF I FIFTEEN DOLLARS. 1 H (4 to 14 yrs. 2 pieces). I (13 to 19 yrs.). ;Dp PCO PfiMP I CTC V h -fTTg f-tLlJB-e" BPH-UqwXV 'cLWfiffks- ! PfiTitrnpH Arn RiVnn.1 fnr! Jl . llHellU ' Wo hare no mercy on prices of Boys' Clothes. Tho entire'. niUCO UU1TI1 l.C I LL I 5 hgr tenl S ffi J Vt " UOntrnCtS AVQ olgim. I0r: nfl pRf -jKkeri-.--- I ,,.,. P,,L.,. w, ; ANNIHILATED ! ij H,i RHP S Extensive Alterations I 3na Ue818' TROUSERS I H Substantial Cossi- ! Knockabout Suits of nminiifcfi i uu 1 g . .. ' Ji L, JU J-o-'lujj, JLjju !, LLig - s in Our "Rirr tnrfi Prices of Men's Summer IHIMllblllll fl aSuUVduco3d$0 Afi --1 Sbote. --iProiits Ground to S B Tfel Bl H fefl " S" 1 " JCoBtS and VeStS CUt in ha'f- Men's Fine Trousers, which I K irbm 81.75 to.... (CiUU iots. sold boforo at y g j Powder! : S Wl W W Wl W WA 5 WE EITJST:A tremendous varicty of we sold all season at $6, $7, 1 H Extra fino Tweed I x Jii bV AlMVooi ' H' L' & FESpV E C L O T r4TNTfS f a ... j Flannels. Mohairs, Alpaca, $8 and $9, made inelegant I K MdWortolSuii,, lsuiSfhundridBof :0f? 0A' ??" IS TO :,; T S g g B S fa Ulspose ot Our ;pcnang Cloths, Pongee styles of fine Worsteds and 1 m tljm oKl&mrl mH w W W W HPnfiro nmmor TnrlSilks' &c Pricesrange other yiishcioth in .gt I Tricot, Cheviot and i? 12, now at Q i Q? Q C L L : feT M V.j4 . H5 j M CK ' & , C . JLj g t-IILII B MlUllllBl -LUllK: QQ C ft jjfl variety of patterns, any s.ze, f Worstud Suits, Extia good Dross j , ,, . , S'. pffi-B-S $&&? M 6 uQ r MieR-g-j)gggfUWiit ;. I UU . I JUU, now for I enonnoua Milues. e a tfv Suit., boat goods 0 - Alld Sell Quickly. S WE fe r BKKfi Wiiffl $$3$ '1& Cs AT rtWOt: I fl'm to I Vi fl B cutfiom$6to$l6S4 ftV made wcro $1'57 JA: . iL.S UMM WWSH WSM i AT ONCE I ; iflftfl 1 in to TaWU . and $15, now for. iOU: lf-iSiSSlill WW SS, ''""' " """""""""': JJj w""sa on ,"' f" WnT&) I fl fltffl-a. OUIIO bargain Lot No. 3.. Jl K HOrli JMPffk MENS SUITS (Bargain Lot Wo, 4. I B1 m.ThU l0t inoludeS choico 8lvle3 of Sorsos' WcrstodB Tweeds,! iMl3 SS!Sl Extra fine SUnerb TailOr-Made Olothinfr M8 HLili This assortment contains the finot Men's Suits ovor'sold in New I H Whipoor8andOh0vio-sHmobeenBollngat$18,$20aiul$22.: iiUd me, bUptUD IdllOl JYidUB U10U1 mg jBL-J PW JYork. Superfine English Olay Serges and Diagonah, and Fancy and I H Fashionably cut in Sacks, Double-Broasted and Cutaway stylos. . J J WMw j i0I leSS tnan &&" tllG priC6S Oliarged else- SJ!M Jf tW 15 : Plain Suits of the best qualities known. Guater or hotter values 1 Bandsomoly made and arc perfect fit and finish. Choice to-dayj WlM WMf wmT fnr nrflinnpv Vfiaflv mqflp CTflPmpntQ S I- W were never dreamfc of' " V in every waV." tells tb 1 m nd to-morrowof 2 00 Slu,R for 'mlw OlCllliaiy leaay-maQe gaimentS. istcryinanutsholl. Soiaiorm;yat$30an.$35,nowfcr 5 H TWELVE DOLLARS.; bring your neighbor at onge and investigate i P EIGHTEEN DOLLARS. l H I II S1IB0 (Tin close positively at & o'clock to-night. Open until 9 8, Sj g IA3n flfi I NEW YORK'S LEADING BARGAIN PROVIDERS Mi I Y ' j H MANUFACTURING RETAILERS OF MEN'S AND "' B OF MEN AND BOYS' RELIABLE. CLOTHES. W ' NEAR BLEEGKER STREET. . -1 - U I BOYS' STYLISH WEARING APPAREL. --K J i