PPr ST ffiU W?" '
H A Brooklyn Command That Is'
Eapidly Coming to tho Front.
K Its Members Are Athletes, Good
R Rifle Shots and Good Citizens.
K '
K Orlglnully Organized ns Iho Home
HP' Guards, It Jim Crown In Nuin-
HK2 liprs mill I'opuliirlly.
Ht Among the several commands which com-
HRs pose tlio Second HrUudo ul tin.' .Now York
Hri Kioto National (luiird there is iiotn- thai lias
HI:, wadcsii iiiiuli progress dining I lie List two
HE' "" three j ears as the I'oiu-scvohtn 1 1 fj-T I-
HK went.
HE) '"'I-' command lms linil Its up and Jim lis
HJ' alucp Its forinatlon In t lie t urly sixties, Its
Hft' oflliers think Hint tho"dowiis" hnvc bicn nl-
HM together tuo m.ui. Ihe) sic :i blighter dnv
Hj': In store tor Hit Ir icgtmtht, lion over, anil tool .
Hjt, happy In the prospect. I
HJ& Lack "' facilities ami Intiinnl dls(eiislnns
Ho have been the must serious of the regiment's
HkV troubles. since tho-o obstructions hate bt en
Hk removed the rortj-ycveiilh hasinadcu steady
HE climb towards Hie top of the ladder.
Hpt In the sprlnij of Thill the llrsl companies of
H$J the Forty-seventh ltec.liuciil weie loimeil.
Hfil The orguiilatlon was I hen l.imwii ai Iho
Ukfi Home Guards. Thop companion wiiecnn-
Hb' Haul to tho 1-astcrn District. 'I lie formation
H-f ct a full regiment was lately due to tint
K'f. efforts of. I. X'. Mesorole, then a mrnilier uf
Wk tho non-commissioned stair of the seventh
HA lteglment. 'Jo help the work along he took
Hf command of Company A of the llimie ouards.
HiK The formation of the Eleventh llrlgadeon
Hjp- lHc .11, 1 hi composed out tn I) of lirnoklyn
JS- troojis, iilUeu i apt. Moseroh's f-chemulnra
B'j' full regiment. The tlrst tin ee companies or
H,i theFort)-scuhMi lloglmotit were mustered
Hf into the htn . serMio by llrlg.-tlen. II. II.
K Duryea on Jan. 17, lhtiv;. The ceremony look
HA place in tlio old building on Filth Urcil,
' Williamsburg, known as the Odcoti 'linen
BS new companies were added to the com-
Hg mnnd by April l follov.'liig.nnd Capt. Mcerolo
Hf xvns chosen Colouel of the now regiment.
HJ. 'Tho Fotty-scventh started fur the Irnnt
Hm Way 30. lhs. It reached Washliigttfh (ho
Hj" next da. 'I lie regiment wns assigned to
HjV duty at l'nrt Henry, near lialtlnimp. The
fff llrooklyn bn)sremiilned at Fori Henry thlrtv
HJv1' dl,,s ll,ul ltJen returni'd home. Allluiiigli
Hvi mustered out of terxlco tin: regiment re.
HtV mulneil intact.
Hm ' On June IT, IHlW, tho Fort;, cvontli una
Hjp called Into scrvke again. It left fur Wash.
HP) lngton on Jtine'Jt). It wnsasslgnidtuspcetal
Hpj picket duty nt Alecaudrla ami l'alrf.. (.'unit-
Hit House. Aflcrservlngln the in Id Ihlitj dajs
HjEQ' tbo regiment wns bin ricd to New orktnnld
Hf.' In suppressing tho ilrnll Huts. II reinalnul
t'r tindcrnims two month nrtci lis n turn.
Hjp '"'0 Hvliiient'H qtiarn rs In theiiilenii weie
Hjf', entirely Inadequate, mrj a nou minor was
a built ntlhe comer of 1'iitirili street (now l:el.
Hi ford nvenuc). It 14 now known as (ir.imt
HKf. Airny Hail. The Port j -.event h took pluses.
Hn H" or this bulldlnc e.uly In im!",. but the
HkI HRltnent was never satis led wlih Its ipi.ir. ,
HLJ; tcrs.
HTi1 (leu. .lisso u hmlth rc-liined tin (.omnium!
HJh ' ,uo I'-lcventh Hrlfadi, and op Ma n, lhi;:,,
HCj" u"l- Museioln nut elided to the vacancy. ,
Hf, David F. Austen (now Colonel of (he'Jiilr-
Ht1- tecuth HrKlmcnt), then Adju'ant or the
HE' I'ortl-eM nth lliKltuenl, was eleclid Us
Hj' Colonel, I nder Col. Austen's command the
HE' regiment made noicrul tmiis aiuuml the
Ht) country.
HK l-'ol. Austen was sucicf ded by on. Winijiu
HBj II. llrownill, nttciwaids ciiuiiiandir 01 Hut
HP lourth Hi lifjile. den. Ilrnwiiell wasfoliowed
H by tol. 'Iruman v. 'luttU', (in i oi. 'I tittle's
HJ' rctlictuent .Major 1-iltt.ira 1'. (.ajlor was'
Hrf elected m the inlonelcy.
Ht' t-o:. .B)lor irslKiiPil isrly In lhtil tmd
Hj;1; l.leut-Lol. John (,. i ddy nccHed hisum-
HJw inUslon as lemmandaut of the nulinint
Jb. Jlnrili 1H, istu. lie lst preii nt the (oni-
K2 luanuiiiif onicerof tie Kortj.teienih.
Hk Iniler Col. Kdilj 's rei.liiio the i oiiiu,.iiid hns
fcj Uinilevirj inplil pniBUBs. 'I he eimiposlllun
HJ of thu lioaid in tmiieih Isof n hlsher tone.
HJ 'lhesjinols liueortho rank m,u :. 'ii.
Ks.', lortj.sennth Kcsliiuni to-dny is a bod or
Jk hard-worl.lngiiieii. ihe meinbi is au'dniwii
r ro"' widili si'li.irated walks ol 11, e. 'ihe
HEf iceunent hason Us i oil t,e nanus ol unieot
HE,1 lllu le'l illl"iis of the l.a-itni Kl-tiut,
B irom which terruoij Its mi in est MiiiiKthl-
K oiaun.
K Ll-1- KMy Ha thorough mllllai) man and a
HK Kfiil dl-cpii,,,ri.i. )k. S ,, ti0t, ,UJ kM11Jlli
K l0, and leads the luluicnt In uie ihiuiIk-i of
; tdugv pi les Lotus won. Ilo weais a string
K. oili.tteiiiiurksuiin-. lais. lie I, a i.iilial
K; hoiteniau, lertj je.us of age, ol indium
HB. height and will built, ui.d inai.e-, a ilm up.
HR pe.uance In unlioiiii. lie Is u ii.mmr.ii luicr
HK ot lueusuilug-uipes. lie Is aiiuiuUi m Ihu
V I "loiil'.iiiet ub, nrool.ljii, ihe linjal .M.
lanuui and soui.il I'tui-r social orsuul.iilons.
B;" l-'ol. I.dd) inhstedlnthu lirtj-Huntli lligi.
Vv mem nsai.inateiin.Nov. in, isr;,. nei,.is
HBy n-nedln most ot UiesUiceulliiggrmlca to hi,
HjVl pre-cut posh luti.
HV l.inu..i.,i. wiuiuia . Uuubcll icK'iirdhls
Hj1 prisiiicmml,Miiii.i:B. u,, ihin liuinak.
HB;' a ery uiitk-iit i inn r, is ,i pi.pui.n m the
Mi regiment,. .nd Is a b'i.id ilili.shu, ni.a n tin r-
M cuih .Irlllinasiir. He h.i, di no .ill id, ml .
Kf' tarj' Uun "- ""J riirt)..eu.i, i: mm. m.
HM He cull, led April in, isb.'i i ..I. Ilubii. u i,
HFa: engaged In the stnugu .iuhuii,u l.iihin ,
HBi "'' h:ar-,li will SCCMll.V.
Hk) H iIH.iiu i:. J'ettl.icw Is tin i :u 1 1 -
H;i Ma, l'. 11 . nlHteil In the 1 mu.. i.niliii'.
HfeHMk """' ':i1 ''IS Sl'lU'll III l,i,l, i;.lle
n 'in in ite lie roe. i.,i m, ;,,,,
HhsH '"" '
TKWvHJ " 'di.tint Is l.li ut. Wai'i r I l' ,i ,
iByjjp He a ui 1 1 tin, piMnot miic.' ; ill.
UWp III W.l-ti I..IU1J liisriMKl llcll'i IMMI Mil I-.
HkI- (iuln ''ii i ii ii t.i
Be 'be i.'i.i't.riiius'ei I, i lent. . It. ,u, ,
HKl "'v mm:,.. i), Lieut, .luliu (,. Hiuoi.i. h..
Hh, Itie -uiui ii, M.ijorih.irli'K X 1 1. ; u .I
HU, Hslniil i ig. on, ( ipt. Inn )(. p. ii.m,' .
HHK O"1 n.i. .mi. lte. .!. II. I.a.lliigtu',, ,,ii,i'
HHi4 of (,il-i l 'i-copai fiiuii n ; i.ii-In., e t, re t
HHl' Ulle 1'iai the, (.: pt. 1 lank .1. Ii ( mitit, ir.
HHqt 'Iho iion-tomuilssloned atari I, u.,nie un as
HBm' berzeant .Major, I reJ. Hobby; (ui irter-
K Indigestion Cured
Hp $ lV M I limp for )ftr brra
HHgf; fr't tr froublel MlthdlstrvHs it.
HHJ$ lltife jil "11 "0I"' h IU'1 iuili-
Re I wf ' 7 HooiVii rarnaariila ihi
H lr.g. .v r I'flel'l lim hiiririh
HBV' r t-jy. '"" " a,, "" k'r,al
HBj SfcQWfc. f'h'f. nud I iiok i at
BBSj SKMB&IKSSSBw without that ti-rrllilu
HHV.' Win, Wudi. dli.lri's. I alircfct well
BBHr itnluht udui In irood grnirol huulth, for all
BBK' of hlrh I thank ll(lll) M.U,A1.
BBk Jill. I, A." W ViAtir, Hoot and Shoe dealer,
BBVt IT Merrimack 6tret, iAiwell, Mass.
HK; II(lllllr l'U,s cure liver 111 ronstlpa.
e ;, tlon, blllonine, jaundice and aick headacba.
master Sergeant! L'hitrlf s A Chanc; Ordnance
fcergemt, Lemuel lotiltasi foiumlssnry
Seigeiilil, WIIIIjiii lly.,oti, lolor Sergeant,
William dcrryi Hospital btownrd, Dr.
William Miller ; Hand Mastir, Louis llorjcs.
The band numbers lorty pieces. Daniel.!.
Hrlnslcy Is Drum Major. I ho ilrilin emps Is
made up of i Ightieli drummers, six Mors and
Mt ir'jnipeteis.
t 'I lie lort).sccnt!i Iteglinml Is an light
comp.in) lommatid with n total strength of
.'.To men, dlt hied Into two battalions. .Major
l'lltUii'W communis the hrst and senior
(apt. Hud) the second. 'Iho Miengthot th"
uiilnus conil'unles Is aa follows;
1 leld and stalf and iion.iuiiimlsslnneii staff
yi ; i ompaiiy A, (111; Company ll,."il; lom-i
puny D, HI ; ( nmpatiy I., is; l' mpaiij 1 , Tn,
( otnpany (i, 7V! ; Loiup,ili I, ().' ; and ( om
piny h. It'.
Ihoonicirsot tho Cbiiipanles uiu as fol
lows : ,
lotiilnny A-Ctitain, .lobli II. LeMln, I in'
I, ,'UlfllAllt, II Tirjr C, L)iill, l.llnl LllMllPliitlll,
'I tii.nif.tt I., ,1a k. ll. I
l emptiiy I c n.tnln. 1,1 Istn P. I I'll. I ilt
l.lflli tiltit, I .ImhIiI .l.Ohlril. t,(M..I I I') IfitKll y
I f.iii.aiif ll Catilil, John II. (,' HIM.IV1. ;t .1
l'.lft l.ii'iil.natit, Wiliaml, Llilutt .sn.ilid Ll 'ii
trtintitiy tin nut t
I otnpatir I I aptaln, tlnttluiKl II IJtnil, I ir t
Lltfiiti'iintit, Alli.ll 1. I hK.'li iir.ll. S'. uii'l I i.'i
Ii tiittit. V lllimn 1 on '!, Ji. I
I ,niii!i)' I I ni liln, Mhliarl I . I'l.lllinti I ll-l
Lleilli tntlit. y tii(.itil, Smiliil Li. tltrlulil, llmry
I II. HiMiiitiilu: 1
I I'.niiMiit ii ai.ialn, (Inirn I'. Lll.l i-r , I irn
LlPiile otiil. 1111111111, 1. (mi. ill, tviuiil LipiiI.'ii-
anlfy tn.iiiit
( ..iiit.ntil i I'Aptnin, YWlllmt II I'.dly. I iri.1
LlPiilrliaiit, llrtiiy I . Lmtllliiaii, .run 1 I l.Mllt'U
ant.) ta. mil.
1 iiinitjr K ' AiitAin, .lt,f,li lUr', I in.1 l.lu
Icimu , Unit) M. Ctili Iipuii , Si icliil l.ltit. iiaiil.
t A''ant
, 'Ihe leglmolit muted Into II" pri si til
aiinorj on Oct. an, Iss.v It Is a pit untlous
looking struct tiro iltuatul i n .Vaic uieiiiie
betwteii lie u. 11 I ami I J noli 'Ileus. 'Iho
armor Isbulll enllri l 01 bilck 'lh"giound
on wnlch It stands Is a plot of cuiivLMU
1 feet. II was purehasul by ihe Kings 1 ounl
hiipi ril,ors In ls'llfui n.,"iT,."iOil. Ihe build
ing Itself touis an .ir. not ln-l:i(i(i ti et. it
Is now the newest and best cipilppid nimory
In tie) City of ( hurelus, bin when tlm
1 nthir Hglinentsget their new nrmorles tho
rorl).seeiith will luuri to the bittom ot
the list as the icmalnlng t.o it the oldbtilu
ariiiory urchlleituie.
'1 ho basement Is used for the heating ap
paratus and rlllc-range. 'Ihe range Is 00
jatdslong by 1" let wide. 1 here are lout
'Ihe III st Door Is Usui f. r enmpan) ro'.m.
' A coirldoi '-'(I feet wide (inverses the cuntro
or (ho Ijiillillng. on at I, Mtlo 1 f thl, aiu four
coiiipiitn looms, each I'J by Hi net. 'Iho
rl 111 hall Is also 011 this lloor. It envois a
space of lilov.'ll feel, (.allrilei lAteiiil
Ai iiigeach side of (he ill till 00111.
'Iho second lloor of tho nrtnory U us"d as
I Whins' iuancr, and Iho third lloor Is on u
pled by tile nrir.oiPi. .
'Ilm itgiiueiit does not maintain 11 rule
team at Ihe piestlit time, but. taeh cnmpau)
liisat".uu ol Us own which stind, will lu
lllle win I,.
'Ihu i teran As,o( latlou Is lu good ituiill
tlou. II waa oigiinliil In Ih'.iiiinil linorpo-
lated In IS". 'Ihe 1'resldt.iil of tho Adula
tion li 1 apt. ( oillaliil. "t. Join..
'Ilm l'i.rt.M'i nlli has lion known lor
u.us.is.i promllK lit Hit tin in Ihe athletic
Lin I11 ut ltHMl.l ii, mu! it maliiiiilns an a h-1-lle
iiss'icl itlon, M'U'ial 01 Iho compinlos
h.ie Uitlepouilcnt iisso. billons or then 01,11.
AthlolU uu'olli'Ks I111M' I.e. 11 held in , lie
Aimor i. , Win 1rsl1.ee II wa.sopi ned.
'Iho lurl .iiu.'iith Uigliueul Mmisllild
Draiu.Kic Assot liilon ih an oigiiii.iilnii n(j
which tho regimental iiiiinbti.s leel pi. mil.
This As,oclalloii iiodiicid inn pl.ijs List I
Willi er. 'Iheworl; WLlb' i.urltd 011 nil In
gi eati r Ugor lie -e.is.ui. Iho As,ot,lalbm
contains seU'ial iei) eii'ter. utois. 1
'I ho badge or the Le,linenl is a white Mai
C'se (russ. Ihe arms of (lie tun, le.u I tit
lttlt is .V ll. s. N. . . ieil (eiitie Is ik.Ii- !
cled b) a batidbr blue eiimntl, 011 will. Ills
Iho itgliucnt's luolt.i " lloill Amor I'aiil.e."
'Hie iigurii " IT" surm.aiiits Iho rd teiitre.
'Ihe work or iiciultlng ie,v 1111 inters Is
pregicsslng rapldl. 1 ol. Ilildy epicts to
take light lull uuiiipunlii to camp with him
nel season.
Wreckod VodboIh iind Prownoil Too
plo AlwnyB Sink to tlio I ottoui.
, 'llieto is a rallier rniiiiiiuii luit eirn
lieiius uotiiiii to the elicit that a hum, in
Imily 111 eeu 11 ship will not nuk In (ho
liiiltnm of tlio proluiiii.ier uli,sho, 01 tin,
nciaii, 1 1 ut will, uiiiic, iiiiut of tho tit hmI
ul Iho wiiteis ut 11 gri ut tl"illi, r mu 111
suspt ntleil ut Mime iliMaluo nlu u tlio
siirliue ol the earlli.
1 Tin,, iicciiitliug to Si'l.iin', is mi eiror.
Nniillier liile awiulstlieilrowiiitl urn u 1 r
hi, ship thim tlint wlileli 1 unit, t.i ,u
murine cieiitllii'K wlui lilt on tin lot 111
ot the Hen 111 tune I loir tin, tali 1 11 -o,
lot!) Ilm grott hUnoloiii-o ul tie eutli,
nou as thine who 11 n no Inn 1 il tm ilm
IltiweU'i ilup ll.e sen, it is but 11 lew
lnuirs lieliito the Li ih u! it nt in wlm ln.tls
lus (iiiimi 111 tile otciiu is at rest uimii tho
Lotioni , 11 tlier.' 1 ict i i', Iho same t,wilt
u'lum 1 1 0111 the iigiu'i, vvliieli, in the nt
tier of lmturi', mu iipioiuit tl tn cue Inr
tiled, nit us nines to those wh . mo ro
treiith liiliiuui'il 111 Llcttl i:t,iun.l.
Ail s.io the liar.lt h' .,itis i the ske'e.
ton .110 .ini kl litkeii n,nii ml 1 th. le.i'm
ul the liv.ng, on 1 urn ll,i. e io.'U it
,i,ting ptiiliuii. nl lit. Iio.li me iiiliij-,.
nlt, il.lltlll ilul i ', the i e itlilts nt
III. -IM II. I.I Ml t..ltt '..Pre (111 .III, I I..
nun. iii tin 111 . vti. ill mug vai. 1 tfil, (.
1:111, -. ! 1 a'tb 11 11, .u 1 it,, tiiiuiiii mi i
Ii 11.1t ,1 e.'i .. imnk' t,i ,n 1
Ihe lilt" ..' Illlllllltl tndlts nil the si I
Mill t is Well lilllsllllted Lv (lu titfl tllllt
liilio.ttli the wulelstil (lie (lulf Mu .1111,
wieie 11 p.nsis Sniitiii-iii r'nii.:.!, 'ipit
"! .11 -i.il t p 1. e, iii nilitio, el 1 ui.
l.'JMU'.lt ti ..,e nf tho in uiti ,'. ,.- .,t
t.w.iiliiigt Li rluiiiiiu:, iiiiiiniiiiil w 1 n 1 ,
l' till M ,ll, lit, I ..'III. ,l. ll .1 til
l ll.. I ll f hull ,1 t.lll.s ,,t lillltil'i
.ll'l il.lt III. II ,.."il r.lt'l . Will ll !'. .
nit. the iiiidiMii "'...mi. I uie tleiiprl.
rii'i-lv. I in,,! ji. the niuuiiiii i. .mil. in
Ibid 1.
A' lb. ir tluiili ilf. li .ft nut , ninth"
opt 11 wiili r .ilul 1111 sMp; nwin to tlio
in. tun hi, 1 li) ihe ut', ,111 cut rt in I'nr
tii'i. we. ,n. pill, ips. Hie eineiti,,i.s .no
li'i)e. up I v Hie .j 1 e,..l itiu'iiuipii it inn
Willi ll lllu t tiillli I l.v the I llli'K, nllv
skins 11, tin st tloeiiv .ilul luu.ik (ho
podlis lull In the liiilitini.
T n (In t-loclo.
I If 1.1 'l. )
I'erdltri- Ue ou going m u. oept him, Pen?
I't'iiflopii 1 ic.ill il 1. 1 UinH.di.ir. Ilr.ul.
utroit rcpoits icry ,it..i. biv mi him, lr.i the
ticiei tlvt, liaie let 1 mn.o.ed t'nlr Hiu'aII
gallons U.
In Every Sepeo nt tho C.tpreHSdon.
IN ,wt A lt, .1 ' It, 11 ,
Irate lather -Win di I jui wieneh the
works out of mi nut, h
lii'pitsHlU' -on (Hi, jti,t to kill dtne.
I With nnd Without.
I If, hi. 1 , (...1; ,f '. 1 .; 1
WitbcrbjK I au'jou on iliPti.uii h othop
I daj coming fiom Ho ton. lit w Ul 1 : h p, 1 1
th t)oi leie not m a piror-iarf
I IJIiuo ilj wife wus with mo
jjfcbkvjifiv'vy .Wi'. .irt,
d ft j
( ftiifnutifl ilm wind'"
(Oi, 1'e j;nl j"tifjriiln Hue iimv.m
m PT-H is4L' Vl- J
" Mf
HUh Ait roicitesa blow.
Ver) hl.'h art.
a cXfifioN.
" 1)1 at this ruin'"
l 01 iicred.
''I!'1!' fi'tt
l.ntli t an t nu sro?
;(, :; W
" I beg i.'iir 1 anion, nind.m
"o.M.u tm. hi, loti old .athead.'
I' .1
ll.iugr) II uik-i, .. 1, ,,., wirld.
Ml. k.l',1. k, ,li ,t 1. 1, ,, i I, ,,1 s,, ll
I,. II. I It HI It'lloW I lll.l, I Wnlnlil 11)11)111
nil m il mat. . 1, -in ulil liiie iliu,,iil
lllli Whi. 1 11 w,,,., (, ,. p ,,,
What Bnt'liidorn Don't Know.
. .1
MO.Idllor Wh.. .'Ig.,1 11.. 1 1' , spn'ssi.iii,
"I lieu-1, not Ion 11, , ',11,1 r
, ' "'10 I I . I.l l I ,, I klUIM. tl.
lie iiiiim liuw b.'i 11 .lu 1 nl I., 1 helm,
Ti-mporftn h N'-to.
1. , 1, , ,
1 ... i !. r ','.t -nil i,iiui , -1,, ,,,, I,.,
.His,, , in 1 U(. 1 1 , , , 1. , ,,, , ,,
s.llt. "ll
'I - ,e ' ' I . ,. '. li, , , ,
' '' '' ' ' ' .. I 1 e l 1.1 11 1 hi, 1 1, 1
" 1' . M'l -s 1 1.11,
I'1' 'i "' .' a 11 .." 1, b ,
1 ' ' - . I 1 ... i' mu . in.., ) it 1 .)
stn.nkp l., . '
Hn . "nkou It.
Ir ,... ,
IIilllH.i) King -Wlm i)ou ihihl. I mej
duet. 1, luii'i up me u . ui; ,u
Dwor-Wiii. 1 iiiink.i mile iron mm h, ip
' ll.illWll) Ling -.. ,,. .;,hbleilp,iMi,U,
l.ilbn.Up),tflli Im hi., h.
Wl.'n Ilsbi was -It t we pst. her ra.torlA.
When slier isai'ln l.she erie.1 for CaMna.
When slip lw,vni is. she elun pi (v.timm.
Whoo she ha I L'hilJreu, ihe gaic them L'astori.
" Utf, f l.-n t Itl ,if,
. I'M. -l.M ,1 ,
'...-. 1 ',1,1 III,, !, ,1
Provided It has 'lur WoiupV WOMAN'
j 1'AOL, which li prii.lcd turj daj.
a A..luiA,t, n .Jtot M?U-. .;,
Four Stako Evonts to Bo Dooidod j
at Monmouth To-Day.
High ('lus Kntrles Should Furnish i
I'.xi'cllont .Spoil. 1
. I
'Ihe sloninoiitli I'nrlt pro.'ratnmo Is pieu'-i
lirl) alttiiLttit' to.ilai. 'J lit 1 f rue ( Iglil I
1 nuts, one ol whli h Is to till at the t luck.' I
1 our si, ikes will be lonti tti'd lor, ami tho I
1 lass ol entiles lu 1 a 11 will bo t r) hl,'h. In,
the August st.ik. -, Dr. I lice, Mr Walter,
lliimmlc, I oic'.n e a id I rleii oiiiht to tin
lilsl, as p'etl) nra.e as 0110 would e.uc to1
look at. Hacehii.d, I'oss.iru and liussell
slit u. I lu'il.t'tlilhgsluttrcstlhg fm 1 lit Ir op.
lotieiits lu Ihe llnlinii) Handicap. 'Ihu W 1,1
l.ml IP lei Stukes sh old ItiiuMi a . I - 1 1
duel Li twien ) orkillle llelle and 1 eri'iigllbi.
and In the lle.icon 'lule", Ipilt), dsrie, Air
shall, I IM1I1I.1, Mb pner, St h olklll and Haiti
mle 11. at furnish 11 goon rate. 'Iho 'illiu
r.eis pioinlse wi II, and the spoil sh .uld l
Ml) good Hub oil. 'Ihe Itac, will be List anil
di). 'I he enlil'S ami hihlllo!), ale as PI
lows .
I 1 l! i.'r. S,,iPi,tlk'1 iiT ' II s ll Willi A 1,1)011
A.lili.il , . I1.1 unlit ati.l 11 ulil. 1 ut 1, unit 1 1 Hi I.1.
1. 111 11 III .ill . . II ! Snnlhii.'iil . 117
Ml. I'll. I lUlMlk.lo.) Ill
Mlkt'ini) sh ubl hai" no lroiil.lt lulnditu'
tin npi'itliii; 1 i nl. and sue,hon 111:1 Meuie
the I hue, M mini-01 I11.1) 10 Ihlid, as 1111 si
uiilii...l)'s hot si. 1,111 b-.il Long Ileal 11.
s. mm I I ft.'i. I li- .i4(ii.t Mnkia I rlrttvyPAl
il It. itltli ll.'ieu ol l.d llu.f ii'.nill, ..I u 11. 1 11 .
IiaiiiiiiI 1 I 1 ll.'.. ' I
III ItiiH 1J 1 Mr Wallet 1..1
I I .1, 1 la..' I'J I
III. Hie. and MrWultir npp.'.'ir to bo the
bk ir 1 In' I tin Ihe. nice, Liu as Iho latti r
will leu lone i. nils. m's Willi il'le help, Ilm
Mlllel lllll-l L'lle III! Ulte to III. Illce. I rlco
I. ill loiy will In III .luulor Ihaiupl ui Stukt s,
lie ) b" third.
I li.nl lU.fl Iho linkway llsu llnp, a imwpi.
I A I Ikcb 1 f I'lU fill ll, l I ll l.fi'HI A.liltl I , I'll.' in 1 1 1'.
I'n .I urki't .. 1 11 4 UhhpIi In.
Il.t'ontliil 1J.I I "leer '0
Dilinar si IVa.aia lis
Itiii.tlillU I's
Tlioiuh lliiiohind tarrb'S pretty good
weight 111 thl, 1 .ite, be otu'l.t In win handily.
Hiism'II mu) be the minor up anil Klldeoi
sliouid 11 l be win to I ha. 1 1 hint.
I ii'irlh ,. rhf Wirtl Hml HvIaI MAki, for
1 ti Pp. tlil.H tear, ul.l, Hilll iM.'DII All. Ip. 1, 1. tip,
I 111 I nnil a hall
, 1 ikiiIii. IIpIIp Ill Dcr armlla 117
HoiiI.i ... Ill,
I Ainlleanilalialfls.il 11,' ill -1,1111 e loeni r)
1'.' I puuiiils, but rkMue boil" rilniiilil tin II
1 ilul win. DtrlatgllLi should In. it lientu 101
I Ihe place.
I llllli IIa..'. Willi ifl O0lnl...l. for tno-jtar
iiM- tiTH litr i.iiKii.
II1111 Im Ill M 10 l.lh'K 11 I
Ilia 11 Ills .Spar. 111 Mil
I Pii'l. Ill lii'tia Unwill .' .. I II
in. il I.. .... Ill llAhili.iiv .... Ill
Ir the Ilebecca How. t' ci I Is eioi to win 11
imu he miijlit 1 . 1 tali IV In domicilii 11,1 ..
'Ih" Mo no tlillic,. uiul sp.iiuin iiuulit to le
t lose up, huMewr, and Ihu linlih ui.d b. lu
ll lestlug.
Sixth Ka. r. Sii'i.t,t tie 1 f plh-f.-ie rt i.l I nil I
nintar I. ..( P4.11 i3 II, null Tl.liDU a.l.ii.'l. Ilirpi
iihaiI.t, ..I a ml .'
'iiiiinli...r II HO Noma I ... . . lea
M. I ..rit... k . 11 1 t,if.., 1.. I it null 111.'. Ill
L'.' Kelly . '.'.'. I i.lilell . . l'
VeiiiPii... It'J lliiMAnl .. . 10,
'Ihe llnlsli III Mils late ..ulil to be b. twien
N'om nl aid eiueii. The lorun r with ai
I iiuii'ls mil. mi ii;,!' lu wiuhl should win.
iiieenle 'i low 1.1 luge inai be ibliil.
l.pvpiilli lint 1 tut llpirnn litis, h, n fin t 111 Iter
lltfRllt ln.tl.ll A. WP...-tlk.', .11 lltll yeU'OliI,
A ll'l II 11 I .1, I 1,111 II. I V II llllli lu A.
I 'lull) . . I 'I I'lni'i u 111
I, tn una I 1. ' loi.ikil II
n.iif . . 1 1 J Hn, i.'l 1 I
Mm Win lis Hun. 111 1. 1 II j
Mtiimer 1 I'.l
'Ihe 1 losing eient nil) go to (i-ilc, wllh
s-clui) 11,111 secoiiil and L.iMinla llilul.
I l.ttia I! ithtll Uaoh il.".' i I'J :i . Salur.llr,
l.llll. SUP-ImUlil'N ..r lllle. ei.t- .1. All I III."
nai'l .. -r'JIM'ai!., .Tliu 11 000 nilile I. .it itlio h
fc.nU ,. li A hPi ..ml. I lull 11, III- II (nl tinnier, hi
lei. iti.'ell.. lu . arr f. II eslrl til it I'.m r tn I tt
.11l1l11ta111llt.il Ot Hi..'lO, il .111 em I 1.. I es.. I.l
It.i In, p 1 It,, ill.. it.. I . r p.. 11 it 11 o.t.'tin it, l.lltlit.
Ilipii'JII. InrpailitliO uutfti lu .-.iuii, nw lur
It'iitf,, ptralalit.
Mofnlnir rnporrt" Solocllon".
Al llnsMOt'TIt I'lllk.
JMrHt Itace- Kllki nil), slreiihon.
Bet ond Km u Dr. Idee. Mr Waller.
Third lluii'-li.ni liiinl, 1'issji.i.
Kotirth It.ice- Hclllilglll.l
Filth Knee Mi sin gei.llng, spin tnti.
SlTIb llaet eiiu 11, .Nino. ol.
bcelith liuio slilphii, l.lionLi.
I Irst llace Kllki lint, Mi-ephon.
St 1 ond Unit' Dr. Uiu . Mr Walter.
'I hint Hate Kllssell, 11 ittLiml.
rnllltll llui'l olkIIe I 1 lie. Dei fill gllll.
I lltli It'll e- llebcica l( well loll.'liiiiibh.
SIMh Haie Slilpntr, l.ii. Ida.
I Irst llace --Kill.. 1111). Slit phon.
si mi d Hate -In. uiu'. sr W.1L11.
'I li 1 1 il Hnce lilissi 11, Mloeii.
1 our I h l.ui in l.s llli I 1 He. Deirnri'llli.
I I lllh llliic- 'Ihe Mi) lie gtldlll', 'liouble.
MMIl ll.ll i' Si Ul. ill. I'll.. '11.
si lentil l,ue-M li nei. I ipilt).
1 Irsl llace- Kllki 1 n, I nng llcv h.
Mini il II.11 e in lllec, sti Walitr.
'liiinl I, ,n i-ll.ttt I. mil. Im sell
1 ourlh Hue en.illle llelle, l. rt.irglllu.
I lltli Haie Mu) lie gclillng, Kclit 11 a How.
1 II is II.
' sii, 11.11 e -Nomad, Mel eimlcl..
I Mitiilli It.ue-M.i) Win, npilt).
I l"Ist li.nv-l ong I e.i. b. stieph.m.
m 1 nil It.n . mi w tin 1. Hi. iiic .
'I 1(11 at I'll 1 - IM ci'l'iil, Ullil, 1 V.
1 . null lime i 1I.MII1 I', lie, lu rf Hillli.
IPUi Uuic llibiii.t Huwiii t oil, Mu) t,c
gt I.l ug.
sin Hate iiiiii,"i r. Noiu.ul.
Scunih Km M. liu 1 1. Ma) Win.
1 Clloui. :!'! tieit c'.tons.
rii-lll.i.e- M lontlti. II) ru Hi! II, Jiugler.
sicoiul H.iic-Uieiuiil 1.. DeMst", lliljjlit
'Ihlid 11 .ee or. gen. Atiarchlsl, ('(tiu.idc.
I mil Hi 1 ! aoi Hah Uh, lui.lt hi o. Dao.
llllli ISiiic-.Nat.Hlti s Mollle v., .Maid of
sixth Htuf l.i st.isi'.c.intipn, Needmi'rc.
Snrtittiii Foriru iti.
I Irst Ha e-1 1 p.iilgui, IMi.t.-on. Ml 1'iin
b .
' s. coiiil 1! 1 c Ib'lie'. SI1.11 bin .rli, Ki.
0. Hi
Ihlid Hue Hummus', l!p,i, Pill.,' lie.
p 'im Hi 1 ih 1 I . Iill
I iiii'Ii 1 ue I 11 1 Man M11fl.11 ' Ilm '.
I I inn I, 0 unit in M) l.li ' Ilciiii t ,
k 'I'hf iii.in i'" ..-lmrsi; 6
e. now.". '. r.f i'i.r V
i i'UKMlVi
1 OA'l-iOOU j
ran do the work of a man
of tv.'i'l e-lurso jiowtr. i
Nell Nelson in Dolidom.
In the next SUNT1AY WOULD Noll
Nrliioii will enlichtpn Nw Yorlcpri,
j concortilnu Fonnol'iTf.-, tho city or
ilo'.l-, whuro tio.ooo.oro woorton
Iminjos of hurunr.ltv nrv bcrn yourly,
most of whom omigriito to this conn.
, try.
A Bir Steel Structure Creeping
AcrotH Upper New York. j
Now Ncanng Its Junction with the
New Harlem Bridge.
A (Iiciit 1 1 hk liicfi-l ! I'Vnl 'I hut I
C'lstln; thl) t.lly tfLI, 01)1), 01)0. I
II Is lime linn -i yt 111 since woik v.es
be.un b) th Dep.irliiii.bt ot Public. Winks on
lilt' gle 11 ,ll"I M.l.lllct Will -h Is lo MUillolli
Wiishlugiiiii Iblghts nl one lltimliud .it. I
I lll)-llflh slnet e.isi waul !. 1 coin t wllh
lb pr ipo,. d ir 11 M.uomh DiiM Iliblee, and
II ul.l 1 1 ol. 1 1 1 be 1 wo M li' s more indole th''
M.iiltn ', bildgi ami Ihe ng ililoiate tip.
lu .1 1 1 r -'..'I .ii.il in - my aiiiss In
sw.uni .l.itnls i m or the llnil. -ii to .limine
noil og o u mi nut s 111. 1 ompi' led.
I .- ,
" v-si3sr K,'--. ".""LV..','!
y : Ni
I t i'.osiimi rill. " 1 ' l.nib.
Ihe t Induct Ilseir, howuici, will bo com
p. led Inside ot a lew months. It Is a luag
lillkatil cnglneiilng ftat, and It Is being ac-loinpll-hoil
lu Ihe lace or great dllileultles.
When tl.o cnilre sjstini Is coiniiletetl It will
be I.OT.'I fci t, or Pnii-HUlis of a mile long and
will be one or the gn alest works' of Its kind
Hi Ihe win I.l. II will cost hourly i'.'.ooo.nou.
When ih" work of inning (ho U.i'lucl
plop"!' was bigun a u.ir ago It receHeil 11
serious s.'tbael b) the IMinMlug down 1 f the
alniiiiiiiii at the junction or imp Hundred
, ru d i'lllwtirtli stieol, 1 ipp.eni.ih atciiup ami
1 si. Mclu.Iis pl'icc. 'Ihe lonti.ulor I blew up
ihe lob and iitluil In disgust, nnd It was
Minn' time In fun I lie wink wa, losiiu.ul.
Ihe Dopuithioht or public Winks li sup-r-l-lng
tho v "ik. wh.ih Is now belngdowii ly
the I nli'ii Itrlil - 1 0:111 -in) ami Iho Pass ilc !
Lolling Mill lomiiaiiv. ot I' m r1.11, N. .1. I he I
(111 mer has th tontruct for the ilailm t and '
Ihe IHlei 1, biiPdliig tho I rldko and .i j
pio'ii bos. Ailr. d P. Ilollir Is tlm coiMUi.Hig
oiiklncer ol the cnlllo .,)stclu.
1 y
1 r'll !
".M-'Ji- sciX "-s-rTc
nru iiis.fi nip 1 imn.
Althougli the wink Is 101 lu Its Infancy, n
tu spi.ik, a lull 1,1. a o the ii'.igulii'.ilu or Ihe
Until rtaklng 11.(1 be gained by 'i M -w Irom
Ih. Willi at 1 tie lltindied 11 ml ruty-llith
sllcet. Ihe M iduil llselt spring, fiiuii a
line .ibii'me it of tloniolltl. Iliueslo.ic plaulid
.i.aln-t the I'ltlll on Wiishlngti 11 lltlgl.ts.
'I he ul utii.int stands slt). pie net high. II
l,slli fell I loud and la set urr wUhgiablle
' 'I hi' 1 1. 11I111 1 ha, alienb teen 11111 nnoss
th" I 1,'lith an 1,1.0 " L' si 1 111 title ami Is 1 ow
in Mn,' wtll along tm. .ml, Ihe proposed
billl.0 ll Is a siiou,- sittisiriicti.i'e lu sjiiie
) III lis '. IIICWll.lt l.lll ll.lt.ll.lllCO It I, sup.
, poll, ill. (all m il nnd 1 ti ol count 11s like
ihuspiir lie I b i.itid mads. I in iladuills
slllie wide, and II wl.l ln'iinidul 101 Its
t ntllo ill-l.uue 111 l.tiu'.' leet.oi oef one.
tblulAl 11 111II0 Iiilnailne dihtwa) and (wo
bio ul siiiewi.lks.
' I he M.iducl li.i., a down giade of lour nnd
jtiu.i-ou 11 ' 1 1's et 1 lu ('.It'll 1(111. I III' 11(11.1 1-,
I 0( I I'lMvIe plait", till I these will be HI 1 a
I gianlte 1 aillig lur the IV.'.'lu.i) , and aspluill
lor the sidewalk.
K l' -v'Vs'3p5ew '
os - ii tm i ci,..
1 Wi 1 ihe 11 '.. 'in e 1 10 so. Hie " I." 10 id
I p In ,lii 11 in ,1 p 11 1 1. '.ti I. ei w 1 le, 1.01 th
1 1 . mil. 'I hi, 1 Li 1 1 . id- e .ii il i"i tin us'
it. 1 1.1 '. .'Oil 1 .It". Hi w il In. 1 1 . -si 1 .
, ,. I - I 1 I I. tills ,.. Ihe ' I ' .1 1 I Ni i "i 1 k . ll'l
1 li. . It Im . anil si, 1 1 u,, , . ,,1 i,
p 11 w li nun, v l.li tin.- 'I. .t.' 1. mi .tod
I iliil .im 'iue
1, t ' luiiiii. nl lie sliu line itst m 11 on'
III - 1.1 1 1 1 tl.i. il 1 1 mi m ..no i.p 0 piling, and
Ui sji. ii, (lie oit)-i' 'e. int. ',..
'ihe M tt.tlt t 1, It.tll a I 1, luiu.ltt' 11, 11
rnibu iipti tit rt.it nm II' 1 di. .1 a. n
llli)-lllth bin pi. Him W.ishliu I hi 11'1,-m,
to the ni.i-sw gi.uilli pier, w hltii will si lie
a, an a I'loath 10 the uewlrld;e iicits.tnc
ll.ul m.
Inictt tore the boulouirds ami Ituptirtanl
rt st li nee dl-lrhl ol Wushir.yti.n lullits
ban btci pracilcilly luacciss ble frimthe
I..1M.1111I, In (li, ih mil) ui oi.e lliinur..! and
1 HI). 'illh ulitil and i.lghlli aituui ectpl
In .1 dot 111 1 1 luarl) a Lille In (ue soiuh of
()'. Ilul ill oil and IIP. '.nil html ti '11
W. isl. lngton lb l.tjie on 11 e norili. inn, tin
1 in, rp-isng 1 lopilet is..jer gaid. ii, ii.hc
1 in ml slap, so thai iil strlui, can se.iie
the bluff, b'l' tl.e 1.1,1 li mi l.il.oi lous Unit lew
pir-oi.s inre In in, lei 1.1 l,e it.
'Hie tii.i nidiii'i win liln? W ishlngton
lb Iglit .mil the eli) east ot tho Ilarh m Into
illiu. and eas) . . ininuulinilou and gicatly
Inn 1 use tho ntti.i. uieni sol the W',ttru
! buuleiards a Ml aienues ns pleusuie diiiei.
I 1 be Md Macomb s H.iiii Lridjo was closed
In the public Ion;: a;-o and work on tho new
bridge nnd npproaches In rapidly being
liuslied lorward. 'Iho brldgo Itself will bo
loo leel Ion,- Irom bulkhead to bulkhead
..ml will extend .'Jill feet be)ond tho Mow
link ( cm nil 1.11110.01 tracks.
'I In iistcin .. 1 pmiii lies will bo l.TO feel
I 'iig (.itl iliilu. 1, I 'id, e und approaches
ihe same il. t. ul, mil o" curl led out ns to the
I'n.lw.i), ihu niiicway being fnity foot wide
l"i llsuntl.i lingili, wllh sidewalks ten leel
wide on pa. n si Jo,
A Lo wist on O n'.s Method of Losing
Unauticcnlul Friends. I
Olio I.i'wislon girl In Ilexes that prnycr
( clings im not tlio plaiu fur illilatlniis
nnil ii.iii iiij ml, says tlin .niiri-uf of ttint !
Maine town, hho known wind it is to ex-.
pe t 0110 or iwn im n wnding nt the cliurch I
iluvr ourv Suutlav ulglit with tlioqticR. '
Imu whether nl not li" Hi i go homo with '
her. '
Slip ilitppiiiitiii!' In rid herself nf liolli '
ninl piolnl li lni". Slio wept to Iho cuKo
w.uk 111 laieiiiii Hall ..Iiinliiy night utul
iloung the 1 u'liuip; bnlh 11 .l.ul i(riiiiss'ou
toesenrl lu r Louie. Slio sn d )es t 1 0II1.
'lliov lui'h waited lni lur on the liuuling, '
end w hen slio ciiuii dow imtniis she smili il
itlitl tm. I, t., 10 of on'h .lotilig limit's anus.
AI iil-t tin hihitiihil 11 lltt'c, hut thin
wont down Iho last Might nf stuns nt 11
jcik gut. Al Ihe fm tul tl.e stairs tiny1
I nth Ut go 1 ei iiimaii'l walked up l.isluiii
s'i't't. looking uglv ut in 'h nt ir. She
iii'.eit'iu.i d tueiti 1 uth with lively slum s
t.f th" inning's eiilerl.uiiinent. I.nch
iL.uibt that the oilier would drop nil at
tin lit idol Ihe stieot mill ho would go
Inline with the pretty gin, hut no. they
li.th went tm up Mam street, wishing ih
their inmost heartsth.it tho) xiein out of
II. What n lool tho other' fellow wns!
AMiy didn't bo Icixo 'i
. In tin 1111 1111 titno they went past corner
after coiner, where each thought stnely
the nthi'i xvotild sny good nighl, for Lnil
not tin gill said he niighl go homo with
In 1 '; So 011 tiny xm ut until tbo gnle xxhh
rem h"il, nnil witu 11 piolty thought nbnnt
'.ho itlect of the niomi 011 dried loaxes 111
tlio gtiltei, she nskitl them both in. Tlicv
liolh said it was Into mid lookoil 1101
ums. " Cati't you bolh conic up and bcc mo
'I'liiirsilny eieumg.'''sho as, oil. Mamma
would ho pleased lo meet .Mill "
(Im. sum ho had 1111 engagement nt tho
stole tlml night, ami the other cud hu
wiisguing mil 01 town 'llniisilav. After
II moment during which enth thought it
was tune fur tho other to move nn, tho
.i ting lady sud good-night ami moved up
Ihu Mips No iiiio annoyed lur on Sun
day night when she I'liiuo out of prayer-inciting.
Soma Hnx-o a Tnsto for Music and
Lovo to Vacnllzo.
A hand oigaii stailetl 111 with "Annie
lioouex " half n block mv.iy and the big
St. Htinird tlo wuieh hud been lxing on
the slips junipid up nud started for it 011 '
the 11111 111, intuition was nut to assail
tliu musician. (In (ho contrary, ho no
stumor re clieil him than ho sat up on a
curb with. 11 tluio feet of tho instrument,
uiul, oh atiiig his nnso 111 Iho mr, pin-,
cetdetl lo howl 1110, t dismally, says tho'
Washington v,ir.
".Now. 111st notice that," said his
master Jo ilnee )oung la uos xx Im wiro
1, itllig mi the steps. " Mosl people slip,
lot Ih it music is apt to be distressing to
11 dog. It isn't sn at all. Hover will ruu
11 sqiniH' 01 two nm time to King to u
him l-in gnu. II- enjtivs it intt nsely. Jf
t111 iluuiit it just se how Li, mil is iiiif.
ging xx lule ho vneahyes. "
I " Do vou .all that singing?" asked ouo
of Ihe pietl) girls 111 white, laughing,)-.
I " h , 11 itainly he dots his best, and
that is all any 011 can tin. It isn't every
.log that inn sing, elllii r. Tho appo'u
lilisluiuiit i, 1 al her exceptional. Oen
linvei vvDI not sing to every tune. 1 ut
when Lo hear, one that 1, 111 his lopot
ttnie, sn to speak, hi joins in nt out p.
That is not .1 how I of mini, I ul of extreme
, njuymi'iit. Ilu iliieH no even take nuv
until ot (Im niniikoy, 1 eciiiisn hu Is so
iilisiu lieil ,11 lu, upt nuip elloils."
"Hut II is nil on one note," saul nu
I'tliei of the girls.
" 1 li it is lei nnso ltover hns only a
singli note in Ins xoe.d register. It is not
su with all dogs. A fneiiil ol initio has a
-kxp tui lur wh'ch urcoiununies him
when lit plavs 11 llute. If hu bigins with
11 low lmtt the toast strikes it low note
ills,,, going up li) 11 high tenor howl as ho
ust ends tin sculp. 'I in ru is mint hot "man
I know who has 11 (.union sctlcr that will
sing xvlipuexer l.o is itiiieslop to do so,
without .'11V nceohip.iiinuoiit. All .volt
have to tin is to s, iv to him, 'Sing Sa'111, '
tmd he I ignis at once. And yet one of
inv 'cient.lle ui'iiianit.iucos once n-Hiire I
1110 th it tho turn ung of a dog 111 response
tti 11nis.11 was 1111 iiKoliuitury redox action
const ipieut to a piilldul 11 1 itnll. ill ol tho
on ,111 i''n nervio. Such a notion is, in
in) iipin on, pine 11. nscuse. "
Flroxx-orVis In Honor of Hoppor.
J.iiuos Pain ,1 Sous, ot West llrlghtoi , hue
Invited the Hopper Cmilrs opeia loiap.mylo
wllncss I heir display of ilieworks at the
1 onoy Island pavilion this evening. Mr.
Hopper and his eiulro cniupaii), cQmpiMu,;
I'Uluy people, have atctplod Iho luxltaMnii,
and . x. Ilm 1011, i.iini.il 1'assenge.- and
Iti'ket Agent or the iron Moamboat cotn
I ui), ha, lemleitd the uso ot a speclil
sieiiuli '.il b.ir tie. tiaiispiitatlou 111 iihi
e nn' ill 111 and hl.s ussm 1 uos. p,,i ,v miiis
h iv. pii'i aied spei'lalilcsUii, In pirotet hnlcs
In lii'iioi ol 1 In li git si', ivni.'li will Include .1
linn lei bailo 0 ilepliiul wltb a lull '.'.'.u
I."' .Lu . wnlch will up dlsp, av oil lu nild.ilr.
mi I il'iiliu lisa-eciu villi be pttcoded bv 11
slum. 1 01 v. 11 lull, col ireil , ar, .t tlio eon-
l.i,i'ii nf Hi" lueiM.iks 1 lill Itlon a colla
tion v.ill le liirnl-Iicd .11 the West Hud Hotel.
a. -
rro- f'ub Bull I nj Pud noiefl. 1
All cnterliiln i.ent will be MVo next Tiles,
il.i) tuning, ii. 111 .11 l.ld'U.ulo on ih
Pills.ilts, fm ih benefit ul iho PrisiClub
Lulliilug and l.nii's 1'iind. 'I he eiitt nali.
tin ut Willi, mnilsi Ih" biilllint spe. 1 icle of'
"l..).i I r imu i i' lines, which n is been
In isi aie, 1,11 iv i", n t tip. tij,h "i. He"
pi. ..1.1 ,. ...in. ! ' iihllii mil atti . live
11 .1 tips 1 ill ui' 1 1 s pi l, 1 a ailon in i
i.i.i i 117. 1 utv p.-i tcni.tir iheuro-s
Ml I'ls. II III . V. ill.. .11" logo 1 1 too 1 nnd,
1I1 I III' II 'i si u Hi I. 1, , ll e Willi ll (l)i'
1. i.i I-'' sen, 1. s . . ,,i ,tai ip, re h
v tv r is ui .. I ,l. l, iiih" li.'.tiit I, ul I I.
..ill l 'in is 1. 1 1 In 1 1 , 11 1 next I uesd.l)
.1- die) m 11 r li .. le mi bt imp.
" 1 Iip m rPA-i ol intirtAiitv It. ilup .pry lArgplr It
llin htl it.allie lr I Ir ih i.ilaun ,ai.l thai lii.uy ,
olt.i.. il allis fr tu itiir 1 fm a linn) Ip are Hit. le.uii
of Hip 1 1 uipiitiU'itl 1.1 luilk, A no 1 a. lallk li-'l
ui 1. tn lei ui, nt 11 ,i ji,,,. .n'lip eitpnl a etiu. n
with pfTppt Aiin piliiuii 'Ha alkonip With th u.p
of MTIIII.I .I'll MILK llip,p.iil.ll.Aliilalipr." ,
l'til.a.lpll.lila Ledger, July M, Ih'Ji, I
Spii.I fur naiiiphlit and riruular I., DKI.AI II.L1I.
JKl.UV J!H.N' A 1:0., ,1 Ilud.omL, .Now Vol., I
Letters Contnlntnsr Money fop t
Poor Tots of This City.
Maulo Lantorn Show.
Tn fkp rAltnri
A magic lantern exhibition was held at tho
rcsldcnco of Slastcr Sam il. Kaplan, 150 Kast
Hcvent) -second street, on Atiif. 10. Tho
nrfalr was under the manazement of ilaslcn
.MarK Holdberg, Arthur N. Slomon and Morti
mer llatiin. 'Ihe sum ot 11:1 wa realled
through their elTorts, which we hereby trans
fer lo vou for tho benelllnr tho Ktind. Over
one bundled clitldiou, all residents of the
block, witnessed the beatttliul show, and
nfltr nil was concluded, tho whole party
were regaled with Ice cioatn. lemonade,
cake, and Inilis ot all kinds kindly furnished
In the host, .Mr.Dnxld Kaplan. orar Krleger,
Daniel Mori Is, Joselili .Moirls, Misses ranny
I."Vy, JUIIa Levy. Lva (loldberB and Ileilh.i
Levy were also Indefatigable In their eHorts
tu aid In tho tuciessol tho affair.
1133 Park Avonite, ."PlO.
j .Misses II. Morgcnlhau, K. Cooper and K.
Do.vl,. got up an futeilalnmcnt for the sick
linbiis 1 nnd nt the re.-ddeiico of Mr. and Mrs.
William J tool or, llii:l I'arU avenue, Thttrs
do) evening. 'I lip receipts were 10. Theie
were iilui.u sulosand ret nations, a piny and a
magic lantern sh ivv. 'Ihe pla),"'lnc Drunk.
arn's Daughter.' hail Ihe lollowlbg cast!
Stilia, Miss h. Dovle; Ilnttlp, Miss ll. Mor-
i geiithau ; Hiilh, Mlis K, Doole; ; ollvp, .Mls
1 K. looptr; Li.cy, Miss N. Do)lu; Susan, Miss
K. Dii)Ie.
Mastei L". liooley gave tbo tnaule lantern
show, 'Iho othiis who participated weio
Musters M. M irgt iilluui am! H. Dojlo and
, Missus X. Do) le and I.. I ooliy.
MleH'.on Band Helpers.
In Ih, n'llnt
somi' glils and boys belonging to the Acorn
ills'! )ii Hum), While Plains, wish to do some
thing to help the sick babies, so we sma .",
hopliutliai it ma) do mut h good.
Xi.i) I ocl; vv oimI. Clara Lockwood, Annlo
Frlisi, Julia Miiflen. Laura Moger, l.lio
Wpsinullcr, lleleti i nrpetiler, I.' od Wilson
, Klrt Wilson, Arthur Parker, (.bin Ho Ualght
Fair Frocoeds.
Inclosed please find tins, the proceeds of
a fair foi Ihe benefit of th,o sick Hables' Pund.
Hoping It may help to make some sick laby
hi'ltei, 1 1-sle House, (Uncle Itciirdon, Loiuttn
MdntTir), .mini Micnftery, committee, 101
1 ourtli stieet, Jeisey I'll).
I Another Magic Lantern Show.
Tn ll, Killlnr
Inclosed plcnsp find $l.rtl, proceeds of a
. magic lauttru show- given bv time bu)s.
llAI lit P (il(A(IA)l,
I Far RocUawny To-Nleht.
I I.nuls Kdclmulh nnd Churles I.angJon havo
arranged a mlnslrcl and vaudeville perlorin
unce lu aid of the sick Habits I'und al
, Pavilion Hotel, Far Hocknvvny, to-night. Iho
perlot mors vv 111 bo Nat llernstelu, Oscar I'clg
man, V. I'. l.augdon, Hurry ilutonsleUi, Ilea
Nagelschtnldt, I'rnr. Usher, relgiuau and
Simons, Louis Ldelintith, Kdivard Itossller
ouj sluau and Carroll.
Another 'Entertainment.
We havo had another entertainment this
week, dunging nxc cents for adults and two
mils for chlldien for admittance. We made
J -J. 10. Hoping tint this small sum will help
some sick bub) .
'llieodorn X'miglian. Fred (ireenbatun,
Joseph Levi, Alaurlcu Dons, Charles .lacois,
Churles sllbeisteln, Althur Cox, Marlln
He) nolds, Heoei ca, Nettle and Sarah Levi,
Huso Ureonbaum and Hose Co.x.
Fair In Drooklyn.
In II, r,Wnr-
Pleiso uiul Inclosed tT for the sick Ilatles
i-'uiid, the pioctedsof a fair held at uastir
llnj place, llrooklyn, timing the afternoon ot
A uj. s, ItsiPj. by t ,vn little girls and onu boy.
We hope lo bo able to do bt iter In thctuiiue.
AbriE Hoii.iotaok, aged (welve.
Lus x Tn kKU, uged twelve.
HlllKV Hooi'Kii, uged twilvc.
Fair on First Avenue.
Tn ll, nhlnr
luiiO'Pd j on will please Pnd so r,o, the
proieeds or our little lair which was held at
Mr. Ilert'hims new stme, llrsl auntio, be
tween On Hundred and Nineteenth and One
Hundred a' d Twentleih siicets lor the bone
Ill of tlm Mci; Hables 1 iind, hiplng It will
l,Hp the bibles as much pleasure as It did us
in i. Using It. We t nded tho talr the last
evtiilu,' vvlth a magic-lantern show charging
tluee nnd live it nts admission. The talr vvi.s
made up by. I Dlu llubei, Man.igtr : hv.i
Knoll, Juslp lluber. Lena sutler,!' irrle Knoll,
'lessiii stitlei, xdaui Knoll, Doia Henri,
uuile llovert. Ida llevert, uilJiltu schoi.
II Id, 1 reddy lluber.
Lorn? Branch Entertainment.
Tn lie llnr
Ine'.ose l.v on will find JI'.1, the proceeds of
an enti.rt.ilnnii'n'. cindiiitid by can lo uiul
Siclla (..loenthil. assliiod b) their li H nil.
Joslo IlLffaladl, in Mis. l.ev)"s Ihclsea ave
nue cottage, Lou,- Ill-inch. Th" piogriunmu'
1. 'labli"iu-Ci tut scene of King una (meen
Diibell.i or sp in , piinci'ssl) hu o rruiuis
nitcuver. '.' lull aux no d-div.ti) Meihi
(rem lull and l.p,in ileyi r. :i. Tableaux
Cli.ii It v lor 'I iik Womirs Hab) I nnd, bv
llllilipil Mej er and Lesier llolTsb.uli".
4. Tableaux Matue or Libert), In Mildred
Me)el. Duel s ng. south laiollna; by
c.urle ill i t-iit lull and .lo-le llrfbsti.dt.
I'lilio s lo, bv 1'l.incls llutknn. Kecltailon,
In Mi, William .1, lllisiliiieid. .Mlunlglil
.Mann, by )oung ladles in ihe house. Heci
t.illun, Soii.iboiD's Miiilur; by stell i (,r'ei.
thal. 'ong, Love anil Duty: by tarrlu (.nen
thai. I'laiiu solo, by Mis. Monleiol. 'ihlnl
ael in in Model ii soclet) of .Neiv x.nrk, m
Kiln (Jlodlilll and Nome Tux, assisted bv the
ruling ladles or tho house. licptctiiilly
JOhrs, liolllUT OlIKEMllAI.
Two Good Collectors.
Tn lie r.bl.i.
We have teen tho poorchlUren In the teno.
ment-'joiiscs, vv hers there la no air to breathe
haidiy. Wo two Children tuol; pity on them
and lollecleu among our Iriends iS.l.g.l, xxlilv.li i
we liope in iy tlosuii.onf Hum go nil Among
th isp who gave some! bin, to the fund are:
rdiipt I.i mil- Hu. Ileiii) l.ltingci, Anir.n
Hi cu. r. Mr. sickerman, :.", cents e.n h Libel
llolhchlbl, Hi.sie ami Hir)li l.( idesdnrr. .!)
teiitstitcli; lauru Kb I, lto,s Willis, D.nhi
lleuiliiilm. Mr.s. v!c)cr, Mrs Juculsou, llttlu
.letup I ItoiikO , 1U cents (iu.li.
Ihe icsiot the muue) was collic'ed by
Kfi'bksi and Anu.isE Ktissreii. j
Ul'ook yn Fair. j
To II , r,Wnr
liii'losiilyuu win find T. IT, tho procieiH
of a Lib hell at (lie le-ldeiuo ot Mauilo
i li ter, Oil! i, I'es aveuip, 1 iookl)n, tor the
in iii'lll of iho s.ek baby rtind. '
Maviie Kikifii,
Sol HU. M'pNNCKr,
Assir Uiinii.
1.1 llLMHUNS,
Arthur'u Collection,
r ). rl mr
liicloscd tint! $', which I have collocled
fiom the following: Arthur llekhman and
M. Newgass, ;, ceiits each ; JI. Diuhardt, J.
(inndinaii, 1'. Ansteln, Cash, II, Willier V
Kohler. i.eraty and D. Hall, 10 centsench
l.lll) llfuki.ll, Ful, cash, cash, Piassmau, liar
rlsoii. Have, Nlni, (loorge, J. (!., cash (I
Mlrhacls, A. illihaels and Paulson, ,-, cents
each. Aktiii'k JiiuiiMAV,
Tl hast one Hundred and Twent). third
From Missouri Visitors.
Tn Ir, rHtnr
Wo Inclose $ for tho "Sick- Ilaby Fund"1
wllh tbohopotii.it ii may make some baoy
more comfortable,
Mrs. II., Miss It., Mrs. F. H. U.
Vonkera Chlldroi.
Inclosed pleaso nnd a postal note for iflkSo,
thoproceulsofafati' given by Clara Mellor.
Mtigglo Mugec, Annlo May Dykis, Ilatllo
Woods, Jusi"! mu and Asni-J Magee, if
onkers. We hie It will do souio good.
I, "lt'sh the very thlngsh for a blrtshdaj I
(hlc) preshotit.1' H
C. Mll-'.lddl-tl-hl-tlsU." A
3. "T.rc, bite, bite 'lm." M'
I '" "1 f if-
4. Two can play a' t lat game. M.
)1Skr -"lSs, Hice
"""' Boxli
."i. A truce. ( th(
. Ahip
.' s-p i iath
sJ VffXAW',. ftOlIll
' I A 1 fSV- I'""' '
'SsS f
0. Tlio spoil.
sjiiri'ixcr yjEirs.
AI.XIANAl 11)11 IO.0AV.
I l M
Eun rlP..f'.08 I Sim Aetp. . .7.01 I Moon till. 9.
Lluli VIA1MI lO'DAY. fl
.M T.U ' I,
Kanit Hook 11.11 11.H "
i.ttTPinor'b 1,'anJ. . 11.44 lh araj,
llelli.ate 107 - H .
ItlW VVAltll lO-UAT, A, I)''";
SAndvllooV ix.on .ST ,vw finer
(xiTrrnnr Inland f) 1(3 0.1i VB ,.
llplK.alo r.ul J (U law.
'In ihaiicp i.a.teui .t,in Ur.l tluid to .xarf t w eJtM,
u,ai. tlm lunuuil liur liutltlUa. Jm es
w lalki
IMI1IT (II M.W vo::i. ' 13 ai
' I L'TnoINC, .Nil AMLT.S. ) form
fAII.lL. lo-HAl. . ss!jl
La ninrpom p. Hattp. H .
It.n pa. f,mn..el tera
ISAIePr VV illiAili II , lirempn, ,imt
IiiokiaIIa. t'liti mi, -mil JK "'"'
Minmlaiii, llnlterilaui. ,.
Lll.lOllA, liiAIll, IV, Vfl !;
OlllAiiA. Havatii. M ,-
Arihu.idark, KliiEalnn. u
I'm l it) A, lent llra. Jtotl
W LCU. Ill, l,ITCr."ol. 1 .
Ill SAIL Al-d IS, i
.lint, c'fl.e. ri,li". H l)ltl
Cliattahoochp, Sararnah S.Ouru "',,,
lro.iuula, I iiarlpitiai . . SWrK Jfc.
ID SAIL Al'll. It), UVlQii
Spree, Urpwen 12,00 M 1 BUti
in fcAIh Al'il. 17. nia.
AUo, flooalrps .
llrlUniilt), Utariiool 2.0UPX pick
Cherolipp, ('liarlPiliie 3.00 PM iBtv.
Cur cf.N'piv Vork, LlTpruuol. l.uoru 'le
l.ltri.f Wa.hliiaton. llaTana. 3 III) r -I .,,
.Nacinuiipp, hinnii.h . a.oorn "''
Klinilauil, Aiitxrtp l.ullrK IK r,
PUE TO.DAT. llall'
Manhattan, Urrrpool Julr'J7. '-or
I a ChatnpaaiK', HaTrH Aur. 0. THof
Clutubla. llatuburK Au. 5. lITi
Weill Cllj, Snauita Jul31, iu T'
IiCc AUG. 14. v .
Anranta. t,lTeili,.J Atif. ft. t9 ,,
Alaaka. l.lvprpuol Auk. ii, if llO
Pennland, Antwrr,) Aug. .1. (J l,,,
I urneisia. IdaiKow Aug. J. V
Hindoo, Hull Aur. 4. (Mi
iroma, lllh Jul Jl,
uue ado. IS. m ll "'
Aller, Bremen Aqg. 0. 'rit
Muaiutu, Ilremen Aajr. 4. M
Am.lerilam, Am1terdamAa4.il
laurit), LlierpovlAui, ll,