Newspaper Page Text
I 1UK WOULD: SATURDAY EVENING. AUGUST 13, 1892. 5 H WANTS NO MORE OF IT ! It '- - I Young Lady Who Will each Chinamen in Sunday M School No More. s Hattic Lloyd Resigns from Dr. HI Dcems's School. mt Satisfied that Men Arc the Hoper Teachers fcr Celestials, L the Chinese Sunday-school connected Khe Church ot tho HtrungerH meets on cond Sunday In Hoptemfcer to light nut, rouble between HupU Kru? and tils Ma cj.doatlicn pupils tlicrc will bo mi r chair on tbo side of tbo tablo opposite Rf the most devout Celestials. Replace bus been dcclnrcd vacant by Miss KleLlo)d, of M- tlrceno stteet, who tor K a year has been n toucher ot Mould-bo "Ollan christians. Miss Lloyd haj be- Bo convinced by ber mother's good advice, Bsltily imUernal authority, that sho was Vpskcu sdobclloved tt was her duty Etrucl a Chinaman In the Intricacies or Ballon. believes that men nro bolter fitted for Bt-ork, and In order Unit men may bavo Bporiuiilty she has resigned bcr position Hat her. B. l.lojil was seen by an Kvrvt.o Woki.ii Bcr vesterda), nnd conllrmed tkcstnle- Tthal Miss llatllo bad sutreiidercd her Kt one to whoever wants him. lon't believe In girls teaching Chines..'," Blrs. l.loyd. "1 didn't want llatllo to Hlntlto first place, but sho tboujrlil ll flWuty, nnd I gave in. Hetore tho Sumtncr BBlnn llnttle was slcl: tor several weeks fcad not been at school. Mio Intended ling when the school Is reopened on tho Hi Sunday ot September, but wo have Heading what Tiik IIviimmi W'ni(i.n has Hi to be the character of the ' lilheso ami H-oncludcd that the shall not go back". H.U Is all I want to, say about It. The may bj all rigid, but as long as they Blie reputation they now do, I think thy Bd be taught by men. 1 have had nu ex-1 'Bieo with theiit niyscir, and pcrdips Hi noi Judgo them harshly; but I don't Htlie) are tin rl,iit kind ot people fori to nssoclato with. ' BtsLloyil was one of the brightest young Bwt-achers In tho Church ot the strangers HHese Sunday-school, sho always ills. Hwaged the cfTorts made by tho Chinese to Bmo social lions with their teachers and fid not attend picnics and other nDalis re chinamen are treated by their tiach Bias particular friends. B r.uinber ot church people stand to an Immi Woki.ii icpnrter jc.sterd.iy Hint Ay of the Chinese Sunday .schools mil Ac a chaugo In the method ot leaching j Hn they are reorganized, as usual. In hep-! bcr. Bdor McKce, who receutly visited the vatl schools of New York and Hrooklyn, In be. ot the I'rc&bytcry, says tint Horn what Has seen on his tour ot investigation ho la dedly opposed to the system ot employing rig girls to teach Chinamen. fll think men am more desirable. In my Hi eh," said tbo Elder, men are employed Bfeaenticrmans who do not understand .1 H'1 t English. Again, go Into our Italian liins. There you will rind men teaching so Ignorant men certainly no quicker Hi rn than tho Chinese, who are lemmncd their perspicacity. In legnrd to Intermar A'es I will say, while 1 nivo never run. Vied the matter, thai 1 believe such urtalrs Aio tnost unadvlsable. 1 do not think, lion. i, girls when they undertake such Hies are actuated by anything but religious lorand s'.'ll-sacrlUce." r. Kdward Ilralslln, pastor or tha Wash ton Avenue Hapttst church, llrookiyn, Hi lu rclerence to Dr. Lewis's proposition Hcrlacc young girls by middle-aged women Hi men, that be would be bappj to .see such Hnange Mr As fur as the danger of lutcrmarilage Is," added in Ilralslln, " 1 hale net, Hk'11 ,ln' eases in my own experience, yet 1 Uluk In all probaMlltv they nrlso Ironi that toMmlty and lntluiio') leniied during the frlod when the Chinaman n, Ih' teelpletit, n the young uomau's teaehltig. she (eels mpatby, iihlcli entries lor an ay. Hie Sua or seir-saerlnee Is paramount. It Is not "allhfiil love. " I he reason we hair many young ladles as aehers Hi our large Chlue-e sunuaj -school "Uraiiso they are theonis nhoproner tuelr irvlees. It Is dirtlcult to It ml faclicis at all, nd thov; who genei ally .voting .eiiien who feel thu greatist Inter, st In the inrk and are willing to saerineo tlivin-ehi'S i' tho good or humanity. I think lu our clioo I. however, less than ."iilpu ceni.aie uiing ladles. The greater portion are mld ie.,iged men and many mnrrled ones. As tar as regaras tho une-teaeher, one- Ii'Ui'iln.vsleiu, I think II aijses lioui the eil' twa In china or each uupll hnvtn a master. The Chinese here look for ll and I'Xpeet It. Another reason Is that It Is a necessity, l'ew Americans understand Chinese, and Hip others llnJ It mueti cushr and tetter to oc cupy the half or thref-iiuot lors or an hour or tuition on one pupil. Il.v this tliey can ae. coinpllsh Romutlilnsi olheiuise thoy would, lull ol success. ' Where a tindcrslinds the Cng. )lh latuuago ihoroiglil), as tn I lie case o( lir. '1 bonis, a teacher In our -chool, ho Is able to teach a largo class, at least eight ol his As many of tho Chlne-u cotno to our schools simply to l-urn the Ian giuic, not the doctrines of Christianity, I am frcntosay tint tho Inn teachings should bu illvMod. .Sight sclnvils should becatalllshed. and thero they should learn th latuuagi, Atler HiU they should couio to receive roll; loiislntructlou." Ilr. Dixon, ot tho Hanson l'laro Ilaptlst church, thoiuht tint the matter ol teaching should bo I laced In tho lunds ot elderly pcrtons. ' Young girls should not bo placed In a position to bo inorillled suddenly by a pro Iedon or loo rrotn a pupil Mr whom iney liavnfult merely a Chiluan interest," sal.l Dr. Dixon. I should nut caro to see it In my church." - ' TO PRESERVE LEAVES. A Little Wax and Paint la All That Id Noccssnry. I lately went into tho iooiu wuoro my invalid eoitsiti was lying with u great spray of gorgeous roil ami yellow maplo loaves from tbo trees outside her window, " How I wish I could keep thcin so !" slm jigheil, ntid i resolved to rcpiutluru I them us n surpriso to her. ' 1 bought some nieo yellow beeswns, I I two cheap catuol's hair brushes, n 'iny . iiuttlo of cAiiitltie powder nitd it tube of green oil paint. With bomo leaves of I difforent sires I wns ready for work. The leaves hnd been soaked over night. I put the yellow wax in two small tins: i mio I loft brijht yellow, tho oilier 1 ! enliiiod with u llttlo of the green paint. When nielled put on tho tinder sldo of ' oho of tho leaves with tho brushes, llrst u I ending of jellowwax, then one ol tho green; this nmdo the leaves nupear as I turning front green to yellow. I 1 totind ouo of plain bright yellow wns i verv cllectivo ntnoug tho rest. When tho leaf was well covered, mid tho vfnx about tuick enough not to In oak, 1 pulled tbo leaf gently olT. peeling from tho skin up- ward. ' '". 'VovAnyKV. SLAVERY IN PERU. It Ooob by Another Name, but la Bondage Puro and Simply. Slavery has no recognition in l'eiuvinn Inw, but thero nro ways of ntaiutiiiuiug nnd explniuing it not unwoithy of sonio udmiration lor their clevtruo-i. 'J'aUe, j for instance, an established ehacm or Uaciendii-nny haciendn. According to law tlie Indian is n freo man. t'eitainly. Also, nccoiding to man -white, ' mestizo or Indian may lenvo tho pluce ' wheio he has contracted n debt until ho lias paid it, if his creditors enjoin iom barger) him. Now, it happens that tho Indians are nil nnd always heavily in debt to tho owuors of tho ohacra wtiero they live, mm said owners do choose to enjoin them. Wheietoie, toucludcs llnrir' AlMutiMr, the Indian remains perpetually oinliar 1 go' d. When tho young Indian lias grown largo enough to do what may bo regarded as it man's work ho enters service. , Ho receives tho habitual recompense of nine soles per mouth. On this sum ho I cannot live. Tho master knows it, tho Jnclinu knows jt: but what is to bo done i when such is the established stipend throughout tbo length and breadth of the 1 v alley ? The result is, receiving nono of the commonest necessaries of life gratui tously, no ovurdiiiwK from the liist. . A strict iiccount is kept ot nil that he ob tains (i oni his master of food, clothing, ' implements mid knlekkuncks : papors of injunction are duly served nnd he is com. pelled lo v,oik on day alter duy in satis. faction ol tho debt. ' Consider another phase of tho matter, , If a man desires to esmhlish u now hii"ieudn ho can obtain all the laud he ! in iy need by simply "denouuciLg" it in i duo legal form, occupying and building u house on it: but he cannot secure laborers by spiendtng tho rumor of his jwisiiei ami summoning a crowd of ap plicants Irom which to choose. Tor this ho must lepnir to sonic well. itocked luicienija wheio there nro Indians ' to opnre. pay 'tho debts of such ns bo lelects, theiehy transferring tho Indian ! with his obligation mid its attendant I ond I of servitude, from one master to another. ' Shabby. ijv,iw r,Mi(i'. Tommy lint you told me sho was only your third enisle. Dick She is. Her mother Is my only aunt, and sho has two older sisters." How to Conciliate an Editor. It'totH 7'-J-(M .s'l'Orv.,l " Vou look an nil blue. What Is tho matter with you:" 'I hat editor has sent back my last batch ot poems. I vv lsb 1 knew bow to get ids good will." Tliat'n easy enougU done." Iloivainl to do It, to put him In good humor?" Don't send him any more ot your poetry." ," A MODERN LEAR. The Troubles That Beset a Man with an Appetite. If there is anything upon which a vast amount of flno language has been need- ' lesaly expended, that thing is personal in. ! H" flnencj. In my opinion au opinion I lawd on thirty years of most convincing I experience, personal influence, though I lalkud of as much us tho Into Mrs. Harris, P u ai unsubstantial as a myth. Tho philau. j ' tnropist who has begun Vy trying to re. form tho world and onded by seriously I asking his eon.scicnco whether ho has al-' tereil tho views of any soul in it besides binncir, will understand me. ! My benevolent offoris woro cTpenJed wholly in behalf of nv fathor. Mv Hiother was a New Kngland housekeeper .of tho old-fashioned sort n womnn who , Wnshod witli mortiticntion ir unoxpocled i winpimv found her with less than live ! B1Dll of enko. with tarts, pics and dough. ' JnU galore. Her prosorvos were always B0"'1" " pound for pound," and her hams, j I'leklcs nnd jellies wore tho admiration of Ur" neighborhood. iT.ndor this regimen, HP1? sisler Ithoila and I grew up to ho H pair of sick.y dyspoptics. nnd at bont tho ago of twenty married two Wotlinr, Pitnilarly aniiclod. My sister' Uti(.,ta menrrr,! ,i1(1 ll5tin aisplcnstiro r r patents by eloping nt the ago of Tntten .vhu n blacksmith's sou. rhd I J" -o fwilled little tomboy, nuil I o gc c ,j, not fri,i that her I "' H our gain, still people ot' n deli I '"1" linti v. l,kt, mv eiKter Hhorla and ib"-elf, poi-i hr(llv. i,a eM10(.,eii t0 ,t",v', tl10 mn A after one of such ten. I .. dcucicR as Cordolia's. My mother dying a few years ago. my father divided his I properly between ithodn nud myself. , He had no sou to work his farm, ho was too old to work it himself, and he did not wish tolo bothered with overseeing hired labor. Joseph nud I begged him to mako our house his permanent homo, but Jacob und llhoda wcro equally urgent, I nud it ended in his dividing his time equally between us. Hut he hai'n't been lit our house more than three davs before ho began finding fault with his food. " Seems to me, June." he said, "this bread ain't just l'ko wlat voui mother used to make.'' " I'm thankful tomv it ain't," said I. " I hi i is unleavened bread, Yeast is lank poison." " It's prcttv hefty," find lie, lifting a piece in his hand, as if living to guess its might. " Don't let that s'ice full on v ur toes, Joe. I'vo known less than that to 1 mio n man for life." " The merit of this whole whrnt luend," said I, " is that it conduits nil the ele. ments necessary for tho nutrition of tho sy.teni." Another time he mil: ".lime why don't I you cook some mint? I'm perisliiu' for j want of it." ! "Meat!" 1 rxcliiincd. "Arc wo cav ' nlveroiiR luasls, thu' we should prey on olher iiiiimalsnud iiinkoouv ho.'ii'h n bury. ing.grouud for their leuiBius?" " Uuryins-giouud:" he said, dismally, :&:&ft'ft'..'fcy. ('.oni l.dfl Xiglifr Sporting Ktra.) I THE TURF. Stewards at Monmouth ' Fail to Inquire Into Reiffe's Riding, BABEFOOT.f HE"GODD THING." Monmouth Association Offers $1,000 Cup in the Choice Stakes. The worst piece or riding scon at .Mon mouth i'atk during tho prrscut meeting was that ut Jockey Heine on Kstellu In the sixth nice yesterday. 'Ibis inaro ran seven furlongs u few days ao lu I.'.'-Hj and won under a pull, Vestetduy sho was ulso under n pull, but she didn't ln. tho was Leateu nearly lltty yards by ltarcloot and May Win. It .Master ltcllto Is accustomed to tiding In tbo West ns h,- did at .Monmouth Pat k, ho should change tho manner of tils ways and leain to tide In KaMirti lashlou-lo win. It may be, as somo ot the Jockey's friends ns-ettid, alter tho race, that, ho Is Incompetent, lids Is no 'excuse, and It only makes matters worse by holding up tinner .McCalTerly In an iinr.ior- able light for putting up such a boy on a hot ' ifavorlt". II lias also asserted that Kstello could not run in tin-mud. 'lhlsinay be tiuo alo, but, Ihcu, whydldMf.McCarteriy pcrmli her to stall and why did ho tell lit 4 Mends 10 back tho tn.110 It ho knew that I.slello Mas aictso to heavy going. It 10.1v be, as 11 contemporary charitably 1 emails, that Kstellc had "one or her mean Ills on and wouldn't try a 3 aid " This disease must al-o be peculiar tu Heine, for ho was not observed to try, cither. .Vine-tenths of thcspcclators wcioor the opinion that thu mare did not try. Everybody expected Unit tho boy would bo I called below the st en urds for 1111 expla im'loii or Ills peculiar Jockey.shlp, but I he wns not questioned, lor the sim ple reason tint tho stew.uds nolo no; at their nnris. Th"V ale not. thireloie. competent to Judge the line, nud .Master luetic will pionabh escape seol rice. The paid Hoard ot Monoids which was proml-ol by the Monmouth park management has not I )et materiiilled. 'I he belting In llto nico : looked peculiar also, liaieioot opened attu in 1 mill tiui plunged upan usthouxli It was ' a certainty. Ills elo-lug price was :i to l.mnl he won In a walk. .Mr. M. I'. Dwyer'.s opinion on the race would lie 1110,1 Intcicstlng. lie had mtlte j svt ell bet on Kstellc. I Alter this most ctlraordlnaty laro Ilare'oot I was put up at auction. He was entered to bo ' sola at fi.uoo. .Mr. .1. .1. Christy ran tho colt up to v.Vloo, at which pi lee the auctioneer declared liltu sold. 'Ir.inier Maiden oblecled, linn oi cr. saying tdat d" had bid HtMlo."!, and this necessitated another sale. 'I his Utile Mr. christj bought the coll lor i.l.lou. The Moumould As-oclallon, lu an en. dcavor to bilug those two good three. eat olds Tammany and Lumpllgdttr together in the Choice St ake oil fatiuda, have ntfeieil a gold cup valued al l,oui) to the winner. This Inducement may Induce tho uivneisor I Lamplighter nnd Tammany to start, but It Is very doubl nil. There would be no excuse lor , one or the older withdrawing, but some how owners ol crack horses rear to ineoi 0110 another. Ilo-ddrs the two mentioned theio are eugiued in the Choice Makes, 1'lcK- 1 pocket, Mr .Miiilbcw, Vorkvlllo llelle. Ills lltsliness, Dagonet, l.oonawell, .Mars, Hare 1 foil, I.ocolialchee, Kilkenny and Two lilts, I making a grand Held. j I ... It Is rcporled that John Marr. the trainer nt I Poet scout, Is to take that gind sou or 1.011,1 lellon ha'k to Kentucky. It Is not llkel) that Poet Scout will again bo seen on tho Kasuru trioks. He has a small lump on one nt Ills ankles, and as Tiolner Marr sns: It's no use waiting lor a liore to become a cilpple befot e you try and cut e him." Vorkvllle Hollo uasaddoil In Hie compara tlie stakes and 111 ate n lint r.ivorlie. In her luellmliiary soiuclhlng frightened her and sin slopped short nnd refused to budge. Tinliicr Alli'ii Mout out or. the track ami Mttti his open umbrella prodded the Hello so aniu make lieriuoMi along. Then tho stiierstltlous gamblers rushed lu and hedged on .Montana, inr they declared Allen bad hoodooed ' tho mate. Cen.iln 11 wajshe did not win. Mon tana beat heriaslly. Schuylkill woula rrobablv have won thn last ra:o yesterday dad not his headstall slipped In the last lltty arils. (ildeon nnd Daly lx t S'.'.'-'OO on Mccormick In the last ran1 yesterda. The toll ran a ; disappointing lace. The Vice-President at Bar Harbor. Inv psociTrn men, t IUk IUkboii, Me., Aug. 1!J Vice-President Morton arrived here this morning. "The fact is I ain't half niirh n cheerful object ns a buryiiig.grouiid thero uiu't any bumps or fullness ubont me." " This sort of talk is distasteful to me." said 1. Breakfast was perhaps my father's worst meal. 'Iho many wholesome piepnra lions of grain, such as cracked wheat, oatmeal, comuionl nud hominy appealed to him in vain. "Wo consider this excellent brain food," my husband said cheerfully one morning, as ho took n second help of Oiahaui mush. " 'Tnm't bt.'iiu food I wnnt," Fnid fnlheri "it's stomach food. If I nasn, horse I wouldn't mind In in' on liran nud chopped stilC. Don't you over have any milky " No," Fnid Joe, ftnnrtly, " wo don't. If 1 was u calf I wouldu't mind liun'ou milk." " You shall bavo somo milk, father.'' said I. rising to get it. "It's a bilious food, but it contains idl the eleiiieiit.s tlmt make up the human traine." ' Ilowntn tea and toffee intliewnvof elements ':" he iisktd in n ini'trnble way. " Thoy am nothing but tiinuliint-," I etcliiuui d, glad to lind ho took even this slight inleiest in thu subiec . " 'I lure is nothing m them to I mid up the liod ." 1 "Well," he mu dolefully, "I don't 1 know as I'm looking for anything to Inuld t my body up. I've got past that. If I I can only liud sometbtu' to prop it up, I comet din' to keep it frcm enviu' in, I'll bo I satisl'iod, " If it were not tl.ut pcoplo who live dygicnicallv are good-natured, my bithoi's j ipicrti'ous dls.inleiit would have lietii 11 sore trial lo iih flue day nt dinner, after .lo-eph hid said our usual limn of gnoc. I in,- lather iNclaimtd rudo'v, " 'o may , well siv the Lord innUo its ihankful. Joe, for 11' he didn't make us thankful no 1 poaer 011 tatth could.'1 Tul satne day ho nsked for pie. "Ho you know what pie in?" rsktnl GRACE IS FOR PEACE. - 1 Ho D023 Noi Favor an Inde pendent Mayonlty Candidate. Still, It Is Too Early to Discuss Local Politics. Above All Things He Wants to Seo Cleveland nnd Stevenson I'.lccteil. Kr-Mayor tlrace's Interi lew In 1 iik Worn n tills mottling, 1,1 which he slid he Is personally oppoed to the nomination or an Independent c unity ticket, w:rs the talk or politicians at tho illy Hal'., the hotels and the National headipiartersot bold political parti, .i. '1 he Interview was regarded Irom various standpoints. It Mas gciieiully louciuded that Mr. drnce ineatil just n hit he said. At presold he was against the nomination nt an anll-Tanuuany local ticket, and wdetder a light should be made later depended on bow 1 events shaped In the future. I .Mr. f ir.100 was nsked : "Will there be a ticket nominated b the Atitl.Tantiii.iiiy iieiiiofiais?" " h." leplted thecv-Mayor. " I cannot an sMer thut ipiesllon. Thero 111.1v, and there nia not, Ih a Uilnl ticket placed In the Held." i "Iho organization which sent delegates to the m mouse convention und opposed senator Hill's uoinlnnilon lor Piesldcnt nt Chicago Is still kept up," suggested the reporter. 1 Yes. and It Is being slieiigtticned. We nit' th "toiighli c.rganleii In nearl) everv As semliU ilMrlct and we will have committees In each or Hie thirty UMtlcls bchiri' sept. I. While we do uot siy thai the oreanlzatlnii I villi nominate a count ticket or take put I In n romlltiatlou against Tammany Hall, we Mill hold oun elves In readiness lo meet any emergene.i willed ntnv arise. " Wedo not, ' t'liiiiliiii dth"eT.MaVor, -'de. sd'otoilo ii'iytlillig that 11 )eoar,llzc the election ot 1 lev land mid Stevenson. The successor the Nation I tlei.ct Mill bo iOilM.1 end aliove eier.vthliig ele." Mr. tiraee siitd that lu his Intenleivon Wednesday he did not Inleud to criticise Mr Whitney, lie added: " I mil glad he Is t-iklng a prominent an I .irtlie Interest In tho campaign, list lure is nlnavs need ol in nblo and evpelleiueil man like lit 1:1 at National lleadiiiiarleis. Mr. Whittle and myselt nrrnu the ioit ot terms. What illtfcrences or opinion which may now ovist Mill nil be settled, l'herc Is no doubt 11boulll1.1t. You see It Is eatly In nrraiigo everything, and. ns fur ns local politics Is concerned, seplenil" r ond nciobcr nre iK'tter months to decide what Isb'st to lie done than Hi August." " Hyou thought a third ticket would erst cteieland votes, Mould oil oppose Us nomi nation''" .Most assuredly. And, on Iho other hand, ir I thought opposition to Tammany Hull would di'lp Ills elect Ion I mull tauiriitdlid ticket. lloMever, I nlsli nbtivii oeithliig else lo seo Cleveland and sievcnson elected." JACGERDORF FOUND ALIVE. He Is a Patient In Bellovtio Hospi tal, but Will Soon Do About Again. Homer Jiiggordorf. of .Ml Klditdjc street, who until esterdaj had b"en numbered among tho "mysterious disappearances," was sitniclcnll recovered this moiulng lo leave llcllevuc Hospital. taggordorf Is a cloaktnaker for stem A Co., or 111 I.lspenard street. A week ago nineteen 11I his fellow-i loaktuakers were discharged. Tliey m-pccli'd Jnggerdorf of having caused their discharge by acting Informer. Some ot 1 Coin assailed Jagcldoif ulth clubs and beat him severelv. Jnvrgcrdorl was taken to llellevun Hospital, and on account of being unable to speak i.ngllMi vol nell Ids namo was registered as ludnrf. Ills family, lu searching (or him, visited Pellevue, bin no Jaggerdorl mils recoidcd there ns an inmate. Yesterday, however, It, occurred tonne or the ofllcu inon at Helle nic thai ludnrt nilglit bn tdo man. Ills family nein uullflcd and an Identification followed. IRON HALL SUPREME SITTING. I High Offlcora Who May Be Ousted I from Tholr Positions. I tllY AhRot 1 tun no rh. 1 Isnitstroti-, Aug. f.' lUu supreme Sit tlngotllio Older or Iron Hull held a short secret session to-diy, but nothing or Im portance lesultcd, thai body dolcnlng nil , important matters until the lestilt ottde ! application lor a receiver Is made known. ' That Supremo Cashier Davis aud Supreme Accountant Walker will be ousted by the Supremo sitting, however. In case the plea tor a receiver ts not (.ranted, Is regarded as certain, as supremo .lust leu somcrby and tho other eti'utltu ofllecrsaio or the Oi Inlon that the actum of Davis and Walker has teen the intcicsts or the tinier. INEW YORK CITYPAYS 5507,000. Cnsh for tho Lingdon Claimants I Turned Over to Counsel To-Day. Comptroller .Myers this afternoon paid over j to lilchard S. Kintnet aul Thomas I. ogden, j counsel 'or the l.augdon claimants lor I bulkhead lights on thu Ninth Itlver. the , sum ot ,'.ii;,ono. This 1-, the amount allowed by the Siipictne court to the l.atigdon clalin 1 r.ntson the atnended rejort Ful'inltted by e i President iinnt-r Cleveland, itnu a- pointed referee In tho matter. I Joa; ami I explained. " l'ie is a deadly compound of fruit, Ilourand fire." "All them tilings is good, .lauc," said my father, ' taken in lnodciatiou, ' " We don't want tham in this house," said Joe. " I ain't goin' to bo bothered with dyspcp'iu in uioileratum," Not long after I was horrified to behold my two delicnto children munching candy. "(Iraudpa gave it to us, " they said, smiliug stiekiH nt me. "rather," I exclaimed, "this is too bail! Candy is made up wholly of car bonaceous materials none ot tho nitrn. geneoiiR or phosphntie elements ruler into it, nnd it is a cvcrc tax upon tho ox. cmtory organs, " Ho said nothing, but turned away nnd took out his pipe, iniyfl'eiciit, nl-o, to the fact tlmt tobacco is a poisonous narcotic. I wns out of patienco with him. I fell re. linved vi hen ho rxprofseil his intention of going over to stay witli lthndi and Jake for n month. IMioilu nud 1 ate back and forth n good 1 deal, nnd 1 'oen heard how things wele going theie. Slio nnd Jul. o nro mo.e i advanced than Joo nnd I are. 'lliry con I suler the if e of cooked food n sin'ul pii'ideiMig lo iiuimal uppt tile. I'm lueak- Inst they usually htivn a lltllo ground i win' it. moislcuod with btnv jutio, or I canned penis or soniclhtng ol Ihit sort. , Dinner consists ot u little unoookc.l oat ' mtal, with ligt or dales, nud ocasu nnlb I nuts. They have no nipper. My father soon obseived that this was u foiluuntc thing, n three sucli uieals a i iy Mould hiive tiliished them off long ngo. Illi.itlu fpioteil father assaying that f he h'.d to lite on two meals u day of raw piousuns ' lio meant tohiiceuotighof tl.u-e. When, 1 tbuofore. my usttr m nt ni'ii tl o din.n.--rtiotu oil" day lo sit the tab r, with ap llo. inislus aii.l lie no al. sin w.isastou. ii-hed to liud it nircn ly spreinl with cov ered dishes, coiitain'ng un ooke I potn. toes, tiiiiotK luintps, cnbbago mil I onions. She nnd Jake ato some of tho ISn.iM; iy ;ffnVWi-' yAf.J. 'jM'frAf- ",t's TRANSFERS OF SERGEANTS. Some Patrolmen A'so Clianed by tdo policn Hoard. The Polio" lii'arii this .if.ernonu niu-i'lde lo loMiiiw' tr.insti rsol sergeat.ts : Wllhatn It. 1 1, irom thcsmec.iid le. diet In Tuiil.ii'eeud: I'liwnrl Piluu.iter nnd William P. t ortey, rrem tlie second lo the MMt'fiilli; Jolm 1'. Herllhy, Itom Ihc l'ltidtntlii' sIM.eiilh: IMward .1. Mc.Ml'e. limn iho I'list lo the Mtitli; Jolm Putt, trom the Nluili to the I'lrft. 'Ilie-.e patrolinen Merc trans'erred! Herman Wn;tliei, Irom t In, Thirtieth tn tho TlitiD'tll't I're.ltict; Mlchcal T.upe, iimu the'lhlrt.v.thlrd to the Twchtvllrst : Daniel Cnrtln, irom tlie Tnent.ldsl in tho Twetit sieond; .loliti Demody, trom Iho Thirtieth to the 'lhlrt.v-secnnd; William Swin, tnuii (ho Klghlhto the Ihllllelli; Iholiias .1. Clillo:', trom Ido Tweiit.roiiitli to tdu Sicotul. CONSUL MCREERY'S CASE If Invoatlffatod at All, 'Twill Be by Socrotnrv John Foster. inv ociaii rnrfs i W'Asitlsinos, Aug. I'.'. -Consul Mrt'iecr) tills uioi nlng called on I he secretary ot stale, piesumably In relation to tlie charges made iigaltist 1 1 in oi misconduct during the Chilian trouble. It Is understood, however, that nothing will be ilono In the matter until niter the SeerelitD's return from Dier Park, w licit' ho expects to go .satuiday to stsi over Miuilav Mild his family. II an Invest Igat Ion Is de cided upon, Secret ury l'oster will mot probably conduct ll htuisoll. NO ONE TO BLAME. Tho Donth ot Wlllintn YVclkor In ! lCltltrs Ccnntv Hospital a Puro i Accldont. The case ot William Walker, the patpuit ' who jumped Irom a thlrd-stot iMtidow lu the Kings county Hospital last Meek Thmsday night, sustaining Untitles Iroin Mhlcd do died last nlgdt, Mas lniestlgnled by tbo conitiils. slii'itrs or charities mid t orrectlon.Itrooklyn, to-day. The touudthut no blnino could bo attached to an ot tdo medical start or corps ot allcnilaiits ONLY A CHANGE OF COURTS. Francos Hastings Discharged Only to Bo RonrroBtetl. I'lances Hastings'-d guilty In lh Court or (ti'iieral sessions to-Uay to n charge of keeping a dlsonlerl house at :lti llnjard street nnd Mas titled f lilt), A chargo ot abducting tourleen-j ear-old Martin Ityan, Mho Mas discolored In tdo house tvlien It was raided, was dismissal, but Mhen the notnan letl the colli l-room she was niiftcil and will liavu to stand tilal lu the court or C.encrnl sessions, she having been Indicted on the .thtluetloii idaigc. $30,000 STALLION DEAD. Heart Disease Kills Harvey Noble Record 2.17'.., IT JtflOCIATKIl I'llKSK. I (iiiAsn ItArnls, Mich., Aug. l'J 'Iho trot ting stallion, llnrvoy Noble, on tied by W. s. KlrhyA Co., of (inlesburg, Mich., died to-day of dealt d I icasc. Tho horso dad a rccoid of !.'.lT.i... and nas valued al :io,nun. NEW YORKERS WIN AY TENNIS.' Morning Results in the Invitation Tournament at Ktihant, fur Ansocuirn rnEAi.t, Mass, Aug. l'J 'Iho following aiu the icsulls or tho morning's plu) lu tdo luvltatlon tenuis tournament: 1'. 1.. Hall. New York, beat s. T. Chase, Chicago, il-l, tl-:i. Malcolm educe. Providence, beat tjutnc A. hliaw. Jr., Huston, tl 0. it O. Cluience llobart, M'M York, beut V. II. Hove, U-4, n ll. A JAPANESE MINE HORROR. The Workings Suddenly Flooded by a Rise In tho Hlvor Qlnzan. rnr abioi lATrn rnrsA. I Six Pkasi i-ro, Cal., All':,'. 1'.'. The ste.iin ship city of inn Janeiro, Just arrived from Yokoliimia, brings advices lo tdo elTett that i thelnnalcoppei mine In. kltakcn, Japan, w us Inundated Jul 14 b) a sudden otcrflowof the Itlver (I lti7an. According to some accounts nine miners and according to others sixty miners were drowned. No Claimant lor Merloy's Body. The body or John Merley, who died from tho clftctsot sunstroke 'n the HrooUyn Navy. Yaid Widncvd.iy, Is still at the .Morgue. Although coroner llooney das noiltled the ' man's lelatlies. who Hie at .Mill Tnentlctli siteet, to lake It anay, they bavo shown no iilspo-ltloii lo do so. 'iho body will lie buried I In Potter's Hi Id tn.moriow unliss tl Is ilalmcd by the iclatlies. I cabbage. The olher vegelnblcH t'ney hehl uot lit to eat becnuso they hud grown nnd I ripened underground. ' " ruib'igrotind," suidfathtr. who was ' cnling f.vciything before him Willi svage rapacity, " undorgrouud ain't such n bud pluce. I've olten thought I'd better go' thero myself nnd settle down." '1 hat afternoon lihodn said sho really believed i he would die. Tho turnips nud carrots) Retuied lo disagree with him. Kho made him drink cup Hftir cup of hot water, just ns near tho boiling poiul ashi-ioutd bcur it. I ran over with ginger and mus. turd, which I use only in ease of sickm ss nnd heard his fcobli voice lefusiug the i-cvcntli cup of hot nater. "No. thank ye, llhoda," ho said, " my stomach inn stand a good deal: it can stnutl to be lint lined i ut with chicken fi ed nnd greens, bill it hain't no mind to be drowned out nor scalded out. " Tho old man looked hist ut llhoda, (hen ut me, saying ihiti'.s which I will uot re. pi" I. It distiesscd lis to be spoken to iu ' tins wny, but nllowalno must always bo ni.iilo lor the fnt'tt'iics of o'd ngo. 'I he pom linn iicv r sci turd to j recover lioui the law potaloisnnd lur. nips. Ho grow weaker and wt-ukci till ho tonkins bed nllogithcl. Imtinghis ill. ness ho iiinintniii'-d ;i i ur ous aversion foi nnylliiug in the if gmeloi Hint, nudiislouislied tuiogoi dladvwiio brought him a bii'-kil of delicious grape by sttlp. ping bunch after bunch, nnd throwing them, thioe oi four at n Hint', hard at her. now nt my sistci or miself, now nt the j walls and w.iidows, llecdlidil "giapo l shot." I remember, ntni Inughed in tie- In mat' t ur iniitrsls. Aflei lhs lit mini's into i.nnatural i .ili-i. und tli'ul. :.g that Ins i nil was ,; piouciiin,, wo scut tot the in niflcr. A poition of s'ciipttuc u, lead and pr.-vcr oStifii. Tien tl.c good limn sppronili'd his bcdi'iie und usU, , . Ll in whiil would satisfy tlieiieciesl ilcsllo I of hi-IintlHc. " l'ork and beans :" exclaimed la'hcr, NANCY HANKS'S GREAT SPEED. Tho Crnclc Trotter Likely to Eoat llor Record This Hoason. 'll.egieit trotting tunrc, N.tnc) llniik. nlll tu .ill pi ti tlit I) Inner her reeotd ot '.'.till Is'foi.- the se is ui is ended'. Yesterday at lirand Itapldt, Mich., UMiilu persons saw her cipial her it corJ over a track that vi .is nil In Id" best possible sli.ii. Nunc teaclitd the llrst ipiaitir lu illls., the I hair In l.ii, inn ilirie-iiui.tir lu I..PiAaiid llii'MIri' in 'Mill. I 'I he innre titdshed good ami strong, her last ipinrtei- hclng llinca at lit1 is., the Uilcst o! the lour. KILLED DY FALLING WALLS. Rumored Dlsintor nt a Now Jorsoy Corcsntratlng Works. I, inn llniiu.r, N. J., An?. 1'.'. -II Is reported here tint one or the buildings ot Hie Sew Ji r sty and l'entis)lvatila Coiiientratlii 'ou paiD's Works at tigdeti, collapsed li'-da). I'.dir mi n ate reported killed and twelve oldens, ilotisiy Injutel. Tdo nrtloo or l'ie New .leise Hid l'oniis). vanla Coticentintliig Compsti IslnthcKdl sou lltnldl.ig, at 11 lirrmd street. 'lite clerk In go said no news or the leporled disaster al Iho Colnpan)'s tigdeu I Winks d.ld leen IticlWd. A King's Third Son tor a Gift. 1st iH'ti'iui tt ntM I Nr.w lltvxs, Conn., Aug. I'.'. Al Merits Cove, In K.i st Haven, Prince Memar dlraldo : tic Mine, tliu llilnl son or tho King ol i )ug, IsspeiHllug the snminer. He Is visiting this I'oiilitty with l.leiil. stienscli. 1 1 Ihoi.ituiau nri.iy, who l a nell.l.nnnn Alrleni explorer. I'lie years ng ihc Mug ot Congo made the l.lciiti o.u.t, when lie was abaiil to 1 turn home, a pi c'"til oi hts t tilt d son. 1 lie Pi lucu i is n'M'UI'en old mid has been well edtl. I cJtnl. He will rciurn to Attica viiui. Another Wreck on the Illg Four, Inv Af irctnrii i-r.r it ' Dtvins, tl, Aug. l'.'.-A'ind Hlg lour paspnser tinlu e Hided villi an oust, bound local irelglit at Sidney lat etenliic, iiiecklng hold engines. Iho. mull ear Must will: led down Iho iinliankuietil ugalnst al ilwelllng-lioiise. John M. l.lngby, of Indian. Iipolls, lliemali ol ll.e pnssuinicr train, was rntally liijiiied, und tlio engineer slightly. I 'I lie passeiuers weie thrown over tlie seats, I bill all escaped serious Injur. I Christianized Indians Burn a Viltago, tut aasoi hti n mm. i VtciioitlA, H. t' Aug. I'-'.-Adrl. es have lieu t eecli ed of the burning of un Indian Ml lagoon ijueon I harlolto l-t.intl. lb' nro Mas stalled In i hllslla.i Dollaiis troui Viuicouicr, wlinolilected lo Hi" liaiigln.'of dead In dies on poles Hi one pulton of the village, this being , tho tubal manner oi supt. Yon ell has I been letpiesled to lnosllz,nte. Mrs. Fillmore's 105th Birthday. liT Af.lH'ltrUt 1'ItlSl I Urn tin. Aug. 1','. Mm. I.avlu.i l'lilin re, I ho oldest Human In Western New Yolk, will celebrate her '.o.ttd birthday tivmnrrmv nt her Immn In t'biietiCK, Kilo I ouni. She Is the whin" of Iiev. tilezlu liotc'l Methodist pieat'her. Mho tins a con-In ot Iho late President Mlllurd rilltnore. Unknown Man Klll;d on tho Rail. iM'trlAI. Ill 111! IVIMMI UIUi.l Nr.wAiiK, N. J., Aug. lg 'lite unknown man m no was killed b a truln on th" Penn sylvania lCillroad al .". o'clock" yesterday tuteinoon died nt tho hospital at i o'clock this morning. , gold Mated Until and toil weio found In Ills pockets. Ignore' Carver's Challenge, ftrifiti in tor rvuMs-n womtt.i DkNVKK, col., Aug. I'.', Tim editor ot tliu Hrini,iHin das not el accepted the clinl leiiKO to a duel sent dim by Dr. W. Carver, the inmous rule expert, because ot slurring relerences uniile to Carter lu the columus or Hie .'cjoi'ificiin. II Is not bclloviil that there will be a meeting. Watching tho City's Milk Supply. Mr. II. T. v un Ynlkcubiirgb, Assistant Stale Dairy CummltSloncr, sunt two forces of nun out this moiulng lo Inspect milk nrrlvlng over the Delaware. Lackawanna X Western load at thn chrlslopncr and Har:ls) street lenle". Ihltty-llvo liiindred cans were In speeted and sixty cans of adulterated milk Meie toil nil Jacob Wells Dies Suddenly, (in as'iiciaii it rnrs. i WtTKinows, Aug. lg Jacob Well", a wealth) ictlred ineichanlof New York, died suddenly tld morning ut J. . Cdapln's Island, on I lie St. Lawrence, eight miles below AK..iuilrlJ Huy. Died In Switzerland. ll'V AKriiriATIll CKFAA t Pun tnr.i.rin.t, Aug. 1','.- Daniel M. Zliu. i, for many curs sccretar) and' 'Ireasureror the Camden nnd Atlniuli: Ittill road tomp.iny, died cti Wedtiesdi) nt I'ou treslnu, snlizc:land, In hi slxij-ulntd )tar. Union Stock Yards Win. HtnciAi. rniui i.vniso tvoiii.n I Nkwihk, N. J., Ail,'. 1'.'. 'Iho Chicago1 Stock Yards cio-o was decided nv Vlcc-cnan-1 cellor lireen this wuiiiliig lu Mvur ot Ihede-1 lend nils. 'I he cast! Involns several million dollars' writli or prierty. Th" suecessliil ileemlJiils iiic the i. I.. Wllh ughby t oni iuiiiv. idol lilcagi.luucllon Italltw.) and I ho I ulon.S'ock Yaid coiiipaii). with sudden fori e. " I was not ulltiding to cientiiie com forts," siiil the mm ster. toiilu'od. ' " Hut I mil," v. ns the t.ut response. " .mil 1 intend lo allude to 'em till 1 gi t 'em." The glitter of delirium lenupenitd in his eye, nnd the liouso re-echoed with! 'bricking demands for pork and ben. I (lur neaiest neighbor, who-e sleep was disturl td by this sliungc outeiy, cime In next day with a dish containing the loath-, ing vinuds. "Oh, you'll kill him," said j Ithodn. "He'll kill hiiii'i'lf." said she, "with this it.v ful shrieking. II he's going to1 die un v way, he'd 1 1 Iter dlo tu pence. She ' wont into tho sick room with hirpoik nud liciius, nnd n slice of homo ineile bn ml und 1 utter, mid came bid. prcn'iitlv with nu empty plate. A great stillness btoinleil over the house. I looked in nt the invsliil half on hour later, nud found linn peneitullv sleeping, wilh n swttt Millie on hts luce. ' l'roui this moment men di' le asil mnv so. III. flltiler siiiolilc imitlovt'll tlfi cuise Ih" mint bos n jjit'it itillvti mi r tl bod), I. nt I tl ,i not s',piicc that a mn-cnliiio love ot hi.u.g hts own w.iv to'. I I tl.umpli over the pernicious i .let ts : ot the most abhoried of culinary j pro lints. As mon es lie was nblo to walk liitht r came bail, to our hoite. milking mhiih liliplius.iiit leinaiU as lie cuno. ui out ' jumping flout the tilo beck into the frv. ' ing-l'itu. Hut t tun. i e cents nro prove r-' buill) lirilitble, i nil I tool no "notice: "Yi lint ; loll in ed now tu yen.- pro-cut wink I ci milium." 1 snid. " is n liberal supplv of I ) nil the fli'ineiits iir.'i"iirv to rcnovnle tho svlciii." And loi n.itpcr thnl night I I'I'OV.di'il hill W til II gilli'KUM i lice of I town I read. Iiui'le of the v hole .lain, ami ii large s.u ee dish of diicil nni'lis. He begun to in sileti'i'. I could see he was weak yet fioin Ins sickuo.s, for Pifstutly a tt-nr Irekied dowu his clunk, nnd moisleied the bread, " Vou are ,-. . . .'.!u, - , ,' , ;l?. WRECKED OFF THE JAPAN COAST. The Amorlcnn Ship J'orth American Wont Down During n Storm. '' .irrTtTMi "iirss.t sav l'liAscisro. vug. 1'.', -Aillcc rroln Yokohama b) the stcithWll.i City of lllo Janeiro tell ot the total lcs ot the American ship North Ameilran, inpt. crcelman, lu Kit Cli.ttitiel. IlievissUleft Yokohama In May for Sew Yoik, vln K do, sailing Horn the lat ter port Jtilv '.".' with a cargo of rags and camphor. She wetit down In the channel dm In. a st (ir in, but the advltes le 1 nolhlng as to ihc loss or i:tt) i.l the cren. MAY HAVE LEEN KIDNAPPED. An Old and Won thy Rasldent of Mlddlotown Disappears. Inv ASKocitTt rums 1 Miniit i'tohs, Conn., Aug. 1'.'. (Ireat n. cllcuit'lit prevails at Mlddlellrld over tho dls. app.'iirancoot Cnpt. Henry A. Miller, a wry wealthy and Influential citizen. He was seen last oveiilug by dls nephew, Henry Ives, but this morning he hid disappeared. searching parties have scoured the country nnd iliaivn off pondi Ihcreabouls. but no linconr Mr, Miller da i oom, found. Ho was oter cllii' cats old, unmarried and eeecntilc. He wore long while hair. A gang or loughs was seen In thn vicinity of tils house last night, aud kidnapping Issuspeilcd. Rlvordnle Church Dedication. 1st Asioiifint mm1 I Hit i imti k. An?. I'.'.-Thc new Cnthollo I ( hutch or si, Murgatet hero will bo dedicated ion Sunday next. 'I he Arcdtilshnp ot New York will onicliite, and tlie sermon will lie tie. 1 llvt I in- Key. rather ' Itciisselaer. or St. rriiticls Xutlir's tliuich, New York City. Family Trouble"! and a Tragedy. it t ritriATiii rns. t I'm i auiei rill a, Aug. Ik'. Inliii Vorgau, . rariuer In Ing two miles fi oni Carmlchitel's, itleine cminiy. Pa., wns fatally shot yester (I i) In Ids son, 1 homas Mr ignn.a jninig mnn of tweiii).two. A stray slioi Mutindril a jwitiger sister dangorouslv, 'I ho shooting glow uiil ol tatnll) troubles. Want to Regain tho "Advecato." Amotion tins main to-day before Justice Andrews in supreme Court chntnbcisnn be- . Iiuir of tlie Hedell llroilicrs to set aside the meeting ot tho trustees or tho New York i iiis 1 1' i Publishing which lliey ttere practically Irozen uttt or the concern. Decision was icserved. Van IlocHt to Challenge Dlzon. i v itt'M'imn iMims.l CutCAtio, Aug. I'.'. -Johnny Van llccsl Is at Asldand, Wis. and will nut go lo California to tight sol smith, as rcporled. (Jeorge It. chirk, his backer, will challenge the winner ot the Dlxoii-Skidly flghl In bedulf or Van llei'sl. t lurk expects Dixon to win and will back Vmi llecst lor g,ruu agalnat the chain ploli. - Killed Instantly by a Fall. Alliert llenl, an engineer, em pln.ted it 7fl Verier strocl, this morning, fell through tho hatchway Into the stlbcellar and was In stantly killed. He was twenty.tdrco )ears ohl und lived at Coulee, N. J. Died of His Self-inflicted Wound. Casper tieekel, janitor ot the flat IT'ti Lex Ington avenue, who shot himself last night, died In tlie llarlcni Hospital ut an early dour Hits morning. A On the one Amirf there'i JR- (.VJti in cash ; on the other, there's a euro for your Ca- b farrh. One of theio two A things has got to come to p you that's promliod and tB agreetl by tdo proprietors of Jt Dr. bage s Catarrh Remedy. I Hut, do you think thed H make any such promise if M they weren't sure that you'd BA bo runsl I Tlint has come Vto thousands, through this T Remedy, when everything else has failed, lly its miltl, jjflH stxithing, cleansing and heal- S in,? proiertles, the worst H rhrnnio casus of Catarrh in K tho Head have lieeu (Hirfectly IHT and permanently cured. M That's tho reason they're WK willing to take such a risk. H This is whut they say : " It H wo can't euro your Catarrh, H no matter how bnd your VM cilw, or of how long stand- yB lug, we'll v you ts'itxi in H cosh." It they have faith HB enough to say that, isn't It .JHW safe for you to have a little Hl f'dth, tool NO ONE NEED SUFFER Dr. Tobias' Venetian Liniment acts like a charm for Cholera Morbus, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Colic, Cramps, Nausea, Sick Headaches, &c. lVrrinlt,MlMtlThnnl"i. (SMIHIH AC CtDll'A.S YI.Nlt r,-h bt.ttltt. ln ttir.clltoi. 11)11 I'si: Iti-lllirlllNlisid PI NKTIIA I INU null ities tie llt li-inis-llitelt. l rr It .n't I'M ftiiiilnc-d. I'rieo ' t una raict'iit. Seht by k I tlrtiFCi.tti, tliiiiking of mother, but' vou tliould not gtieve idler her, Death is co onion to all. It is a wise provision of untitle." " lion't talk to mo about provisions, June." mid he," At that tnomuit the doiu wns softly pushed opi u mil n losy. cheeked young woman looked in and mndo u tush ucross tho room at father. ' bear old dad." tho criid. throwing Her arms around him : " dear, blessed o'd dud, you will forgive tut', won't vou 3' "i, yt it must forgive me. I'll not let you go till. vou do." " Whj, t'onlely," snid fu her, "if that .von?" lie Mas so weak he could oni) sit still nud h ok nt hrr, while his ltptpiiv. eied. " Of conr'e, il vou're hanpy."ho iitldcd. " 1 hain't a word to t.ay agin' the nialcli." "lio 1 Icok very mist ruble '?" sheasl.ed, a Miiile playing mot ug the tbmplts in her led cheeks. 'I hi u she erosid nud sliuoU hands with mo. ami 1. ismiI me, looking a little bhy nud flight! lie I. Sudi' her fneo grt M mail' nud sad. She look a 1 a'r lv fat in i' si le " I tiidu't liear ot li.ot'tt t's d'lilli till itltei It was all ovei." she -a tl, " nud thin mv baby wasu'i nt. peclc.l to live nail 1 i ult'.u't Itave tho lit. tlefiilow. Hut when lliiiiid )ott were siel. I toltl I'd I ton 'ut stnud it to bu csi,iii;t J from you uiv lou.'cr. And so we'tt' tiuu" buck hero to lue. fiitlier. and I'm go ug to tit nud make umeiiils lor nil the pa.n I've cnnsul you." Sho took his wtiul.leil old h i:nl Ittweeii l.ers. uud kissed it and cried ovi r it. Then sho I jumped up. "Why," sho exclaimed, ' I've lioii.'ht vou over ii little chicken luotli. p ping hot and 1 nearly forgot about it. ' M c brought in n sum!! itivcied tin pa I. t t. s'.t-il tb" dried apple, nud blown Iliad oil tl.o table, wi'li.utt n much ns in tour Irate, nud thu utt mo incut that Kinr sick man, who 1 in tl no mole craving for lood than a coiian', was stimulating nu artificial appetite on a (tew made of the most gross of auitual ,-'t-j, '! .'O.fCtW.S. ,..-, ft s jH AN OUT-OF-DOORS PROPOSAL! B 1. "Ahl Uarllngyou will have mtl iH " I can never wed you." : H h MY m ' 'SllifflrfiS' & : "lam" .l iljij 4. "up to tbo neck" " .".. "lulovc. Save mel" VB " Yea ; 1 am conipiered." l s.'iiv7 ik Tdo course of true love. 4J Nell Nelson in Dolldom. 1 Road tn the SUNDAY WORLD Of VJH Nell Nelson's visit to Bonneberg tn sM the Thurlnglan Forest, whose 13,. H 000 Inhabitant, tvlth one or two ;jH unimportant exceptions, ara en -9H gaged in making dolls. r-l ' snbstnnco la chicken will eat what a pig will not i with bits of toasted vthite bread H floating iu it ! ''' Hul this wns nothing to what followed. ' :M Two days later was 'Ihnnksgivinc, and ' 'fll Cordelia invited father, Khoda, Jake, Jo T- nud myself over to her place for dinner. ;'j Of course, we did not wish to disoblige jJ her by uot going. Jnko and Joe promised '.H Ho be veiy careful what they ate. It hod a 1H ' said it it wtuldn't offeud Cordelia she'd ;H 1 like to take k little ground wheat over, 'H ' which sho could cat with apple or crau- fH , berry sauce; but I persuaded her it would fH bo best to conform a little more (haul bat, H : and mh decided to eat a very little of one ,! ' vegetable, choosing one with no pepper nor butter in it, uud afterwards some .M i nuts and laisms. I'a'licr seemed a good H ' deal excited over the affair, but he didn't 'H say nuythiiig till we got there. The air H I in the dining room wns simply nauseat. M ' ing with odors of sago nud onions, nut. IH ' meg, allspice and lemon, roast goose aud IH i mince pies. 'M "Now, Kd,"siid Cordelia to her big H , b'ueksmith hus'juiul, "bo sure and give M ' father the upper part of the leg, a wiug H and part of the locast, with plenty of . dre-siiig. I'll htip the gravy and ege. H 'tables." . ! " rnlher." siiil Itlioda, " it may be H well to icmrmlcr that nono of those H thincscontaiu the elements of " - H I ' 1 don't want no elcm-uts!" roared M father. "Curse the elements: W'hai X S , want is a sipmic meal," M " And that's just what wo calcula'e to jH give you," said tho blackbUitth, with a ;M lutid'ntigh. 'Iho wild excess nud wanton ,H t'vtiiniigance of tho meal were talked M over by Ithodanud me for many a day, aH As for father, ha continues to live with .'H Cordelia and her husband. We expected stjfl lie wouM go iuto a decline, but he ap. :JB liars miirvi'llnusly well nnd cheerful. .M It's wonderful what a man of naturally ;M strong couttitution will survive. '- M I t'Auior, 'M '.