Newspaper Page Text
' a Tiflflj I frSl rOT?d f PA'S WW r ' " x KEnd of the Mar. Business.! ITTI f I fc FA1H j By navld Christie Murray. a . sOs V vvV-'S'' - si - ' W I -fl flflW a!1 a courttTc kovfu f. Zvl Z-- EiT 77Z . ' !' 9 I DR. DODD'S SCHOOL. iSW -ySJoK '4 STSS- ZrS Uf W , Astronomer Oarrott P. Servles, taker, 4 I flN By JamOR L. Ford. ttfctt I i T--7:1--AIixV-M-C lL--TrTTS7 .tfrffax f6 Fl " Mwsjrom the b.BlnntnBof oupiic. Br' 9 I Si A. I IN THE SUNDAY WORLD. BLJ ffl J K f fe M MI "3 L I fl ULlM1 Jit IPU & ...aWI JjT I '-jksaEras ,. ; : s.s.g-a M T?T . . Ml BSllllllBI MWl MMUm - TI . jh 5 .;...;. ihk -j 1 1 "PRICE ONE CENT. - - - - NKW M',,,A, -ATI K,'i , ldl ST 1... 18!). " PKTCE ONE CENT. s Cyntc Fortune," by David Christie Murray, in To-Morrozvs Sunday World, j TO-MORROW, i Sunday, August I 4. The Sunday World to-raorroiv will iirint all tlie news, which nootlur pupei will ilo, and will oresont it all in a Bhapo v fr more attractive than that displuN cd by J well fractious of tho worM's news an may coma to the )uowlidp,o of thin blooiloci contemporaries. This alone makes it important for evorylody to t:et Tiir AVobld. In addition to the newt, and to the editorials which reflect tho deep wisdom and licht-licarted cayety of tliouphtful men, the Bundav Woni.r. alvrajB prints a eat deal of excellent matter to cheer and enlighten tho tens of thousands of reader! who on ouo day of the week only can llnd time to sit down at (heir leisura and feed their mind). Everybody knows so well by Ibis time the superiority of The World's distinctively news features that this column is reserved for the imparting of detailed information coucprninij'the other elements tlint go to made up the greatest Sunday newspaper. It is difficult to nive a comprehensive ulea of a publication v. bid) is itself so i omprehensive and broad that the n er ase sized mind fails to grasp moro than a bmall part of it. CYNIC FORTUNE. Simply as one of lis featuns tbe Si-sdvt Would will print complete tlilseiylu M) tercstlDg novel, by David clirlstlo Mur ray, of ntty thousand words. It consti tutes an additional supplement to the bUhDAT Would In The Wow us regular lorm, and may be laid asldo conveniently to be read uurlnz the wetk. DR. DODD'S SCHOOL, This Is an excellent story for boys, writ, ten by James L. Ford. Us publication will begin In tbe Scnpat World, on tho child's page, to-morrow. It will not De printed complete, for no boy in line, summer weather, with green apples and other thlngB to attend to, can or should he allowed to devour au entire long story at one time. It Is a good, wbblesomo story for boys, containing an Inconspicu ous and unotrenslre moral. All boys will want to read It. ALL KINDS OF AMERICAN SUNDAYS. Mr. Quay, ot Pennsylvania, whose career has caused tho press ot this land to use up all the synonyms for swindler twice every week, had a happy home In bis childhood, and as a souvenir ot that happy home wants the World's Fair closed on Sundays. The said boy hood home is Illustrated In tbe Sc.sday World. Mr. cook, a small, single-barrelled W-callbro howling with iuay for the closlngof the fair. He wants the fair closed so that all foreigners may behold and admire our American Sunday. Mr. McDougall, the eminent artist, with ! thrilling pictures, shows what a change- able thing the Auierloan bunday Is. lie fchovrs us the bunday In tho 1'urltau household, where even tbe dog Iouks gloomy, wifl tho different kind ot a bun i day which prevails In Chicago, Coney Island, Ac. ills illustrated thoughts are worthy of piofouud attention. THE OTHER SIDE. Helen Wattersori, wilting foi the bcsBAT World, proves clemly lint no one hub a right to be seen on tho Uemtml rain oad with a baby unless sUo cau plead as an excuse battle, inuidci, sudden death, or a tilp to tone island, suo points out follies of voll.uicaulug younh' hour n who hand rtllglous tracts to diuuken young men on the streel-i at a time when the lnttci do not caie at all ), whether they aie goliivr to licateu or In theothor direction. Mio deprecates tho overdoing of plijt-lcal cultmc and In various wajs aigues asaln,t the well meaning mistakes tint men and women, especially tho lattei, aie lonstainlj making. THE FACTS ABOUT MARS. Alter the appeaiaLco of this article the ery much overdone plaint will piobatlj It permitted foi a bllu tu puisuo the teu teuoi ot Its long Journey, neo from I ojuilar tomuient. Headers ot the .suvmv OKI d will be very trateful to Mi.tiar- lett 1'. bervls, tho ablest astiononiprof theso parts, who very politely poms out his wisdom and enables Arthui llilsbanc V tutell Just exactly how thu Maivbusl- ,' Lias began long ages ago, vvhero It is nun, and what las beun aclih veil b all tlieicceut btudjlug. .Many pan-iiu, vvlio do not know the dirreuncn letuceua jlauel and a fixed btai, mid who line been ombatiassnd bv the t,u '-tlon-i of thcli oflsprlrg, and man) joung men In college whose wisdom has falWd to iue to the occasion when the Mars discission camo up, ma uad this article and be as vUseasanjbod). 1 A GOOD NEW SONG. Albi-rt Chevallei, tbo I nOMi music hall man, nl.u writes nnd slugs the best pop. ulai songs at this luomeui, lias Juslglvm bli tU to a vvoi k of art entitled " lie's (inl) Just About o "Igh." Ilio initio mid wordi are printed complete, with a pic ture of tho dt.tlngul-.hed Jlr Cliovaller. 1 ho song should appeal vry wldel) in American e)inpaihles It tells ot a boy vbo, though only Just about to 'Igh, A meaning about three feet six, smokes and m 'reats his parents In u vtry ofl.hand way. I! Mrli. VAN RENSSELAER ON THE FAIR. 1 1h( nist olnserlcsotartlilej wlihhvvlll ho aichlte-ts, attlsls and rM i Itlens iliclr nrbt adequate idea ot the uiagultudo aid pp'.cnuld qualities of the aill'tlo task which the World's rulr builders haveuti- utrtakin. Mrs. Van Uensselacr baj w rlt- tea :or tc-icorrovv vaia Uupresslons of Chlcaco as It appears to ono who looks at It from the artistic point ot view. YORKYILLE BELLE'S TOILET. J. J. Kaklns, who knows moro than any otber writer In New ork what a boito thinks und what goes on In the racer's heart, will tell In tho buvnAY Worui of tho prldo and fall of tho gieat racing marc, describing her haughty ways before Ihu race, cry closely lesembllng tho vvaysota)oung woman prepailng for a bill, and her dejected rubbing down after Montana had beaten her. THE CITY OF DOLLS. Nill ?vclsonhas been to Sonneberg, and has studied the )Oungstcrs who earn their living by making dolls and who hate the bogus babies with tho deep hatred that an American jouugster fetls for a Mate or a geography. It would take up too much room to tell in detail about nil the instructive aud entertaining features which tho Sdmut Wor? u has preuared for this issue. The createst difliculty which tho editors have to contend with is to nud room in the foity-two broad pages for all that the army of World writers have pioparod. Ouo ety brilliant writer tu a tale heailcd "Tho Animals Melt," describes the Rtiffcriugs of the Mug of beasts aud other Central 1'aiJc quadrupeds in the hot weather. Another with a turn for statis tics has looked up the familiot of rich ineu aud gives interesting facts concerning them, and the number of their children. Mr. John Kendrick lianss roviews the humor of the week m au article in which the most clever pictures and jokes, foreign and domestic, are reproduced. The Hu,. hat W. orld also tells the sloiy of the ' " Dlack Crook" of 1800, describes a man with arms as strong and useful as au , ordinary man's legs, tells of a well-pleased gentleman who was provided with an aluminium nose, presents a brilliant page for women which all men thouUl read,! one for men especially which will interest j many women, and n third for children. 1'or jour own bako got n copy of the Sojjdat World, aud by all meaus order it in advance. BOMBARDED WITH MUD. Soldiers at Coal Creelc Annoying Citizens to Make Sport, '. BY ASSOCIATED mCAI.l ttfAfrAtfooOA, Tenn., Aug, 13 Sensational reports come from Coal Creek regarding tho conduct of Tennessee's standing army. Tho citizens claim that tbe watchers need watch ing and they have assumed an aggressive at titude. They charge that the soldiers amuse them selves by llrlng oyster cans loaded with mud from their cannons Into the village, and that tho Oatling gun Is tired recklessly into tho town. 'ILe complaint has stirred up much bad feeling. DISPUTE OVER WATER RIGHTS. Americans Claim that Mexicans Monopolize tbe Bio Grande's Flow. i i.iocnnn rnE.l Al'sm, Tex., Aug. l'J. Oov. Hogg was yesterday advised ot a rather odd dlsputo going on between citizens of the United fetates and of Mexico along the I pper ltlo Grande. It regards the equitable rights nt each to tho water from the river lor purposes of ne gation. The Americans bay that the Mexican dams havu caught all the flow and caused a great loss to farmers on this side. The iloverno; of chihuahua Is now at fl Paso for tho purpose ot confeirlng with United btates officers about the mattei. DIXON IN MISSISSIPPI. Expects Petor Jackson to Second Him In His Comlnir Fight. r jwoiutrD rnrs Nfw Obi bans, Aug. l:i tleorgo Dtton. tho champion bautuui, has gone to his training quaueis at Kenned) 's plate, In lilluxl. Mhs. Before he left be sent a cablegram to l'ctei Jackson, tc'lllug him ot the kind treatment hu received. lilxon said that Jackson doubtlessly would arilvu here In Hum to sea tho three fights, and would becond hlin. Iilxnn has gamed several pounds, and now weighs lis pounds. BROUGHT HOME FOR BURIAL. Body of Dr. Llewellyn J. Evans, of Lano Seminary, Cincinnati 'J ho steamship Alaska fiom Liverpool, MhhhlsituG licre to-mouow, mil bring tho uwly ot 1i. I lewellyu J. Evans, uho died at BaUt, Wales. Dr. L.uus was & Professor Tor tlility jeara lnlauo hemloary Qt rioLluuatl. Ills jo1v ulll tin taken lu eintlunatl tu bo placid In a auli,uhLioll will remain until the in abmuafortnlJlit f Mi, K&iis and hei sun, t.hoaie bt 111 In Aale. li will then bo lutvucU. I Political Potpotirrl. I )if Uutriiii-IIouB6 itrtmitn who ar nitilnje4 by 1 tliu Uwtjublutn syuduAle which let ntly got tbe (oorninFDt ctrtngs coinract lio Ua. A an op pur tu ntty to hud mit tho rut and the ideal 01 tb beuetttot irotv.tion to the wnrklngmtn 'J hn i toremttu have jtut bad their wage reduced froai $ JO lonjlft iuU tho truckmen troin 41J to 41 a I rek. Hepubllcans are great); disturbed oyer the an nuuiirrinent that ilutle iirltam ta fcnitutuULe i tho otutiip for ipb weaver, the IVoiiie party landidflie for PieitidenU ib feeltnt; betwrfD Jifee tireiiham und Uen. Uarrivon ia bitter i'lfnidfrit Barker, of the lai Dei artment, hs ftlieit (1 two Taiaiit lcijiity Ini I omiuiii nei hips bv niutiitlntf Atmr mulimtn W1 fhm . Md tnr. ot the uld leuih 'tie .StfTeuiti) Ditr rt, 'and i-dnarct II IoU. brother vt DihuIm At tnriiAv Nit nil, ot the t ourieeutu I) strict, salary, m100 i)treT, SUCCESSFUL Arc (he advertisers that use i WORLD Postal-Cards to send ilicir advertisements to THE WORLD. Have you used them yet ? LASTED ITIO H . ; i i HERE'S A NEW GLUE, Were the Bordens Murdered by Revengeful Sailors? They Had Been Witnesses Against a Ship's Mutinous Crew. Blon Injured by Their Testimony Said tu Have Iteon lu Kail Iilver. fcT iiRoritrrn rnrsi 1 I vsv, Mass., Auc- !"- 'lu M nn linn will to-dnypubllshantoij slaili"" at Audicvv .t. llorden, ot Full ltlvr, kitc tuo pi I m lpal tes timony tlint convicted tlio rliiKl' tU-ri In tne mutiny on tno M-'.iootier ltloliaid J. lioideu v?Ulleontbe Tojago Mom n loieljn pori to tills country; tu it lie mid liH vvlfi) weie on tlicvcbiol; 111 at his testimony In tlio couits wad declared by tho balluis to bo falsi-and exnffffcrattd, and that tliu men vvhu suffered by It vowed vengeance agtlnst him. licit, It not all of tliem, have toi-rn re'eased, and It li fiubmltted that several of lliem weie In Fall ltlvcr at thn time tif the muider. Kali, jtiv tu, Mass., t.j. IS!. Iheioactlon lu tho llorden c isc has set lu, and to-duj the I popular feellnz Is nntlcrably quiet. 'I here li very llttlo violent dlscusslo'i (.olnij on on tho street, aud what fovv lases were seen were tho 1 outgrow m of hard ctiireisloi"! acaluH the ImptUoncdclil. 'Jhieeda3 agoKvvasilit ponulir cry that Miss Il'le was a cilmlual and should bo placed behind prison bars, 'lo-day, although tho Dlsti let-Attorney and Judges have passed their opinions on tho evidence, thcru nro many thoughtlul und Influential men who be lieve a tilal will substantiate Mba Hordcu's protestations of Innocence. 1 heie Is now but one policeman at the Bor don homestead, and hols doing patrol duty on tho street to prevent curious jeoplefrom annoying the family. 'I lie police have re commenced their regular patrol duty, and only three men are hunting up iuuhcr evi dences ot tho murder. u MYSTERY AT LONG BRANCH. A Man Found Dead on tbs Beach Clad In a Bathing Suit. IIMTIAI TO TBf TTFNIIO l!n I I osa Uhancii, .. J., Aug. ill. The body ot a man clad lu a bathing stilt was found lying ou tho sand lu front of the Atlantic Hotel early this inomlufr. Tho unknown was about five feet nine Inches In height, weighing 140 pounds, with light complexion and sandy mustache and piobably thlitj-two scats ot age. An ugl wound over his right ej e made the case luok bllbplClOUS. No clothes to Identify the man bs were found, and seaichlntf panics failed to discover who ho was No ouo about the beach had been the man bctoie. BRIGHTON BEACH ENTRIES. ISPFCIAT, TO THr FVFH1MV WOIII 1. I Uniouios DtAcit Hacf 'IiiaCE, Aug. 13 Following aie probable starters tor Monday : tint Hacr lx mla hall fin lungs . kaIIiek It. II. llippuni ... 1IH IIaIejt Wnoillu ... JUS IIUIcJaWk ... 10H '"oh -irtliu lu, Tiofl .. . .. In- Nubian . )05 Couiunin hruHt' . 109!ireLlua . 1UJ Srtnntt ItfttL -lire fill Inline Miulownr llHil.iulmy . OS Sport lUff'Kinrnuoil tilljr 'IV I'otliB" l"f thr gueou . 1.". Nar cull 102 l'lu'f-'nl . r, I'udeJiui , MK I'slauthi . . . 'Jit I Willi, Jl Alilltto 'lUloilllrtt 'I', lo(t US l'jn.y ,,, , , V 1 yrlll Ji 'Ihird llA 0 Seieii furlonc U1iik I 'lmnnlo . Ill) lIMInn li .. 101 Adslcl.Aoilt 107 Joli i Winkle IIS I latUkliiuK 1 ti 10 Jrtndivu) 'j i . lialebiiau ... ,. lul Mi j, r U lul tourtli Ka.r 1 he lurlours I ( li(iAiuil.t .... llli A lvriitiirer 110 luraiaulur .... lluliitoii Idil 'lonny . 1 HI Sulio (,rr lu .lutlll LATIIlAlfll .. 110 Kliiiiicul I llli Dalorltu llli Iwiiikliiick lill uurii no n.i!i :i; I Ifth llico Six aud a half liiilunxi,, vlliiik. Ky Went ... .ltJCnmit '15 .vlift Vimiiil . ... IPuiHla 'M .laiklluir int I'auliuaj Kail HT I rd l)alui,ii... . llli lUlr.prluic s7 l'.iklno 'll,l Mllll 1,VL -I Ivo failuiiK". Wlittl tl ... - Minllir.1 100 Mncllaue .... - tarl llloiaoiu 1UF, lliiliSiiltiuiliuil Hmltai llli .lay lin II ... Hu i Vuiag-u .... . Inn lllllel Uoni cult 1011 l.nrar '17 fvu ula) 'tiluriaua ...... 'J7 AlouuRtoua I Noti. 'I ho fourth race on tlio regular pro gi tmme was declared orr and tho sixth raen divided, the Hint half being now thu fuuith race. Will Plead His Causo at Ttome. ItiY AKBocuTrp 1 nrna 1 Hr. 1 mis, Mig. ll-l .ltlicrKuhlmnn.wnosp ! niuenslun by the HUhopof Alton has fie I aled inch a hfiisillmj will picsent hl side ot Mlie (.isu tolliiini. lie will have fur the j Mi mill i Its Ihu nist tif the lomlngwui. lie b ij s he Hoes nut know w hu Is ,n cused 1 or, nor who his aicusirsaie. A Duel After tho Dmico. T jiiocuirn i nrm I MovTuoiiEitv, Ala , Aug. i:i At a dance In Whitehall, about two miles from here, Will Wralbcrly aud a vnuug man named Dantzli i had a uuarrel nbiiitl u glil. Alur the dance the ipiarrtl wasicnewnl, und We.itheil) chew a pltol ifiilnliot D.ml7lii inthelig. liantlei leturmd tho shoi, killing Weitlierly In-nuutlv. r W'rol Minrr l'i.i'iiu t -liillnn and I err; nl ilie I'oni ol Irniikllii Mlrerl, nrih lllvrr. Tha naw WeittShorn piahnepr station anil ffiry at thu tout uf 1-rank in l . .Nurtli Hlvar, la alicut couplcteit aud wi l,a open I r pannKr traltn Mundaj, Am. Id, Tu Imit and pasarnyr Inikf nea nuw hwlnc hand fit it VVeal I3ttit, ffirT will ha iramfrrred to rrankli'i at, tin tlieabura ilata, "," Nell Nelson in Oolidom. Buy the BUNDAY WORLD and read Noll Nelson's flna artlclo on tho doU-uiHlcorn ol Sonneheror. Tno little Gonnoberfrer'H keenest enjoyraont Is rru zsd on flndlnir a fflrl who hus dropped Irora n modollnr's cart, taltlns: ho- by tho heols and dsslslnir hor bratns out 07or the cobble stones. ' OUR LILLIAN 13 HOME. - - The Queen of Light Opem Eeturus on the City of Now York. She Looks Beautiful. Well and Happy, as Usual. Her New IMuy, "Tho Mouutetmuki," Will Open In San Fran cisco ept. ii, 'ILo liinian lino slcnmshlii city if New T ork steamed up to Lei duck ut the foot nt t lnlsiophir stud, North liivci.thls morn ing, with 11 brand new recuid and r.M.l ilu. lighted pasbcnsers tn board. y y. r ,,,y lll-'S 1IIUAS Ht9EI I. Miplcit (jiieenstnnn last Mundaj moi'ing , at oVlock and arrived nt Sandy llool; at l.O.'i tills morning, completing her passago fioin Haunt's Hock Light In Just 5 davK. !'() 1 houi sand :m minutes, or U 5 minutes fastir than hor piev lousiest iccord ot :, dajs, m houisand 14 mluutis. lucre was a populai rumor among tho pas. sengcis that thu New fork's fast trip was i due largclj to tho presenco on bond of n i mascot In the presenco of Jll-s Lillian ltus. 'soil, tho alrj, fairy cantatrlce, who was leturnlng from her Summer vacation in i.on- rapt. Arthur W. I ewls was too gallant to denj that Miss Itussells presence had been an Inspiration to tho big ship to do some record-breaking, but ono of. the old lai", who w as more Jolly than gallant, allowed that t he New York's faet trip was duo solelj to the overhauling she had experienced on tho dry dock at Llverpool.whero the snip was scriped repainted and DUt Into shape for an attempt at equalling or exceeding, If possible, the rceoidmado by her bister ship, tho Cltj of I'arl" 3 days, ir liouis, .is minute . llutn hatcver was the direct cause of her fast trip, ever) body on the New ork from apt. Lcv.ladown to the cabin bojs was reeling In unusually good spirits. No accidents or lncl dents had oicurred to mar the pleasure of tho voyage, which had been thoroughly enjojablo throughout. l'ursir 'Ihomas Klnsej was ispeunlly en tliuslastlc over the New 'iorks trip, width had been made, ho said, In tho fato of pci slstcntly contini) winds aud head seas. Altogethci the ship had travelled M,;:, I nots, or ten knots fiuthei thaufhe went on her previous fuste-it trip In octobei, ihliu Her best day's I un was ."(! knots, made jr U'ldaj. An tVEsiso Woriii repotter boarded thu Cllj of Nuw 'iork off iompklusvlllo tills morning, just alter she lift Quaiantlue. '1 ho passeugen who all ut breakfast, but Ills. liuasell, who was easily the most noted among all thu tiuiatci, was nowhere to lu seen. 'I ho fair soug.blidsang at the charitable entertalnmint lulu ou liomd last night In aid I of the heauien's Orphanage and Illue Auiluu soclitj, tif Ne'v iork aud I lvcrpnul, and was ktlll courting MoiplKua lu htr stateroom on tliestarboaidslde, att. .Miss HusmUh ti lection was ilatiei'a 1 euve Me Not, Dear Heart,' and occasioned (ouslderablo loiutaeiil among htr hearers, who, since leunlug mat the air), fairj uno hadteriiHd au fitlir of uiarilage Hum lid anaKei.T. Henry J umli, li id urn Mispt clril that I llllan's heart was lndingti nt having h i foi uti) onu 1 1-e. Perhaps there iiuybe something In It oifi all, thoiigl'. for luter Miss Huastll warded urr an attempt to bblvo her mjsterluus luttn tlonj. '1 litre was no question to tho minds of I llllan's hearers last night, however, that she Ml tlriply what bLe was singing, and, of toufe, the audteiiee ih'inanded aid recelvid an encore. It was th llrst time the Mnulonn sougsliess had ever Ming 0'i boinl ship, und he was lis delighted with hei nvntlun a.the passengers weie charimd w Ith the slngi r. .Miss I.lhilvn I rlend, ihu nclrt-s, and Frank I lncoln, the American liumoilst, who with his wile and Utile son has been abroad In Lurope, Australia, rhlna, ludla and Japan for five j curs, also look pan In the entertain ment. .Miss HustoH strip was also niarkod bv an nlhci p aiurc, which may or ma) not have been pkasiul. sho hud a "double." hho hei self was i.oi awaio of it, but the rest nf the 'passengers weie and lulsinok the "double ' i foi tin songstress einlluu.ill) at tho l.gln nlng nl the vojagc, but nut having a speaking acquaintance with either no embarrassing situations lcsultcd 'J lie "doublo" wai jolnled out to 'lur y v immi Woki n man by a steward as ,i Mrs. I I'lltiey. Mio had tho samo hnlr as Lillian's, I but sbo was mtro ptilte, her feHiures were I slightly moie angular and her cuinplexlnn Iliad u niddler look lhan Ml-i lluell's Ollierwlso hhe r einhlert I Milan ici) ilu-iU en ii In Unit whin In n 1 illl.m ackiiowlciUeil ou tLe vli ricH-niiml In the I famous lights stilt, ' that i.a' lire had Ib, i I vtrj geiitniiii to her i riuiiAi: mm mr OTina mkim.hh, A large niimbei nf New inrkcit. went dnwn the baj on tlio rcveniieLUtterlnlucf.1 irleuds on board Ihu I'ltj of New ork, but no one greeted Mbs llussc-ll except Tuc tvr.Mbti i i PROPOSED NEW IMPROVEMENTS FOR BATTERY PARK. tepoiler. II" met tho pi lint donna as sho emerged tinui hei btateioom, nesli Horn the hands of hei nnld, and smiled down lho promenade duk with a jatintj step that betokened perfect hi alth and liipplncs. 'Ihe sun had risen fiver long Island shortl beforo aud was flooding tho bay with silvery light whoso brightness own 'dispelled tha the ugl smoko that blew ovci Platen lRland frotn.tcnej soil reilnerles. It wasa brllllint spectacle, but lho queen ot light opera was even moie ladlan. j It wasn't hei tojtiunc. That was plalu and even iiopulni. A iiivj blue flauuol blazer suit, with iolkn.doi waist nnd Juuuty Bailor hat, comprised tho cc-tume, and her tolo ' plcco of Jewelry was a laigo medallion brooch. Mmplu enough and even common, It julght havo teen called, but worn by I lUlan ltussell It becamo vvouderlull attractive. The moment she appeured on detk she, was tho observed of all observers, and as khu a nlked along thu promtmdo forward hits went ott In rapid suctes'-lon. It was plulu tli it I llllan was verj popular with her fellow passengers, and even htr lady associates smiled n chi ery good moi nlng. Hut Lillian's smile thit was the J'eiet ct It all. As her naturally beautiful feitures rtlaxed gently and dlsplajid teeth of which any woman mig'it be proud, the sun hlmsidt tempoi urlly retired behind a cloud, and onh peeped out to take a lesson In tho true art of smiling. I llllan was looking well and evidently feel ing well. Her ten weeks' vacation has nu' tended to render her iiu iiiorosIph-llke in form than when her departure cast a tem poiary gloom uur Ni w orkors, Lut thu bloom of jouth and btautv has takon a tinner gilp on her than ever. - "Sill I IkH THE HOI SrEBASkf." Had sho had an injovabla Hip; Lcrlaliily, bhehid; perfeellj splendid. I hen sho lou I tinned- I "Hiil ibis a gloilous munilng. I)u jou I know I'm to get bark wbeie 1 can gel u I glimpse of wane suimhltii) onuimoie. Whj, I I've Iceii fiozeu all the lime 1 ve been In 1 on , don. "How do I like no low play ''lho Mouutc- bauks' eb, vtiy much, very much. Indeed, excepting in) part. 'U.emu-lcHveiy prelt. I "I think I shall like in) piualli'i a little, I bit It had tn bosnenglheiieil .1 deal. i Mi, Ivan faijll, who married i.eralillnii timer, ou know, lias written mo I nuw snugs lot II, whli h will male It much sli'iiigor. "Moil of the time I devourt lu watihlng the perloi miucu ut the pla. bill of curs" I hod jilent) ot lime lor iilca5uie, and I havu thoroughly enjoyed injoc'lf. I "Nu, I shall mil i( main lung In New or! I'm g dug right through to Irli u nu the a'M, when: wo upen In Ihu Muunlcbaiiks' uu , Mpl. '1 bin we cJine back 1 1st and open i heie li. lh t, .mien Tin alio on lire 1.', "Idldnlgcl anv tuiimresabioid, lit il Is Lone except a few prlvalo ones from 1'ilU and oni ut two other Paris meiilliie. 1 -oiuc times ilu gel btat,o lostuinis abroad, but 1 tun get bi tti r bulttd here, thuugu 11 costs uea It le m . I "VW had a splendid little eriteit.ilntucnt ' hist DUIil It iMlslhu I'lst tlllie 1 evu Mil i; uiithuwatci and I in) j)t I lho new evpeil- I I ncu hugel) Hen1 Ilio lOtiVifilli n n.'teil J t-t a trifle' In fine thu rcpnt lei ullgn coinage enough I to touch iipuii the repoit i f I lllian s engage ' I merit to Manager 'I. Henry 1 rctirli. Ni boontl hat) hu luciitlouc 1 Ml. 1'ri rich s n ime, I however, tnaii thu cintairlro interrupt! d him somewhat ncivousl) with: "Oh, jes, indied. hi! lial es-nh, yis 1 1 beard all about lint. tiy funnj, wasn't lit Ha! ha!" j uii beo every tlire I gfi awaj there's ' alwaj squlle 'i lluiry biauol havi d' nc 1 1 hiii cullij, to do -omclhliig or other, bit Its nlw i)s I hi .inn rlurr " I Hut did j ill ar what Ml I rem h sild ' about it' ' vi uliirid lho icpoitti. I "es, m slitir sent inu a iupy ot nil , AVnitlli with his Intirvlun, aud I llli in looked somewhat serious tor lur "I I"-1 i llevo hu iniidu some ebiu lul nplv in Ihe cfliclthal he hsdaskul Ml-s llu-n'll In line, tif in and she had lelusel but ho dldn I seem to teel vt rv bad about li. ' " Hut was Mr. I n nch s remark the truth' ' the reporli r -latte 1 In .1-1,. Mlis llu-i 11 Hi'i led n rlpnllns little laugh, I and us she tiled in icpicss a 1 1 1 li .hi- olTIU "ll'iillv, vnu nitisi cveiise nu rinw. Ilu IIWlllll) Iihii;iv iliu tin bvnitclili'k i.' ii'ire tilppid Ilu i i Hi -. iliion . i nn i ,i d '" i tue M I I-. I I IK lkld-l t 11 ' III" '- ll'il inn. wa in ii i u "i Mi. I ruicii, und.i'iri Med ii liii: htrsfll tu ue i ustutiis Inic tins. Mis, Itucs 1 dime with hu In ild in hi i liouii, ul i llli West HrD-thlrd mnri, whero hi vlli, I retelvo a dcltgallou vl tic,wpnper men this eveuluj. i SMALL-POX IN TREMOlir. An Italian Found with tlio Disease tn Urf Aelvancnel EtaKO. A case of simll-pox ar 108 List tine Iltin ilinl and 'lhlrtieth street was n pot led to the police of tho 'Jremenl Miilluu this morning. 'I he) went tn the house and found Louis Madlula, an Italian laborer, thirty years old, bUtTeilng from the illhiau Hi lis advanced stage. 'Ihe man was removed it onco aud sent tn the hosplt il ot North Ilinther Island. The hoiisii was quaiaiillneil b) the Heard ur Health MARIE TEMPEST HERE. She Arrlvoa Tola Mornlngf by the Columbia. 'ihe steamship Columbia, ot the Hamburg American line, .urlvul ut Sandy Hook Light ship at.'iui this morning. Mho sailed nom "outhamptnu list halurday attet noon, nuk ing the U'jngo In bU ditji and seVeuUeu hours. Among the jiassengcrs was .MM Xlarle Tempest. em Aug. r, e hailesHtewart Draperra saloon passenger aqid ttt)-oue, dlid of clrrhoslsot ilin llvei. Ihe body w lb brought to this port and will bo tent lo his homo at t-dglnai,, .Mich. m a THE WORLD IN MINIATURE. Bt. Louis to Have a Novel Toature at Its Annual Show. 1st AbociATrn rsi xa 1 br. lofu, Mo, Aug. lti.-Ono of the most attractive tcaturcs In the Illumination of the cltv during the Tall festivities will bualaige globe which will be erected al the lutersei of llroadwa) and (Hive street. 'i ho globe Is leio leet lu clieumfcri nee, and all the cnntlm nis and the large Islands uf the oceans will bo painted on Its surface. 'Ihu oiejns, sous and lakes ff tbe world will be designated Dj Incandescent lights. it will take loi this purpoMi fi.000 lncau desc nr lainps or twelve -candle powei each. 'I he effect of this niousti r globu lighted up will Let u mugnlllccni one. DISCUSSING " UNBELIEF." Dlonphil Gorman Evanecllcal I.u. thorun Coriforence. 'I Ids niuruliKs W'i-loii ut thu IllennUil riermau I vaiigclloal Lutheran eontereniu was t,lvuii tu a luither ilKeusslon of "I libe ller ' Ihue will be in utiicr session to-day or tu morrun. 'Ihe ruombeisut the f oufircncego t j t oncy I-luiiU tins .iftei nunu for an outing, Hint will iisiirnu the conference next Muh. RAIDED BY CAPT. CROSS. Foil) -onu Mun ArrostHil unit All Let Oo In Court. canine! -luiuu, prupiietor uf (hesuloouat Til I udlow otreei, anil forty ineu who were Ida) lug cards lor money there when the place was raided last nlghl by i apt. iro.v, cre artalgned lu tsex Market couit thlsuoin ln.'. slnioii luomlscd not to permit gambling lu his place again aiut he and the Inn j prlfcone ,vi 1 1 let gi. LEVY STILL BLOODTHIRSTY. Ha V. ill rttblii'ly Kopetvt HU Denun ciation of thu Mtvrauls tie, Morns, eeioiutlevy leavu for Uc-ton to-night, wh"re ho win piclde in iuoitow afternoon at the iiistallitlon of two new lodges ot the In dipeiident Older of miiis uf llenjamln. t a rueptlon tn follow, the C'irouer wllldcllvei a leiKtli) address upon the nnlLiinltlemnvi. iiii-iii now In pioiress In rrnnte, and will pul.ilclv lepci' his denuuciaituii uf Marquis ilt Mures Nuw Governor of tno ChlckasnwH. fnr A"! urtu r niva. I HtMn, 'lev vag. ll-Jouis Wolfe 'as been ihi'ed inivernuruf tho ehlekasaw ui. Hon YV olle Is a full-blooded Indian and does nui speak a word of Higllsh He Is bltlerli npp sid lo n'i liglsUtluii which hah u ten. diuiy lo adv.iuio nls uuiiou in elvilUatlon. miMIIIT IVT 111 111,111 VlOlkl lt I h onl ilittTfn otpivii a IUti-ia near id I 111 11 1 s lilt Ai la ah lotMvCiicicartt is ttrr ',' Nell Nelson in Dolldom. Hoael In tlio hl'SDAY WOltl D ot N'oll Knlxon rt visit to bonneibe'rc In J tltn Ihuimsrian r'oront, vvlioao I'.!, 000 inhivbittiniB, with ono or two! unimportant exceptions, aro en. IfuifoU In naBlclng dolls. 10WAS OBEY THEIR MESSIAH. Thoy Hare Left the Itcaervatlon and May Do Some Ojost Danclntr, 1st APanctxirn rnraa I (itiTHKit.t). I,, Aug, l.t The Iowa Indians havulelt then allotments and have gone tu live with tin lr tribal colpitis, tbe otoes. 'lhe say their teason for this Is that there has been received bj them from tho coming Messiah a n vilallon tu the elTect that lu ordei to noelvo tho proper innslilerallon trotn him when hu lumes tiny must abandon civ llled customs ut life and muni to old method s. COT LOST AND ROWED 220 MILES. Four Bailors Have a Terrible Er porloncs with roc nnd Starvation. IhT ASXnfTlTrn rilEAl.t IlAtrrtv, N. s. Aug. il Alouzo viuuioe and James I ukornon. ot N'ova rcutla; llcorre Jessup. of oloiirester, and Andrew blrlck land, uf notion, have been landed here by tbe stc.tmci I uncuburg und will bo Edit to Hostou. 'I hey were of the crew ot tho bchooner Helen V. hltleti, f.loucestcr, and got lost In a fog while out In tvro dories list 1 uesday morning. 'Jhey weio ricked up Thursday moiiilng, having meanwhile roned "..'0 rulk'S with unci biscuit and a Utile water tot nout. Ishment. NOT USED TO OUR WHISKEY. A Younc Welshman Qets Fighting Drtm'a: and Comes to Grief. A joung Wclsluniii ti imcd lilchird Terr), who bad been re.iied In the Mar) lebonedl trlct of I Iverpoul, was tuoupht up befmo Jus tice Urad) al thu Tombs 1'ollcu Couit to-da), accused of dlnordetly cundutt. He was arrested In thu saloon, tl barren street, wheio ho nssuultrd the bartender, VWIIIamU hir. l'erry fought the pollc and 'It look seven of Ihttn toget hlrn tn theslu-llou-housc. Ihu pilsiiner said tint ho ai rived csiei day on the lliltaiinu: and ho felt sure that tha whlskev hu drunk was drugged nud gave him fal'c streugih. lie was discharged with a eautlou. TWO DEAD BABIES FOUND. One In the Gutter, tho Other In the Streot. I'aiti'lmau I awrenco I. llatpeit, of the I uit one Hundred aud Tvvetit) Ixlli stitct i btiillon, found the dc id body of ,i boy bib l)lug In thu front ot :i."j Lasi one Hundred and Kiev enth street at 5 o'clock this morning. It was rcmovedlo the Hirlem .Mtugue. I'ollceman t harles Mulh-r repot lid to the L'oruritr's ultlci this ri.oinlu that at u uillasl night he loiiuil the dead bod) uf a imu.iIjj-i-cut In) babj Ijlnglii Hie sireet at .ilarluu and llroomo slieets, mid remuveil It to the Morgue. ChrvrsroB Her Brother wtth Fotfery. UT iilUelATl u mLa4 I liAssinv, e unn , vug. l.t Uljs i arollno 11:. While, worth sjiuootm lu hei own right, I is contesting the will ot her father, the late llllam It. Idle, which leaves hei a I -gar) uf .,unn out of an estato v ilued at .'."iu, uiio. 'I lure lie fuui uriier ihllilien, i ne 1 1 whom, .liimes 1 While, she accii-csui having oigcd the will In iii"silo!i. Whalon 'Whipped In Ten Round. 'MY AfcSUl 1A1I11 II LA 1 I'omii'.n ore., Vug. Kl -(.eorge Collins, ot.-.ui 1 laiutsci', and .lames Whnlen, of Port land, fought bfloie tuo 1 aroma Athletic Club last night foi a puit 1 1 ."iOu. VMiaieu was knocked out lu the tenth touud. Ihfat Ittialnraa tlppurtuillt v . Toleaefoi term it )eais, loui-stjiy build- ing at u.ucr of Park How and Ann t.ieet J arKe$ K." 11 n ! 5 v - opposite Astor House. Address i;ooa S, i-VLUucriluhOJu.'. V j USTEDITIOH. I II GEPHEUS STRANDED. 1 The Iron Steamboat Struck a " Snag Ctf the Bell Buoy. Panic-Stricken Passengers Landed 1 at the Coney Island Pier. I'naMe to lleturn. with a lilt; Ilala m In Her Sturbonrd, hbo Was 1 Ileui'lied on Norton's I'olnt. M j 'lho tcphciis.of the Hon steamboat Com fljj pany's rleet, lies stiandid on the beach at &W t onev Island, just lusldo ot Norton's Point, with a big hole in her starboard sldo a few iVfl feet lorvvardof thepaildlo-bux. 'M Mio Mtuck a snag ou hei trip tn the Iron & riur i"iily last evening as bho wa? passluj M Ihe bell buo), fthlch Is about opposltothD old iM West Lnd Her hull was knocked lu ) nnd two uf th forward compartments "M Cuoded , What the natuie of tlif obstitictlon was has 'M not )et liecn ascertained, but ttio shock was JtjB enough to u e.iie a panic among the .'00 pas- fM sengers nn board the i opticus, and for A " time the situation appeared to be very serl- M oils . J 'Ihcfcrecof the blow sent of tha steamboat tuwards thu beach, and as sho ran j'"l a considerable tlKtanci- iKifore tho engines "jl wore btopped, lier keel scraped along tha vjjjj sand) botiom In the shallow water. When the steamboat wan tlnall) brought to a stand- "tl still she began locking to and fro lu tho '.! he .tv) ground swell. Am lho passangeis were gieatly frightened v and thcru was an tvcltlng tush lorllti-pre- servers w omen screniucd nnd children be- gau cr Iriir, and tho im n weie scrambling gM about In scutch of preservers, evpectlnif JjJ every moment that the stiamer would topplo jffl nvet and dump them all Into Uie surf. They MB had also been ptcliy well shaken upbyth Jil shock. kjM rAMC-STKitxtv rAsspMiKn?. Si j . few cool-headed ones tried tu persuade .JjJ I thelrexcltcd and panic-stricken fellow pas- )M sengers that the dancr would not be gieat, ;M as they weie only a shoit distance from M shore, and Capt. (harles A. l'earce dldhli M best to reassure them, with but little success .JJ for half of them were frightened out of their iM ' wits, a'-d tho women especially were terror- 'M stricken and clung franticall) to their bus- f'm bands and friends. ,"M , All this happened In a moment, but as soon ' a, tho pilot had time to collect his senses ho j sounded the signal to reverse tho engines. " As the big wheels began tu revolve there was Jm islialnlng und creaking, and lu a few mo- ',' ments the steamer began to move slowly. 'fl 1 hen sho slid backwards and was In deep l water again. si Sho Immediately righted and apparently VI Was none the woise for the accident. 2u ijfl time was spent In making an Investigation, !M but Capt. l'earce made at onco for tho Iron j fl l'lerln older to get his passengers ahote ai soon as possible. w He wxs none too prompt In his action, tor ou the w ay tu the pier the strainer began lo j fl list heavily to starboard, and It was found ; 1 that she was leaking badly. Several of tho ,v rompirtinpiit weio reported to be rapidly -J nilliigwlth water. . ALL SAlLI V I ANDLD. M Mlhln ten minutes after luc incident the '! ( epheusvvas ui&do fast to thu pier aud the i.fl tilghtened passengers hurried ashore, thauk- ;.-fl tul to have escaped with their lives. They 'M fortuuaiil) did not kuow that tho Cepbeus $M had been stove In and was leaking, or they ; would huvo been still more alarmed. rdfl A hasl) examination ut the plersbowcd tho rM big hole lu the visits aide to be some tits- "M tanco Ik'Iuw the w uler line. fl Two of the starboard compart incuts had ' already nlled, and It was feared that If she ,M la) lunger lu the heavy swell of theseaiuore jM dimago would bo done. -u capt. l'earce de- jfl cldvd to start back fur Vi vv orlcatonce, re. ij lying upon tho twelve uiher compartments fl whkh were- still intact to keep the strain- ;1 bu-ii snoat till she reached the city. fl Nopisscugcis were taken aboard, and the 'fl only persms ou the Cepheui when, she ; staitcd back about s oclock were herofflcers ' rind deck hands, numbering about twenty fl persons m all. .il as the repheUslsit the pier those on shore 1 uullced that sno leaned away over to star- board, and that '-he sank down considerably $W below her water-line. '1 I 1MIII1 Tlll.ll' mit to m; TOHK. fl I -he had not reached Norton's Point btfors 1 It nusdlscuvcred that the Hater was pour- M ' ti - cut of ono ut tho broken compartments si uto tho hold, and b the time the Point was 1 passed, lho water had risen to the floor of the '1 boiler room. 1 I Tho riieuien were standing la water, and fl I only a few inches more and thu furnace fires im would be ctlugiilsbed. Engineer Wright re- (M loilrd thai hi would be able to work the l tu.'lueibiit a ten minutes longer, and upon ,fl Hits eu,H ivarccgavclhtf order to beach the sm steanu'i u' onco. $m I she. h id i etude l the I'olut by this time and w ia in the siiuoth walerot thu ba). Her J iniw was pulii ed towards the shore and her j V edslu kened. jj In two minutes she scraped bottom again, ? and then s'ldlngupln the mud arid sand, nuk fasl with her bow high and dry out ot 1 water ,-s M.e His in tint position this morning The sA on in ".ink dnvvu In the '? mil filled lud the tires In the luruices, 4 which au n 'W parti illy submerged, were ; put oat. y; earn. I'eaiee weui ashcre and tc.egi aped lo ,j tuentiii' ri't lho lunipin) the uct t,f thi ', a ildi'tit, unl then went nb nrd ttu t tpuens i again, where ho ii'inalued all ulgul vvlili his ;. ortlecrsnud theriew, Mipt. .1. ", I mlloni went rtunn nud took j loai at the stranded Meamer last olgbtaivt '.