Newspaper Page Text
f . THE WOULD: SATURDAY EVENING. AUGUST ,:., 1802. 3 .-$ yf ' I j Qardnor Threatened His Wife's I Life and Took His Own, 1 Hefore Destroying Hlinielf He Made n Wreck or Their Home. ( oroncr lionney. of Hronklyn. was noiMort till, ui-rulng of the suicide f I.nuls M O.trd .cr p.rt)no)cais old, carpentir, living t iVh Hilton street, tiardncr killed himself l,) taking l'arls green some time between jliuibiny afternoon mid la-t night oil Tliuisday atteruotn lio rpiaiicllcd vrllh hi wll. 1 llrntirt'J, and threatened to bhont let spo left the house nnd went tolhehnmo ei In r mil rlcd son, I.ouls, In humner avenue. Icsttrday Mm. uaidncr asked Justice iin lri arrant for her Husband's an est, rriii-that Itshe went home she would be Illl.'l Judge Walsh declined tu ail luthe ""'vii'-.'u.'.rduer then went home, but could n ii m. Mie Billed t apt. I diupbull, of the inan isircel pollen station to send nn uflicir i itlilier. Detective M'igl. Killy went Uitho ,,, ellmi.'d through a window and found i.ardncr Din- In tin- hall bedroom. , atl-.i:iieu fciatleied around tlio little he other rooma were In a Hate of wild rtioiil i. II' fort dcstioytughliu-clMSardncr id ruined a gioat deal nt the furniture and ,iforatlon. lie nit tho upholstery irom .ererat rnalrs, smashed pictures, tore up thn'ograplif and had put his loot ihiough a ' cnjon portiall of hlmscll which stood on an 1 easel. I SHIPPING NEWS. ALMANAC 1OK1O.0AY I . M. Sto riMt 5. OR Fun to. 7.01 I Moon ieti 151 hluH WATrU TO-iUT, AM P M PlBdrnook , 1 H 11.47 ..c-mrnor'a ta'aud lV?t HrUGau l Wi LOW V,41tH TO-UAT , PindyHftok . J 0" J 37 f.otrnor l-land 6 -H h U ' ' HfU data U1 u Inchinie ratin Matvlarri tim to An a or It nan lima mUta-i four n,inu.a. IMIUT or m;w YOltK. ARR1P, Meimr Pedro (Simr. i, apt H-m-M, from Cifn (Dftm Aur. J, in ballut. to ll. Maltland Keri-e, rnedat l.-bar 3 a. m. viniT i r..tt1ii.ochtt, apt. Distrrtf. from f-aTiinmu Aug. 10. with uivrctiatiOua and paatcii ior to It. 1 1. waller Moanifr t'olumbia t(er. , (apt. otfebxi-iang, from Hamburg g. . and houtuainptmi Aug. i. with tnrchau3Up, 41-5 tahlti and t02 Meerajre pa tntr tn II. d. Lorlls, arrired at the bar 3. U3 a. -leaner Wflln itj (Hr t, Cap. SafaK, from hri-m Jtily-V and intarnf-a July 10, with mer it 1 1' dn and 1 cabin jasaf nicer to Jamea Arkcll A lo arrtvolat tni-unr.. 2i M. i t,tnorIMi hll.AMKKS. IAII-TIa- TO'UAlf. I nnrcnen, llatre. I ml n. Mrfrpool Kil(r William II . Rrmftl Unoga1U, t lirtbtUiAtud Maadam, Hottr?rdam. 1 thiopia, (tlMZUw, Uiiraba, llmana. Aritrondai'it, nttnaton n tiia a, I cuara. N Ucoutin, l.lTcrpool in mit, Ato n. iii rtyt, rtt if'. ( battal noch, aTarnah ... -t On r m I'tjjiioi. t narlcaloo . . 3 U'l p m ID 3AII, Al't 1C. bpr, Hremso 12.00 m to pah. i . 17. A vo, (tonalfffl - - Iiritnnmr, Liverpool '-' Oit P M t brolce. Chnrlitu 3 " 1 M t t of New York. I.ijOpm t itjr cf W ihhtiiston, Havana. .( on p i c otTc, havannah Ji.imi p m l.hyuland, Atitucru 1.00 pm INCOMING STKAMl'.I. th r. ro.iiAT. Mar.hatian, Livrrnol ,Iuly j7. I Cliainpisn. Htvie Auk. 6. Pit. At U. 14 Anranis. I ivfrpntd A u. (. Alalia. Llterpuol Aur. h. Pen n land, Antwerp Am 1 Iiirne-ah t laci.v Aug J., Mull Al'C 4 roma Itth July .11, lit F Atfrj, IV Flrsmn vp rt MLnhcn, limnn ntc 4. Arirte dam, Aratrlni Aug 8. 1 auric, I.ivtrpovl Aug. .t. lOKKK.N I'OUT'. in cam i 1 HAIIH) Tim llamburs Arafrkan JincstfsniPr I nxft Fli I mrok Caj't, A bms. frmi Hi ubnrn, f-alled from I hmithaniptoii for Nt .v nrk AiiT 1 1. ' Ihe orth German Llovd Htif Kieamfr Werra, fait Poll 1, trnm f.cnua mi i led from Glbrattar at i r. m Auk 1 J for Nw York hlic had on board 44 cihin and Jib iieeraie i nsBPuiccrn. AKftlEl The lUmhurc-Auierfpan lin" tfani,r AuiiiiHa frtorla, ( apt Harenda, from Nn ork uc. 4, arrived at Hamburg Aug. lft lh tnral TranbatUntic line oteamrr I-a Tou. ratne. ('apt trapK"ul. trom ew York Aug. (i for Haira, paised tho Lizard at W. 'JO p M Aug 13. MARIN MlftHArfc. The Britlah ateanior Klpitba, 4C2 tnn. trading tn the Levant, foua lercd at aea. Her pn tiger aud rrew were reacned by a ps'tinx vennel and hre beti landed at Tripoli. The Britiahiteamer MetiileUohn, C'apl, hawyer, fir Liverpool tn Montreal, i ashore nrarrorta terry. County lown, IretanJ. hbe ta badly dam igwl, and Hen dry at low water. The Brltlah ateamer l.mpreMH of Japan. Capr I ce, from lloug Kong via Yokohama for Vn ouvrr, haa returned to Hakodadi with the tan, va nr. TURNED INTO IHE STREET. Dora Alascovitz Was Forced to Live on Nine Cents a Day, blie Paid $2.50 a Month to Sleep on Coheu'a Floor. Iiora Alascovll. nlnctecu ears of ago and but a lew years from m. reterbiirB, lluvda, applied In the Lee Aenuo I'ollce rourt till) niornliig lor uu order to obtain her clothini,' fiom Solomon loucn. of HM aiel ilnet. llllnnisburR. J Tho Joiiiik woman one wck ngn .to-day , enmu Irom I'lilladelphla, ami (nil Monday nent to nork In a tailoring citaklUhmint on Uovriitn Mreei. ! Win boarded with tho t "lien f.imllt.niid ns to pay, ns slio elalms, V.'.iil a inonlti fur tho privilege of rlicplng on Iho lloor of the Hat oci upleo by Mr?, lohen, nhli h cjfislnied I of t rooiin and was Inlnblud bj a family of ten I m II ueM Monday tlm pa) meut lor liei tlist nptk'a work was not due, mid she tJld the (ourtltiulal '.' uclouk this nil rnlnir ( oheu demanded $'.'..n from hei and then turned liu out Into tho sin el. i 'I he girl claimed tlml she was forced to Mm, I on nine cents pird.n. Epen llii).' I no cuts ti Incakfast, tho s.iuic lor lunch and llo mils fordlnnci. Cohen was summoned to appear In court. WARRANT FOR DORA BOEHMER. Bor Father Wants Hor Arrestod for Vaarnncy. Adam Boebmei, of 111:1 .lolinson avenue, Wlllla-nsbun:. wants his ilglitcrn.) ear-old daughter Hora arrested on a chargo of vaarancy. 'llu l.unlly Iswoll known, and tho chargo of vagrancy Is a surprlso 1 0 every one. I nsl Wednesday the g.rl left home and has not slntc been fccii. Mlth tears In his eji-s the fither told the Couit thai lie fraud his daughter bad gone astraj. The warrant w.m usuid for the joungglrl s arrest. IS IT TO BE A GAS TRUST? Brooklyn Has a Rumor of a flic Com bination Amontr Companlea. Iheiolsa rumor afloat In Ilrookl)n to-day I that the Iliookl.wi City ,as Coiupaii) Is , about to consolidate with a louiblnatlon of 1 eompanles fiom Boston and Philadelphia. I'lesldml ."ddlcks. of the HrookHn city Company, Is out of tonn to-dav and there as 1,0 one In the nilko who would talk about the alltgid coiubiuc. NEW PARK FOR BROOKLYN. It Will Be on tho Blt6 of tho Present Park nt Court and Carroll Streets. l'ark Commissioner ISowler, of llrooklyn, has oidercd plans to to made for a new park to be laid out 011 the site of tho present en roll Park at Lourl and Carroll stieets. 'Ihe superintendent will not t" o-deied lo take dual steps In tho matter until a meeting of iho uelghboilng property owners is called, which will probably bo next week. ISRAEL DIED OF THE HURT. He Was Run Ovor by a Flist Avo. nuo Car Last NlRht. Homy Isiael, of 111'.' I.ust ono Hundred and Mntli street, who was ruu oerni First ne-1 line car 4:i.i, ai ono llundicd and Ninth street .mil Hist avenue, the lUrlem Hospital at I oVloik this morning. Ihe driver of the ear, William fles'lon. of ITT-' 1 Irst avenuo, was taken to the llailem I'nlieo Cnurt this morning by lieteellve .1. I'. Ilaiiilltnii, nnd.Iiistlro Meado reuuindid I1I111 tu Ihe Coroner's olllit. $74,000 for tho Zoollner'a C'lub IIousp. 'I lie .ocllner Maenian hur, whoso building was deployed by lire, Pas ucelvcd z'. '.Oim trom the Insurance companle-. ILhaslecii uei Irtc.l to sell the silo p r IMi.OdO and erect . magnlllcent iltit-house. Mr. Offden Is $70O Richer To-Day. supreme court .lustlce Culliii, lu lliooklyn, t to-dav guvc Judgment for tlinidalnilUiilu the suit of llprman H. Ogdin against the Mn'.-s 1 omit) Klet 1 cd lliillicnlr t onipaii) to re covei $700 damages to bis promri). Goos to Jail for Contompr. .ludgo nartlctt, In the Biooklyn bnpremo cour. this morning, signed an order commit ting carl Anderson to tho (neons ( ounty I .tail for contempt In falling to pay his wllo l."n alimony, pending trial of hor suit (or limited divorce. Anderson will have 10 slay in jail until tnc fluelsinld. Weather Forecast. I.ornl for 'C hLvri (iiiliita nlS I'. M. 011 .sunrtni: Hilr, WJiwmrv if nj cnlm c, I imrthvtrtterlij iru.if;. I 1 ho following record thows the changes In the umperature dining the morning huurs: j 4 a. m. XT I 0 a, a. .03 l a a. m .. 71 1 it M. 75 A MODERN LEAR. The Troubles That Beset a Man with an Appetite. If there is anything upon which a vast amount of fine language has beon need, lessly expended, that thine is personal iu- ( fluenco. lu my opinion an ouluiou based on thirty years of most convincing txperieuce, personal iufluenco, though , j talked of as much us tho Into Mrs. Darns, is as unsubstantial ns n mv lit. 'I he philan thropist who has begun by trynig lo re. form tho world and ended by seriously askiuc his conscience whether ho has nl lerod tho views of nny soul in it besides himself, will understand me. My benevolent efforts were expended wholly in behalf of my father. My mother was a New England housekcepor of tho old-fashionod sort a woman who Mushed with inortili cation if unexpected oinpsuv found her with less tlmu live , kinds uf c ilo, with tarts, pies an.l dough, huts (Mime. Her preserves were thvays muda "pound for pound." auU her hams, Pickles and jellies nero the ndmirntion of tho neighborhood. Under this regimen, mv sister Itboda and I grew up to be pair of sickly dyspeptics, and nt "bout the age of twenty married two1 mothers similarly afflicted. My sister 1 ' ordella incurred the lasting displeasure J of uur patents by eloping at tho nge of y cveuteen with a blacksmith's sou. hhe " a self-willed litl.o tomhov. and ''oogU wo did not sxactly feel that her 'ovvaiourgniu. still people of 1. deli. CB ualuie. like my sister llboda and ""y'elr, could hardlv be expected to k'lievs t0 mnci, Bfteroue of sueli leu- t. deueies as Cordelia's. My mother dying a few yeaiB ago, my father divided his property butvveeu llhoda and myself. He had no son to work his farm, ho was to old to work it himself, nnd ho did not wish tola bothered with overseeing hired labor. ,loteph ami I bogged him to 11111I.0 our house his 1 ernmueut houie, but Jacob und llhoda vvoto equally tngeut, nnd it omled in his dividing his tune ciunlly between lis. Hut he lnu'n't been ut our house moretlrin tlireo days hefore he began finding fault with his food. " Kocms to me, Jaue," he said, "this bread ain't just like what our mother used to make." " I'm thaukful losay it ain't." said I. " This is unleavened bread, Yeast ismuI. poison." " It's pretty hefty," said he, liftinr. a piece in his hand, aa if trviug to guess Us weight. " Dou't let that shea fall on vour toes, Joe. I've known less than that to lame a man for life." ' The merit of this whole wheat bread," said I, "is that it contains all the ele ments necessary for the nutrition of the system. " I Another lime he rnid- "Jane, why don't you cook some meat,' I'm perishiu' for want of it." ' "Meal!" I exclaimed. "Are we cat nlverous blasts, that we should prey on other animals aud make onrboi'ies n bury 1 ing-grouud for their temaiusr" "Biiryiug-gniuud"' lm 'llv. e IWM HERLEY fiPTUREuT Mrs. Lillio Brown's Assailant Caught in Williamsburg. He Itui', but Wns Captured and Held for Trial. .IcremlJli ex-convlct undone of the most daugei oils and Inst known burglars In .New Wk, was call) this morning eap- tured after along chase bv lutcrtlvc-sergt. Mamei lariull, uf the Mnele-nlh rrcrlmt. WIIIMtusbiirg. ' since 1 il April tho police have ber 11 looking j for llialnj 011 a diargo pierened b) Mr. 1 l.llllo lliown, 0. 'M Melropolliau .iveuue, SUIIIamsbuig. 1 (in Apt II M lli.ilo.ll I' allegi'il, by Sirs. I llrown, bioso Into ln-r leslduc and attir choking at.d assaulting lur loblidlui of '. lie iheu ehlorofoimed tit r lltale) ins a gill llvlugon Vniet stuel, and foi a long time 1 in Hi 11 police sha low id the girl, knowing that -01110 tuuu 01 other lltaley vvoiiiil vi-it lm. 1 lli'lr perslsioiuo w i rewauleil with sin-' cess best cvinlng wbm Henley was sien b) I lieticllve c.ii roil tnlkliignithe girl on Mcli'e- polltan avenue, mar Wuierbuiv stin. Ileal")' lau, but wis tiieih.iuud heal Itiu , Metropolitan nviiiuu bit Ige 1 In Hie rr wenue Police miirl this morn- lug he was held lor tilal LAWYER CHARGED WITH THEFT- McDovItt Paid Htmseir Out of His Client's Judsmont. ,1. .1. Mollcvllt, a law.ver and 10II01I01 or nil llrnadvvay VVIIllanisbiiig, was lu iho 1 10 I Avenuo 1Mb 0 Court this in 1111I11; on .1 sum mons taken out by .lames .v. ( .illioun, a saloon-keeper on liroadvva), near M) rile avc nue. MeDevIlt Is chargid Willi the lareenv of I :i.V In a civil suit lor i'-ViU two munlhs iiu he app' irtd as law) or fur calhoun, mid c.b till in d a vndlrt lor lio. l tho llnio lie lied an nccntim for j:i.i ngalnsi his illent, and paid I- to liluiselt out 01 tin' Judgment or i'u I pou this ia)iuent Ihe eh irge blugPf. us Mi Uerllt claims he was niithorbut t didini I lie auiouut, and cnlliouu denies Hits 10 1,0 I lie i.iso. luslleo tiOctllsg sit the i.isc for trial Aug. -'.!. KLEINSCHNITZ UNDER BONDS. Preeidont Taylor Now Won't I3o Afraid for Ilia Life. August klclnsclinttr, proprietor of the I polltleal result known ns tin- " Ilotfraan House of Uicoklyn," was plated under bonds Wenuo 1'ollco com t this morning to keep llK" peace. .lames K. '1 a) lor. President of tho '1 hlr tcenth Ward Kopiibllcan campaign club, i-'inrgid Klcinschulti with ihieutcnlng his. life. a THE PASTOR USED HIS FISTS. His Church Trustees IIovb Black Eyes and He Has a Broken Rib. I mv ASf'TUTrn niM.l , 1 im'isnati, Aug. l.t. At a meeting or the trusties or tLc Lutlicr.ini hurch alNorwocd, ' a village north of this lit), Hov. Paul llclu halt, tho pastor, attacked tho trustees with his cane and list. Severalot them gol blaik eyes and bruised hands. The pastor lilmseir was kicked Into tbo street and Is now In Led with a broken rib. j 'Ihe fight grow mil of a quarrel over pro posed leiemontes lor lavln,; Hie lomer-stoiie of a lieu (limcuiu Norwood. Says Wnlker Died of Brlght's Dla. ease. Dr. Pur)e.i, Mipilnleiidcnt of the Kings I ounty Hospital, icd.i) reported I lie resuli of uu autopsy made b) I1I111 ou tho Irndy 01 William Walker, a dtllilous patient v. ho jumped irom a window of the violent ward nt the hospital nnd died veslerda). 'iho autopsy. Dr. inn veil sat s, shoivs that dilli was due tn bright' dlseas ant not toln juilesiecelved lu WaU'i slallofiort) feet. Th'a Thief Carrion a Clenvor. bill elier's cleuvti aud f4 In money was stolen Hem linurN Maltlns shop, 1047'u I I'lilion street, llrookl) 11, eaily this morning. Swunir a Bottle on Officer Daly's Eye. .ismis MltelHll, of .' Atlantic svenue, lliooklyn, was ainicd this morning toi 'irlklng I'ollccmin Dalv with a botlle, whilj 1 the latier was tr) lug to uuesl him. .Mitchell was drunk at I In: lime. Mnenk Thieves Well Watched. H'... thieves entered tliu aparlinenlsnf sever t'l-tn, al llStl houuli avenu"1, Ilrinik l)ii. lato last night and stolo two watches and oilur Jewelry or the value of .'. Mullen Is Minus a Bay Mare. John Mullen, of 45 1 lout .strict, Jliooklvn, to-day reported that his bay mare, vvoiih l."il), had In eil stolen irom a vacant lot ou thelloulovnid, near Washington avenue. "Tho fact is I ain't half niich a cheerful object na a buryiug-grouud there ain't any bumps or fullness about me." "Ihib sort of talk is distasteful lo me." said 1. ltrcnkfust was porhqps my fatliei's worst meal. 'J ho many wholesome prepnni. j tious of grain, such as cracked wheat, I oatmenl. ormiuul anil hominy appealed t him in Tain. "Wo consider this excellent brain fond, "my husband i-nid clieeifully ono mottling, ns ho took u second help of Graham mush. j ""1'uin't lunin food I want," said ' father; "it's Ftomach food. If I vvns 11 horse I wouldn't mind livm' on bran mid elioppcd stull. Dou't you rver lavnmivi mill:.'' . ' " No," said Joe, sunrtlv, " wo don't. If I was u tidf I wouldn't mind Uviu' on milk." I " You slinll have somo milk, fat hi r," said I, rising to get it, "It's a bilious 1 foeid, but it contains nil the elements thai J I mnko up tho human frame " ! ' How are tea and coffee iu tho war of elements ?" ho ill n miserable vvny. I "'lheyaio nothing but stimulants," 'I exclaimed, glad to find he took even this slight lntin st in the stibiee .'"lluro is nothing 111 them to build up tho bodv." "Well," ho Mini dnlefullv. "I elim't know as I'm looking for anything to build mv body up. I've got pust that. If I can only liud somethm' to prop it tip, somtthm' lo keep it trom caviu' 111, I'll he satisfied. " If it were not that people who 11m h)gienicallv are good-natured, my fathor's ' (iicru'otis dis'cuteut would hnve been .1 solo tliel lo us One day nt el nuer, after Jo.eph had sold our usual Inrin of grin 0. in father exclaimed rudoiv, " 'e may , well ssv the Lord uake 11- thankful Joe, leu if he didn't make u thankful no power ou eaith could" That suiiid day he caked for pie. 1 ' I)u" i ,v wlnt pie i '(" ssked TRIED TO KILL HIS SIGK WIFE. Connolly Slashod Hor Twice with a Bread-Kuifo and Fled. Caught and Held to Axralt the Ite sult of Her lnurles. 'Ilvminse onnollr, of 7 Wnshlngton strecl. llrookl) 11, vv s lemanded without ball In tho Adams Mrect lourt this morning tnnwilt tho icsiilt tn Injuries ililllct'd by bun jester day 011 hi, wile. lounollylsa plumber, but has noi worked an) for llfliru inoiilli, eluilng which time hie wile-, llrldget, suppoitcd him Yesterday 1 onnolly 0.11110 linine In a ipiarrelsc mo mond and round bis wife l.vingsn k on the Ird with ibeli twe-m uilhsold nab). Hi oidernd her togil up ninlgoti) work. (in hei refusal lu do s ( otinoll) pci,rd up a lung bladed tirecd l.ulte and tlashPd hi r .miens the loreliead with It 'Ihe woman tin n d vei to pi iicet In 1 lace and t onnolly tin 11 diew iho slurp ll 1 lu down I cr back culling a girat gash. He th-'ii r 111 out or the liou-e and managed tn evnpe srreH until lain lat night. Mrs. eniiiiollv wns lu 11 mm 1,111s mndltlon this 11101 idng and unablo to ippear in court. RODGE.RS'S PECK OF TROUBLE. A Staton Island Athlntle Club Man flu od by a Mulatto Olrl. James I. Itodger', of st, (,oor(,e, s 1., a lii"iub r or tho Match Island Alhlelle e lull and well known In tlil rllv, seems to liavo gotten Himself Inlo a pec nt trouble with a pretiv young Mulatto girl named Mary I Itoo'he. I iisdei bring under bonds for appearin-o ' beino tin- in and Jurv on a charge nt nnsault Willi a dearll' wearoii, he Is nimte dntendAiit In a tlvil sou f r .".nuiiet images by thn namu loniplatnant. I Itodgersls tvvinlv-thiee years old nnd I bn son or , 11. Ilodgers. proprietor of tin1 llolel lasilelon 11 1 s. eiuurge. Several months ago the elder Hodgeis was married tn a I'litlidelnhlaladi. Mary lloniln" wa- In thn bildos service along time and In ought 1 to Ihe llolel ( astleloii. About midnight of duty ft the girl allegis tlml voiing lindgcis entered her room and ai templed tn assault ber and aflei wards I ihrcati init her with a revolvei. A tew d)s later she swore out awartant I tnd llolgeis was arrested, but tho proceed- 1 lugs were I epl secret, subsequent!) sh' liiought an ac'lou for damages, nxlug the I iimnutit at .",,ooo. ! T. Mitnnls Stewart, of this city, has been I reinlnid as Miss llcotne s counsel lu both th" criminal and tltll actions. CONSPIRACY TO ROB SHIPPERS. Ons Allegod Acralnst Freight Agents of an Ohio Railroad. II'T A.trriATKli mrsi I loiuvincf, '.. Aug. 1:1 A sensation lu r.illwa) ciriles Is llkelv tube developed here and In other larce cities th Ohio to-day. The 1 Height agents nnd suboidlnales of a proiul nciil rallioad have been, It Is alleged, In a c n splraey for a long time to 10b the coinpan) aud shipping patrons of Ibo road. One icport lias II that It W tho llaltlmoro and ohto Southwcstem, and another theltlgj 1 our, but the officials are so ilose-moulbed that nolhlngdellnltcian besecurod. Arrests 1 here and elsewhere aie to bn medo to-dav. A railway detective is authorlt) lor this statu I inont. I Eons of Veterans' New Officers. it jMoriAirn pr-. ' I llrttNA, Mon., Aug. 111. The new orflcers eici'ti d bv tho National Kncainpment of the I sous of Veterans betore Its adjournment last I evening ure : e'.r-ln.fM.f. M.rtin K 11.11. cf Mlrlil. sriii Srnlor Vtc. tl.'TC, W rnll.u., ( N.w .tnr "tf .Junior Vic", .loli'i It Mllte, of Mont.ii. I'tit.f I'liniti-IUor.. .John V, B e'l.rk.oii, of .N-ir Vi rk 11 VV VVa.... of ( ontitcli.til. .ml II K"ilit.prn-r, ul l','nn.lf fctil., Aitjut.nt'l.di eial. Sila. r f,,un, nt VIuhnii i ei M (, , It prison, of Ml.keittri. lu.;,..! r e,.n.r.l, II t i. !. I OUn, ,lnrlii.Ailnc.t.. VV, Siott tie. ., i( e)t,i.(t. and Cli.p .lii'ln Cliief, fr Ctl.tle. Me'luley. nl Mlntl-.ol. (Imluiiatl was seltcled for the eiir-aim. lueiit.aiide hlcago was .selected as ptrmanent headMuaiteis. A Mayor Cau?ht in a Raid. Ir.r Al.nelATFli rsc...' Wesuisi.iss, Ind., Aug 1 I -Tho polko made a i.iU a an earl) bout this moinliig on Cas-eu'sgambllng-hoie. 'Ihe.v luoke'duwu tLe doois and tap. tired nine pi rami-, aiming whom were tho Major ot Iho ell v. an ex i ounty tlerlt, a prominent Mi tliodlst and snveral other notables. All the plaers gave bonds toi their appearance. 'I lie sensation produied by tho raid has no parallel. Killed in a Quarrel Over 25 Cents. (rtv An iATii ritrns. caii o.lll., Aug. i:i oeorgo Williamson, aged tweutv. and John Wade, aged nlneleen, e-amo to (alio on tlmlr way home to Creal springs, "to vnluntailly answer achurgeot murder. Ihe) uie tlie propilotersot u saloon and le'jtaurant nl Hut place, and laet -.iinday they shot nnu killed a man named seager In a ' quarrel over tho payment oi yn cen(s lor a I breakfast be had eaten nl their plice. Joe; and 1 (ixplamcd: " Tie is a deadly compound of fruit, fat, Hour and fire." "All them things is good, Jaue," said my father, ' taken in moderation. " " Wo don't want them in this house," said Joe. " I ain't goiu' to be bothered with elvspep'in iu moderation." Not long nftcr 1 was horriticd to bohold mv two delicate children munching catid.v. "Grandpa gavo it to us, " thov suid. smiling stickily ut me. "I'ldlier," I exclaimed, "Ihis is too bid! Candy is jnado up wholly of car bonaceous materials none of tho intra, goueous or pbosphatic elements enter into it. and it is u sovero tax upon the ex tretory organs." Unsaid nothing, but turned nvvnv and took out his pipe, indlllcieut. also, to ton fact that tnliM'co is n poisonous nun otie. 1 was out of patience with him. I felt re. lie vttl when he cxpressiul his intention of I'oingove- to stay with llhoda and Juko for a iiioi. '. Khoda and I are back mid forth a good deal, ami I ronn heard how things were going there. Mio aud Jake nro fur more advanced than Joo and I are. 'lliey con siller the use (if conkod food n sliilul I nndciing to Hie mini appetite For breik last il.o usually hivo n little, ground vvl.o-.t, moistened with beriy juieo. or rnnued pears or something of th it sort. 1 Unner consists ot n liitlo uncooked out. meal, with tigs or elates, and occasionally nuts. They have no nipper. My father soon obsctved that this was a fortunate thing, as three such meals a day would hare finished them off long ago. Itbodi. ' qinted father as saying that if ho had to , live tin two meals a day of raw provisions he uii-iut tohavccuoughof thoe. When, therefore, my uster went into tie iliiiuij.. riHiui ono day to set the tab es vvith ap ples, ra.sins and i) meal, she wasnston ished to liud it alua ly spriad vvilhcov ered dl-hef, containing uncooked pot a. too., ci.riols tuimps, t-abbngo ami n units, she lend '-" t iitu o' TAKEN BllCnO HIS WIFE. Fayotto S. Borggnor, of Fulton, Ne Y,, Arrested for Aban donment. A I'retty (llrl Cotnpo.lteir, Who I'seel to Work for Him, Ills Compniiloii. I sjette s. litrggnrr, tlilii.inr vrirsoll, wlni Is sal I lo bj iho editor and ptoprlctor of a ii"Ws aper lu KulKui, oswivu i out t). N. ., was aneit.dearl) Hill In rnlng b) Pelec live -M-igeuhi undl at 7.'.s I oiirth avenuo. Itmoklvn, on n ehargo ot nl aiuloumenl pic, fcrit el bv his wile. arah I. Ileiggnei. Ibo vvana'it was Issued bv .ludgc I". !.. spenter. of I'iiIIoii, and had leeu plated lu tl.e hands of Cuusialiio Abuo Hark lot en Clltloll. 1 link -ai llisi ali ii iw i tnoutlis ago HerggiiTs newspapei ortlrcvvah Inn in d inn at I that as si on as theedlloi reielv, d U.e lusuriiuie iiioi o) lm ill- iyi lied with a join g wont in n mud Mar) viii urdj. When i lark 'ind limit wpiil to Hie limi-n III-) round Dial llcrg-'io-i was llviiu- tluio . wlih I hu Met urd) woman e utist ilili; e Ihii. took l ho prisoner link to I I ulluii Ibis moiulng. TURNED THE TADLES ON HIM. An Accusing- Bnrtondrr Unlet to An Bwor for Vlotntlnf? th Eiclsn Law. John and Patrick Mel irlby, aged respec llvel) lwenty-sx and Iwiuly-nlM- )c.u , i vtne arialgiied lu tho Hailei, I'lill-e louit ' this morning nnd ibaigcd with lobbcit. 'I lie compliiiittht was Michael ll)nn, bartender j at one lluiidndtli strocl and 1 bird avenue. I 'Iho two Mc( anhys went Into the saloon I alti-r 1 o'elock' this morning and ir-tl.ed for a . drink. V'ynn lefused to srivo them, and a I fight resulled llnth were cut about thedr beads. Alter tho melee I'lyim dlscovend his wmcli-i h.iln mis lug and ecued tho MiCnrlhy brothers of stealing It I'nllreinan lleharge, of thn hUlill-elghth street stall m, ariesteel thn Mccaithys. In mil i this morning I'lvnn relused in pros Hie eomplnliii. .lusilco Meade conclulid tint no lie nl would have nteurrid If the s'loon had no' been open atlei hours. A i chargo nt violating thn I'.xclse law vvas taken against riyun, and Ibo Met anhys vveio dls-chatgod. I LAWYER G0TTLE1B STILL IN JAIL. Thero Aro Now Sovon Formal Chai'p-oB Anrnlnst Him. lavvver Henry (lotillcb. of i'i paik Ilow atidvvlio livts at g-'M Stanton stieel.was unalle loobinlu 1,000 ball to-day and ho still occupies a cell In Jeflorson Market Prison, wheio lio Is connncd ou rbaigcs of swindling Adolph Ituderciner, Jeweller, or :i:rj (.rand street, out of f.'.noo by wnrthless notes, and Morlt bicin, tailor, of ion lewis stieet, oiltot f 15!) b) selling lolh wlikli hi . never owucd. 'I here are seven formal charges, prlnclpall) I of inrged deeds mints and forged e books und noles against (lotllleh. A. Mocker, of "Jiu seventh nvenue, sa)s i.otlll'b lorg"d his mini for mm) and Lo sides never paid out aguo given lo him to lliuldate (he Inteiest on a iiioi tgsge. Ihe lollco say elnltlelb bas forged thn, name seif two of his unties He w,n obliged t ii quit Chicago some) ears ago, tbevsiv, and add that be was connected wl'h llultnirand, Hughes. A President's aoth Ro-olectlon. ' lav A-sorlAT-li ine.s.1 MvsTIi", Conn.. AU- 13. U the lastela)'s se.-slonot Ibo annual nieelliiguf the I nlier sal Peace t'nloh )esli'rday Alfred II. I.ove, of Philadelphia, was re-elected President for the twenty-sixth cotisceiitivu lime, and thi'se ollu r onbeis vvero chos"U' vuh I'leAldeiiis, Lrvt Is. Joslvu, PrnvldPiRo; llelva loikwnod, Washlngtnu, soirelaiy, .1, hn .1. l.vttle, Philadelphia, Assistant Scin-tai), I red I.. Whipple-, Millie, rieasurer, Tlinmas Whit ney, net anion, I 'a. Rememborod to tion Hor Baby Safe. nv A'iciATrt hum I V AsutsiiTiis, Ail'. II, While Using a gaso. ' lino sinve )esteidu) Mrs. unlo Iccniau soil Pro to her clothes and was fatally burned.! The iinloiltinalo woman placed lur seven-' months old child, which shn had in Lcr anus at the lime, in a place ot b.Uity aud ran Into j I the street lu Untiiis. I Hla Revenue Cost H'm $10. William It. tliecnc), nl .S'.Tb I-.est one I ' Hi.ndiedand Twtntj-third street, le.rinerly cccujilcd the flat now occupied b) Mrv I 'I heresa l.ijloi at lis East One Hundred and I 'i wenty-ji ventli meet lie was dls possessed, , I and to-dn) In thn Harlem Police c'onrt Mrs. I I 'lailei accused bltn o. walking lu thtro and abusing her becauso be was put nut. Justice I Meade tilled lilm10. I Oscar Scbaffer's Body Recovered. i 'ihe cm oners olllio was nntltled this men n Ing of the reioverj ot the bmlv of Oscar 1 scharfcr, thirl) )ears old, who w as drowned I lu Ultle el (lato on Aug. u last liy tho up set Hug of a I on boat. eabbage. 'Ihe other vegetables they held j not lit to cut 1 ecausa they had grown and ripened underground. " I'ndergrounil," said father, who was eating everything heforo him vvilh savnga rapacity, " underground ain't suih a bud place. I've often thiiuglit I'd belter go thero myself aud settle down." '1 hut afternoon llhoda said she really believed be would die The turnips and carrots Ecemcd lo disagreo with him. Mio made him drink etip after cup of hot water, just as near tl.u boiling point as ho could hear it. 1 ran over with ginger and mus tard, which I use only in cuso of sickness and heard his feotdu voice refusing the seventh run of hotwatei. "No, tlmiik ji Khoda," hn said, "my stomach can stntid n good thai it stand to be l!at temdeut Willi eliiel.en feed nnd gleeiis. but u liuin't nn mind to In drowned out uor scalded emt. " Tho old innn looked tirst nt Khoda, thin ut me, saying things which I wnl not re pe it. It distressed us to be spoken lo in this wav. hut alliivvntiio must nlwa)s b made for tho fretluliiess uf o'd ag,. 'Ihe poor mill nevir Kenud to recover fiom th invv Md.ilii"s and tur. u,p. He grew w.aker and weaker till he tonkins bed altogether, lulling Ills ill. lies ho iiiamt iiiii-ii a itinoiis nvi moil tnr uiiylliiug in the shape of gruei r and as onished one good ladv w lio In, ught him a basket of delicious grapes by stiip. ping bunch after bunch, mid throw u.g them, three or four at a tune, hard at her, now at my sister or mvself. now at tho walls and windows. lie called it "grape shot," I remember, and laughed in tie mouiae glee at our protests Utcrllus he 1 sank luto uuuuturul calm, nnd thinking that his mil vvns appioachtus. wa sent fir i tho minister. A portion of Scripture was lend npd prayer tillered. Then tho good I man approached his bedside and asked I him what would satisfv the deepest disiro i of his nature'. " I'oe' end "leans excU.iucd fa'lier, MIT THE PSPJL DOCUMENT, It Is Exncctod to Froduco a Pro lound Impros3iont U II KnriMl.iu.imc.l liy rtrdtni1 ii4Hirii linn Hi-tup ihii ii.iiri.i.iff nn hutliur (tilt Uin l in frj-irLii: a tlocu lu.'tii it'&Miul lu piudmt. a piulnum. lm M' 'i ii in i in I nl" (1 s. I he ilu-pilili duo-, unt Itit lnt.vt r tlio nnium nfilil li uru-'iit. imr ilu no ui Uip oci.1oh1 it'll K- In Ni, "ik kh tn r.icil li' It will j rotiMlii, 1 til muii" .n f lm lm- iiinli' Hcvo that 11 M1I liai icii irnoi tn thr emit. - now ko U) mi l .'two-n Hit p.ull'M di Arfl.l.lHhnti nulcnrt, or Now t tk, mul rrhwMiop Irt-lMiil, of M. r.itil. Minn, conccrnlni: thuj I' iilt.itit-i1lufif( i r---ii'm . t bchuoK 1 huso vlmlifiM ili'n lov. air in'iis;thcm'.i ' lu ilia t r li'Hil tit t lit? Uttei rnmly ml lilies it tot iiinb ii-. of H.iUiii.oio. by Oimliiiul 1 1 .lm hiru-Kl, I n h t cf Mm I'rtipi i k'nn'1.1, wtn'i in tit is olifitt.M tu linrrtas j upu.i th i(Miointli iiMiK-ikr liN luilllrttun 1 th" ti'0" or i iniltltit;u-u thrlr MitTia. k'ati Ml linpsu-t tn Uu1 pintlili1 rlmol hs. ii m l"fon tin m'M ruitil'ii ( Nrcbtrilppa In Hit' I niuit M Kim. line I- i aiiiliuil lxun.'ii whki - leH-M 3loSr- lNr t II IV our "'- I- ail tttt KtCl in-ill-!.- anil I ii-Im r-i't Hi" fmlcil Hm,.f., ariit in ih tiAmullif. llul i i'iiifKttnu in !if J.I 1 U , n-iatm tn Hip Brav tin- t-M n i ptio hul m Iihi I-, ttiiili in tmiiK lim At tlirl tun 1i livrl i itulii I. r i ( rtiifil yon ItiU iln tn nt ir i .t tl i- Mtr,.t ion ft til-n-1 t iat il t Ar ti ilu i 1 it i Mi li Willi i rr- in I i. Unit ifutiinn lm m niVJiiia i.f Mipiihintf tin tfUa u lift-) r I li l t!rMi titm, iiutoi.t" ut thn )ltpi nl tr lotitil w huolt, Irr iiifnifil In cirai iiutiilit itit nih ta1 , huol-t I pi j In -J irmlt-r- I omit! t thn vitt ui in I Mi-.i1om nf Hi pimtir-tiL iitfliui ttitirnitg 4 n r ti rlH"tu il l t ut In f-o it- wi iri 1 1 f In inmi i liffiru-iv llif aliniiilaiit ftntti. nf ih-'irMi liAilitf!!1 1 Miirll In i-'tfAril lo 1li ulucatlon of jimntr Call nil a i tranwutU, an in o sratoa tualtpr nf ilrfpluir, tvlnch fulc f -il a ptirv ill fi"! U a ilfulraiili tuan I r .nti-lati uimi th-. u"i.tlutt ll atr, ami t lu ll hf of aiithirit It ttn ler ii t et that ihi im(r pulitamt it tarli i-inttur tfitifr nrrt wuh thpir H i ik-iih n tlit -tn lijfit In hi- itntiatnl n ln inti'.iM Mimii th ailvii i-l llif llUliiiii-t In t i livml fttltl KflTi't-il ltni Dm ill 'lltPiall m-1 nl tli Anlllinli t t'l li a-i-r Mit-I til r-in.itnn rtach! - M In- inipl.taiit, imtnn in thi-ir iuv mc lin I the inMiit ot lh"i cnnttPirn 1 hli iitnrpilitr- hitil I I i- iihi-tvoi fiih tlnifl'f t llMftli if r( thn Ittpiit ih hu il llirir mm mm Atimifth tho ! ii on d t ii'it ilprlar- ili-la(ttiil lw, it thov toiUiliil-' irHi1ti' lMHttrn n iltflt ipiitin nf JM iral anpli at urn ill ri ill l.inin i r hI-iip nl i-ftia-.) In thflr pro niitirijf-i aiur ilmvhatp tm-n-n th" i!ttt of all th. mIh. in thp HiiU .spirit hat i hurit- I in ti-'ir i.-.iii n I ry "liti tun til 90111111 ut t h I h 11c ml .'1 In tiy niialit jr ii a Hintmp irniil m. tu rrjoic with all tin. opuiupai il trp 1 nliJ .Stiitra at the a IuiUhM ruiirn-tl x inch mgni unnuii th ini-ni li.ri nui' rtni 1 thPitui nliu 11. l jour Irci- mm tn, ai ur-M 'I r prup"ii' j ot tin" fliiir- haul faolll tali it pro tent I piav (mil i itti all ui hfaii to Kuaiil jo 1 toutl I 1 hr nil drti at It-mi, In lha prtlara nf thn 1 nnirtf aat lun ofttte Prjpasau la. .lulj .11, M.iJ MtM Ml A 1O4 li l.rt It IWrM rnlhpr I rtvcllp, rectur iif m. I'utilck'n a, "li u iu-ki-it liy .111 Wniitti leporltr U1I1 luniulDf? wli' Uur In Knt-n 11ml ArchMihup lroland Unl orwiltnl htn Mif- I frrtgiili iMrim.- liitriulu Inc itui furlliuilL mv I tern nr plarlnrj -51 it itls ttinlor the direct i;ul l mice nf pihts ami Hie Intormcill iteMipet- . IMon f 1 thu Hiatu amimrlHt'. rrpltoJ: "1 1 call v ilu w-i knru. l.nt itl-nerlnln 'tint iho rchiil-hnpi tita lnvat 1 ilily inn HUltc'l tholr -u!franait 1 Ish uu ImmiP scttlnir nut on 1 no it" rutnluii-i MUcli ky hmo liLictuIuiu Ii rt-' .. Watson Knoclcoil Out by Hltrtrlns. During an all creation lu Kast (ni Hundred aud high 111 street e arl) this morning Iwiwein lames lllgglns, ot lid 1 ast line Hundred and K.Uhth hlieel, and Kobcrl W'alson, ot nil lleddinl street. Watson was knocked down and -n-vi-ic'v 111)111 c-d lu tho Head, lllgglns i was in rented. Dub for Oas nnd Found Mineral. in AA,neiATHt rnesn I Asm nsos. Ind . Aug. J-i. In drilling a gas well lor Hr I'le-lnn hero ) est erday tho drill 1 went thiniigh a vein or Iron at .I7. feet, tin at I.ilJfi 1 1 and le nl at ..Oil lee t. Wiro Nowa In Brief. llii-l'nil-'t sui., , ri'l,.i, .let Rs.. tun Sin I r.iie l.r, --..t.riU', tin Jrr riimniAiid , A 'inn. I . I, tin r,t In, lu lenirj ttir.M rnniii-ni.. uf the !i..l in.i-iTe ollSaleltitiihsnt. I ru. e.) I'.rl Piich .n I Arllnir Hurl'. .i,lit j-.r. ell, litd tliciiibf-'irs m .11 utiiM.d if. .tin At linrlr e hump 111 1 A .in-;, Mich ?stnl-, nt ell lid l.ll iliiwii, iAit. nine them in, Th. war. dr.d wli.ti found 11.1 Wlch, lb. rt-n ,f I k, Hl.t- 1nl.nlr,ilin Mnttit fr mi Vlutiiit I .,.nt.vprti , tor VV A.liliiKtn ( lt JJly 1 nmlilutf a ivlir rli.r-iii-t, h. I lti r. j.t.riA. Hi. I.. l.llei. ,,( Intfolurlliio t th- Pr.l lent frelu the lojT.rnuT ut MlchiKAii .lid nl Tru.i l.nt Hairs atiehs.l ll.rl.fnr, ,a - d (li. I aiilan , oii-niratnrs ef Vt.ii, li-.trr. I nwlan 1 whn ,ntrl t Inns t-m t th in fpr rwn llcilj lu a ,1yna mile plia ill. 1 j-.l-rilAy in Pliilail.lfiina. Til- "i plujlnenl ef a ncin-iinlMil men III Ih. t rami, a ah p ant., I'bilail.lrliia )eat.rdax r-sultnl tu a -irlks ut ltm tlufun .'nplii'.., nf tin l'oniiAn 111. Miutliern aulmrtia nf hi l,nl4 hare I .en tnit.l sii e, .111111- MairLtit l.t tiarslnra, llir.a men havlns tn the (-,i Inur uilliita ml. re I orrr nit linn.... re army uinner au I jewalry -allied .an- 1 oualr Innn islu.i 00 li.JlOO.UUii A tr.ntht train on the iirand .Itincllon llatlmatl ru el. railed at r r.rett. .-Iat. , lait rtl-lil H id a., eral Inatlril ars -tr.u.eil I'lupftrt" uttl at o,cr llu.U'Jll i,ia ' erne, -e.( t ,, tnet l,i n i in .mi i" n ' r , I hi ii t no j'tiie Itkt hvint," I'rovldcd It bis 'line Wokius WdM-iN'sj I'Adl-. ivhlcb Is rrlntid every da). with sudden force. " I wa? not ulltidiug lo mature com forts," said the minister, t'liiilu-oil. "Hut I am," was the tart response. " and I intend to ivludo tn 'em till I git 'em." 'I lie gltttt r of di liriiim leniipenrcd I 111 ills eve, i lid lint linusu lo-ei V'tl with I shrieking di mauds fur pork and liians. ' (lur in trest iieighlmr, whoso s'cep was disturbed by this strnngo out' ty, came in next day with a dish containing tho loath mg viaiidn. "Oh, vou'll kill him," said, Kliodu. "Hei'll kill himself," said she, "with this awful shrieking. If he's going to die anyway, he'd In tt r die iu peace. She ' went into tho sick room with her pork und beans, and u sl.eo nf homemade lip a 1 mid i utter, and came li.tek pure ntlv with i. n imptv plitn. A tnat slilEiic-hS hinodei. our the hoiiso I looked in at the invalid half on limit later, nnd found him pi sit full v sleeping, with a sweet smile on his lace. I'roiu this moment incredillo as it mav "rem, father steadily improved Of nurse the iminl has n gie-at intlutnce on l the heiilv, lot 1 ilnl lint stlipose that n iiii-euline Invo of having his own way emiltl ti tiinpli in er the pernieintis efleets ot tl in st abhorred of culinary pro luels As suon us ho wes niilo to walk father came but to our hem-c, making seimu unpi'is.itit remark as ho cnuie. pi out jumping limn tho tire buck luto the fry ing pan. Hut i ouvii.e cents aro provei luall) irriliible, uid I took no notice ! 'What you netdnow in vntir present weak condition." 1 ni'.d, " is a liboral supply of alt the eletni uts necetary to renovate tho hv-tcm " -itui for suuper that night I provided him w Hi n geucroui elite of brown I nail made of the whole grim, ,v huge s.iuco dull ef lined He hegiiu to eat in sileii"e 1 could see lie was weak yet fiom his sieLuo.i, for presently n ttar tr e kled elem u his chtclr. and mv) stened the brenl ' o -s AFTER HnlSTED'S MONEY. -aj Florico Von Ax Olaima to Be tho Millionaire's Widow. The Family, Amarerl by the Woman's Allegations, Deny Them. A wotnin, supposed tn he simply Florico von Ax, has asserted In public thit she, ha.1 a right to bo known as florico ion Ax llalsted, j the widow ol Jacob llalsted, a millionaire ot tblsrlt), who died on .tune 10, lsui, at tho age o(scvenl) .three yesrs. .lacnb Hal-ted wassupposed to nave been a wldowir since 1870. Ho had two sous and thiee daughter". Ho was a vestryman In the fashionable St. Thomas's Church, In Flllh avenue, and stood high In social and business , clre lee. 1 ho alleged second marriage has lieen mado I public through a sill: b-ought by Htrlei Von Ax foi a vvldow'.silowci-rUht In thn llalsted ustvlp. Iho matter ins been In com t lor some tllr.e, but lias bteli kepi eitllct Ulitll the piesenl. Iheiiimine v for the defendants Is John M. bowirs, and ft r Ihu plaintiff, li. I cwlntnu. I Hoilco Von Ai cliilmi to bo I Itlri) -four )earsnp. she Is a cornel), man only peokhg wouianaud has tin. ellgtilllnl bearing of tho I htai ion In llfu tn wlih h siio iliimsshe ilghl- ' lull) belongs, slio Iv t dccldid biuni Ho and 1 might pase mr an Italian or spanlaid i Tin- iio: j of the skeleton Hi Iho ili-ol nf the llalsted fainll) was told lu inurt beforo .linlk'e Hugrn, Horn whom Ihe dtleudanis Hiked an order lor a bill nf parllrul ire Mr. Ilnwirs, In support of bis motion, said that Mr. llalsted married Mniia Hlabeth In ' islh. iho I dolly livid In tiiange, .N. .I..1 utilll Ihillt, when Mr Halsttd purchaad a' house ill .'i i.ust 1 orl)-teveiilli stieet. , In 187(1 Mrs. Ilulsfd die), itu.l irom that tltno Mr. llaMrd llvod wlih his chlldien at theliiull) tesHen.e. He hid two sui. -locob llarson llalsted and .lames Halite 1, the tuimci a writu omkei nnd Iho latli r being lu th II,,' tiatle. and Ihrio dnn.'h'tih, Haiiuih II., Maiy I an I Mailu. lu, in vvlinni aie married. Aillilavn- tlie.nelillilie n who tiindueed to show that i Air. Halsled alwavs iluieil nl l.oin ami -el-iluui went nut in the evenings All allldtvit b) Mi. I'urd), a clerk lu Mr llalslcd soPlct , at l.'t William street, slated Hist Mr Ual sled selili,iii bdl his unite 1 1 tut" n 1 and .", o clock in llu arii rnnnii Mr. Ilowem rltlliied Mr. llalsted llvod Iho Hie ol n wldoaer. and Hit Ids lumllv did no! know or the el lei.e- oi 1 1 tIcu Von A until Dm. l.lsill.hlx innnlbs alter the dtathur ill. llnlstetl, when she called nl Iho olllce nt .huiics M llalsitd ami sent a taid to him a-k-ing an Inlirvlew mi Important, bitsluess. Ilo would not ste hei. I mi Pels lu Murv F. llulsled retelvcJ a let ter from the Von , woman, In which was an adtlresd envelope lo Hnrlce VuieAxappai euil) lu the ha elwrlilug ot Ml. llalsted. It eouipniDlng the Inch sunt was a letter from riorlccVon si In which shn told of her al leged r, latlons with Mr. Hal-den, 11 llesald ho ei'iisldcred mi! bU wife under tholuwiof thn stalo ol .Soiv York aud In the sight ol ttod ' she wrote. ' lie said ho would take me to his home anil nckn iw ledge me lo ' Ihevvoildas his wife II It were no' for his daugbtMs. llu Bald that nt bis time ol llle ho ' could not bo i sirauged trom Ids children." Contlnuiug, she slated that Mr. llalsted usually vi-lted her between :i aud tl lu the alteruonu, only spending his even. with t her when iho tnnitu v as out of the el' v. she claimed her bustmutl bad told her be was wealthy and would leave hei ptnvlibel for st hli ileatb. Her reason lor wiling in I Miss llalsted, tbu stated, was beciiisu shn was penniless, and she believed a part of Mr llaliled's propel tv to be her right. The sioi) Unit Klorlce Von.vx bar, to tell romus our In her answeilng anidnvit. si,0 stales that I'.e date ol her marriage In Jacob llalslcd was Apill I, lhsn. Tho alledgcd wile then conllnues- M lal. hull anil aa A prnfaavlni l hnatlan and an artl.ul thtimhuiAii If. tuld me lliat h aa tine nf th- 1. Mr, men in Si fhiuiiaa'a rtterrli in rllth ar en tin, ami it. aril all hi. letter, lu me r.fer In bia l-llgloui l.eii.r llina li. aire wrote nie lhat n. ron-laurel "uttill.r) a iioi.-i .id tit in luttltl.r," and ru tlnrlog l.ent uf IS1', n i the ,t.l nieiillnnea, li-liroiittl I me a copy ef th. Hook ef l uiumuii I'rai.r, tiirnra in pan. .1.1, ami eeeet vnlh me ihrotikli ih- ir-eriitil i ercmoii- nl mar riage. Hi. re net. prn.eDt at th. time luy lu lit, llel-tie i r-ichi.u. .n't mj t'reni h Ir aiructnr, liniiii llailiartl I -ru tins after I a-nt lu Mi., Halil-d the l-tter r-l-ned in In (he inoln, , tt.p.r.. 'li II. mar saint. , i,e of Ih. ttrin nt I latl A llowara. i al e,l t until, in the .uur.. i f an Interne. I 1, 1.1 i I it that there mi reieiuuuia marriage anil that I traa tl.p-nil-iit upon n Ire, t erl irnie tn int,,, m, tr,- Mr Sand. tn. . mil me that th-It. ekn id my late liti.t ami. in tltt. I SI ut the -tal.niiMitA ni.Je liy in-, inutiriitel l ie :aut that he ha.l lui yearadtam, large amna II .remfure tiuarcoitntrtl lor t I .tutil.tle,. u.,l inr u i a.ippnrt I h- n-rrv- I tiatlunt, vt-lth .Mr Sanaa In au nfter matl. hr him tout, of a life Annuity i.f 1 POU I e. ' line. I that ufl.r, and . lh..llently meitel A Liter w lltdrawing it. f 1 ,.m the mum ut I mail, mi Inr teins iilttcit I a, peraeuuletl, Inlltined in the alr-elr r atttie I and li inte.1 l th.ea il.lendant. th. pri tar) ol in) home t-aa , on. lastly. an,l I ,. .u J.cto 1 tu Ihe tnoat lnf.ui-ll auuuranre.. tu that mv lite mi matin nilaeralile 1 knew that tint mi .au.ud tt, tie ilnr.e 1 y aunt, uf the ilel.nilaitt, Irnni Ihr la-t that a tliotty .ae tut earth had aid ieu po. title iut.real ami trom tin ititith n.ttr. , atgltincaut farl that ih.a. annnj.niee, aimiiltaueoual. i-lth my aril ling to outtnf the e f.ndanla a latter In vthlih I threat. :e.l. It they; nut aluaped, tu retaliate in the only via in my p tir-r. til liy giving tt, the pil.llr tt their lata lather whl h vtutild exptaj hie in.uiury In rilu utr. Atconipnn)lng the afllelivlt 01 Ilnrlre'.on 1x Is thai ot tbu girl who was h-r maid. Va ils tilete. nineteen jcars old, in vv emplovnl b) W'lllla ii Tuikoi, HIT West KorD-llflh street. Tha nllldavlt follows: i liahlnaervlrev,iithe plaint ill fur nine month. ' eif-ttnuiiuatr, Ijeglnnlng tlitul er. 1SS.I. Ihe plaiallft at tral time llt.d hr.t at HBu We.t Htl) thinking of mother, but .vim f-hould not ' giieve alter her. Death is co onion to all. I It is a wiso provision of nature" ' " Don't talk In me about provisions, j June," said he," 1 At thai mniiicnt the dooi was softlv pushed opiu i.nd a losy-cheeked ymiug suuiau lonkest in and made a llisli mruss the room at fnlhor. ' Dear old dad." slio cried, throwing her iitnis nrntiud i him ; " dear, blessed old dr.d. )uit will forgive mi), won't veiu.JJOli, ynu must forgive mc. I'll not let you go till you do." " Why, Cordel"," said fn her. ' ' is that you:" Ho was so weak he could nnlv sit still and look at her. while his lipiinv. cred. " Of eouise. it iitu're hippy." hi added, " I hain't a wend lo .) ngni' the match." I "Do 1 look very miserahtt '" shoasked, j n smilo phi) ing nuipiig the eiiuiiilis in her I red cheeks. '1 lie u she cros-ed and shook I hands with me. und kiseett me, looking a I little shy anil fnghlti.ed, Suddenly her lace gn w grave aud sail. 81.0 took n liair bv fattiu's side. "I didn't hear ot iiio'her's death till alter it was all over," she, "nnd tin ii my luiby wasn't ex. ected to live a.ul I ct ublu't leave tha lit. tlofeilov. l'nt when I heard jou were sit k I told I'd 1 couldn't stand it to bo e-traugt'd from you auy louder. And so we've come back hero to live, father, und I'm go ng lo tiy aud make amends for all 1 the pain I've caused you." She took his ! wrinkled old hand between hers, and kissed it nud cried over it. 'I hen she jumped up. "Why," she exclaimed, ' I've brought jou over a little ihickeu litoth. p.piug hot -and I nearlv forgot about it." She brought In a small covued tin pad, v.-msked ths dried apple aud browu bread ofl tho table, without so much ns bv your leave, ami the tiesd mo- incut that poor sick mau, who had no more craviug for food than a cauar). was stimulating an artificial appetite on a st' ui'ide ' the - ost gro- ejf ami nl ' m r -H alilli Mr.ft In flat and la the lHUrjArt at.lkf k'isifl A Hat At 101 VTMt OoUatllM And (JelllH Fourth atrc.t. X.IIIIH llurlnr the-llm- that I wis with tan mlalUS I H glH fr.iu.ntly luel Ihe late Mr. Jacob ltAltd that la W h.r r.ald.nce. He u.ed tocall ,a eft)n A. thteAttm- taisH four tune. A vte.k ,ndrinudaak-n. foe le. ariesk-i , 'lH ng ol h.r aa hie wlfa snd aodieUiiitf calllag her H Mr.. Maltted .H I had been asking the p'aln tld off aid M why l m waa that .he went tinder the iiAtne of Voa Ax. san 'jH I remember rfittlnrtt. An ocesalon Art-p in Apfll, fH 1 syo. when the late, Mr. Jacob lUlit.Ad waa, ,m that the p AlntllfrAlled ln Into ta. Itllng-reo-re. ,'H Hheaald to the lato Mr. la nrprtwnm m that I hail been ailing tltoae n.nrttlonaj nd re- H onrat-d Mm to make An eiplanatfoo. -Ths Utj H Mr Halaietd than turned lu m, tad ula gab H Untlally . 'B Xo-f.M trie, t dsn't want jnn tn thiak fthlTi H ef ton, -.r.. pn At la ml wile, aud laMra. H llalsted , but for reaaona which Icaanotwlplita to rg.H mu anil rnhteh ynu would net underatAVQd. - ,H till go.. unJrr the nameet Mr.. Von Ai, fhii ' lamy wife, Ihnugb, and It will be all right be(W- 'M long." i iH I ha.e freiitient heard bltn sidr.a. her both AS H hie wife and in other eTtfli-atln-rtenn.i h-ey iH him .peak of h-r .hl wllej anaiae? M eemed la le eery nappy In that relation. H the ri.Ai.siirr's art. ", yM The motion asking tho Court, to dfrict tM "M plalnnns to furnish ths defendants-wlttr. , H ulllof tinrtlculfts will bo argued next Mob-, lH day. Attorney lewlnson satd this morning. '.tH that bo would opposo tho motion on the' ijjB grounds that tho ueicndants -want the la- -'lH i formation nr the purptwo. of persecutlpil bit MH I client k . ' " Cv or since wo commenced t hit suit," Tie H said, " my client bas been followed and ''gtgl shadowed wherever she went. Detectives ".H euteied her Hat and even went to her room H ' while sue was s'.leep. T hey Tf Quid lust pass ,H th ' elevator boy aud scctned to core not,blug lH i loi her rl this. jjH I 'ihe plalnilff Isa teilncd woman and ber 'H , paiinlH, vviinso names slio win not give me, B stood i.lgli In Now i ork social circlet. ,H 'Mie was mul rlcd vvneii -ixtcen to the son B n( . ne nl sen orks ilr.-t lainllles, but quar- "gl I relit tl with hei husband ad they vvero sopa- 'IBBgl 1 iat"il He niierwariissecuietl a divorce. B in r that ti ynung m.iii named At, a son , ofapar' ncr tu tho tnbaeco nrm of Oall & jBH I Ai. or liaitlmoie, beetmo Intieiuated wltn vgVAl hei nud I tilleve they vvero married. I1H tH parents objeitcd leiwi'ici, aud lorccdhlm to leave ber. ' t " He at ei wards rnminltted sulcloo apd the , BB pi puis then gave tho eattse of t bo deed as his -BBS1 lnvo loi tho woman ho was compelled to tBBH Wn have witnesses to prove she was BBV marrii el m llnl-ted and also letters that will . Le iis"d as evidence, lie-signed IheletWi.i ,BB H Ibtwaid ami when shn wrote tolilmsbe sBB addiossi'ii bet Iclltrs tn li, llnward. tetatlmi .H II. vvh'.iu he wasaw.iy from homo during the .siimmci, sip, addreu-ed him at Lake ,VH Placid. .-H We havo tileti to avoid publicity In this -SBgfl case. Tiiesiandal was provoxed by tbeoc- BgB rrmlant's iviutlou tor u Mil of particulars. The .BBg. trlil will hn si'ii-jil'inal anil llii) loners wo H I . t ...lit o mu aim the llsb) hunting liyle, tBB uipiti'ili wine.i"s h.vs made atndavTt that -iflVJ she ...iw Hie couple together, and that Hals. 'IBBg. ti d In d b-i li was nil light, that.tUy wfre ;BB man led. ... .. ,H vnoiney lew Hon eiplalned that if the- rBBg alleged Mi.--, llalsted sen ceeds in praTlog the -H was niirrletl to Mr. Halstud alio WI1L receive -BH euir-ihlrd oi all the, ber -H husband, and the use of iine-thinfcf the real rBI stain, in. Hi.lstcddtiwtMl in hli Kill lhat his estntn Is-divided tbolawsot :.H New I ui k lBg1 Mr I ewitismi thinks tin re ini prftbaWlltr -BBl nf a roinppiinlsn His elfent. he' says, -would --H bosutl-llid Willi ir'J.iilMiajciii. . . .H , Struck with a Chair, '.H san e mUen, or Hi Ilroadnar, fas r',j he . I In l se Market court to-day id await, f.BTgl thn tciui nf inliiiTes Inflicted .on Joseph .'BBi I'ollin k, ol --'-' lllvlnglon street, during a ':4H .iituiriil vesierday in I ho saloon 40 East h ' Hinuil'ii.v pollock was struck on the head. ,,'H tvltlt a chulr. , ! fS On the me hand there's ? 5S t hero's n cure for jour Ta-, ,B M tnirh. Quo of these' two Oagfl M things hns got to come to H TT you that's promised' and 'H vfli ngree'd by tho proprietor ot v-.H M Dr. Saga's Catarrh Remedy. ' Ej But, do voti think thed ' Pfl mnko nny such promise if X'l 9 thoy w ercn't sure that you'd KBvytpji hu cureel ! Thnt baa coma VJ&Mfa&t'i tUou-snids, through this VM SmSmT Weincly, w-hen overythine t.1 mUKM. eLso liru failed. By its mild, (;H rHj sontliiiig, clennring and heal- 'Vfll fqiifSf 1UK rrojertie. the worst '' KAjEtiMI rhi'onif cases of Catarrh in f-flYJ lyrTJ the Iicjdlmio been perfectly raWl OJLjjlr nnd permanently cured, H mUm That'u the reason tbey'ra BgH licir willing to takn such a risk. .iWflgi Wtfg This is what they say : " It tH IrUM wo can't i-uro your Catarrh, $ Ei53 no matter how bad your " lawQ rase, or nf how long stand- .! KB ing, we'll pay you $300 in tH K3 cash " If f hey hare faith ) sSm ennugli to say tbat, isn't it H Jsui snfe for you to have little r NO ONE ...SUFFER I Dr. Tolas' Venetian Linli.ent ac's fl like a charm for Cholera Morbus, M Diarrhoea, Ojseilery, Colic, Cramps, k Nausea, ScK .'e-Jaciies, &c. k V. arrant. I li.rti'itry harinleM. (S..OATII AO H I ilVH'l VlS' hn e al.n .llr.ellon. FOIl iiflBl I si. 1 II MlilllllN'.Aetl 1'L.NF.TKATlSOilUAl. tH uu-. ate it li imu.ediai-11 I ry it and be con. meed. iBBl I'rtie ,'i au.l uil .eut. r-nlil by all druggtata. . .H Nell Nelson in Dolldom. fl in the SUNDAY WORLD of S ' Nell IscNon's visit to Sonneberv In 'H ' thn Tl.urlr.Klnn Torest, whose 12,. toVfl 000 lnhibltant, one or two ''' unlmportsnt escoptlons, ar en- snstrJ tn making doila. t- substance i a chicken will ent what a pic IbbI will in ti wnh bits of toasted white bread Vfl floating m it: ? liut this was nothing to what followed. '! Uvvo days later 'lhaukegiving, and H Cordelia muted father, llhoda, Jake.Joa i nud invself over tu liet place for 'dinner. (If course, we did not wish to disoblige i hei hv not goiug. Jaku ami Jpc promtstjd .- to bo very can til what tliey-atc lt'uoda iil raid if ll wouldn't otitud Cordelia she'd e-Bgi llko to take a little ground wheat over, , which sl.u could eat with apple or cru- .'bI lirrvsuice. but I peistiadedherit would bI l ti best to conform n little more than that, M and wo duoidLi! to cat a very l.ttlo of one '.M vtgctuble. choosing ouo wlih no veupcr i.H uor butter lit it, unl afterwards some 'H nuts mid raisins, ra' seemed n good v deal ixelted over the uti.iir, but Le didn't M mv aiiything till wo gut theie. The air , H in the dining loom was simply nauseat- M ingwitli odors of sago and ouious, nut- . VJ meg, allspice aud leoiou, roast goose and ,M mince pies. uBai I "N'ovv. i:d,"said Cordelia to her big H blacksmith husband, " bo sure aud giro 'H f.ttlu r tho upper part of the leg, a wing 'M nntl part of tho li. cut. with plenty of -,M ilretsmg. I'll bolptho gravv and vege- -"H tables." ' " 1'nihcr." said Uhodu, " it may be il well to remeiulter that nono of thosa jl thttigr, contain tho elements of " - MVJ 'I don't want no olouicuts!" roared ''Bgi father. " Curse the element.! What I -.H , want is a square meal." .H I " Aud that's just what we calcnlale to rJ 'givo you," said tho Ua.kniiitb.wtth - loud laugh. Tho wild excess aud wanton 1 extravagance of tho meal were talked over by llhoda and me for mnnv a day. va! As for father, hi continues to live with 'c Cordelia and her husband. We expected efl tic would go into n decline, but he ap-i iH peats marvellously well aud cheerful. i It's wonderful what a man of naturally' SbI strong con.titulion will urYiT. .-'- Vbb! r'n!"'-. VtaVJ