Newspaper Page Text
MBHPMpPp'li MPf- 4 THK WORLD: SATURDAY EVENING. AUGUST 13. 1892. I Iff. ' (ftellilfttlfc Mff " It u es Pabk now, Nrw Yot. II SATURDAY EVENING, AUG. 13. Bl . tt'BtCBIlTlCNSTOlHKKVtNLNGHOllMl (Intluiltnv roKugty HM , n:n month "' jll Wll YfcAII - "a.flO Bit Kjj'' Vol. S3 No- Hi310 Bjf' ttUdittfcrtt.On"r atNtw Vork aaapco'iil" RjK tuaaa matter. H t ' IWnlMKCIt OITKIMi P; li tli.prn Slat anil DiM eta.. .Nrw VorV. j muhi.p luni.KM omuu-miu hi. am. H) BROOKLYN-SOS WOTimtoi Kt. W,!, rillLADFLPIIlA, 1'a.- 1 Thorn HritMvn, in f'M foClII till ST. WASIIIMilOS-HOUtllhr. HE? E oak bgi'Anc i2 f TUB WOUtn mill not. tnrtf r mil clrriin- r fntirpf, Sold milfrttpuntllilrfur . i r (ni , ti-far-Mrpfn? if nutrrjiclrilwitnuKTliiti J2$ cridciurf, arwltaltmrfr cinvm Icrur mlur. K ? .otzceplloni vlll (if made to f.Mri'f tc(fi KJii if paid fo drAtr Mtrr or iiiclumrm. A'cvr Ki' utll (ne retirci- ri'fi- fiito rm rnnomleuce to;.. Wwa onifnt unaiattaUr manuscript. ll , C I The Evening World Prints Abbo- M elated Preia News. Sta The campaign assessment is n Fort of X3 , tariff for revenue only. ; j " SALlBMmT anil I are out." might be ff'T ' the lateat poem by John Hull. i' The supreme officials of the Iron Hull '."JJi. hav shown thnt they possess an iron tf This morning it began to bo understood 'XI'' that one cool Mate bail come with n atop. jf;S . OTer ticket. Kb '" . It can almost bo positively assumed that $ ' Vice-President Mor.To,' visit to liar SB? '' Harbor has no political alcnitlcaucv. Ki- " Itirai left for Soveulh avenue mrfneo IS' ( car patrons imwillinclv to dUcovei tlmt jEj," . the earth really has a jnmping-ofl pla-e. fcy. The "gangs " about town haio caught bl t a fever for "doing, np" pnlicomcn. Sii' What's to stop the spread of the coutn- Jk! Kion? wl; There aro loo many people who don't jpv ,r Bet half a holiilnv, dexpito the Saturday Sj' j Half.Hollday bill, ll'maurl, 11 xxoih.a-eluy ,'', ' creation. itj(, The outbreak of the cholera in Ihiropo !K hat been promptly followed by un out. && brenk all alone tho linn of nbuso of the f fif& - New York Health Hoard. KH"' Tho crime of CoiikuI Jtiuni cannot full HE1-,! to reflect discredit on the liinnageuioiit nVJ of the Stale Department under which Eh(. good offices are civen to bnd character". Im? The British Xavv is cradually mnl.iiiK jftl1 itself acquainted with tin1 aiious nul.h of iwWt' the British coast by the clllclfiit but ux- !KfJ.-. peuslve method of humpiuc ugniust Hit in. itWt'f Treasurer Hi lit report) iiioncy tijrht in fK: tho National llepublu-an trcii'iny. Very ''KSiL embnrnwslnc. lhi. when " bloi'Ka of flBf rive" must bare worked loose in tecial L'lff; localities. prl The juvenile criuuunl coiitinues to ml. c& ' vance in precocity. A Hixtecii.yrnr-ulii I vw'. burglar in I'michhrcpKii' 1ms. mbli'd ' &f ' chloioformiuK totbo othir fenlureh of his J i; ,' piactice. , I fij , A California lawyer has possibly Hived I fcitl . a nmrderei's life by o sharp trirk. It is, ijv uufortuuate tbnt trickcij applied tn tho ' ffijf; jj' encouraKemrntot murder cannot be mailu SK;, i a penal offeuso, I ptf Within only n few ilol'rus of ! l.ono. JlIi' ' That is the delightful condition of the' RJI Kick Babies' Fund to-ditv. And tliu i ; weather is otherwise faoiabla to tliu mK- little ones, too. ' hR If the sunken Aha i lenlly taised m jf I, ood form, as it is said she mav lie, tiio r)L' man who bought her at auction can i on. Mil a cratulate himself on uu especially good Si"' 4:1,600 iuveitmeut. 1 tjy - Scene, Asbury Park. Heroine, pietty fljb younc widow. Hero, expert bithiu lljl ', master. Act, u rescue from itronuins 111 1 sK the surf. Between book coiers there, tj' would be a romance in this. MI'S. ' ' !;M, ' SmnATor.'K re-election to a coloucli'V ,!jw inthe I'cniifiyhaui.i National (iuarddid ' ,$ nut nulla dispose of the limit. 1 nil. cchoc &ti A petltluu has fone to liov. 1'tiim ipH fiom Noutlcoko, asking for the ('iilum-i's j4 diamuial fiou the sei ice for brutality. ftis It is hard fur a plain man to undc rstnud sAhHHB how there tan be siuh a ns uu ou. HJHJHEBH luodueticu of silver, but it is easy to uu HBsKljSMJ Uir.tauil the phiuoiiieuiillj low piiin 8M TaV of tiller i eiy injurii'iis tu tin i-ihir 9HfO( UHius couu'.ritH. especially to India ami M.'" ilexico. V Now that a well. known unit iroperoiis tj I jouucceutlemauof Ab&econ. N. J. . has 7. I been committed and placed uuder bond $ f I for hucplui; a youue woumu dunn.' u ,J , bncey ride. It is to be hoped that the 1) I I comic-papers will cie that staple joke ') y t well-earned rest. rt t L 1 r, S A new form of reciprocity has ileel. j oped in the "Mixed Ale I'lats,"oI B j , Thltteecth street. A husband who I i sturled in to beat his nilo came out of the We f f ensutus struggle with three broken ribs E ; f and a chance of dyiui; in a hospital cot, ' j! '') It it difficult to sympathize with the police m , for arreatinc the valiant w ife. B ' X Occasionally it happens that it is the I .' . ' risht wan who diECOtert u ilaucerous tile I ' ' B I In n teuement.houso. Fhask Cox was the 0110 yesterday morning, it is moro tlmn that his proniit arousal of the tenants in a u Cticotiwiuh street bouso sa'.cd soornl Hies. tVltainly lint Imv Vrhoin he arrinl half suffocatrd from a rnom filled with smoke 011 lliu inoiid lloor ones his continued existence tn tins "right man." (loo! for I'l.Ash t'ov. TilK EL'KDEll OASL I.I7H. HoniikN is now iitulcr 111 rest nnd a priviiid iii'liiuutou jail, rhatged with the iiiurdi r of hrr father and Mop tiiotbi r, Tho critini is so re ultra;; that peoplubaMi been unwilling In believe in tilt tiiiltiu woiiihii h guiil, Mini the lMiIci.i'ii ngidnt In r. as far us kunwii. is 1 oitululy clrcipu st.'Uitlal only, llcsldes, tin. proceedlngi ill such a (use 111 Massachusetts sum to bo 11 llttli ten liltli'li 011 tliu Trench secret iiniuisit.ou plan ntnl hnwi nboiit them tjo iiiuih secrecy and nijs ttrv tu suit the Ann man iiiilid, 111 the itirpiesl on (lie bodies which is held wilhoir 11 Coioiier's llescmi'. the pu siding utile al belli;: the name luagis tnito who afteriialds lieais the i!inr'i 111 eourt. Miss lloiiniv was dniiled the irhi legeof counsel mid was put through hours of examination which must hive hern tor ture to hir. niilwithstauiling her gri it nerro nuil iron will. Tin 11 the prosecu tion withholds nil in fori nut ion r. to the evidence, or lliu proofs It has terured against the accused. Slio is inlled upon In plead in court without know-ins: any thing of the rase against her. Of c oursu, nothing should bo done bv the prosecu tion to risk tin) di feat of justice, but the so proceedings are too vecict and Inquisi torial to satisfy the American mind. It is tn bo hoped that tho daughter uinv be fnutiii iuuocent of the horrible ami nil naturil crimo ttith which she is chirgod. At tho same time, it is most desirablo thai the guijty person should bo detected and punished, ox 011 if ,he criiii.niil should ho tho pel sou now under suspicion of the double murder. CJLADSTONE IN CHnRUK j Tun Turin haling failed in tboirnrc. I diction that tho Irish members would not jiliiud by Mr. (Ii.aiistonk in his Unit mincmetit for the inei'tliio-,v of tho Salisbury Ministry, ore now falling batk to their second line cf entrenchment. They expieis eonfldonea that the new Ciovc rnmeul will not hold together a dav after tho regular worL coiiiineiiccs, and will full to pieces entirely as soon as tho Home ltulo lull for lieliind Is aunouuceil. The Irish uiemliers appear to hae ninilii up their munis not to losn tho ' prcsout opportunity tu hi euro for Ire'and I tho right of self.goi eminent in lier own allnilH, Tho ehiiucos now seem to no I that lucid dissensions ami jealoilsios 1 will ccsso or liu he'd in Hbeyau(ii laud that 11 fnir measuni of 1101111 I Hule, Mich ns Mr. (!i,aii -insr, is coi. 1 tain to propose. willieieiMi their united support, '1 lie fill ions nnd bigoted limn- ncr in which tliu Cniiheixnluph appeal to I Kngllsh pri'judic-Mto piatnnl any eoiii-es. , niou of Home Hu'n to In laud, mid ihiir 1 tin cat of its diitn it 111 the lloum of l.ordn, ' will proliablv do more tlinii any 1 Hurts- Mr. (ii.ttisniNK might maUo to unite the new (iineinniiul. 'I he Irish nioinbcrs now lime tliu game ill their own linuitei- Thev can not only secure the right ol self-goeruuieiit, but c-nii remcuo tliD prejudice) ngiiuist such n ' uieasuro oT justice lrom the Huglisb mind, and can so enlargo the ftaiieluse as to 1 make sure, of 0 1-irger I.ibi nil majority in I i-iiso of any dissolution of Piir'iauii ut 111 the near fiituio. Tfi: MN Or PYMrATIlV. Some cat ping clitics who aieM-oiistaullv on tho watch for nn opportiniily to find , fault Willi e-l'iesidout ('1 1 M t isn linvu nssuhid him nu .11 count of tliu litter ho1 wrolo to the niece of Col, II. ('. Kimi, I expressing svuipilhv fm bet in liei sor-' iot, nnd 11 hope tint mime exit uuating j 'itcumstnriio might In found through which lier uncle would csc-apci tlioextieine ' pi-unllv of the liiw. " I.ook al tlm Demo-, criltic c.uidldiitii seeking tosao the; life of , a murderer," has bei 11 the c-rv they raised. '1 he fact is th.i' tliu open enemies mid trenchoiiniK mends of .Mr. I'liu.i in mado the eiror of supposing that lii s let tc 1 was nihiit'sscit to (lo. Hi 1 ins vs, ask. iug him to con. mute Hie sentence ol Col. Kini,. (hi 1 hi-, supposition ihcy coiertly 01 opeulv as ailed linn '1 he letti 1 was itdilie-scd to Mis.1 Winn. tliu uuforiuu.itii prisoner's ' niece, in lepU to 11 In all inoiiig appeal In Mr Ci.imi isn. While cxpiessiug deep s.Mupathv for bet Mr. Cnti in ik'llintely declined to liiteii'eiln w itll lio. HlciueNouhci uucle's belir.lf. Hut it seems that Mr. I'l.i.w hm.V natutal and I luliiuielidable sMiiiathj with a siilleillig I woman is n in in the cjisut his cowaidly , a-suilnulH. I Tin; wtiroMi cabi.i'. 1 be llroailwny cable road will be tmi-nin- b) J.iuuiii.v 1st. in xt. it xx ill be a must welcome New ear's gift to tl.e peo. pi ot thu city, Tho 'Ihlrd ni line elide load, under Its new 1 ontiiieioi, is being pushed -x ith xigor. and will be completed as speedily as the 1h.11 ictcir of the xxoik will permit. 'I he fact that before veiy , long the ttieetsof New Vcuk x lit be n -hexed of the d.iilx pusemJnt fix e thou sand stiiet-ini horses 14 a b'c-.sing which few will npi'teciute nt its full xabie until tin v hud Ihemselxcs ,n its neiuil 1 Hjo.x. till 111. "- lit" Urn ..I wax . al.loioid is roust 1 licit .1 oil a plan xxbli h t uiln.'.ct ixeix nnpioxe 'i cut siiggesti d by ixnuiiii, e up to the pn si ut tune. I hi 11 will In .1 ticnili'u ruble scl Ce, si) liu sirlt IIS dl'.iv e.m o niriiiiai' in aiiiileiil tlioiibl lueik one of the- cablo'. 'Ihe '1 bird nxiliue (iiblo will iibu bu supplied Ml hull modern liui roxcinei.ts. 'Ihe cablu is s. Ill 111 ,1 uiiaMiiii a.i experiment in out iroixded tl oroughfuies, but tl ere is exery reason to bel-exo it will bo n success. Certaiulx , the superior toiufort oud coin- ' U'odious-toio! the cars will be xeiy wel couio to tho people. The cleanliness 01 tl.e streets willlin materially uided by being rtlicxed of the j daily use ot tile thousand l.oisis. Hut it needs such xteuther is we I, axe had fori tho lust three or lour witl;., when team I after team cm tho hoise cuts has gixeu, out and been tcatteio.l along tho streets, A 'and when there haxe been blockades every three or lour blocks, to properly ' appreciate tho benefit of tho change fiom ! h rso poxver to cnble ponrr. ! 7i 1: bAWt? niHUNorioN. 'I wo Horlin bmiKers linvu eoiiioto grief. 1 Inn of tin 111, nniiii'il Win 11. robbed tlm lank In which l.e was n partner, niulth" iilhrr, iiniiidl 1 1 11 ciniii, aided Win 1 1 in I gi tliug rid of thu stolm securities. Both , , wero siiitciie-ed .xesU-rd iv. They get leu vims' imprisoiiiutint each, with hard labor, mill forfeit their civil right? for llxu yenr.s after their term of inciircurn tinu ends. ' hnt Is tho way tlnv with highly resiertab!n thiexes uinter the (iertiiiili hxr. Inthe I'liited Sta'rs xxc haxo gre.xti r lespi ct for x-.eallbx and liitluentiil emu iiec-tions. Mr. I'ai I i.nkii lolibt d a Intnl. ' a shoit lime ngo and was eunxiiteil. Hi , is iioxv pnrdoncd out of prison liy I'lesi iilenl Haiimson. Mr. I'aiumii is of a highly rospo table family, barling its fflonli s. mid has rich mid lulluelitiil friends. A mslner of tlm I'.iik Bunk stole "'.Cj.tro. nnd is nl Sing King doing serxiee for tho State. A strong nunc, mint is being undo for hl.s release, hc , eallso ho is n " go. d fellow" nnd Bpelit tho proceeds of his robberies like a I'Clitle-1 mnn at draw poker among his club asso j cintes. ' I Wl.ti says that in this country there is .not one laxv for the lich nnd another for , the poor? Whoro is Hjere to bo found in tho prison records the case of any poor, I nnd friendlets convict xxho bus been par denied because, hex was driven to cr.1112 by xvnut and sutfering and to savo his family from starvation? ANOTHER C U xTY TO H AH FHOlo While soiiio cynics ate pintiug nlout mnrnago being a failure, and somi) seltiab, illicil-ui old bachelolHnie' chuckling oxe 1 their supposed wisdom in nxonliug the ex pense of n famiiy, comes to tho front 01m lions (Invi.v, of Buffalo, xvho has found uinrriago Bitch n success and family ties so nlltiitug that, as far ns knoxvn up to the present time", ho has taken to h'msolf nine different xxivos, and bus established domestic circles in six 1 States of the I'nion and three Canadian - cities. Mr. Jons CiI'.hn is atolegraph operator by profession, lb, has rallied lliu rapid ity ol his business with him into the nialriu.onial inaiket. No messages could I be sent Hying over tho nircs xvith greater ( sliced than his messages of loxo hnxn at tained when despatched to tho Ilea' Is ! of his xxiliing bibles. Tho police, xxho plncad their bauds on .tons n lew days ago 111 Hufliilo fin desertion, liaxo already disi ox nred that ho has Mrs. (iiiKi'Ns, niiilei different aliased, in Huf I falo, .la'.iicstowii. Proxidoncu, Cini-in-! nail, Chicago. Omnba, Loudon, Kings. I ton and Oltnxx.x. Them xro other counties, I it is said, to bo braid from In lad, Mr. I (inns has senttcrod bin fnx-ois so mil. xersnllv that it is bi'lioxed by the police I that tho nniiiii of dm is-xull lei pet pi t , uatul in most of the States of the) I'liinll 1 as well ai 111 Her Mnjostx-'s lloiuliilou of 1 Canada. , Wlierexe.r-lolis'telegiaphiciluliesb.ixo called him, to ."onxen'ums, meutings 01 kcelebrntiotis, be scorns to have taken to , liniHelf 11 wife nnd to luivo left lici xvhen I exer tinnsferied to nnollier post. It is probabtu tbnt ho xxill now be located 1 er I liianeiitly for a time ami that mix -MiJ. I CiIU.en who m-ix desire to seo him xxill be j able to liud him oil application to Ihe j Buffalo police. mo roas ab divohoe fqiiemiisp.'3. Nobody would ener suspect the pug dog of being n bliss piniuoter. But 1. its Litest rob, A young couple separated through jeabiusy nnd oil account of ot In r mniital nonsense. Thcj sought solution ol tin it tnmblis in Ibn dixoice limit and wcie axxiiitiug the dav that xxould bring pcr nnincnt disiuptioii and a dee n e. '1 ho husband missed sumo of the keys of his desk and went to hm wife foi them. Shu refused to gixo them up mid 'be husband seied her pet dog, 11 pug w th n iiiouiu fill stub nose, lie carried the dog nil. I.nlet the wife agreed to exchange the keys for the dog. She xxent to her bus. bund's office ami returiii d the hexs. She iiskeel solicitously about the dog -bow it ate nnd sit pt, and xx lie.tlii'1 01 nut it bad slid mix thing about missing bei. The busbnuil iiieltingly told hi 1 the pug 1x11s in Ins loom, healthy and hiippc, and she hied her thither to gather the pet with tlm foreshortened piobuscis in her anus and give it a gl-idsoniii hug. When thu bus. band enteied bis loom that excning bis wife was still theie liud sown the dog. All three irumiiitil there. A gland triple lcttiiiiiu tolloxxeel, and if any law court emissary goes nround to tint oncciuorc joy. haloed coiiplu ami ulTers tin 111 a dix 1 rcc decree In xx ill not be thanked for his trouble, 'Ihe 1 ug clog did the reuniting, unit It desenes :i lit w ueck-ribliou and a nice nlxti b.'ll foi its lewnrd. I'liMluus to tliin tho bringing together of separated I husbands and wins has beeu efltcted ! 1 v bliie-tyed and cuily-bnircd cher ubs 111 tin' guino of childun. but pug dogs 1110 hiiiiillei to haxc nioiiuil ibn housH than childten, for s mie folks, n'-il there is no lea sou now xxhytl.i pet xxith the petpi tu.ilsmer on its snout should not bo i0.u'ar with ilixorce-story xxriters, and nls xiith dram, nlists who dexls 111 this pluse of marital 1 1 ci u'n -ity 1 "A lixiiixei, tin, ss.'.O mill n djuiuuite bomb.'' This is tho xuiifg.ited uiitlit said to linxe dec 11 luiuished by I.xixu (iui iijus tu A!iosi.,xim when tl e latter slaiteiton bis vrrntiil of ilut.ou against Cl.aiiiiiini l'i;ie k. ux tha' Ai.tiNsTAXixi has got hiinsilf tu'.uiii ui.t, it Is likely that this bles'iug xxill ntipuie a special xuiicgntlou of its own, 1 x Quebec blacksmith has rediscovered tho art of l-aiuming copper. That's all well enough, but as a political ore. limiuniy to annexation cur Canadian neighlois will i.axe to give more attcn- lion to the process ot repolishiug brass. 1 It took on able army of liremeu to pre. xctit tho disastrous spread of tho hot lire which hurued that x'c6t Tliirtv.foiirth street gram ele-vator. And New York a'way has such 1111 uimy under waiting 1,. I I EXACTLY $10,977,51. 1 That Is What tho Sick Babios' Fund Amount's to Tc-D.ay. In the Last Twenty-Four Hours, S400.53 Was Contributed. Mrs. Illrnbnum's Successful Kntcr tiiliiinent In Untlciii. I 11 Vfirrs rntitntnlnv tnniieT Irr III 1 stlct. Itntiv rnnit tiruitil lie ittlttressrit it Hit- Cnshtrr ef lite exi 1 urb. XX oriel, ( I'tilltrr llnltillnii. ' lltintittiitis nl t lil!i, tVr,. stinul.l lie i-tit lit ,Xlrs, ICubcrlH, II 17 ei I nU j 11ft t It sireec, - I ThE SUBSCRIPTIOHv I'r-t'rti'? urtenaw'o )ki.I , tie, 31' ''S IIrni ll-mocralh' t'liiti Hill -nti-r- Ulnnitiit . 1T nn t amenlKti I'ullllfMiis' f'emptnj . .. f. I nil tlsrx-n IIaII f iitcttAlnmrnl. .. , :i Xi l.tttl la Muftu-n '.'J. IT Y'lrrftulo Hrttitiiltin C lab lUtl fi tn Islninrnt ...- 11 HO Wi-.t .s.init-i"ei!ita ptr-it Air . ... en ( liclei I'ol'Al'r rtilrrtalllli nt .... 11(1) lt. II MorzrnlliSJAne otlTS Inn) Kirsl av-nue, fn- , D . 0 ninn llltlto I'11 liAtPt tTfrnis ftlr ". CT II A ."'.I'l' lit" jl,in ss.l Aillllne rillnK-r -I JX Ynntirralilr ' -I -'.0 Xli.-i.nrl X'l-lion '.'.nil A S.,l ,s,.l S. abIM f Sill Arthur Ilfl'hmin '-'.en l,nnr,l I.i'O X!n,lcn I I it," a I. I'd IK l.ili) I I", XI . . 1 Del I'lli, llAl-cl anil Pun l'mtrllp '' 'I r nt',,, ,,. .ID ".tin e.ti'tlimltl .(H I 1 'Ihe entertainment ut tli llarlctn Ii-mn. i ratio tliiblliursJax- night In aid nt the Met llnliles' l'uncl was a sucecs? In exery parltcii. I .xr. All prninlses ivero fi. Hilled. i Mrs. C.oorgc lilinhttuii, .Mrs F. cicKO-y, Xllss Henrietta speke, Miss llattlo Ile'Ctio the ntliir ladles In ctinrgo ot tlio ntlalr xvero until lug In their effoits toin.ikc II n success. The result, Juitjlng liy I ho nppieclatlnti in llic aiiilli'iice, whlcli, elcspite tlio heat nnd tin I abseneo trnm ihe eliy eif llaiteinltes I tllleil the hall, Jusllllcd their expcctntl"iis. I William I". lloxxc. tlio lawjei'opencil tlieen- ! tcrtnli.mciit. lie spoke of th good acctin- 1 pltslieit b IiikKxi.msii Woi'MilncirlnBinr lli sli-k eltllilreiiot tiiepom-. Ncai litsCentre slieet nfilce In the tent incuts lie h.-ul cen cases that would Wlin- lliu In'.irl of the liar I i"t. (me el i.y he was In on nl lluse te'ie. incuts anil found a tiiiiiil;. oUixhig. 'I hey , wcru lylnz upon the Hour In pitiable iniiill tliii". hlle he xx-ns there an Ki rsisc. Whim i free liyMclui came In. The baby was .sick suit tlio physician pu-siillvd (er It nrul rur ir.stieil iiicellciiie. lie also prescribed foi tho ntliei ini tnhcisof lliu fainll.x and saw- thai pinper rneiil xvas pioxlelel. xti. Ilnxxc said he knew inselv th.u the child xveitll'l linxn illi'tl had II lint I), e u tor tho timely uf the Mtk liitlileV I'und doctor, lietolttof au ollier .slinllarense Unit, caine! muter his otxu In Ultl.inii slieei, .iinl ciiliiliiiled bx ih iraeieiiing n e chilli) as the n n.lest anil must 111111111111111011.1110x1'! I.utmn , X'is. lienigo lllrifliiuiii iing xininril's " WhIIIiik" III n inniiui'i wlileli xvnulil haxo dime ciedlt to our fair Lillian. Mis. lilrn Imiiiii Is lint ill. Ilk 1 I. illlln lliis-ell In x-o!cc, auilii 1 liiitugr.ibof cllli'i wt'iild answer for Hie other. Mg. I.llil.ill, tliu coinei xh tilnsn, 1II1I himself full justice. Ite hulled tils only In) tut ten di)s ngo. and the inciiioiy lot Ills .-nil added to his 1 .11 in un his best ' low.iuls icsciilng sumo less, initiiiinlc ihlld fiom nu untimely grate'. 'Ihe mivilt) of si,-. Iltioiatl's 11'ifoi-iii.iine was hlsphnlug niio nil lrom II 'Iiaxlita" on the I'liinci while M,'. I', l'cscc, ihe Italian tenor, sang aii'illiei mil I of the) 'aine np.'l.i. Xln.s .Instil Uli.e ntid I'lill (.(ilihoM gave, iiiiiiig other selectlnti", the musical ski 1 Mi, " xiaslei and 1 upll,' umi wcie ie- , i.ille.l tlueo lliu s. 'llii'se 1 lexer peitoiineis have mi lliri'o 1 icxlous ciiaslmis this mud nn 1 xeilunti eieil In nlel of the Mil. llnliles' I'liiul. I.ltllo Wntler l.rnn, tho slv-)t u-nM li.ibx cuter, made a slump ,ieich on " 0111,111 Her litghls," anil iiuiite ll ailiulia tl 'lh"n theie wastlie Utile ginnihl Ul.-li-lerof llllrin 1. Iloixe, Vaile (liegory, who smiie di) wilt te ns eminent it luiislcliu as lici- nintlier, .Xtis. r. iiicirwx. M10 not only 'plsjtil XXebus " lionet,) Pilllanto" In ciui. junction Willi Miss llcnilctla speko, hut .if. I'oiiiliaulcel aexcial solnlsts, as ntd also .Miss s eke .xtlss xi.iuje stone, tlio sklit il.mcer, H- liillnl' d iiuiiix pp sun ot the lime win u the) saw lici with (lie l.niiann lijli't) lnliipuiy In " I ausl I i tu Date," I'nil. tilli-ln 1 ;r ni)sil- Hi it and .unused with lilselexe. feats of le-gii- ileiualu. ,Mss Kate I.un tl, tu aiicli cuntialtu xol e, did justice tn Dudlcx llink's "When the lit Ait. lsoui)gi" AlUiil Angus sang lli.iilsi..)'s "'Ihuil Ml Xllne Ml." Miss IP 11. ilclt.i vkc, who lias Just ictuuied fiom ah, rciuleieil I'lmi'ln's ' Pnllailc" In an aitl.tte inniiiier. Miss s,t.he ileseiiessptclal iiieiittein foi' In r l.ilior tn bcli.ilf nf cl nrt..x. Hie llaili'iu Ilrim'ci.illc 1 lull ilmuteil Hie lien use uf Its hall; DII1111, l lie lloiist, of o,,c Hundred ainl'luiiilx-tltlli stleet, riirnlsli'-il the 1lor.1t ili'i-uiailons; ltlth.-rd r lex the rrintllig; llnri) Munsnu itl'tnlmteil the nU- xeiilsin eaulsj (.enrgo li.ubnii:i p.ild foi thci,-e uf txxu pt.uius, umi ( . ltlriiti.nim Ini-ihe terishinei,ts for the p.u. tlilp.iuls. No rxpeii e xMiniexr x..n lit". diuteiliiuin liu" iciclpls, whtcn .uuuiuiiea tu tts;. I 1 Goldon Star Club Entortalnrnant. :.. .n. r lucliseil plen'i" 'inci T.:!."., tlm result of an enter, .ilnmcnl gtxen h) I lie (iolileu Mar e'luD ut 11:. Ninth sex tiilh slice! In .tl I or the Mck llab) t umi,, 1 rogiuiiinic ,is tullenn: 1. Clpoiui'ir s nr- XX pus 11 v. Kttiel0), Altf s v lleufun, l.lllir Curve) 'J s.ut AuivrleH . .e'lutt 1 Seine Xjr pi II Ui,,e I uliuir tlriKll 1. hi-ellsliun C X'. tr Htlll'jw .Xtt tup .miim-mioi s,,!,. - A Meay . Cllel f.rilA Mf.tntJII I. Itte'llHtliill X I I .at nl llrt-u I Ufi tll llrunjet T I itiUltiu . a' tiM!,"! I er Lliu Uuce', I ill 11 .XI. Dull, y Itrtoiii e'nU tnei I...3J. .Siuip ( city an Ho Me-t-iitflf. ;. Ite'e-lUlicn Kaetlii llft.Xl'iur, Nrlll. U-l artli) 11) 1'rc-iuti in .XtcniM A s 1 1 r I c "lual McL'atelly II Sues llei.ild . a lit nib Malni- llAAirtr ti It- .lAtlun e ow tnl 'nt.luui, Kaliei e At Id Pu itallon dure i-)'(tr!Atf, )l. Iiarta 1. W M rn ir auel A Itr-d) tl. S.rl frill A.i J u.i . '.rjallirOiioi 11. Hoc,". Mtnilei l'o fprtan 1 0llif Al.'Carlli) III Iat,v4l Oiai el'iia a hlrliua) Club 17 Urania 1'1,'f 'c Ptitj, 1 MJnltuu, s. ('aeur, I, darr-v, It. Mfitlnlrt, M. Itatfae'ri). De.ttieriy IH. Tal)lajlropra , f l.loiy Club 111. He. ration- Prorietanttt of Ciul, .Xttjsit letup-fr. I. t.arvtr. Wttlo Kvtx Mildo-p, 120.17. I.lttle Kva Jtutlffc, tho s-hPel actress, gave aa entertainment all by l.e- llulo self lhursloy nUUt that has aitJeJ tglMT 10 the Met itables' Kuntt. Ity the klnancss ot Mr. I.ouls I.. Todd, proprietor cf l bo Marlborough Hotel, she w-as given tho ue ol Iho parlors there, and Mr. 'fold liada nlco sUe lUca up lor I her. There was a splendid audience and all s cnloyccl the wondortul work of Iho gool. hearted little artist. HI10 sang and danced 1,1 churactcr. changing tier costtimo several limes. In all .sue mil Utile hxa snowed that she xras untl'Ualli gllteil. Her song and d inte "MietH iiirnniiiiiis," was cminhltely 1 glxeli and her fancy Jig wae cicxer. she also sang ' I'm Sol llaby Xlehte," " l.nxe anil Duiy," I inury I It lie l-'eltmv, "i ry inby, , mil 'The .xet'ir's Mall ' I he people present 1 loinrlbuteil whil the) llkcil ainl Ihe ammiht , deposited in I no asket tj','t IT. Jsynta 1 'iirrlsh sent a nmtrlbiitl m whli h nns ndiled 1 in tlit'cnlht'elnn. I.lttle hxa will no tuAs. bill) I'aiktiun time. XXIicn be ie- turns aim v III jlxe an eniertalnuietit at t lie tnpc) IIoimc. Three Clever Girls. t Pert-en Itnll, III lourt stnet, llrenklxn, un ciileitalhtiiciit tnr tho Mtk Ilables' Fund was glxcn XXednenl.ty excning. Miss KKii-i em n MdiMns, .Miss Mrtlo sillon, nutt Miss I oulse Itotkteller, ol .'iti.'t 1 ourl street, were thu prime inoxeis of the atfjlr. niul descrxe iniieii eieillt tor Hit" mnnner hi which It was t-arilid 0111. Mrs Mchhins gaxo the use of lici pi'll Miortlns uhejisnls, and Mlsj t;xa Mlnuiis inaiiagcil Hi.' snine, ami the pits, gi ainiuo below was injoyid hugely by cveiy one pieseiii s.imuel Minims titled 11s in.ui nger. and opei.ed tliu eliti iliilniui'iil by slat ing I's nbjici. Al ihe close ut Ms remarks tluee clii'tre tnr'l 111. Kiemmi Woiii.u and iho Mck fiafcy 1 umi weio glxcn with n will, xie-ssis, iioei ,x e 0 , pi mo iie.ileis, hi court sited, feu winded n le.nnpil pnu tor Iho t-xe .liiggratul'iiusl). 'I ii keis lor iho entei tiilhiiiei.l were HI (cuts inch. I hi tilluixlng xxas Hie pniieriitntiie: I'lano hiiIo. 1 lorei.ic Mebblns, llei Itntlon, "Ihe I'i'eiithinnii and iheri'n.)owdir,"""jil n Minoiis; .song. "i. noil Mght, Hut Not t.ooel H)e,' Mamie I'latt; Hi eliiilloii, ihe I,)im and 1 hit etline,' Kssio Mioaiiuu: Itttltnlloi., I tin 'l.i.xlnr; lolln m.o. Joe l.eivln neeoiupn. tiled bx lloreiice seblili,; smug. "Sloll) alii I .mil the llab)," .-., f. jjeobs! Piano -solii, llipnrlsli Xil,'ht; lucltatloii, ".Neath tho Mndiw of 'Ihy XVIng,' Hun-mo MpuMiih; Dlaioeue, "'I l.e Iloiiiul dhl," J.auiolto .Mr. I .ilt.'lillii.S. Simon , Hoieiieii,stelei,e, Loillsu Iturkicili'r and Nellie Kgls'il, Duet, l.aurette Mrl..iu,'lilln and I'l ,renco Mi-bnis; Pi inn "siilo. Horencr Mebliili.; 1(. citation, "Ihe Ihilcil XXtt,' Sadl" M'lioiis; sung, " 'I lie It.iml 1 . ' 'I b' resn hew In and Hen ha islmons; llei nation, I nuni xiason; song, "I oxe and Duty." I loieiiir Mebblin; Itielintlon, Nellli" Igbi'it; X inlin solo, "'the Angels serenade," .toe l.ewin accompanied bx Flureni 0 Mebblns: Hi citation, Xllss I, Xlcl nugbllu; .song, ts K. .lat-ub", Jig, .Xljinle Plait. Lincoln Chlldron'a Oift. ., lit .'i.,r liiLlos'd please find $.' whhh pleaso place to creelll of Mel; Hiiblcs' 1 uud. our papi gate us the inone) to use as xve saxv lit, so we si nd 11 to 1 ii, hoping It will cl x some little bJtiy good, xxn llxeln thctouiitry and lunc a llltle li.iby brother, and xxiieii he is sh-K we ulwaxs ti el liuJ, and th" poor babies In tlio tcneinenl.huii'us must surfer auiullv tu liol 1 weather. 1'iass K. l.istiu..s, ' AM inn M. I.iseoi.s, 1 itini r. j.isiois, XX ill.l'n XX. l.isreiiv, l.lcn L'uxe, I. I. Tho Girls Desorvo Crodlt. 7 e. t.hlnr 'lue '.".'.s'.' tint xxas hent, iloxvn on atur ehly by l.Hjby Heyuolds ixaseolleclcd st a fill licld by feur llttlo YoikxIIIe glilsnt t.v; ICast Kl.-hl)-slxtli slieei In olio of .Mr. Hulgen's finis. xei-yhiird lo oollecl the n,'-.".'.s'-'. our ns-os nr fiom ten to tldr Me n ) ears. .lu.n XIakosix-, I Xo.sfs M. AH. 'Oils, 1 Alia Itrxsollis, j h'txu T!lll KI ASIJ. I - Saved llioir Ponnles. I J ll' ,',! 1 ,Mv biothci anelislster and 1 haxe saxed up I oinr pennies foi Ihe sick bnules. 'e will ' send the luxes Just !is we sivedllie .noney, ami we le pe It will do some poor babx good. j Kit. a. I'ostpiif, IIA7KI. I'lHTr-l l.y, DOS 1'IISTM I I 1 tits Central Park West, Maclc Ltintcrn Slioxv. I Jr. II, r.lih.r 1 liiiliiscd plcne llnd fl.'Ti the proceeds of a ' fan and uin'tc lantern shoxv held at vtr.' Kast Sexiiitleth street. Ho, Ing It may help the llltle nUes wo wld ll) iur Inore Ilia next time. the little workers wcie: Jeise,ih . l.cxl, 1 Ileitieit J. iiahn, 'iheocloin vniijtinu, , ifebecci Iexl, 1,'eisc ( n, e 'i 11 1 , ,lntob, 'Iciiriico 1(c) noldsnnd Willie ilogan. I Yerstb'a Tlianka Offorlngr. I Tollr .lrt) , hlndl.i-aUd myllttlcmltctn.xourrund. l'xe been sick in) self thlsMiniti erand I know- huxv li in tl It miisi bu lor the poor 111 IK' ones. I inn lour) ears old. I.iriil 1 mil 11. 1 I Two Good Collections'. 1 In 11 , t.Uior ll closed )uii will please tind a postal order for '!..-i0 colli cled by (Hate and l.leuore lli'ssels from nelghhois and fileu-Js for tho I eiii'Ill of the Mrs. nabte.s' I umi. Hoping this inlle will help .1 slid: child to goi. xve It ana bluing, xve nre with wl,lios for t'je 1 uud. i.ii.m n: anil 1:1. i souk Hissris, Yi West itiiulex.iid. Throo Harlem Girls. Trt Ih r.ttir 1 Inclosed )nu will llnd 4o, the picceecls nt a f.dr held on 1 1. si axenite, between One Hun iliiduml Tweiiiy-tiist ami oiie II illicit t d and 1 fti'iiD-sieoiid sin 1 is, li.x tiiesn 1 hi re girls. I !'( sik Mel Aiiiiii is, ll'isir. Mi Unix, I .xiti.i.n: Win i. Two Stamford Girls. ' Tit He I III..! I lease tind In.-losctt if. 1, the j rccecels of a collet linn ana limeiiiieh' ,taiid hild by us fur the lieiiellt ot iho Mtr, les' rim.J. , 1.x 1 M xx Ml.! rx, t .lx hi ii.k, I'raiikllu stieel, fclauuoid, Ci.mii. I Sent toy Throe Glrl. , 7.. I l.l.i r 1 I tlnl thai jou haxo glxcn mo credit foi li ix lug contributed 1. 'Jo to the Mck llnbles' I'liml. '1 lie iiiviip) was e-oulrlbiitcil In Huee thliilien, .Xgy llurub), .XiUsgle llornnyiiud Allte l.llllt. d. LiiiLC, l'Vlenda In Greenville. Te the r.U:r 1 liiclii-ed plea-e find to, of which iri.OT was ci llicted by Hll'h mid drace Harms, and Hie rest, s.:i:t. w js made at a fair held nt Hie 11 -Menu' of I. clllll Harms. 'I lie inlltiM tug little , Ills iis-'sltd al the tables! .Mar.ilii lliowu, Nellie liassel, Kdlth (iiacenud Hlz.i. belli ll.u 111-, nil ol l.ieclivllle, .N. J, ! A l'roit'.ixblo Entertainment. 7.1 a. .1 An entcitatuuieiil was glxcn Tucsdax, ug, ti, at the residence of Ms tcott, nil r 'Ihlrd nxenue, and ill weio icalled Hiruiigh I ho 1 efToiisoi the uinitrsl.'iicii, all 111 dor louitetn x eaisof tike. I l.iiiir-torT. XUxiir .sroiT, Anmi Mm, Hcsik An -M.sttrs .M. and J. An. Twenty-first Street G.rla. 7f I. l.h:,r luclojid will tind postjl cotes for is .mi, tho pi nereis if a fat.-hell .u,r. ii, ,jr ihlldica 01 Iwenix.tlrsl slieei below Tenth sienue, ' fir the lencht of the Mcx liublis' I'liiul 1 e.iiACi. xttiiris, ! lllllk xixn:s- I Hex PikI'sai 1, ' etininttlee. j Floronce Levy'n rati-. ' 7" ll' t.lllor I Inclo'Cd ilinso find T.".'."., being the pro ceeds of a Hiiall fair h'-ld at tho cernerof l'ii-annt avenue and dne llundrrel .I'd Muc t re-nth street by dormer Lev), f.xrlx-e nld, .V.'l tuat ono llundie-U uud Muiteiuih street. I Guests of Bay House. Tn Ih fdllor , inclosed find chec!: for tO.Ru, which xvas collected from thogucjtsnud proprietor of the liay House, uelltort, L. I. 1 S. I'KOiirv. I May's Nice Gift. Tn 11 . r.l(lr I Inclosed please find eio, which I xvlsh to be 'added to the Kresli-AIr Fund. With best . wishes lrom ma v. ' Prospect House, Hunter, N. V. I 1'ur other Irltrra are paiir '2. M3Ms'(2Xi2LiLkteMltZ&ri'&ti&& til Heligoland Sun-Bonnet. , I Ihe lleilgoltnd Aiin.liniiuet Is n very rut 0 I ploconf licaigcil-for jniing hulles. It s put forward ns a timely thing for wear nt this! season In tho count 1 y. J I 1 iis $li ' Jtf?KBn?5t" ' I I THK un 10,11 ANn Sf'-rONM-T. 1 The bonnet ts cool, shnav nnd pretty. It is made of pink zephyr and cmlroldery with a foundation ot double stulTxxlth ntirf muslin 1 put heliveeti. 'I hure Is a high bunched 7tph)r crunu. Mrs. Nary Frost Ormsby. 1 Mrs. Xlarx- 1'iost Oru sbv organ! 'id the original Frances Cleveland Inttiienco Club, "he Is a member of mj'os, nnd has fnr) ears stood at tho head of oient the most success, tut schools fir young ladles Hi the city the Scnbury S-einln.iry. ri 8 '55 W I Kducate.l at V,i5sar t'olle;o nnd married eail) In life to an 1:1 1&1 opal clergyman, sho j xvasthroxvn on her own icoirces by widow 1 hood, jirnvcly choosing liule-rcnJcuce' to thu rotrered help of relallxos nnd lilends, sho 'has proxen what deteinilnallon, altllty and 'cneigyin a woman ecu accomplish. Mre. t Drnisbv Is Vice-President for New- Voik of the I Woman's National Press Association, editor of Hie lYmv , inker and eonespoiids with I several out-or-to.xn nrxisr..iiorc s-.sta....,M,..lM,.. .l, , Mt... S". (J 1 ht'MIAT, ArilCrT 14, 1 urnsiAir. i( xliniMrtl I'Ari-ix, xviih,;io I e;iom, ) X I kks a It Ili-ctiAiu-t, llniiloil riniiatutia, ( Sartete..a Potalura, ) ejillt l .Mudini., t-ttlf.-. X ) l'1-.-x! n. e-r-imnf I'oialo Smut, t N r.i&"trl l'lti lltilie", .Xlrahril PtilAttil'S, ( Silritie 11 ana, e urn, s ) Lett lee t-a'Aft, Flfne ti Die-ainK. C XXaftra, e hp. bp, J let. C'rpani, e'etflpp. Sll-IIK. J Sl'it'kp I Salmor, Mi-p I Tomslopa, ) I li)pri'ii A',p. Aiivrl's lei.J, X "" s p-u.P-'.p-'wp'Sm' .rf- " u...;, p Loose Dress for Girls. 'Hits yluk prim dress Is made of the ad. 'mil eel louse shape. 'Ihe llvht-llulng lining of the bo.tlce pait fastened Invisibly at the b-ick Iscoicrcd plalu xxllh the print, then the i '! skirl breadths sewn toget tier tltd, are gath . ciedleavlnifaheaillnir 1 . n.iiel -l4 meh deep, ! aud set on tu iho lining, Imltatlou Irtsh I guipuic. also gathered xvith a heading, glvo the epaulets falling oxer the short lull print , eleeicc Quantity ot uitleilal rctjuli e-el J t ' jards, and illtj, Inches xxue. I A Pair of Plucky Women. I Mrs. Henry Weaver Is lh.o Deputy Sbeiirr I of Uoodlands, Kan., uud Jal.o Wilson Is a Kansas despcrnJu who for a long tliun has amused himself ex adlug the nuthorliles niul disappointing peopla Hi reward. 1 be other day ilrj. Weaver heard that he xvas lu a ccr- tnln Biloon. Hie secured a xvnrrntit and going Into the Miloou, ahu tapped him on tlio shouldtr.anil.xxhllesheltllhlni he xvnsiinlcr arrest, "lipped the liinilcilffa on Ids wrists. Ilr xvas l no astonished ex-en lu repl. Mary Mutiny, of 1 lltslttrg. went lnutlu cllar tn rnkedoivn tho furnace tire before go tug to bed, and made such n dust that n bur glat who had secreted himself sneezed. Mary pretended not to hear, but xvent on with her tire, then walked upstairs leisurely tn her I mistress, xx line she announce, her dlscox- rry. The two women then x-.ent doxxnstulrs to the furnace cellar, pumiced on tho burglar, and held him until tho police could be called. - Don't Bite tho Thread! " Hon't bite your thread. It Is silk," xvas tho xvnrnlns a man gaxe a young xxetnan tho other cloy, xvho, Intent on her inncy xvork, xvas hipping orr xvith her teeth the frequent ends of silk her w 01 k produced. "Serious cases of lcad.pnlsonlng liavo resulted lrom the rrcctli'c, ul "lll. thread Is sonkcet In acetate ot lead to Increase Its ivclgbt." Chafing-Dish Breakfasts. To Use Op cold mutton or cold boiled ham put In the dish txvo tablespoontuls ot butter, half n tenspoonlul of salt, a tenspooiitul of lemon Juice nnd a tablespoonful of currant, Jelly. Hcai this mlxtuie until It Is hot ; then put tn the slices of cold mutton cut thtn. Al. most nny cold meat, lamb, veal, ham or chicken ma) be heated up In n chnlln-r dish In a llltle gravy; mil, If )ou wish a curl I. cl dish, a tenspoonlul ot entry may he added' lu a pint, uf cold meat prcpait-d lu this. .j, Russet Shoes. The proper caie of iimsci. stioes Is a fiic- ! thin of Import Just noiv. A word of caution: I A lijuru all so-called russet poll-hes, sluiply i rub on" the shoes each morning xx lib a damp cloth and then polish them vigorously with a soft, dry bi ush. They will soon acnuiion Mupilslng polish without, a trace ut stlekl IIC'SS. - - i Love and Fame. ' Hcie Is what one woman xxillee: And what ot the last days of love and mine ? For one the circle groxvs xyhler, for tliu olherelny i . li) day It becomes nanowcr and iianoxxer. I I.ove basks In the sunshine, fnine lurks lu the 1 gloom. Age onl) diaxvs closer the true hearts j of cai Her) ears, and unites niori! nrmly the wedded souls ; but. fume, alas I tiles oh to ueive-r tlelds, niul lu the cud the bioken he.itt , cries nut for luxe nud sympathy and sobs forth Ihe plaint, "liai Is fame when1 xvtlghcd against oxe nud Iilciidshlpi" 'Ihe' one Is fleeting, the other lasting. (Ilory xx-ancs, but afreet ton inci cases and the thiol). I ' bluer, pantiog llto of a woman's hian stops not to Judge, but says : (ilio mo lox-e." i Lemon Colored Diamonds. l."uinn colored diamonds aic hell by Jew , rllris as extremely rare ar.d beautiful. They me not" oft color ' as ordinal liy supposed, but aro rxcu more lnlinble than tho puie xrhltcstcne. Hut the lemon shade must be exact, not )elloxv nor orango tinted, tint thu precis-; color of thu lemon's, uu'.sUc Una. Wages of English Servants. The xvallcr girl xxho hi ought In ruy chop ni.d coffee, a London leiicsponilent writes, Mid she got i'l-: 1110) per ) ear, and xorked iroin 7 In tho morning till ti at night, and ' S.Hintlaj ntghtsstn.xcd till 11 and ll.'IO; gets her loud nl the place, bur slerpj aivs.v. Inxxpilxatehutel theglil xvho decs chamber woikauswcis the led, runs with errands, bl icks tho boots, gets 8 a )ear and board, but lodges aw ii), A cook who has been In i her plaieslx jcJts and cooks ftxr forty bo.xs, gets i'lK, board nnd lodging, xx hlle tho house maids nnd sewing xvomen set 14. House maids al tho best tons 'S gel lrom jcld to X'.'O per year and bcaid nnd lodging. Ilicbai malds lu hotels get In wages ft um nothing to At'.'O a ) car. Lyonnaise Potatoes. A nice way to use up cold potatoes Is a la M naniilsc, cut Hie ootutoib In slices, put1 a heaping tablespotinftit of butter Hitlii-lr)-lug-pan, and tr) nu onion, cut In dice, 'Ihe.i add tho potnines and I t them H) c.-irefullv, I turning thrin .is they brou.i em nui scin to Ih'othci. spilukli'ii teasponntul of paisley oxer tlicm xxlill" Hie) ate Hjln, mil a-nc tin l.i xxhen tut) are browned. ' Another Baby in Pc.'itics. I 'Jheio ts nuotlier tatty lu pslliks. This1 tltnoll Is Alien hvan!, who xrlll flguie In the I corning campaign as the In-nntlle I tf Hit l'coplu'a party. U.ib) Allco Is tho I granidnughtcrot (,eii. Wcaxirand the apple j of hlsejr.eviti as 1 a by McKee Is the apple of j llrnjarulii llairlson's rye. the sbaici xvith llahy Itutli the mlsinitunont her sr, which , clbquiilillcs lie r tor the I'tesldency, but sho Is a Jolly llttlo helig, tirlmintuguxer wim cor- dlullty towards till comers. Miollxrs. xvith Iter lather at iittiiuiira, whcio Mr. Kxi'titcon. duct, a HtniiHur.c uenspaper. L'ulo.-iun- t ntclyfrrtlic com Ion rt farm e .,",,, l.tnns f a radical Democrat auj xxill guuu: forl.rnverntidr.aliylpuh. uu' ' I - President Carnot's Wife. ( Mine. Cin.ot. the xxlfent tho I'.c,Ment of tho trench llepublle. is an cnrli rls-r nn malterhoix lite she was up Iho mght be,, . ( Tho laiger pait o: her liudwnd', HJ,' w hMi I )"(iu.o o, ," hanjs oxer to her s keens the n. coimts, pa,s tLo ,,.;,,';'; nnd attends to his charities. Mielsa I'rieii ' cal housekreper. and cai h d n his n soss'tin with her e-ook, when tho bill of tare is rn fcrll)-il. She rends KnglPh, and looks over the ion Igli papers. .s,e Is, ie,or, 0, cr, on ' the lcst.drcseei women lu France, and Ix fond of sncl il lire. , s ( Buttermilk Cake. tine cup of butter, two cupj of buttermilk" ( three mi h of sugar, half teaiiounful soda,' llxe cups of flour, four egg. Heat butler to a cream, add sujar and yotki oteggsj bcalasalnuntllxcr)llgut,ir.asuihi I foiln tint, ndd to tho but leriullk, stir untr elpsolxed, then add to other mixture. Ado tho Hour, leat until smooth, then stir li eiulcklyth.exxhltesof the eggs, well beater. ' Hake In moderate even about threc-rpiarteri uf an hour. The Horseshoe. ' Tho popular Idea bot tho horseshoe f0, luck Is lather In the nscenlcucy just non- ( Walking la tho countrj JOii xxill teemanj molds c-)tng tho reals wtstlully, m tho hop. that they will bo lucky tuoinrh to nnd i horseshoe. It found tho shte Is glided ant I hung with bright ilbuons oxer tho drawing room noor. Just nbutit tho tltno thefavoitte swain Is expected. Russian Weddings. First the In Idegroom's paients sitlxfj t thimselxes tuat tho bride can splu nnddocn not limp. A fexv days before the xveildlng tni I brldo Is taken lo batlio by her irlends an companions, 'ihosoip usediit the tlra-jtn ' present from the brldermm. 'tho bathlni sponge, through wldch ribbons aro pissed,! carried on along polo In trnnt of the brldo Tho young womnn sings as the proccsiloi ' a iifssiAN rr is tj,Ti:j-si. ndxauu-es. I ho platform of Hie lathlng-hooi Is spiHiklod xvith beer. It elerendsupoutt ih" odor Hem iho boer whether thogrooni to Le n henpecked liuslanJ or not. As soo-ji . tin- bridal procession enters the church c I tho day of Hie wedding tho bride and brll ' cioom stall doxxn the aisle In a madrao there Is a tradition that whichever oa places tho foot tlistonthu cloth In fronti ., the altar Is to ho master lu tho house. In some guxcnuieuts the young wife I obliged to pull oft her husband's bviits lull pii'seticeot the guests ns proof that tie I master. A xx lil-i plrc-el there purposely falls f i oiu the boot andthe husbaiul strllr ' tlio wife with It three tlni's. After tl: giectltig he Kisses h"r. The liussian )M'i values his ivlte tor her economical propcrtti ) MI'.NI. ( Mosnxv, Al'ill-BT 13. ( lIltlAKSAtr. ( Fruit. ( Oatinpat. Suar nntl r'raam j lie-Pi llaeli. trltd l'olatort. f Omelet. ) Teaat. Conet. f I fSCH. f Ihlu Slices ctfCald Ttftf. ) Mtnlpd I'ltttlopa. Mtced rotuatuoa. ( CtinKcr XVtfcrt " (. riiSMii. S liHiniiTtftnf. u'ri"1,'?,lj';';r'. ItBPf mi H.tiile'iei. Iloiltd KIM. ) Mdevt'd l-ui'umber. corn. ( l.eltiice.-sala.i, Fttnt-h Drttllni. ) XXalcrs. , Ctittit, t, I'leirlpple BaTatian Crtltn. I et..ep. ......S...-..J- -s. HPrVfSr--'"P Simple Moth Preventive. A sure piex-entlxe of moths nnd onerio rommouly known Is intisy. t-prlnklo tansj leaxcs plcutliully about furs and woollen and inotbi will nexer get Into tbein. In ceitalu household where theie xxas an execs olbceldliu H xvas kept free fiommotluh" generations with nothing but tansy leaves. Children at the Fair. .ccurdlng to Chlcajo authorities tho HUM ones nre going to bo well looked alter at the big World's Fall. 'i here will hi a chtldien's homo and crcctie xxhcie the llttlo o'uescau he loft In safe hand' dining tho day uf sightseeing. lnian) cases It wlllle Imp ssltdo firthe mot-flu, to vis the Worlds Fair without taking tteu children, nnd Hi so doing they will wish tot as tucmsclvcs tola"1'' fullest ndiaiitage o! the cducatlouat facllIllM thfienlloiid. .No lliu lux lug been miilo by the Hoard oc Dliiciois lor a's building, md no mills hitliu heoii .1,11 10,11-l.ited ter this r. po e. Hie Ileum Jl bull Muu.iriir-i l"" ilt" up the wutko. I. Hiding aid mPV bi'nuilul siiiicturo whuh shall u"(l', entliel) leiclillUrn and lailr l'l,trc5''' 'j. llo.idlias vrdi.J a dfstrable locat loa M jotnl.g Ihi Woman's Hulldiu: on which to build th chiwrcn's home. Jin butldln twill htxjau """""MV'0.... couia!uli,! lllll- ehalrJ and a Ji foim.troui which sie.eODltuon W u el M' le given to tho u'.dtr bc)8 and gl rl- foie-l.'n countries their IW'!"' ,,, nndcir.t.i:ns..uU tmiu.tint tacts ecnnt with thetr hUtoi). 'I hese tulke '" D J' by klnJoigailnois, win. will t he t. groups of cldldien tu sej ihcriiuni'' the count tics auout xvhlch tho '"'r herd.