Newspaper Page Text
I ri7v' .Hv!755wnBB J THE WORLD: SATURDAY EVENING. AUGUST H. 1892. 5 '$ pw - i - i. . . ,i ,,i -,..., i ...... i i i i. , .I.,, ., ,, i ,, 4 tH if)' MtmWmMM ''""'"""'""""'""'"""ItMtllMt tllttMtMlttirtrittllllliMIMllllltllltMlllttllltitltPtltltttMttltllltlTM7lTt'l"ligll lllllfMIIICIl'limillllllHHICIIIllKI f 11 1 ;- 5 s S la ;; g 1 tM - V ( S k k JOk II fe. JMfc. Hk MUSI il H BM H EHZS ID B - 5 i '?'M i !? i. i "pviiip rnnxir M phii i i ' l7 yj; I f 111 I I L I I 14 fi I 1 111 IL M1 I EEI I I i r if hi i u run ir g i j II - : ( x wkl xWw HI I VnV HI L.M I S - - HI III 2 ) " BF r Hr M Si Hi ( I; s H SJ ,),: 5 1 ) s J E ? 2 - (?) S ! i ih I H h " " & 1 LLl 1 UUK Ik) m t' I H I By David Christie Murray, Xsdealer f J I Mi TAfl J? T V V ' s- 1 ' s 1 I filll 1: ! ! I IN ADVANCE I f 1 III rmirnH M WILL BE THE COMPLETE x lj I it I '! SUMMER i . - ii -- 1 1 I I j 11 U NOVEL GIVEN WITH Il I W SAVh 0f f I (A) 5 " I ) m SI - S W cijl I j ivUvnl. 5K to-morrows 9K !! 1 4 copy. I I I W 5 ' ( 2 3 ) m S III ! S l ( 5 ' ) Is III ';B A ;'( ? ; j s 'id) ( f a ml Z ' J 13 111 '-HI LJ SUNDAY WORLD. I IIIIIIIl I () -y 5 5 e-y- s ( , M l m J! '(IS " S ' III U Ml s .. ' I f I i S I" -- at 5 i KHi A ' 'ntiiirnitMitS.IiiriMiiiii ii IIIIH.-.IIIHIHIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIHHIIHIIMI iiieiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriinrMiriiiiinit:Hrtiiiiiiniiiitmiiin iiiiriimi iiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiLiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiHmiriiiiw.iimiiiii"iiiiiiiiiiiniimimi.iiniif (A) vlH FIVE Nffl m NEXT WEEK. . 'Things Theatrical Beginning to Move a Little. Uo AVolf Hopper nnl Other Old FuvorlU-s to Ho llenrd Again. "'lUe WUIle s-quadion" will baTC Its nrst inetropolltaii rrodu'-tlon t tUo Konitocntli street 'I lieatio Monday night. It Is tUo work ci .lames W. llarklns, jr., ana deals nllli tbo icccut Cnneicisor Nations at Itlode Janeiro " to protest oifnlnbtthe peiMsttntbrlsandaBe tolerated In Jtrayll." 'llo iilnclpdl bieni- lllno the (JianJ l'laa nt ltlo, a i IllagiM monnsteiy In the lntcrloi of soul U America. nd the grand uarDoi ot lllo. In the cat will jo llenrj, Ilrccr (lianilln. William liar, conrl, Oscar KdRle. ltobcrt llllllard, Antolno llutlei, (.traham Henderson, Alien Vlscher, ' Mint,' I.outa Hdrldse and Nellie ale :e!son. l II. Solhern will begin his annual season nt the lyieura 'theatre luesday night In Mlis .MniKuerlte Jlerrlngton's play uitltltd m aptiiln Icttarhlalr." This ejmedy had a Hnglo uutluec performanic some months iico at the I.jieum Theatie.and was received with Bome !aor. Many changes hae, how rer, been made In the play Mneo then, and thise changes aieaescrlted as liupr Jemcuts. Mi. Sothim plays the pail of .in lrl-h ofllcei In the Iloyal I'usllleis. Ills lead n; lady will t'C that capital actress, and plersant looMug oung woman, Irglnta Ilarued. He Wolf Hopper, iccrtiltcd by his fiiropean trip, will again disport hlmslf In "Wang,' atlhellioadwa) 'Ineutre, Monda) night. 'Ihe managemen'. lclloctlnt the vitality of thli tiry nimnlng "burletta" has not teen terl i'Uly Impaired, and the IndUatlons aro that this managerial belief Is correct. Whin the lnteiislln Waug"dles, "The Lady or the 'I leer:" will te biibstltuted. l'retty lit lie Hilla Vo will head .Mr. Hopper s company. 'Ihu preliminary icason of tho standird 'Ihtatro will be opened tc-nlgut with u pla new to this city, entitled " Lad I.i1." Tim author of tho play Is Laureucc .Marstoa, the hiisbind oi the st ar, I llllan l.ei Is, w ho is not, omplctely a stranger to metropolitan uuol i ni es. 1 ho action of I.adj 1 11 " t awes plaeo In IHilo, and iho people of tlio play are irn Mans, Auitrlans, Americans. Ilotipinlans and 1 renthmi'ii. 'Ihe east will Include uustavus I.eMuic and W. A. W hlticu. '.leny " isihe name uf the phu that will be Inuodiired fm the llrst lime to a.Nei, Yoik MidliMu at tlm Windsor 'Iheatic tcnlght. Jliestai will uo .1. W. Hummeis, aeh.iuiuter ''Kir, andtho leading feiiilnlnti ink will lie Ir.tniHted to (Iraele Kinmett, a Hnubretie. ' I I D " lias been uitrd in Kiigland, and .Mi. smuiuers appealed on tho othi r sido many iiiik-s m me part that ho will pljy at tho Windsor. ' rabi'iHomaul" will open the seas n of II. -. JUner's People's 'theatre ic-nlght. It will e presented by Alden Jlcnedlcfs company, Hicliidlne Walter I.anrencc and .Miss Frames i leld. Air. Ijrence will appear In tho title "le and .Miss Held will Impel touato W Ilia, Jliefaliblcs.swlfe. There will be bomn very iiaLiUomo hcenery, showing tho Hay of maples, ibumus in eruption nnd an earth ipiake, he three hundredth performance ot "A " Nn to i ninatow n " In this tlty, wilt bo icle jiMtriiat I he .Madison Squnie 'Jheatro Aug. -'I. w h,n ever) liinlnlne Usltor will bo pie juited wiih n hilver calendar, n companion to . V . i?ller thermometer thai was the MuieMr u'VJ two. hundirdth erformanee. Anna ii,-rt anrt """y Conor will, during tho com-t.f-J?J, " id new rertes to their songs. J,,!, inB Mccaim will on Monda) night ic. "melierpan In tho skit. tr ii Mct " remains at Turner's Thea. lii.V.i"?'' Il uaa Patiently stayed thrnuph tho luitnse Ueat-a that would tr; the cu- durance of au comic onera. Dixie Is non re heurvliig a new feature iallid "'Ihe srwn I Age of Diuung," that he will shortly Intro-1 duco Into the second ait. Just uuiv luug 'Iho Mascot " will inn has not rl oeeu dennltely deilded, but another reMval mill tiko Its place when .Mr. Atskln deems 11 ad visable to make a change. Ml-s Mom Hndlu) i-ou, who made n hit o.i theioor uf the Madison Squaie Uardcn last hunday night, win sing again u-moirnw nlirht. She will Interpret a number ot Mig--U ballads and Spanish hongs. niter Haui riniti has decided loglve twospanuh nights ciiihwtcknt th .Madl'-oii Hiiuaru 'I lie. a re, mid thise peilormamis will uixur own Widuc-da) and .saiurd.iy night, 'llienudl riKcs. It is said, arc alrn)s ciy large on i W artier nights. Powell .mil .Mnjllton hae but a snort time longer to remain at tho Kden Muec. 'Ihe llluslun, Mie,' 111.13 Mill le (Ujowil nl this house, nd the munagenient detlarc th il It has neer been atlfai.torlly explained b. i-clenilsts." A nuinlKT of new atlraellons have been secured lui ihe opening of ineFall m;usoii, whlLh will be, as usual, an lulticstltig event. 'Ihe lliiiignnaii iliiiid Mill liirnl-lies the mustcal poulon ot ilietniertntunn nt. Amanu, who is iinnounced as Kuiope's 'greatest mlmU,' will make his Him nppeai niui'lu America nt Ko-tcrA Blal's touieit Hall Monday night. '1 lie mimic. It is snld, . nialves up and dres-is the rharaiter he rem seuts from head to foot, aud he use uu mask. 'I lie opera limiffi1 udapl.illuu, enlllled 1 M Inge Weddliu'." will b- cnntiiiiieil next junk, oihei altiaciliins will bi- the llnrai'1 ! lliothei-, Nadi Kejvnl, Dorothy Denning aud I .Mile, liirmoill. 11 Mnb.ul," u has been deilded, will lemulii at tho (iaiden '1 beat re until Oct. l()-sl wiekslougei tuau was orlglualh Intended. Ihls is Koinething of jii uchletenienl wheu tho autl-tliealrlciil hot spell Is lemembeied. I 'J liu fiftieth pertoi'mauceof the etiav.igana will lake place WedueMlay night. During Uu week I.oulsa .Montague .ini Kltlo tliapiuy Jiavo been ill. Their places were tilled b Ada Dale and (ieiirudo Kutledge. I hldorado Is still itrawlng tho usual "cionds.' The entertoliiiiieut now Is In belter sli.ipo man It hits ever bi en which Iil-niis a gr'-at (leal. The lesnrt Is il cltllght tul one, -ugehllvo oi some nt the pleating lesoitsun the huropeancontlueiit. Thirds aiuiiseintnt everywhere, and the mounds aloi.e would be enough losatlit) most mlks New leatures are lonsttntl) belnv liitiodueirt limn the spectacle, lgypt lbr"4u tin- . tulles." I "settlKldutof Court " "li! begin the second week of Its run at III- -lit Ii Wenuo Tluulie IMondav nlglit. ilam iliauiris haM1 been made, and agrenl deal o( tin- hupcillunus i dialogue nas been remoed. The pla lnoes alung much more lOiiMiiilngli now. The real pleasure of Hie poifoimanci1, huwever. Is af forded li) the exrelleut east, ln-ndi d oy.losi ph Ilolluid. whuhasii adeahlt thailiasstauipid hliu nsngtcai ac or. At Ton) pastor's T lieatie neMwiek the at tractions will Unhide .lohii and James Itiis-n-ll, James F. lloej . Ho-.saint teuton, Melvlllu and Metson. little lljimle Ihoiiiton, Joun i:. Drew, Mai ton and Tost, Mr. nnd Mis. 1- red Morphei. In an unfathoniaile imler," lacoulrnlly entitled till!" Jesse K. dllcs, an iperatle vncallst, and l.aiman, the lailal comedian, an e.ctcdln'l) clever artist. The fiftieth performance of "Tho Vice Admiral" will lie given nt the Casino .Mon day nlglit. Tin1 opera has but flvo ueks longer lo remain, .several changes will In made In Ihe cast. 1 ilc Derlmis D.iU "III appear In Kinma llanlei s an. of t ration, and Agnes Sherwood will take Annie Me) i r-.' place. At tho concert to-moriow nlghl Miumllle, Miss llah, Ma)i 1 sifphenson, lllnnsand Iliiriisand the Savaro Runlet will apiM'ar. The engagement of the Iledouln Arabs at Mil tier's Museum has been extended, and the troupe will i ouseiiuintl) l'1 s en again dur Ingtliu mining week. Tlulr work tslntei esllng, ns tlie) aiceeer snordmen, ipiulnl dancirs and weird singers. Tin1 I iieledo HrothorMrapelstH aud uerlallsts.w ho w ere so popular at this houso last seiton. are agiln anuouncid. lluber's Museum has an oen root and Isngiccabl) cool. The attractions at Doris's ITglith Avenue Museum next week will Include Mcinrlanu, the au Dominjan armless wonder;" llerr Sirausbergir'8 trained ournng-outaiig", Itent's acrobatic dogs, i'rof. ijurtiiH seiisa tlonal suicide int. I'rot. Jules Menna, n neiio manccr, auil Mabel drav, a Ihoiul t nadei In tlicatro .So. 1 Kdlthi rollus will npiiear In The Hebel chieftain," and in theatre No.,1 will to Dm Is's All-star speilnlty Coinpaii). I'uln's nreworks at West Hrlghlon, onry Uland, still throw their timed glories Into the cool, salt-laden air-which Is a leu pretty war of pulling it, ihlj pyroteennli display deserves all the praise It gels, lor II Is a rxpltally managed arralr, and one of ex treme arllstli' value. During tho pat week It has been very extensively palroiilicd. SPORTING NEWS ADD NOTE?.1 I Suggestion to the Metropolitan Association of the A. A, U. Billy Pllnimer. the UHntnni Piislllst, Keavet for Home. T he Metropolitan Association, ot the Ama teur Athletic Union, Is getting things undo,' nay lor the annual outdoor ihamptoushlp games, which will be held at Manhattan Meld on sept. 10. The coinmltteo Inning' these games In chai go leallo the necesslt) ot akin; duo rate In arranging for them. T he lasi effort of tbo Association In gUIng .tho Indoor games whim weie held at Madison Sipiaiu Garden In Januaiy list, still lingers In '.lie inluds of of those who nnd anything to do with thrtn. The coming clitmploushlp games should bo suices-iul, as tte atlilcies have not b"en I hinting themselves with wmk this Mimmir, owing 10 tho lamentable InactlMt) of athlel Its, and the I .ebor Day games ought to sei .admirably as prellmlnaiy practice for the championships. I II has often been said that the A. A. I. games, whet net of the .Natloiul Assoi lullon or the Metropolitan Assoilatlon, aio ii'.ner I sutccssfiil rlunnelnll), nnd that these as:Oi la- tlons are obliged to give bnxlnir shows In urdei'lomnkc moiie). The Association nuw I has a ( hance to lelcem Us'.' It In this le.-ipici. and If the Conunltteu manage the gaui"s as i lliey should tl.u Association ought to clear n neat Mirplus. The gaiuis miiii, at .least, pay for thcintelies or theie will be a lion I that will amount to fajmcthln ;. Uf I courso If the oillelals cuatlnuo on a domlneei- lng pollc), and If they sllvht the eluot In humble ilrcumstances, they cannot expcit 'anything bill failure, hut If tho ilnli-, that ' comprise tho Meliopolltau Association go Inu , the uomliitc games with a will thirulsno . leasou why the) cannot make cncu.'h money I In pay olT the ludiblediicss contracted at the liidni 1 chaniplonshipj, and by so doljg lit j the odious tax ot SI.' per club sllJe. I If there was a vote taken the result with- out a doubt would show that the Mlieuie sug- ' gested Is the one most favored. If themilclals I that carry tho heavy end In conducting the affalis of the Metropolitan Association really I have the best Interests of that org'inlatlou j at heart, the) will see to It that tho coming I games arc suecessful financially I ... i Tho .ew orks and DrookDns lefralnid ficui indulglug In ii championship garni )cs tcrdi). TliH.New ioikstonku t tit ti up the S'late and came verv near helm tin mil down by the Mlddh lovvii s)lutn ti am. The s'f.n1 vrus'.'tu 1. Neither side scuicd after I lie first Inning. The (il nits hive taken two Ii'ls nut of W aid's wondeis In the present series, bin ilia III emkl) lilt rnri'bldl up)esteidajnii'l will tiv in Miu iv Muck Living at Kasurn IMilc that liiey am nut afralJ ot htm or htsasso. I I lali , If lie has ci me back llku a ghixi iioui thovl-tisof tin past, John Ward would Ik, lexiecdlngl) pleased to touch the (ilauts lor I one gama out of the three. I Tho knmes htheduted lor tc-di) are as fol- low 9 w Vork it llronlljn. !St I.oul. it IkUiII Iwiion it PhiUdtl i, r i.tinii it t hiiteii, W.ali'ii it lliltiiuurw, 1 lacianitl it I'iltiuur. little Hilly rilmmer, tho Migllh bantam pugilist, lefi foi home this morning on the I lubrla. Ho was aicompanled liy his inltliful inilner, Ilcun) Murpby. ITimmer lame over hero about a )eai ago, when llil couiur) was Hooded with foreign pugllUlle nmlrMil, but he alnue of tho i xtriioidlnar) ion. Mgnmcnt of forel;u pugs tualntalnid his own. ITIniuior has hakdlcd himself lu a t manner that lias drawn to him n bosto. friends, nod his departure Is gcneiall) re gretled by the followers of the roped sipiare1 rummer turned down a large number ot am bitious boys In his stay heie. Tommy kellv. Mil lloan and Jerry Harnett belni; on the list. He was anxious lo meet tleorge Dixon, but the inati h couid not bo anauged. ltlllv goes homo to tee his mother, who has been anxloul awaiting her boy's return tor some time. ITlmmeris leaJy to meet any man In the worla at lit) pounds tor as large a pursu urstako as his opponent can find, lie expects to return to this ountry lato in the Fall. Wilj Dacey Is training Caspar Icon, ot the tiranlti1 Athletic i lub, lor his go with the I'lcklnlntiy at the Aeadetny of Mu:lc on Aug. in. Daccv sjjs tint I edii has tralnid haid and will be in excellent condition w hen ho confionts the "ITck" The Sons of t. (Tcorge are going to hold a set of games at liUtucnuciJ I'ark on Monda) afteruoun. There Hill be lenevontK. The enlr) list Is large and contains tun namis of some well-known athletes. Jim corbett has made a number of warm friends since ho has been at Asbury 1'aik. They have arranged to give an outdom enlci tnlnment on the giounds of tho Aslurv Park Athletic Hub, at whlih i .irbett win be t lie slellai attraction. John I.. Sullivan will be vl-itcd to-day by a corps of doctors, headi d by Dr. sargnnl, of llai vard college. The object of tho visit li to examine Sullivan's pb)s'cal inn dlllou. The big lellow was examluid beiuii! he began training. Tc-dny's examination will show what five weeks of hud work has done for the big fel low. Thciesultof this examination, whli n will take place at Canoe Inn, will be learned with luteresl by those who have hung thcli money on suillv an's lunn and condition. The senior elght-oared shell race will be the last oveiit In the Middle states regatti to bu rowed mi tho I'assale at Ncwaik tu-Ja). T his race w 111 be rowed al (1 o'clock sharp. John O'l.oughllii, Secretnr) of the Lorlllard Athletic l lub, sa) Ihe games to te given bv his i lub on Auk. '.'0 will be among the best or ihe season. Swimming is one of the popular sports usl now at Travirs Island, Ihu prettv Summer home of the New 'iork Athletic Uub. m BORROWED BABY M'KEE. A Woman Wanted n Boy to Try on a Hut. 'I hey tell a pleasant little story of Mrs. llarrikou's nflalilllty in Wafctiiuctoii, snvfi tbo I'lillailolpliin 7iie. Not vcrv loni; ngci an iniiulstvo .vounf matron went inlo a lnryo olothint; store for men and 1o)h to liny her liuslmnd n run at. Her eve fell upon n lot of liovs' hats si llius "for tins clay only" at leduceil prices. ,slm straiclitw.iv ill teiniiueii to Idiv one for her own flve-venr.olil. but was hoino.vhrt hnrupeieil by tlm fact that she luul no lci'iillei (ion uf t lie Me riuuiri'il liv Iho 'voilth. Ah nIip glauceil iiiiout in per plexity, n lutildle.ageil lailv eiiterid, lead. tas a hov just nbout the sio of tho , itnsent non. 'ihe voting mother durte.l over. aleil lirenthlessly for the loan uf the nuiall hoy, trieil n hat on his head ami leturneil him with a liurrleil word of thanks, all in the twniUling ot an 'iho liiiildle-nced Iml) passed on smiling, nnd the .vouii I lionower turned to wait fur hei package. 1 'I lie rlork leaned limplr ngninst his conn. , ter nnd gncd at her with nurior. stricken evo". ' ' liy, " ho Rasped, " didn't v on Know who that was ' '1 hat's Mrs. llntrisun and Hqliv MeKe The Guaranty Turf Information Company t th OTil fiincfn In potlt on to iipp'j tf prtlnrf putillc with tw or rtinr nf rtrintnii nor iliil tan i tnrl il Mnnl tip tJ irp Ii ir tiitl llt(r jnurelf h tbl tl (lilt mi infnrtnttKMi it tlioroishl? rlib NpiUi tFrm for on k' lctiODi, t7 tPARAM II KV 1M-UK1UI1UA CVMPA.NY, F Q, Uoi l.CSU. FROM THE WORLD nP LABOR. To-morrow the K. of i-coopers' Assembly of this city will elect new officers. The Labor Federation of Queensland, Aus tralia, has 1 evolved not to iccogiitic i;uii'ii Metorla lu nnv wav. cliliiesr Inliorers aro being lmportid Into Africa tn tench the natives how to culiivute tea nnd tobaico. The second International Congress nt Printers will take place al Home, swllici laiid, irom Aug. '.'l to Aug. ?. 1 he striking elgar-imki rs of Herman Urn. .1 l.nnenstelii withdrew their tools fiom the I .shop.vestirday nrteruooii. 1 Tvpognphlcal I'nlon No. 1:1, lioMon, has' adnpii d 1 esolullons mv o'lnir direct leglslnl Ion through the people, 11s existing lu ,-wltzei-land. Ignr-Maktrs' 1 nlon No. po has called a 'meeting for this evening at lit. I (irehard siren to discuss tho subject of "Anarehlsni, I 01 soeuiism: ' hlghl '"-cibs" liavo luen wiihdrawn Irom I Milkc nlnps b) members ot the Lnlled Wood e aivt-rV As-uilailnu this week. Frank V. llalmes was re-elecled Walking Delegaf. Meetililaiis are verv busy designing plvnts fru the siiuiiu iiins and cities thioui,hout 1 the West, and fiuilu a number of cat les and electrical roads are to bi1 built this Fall. I The clerks lu the banks of lienver. col , I lolntl) emu a cniti'e in tin- Kotky .Muuu tains, when1 they pass llieh vacations, t,sin0' It In dt tachine uts during the hummer. In eonseipiem eof the oecuin ncesut Home stead many kni-jhls of !.abn Assemblies havereccntl) been dlcussing thi-subjei t of The lights of labor to resist lll'0'al force1. ' Suretury Kdwaid .Ii linings. of Loesl t nlon Nu 1.1(i;, ot the motherhood of Itulliuad T inlumen, has been tlecteil lit) Link of sejnu.ui, Ind , win in his fellow-noikmcn hold the balance of power. District Assembly , K. of I., Ifallroid hmpln)et, has elected Thomas N' allium, Mastfi Wuikman : J. c. Miller, Worthv loie man ; J. .. Corbln. Itciordlng scciilai) ; W. 1- Carroll. Treasuier; ileur liiellenslelii, M.itlstklah. Ihe stato Assemblr of the Knights of Latoi of Arkansas will convene ni Ilttlo lies k 011 net t. in. It is expei ted tint Inde pendent political union will ho agrd upon. Ihe wi'Luusin stum ssmibly meets .11 La iroise uu sr pi. y. The brewcrv workmen of Weldr I Thomas. Philadelphia, are on strike becausj 'henrni refuses 10 i-lgli the lontrael 01 Itreweis' I nluu M Ihe 01 email who attempted to liidil"0 the llim to sign the contract has Id 11 discharged n advance of wages having In en detei uiliiul upon b) the j.mbn Id. n rs' I nl.iii, u meeting ot chop delegates is to bo held .11 101 smith rifth avenue this evening, 10 ih u-s the w.ijs and means how to c.irr) inn ihe proposition. ( hlca;o Ii men nwiled with untmplo)id bakers. I nluns Nos. ' and 01 true Issiiul 11 elnulir reipnsiing nakers tn May mhii T hHse initiins have also ugricd tiril t t u' the International labi 1. but u local late I of thin owl . Karly-closlng paroles are held every night at MuM.ii;nii, Mull , b) the ingaiild cldk', ! una i-. ot that Cit). Hie) hall In tinni nt stores who-e imdillelurs P'ltise Imlis', ' frlghliuln; uvva) punhisers w,ih big pia- I I aids le arm. hi 1 'nit leenlv 1 Most of Ihe ft 1 11.111 i coitm.'kersor !!os l(o. istnw,isiis Miiip nave loin d ciupiii) juem ils'-where. nnd Uu lel will Ma) 1 ill iimli lt"s"invasi r" ' llnalurdl). sug '.'11. uu enlerialiiintul lor Ihe Pel i-lit nt the Mrlsirs will take plaee at the Puliemlan Hun Hall, .'.I.I 1 llthstlcrl. 1 IM.U ss-embl) T,"iTH, h ol I .Meets l J Paddi 11, Masiei WorMum; Mlilml II, uu I W inhv loitiunn, J, y, Arms-rong. Ilfimil. 1 tug -e.reinn . 1'. II. ( rnnln, I In until sn,. tni) Michael Pendergast, Ireksiim ; lm. 'I kk 1 nluinlfi id, Statistician; PatiM. b hei 7e. W011I1) iiiilde, r.ilric Lanui .er I National Trade Asiemtlv y .:. K. of I I lliai- Workirs, li ehctid John I. 111, gernld. Masiei workman; I-J Ijnch sun. tan-lreisurei , Ihoiiias Hun, W. nny hi n. man, liauilt Viackle, statlsii Ian, 1. I MI7serald, delegnte tn Am lub ) Fort'-nlne looal nssenilllfs hivln.- ,tliut I1.1 ooi) mimtieis, are aflllland with Ihe Hi lt rut lm refusing in icnew his romrai't wph Jniirneviren barlis I nlcii No. 1 the I unm sIbii has N en wtlhJiaw'u Iinin 1nss"S ilnhn, 8T Fs' ililld stK'eii and .losi'pli Nm;rk 4.M I'st seventv.ililrd Mirel the Ml ps nt hosii-i i. Schroder, -.'.' Avenue I, and JuUu xt nJS'T !,. s, t"i,tS.J',ti iv- . ii"K. w lux, .111 Illth street, were urilotilcd thli week. The first great labor singing festival will take plait1 nt ihe I nlon Hill sChueten Park 10-morrnw. Ivventy.i-lght societies of New Sink and vlclnli), I'hlludiMplilu, Hartford and New Haven will parllclpit" In the exirclsis 1 T lie pioceeds aie tu be given Innards estub-ll-hlugn new Labor Dceutu In thlstltv. The Cnipehlcrs' I nlon. of San Irantlsen, I lultly llnlslied their eighth hoiihe built on tin1 plan or n Sunday raising." sc-irn houses had ahead) bien built lu this way. I The men, nine In number started In at s I e. u. on Sunday and tinl-died the hoiie In :il;hl hours, complete, with no cost to th oivner li r labor, in course, these houses an . onl) built 101 memb,isof the L nlon. Matige, W lenei A Co., of ITillailelpbln.whose, clgar-inakris nre on strlku slnen April '., ' havi applied to Judge illi'iin, 01 tho l'hlln d Iplihi Cull! I u inmuion (Teas, for an in Jiimtion against J. iahlon Haines and twi'nt)-clghi oilier union cltar-makers 10 prevent iiiein from pwkellnr t lie fai tory. The cum will i.omu up ne t neck. slueo lhsi) we have had (l.0T."i strikes of building traaes worl.ini n In the I lilted stales, I Involving ovei iiy,iiiio ierou. 111 ihioi strikes ,1,-nt were hiiei'essliii, l.-.TiT hive been lOhipromlsed and l.uin were lust. Iho Milkers loM i,j.T'i"iMI tn wages .11111 the loss to the bosses isesilmaied alnliniiti.',Htii,(ui. only ."1,.17'i "stabs coull be tound to lenlaie the strikers, nn an average wagfa were, lalscd .'," i cent through iln'otrike. j J. I. sulllvnn has bien (uuiiulisliiind as tngniiler ny Hie NaiPuial Ieiiulie lloanl of the Hotel and Kistaurani Ktnilnvee .National Alllanci. Julius Ink 1 w.11 ilei led in .1 v ir.iiicy lu tin In ant Tin- m-iv .Nallo nil stcri'tai) l Thpalure lllrk, of Local I nluu I No. 1. 1 haigei have been piefnied against I Ulto I uller, of Iheloug Island V alters' As. mlatlun, It Ik lng alliveJ that he took Lloud-iiinnt1) " lioni w uu rs out uf euiplo)- 1 1111 lit tor pioiurln' them places. I In lib fa cwell lo Ihe rtaleis of the l.n'tn I Kaitnr FiI.iij 1. .Miwreney ta)s: "He' I aMers' IToirctive 1 nluu is on 11 tlriu footln.' I itiih aim powerlul. II will giouiuldlng tnihe- I mateil il and lull llectunl iiilv.iuceiueiil of ail. I that lire fertun.Hi enough tube ioliliccl.il1 v.lihl " The .iimitii is been dl-coniluiied 1 I fm lea-ons ui.d dllten nres Ih it ,11 nn nine mav .nlsn in u labor orgautHtlnu. II Is txpected lint the pap. r, which was or treat wrviic tu tin) I nlon, will be lev lied bv , the in i N nloit il ennvtntlou. I Theio am in j resent 1U7 branches of the ' ' 1 iirniers' Alllame In New Jers v, with w.'oii inembi'is ,i lasi week s anuilil sesvslon Un' lolnmlng state offleers were elected: W 11 1 Maul, I'H'sidt-ui, lieiijamln bird. Mce.fresi. ' di 111 II. I', lipdvke. sin tui) ; Junan sharp, 1 T 11 asiirer ; Kev. Willlaui stout, t haiUulu, 1 W. lair i.tindwln. Inluiir; A. s. Mlvti- tlmre, sii-iviiid; Inns liiebiuond. Iliislntcs grnl , . - Mlverlhorn, i. I. Atkinson, K 1. Harris, I xii i.livu 1 iiiiunlltee. TheSlalo 1 nvrntton will a, enible al library nail, TiiLlou, on Sep', 11, 111 4. l. I Oil, tho Envy of tho Hex I I (. .,.. J,l.'i.' Ilrl'v I I Jaei win durs Mrs. Plumper pin her 1 watehou hei breast this summer" Jennie -I gui ss she has her bathing suit In le r natch poikei. J An Exception, Perhaps. I lir,i IS. I I ludgi-Ai cording to the papr, bloudi s at. all the lagi now I cl'i. I don 1 kn w all-nit that. M) wires! 1 In 111,1 11, mil theie Is a gi oJ deal of rage 1 h. ut In 1 a time.. j j Frightful and Nothing: Less Arf th rTf t 1 hyf ui itttiuaa ct jr J I j Ji rkrf uf th lfln nnl ItU )dr Oftajtiiiirn ' in ii'orr, tliej ? iw ftly prurretit tu fttl t itiinAlion Ifrslnnlnc "'ti tb nmul" tn&ctlrilj i t f tuo uifritit feual dira if uncht kd tjr Intrr ' 11 r Jisti i1rt)l or r if, wuirlt up in li, ililrti tl n f U10 kiti.. It u i ivrnh t) c ttitiilatr ilr'alii to iitnlrgo Antn H t ( Cmgtr I nui nc a-. ruUtng(hki1i)ft ' nUru imrt t with Hotl(M' Motn h (ittfu itiotl " t-ii ilitirftir m )) a (iinfrsii ftl ( 111 Mi't fouir of uniMt op tt ipifn It p . faim 11 dirihpr jpotM itftfi for h jtorn m pro f niotirttf Ait t iir if ht kidn in th it intn ' frrt in ly 1 !' tiro iev th t hnnM 110 pur tilt M' 1 pto1 ii fhmn,Rt inn and itrop ir a ror ottpati n, M1lounr , ltr trnuhl, nrout-r- U)-pii, tl auvcumb to Hi btorikfut 4,tioa I AMUSEMENTS. HUBERTS I4TH ST. MUSEUM. Wl I'K 01- Abe ITsT IS sjllhl'AllUH'.S 5 ARABS! l.ntTM IH'IlilI'lXh FIl'IM SAIIAUA I ( Htt.vlllMAI, IIA.SCIS. VVUiKD I vl A.NTA 1 lloss ruiilirii swnitii re M iais. 1 1 n enc uutir , mti .isrs a..,ii 1,1 si". LA I'LtUn SlAltll INli PrlttllltUAM'hS. I.I H .IVI It-. "JITI'i X 1'sSIMH'K " DRIslllsJA A VIAItVH, WHO 1 IVTS MLN UnOUIIH, VA iril Ills WHII'-l.tKL IIAIK. I I'lltir.imi.rire klaff i 1 1)1 Jim ind wit,, mnltiftli t)lt. li l.tfClin bVi'i') , Anirlls Hill, ,nt irl 1 Hin', A t iuu leu. D ck, ftiiiinis triu kuitiI Wlltrr VVmilnortli. tciiitorliutil.t i untiro nnv... bit ni of I iinbiiiti1 ruri'.ltlM lAlil. Wllto.i iml ilrivir.lH. Misnn ind .vlinnmi;, Kiduij ind drill!. JIll.tllM tlo..,. 11 . I MOLE I llOJSF IN TOWN ELDOR ADO I-"ihtV.,-...., Lonnrri nt 4, 1 intift at , ( onrirt at 0 and at . 1 j ! "EGYPT 1H..0UGH CENTURIES." y itial l'r(tiir li t mnrt from lu lo 1.' Tkr ttmi 4-' i t And 1 .in t it-irifa 1 Icket I nffli. J i ait Utl at., and trading hotali. EDEN mllWORLD IN WAX. ! ittvivAi. or .iif." I ! POWELL MAJILTON. Ml M I I.X.IOS' lU'M.AHlA.V OKI lll.sri'. K(ITKK A HI . Ilnllnie To-tlm. Moris. Dufour and Mile. Hartley. , .11 1. I.i:. It II 1 l ( hnnti nr ITrilrl.iii.'. I tu.idevllle, llai rli-t-ij u-. .Nnv t'll It1. Nexl Weils- "A II i.." I hi-.11 1 in le. Union Souire I .'.n'MfSnS..?; CHAS:T6ARDNER. ' Fherlaiia. 'camvo. Ill;illlvVAV AMI J.llll r , IHE VICE ADMIRAL , ' Lcir t.iiiil.u ei.ii.rt .Nightly and Sun Jif 1 Admmiuii 5utf., Iiicludluv luta ciilFitiltuuont.. STAND W!I rilhXTI'.l. stiiiiiin i.i i .n ini;, i li. i:i. M.VV I'l.VV.I I. ll. I V.N I, ..111-. I.I-. I. AIM T M I'- I.I 1 li Iv mid I i. ii.. I -i iiiini. i v-r, na ini-oN -or in. (. vunt'N. llimroii'li llriue.lrit I'rctiipnid I on-rrts, ItOOl I.AI.IILN ANII s P. VI lull. I VALIlfcV'lLI.I-. iia.M IM. MIUIHAIR ' Adlulv.ioti u I I, uOilll. I P4I.MIU- i enil in it le i ii eiitT . HI vl.M.s Mr illYtV's: eil'iltv l- llcNKY UIACI O co i SAlt IIIHN I in I MA I IN I I T II I II -( OT. j GAItlll N IiIIAIKI Nnsllll 1 i sl Mai ' iiiiof"i',Aiiiii .x i ityr SINBAD 1 rr iiiuc pui.rl. r itu. n, ti trr it Inr.e.l Admi-Muii IO, luupoi A In.lli lu IIihiI l.irln. Hlll s MAlUslIN Alt! nil Al 111 hv.nillK. H .111 si.ti.tliv Mill rait . Host, i i rt II it It. om ." i Jsl lrlurni.ii1 A TRIP TO CHINATOWN. -pntt i Iff n i ifr Tiauur at th Mtuicu IVri trtiiain Sat irda. tt l.t I IIItlMDM W I 111-A lilt- MM'WIIh I ll Willi rill IN't OMI'AHAUI j HOPPER. WANG. ! I I. X OI I III NOW DPI N. I lallt AM IHI-vTitl I ''2'. s. 1.1. I'll s.t Mr. Ill Vl n r Prninilor ind 31luier. I' l i: ,.u ij l'riilut liirrl.ou. -I TT'l.t'K OI I III I'IMJH (. Jo n .1. it lo Vlr. VV tilkluiou VV ilOHi," i WINIIsclK IIIP.AIIir. loind ; l,n.erj. . I. t:Mluri NIM, Tills FVI'Mis... ALII U. I J VV.slMVIIKs, lu lb loudon Cotuvd I....!, i l.r Suni1.. 'iHMIh rMVUn I .lfcltltY. .PEOPLE'S THEATRE. lr 'KSRiJ'"'" I in Niuiii uKANii uitnim; ni mi.iit roLl.-u'.'." ,,:i'n!. FABIOROMANI.. TONY PASTOR'S. 'J.Viil'AVO Ml MINI I s It'l'stllX AM) I Kill AX JAMI-N lint V. Al I I N AMI KANKI.N nilWIt IttllllMON lAIMItllA niltltrsT CCII.l'MIII s rilFAIRI. K.' s IS , Dili 1. VtH MfH N llALl ASS l o HCUSE ON THE MARSH. 14th St, Music Hal! and AHiambra Court, HI ina I3A iiat 14th II Tin: vios-Ti:it niti iil-thion ITii; Afurooaa sai triaioi. I AMUSEMENTS. tjfl MANHATTAN BlACH: 1 GILMORE'S BAND, I With Celebrated Vocalists. lH (treat 1'tocraroraes Aftertoon aad Evnfnff 1 Brock's Crystal Palace ffl FIREWORKS. I Tc-niuht it f.30. J A DISPLAY OF SURPASSING BEAUTY. l IMMF.Nsr IN- SI7.F. PEnt'ECT IN DETAIL, ?BJ wjNnrr.ruf, sit piixcs and jib- ' tHA.MLHL I HL(TS, MARVEI- J-SJ LeiL'S ALHIAL HISPLAV. ' ''r ' I It U Hsreeel to liy nil tbnt no pyro- v teiliiilriil elljplny ever filx-en Id thli nH i' mi n try run he even compered with il these, liiock's Crentcit KITorts. '"11 Giimore's Grand Annual Jubilee ' t'BJ ( o mm rni n T lniri!utt Auu. IS and 'VsSBbI iinniliuici I rltln. ninrln ami ManJT ''LS nnDicc aTH avenue -SJ ULfnlo 0 museum. '. I UllM'Vi !(.. to, ,''H I tnTirij Haiti. No 1, '.'. i And 4, btraaMbtffftr -rlH i traiiietl man rati c On ran it Outanr, Monkf and 4;SH , Ji ii I f" t iae Jiu hacjE" himself Itbttluaea Krl a day Victniaia th M. th mlogo A rem est Bot ; 'all i iiiiia Mnjjitj Miur). co3,Mlle oraraDd otbvra. H '' III' TlCI NO. 1, .VH :n i un ii i itui mmii t It h nnKLcaiKF, H . I nut rf the diijaor 'H BH 'I t U'lM', M). . 'B SMO fKK .1 l.l 1 UMMJV COMPA-NT. 4M I ( AM I'HI 1.1 :i VU.UONr rTKS. lM Opn ID . M tl lu r ii. Ai.tu.iPion 10 cnta, 'H iium oi'Pii oi hit nt j, o,al tad luatru tn? u tat eunifit iii ilieitrt, BJ " C-ROYJIL HUHGAHI&H OBCHESTBi I ill 111 iViMm si , 11'el.iuh, , .B PARK AVEUE HOTEL COUNT, ' I'akk AVi-.. a:i ro .ur r ,;H XlfALN I A I Altle ri n os . NIK ll Mil OlIKl.Nt. ILl.l'MINATf 0 lUL'.M'. ,M Al . ANi till l Mii.l'sl en. liu I LI, (JAR- -H 1)1 X IN Till: HllKID. MB "PAIN'S PIREWORPCST in: it nrt i, nii i:u x.nii M "VENICE," AT(OM M,M tr llrlcblon.) bH NOT ill Uiwitmttnii. H Kovorontl Dr. lUctilynii ,.H ill addra I t Nido Hranrh Anti-1'ntcrtr hocl- H flf At t rir 1'itniL Hnpiri ij.mrtim, JnnM1 VH W . Ik W -tl'j- i" ii iut John K 1 fi-ur. Chair H iimn M M Urt "fv i l)r ll-nrj Curfy, lrs. SH BHOOHLYN AMUSEMENTS 'H KUBER S GEBHAROt'S GASIHO. tirat llouiiof inumeut ttOirn tbe Newbeitoa 1 iMOIMDAV, AUG. 15. M Coot and Well Ventilated. I .try liiil of Atlradioii' k Opening WfA. - .SPORTING. BRIGHTON BEACH RACES ; i:VKItl .VIONII . IV t'l).Ni:-sl)AV AND hit il IH PAfis nri.t.N a i .ii' .vt. LAtii hav. r.'H Critiilsiiuit "1 lailir., Mi, H.ld, J). ,'M Kai lied by All loui.f to I uu.r IiIidiI. .H I, V Mss. u. II. Ks lit. MA St, ll ,s.rrrlirj I'r.ild.aa rJH " mvMwnsssr m I.ONi; lilt ANCII, ,N, J. V3aH E.trj TULbUAV, TIIUHSIIAT mdaArURDAT, -H Aiijur. m. Sfl 'M JiftaaH u . - .. -. t . 1.)1. V'.-m .AJaaaM