Newspaper Page Text
rrrrn: it !TiTTraTrrm3.TXfg RTnTED.nTnrn Trrrnranra - ,.S f:n7f ! C? .FiVTC FORTUNE, $ End of the Mara Business. ! 1771 3 M E. MM D-d Christ,, Murray. rJ ffkf ',1. V I TJ H 7 fH . acoipletcnoxh. .., jW W. XJM ; Arth,W, .l.Bht.noI b, J ' JJ -J : Df?. DODD'S SCHOOL, ? MW H -. 'V '? '''a O-." " V- i jN'A Tferf JV " Atronoo!inrrottPor!1L.ttfc jj. ,i a f'i By James L. Vord. fla jA 'Vi" ' ' X - " v-'-. "-" '' X x .r-TT7 -""i I '(' 3 1'V I " , Mnvajrom tho bpulnnlni? of ouroc-j ll jj shj CUBt teS&JSH'fsga feifWilLP :.---3ra PB1CE0NE CENT.' " XKW, AT.T.DAY, Al tii'q' I .J. .'. S'HIC'R ONE CENT. J BROOKLYN EDITION dFTHE" B VENJNG WORLD ONE " CENT, j TO-MORROW, Sunday, August I 4. Tlio fitisnAY Vi'oiti.n to-morrow will print "11 l"0 news, which no otlar pnpi r will ilo, nuil will urrheiit it nil 'u n kIiiiho for more attractive Ihun that ilispl.ti eil b ,mli fractions of tho uorlu's laws lis j mnj roino to thu ktiouloiiiiu of thin-j blooded contemporaries. '1 liihiilouo make i j it iniiiortnut for bi cry body to i;ct 'I'm: YloitLH. In addition to the news nuil to I tho editorials which reflect tlio ileip wisdom nud ligut-heurteil cnyctv of thoughtful men, tlio Sunday AVoi.i.n niw.iyn prints n urent ileal of otcelleut mr.ttor to cheer nud enlighten thu tons j of tho'ilbuuils ot renders who on one il.ii uf tho ueek onl enn lind tuuo to Ml dowu nl their leisuro mid feed their Blinds. Eser.ibodv knows mj well liv this tinio tho Miperioriti of Tin: Yl'oin.n's ilislinctisely news fintures that this column is rcsenod for the impnitiii of ditniled iiiforiuatiou couccinius: tin other elements thnt so to uial.u up tho greatest Sunday newspaper, j It in diflicult to giie a, compicliensive idea of n-publication which is itscll bo j coniprchcnBfio nud bromi that tho mtr-' BL-o sizod mind fails to grasp nioro than ti Biunll part of it. CYNIC FORTUNE. Mmplyas one of lts fentuics the ii-mhv vriiKi.ti will print, cun.p'cio tliisir In. tcreatlng nup, lij Dall Clirl-tii. N'nr ray. ot nit; thousand wonls. 11 co:.iil tutes an ailtllil"iial Mipileiueiit to ihu, brDAV 'WohiiiIii 'liir WiiBi.n.iU-ifiilar torm, nud may he laid nsMj lonM-uluntly , to be read durlii,; thu weeiv. DR. DODD'S SCHOOL. ' This Is an c.cellent Hoiy fnr lm, wilt ten by James I- Kurd. Its publication will begin lu Uie&r.Muv Woni , on tin child's page, to-moirow. It will not tc rr'ntcd lomplcte, nr no l' in liin-, buminer weather, with gicvii apiles audi other tlilnus to attend to, i.i.ior "li-n-.M j be I'llowed to ucnur an ntlru loi-j: stm--' at one time. It Is a Rood, whol si ine ' Btory tor boys, cotiti'tntnif an lni:un Icn-otHBUrtunorrc-nolic moral. .Ml Ljjowlllj w ant to i cad It. ALL KINDS OF AMERICAN SUNDAYS. 3lr. quay, ot I'cansi Ir.iuli, whit- c.iii.r caused thu prias ot tl.N land m use up all thu hjiinionis ,o. --wlmllcr twice cery wtek, had a hippy homo In Ills childhood, and as a hbUo:li if that happy home wants ihe UoiKM J"alr clobtd on fcuudass. 'Jin --abl 1j-i-boodhome Is lllustiattd In thu M ,i.a VokU. Mr. look, a sm.dl, blut;le-bj-jelled -J-.'-tallbre pre& bow il i- w H h Quay tor the closing t the talr. He w an's the talr clooedio that, all lot elnei inaj beholdandadmlieour Aim Hi .111 Mind y. i Jlr. Jieliougall, the eminent, artist, ttltli i tlirllllnisplciuipi, buwi what ,i t tnujo- j nblo thing the American Sunday Is. l!o fellows us the MiuU.iy lu the I'urlta i lioii'iholil, where ten Hie don nos gloomy, and the dltfriert Klvd ot a sun day which preails In i lilcago, Cuiiey , Island, Ac. Ills lllustratnl ilioi:;:hts are j worthy ot piolouud attention. THE OTHER SIDE. ! Helen Watterson, writing tm- the bc.s-UAV Woiii.u, jiroM-s ileaily no ono has a right to be seen on th- ilexateil railroad with a bah unless -he can plea 1 as an excuso battle, murder, sudden death, or a tilp to conej JblaiiJ. Mm polntsout follies of well-mcinlng young women who hand lellglous tracts to drunken young men on Hi-i strict at a. time when tho latter do not caio at all whether they ate goln,: to he.ien nr In the other dliectton. she c'eprec.ues thu overdoing ot physical cultuio mid lu various ways ai,alu-t the well j. ineanlug mistaken that men and women, especially tho latter, aio i-uiialaully maklDS. THE FACTS ABOUT MARS. Atter the appearance ot this nrtlcle the ery much ueidoue planet will piobabl) bepeimltted tor a wlil'u topuisuethu even tenor of Its long joutney, ire.- nom popular comment. Heaudso: the si mhi VoiiLU will level y tratctul to Mi. ilar rttt V. scrMs, the ablest .istioaoaierot tbese parts, who erj polliels ports out hlsnlsdomand enables Auluit Hilsbane to tell just exi.ctly how thu Jl.tis hutl mss began long ns,es ago, while 11 u now, and what has been atlili ed by all the recent studjlni,-. Manj parents, wlii do not knot, tlu diner ncn betwo.n.i llitnel and a dxtdtttr, and wlmli.tvu bien embarrasaid by Hio ueiiloiii ot their ofTsprli g, ami man jouiigimn In c( llego t huse wisdom li'is lulled to n-.ii to the iicc.islon when the .M.irsiliscu lu-i came up, ma teauildi aiilclc ami be as wit as aii) Led. A GCOD NEW SOHG. I Albert Chevalier, llii rn,-!lsli music hall1 man, who wiltLr. and itir'b thu bi si pop-1 ular songs at Hits i.iomei.l, ha Jiiit glun htrlhtnu work ttt.m euililed " lie's iinl JUil About So 'Iyh." Tho mil lu 1 1 d wuidsaropilntcd complete, wbli a j lc ture nf tho illsllngubdiud Ml. iheailer. 'J he song bhouUl appeal mo whkly to American hjmpaihlcs. It tells oi n lo who. thougu onlv Just n'juiit so 'Ign, j meaning about thtee feet sl., .iiio'.i s a-iU treats his parents lu a Mr on.nuud nay. MRS. VAN RENSSELAER OH THE Flfl. The nrst of n scries of nitli I- w ' I i . 1 glte architects, arils-s aiul 1 - i . their first adequate irii oliln--.- i- 'f una hpiendld fin a liii-s ... ,i which the Wo.lil' . .i'i b -l ' . . t'irt.tkc n. Vm Vin i. . in ii to.ini ' chliMiin a II ipiu-ari tonno who looks at It Hum the attlulc point ot Mew. i YORKYILLE BELLE'S TOILET. j J. .1. Il'ikli.s, wh ) knows mor" tli'ti a-n ' OtlK'l Wl Iter III : iw erk will Iiomii ' thinks aiul what g es on In 'h- la-ir's' llCllt, Will till 1 I till M-.I'VV VI OKI ti or tli" pildj n'nl full of tint ,-icat i.iclng man, di-cilblngherli-iiK:lit way luloiu tho race, -ry closely rcsciul lln,' tlio' waynofa i.,mg woman pioparli; fo: a ball, and d- Jeetcil rubLlng dow.iatur Monlaaa hail beaten her. THE CITY OF DOLLS. .V II Nelson Ins been to Sontii-uerg, and i his -tiiilii-d ILO oungstrrs who i-iini Hum tiling by making dolls and who bate the Imam b.ibles with tho ilei p hiuied I an Miie'lcm jouiigst-.-r tiels lorn! slate or a geography. It would luku up too much room to tell in i 1lIp.I1 about nil too instructive nud (iiteitiiiiiing features wlmh tho Snim . VVi' Inn pri-tinied foi this issue. Tim I U'lenlest ililS't-ulty wnii h tho edilois buvo I to contend with H to find room in the furtv.tno lit i, id piges for n'.l Hint tho. niinv of Win i,ii wntirs Iium- propnruil. OnoM-r.i biillunt wnlt r inn ta!o heuled' "'lbo Aunnnls Melt." ilcsctilies the stifierincs of the kins of In nsts uuil other Ci I'nrl; ipiiilruppiN in the hot wiatbcr. Anotbii with u turn tot Mutis liis has lool.ud up the funiilu-; ot rich nun nud mes interesliiii; fuels cniii'iiuiii!,' tliein, nud Hie l.tiuil cr of lb ir ihia.rcn. Mr. iliilm l.iudrl'k l'aug-renews the humor of tlewiek .ii mi n'tnie in .,li '!i thu most, i-i-Mi pii-tui. . n-ul jol.i -i, oieign nuil iloinrstir, me icp.oilui-oil. The Sus liU im.i.i :iiMi ten thu btory ol tho " It nek t'roui. " of lHW, lUh.-ulies n limn with arms as strong and U'efiil as nn iitiliiiuiy man's legs, tells of u wi U-p'ensoil gi niU'inr.n who was proMde.l with un nose, presents n brilliant pago for women whnh uh nn u -diould irl, oue loi Mi' lie .pueiallv wb'. h wi'! inteust u:.i"y woiinn, nml a third tor i-lu'dii n. i'or our own h..ko get ,i op ol the Sr-.iui Woni i), nud b uh means onler it in .uhi.iK e. j EOHBARDED ViTK MUD. Solillors r.t Coal CreoVt Annoylntr Citlzonb to Mnk S-porl. ! --ErrtAT-li ri'-'sn. 1 riiATivroui, leiui., Aie;. ia c-sitional , repo.iac inn iim.iluii im-k retailing tin eondilcl 1 1 TeiiLe-M eb ,,anltig army. 1 l.i-riii.'i-iis claim that -be wall hers ne-d w.itcl. Im; the bail- us.umidau t'tlide. 'I l.i ch..r,T- 111". Hie inlill-rs amuse them felvibb ilii.-igos il cans louttUwliii mud I. m tlirl-c.imi'jis inn. ho Milage, ami thu l. e i.iitll'ugiiii is !i -l.ltssl) Into Uio town. ii.o i-umpuiui lua btluei iiii much bad DISPUTE OVER WATER RiGHTS. Astrr'c.T-a Clri'ir. tlict Moslcfina iloncpol. 'o t,.o Uio I'rr.ndo'ii 1 lvw. i 'I 1 -fr.or T"Ii I'I I -i.t AriTiN, Te.v, Vii-. !. (,ov. Ilngg mi esteiil .y adl cd of a railn-r oil 1 dispute g. me uii ui-twirii (lll.-i'iis of tho I'uiuu i stales aiid ot .ilexiio alon the I ppu l:ti drande. It lej.uilsUio (fUltahle ilghta or (aclito thew.uei nom the iler loi , nip sciullnl gill ii. 'jiii- m"ilcin. ta that tin- .Me ,1,-au ' iliim iije caiuhl all Hie llnw ..iiu laiisida. bic it loss in ijiii.ei., on Hiis ldi . Tlii-ti iM-mi oi i nun: i..ra is no., at 11 lMso iiir tin- jitu ; ' . ii i.- ill-inn - wlih 1. idled Sial-.a onicirs.iuout U.. iiuu-.r. ! ! DIXON IN MISSISSIPPI. Expoota Potor Jackson to Boconel Him In IJ'.a Cornhii.- l'Iht. fl T ARFfeiATI 11 I KI 1. Nrw i:i v. i-, A'lg. 111. Dixon, the champion bantam, ti.ii guile lo Lis naming ! imailirsat Krniiedj's pi ue. In Ulol, Ml-o. llefuu In- l-.t ho.-ent a cahlegiam to 1'etir ilnek-'iti, telling him ot I Li tiiatment U" reieHi d. HlMiiisiM tint ,'ack'oti ilonbtlfi.l) wo-ild i nirlve mil-tu :l-u j to s.-. im- tun j i, gnt-i, anil wou.J 1.I-1. In-on h.i- humu ci i eral pounds, mi., i.ui. .. i;u, no puiiii-ts. BROUGHT HOME FOR DURiAL. I Body oT nr. Lliiwo Jya J. Evnus, o; i Lnno Fnri'mrv, I i'hu hie.iuio1 i.j 'l.i '.a fui.i II.p o', uhUliStrie Int i ...i .run, uiu lulii Hn li Jy ( !:. I lcnt.!!.n -. KvuUf. vliu c.Ucl ..t balu, WalUH. Ui. K.i.s. wab a rior?vf;i thirty jour lu I nic hv-iuuar.. at ti.umn:i. i L 1 will Lfliili iut.1 .clliuail lu bt i i.ltn,t, nU'.lf It v 111 t'tiuiulu until i:i aiuvnl . In uliuui .; lui Lullu a :ir,i. J.atr- i utl hi r i b it, ulio.ue atlll U ViatL-. il ,jli di bu tU'uVlUil I PcUtlcal r otpoirr!. I riif G uttrtin-lloi." i c&rt u ti who r irn'orprl jr tit llcittihlica i a.'OKn'ti wl tch utiMitU gm 'h ' ,e nnii lit ( ii"tRn i till v-t liA "Hull up) i I- t nut) t mid o t -vu ttnd tlit nl ii ii iLu . toiuiitMot protti ikn t tua woikiUKimr i n j r nt n i a- juz i , a 1 t lieu itii.b'i r 1 iuM fi"in $ U tu i 1!) iw ttiu t. .iKiitn Iwu ijlwioislJa vt L. i ilHfuti icnnt iitp t,rpstl ilftfttiT 'ol n.' tltvnn nj i n .at t .luiiy.i .r.i .m i- on io w.ku J tin bti iLp tur nHi. W.vvii. ilia 1. ii. i (i y 'tlllCll' t.ti tT I'lOflll lit. J U It.ilIlV tv'ti'tl I i)u t.o tit him ti'tit i ti, tlant .i i- 1 1 ti:, , I'ltvi-ie'it Il.uUii,nr ilio 'm nmrtiri ', t m fillet) ti a titu it'i it Jo'.uty i.r Minru rui I hit' lo .iiuoiiUiuu - im:i !i:j ii Wu tarn 1 oll1Il r, ii. ihi nit 1 1 1 'i u . tui ))iit r t, nut 1 Unrl ( M tl !' r.t : ni't-Al- t 'rn i Si . 1, i thu I o4 il. t . 1 fVu .-alj.rt, tJ.t'UJ ;i )4r. .S UCCJiSSFUL Arc Ihc (Tt'r.r'- vt I'd use U'OVJ) .. -' o j , ' as 1 HERE'S k NEW CLUE- i Wero tho BorJeii3 Murdored by1, Rovciifrcful Sailors? They Had Been Wilncsses Against a Ship's Mutinous Crew. ale:i Injured liy 1 lii-Ir. Testimony Mild tu Have Iii-eu 111 1 'nil Klvcr. fl-T r'nriATi ti li:r3.1 I ys. "Mas.., Aug. 11!.- "hi- I.jnn iri will tela puhll liai-tor.. latlng Hint A'u.iew .1. Hoidt'ii, ot i'all KlM-r, gate tin' lUltulpal les. tlmoii that coiiMi I'd Hie iluR-lea'tcn In thu mullti mi the Mliootier Klihaid .1. Puid'.-ti wlilli-on the M.ige lini'.i a luu-Uu pin to this country; that le- aii.l 1.1s w Un wne en thoMSii'l; thai his icstlmm In tho lotitts was ili-clued by the sailors tole lal-eand c.i,v-rati 1, mid Hi t tin-men who tulTiud In II lowed icir,-i aiii'e against hi. n. Must. II lint all o! till 111, hale Li Ml le'.i-llsi 1, and II Is siib.nliteil Hi -l f-M i il of tin i.i weie ' in l all Mii-i .'t tin- nine nt the iiuirdir. I u i. i.M l.ii, Mas,, Aug. 1.1 llu-ii-icllm In the l!or.l"ii case has bet In, and li-tl.i th i pupillar leellngl- n.tlceabl nuh-l. 'lhele H Mi liltli! M lent illscitjslon going on on tue -tiee:. mid wluilewiasi s ivcie si en were Hio utiti.iiwth o' hard cxpie-sluns a-jaliisl tha liiiprlsoiie I girl. '1 lined is ago It wrs the ponulir ciy that Ml.s I.lle w.h a cilintnal mid should bo I pn, -il ti prl'o : '. aii. 'Jn.d." , al' Ii ' the Hlslilet-Attotn i an I Judges haie pas-e.l their opinions on tie- eiMence, there me in Hi HiiiiiUitful and I ion who be bcioaitld will sub-tantlale Miss lloidcn's I inu-stalloRS ( t Iniionnec. I 'i lull Is noir but. ono poll -email at the Ilor- den home-lead, an I In: Is il.'lii,: patrol duty' en the stieel lo picM'lil curloiis enple Ironi ' aii.iojlny Die famtl;. 'I lie pollca hao their legular pattol duty, ami only iluee men aie liunllug up lu'itlier cm i d"hces of the n.uuler. j MYSTERY AT LONG BRANCH. A Man Found Dead on tho DoucU Clad In a Eathintr Cult. I IfTrrr'T -o tit rvrNlvn iro-iTn.i I I osn llnci!. N J., Aug. IM.-lh" bod of 1 a man cln I lu a bathing bull was foun I lying on tl.o sand In Hunt of tho -.'.111111112 Hold , i-ariy this mm nine 'Ihc 'mkiioMii was about flic feel nine inches lu h,l-nt, w i ighlng 110 pounds with HUH cmpl"loi and s-mdy mustache and piolubl) uuii.tiui e.irs ot .irc. n ugb wouii I nMi-Ills light C0 made the laso Iook SUsplCl Ills. i Nn iiuinc-i ti Uentlfr th" mmlivweie founil, mil -einolilligiiaitl'sfall(iltoill-coM.r who ii.1 wis. s,n nLout Hlj beach had seen the man UIou-. o BRIGHTON BEACH ENTRIES. frrirTA to hit nnra'ionn,i i:iiir.iiTO- llMCii l.ti-i. liui'K, A.ig. Ill I'nllowlug aie probable slat ti is Im Mond.i) : . I bt K-c. U .in I s lialf furl.iniis. M-lliiih ' lllM,...S ii.llil.?'.l,lllll ....'Us 1. II". .lain 10' 'uli .mini In. I iia.. ... In' N d-'ii i . ll'i l o ti .'i i i- ... lilt- ,r.kii.ti 10.1 us I 11.., t -I 11 ' f'l-li-.iuH. . S-n.lvnuc le l.ln ir ii .' Sslii.ll im I(..mii1 t. Ij' .. '.I. I.I.8H ... lni sl!r.-l IJi.oi.ll -..... !" XT ft fo't Hi'l.'lrii-iili- '-i'i I'mle.liu. . . '.Is "ilnntllil '.'5 Wlllm MoAillll'i. . IHI.I lli.'t :. -ii: i . us I-jiiit Uji I yn.t . US I' .lni 111- i-.-Sm un fuilo if. Fplti.r;. liMiipl- 1 Hi I" Xlon.t K'l I ual'l. o It ... Ii . .1 .ii H'n..o .. . . ! . Ijiimllil-K H-ilr- I"-' lli'l. Liu) !l'l -lri.liiinn HI Mto.i 't till llMltl lll.l I lW Illl'l'tlVH. t Ii i-ap-iki' no A .' iiturir 110 T. ii vim r 1 morion io. 'lu .i) . 1 1' ."ift.l. . . in"i .l.,,i i lie lfh"Uivnt 1' ' lulioilv . II" kini'. kii.i k 101 l.u.rli 110 I I. villa . ... .'. t ilth llncc sti sill n hsl' lijrlt. UH, i' ll'ljr;, 1,1 He I II ' i . un- H5 ". 1' - II I . ... I'". I'.lirt. 'II .'!il. I'u o 10 ,i"utl r. Itnll bi 1 .it li. Ii. pny ..... loi lluiriii.iiin h7 I' Kln-i '-' s I'll ' , i. in In am-'. I MS i-l.r -.'l-.tliel Iff, s.tic Lit." I'.rb ll.i. m In. I'.oli Sunn rlanJ in. . , mi .lir 1 I I i'i..) I ci.itii a l.'O 1! I. II Ul.iill . . 1011 I, I.) ',17 ,.i ii -. .... ii .,iriAii.i 17 ',lt...nit. I N-r. i.-'ilie lourtli raieon th re.-ular pre. i gi"l!i:i o was i'.i cl 1 1 i-il i 11 aliu 1'.'" blMli : .ice illMled, luo lliol n-lr UlUe- lu the liu.lli 1..H-. I Will P'oitil His fiBiiio nt Home. Il y -."fin iiTMi eitRs. i j St. l.ori, aii. Ik I .iH.i-rlvii!il..ian.wni nibi.eiial.iiil Hi-- ni-ln p 1 1 Allin hii-ue- .iinil ijca a Miu-atlon, will present his sideo: 1 l Iiu i'.isi- tolHit'.e. lb will Ii-aie ..r thu I unial i"ti '.. t it o; tho cowling wc.-k, lie u i s he n i- not km.iv w uat lie Is accused o-, nor w lio i u un vm. i s arj. I A Dv.ul Aftor tl u Danco. j trv joiFi'i'llTrii i liyni. I I .MnvTiiOMKH".. Ala., Aug. 111. At a dance In 'iMilleln I, about two i-I 04 Hum lu-iu, Will Wiatliim nn J a u-'- m in namej linnil- r lm't 'i 1 11.1 1 i'i lib il' .1 ghl. Aiti'l the cti-iu thei.air.l iiasreii iid,iitidM-athi il ilrei.' 11 pistol uliI s;ii 1 11.1111I1 1 in th 11 n.u.tlir iiu. n il ta- tli-ji. Killing Vtialui-ll) In-suinllj. I ?.ni V -si 1'iiri- Passi iiijci- - iiitloii and 1! ett- :ii tin- to. 11 nl I rri-'hlhi sin el, M.rlh itl .-r. Tlinti. Mn'l is1 nrfl 1 111 -nr n.t.iio'1 .nil f rrr nt 1 I. -. 1,1 ii 1 in.,. 111 t , Suilli, 1. fiix'iil 11 llll ' .1 il Ml 'a 1. I'i- I lir 1 .-. iij-i.r l M-. lo.Ail.' I'i T Iilili . 1.1 I I 1. 11 .nl. 1... Iii-iil. I .1 N".' I It ti i.t, Im rt 11. 1 bi liftbitt if .' I" I I. .isi'n .-.i-il 11 ' ill 0.0 ilatw. ', 1 No!! Nelson in Doilclom. ?;v,- tlm FUKPAV WtJlHwD nnd i-i.i-.; !oll Noli-oii's lino nrt.clo on tlm ' dol .iriul:-'.s ol iSonnobnrtr. Tno ilttlo -o-"i-bfi.- r r'n l.uenosL cijnymont Is , 1 ' -. f'.i'. n .- a c : v.-:-.o l-u-) 11 1 1"- 1 -nor'i r'.i r ir', 1 t . i- '- . 'Id: H'tis; 1 : t..o luLbl'!- OUR LILLIAN IS HOME, Tho Queen cf Light Opera Returns on tho City of Hew York. She Looks Beautiful. Well and Happy, as Usual. Tier Now Piny, "The .V.onutobatiln," Will Open In Sun I'riin- eisi'O Sept. .". The Inmaii line steamstdp fltv of New York Monm-d tin to d.iek at Hie loot of I hrlstopher stieet .S. rth lllier, this mnrr. In'.', iiith a 1 ir n ml new ircorl and ."'i:t Ue lighted pasicnbers on b ar.l. :m - vj -i-f'i j 'i fi -. , Wi:i &??. w '(A-, i' " A Hiss Ml t lis ill s'Vll,. M-.i-leit ('i.e-iHte'in 1-isi b'li.d.iy tncrnliig at H.IO oVlotK and unlM'il a' iuiuly llmiK in l.ll.'i this iiioinlu.', mmplr-t.-ig her pasbago from 1) unit's ltm-k Il.rhl In Jum . iliys. utl hoiiisami mi miuiiti-, or :i.i lulnu.oi taster than p:e Puis 1 1 m. lei-onl of o ilas Ml bouts and 1 1 inln'ii 1 '1 Lire was 11 popu'ar rumor aiuoag the pas. sengi-is tint Un- New-fork's last tilp was din l'ugili to the pri-selien 011 linard ot ,1 iim-cit In fie prfpiu-i- 0" Miss Lillian Ku B'll, tlio air, talry f.vitatilci', who wns rettitnlng tioni beri-ummer acnili)n lu Idon. f rapt. MtluirW. !. wis wa, loo gallant to I de'i that Miss Hu.ssPlls pti-i-iicn hiul li-i-n 1 nn li.splratl 11 10 the 1,1; bhlp to it 1 ,s. me ri. iio.lri.i.liig, lui oil- of the nil I 11 1, who I was mi 10 ),ill t'i..i. jllaii', .ul .Hid thai the Inch Yirk'nftHt tilp was due w. e! 10 tl.o oM'-iiaiillngi-he leiil o;, pcili' I on the dry dock ai J.nei pool. w lien the snip wasbirapul rupulntcd .Hid put I: --na.e in-, n a'.iimpl 'at iiiu.i'.lmg ir eiee lug, 11 osstllo, the I I coid made by ii-r bls-i r p'.ilp, Hi illy of Paris .I it.ns, :.". ho.i.i, .".s minute. 111111", Intel e. -,i..s tin-direct e.iucof her fist trip, eieubiJ on the :. w- Y' rl. from Cap-. I."WUdo'n t'ithecabl-1 bin , w is i.-illng lu umisii'iily good plil s. Xo airldentsi 1 mil dentb hnl oeeuiri'd to mar the pleasure or the, wnlch Ui'lbceii tho.-ouglii injn.iahle thrmighuui. I'm sir 'Ihomis Kl'i'-ey wai i-speciallj 111 thuMlstlc ue.- tLe New link's tilp, ulileli Irul ln-.'ii iiiule, e Mild, lu tho late of pi r- 1 tlslenlly canary winds and head s,,.is. Altig. titer tin- ship had Haiejlod -.'.Ts.l I I nets, or ten knots fu.-lher than she went on her pieilmis Hsu -t trip In (iitubcr, ltsb'i. lln list day b tun was, ".on kuotr,, ma.h-i -urila. I n n.'siMi Yi'iriu n puller boirdeil tin illy of Men- nrl. on'isi.iu- im, moriilmr. Pist attei sue bit (.111.11 .inline. 'Ilia pasbt-rgiis we;i- all nt Ireak'.iat, but Mis,1 llus'ill, who was inll the most mtoi iimnngall tlm iiu-pLer, was nowhere to bi s"i n. I 'Ihe fair fon?.'.-l.(l '.n.g et the el.arilable I'liti-rtaliiiiient, hi I f 0.1 i.u-iid mght 111 an! nftl'o "iMti.i-iri ni t-11. age ninl Ainlior .so h 1 , 1 r .W'T ort and l.iti rpool, and was ml c uiili.g MorplKii . In iiiraiuiinom on the starl 1 -ir 1 sldt, aft. .Vl-s liiibsill's Mhclinn was Matni'i " 1 1 lie Mi Not, Do ir lle.iri," nnd ociislouid 1 fiaPldi-rablo ci rutin til a u-eig her he'ueis,'i. Minn learning hit tint alri. fait in. e lul iimimiI an od r of i.-iaiuuku Horn hi r auagir. 'I. l.emy rri rich, ha 1 1101 mis, ecleil Hist lllliiii'j li.-iri w.s Inilaugirot b ivln. her lor .I'.y one 1 1-". IVrlnps lln i'i 1111 be s riieihing in it ntfr nil, Hiniiyii, !' r ln'-T Ml s llu-si-ti uanlelolf 111 atlei.iin to soiio hir no lerlou , H.ti-i.-' Uji.. '1i.".j nas no ii'ieB'loa to the minds nl I.I1II.1I1 s heaieib 1 1 .1 iiUiili h i.M'M'i, thai si.-) nil dn 1 ly i.liul bl.e wax flLgilig, ai'il, 0! c.mi se, tlluauiliuliio ilemanUe'l a nl iicelitil an i i.'.'i'ie. Ii .u ihe nrl time Uio Aue tic 111 boii',siri--s had en r sjiig 0 1 ho..r.l ship, and bl.e was asdfllglilnl Willi her oration asthe pis"agi Hiieih irtni'd nl'li lln-tlngii, Vt s i.ttii'lMi iueud, tho actrex, and Prank l.liicilu, the Airirlean humoilst, who with his who and Ilttlo bou has lien nlrnal In l-.uiupc, AUEiiaila, 1 hlna, 1'idla and .l.ipaii lor 11 to crirs, also ink rart In tl.o ihliitali-iiii-m. AiUs llussell'.i til,i was alsn nuiv.i'il bv au- 1 oilier inline, witch may ii-nii) miUu Ik'C.i pp'in.i'il. Mie had ,1 "cloulile." Mm in i bill w.u loi .iwari or It, b-jt l!ie lest nl lli'i j i.isterigers were and mlsionk Hi" "ilouhli " loi ihe hongbire's cimtltntntly nt the Uyi... nlng 01 tlm loin .-e, but 11 t l:jiln a pi a' lag aiipial-it Jinn with eltlnr 1.0 imLarraHslug slUMlloiiu rc-iUlicd. I The -iduublo" wai po'iPi-d cut to 'liir l.i iisisn Woiii.u mini I, a Hi .nud .' M s, I'll ii)--. Mie had the t.iine lir.i- s I.llUah's, but she was mire lell-.e, lier lealiiriH wue bllyutlj lain' n'lftulai mil I.e.- eoniplnMoii I Ii.kI n ru ldi"r look 1I1111 Mlsi lliisel.'. 1 iithi-rwlbe sliu it'a.-iuti.iu J llliiiii Ml uluuly en 11 In 1I11.1 paiilculnr MhT'ln. Illllati I arki owlni jvii on tl.e nl"i-i r.-ainl 111 tlm mill' u - tights uu," that n.i.u.e haj In 1 n I in. .fen i Mi lo her.' ! it 1 -. ah i .11 .. r rrtit 11 r--- 1.1 1' . A '' 'e on' 1" 1 . I v. u rki i in 11 1 a 1 ' . !, I tu 1 . ,. 1 1 1 ' 11 - ' V .'I . .li.. . I 11' , ' I ''' I , s , , .- I I I . 1 '-' 'ii-f "C; V'7? "-C - ' . PROPOSED KSV7 IRKPROVSRSEMTS FOR SATTF.RY PAR!C. II. I I I I III. !! I I I II I 11 "1 Wok-.ii repirtir. lie n.ei the prln.i leant as sh" eiieigid t" in li 1 t iter 11 In. n .11 'I'm tl.e h 111 Isit -.n-i 11 ltd, atiJ siaitid ilniiii tlio 1 run fund, d-.1. Ml h a Jaunt step Hut liiMiikeiii'l lurn-ct In . 'li.'ii'l - ! 'lhebin ha 1 Hsi'ii uMi 1 if Islmi I ihnrtly leloic .In : the bar villi siller ' lln'llt WllHsl I ilUllttll SS I'll.. li.S, I Ha , Hie ugly piiii.i.1' : . .11 ble . met . 111:1 Nla-i.i t Hi'lu Jus- si II Htleeilis. Il wis a brll'linl bpeclti le. bin tin' ...0i-i of light Optra was 1 eien moie radiant. I II wasn't h-r cistutne. 'lint win plain 1 and en'ti pop'ilar. A n ny blue tlnniirl blner suit, with poll, ud il wa'st and J niiiti H.ill'i h..t eoinpilvil Ihe 1 nstiiui", and hir m'.i lleie in ,ci ell wns a largo ni'-diilllon biootli. Mm l" 1 in ,i'ii and ireii louimnt', It i-il.'h' lime li'in mil d. lul win 11 b Ulliati lliibsi 11 it teeame wo. dc lull atlraetiie. 1 In- I'lrauiH she appiaied on deel sl.o wi-i the oli.s'iicil of nil ii'seiic.-s, ami as she miked along lln pinlin uaue lorn ml lui's weiilii.TIn inpbl mum' bl ill. It was plain Hint I.llllan w.u icry pup.ll.n- irllii in r tell "i pr.ssengi r-., aid i-tni her lad associates binlli'd n el. er '.ml incriilni;. II11II.III..111M M.ille-tu.U was the s i-ret if 11 all. As her i.i.U'.dlv lioautltul liuluies ri!.iel gently and dlspliy. 1 teeth of whlih 1 anv mu'tt be proud, the su-i hli-itlt, 1 uur.H.r.irm leilred liehlnd a rli.ud, an I onlv I peep, d out to t.ike.i les'O.i In Hi- true alt uf sml l.ig. I.llllan wns linking well an lei lib nil'- reel-liu-will. He.' len wcekV Mieailo-i has no' tinl'd to remit r her an mure slpl.-llke in lorm than whin lur ili-purtiiiociist a teui- pnrary gloom our N'i w lorkei-s, Hit tlm bloom of out li an I Liaut a llriuei grip on In r 1 mi. I -'sK 1 : K " 1111' MOI-STri'-.N ..." 1 Had -he had an erijo able trip li rtalnly. sin-had; pcileeilj b, ii-ndld. 'I hen bhu cuii-tliiii'd- Isn't a gin ions inoii.ltig. Pojnti know I'm glad to gel haik wni-u-1 cm gel a ' glliiip'f of wane suiislilnti mi o nn le. lh, I'M- hot n Hoieii all the time I'M' le.'ti la I.on- d)ll. 1 llow do 1 like my lew lit 'Hie Mnii.H- Inuksf (Hi, Mr uiiilIi, M-r umcli lud'-id, li-ieptlng my pal u 'I h" tnii-le is very pi el t . ' 1 think 1 Mull like in pail alter ninth', but It li id t' 1 1 stieiiKtlit in-il a great in-1'. Ml. li.m iaill, til.o uiniili'U luialul'ie I liiiei.y.iu know. ha. w tun 11 ir.e pciei-ali lie', .songs lor It, i.bljli "III nuke It iuUi-ii sir digi-i. Must nl the tlm' I ilfiti I to "at hl'g lli'iperi'irmance ol the pl.. bu "t e-il s- I 1.. dphaii nl un.u i,r pie i-ure, and I bate tin 1 u.'li! i-iijOtr I iiijHi-l . N 1, I Minll in I 1 in un 1 -Us' In ." ui I'm g'.lng right to', tl-'on 1 iln','.'i, whue wi- i'i11" fi'li'iu Wiiliilcuini.M' 011 s.p . .". 'I in ii w c ine L.i.'k 1 ml 111. 1 op. 11 h---' l'l the ii.inli U .11 alleimliee. I'i. I dIJii'l gi 1 an e s abro id. I tin Is I 10ieic p'. iil' iiriu.'e ones Horn hi 111' and 1 lie o. I wo. ulie: I'm Is hi ullste.. I m n.e. lll.iijdi 1,1-1 stage cisijii.'S ubi.iAil, b.l' I ,0 -i-fi.Hi .1 Itet hue, thutgu II t"-ts II a ,1; .c r . 1 We hail a splendid lltli" ento. talnm. nt 1 last nljlii It wis Hi 1 rst tliiie 1 eir , on tho ii.iti-i, aiul I injoil ll.t) mi.v expul elite hUEi-iy. ' 11 -ri tht) iniiMr. atP'ti lunged Juu 0 tililu Ufoio thu lepoiler . Hid 1,1 1 1 'Huge mo igh toiouoh iiKin Hi repor. if l.lllla 1 a engage-1 iiient to T, lleory Jiurli. No H'M.rir r had ho im ntioi.o 1 M,-. rreiicli s name, hiiLiiwr, nun tlm cjiiiiitrlw inu-rru,'.eil 1 him sou., uliat nerio'. ly with : - nh, tis. 1 nlin I: I1.1 ! In '. Yes oli, y 1 , I In nil ir I.I.U, .i-!ltj 11? ll-i : im" I is, 1 11 b.e eien tune I B nwa llier-'i' ' nlwii' ii'iih a .n.r.y l.eiiitni I bar.- 1I1 !'' 1111. g .111. i" ilo -o.i. .nliig ur iHun. bin 11' alw y.ili' am'." but did "Ul. ur v.lul Mr. I'.'i neli said ab'i'i. It.'' i . ti. "il tin) 10. oner. , '-'.chilli Mstn Mil n i- a mi. ot '.nr 1 'iVdki .1 Willi . s I'ltutl-w, J 1 .'i.'rn I Ifclli SOIIH W. si'.l .1. , . - I I' . 1 in. IP ,i n-i in n ' 11 11 , ' i' tl. Hill. II, In I. a - I nl-- '. I . ' Hi HI , I s, .1 I ' I I I. O ,' 1. 1 .i I i .111 In . 1 I Ve. luii r. '. 1 lu.l iw . - .. . ii 1 ''! . I.I I'.- tin r' 11' io 1 .'.1 1 ' 1 Ml-s I'ltsv '. 'I'.i' ' 4 ' ' . " I- ' ''!'. nnd a-, the' m.a to u ' . 11 billTtU' IP ..111. ". Iillb' t-C I I . I 11 IIWlllll) IllllllM. ' . lion Hi- .1 ' iVM" ' eri.ii'iri. mrpe.l thr 'I, 1 1 a 1' i'i in a 1 d u 1 , m 1 . I n s 1. m , , . 11, 11 ,s n 11 1. i' 1 . I . 1 1 li 1 1 1 ' I 1 1 1' 1 - . I - ' v s i , 1 .. . I 1.. - en 1 . .M,. l -I'll. .aU. mis y i ,-ilfa. SMALL-FOX IN TREPiONT. An Ittillr.n round with tlio Dlsenso In Its Ailvn'ioeil Hte.RO. Aeiei.f -m. ll-p"c a" ion Pis' on l'.ui. I drid .i'i'I ihlrib'ih sin 1 u is m . rled In ti e po ii-ot 'e in in ir. s'litiin ihis nn ruing. 'I lie) Willi to the limi"! and li ill d I. ills Minllnl 1, an I'all hi lnl mr, Ihlr' i nrs old, suit. rl:ir Iniii tin iilsi.iso In lis ailuuiceii tie. I in-111111 was returned al one" nnd sent to the hospital of Ml t ll Illollier Islam). 'I i.e Im.i'-i' v. as iit iiaiilliied by thu linard o.' llialth. MARIE TEMPEST HERE. fllio ArrlveH Tlilo Wornlne by tbo Columbin. 'ihe Ktratiililp t'olumbla, of the lliimlnirg! lln", anlii 1 .11 Hind Hook 1.1,'hi. I lilp at .1 0.1 tills moinlni'. Mie tailed I mm s iiitl.i.nipio 1 l.i.t satunlii iiiieriui' 11, 111 il Ing Hio iioae bibl data aiul -.uithticii lioiits. Miinn; the p-issi-ngei s was .Mlsi .Mario 'IemiMt. I nn Aug. ". Inrle" Mew.i't in .iper.n Mb nu pn"i'iii,'i'r 1111 it Ilf'i-nin, illnl ot 1 Irrli s,i -ilieiliei. 'lln and will bj ,-ent to his homo al .-aglnan, .'.licit. THE WORLD IW MINIATURE. St. Loula to llnvo a Novel ronturo nt Its Annual flbov.-. 1 1 a. '..1 uti 11 1111 ss.t hr. Lot is Mo., lug. 1:1. -(un- of the most nttr.n'llM- it itures lu nn- llliimlnailnn of the , ut V during the I'all fe .tit Itli-s "111 I a lar.-e ylabe uliti It will Im meted at tho Inter.sti ot lln adimy an 1 nllu s., ,.t. '1 In- gpitu- Is ion met 111 elriuniferi nre, ami nil the eoliiliii'til- ainl tin I irg" ol tl.o m-i atis will lie pilnted on In b'ii In. -. 'I I.e 01 c ni. s, seas ,111,1 luk-s ot (lie iinrlil will bo design Ui-d hi ric.itiil"si ent 11.-. its. I il will Ink" mr thM purpusu .i.utnllncii.. ill s. t-iil lumps ol UlelM.raiiille poller 1 .n 'l. 'llieelTiii 'I tlily 111 ' glubi llghieJ up w 111 be a in.ig!il"ceiil one. DISCUSSING "UNBELIEF." nionnli-.l Gormii-i Uvnnenllcal Lu. tlirrnn C2:'.fer-.Cf. 'I Ills mnrn.ii,''s n-n -n of Hi- 1 lrii.ilil 1.1 n. 1.111 l.i iiigelbal lutlielin ronleieine ' w n glien lo u lurlhir iilicusiuii of I :ib.'-1 H I." t l''i' re will li" 11" nlin r -1 ssl tin -da 1 r lo in Toft' ill luiiiibei's hi the 1 011I1 tc-iiCi- go t loi"il ' 1:111 Uii, .ileum 'ti f' 1 an null, u, and 1 .11 iiaim.u u.j louliienci nuM .Mei. il" J- RAIDED BY CAPI. CROSS. I Port -one I!'.n Arrnstort nt'U All Lot Go lu Court. I 1 sumiiii Mmuii. prop. li'in- n tPe fal"nn a " :. I tu) i.e. si net, and I. I.y lull who were pluliu i.inJo ror money Hi rewhen tiiu nas nil leil last nl'li- b 1 a, it. 11. bs. in lu n: i .. iuesi in'.-j. Maru-. 11 ul luia .nuri.- illu. 1 simrn ii nrt to iir.'iii gambling In bis 1 i ,c- luaiti ami ut) anil .111 mri 1 Hboueib , n 1 ri it- g 1. LEVY SI ILL LVCOJTHiRSTY. Ho WW Pu'sl.e'y Kipont Kls Dt?nun j o.r.t.ou of tlio MarriutH do 15on. I r.merl.e. Iisths for llo-t ,n lu-Mflit, win '1- no wi.l presld to.mnrroir .iiivriK-i.n. i th- iiik'ullatlnn ul iwo uen Iml.-es ol thu lu ; ii.'i'. urdi-i 'J 'Son. of li'ijjuiin. At n ! lee-.iiieli to lullon, Ike riiromr wl.ldolli ra li-ngltii address u.inn .'n j im 1 i. i'liu lu 1 h ,rcss lu irinci, a d inilj ' 1 111.1I.- repeat his iiii.uncuilu.i uf Xa.ip is , dc ! KS. I I . . N.ow Qovornor o' ten CUIoi;'.v.'s. IM A" ' -ATi-Ii ri'.l I Iiemws, "lr., A'lg. 111. -Jotui Lulfe'-as liiaill'i id 1 ' e.-n .-if Uii laitli.s.i. n 1. 1 Inn. il el- 11 liii.-hlo. d i luuu 1 aid il i's II' sn uk .1 ". 1 I'f i'Ii.'.I.hi. I.e is latum I II, ' eil , ' II 1 jltlltl'lil 1V.11 li . , .in.- iH'U to ..'.I .nisi . lb o.. 1., t.. .... u lo:.. ! IVI'OKTT Til l-Htl'! MIHIit tl 1 1 f M-l) ilt.'c n ttir 1 1 11 l.ll. 11 .1 . ii- Ml I Pl.IWr.lS llli All-4 !.iI...Jl..iri !..'.' I I Noll Piciacn .n D.l'-loii. He.-'l t-i Hi) Hl'NDr: ',VO:t!,D ol .- 1 :.'o "i'i v. t;. 1'c -.ti '.;; r .-. i' is lb : 1." : -. - I -l.ll) I 1 ... 1 IOWAS OBEY THEIR MESSIAH. Thov llnvo Lift tlm nesorvn'-lon nnd ' May Do Scrno Gaoat Unnclni?. tri iF)in u.rii ri.rp. I ti I'.. Mi '. 1.1 'Ihe Iowa Indlnni lime I"1I their allotmei, Is an 1 haie gone l.) live with tin 11 tribal 1011-I. s, Hn, i.:i 1. if -ai Ihilr 11 isi 1 fu- tin Istliat tl.eio I, as bien iieelM-il li) Hum from tin- touting Mi m-I.iIi n nn latlo-i to Ihc elTed lint lu onli r to rieelie Him pioper 11 nshleinilnn Horn til in when In- ii.mi's tin'' must nLantliiii i-Iil li-1 ci. stoma 01 11 lo and icliirn to oU inelhods. GOT LOST ARD ROVED 220 MILES. Tour Snllors Hnvo n Terrlblo Es por.oucD with TSux nnd Starvation. I Pr .fi-isrT.Tr'' "tl-si ' II Hint, N. !-. ug. 1:1 Almiii Munroe in, 'I liimes l.ttkemaii, if Noia "-n tin; tlenre .le-sup, of (llouiester, nnd .'mliew Mile:,, lain!, of Huston, haie been lauded hi re by the steamer Lunenburg and will bu -cut to Hostou. 'Ih.-y were of the crew of Hie sehonnr lle.en P. hu len, (iloiiceatcr. an I got lost in a fog while tun in inn dories list 'I iic-d-iy morning, il.- were m- .nl up 'ihursd.i morning, h mug iiiciliitlule roiled '.".'U lth . i.e bl-iuli ami a little watei lor i.our- ISJIUCUl. . KOT USED TO OUR WHISKEY. A Younir Wolahmnn Gots rijrhtlnn; Drunk nnd Ccnwa to GrloC. A Mi'ii.g Welstiiiiin n lined I.lihard Perry, who h.iu Pun iiaied lu the Mar h bone dis trict of I Ivorp ol.ii. s brought upbeloieJus. tlee ti.-iul al tiie lomb. Police Court ttvil.i), aicii-ed 1 1 illsniilerl) c induct. He was in ested In the a!rnii, Il Warn n Mreet, nlii'iu ho itssnillted Ihe hiirletider, Willi nun Kir. luuglit iiu-noin-e, and Il link seiiii of thim togil nllu to the bta llot -liollsi', lln iris ner-al.l Hut he arrived yistenlar on Hie until and he lep -are l hat I ho whl-I.e ue diaiik i.asdiu,-gid and gale him lnl-e stiinijih. He was dlsihnged with a laull'ia. TWO DEAD BABIES FOUND. Ono In tlio Gtittor. tlio Other In the afoot. I Lawrence L. llancit, of tl.e Last nne Hundred ii'id Tiieui uth .:reti M.ltloii, foillnl thn i.t.ld b d) ol lib. b.l by 1) lug in tholi'iti' uf :i.M I ast nne lluii.lud a'ul J.lcii-uHi it reel nl & o'clock tills moralti.-. It was i. luuu I in Hie ll.irlria Mnrgue. Pollermin h'Ules Mull.-r n p -i 'eil 'o Hi" I'or nn i 'so" re tins ,:ioiuliig Hut at u..'i )Usl Idgl-.i lie :o in u i ho ilea l bmiy or ntni-l.b-illb'i b.u) lliflu tli si let ui .Marlon and llnuunu strut-, mil nmuud 1. lu luo .Mblglll'. i C!-.r.r;roi H-r Urot .or with Toruory. ' im inroi iai 'i i.irs..i I)-r.i-iiv, ('".-in.. .- jg, l.t Miss ciroUno ii. Mhltc. in nh tlDo.uuo 1:1 hi. ii-in iiiri t, 1-e.'lite-lliig the wi'l ul h-r !.V.aer. Hi 'a!i i llll nn II. II nlte. which li'SM-) he. a I -.ley i f 5, '1,000 utit if aa istute I die ii . '."ni,. tiiio. '1 in re ur- l in-ni in r i ' l.d .., .m it wno'ii. J me-1., M ai'e, am aciu-ea ul kailu urgidlUi in. lln i-n-'ui.. Whn'.o.j Whipped in Ton Hounds. ll r A.boi mr-ii r: ss. l I Pi utl isi-, oic, .stij. Ill i.e rgo Collins, ot !!. . tan fee, and .l.iana iMialen, ut P. rt land, roujlit le.ore Hie la "ii i Atldctli ilul) last uiglit I. r .. i u .- t t'li'u. Uh&liu iv-6 kuoc.ita uui lu tu. ni.-li im. id. I l.l.-'lt I1i'i..iip.. ill tnirtllll tr. i Inlu.'l rnri.t it e'i.s, ,o.--s'jr.v build log ui luru.t of i ..r.s lu Ann aticct ri r " U j n!,Fi"f'f --n ' i i Q l r .it.- llu v. Au4i 1.vj. h, .i i . . ti . t '. i S LftST EDiTIDN. i GEPHEUS STRANDED. ! ) Tho Iron Steamboat Struck a j Snag Cff the Bell Buoy. 1 I Panio-Stric''cn Passengers Landed A at tiie Coney Island Pier. AX i Uuiililo to I.cttirn, with n Ills Ilolo 1 In Jlcr Stnrbonrd, Slin Was i IJcuelied on Norton's Point. I 4 f The Ceplicui, o' th') Iron ftte.itnboat Com- pa'O's ileit, lies stranded on tho beach at " l one Inland, Just lusldu ot Norton's Point, with a big hole lu her starboard side a lew firt forward of the paddle-hot. "J Mie Mrui-k a biiag on her tilp to the Iroa 1 lir early last eicnlug as ttii' irar passlnj: tho boll buoy, n hlch Is about opposlto the old West Pad KHOrt. Her hull was knocked la 'i and two of the forwarJ compartments A flonili-d Whit 'he na'i'te nttlic obstruction was ban not et been ancert deed, tut '.ho shoe!: was i i-'ioiigh to ct eate a panic among the liOO pas- M'ligers on biird the Cepheus, and for a ". tliuu the slfiatlon apfcared to be, very tori- 'I lief rceof t he blow- smt the rioso ot tho J btiMinbi.i' toward! the leach, nnd as alio ran ! a cousldeiaulo distance before the engines ' lien- s'.opied, lur keel bcraicd along the V' isu.di bottom In the "halloir water. When ' he steamboat was finally brought to a stand- x still biui began locking to and fro In the 4 liiai ground bwclk J 1 'Ihe passengers were grettly frightened nnd there was un etcltlng tush lorlltc-pre- v bcrieis. Wonieii scicuiiiiil and chlldreri bo- ,'f gau cilng, and ihe lu wire bcrambllDg 'ij. al out In search of preseriers, exprctluu " j eieiy tminent that the steamer would topplo V our and dump th -mall Into the surf. They ' had al.o been rraty well bhakca up by tin' - I bheci;. I i'iMr-Tiiii-Kr.v pAbsr.Narns. . A fen i-uul-'jo-uleil onis tried to pcrsuads ii 1 their eclttd and panic-itrlcken fellow pas. 'f H'a;i rb Hut the ilangtr iruuld not be great, f as the nciu only a sbort dlstanco from sl.oie, and dipt. Charles A. l'eirce did his lest toieassiire them, w'th hut little success J for halt it theiii wen-frUhteued out of their 7, ' wits, and the women eapeclally wero terror. .!: tricle-i and clun; frantically to their hus- bauds and frlenas. All this happened In a moment, but as soon .-' as tlm pilot had time tocolleci his senses ha MiMideil tlm signal iu reverse the ermines. '; As the big wliitis bigan to reiolie thero was . ', a sniilulrig and creaking, and In a tew mo- ': ments the bUanicr began to move slowly. j 'then -he sill backwards and was In deep watir iignln. Mie immediately righted and apparently was ii.,r.e thu wor-o for tho accident. No . time wasbpeut lu making an Investigation, I I ut I'ai t. I'earce made at once tor the Iron J Iter In order lu git bis pasbcajers ashore as 5 beon as possible. 7 1 lie was none too prompt In Ids action, for , on the war tu the pier the steamer began to list he.iilly lo blirboard. and It was found tin' she was leakliii badly. Iseveralot tbo ; c impirttiiet.ts wero reported to bo rapidly l tilling with water. i jtii. saiki.y 1. 1 stir n. Within ten minutes after thu accident the t leplieiisHas made fa-t to the pier and the irltlblened passi Lgera hurried ashore, thank. v lul to naio escaped with their lives. They forttinatil did not know that the Cepheus hidle u stole In and was leaking, or they wutild haie been still mote alarmed. AH 1st ixauln.illn'i at tho pier. showed the big hole Hi the les-els side to lo samo dls- i li-nce below ike wati r line. 1 'Iwo ot H.e bturbiard compartmenta had j iilictd tllleJ, and It nas iiarcd that It sha in 1 ngei inth' heal' swell ot the tea mora . daui.ij ii.uil I lu d me. olapt. Pc.irco dc. ' 1 1 led to starl Lack .or New Yuri: at ence, re ilng iipui tl, i tnelve otter compartments wlib'li wcio .still intact to keep the st:aa :'t ntloit till bhc reached tho city. , No p.ibs.'i.gcrs were ial:cn aboard, and the only ii-rsua o.i th) icyaeus when sha biurti il back ab mi ,s o'clrc were her cfllivrs and die. ham , uuaitirlnj abjut twenty peiaihsla all. As the ce, hens art the pier those oa shore n diced thai tno .via) out to staN beard, that sie. bans dowu considerably . Ltlvii he.- water-Iiui. i.s.n.i.r to iiiT aics to new yore. Mie had u it re.utieJ Norton's Pofit lef:ra ' it uasdlsi-iiered lhat the naier was pj'ar Ingoutotiui) ot t:u bn-ken coiapartuienti an) ilia hoi 1, and by tho time the 1 olnt was passed, th ater ha 1 1 iseh to the Hour of the boiler room. i 'Ihc tli-Tii-Mi were stamlln; In wa er, nnd , only u leu lue'ae. ma.e ni'd the lit. uacu tires w mid b.- iMInsul-ueJ. Kngmcer Wiyht le- portid La in i.v'Hd be alio to wo. tlio ' en, Inns lu a l.-i. minutes lunger, and upoa this i. i.i'. l't arceg ue Hie ordu- tibeaCltUo steiiii r ut oui.1'. I ci nlel tae I'ePi. b this time and wa-l'itu 'u'i iiatcrof tin- ba . Her t l m w .s i e ,t-' I uirards the sL .e a-id Ur r a i ,t 1 1 ... eU , In mo lain Ufa she hcrapcd Iw'toin again, ai.tltlii'it fc'l ilnj up I'i tho hiut and iund, -tue taa' lur boiv Ufh and dry tut ot i w ivr. ', M.e lie in that ; osinoa this m rnln,' Tba '1 s'ein auk drum la the wate: ussueg.-ad- rj uatl d. a-ul the hies la th ti.imccs, , which ate hull paitlJll b'.ibii-trht-il, litre . put on. ' 1 I'll,' P.'arepnont aMiorc to egraped to 1 the ul'lcrs ti.' dio I'tmnti t'n fact ot lbo ? a u i !. ind H.i n neat abo.nd the Cephem ' .it, u- ine e he l-u-lined all nigut HUH HU ' i - -I s a it I ie 1'lell. si si it i int. urn i)i"i' down and toclca , i si .ii.duJ s earner lad jihrlii and t -iyH