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SPORTING I ., SPORTING 1 1 FJONECENT. NKW YORK. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST if), 18i)2. PRICE ONE CENT. 'H IN SUNDAY'S WORLD----CLEVELAND'S LIFE COMPLETE.! EXTRA. DB.HASBRQUCK i Makes Fast Time and Defeats a Field of Crackajacks. OOGGETT'S REMARKABLE FEAT fanilza Wins Partridge and Count the Great Fall Stakes. ' fcrrciii.TOTHF.KTrsiicowoni.n.1 EHEirjiiKiD Hat Hacr Track, Aug. 31. toe opening event at Sheepsboail Day to-day ru a soven-furlong dash tor all-aged horses. 1 raio crond ot sprinters wero entered, Killing Dr. llosbroucl;, Potomac, Corrcc Jon, ttonenell, Chesapeoko and others. Dr. aisbrouck was a deservedly strong favorlto in his iccent performance, while Fotomaa ta a strongly backed hccond choice, and Tournament bad a host ot followers. Dr. Jasbrouci won, and his victory was one ot Is most remurkablj cer won on a race ncic. Jockey Doggetfalsopcrfoi hied a feat which arncdblm unstinted pralso from tuifnien, ad which caused many to exclaim that 'Ettret lost a prlzo when he released Doggett torn Lis employ." As soon as the horses started on their Jour rtylntho raco Dr. llasbroucfc's bridle rein irakc. Nine boys out of ten would have at empieJ to pull tho horso up, but not to with oggctt, who Is Rifted with au exceptional mount ot sound sense. This Jqckoy reached iter to tho borso's bit and Inserted his Angers a the bit rings, and lying flat on the colt's leek rode tho race out und won lu fast tluio !t was a really remarkable feature. Doggctt distinguished himself at the Spring ceetlug of tbe Coney Island Jockey Club by Ming after and catching liclwood, who hod tin away. In the race which Dr. Hasbrouck won Mo lly I'otomac landed second, but pulled up ho anie that tbero is u, doubt as to bis racing tho itarler again this season. Correction was Iblr.J. Uoggett a'so rode then Inner of tho 1'ar Jldgc stakes, tbo second event on tne card. Mils was the Zornlta colt, nnd tbo Saratoga sontlngent were down heavily on him. Law ess and Doctor were the choices, with Zor iltia colt next. Tbo Hutsh was a rattling lie, the Saratoga colt Just got there. Km In 3ey cimu with u rush at the end and finished Jilrd, a bead behind Doctor. Iho Etslno colt letter ridden would liavo won easily. .Mike Hwcr mado one of his plunges on xeglnald lu tbo third race.llls commissioners real down tho line betting joo at a clip intll ho had wagered ts.uuo. Then Kegl uld's prlco had dropped from even money to Itos. FII1BT RACE. A sneopstakes for tbree-year-olds nnd up tirds of 810 each, with $1,000 add.'d j seven urlongs. Mnrl.r.. IIWo7,r. Joeei: Start. Hall '. J7. Jr. lliibrouek tU7..DoKtt .. a Hi U fotouai ll)3..Lauibley.. 1 21 '- ,;rreulou 10i..Litt!eiielU a 4 an llviimsll lOSA-Or'nt'ii IS 5 A rouroimant 107. .Marian. .. 0 G 6 Wieiapeike 107..W.MI'Krjr 4 Mi n "Porter lu7..B!ren.... 7 7 7 rott Uaitiim-ur Hai.uri.uiV, 8 to 5 and 3to3; ; inao. II to .1 i to 0: Tourmninit, 0 and i; """'ion. 1 1 n I 6 , Lheietii-ak, 16 and 0 1 utou. Mll, 30itlid JO; Iteuortar, lot) and P. Potomac and Dr. Ilasbrouck made tbo run Has; lik-o a team until tbo stretch wus cached. There Dr. Ilasbrouck drow away ind won very easily by two lengths from ftHomac, who was a neck la front of correc Jon. Tluie-i.aT a-5. Mutuels paid: straight, $14.23 ; place, n.-io. rotomao paid $7.85. SECOND RACE. .ui'e, Partridge stakts, for two-year-olds, u n $ i .aoo'aadcd j three-quarters of a mile, in turf. arl.r. 1TH,. jaelim: Klrl. Hit. Tl. CV"00" 10..Do! 1 t Hi if0';, US. .Harvard.. 0 lu 2 fff? "'; 108,. Barren.... 7 7 3 S!'I",c,"t m.,.LWll' 10 4 f""r- 83,.NirTaM... S 4 ft fl"'"' 113. .Kar, Ill ft 7 iff"; lUd..Uulcttld 3o li', ; 113,. Hamilton 'it 11 11 . n i' "tlinir-Ljleti, 4 to 1 and 7 to 0 ( Doctor. n,?i ',C,T to8iificrnltr!olt, S ua 'J; i.itra. IU llii. rl1'".'u"' " Sl I''"'" Bi'J, luand ft! "nilil.Bpott, 'JOaodS; JfromoS., 10 and 4. mn2rn!,'a calt an1 Warsaw wore Quickest to J "Jt but were outrun by Doctor, Jcromo S. I J"""!10"- These threo made the running In I lh. ?, buncl1 t0 thohoadot the stretch, I ,? ornltza colt ranged alongside. Doctor, I JwJa a jattllng nnlsh won by a head from 1 .w.'?.1" beat Umlnllejo, neck for tho jV,,. 4-fi. ii"Ksetoi. pa",, Straight, 35.00! place, U..83. Doctor paid I TIIIItD RACE. iin?.r,,W0-J't'ar-0"ls: purso 81,000; selling llo..nces j Futurity course. Ba?r!kri' irnl. Slrl. Jllf. f.' 10ft..8nua a n 1" '"'Si 3..J.Larab'!r 1 1 St "llajma IIU..C01 7 11 t- iJjW: iMl..rnn 5 0 0 Bh, i !?Vl." -Hlnald, ;ltu and cutl Court IVlli.i . "1'J."'5i Wai Knid, b lu 1 and 3 kn,VAu"Kvl'J d t liltk. l aud3Mln ""' a0nd 10s Calantha, 4U and 1J. BC,m?aI.'1 t00lc luo lelo "' the first furlong, RrPfS.lnf a fC)' or two lengths irom Hlght M ili'S0?0 Cn'tl ""J Courtship, held It to a&rit?. toome- Thcro courtship began H" "Wl tho loader, and In a pretty finish aWm,1' ,nlm out n neck. Keglnald was m lengths la tront of tjueen Enid. Tlme- tuels paid: bfralBht, 23.23: place, m- Itcgliialdpatdii.lS. lOUinil HICK. .il'. ''nil Sehlnif stakes: a sweep HfurIoue.SeiSi ,,,aa0 uaaca! 0UB wl' ". ir.(ij j,ti,,y,. firt. mf r,,,. H' B1..J.Latullojr 1 -j II aK'lt'i.':;' Jul.. laiaMon, -1 Sa -J I JK X13., latal, ,' (44 iaSi:;,'i"u" "J-.uvirta. ; vi (1J,'"-'wN.m.a,i aa4wJ0 niah'o, 0 In2 indttrnl 1'qullr. B to 2 tniTn Uomt. 0 and 'J Ilstidlr. Oand 2. Istelle rhot out lu front and showed tho way aruunJ tli turn, followed by lount, Kiulty nml Diablo, on tbo ar turn young Limblov moved up suddenly with Count, and betoro the others were an arc of It had gained two lTisthV'load. This advantage the others could never over come, and count won by a scant length from Kquliy, who beat Now tr Nover a length fo-"f-'ce. Time 1.50 1-3. Mu'.uels paid: straight, (42. TS; place, si.,. iu. .'.i.i.vj paid $1:1.70. nrrn uack. l'urse $1,000; selling alltw.uiccs; Futurity course. llantm. WkqHi, Jntk,i. fin. lilt. Tin I Tiiik i.m lt5..l.amb!!7.. 'J 1i l Ixir.l Dalinonj lll'J,,IIattilltun. 5 S '. ' ' toi..liraDt., (i :H ai Datlialr lUi..Hrue:l .... I 4 4 .t I li l"1,.(oiritt ..4 5 ft .' iavv,Miit(1'i' 7 .it n llirii-aut ,., Iii'i IVnn S 7 7 . nn'n-hn 10..slroii hi. :l H H Dollj McCon lUO.AUaylon 0 V 0 I cue l.tjy Iij..lllku 10 10 10 1' t.Jleitirr -tun k 7 lo 5 and 3 to ft t Lord ( I.a'iiDrjr, 7 to 2 and item Oreat tluns, 8 to 1 and .i It iioltr Mi'uu9, s to laudato 1; Uatiman, lu to 1 and 4 ml. HirdranT, lAtnl andfl toli l!lla,20tol and fl toll Undo (Mill, 2iitol and H to ll ,Jnr. 4D to 1 ami 15; Hadro (Iraj, luo to land 40 to 1. Iird Dalmeuy, Dagonet and Klla ran in n close bunch from start to llulsb, Dagonet winning handily by turecparls ot & length torn Lord Dalmcny. who was a bead In front ut KIH. Tinie-i.12 2-r. Mutuels paid: Straight 12.28; place, $8.10. Lord Dalmeny paid 12. MXTB RAVE. Tho Turf llandl-ap, with $1,230 added; one mil.' and a quarter, on turf. Starlm. trt.f. Jw. MralaM r. RnonUII 11H, .HTural. ....... ft-t 2-1 llluaminir U(l..nttl trlck .. 7-5 1-2 Uonurfnrt IIS ..lmlilKj 8-1 2-1 TomlUl-r 12..Nartoa U-'J H-5 liar i 122.. Hamilton 4-1 C-.1 Won by nioamltig, Tom ltogcrs second aud ltoiiuefoit third. THE RACING AT SARATOGA. Drlzzlo, at Lone Odds. Defeats Lostor at tho Bpa. fi4iiaroaA Hace Thack, N. Y Aug. .11. Tho weather here tcday Is lowery and a light rain Is falling. Tbero Is a fair attend ance at tbo races. JIRST RACE. TurscgGOO; allowances; one mile. Alarum. IfAr. Jofkeyn. Strutffhtlrttlmt. 1 lltlzale 124..Morrl 12- 1 2 Liiwr luL.tlnflln 0 6 J enatr 112..Shauar 4 1 IAn, Itran It.nmi.iel, ampoit, Halonica,Falia and LUrctto alau ran. Mzzctte, Versatile and Logan ran in front to tho llnal lurloDg, whero all closed up and Drlrzlo took the lead and won by a halt lengthfrotn Lester, who was tbe satno dls tauco from Versatile. Time 1.44. SFCON'D RACE. Purse 8700; for all oges; ftvo and a halt furlongs. Slarlm. Wrltlhli, Jorill. f rl blltlma. 1 Toano 113..Morrla 0-5 2 Lord llartj 110. .J. Flrno 11-5 3 Kutn 10.1..Talor 10-1 Mabel (lien, rleurette, Ulanobe Kaperania. Del Deraonln, Urown beauty and Marj b. alao ran. Toano was the nrst to abow at the fall of the Hag, but was pressod by Mabel Glenn. Toano came again In tbe stretch and won by rour lengths from Lord Harry, who was tho samo In front ot ltuib. Time 1.08. TRIKD RACE. Grand Union Stakes, lor twyear-olds ; value 2,U00 ; six furlongs, Starttri, rTtlnhtt. Jaeh'V'. Straight llttini. 1 due lln.,12. Van Knren 62 1 Imtuitry 0(1. .11. .lours 12-1 3 Mck..... m..boedeker 2-S Falsa Attrena alto ran Industry led at tho start, Nick soon took command and led to tho stretch, whero one forced lu front and won by half a length from industry, who.bcat Nick two lengths for the place Time 1.10K. I'OUKTn RACK. Merchants Stakes, valued at 3,300 ; one ann a quarter miles. arr'r. XTtiqhl. Jorlnti. Ftr'ohlbttttnt. 1 Dundee !)J..(lrlffin 4-1 2 .Santa Anna 10,1.. Morr, tj-fi J Lovlander lift. ..I. 11nii... a 1 Klraberljr. Charade. Blltzen, Bade aud India Itubber aWo ran. l.oulandorandniitzen set tbo race in mo tion, tbe latter going to the lead In tho first quarter and leading to the last turn, when hanta Anna went up only to be beaten by Dundee at tbe wire. Lowlander third, a neck from santa Anna. Time 2.00K nnit race. I'urso 500; seven furlongs. Siartrr. WeilM: Jorityi. Rtr'uhl blUtttr. 1 Melanla 10l)..Tajlor 10-1 2 Halbrlgean 91. .K. lloane 8-1 3 fanway 110, .11. .Innta 2.5-1 Msrry lluke. Headlight. Lonion HIukkoui. LaT- Im, l'oljdcta. Khaftan, Uimblor and Little Jane alio ran. flamblor started It, then Panway to th" lower turn. Mclanlo rushed up and won by two lengths from llalbrlggan, Fan way third. 8IX1U RACE. Purse $300 ; a steeplechase, short course. (irtfr. IIXe-Afa, Jerk tut. flr'jhl bntlne. 1 Hamtlorer 142., V. Callahan 2-1 J Futurltr l!U..l'loee 0-J 3 ht. Luke ,ir2..Ureen 0-1 Fat Uakler aud clamor alio ran. Futurity led in a cantor to the nrst hedge, when Sam Corey captured the front place, an.twns not approached during the rest of tho race, tlntshlng twenty-five lengths from Futurity. Futurity was second and St. Luke third. Time 4.1 SK- A 15 TO 1 SHOT. Warpaint Winn the Second Race at Gloucester To.Dny. (ItOUCISTER ItACS TRACE, AUg. 31. The racos wero continued here to-day with six well-filled races. Track fair, weather and nttendanco good. , Flrht llace Fiitso $300; seven and r half furlongs. Won by Maxim llllv. Wallace tl. Beconcl, Heply third. Time, l.uitit. Second liace Purse :iOO; lor twe-year-olds; hellintt; llvo furlongs. Won by War paint, West Side second, Estello F. third. Time, l.oa. . ihird Hare-purse $300; four and a hnlf furlongs. Won by Prohibition. Klmstono second. Klngsclere third. Time 0.50$. Fourth Kace Purse aoo; nelllng; one mllo. Won by Lonely; Pelham second, Doublo Cross third. Time 1.44. GLOUCESTER ENTRIES. awcnsTER IUce Trace, Aug. 31. Entries and probable starters lor to-morrow fol low: HrlHae-Fouraod a half furlonst; Mlllo. nlaocm. 114 1 Markhamaud Moooraker. 112; .eb Foi, t'atiuk, 110: Laoy Ballard, lOTilndlan, SliamrntkanlProivrct, 108i Dobuualr. lli'ji lu. land, lllil dorian (I. aud Auburn, lUlstlorrle 11.. 1U.I, Hliea, 101 lb. Second lUco-Firo-elahtha of a mllet for two. reaMide.-Artlllerr, I Wl, Hear tiuard, Harlequin. Prior. John. 1UJ eaahi Want, Ml bllrana, 1101 irlght Le, b7l Little Nell and Helen Block, 84 Third 'lli-e-en and one-naif farlonfil mII-in..-lioil.n It"l, 111! Ieju;i"r. 110 Ked, 1ID Munusiir, llOl Alarclil.l, 103! Maeacnila, 100 Auio, lOill Al" Artliet, lOI.ilnbbr Caloan, luis.t. J. liealj, 103; Miujoir, 1UJ; Poreni, 100 H. li.urtli Pace Slianda I alt furious; aelllnf. Unavraj, 1101 lleatler. I10i Blackburn, 111): Kr.pii, lull Au.odIi. 1(14; Haraaln, 1U1; Can't Te'l, lOli SurpHii, lull r.oilmor. 101; I'artocn. 1C1: Voter, 101 Cunteit, V5 Major 11., VI i yueio U'Or, 02 lb. ... HUB ltace-Ilandicap ! ill and a quarter fur lcnj. -Bunted, lit; Flatter, 108j Monoop. lUri; llill.rla. lOtli 1 httbara. i05 ht. Patrick, IOOi LUIIo K.. t8 Viklu. Wlb. . butti Ilaoe-lllle and a ii(nnth.-Aliconquln, Kblli, Hum-ide, Montreal. Birthday. Miuntela Dear. Jim Mulliollai.d. Conaudrutu. Honul .1., ilfn.tlt, Border .Mln.lrel, Cba. Heed, Tolebbone, Strauser, llulbtath. Campbell Btlll Tenn: Champion. NEwroRT, Jt- ! Aug. 31. Campbell, the national tennis champion, retains the title for anothar year, bating to-day beaten Hovey, winner pt the ali-comeiV lourujment, 70, 80,0-0,7-5. irk ey sniuwN ww. Ho Puncho3 tho Bag and Eo hearses Hia Now Play, Corbctt Will Keep nt Ills TralnliiR Untll Brtturdny Arternoon. John L. Sullivan is taking thing! tolerably easy over in Brooklyn, thinking mora about his book and play than his coming light Willi Corbett, There will bo a llttlo tnoro work Uono to-day than yesterday, bowovcr, Sullivan arosont 0 o'clock this morning, and after dressing got up a sweat by a run around tho handball court in tho roar of Casey's place In Degraw street. Ho breakfasted at 7, and after giving tbo meal time to digest did some more work lu the temporary gymnasium, principally btg punching. Tbo next two hours were put In at Holmes's Theatre, whero tho rehearsal ot his play is in progress, in tho afternoon ho docs about two hours work", and tho rest of the time he passes quietly Id his room. Tbo Sullivan party gocB South to-morrow afternoon. The departure irom Casey's will be at about 4 o'clock. Iho party will urlvo direct to tho West Shore depot In Hoboken, Wbenco tbe special train lcaios at ft.30 o'clock. The route Is by Buffalo, Cleelaud and Cincinnati. Those who will go with MUllvan In his hand somely tilted uppnvutocar"'Irttvellcr," aio Johnston, Wakely, Ashtou, Casey, tbo dap, Hilly Murgan and Frank Moran. New Or leans will be reached Saturday evening. Sullivan's aud Cornell's exhibitions on Mon day night have given an impetus to tho bet ting on their great tight. Lots oi pcoplu were wntttng for a chance to see how tbo men looked before placing their money. unobetniadejestcrday was$tioot0 91,OoO that Sullivan gois the wont ot the argument. Another ot 3uo even was mado that Corbctt does not win in ten rounds. AI smith will bet ,ooo to K,000 against Sullivan, while Bookmaker Luvlan will ulace l-'.uou against $3,uuo on tho callfornlan. Charley Jobnaton ban $lt),noo to go on the big fellow at odds of 100 to 70. At New Orleans the combinations with Cor bett in seem to be going down in prlco a bit. six to one against Corbett, Myer and Dixon was played Bomo yesterday, nnd tbo price cut to 6 to l. In tbls city yesterday afternoon $300 was bet at odds ot 5 to l against tbo Sullivan-SI o-Aullirc-Dlxon combination. Assort Pare, N. J Aug. 31. Jim Corbett Is back to bis training again. Ho wus up at 8 o'clock this morning, bis usual rising hour, nud after breakfast aud reading bis mall pro. ceedrdto his gymnasium and went through his routlno of work. He will koep at tt until leaving time. Ills Barty, consisting ot himself, Manager Brady, enny Dillon, Billy Velaney, Jim Daly, Wrestler McVey and Mike Donovan will leave hero in time to catch the " corbctt special," which starts for Now Orleans from the Penn Bylvanla Depot, Jersey city, at 4.37 o'clock Saturday aiternoon. '1 he Kocort " is the rame of tbe private, car in which Corbctt and bis cohorts wilt journey to the Crescent City. Tho car was espoclally prepared for Corbctt at Washing ton. It Is upholstered In blue silk plush and Is luxuriantly furnished throughout. Two of tho staterooms huvo been made Into ono by removing a partition. Tbls Is at ono cud of tbe car and will be used as a sleeping-room by Corbett. ' 1 he bed be has used at the Urady cottage all summer will bo placed In theoompait rnent. so Jim will cot sutler any incon venience from change ot beds. Back of corcett's room are two smaller staterooms and then comes a library. Tbe parlor oocuplcs about halt of tbe car. on tho rear of which is au observation platform. Between the private car and tho engine will be tbe gymnasium car, which Is to be rlggol up with all necessary training appliance.-!. I he route to Now Orleans will be over tho Pennsylvania and Piedmont Air Line. The destination will be reached at 7.30 Monday morning. Corbett will be strictly guarded on tho way down so as to prevent any annoyances or accidents. FRICK VISITS HOMESTEAD. Apparently Satisfied with Affairs Hugh Boss to Surrender. HT AMOCIATCD ritEM.1 Homestead, pa., Aug. 31. II. C. Frlck, Chairman ot the Carnegie steel company (Limited), visited tbe steel irorVs this morn ing and spent several hours Inspecting tho various departments. lie was apparently satisfied with tho prog, gress made towards operating tho plant. Tue advent ot Mr. Frlck caused a sensation n Homostead, because of a rumor that Supt. Dillon, at the Thirty-third street mill, had Ix-en ordered to send for the old men, and Mr. Frlck came up to have the mill here shut down. This was of course denied at the Com pony's o trice. Members ot tbe Advisory Committee do not bcllove that tho charge of conspiracy against them will be taken into court, but that it will be dismissed by Alderman McMasters at the hearing to-morrow. Hugh lloss left this afternoon for Pittsburg to surrender himself and give ball on tho con. splraey charge. Ho stated that he has seven teen additional Indictments against tbo Car negie nniclals, several being In tho United States courts, which ho Intends pushing. FIFTY ROUNDS TO A DRAW. Oroggalns and Coatello Fight at San Francisco. 1ST AMOCIATTD FIIEI1.I Has Francisco, Aug. 31. a glovo fight be tween Alex (Ireggalns, tbo San Francisco middle-weight pugilist, and Martin C'ostello, tho " llutTalo," for a purso of $-.'..r.oo, wnsspun out all last night, noltber sldu gaining much advantage. 'Iho pullco Interfered at tbo end of thorn tlctb round and the referee decided the con test a draw. It was announced tbe winner would chal lenge Bob Fltrslmmous to battlo lor tho middle-weight championship of the world. SUICIDE WITH A PARLOR RIFLE. Herman Wendier, of Jersey City Holzhts, Shoots nftnsolf. Herman Wendier, aged forty-seven, a car penter of 243 bbermnn avenue, Jersey City Heights, shot nlmselt to-day with a parlor rifle and dlrd an hour later. No caute lor tbe deed Las yet been assigned. Ten Drowned in Lake Michigan. nv AfaociATtD mrsi.l Milwaukee, Aug. 31. Tho schooner City ot Toledo capilzed, and tbe captain, bla two daughters and seven sailors were drowned, j i Paul. Paxl. rxl, rxl, t ail-tobacco olaartttaa, 10 nuke pr pack. y THE TORI Lamplighter's Victory Stamps Him a Grand Thoroughbred. DWYEfl PURCHASES LOVELACE. Garrison Can't Coax Tea Tray Other Track Talk. When Jockey Hamilton dismounted from Lamplighter after winning the Twin city Handicap yesterday, he inmarkcd tersely: " He's some horse." Hamilton's opinion as echoed by every ono who saw tho tnco run. Lamplighter Is certainly " somo horse." He's all bono and ono ot tho best thrce-ycar.olds turfmen have scon for years. Yesterday ho conceded weight to every horse In tho race, nnd won hands down, leaving behind him Banquet, Montana, strnthmcitb, l'actolus, Loantaka, Aloha, ltcckon, Faraday, Tho Pepper, Ilashtord and Lcpauto. A bet ter field could not have been gotten together and Lamplighter's defeat of them stamps him a grand thoroughbred. Mr. Plorro Lorlllard evidently knew what ho was about when ho paid $30,000 for this son ot Spendthrift not ten days ago. Tolay Lamp lighter does not owo him a penny. Mr. Lorlllard wou Just 91,000 over Lamplighter's purchase price on his victory vesterdayanu that extra thousand ho banded to Jockey Hamilton as soon as the lrul dismounted. The raco was ono ot the Dest of tho year. It certainly was the best field that has as yet started in ono race. Montana was a strong favorite, Lamplighter second choice. Strath meath third and Aloha lourlh. Montana ran U suburban raco over again, aarrlson could not get him going In the first quarter, but In tbo run down tho back stretch ho gained tapldly, and as they swept around the turn was fourth, lapped on Lamplighter, whom llamtltonbadkcpt In tbe front bunch through out. Tbo pace makers l'actolus and Louu taker tben dropped out of tho race and Lamt Ughtcr straightened out tor homo a length In tront of .Montana. Hamilton kept tbo son ot Spendthrift golngeaslly to tho last sixteenth, where Banquet camo with such a determined rush that the colored boy .was forced to shako Lamplighter up a bit. Ho won in band, how ever. Montana was falrlv beaton. It seems now as if Lamplighter should have won the suburban had be been rlddpn as ho was yes terday. A meeting between Itrnpllghler and Tammany would attract tuausauds. Best Brand was prominent (or halt a mile In tbe third race yesterday.whon he xuddeuly dropped back. It trausplred thai, ho bad been cut down. Iho Injury is not bcrlous, how ever. Mr. M. F. Dwyer yesterday purchased Love lace from Mr. John Hunter. The price btuted ts lii,000, hut this beams excessive. ... Tbo Ehret-McLcwce stable should dlschargo Jockey N'ai vaer. at once, 'ihu lad rode two horses irom the brewct's stablo yesterday, and failed to land either ot ihetu a winner. Jockeys irom this stable are expected to wit. with every mount, otherwise they will ho de clared Incompetent and rccelio their dis charge. Tod Sloano has been released from the em iloy ot Wolcott Campbell. m There Is one liorso that aarrlson cannot win with and that Is Tea 'lray. Tbe old rogue rotuscs to try unless coaxed and Harri son's coaxing methods aro pruelllng punish meat with whip aud spur. Hamilton Is about tbe only boy n ho could ever ride Tea Tray with any degree of success. Yesterday Ham Uioahad torlde Jullenln the last race aud tho "Snapper" mouutod Tea lray, 'iho horse rofueed to try and Slolpner bad no trouble In winning. e It is reported that $20,000 baa hcon re fused for tbo crack Western two-year.old King Lee. Tbe offer, it Is reported, wus made on behalf ot Mr. Lorlllard. 'Ihetulu sounds rather ushy. lockoy W. Hayward received $5,000 for bis win on Morcllo in tbe Futurity. Tbe Saratoga Association olTers a sperlal purse of $1,000 for a meeting between tbe two-ycai-olds Nick and Morello. No accept uhce has been made by the lattcr's owners. . . Mr. John C. Carr is authority for tho state ment that the tluttenburg track will not le ouen until Oct. lu, wheu the icguUr beasou closes lu this state. . Mr. M. F. Dwycr made one ot bis plunges oa Lady Violet yesterday. He bet Uk',Auu on tbe rilly to win $16,000. Mr. Dnycr must baobad heart dlseaso In the final furloug y. ben Lsdy Violet was been to be shut In without a chance of getting through, dam son, however, took it desperato ilianca and fairly forced his way In between Prlnco Oeorge and tbe Annie 1'. colt. Oncu through tho gamo illly Jumped away and won by mo lengths. It wus a narrow squeee, however. ... Pactolus will bo hard to beat at a mllo and n turlong. The company was a trlltc too good for him ) cbtcrduy, however. . When Lady Belmont won the second raco ) cslerday t bo most disgusted man on the trAck uus Ally Lukelind. Ho told tho illly to Father Hill Daly about a luoutli ago for u Ktnaii ngure. ... W. II. Holler has purchased Sauntrrti from thohcbuyjkm stable. The talent is beginning to grow weary of Saratoga form. Unit a dben good thing been pulled on nlmo's meeting began aud there are more to come. STABBED BY A WOMAN. Mazza Held tho Victim While His Vlfo Deed the Knife. Antonio Mario and his wile Ilosa had a tight tbls afternoon on tho uldewalk in front of their borne, ll'J L'lUabctb. street, with Frank Bach, a neighbor. While .Mono held Bach his wlfetabbcd tbe man In the bedy with aknltc.luilhHIng a dan gerous wound. s Bach mi taken to St. Vincent's Hospital, ana Juue ad hi vrlio were arrested. FIGURING UP AN INCREASE OF WAGES. BOLD POST-OFFICE ROBBERY. Daylight Thieves Oot $1,300 In Perth Amboy. frrrriaa to thf Evrnifo wonT.n.t Perth Aov, X. J., Aug. 3l.-Utwcen IS and 1 o'clock to-day tho po3t-onico hero was robbed ot l,-'00 In stamps and $ir0 In cash. Whllo ono man engaged Postmaster Tleo In conversation another picked tho lock ot tbe ofllco door and cliancd out tbo money drawor and safe. Tbo thieves probably got out of town be. foro thu robbery Mas dLscovcreJ and iho police notified. TRAINS CRASH AT WHITE HILL Two Trainmen Killed on tbe Pennsylvania Railroad, IIMTTAI. TO THE EVEHIMt'Srffiitn.l - Bcrmkoton, X. J., Aug. 31. Tbo wreckogo from last eight's collision on tho CumUen and Amboy branch of tho Pennsylvania Hall road at White Hill, nlno miles north of this city, was all cleared tip this morning, and tho bodies ot tho two L.en killed heve been taken to their homes. The colliding trains wero 343, east bound, due hero at h.vjo, and an extra drawn by Engine No. l.oau. 1 bo extra w as made up of empty passenger cars en routo to Camden. Tho passengers on the east-bound train wero severely ahuken up, but none was Injured. Milliard 1". Lowls, tonductor nt'iraln 342 and Andrew Utile, engineer, wete Instantly killed. Baggagomastcr bhlim ot the extra train and Baygagcuiaster Leer, of Train 343, ero seriously injured. '1 he roud tso single track, ana nclltK r en gineer knew ot tho others approach until they wero within a fow yards ot each other. coroner De Worth Is Investigating tho accident. From the evidence already ob tained by tho Coroner it would appear that conductor Lewis was mainly to blamo for the collision. It Is said that ho tried to run his train to Whltehlll from Florence contrary to orders; that ho knew tho extra train was coming west on the Fame track, but bo thought he could get to Whltehlll beforu tho extru started from there. SHE CAUGHT AY. M. C. A. MEMBER. Lizzie Flanagan Held for Robbing; Dlnan Meymerlan. Lizzie Flanagan, kuown among her ofso elates as "Hack and ltyc," w as held for ex amination this morning In Jefferson Market Court on the chargo of robbing Dlnan Mcy merlau, a typesetter, twent)-ono years old, living at 448 Third atonuu. Moymcrlan Is a member ot the Y. M. C. A., and nhon ho started dowu Thud aicnuq tbe night ot Aug. is bo had a certlDcate ot mem. bershlp lu his pocket book and alco a photo graph of his father, a diamond rln worth $40 and two $." bills. After uccompanj lng Lizzie Flanagan to bor room In Kast 'lenty-aevcuih street ht misted his pocketoook. Detective Sergts. McCarthy and con; lost night arrested Llzrlc. ACCUSES HIS BROTHER. Stopbon Bhay Bays Michael Took Ills Money and Turned Illm Out, rrrcir to mr rvrii'Cii wost.t.' Patmson, JJ. J., Aug. 31. Htxpheti Shay, an old man who camo to Patersou fiom Dayton, ()., about a week ago to Hie with his brother Michael, who keeps a. saloon In this city, was to-day sent to Jail as a vagrant, having been found wandering In tho streets last lilrfUt. Ho said he had about $700 when ho camo here, of which he guve bis brother $(110. Ho said he was turned out of bis brother's house jemcrday after his brother ban got possession ot all his money, Tho old man l bilud. salnor-kieper bhay denied he took the old man's money. i i HEW TELEGRAPH COMPANY. To Operuto Linos from This City to tlio West Indlos. InV AfSOCTATFD mrsO At ban v, Aug. 31. With a capital of $10,000, tho New York bubmarlbn ua t Tele graph company nas Incorporated to-day to coublrucl and operate lines of telegraph, telephone and suUnarlno obles, the routu to be irom .Now York City to tbo Weal Indies and south thereof, tho extreme points to be connected belug Now York, Cuba and San Domingo. '1 he Incorporators aro Victor Vallette, hco. vllloC. Wlllums, O.ctr Mohle, Ch.ts. II. Tan ner, it New ork city; William lletry, of ilujonne, X. J.; Flunk M. Algulmlau, oi Diooklyu, and John Huge, ot XauesMUe, o. Russell to 13 o Named lor Bonator. IU AEIOCIATED rBK3, llosTOv, Mass., Aug. 31. The Clot this aiternoon buys: "It Is now said, on tbe very best authority, that the Democrailo candl. datotor Hcltod Mates 'Senator to succeed Henry L. Dawes will bo John tu UukcU. SEAflCHOFTHEBOHDENHaUSE ' Marshal- Hilliard Tells How Thoroughly It Was Done. Expectation that the Taking or Testimony Will End To-Day. Ini AK.ocuTri) mr.. 1 Kai.i. Hivkk, Mass., Aug. 31. It Is the general opinion this morning that the day will close tho testimony In the Ilordon case. Court opened at 10 o'clock, and ten minutes later Lizzie Ilordcn appeared, leaning on the arm of Iter. Mr. Jubb, bearing upon nor face the samo look ot stoical Indifference. Tho first witness called was Marshal ltufus H. Hilliard, who said that bis attention was called to the murder at 11. IT. Aug. 4. He i.ont onicor Gcorgo V. Allen to tho house, and did not go to tbo bouso himself until 12.30 or 3 in tho afternoon. Tbo next officer sent was Dohcrty, tben Mullaly, Medly, Dillon, Wilson and others ho could not remember. Medly is not in town now, but has been sent to look after evidence that iter. Mr. Duck placed in his bands, but witness declined to state what. When be arlved he mado a thorough ex animation oi thn bay in tbo barn, the lumber, looked over Into thu chagnoti i roomy, aim also Into tho crowo and Kelly yards ; then to the vault : then to tbo barn, where they were overhauling tbo hay; then to the lower part of tho barn, whero they Mere examining about tbe carriages, searching tbo stalls on the noith ot the barn and under tbo stair way, lu fact, all downstairs; sent officers to search other yards and then went into tho house. He taw Drs. Dolan, Cougnlln. pecklum, Dutra u ad Tourtellot, but was hot poaltlvu whether Dr. liowen was there or not. They Mere then In the room where Mr. l)ordenrs body lay and were In consultation. ho looked at tue sofa, but could not say whether any part of it was rut. nor could he tell whetbor there were any blood epnts on the head of It. There were blood spots on the parlor door, but he did not notlie tbo chair. Mr. llorden'S body was then ictuuved from the lounge. He went Into tbo front room, whers they xald Mrs. liorden's body was tound, and saw some' spots of blood oa tho pillon-shams. 'I he shams were produced aud Identified. Hilliard said tbey nere given to him on Wednesday, tbe loth, lie saw them onthe bed, however, on Aug. fi. Tbo bdspread of white was examined ard also the (hams. The sham ltb tbe blood lay next to the bureau. Nothing was dellered to him as tbo result ot the search that afternoon. On Frlduy morning, however, he received two axes and two hrucliela, and the hatchets were tne same as shown In court yesterday. He did not make an Immediate examination ot the hatchets when he received them, but did later on. tin Sunday morning a thorough Investiga tion was made ot the hatchet with a powerful glass by Dr. Dolan. The hair was iirst dis covered on the hatchet bj unicer Kdsen. Tho next hearch was madn on Saturday about I'.'.ilO, caused by something which ramo to witness's knowledge. It was dono atter the funeral procession bad started and the rooms Llz7le's room, tbe north and tbe h'liiure or tront bedroom upstairs, wero searched. Milliard's examination was suspended here to allow Ur. W. '1. Learned to testify. Dr. Learned said he was a practising physi cian here and nas at the uordeii bou3e ut :i. 1.-. on ilia day ot tin tragedy atU saw Mrs. Iiorden where she was lying. Her arms were under the body and not up pier her head. Thctewereat least a dozen poraous there, among them several doctors; that was just before she was taken dorrn stairs lor the autopsy. .Marshal Hilliard then resumed Tbe rcarch was not a thorough one, but they examined tbe bed thoroughly. Hero the Distrlct-Attorncy said he was willing to admit that a most thorough seatcb as uiadu lu the house. In conducting the bcarch In the collar, Hilliard said a brick was removed from the loner part of the chimney to soo whether there ss anything thrown down tnechlm ncy fromahoie. Witness ruld Miss Kmma camo Into the kitchen where honas nud said she wunic.l them to make as thorough an examination as possible In all parts of tho house, aud If there were npartuientb unopened she would mi ntsli the keys, mul kcis Mere handed by l.rr to Mr. Jennings. There as ono trunk In the upper part of the house n lilcli u as hard to open, and Lizzie, wltne-i thought, showed htm where the kei I was. In any uud all ot the kearches, Hilliard said, there Has nu attempt to hinder him 111 om inltliig a full examination. At the comliulo-i ot Marshal Hilliard s ley. tlu.ouy htnle Hitoeilve tleorge F. soaier and .iqjii Dounell), a buck driver, gave some tin 1'iipcruiit ttstlnionr. They wore tolluwod by Dr. Frank W. Draper, Medical rxauimcrlorMitTolk county, who wa proient at the autoprlcs . Dr. Draper deicrlbed the Mounds on Mr. Ilorden's bead which ho thought were m.ide with au axe. There woa i,o evidence of a crushing blow caused by a lutuiner. Uecess waslbeu taken. Cor. Boles to Opon Town's Campa'gn, lit AMoriATED rul Dxs Moines, Iowa, Aug.3l.-Oov. Coles will open tbo Iowa campaign Sept. 13 at Missouri YET ANOTHER WILD STEER. He Kills Two Horace Eeforo Ho In Put to Death. Poltceuiau Sullivan, ot the East Thirty, fifth street station, shot a runaway Texan steer la tront ot 304 Fourth avenuo this morning. Ilia shot was not fatal, but K. Schroder, a butcher, cut' tho steer's throat and ended tho animal's career. The steer escaped from tbe United States Slaughter-Hotiso ' yards, at Forty-toiirtb street and First avenue. Ho ran nlong Forty fourth street to Fifth avenue, passed in front of tbe Fifth Avenuo liotclthen alongTwenty third street to Fourth avenuo, and up Fourth avenue as far as Twenty -eighth street. In his course ho gored two horses, ono a Fifth avenue stage bono and tho other a Fourth avenuo car horse. .He hit several persons, but did not hurt them seriously. Ho caused a bad scaro among tbo people In Madison Square aud on llroadway, near tho Fifth Avenue Hotel. LOTTIE COLLINS IS HEI1E. The Famous " Ta-Ra-Ra" Btagrer Arrives on the Teutonic. Among the passengers on the White star steamship Teutonic, which arrived to-day, was Lottie Collins, made famous In two con tinents by her unique rendition of Ta-ra-ra Uoom-ae-sy." she returns to America under the manage ment of Charles Frobman, who will icaturo her In the lauious ditty In the reproduction of Jano" at tho Standard Ihcatru next week. Miss Collins Is no stranger to New York vaudeville houses, alio having sung here fur Rcvcral seasons up ion year or two ago. At that time she did not achieve unusual promt, nenco as a periortuer. " la-ra-ra," lion over, Jumped her Into sub stantlal prominence In a single night lu a Uin ilon music hall, and she ts In this country to show Just how aho dld'.H. Ilir husfcant Is samuel p. coney, a termer variety show manager ut some prominence. SCARED BY SMALL-POX. The Disease If. Spreading In Lonar Island Cltr. irrrrtALTo Ttir EsrxiNowont.n.1 Loxa Island City, I. L, Aug. 31. Small pot is spreading In tbls city, seieral now cases wero reported to tho Board of Health tbls morning. The sufferers aro Michael Dlld and bis six-months-old child, Mary Tar gart and Patrick Mullen and child. They all live within a tew doors of each other in a thickly tettled portion of Iiorden avenue. 'lhere Is no pest-house here, and no arrange ments at preseut exist with the Xen orl; city authorities fortberareof persons suffer ing irom contagious diseases, as formerly. Tbe patients cannot be remoie I and there Is danger ot the contagion spreading. TILLMANITES WIN. Hie Majority Will Bo In the Notch borhood of 30,000. IT1 or!ATEl PBEHi. 1 coixuntA, s. c, Aug. :il. Incomplete re turns from thirty out of thlrly-flve counties give Tllluiau, Farmers' Movement Domorrat, 10,737 majority for tlovcrnor oier Sheppard, Conservative candidate, Tillman's complete majorltj will reach about 30,t)00. 'ihu Alliance eaudldatis for Congrois show great gains. CUSTOMS OFFICER ARRESTED. Mexicans Seize Illm to Procuro a Bmugalor'B Release. I L.T AEIOClATrn i' Tccsov, Aug. 31. Deputy United Elates Collector c. D. lttppe, ot I.anorla, went net os tho lino )csteriU and was luimVdlntcly arrosted b Mcxloans and taken to satita truz. Iteppo'a arrest was for tho purpose of bold lng him as a horse-thief ti r the return ot a Mexican smiu'gler vthom be brought here for trial. .Mr. I.ltieros, of tho Me.ilcm customs crWcc, at Xogales cent ordets to lelease lieppt'. SPENDING THE CITY'S MONEY. $200,000 in Bonds to Eo Issuod for the Annesotl District. Tho Hoard of Estlmato tcday authorized tbe IsMioot f.'OO.OOO worth of csicssment Loads to pay tor public Improvement tntuo Annexed District, and distributed $58,000 ot Ilxelse moneys among cbarltaulo inttuu-tlous. Unlzlirnml si A ll-Tobnrco Cigarettes mad by Taos. U. llatxt "Bktweestue lota," ll.TAoa tobaocct "Itnawi," .Virginia lobaooo.lOo, ''U At Ouui," deointio tebio. , e. Cat, 18 Jd. , ,-k rt .fyjllfef y'fj4aL'ffi EXTRA, j CHOLERA I is ai --m 22 Deaths on the ln-,fl Gomins Steamer I Moravia. 1 Hoaltli Officers Think 1 I hey Can Stop It 11 at Quarantine, j m i9 Disease Is Pronounced m the True Asiatic m Scourge. J 'V'.tH - tm Dr. Jenkins Orders the i Pest Ship to the Lower Bay: ; 1 I9 Immigrants Who Died from tli 'm Scourge Buried at Sea. . 'H 3m J'ifaal Teutonio Also Detained and Her. J$M Passeneers Eiamiued. Wm , 1 ffrxcTAf-TO Tirr rriirrxn woatn.1 fiJaai CjtiAttASTiNE, s. I.. Aug. ill. Dr. JenUtuffjj states that the ship record ot tho staamcrr"'B Moravia, which arrived last night from Ham- '-vi(H burg, shows that there wero twenty-two 'IIH liaaal deaths during the .voyage, twer.ty children -M and two adults. iH Tbe ship's surgeon diagnoses tbe cause as iigtJH cholerine. "lnM The last death occurred on the 28th. 'v-'Jai All tho victims wero burlod at sos. tH The names ot tbo passengers, who died are ,4H as follows: :MB Aua. 19, 1'. ltullclnakx, acdlaTn aootai, 0 A'iijH Frniila. f.fe'laaaai Aur. 10, l'rl. nallanbark, sed ntnomonthl. 'uiH Ann. -0, Paallna Mattauka, acd lcro moBlba", S jB of 11. i". XH Ads. 3U, A. Schtstiawltr, aced tlx rar, of j?.tjB rulanJ. TH Ant. 20, Iiola Mtlbali, aid I lira )ln,o 4iH Hrisr. JH An. S3, lln lei Mrtill. apJ Bra jrtt). fM An. -U0, Melta Mlrlll, a;4 olua yaan, of jB Inland. H Auc 20, 1'. Mrthnlke, ad Hts yean, of Ilaate. '.CJyB Aui. SO, V. U?rniteln, aced tno and a bait i3H yeara, of 1'uland. al Auj. '21, II, liolnltz, aged oue and a half rear, '-''fH of rolanJ. ;'5'1H Auc. 21, M. r. Kutlch, a(d actaa raonttm, of 'fSjU Trvajla. .jaH A'jc. 23, R. Mlrlll, aced tiro utrf, or PoUmL .; Anj. 2), M. lUtoawla;, axoi thlrt jeir., of ffB Trurala. IvH Aur. 23, Iloiaielepalir. at twtnt.nla roan, 'kt;fjiM of l'rcsia. ivl Auc. "J. Iirael Uuiemton, ar Bt laart, of SjH Po'inJ. t-.ISH A ii jr. 23, China Illnme Cohn, a; foar Tear. ''ffH of PjlanU. trfKil Aitjr. 23, Itrltr Colin, ago thre jcar. of Poland, jvH A'J. 23, V MclinrJitorrltt, ata rnti montla. P3H ' of Polaud. r Vl Am. 27, Vara Bit uirjr, ad two rears, of 7j:B lVland. vl Auc. 2D, C. Itshn, aced l" rn, of Poland. '1H Aix. '-, boanrlcha Czarayias, agd alx months H of 1'ulind. , lvH Au,:. 23, llanliu litudtn, a:ed tiro jeata. of rfH Pu'anl. (KricrlrdljtSieiurifonoI tlj.Morail AflH ai Darldl. Iv.itl. ) .H The sufferers from menslns on board wcre'MB r.lllll.-ahn, aged four years, ot UussU, ac'd iSk l'ol.e bchneldrrmnnn, aged fit years, ant) ilmM hara schneldcrmann, aged thre years, botu' 'iH of Itustla. r--l9H Two women passengers, also sick ot tJI same dlseaso, am now lu hospital on tblffl steamer convalescing. '.IJH Iho .Moravia's steerago passengers areolV jJH from tho cholera-Infected port ot Hacburg.'j'IgjB and Dr. Jenkins is therefore certain that, tbB ship's surgeon's diagnotis ot cholortne isla-.iHB 1 'V, -HiTaaB correct. ''VIH Uehi3tuaajoiraDgement3,tJr ovaila'C TH