Newspaper Page Text
WV 1 -y ' v THE fUTT IS ON HAND. gi Went to Ophir Farm to Moet tho President. pits at if It Had Been a Love Fcait. ajjmen Carter and llrookfltld AUo Mr. Hold's Guest. president Harrison roado a site and splcn 5f ub tnrougb tUe Btato down to the liar a Hirer this morning, and If candidate Hrrlson will do as well on Nov. 8 next down Jo tne same point be may congratulate him- Tbe .President's prlvnto car Traveller, In rttca John L. bulllvan Is to start to-morrow or New orleans.camo Into tbe Orand Central ration this morning at l o'clock, attached to M second section of the Cincinnati express, rilcb was an hour and a quarter late. Tho u came from Loon Lake last night and wa ttacMd to the express at Albany. The rar was at once detached and put Into ike 0.03 train tor White Plains, Immediately ihlnd tbe nrst coach. So 008 was on hand to greet the Frcsldont id neither honor any of his party made belr appearance. This Is a great day at Ophir Farm, the coun ty home of Candidate Whltelaw Held, whoso pest the rresldent is. It Is a great day ochtfly and politically, lor the President has me tor business as well u3 pleasure. Ho indMr. Rcld will discuss their letters of ac iptance, and tho Issues on which thoy will jo before tbe country will bo agreed upon. Benjamin Harrison Is also meeting at Ophir firm the managers of bis campaign and Kier leaders, a meeting which will be of peat Importance to tho HepuMlcan party. Tho present situation and tbe luturo cod tcct of tno campaign Is under discussion, and (M announcement extraordinary Is luado tut tbe President Is to have tho beoelltof nomas C 1'latt's sage advice. Harmony, with a big II Is to be the wntcb tcrd of tho .campaign In this Btate, and to ratore harmony is what Ucnjamln Harrison itere for principally. Harmony means tho idol tho Plait machine, and without tho fstt machine Jlr. Harrison has no show at A The President's stay will be limited to ono kj at ophir Farm. Ho will not conio down fe the city. To-morrow morning Mr. Harrison starts on Uireturn trip to Loon Lake, leaving White ruins at 0 o'clock. Tnls schedule of stops Slii been arranged: Sept. l. Leave Whlto Plains o, special to Hott Haven Junction a. u. Follow No. 10L Airlve Poughkcep;lo 11. Uo, leave Knighkecpsle 11.C& A. M., arrtvo Hudson 1130, leave Hudson 1, arrive Albany 1.45, IttTt Albany -, arrive Schenectady, lave (Schenectady y.4.0. arrive Amsterdam 103, leave Amsterdam a. in, arrive Uerl.lmer 120 r. u. Ilemalu at Herkimer over night. Sept. s. Leave Herkimer 10, arrlwj mica 10.35, leave Uttca 11.25 a. ji., arrive Boon illle 1, loave lloonvlllo 1.10, arrlvo Lowvlllo W. leave Lowvlllo l."5, arrive Carthago ISO, leave Carthago 2.y&, arrive Waterloo n UU, leave Watertuwn 4, arrive Ogdeusburg Mi. Another Harmony feature of tho trip will tithe stop at Herkimer, where the President till be tho guest or ex-Senator Warner MlUer. Xr. Miller nos been summoned, -home Horn I ' Cansdi to do tbe honors lor Mr. Harrison. (lass Mr. Miner has been induced to give a rutillc exhibition of bis loyalty. With Piatt M ma Miller bagged tbe President will bavo ( M suae a huccessiul hunt for harmony. i fl Welcomed at White Plains. H iirieiAL to tuk svestho wout.n.1 White Plains, N. Y.,'Aug. :il.-Tho train i S tarrying President llarrlsou was nearly an . ' sour Ute In reachlug Whlto Plains. Jlr. 1 : Watlelaw Held was at the station two hours . beiore, but returned to uphlr Farm, whero ho : partook of a hasty breakfast and at once went back to the station In a surrey drawn tj a spanking loam of ba) a, Mr. Held received several telegrams from , Secretary Ilaltord and tho railroad ofllelals 1 apprising blm ot the tact that tbe train was behind Us schedule time. A drizzling rain began falling about u o'clock which added to the discomfort of the crowd which bad leeu waiting around the II aepot for three hours boloro the President's II ur rolled in. II Mr. Held sat In his carriage until tho rain I drove Win to cover. Asked If bo expected iH any prominent ltepubllcans to see Mr. Har rison. Mr. Held smiled and said that In all probability they would all bo there. " Do you look for Mr. Piatt?" " ou, yes, Jlr. Piatt will bo here." Mr. Held said that the President's letter ol acceptance would probably not be given ' out for a lew days yet. Ills own. Mr. Held said, would not be made publlo ror probably a month after Mr. Harrison's. This was, he thought, tho usual course as estab lished by tbu precedent set by mains and Logan. Tbe President's special car, the "Traveller," arrived at the station at 0.60 o'clock. The platform woa crowded with enlhuslaulo White Plains citizens. I Tbe President emerged from the car and stood for a moment on the car platform, wane the crowd gave tbreo somewhat weak cheers. Mr. llairlson then alighted and ibook hands with Mr. Held, whoso nrst words were: "Now this way, Mr. President." Mr. Harrison was followed from the car by Jen. Samuel Thomas, Chairman William Irooktlcld, Itussell Harrison, Cbattman T. II. Carter, secretary Elijah UaUord and stcuog lapher Tlbbetts. Tno nrst to grasp tbe President's hand after Mr. Held was Bartholomew Uedncy, of white Plains, who la ninety-one years old and has voted for seventeen Presidents. Mr. llarrlsou then followed Mr. Held to the car riage and helped to Blow away two plethorlo Mtchels under the seat. Tho whole party then drovo to ophir Farm, a dlstanco of tnreo miles, arriving thero about lO.'JU o clock. At 11.33 tc-day Mr. Whltelaw Held received a telegram from Thomas C. Plait sai lug that 'no latter was en bis way to sec President Harrison and would bs at ophir Turin within an hour. Memire llNplny of lliintlnir. There was n meagre display of bunting ' along the streets of the town, but other than bat there was no demonstration on tho putt of the townspeople. The Presidential party wuro received at the door ot tno nig house by Mrs. Held nnd her I father, n. o. Willis. Tbo President grcoted , Mrs. Held wlthasmllo and was relieved of hlj black derby bat by a flunky. I r. carter returned to Whlto Plains at once and took a train for New York, lie said ho would bs back later In the day. Mr. Harrison was shown to his own room, ana, alter slicking up a bit, camo down: to breakfast. v While they were waiting for tUo President tocomonown, Mrs. Held invited thoso of tho party wbn did not wlshio make tbilr toilets 10 take a 8tri)ll about tne ground!. Jtr. Milli, cimirmim lirnokncld and Kttssoll i'wrlson accepted tho Invitation, and Ilia quartet walked about the terraces for u iiuar ter of an hour. n'5Sr breokust t-ecretury llairord said the president wisned to anuouncu that he would J"Kl0f;ut nis letter of ucceptacce tu-dny, and possibly nut lor omo Uuyu ) eu. r.A r'ephone nlesaK Irnin .ilr. Piatt reached iP.. j,1 arm about 10 o'clock to the rfreet i iatir. Piatt wns on bis way and wo-jlu bo there about noon. hi uro wa, u repreiied sigh or relief notlcc 5 among the prcitdciulal pnny at this SJ. A" ,uc" retired to the big ninth arawing-roou), IcaMng ihopresi representa ues to cool their hr i U eu I he iront plaizaa. Sir. Pltitt Airhi'N. J J'r.Plalt retched ophir F.irm at li.iio I ?,?,l.oclt lltt "' accompanied by John V. J!llu.S"an1, SIr I'lau was met at the duor by Sir. Held, wbo rolrlv beamed. - Mr. Piatt was evidently ready tobephu cared sorao more, tor be went at once Into the soutu diawinjr-ioom whero the Preildeut woa. He remained thero ntteen minutes and then cme out with Mr. Hold for a stroll m the ground. A ilr. Plait passed the crowd of reporters, r nil, - .v-y , a i Lr'Cfji- on Jba front plana be stopped for a moment and turned his sphlni-Iike face from on to tbe other, but said not a word. Mr. Piatt will probably stay to sinner and return tp Maubattau Beach to-night, although ho would not say what his inten tions were. To-night the citizens of White rialns will terenade President Harmon at Optalr.Karm. and will tender him a reception at the court House in the morning before bis departure. Mr. Piatt dccllnod to talk tn newspaper tnenexcoptto say that he would have been hero fsrlior but for an accident on tholonj Island Hallroad. wblclidelajed hli.i an hour !?.'? li!nif ut0.. Ncr Yorlc '" tho oriental Hotel, Manhattan Beach. At noon Benator Aldrlch arrived at tho farm and bad a chat with tbe President. At ia.16 lion, bnmucl Thomas, Itussell n. Harrison. Chairmen Hackctt and Urcokfleia and Ktenographer Tlbbetts took a train for New lork. Atl o'clock lunch was served. ..l.rm" le" Whlto Plains for New York at II.04J r. u. Nominated for Consrress. tr'i?,:s,';.T;,p;-..u"oi"t' "'" "" - I'oniirc.jtnun Joiph Abbott, DemoorH, Slith unmet, iciia. ..'T,.dSSi 111 " whMlr. Democrat, Ninth DU trlct, Atlchlcan. .-i:;. !i olllVnf. Iemoort, Tw.nti-flfth Ul. trlct, Poatujrlmnn. J. IlMuchmpCUrk. DcmocrM, Ninth District. MUsourt, Polltloal Potpourri. Senator Hill ii tt Btrttoik tor a few dtra' rest. Jh John J. O' 11 Men Aiiocittlon hu not de claodjetwhoteer to lTe Ita lapport to llarri.on orClevelaQil. 1 he O'llrlenltei no lonrer lioid t J baMncoof poar In IDelr dlitricl. and l'aramanr will make no attempt to oapturo their lolca mil A moetln of th Dsmoeratlo Club of the Klcht rentbAaermblrDialrictHa. liolil In Concordia Hail i4'J Mnth lT0nu. iretOTenlDa;. Over SOU tamea "era enrolled. Tbo fol imiof cfflc.ra wore elaaleil i rieildent, ('onrad A Mef.ri Klrat V(e-Pre.Wenl, Kornrann Kottmann; Second Vlee-President, (,ojrs IleaselUs Iblrd Vlco-Prealdent. Loula Jler; Correipondlng and ltecordlnt Heeretarr, Irancla X. Hell; financial Socretary, Martin baiiior. jr. jTrraairer, William A. Hooj nera cant-at-Arma, L. for. hay. DEATH AVENUES LATEST. Harry Koonlg- Died In Roosevelt with His Legs cut Off. Thlrteen.year-old Harry Koonlg Is tbe latest of tho victims of tbo Hudson Hirer Hatlrond's "dummies" on Heath avonue. The boy died this morning In Hoosevelt Hospital from the Injuries be received when run over last nlgbt In front of his home at 072 Eleventh avenue, an accident In which both his legs were cut off. Harry wot stealing a ride at tho tlmo ot tho accident and lost his hold upon tbe car upon which ho was riding, falling under tbo wheels, which passed over his legs. Do was picked up, and an ambulance summoned irom Hoosevelt Hospital, whore bo died from lots ot blood. Tbu list of killed and wounded on this tlior oughfaio during tho last cfgutcen months shows sixty names, and of tbeso many ha vo been children. Said a merchant doing business on tbe avenue this morning: It's bad enough to have tho thing here anyway. 'Ihey ought to take the tracks away entirely. "It might bean improvement H they ran thelrtramssloK-. nnd yet this train was run nlug slow enough last night. sometimes the 'doily,' the train that runs Irom hpiutun Duytll, goes by hero nt llltccn miles an hour, and 1 shudder every tlrr.o for lear my own children will bo tho next victims." Many of these cases occur on trains running downtown tn tit. Jnhn's Park, and on thu rear cars of theta trains may at trays be seen boys perched upon thu root or clinging to tho Irons by which tbo brakemen climb to tho tops of tbo ears, homo even may be seen sitting upon the coupling. The only apparent measure of " aafoty " Is a mounted " auout," wh'j ildes ahead of tho train waving n red Hag by duy and a led lartern by nlsnt. 'ihcio Is a strung feeling that the running of steam cars through tho streets of the city should bo otopped. WHO SAW THIS ASSAULT? Witnesses Wanted In the Proseou. tlon of nn "Ij" Guard. An advertisement this morning requests persons who sa a Mxth avenuo L guard push n passenger irom a train at Ono Hundred and Fourth ,blrcet list faaturday afternoon to communtcalo with Kugeno Flshel, attorney, U3 Pulitzer Uulldln?. Tbe, tacts, as staled by Mr. Flscbul, aro as follows: Hnrry Alctnau, a Cuban, who makes cigars at il.7 East one Hundred and Firth street, got on the north-bound Elovated cur No. o:iu at Flfty-nlntb street and Ninth avenue at noon last hatmday. He Is a sllght-bullt, sickly looking man. The car was crowded and Aleman accident ally stepped upon the foot of Charles Call, tho guatd, wliobo number Is ail. Aleman apologized, but Call grew abusive and snld : " Why In dou't you keep out of tbe way. Oo inside." ....... According to Aleman's story, this was Im possible on account ot tho croud. Tho Cuban says that call then reviled him to such an extent that bo lost patience and grippled with the guard. 'I he oonductor then came and Aleman was i violently thrown irom tbo car at tbo One Hundred and Fourth street station, the two railroad men shouting at tho satno time: Now report us." . SHOWERS ALL DAY. Heavy Thunder-Storm and Darkness Came 8oon After Noon. Local Forecast Official Dunn to-day pre dicted that the cloudv and showery weather which ushered In tbe morning would con tinue throush tho day, but that to-morrow It would bo lair and cooler. The temperature at H o'clook this morning was 77 and at uoon 7H, with no projpect of going abue 83. Tbe humidity , nt o'clock, however, was 7j per cent, and at, noon 77, which with the occasional showers wiped out tho effect , of tho southerly eight to twelve mllo breezo nnd made It n bticky, stutfy and generally disagreeable day. . .. A heavy thunder storm passed over New York at 1.1 5 o'clock. MAY SETTLE THE STRIKE. etrlklnrr suspentlor-Moliers and Em ployers to Confer. A. Fellows, Chairman of tho fluspendir-1 Makers' Unlou, leeeltod a communication, this forenoon Irom thjMauufnctuiers' Abso- ( elation to tho elTect that tbo latter body had appointed u commltlco of tlneo to moet a similar commltteo from tho strikers' Union to I endeavor to harmonic tho differences exist 1 lng between them. .... I ha employer.-'. It Is uuderhtood. hove ncieed to .til thu propositions of tho strikers is "nocinploie hliall, bo discharged without good i uttso or for In enlclencr." The sti Ikers' committee consists 1 of A. Fellows, M. Hoseuberrf and A. Flail. j Whlskoy Barrel ITsplodos. I An empty wblkoy baricl on tho bldownlk outside of Kllnkitcrn's liquor store, x'Ul 1)1 Milon street, exploded tul foienson. I ThohoAdof the barrel was Mown across the htivet owl ornVe tbu window of llulih r URiher. at loa Division street. It l sut i-o-ed that home boy threw a lighted in.ileh Into tbe barrel. Bult Asralnet a Kollceman With- I clrnvn. ' F. O. Swan, who was nrrvsttd whllo asleep in Union siuare, Las i.oillied .'.c'.lug Presi dent (lal'.up. "I thu Purk Hojru, tliiu he will , not pioseeute Po.lecmau cuirj. Hhu am sled him. llleelntr Krs. Moore. j Tho Long I3)and City pollca bent oul a gen- I cral alarm to-day fr Mrs. barjn Mooic, a wealthy, widdle-agud womun llwng at ti" Filth street, Hunler'i lolnt, who has tern mtislogliom her home nnce Monflay, when sho started to vtsli sojia lilcudiln lirookbn. ttij iia.i Ust setn going tliruugh Jlesvrolo sticet lu the evenluj. RUSSIA GRABS FIVE SEALERS. Four English Scboonera and Ono American Bold. After a ItusiUn Paper Was Signed Their Men Were Released, inv moniTxn "nita.,1 VitTonu, B. a, Aug. 31Tho American bark Majestic, irom PctropaulovsM, reached here last evening, having aboard the captains and cr6ws of tbo sealing Bchooncrs Hosle, Olsen, Ariel and Willie Mcaowan, flying the Ilrltlsh flag, and tho American schooner C II. White, of Ban Francisco. The vessels were sealing off Copper Islands, between forty nud titty miles, during July, when tho Husslan warship Zabraka, mount ing sixteen guns, and the Fur Company's steamer Kodlak, bearln; tho Governor of Ilerlng'B Island, rounded them up ono by one sent the schconcrs to bo sold at Petropaul ovskl, and made tbe captains and crews prlsonors. When tho captains objected to the seizures, claiming they were freemen on free waters, tho marines pricked them with their bayo nets and Informed thorn thero was such a placo as Siberia for thoso who spoke too loudly of freedom. Doth tho British and American captains ventured to protest that they wero outside the three-mile limit. Tbe captain ot tbe Husslan cruiser based his action on the ground that Hussla exer cised Jurisdiction over all land and water westward of the line of demarcation. Tho master of each chotner was compelled to sign a paper In Husslan, explained by tho Interpreter to bo an acknowledgment that he had been sailing In Husslan waters. Tbcy protested and were told that those who did not sign would be sent to Vladivostok to bo courtmartllaled and then sent to tbe Siberian mines. The twenty-one men wero kept for days In a room 11 feet by 11, with a leaky roof and broken floor. They wcio finally turned out on tho bench,"and no effort was made lode tain them from coming home on tho Majestic The Kabraka started out on another hunt ing cruise, tbe schooners being the gauio sought- asiiinoton, Aug. 31. No official Infor mation was to lie had at tno Htato or tho Tieasury Department up to noon respecting tbe beUuru ( tho scaling tohooneri ou cop per IblsnOs by tbe KU' warship Znbrnka, us reported in a deSDntclirrom Victoria, II. c. It Is said by ono crucial that tho Husslan Government was probably undertuklug to do Juunhat the states was doing in trying to prevent the destruction of seal life In Ilehrlugbcn. Copper Island and Hehrlng Island, on both ot which aro fiul tookcrles, comprise Ilia Commander group, over which thu Hus-lau Government exciclses jurisdiction. Coprcr Island Is 103 miles west of the 15 THE WRONG MAN ACCUSED 7 Bartender Hollls's .Defense on the Charco of Lnrceny. Georgo M. Hollh, twenty-soven, a bar tender, of 13H West Tblrty-third street, wao held In tho Yorkvlllo Police com t this morn ing on a charge or larceny. Katherlne Hrltmnyer, who keep a meat market at 3"0 West Flfty-tblid btrcot, made affidavit that Holllscntcrcd her place at 10.30 yesterday morning nnd ordered botno meat. When she wont to tho ice-box to serve him sbo alleges that ho opened tho cash-drawer took three $1 bills and one fi bill and gave them to an aceompllcit who was waiting lu the hallway. The latter then l an away mid Uollis crossed tbe street to a liquor store where he was arrested by Detective Morris, of tbe Forty.soventh stroet squad. llollls sworo that he did not enter tho woman's place, but that he saw two men leavo the store, followed by tbe complainant, I wbo lost sight tt thtm and put tho charge upon him. DENY THAT IT iS FRAUD. Sugar Importers Bay that No Such Charge Was Made. Tbe name of ono ot the eight sugar Import ing firms alleged to bo Implicated with 1'oJ eral employees In reported frauds discovered In tbo Weighers' oflloe of tho Custom-ilousi leaked out to-day. The Qrm Is czarnlkow, MacDougatl Ii Co., of London, with a New York office at K8 all street. '1 ha local rcp- . resentntlves uf tho firm aro (1. 1!. MacDougall i and Joseph Lentllbon. I Attbecuetom-llouso this morning Special Treasury Agent Whitehead declined to talk of the matter. Asslataiit Dlstrlot - Attorney Maxwell Ktarf, wlio has charge, ol tho ca.e. was equally silent. Mr. Lcntllhon, of tno firm rf Cnrnlkow, Macl)ougull Co., sent out word to tbe re porter that tho investigation wus duo simply to tho old question ot the difference lu lares, ascltol In an Kvenimi Would reporter's ex clusivo Interview yesteiday with Importer James B. connolL The nriu bad received no Intimation whatever trom the custoin-Iloui? that they were suspected ot fraud. TO PLAY FOR THE PRESS CLUB. Children of tbe Statro Ask the Mayor's Permission. Little Gertie Homan, ol 05 Hooper street, Hrooklyn, and other children aro getting up a benefit performance for tho Press Club, to testify their gratitude for thu newspaper nil vocacy of tho law recently enacted enabling children to perform In public. The play has not yet boen decided upon, but the perform ance will be given Kept. 13, probably at the 11 rosdiv ay Theatre. Thirty applications to take part In the benctlt have been sent to the Mcyor lor his slgnnture. Among them are Gertie Human, l.a HegalontliH. Little Tuesday, Iieno Frank llu. Dot Clarei.don, Baby Parker, Wallle l-.d-dluger, I'.dlth Wldiner and Tommy Husiell. Bicycles not Entitled to Free Entry. T AtaOCUTJ'.U HUHl WiSniNflTON, Aug. lit. Tho Treasury De partment has Informed a correspondent that under iccent decisions of the Hoard or Gen eral Appraisers, bicycle i aro not considered to bo entitled to fioJ entry a.s personal or house old effects, but are hi'ld to Iij propel ly dutiable when imported. Stenmshlp l'tiBstintror'a r-uit f.tolen. Oncn Ilanavan, ono of Harney Illgllnse. I pi ess drivers, at the Jcffeihon.Vnrkut a'tllco Court thli morning charged William Mat thews, aged nineteen, of l Weeh.twl.eii meet and Frank While, aged tncnty-tun, or J3 : Washington street, helpers ntahe V.'bltr' htar steamship dock, with the laiteny olasutt of clothes trom a trunk. Justice Hyau held tno incu in ei.uou formal. ' mm It'ch Hnul from tv aiooplnir Fam'ly. The pollco or the (Irani Aveivis Poilcj sta tion, In Hiockljn, reporiod this morning mat ' buiflars rntcieJ thereslilenco or Mrs. Mary McCrcii, fi'lil KranMIn avenue, nnd carried nwav 40O In t liver wnrti nud Jewell)" .md money vliile lh lamlly wero asleep. i Spare Pearline Spoil the Wash . WORLDt WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUG1JST a),1892. , J M'ylM Grover Cleveland is the most' conspicuous andrin-KM teresting figure in the world to-day. - 4fl His complete life story has never been printed- H On Sunday next THE WORLD will print the hit-; tory of this interesting man, from the pens of 'ijfl RICHARD WATSON GILDER, H WILSON S. BISSELL, IB GEORGE F. PARKER. . That it will be complete goes without saying. lH The article will be accompanied by an lM A"DT CTTPPT T7 TTTh TVTT ' vSM AK1 oU JrJrLrrilVlxiiX 1, '$ containing splendidly executed pictures of Mr. and Mra ?B Cleveland and their beautiful home, Gray Gables. jfl THE WHOLE GOES only to readers of next Hfl SUNDAY'S WORLD. , jfl THE ALDERMANIG BEVDLT. One of the Bolters Says He Was Tired of Obeying Orders. nut the Starin Resolution BIny Yet lie 1'asied. Tho Aldermen who revolted at ) csterday's meeting ot the Hoard against tho Iron rule ot their political organizations, gavo tho City Hall uvTldo berth to-dny. The action ot tho nlno Aldermen In rorutlng to tako orders from tho district leaden to vote In favor uf tho resolution clvlti John II. Htnrln tbe right to build a now pier and a shed over It on tho silo or old I'leia 18 nnd 11), North ltlver, has created a big sensation in political circles. '1 he offense tho Aldermen are accused or Is nu enormous one In the ee.i or tho party whipper-in. Those famtllar with tho work ings ot Tammany Buy the Aldertnou belong ing to that organization will suroly bo disci plined. ThoJTnmmany members vtho rovoltednro William Lianc), II. C. Hart, P. 4. O'llelrno, William Talt, Abraham Mend, Joseph Martin and Charles J. smith. They wero aided and abetted la breaking up the quorum by two ltepubllcans, James A. Cowlo and Wtnfleld Van Colt. or ibo Tammany members, Clancy, Martin and O'Ucirno are likely to bo retired nnj how, and Messrs. Talt, .Mend bmlth, aud Hart aro likely to hear suraothlng drop. '1 he threat or oiganlzatlon ostracism may have some effect, however, and ultbongh smarting under tho ntltur or the patty hip, they may )ot be brought to terms and vote for the resolution. Due or the Tammany bolters lu giving his rennons for refusing to vote ror tuo Utarln resolution, tuild tbe organization men got orders to pass the " Huckleberry " and other rnllioad rosoluilons, aud that ha was tired of obeying orders from Puurtecuth street. A-. the Aldermen had to shoulder tbo blame, ho said, tbey should have some say ns to how tliov should voto on siiclt mutters. He said tbe ordets came fiom the district leaders. Tbo Alder mob were disinclined to discuss tbo subject this morning. The only ono wbo would say anything was Alderman Harris. " Tno organization had nothing to do with it," lie snld. "it u as merely a dinernnco nt opinion between members as to whether tho Improvement piopo30d by tbo resolution should be made or not." WAS HE VICTIMIZED Uyoterj- Surrounds paron Itccjor do Bollllero'uDonth. Isv AtancuTr.D rnrss.1 London, Aug. .11. Tho ChrunlcWs Parts correspondent, referring to tho death ot Uaron Hogor de bcllllore, says: "Abtory Is current to the effect that two individuals carefully fostered his hallucination that he was a can didate fur tho Presidency or a South American Republic, and eventually prsuaded him to leavo Paris lor New York without a valet or nuy member of his household. " They drew largo Bums or money from him. Thereroro Ihoy had everything :o lose by his denth and cannot bo suvpccled ot murder. Uaron dc scllltcro was very popular In ParU clubland." Argentina's Bud pro t to Be Presented to Consroas To-Dny. fllT 4SOCIATKrt ritKft. I Loxdo.v, Aug. ill The Hucnos Ayres cor respondent of th'iMmidnrel says: "Tho bud get will bo preseutod to congress to-morrow. Tbe rcveuuo is estimated at 80,000,000 and tho expenses at 100,000,000. "Tbe political nlTalrs ot tbe country aro still uubcttled. It Is stated that Kcnor Plaza has declined tbe llnance portfolio." Lnbouchero AfTavlr Dtnrta a Quoetlon of the Queen's Intorforonco. lev ifonTrn ruriK London, Aug. ill, Thu Laboucbcro affair bos raised a alscusslon as to whether tho (Hieen has a ccnsiltutlonal right to Interfero with the selection f .M misters. The Globe (Conservative), In setting forth Its vlcus on tbo qtiostitiD, says It Is an c. coedlngly straue ductrluo that holds tho Crovt n has no soi t of i lghl to an opinion us to the choice of Ministers. INDIAN RAIDS IN ARIZONA. Tbo Southwest Anticipates a Dloody Campaign This Fall. Iht jusociatsii prr.-i. i Er. Paso, Tex.. Aug. Ul. Joo Ileach, or " Hla- luond Joe," the prospector who left tnls city a iniuiih ago lor Ailzoua, has returned irom Chlhuabu.i, Mountain, hevenly miles eiutof I.lineslone, Art., an I repot is Apache depicdallons In that locality. Tho Indlins stole eljlity head of stoc'.; after I r.ijillii1; tllll Ulif) K. I Mr. l'ench sjjs that prospectors and mln Ingmen ute ma'tlng lor the inountaln i and tonus. In liU npiniun ibo Pall w III nltuess us bloody a eai.ipaigu ui uaiever been kuoti'n In Ilu Their Gold Wotchen Stolon. Iln'amln Peterson, ot III I Co.trt slreet, IlrcokDn, notllled ihi iiollci tliH morulng i that his got I natch, left on a desk, had been ' carried off liv a llnef. I .Abraliaui I lode. u( nt,' Myrtle avenue, had a gold w.itcli nnd chain, valued at $100, siolen iLlsiuofiiiii;. Nltjht-Blooralnir Coreus In Hlcom. A nljht-blooinlng ctreui will lwvo Immeiue irogianl lil(iium In the wludov or J. Austin bhawV florin sloie, )2U pulton street, biooklyu, ihi i evejing, and Hie i Is invited to see me dUpl ty. Olrl'n hfg Drokon b Fall. Kdlth Ilackett, aged seven, ot 14111 Hroad way, Hrco'il) u, fell from the flrccscape on thu tcuiud tory aud broke her leg. 'jaSmmMmmmi'mmmmmmmft'ii''Iri'mmilt' HILLS HAND WHS NOT IN IT. He Did Not Instigate the Feck Wages Report. Treasurer Dan forth Defeud the Benator, Lleut-dov. Bhceban and State Treasurer Danforlh breakfasted logclber (bis morning at tho Hoffman House, the Ucutcnant-Uov-ernor reaching here dlrcft from Buffalo at midnight last night. 1 rvasurcr Uautorth eame from Albany, whtrc, on Monday, tho same day of tbe pul--llcallon of Btato Labor commissioner Peck's bombshell, he saw and talked with Senator Hill. Tho mate Treasurer made a number of Interesting statements anent this stiango document ot a Hcmocratto ofncj-holder, and at the outset said: 1 am quite positive that Senator Hill novcr bad tho slightest knowl edge of the Intention to publish such a docu ment, l was tilth htm In Albany at tho time of tho publication, and, ot comae, we talked the matter over. "I cannot conscientiously give you the de tails of thai conversation, but this I may say, that tho fcenator was very much Incensed t the publication ot Peck's statement and de ploiod It deeply. Ho felt grievously eba urlned to think, too, that it was given out while he happened to' bo In Albany. Now, as to Peek's statement Itself regard ing the lncroase of wages and' the decrease of strlkos under tho MoKlnley bill, wo must m-ht II ml out Jus: n hero ho gets his statistics from and also rust all tho figures nro In tbe premises. A great deal doponds upon tno sources of Mr. Peck's Information a to tbe reliability ot his document. " 1 can tell you tbe air In Albany was blue when that documont camo out. Here was the Democratic party In the closest kind of bar-' mony, and all ot Senator IIII1 1 friends who might have been a trifle disappointed weeks ago, bad long ago fallen Into line and were working with might and main with the solo object In view ot electing the Democratlo tlckot. "Now up comes this bomtsbell.and of course bickerings and discontent will tollow, for a whllo at least. Inasmuch as benator Hill was in Altany at tbe time, enemies of tbe Democratic party at onoe voiced tbo roport that he and Tammany were behind lta pub lication. I am suro that Is not true In the sllfhtest degree, for iho Benator was very angry when be saw It. 1 left him about midnight Monday and he was unsettled whether to go to Bara toga or come to NeivVork. I expect, bow ever, that he will bo In" New York very soon possibly to-night or to-morrow and I am sure ho will not bcsltato to make an explicit answer to tbo charges that he Instigated I'eck's roport. "Hill and Prclc were In the same senatorial district In Hlinlra some )cars ago, sod at tbe lime 1 ock was editor of a local paper there. Hill lock a fancy to Peck, and when, in 18H4, Cleveland appointed Peck to tbe office of Btato Labor commissioner, which was the ' car thu office wascreatcd, Hill recommended Pock for ihe position." 'liea.urer Dauiortb leaves for Albany to night to attend tbe lunural to-morrow ot Treasury Messenger Samuel B. Bwann, who died ) estorday. Lleut.-tiov. Mbcohati said : ' I haven't really read Mr. Peck's report, neither have I re.,d of tne charges mado that Benator Hill Was In strumental lulls publication, to you see I out not. In a position to discuss the question Intclligonliy, I haven't seen the Benator lately, as I bnvo been In Buffalo right along. I camo to New York to-day to take pasicsilon. or the Htato headquarters, and shall remain hero until tbe campaign is closed." NO PARDON FOR TALT HALL Oar. McKlnner Refuses to Bavo tho Desperado. BT ASSOCIATED IM.I Hiciimond, Vo., Aug. ill. A special from nine Hldge Springs tbts morning says that Gov. McKlnncy has wired the attorney lor Talt Hall as follows : Afler u rni eiul examination of the rapers lu tuc case I decline, to pardou or commute tbo fcculcuco of the Court." TEN CARS SMASHED. Freight Trains In Collision on tbo Loner Island Road. IfrrriAj. to ivr. rNio wonr.n.l Krkmi Ponp, I- I. Aug. ill. Tno freight trains on thu Long Island Hallroad eame Into collision at this plare at an early hour this morning, rawing tlui wreck of ten or twelve i citnj aim tue ruud lur teveral bourn. 1 -Nn ptri'iti as iiijuti'J. 'I lie ocelli nt ui caused by tln Ix'omcllve of the uns. -bound ttulu (hroulug Urn svitcn off. Another rarlsburst Raid. Alice Carrol was held lu tbo Yorkvllle Court this morning on n charge ot Cc,)lu.- a disorderly house nt y-td and ','45 Woosier street, t.lli'ti Smith mid Cairle iinifika wr eiiehilnel fin as Inmates. The house wits i aided lust night on inroriiutlon ilu-it oy Dr. Purkhurst's ugeuls Uarduer and Clark. w - Mnjontlo I'oblnrt the Rocsrd. 'I be Whllo star lliu-r lJ,ila welch railed Irom till1! port Aug. '.'I, pained Hiow Head at :'.'M nVloi'k tbu uiorutng, inuklng lue trip In .i ilaisivnl nve i.our.. neaily five hums behind tbu r ui nl c-ruttd last Mny by the cltyot New York. Ihe city of New ork' record Is six dujs and tueuty inlnuiuS. Woman ndltor Hed. Mrs. Annie Klchenncen, proprietor of a Hunter's Point newupjper, was hold In tbe Long IUnd Police Court tc-day oo a cbarge t 1111 iriurrcd by Corporation counsel Boioiuou C, table. dA'jiS.ftf"1aiii"f.T-V'igtfc?iw KGCH & GD.'S THIEF WARNED. Post-Offioe, Inapeotors Inoensed Beoause tbe Firm Complained. They Lost BSD Letters In Five r.;oatb and Protested. The New Ycrk Pot-onice authorities aro Incensed over II. C. F. Koch A- Ca's publica tion ot their lettor to Postmaster-General Wanamaker In referenco to tho alleged In efficient service rendered by tho postal detec tives In tracing the wholesale robbery of that firm. Tho rirm, on the other band, doclare that they havo grown tired vainly walling over five months for the Inspectors to trace a thiol who has already stolen 3M0 letters contaln lsg money, and Is dally adding mcro to his Hsu Cbler Inspector James aatd to an Lvkniso Would reporter this morulng t All I have to say Is that Messrs. Koch have Injured their case very much by giving Iho thlof to understand that he is being watched, and thereby putting blm upon bis guard " Yuuare on tbe thlers trail, tbent" In spector James was asked. " Oil, I don't say so,-' be answered. " I shouldn't make It known It I vrero until I had roncluslve proof of the party's guilt. One thing-Is certain, and that la that whoever has been robbing Jlessra. Kochs' mall will now He low until ho thinks our vigilance wilt bo relaxed. That makes It no much more dlfh cult for us to traco him. " The chances are he will come to the front again about tbe time that thn busy season sets In, when his harvest will be a big ono unless he Is caught. We might have had tbe culprit by this tlmo If Messrs. Koch bad not tnadti their grievance public." The fetter referred to was written by Koch ice, tho jlatlcm dry roods firm, to Mr. Wanamaker on Aug. 12, and was published this morning. lu It, tbo linn claims to have Inst 031) letters oontalulug mouey since last April, and com plains that thu postal becret servleo Is em ploying too tdw men on tho case to reason ably lnsuro the tblel's detection. Mr. Wana maker Is aUu requested lu this leiur to causo the removal of mspectod persons. ir 1 suspected anybody, commented Chief Inspector James, "would It not bo un just to rrnnoYe blin nomthe spliero uf his activity, and perhaps causu tho wnckagoof ids whole luture on ii'i bolter ground than my suspicion? The most Innocent person may rail under a suspicion. 1 ahull nut say whether wo do suspect any one, but 1 will Mty that If we did we would not udvocalo bis removal, although wo would, or course, watch blm more closely." Postinavor Vau Cott was also seen by an EvKNlxn Wohld reporter. This," said he." is the inoH extraordinary casn wu bare ever had. In nu instuncu tbut I can recall has one Urm lost i.0 many lettrrJ within so short a time. Iho Inspector aro not undii my Jurisdiction, althuugh I keep pretty well informed ul tbe result ui their In vestigations. Tbey aru dlituily responsible to tbu Postmaster-Oenerah " I bcltevti that tbe ihreo Inspectors whom Mr. James has placed tipmi tbu cohi are efllelent nnd able to copo with any dim cult y ot tbu kind within city limits. Tberu is a buru possibility, however, that Messrs. Kochs' letters wrie intercepted at the points wheie tbey were mailed, although suib precon certed action by thieves nt many different points to rob only this ono firm seems almost Impossible.'' SEARCHING FOR NAOMI BOLLER. Beoond General Polloo Alarm Sent Out for Bar. Tho Brooklyn police have tent out a second general alarm for Naomi Heller, the rretty sixteen-year-old daughter or Joseph Heller, of POO Madison street, that city, who has been missing since June 14 las', AH tlui h bavo proven fruitless, and her father now offers a rcttard for nny Informa tion regarding Naomi's whereabouts. i mm w CHICAGO DOCTOR MISSING. His Friends Fear that Ha Hrn Mot v.-ltu Serious Harm. Irv Afoc!ATrn rnsfi.l cuicaoo, Aug. :u. Dr. James K. Cook, ono of the founders of tbo Ilennet Medical Co!. ' lege, and for twenlj-flve )ean a practicing . )b)slrlan in Chicago, ha been missing sluee Sunday, nnd hi. irlends fear he has met with brrlom hurin. r.vcry effort to find trace of blm has been futile. ' ' POLICEMAN HOEY'S TROUBLES. Flnod for dubbin? and Found In a Saloon the Same Day, Police captain Druban. of tbo Atnlly street ' ' MaiUii, Brooklyn, to-djy preferred charges against patrolman Patrick in ey fur bring; off pen and In a liquor saloon in full uniform. ' I llocy wus fouid by lloiir.dnnau Knim-d) at lu.dO o'clock last night. ' llO'-y was boforo t'onnnU.loner Hnjden yesterday mi complaint of cruuli), wliuclriige.i tint lloey ha.t lublx-d I.lm mil had taki-ii i'.'.iu irom Mrs. Cruwlvy to repair his biluiet. For Attemptltiff to Btonl a Doc. William Kelly, of 111 Join stiect. llroak Ivu, vvhu claims to be a dog.catcher, vusln (intes Avenui Police Couit, lliockljn, thU luornlng. barged with altemptl,ig to rul a i aj, valued ct .", I om John S.",' I'lUkhlng nv .-iiUf. llu w.t pjioint tor cciuu. lu.uloii u;i t-j t. 1'.'. 630, OOD Resin Factory Up In tlmoUo. John Caiey's reslu ult factory at Hichards and commerce atroels, lirtwkiyii, Is lu ruins to-daj, pire brol.n out la.t vveulug. and In less than an hour tho entire structure, one story high, revering half a block, was de. bltryo.i. Tho pollco estimate tuo lou at ' S30.000. UNGEDT1 ABOUT VOORHIS. His Attitudo Toward Tammany Hall Is a Puzzle. Democratlo' State Ileadrjunrlers Opened by Mr. Uhcebnn. There Is much speculation In political cir cles to-day ns to tho potltlou the New York or Voorhls Democracy will take lu the coming campaign. Pollco Justice Voorhls bus just returned from his vacation, and) has called a meeting ot his party's Executive Committee, to-night at Ti Becond avenue. In this he anticipated tbo action cf several leaders, who were about to Issue seal! lor a meeting them selves. Mr. Voorhls, It Is understood, U, not alto gether tn favor ot tho plan ot sorao of his fol lowers to plaoo a full local ticket In tbe Held, t-lnce Justlco Voorbla has accepted omcu nt tbo hands ot Tammany ninny ot his adberonts suspect that ho can no longer te relied upon to nght tbe 1 Iger as vigorously as beiore. In tact, It Is said, that he will not openly antagonize Tammany, but tbut he may con tent to the nomination ol ono or twu candi dates to keep tbo organization ,ln existence as a separate political body. ""'ho question ot reorganization under the new apportionment In tho thirty Assembly districts will also be discussed to-night. Tbe "real work of the campaign at Demo cratlo State Headquarters has now begun. Lleut.-Uov, Bhceban, Chairman of tho Cam paign Committee, who arrived here last night, formally look cbargt 'ot headquarters thU morning. Ho will remain In the city now aud devote bis entire time to the work ot tbe campaign. b;th Btato and National, as he Is also a member ot the Democratic National Campaign committee. The Demucriilc state committee has given notice that nil nominations, both by the regu lar parties nnd tho Independents, for, New Yotk and Brooklyn aro to bo flled on Oct. u as ihuearllestday; tho latest day for the party nominations In tho two cities Is Oct. 19, and the latest day for independent nominations Is tict. '.'t. Tho registration days for New York and Brooklyn ore Oct. 11, 10. ''H nnd SO. Among mow who visited Democratlo Head quarters to-day wero National committee, tunn Hu.lo H. (loruon, cnarlottcTllle, Va.) James Mcintosh, uf Wisconsin; bolomon Colin, Orangeburg, 8. c; W. II. f. Bus sell, Detroit; Col. O. O. bicaley. Wasblngton correspondent of tho Louisville Cfiurfn .'mi mil, and Clerk of tbo benata Charles T. Dunning, ot uoshen, Orangu county. ' Tho three last named gentlemen wore very sanguine iu their predictions of the success or tho Leinncratlo ticket, Uen. ritealey being especially no. bpeaMng of President Harri son s own btatc, lien, bicaley said : "Indiana will cast ber Hlectoial vuto lor Cleveland and Stevenson. I bavo not 'hu slightest doubt or that. Prominent ltepubllcans admit It to me prlrutel). 'ibe President Is managing tbe campaign In bis htuto himself, and no Is not making a great success of lu '1 ha conditions are nil agalust him. Ills treatment of CoL Dudley, tu whom ho owed so much, has made blm thuusands uf enemies In bis own party." FIGHT OVER RAILROAD' TRACKS,' Long Island City Wants to'Exteud Its Streets. The casn of tho Long Island Hallroad Com pany, which rofuscs to allow Long It land city to carry van Pelt, Harold and Brogan stieets across Its trccSs, camo up In the Supreme Court, Brooklyn, this morning. Tne Hallroad Company rerve J tbo city with an order to chow cause why It should not be enjoined from lurthor attempts to carry the streets across Its trsckj, pending .the argu nient ol tbe case befcrv tbe court ot Appeuls. The company has erected board fences at thu pronesi d points of cresting. They have alio louiled tbe trucks with rid cars. Lawyer Fred llojsc, tuuubel tor Joseph Mlveratone, the contractor who is a ratty to tbecult, najsthav the fsresent average rent l a great hardship to the people In tho vicinity ot these streets, as ihey are I'bltgcd tu walk three-quarters ol a mllo to icach a street car which Is only two blocks uuny. 'Ihe case was adjourned rot n week. m -Attempted Pulcldn with minors. William Kllle, lttnt)--elgbt,of I."j:i IlopMns siic'.t, Urooklyn, suddenly pitted u; a pair ot ,hars and "tabbed blmseir li Hi- uecU while vl.'.tlng christian Keutner, nt !!U Central avenue. 1 1- nos taken tu St. Catherine's Hospital, but was nut Krlously.wounded. . . . Fire In a Frnmo House. At J o clock this morning fire broke out In s two-stcry frame huuw, 7J HochMter avenue, Bicoklyn, occupied by Peter Johnson, who lest S'.'Ou. ti lunuture. 'Ihu bullulug was slightly d'tnaced. Gold Watohoq Stolen by r Frlond. John Hestl,obll, of ::.SJ f-tata ttitct, I'.rcokljti. today askr.l Iho pelleoln look tor 1 it friend i nmed Lolvolsky. who, lie says, called at nn-t vrnile heuas up- tfulr nlo'u three go,d watches uorlh t'-XO. ! Tli!?ve Hlfls n Candy Btoro Til!, fneak thloveii.ille.t at u ciady sioro kept i by -Mi Cjtncrlnu lliewer. at 4TH Allanlic arrime, Bnolyn, llili morning, and while i lie mjn ianga;iM her In utersallon, thu cthur riued t.m mciiiy drawer ot J-.'u. Death of Policeman Emlth. Pnluemaii .iohn W. bmllh, ol lh) Madison, "ho lad Ucn alllug lor some time, ibis ui inlng. I Villi XtANT TO KNOW Till." ' Tllll" will print on Knniln) Ibe deal rmtiiilrln Hip lilury ever iiub li.linl ol (iruver Clevelncd. vrrlttt-i' b ltirbnnl Watson (JIMrr, Wilson H. Ill cil aud (icorna F. Parker. Willi It will beBnurtaupplruientroutulnlnHbuir.ioue purtrntta of Sir nnd .lira, Cleveland. um a alrlltlus plrturr nt firiiv (inblea. Tell year newsdebler toaaveycua copy. AUrfakmtWmiiit-mitiijyf NEW EN6UND DEil DENIED.' 9 Belief that Mr. Parsons Has a "WM Big Soheme in View.; TIH " ' H Wilt tho Bond's President Fofta ..uH Ills It., W. und O. Policy ? H ' 4ilsH It was reported In Wall street this mornlsc H that a deal had been consummated try tbe -'i'B Now York and New England Hallroad Cost- t',1H pany which would throw the Keidtng'cbav ?'3SH bine coBplclcly into the shade. - H Tbo story was denied very emphatically by ' fH Charles Parsons and Clarence s. Day.whoara AH both prominent In New England affairs. Mr. i.:f$IH Parsons being generally supposed total viH control of the property. " "'' H According to a director of the Company Ua . rtflLW policy of Mr. Parsons la to build up the.rp " and devolop Its local freight trafUcwhlbh bs4 ; S been neglected by tbe previous management. 'H Those wbo are now Interested in the property ' VfiiM see an opportunity of making it- pay hsn- kB scmely, am there Is no Intention ot giving it; 'ttPB up at present. fessB Wbst the ultimate plans ot Hr. Parses JSPH may be are not known, but It Is believed tv .fpB many that ho will pursue the same policy $ which be adopted with tbe Home, Waurtowa a3H and ugdensburg road botcre dlvposlng ot it to. - ;pJB tbe New YorK Central. The rumor 1 1M ' 'VaH ihts tlmo tbe New Haven road wUl be brongM ?!Smm toreallretbo necessity of acqulrtng coairot i'M,H uf tho property. fi!H Mr. Parsons's Idea is that It only require 1-H careful management to make tbe Mew Kof. !? land road a formidable rival to the New Yorlc, fr3H New lisven anl Hartford, but this result eta MjH not be accomplished In a few months. lisH It was reported that the sUiged deal hsat ,"H reference to tbe acquisition of terminal coo. iTisbbH nectlons In this city, but this also wu denied iHH by Mr. Day. Tbo New iingland has beta. 'stfi-M using tbe New York and Northern since It ..(tfjH gav pp lis own terminal connections, sad U (.iXLW is stated that the business. has largely ta Vi&JH creased. . . j'i'SmmU Tne market for New England stock, wale 'mJH was knocked down last week several potnta &( on reports thstthe road was going Into IB ' J-YisssB bands ol a receiver, has been stronger for two fVMJH days past. Yeateruay tbe price roaavtreai SI 'fr'&JliH to a."., and to-day tbe market advanced to ',,M USM during tbe forenoon. ,. . 'ALtm Heading officials say their company i la giSM noTToy interested in the aUegedNOWEngbtni J'JgM dcsl, vnsaBsl Tbe report tbst Mr. Goelet, who was elected 4ybH a director of tbo New Englind company year sMSftM lerday, bad declined tu accept Is uneocw ItvilaBl nnnrd. Mr. Uoelet has written a letter to JLLU Mr. Parsons, the contents ot which wilt proO lH 1 ably b tnado known to-morrow. " ,'dsssri m. . .rttmmmE SHIPPING NJEWB'i H 4m ALUAMAO FOB TO-DAY. 'TH Ban rlMi..s.25 1 San iU ..(. I Meaa aM.,till H ins wat io-uat. illiB Rand Hook .. ..'S CU -fiM lln.trnor'a lalaad t.j . , 'H U.llO.t. i-ii 4.1 .' H LOW WATH TO-DAT. H Bandy Ueat....... .. ' . fH llo.tmor'a bland s.0 9.04 ffH ' 'Incliansa Eaalcrn .undard lima to NswYerk jvbjH nttaatnnaaiibtuctfonrnilualta. r SB r ft "''sIbsssI rOUT OF NEW YOUK. 'sH Asarvsp. "JvXjasss! Capt. Irrlnc, froim Lt.wtMl IffLm Ana. 21, tla Uaaapatovn 'zi. witn rahaodlae VBSsI andliauanaar. to II. Maitlaaif Karsay. & KtaauiarKanua City. Capt. FUhar. tram nah Auf. ... with waridiandlae ad paaaaaajan t .. KipB btr'amar LVotado. CapU Abbott Uoll. AW-I. "fiWimW ?ia Buaton, 'JS, nltn mtrrhandisu to Baadnoa a) r.fssssl bta. Ariifad at tba A. X. h'JIB i 4 "-! CUICOINO mtAatOaaV ,,5-sB a Attn to-uai. ' " 'isBSSsl AtBoa, Klm.too. "sSLmmW I'll Ol PAHS LlTtrpOOl. likmmmm tla;niaule, l.ltarpoU r f;"3mmmm Nlaxara, llarana. liSSSSsI Novtalaiid, Ant nam. t 'SsfafafafJ (.an .vcarooa, Oal.adon. Tsafafafal PiUrrida, Wa. Orlaaaa. ' vfmm Pcttla. at. John. t IbbbbbbI V.roaaaa. LSarl.aton. rBBBBs1 City ol Augu.ti, baraanab. tvflsBBl to aiu. aarr. I.1" ' 43Bsi ArV.,.y0.,,':.f.:?.,.t.a"?: . .tos 1MM Biltr.aa. - ,!( fH Mortauiiljr, lialto.ton S.euris l XglfljB tu iiil earr. 3. 'isssl Alrenquln, Cbarlealnn S.COm rjjfiH llio liranda. rcrcapiiliia , IWrS "'Vilsal 'lalllLu.wi, ba.aman S.Vrif M,mm tu .ail airT, 9. ;'JjH Ariiona, Lliftrool , 1.30ral rttiH tv.uclio. calvoilun ' S."0M USmmW t'liraxli. UL.A-ot U.OO M J), K AH l.aluJiana.lla.r 1. 110 AM fOtf.M '.KB b,r. a i.lrpool Iu.sOam 'fotlrM ,H Wtt.anJtm, Itoiterdau !'"" I''S ,.':-XLm Yu.atan, li.rana II.VQaK A.Wt8 Vl IKCOM1NO BTSAMSfta, vJfB DCS TO-UAI 'lH Aodea, Klnc.ton Au(. 13. iltfmWi l'.,lnn..!. '&mmm 1 Abu. llialuau Au, ZC. 'tBBBl nui airr. 1. !friB I.'unl, (hrlatlinsand Au(. It. VJifmmmW Uij ol V a.tiiugtou, lla.aaA ah, U. iiaBlsl uvk atrr. 3. iij C'.'jrt Purlin I.lrrrpoul Aus. 34. 'IIaI Ull-U, ltr Aa. "JS. V?!SBSSsl 1 uruur, London An. JL IdafH t.-tut,ai:o. .aiiau Aug. 117. ''riaal dck irr. I. 'j''liasssP Konaacnla. Hamburg Ana. -S, Lmmm IJiulirU. LlTfTViol Ana. Uf. . ,'SaB Lltroi l.cnia. Oiaaaow Aus. 3S. 'aafH (Uliia. l.i..iiH,l Aus. 'i. KjaTafafl fetubbaubuk,auibDrs Aus. 3X 'tiaaH tea eirr. 4. tliLl l.t Bnuraotna, Ha.ra Ac. 31. ,SLmmm, l.irrallar Aue. SI. J$m llilnuoj, lltrmuda L tlJaTaTaTj Ilirmatadt. lircnan Aug. II. ,. CTtttTaafafJ tiilJa, llenua Aut. 31. - ii-KjmWW Laiimbro, UllrtlUr Aaf. 30. 'ilmWW dcs txrr. S. SbbssssI navia. Itaiubura Aac. 35. fjHfafaTaTarai Uilxalf, Haraaahapt. 3. WjEafaafH Alua, 1'url Llmin Aus. 37. Karafafal itnlafafafal Weather 7oraaat, , ., . twB-W Lvral fifteattjor Ct hours eniili ,K '' .4?H Thurt(t.vjs C.vud'i ftfid sAvtotTv; ,f WfMt 1bbssssI tr.-iniicr ft-du, jtiUoxcti by air,, coafr;,M ' .'33aaB TUn-sdait fii(f3bv'coniiiioveiterft,', .- 'i',,'?IH The toUawing re?ord shows the chaoa '.;. jM tho temperature during tbe morning (terns 'ZJSLLt Sa.u.,.731 8a.m.. .711 A-a...1 Ula.Jit' iLaPPJ - '' IH . , X'i ' inssssssl