Newspaper Page Text
BBMWIIl KilriN ' , j-TO w PAllt KoW) Niw Vom, K ' WiDNESDilY EYENIHG, AUG. 31. K" Wk B"BSCRimOKSTO THE EVENING WORLD Rs rf' inrfttdfng Poiuifff) t $ aE MBNTIl - ..? g- FBat TKAK J.ftO It j Vol.88 No. 11,834 ggXv i ' Br ' ml Batered at th Posl-OBc at Hew Tork at ewond. KVt 'aes matter. m H ivBKAitcn offices: KV 4 f, WOULD UPTOWN OFFICK-lJ7 BroAdwav, fr bt list aid Sid ate., BewYotk El WORLD HARUCM omcK-lllIl Bt. ahd fef MlNtO AVE. K' BOOKLYrT-30 Watninnioi St. E PHILADELPHIA. Pi.-l.tKii Ben tuna. 113 WPf BotmtVJlBT. WARUINOTOK-elO ktkbt. Kfr . nrff WORLD Witt vol, tinder nnv rfrcuiii- Kt'' Htmtt$, hold VuVriponrtbt for th' trturn HgL eriJr.krrpinaof anv rr-jfetra wnnvrertpf BaKsr orplttr,efiBhattoertr chavatttr or ralue. BS AoraeVpttoiw tcf1 Im mad folnlgrtile MiffA BS' mm-4' ti rllhtr Itlttr or tnrlomre. Kor BK aillf Itu taitor fn'tr into rorrnpontlenct eon. mHj .tiitnlitj'uiaralUtM manuscript. Lfrfi - , BJjT Vr-s : fcMl Tata Bvwnlnv World Prints Asao Brjt ?l Mawa. HK&J'''' 'Althonah thrh been good reaaon to -Koi"" that cases of cholera would be KlWj' i'lMvaCBt to thia port by aome on of tba KkW MbMtobs vessels coming from Infected Bft'i , polta, (he newt which wa print to-day of Btjkli la condition of the Moravia will un HRW aSoVbtodly surprise aa wall at alarm tha Hpjji- ImMm community. E&jl"' , But. whlla tha newa ia both sudden and Hpf MlaBBBiit, there ia really no cauae for Rvt,aawa.xa, Th infected vettel will not be V'ptWttadtoeBdaaBertha health of Naw Hl(fj.4fk. Swl tha promptneaa and complete. Hfi('HtBB with which tha Health Department HHfi'af atata Ha work with the Moravia ia the BuA)Trj beataaanranee we could hare that it HfipAfjif will be able to meet every demand made WKWiJ 'STabm i of courae a poatlbility of Mp'! daager. bat there ia nothing to juatlfy -BMlBfaMorto lead to anything lllw My paeic. There ia no eholera in New BBfc , ' York, Bad the prospect ia that the cholera BvT will not be permitted to reach the city. axeES "e pA1 onr "dN not to Rive way to EWMMeeeswarjr alarm, but to keep cool and to jS' V VV 'tM ood care of their health. The rnlea i JbbbmI by tha Board of Health will be Km -fcWHld worth heeding, and, above all, Hm evejejetBted fears should be avoidad. Wm' 0LEULnB88 AT H0HT- IRj-J" t'J.'e,ifftaluamwlht9 alop lha ponlfeU Intra. BjKry raiaw etabelwa taU ibla eoaalrr " BaKfff ; towTtataa thai we saa da and have aovar M BllS We kave takea apeelat pelaa ao lar aa Naw BKvV. Tieeaanad,aadt aanat aar of Dr. Jtnkina BBC-&W tW ke ia delac aobla anil latilllxnt work at jrojl "OataaMaeBwtloa." Hp5'' '; ThU opinion waa expreaed by Secretary BvT7 A 'm ,n ta lnterT'ew yesterday . It Hftjta only does justice to Health Officer Jen. aLj iBWBt whose work at Quarantine ainoe the BM eholera danger was reoogniced has been Ki-gJBu1(vd by intelligence and energy. In- Wv"- deed, ao f ar aa Quarantine is concerned, Hfejf 3 - there doss not seem to be much risk of bbsWX'' thediseaae makiug its entrance into New && York through the port. Hh' But we are open to invasion by the ft-1-;, i t Bttek door, and cleanlinesa, thorough fcSi" cleanliness at home, ia absolutely neces- Hk?v V ()r to prevent the diaease from obtain- Kk bsg a sure foothold in tha city if it HkK. Bid unfortunately, make ita appear- Hfe-'l- BBeahere. Ki'f '- Tha streets of the city are unquertlon BKlt ,v mtcn better cleaued than formerly, Ht'' but constant vigilance and unceasing BV.'i work are needed to keep them so. Tbo BKpk Board of Health should look more Hvw akarply than ever into the sanitary condi- f&V ties of 'the tenement-houses and should Kj? "exerolse the moat thorough watch- BJgg', fauMaa to prevent the ' violation BS' ' or neglect of the aanitary lawa and rogu. BX vf- latlona. A house to house visit by sani- 4!'' tary expert should be undertaken at Ky1' obmm and repeated at intervalv during the BXgw next three months, in order to make cer. HfeM tatn that hotbeds for the growth of dis- BM(V eaae are not Buffered to exist anywhere in mmj Meelty. j BKs It will not do to encourage ourselves by Kjll'l the argument that the hot weather is BK about over, and that before long the Bfii "Winter will be here. Only a sharp frost Bfeg: can kill the germs of cholera, nnd there BBk . are three full months st least beforo us BEp during which we shall be subject to the Ksf danger of the disease. KjH f It would be very advisable for the BKt Health Board now to lay aside politics BK& and to reverse the action which drove E& , 'irom the Sanitary Advisory Commisuou H Dr. Jioobi and hit associates, the ablest Utfk' doctors in the city. Their services at BE this time would bo of inestimable advan- Hf& i tags to the public. K.V,, THE EOHDEN OAEE BZm There was a surprise in tbo Bordeu BJj$ b murder case yesterday when Prof. En. BK wabsB. Wood testified that he had exam. Bflv imed the etomschs of the murdered BaKT- couple and fouud no trace of poison in Bm either of them; that the stains on the BRr:, hatchet and axes found in the Bordeu BK cellar and on the articles of clothing BK&, . belonging to Lizzie Doners were nut Bk,L blood, and that the mucb.talked-of hair Bi found on tho hatchet v as the hair of an BBp animal and not of a human being. Bl This disposes of one of the leading Tea. BPtt-t "' ' Prostclitio"' fe. The BBg blood-aUincd hatchet and the blood. BRV ' atalsed carmontt were talked about in BBfc mjtterlous terms und uitb Lnowini; looks BkS2 l7.thedetectivesaud prosecutiur offlctrs, BKw? "and wont a long way to create the iiapres. BBKyaioft that perbapa the authorities were on W.'UtktwMint. But these were wi ed BBJ 'feltisian instaut by Prof. Wood's tcsti. BBK'' -' '- Wm-' - BBaBBfi.: v.'tvkv,, i mony, and the shock to, the prosecution was the greater because' of the witnt'a statement that the person committing the murder could not possibly have escaped getting blood on hk body In aome way. Tims for tbo evidence offered 1km not established anything of a tangible uatnro ocninst the prisoner. Iho suspicious circumstances ara all nusceptible of n plain, lommon.seiiBe explanation. There aro hints, however, that tbo whole story is not yet told, nnd that vthat remains br. bind lh of n rooro positive and direct character. But there bsvo been altogether too many sensational rumors sot afloat by the protocution. Tho object seemt rather to have been to make up a case against Bontr than to got at tbe truth in regard to the murder of hor ptrentt. FOB WHITE HEN OSLY. The Bepubllcans of Louisiana are mak ing strong efforts to secure one or two of tho CoucreaRinen from that State. The Third District has beon Democratic since 188), but the district is ruoro largely than any other Interested in tlm Sugar bouu. tios, and the Kopublicntu are hopeful of redeeming it this rear under tho argu ment the sugsr iutercsu are safer in the hands of a llcpublican than of a Democratic Iteproseutative. To thia end the ltepubllcan Committee has issuod a rail fur a conference at Franklin on Sept. 7th, ' ' for the purpose of selecting a llopublictn candidate to represent the district in the Fifty-third Congrers." The rail closes with the sig nificant sentence i " Tim above confer ence is for white men only." So here is the great negro-loving Ke publican party, whose sense of justice ia shocked at the alleged disfranchisement of the colored Aoter by the Southern 1 Democrats, and whose leaders loudly de. i roand a force law, which shall put bejonets at the ballot-box, excluding negroes from any voice in tbe selection of a candidate to represout them in Con grts. This incident illustrates the sort of friondship the ltepubllcan politician have for the negro. Ho may vote for ltepubllcan candidates, and to enable him to do so he shall be protected at the polls. But he it allowed no hand in se. lectin? such candidates. That is the work ot white men. The blacks are uot wanted for Mich purposes, and at Repub lican conferences no colored person need apply. IHE FINAHC1FR AHD THE TIASOEE. Now comes another report that the ox convict, Ferdinand Winn, is about tc. be married. This time also the ladv Is of Connecticut. Of course, she is beautiful and wealthy. They always are in the re ports. The Interesting informatiou is conveyed that Ferdinand Ward occupies n seat In tho ' ' family pew " on Sundays, and that the fiancee is constantly seen "riding behind Wash's fast trotters, formerly the property of the Vandor bllts." The crimes of Ferdinand Ward brought ruin on a number of innocent people. The prince of swindlers dragged honor able names Into the mire. When he failed it was well surmised that he had secreted onough money to make himself rioh for the rast of his life. Ho oould well afford to wear a 8tate prison suit for a few years when he could come out to enjoy his stolen wealth at the end of his term. When we hear of this criminal driving "fast trotters" formerly owned by tho Vandebbilts. is it not plain that real juttioe in his cose has failed ? FEOI'8 PEBPLFXITr. Labor Commissioner I'rcc fiuds it necessary to apologize for tho unreliable and evidently " doctored " report which I he thought proper to inject iuto the Pres idential campaign for the bennlt of tba ltepubllcan party. He denies that he is "hostile" to Mr. Cleveland; do. nlei that he had auy political ob. ject in making a summary of his ridiculous report, and declare! that when it is published in full " nil the protoction pspera of the whole country will havo to atand from undor. " Mr. Peck claims that it will "furnish the most complete ref u. tation of the theories of tho protectionists in regard to wages that has ever been published. " Stuff and nonsense, Mr. PrcR. Your report is a humbug and a fraud from beginning to end. Tbo fact that you will not or dare not ghe the public the names of the manufacturers who made the returns on which it is based, is sufficient proof of that. It cannot help or hurt the protectionists - it cannot help or barm the Democratic party. 'Ihe best thing you can do is to burn your report and all tho secret returns in your possession, bide your head from the public, and hold 1 5 our tongue. You have attempted a plrco of political trick ery which has utterly failed, and nobody wonts to hear anything more from jou. Tho New York Post-Oftice not onlv pays itH own expenses, but contributes a ' large surplus to the Depsrtmcut. It is entitled to nil the money and men needed to give tho public tbo ery best service pouiblo, and wheu wo read of the Acting ' l'ostmaster-ticueral, nritiug in nusvtrr to a complaint, " Ihcrn is such n press of business in the offico of tho Clilof Post Office Inspector that it has been iuipossi. ble to give nil the correspondence re rohed therein that attention that it de. serves, "we nro forced to ask, wheru is tho " bubinest administration" we were promised ? A pair of Cbiengo locis m the excess of their affection agreed thnt all their real and personal property should bo held in common. '1 here was to bo no "mine" or "yours." Kery thine nts "ours." The girl haing died, the lover smothered his grief sufficiently to bring suit against her tmromantio papa, who failed to see nhy lie should surreudei his daughter's aMtts, consisting of jewelry and real estate valued at 151,100. on such shadowy basis as n loro letter. I.oe nnd lucre form combating elements iu this case. In addition to tho removal of nil dan gers to public iicallli tho present situa tion cnlls for the lomotalof all politics from the Health Department. A few days' experience with the cholera in Hamburg has cost that citr millions of dollais aud its troubles have ouly begun. I Yet a comparatively email expenditure in the war or prevention might have saved it from all lost. The leiton It worth bearing in mind. Street Commissioner Tom Bmnnan it just at present an object ol Interest to the good people of New York, and they nlll closely scan hit method of doing his work. Thero mutt be no trifling with the important charge of l.eeping the streets clean. A United States Marshal iu Utah hot been removed for " general lucom petency, failure to obey Instructions and carelessness iu the conduct of the buti. nets of bU office." Let nt hope that there was nothing else charged up against him. A shot which was not fired from a gun nevertheless proved fatal to a Newburg girl. She accidentally swallowed it a fow wests ago, and tbo useless vermiform ap peudix received it and constructed an ab scess hich caused death. The inauguration of the New York State building at the Chicago Exposition on Oct. 22(1 will be a notable event, aud Gov. Flower is charged with a high re sponsibility In speaking for the great State of New York. Whether or not the cholera reaehet thia city one, advantage of the scare will be that New York will receive the most thorough cleaning it baa bad for yean, if instructions or the health officials are faithfully carried out. Gov. Flower emphatically contra dicts the absurd story that ex-President Cleveland had asked him to aend troopa to Buffalo. The ex.Pretident It not in the habit of volunteering anperfluous ad vice. . Through some mistake only eighteen guns were tired in honor of Gov. Resskli, at the Gloucester anniversary. The en sign in charge will probably be fired to balance the missing gun. Halifax boasts of a mother who hat for the third time given birth to triplets. 4a a census inoreaser aha would be in de mand for growing Western towns. The Post-Office Department could easily make a better record than it bat made in the matter of complaints about stolen lettert. Ihe little difficulty with Venezuela will probably be aettled without any actual conflict. THE CLEANER. I dropped Into nolmet's ntar Theatre In Brooklyn yesterday morning while the re hearsal ot John L. Hutltran's new play, " capt. llarcourt," wan going on. Sullivan viewed tho proceedings with a critical eye at times. But, except when he boa his own " turn," itemed more Interested In the stage carpenters and electrto bunch llghta than In hit support. He knew his own lines well, however. One usually looks among the slender, pale faced beings ot the dude variety tor cigarette smokers, but a veteran at the little paper at lain Is a portly, ruddy-laced man with a white beard who crosses a Jersey City ferry dally. It looks decidedly out ot pftce to tee a cigarette protruding from between hit lips. The Tariff Reform Club has a collector who Is a valuablo man at a political taxgatherer. Ho called on William Mtclnway the other day for an assessment. Mr. Stein way told him he was busy snd to call again. In a few minutes the persistent money fiend was back. Mr. Btelnway told blm curtly to get out. lie did, but returned again almost Im mediately. " Didn't I tell you to get out ot here," exclaimed Mr. btelnway hotly. Tou 1 did," qulcklv replied the fiend, " but you didn't tell mn not to come back." Mr. Rtein way admires persistency and pure gall, and br gave him a check for sioo. WORLDLINGS. Reoratarr Foster's dausbtar Is salq tobt an at part horaawoman, and that Is aa aooompUabmflnt of the hlchett popularity In Washing ton. A leotnrer on oaltnsrr topics ears that practical cooking haa raada noailranoe InthelatS hundred rear. Urae. Modjeeka married at the aatlr ago of seven teen, and It was not until after her husbands death that eha went on the etas. ! Is a belief or tha Chinee that cat meat Is a remedy for diseases of cue lungs. The belief aaema absurd, but lees so when the use In this coaatrr of doc meat for consumpttcn Is considered. Asa result of tha widespread nsa of macaroni la Italy, tho peasants of that country consume more flour than tbo peasanU of any otbei land. The first culns minted tn North America were produoed In Meslro In 1535, and tha coloara of tha colonlee that afterwards became the United State, need the Aleilcan dolla" as th standard o vatae. Amerloan factortee produce 30,000 watches rry week. VAGRANT VERSES Tbe Aujruet Fly. t'h. ill, thou art too fit I 1 nr ar no flie on the , It it oh, thoa art o i rue, And illy persliteu, j Thus ruaeea meeaill elah t'h, ay, Ibougn art too ll I (lh. fly. wilt thou not fly To om far-tllruot spot, Pom place wner I aut nut, A id whll It Usobot fljiraln irom I'omlnK nlsh? till, fly, wilt thou not fly! 1 hoa art a pt oh, fly i rlMirkllihar'lhj ivel lu Auaust's sticky heat That Ihe s no longer sweet When t. e i art by i Thou art a pcet, oh, fly I ne,rrjtif Jexriiat. Hope. Blithe poeteit at the gateways of the soul t Ir tycoptiaut, that doet so fondly rllug To er rn our worst of eorrowe I Bark whuee wlag Daunt eMiy ruyagee to lltueiou goal, lleerilete It be ehadow. If rock and euoel I White bird that carolUet thin unwearying Treble of eoug. Ilk th by uw.bura bpnng Lureil beareuwsra from eome bloesom-tlnted knull I Ab, Hone, thou art sweet when insd ssaa glass wild eklee. W bcu wsr, post, esrthqusk riots la bitter glee, 1 Or yet when tyranny tortures and ntlatee; But sweetest wheu thr ahsp phantasmal lllea, A luminous dream ntrued Immortality. Urer the tlsrkneet of cartb e myriad graves tdjitr ruervc. In Me CvtmopHUAt" Shocking. Mrs. D In my opinion no one can Ce good looking unless neil dres-eO. . 'IIieMon nd;et emu was a success. ! CRANDALL&CO., "'-' 'lT- rlsb'l,hed el nee sTHrTf- 1MI vtroleealesnd - &HESyf 'all. . Newtel and awgBhvtjoTaujrTCTr testdeetgneitaelarg- WtmsMmtzttyy 1 e.tatoik in themrl.l oJBBJBBBBKfiSiJL Q lo Aect from All TJ7TvQf Ti work wsrrsnted. fte- fx-sW US-JiSi-Yfyyi letodeUekontyul. ""ME KZSsBBtfC-l ' eloolpad, IrloycU V'fTl JCrtfTRv. I and Wagoaa. Descrlp- li VJLlJvV tlv catalogu free. Sf jrff X-y oodedellveradC. O. 1T slrw- J). Opsn stealage. UP GOES THE FUND. Friends of the Babies Flocking to Their Aid. s Fairs and Entertainment! Scheduled for This Evening. Sick Tote Will Ba Made Happy, Bright and Wall. All tatters reafnlalaai ateitev far trie Kiel Rahv Fa. akotiU ke atddretae. ! the CaaliUr of Ike rserr xerk W.rld, I'alltaer BwllaU.a. DeojeuUae el rlethlas. eVr atipld ke teat le Mrs. Itekerta, StT 1 eat ferly alath alreeu THE SUBSCRIPTIONS. rrerleuely acknowledged 113.750 OS Uirlsof East Terly-nloth street 62.10 Seventh avennelalr , 411.40 GrovestrMt fslr.i 17.35 David Hurwltt in. 00 KastEigbfyalnlhstreetantertalnmenl 10.011 Bete ntn areAve fair 7.U0 Buttercup Club , COO Osceola Cluba fair... f .00 Charles K. Reeanthat 3 63 Valrst steypoH. 3 0U K. II. and K. B 'J m,h Children of The Timpletoo 2.00 Vfi1llanrfRddiRllbretlnand Henry Harts 3.00 Philip t. Pincers 'J.39 Frieda Eblager, Joels Malster and F!ela Jaehnee 3 00 rolyoptlren Show V.0 Marguerite rieU'.. 1 01 Kosenlsko atrt fair 1.00 Mllll Mailer 1.00 Kev. U C. II. Adam. Montlcello l.l'O Amelia O r 1.00 Anna Bltanan and WaudaCrandali.,,. 1.30 Bscond avann entertainment .57 M. D .(0 ,leei Frsueaon. .10 Arthur Deraaray ,nl .nollar by dollar the Blck Bab.- Fund Is mounting to tbe mark, and hosts ot friends are doing afl in tbeli power to acblove that end. Peveral benefits are to be held In the near future, among wblch maybe mentioned a talr wblob la now in progress at 304 Pulaski street, Brooklyn, which promises great re sults. ' An entertainment will be given nt 341 Kast rteventy-Drst street this evening, under tbe direction of Fannie and Colla Khelnhclmer Agnes Kane and Kva Lazarus. Tbla evening also there will be a fair at Union Hall, on Tloyt street, Brooklyn, which Joseph Goldsmith, If eler Stclnbrlnk and Abe Warendleu are engineering. At Richmond Halt, West one Hundred and Sliteenth. street, this evening, there will be an entertainment, followed by a dance, which many are looking forward to. All success to the kind volunteers, and the thanks ot tick babes sna their paronts will follow tbelr achievements. , BENEFIT AT SARATOGA. Maater Cornwall Oeta Up a Highly Sucotaaful Affair for the Fund. The children's entertainment given In the Grand Union ballroom at Saratoga rnsery successful, the inet receipts being $40.66. which has been added to tba Hick Babies' Fund. To Richard Hather cornwell Is due all praise tor the grand success achieved, artis tically and 'financially. Master Kkhtrd It a very bright boy, and being a member of tho "Little Defender so ciety," he desired to do something to help the poor little onet of New York, to he originated the idea of tbU entertilnmeut and carried it tbrougb to a successful lsaue, being assisted by hit mother, Mrs. J. w. cornwelL Master' Hlchard, assisted by his young friends, gave a nice eatertstnment, conlst ing of twenty numbers. In which bo plajed tbo piano, llitlo Misses ooldle Unite, busic lxiugtilin, Claire Ullroy and Masters George llaiicble and T. V. Uordon roclted. and the 11' tie Misses Nadallne and cialr Gllroy, daughters of Tnoiuat v. ailroy, C'ommls atonvrof l'ubllo Worka, New York, nnd Flr. enca Oaogheian, Alice Itttsln, Susie I ougn Un and Helen tiamblot recited. All the children did very well, and specially fascinating woe the sklit-dance executed by Busle Loughlln and the recitations by the little proulrr. QOldle White, who received an ovation and waa many times recalled, ao greatly did the dellsrut all In attendance by the wonderful manner In which sbe recited. Mr. Woolley very klndl) permute I tbe use ot the ballroom, the dubroom proving too small to bold all wbo attended. , They Uada 14. f l tutor- Inclosed jou will find B4, proceeds of an entertainment glen tor the Sick Habits' Fund. Uero Is the programme : Welcome- eong Mlse Mamie Hagan Kilty ot4olcrln, song ..... .... Mlse May Dooley W Are She Folke from Tidy Ton n, eong. . Mlee Main) Hagsn Kt, Thsak You, Tm, song Ml a May I'oolay Ahoogaud llau ....John llankel Kler bongan Uauc MUe May Dooley Uypsy Boas and Dane Mlee tlainl Hayan The Hiigl Bong...... .... Mlse Mamie Hagan I'm My Mamma'a Little Darling, a rcliatlnn, . . Miss 1,1111 ifayee I.HtlBaPp, aeong. .,..., traucleUleason Th Cuckoo Clocl, a recitation. Mlse Mabel eakme Th Christening, a recltstlon.. Mlee Mabel Feaklue lablaaua-cblckadea hmraa Mattbau, "May Dooley. Clara Andereon, MayOleaeon. Chsrlotta Hagan, Llllle Hayes. Under tba Old Umbrella. Mlee May Dooley and Fmma Matthan fomlng Home from tbe Held, Mlse raama Matthan, rrancle flleason. Josephine McDonnell, May Dooley. Mill Tout, . L.Chsrl.itle llsjin, Msmle llsgsn tnMontbUltl...tran le Uieaeon, Mamie Hasan lalrlae kmmaMatlhau, tlira Anderson A !oal of l.ove. Miesea Clara Anderson. Kmma Matthau, Mamie Hagan. I Isymg Grandmother. Francis lilcason, Kathleen Dooley I Utle Boy Blue....' John Heukel 1 he ttuardtan Antels. tCmioa Malthsn. t'lsrs Anderson. I Mile llsies What An the Wild Wasrebaylna ' . t MleaJ McDonnell Dollle'eRath .... . Charlotte llagau. May tlleaeon Unlldren'al'ratile, Clara Andereon. May Dooley. J. McDonnell. Lkarlolte Harsn. I.lllie Hagsn. My Lov Is ralr Columbia, song. Msmle llsgsn. May Dooler America, eong All flood-Night All FraucieulMion Little Polka" Entertainment. A pleasing entertainment was held In the parlors of Thomas Tnlgg's house, los nast Elgbty-nlnth atrtwt, tho other evening, which realized Bio. The children ot the neighborhood took part In the various aelectloni and gave a credit able performance. LettlsE. Drummond was ihe stage manager and Mrs. T. Hu those compautst. litre It the programme : I. Oorus. Highland Uddle an 3. hacltation. Hir Dsrliog ... MsudBcanlrn .1. hona, llermaa ruimt lir. kmu.ll.r . Dialogue.. ... . n, ca Lena l.eomao.KaieBranlou and Carrie llothechlM J. font. I'apa'f loiter Resiierwaulon 0. t'ianuenio, lvere' Quarrel aire Hon ., Mediation, l.lltl(lirl'a I'omp ami, . , . , feme KothechlM s, Drill, popular sirs ,,,, A lomedy. "Popping the (Juration ' test Mr. Primrose Tom Fcanlon ,".T".Th"n,eB Joiephl.sll.gher V'"il"f Horenre Iwlgg MteaBimn UneUhlnao Mies WiaUrblessom Kllaf-canh.n Bhln KalBcanlon Piano solo. Bins i psll t mms lie, kmueller tborus, Mauy flags All Jeraey City Workers. we ssnd you herewith as a con trlbutlon to tba Btck Babies Fund. Ibis amount lithe result ot a fair neldWednet day, Aug. t'4, nt iVi Orove atreet, Jersey city. tVo heartly thank Mr. Dodd, of 101 tfrand street, for the privilege of using hit store for the occasion. And also Mr. Ewald, of I'M Newark avenue, Ttho printed our tlcketa grntK Most of our lancy work was made by ourselves. . . We heartily thank our Irlmds who helped us In any way. W e bad but one eck to pre parv for the fair, or else we might havo made more. In thai lime o worked very bard. It Is not a great sum, but we earnestly hoce It III help to relieve tun poor little tots. Llllle freeman. 40ft drove street: Nettle McXally, 411 Urore strct'.i Leonora Mitchell, KI7H r mirth street; Laura Mitchell, 407 blxth ktrcct. Children Work-ed Hard. f tht Tilltor- You wilt nnd Inclosed 30.10, tbe proceeds of a fair given uy tho children ot atl Ono llundrod and! wcntlcth street, between Ursl and Pleasant avenues, fur the benefit ot tho sick Babies' Fund. The mtntgeincni ot tho fair was entirely In clinrgo of tho girls nnmeil bolow, who had tceu working very hat a lor thu past four weeks. The fair wan held In a large More on First avenue and one Hundred andf 'Mvenitrth street, the kindliest, of Mr. Henry Hergborn. children's ages from twelve to six. committee Mlnnlo uroy, Jennie Cohen, Joslo Mcl.'av. Mabel N nil. Junto 1 asche, arv. Klstodby Wlllto Mccay, WItllollyan, Waller Ityan, John llenken, Alex. Cohen, Louis Cohen, Edna ctrpy, Maltlo Clrcy, Annie hhelsnsky, fsrah Cohen, Hoslo lohen, Gertie all, Florence Vail. Blue Bell Workers. Tit ( r-Hltr- Inclosed pletsa find ihcck for (40.40, tho proceed nt a fair held at m o.l Set enlh atenuc, on Aug. HO and U7, by Iho Blue Bell letting .society, who had formed In tbe eoilypartof tho Rummer for the purpose of sewing lor tho fair to ho held for the benefit of the Stck Baby Fund. Tbe following, who are between ten and thirteen ears of ngccumprlso the .Society: badle Davis, President; Hlrdle Wile, Treas urer; Edith Kosenthal, secretary; Henrietta Kc.'icnthal. Stella riatr, Sarah Uwlnson, May McDonald, Blanche .Vlrbelson, assisted by Charles Wextbelmer, Julian Flair, Arthur Westhelmer, Walter McDonald. Malnbart and Luwc, of Seventh avenue and , Ono Hundred and Tnenty-fourth street, kindly donated the store, the consolidated flan company the gas, and many other liar lemltes have been liberal In donating. Tho Society thanks them all, nnd hopes this will do tbe sick babies n great deal of good. Home from tho Country. r r nittf After having a four weeks' stay In tho coun try and bating good limes, I thought It best when I came back to tako up a collection to help send I ho poor babies off to haeanlce time, too. Ho, my lltllo brother aud my trlond helped me. We collected , aud lam euro that la not bad for three little boys. Is It t W iu is Sn.smsTgiN, ten years. F.nniK Hit BkasTKiN. eight years. Hknky lUnry. ten years. Here are tbe contributors: J. I'. Muller, 10 cents: I'. Arnold, '-'A; Th. Hamlscb, M; John fllesekc, 3ft; Michael Taudley, 10: Mrs. Rati lner, 5: Mrs. sllbrrstcln. 6; Miss Starlight, 10: Mrs. Doralm, 5; Mrs. Katrenberg, IA; Mr. Moses, r; Mrs. Brunklaret, 25; Papa 611 berttcln, Mb; Mrs. Bodensteln, 10. Btaten Island Fair. r rs rAitif Inclosed please find SI 1, the proceeds of a magic lantern entertainment for tho benefit ot tho SIck Babies' Fund, held Thursday, Aug. 35. .Mrs. Carr, ot 37 Brewster street, very kindly lent us her parlor tor tho entertain ment, our girl mends who helped us by sell ing tlcktta are Ida Egllnton, May Curtlss, Florence Kgllnton, Henrietta sallade, Jessie Carr, licslo Sherman, Jessie McKenzle. Dauby ahkoi d, F.i us Hhini iv, WlM 1AM CAKR JOUN CDKTIHS. Ase Koi.inton, committee. Brewster street, Tompktnsrllle, 8. 1. Uaslo Lantern and Boxing, r is. riiimr Inclosed please And $L 10, which we col lected by giving a maglc'lantern show aud a three-round boxing bout between Walter Melbrook and Jack Joyce, tho lOA-pound amateurs, of Washington Heights. Hoping this small sum will do the sick babies some good, wo remain Harrv Maxsaooi, Maouik ACCABDI, MishTxrkh.l, Fnr.iini Koni.Br.Ko, committee. Buttercup Club Fair. r rSe rdiifr The Inclosed f 8 Is tbe result ot a fair which the " Buttercup Club," composed of eight lit tle girls, gavo on Saturday, Aug. 3D, at 710 rresldent street, Brookljn. Much credit Is due them, as they made tno articles and ban dlod the fait nltbont help. Jean bwan, Alice Maley, Florence Lodea berg, F.dlth Maley, Florvnco A. Ho Merrltt, Lillian De Merrltt, hlla Do Merrltt, Jennie Ledenberg. Frank W. Sunn. Cnlldren'a Pennies r KtHtor Inclosed you will Dnd check for (3.5?, this amount having been collected by several children who with their own fow pennies de sired to csntilbute to the sublime causo ot humanity. I f they had more tbey would give more. They desire me to request ou to Insert their names In your paper at contributors to tbe blck Babies1 Fund. ('oas. E. Korxnthii. (No names were Inclosed, but the lltllo ones are heartily thanked for their efforts. Oeceola Club's Fair. To (S.Wflor. The Osceola club, comprising the little girls ot Lincoln avenue and tbe Annexed District take pleasure in forwarding 5, tbe proceeds ot a fair held under tbelr nusplccs for the benefit of the Sick Babies' Fund. wiunlo Mooney, President; Katie Burns, Vice-President ; Annie Mooney, Treasurer; Maggie Mooney, Secretary; Ida Mircht, Kitty Mooney, May Hayes, -May Buckley, Alke Jones, Cassie Brady, Josle Walters, M anile Jones, Mamlo Walieis, Agnes Jones. Bea Cliff Friends. Tit l rdllitr Inclosed please find '-.'. tho proceeds ot an entertainment glrtn by tbe children of "The Tcmpleton.'' Sea Cliff, I. L, fur tho benefit ot the sick Pablo' Fund. llKIKN WAISR, CIIAHIKR WaISII. LOUIS EaMkKICII, (iKHTKl'lliiSrAMUSBtUO, GRAIK UAI-XII. llKNUT t'OKHIUAV, MAV KHMrHICH. llOBSUT llKJCH. William Malsii, Yalkstink Urick. Fair In Keyport, To S r.lllor I'leaso find inclosed :i for tho blck Babies' Fund, tbe proceed of a smalt fair held by Addlo GUI and ltuth Walker, of Keyport, N. J., Aug, U7. Fair In a Basement. A fair held In the basement or 2210 Sev enth avenue Tbur'Uay nnd Friday realized for the Fund. It was managed by i Maud c. (irobman. Ilattln and Annie Qroh. I man, Jnbu Wrlisieaml Walter Martin. The lltllo people wonted hard tor thrro dsys aud iho result Is a a edit to their efforts. David's Collection. To l rrfllor Incloted ou will end siofor tho Sick Ha bios' Fund, collected at I oog Branch. Hoping It will go a great wry towtids dolnir good, I remain, Damp Hi'rv,it7, rgca nine, 44 l'lku street. Brooklyn Friends. To lit Viler Imlosed please find (1 ror the Stek Unties. ' pund, the proceeds uf an entertainment ctten by Masters Harry llaller. Idnard He Un) and .l.ihu Murphy, 1505 1 Kmciusko sinct, luookljn. Collected at n, Show. rrfl'r Inclosrd Dnd 3.o:. collected at a poljonll. con: Mrs. A., :I7 couts; M. Jerome, 25 cents; .1 Hamilton. 20 tents; Mrs. F-, Hannah, in cents each: Hens, ft cents; II. Addtcka. ID rents; F. Addlcks. ai cents: Cosh. 8 cents. 1'iiiru red and Henry Addleks and Leo Kie-kleL T....yr..MliLrfeiryttfeiA aHly The Ideal Woman. Miss Anna Haydn Webster, Is the oldest compound of dress reform, Tbeosopliy, Chris tian science, scgctarlnnlstn, telepathy, and a tew other things that ever amazed achau ii -Kin audience. In tho r.rnt place she (iiu.. l tho gatekeeper at the dock by apiesrlug In a Greek robe made of gray kcrgc, sl'evele. and cut (Ulto low Iq the neck. Tills was her travelling gown. Iho face, Miss Webster argues, extends below the collar bono and clear loheflnjcr tips, and tocover tbo neck and arms, therefore Is to conceal tho most cxpressUe part ot the coun tenance, bo nil her gowns, Summer and W In ter, aro mad" after tho Gnck model. For cold weather she has a sort of cape or modi fied pcplum tn throw around the shoulders, which gives additional warmth without en. tlrely concealing tho " expressive ngencj." The Ideal vioman, she snt', lu a recent Chautauqua lecture, Is tho unmarried wo. man. She finished by saying that tho perfect woman will appear In the next century, and will bo tho second saviour ot man. .Miss Weoslei comes from Ilojton, and Is quite a popular lecturer there. In a few years she ex pects to open a school for oung women, to be modelled attcr tnatof sappho at Lcsrxn. It w HI be derofd lo tho det clop mentot tbe perfect woman, and the Greek gowns and soul culture will occupy an Impor tant placo on tho curriculum. Latest Things in Hail. Among the latest novelties Is a bonnet msdeot red currants. Itlsot tbe erownlcss order, and has velvet strings tbe same color as the fruit. A large hat of coarse cream straw draped with lace and with a currant bush planted exactly In front was recently seen. It bad a bunch ot red velvet ribbon loops on the crown, and a few at the back also, drooping over tho brim. The greater numb?r of bats Just now have tbo bulk of the trimming plat od In front. There Is no very striking novelty In felts. Tbe travelling hats are mostly boat-shaped, trimmed at the side, with ears or bows ot velvet, and perhaps a wing. The most comfortable and practical sort of travelling bat Is made ot soft cloth trimmed only with rows ot stitching, which can be doubled up and carried In one's pockot without looking any the worse. House Costume. A Pretty Little Traveller. A quaint, charming little maid was teen In a railroad car tho other day. She had fair hair falling In curls on her shoulders, a pink and white complexion, and might have been six or seven yeais old. Her costume was most plcturesqtio and made la Old-World style. If consisted ot a short-wnlstcd coat or cloak of art-greeu crepe, with a Watteau plait, and was worn over a frock of white cambric. Tbe little lady's hat was a large whlto one, trimmed with white gauze and bunches of whlto flowers, and on her tiny bands (she wore no gloves) were three tiny rings set with diamonds and rubles. ea Novel Evening Dress. A new e enlng gown recently seen had long sleecs cf palest pink gauze, rumpled all the way up, and very full and large at the top to gltettldth to the shoulders, and though tbe neck had the appearance of being low. It bad a cross-over arrangement ot game Inside, which could be eo arranged as to entirely conceal all scragglncss. The bodice was made with a llttlo lulncss and fastened on tnc left side. Tbo material ot which tbe gown t as rondo was black grenadine, patterned with threo-lncb square checks In pink, and tbo lining was pink silk. Like most gowns, It had a satin sash arranged to tlo at the side. Language of Postage Stamps. Although frequently printed, several re quests bare recently been made for tho languago of postago stamps, so hero It Is again: 1. On right corner, Friendship. 2. on right corner, upside down, " rlto soon." 3. Hlght corner, crosswsys, Good-by." 4. Igag, a Kiss, 5. Middle top, "1 am vexed." a lllgbt bottom corner, "Do you love me J" 7. Bottom of right corner, upsldo down, " es." 8. Bottom ot right corner, crossways, "?o." u. Left turner, '! with toberldof your correspondence." 10. on left comer, crossways (top), ! lovo another." 11. On left top corner, upsldo down, "llovo you." 12. On Icll bottom corner, " I mn engaged.-' 13. I eft bottom corner, upsldo down, "lam displeased with you." 14. Left bottom corner, crossways, "I wish to have your acquaintance. " Coats for Autumn Wear. F.ton and Harrow jackets aro growing in favor us the Autumn approaches. Not only do women have their tailor and outing gowns made with these tiny coats, but many of the lending modistes are turning out Eton Jack ets In big plaid hlivs, to wear with various underskirts, blue terge, black- silk, or even while duck, If while Is pruterred. '1 bey are scry smart looking and offer u pleasing varia tion to tbo monotonous llarer cut tbat lias prctallcd for tbe past lew jears. When cor rt ctly tnndo tbey have the short, sharp Lton point In Ihe back, crisp rolled fronts, wide revcr.sand tollii, and may Le nnlshid around the lower edsc with ribbons and lalllng loops and ends. A Mlk ot btrongly contrasting elude Is usually employed lor the lining, a, for example, a Jacket or blue and green plaid U faced ulth a pale-gold shade. A rnnel coat that gives promise ot winning popularity has the irontt cut abort with tbe Jacket effect In front, while the back is straight and long, extending to the knees. A narrow belt nf ribbon or metal slips over it, denning the waist line, aud It fastened to oas V side. This style It only adaptable to slim, graceful figures and vtheio tho dress It ex tremely sevcro In Its lines. Tho onlv elabo ration Is noted in tho sleeves that continue to grow larger as the weeks go by, and In tbe exaggeratedly wide collar deepening behind to the middle of the shoulders, and In front falling In a full Jtbo'.-llke rever. 1 w A Dainty Bonnet. Bonnets arc worn this year almost as much by maids as matrons, and this sketch shows a dainty capote of etude Nil tulle, the frame work consisting of glittering " fish-scale" Jet work, fashioned Into a knot In front and fin- lshed with a "butterfly" or "Mephlsto aigrette. Tbo strings are shorter than usual, and arc ot leaf-green ribbon velvet, fattened In a small butterfly bow at the side. A Song of Love. O bills, in glory lean And batho your brows In light; o velvet valleys, aott between, Dream gently to the night ; For sbo hath said " I love," and she Hath given all tbat love to me I o birds, with thrilling throats, Glad let your music be. 0 rivers, whero the splendor floats, Flow singing to ihe sea 1 For she hath said ' 1 love," and ehe Math made tbat love a crown for me I o world, grow green to greet Tho Joy that cornea apace ; Your roses lor ner footsteps aweet, Your sunshine for her face 1 For she bath said I lovo," and ahe Hath made that love a heaven for me I Frank f- Stanton in Atlanta ComtilxMon. Bridal Trips on the Ocean. A trip to Europe sounds to well to tell one'a friends and to tee noted In the society col umns ot the newspapers that the tempta tion Is very great to run the risk for the sake ot the glory of such an announcement, but when tbe ship begins to lurch and pitch about, tbe waves rise mountain high, and the stewards are pressed for time, then the grim reality blots out tbe rosy visions. A woman Isn't a bit pretty when sho Is seasick ; for that matter, neither is a man, but some bow a woman get so washed-out looking, and even when that delightful period ot con valescence sets In she la so limp, the aea air takes the curl out of her bangs, she has no Interest In life, and she doet not resemble In tbe least degree tbe Btyllsh creature who came aboard In a smart travelling gown with " bride " unmlstakenly written In every fold. Don't Wrap Baby Too Warmly. A physician who has devoted himself to a study of children and their diseases declares that as a rule children are too warmly clad, and that while care should be taken to pro tect them against sudden changes of tern perature they should be much more lightly dressed thtu they usually are. He strongly recommends placing a baby on a hair mat tress out of a draught, where It It warm, with nothing on but a llttlo shirt and perhaps a band, and letting him roll about and enjoy himself for an hour or more each day. A baby breathes through Us pores as well as through Its lungs, and these breathing places should not be covered up and rendered use less, in the Hummer time lamb's wool socks and a low necked merino shut are sufficient protection with, of course, a little frock and skirt, and a child accustomed to the air Is as much more hardy and less susceptible to changes in the weather. TTi A Neat Travelling Case. ' w White Is fashionable. As Is usual at this season of the year white Is t cry popular. Just why It Is that when tho white butterflleM come fluttering In groups about the high-growing, sturdy Fall flowers, whlto Llossoui3. as It were, lntc sud den and unltersal voguo Is not easy to say. Perhaps It Is tho law ot periodicity In which tome people nnd ao much significance. What ever may be the reason, for a good mauy sea sons it has been tho same, with, however, a decided difference as to materlaL Lost season gowns of white wool were the mode, and at the present moment these dainty dresses arc of various kinds ot cotton goods, while mull, as soft and fleecy as a summer cloud. Is very popular aud la made In a simple fashion with tbe full short waist aud high purred sleeves ot tbe Empire style. With these are worn large Tuscan straw hats, trimmed In white feathers, lace andsatlu ribbon and with deep veils of white net. cos. tumes ot heavier white goods aro taller made and nnlsbedwlih stitching about the edge. When propirly made they are very dainty and trim; takes a sklllul tailor to bring them tut sutcetslully. If they are not especially well madu they ate a most dismal failure, and It Is better to select eomelhlng clso It one Is not alle to command the services ot an expert. With these tailor-made white gov, ns are worn sailor hats plainly trimmed with a simple bend and bow, and low tboesof white tuckskln, tilth while stockings. 7reis for an Elderly Woman. A areas to be worn by a woman of fifty, who la decidedly stout, is of aeal crown cashmere, made with a plain skirt tbat hat, neverthe less, Ita fulness to arranged that tbe folds art loosely draped across tbs stomach, and t f s . 1 aro long and straight In tho back. The bos Is a coat one of cashmere with Jacket trot slightly fitted, and showing a tucked u ' coat of brown silk. 1 heso tucks are flat i long.cxtendlng from tbe neck to the vi edge. All the edges ot the coat are flnltl with a narrow brown silk cord, and the tta over collar has the same finish; abort j shows a narrow fold ot the silk. As the a Ing Is dono with hooks and eyes, no butto aro visible. Tho bonnet Is a low oval shi of brown straw, with a twlat of velvet arotu Its edge, a cluster of bltio flowers In (rot and brown velvet ties coming Irom the U knotted a little below tbe chin. Tbe glov ( are tan undressed kid, and tho paratol U , trown silk. , A ft ice Breakfast D'sh. The following Is a very nlco breakfast dba Wash a half kidney and letlt stand fifteen mli titos In cold water. Put It over the Ore Inco) salt water and let It boa until It Is tende Then cut off ail the fat, and after slicing thin put In a aaucapan wltb enough hr water to cover tbe slices; add salt, pepper, bay leaf and a tablespoon ot butter blende with a tablespoon of flour, stew until th gravy is ot a good consistency. Have read a. hot plate lined with thin hot buttcre toast, pour the kidneys and gravy onth and servo at once. w MENU. ) TrroBaDAY, Birr. 1, ) sbxabtast. ' ) Blaekbertl Hominy j Haahed Lamb and CornOakst Poaohtd Egg Coffa nmrgav l Boiled Corned Beef Cabbage Potato Beat I Rio Padding arena. 1 Craekerand-Cram Toast V Graham Braad Blackberry Cake f Iod Tea w Self-Watering Flower Pot. An exceedingly clever Idea In the line a flower pots Is tbe suggestion ot BFrenet florist. As seen from tbo illustration, i loosely woven circular cord, preferably lamp wick, Is Imbedded In the earth aronal ' the plant, and after passing through the bet torn of the pot rests in the shallow water ' receptable ot the surrounding vase. Tht earth Is always kept moist by the capillar; ' attraction, and the plant by this method ' never Injured by an excess ot water. Another Fly Banisher. It la not generally known that placing eta tain herbs In a room wtll banish flies from It Sweet clover, for Instance, which Is not dlffi cult to obtain, as It Is found thriving luxort antly on almost every country roadside, vrQ put flies to rout. The sweet, pungent odor I exbalea Is quite unobjectionable, but Is ttu abhorred by rites. To Make Cherry Bounce. This Is wild cherry season and people r turning from tbe country will do wellti bring home a few quarts ot the fruit asl make aome cherry bounce by tbe rollowtaj recipe: Take small, black, wild cherries, and whet fully ripe put them in demijohns and ratsn more than cover them wltb white spirits (at about $3 per gallon), cork tightly and tot them atand two or three months at least-e year, If more convenient, will do them se harm. When ready to make up, pour off tin spirits and cork up. Put on tho cherrkB enough boiling water to cover them, letitnf them stand for a week ; then strain, with tni spirits, through flanno adding one plot ot Jamaica rum to three gallons of spirits ana water. Three gallons wtll also require tea pounds of sugar, which may be added after straining. It too strong or bitter, more spirits may be added to suit the taste, cork tightly In quart bottles and keen tn a dark place. The bounce improves with age. Elaborate Stockings. Never have stockings been more elaborate than this season. They are likely to be smart while trailing dresses which require holding i up are tbe fashion for street wear. Prettj stockings for ovenlng wear In black lavs delicto colors introduced under the lacel fronts-blue, pink or yellow. Tartan patten . seem very popular Just now. S A Homo-Hade Jet Girdle, fl Women who desire above alt other 'l things a long-walsted appearance are H Ing pointed cut Jet girdles, with very loni ( fringe on the lower edge Thoy are expanr ' but can easily be copied at home by sewing' fringe ot tbe desired length to a plain irtrdla or even to a flat band of Jet passementerie one may oven go further on tho road w economy by stringing the fringe Itself, as It l the simplest, banging strings ot Jet braid of the desired length, not knotted at alL Motes About Women. Airs. Burton Harrison, who loves to de scribe herself and her friends and her house In her literary sketches, lately gave a fete st her place at Bar Harbor on tbo bay to v. blch all were Invited to come in boats. Tbe boats were all dccorated.and tbo effect wassome thing novel as well as attractive. Cocmin't HxsisT rnr Uaroaiks. A wotflao wnswolklng tho streets of Bostons short time ago earning n box of pencils, nJ around her neck waa a card on which punted, "Help tbo Blind." At ahe walked along abe seemed to tako much pleasure l loosing nt Ihe pretty things in the store wu dows. A woman nonplused the Information t rcau man at the railroad station In rortlsol. Ore., tomo time ago by telling blm tbat sM had forgotten her destination. He called ef-' the names ot a long Hit of stations, but tat waa unable to rtcogntze tht name of hat place, i f . 11,2 " m . 1 1