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lHSjBJBBaJH0BBJjaaB THE WORLD: FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 9, 18'J2. m & $ 7m i ?fl THE GENEROUS OFFER MADE BY I " WORLD MhfllCAL INSTITUTE fiH FUM.Y A J I .'B nil Mel wllli rnihiinlniiiii bv ihr pcnplr XI :H ! New York Otttce crowded nod pni tcutti 'ftH It UMd to b aald to atramtar In New York In- UMm quirlnc iba way to P.tmotitU Church, Crcwa tha liVM firry ftn.nda.ra and follow the crowd i yon can't mi r1fM It,' Hlmllar adTlcn wtmlrt tint be Inappllcabtn to WsM the office of the World Medical Inatlttit. Thn -" phrirlani in cbara-t stated to the public gW las -., tbelrreuotuforduiuffno that they would iatn ' toe. prescribe for, treat and furnt n two wwkV ttMlcio free of charge to all who apply to them Vfl before Ao. J7. VvJ That tbry are fulflllinir their proralsca to the very 'M letter le more than proven by the tnnltltude of pad ? tlente which rfery uy anrtrvanlna; till to overflow Idk their ipaclotia oflieea at 111) V ret Twenty-third ?S street, and the bappr, tatiitled etprnssluns nf each , one In leaving alter lia? In roniultd thedoct. ri, ,& ! That ail who are 1 teretted miy have at a mall JH espeoie the opiortuntty of determining for them- PBJ MlventbeTatueof thrf retain,, to superior nklll an apeclallita thty have decided to make the following ?iH offer, namely i ,. All patients under trtfttment or niacin tham aelvea under treatment uvfore Kept. 16 will be 3M treated nnttl curM at the rate of tf a week for 3U Catarrh and all kindred dlaoaBea. Ibn looludee lamination and medicine. HperlaU lor Head, ; Throat, Lnngt, Ktdner, Hladdir. Rheumatlem, i Aathna, Blood. bkln. Chronic and Nervoua I)l- eaaea, both male and female, kiamloatlune and advice free i 1 WOULD IIi:illCAI. I.NHTITUTK, ,J 11 160 Went 23d at. ) I llonra , 9 to l'J and 2 to B aud 6.30 to 8. 1 I Ft om Last Sight's Spurting Extra) 1 WALL STREET NEWS. ,, - Bumora of Big Deals Engineered M by Gould's Party. I II They Raise tho Price of Nearly )l Everything on (he List. I K Moderate Reaction on Sales to i I Realize Profits. I i I it Witi, Street, Thursday, Sept. 8. The j , Stock market allowed a further Improvement fa this morning, and the dealings were better I W distributed man usual. Nearly c cry tnlnir 'l I on the list scored higher figures. I I Tho buoyancy of the Oould group Imparted f I sot a little courage to the bulls, as It tends' 1 to confirm tho rumors which hate been cur rent tor borne daj s that the Gould Interests ' ! ' havo several Important deals on loot. ) Nothing Is yet known In regard to tho ' Western Union dividends. Judging from tho 3 persistent buying of the stock, however, It H ' S brobablo that holders v 111 bo awarded somo- i J thing extra within a week. 'I ho Executlvo ; 1 committee mil meet on Tuesday next, aud i tho directors, as Is customary, will take ac- . ' tlon on the following day. , i New hnglund was quite n card on tuo llos. , ton and iliilno Kase leport. At tbo same i tlmo New YorK and Northern preferred tool; in a start, rising from lb to iui bid and Ml asked. Moore bchloy took bctv een six and soven thousand shares of Heading again to-day. i M Geneial Electric was very actlro and ad- 5 Tanced on Boston buying. ; j 'l here was a modeiatu reaction in stocks this afternoon owing chiefly to sales to real " lze prorlts. Su Paul was sold down to 81 after It be came, known that the directors had taken ac tion on the dividend. Near the close, Distilling & Cattle Feed ing sold up to 4UU, and the general list Im proved in sympathy. ; Westlnghouse EKctrlc Manufacturing as sented Block brought 74H. against 00, the , last orevlously repor. ed sale. i , The Hoard of Directors of tho St. Paul road ' f to-day declared a dlvidond of 'i per cent, on I the common and 34 per cent, on tho pre- I lerred. This Is the first payment on the 1 common since 188H. Bothdlldundsarepay-i J j able Oct. uo. Hooks close Sept. 'M and re- j S open Oct. Ul. i 1 Money on call was rather Arm at 4 per ' 1 cent. I ste rung exchange was dull and Arm. Tbe II supply ul bills is limited. II lne Mutual fuol uas Co., of Chicago, has , II decided to Issue f.lOO.Ouu new stock to share- 8 l holders at par, proceeds to be used In pa) lng 3 If lor improvements already made. , H Tho gross earnings of the New York Cen-' ! IS trl for August were $4,001,411, an lncreaso I If of 14,031), and from Jan. l to Aug. 31 agg,. fl 38,U80, an increase of 1, 1187,013. ; J t Von IionTman Co. say that they will J not ship gold this week. , j The total sales at the New York Stock Ex i change to-day were S3,U00 shares ot listed . j stocks and 100,000 ounces ot sliver. I I Closlrjr Quotations. ' i I ' Opn. tllcb. Iiw. CIM. 1! Amtrlean Bnnriur.... 11IH 111K HUH 111M I 4mr.urltf. oraf.. 1049 1U4M 10M 1U.IM I American Lotton OIL... 4.V 4jU .w 43 I American CoUod OU pi. 7JW 1H '' '"H SSB Atlantic A Paolac 4M U U 4M ill Atcb. Tod. a Santa tr.. 3TM 37U 37ta 3"H 111 Klt.Ohlo KftSJ B V5 A I Caad. Moutberu bIH &", 6714 t7K VU Obiupuk. Ohio..... riH TS V2U ! m 'OUcuoUu. 7!H 0 7U(I 7UW ,1 Ctlc.Bor. AUnlnor ... 100 100M VVH tH 1 Ohloo nortawaat... 115 11K 11j 115 Jl Cblo., Mil. at. Paul.. HIM Sl SI UH Mi Chic. Hock li. I'M... HlH KlK U1U S1J W CUt..t'ln,,C. St. L... Ci 61 x2H e-N B O., U c. Ibt. L.pU.. VU VJ VJ Ull ;H Cltilena'Otaof H'Kljn. U3H UMi 11J 113W 'It Col. 4Uook. Valler.... .1J 3JM m 3M !g CoioraaoL-ual iron.... 'JtH an' JS 38V4 'II tJonaoiid.t.d Oaa 1HH 116M 11SU 11(14 H pit. Uab Wait .... 1U4 154 15l! 15jfJ ill UeUlwaro C Uudaou 13J l.VJ 1JJ 132 ( Man. 4 Kto Grand pfd. 4'J 4DU 411 4'JW I l)la. tCattlate.d 48! 49U 48)4 4M KdlaOD.r. tno III. Co. 1UJ 10JJ4 10J IOjU E.T.. V,4 0a.!idnfd.. UM 'JJ DM H EfanaTlllai'ler. Haute 118 138 136 139 Orooo Bay awinoua... li 1VM U IM 4..U. ElMtllo Co. 11J llsJ 111M HJjJ I llbnoia Caatnl IIH Vi7 tiatj iiBU . , lakatthor. 13.' 132 191H 133 S lxiuidaiaud 1CJ;4 lUK lAnU 108)4 ' lxmitTille Aa.bnlla.. o:H exit 7S 07S L.. N. Alb. a Chi aj4 'i.l4 -J 9 !I)M Jdanhattan Conaol U-H 1 1. 1 liS li.! ( JJloa. Cntral... 104), 10 S lOItt loitj Minn. 4bt.l.oaia. ...... 17 11 17p! 17JI ' ilmn. a M. LouU pi... tM 4'M 45tJ 45W I MuaonriPaoltto fOW low bu eo Mo.,lUo. a lei.pral.. 'JO It 20i, V)4 U6M M mi ai.. .. 16J 163 161 IM JjauCord.Oo 11114 1I1M 131)4 131M Nau cord. Co, pin. lit,tj 117 libit 117 I I au Ltaa Co 44 44M 4J)4 43U I Nat. UaJ 'a,. pld Ut Vli 94 VtU II Kau Lln.eed Oil ;i.))4 34 33)4 34 II lew Jer.ej Central 130 130X 130 130)4 w Vork OntraU IUJU 110 10VM 1UDV j! Nwor4.Xor. prf .. 1 lit 18 is it N. V. ANowEntland... S6M SUM 8 S WV . Ji. Y.. Lata trl.4 W.. a. tf -J6W 'JC adQ f J;.y..Huaa. a 14H 14J, 14M H fj Norihi n P 1 Iho 'JO -0 lot ltfU .,ll PaolBo orat. s $jt K.U 65M pAc Worth Amanoan 13 1.44 U74 liti aWy Ontario 4 Wealern 1M lHb t,U 1H (If, K!no.f" 8U4 80 8H 3oJ f Villa., i.e. di .t.C... 'Jl 'Jl 'JUT, 301, Pitta.. C.. C. ht. U pi llu ej BO r Pullman Pal. CrOo.... 1U4 1V4 194 IS I ' 4 K.AW. P. f.r. H74 "M 8M H74 1 bt.P.ul a Omaha 4'jU J i'Ai 413 ' KLL.Boalhwe.lern...,. xu Mi nil 84 r!,' u fouliiwo.t.rn pt 17f 17i 17t4 nil ! bllf.r CortlUoatoa H.l K3W 'I-31. HJU I! bonthern Paoiao 3 ali :)-,lJ SiJ joialn.i JIJ 14V 14M 11 "I luuPMille lOJJ urt 111H in j 'I01..A1111 irborJtN M. 'JI.U 'Jli)4 J M M)J Union PaciD 33 j 37U 37lt ; Ohio, 174 IS 17U 17)4 I W.bunpr.i V4H 3H t!iQ 'J44 Waauru Union T.I..... link tnH ""H '-I'ti I WbMllncAUka ICnax 'J vsfj J asS WhMiiuajai-ak.lirpt. 6W no Oifi bu r "Ex dlv. j DAVENPORT'S TIME FIXED. I ' Tho InvsstlKatlnff Corarnlttso Will I Meet Two Weeks from To.Dny. 1 Tbe special committee ot tbe House ot Rep- I resentatlves appointed to imesilgate tbe I', methods employed by John I. Datenport, li United states Supervisor ot Elections, met at mi 1! o'clock this afternoon at tho Hotel lielte- f aere to Ox a time tor beginning the inquiry. II There were present chairman Asbbel P. If Fitch anduongreumen Oelsecbalner.of New ' Jersey and De Voreat,of Connecticut. Tbe ' absentee members were Congressmen Kay, of W Mew York, and llarmer, of Pennsylvania. Tbsy held but a very brief seatlon, and de Ml elded to begin their Investigation two weeks . 1 from to-day at the same time and place. y, The date fixed by tbe Committee Is subject ) to change. A resolution was passed autborlilntt tbe Chairman to uraw on the Contingent fc'und ot I llu Uouse ot llepresentatlvos for such amount as may bo necessary, not exceeding (1,000 H at one lima, to dviray tbe expenses of theln- 1 0Btlgttll0O. If !! tXlaali !!! ' "' Vc, .I"1 ?JfeAiafey ysi as Caw, a iljeLfallvy.y.''-jWBP.BaVfc TlaMaaajj V.t, j;'r.rtt . ,--S Creat Collection rrrr,:!) - I Greatest 4, 800 Styles, "'"",!. V,.," ,-v rB I solid Gold Rings. 'tC "j $2.49 Grlove Sale. pent and roll bntuli I 'l w jfflrOLID GOLD ,,4t. 14 year. -. iM KINGS will I lie .old MMQK ilBibrMltM 8ult, tr. tl-SSHB aWayORinorhlu,CK ,'"" " " "" Um ---- kSPMBJ prices. A special Wh,n.inlljconenlnt peraonal cholc. la batt. " mmJ m P unrebnse of 12,000 ordrr. by mall will, a heretofore, be worth will bespread nilrd promplly and with lu.l.mrni. c . rM Fnmch ,tRrriu ou the counters. The stylcB ore too oi,l.' ci.thin, 8ch.i su.. bohool st.tion.r,. , , E h , , numerous to permit do ailed description. c, ...o.t.p.alp,.tM. taB lim, MftUlt. ,; This list, hovtever. will ulve a fair idea ogj. m m ,f wnrrantei, rL.(ll ytlw j. , 711 oftho ranee of prices. In no instance J- JX willbesoldat Ill is the renl value less than doublo the special selling price: . -a .. Jackets. gr WHe' ueHr aS 2 ll !J Iffil J bound seams, all sizos in black Q fjC y atgy 4 jltf TrSJll only, nclual value to. 00 l.OU 3,S ,m.i.r8 ,,f 4-nn,ton 01nce' Ladles' Choviot llccfcrs, tailor and (irnys; oyery pair Mar. At 94,10 (o 910.CO, all tho newest made, in blk. only, actual value Q QC ranted; real value ; same goods French designs, set with Diamonds, COO O.UU ns selling in stuck for 1.25, will Q Pearls, Turquoises, Ac, Ac. j also combl. bo sold at ..- eOu nations of Precious Stones and Uia- Ladies' Reefers, in beaver, cheviot onjg and Bedford cords, oolors blk. , Ss At ei.48 to 93.04. handsome IUnm. bl"e' tnQR"d erey' BClual valu8 A2Iarl set with EmTalds. Kubies. Moonstones, 7-00 Bna 8-w) Vw, itefp 1 Garnets and combination stones, in all i QC nnrl C QK tho newest designs. l.OU Qllll J.UU At flOc. 70c. 85c. to 91.00, ele- uaici, Tnilor-Mnde Suits iu 2.400 pair, of Ladies' Plana Dog. gant Engraved Kings, sot vt ith Pearls and s,orm 8erB0 newegt cut. f n Gloves. M ith urge gilt and assorted stones. color8 bla(..k and navyi Bctui Q Qr buttons; Lnglish lteds. At05c.OOc, 70c. to 91.00. Gold B.flU '"'e'lmm tans. RrsyB and brown,. Hings. set with cut onyx and camoo. finest qua ity, sold everywhere J nft 48c. Solid Gold Rings. MaTI S Plain Bands and set with assorted stones; afcTa..?. 9 . worth S1.25 to ei.75. "ompons, Neckwear. . lln( lp iSSSSS&w T?t 3SR?il Im ported Osinch Pompons, com. iBa KM rffl, Men's All-Silk Tccks nnd 4-in- posed of 0 tips. Prince of Wales J iAfl EMM Hands, in light or dark grounds. QQ "' in 'ulto' "b" blue. mffl i extra good value tO l'; crav. brmvn navy, car- SilIV BvlJwJs T!!S?t& dinal, black nud yollow, cost to JQ J !Mu K rKa iPrWyft Men's all Silk Tecks Puffs. import Ubc, for W XIJP rabaig? aaEauaaBB iiaudsandAscotsinallthe latest nn h m "drene'ets.rr .48 SCHOOL SHOES. 6,800 SOlId Cold Boys' All-SilkTeckMargo variety - ," " ", "" , ain,d !,lverhTdh,mb,1e8,fl nir8 ,n liBht or dark 25 KSSS;:r.r i:04C in styles of Cue, hand-engraved gold Brounas ,tU Boys' Shoes. $3. SO gratle 2.00 bands nnd finely chased designs in all Boys' Shoos, J.00 grade 1.25 sizes. The entire stock will be fold as sll ClTl A Trt tfl tO "sTJC! Missos' Shoes. $2 grade 1.10 followf. 'lijF3.1Js.tlJt3i MisfcCH' Shoes, W grade 1.08 Misses' Shoos, $2. CO grade 1.45 SolidSilvor, value 40c. to 2.00, at llo. 100 dozen Men's Fancy Web Sue- Women's Shoes, 3 grade 1.50 to 97c. ponders, with silk end and Women's Shoes, SS grade 1.08 Solid Gold, value $3.75 to 7.60, at drawers supporters, worth 50o., fit Women's Shoes, 6grado 2.08 91.fi9to3.60. " 43 Children's Rubber. .35 .OO Misses' Rubber, .40 10 Bloommgdale Bros.,cThr:r5d9thvs;. a will offer to-morrow, Friday, September 9, and Saturday, UNTIL NOON, in Ladies ' Gloves, fine Mutton Jfousguelaire Suedes, in tans, beavers, slates, and black, at 1.00 5, 18I1 St., jglh St., & 6th Ave. ( 1 8A Street Station Elevated Road.) Mlntngr Stocks. Tbe following are the closing quotations ot mining stocks at the Consolidated Exchange to-day; Hid. JLtVuL Bit Jlitd. Amarloaa JtillaCon.. .10 Hag. 01 .06 Kos.uth... - ,1 Ulc. 60 -Klnt-.ton AapnM.a Pern 20 h. Co,,.,. 1.00 Lacro..., . ."1 .08 Ball. lal... .07 Lead. Con. .14 .10 H.lcher.... l.'JI) - I.HtlaChlaf .'J4 ,26 A 1.31 - Biloher.. 1.30 iMoultou, ,, ..'5 Jlodle 30 'Mono,.,. . .15 Bulwer 'J5 Mt.Dlabla .U - Barcelona. .01 -Navajo.... .25 35 - N'lth llelle Hruna con. .09 .12 lal. 05 Ilelmont. .. .31 ,411 North SUr (I.SU Calenoul. OnUrio... 89.00 41.60 11.11. OS l.OOOpblr ,,.. 2.30 - Chollar ... .611 Oriental A Crown P't. .60 Miller.... .OS Cbrj-.ollte. .1(1 - Plymouth . .611 1.00 Col. Cn. .60 -ll'noeiiliL'd .115 Con. Cai. iPuutniiArl .40 lVl.. 1.10 -lltoblnaou Common i Con ., ., 30 wealth... .06 'Sara,. Ml Com.took InlerraNer. 1 50 Klock 13 ,13 Btanrlard . 1.11 - Bonda.... 1B.00 .Ml .er Kluc .05 .30 Scrip 16.0U Ntormounk .OS Eureka (fn 1.40 .50 kl-Cri.lo.. .35 Man rj.bae- PatherD. tlau , ,10 fmet ,38 -Sll.erCori .31 i Oould Small ll'p'a ,10 Ourrj ... .80 SILMln Co Ual.ANor- ol U V .. .80 -I eroew..,.. 1,10 8hibon... ,05 IIomMUk 14 00 -illo.a...... .60 Horn ail. . 8.6S -Ilium Con. 1.25 -, Indapond'. .10 Ward Con. ,18 .36 IronSilnr. .SO -Yel. Jackal ,69 Iron lllil,. ,10 -I The Hewltt-Asnlny Wedding. The wedding ot dward 1'. Ut)Wltt,son of ex-Mayor Hewitt, and Miss Mary Emma Ashler, daughter ot ex-dor. Ashley, ot Mon tana, at rnWn-JUy yesverday, was attended by a atutber of :Few York society people. ItavDr. Van Oyta parforBied tac eettmoaf, MBMa4)fejs;a9Te M afafslaj a4J Ts0a A liiM LADIES' GLOVE 1.200 PAIRS LADIES' GLOVES. THIS INCLUDES 4-BUT1'On SUKDER. 8 AND 8 BUTTON ) MOUSQU'TAIRES, IN A CUOICEf f O ABSORTilB T OIT TAN. BLATKi It I U AND MEDIUM BBOWNB. INTHISl 1 LOl THE SIZES ABE FROM SMI TO 7, AND AKE USUALLY bOLD 10R79O. PA1B; AT. ' 2.600 PAIRS LADIES' 8-BUTTONi MOUQUETAIUKS, IN A VERY! CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF TANS, I SLATES AND MODES. THIS IB Af ft fl VERY BUPER10R QUALITY OF f II Wl GOODS, EXCELLENT UTriNof I Q GLOVES. AND NEVER BEFOREl " W SOLD FOR LESS THAN 91.33 ) PAIR;BIZES6MT0 6. AT 1,600 PAIRS LADIES' 4-BUTTON. HEAL KID OLOVES. EVERY! PAIR WARRANTED TO GIVE I SATISFACTION IN FIT AND? ft OP WEAR. HAVE BEEN SELL NO UfCUl AT f 1.80 PAIR. WKIIAVEONLYf sjU THE MEDIUM SIZES, 5W TO r)4 THIS IS THE REASON WE 01FKR I THEM AT, Also Another Lot of HOUSE WBAPPEBS, at I . I each, 6TH AVE. AND 23D 8T. SALE OF RUNNING HORSES. rtrtCUL TO TBI ITIKIXQ WOnLD. 1 SnsErsiiEAD Bit Ilios Tkacx, Sept. H. Horses from tho stables of Mr. Marcus Daly and other owners were sold at auction In tbe paddock at gbeepshead bay to-day by William Caston. The prices realized were as follows; RlthUw.r, bar.o i. 2, br Hrd.r All, dam Nod twar.HidcawMdHlahl.. 1,660. Hliellluttla, ohaatnutco 1. 'J. br Imp. Sir Mod red, data Guvd Eye) a Corn.hlaon. 41,850. Hh.llbark. bar colt, S, br Imp. bir Modrwd, data lllrond.lup. Moran. (3,800. talrpiar, U.M14.S. b, Imp. Bit Modrad, dam Pl.lfllni; Ma roe. BUble. S;.30O. HU.r.lda baj eolt, 3, b Alarm, dtai QuaMhr; J. Oullr, t, 700, Wiaonla.lor, bay leldlnr. 2, by FrMknliht, damlllbaruUiD lloui. C00. I l.irl.i, br. nnl, J, biLlndun, dam Contraela P., S70I. Unci. Jim, h ... 'J, br Long Taw, dam Manr Anaraon;A. Waon, S5, I0U. l Ulbera woroaold, but brought v.rr poor prlca. A yearling bay colt, by Imp. The Hl-Used. ,0am lioyalty, owned by 8. Lucas, was offered foraa.oOo. 'no one wanted hla. lie ' wasrojioio, He kad recently sAowb a wrtal MUJ. tiMS ( Maaganda, EXCURSIONS. "A TEKITAnLE WOKLD'H PAIS." 0ajjajBjjay-aw Th. m o , gffSJBKSBSapaaw macnlUcant SgSSKflSjIkw daj Snmm.r aaawVBwaaawBbaW 1 l0 H kaJaVSBsV d -aH B aH Swawa hahtfnlaallon .wsbIsh bwH aawH . w aLv lut afal aL SB 3-H k Ifaa'lwo Orand fM BV 4BaawawawaT4mJBt Bk SSMCoocrla dallr BaiwawawawlSBIIimkawa Wonderful (c BSBSBaiwalwalwalwlSBBBBBll I ' ssrBBaxa.aBKassacflBsfSSHpUnta. n wM MBsl AW awl 1 I avaVuOQualld M BaSM VifJ.I HManagariMud Bs aW a k aW A q n a r i u m. ll'l aW.lll WW "kl.ElN. maaeB4BLwaawSBT DKI'THOII. aWaWaWaWfwBssWaW HSHATBsjaBBBSS' Boau 4W4WaBBBBBBW I". Bathing, "SsBbbbHb flanlng, bowl ing and blltlara. btaam Lannebe.. iranuln. Ul.n laland Clambake. Dinner. laeartA. riMKTAIII.K KROMPIEIt IS, N H.. toot Cort andt at.. S.45, 8.46. 10. .5 4. M . 12.00 M. 1.30 2. 10, 3.30P M. FRuMIJDHT . E. It.. 9 8ll, 10.30,11.30 4. M.; l'i.46, 1 15, .1.15. 4 15 P. M. SOUTH 6TU SI., liHOOKI.V.N, S.II6. 10.05, 11.03 A. M. : 13 30, 1 60, 2.6S, .1.60 P. M. lllOM GLEN ISL AND, 10.45 A. M. lorPi.rlH and :i2dat., 11.43, 1J.45 Ipr Pi.rlSonlr. ALL LA.NDINOS, 3.6,6 and 7 P. 51 40r. HXI IHIKIO Tlt'KKTS 40f, LXUtA BOATS SUNDAYS AMU HOLIDAYS. Manhattan Beach. I fcAVi. IUOI HAST 34111 i. S.30, S.40. 10.10. 11. 10 A. 51 , 12.40, 1.40, 2.10, 3.60. '4.60, 6.60. and half bourlr In.reafMr I from 0.10 toil. 40 P. M. AUUlllONAL TRAINS I on halurdar.. 2.10. J, 10, 4. In, 6.10 P. M. ; no o. I. J. O. r.t.uar., Il -0 1 III, l, to 1 10, 3.10, 4.111, 10 P. M bundar., S.40, 10.10. 11.10 A. M., 13.10. M. 30, 1.40. i.'JO. 3.40. 'J 30. 3.40. 4 a ami hall nourlj irom 4.40 toll, 40 P. l. ' Will I EH LL ST.. lermlnui ol all .letaWd ' roads and .trMt-car line, hourlr from 7.10 A. M. to 1.10 P. M,, and halt-hourly from 1.40 to 9. II) P.M. AUUlllONAL TRAIN Saturlara. 13.40 1'. M. i on I . 1 I. O men (I.J., II an A. Jl . 1 1 0 LP M, , SilDda hourlj from V.10A. M. to (lheentraloaar. fa.t eipreae, Time, 30 mil. nU. from L. L Cttr. Noatobe.) IParlor call OS all train..) It I) UNO Tit I P. ftp CENT. RppiNneit outiiETn . Fm Conoarta Ererr Afiernnon and Evening. Manhattan Beach Hotel. FINU milt.US-KXCIII.I.B.NT C'UIHINE. Erie Lines. Every Sunday, i Slmliiilii Glen, $1. ; 107 mile, from New Vork, on th. banka of lb. baaotlful Delawar. Rlrer, 1,000 feet abo?. th... L.a'.lnainbereel. 'J.30 A.M., We.t23dat. 36 A. M. Naorl 6 Cour. at llie ulen. Horn, b ?. 00 P.M. Greenwood t 75c. 44 mllM frm Nw York in th tnidttnr a prima ra foreat. 1,000 ffust abuts tida water. I cam Cbam Ur-it. 10.0d A. U., ljal. wM A, U, llou u 7,.Uorf.J7 '. M j NORTH BEACH and College Point. 'tivrntT mlaulra' 3rllfhlfnl .all. Fl'gautat.amboata .a. a La.tS Jlli.l.,New York (Lla.ated atatlon DJth at.. Jd aud Jd area.), lor OoilM. Point IIODItl.l Irom 6 A. il. till ) 1 hAl,ri',',lM MAM iriKK. SlHtTII llttAtJII. on ft A, At and all tallowing trlpt. 1'are. Ill CaiBU. lal Luat iroui AurtU tle4a , Alao to North BmoU !. Plegant Samm.r lloraa I Car. .la ba.t 34th eu ani Llaotrl. Care ri ba k'id St. ywrl.a. UU. lore, a L'eat. EXCURSION TO WEST POINT, N.wburga.4 -t ,M A REAL NEWSPAPER'S REAL! SPORTING EXTRA! I ""it WIWMKfflllEl SPORTING EDITION. 1 k sV. In THE EVENING WORLD'S Sporting Extra you wQI find The best daily racing accounts ; The best daily column of sporting gossip ; The most timely cartoons ; 1 t The best Wall Street summary and tables ; I I The best general news of each Day ; The best Evening Paper that ONE CENT can buy. : IT COVERS THE WHOLE FIELD. I 1 aBBBBBfAaBBBB,. BBBwBBBSBBBBl.BSW4fAT.MkJ .S RACING ACCOUNTS, daily, in THE EVENING WORLD 1 Sporting Extra. The most complete stories of events on tha jl 1 tssi track put in type the same day they occur. A f,?mm THE TURF " is a daily column in THE EVENING WORLD Sporting Extra, It is a.most interesting department to all followers of racing events, present, at m it does, general racing news, notes and commentaries, information as to the condl tion of horses named for coming events, and timely tips on racers whose form M makes them worthy the attention of speculators. Prepared by a special writer. m m SPORTING GOSSIP, attractively presented, is a daily feature of THE EVENING 1 WORLD Sporting Extra. The general news and announcements of the athletio m clubs, the latest developments and promised events in pugilism, aquatics and til m general sports are found in this department, which is always up to the times and u m to the readers demand. All prepared by a special writer. M SPORTING DATES. A calendar printed daily in THE EVENING WORLD M Sporting Extra, giving times and places of coming athletic and general sporting M Dvents, of local bearing. 9 What "The Evening World" Sporting Extra Does . WHAT IT DOES NOT: 1 It knock out time ; It never strikes out ; V It distances Competition ; It never ' Quits " ; M - It always makes a hit. J It is never caught napping. - JM SaBiaBalfeMjL'- 'rfirln. tfea!aj?il'n(f BJIfr- ;J:LJ'a!aV.,-t'ftT'.-,.ht.J..'f x'i.) ,y .KskjL4.i"VJVwiuiaiaallJJ