Newspaper Page Text
I ia 1 . THE WORLD. FRIDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 9, 1892. & jj jfe SUNDAY '' WORLD Benjamin Harrison, President. ORDER will contain a Supplement devoted " to The Three Harrisons : BENJAMIN, signer of the Dcc- ' J OUR laration of Independence and Gov- I ataaaaaaaVnTaai MT. . . aX nnnnnnnn-an. crnor of Virginia ; 1 WILLIAM HENRY, Prcsi- I SUNDAY dent . II mtmjmmm BENJAMIN, President. V ... , The article will be complete, im- !2lj partial, interesting and valuable. I An Art Supplement will accompany H n A J? T y tnc Sunday Would in addition to ? ' , FROM THE WORLD OF LABOR. Trie riillnaelplil'i printers Uaveailoiued tho JI sti-Juy law, wltUa."llne for Wolatluii. I I Tbo Central Labor Vnlon and tno llulldlnir a Tradrn Council ol San 1'rancUco liau bciu consolidated. J Tlio Dourer printers have formed a l'ec- f i i rjle' l'artj tatiipnlgn lull utter ndjpllDi; C1 resolutions deiioiiiiilii),' V ullel iw Held. tc Brlcklasers slioulil iffy nwny Irnm White- & , atone and WUIuU'h l'olut. vv hero llrlcklnv crs' K Union No. 47 Is e.t odds with the cranio) era. E Another sllk-vvenvers' strike Is proicresilns K t tunke's lictory In College l'omt, I. I., '1 where tho men were refusid an advamour !!5 per cent. r David ConnnuRhlon lias Lcen elected Prcsl. (Jem 01 tho null Division of the laborers' Union Prulectlvo buddy, aud Tuonan Sic. , Avlney vvas m ide fcetretarj. f 'Iwclo thousand packoKes of cuevvlnp tc- 1 bae(0 wero distributed among workmen In ' HuHaloon Labor Day bj James L. Cool, tho agent of u firm In tuts city. Airatigcmeutsliave been perfected by tho ', United carriage nnd Wagon .Makers for their annual excunlon to Dialler a Park, (iutten. . ' buig, ., J., M'jit. 1H. I An agrcemint lor one ycirfcas been ontercd Inlo MiiU tlietr Units by the Male aud .Mttal KioleiV Union, luembirsof nklili will re- i celve JJ..1U for eight hours. ( Evllenco lias b;en gathered by tho AntL I Svviallng Union showing that since the new 3 Antl-Munilug law was mliiriii'il Ing shops hae been established In this city. 1 si venil ih-vv ly organized shops were placed 1 under llio Jurisdiction of llrnncliU of inu Up- holMerers' Utilon tuisveek. HUfctnett Is lair. 'j he liracch has enlncd Lluht now members. 1 W. J. Cannon, of tho Llgar-Makers' Inter- Unljn, lii been sunt to Denver, col.. i -v Preldenr Pcrklni to secure a mltablu ct,toior tliu oumteinplaled home tor disabled id decieplt member. j -jTbo Municipal Council of Hattlo Creek, 1 (e ictL, has resolved Unit Carnelii steel and j hi in must, under uo clrcuinsunces, be used !K constructing any of the public works In ! jatiltj. 1 t' Jersey City rornlco makers and skylight ilivorkcrs have been In tho habit of working at :ratei below tho tcnlo lu this cltv.nud tho i Hoard of Walking l)tlegatehas. readied to 'put au end to ih practice. ' 'lo assist I heir striking members tho tUnlted Viml-Laivern' Aiclitlon hai re . lelved 70U liom tho Nntl'iniil organization. i ' To-mirrow nilfrnoim tho Mnkcrs will meet a'. Ilol hast Thlrti'-sccond strict. Tub negotiations with Carioll, Werner & , Co. hae been broken oir by tLc unUn cigar- maki'iB local Mrise committee, as tin-1111.1, I Instead of granting 'ho advance aemauded by their workmen, propose to reduce their v a.-es. DlfTerentcs havo arisen among the labor ' unions at Dayton, O., because some of them employed military tnnds for then Labir Day parade, tho Dayton Trades. Asscmuli having I ordered thai tho mllllla shouU De bojeotted. ' Pittsburg statistics show that there bao been 2VJ reductions of wages In establish ments that claimed and got proleitlon through tho McMuler bill, emploj lug from fill to r.,000 men each. Mil one single In crease oi wages has Leeu reported. Trado Is flourishing In tho shops under the Jurisdiction of tho Unlled Machlno Wood Workers' Union No, UN. '1 heir Walking Delr gate has preferred charges against tho iljstlc , Tie Association tor allowing lis members to work during the tlgbt-hom birlko. Ibelnndsof tho Maori aro rapidly lncreas. lng In value, us new -ettlcrsaro coming by , tho thousand, Tho Australian Government, 1 j recognizing that this land win somn day le i wanted for use. is s"ttlug aside I .'.' per year for the purpose or nnjiurlug It irom tho natives betoio It reaches civlileil aluis. Walking Delegato Kmrlcli, of cabinet Makers' Union No. 7, Is hunting for wood workers euipliijed In piano lactorlcs who are In arrears with their assessments lor the last eight-hour strll-e and the Kx- ecu the Board or tlio Piano-Makers' Union Is a assisting Mr. Emrlch in finding lbs delln- ffi quentK. B, At the last meeting or Newspaper Writers fi Union No. 4 a motion to Indorse t be action of VI tbe MlsccllaniouK Bccil n In rejecting tho 43 credentials of Clothing Cutters' 1 oton No. 4 Hi 4 was voted down and the delegates to tbe cen. ! tral Labor Union were Instructed to report pit that beiore rejeuing any union applying lor 1 admission It should bo gl en an ooporttinlty to deiend Itself ugulust charges that ma) bo I preferred by other unions. I 'ihe Jouruejmen 'lallors' Protcctlvo anil llencvoli'iit I nlon has lndoised ihc new prlio ' list aureed upon by tho membeis working lor i Hii's Carlson. Missrs. .schul, Kneckel and I Modrow have accepted tho nomination for I Pnstdent. and Messrs. llurgermelster, I Miulrow nrd Kueckcl wcic appointed Asslst , a!ilCTKtnl7ora. Monday, sept. IS, the third tlennlal con tention of the lirotherlH" d of Locomotive Fliimeu will begin Itsdellberitlons in i In 1 elnnall. 'Ihc oiganlzutlon his at pnscnt 4110 lolgen, vvltu about S7.0U0 members. Last month '.'4 dealh benctll claims were np prnvul. 'i lie balance lu the 'lieasurers accounts Is $.17,0U7.75 lo the credit of tho members. L. U. powers, t'ommlsslonorof tbe Minne sota Labor Itureuu, sujs lu his latest onicial report In legard to the or'iiulrtil bakirs lu that state: "Mniu luclr nrgnnl7all in became 'effective they havo aoollslud a groat many i evils lu their trade, und, as iv result, tho ma lorltvnf them aio now u alntnlnlng homes I unii have rrgulur hours loi work, llilsl-tu 'sample of vvnat may bo dono by eftcttlve I org.uil7atlon." Mr. Labouchere has proven In London Truth that captured sl.uc-iradera' ships are landid lu Niitnl, bouth Africa, where tbe slaves are taken to the poltiu station and kept till a certain dtr mimij by the local authorities, 'iho annouutemetitH are then published, by ctler and otherwise, that on sueh and such a ua sj man captuied slaves will bo distributed to nny one reiiulilngfcr vanls for a certain number of years. Tho I only iiunllllcatlon necessary In order lo obtain such hervaiils Is a position of respectability lu tho locallt). suci ns belonging to home pio.esslonor trade, or posstsjln Independ ent means. WILD MEN MADE TO ORDER, Chlnrao Youths Converted Into Hid- sous Monnters by Prlostly Art. There nrc inniiy curious traJes In tho world, but tlio ioiot strange must surely ho the "nrtilicinl manufacture of wild men." Yet n well.kuown English doctor in China hns just certified from his own personal exptrieuro tint tli s art is reg ularly practised in the Tlowery Kiugdom. First a youth is kidnapped, then hit hy bit ho is tiaved alie, and the kin of a dog or i bear is cratted pieeo by pieco upon liiin. His oenl chuids .iro next ilestioyed hv Iho attlnn of eharcoal lo make him dumb, nud the double mir pose of causing ' ' etiolation " rf tho skin and niter dejrrailntion of the mental licultios is effected uv keepiiig him ni' luured in a perleitly black hulo lor a numher of years. In fact, hv (renting him lilto a brute for n HiifUcicntlv long tuiin hH is made into one. At hist he is exhibited to the en tirely credulous Chinese ns n wild man of Iho woods, and his possessors reap a rich harvest. The priosts, it seems, says the London rirnnle'f, oro adopts at the art. When n ktdnupper, hovvevir, is caught by the people ho is torn to ptecos, and whin the authorities got uuu they torturo biui and promptly behead hi 111. w Righteous Indignation. Itnn rtl), The 1'rlde Klos mt again, dear. Thu (jrocm Hut, Madge, I nro dsno noth ing but kiss you for the last three hours 1 iho Undo (bursting inlo tears) iraltor I You love anoibirl Why? iearline the only Washing Compound ever jmitated. H. LYDIA'S SACRIFICE. ,1 Esthetic Fancies Which Brought Gloom if to a Country House. HI I j5 .. Lydia tat i o porch looking down jj X Into tbe ore' m all pink with apple I .1, blossoms. Awurm May wind blew tbe r? I curls on her forehead to nud fro, nud j , ma Jo her feci loo drowsy to read. ' 1 "Middlemarch" had 6UuV into her lap, I with ono finger between tho leaves to I keen tho plnco, aud she was half asleep II ' whon tho sound of voices from tho I , siltlng.roora behind her floated out and ' becamo a pnrt of her ilny dream, m "Seeus to me," said a high-pitched I, tono, which she know to bo that of a I ', neighbor, "seems to rne vou ain't look- l in' jest up to tho mark this .Spring, Jllb' II Marcy." M " Well, I dou't know as I am feoliui ffl) any too spry." retun.oil the gentle old Jwr voice of Lvdiu's grandmother. "lex. HI peot it's this dreadful hot weather oomln ' on nil of a sudden ao. I've been thinkin' M j ' " I'd start in takin' some brlmttono nud Wk i ' aiolaaae threejnorniu's and then aklp M ' " three, AnybodXpee d little medicine" m in tho Spring. I don't seem lo havo much of nuy appetite, and I'm weak as n rag." " Mnyhu it's tho coikiu'of that hind girl Jrom tho city, (hat you nui'tused to," suggested tho neighbor. " How dees Bhotnkohoid? Is sho much of it hnnd''" "Well, I.yddy'B satislied with her, and sho Knows more than I do about the way they do things uovvadas. hue's Mslted the Governor's lolks aud round among her schoolmiles n good deal, und slit's seen just how things light to be. I guess they set a pretty good tablo to Ciov. Cobb's." ' ' I guess thoy do, " said the niighbor, " Hut it's kind u' hard for au old w oiuau liko mo to get used to new.fanglod wajs. There ain't uothiu' reliBbtuto mo iu such Httlo warmed.oer messes. I declaro, I'd liko nothin' bolter for my dinner than a good ryo and Injun cake and a nice, hot cup of tea!" "I'd like to know what iu the world there is to bender your haviu' it?" cried the neighbor, Bitting tip straight. GOSSIP OF IIING AND FIELD. There Should Be No Laggards at Sullivan's Benefit, Cream or Talent Entered In tho Met. ropolltnn Championship!. 1 u.rc should bo no laggards In the sporting fraternity on tho ulflit of Sept. 17, when Jobu I. BUlllvan ta'us a benefit in Madison .Square Harden. Granted that ho naw stands as a dcleated chaui Ion, his pist marvellous career of uninterrupted victories Is jet to be i quailed. bulllvan heretofore has numbered his friends b) the thousands. It will bj a capital opportunity to learn how sliong was Uls hold upon them b the number that appear ut his benefit In the Harden. If they they nro atauch adherents of tho once incomparable pugilist and not the fickle fair-weather Irlcnds who alws)s cltaveto an Ideal in power, they will rally to the Gaiden and Bhow u their presence and cheers that John I. Sullivan still holds a wnira place in their hearts. llccatisn Sullivan lus been whipped It Is no reason why Iho public should frown an I turn Its tack upon hlin. 'I hat is ungenerous to a man whoso gladtatorl il prowess set tho world bj Hie ear for a dtcade. Mil, lvdn will make jus: as goo,J an exlilul- tlon at thoHirden. Sept. 17, as bo would If .lames .!. Corbett liadn t toin tho laurel wreath so savagol Irom lili brow. Tlio i ntries for the Metropolitan champion ships at Manhattan Field tu-morrow at o out, and vvhllo the entry list M not a big one It contains tho very cream of tho talent, in tho 100-jnrd sprint nro tho nanus of such lljtrs as V. W. Al.on, Tommy lee, 11. T" llnrdlrg, A. K. copiland and "Mnttlo" Hat pin, (in paper It looks as If the race wero Allen's; that K If the nuns a'1 nslan shows tho lorni ho dll last Saturday at the Colum bUgnm"i. The mllo walk will bring Shear mm, Meek, Muill, Letson, Monorlty and sain UebjoUl together, and the llrst two mimed will probably do tho lighting lor 111 it place. The l'JO-vard hurdle has among its competitors llarrv Harding, Harry Mori II, Coi eland and Oeorgo Siliuvler. I.ons, Downs, McKlnnery, Dndmun and Turner aro some of tho cracks entered In tueuuarter I mile run. The great and only Zimmerman, 'who was to havo aptcarod at Manhattan rield two weeks ago, but didn't, will st irt In the two-mlle safely blcjelo race; also lieorgo Tayloi, Ucrlo, tho Murphys, lloyland. Smith nnd llanker. A. II. George, Hillings, Hoddy, Dadmun, Wlnslow, and 'turner will Irv con clusions In the half-mile run 'lommyCon ncfT, Wllllo Daj. lljerisborg. George, Ilol Ian lor. carter, o'hcefo anu Walsh aro en tered In the distance run. '1 ho Held ev cnts promise quite as good sport as do the track events. Among tho entries for the runnln,: high Jump aro OoD", llerrhlc, llallock, bvvieney anil NUkirson. tjueck berner, Gray, Mitchell, Glannint und cough-1 , Ian, pit men of mighty musclu will meet In the sltlecn-pound shot punlug. The same men Willi Mike O diilllvan added will try for j theslxtein-pound haiumer-throvvlng contest. Makolm Ford, GolT, 1'ulTcr, hchwcgeler, Haines and Moonej aro enur-d In the run ning broad Jump. In tho pole vault H Hugh Daxter, Ha'.lock, Towne, ltjder nnd Caey. With this projrammo r.nd a favorable day ; the Metropolitan championships shonld be a success. 1 ho Giants fell off In the batting yesterday and simultaneously fell off In thler percent age. 'Ihe l'ltlsburgs, who are trotting a rctty svv if t gait just at present, did the bust ecis. Yesterday's defeat makes five out of six the New 1orks have suffered at the hands of the Pirates. Ihe score was 8 to .". Messrs. Hart and Mcln did iho box work for tbo Ilrockljns yesterday, and did It very well, as the scort, 4 to 2, shows. 1 he Chlcagoesw ere the sufferers. The following games are FChcdulcd for to day: Cincinnati t New York. iClilcaco t Phils. 1'ittiliuric alBrrKklju. 1st. i.uulat Halt our,. CteTelanJ at Butun. ILooivrille at VVaaulni'u The new champion of the world. James J. corbett will hi glvui a big reteptlon at Madison Square Garden next Mondav even ing. Corbett will meet three wel'-known pugilists, sparrli g each lour rounds, lit sides this tvt.nt thcie will le two ten-round bouts tor a special purse of j 1,00(1. Fifteen other promlnmt bixers and wrestlers will tako pat t in the exhibition. Mnuagtr Hrady wltcd his representative, Sam 'ilull, jesttrday that he would cliartir u sprclal train of time Pullman sleepers and u dining car, having New orlcios this aliercoon and arriving at Jersey Cltj Sunday evening about Ml. hrady has exuudid au Invitation to all I ho different new spapcr representatives to ie tuin with tno champion ol tho World at his expense. I'pon u.rleit's arrival m hew iorK h'j will bo driven direct lo the Coleman House. . lliero Is a small-sized disturbance among t he athletes of tho l'astline Athletic Uubover the respective mei Us ot lislvmcraek walkers, Mini Llebgold and W. Kill'. 'I hero was a dis pute as to which one secuiid the largest number ot points lor seas jii's work, and tho is said, decided In favor n( Hl,s. J.lcigold Is said to hivo threatened to reelju unless the matter is lecouslducd. The Columbia A. C. will hold n meeting to nlghl to make arrangeuii'iits for an Indoor rmetliu the earb Winter. Jf 11 ti con ducted as well as was tbe outdoor guinea it will le a siicciss. Ihe Columbia cloired In tbo iiflihborbood ot II, uuu on tho gatnea last Monda). The Dauntless 13oat club sends In tbe fol- "Wcll. Lvddy she snjs it ain't the fashion to havo tea for dinner, and I give in to her soonor 'n to iniike a fuss. Yen tec. Mis' S'envcv, joung iolks is young' folks. When Lvddy enno homo fioin bonrdiu' school last l'iill I eould sco 'twas hard for her." Tlio old lady paused, "Tho house niu't now." sho resumod. "Why. 1'vo lived hero myself, Wintir and riitUimer, gom' on siitv cur. Our wnvs hero niu't liko city ways, nnd sho wanted to ask soruo of her mates up here; but I could tell 'Inas inortifv in' to litr to think of thoir coram' lo sueli n poor old pliuo. ami me, too, so behind the times. "So 1 just says nolhiii', and let her go ahead lur own way iixui' things up (iood lauil. Mis' honvey' 1 just wishjou could sco tho best parUr'" " Ni'lint has sho done to it?" asked Mrs. Heivoy. I 'Iho villngo did nut think much nf 1 1.) dm since sho bad returned from school, ' n tnll.'Bt.vltsh girl, with " moro rlrs than a music box," ns tl.o Indies declared nt the sowing circio. I " Why, the chaiis and tho tables is all twisted every which way. Looks as if a high wind had been blovriu' through. The blinds is all left wide open, and tho aun streumiu' in, a-fadin' out the carpet like everything. Uody Bi"UMel, too, MU'Beaveyi" Tt. '.rV V ... .-T-ffiV lowing com munlcation t "Jfi'ihl I lllor rrl n'nrfif "Allow mo toglve vou thy f lllowlng fur. ther luiormatlon about tho llsrlem ltlvor Honing Clubs' Venetian Feto to take p'.aeo next satiinli). At a committee meeting hell at I lie Anna last evening the following resolutions wire unuiilmouslv puhmM: 'I bit ns the Manhattan Attileth' I'lun have entlrel) Ignorod ihe eoiuiiuinli'sllons asking It to take psn In this lite, thai tho press oi .Vew ork be Inltinned that Hie Man iiiittnns have nothing to do with this fete. "Ihat mil) appreciating all Unit the press of thlcill.v have dune during the past in en courage lowing and ntblalli' sport ginerally, tluu tlii'j ! il to award the banner fur the best du'nralnd barrfo, lire senled b.v A. hayrrr-lllekev. ot the Hauntles. " Him tun pot ut ti oiii whleli the) Judge tbo barsts be tho Dauntless Heat c lull " that the si ut bo tn id" ut s o clock f. m. from the .svier limit ciub.anl tin'' incli club (all In line' as the piuces'lon pisn-s down ihc rlvei." I Itmneimin lowered Hie ,'p-nille, 4. mile an.l ! M-iniie bio do ri cords held bv the l.ngll'h man. cisuion le, at Sprln,'l,el I, .veliriln. .luiuirrmntrs tltno lor tlio tlnee illiinneis was r.'m. I'J u'-."is . Pill. 4 In. iihil 7 in. 1T, rrpeetlvel). 'Iho Unto Iteords who iiuiilo at one pi riorinatice. Unbelt 1,-uilev, u ntingrr of Hie Detroit Mlilellc Club's Pnsilnll tiiini, has wiutin siiretio sulllvnn, of Hi" v . I ., Iliut the IHtrott V.I. btisebull team will le In New orkclt) Oil. I and will lie plei'idm pla) mil of Iho strung tiams lu this limllt) on lift, -i, ,'i and II. AhV ilub ilislili g thosii dates eau h ive tlieui hi ciiii il bv nililn sing Innus C Milllv in, Miui liny Jims olUce, 'J II lliualwa), .Nivv orkUt. SHE KEPT THE ROUBER'S HAT. How a riticlty Cnnncllnn Qlrl Oot Her Hutohnl llncit. About U o'clock on fiatiudny morning Miss Logic, dntlghtir of tbo lale.ltlilgu Logic was returning homo along llerki mer street, lisiniltou, sas llio Toronto I'm, iie, when slio met a rispeelablv dressed iiinn who suutelml her snteliel. , Miss Logic clung to the Mitchel, nud in thu struggle sho was thrown tn the ground. j ' lloforo tl o thief could get nvvay tho plucky vuttiig lady spinii' lo her lei t nud ' Miulchi d his hut oil 'I he mini di iiiimdi il tlio hat, but Mik Logic n fused in reiinn it until ho giivo up tin Mill hid. llullicii drew u rcvulvi r and tliie.iicmd to slinot if , she didn't givo up the lint. Hut Urn vouti hidv was not dumitud by tbo, i ineniiic mid relui d In eouiply. i j As help wu iipprcm li ng the higliwnv ; rubber Intitid them was uo tin to lo-o mid nought snfotv iu lliglit. leaving ills hat and an uiubrclln behind him. Constable Hallix) win not tar off. and on I cms untitled ho puisucd tlio thief. 1 who ran across Iho girmulH ol him nil residences nud succeeded m gcttini'iiwiiv. At thu cmouer of Caroline ami limit r streets ho threw away tho revolver, which wus unloaded when liiiuid. II" nlsn thiow nwny tbo suti hcl after taking nut a purse, which, v uuitauio 1 two cents. '1 liu ruhbrrv was nihil iu ono, and it is n wonder tho thief cm npeil. HIS PET A ROOSTER. A Boy Followed by a Fowl Whor ovor Ho Gocb. Ked is just six aud ib mi authontv on I pets. Ho has had any number of dogs, cats, n pot pony, nud ft family nf turtles havo holpod to destroy the domestic) pence at Ned's lioinc, but now ho is crv indifferent to all his put i but nuo mid such a ono ! llu is a eompnuion nnd lO'ifulnnt for his small master, nud such it very iligiullod couipiuion so different from romping Carlo or Iriskv Tutu. Tins new pit is a tall nud stately rooster, with tho most I ' 'bon'ful red ch n." I Die! ytm over luar of tho prido of Iho I barnyiird us a potV Well, that i exa"lly what Ned's rooster is. Ho walks stillly down tho street witli his joung iiiiisler to the door of tho schonlhoubc, s.iys uu cx clmnge, then, when Ihe door is shut on him. turnswith a troubled littlo chucklo nud walks homo. NOT SENSE ENOUGH TO MARRY. Advlco to a Couple Who Cannot Agree on a Woddinsr Day. Ma nniTOlt Iha rouna man 1 Iiatp prnmlfil to niarrv alii whom I lova lend I) i"ai e imn lttuil rled In Anxunt or not fir 411 iiHi.iit period, and 1 Inalat on luarrilutf In Uctobir. Wl.kli if va bbouldricil! llAl'Liirr, Neithor. by u? menns. Ycm Iiiimi not got enough sense between vou tn get married. You coutinuo lo insist on Oc tober nud let him havo August. It is tusier to break an engagement than to get ft divorce, 1111.1 one or tho other is bound to be your luck. What do vou want lo be such id'ots for. nnyhotv.' Were vou born that wuv. asks the Detroit Ire 'ii. or is It m j Hire il .-' (io awny to nil institute for thu feeble minded for nhout n cur. and then writo again, ltuu along now, both of you. Tbe Rouponslblllty Placod. flroM sfl.l Frank 'Vho set this fashion of ladles' wear lngsti"..enilers? .Vjy Dr. Muiy Walker, I believe. F'LlHfS FlliE FURHITURE" I aBiaatJaaHaTl aaBfM mmmmmmm ECONOMY IN FURNITURE. IIUY OK Till! .MAKIHt " And Save at Least 20 Per Gent. Thafullect aibortmnut in tblicttr, & ntyllihA can be found, tboro-JBh' cotiitructei, iUuIt, noTtl aud original la deafen, at rer Ion cuat. GEO. C. FLINT CO., 104. 106 & 108 West 14th St. " Good laud!" sa'd Mrs. Srnvey. I1 " Kbo'sgot out some of tho best ehiny nnd stood up iho ilntes on tho mantel Ueee, and morn of 'cm liniigili' on tho wall, 'lliert's old shnwls u dangliii' in, tho doorwnjs. That iiutiirn of liulier, ivinted vvhen lio wns n voung mini, she's took down altogether. him s.ijs it's. ft vv fill.' j Dear su.!" cried the neighbor. j " Hut I'm i-uro Urn uuuistei used to set n sight by that picture. 1 nevir eomo m win u he wns hero hut I found him lo 'k. i in ut it. She's stood some plants on the floor by tlio w uiloww. hlm's vvi II, I can't lull joit n'l. Mio wants we should el there conilin n ivtrv clnj I don't , know what her uruudfnther would sac if ' ho im.ld sen it I riiuit ho would turn ovir in Ins grave." 1'nor Mri.MaieyvasiUileout of breith , as sho poured out lit r soil. To havo Iho aercd best pallor profaned hud been a soru trial, which it took all her love fer I.ydiu to bear, 'lo sit llieio " commoii'' would have been to her as wicked as lo I caro her knitting to II ijmeetiiig.hoiise. I " hho wants 1 slionld iliess tiperr I afternoon iu my best black ank and thu I white net cap Sarah Sheldon mado inc. That silk's too good to et arojnd in. It's I only beeu turned twice, nnd I've l.cp' it nice for funerals anc" when I do go to uicrtin', thoujh that ain't often now, r.Vus-e.'VtSJilai t',"la' , ttliSi','r ',i . FOREMAN BUTLER'S STORY. At'TVlt MX1! YHAltS or avri'Ku. i.VM tr li. .c ami: xrynnjitAin.i:. "OH, WI'AT A DiirEUXE IN THE K'jRN'.XG'" tie Won t Vict Jut of Viir oil Thrval 7 1 i'i.Mf, nnifjHr finii Aitft Our Atitfrr tiifMl'Mit the Sutttf ttcit houtit (lt to Ihtcttti'M .UrC i tiMif MUiiii'iti ttmt ( C tirctt tie tn the .tiitntnil i ote iiHiii vf tho lrenintf llcr.'ff. Mr I. M. ltotlrr a printer and li ilttt thi pol tl mi tif A"i'Uut ftrrnn i uf (he l.ionlit ri Ut lUf ntVM t idh at .l-mrv fit) II- i ,'!TJ h'Kli mT it U tt.M AVtYfri. tntl,.Nn.7 JJ1 mie t XavVUA riVr ci 1-iti'sKr. -r tM ruetoa Mi lltillr lelU ATtI thfii1nw(Mir t d L iu "r ,ie l,ftil ''e'1 nr CT CsN uV !,'n yr, l 1" I Uvn f I FJ) Xl Ti mffetrr Irrui icfc nit I IV Ihnal trnulMtM, wf Irli t I VT lat hiftnr tiiilfatnl'l( TOWWl ' tHifrt i In nf mi tiiKi V ,,',,, y ft ,i"0 "ht M V., - L i anf i lima (ttmt ilal nf AvF trniihl NKimkn'mnn lliVx nsv Maul.) riirmhiriiill,ainl l Wl S! ft' l" rnn l i ir i.H2SL-ftaS-SS J7,IW'V" ri.mrmi.t.. -, iMt-iii . yrri t irr uuu ii tn mi U M 1MM l-t'K K-tthiK up Hirto vuil.1 In' a Itrnf, ttniil iA'e formmt, win ti iiIpkI tiii ml lifMMnK thrntuli li iitmt', mil u ti b'ltiii rr innfil, whit h I wnti'U litm lo ilo t trt tf 'f, tt lymihl hf 'nlliirtt. t by liiffclmrf tuirfiuit. liawWIliK Mid n mhti i; tifi oniptnir I wtllt 1 1 nJri lif Olti i III II P tllKllt T lift I III t lH Up III Ml) li'iltl M t I'Ut , mnifl I l.i if thut hid t topprtt dnti In hit tlm nl I hU in'itlii'i it ntll I i mil i Mau.1 It no Umaff I liiul tnitl n d ifoti of mnr" illlrtp t rfltar h rrm i iltrn, nud Mulf I tlirii di ITii iit ph)nl(,iann tor r 11 ', htit m im nf Himm tl d mi atir etmtl ' 1 ittisillv tn 1 ii uijr ml tut to ?Ml DoflnrnMi Coy mill IMuun, illicit 1 ill 1, m.l 1 nm n tty new tl at 1 illtl not kci to tl pim Km o rnr ao lor Dm j miiiIiI hai fNtt 1 int ii n. n tlny'i- iMlTy hj I I ilr or b I nba'l nrr iftir t tin li) I II rut tint I i thftu, fur wltliln tno fVri I l trail to mti n I cliai itn for tin I rltir ainl It toiillnn il o lj but tr If, (HI in) in an 1 throat arn djw nil ttjcht MI mii, an I I ' ' (Mi. wl nt n (llrTrriTTp in tli hiornlng!' " T" nn on null rfn froui Inn faniolltMal a irtt.t It i lota Mi ('' ami kidman ami nft c irfd " io"'tnt .McCoy ami WiMtnan makra npirltltv of j tho 1rattnMit of nil throtiit tlfa" tt.oltiilin catarrh l li) (urtiluli all inrtllrlntr", an I tlirlr I riurc fttt ttPMnixiit arn au luoarra'a that they I ate wit hi u lb rraili of alt. j DCCI0R3 HcCOY-AND WILDHM, ' Olllc, 0 Fnrt! in Strnt, Now York, V her aU rurabli rnM nrn trpatfil will' "iifoin llj-ou llrrat nillfltniinn wiltpfor aavinptomlilank. t ( niihatt'iti nt utiic" or by m&il tr t "f ohart. fhircn all mall to .'i J ant IJ 1 atieft. .Nan VjrK. Ufitu t.mira-y tn 11 1 flM J lu 41. 3L. bU i I. M t utuU)n, Uto ti A. M AA'USEMENTS ' jvrm:w or tn TtI , t or lltli t kti I li This pui . ' u?pti 'Ini'toldtis'n n Kitilltfetit rrtln1. l'i BXjAOK. cbloobT. I i.t(Mitii at n 51 tin. W.ii antni. At.' i EDEN MUSEE. AMERICAN GALLERYT ! 'liniKtit i nl 1 1 morrow Auiuoou it.luto k. HfcMlfiG NORTON'e !TnrirallMl I iijiIUI) Charartfr l'orfnrmanrr. Monsieur Guibal and Miss Marie Greville's llfMllilrrinu mill iMiiliiilini i l' illl.NlTI I II. TONY PASTOR S. in. 1 1 .nii !h . HART'S BOSTON NOVELTY CO. W1ATJIVEE TO-DAY. ! I A Omul, N'.irrl am) Mrs tint I ntrrtalnniMit. HOVTN MMlhOV SOUAHI THKATHlC 1 nnjT at H .nt rat inlar Matlnfa at '2, lllttu I1H ( Kimocutl o ivrformamra A TRIP TO CHINATOWN. ! ! iilUilollulU I harlot Lettar. I Thvatrr ' iSOTiiFiiii "f'"" UU I lll.llll. I.ITT.i KIll.AUt. . iiii'niiiiy matini'.Vh. ' T1!K III ill 1.AK 'lilt ItHllAV MArlNKI'.H at tin tin a tr j win tuimuei,,'! neit Ihnr.ilar. OltAM) Ul'l ItA.HIIIIHK. II.,! afvla. f,ulietra olrrla anil tialcrnr. TOc. Ill POWER OF THE PRESS. &l: Nc.lVVcei AC'IlOKi 'I IIK l'DlOMAC. oril AVI MM" IIIKATIIt. lraaiiilKMIhal Mr II I' Miner ,. . . I'mpnalnr ami Manager A I In pmikIi hwreiini; 'I r Ulnnll. hurt. -i. 'i in ' (ti i'iii'ii )'. I'TPtillikaat H. l. Mat. fat. Solivenlra Nept 15. CAhl.Ml IIKOAUWAY AMI HulTl hT. THE VICE-ADMIRAL. f.AA Iti if tiarclni ( ntitfrt Mtttitly anil MiuOat AiliuUflon, UK , fnrlu lint: tioth fiitc lUinmmti. UAnL'tri liuliiiifti K..of i.vr. t- 16. bat. Mat S.TBAD lT UI.BK. &O01U i tniiarpt. li IJfgMit .-ourfnlr. B'fAlTTIliri'l UiUEeinl M uTht 2. 'ROUND IN LEND ME REED ' YOUR WIFE. nUOAIIVVAV rilllAlltK llimifiai tllat ill' Wllt.l Jill II IU I HOPPER, i WANG. I i:fnln.alH. JUII.NKRSA'IUHIIAV AT 2. MAllhU.V MJI'AIII l.AUIirV Mi:il)l.. AllJIIs-llOV, Mltl.NrR. ANTDN HI 1111. an.l In. n'llan Orch.Mra HOIII liAKIH N l"l ItlllllMAKerS R I' InlJ VAl III Ml.l 1 . IMM INI, Al IIOll Mil. K'lMI'It .t IIIAI.I .Mat. Mm., VVV'j ml at. ViVNOM, I A.UANN, nun mi nm: I uu MiMri' VAUIll ili.i:. iiuki u.Qtir, NIIV 1 1. in:-. .Neil vii .k, lli in nunrtla. hillllV lllllll). Nrit Mumlar h.'.' 111.11 I IIM'I 111 ZAIIK'1III Mill:, U'..n; anJJIt'lX. in in'. nniiMAVs i ii imi, iiiMi Tin: i.icnvr iioica. I'tli.., T6., i)i'.. '.5 .1. litliiMi, I nure.lar ami salunlajr. ppnpi P't i ii i ATit i Till: VlHAVAi l'ATKUli. .Nelt WwV.-1'VUI. KAIIVAIl BTAMIMtn 1111'ATIir Bi.'l h'io. untv RTirina. Ilr'.lur llian lar 1111. ejl'I.K.N 111 lllMhlllin. .IANI'.. Willi all thKA Dill 1 1: TLA Vfltl. 15c 26 .. 30., lie. MIILON 'I III. litll 1 UU. HI..MIV III. II l UKANS4H ANIll I.HMAM 1. in 11 1 iIIh N.rpentlii. llano Momlaj.J I'.sinltira itnm.n.. ITncl limaCatiin. SAI.MIH" rill AT III'." Matin.. SaturdarT 3.1m ml', f"VCV aim hi. t'r, hiiiiyi UlACI Op.raLo In (Illh.rt I'a Maal.rpl.i'., I'A'I II.MJ , IOl.?llllE UNiiis M-rAiiV theatIik MckFI' IUVKIN riihllERlr nnvvox llilrl..k an I continued aurctM, A M.MUlKV LOl.u.M.I. Kvenlnga ?. 19 Matttieo Saturdar. liy. It'll cet nil shiny iu no time If I ro i to putt in it on every day. let iiloun my lYelm' lll.n a fool nil ricgeil up hi villi ii there en n't no occiision, Ljilily, hlie-'n illffnii'iit. Viniii!: foils ousht to rii.." ; "Now. Mis' r-enuij, I ilou't wnnt jnti to Hunk I'm eniiin'iiiiilii', At my timet n' lifo it's hard work tryin' to it into now i vviin. llutlaiul' joii au pit tihdltoiiiiv. I tliins. It mnl.eH I.jililv liippv. Poor' e lnlill Ii'i liinl for licr to lu iiuinnl ' iii liorei in tin' idtitilrv. 'I hero ain't 11 1 liiottiiii..iii(iiriii' L'irl iu Now York or i llo-lou. I'll If I. illllll." Mrs. .Some; 1 uuuenl up in wrntli. " I'rctly iiiu' '. Wlint't pri'ttv niipe,iriii!. 1M lili to kuow, wluti hlie'h pcsti'im' your llfi nut, iitul jut lis ns him inn lio ? 1'vi yot to run 1 lie t now. for John's rom.u' hmiictu ilmuer, Imt I'm IJiilii' to nirjoii up n mi'hs of iyc mul Injun, mul if you ilon't lmvo miiiiu of them tor our iliuuer, iiurt u iln,h of ton. te-o, I'll eomo in bunrby nuil nivo jour I.jihly n pii' of my unud. (iooil. bj ." . OH tho triiilu'oil. burniiiK with n feino i of the ohl luily h vvioukh. uml tryiUKtu pce'p into thu reconstructed beet jmlo h sho went through tlio entry. Lydla eat utiiily after thu voices hnl diod away, no loni:er sleepy, but half ! amused, half kail. Sho had beeu thor. I ouchly discontented at the homely old j REAL ESTATE. 0 JLRE' JOHNSON, jn.'S FLAG jf, PROTECTED BY DtCISIOM ivSt cf SUPREME COURT, l7:r?w NOV Uf, IC33. f DON'T IMITATE FLAG C:ii fJO AND si:i: TIIK 1 AM I 1 I I I'.IMI AT DEM0RE8T: ns mi iiii.nni'-i, I ovi iii.niiklMi 'i in 1 1 in wmiiMi cirv or itAiiwAV, s ,i. ami un i in: i mois l'l NS.SMA llt It It. Lots, 25x150 foot Esc!i, from $50 Apiece U", on Weekly Instal ments of 50 cents and Upward, Numerous Houses Building, I Titles Insured. Low Commutation. Lunch Every Saturday. I FREE EXCURSION DAILY. ,11'UI.. .IflHNHl.V, .Ir , (0 Ilt-ttr nl , N. Y . ami 18 i nn.l ll'l t ttitaua t l.rnl u tVil'l Alii' WI.VIi. Nil VtMl lilt V -HVI ii iriim i: vlll.V V Ii i )ir l.Ti:it i VI, mil) im Ii uml In la .ra nnd FlitriCH HOSPITAL REMEDIES. 1(1 ll li mul i I i tl. i . I l.iinrnn Irf.l. F.iVll(i: tli'il rtril lllll'I.I.I.H ( nnlnlli-,1. -I VI. I. II IKIIIK, full iiurili ulai . in.'. I mimIiI .lint 1 Hso. mallor OfTlcoConciiiltiitlon Froo. li . ii. in a V. ii. nm : .i. n i i'. .w. Hsnilnv. I'l'l.l. IIO.lKil I'll Villi .x. CIVIALE AGENCY. 'L;,,'lVr,?.,7,T- ELDORADO 4th Month . I f:Yl'T : Kuur llaHi 1 nit iVi'. Ttir tie i CVnttirlft iTfe'cimtH IV lnki i oi 4 J I riuI I rnuhlin t.1 fi n- n nt tin!, tmnkl)n 1 ii nm it ' l.t-ii At 7 l.. luket olTiie 'js m Utli t an I Ua tintf Imt fin rnor roH- nir.xiitr." rtvtH is wi'i. ROBERT MANTELL $VIY Ji;. FACE .,',7,. MOONLmHT. iHIIRCD'S 14th St. MUSEUM. I IIII. .Mr'li:i vlA.N! llw .11)11. NMON lii IW I'MIHSM I uluiia aiiil Mi.aliir lniurlj Mue a t m. 1 II. R. JACOBS' THEATRE, ,";i:r,r..!'.'.l,,t ; r,V.".!.rf."nm",r;.r.)CRUI5KbEH LAWN. I .Fltrpi 1 III. I'A'I I11A1N. ' 1111 MUl'.n illllArltK. NurOthAvir Matlnrrn vVMlutadav and "all r laj, ,THE STILL ALAtfRfl, ami 1 lttt 1 in n fir km " l'lic I IrKinau'n Mtirut." Nflttrk ItioNfiitl tr lirrrttrj , 14th St. Mus'c Hill and Alhimbra Court, I i:il ami I II, I ml Kill at i tiii: .h-cnvi i ii'iii.iTitioN 1 Pirn l.virv AII.tiiiiuii uml l.vriiina. , XI)111S' Ml II AVf MUSI I'M Null' 1'a.nn Iraina nf Ir.lanit, Milny llii flnali, IKi-aaTr I'tiuflir. Jm.Iii Alln Inaa lllik Tliral'n .No 1, ilrama " A limit II -uri " Ilitatiu i. V, Vnuil. till. .Sn. 3, l'ip;Ml H inn. snooKLrn amusements "BEDFORDlVENUE THEATRE, Smtli f.ih nt , Krnainvir aul Hf lfir l aH r isiiiAr jTior-. -j'm. i x , 'u.' . tt-hi tl itiifl uitk t oiii nit l 0111 Aim ilar lr't ' I aft be r Da .M.t iip Itulir Mitmg.'i Wt-ilne ila mi i -ntunUi. GOOD OLD TIMES. MsRtiltuent remit imr never, art tic Hatte el tiiwp. ntlfciiui tiift1 i rt t .cit Work It uuir I iiulliu in (..! Jul Proutr. (..'iilMiVs CASINO. iJunniif tin IIpm., (i.ftiti a il I diIim, I anain, I Kt nny s ml iri.t, Mai l l'u,t t, I t nrn tirmivillr, Mj 1 I arimi fMPUinfJ lllVM.N KMIVVMS." HlTirniUlli ami VnBrr 1 v.rj e.. Malli ... Vv rr) ami al THE BURGLAR,. GRAND Zlt I BROS. BYRNE' 8 BELLS. COLUMBIA. "ei,wWuW.V,B!'!;,W(JO' I'rrtY tMHti i ft Mtlhrm nl All I Mt. MR. WILKINSON'S WIDOWS. iaOM:i.lY1HL1i: . ,1 I It 1 1 n I'mi, ami Mi tie r, Wk oniiiii,uriiiir Monday, Sfjt. A Mat J unor I lay, ti , t hurt, imt Mit Mix Horrnrc ittinllt y in Ihr l'l Irain, ,Nite I: li 1 itinlniiini.'t ( iimcity ntnl I'crUity t COl hINN'SMW 1'AIIK IIU.AIIll . 1 lilt cck itii inatliittot WiU auil.Sat , GOODWIN ' A,; "',",,,,. sporting COSI V IlTlMl .IOI KV.Y riittii I H1UW. bhl'l li, al J II I' M llll I 1. 11,111 M AM n anil Ih. Amuiiiti I w,.vr IIM lln Htak.a Train. Irom 1 a,t lull. I lirjr at 11 lUauil.rtrr l'l. I hn ir lb"r.allHr Ip.ciai 1'arliir I ar tram at 1 1 V, Boala Ironi luut if iV It 1 l , t.riituii nf a I roal. 11 ll M an) U lu anil half tiuurly tli.i.itlrr Iticia.f.ry aV Ja to fcj t lii. I fnrinlioui.0 rider her .civ meiilein liuuic nt school. It reiillv seeincil to her tint ,U llftil hllOVVIl l.nli i lll'Sl Of Slltll 111 Clltlk. tin: ilown tlio ilit-piir in lit r heart uml trv in' to iniikti tin 1 1 M of III nu. 1 !;) tmrlor ihpiiiull) ilie IuoLpiI upim ifiuto at mi nriiKtit' triumph Hut nn iiiuiiuut of tnlkmu uml M'olilmi.' c tilil put lliu Murcv hiimrlmlil em u stjlisu fciitius. I'lnm nn I ohl. it vviii, mul w wtnilil it lein.iiii in tutt' nf all her fllorts. ' t.i.iiiitiiiit li hoohhtiiintu !" I tl 1.1 hail ..iniiittl in her own room. 'Ihulittlu lull. kI.ii liul now overhe.inl lir.t a in vv usieel iipoii it nl . hlii' mn ns if u vi il hail fiilleu from lu r t vt 1 ovv hi r sr.iiiniiii 'lu i 1. ml l'i in Kort ly I ewiliUrml lij lip new nit iik. mul how the ivvfet olil 6, 111 1 ml aiiie.'leil rili'litly III l'Clllt into liarn oiv with n uriKr if tli ii)-' with an hum llnlilicK tliut Iiuiilo I.,vilin'ii triulh hccm tiithui;. 'Die u khi lh w to the. best parlor, ami in a mtj littlo whilu hrouuht hack its old iiinn orli r. him iniiheil tlio lu'ir I cloth ehuirn luu'K Mitily uKaiunt thu wall, ( IomiI tin hlllltli nt tlie wimlovvsuud took nwny nver.v i Mhetie' touch alio h.ul ulviu, I.nst, Imt not It list, out of thu closet miller the stuns she dragged the despised portr.ut of her micestor in tlio gaudy mlliti i uniform. Laushiuc (iuiotly(nt its Riotesqueuess, sbo Iiuiir thi work of art I up ou its eld nail, where it was easily tbe ' IfEAL ESTATE. HEAL ESTATE. 'fl I THE SWITZERLAND OF AMERICA." ! W 1 RESTRICTED. ROWING. M l ACCESSIBLE. SAILING. f M I HEALTHFUL. FISHING. M 1 BEAUTIFUL. DRIVING. f M 1 IMPROVED. RIDING. x cnoici: lots from $100 to $250. I fm I UPON EXULITIUN'AM.Y IIASY WHKKI.Y Oil MONTHLY PAYMENTS. 2 '.IJ I TITLES GUARANTEED I M Y by U (ii'ttmti Airtrlriti Heal I its I I'.lo ULaraitee Co, I tJH V ftgeEicurslon Sunday a!IQ,55,A.M.' Free Excursion Daily at 2.15 P. ii.; m Q I nun llatliMii lUn-lon tirin 1 Uenirtt lr irmn lUrlftu DifHlon i i rand Central De- W Y 1' U " Irom Mttt IUtimi atation 1(J I '", ml trmii Mott Uavou HtatlCK II ! X SM A iiilliiltti In . I mltnitiiY latnr. , fil W St .Nl) Oil CALL 1 OU 1 IILK PAissrs, fl WESTCHESTER LAKE SITE CO,, 10!i-l(iWSrAA X M I :Z" Tickets also to Be Had from Ou. Agents at Either Depot J !m )xxtvKoo&ooo o-gaaa 'H ..niwJnmiia.wu7..u .wi-.....-. m-Kuma BaaMM 1 P irinu vviint u anCr ntul prolltablr f H ;U INESTiENT A I tel'ifl"lr l'll l In- niilv s llll' It l. N LOTS Uml nrr iMInnt.i 'fl IiUrr 7I iiiiilliinii Iv Inrr. nilnii In nine Inn Grind 'JH irnini. t!iiil. N Omral MlatUn 'k GliOiSE ui VIjIlitlUl.1 MORE NEW 'M L0TS , ' xmnmnnn BUILIIIIIIiS 1 ',nf YIINKrnN ""tir- I .nn,.,VlV,'l'..Mt. ' 1 UlslVlJllrJl tlian In y H ninili nl ..()'). lorallty. jl ...iivvniit.. TITLES GUARANTEED "'" M , Pure V inn. N from Itsr ijl 'lt.-irl.lnl In Hir ln.rr' Tlilr SiinriiiteeCo. "in". ffl In I rlmrji". V JbH I or f irllirr particular., Ir.. tick. la. mapa, Ac. call v afl i n oi Tnn! AU6.MULLER,,s,,i,!.,,ST- or T. C. MERCER, ,a WVTR :M "THE IDYLLIC. HOMESITE," I BRENTWOOD PLAZA,! ; AT IIUtltlMON AMI HVK, WPKTCIIF.STrit C'OUfiTY, - ;9 l ON Till'. M1V IIATI.N I.TKAUIL UAII.WAV. H Eofvutfully Located. Substantially ImproTed. Grand Special Excursion Sunday at 2.30 P. M. 1 (rum Nit Uavtn DUUlo i firatil Contra Oipot, fH U K.Mt UU CAM. 1 OK llthi:PAS!EJ. 7 i TICK! T AI.HO TO III: II VI) I'lttM! A!I!NT.H AT DEPOT. BRENTWOOD PLAZA COMPANY. 'M , Itl.-i-KII IlltOAIIW AV, (111 flcir. S ' liiUNCii ni'i'H'KHi ii wi:n uJat.. ii02 i:isr iTta.t., iccBPvnK ave. yM 3 17 Lots fiom 12.r) upwaid. Liberal Terms. is HUDSON RIVER EXCURSION IO KOCKLAM1 IAKI-. V V NA1UKUAV. SI l'l HI. UD3 All In ..arch ( f aulmrliaii Iwiii.k ami anofcA villa alt hou il all. ml th. man I public, aal. ot the i u'rl nll'llnc iota anil rll a bum thai Itave Un I. m 1, It. ran I Ix.v " Irtnl tn. Incalion It .icnnl liiflTll.alllir. laiot .MHII.'l a'ur. Iho ri.-r ail I r.uTll..i alwi,liiak Inrlri'tlcli.lHrail Lit). f VliAMs, '.'17 l,r..ilcli .t . .1 l, AT. 11 '. 2H llnartwly ami in Ma llaou at... ournor tli al , riMiiu 1A, li.lor.'J 1' M LOTS FREE at rinaVl.w. N !.. onljr J an I upward Applr ,. j.AI.I. aVVo..JlratMtliat. FLATS AND AFARTMENTS TO LET. r-.ll, 111 Al'AIIIMI NTof thr.. room, in hoiu.t ii.iOllll.t , b.twi.n lllth anil Illtl afi-a , III... In,u..a lav. 1 ..ii IIiitui.iIiI' r.Toa-.l in, I are In nral-ila.. oril.r imt. Ir.un i lo tlo aun.. Irom ikUloil'.O Appljat JUU Wfit tllll t.. . 1 l(a A l.o AMUSEMENTS. HARLEM OPERA-HOUSE 'll'tinKll ,Vf-;.' .'InTTi..iCIti Directory r'r H1 ll) I'HII COLUMBUS THEATRE mAvm8,1 HOMESTFAD "92." .l VV.a-.Siort M A lalir. iJIJiil Tlli:'i "I irar. M"t soih it. NlillH l- l Malln.aa Wra .nil cat mo M .11 NMI W..HA'. I I i V . nfl. "itli Train WllllaraaLouiianj l-n;ainufi.l iimlt.i lo two vra.k. 1 roost iirotiiint-ut tliiiiK in the room. W'lioti nil win tlonon Rloouiier nuil more forlilildinc aimrlmt'iit hail never been Keen, but.juM ns it vnv. urnmlun lovoillt. Wbttt tbo olil lnlv nnoke tbo Bun vvai htrrniuin in ncrosH tlm Mttinc-rouni lliior nuil tbo tell wim rinclui; fur ilinuor. l.yilm uipinrcil in tbo tloiirvvnv vvilb a litiybt mule, pre tier tbnn ev'i. I "(.'(lino, promlu.A, .' v mlleil. "ilmuer I is renilj. mul Mr. Senvey bus just stut in ' littlo Kntio witli somo ilelieiotia cakes for jou." A u'ren pleasure lllttej over crnutlnm's (ncn ns Rbo Meppeil cnserly tovvnras tbo j ilmiiis.rooni, kiiuini; cu her cnue. ! "1 iln belleo tbev'ie ro nud Injun," she exclniiuc.l, ns dtllubleillj b n cbild, belpmit herself from the mil. filled plnte. I "I IhiURbt peibnps jou iui'bt like a l eup of ten, too," added I.J dm, gettiuK up irom her plnco to put tbe cup down by her Krnniimothcr, nnd trjing not to seo tho ncorn of tbo Ctrl from tbe city, who bad a qrent contempt for ilmuer at noon mul te,i nt dinner. I.Mlin laughed "nil cbntted cheerfully until tlio meal wns Hided, nud Mrs. Mnrcy breathed a louc iuh of tatisfac. tiou. Idcclnro!" Mrs. Mnrcy snlil, risinc rrom ier seat at InM, "I don't know at I'vre erer had an'tbiuc taita ao good to mo. Ihoae cakea of Mly BeTey' wer V PRUMKEHMESS j I'nalllTrl; rnrril liy Nperlfln I.aarlH, iM A ccri-l, anlr ami apt rily remedy. Tim ,j Innlr, no tutor. Can br &;tTn nccrelly imHIiiiui llii' drliikrr'a kaawlrdge. It ilr.lruj Hint terrible apiirllta far tlai. JaV iilnnin nuil reatorei. In llio drinker nl mV linnrr ol rcl.ln.iu-r lo Irraplatlan. 'f I I'rlrr. lt U bozei, ta. Care aar. iM innleiil. For nil Inlormntlan nud frca H I rrtinplp nililre.ia l.iqmirinn tipeelte Ca ? ltiJtinil 1115 Ilniailway. For anle nt a It. Ilinliiiil'a, t'l!5 Ilrrailvray. N. Y. iJ Win. UlUnn'a, 10(1-1111.1314 Brand. ?U n, N. Y.i llolton lru Co., Braaklyn. ;' AMUSEMENTS. : nriMlSOrt rlll.ATHC. 43 ana 47 Howarr. iS I UK I.UI.AT , J. K. fMMtT .M HIOIl IT. In KltlTZ IN IKKLAJTO, :itm m:m WJ CK-Tilh VVI111I-. bLAVK. M INSTRUCTION. ETrNOGKAFlIT and trpawrltlnalaaaoaiatnt 'jU Lruaiiwar.N. Y..tciua II iar waaa tanorwnt ('aj ! 1B ELECTION NOTICES. TIllT ANXUAL MI.Un.NO Of IHE BTOUK. fU roid.ra of tn. B.mla Car Box Compaoy forth JAwJ l..tton ol trut.n tor t la aoaolDg raar 4ll ba H Ihilil at th.orlic.ol ih.Compaur, No 20 Piatt at.. 'Ilfal .N.n Vjrk City, on M nd.r, It), al 13 a'UMk j"V noon. OtOliOt. B. UEvVLKTr M bccritarr ana Tranarar. jM just benutiful, aud I do enjoy soma bot .fiH ilnuk in the middle of tbe day. It kind n o' goes to tbe spot." . SM l I.jdui drew her pcntly alone until, iH through tbo open door in tbe parlor, her Sm 1 uliuco fell upon grandpa's picture btck S iu lit. old place on the wall. ! " Why, Ljilily'" she whispered, tfith a '.jlH btart of Mirpribo. " Why. Lyddy 1" yM " Yes," answered Lydia, merrily. "I iM Mippoit the parlor is better tbo way you JH , used to buvo if. It Roes better with the y'!M rest oi iho house. So I put all the things jt back nemn ns they vveie." H Orauiluia't. eyes wandered lovinnly oTer NH tbo still and koleuiu room. A mitt cam iH i on her spectacles, ami. ns the took them M I oil to vvipo them, her thin old hands wero ytU j treuibliiu: to that she could baldly hold ? them. "Somehow." she said to herself, with ?i9 n sort of a tob in her throat, " somehow 'Wk I cant help fecliuc us if I'd been oil on n jH visit aud was just n-cettin' home." 'fl L) dm threw her arms around her grand- " mother, kitIiis her tucha bug that the ;H classes tlovv ncross tbe room and tba black ' JnV cni was hopelessly unsettled, ' H "Ob, craudma!" bho cried, with n M deeper meaning than crandma kntw, 'M "we're both got homo, and likatbapao. !H pie in the fairy talaa wa'ra 9lng to star '-'jH hare and b happy Tr nftamafdal" l3H Xchangi. -tH rj?.f I'wrTiff vaaaai