Newspaper Page Text
awaaaw " aH K s THE WORLD: FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 9,1892. j , iRIDLEYS' v ' Grand St, N. Y. H I0YS' GLOTHING. K i Fall Suits jti FOR K SCHOOL WEAR. m- 6 f J u-' k i ill lfclill U CO . 3'j of 3 P (0 ttj o Bo U L u I i' n r o i Ml o Yrf Vi D t (tl i-'2 K MTV -TOOE OAMIMFBB SUITS- to 1 S rrs. Hj' )rlf llUUl OFPEKKD. Hv BOW mimi osmar surr- to 1 , , $295, $3,45, $4,95, K for Hard Br-le. o H ' NTS' INDESTRUCTIBLE KHEE-PAHTS, WWU hP iQO KBHllsTINU Hfc VWUlf WUUI MAT-MALI,. B I' Oniric Waists 25c, 29c, BBM X Wsrraatad Tart Color,. Bl Im' IMn FImhI Waists -49c, 55c. I Edw.Ridley&Sons, M 309421 Grand St M. Y. --- LICHTENSTEINS' GLOTHING SALE. School Suits, Double BrwsUiI, . . $1.98 School Suits All Wool, . . . 2.98 Dress Suits, 3,98 Dress Suits, 4.98 AMj THE ABOVK LOTS ABE DECIDED BARGAINS. 1,000 Pairs Extra Pauls, . 38c. & 49c, Large Selection JERSEY SUITS AMD KILT SUITS. Grand, Forsyth and Eldridge Sis. BEE OUIl KA8Y T-it.MH. Furniture, Carpets, - Bedding, Stoves, htc.,Etc. CASH Oil CHKDIT. Durable Good. Low Prima. I.atea, Rtjlca. O-lTlOPBROKNf.CAMIIHIWN. D.p.all nhrn l.ona 'line I .Not Wasted. Parlor Suits, Chamber Suits, Dining-Room Furniture, Bod ding, Stoves, Folding Beds, Oil clo'tn, Linoleum, Mattings, Win dow Shades, Curtains, Por tieres, Refrigerators, Lamps, Clocks, Baby Carriages, Pic tures, &o. Iiub, BOo. weekli, ortaptrmonthon 129 tftca.h, 1.00 weaklr, or gaper raoulbon tRU T.eOoMb, fl.QS weaklr, or 6 u.rnionlhon $75 flOcaah, f 1.60 we.alr, or 96 p.r moats oaS 100 2IIUU, 'J.3t,, ur SU pr montbou i.00 larger amount, .am. rat. Alao irma mad. to. ml B. M. GOWPERTHWAIT 8 CD. KNTAHI.IIMIKD IS07. (OUR ONLY l'LAGK OF BUSINESS), ISri93to 205 Park Row, S NEW VOUK. nMl aae uwH -111 Mb ArW Urn. e- eM .1 .' Wlil HO It. Ml Ik. II Ik. ...lw-11. Pe. ,.;. " Rut.- 4.U. Ml.. 10 kk, ul wia m Kan WriM- 4, to. II U. II u. yi,ttmmmmmUiiSmu. Htf. Uk, Is. Ills. ATIINT1 TREATED IT MAIL CONFIDENTIAL ImUm ( U ki mmti Mr CtNalat u4 TutkanUlk M. . f. IITHt. IICUI I IHHU Cllf' JlS!QP 'OR T8 KtlllAL. THR MAOIO INBEUTEXTERMINATOn. .ur duth to all In- Kti, curat bit, toil atieia. Noa-pol.onoai JDd BOB-lp oalTf. Aln oar Maelo Hoach l'ooil Mtrera roach., and wat.r bug.. Hold .T.rt-wb.r. MAJ.I.AUK A CO.. Mlra.. W.w York. FOR SALE. aWOYCLK OIIANCR-lOn pn.uniitlo Bw, ooat 150, (76 taiibl (lil), lis. 16 Marray at. BOB BUOP rOR BALK; for m.o onlf. 7 Eut 1391b at. Simpson, Crawford & Simpson roys' clothing dept (Reread Fleer-br eilher Elevator.) SPECIAL Overcoat Sale. We shall place on aale to-morrow, Saturday, one lot All-Wool gray mixed Frieze Overcoats For Fall and Winter wear, 1 4 to 17 year, (2D to 33 cheat), "8.75; Manufactured to sell for 16.00. Style and makr HIngte-breaated, fly front, doublrd stitched rnvr edges, patched collar, satin sleeve Holm, body lining of all-wool check casslmere. 6th Avenue, 19th to 20th Street. ON THE WRONG SIDE? Politicians Who Use the r- Political :zz- Text Book and - Voters' izzzzzzzl. Gulde 'Compiled by The World zr Are able to Judge p" Accurately -mmgr of the Probabilities. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Price 1Q Cents. RUPTURE CURED. I Tu ImpruTiHt Utio trun Ih ths onlj trust lu tilitDve tlitt U worn wltU 4vtwlut comfort uiaht and tlty, It rataina th ruptur under tti hardnct iargU or stTarrat train, and will ffit a iMrma nnt and apaady cara without ragard to tbaaiaol tbapfttlant. Ei ami nation fraa Lady in attaud ' auoa for lad'aa. 8 nd for pamphlet. IMFKDVtfULLAMlU 1HU8SCO.. 813 and 834 ilroadwaj, eor. WtwYork. IT IH A IHJTY ypn owe TwaraHf nnd 1 futnlly in art Ihr brnl tbIht lor our mon y, Drunninlr In tour foohvrar bv puis) .anliitf V. I.. ItwiiaitUH Wliot , tvlilrli rppraertt ihr hrnt Trvliir lor prlrra siskrdf a ikniiaantla will lratilT.-M .... tV-TAKi; Ml MJIIhTITUTK.! W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE GENTLEMEN, I TIE BEST SHOE II III 1!II HI 111 ill. A itrnullin Hl'vril .Inn, ".( mil m,l rip. fin. .all. B.ainlrt.. aiuoolti in.M., Il.illile, mor f-orafortalilft. atrll.h and durable than an otb.r I ,ho. ef.r .old at th prlr. i ijual. mitum mad .hoe. costlus Irom 44 toVft. I Pyi anil H4 llanil-n. wrd. An ralf ahoaa. I OH Trie tno.t amt.n, .ar and dtirabla boe. far .old al tb. uric. Ih.r aijual n importod arm, ro.tlnc irm 4H to VI J. I othrr ol the .nrtie blah tnntlar.l .if rxrHlrnrr. V I TIO. Hoitaro of .ub.litutlnt .lin.. wltbnut W. 1. lluutilai. nam. and the price etampad on bottom, tturh Mlb'lltilllun. ar fr.uiiiilent and nui Ject to pri hfciinon by law tor obtaining iih tier ndir r.Ue preteriHg V. I.. IKMMil.AH. Ilrii.'liluli. tlnni, Al.l, M.I.N, -T I. s AMI tVI TIIS !'( It HAI.l:nltlir f.iilaulna plurr.i lli:l, I I!, 2li:i. :il'.', :1II7. HL'I, iftr.d I -ill. 1.1 ill. (dllll 1.1 kvr.t I iJl, 7N7, NHII. Ii8. l:i:il. Il:l:l. 1771. I Will. 21! .".I! i.j nve.t tftn, :i.'i), 7111. T'Vl, niis, 11:10, 1470. lt'.H. lll.ill. V!IIMI. 'jNII. 2.1(111, etlHI. aft3il !lil Htr.t l.-H o..r. nl Crnnd al.), .':i;l llri'Rilvj'T (rnr. Ill trilh al.) Mlt!(di '-'' IW ''nr. ol :i 111. .1.), ftQ7,fiil7, 77.1. 7711, 877 Hlli Mr. I ailfl, 4ltft, A7U, SO.i Dili ave.t :irs, ,-.-,H, 720 lOlliarr.! I .id, ,j:i t'nnnl .1.1 11)1, Ui. U20. 7:1 tiri'fiitvirli .1.1 .1.., 117, 1(11) Atrmie ill I. (II, I A I :i Atrmir A H2. ifiu, :iiii it., v. rw :t id. Liu, jna;i57( llrnnil at. 'JO I illloli el. I 27 1 Vr.t I2rnh el. :tl rw I'IiiiiiiIiit. el. I 371. liliU llllilnon el. .r 1(1 lllli nvi t 111, Park lrovi 200, 1 . Ilnnt llnuaton at t (III, Alia, HlO tin.irrilnin nvr.t I l:i nil vl.lon .i.i I I Market el.i 201 H'ril 2jth at.) I2"i I'lintnbrr. at. Clly-122, 200. 03 1 .Newark ave.t 177 Urovr al.l 42 .lluntaomrry at. J3.00-J4.00 5 IS9 BROADWAY, 601 BRO Near Dey St. Near He FALL STYLES f URN ITU RE NO DEPOSIT iacurltr or on t r affronts ratatl iimtalniflnt prlrea da maudfd when pun lianlna I'nniiiura irnn me. Havn nsfun matiiinutlt vsaieliuua lu IS. Y. City kaep fl0i)tliuitf. JARED FLAGC, JR., Urand llapid. Varnitur. Manufacturer.' timt, i aJ tVo.tliJdBt. Hour. 'J A. M. to 3 P. M. FUUMTUiti: .old willMDt oaib ooia.t tltna given, latest trlea. 3IANI IMi'TIUlKK' AflKNT. O. iti. A 1.1. EN, IUU Weal 20th Ml. ii ia 0 where you will f y& you will hear the K ... Jw plaint, "My boys M vb are awfully hard I ftv on clothes." We am lf3 have relieved the L vft situation. MlPrH Wr orlclaalert and H nrr Ihr anly hoaae In Ihr t'nlled Htatea 0 ntloidl g to parents Ihn "I wo pairs of trauaers" advan tage. ETerjr .nit of Hot.' Clothing- In oar atoro embrace, an extra pair of Iroaatrs ol the aaaae material aa the sail. The recommendation- are apparent. Every garment la fa.hloueil with spe cial thousht as lo drpa.lne.., while cly thi-moat reliable ol fa.hlonable fabrics enter Into Ibelr inanulactnre. Three snlta rouah treatment at achool or on the plnjaronnd to a de arc Inrklnir In the boy.' clolblna oOrred by ulhrr honara. You art one ol Ibcer Inmona " NKVKH. KU" suits at $2.49, $3.49 AND $4.50. rlPECIAL.-noy.' donbleehreaated. In dian blur, nil-wool suits, aunranteed fast color. 84.50, with two pairs ot pants lo the suit. Open .ventDi. nntll 9 o'clock. B. Stern & Son .1IAKEUS Ol' MOOD CI.OTIIKH, 4S8 AND 460 GRAHD ST., NEAR PITT ST. OMU:7NQI6iiDEMIES. IVIANIUTTAaV DANCING AOADKMlT. V0 W. 6yth it., bft. Mb. and Cth ith, . 4 aa Ian ens tl0U; 'J 4 leMona, $5; prtvtto I a out, tl.UU, 0'irrct watte uarantrad, tf 00. ia dptloni itt r day and flalurd aTntnr, dancing H.3u to 12; admlMlim, ntlemn, 30c, , la itr H'c , ldj and riantlaman taa hcra; bst niac in the cltf at popa ar prkee hend add rest for circular. ADVYAY, 1361 BROADWAY, tuston St. Near 36th St. NOW READY. S5S I aWaWav DR. OWEN'S LJELEGTRIG BELT a&aTafKisaB CUKES acut,thronlc and ner KJiBaWJivV tous dUeaacs without mdl ABiaaiaaiwV rlrt. Stnd to for tlhift rated catalog ajid b urn itut menta M In iiKlUh, (lerniau, AAJ-waaiBiBiBiBiBiBitH Swedtfth or Pforwt plant tfjjK r truatlfce on rupture. ljKP- THE OWEN ELECTRIC . Si BELT k i HK ttBaoaowaVjN.V rWWWTP Ml UlHUt 8t, Chicago. Send for free luunplo of Dr. A. Owen's Electrtc World- HALL'S HATS OCrrrict la Ntyles. Baparlar la Qaallty, War. ranted to Wear. FALL FASHI0N8. WE CAHRY ALL TUB NEW AND LATEST SHAPES AND COLORS, 1NCLUDINO THE BUOADWAY, FIFTH AVE. AND LATE8TK5D. LINlt PRODUCTIONS, LINED OR BKELEION WE10I1T.S. OUR FASHIONABLE COLOR8 IN DERBT8 ARK ENOL1HU WALNUT AND HAVANA BROWN. OERBYS AT 91.4.1, 81. HA, 9 .40. ftt.HS. WORTH iJ.00. 3.B0, (3.00 AND (4.00. oim 3.oo DKiinv. OUARANTFEDTO BE THE BE8T WINE f.TIFF HAT MADE, EQUALS THE BEST 15.00 BROADWAY DERBY. THE NEW ENGLISH SOFT HAT. WITH CURL BRIM, IN ALL THE NEW COLORS, AT SI. S3. 82.4ft, 2.8S. WORTH $2.60, 13.00, St.00, SILK HATS. CORRECT STYLES, EXTRA FINE SILK, LIGHT WEIGHT, AT S3. 88, 4.60, Sff.OO AND 96.00. WORTH (S.00, (6.00, (7.00 AND (8.00, UMBRELLAS. Eitra GLORIA SILK at 9 1. OS, 9I.SS sad 92.16, worth (2.00, (2.60 and 83.00. PURE BILK at 81.86, 92.26, 92.66, 92.861 worth (3.130, (3.00, 13. 60, (a. 00. W. H. HALL, MANUFACTURER FOR TnE PAST 88 YEARS, 261 Greenwich St. 263 BETWEEN PARK PLACE AND MURRAY ST. OPEN EVENINUS TILL 7. SATURDAYS, 10 P. M. luSNESS PROPERTt TO LET. Brooklyn A BRICK ST1DLE TO LET, IG Stalls, IM Feet Deep. with two Wars' lease. WITH MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. ALL IN GOOD ORDER. l. 136 ULRoEN ST., IEAR HOYl If. BROOKLYN. Watr, r inAfasllnelsdsdln rant, wbldii.-n-aonabl.t rood Kent and v.ntllatloo, blsh oaibaca, wltb a aup.nor WAGON WASH, carrtas .l.ta tortatoras. for from 30 to6u wagona oa aooad floor; oat-bla and hayloft oror .tab.; all cltad wltby.llow ptn.i no dost orbay.aad; sronDdtloor f nrnlabaa plenty of coach sod carriage room ois of bo,iow offlc. and bxtnm, with lars., plaaaaat coaohmaa'a room on third floor, bolnt In e.ntrat lotation, eonraolant to Lrldc. and farrioa, la vary dMlrabl. for a BOARDINU STABLE, UVttRI TABLE. SALE AND LXCIIANGE STABLE; alao tor Lak.r, rrootr or milkman would a(.a mak. a (ood CARPENTER SHOP OR CAR RIAGE SHOP, a, on. antlr. aid. la lighted by Me sial window, looking oat on vacant lota, onarlsg no obatructlon to light and v.ntllatloni th.atabl. part would mak. a good BLACKSMITH SHOP) tb. lua.ruaa lo May, 189., with lb privilege j( r.newal for two jar mor Inquir. ol or ad draa t.EORUs. U. UlDl.ii., 1'uUuar oalldlag, Ztsw aor aiMioiuj yviasu auuigrtaaa scat "MACYi.--! SIXTH AVE.. THIRTEENTH TO FOURTEENTH ST. ' M OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY. I .'aaaal We keep evert requisite of th e Best Quality IB for a Boy's or Girl's Outfit. I H Boys' Clothing. Girls' Reefers. 1 (SECOND FLOOR, NEW BUTLDINO.) 800 all-wool donble-breasUd two pleco sulU) pants made with doable seat and knee ; ages 4 to IB year ; worth $4.50, at 3.49, Boys' Jersey Salt, Tastefully Trimmed , age 8 to 8 yean. a. 10 and All-Wool Extra Pants, .69, .88 and 1.17. Boys' Yachting j Caps, worth 75c, T,T' Polo Caps, - - Worth 7 Be, .44 Bicycle Caps, Worth 1.95, at eOO Children's Black Cotton Hose, 1-1 o A and 7-1 Bib, at - .0 Boys' Black Bicycle Hose, Heavy Weight, at llO AND S 8 Girls' Bedford Cord H Heelers, in Tan n rjA and Gray, all sizes u. jl Children's School JQ Gretchens in a Vgi larpro assortment H of Fancy Cloths, ilW aii sizes. iggf 2,49 m Children's N a v y 'H Blue Camel's Hair 'fl Keeters; Plaited ' Back, Sailor Col- II lar; trimmed with II four bows white II braid; size 4 to 14 n 1 Q WM years a, Icr II A Full line of CHILDREN'S HA TS, MM in ail Colors, Shapes and Styles, Ail 1.49, 2.49- 3.49 ' i Shoes. K II Youths' Veal Calf 11 Button and Lace i 017 ,l Shoos, with Tips... 1.0 M1 Youths' Lace Shoes, 1 Af ill with Tips 1.4U II You t lis' Fine Calf MM button and Lace n i r ill Shoes, with Tips.. AJ.C7 t ! Child's andMisHes' T$ Fine Straight Goat -Uft SpriuK-Ueel Shoes E at 1.44, 1.57 AND 1.99 ;R Child's and Misses' ' M Donpola-top, Kid- -'alii foxed Patent Tip, fl!! Welt Soles, Sprint; lv' Heels, 2.24,2.63 W Closing out IOO ml Pairs Child's ' K Glazed Kid Spring -i sq MT Heel Shoes JL.Uv7 M I 8th ave. TRUESDELL, SPRETER i GO. 24th st. Basaf '' - K; Additional interest centres in our Stores since the great improvements and changes are completed. - m m. No better or brighter shopping-place in New York now. September opens with a large increase in m awR?' ' bbbbV business over any previous season. Great sales of Fine Dress Goods below value. I I naif. Underwear. 0L m uSmm "-TaT "-..nmslnnds I m aJVKSfAeKSc 1W DUJ" WUlUlUg. OFFAH. Nol6BibboM,82.hado., LI COO UUUUO I HmniSf.-.-: SHOE SALE. MjL Mil MM TRY iac.yd. nrtnnfmw I K HO8IERY UNDERWEAR. , MJfflaflMafla, A0MIB&K I BBS' law.r. I a SHOES THAT UO NOT (JIVE gaflaauKaflawaGaflaBflwesi J&ftffiWlbXlb. CATIIDI1IIV U k 41 A H Ladies' Fancy Cotton Hoso, LailioB' Bibbod VpbIb Colliir- UKAMONAD-E WEAH UA! iaflHflHaHS9 ImWi3WriB& Wo have just received a fine OA I UnUAl. MS8 Deen greatly enlarged n k liioh color tops, black boot : our a"1?8 11a ve.Bls ?imr: kktuhnhh, a wk (iuakantkk mwMiiHmMmYwEiM 1SB lw ffl J&r , t t?h i , m., and mproved. F ne Dress K ,Xu. Zmifte'iT otto points, Ribbona in nock and i vi'itv paih. mmWmajW TO Sh ?rnL9r assortmont of Felt goods for the ,, ,ii,K,wwu. w.w a K ItHahoaejFiomStolOoclock, ftmgt 0ur' Ton-Ceut Vest, from l'-""t,A,n- ! fl mWiW Fall trade, which will be on sale 600 more of the Italian Silk Goods below the regular - ' KC 8 to 10 o'clock, & H wSmi IH Saturday at the following prices: Covers, worth 1.25 to 1.60, at price for Saturday and next saflaflav mm H gaflBflBflBflBflBflBHaflMBflaflaflBW sHsWaf BiAl " J att Itttt SLI UfSSK aailP H'- Pai-. m IL Lot 1 Childron'B SaflaflaflaHaflUH HI I iKM New shapes in Turban Toques a-SS! aw C 20 pieces fine, All-Wool . 'If 1K:' Ladies' Fast black Cotton f OSIPtl Glazo Kid Spring) JO gHaflaaflaflafllfll 1? yiflia and lar8 Hats in ay Blaok' CQVa Chevrons in the new- if Q CIS, 1, PV Hose, full regular made, im- vlll VCIVIIa Heel Button! fl II HlflBnHgaflBs9 Hil w-fh 'nn, Gray and assorted colors, mWmW est shades fO yd, 'k flaT- POaied. T -,- nM i i -it l t Shoes, with patont- TbbL 1 IBB!BBflaBffli9awaaBFBBK -WSi sHJ B4 tl j i.i swa aK' asBaa Ladies' Ribbed Vests, Laced leather tins sizes) B iJ IsBaflsWrllflPgal BW Mm'?? Xf OHn XQn nn1 Cfin These goods are very soft anf mj L SZC' Fronts, Colors Blue and Pink, c to 8 '... )m " H&W'WJlW W Wg Al ZuL, TiOu. ttllll OoU Beautiful colorings, and first lot pretty. M K; mj Our 15-Ccnt Vosts to closo at P BHl jtjS ''MEsH M-mW of 1 ,000 sold in few days. Some beautiful new things in M m', Ladies' Fancy Lisle Thread IA. ...L Blali9lin fi Fine French Folts in newest Fall Goods at ',H08','J8, IUC. eaCn. "iStt aj Pl m --, m D,e? mr 7Ec..B5c.,$1.0Qand$1.2Syd. I 25- ttTJSS S.B4 our 4.95 . OUR 1.95 su,t. AtOScJOSUO. SET to Blanws and I Men "raiality fancy bdieS (SCOnds)' t0 U ' ADVANCE SALE A BOY'S DOUBLE-BREAST A lftrR0 t ont of Alpine8) QC. EACH. "" " I H' atriped, mode, tan and slate IA,. amL , .NifAi "mimipta ED SUIT, with extra PANTS and trilamod ond untninmod, aUory ! aOAfllf AYlf oll AH I I4 ehaSespliced too and heel J I HC. BtlCll. I AR ftV flfiiFTQ HAT, made of excellent wearing loW pnees. $0 ( jfllll I()l I H I) (IS 1 Hole, ' IVajB GalUlla Lot 3-Misses1 DouA LHU.1.0 J HulM. I Ol material. 4 to 14 years, REGULAR A largo assortment of fancy AJ1U1V1 IUMIUUi I 1.C Ladies' medium woidit Mo- Rfla Kid, Spriugl fl fl To start the SEASON with a riUCE 3.G0j OUR PRICE NOW, Birds, and ovory variety of 8ATURDAY ALL DAY. 1', 03" rit.SFJt.M H.d. Button U U MM a. offer a large variety of Fcuthc rs, the lowct pnoes m TobuyerS Of School 6cSpaiVsof IO-4OA OtS I Wmt Mta..L long and short sleeves, MlB.UO WINTER JACKETS Q5B "wiU also offer choice Supplies : We are head- Whftc Blanket,..4 69 .k I aflaflffesuSSdTW- SShKo ff? -.L. laeaiatoa w CHEVIOTS and BEAVERS with mmswmtwm beautiful Trimmed Hats in the 110raiie tnn oU cBr,i 100 Dairs of io-a AApIi I' aflsmlKwLir y " Xfin Aainh FUR SHAWL COLLAR, Imed with Wo give a LEATHER-PEiK iatest Fall Styles. quarters for all School 3W rs ot 1 0-4 CQOII. LflFfMtbUdc'a, OUMfi Caillla good satih and gotten up with a bicycle hat and a pair of Sumriles and have been Gra- Blankets.... 00 pair. n m C' 1 case Children's Fall woitiht 1 guecial lot of "'"-" of'uit' eritieal' tastes. EXTIU PANTS with a DOUBLE- ouppiwa, miu 11a v uDDu Afaout 2qo - : 1 W ShirrandPan . nft VSlSllp i GOODS Crowded all the week. Comfortable, BUw.r,hl... - 1 Mm't 100 doz. Men's Elastic Web "leeves worth 25 to 45c. each, Bulton , SUom 1 In i HD ' OUK Kl WUW 4 to 14 years, which is worth fully Buy early In day Satur- About IOO good I 35 If1 l-Ppair. I8C. 25W IES) ' T.5.IW 2.45. SPECIALTY. .npotaca.,. s. .---, 1 MMMMMWKkmiummlUaaimt fri i-f?' 'AVaryaaawawaaaaa'i.i'- rfffftjaawil li iatiii.gaVistftait'iti V ''''' iUaMiftliajiaiil!ti,i . LAaaaAfj'.'iVi.U'jj..,. , ;ifflaajyjaMlswawawawfcsjswawawawawaw